Alpha Lipoic Acid and DMAE. The use of alpha lipoic acid - stop the destructive processes in cells! best alpha lipoic acid on iherb

A good tool not only makes it possible to easily part with extra pounds without harm to health, but will also have a positive effect on the entire body, charging it with vigor and energy. This product is alpha lipoic acid. Indications for its use are quite extensive.

Alpha-lipoic acid, lipoic acid and vitamin N are essentially the same substance with different names, which is used to make dietary supplements and medicines. This is a unique vitamin that has the properties of medicines.

What is the product used for?

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that has a strengthening effect on the body, as well as a corrective process of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

This drug is used in medicine for such diseases:

  1. Violations in the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. body intoxication.
  4. Alcoholism.
  5. As a remedy for cancer.
  6. Excess weight.
  7. Skin problems.
  8. Weakening of attention and memory.

Properties and therapeutic effect

Basically, weight loss products work to burn fat, which leads to a malfunction in metabolism. This is harmful to human health.

Alpha Lipoic Acid works differently:

  • corrects and enhances metabolism;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • promotes the burning of sugar;
  • reduces appetite.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant, i.e. a substance that reduces the effects of free radicals. This unique product is almost insoluble in water. Its action is disturbed under the influence of high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

Influencing the body, alpha-lipoic acid does not disrupt metabolism. Indications for its use suggest that this product can be consumed even by patients with diabetes. Helping to lose weight, it improves heart function and the condition of the body as a whole.

The positive effect of alpha-lipoic acid is enhanced by sports

Thanks to the positive effect, the tool has won recognition among those who want to lose weight and improve their health.

Sports activities increase the effect of alpha-lipoic acid

The positive effect of alpha-lipoic acid is enhanced by sports. Therefore, when taking a dietary supplement, it is recommended to increase physical activity.

The need for therapy with this drug increases in people suffering from general weakness, severe fatigue, as well as in the presence of the above diseases. Patients with diabetes require a high dose of this substance, since thanks to the product, the blood sugar content returns to normal.

Alpha-lipoic acid is used both for the prevention of diseases and for therapeutic purposes. An indication for the use of dietary supplements containing alpha-lipoic acid is the prevention of diseases in healthy people and an increase in overall tone.

How to use acid for medicinal purposes

The dosage of alpha lipoic acid for medicinal purposes is 300 to 600 mg per day. In special cases, intravenous injections of the drug are carried out in the first 4 weeks. Then they start taking the pills. Their dosage during this period is 300 mg per day.

Important to remember! It is advisable to consume the product half an hour before eating. The drug is washed down with water. The tablet is swallowed whole.

The duration of treatment of diseases, indications for the use of which is alpha-lipoic acid, ranges from two weeks to one month. Such diseases are atherosclerosis and some liver diseases.

After that, the product is consumed from 1 to 2 months, 300 mg per day, as a supportive agent. Repeat courses of treatment with this remedy should be carried out with an interval of 1 month.

To get rid of intoxication, the adult dosage is 50 mg up to 4 times a day. The pediatric dosage in this case is from 12.5 to 25 mg 3 times a day. The use of bioadditives is allowed for children who have reached the age of six.

The daily dosage of the product for the purpose of prevention in the form of drugs or dietary supplements is from 12.5 to 25 mg per day, up to 3 times. You can exceed the dose up to 100 mg. The medicine is taken after eating.

Acid prophylaxis is 1 month. The use of the product for the purpose of prevention can be carried out several times a year, but it is necessary that there is a gap between courses of at least 1 month.

Acid prophylaxis is 1 month

Note! For debilitated children, alpha-lipoic acid is also recommended. Indications for the use of this element for children are physical and mental overload during study. In these cases, the dosage is 12.5 to 25 mg per day. On the recommendation of a doctor, the daily intake of the element can be increased.

Mental overload of the child during study is an indication for the use of alpha-lipoic acid.

ALC overdose

Exceeding the dose of ALA can have a negative effect on the cells of the body. In this case, there may be symptoms of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive organs, as well as the occurrence of skin rashes.

Possible complications when taking the drug

Alpha lipoic acid is well tolerated. Very rarely, when using the drug, a skin rash, dizziness and pain in the head may occur. And in especially severe cases - anaphylactic shock. Sometimes there is discomfort in the abdomen. With the introduction of the substance intravenously, convulsions and difficulty breathing are possible. The symptoms go away on their own.

The use of alpha lipoic acid in bodybuilding

Indications for its use are intensive training.

Alpha Lipoly Acid is very popular in bodybuilding.

During active strength training, free radicals accumulate in the body. These substances lead to oxidative muscle tension. In order to stop the process, alpha-lipoic acid is needed.

It relieves muscle tension, reduces the action of free radicals, and ensures the correct level of metabolism. This helps to reduce the recovery time after physical exertion.

With the help of this substance, the process of glucose uptake by muscle tissues and its conversion into nutrition for the body improves, which helps to achieve a good result from training.

Athletes use the supplement at the same time as L-carnitine in order to increase muscle mass. This drug is a good helper in the fight against extra pounds when playing sports. Its use increases energy costs, which enhances the process of burning body fat.

Athletes use a dietary supplement at the same time as L-carnitine

In most cases, athletes use the drug in tablets or capsules. The consumption rate is 200 mg 4 times a day after eating. When engaging in high-intensity exercise, the dose can be increased to 600 mg.

Carefully! It must be remembered that athletes with diabetes or gastrointestinal diseases should not take this drug. There is a possibility of nausea and vomiting.

ALC for weight loss

What are the principles of using the product in order to lose weight? The best option would be to visit a dietitian. In the presence of chronic diseases - consult a therapist.

Only a competent doctor will correctly determine the required dosage of the drug, with which it will be possible to lose extra pounds without harm to health. Calculate the rate of acid based on height and weight. As a rule, appoint 50 mg a day.

The best time to consume acid for weight loss:

  1. Immediately before breakfast or after eating.
  2. After finishing training.
  3. During dinner.

The drug will be better absorbed if it is consumed with food rich in carbohydrates.

Typically 50 mg per day

Often, acid for weight loss is taken together with L-carnitine, a substance close to the B group of vitamins. Its purpose is to increase metabolism. When buying products, carefully read the composition of the drug. Sometimes products contain both acid and carnitine. This is a very convenient option for those who want to lose weight.

Alpha lipoic acid during pregnancy

This product is used in the treatment of many ailments. However, when carrying a child and breastfeeding, it is better to refrain from using the drug. Studies conducted on mice prove that acid has a positive effect on the fetal nervous system.

When carrying a child, it is not recommended to take alpha-lipoic acid

However, there is no data confirming a similar effect on the intrauterine development of the child. It is not known in what quantities the substance passes into the mother's milk.

ALC in cosmetology

Indications for the use of alpha-lipoic acid in cosmetology are various skin problems, including acne, dandruff, etc. Vitamin N easily penetrates the skin cells and maintains the necessary water balance.

Also, the acid increases the effect of nutrients on the skin and has a positive effect on cellular metabolism. ALA has the ability to rejuvenate the skin, making it well-groomed and smooth.

Various skin problems - indications for the use of alpha lipoic acid

There are many recipes for creams and masks for mature skin, one of the components of which is acid. You can safely add it to face creams to enhance their properties.

When adding acid to creams, follow these rules:

  • acid tends to dissolve in oil or alcohol. Therefore, it can be used to prepare an oil solution by adding a few drops of ALA to it. This product will perfectly cleanse the skin. You can also make a lotion for oily skin. To do this, mix the already existing lotion with acid;
  • if ALA is added to the used cream, you will get a product with a very soft and pleasant texture with enhanced action;
  • To enhance the effect, add a small amount of the product to the cleansing gel.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite the fact that the indications for the use of the drug alpha-lipoic acid are many diseases, there are contraindications to its use:

  1. Particular intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Children under 6 years of age.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. Exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  5. Gastritis.

It becomes clear that alpha-lipoic acid is an indispensable assistant in the fight for beauty and weight loss. Indications for the use of the drug are a variety of diseases and their prevention.

By using this remedy, you can not only achieve good results in losing weight, but also improve your health by enriching cells with nutrients and energy. However, remember that the use of any drug or dietary supplement should be started only after consulting a doctor!

Vorslov L.L., Professor of the Department of Endocrinology in Moscow, in this video talks about the benefits of alpha-lipoic acid for the whole body:

About the use of alpha lipoic acid in bodybuilding:

How to use lipoic acid for weight loss:

In order to always be healthy, feel less tired and enjoy your life to the fullest, a person must not only eat right regularly and spend time in the fresh air every day. To keep our body in proper shape, we need vitamins and healthy supplements.

The role of superfoods in human life

There are also so-called superfoods that have a fantastic effect on the human body. They got their name due to the fact that they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Superfoods are extremely beneficial for health. These include, for example, barley, spirulina (a type of blue-green algae), root vegetable), coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, ginseng.

Significance for the body

Alpha-lipoic acid (analogues in tablets will be presented below) is found in every cell of the human body. After all, we get it from food, and our body, in turn, synthesizes it. Thanks to her, a person leads a full, energetic life. Its advantage is the ability to function in both water and fat.

For the first time, alpha-lipoic acid was obtained from beef liver cells in the fifties of the last century. Nowadays, scientists have learned how to get this product within the walls of the laboratory.

Foods that contain lipoic acid:

  • offal (liver, heart, kidneys);
  • broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peas, tomatoes;
  • unpolished rice.

But still, the lipoic acid contained in food will not be enough for the body. Therefore, it is recommended, after consulting a doctor, to take it additionally, as an additive to the main food. The specialist will select the dosage that is right for you.

Thanks to lipoic acid, the human body increases the production of the beneficial substance glutathione, which is an antioxidant that neutralizes human exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Regular consumption of lipoic acid increases the body's ability to fight toxins. The unique advantage of alpha lipoic acid is its ability to enhance the properties of its "allies" - vitamins C and E - in the fight against toxins.

Lipoic acid also improves digestion (metabolism), which promotes weight loss. By acting on areas of the brain that cause appetite, lipoic acid, analogues block the feeling of hunger. Also, this substance reduces the accumulation of fat by the liver. Of course, the best results can be achieved by combining the intake of alpha lipoic acid with physical activity and an appropriate, well-chosen diet.

Some scientists also call lipoic acid the secret of eternal youth, because it prevents the destruction of DNA molecules, that is, it prevents the aging of the body to some extent. Moreover, lipoic acid analogues prevent the process of brain degradation.

Lipoic acid: analogues

In its effect, lipoic acid is similar to B vitamins. It improves liver function and, as already indicated above, promotes detoxification of the body.

Lipoic acid analogues will be useful in the following cases:

  • Chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol.
  • chronic hepatitis.
  • Active cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Chronic cholecystopancreatitis.
  • Viral hepatitis of moderate severity (in the absence of jaundice).
  • Various poisonings (sleeping pills, mushrooms, carbon) that caused acute liver failure.
  • Diabetic polyneuritis.

by application

Children over 6 years of age are prescribed a dose of lipoic acid 12-24 mg 2-3 times a day, orally after meals. Adults - 50 mg 3 times a day. Usually the drug is taken for 20-30 days. If necessary, the course of admission can be extended by a doctor.

Lipoic acid is produced (its analogues too) in tablets and can be hidden under different names.

The healing effect of lipoic acid appears only after eight weeks of regular use.


Now you know how useful lipoic acid analogues are for the human body. "Octolipen" is one of the analogues of lipoic acid and is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for weight loss. Helps reduce the amount of glucose in human blood, as well as increase the level of glycogen production in the human liver, which forms an energy reserve in the body that can make up for a sharp drop in blood sugar.

"Octolipen" contains thiocotic (alpha-lipoic) acid and excipients. It is sold in 300 mg capsules and 600 mg film-coated tablets, as well as in injection ampoules.

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In the case of the use of the drug by people suffering from diabetes, at the initial stage of administration, it is recommended to constantly monitor the level of sugar in the blood. Also, during treatment, the use of alcohol, which reduces the therapeutic effect of lipoic acid, is prohibited.

R-alpha lipoic acid

Under laboratory conditions, scientists have learned how to obtain the r-isomer of lipoic acid, which contains the highest concentration of this substance. This variety is less common, but it is better absorbed by the body and, accordingly, it costs more. Sold, for example, as a nutritional supplement for athletes.

R-lipoic acid is the biologically active form of alpha-lipoic acid. The supplement normalizes the balance of oxidative and reduction processes and is the official cure for diabetes, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, as well as a means for weight loss.

Lipoic acid (alpha-lipoic acid, r-lipoic acid, thioctic acid, ALA) is a fatty acid found in mitochondria and is involved in energy metabolism.

The difference between thioctic acid and other fatty acids is that its antioxidant properties are preserved in both aqueous and fatty media; both in oxidized and reduced forms. This distinguishes it from water-soluble vitamin C and fat-soluble antioxidant - vitamin E. The supplement increases the level of glutathione and coenzyme Q10 in the intercellular space and enhances the process of protein glycosylation.

Scope of alpha lipoic acid:
- insulin resistance
- type 2 diabetes
- dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis (prevention and treatment)
- liver disease of any etiology
- elderly age
- chronic stress
- excess background radiation
- severe infections, heavy metal poisoning
- polyneuropathy of any etiology

R-lipoic acid is the active isomer of alpha lipoic acid and is best absorbed by the body. Thorne uses sodium bound R-lipoic acid to further enhance its stability and absorption.

1 capsule contains 100 mg of r-lipoic acid, it has more activity than alpha-lipoic acid and does not irritate the stomach, unlike the latter. For me it matters.
I took 1 capsule 2 times a day. One jar lasted me for a month.

When taking ALA, it should be borne in mind that, while freeing the body from harmful substances, it can also take useful ones with it - therefore, it is necessary to dilute r- or alpha-lipoic acid with magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, etc., at least in time for 2 hours.

R-lipoic acid is one of the healthiest supplements out there, but the price isn't exactly humane. Therefore, I limit myself to a course of 1 month twice a year. I didn’t observe weight loss for a month of taking it, but somehow I didn’t feel like sweets. Perhaps, with prolonged use, the weight will decrease. But for weight loss, along with alpha-lipoic acid, it is desirable to take L-carnitine, it contributes to the greater effectiveness of ALA.

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The human body is a system in which oxidation and reduction processes are constantly taking place. Normally, they are in balance, a shift in balance is fraught with serious consequences. It is especially dangerous if oxidative processes occur more often than reduction processes. The result of an imbalance is the formation of free radicals, which accelerate the wear and tear of the body and lead to disease. This is why antioxidants are so important. Lipoic acid preparations help slow down the oxidation and aging of cells. But it is important to choose the right drug.

Selection rules

Alpha-lipoic (aka thioctic) acid is another name for vitamin N. Initially, the substance was used to treat diabetes, but later, no less miraculous properties of the drug were discovered - antioxidant.

The human body can produce this substance on its own. In young people, it is synthesized in large volumes, so the redox balance is maintained at the proper level. With age, the production of vitamin N slows down, so a person ages faster.

The substance produced by the body is only enough to make up for the deficiency. In order for it to begin a beneficial effect on the body, you need to get it with food or dietary supplements.

Indications for admission

The antioxidant not only helps slow down aging, but also speeds up the treatment of certain diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • problems with the liver;
  • oncology.

The drug Lipoic Acid will help to restore vision in glaucoma and cataracts, to establish conduction in case of nerve damage. The substance has a beneficial effect in the treatment of poisoning, as well as alcohol and drug addiction. Often, a vitamin is prescribed during chemotherapy to support the body. Some take vitamin N without direct indications, just for prevention.

Release forms

Alpha-lipoic acid preparations are available in several formats:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • solutions for injections and droppers.

Dietary supplements to compensate for a lack of a vitamin are usually sold in the form of tablets. Solutions are needed for targeted treatment of the above diseases. The attending physician will help determine the optimal form of release or suitable analogues.

Optimal dosages

It is important to know how much substance a person needs daily. If the body is still young and full of energy, it is enough to receive 25-50 mg daily. This will be quite enough to maintain the normal life of women and men. Some doctors recommend taking vitamin N for weight loss. In this case, the dosage of alpha-lipoic acid will be 100 mg daily. It is good to take it along with L-carnitine, it will help to disperse the metabolism and improve stamina.

The substance has insulin-like properties, so it is great for diabetics. The dose in this case increases to 400 mg. And neurologist David Perlmutter claims that every person who wants to maintain brain health into old age must consume 600 mg of vitamin N.

However, it is important not to abuse the intake of dietary supplements. The body can get used to the fact that the substance is constantly supplied from the outside, so it will begin to “get lazy” and stop producing lipoic acid on its own.

Options for lipoic acid preparations by bioavailability

Ordinary vitamin N is not absorbed very well - only 30-40% of the total. It can be taken, but the dosages are "horse". Some companies produce dietary supplements with a special R-isomer. It is absorbed much better, so its dosage should be much less than when taking regular vitamin N. It is important to monitor this so as not to overdose.

What's in

Most classic lipoic acid preparations are made on the basis of this active ingredient alone. Vitamin N is "independent", it does not require additional components for absorption or improved action.

But there are drugs that are made on the basis of several substances. For example, Solgar makes supplements with vitamin N and coenzyme Q10 or cinnamon extract, while Jarrow Formulas has a biotin supplement. Basically, such dietary supplements are taken for weight loss or female beauty, for therapeutic purposes, conventional preparations containing lipoic acid are more suitable.

What does the cost depend on?

The range of prices for alpha lipoic acid varies from a couple of hundred to several thousand. This is due to several factors:

  • manufacturer - reputable expensive companies set high mark-ups for the brand and packaging;
  • composition - pure alpha-lipoic acid in tablets or capsules is cheaper than a complex preparation or dietary supplement with the R-isomer;
  • place of purchase.

Before buying an advertised dietary supplement, you need to decide what goal you want to achieve with the help of the drug, as well as how much substance the body needs daily. It is advisable to consult a doctor and take the drug strictly following the instructions for use.

TOP 5 supplements in capsules

The capsule form is the most convenient. Lipoic acid tablets are suitable for disease prevention and complex treatment. Just a couple of tablets a day and you can forget about the deficiency of a useful vitamin. The list of the rating includes the best American drugs.

#5 Solgar Alpha Lipoic Acid

  • The country of production is the USA.
  • The concentration of the active substance is 600 mg.
  • Number of capsules -50 pcs.

Solgar releases classic lipoic acid in capsules. It is not fully absorbed, so the dosage in tablets is increased. The drug goes well with vitamins and coenzyme Q10. Does not contain preservatives, dyes and fragrances.


  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • slows down aging;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • in combination with Omega-3 improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.


  • may cause stomach discomfort.

#4 Life Extension Super R-lipoic acid

  • The country of production is the USA.
  • The concentration of the active substance is 240 mg.
  • Number of capsules - 60 pcs.
  • Daily dosage - 1 caps.

Another drug with an active form of lipoic acid. The concentration may seem small, but almost the entire volume of the active ingredient is absorbed from each capsule. Super R-lipoic acid is almost 30 times more effective than the regular R-isomer.


  • effective formula;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • helps to cope with diabetes;
  • gradually reduces weight without dieting;
  • powerful antioxidant.


  • causes stomach discomfort.

#3 Doctor's Best Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Best Alpha-Lipoic Acid)

  • The country of production is the USA.
  • The concentration of the active substance is 300, 600 mg.
  • Number of capsules - 60, 180 pcs.
  • Daily dosage - 1 caps.

The supplement is made on the basis of pure lipoic acid. It is not absorbed very well, so the dosages in dietary supplements are increased. The buyer can choose a suitable concentration from 2 options. Suitable for vegetarians.


  • increased concentration;
  • helps lower sugar levels
  • goes well with L-cysteine;
  • can be taken with biotin;
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • improves brain function.


  • often causes heartburn.

#2 ALLMAX Nutririon R+ Alpha Lipoic Acid (Max Strength R- Alpha Lipoic Acid)

  • The country of production is the USA.
  • The concentration of the active substance is 150 mg.
  • Number of capsules - 60 pcs.
  • Daily dosage - 1 caps.

The company has released tablets suitable for vegetarians. The supplement contains a special form of acid R + ALA, which has a powerful effect on the body. That is why the concentration is so small - only 150 mg, but the benefits of R + ALA are comparable to higher doses of regular alpha-lipoic acid.


  • special active formula;
  • Works great with creatine and protein supplements
  • slows down the aging of the body;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • favorably affects the brain and nervous system;
  • helps to lose weight.


  • Manufactured in a facility that processes soy, dairy and shellfish and may contain allergen particles.
  • some caused side effects: a strong feeling of hunger, headache, weakness, insomnia.

#1 Healthy Origins Alpha Lipoic Acid, 600 mg

  • The country of production is the USA.
  • The concentration of the active substance is 100, 300, 600 mg.
  • Number of capsules - 60, 120, 150 pcs.
  • Daily dosage - 1 caps.

Healthy Origins has released classic lipoic acid capsules. Depending on the final desired result, you can choose different dosages. According to the instructions for use, it is great for co-administration with other antioxidants, tocopherol and ascorbic acid.


  • improves immunity;
  • several dosage options;
  • stops hair loss;
  • helps to cure skin diseases;
  • just 1 tablet per day;
  • can be taken in combination with biotin and other beauty products;
  • Good for lowering sugar levels in diabetics.


  • causes heartburn and discomfort in the stomach;
  • some have experienced insomnia while taking the supplement;
  • not everyone noticed the result.

All these funds are sold in the American online pharmacy iHerb. Of course, there are cheaper and more affordable lipoic acid preparations that can be bought at pharmacies in Russia. These are Marbiopharm, Vitamir, Evalar. They bribe with a low price, but they have too little concentration to make a noticeable impact. Marbiopharm contains only 25 mg of the active ingredient, while the minimum concentration at which lipoic acid should be supplied is 100 mg daily.

There is another drug that contains lipoic acid - DHC tablets from a Japanese manufacturer. Their main problem is high cost. You need to take 2 capsules daily, this is only 210 mg of regular thioctic acid per day. Banks will last for 60 days. On iHerb, you can buy alpha-lipoic acid at a better price and with positive feedback from customers.


If the listed dietary supplements can be taken to maintain health, then the drugs are used directly for treatment. This includes both capsules and ampouled liquids.

Names of tablets:

  • Lipamide;
  • Thioctacid BV;
  • Thioctic acid.

The list of drugs produced in two formats at once - both capsules and solutions in ampoules for injection:

  • Berlition;
  • Lipoic acid;
  • Neurolipon;
  • Octolipen;
  • Thiogamma;
  • Thiolept;
  • Espa Lipon.

Medicines produced in the form of concentrates and solutions in ampoules for injections and droppers:

  • Lipothioxone;
  • Thioctacid 600 T;
  • Thiolipon.

The dosage and method of use should be determined by the attending physician in the treatment of existing diseases. He will select the optimal drug with lipoic acid or its analogue.

Where to buy supplements

Medicines and dietary supplements with lipoic acid can be bought at local pharmacies, but most of them sell weak drugs with a small concentration. Really good supplements are worth looking at iHerb. Before buying lipoic acid, we recommend paying attention not only to the price, but also to reviews and ratings.

The American online pharmacy has a number of advantages over its competitors:

  • the assortment includes only high-quality and certified products from leading manufacturers in Europe, America and Asia;
  • minimum margin - the cost of goods is almost the same as that of manufacturers;
  • deliver to any corner of the planet;
  • for residents of Russia, free shipping is available on purchases over $40;
  • under the description of the goods there is a block with reviews, where you can read the opinions of real buyers;
  • permanent discounts and promotions.

iHerb sells not only dietary supplements, but also household "non-chemicals" that do not pollute nature, cosmetics made from natural ingredients and herbal medicines.

iHerb has a discount on the first order -10% . To get it, you need to register, collect a basket and enter the promo code AGK4375 in a special line when placing an order. An easier option is to simply go to, the discount will be activated automatically.

You can learn more about the rules for taking vitamin N and its benefits for the organisms of women and men from the lecture by Leonid Olegovich Vorslov, Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of the FPC MR RUDN University:

Bad ecology, food on the run and stress do not contribute to the preservation of youth and health. Most diseases are rapidly getting younger, so it is important to start supporting the body as early as possible. A healthy lifestyle, vitamin complexes and good alpha-lipoic acid supplements can help with this.

Hello girls!

The second part of my note about Alpha Lipoic Acid, I must say that it was from these videos that I learned, or rather, drew attention to it. I understand that "very long", alas. Read in parts or don't read... It's a matter of taste.

How to deal with this, everyone decides for himself.

I always watch videos at an accelerated pace (where the "wheel" is visible on the window in the lower right corner, you need to press and the options pop up: normal; 1.25; 1.5 and 2). At least I'm looking at 1.5.

I put the third video "in contrast to the first two", so that someone would not think that I look at the world "one-sidedly". The first lady annoys many, once, having put her video with the main care, I heard a negative; but I am one of the people who do not evaluate a person by his manner of speaking (incorrect pronunciation annoys many in her, but she once admitted that she is dyslexic.Yes, and try to talk yourself in front of the camera, where everything goes: both a beautiful, familiar voice, and porridge in your mouth begins to toss and turn ...). Whether she is competent is another matter ... It is unlikely that the second woman is much more competent. BUT.

Yes, there is one big BUT: in my life there was an experience when, after reading a "cheap little book" (according to the reviews of many, many), I began to drink ... hydrogen peroxide.

Well, the arguments seemed to me quite weighty, and peroxide costs a penny, you need to drink a maximum of 10 drops ... In short: at the beginning of "drinking" I had
- autoimmune thyroiditis, the thyroid gland was enlarged by 174% and one way out is to remove and drink hormones for life. Because the thyroid gland “strangled” me (really), and, since the disease is autoimmune, they didn’t offer me any treatment (they said that with such an increase it’s already pointless). I do not discount the fact that these were Ukrainian doctors of the regional center, perhaps if I had "walked higher" some option, more sparing, would have been found. Besides, by that time I had
-polycystic ovaries (the thyroid often pairs with it), 34 years old and completely illusory hopes of having a child ... "well, except after a long and expensive treatment", well, "for a snack",
-2 kidney stones that grew over the years and by that time had grown 1.5 cm and 0.5 cm.

And for all this, you drank hydrogen peroxide? Fool naive?

No, "not for this". I just drank it, since my youth I loved all sorts of "alternative methods": either I tried hunger, then "dry hunger", then I went vegan for a whole year, and this was in the then Ukraine of the 90s, when there were not even oranges and lemons in the winter, but there were apples , maximum, pears and dried fruits. That "cleansed the liver" - in short, you understand ...
And with what eyes did the uzist, the best in the city, look at me, after six months of "taking peroxide on the chest", like this

- the thyroid gland was blown away and became only 14% more than the norm, which is "almost the norm" for Chernobyl Ukraine. According to the doctor he never had a person who would have received such an improvement, not to mention the fact that for 6 months in total. I tried to find out in which foreign clinic I was treated (Germany or Israel) and with what drugs. Hearing the answer, he just turned green and muttered through his teeth: “If you don’t want to talk, don’t tell, but I can tell fairy tales myself). But that’s not all, for the company with the thyroid gland ...

Polycystic disease disappeared somewhere, and in its place "my Pashka was sitting"

At the same time, the stones disappeared "without noise and dust" (and only this winter, when I saw my husband's renal colic with my own eyes, I realized what I had avoided).

Do I want to say: "Run for thiogamma, smear, look younger and drink peroxide"?

Not on your nelly. But I bought pills for myself, my sister bought me and "thiogamma" and I "drip" (for a diabetic) and it is possible that I "miss" (why not try?)

Be careful: my sister bought a package for me (a bottle of 100 UAH = 3 euros) and decided to repack it in a pharmacy and look "what it is", and without blinking an eye, they sold her not 10, but 7 bottles in a package. And then they were beaten so much that they "didn't see" that the sister didn't believe it, her eyes were running around very much. That is, they wanted to heat it up on the package for 10 euros, which is not nonsense for Ukraine.

What else can I say about peroxide?
- Two or three of my girlfriends could not take more than 4-5 drops, there were unpleasant sensations. I have none. "What I drank, what I didn't drink."
-I drank the usual, pharmacy, although they say it is "not right." I buy my husband on iHerb drinking, it has already been diluted to the desired consistency + vitamin C has been added. It is mandatory when taking peroxide. I bought "something overseas" for my husband, but he simply would not drink the usual one - it says on it: not for oral administration! Yes, it tastes metallic. And the "foreign" taste of "wild berries" is written. Take a capful on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating and drinking (by the way, as Neumyvakin advised even "300 years ago."

The book that I took "as a basis" Neumyvakin "Healing properties of hydrogen peroxide" By the way, the author is a doctor of medical sciences, who worked "for space" for a long time. I was impressed. This is not "Bast with Diets" for you.

Yes, here are a few reviews on taking ALA tablets (as a snack):

1. Liver support. My mother is ill with Hepatitis C. I searched a lot of information on the Internet to find alternative treatment regimens or to maintain normal liver function. Some of the best results show a combination of alpha lipoic acid along with silymarin (+ additional selenium and vitamin E). The combination of these substances led to normal indicators of bilirubin, ALT, AST for 2 months. Typically, preparations contain together the R- and S-form. This preparation contains only the R-form, which improves absorption and blood concentration by up to 400%. 2. We fight excess fat. Carbohydrates are the main source of stored fat in the body. Alpha lipoic acid is very good at helping convert carbohydrates into stored energy in the liver, reducing their conversion into fats.

2. Even without drinking half of the jar, I felt that the skin became more "rubber". And I also mixed it into the cream (opened the capsule) - you have to wait a while. Then smear - a slight tingling - this is normal - the skin is smooth as glass) I still can’t download the book by Nicholas Perricon, he wrote everything in detail there. Read my review on DMAE as well. I mix it in cream - ooh! and no need to buy expensive creams with DMAE:

3. Lipoic acid was prescribed to me by my nutritionist after three months of the diet. I took courses of alpha-lipoic acid. On this site I learned about R-lipoic acid. Interested. It turned out that chemists produce for various purposes two “mirror” variants of lipoic acid from a chemical point of view - R (“right isomer”) and S (“left isomer”). There are some differences in their molecular composition, for example, the human body effectively and almost completely absorbs only the R-type of lipoic acid. In the composition of alpha-lipoic acid in equal proportions are the "right isomer" and "left isomer". A person is able to synthesize a certain amount of lipoic acid on their own. You don't have to rely entirely on dietary sources of lipoic acid: as American functional nutrition specialist Dr. Jeffrey Webb explains, our enzymes are not able to “break down” the bond between ALA and the amino acid lysine, in the company of which lipoic acid travels through the gastrointestinal tract to kind of food. Therefore, from an ALA-rich lunch, we will get only crumbs of a valuable substance. Here are the products containing natural lipoic acid - kidneys, heart, liver; broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peas, tomatoes; brewer's yeast, brown rice. Those who practice increased sports activities for weight loss may be prescribed to "eat" 100-200 mg of alpha-lipoic acid, often as part of complex preparations that also contain L-carnitine (levocarnitine). LK enhances the "fat-burning" effect of this natural anabolic. It should be noted that for all the usefulness of lipoic acid, its overdose can cause indigestion and nausea, increased skin sensitivity and muscle pain, as well as a strong decrease in blood sugar levels with all the accompanying "surprises" such as weakness, dizziness and severe hunger.

4. Works great when lowering glucose. Before application glucose 6.0 mmol/l, 30 minutes after application 4.0 mmol/l. When using insulin and R-Lipoic Acid, you need to reduce the dose of insulin so as not to get decompensated. He took 100 mg 3 times a day, additionally took magnesium at a dose of 400 mg per day. Glucose normalized to 4.5 mmol/L. Nutrition naturally also adjusted.

P.S. Girls, I don’t really like such reviews when you don’t personally know a person ... But ... There is something.

One consolation is that they write reviews and on the site (where I usually shop) they do not rub negative ones. They're all mixed up there. And this is not a company that has a pyramid scheme, "they trade" everything. "Therefore, it remains to hope for at least partial truth in the reviews, look for it yourself in other sources, and, of course, the choice is always ours.

Sometimes, listening to or reading some simply "squeaking with delight" reviews, everything inside protests. Too much deception around, alas. But this does not mean, for example, that some product is bad. I was recently at a "conversation" in one store of natural products, it was called "The benefits of the olive leaf for human health" and decided to go, because I, originally from Ukraine, know a lot of medicinal herbs, but I did not come across "olives", unless what's in the bank. And yes, I was struck by the healing properties of this leaf, but ... Alas, it was served "with sauce": "only we have such an awesome product, blablabla" ... When I got home, I climbed to look for the "truth" and it turned out that the leaves of the olive tree are truly wonderful, even if they justify by 20% what is written about them! And, of course, somewhere in the center of Madrid or Kiev, it is difficult to find leaves to brew tea and drink in the first 5 minutes after brewing ... But not in a seaside village in the south. And, again, iHerb has, if necessary, an extract and not at all at draconian prices.
In short, when I put it all together: both ALA and leaf extract ... I will drink it in a course of 3 months, I will rejuvenate wildly and at 47 years old I will celebrate my 17th birthday (I hope not out of my mind).

Thank you for your patience!

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