No period for three months. When to take a hormone test? What hormones to take with a delay in menstruation No menstruation how to take tests for hormones

Hormonal imbalances can also suggest a mood disorder, acne, skin discoloration, excessive weight gain or weight loss. Hormones affect every process in the body.

  • The cause of abnormal menstrual cycle and pregnancy problems may be polycystic ovary syndrome. In the course of the disease, an imbalance of hormones occurs.

This results in an imbalance of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates follicle growth, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which controls the release of eggs from the follicle. Consequently, the ovaries have increased the number of immature follicles and a small follicle, and no ovulation.

As a result, the corpus luteum cannot be formed, which does not lead to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood. Deficiency of this hormone is responsible for irregular menstruation. This also leads to an overproduction of androgens - male sex hormones.

The treatment of this disease is complex. If the patient is obese or smokes cigarettes, losing weight and giving up bad habits is recommended. In addition, you may need to include birth control pills.

Hormones depend on each other. Thus, one cannot ignore the same levels of estrogen without paying attention to other hormones such as progesterone and thyroid hormones.

  • Another cause of menstrual irregularities can be thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism can lead to deficient, infrequent bleeding, and even amenorrhea. Treatment for hyperthyroidism includes the use of antithyroid drugs, the administration of radioactive iodine, or thyroidectomy.
  • Similar problems cause the adrenal glands - Cushing's syndrome. It is a disease in the process of the adrenal cortex secreting excessive amounts of steroid hormones or glucocorticoids. If the disease is caused by corticosteroids after their use, then it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose under the supervision of a physician.

In other cases, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the adrenal gland or to use drugs to help block the release of cortisol. In contrast, Cushing's disease is an overactive adrenal syndrome that is the cause of pituitary disease. Then the only treatment for Cushing's disease is the surgical removal of the prostate.

  • Menstrual irregularities can also be caused by excess prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), and treatment depends on the cause. Hyperprolactinemia can occur due to strenuous lifestyle, weight loss, and sometimes excessive physical activity.

Decreased libido due to hormonal disorders

Hyperprolactinemia can also cause decreased libido in women and men. In women, the cause of a decrease in libido may be an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Properly in the first phase of the ovulation cycle, estrogens predominate, which causes even more desire for sexual intercourse. After ovulation in the female body, an increase in the hormone progesterone occurs, which reduces libido.

The decrease in sexual desire is also affected by hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis). In both cases, you should take synthetic drugs that balance the level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Excess prolactin, estrogen-progesterone and thyroid imbalances can contribute to frequent mood swings. Disorders can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, a woman easily falls into anger and even depression. This happens, for example, during menopause, when there is a decrease in estrogen levels. In this case, herbal remedies can be used, and if they do not help, the doctor may decide on hormone therapy.

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

When prolactin levels are elevated, acne can occur on the face and neck and even the upper back.

  1. On the other hand, abnormal levels of estrogen in the body can cause blemishes and discoloration of the skin. This is due to the stimulation of melanocytes to increase the production of dye, which is the direct cause of skin spots.
  2. In contrast, an excess of androgens - male hormones - leads to an increase in the production of sebum, which accumulates in the pores of the skin.

Increased levels of androgens in the female body can also lead to hirsutism, which is manifested by the presence of dark hair in places characteristic of men. For example: on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and face. In a milder form, there may be the formation of a mustache, in an intense form - dark hair on the arms and legs.

The cause of excessive obesity may be insulin resistance. This condition is manifested by the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

In the process of insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more than the standard amount intended to keep the blood sugar at the desired level. Excess insulin makes it difficult to burn fat. In addition, a large amount of insulin causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and they cause a constant feeling of hunger.

Treatment of hormonal failure and delayed menstruation

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, it is best to report this to a gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will recommend the appropriate drugs based on individual indicators.

For women with an increase in the male hormone androgen and constant cycle failures, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives aimed at increasing estrogen. These drugs include:

The treatment regimen depends on the initial data. For successful therapy, long-term treatment is used.

Tablets can be used to regulate prolactin and progesterone:

Often, biphasic therapy is used, which includes different drugs. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should be tested for the level of hormones in the blood. It is recommended to take it on a certain day of the cycle.

  1. The level of prolactin, FSH and LH is usually indicative on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle.
  2. Testosterone and cortisol cycle.
  3. Estradiol and progesterone cycle.

Therapy may also be selected to reduce weight. When we eat food, leptin levels increase. Then the appetite subsides and we feel full. Deterioration of leptin can lead to the development of obesity.

Weight gain that is not due to dietary errors can also be caused by hypothyroidism. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones have a strong effect on metabolism - they are necessary for burning fat. Accordingly, the deficit is detected with weight gain.

On the other hand, significant weight loss for unexplained reasons may be the result of hyperthyroidism. Patients are constantly hungry, even at night, but still lose weight for several months.

It is important to study comprehensively all the symptoms of hormonal failure in women, signs, delayed menstruation. Only in this case it is possible to stop the violation and bring the state of internal organs back to normal.

Gynecologist - online consultations

No period for 2 months. Get tested for prolactin! When to do it? Last period was February 9th

№Gynecologist 26.04.2016

No period for 2 months. You need to get tested for prolactin. How to do it right. Last period was February 9th. Whether it is possible to hand over on hormones. If there are no periods

Hello, you have no other option, take an analysis for prolactin, and then it will be possible to evaluate the results. Another option is to first perform an ultrasound and see what phase the cycle is in now.

Hello, in addition to sex hormones, it is necessary to perform a study of the level of thyroid hormones and an MRI of the brain

Hello! I have a question. I can't get pregnant? I went to an appointment with a gynecologist, prescribed a course of treatment, i.e. I drank pills-

azikar, diflox, polyjenax suppositories, geneferon, rumizol, claricar tablets, dazalik. Was before applying the course of treatment pavyshan prolactin 704.1. Progesterone 5.62. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 11.78. I went back to the gynecologist and I say that I can’t get pregnant, and she again told me to take tests for hormones. I zdala and again elevated my proloctin 707.7. Dehydroepi.

Hello. I have had a lot of hair loss (telogen effluvium). Is it possible to say that they fall out due to deviations in hormones? Or is it necessary to look for another reason? I passed the tests on the trail. Hormones: prolactin, 17-OH progesterone, DHAE sulfate, free testerone, androstedione, free thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, cortisone, somatropic hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, insulin, antibodies to thyroperoxidase. Everything is normal for me, only adrenocorticotropic hormone is lowered and DHAE-sulphate is increased. Also.

Age - 26 years. You can decipher my tests, the question of deviations, what are the chances of getting pregnant. First I passed the following tests on the 26th day of the cycle, the cycle is 39 days. We are planning the 5th month. Prolactin (Prolactin) 268.9 109.. 1 mIU/l

Testosterone (Testosterone) 2. 10 0.. 97 nmol/l

Progesterone (Progesterone) 5. 14 Foll. Phase: 0.. 23;

ovulation Peak: 0..13;

fierce. Phase: 1.. 64;

Hello! In May, a spot appeared on my face like a bite, after a few days it increased, then it turned out that it was pink lichen, triderm ointment was prescribed, it went away and appeared a few days later in the form of letters, and this repeated. In the summer, they already began to show up as a lot, they prescribed metrogil, but they do not cure. Now it itches terribly, itching is terrible. I took hormone tests, prolactin is elevated, I am being treated. But on the face, only on the right side, the face is covered with pimples and red spots.

Hello! Can you please tell me if it is possible to take an analysis for progesterone while using Progestogel? Will the results be reliable? The doctor prescribed whether Progestogel would affect my question and said that an hour after application, it does not affect the tests. In the annotation, this is what it says “A study of the serum concentration of prolactin, estradiol and progesterone during treatment with Progestogel showed that 1 hour after the application of the drug, when there is maximum absorption in the tissue, ur.

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Analysis for hormones during menopause - when, how and where to take

An analysis of hormones during menopause women pass for various reasons. Some want to make sure that the process has begun, others have to do this to identify diseases of the reproductive system. Outwardly, menopause manifests itself as the absence of menstruation. However, the cycle may be broken for other reasons. Age restrictions are stretched for several years - 45-50. Moreover, menopause can, for certain reasons, come earlier, or be delayed for several years. Therefore, tests for hormones during menopause make it possible to know for sure about the onset of menopause. Research is carried out not for the sake of interest, but to establish the condition of a woman. By the presence of hormones, one can assume what symptoms to expect, what diseases can be avoided.

Classification of hormones

Medical workers divided female sex hormones into 2 groups: estrogens, progestins. The main representative of the latter is progesterone. Each of them performs its function, has a certain structure. Sex hormones are produced by the ovaries as a result of the influence of the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain. At the first stage of the menstrual cycle, FSH hormones are produced - follicle-stimulating, contribute to the formation of estrogen. The latter coordinate the development of the egg, the onset of ovulation. In the second phase of the cycle, LH hormones are produced - luteinizing, which are responsible for the level of progesterone, maintaining pregnancy, and the onset of menstruation.

Estrogen is often used in the plural because there are several types. The ovaries start producing estrogen at puberty. The first sign is breast growth, body shaping. For an adult woman, the normal amount of this hormone is of great importance. Estrogen is responsible for the timely start of the monthly cycle, its formation within 2 years after menarche. Hormones protect blood vessels from clogging, restore water-salt balance, renew cells, add elasticity to the skin, and strengthen bone tissue. With menopause, estrogen levels approach a minimum. As a result, women experience joint pain and fractures. Against the background of estrogen deficiency, osteoporosis develops.

Considered a male hormone. Its active production begins from the moment the egg leaves the follicle. If this does not happen, the amount of progesterone remains at a minimum level. Gynecologists, endocrinologists declare that the lack of progesterone is normal 2 years after the onset of menarche, during menopause. In other periods of life, this is a pathology, entails improper functioning of the body, infertility.

Estrogens, progesterones in the right ratio are the key to women's health, a regular menstrual cycle. At menopause, when pregnancy is not needed, estrogen is no longer produced in the right amount. Cause imbalance, all sorts of health problems. Although this all happens due to the natural processes of menopause, there are various gynecological diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.

Analysis for menopause

The most important analyzes that indicate the onset of menopause:

  • blood test for FSH levels;
  • the presence of the hormone estradiol;
  • LH blood test.

Follicle-stimulating hormone coordinates the production of estrogen in sufficient quantities. While its level is high, the concentration of FSH in the blood is minimal. With the onset of menopause, the level of FSH increases sharply. An indicator of more than 20 honey / ml indicates menopause.

Estradiol is the main female hormone, belongs to the group of estrogens, but is converted by FSH to male hormones. Estradiol is responsible for the formation of female forms. If the analysis showed a level below 35, then menopause has come.

Luteinizing hormone changes throughout the monthly cycle. Its active increase is visible in the middle of the cycle, at the time of ovulation. With menopause, LH hormones are always at a high level. From 10 to 60 IU/l.

According to the indications, the doctor prescribes to determine other hormones for menopause: progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid hormones. The absence of progesterone during menopause is considered normal. Tests for hormones during menopause allow you to identify for sure the presence of menopause, select effective hormonal therapy to improve well-being, prevent the development of diseases.

Rules for submitting material for research

It is recommended to carry out the analysis at the beginning of menopause. To determine the hormonal background, find out the reasons for the delay in menstruation. The procedure should be prepared in advance, as some factors may affect the veracity of the results. A few days before the test for hormones with menopause, it is necessary:

  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • no smoking;
  • give up strong tea, coffee;
  • do not have sex;
  • do not take medication.

In the absence of menstruation, the analysis is carried out on any day. Blood should be donated on an empty stomach. Controlling hormones during menopause is very important. Since at this stage of the life cycle, women have an increased risk of developing gynecological diseases. Timely identified changes can prevent the negative consequences of menopause, reduce the likelihood of developing the disease in menopause.

When to take

Menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 50. You can guess the beginning of the process by the absence of menstruation, symptoms:

  • flashes of heat on the face, chest;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dry skin, vaginal mucosa;
  • mood swings;
  • unstable emotional state.

Negative manifestations are caused by estrogen deficiency. In the presence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to conduct an analysis for hormones during menopause. It should be borne in mind that menopause can occur much earlier than expected for certain reasons. Climax is divided into several types:

  1. Early. Comes before age 40. The situation is connected with the depletion of the ovary, infectious diseases of the genital organs, heredity.
  2. Artificial. Due to surgery - removal of the ovaries.
  3. Pathological. With strong manifestations of negative consequences. Requires hormone therapy.

The value of hormones in menopause

The level of FSH increases significantly. This is due to the attempts of the body to stimulate the production of estrogen. The functions of the ovaries fade away gradually, the body needs to get used to the new conditions of existence. An important point in the diagnosis is the ratio of FSH, LH. The lower the ratio, the more severe the symptoms of menopause. In general, the indicator varies at the level of 0.4–0.7.

The level of estradiol during menopause is significantly lower than in women of reproductive age. The indicator is influenced by multiple factors:

  • physical activity of a woman;
  • bad habits;
  • taking medicines, especially antibiotics.

An elevated level of estradiol in menopause indicates the presence of pathologies:

  • liver problems;
  • the presence of a benign tumor;
  • abnormal thyroid activity.

Estradiol causes constant fatigue, indigestion, swelling, weight gain, breast tenderness.

With menopause, the hormonal background can change several times. It is recommended to be examined periodically. A woman who knows the state of her body can choose therapy, proper nutrition, and reduce the symptoms of menopause in simple ways. With timely access to a doctor for help, you can avoid the development of terrible diseases. Most of them make themselves felt during menopause, with an unstable hormonal background. The specialist will be able to choose the right drug, get rid of serious negative consequences.

Where to conduct hormonal studies

Currently, it is possible to find out the state of the hormonal background during menopause in public and private medical institutions. The choice is individual. In public institutions, the analysis may take a little longer than in private medical centers. But the cost of private owners is somewhat higher. The average price for the study of one indicator is 500–700 rubles.

Carrying out hormonal tests

Graph of the presence of female sex hormones (FSH (FSH), LH (LH), estradiol (estradiol), progesterone (progesterone)) in the blood during the menstrual cycle.

As a rule, to determine the hormonal causes of infertility, you will need to take tests for the blood levels of the main hormones:

“For rent” on days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle (hereinafter, the average 28-day cycle is meant). This hormone stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries and the production of estrogen. At the same time, the endometrium grows in the uterus. Reaching a critical level of FSH in the middle of the cycle leads to ovulation. FSH is released into the blood in pulses with an hourly interval, while the concentration of the hormone during the release is 1.5 - 2.5 times higher than the average level, the release lasts about 15 minutes. FSH is an indicator of a woman's follicular reserve, normally it is about 6 IU / ml.

Norms for women of reproductive age (units - mU / ml (= U / l)): Follicular phase: 1.37 - 9.90; Ovulatory phase: 6.20; Luteal phase: 1.09 - 9.2.

Available for 3-8 days of the menstrual cycle. This hormone in a woman “ripens” the follicle, providing the secretion of estrogens, ovulation, and the formation of a corpus luteum. The secretion of luteinizing hormone is pulsatile and depends in women on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The peak concentration of LH occurs at ovulation, the concentration of LH in the blood is maximum in the interval from 12 to 24 hours before ovulation and is maintained during the day, reaching a concentration 10 times higher than in the non-ovulatory period. After ovulation, the level of the hormone falls and “holds” the entire luteal phase at lower values ​​than in the follicular phase.

Norms for women of reproductive age (units - mU / ml (= U / l)): Follicular phase: 1.00; Ovulatory phase: 21.60; Luteal phase: 0.30;

Rent for 3-5 or days of the menstrual cycle. Strictly on an empty stomach and only in the morning, but not earlier than 3 hours after waking up. On the eve of the day of the test, it is necessary to exclude: sex, physical activity, stress. Immediately before taking blood, you need to exclude smoking, and also sit quietly for about 30 minutes. Prolactin is a stress hormone and is sensitive to physical and emotional stress.

The level of prolactin fluctuates not only depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, but also depending on the time of day - during sleep, its level rises, after waking up, the concentration of prolactin decreases sharply, reaching a minimum in the late morning hours, in the afternoon the hormone level increases. In the absence of stress, daily fluctuations in levels are within normal limits.

Norms for women older than 1 year:

Units of measurement - honey/l. Alternative units - ng / ml (ng / ml x 21 => mU / l.)

Blood for the content of this hormone 4-7 days of the menstrual cycle and 6-10 days after ovulation. Estradiol is secreted by the maturing follicle, the corpus luteum of the ovary, the adrenal glands, and even adipose tissue under the influence of FSH, LH, and prolactin. Estradiol provides the formation and regulation of menstrual function, the development of the egg. Before ovulation, a significant surge in estradiol precedes the LH surge and occurs approximately hours before ovulation. After ovulation, the level of the hormone decreases, a second, smaller in amplitude, rise with stagnation occurs, culminating in a decrease in the hormone concentration at the end of the luteal phase.

Follicular phase; Ovulatory phase5; luteal phase

Units of measurement - pmol/l. Alternative units - pg/ml ([pmol/l] = 3.671 * [pg/ml] or [pg/ml] = 0.2724 * [pmol/l])

In the follicular phase, pg / ml, in the preovulatory phase - pg / ml, in the luteal phase - pg / ml, during menopause -< 30 пг/мл.

This hormone is important to check on the 6-8th day after ovulation. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the corpus luteum and the placenta (during pregnancy). It prepares the endometrium of the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg, and after its implantation, it helps to maintain the pregnancy.

Norms for women over 18:

Follicular phase 0.3 - 2.2; Ovulatory phase 0.5 - 9.4; Luteal phase 7.0 - 56.6

Units of measurement - nmol / l. Alternative units - ng / ml. (ng/ml x 3.18 => nmol/l)

In women, AMH is produced by the granulosa cells of the follicles. The definition of anti-Müllerian hormone is used most often in the study of ovarian reserve, the diagnosis of endometriosis and PCOS. It is believed that a decrease in AMH levels below 0.8 ng / ml is accompanied by a low probability of pregnancy (as a result of IVF).

Women of reproductive age: 2.1 - 7.3 (ranging from 1 to 10). Analysis: on the 2nd-3rd day of the menstrual cycle. Units of measurement - ng/ml.

Inhibin selectively suppresses (inhibits) the release of FSH from the anterior pituitary gland. In women, the hormone is synthesized in the follicles. As women age, inhibin A and B concentrations decrease. When the number of maturing follicles in the ovaries falls below a certain threshold, inhibin concentration decreases, leading to an increase in FSH levels. Used to adjust the dose of drugs to stimulate superovulation (in women with reduced levels of inhibin B, it is necessary to increase the dose of exogenous hCG in the superovulation stimulation cycle) and the overall assessment of ovarian reserve.

Women of reproductive age: 23.0-257.0 (mean = 76.0 pg/ml); Units of measurement - pg/ml. Analysis: on the 3rd-5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Alternative units of measurement - ng / l: 1-2 d.m.c. - 15.0-70.0; 3-5 d.m.c. - 45.0-120.0. Follicular phase: 30.0-90.0; Ovulatory phase: 80.0-200.0; Luteal phase: up to 50.0.

The analysis is usually given on the day of the cycle.

17-OH-progesterone (17-hydroxyprogesterone) is a metabolic product of progesterone and 17-hydroxypregnenolone. The production of 17-OH-progesterone in the ovaries fluctuates during the menstrual cycle. The day before the peak of luteinizing hormone (LH), there is a significant rise in 17-OH-progesterone, followed by a peak that coincides with the peak of LH in the middle of the cycle, after which there is a short-term decrease, followed by a rise that correlates with the level of estradiol and progesterone. The content of 17-OH-progesterone increases during pregnancy.

Norms for women over 18:

follicular phase 1.24 - 8.24; luteal phase 0.51

Units of measurement - nmol / l. Alternative units: ng/mL (ng/mL x 3.03 => nmol/L)

RULES FOR TESTOSTERONE DELIVERY: The day before the test, it is necessary to exclude: sex, physical activity, stress. Immediately before taking blood, you need to sit quietly for about a minute. Just like prolactin, testosterone is a stress hormone and is sensitive to physical and emotional stress.

Units of measure: nmol/l. Alternative units: ng/dl (conversion: ng/dl x 0.0347 => nmol/l), ng/ml (ng/ml x 3.4722 => nmol/l)

Units of measure: pg/ml. Alternative units: pmol/l (conversion: pmol/l x 0.288 => pg/ml)

Units of measure: µmol/l. Alternate units: mcg/dl (Unit conversion: mcg/dl x 0.02714 => µmol/l)

Cortisol - norms:

Units of measure: nmol/l. Alternative units: µg/100 ml (conversion: µg/100 ml x 27.6 => nmol/l)

T3 is produced by thyroid follicular cells under the control of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). It is a precursor of the more active hormone T4, but has its own, although less pronounced than that of T4, action. Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach. Immediately before taking blood, the patient should be at rest for about 30 minutes.

T3 general (TT3) - norms (reference values) for adults: 1.08 - 3.14.

Units of measure: nmol/l. Alternate Units: ng/dL (Unit Conversion: ng/dL x 0.01536 ==> nmol/L)

T3 free (FT3) - reference values: 2.6 - 5.7 pmol / l.

Units of measure: pmol/l. Alternative units: pg/ml (conversion of units: pg/ml x 1.536 => pmol/l).

The concentration of T4 in the blood is higher than the concentration of T3. This hormone, by increasing the rate of basal metabolism, increases heat production and oxygen consumption by all tissues of the body, with the exception of the tissues of the brain, spleen and testicles. Hormone levels normally remain relatively constant throughout life. However, in some areas, and Moscow is almost in the first place, there is often a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, which can lead to serious deviations in one's own health and the health of the unborn child.

Thyroxine total (T4 total, TT4) - reference values ​​for adults: nmol / l.

Units of measure: nmol/l. Alternative units: mcg/dl (conversion units: mcg/dl x 12.87 => nmol/l).

Free thyroxine (free T4, FT4) - reference values ​​for adults: pmol / l.

Units of measure: pmol/l. Alternate Units: ng/dL (Unit Conversion: ng/dL x 12.87 => pmol/L)

This hormone controls the formation and secretion of thyroid hormones (T3, T4). Between the concentrations of free T4 and TSH in the blood there is an inverse logarithmic relationship. The level of TSH is characterized by diurnal levels: the peak of TSH in the blood is determined by the hours of the night, as well as at the hours of the morning, the minimum values ​​of the hours of the evening. The normal rhythm of secretion is disturbed when awake at night. The level of this hormone should be checked on an empty stomach to rule out thyroid dysfunction.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin, TSH) - reference values ​​​​for adults: 0.4 - 4.0 mU / l.

Units of measure: honey/l. Alternative units: µU/mL = mU/L (unit conversion: µU/mL = mU/L)

Thyroglobulin is an iodinated protein from which thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) are formed. Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies are an important parameter for the detection of autoimmune thyroid diseases.

Reference values:U/ml.

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase - an indicator of the aggression of the immune system in relation to its own body. This is the most sensitive test for detecting autoimmune thyroid disease.

Reference values:< 5,6 Ед/мл.

note that progesterone (and estradiol) in the second phase of the cycle should be taken on the 7th day after ovulation, but the week of the cycle. Because if you have a cycle of 42 days, then you need to take progesterone on day 35, and not on day 23, and on day 23 you still have the first phase, and progesterone is low - and this does not mean anovulation or luteal phase deficiency.

It also makes no sense to donate prolactin, progesterone, estradiol during pregnancy, and even more so to interpret and treat them - they normally increase, this does not require treatment.

Basal temperature from A to Z

BeTashka is your assistant in pregnancy planning

When to take hormones if there is no menstruation?

Girls. tell me how to do it right:

1. Induce menstruation with duphaston, and then donate blood at 3-5 DC

2. Donate on any day of the cycle

Probably on the dufae, the picture of hormones will be blurry, and these are not full-fledged periods, but bleeding. More than 2 years have already passed since the birth (HB completed in March 2014) and menstruation was 3 times on its own. In the remaining months, only on duphaston.

IrinkaSolnyshko. Mistakes in blog title.

Read comments 12:

I think either wait for M, or call dufastnon. It seems to me that taking hormones on any day of the cycle will not be indicative (I mean the sex hormones that are given on specific days of the cycle).

very good topic, check it out

IrinkaSolnyshko, I know all this. I am planning a second pregnancy, the first one didn’t work out for a long time either and I probably donated blood 1000 times already. I have a completely different question

What's the point of giving up now? I think, that at once monthly, and then analyzes.

Lilly, I understand that. But menstruation on dufastone is not menstruation, but bleeding. caused by the withdrawal of the medicine.

natUlik, I am against duphaston, even more can bring down the cycle. Probably here you need to do general wellness activities, remove stress, establish proper nutrition, physical education, long walks in the fresh air (helps regulate progesterone levels), maybe a pool, yoga, in general, whatever you can, what is available to you.

natUlik, so what, the blood will pass, the endometrium will come down and everything will start anew, a new week, so take it for 3-5 days.

natUlik, if you still decide on duphaston, go for an ultrasound scan to find out what phase of your cycle you have, so as not to start taking it in the first phase.

edited after 2 minutes

Rora, I have the first phase))) for 90 days for sure

added after 2 minutes

Rora, so, you wrote something new for me. Everything that is written above, subject to everything, how quickly will it affect hormones?

natUlik, I would plan at least 3 months or more. I'll add food for thought. We all know that normal cycles are considered days, but there is an opinion that this is not so. If you have long cycles, but there is a full-fledged O, you are pregnant, you have children, then this is your norm. I do not claim that this is your case. Another reason to think about why cause menstruation (bleeding) with duphaston every day.

Rora, cycles to B were lower. This is my norm. But over the past 2 years, O has been 3-4 times. but I don’t have it Oh, no M. here they are gone for months

natUlik, from duphaston Oh definitely will not appear. I had a period in my life when, from prolonged stress (more than a year), the cycles began to shorten from days to 20 days, until I started taking homeopathy. I took it for fibroids and cysts, and as a result, the cycles began to lengthen. One of my friends, when she goes abroad, her periods do not come, she returns to her homeland and the cycles begin again. Apparently, such a reaction of the body to external factors.

Relationship between hormones and the menstrual cycle

In the human body, a lot of reactions take place every day, some of them are not complete without the participation of hormones. The most striking reaction in the body, which takes place with the participation of hormones, is menstruation. The composition of menstrual blood is not the same throughout each of the stages of the cycle, and must show certain values ​​​​in each stage. A woman needs to pay special attention to controlling the hormonal background during menstruation, as not only the performance of the reproductive system, but also the general condition of the body depends on it. Any changes in the hormonal background can provoke the development of diseases of various organs and body systems.

The physical and psychological state of a woman depends on hormones

How does the female hormonal system work? Menstrual cycle and hormones. Required diagnostics. What causes hormonal imbalance during menstruation

Endocrine glands, which are located throughout the body, provide full access to hormones in the blood. The balance of hormones in the body of each woman is individual and depends on:

  • The age of the woman.
  • days in the menstrual cycle.
  • General health.

The norm of hormones in the blood during adolescence differs sharply from the indications during the onset of premenopause. Hormones that are produced in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and appendages play an important role in the work of the reproductive function of a woman's body. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are located in special lobes of the brain, and are responsible for the timely production of hormones by the glands.

The hypothalamus is located next to the pituitary gland and is responsible for the production of liberins and statins, responsible for the proper functioning of the pituitary gland. Liberins are responsible for catalyzing the production of hormones the body needs, statins provoke a stop to excessive activity when necessary. These two types of hormones are not produced randomly in the body, but the hypothalamus receives a signal from all body systems that they need to be produced accurately.

The whole system of the hormonal background is very difficult to work with, and a violation in any of its sections provokes an imbalance in all other systems. Thus, a malfunction of the thyroid gland entails the onset of improper functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

The hypothalamus is responsible for the correct production of hormones

Cycle and hormones

The hormonal background is directly related to the menstrual cycle. The main hormones of the reproductive system, synthesized by the pituitary gland - FSH and LH, affect the functioning of the appendages. It is these hormones that cause the production of estrogens and progestins in the right amount, forcing the uterus to prepare for a possible pregnancy.

The menstrual cycle is usually divided into three stages:

  1. Follicular. This period refers to the time before the release of the egg from the appendages.
  2. ovulatory. The period associated with the maturation of the egg.
  3. luteal. It is characterized by the release of the egg after maturation into the uterine cavity.

Follicular period

This period is usually counted from the onset of the first days of menstruation. During this period, the separation of the epithelium in the uterus and the maturation of the dominant follicle occur. At the onset of this stage, the uterine mucosa is dotted with blood vessels and filled with nutrients that are intended for the future embryo. Female hormones that are produced during this period affect the growth of the endometrium, its thickening and excretion. Estrogen progesterone during this period reduces its activity in production and shows the lowest levels in the blood. It is thanks to this drop in female sex hormones that the upper layer of the uterine epithelium is rejected and excreted.

Exactly what processes increase the level of FSH. It continues to grow throughout the follicular stage, increasing the size of the uterus so that the egg can be fixed.

The follicle-stimulating hormone and the dominant follicle acquire their greatest value two weeks after the onset of menstruation. The dominant follicle provokes the growth of estrogen, increasing the growth rate of the endometrium. The stage of follicular development in the cycle is the longest, and its length decreases towards the onset of climate change. Despite the fact that the follicle increases in size, it does not leave the ovary, because luteinizing hormone is needed for its release.

The diagram shows the dominant follicle, fallopian tube, immature follicles and the release of a mature egg

Ovulation stage

During the period of ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone, which contributes to the maturation of the egg in the appendages, rises sharply. It is thanks to this hormone that the follicle shell breaks and the egg is released. The ovulation period takes from 16 to 48 hours and is characterized by the end of the release of the egg. After the cell exits, luteinizing hormone levels maintain their highest peak for 24 hours. It is the correct level of this indicator in the blood that allows a woman to become pregnant.

Luteinizing period in the cycle

This interval lasts about two weeks after the onset of ovulation. The final day of this stage is the day before the menstruation of the next cycle.

At the beginning of a new stage, the follicle formed in the membrane closes, forming a corpus luteum. It is the corpus luteum that influences the production of progesterone.

Progesterone affects the tissues and causes an increase in the endometrium in the uterine cavity, and the accumulation of nutrients, contributes to the onset of the preparatory period for the attachment of the embryo.

All these changes cause an increase in basal temperature if conception has occurred. It is progesterone and estrogen that contribute to the expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands, preparing the breast for the future lactation period. What makes the breast painful before the onset of a new cycle.

If conception does not occur, then the corpus luteum dies 2 weeks after the onset of ovulation. During this period, the level of hormones drops, preparing the body for a new chance of fertilization.

If conception occurs, then chorionic gonadotropin grows in the body, which indicates the onset of pregnancy. A detailed hormone is capable of producing only the fetal membrane.

The fertilized egg begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin

Why is it necessary to take a hormone test? Why are hormonal imbalances dangerous?

If a woman has no pathological diseases, and there are no disturbances in the cycle, testing for hormones is a preventive measure. Through which you can see:

  • The presence of deviations from the norm and the effect of hormonal levels on the body of a woman.
  • The growth of pathological neoplasms in the reproductive system.
  • dysfunction of the reproductive organs.

With any changes in the cycle and problems associated with the performance of the reproductive function, the woman will be shown to take a series of tests for hormones. According to the data received, the doctor can prescribe a treatment that will prevent the development of negative consequences.

Even a slight deviation from the norm in indicators can signal the presence of a pathology in the body, which also affects the body as a whole. If changes occur in hormones that affect the menstrual cycle, then there is a violation of the reproductive function:

  • FSH level. The level of follicle-stimulating hormone increases in the body if there is an oncological dysfunction of the pituitary gland, or insufficiency in the functioning of the appendages. An increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone may be the body's response to alcoholism or overweight.
  • Luteinizing hormone reduces its blood levels if a woman has abnormalities in the pituitary gland or obesity. And an increase in luteinizing hormone can be detected in women whose ovarian structure has abnormal changes or brain tumors.
  • Prolactin. It is produced in the body, affecting the level of progesterone, is able to suppress the follicle-stimulating hormone during pregnancy. These indicators affect the metabolic processes in the body. Prolactin ensures proper milk production during lactation. With a lack or increased secretion of this hormone, the synthesis of follicles is disrupted, which can disrupt the process of ovulation. An excess in the production of prolactin is noted in a disease such as hypothyroidism, or a violation of the functioning of the appendages or the function of the pituitary gland.
  • Estrogen. The hormone estradiol has a great influence on the cycle. The hormone estrogen is produced by the follicle and affects the proper development of the egg and its release. An elevated level of estradiol indicates the presence of pathological neoplasms of the adrenal glands or ovaries. High levels of estrogen in the blood are observed in women who are underweight, as the body receives additional amounts of estrogen from adipose tissue. An increase in estrogen levels reduces a woman's ability to become pregnant, disrupts the cycle and is the cause of infertility.
  • Progesterone. A high level of progesterone in the blood indicates the presence of unwanted neoplasms in the appendages or adrenal glands. A decrease in blood levels indicates an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system. This hormone also influences the onset of ovulation.
  • Testosterone. Despite the fact that testosterone is a purely male hormone that is responsible for male strength, its excess in the body can cause premature termination of pregnancy. Increased testosterone production during the menstrual cycle can affect ovulation, delaying the onset of menstruation for a long time. An increase in testosterone in the blood may indicate the presence of the formation of the adrenal glands and malfunction of the ovaries.
  • Androgens. This type of male hormones can provoke malfunctions in the reproductive system in the female body, increase the level of hair growth, or provoke infertility. High androgen levels lower libido

№ 32 229 Gynecologist 04/26/2016

No period for 2 months. You need to get tested for prolactin. How to do it right. Last period was February 9th. Whether it is possible to hand over on hormones. If there are no periods

ANSWERED: 04/26/2016

Hello, you have no other option, take an analysis for prolactin, and then it will be possible to evaluate the results. Another option is to first perform an ultrasound and see what phase the cycle is in now.

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 04/26/2016

Hello, in addition to sex hormones, it is necessary to perform a study of the level of thyroid hormones and an MRI of the brain

clarifying question

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Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms. A woman may have abnormal menstrual cycles, nervousness, and men may have erectile dysfunction. Hormones are responsible for balancing the entire body, both physically and mentally. It is important to know why a hormonal failure occurred in women, symptoms, signs of delayed menstruation. Personal health and the proper functioning of all organs depend on a timely examination.

Hormonal disruptions - menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea

Hormonal disorders produce various symptoms. In women, the most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities, problems with pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances can also suggest a mood disorder, acne, skin discoloration, excessive weight gain or weight loss. Hormones affect every process in the body.

  • The cause of abnormal menstrual cycle and pregnancy problems may be polycystic ovary syndrome. In the course of the disease, an imbalance of hormones occurs.

This results in an imbalance of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates follicle growth, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which controls the release of eggs from the follicle. Consequently, the ovaries have increased the number of immature follicles and a small follicle, and no ovulation.

As a result, the corpus luteum cannot be formed, which does not lead to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood. Deficiency of this hormone is responsible for irregular menstruation. This also leads to an overproduction of androgens - male sex hormones.

The treatment of this disease is complex. If the patient is obese or smokes cigarettes, losing weight and giving up bad habits is recommended. In addition, you may need to include birth control pills.

Hormones depend on each other. Thus, one cannot ignore the same levels of estrogen without paying attention to other hormones such as progesterone and thyroid hormones.

  • Another cause of menstrual irregularities can be thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism can lead to deficient, infrequent bleeding, and even amenorrhea. Treatment for hyperthyroidism includes the use of antithyroid drugs, the administration of radioactive iodine, or thyroidectomy.
  • Similar problems cause the adrenal glands - Cushing's syndrome. It is a disease in the process of the adrenal cortex secreting excessive amounts of steroid hormones or glucocorticoids. If the disease is caused by corticosteroids after their use, then it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose under the supervision of a physician.

In other cases, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the adrenal gland or to use drugs to help block the release of cortisol. In contrast, Cushing's disease is an overactive adrenal syndrome that is the cause of pituitary disease. Then the only treatment for Cushing's disease is the surgical removal of the prostate.

  • Menstrual irregularities can also be caused by excess prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), and treatment depends on the cause. Hyperprolactinemia can occur due to strenuous lifestyle, weight loss, and sometimes excessive physical activity.

If the delay in menstruation occurs regularly, then you should definitely visit a qualified specialist for a diagnosis. After all, the optimal cycle for a healthy woman should be 28 days. In some patients with hormonal disruptions, it varies within 40-50 days.

Decreased libido due to hormonal disorders

Hyperprolactinemia can also cause decreased libido in women and men. In women, the cause of a decrease in libido may be an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Properly in the first phase of the ovulation cycle, estrogens predominate, which causes even more desire for sexual intercourse. After ovulation in the female body, an increase in the hormone progesterone occurs, which reduces libido.

The decrease in sexual desire is also affected by hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis). In both cases, you should take synthetic drugs that balance the level of thyroid hormones in the body.

Excess prolactin, estrogen-progesterone and thyroid imbalances can contribute to frequent mood swings. Disorders can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, a woman easily falls into anger and even depression. This happens, for example, at a time when there is a decrease in estrogen levels. In this case, herbal remedies can be used, and if they do not help, the doctor may decide on hormone therapy.

Other symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

When prolactin levels are elevated, acne can occur on the face and neck and even the upper back.

  1. On the other hand, abnormal levels of estrogen in the body can cause blemishes and discoloration of the skin. This is due to the stimulation of melanocytes to increase the production of dye, which is the direct cause of skin spots.
  2. In contrast, an excess of androgens - male hormones - leads to an increase in the production of sebum, which accumulates in the pores of the skin.

Increased levels of androgens in the female body can also lead to hirsutism, which is manifested by the presence of dark hair in places characteristic of men. For example: on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and face. In a milder form, there may be the formation of a mustache, in an intense form - dark hair on the arms and legs.

The cause of excessive obesity may be insulin resistance. This condition is manifested by the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

In the process of insulin, the pancreas needs to produce more than the standard amount intended to keep the blood sugar at the desired level. Excess insulin makes it difficult to burn fat. In addition, a large amount of insulin causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and they cause a constant feeling of hunger.

Treatment of hormonal failure and delayed menstruation

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, it is best to report this to a gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will recommend the appropriate drugs based on individual indicators.

For women with an increase in the male hormone androgen and constant cycle failures, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives aimed at increasing estrogen. These drugs include:

  • Androcur.
  • Chloe.
  • Diana-35.
  • Femoden.
  • Jazz.
  • Janine.
  • Yarina.

The treatment regimen depends on the initial data. For successful therapy, long-term treatment is used.

Tablets can be used to regulate prolactin and progesterone:

  • Duphaston.
  • Norkolut.
  • Utrozhestan.

Often, biphasic therapy is used, which includes different drugs. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should be tested for the level of hormones in the blood. It is recommended to take it on a certain day of the cycle.

  1. The level of prolactin, FSH and LH is usually indicative on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle.
  2. Testosterone and cortisol - 8-10 days of the cycle.
  3. Estradiol and progesterone - 21-22 days of the cycle.

Therapy may also be selected to reduce weight. When we eat food, leptin levels increase. Then the appetite subsides and we feel full. Deterioration of leptin can lead to the development of obesity.

Weight gain that is not due to dietary errors can also be caused by hypothyroidism. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones have a strong effect on metabolism - they are necessary for burning fat. Accordingly, the deficit is detected with weight gain.

On the other hand, significant weight loss for unexplained reasons may be the result of hyperthyroidism. Patients are constantly hungry, even at night, but still lose weight for several months.

It is important to study comprehensively all the symptoms of hormonal failure in women, signs, delayed menstruation. Only in this case it is possible to stop the violation and bring the state of internal organs back to normal.

Delay during menstruation is often alarming. Especially those who are not planning a pregnancy or are not sexually active. However, the cause is not only she, but also a number of diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination with a delay in menstruation.

It should be carried out in the absence of menstruation, as well as in their early onset. You need to pay attention to the violation of the duration of the discharge. Often this is caused by a failure in the formation and release of hormones that regulate ovarian function.

Why is there a delay

For the first time, menstruation occurs at different ages, at about twelve to fifteen years. After the beginning, a constant cycle should be established, which normally lasts twenty to thirty-five days. The duration of all menstrual cycles should become constant. However, not in the first year, deviations are possible there. But in the subsequent time, delays should alert. There are several types of deviations from the norm:

  • oligomenorrhea;
  • amenorrhea;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea);
  • metrorrhagia.

This article discusses only two of them. Oligomenorrhea is characterized by rare, meager discharge, that is, with a delay. At the same time, body weight grows, unnecessary hair grows.

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. It can be false with a congenital pathology of the development of the genital organs, as well as in the presence of mechanical obstacles that prevent the normal outflow of blood. It can also be physiological, it occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And another variety is pathological, with it, menstruation is absent for six or more months, it occurs with diseases.

Recently, very often our clinic is treated with problems that are not visible at first glance. That is, there are no delays in menstruation, no extraneous secretions appear. Therefore, doctors advise to visit them at least twice a year.

Also, the reason for going to the gynecologist is excessive, abundant discharge during menstruation. Or another option is bleeding that occurs between cycles, as ovarian dysfunction may occur.

Diagnosis of diseases

Examination with a delay in menstruation may be different, but must be comprehensive. In our clinic you will be able to undergo all of the following studies, and will process the results and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It begins necessarily with a blood test that determines the presence of infections that are sexually transmitted. Together with them, you can immediately donate blood for hormones to exclude diseases of the thyroid and other glands.

The next step is ultrasound examination of the genital organs, as well as the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland. It will not interfere with the study and MRI of the brain.

In some cases, there is a need for the endometrium of the uterus and subsequent histological examination.

Delay treatment

Treatment in our clinic is based on the results of high-precision research. It is of the following types:

  • treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • hormone therapy for endocrine disorders
  • removal of tumors by surgical intervention;
  • treatment of other diseases, disorders of the immune system.

As the practice of our clinic shows, most often after the stimulation of menstruation, a woman can easily become pregnant and bear a child. And if the representative of the fair half does not plan to become pregnant, oral contraceptives are used that normalize the menstrual cycle.

If you encounter a delay problem, come to our clinic and experienced specialists will definitely help you.

Most reactions in the body go with the participation of hormones. And is no exception. The volume of these substances in the blood is not the same at each of its stages, but must have certain values. Control over them is important, because hormones during menstruation affect not only reproductive capabilities, but also the general condition of the female genital area, as well as psychological. An imbalance of these substances can cause many diseases of various organs and systems.

Read in this article

How the hormonal system works

Hormones enter the blood through the endocrine glands. It is worth saying that the balance of these active substances depends on the age of the woman, the stage of the menstrual cycle, and general health criteria. The picture of the background of a teenage girl should normally differ from that of 45-year-olds.

The reproductive function of a woman is provided by a system that includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. The first part of it is located in the brain and produces hormones designed to control the endocrine glands. The hypothalamus is located in close proximity to the pituitary gland and already controls its functioning, producing liberins and statins. The former stimulate the production of the necessary hormones, the latter inhibit it when necessary. But the hypothalamus does not release liberins and statins arbitrarily; in order to maintain a balance between stimulating and inhibiting the production of active substances, it receives information from all parts of the body.

This makes the hormone system very complex. Violations in any of its sections respond to the functioning of all the others. And a malfunction, for example, of the thyroid gland will entail the same in the female reproductive system.

Hormones throughout the cycle

Hormone levels and menstruation have a direct relationship. The main ones are follicle-stimulating and luteinizing. Both are produced by the pituitary gland, causing the ovaries to produce other substances - estrogen and progesterone. The latter push the uterus and mammary glands to prepare for the likely fertilization and subsequent development of the embryo.
The menstrual cycle is divided into three stages:

  • Follicular, which exists before the release of the egg;
  • , characterized by its aging;
  • Luteal, which occurs after the release of the egg.

Follicular stage

It is calculated from the first day of menstruation. It is during this period of time that the uterine cavity is released from the upper layer of the endometrium and the dominant follicle is isolated. At the beginning of the stage, the lining of the uterus is full of blood vessels and nutrients intended for the embryo. Female hormones during menstruation at this stage determine the growth of the endometrium, thickening and excretion. By this time, estrogen and progesterone are reduced to their lowest values, due to which its upper layer is rejected.

At the same time, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone rises. With full health, its quantity and the size of the cavity, in which the egg then matures, increase throughout the entire initial phase of the cycle. Both the size of FSH and the follicle acquire the greatest value two weeks after the first day of menstruation. The latter produces a large amount of estrogen, which stimulates the development of cells of a new layer of the endometrium. The follicular stage is the longest in the cycle. In short, he becomes as the woman approaches.

Despite the increased size of the follicle, it has not yet exited the ovary. For this to happen, luteinizing hormone must enter the process.

ovulatory stage

The maturation of the egg is accompanied by an increased level of LH. It is he who adjusts the divergence of the follicle shell and its exit. In time, ovulation takes from 16 to 32 hours and ends with the release of the egg. Even after that, in the course of 12-24 hours, the amount of LH is greater than ever. It makes fertilization more likely in the presence of sperm. A similar effect of hormones on menstruation ensures childbearing.

luteal stage

Its countdown is calculated after ovulation, the stage lasts approximately 14 days. The final one is the last before the next menstruation. At the beginning of the luteal period, the bursting follicle closes, thus forming the corpus luteum, that is, a set of cells that produce progesterone. The task of these hormones during menstruation is to prepare the uterus for the probable attachment of the fetal egg to its wall. It is he who causes the growth of the endometrium, the accumulation of nutrients by it. Thanks to him, the figure rises if conception has happened. Progesterone, as well as estrogen, also prepare the breast for the future feeding of the baby, expanding the ducts of the mammary glands. From this, before menstruation, she becomes more sensitive to soreness.

In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum disappears 13-14 days after ovulation. That is, hormones before menstruation quantitatively decrease. So the body approaches another menstrual cycle, saving resources, preparing for a new probable attempt to fertilize the egg.

If conception has happened, another hormone comes into play - human chorionic gonadotropin. It is he who is an undoubted criterion of pregnancy, because only the fetal membrane is capable of producing it.

The only group of active substances that quantitatively increases before menstruation is androgens. Which hormone rises before menstruation is easy to understand by a particularly good appetite during this period, the appearance of acne on the skin.

Why analyze

If you know what an important role active substances play in a woman's body, it would be logical to assume that hormone analysis is very informative. It can identify diseases such as:

  • Infertility;

With any difficulties with childbearing, this study is prescribed one of the first. Many diseases that are not related to the sexual sphere can also be diagnosed by the amount of hormones.
It is necessary to know their healthy concentration at different time intervals of the cycle in order to make a diagnosis. Of course, it is up to a specialist to evaluate and choose treatment, but it will not be harmful for any woman to figure out which hormones during menstruation and in addition to them should decrease and increase, as evidenced by violations, when and how to take the material in order to have a result corresponding to reality.

Analysis delivery algorithm

Hormones are very sensitive to external influences. Stress, hypothermia, can distort the picture. Therefore, it is necessary to take this analysis outside of infections and other listed circumstances. There are some more details of preparation for manipulation:

  • It must be taken on an empty stomach, that is, in the morning. Food can distort the picture;
  • The day before the procedure, alcohol, smoking and sex are excluded;
  • The use of drugs is taken into account, and not only those containing hormones.

Time for analysis

If you need to find out the concentration of female active substances, then the stage of the menstrual cycle matters. Blood for hormones during menstruation is allowed for analysis when it is necessary to find out the level:

  • Estradiol;
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone;
  • DGA-S;
  • DEA sulfate;
  • Prolactin.

Analyzes for the listed substances will be accurate if they are done on the 2-5th day of menstruation.

Women are also interested in what hormones to take after menstruation, since this is also possible and sometimes even necessary. These studies include:

  • FSH. It is also determined on the 19-21st day of the cycle;
  • LG. The same terms as for FSH will do;
  • Progesterone. Its amount can also be detected on the 21-22nd day of the cycle or 6-8 days after ovulation;
  • Prolactin. The time interval for passing the analysis is similar to progesterone.

Testosterone, DEA-sulfate, DGA-S can be checked at any stage of the menstrual cycle. A woman's health is also affected by many hormones that do not have a direct effect on menstruation, but have an effect on other organs. This feature can affect a woman's ability to bear children, so the analysis examines them too. It's about

  • Cortisol;
  • Ketosteroids.

Their values ​​​​are important if pregnancy is planned.

Analysis rate

They are determined by what day of menstruation to take hormones, because their number, as already mentioned, should normally be different at different stages of the cycle. In full health, the indicators look like this:

  • FSH. In the follicular phase, the indicator reaches 4-10 U / l, during ovulation - 10-25 U / l, in the luteal period 2-8. In surviving women, FSH is 18-150 IU/L;
  • LG. In the follicular period it is 1.1-11.6 mU / ml, during ovulation - 17-77, in the luteal period the maximum value is 14.7. When using oral contraceptives, the value is 8 mU / ml or less, and after menopause 11.3-39.8;
  • Progesterone. This indicator in the follicular segment has a value of 0.3-1.6 μg / l, during ovulation - 0.7-1.6, in the luteal period - 4.7-8 μg / l. After menopause - 0.06-1.3. During pregnancy, this figure increases from the 8th week;
  • Prolactin. The usual value ranges from 4.5-33 ng / ml in the follicular period, during ovulation it is 6.3-49, in the luteal phase - from 4.9 to 40 ng / ml. After conception and for the entire period of lactation, prolactin rises from 500 to 10,000 mIU / l;
  • Estrogens. These hormones normally range from 5 to 53 pg/ml in the follicular part, 90-299 pg/ml in the ovulatory part, and 11-116 pg/ml in the luteal part. With menopause, it decreases to 5-46;
  • Testosterone. The numbers of the free indicator differ not by the stages of the menstrual cycle, but by the age criterion. However, there is total testosterone which is 0.26-1.3 pg/mL;
  • DGA-S. The indicator ranges from 2.5 to 11.6 µmol per day;
  • DEA sulfate. Normal levels in women should not rise above 80-560 mcg/dl.

What does hormonal imbalance mean and what does it lead to

As a rule, a noticeable difference in indicators from the norm signals trouble in the body. If hormones that affect menstruation are calculated, then it refers mostly to the reproductive sphere:

  • FSH increases with oncological ailments of the pituitary gland, insufficiency of ovarian function. It can also be caused by alcoholism. The hormone decreases with ovarian sclerocystosis and overweight;
  • LG. Problems with the pituitary gland, obesity can reduce the volume. The increase threatens those who have changes in the structure of the ovaries or brain tumors;
  • Prolactin. It affects the synthesis of progesterone by the corpus luteum, suppresses FSH during pregnancy, and participates in metabolic processes. Prolactin also supports milk production. When the hormone is exceeded or deficient, the development of the follicle is disrupted, which prevents ovulation. An excess of prolactin is observed in tumors, hypothyroidism, disorders of the ovaries or pituitary gland (it is also the culprit of the deficiency), autoimmune dysfunction;
  • Estrogens. Outside of pregnancy, estradiol plays a major role in the cycle. Estriol is responsible for the "interesting position". The first is produced by the follicle, the corpus luteum to regulate the cycle, the maturation of the egg. Elevated estrogen levels indicate tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands. It is also observed in overweight women, since adipose tissue is also capable of producing them. A decrease in estrogen does not allow ovulation, therefore it can cause cycle failure, infertility;
  • Progesterone. Its elevated values ​​occur with neoplasms of the ovaries or adrenal glands. A decrease in the indicator is provoked by constant inflammation of the reproductive organs, and this entails meager periods, not the onset of ovulation, problems while waiting for a baby, or infertility;
  • Testosterone. Another male element, the excess of which causes early spontaneous abortion. These hormones during menstruation in an overestimated amount disrupt ovulation. This is a consequence of diseases of the adrenal glands or ovaries;
  • Androgens. These are male hormones, and their excess provokes disruption of the ovaries, excess body hair, and infertility. And too low a level reduces sexual appetite.

What to do if there is no menstruation

It happens not only due to the "fault" of pregnancy, but also in pathological conditions that do not manifest themselves in any other way. The most harmless reason for this is long-term use of birth control pills. In this case, menstruation is permissible to wait up to six months.

If this reason is excluded, you will have to find out the real one with a specialist. A woman may have a question: how to donate hormones if there is no menstruation? After all, many of them need to be done at a certain stage of the cycle. The specialist will recommend an analysis regardless of this, that is, on any convenient day for the patient. He will need to know the level:

  • Prolactin.

Excessive hair in a woman, excess weight, stretch marks on the skin, or a diagnosis of "polycystic ovary syndrome" make it appropriate to count also

  • free testosterone;
  • progesterone;
  • insulin;
  • Estradiol;
  • Cortisone.

And yet, if a problem arises, how to pass hormones if there is no menstruation, the first analysis should be on hCG. It is likely that pregnancy is the culprit for their absence.

How to return menstruation with hormones

It is advisable to use medicines if you know which substances are not enough to restore a full cycle. Hormones with a delay in menstruation cause the body to consistently reproduce all its stages, if chosen correctly. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is worth waiting for the results of the analysis. After all, if there is an excess of progesterone, then its additional doses will aggravate the situation. In the cycle, it is not so much the volume of hormones that matters, but the ratio. Therefore, preparations based on them should be selected by a gynecologist based on the decoding of the analysis.

Period-causing hormones are found in the following medicines:

  • . This medicine contains progesterone. An artificially synthesized substance is similar to what is produced by the female body, but despite this it can cause allergies. Has some contraindications;
  • . Its basis is estrogens and gestagens. Arbitrary use is fraught with severe bleeding. The drug also has many contraindications, can cause intolerance;
  • Utrozhestan. The active substance is progesterone. The tool also does not tolerate uncontrolled use, because it can cause the growth of tumors of the mammary glands, allergies, an asthma attack;
  • (Puregon, Menogon). These drugs stimulate the release of FSH and LH. They are used not just to restore the cycle, but to get pregnant. Their independent use can provoke "fatigue" of the ovaries, excessive growth of the endometrium.

Oral contraceptives are also suitable for inducing menstruation, but this is also under the guidance of a specialist.

It is possible that the reason for the delay was not a deficiency or excess of the mentioned hormones, but malfunctions in the work of the organs that produce them. Then the treatment should not be limited to taking these pills, it should be directed to the fight against the underlying disease. And it may not concern the reproductive sphere, but affect, for example, the endocrine system or the brain.

The importance of hormones during menstruation cannot be overestimated. And yet, sometimes, to normalize their balance, it is enough not to worry about nonsense, eat normally, rest on time and regularly appear to the gynecologist.

Before using any drugs, you should consult a specialist doctor, there are contraindications.

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