Oh, those Korean macho. Korean guys are prettier than Korean girls Korean men

I translated this little article simply because I liked it. I love articles about Korea with humor. By the way, the blog is very interesting - askakorean.blogspot.com. There "live" Koreans answer questions about themselves.

"Dear girls!

According to Gustavo Arellano, the most frequently asked question about Mexicans is "Why do Mexicans bathe in clothes?" As for Koreans, the most frequently asked question here is, “What do Korean guys like / dislike / about girls? how do they feel about girls? How do they behave with girls? Etc.".

Most of the questions come with an addition in the form of an incredibly long story from the lives of these girls, so I can already guess what the email will be about if the sender's address looks like a fluffy sad puppy @ yahoo.com, and the email itself weighs under 200 kb. I answered some of these letters privately, some on this site, and some I could not answer, because sometimes I do not even know where to start.

Some of the letters are written about Korean men who have ended up with non-Korean women, but most of the letters seem to be a direct consequence of the recent surge in popularity of dramas and their actors. Koreans now stand out from the crowd of men in the world in a separate category, and they seem to be the subject of love fantasies of many non-Korean women.

So, the answers to your most frequent questions.

Will a Korean boyfriend date a non-Korean (White / Black / Hispanic / South Asian / Martian)?

You only need to remember one thing about Korean men, here it is - they are first of all men, and only then are Koreans. Do you have breasts and vagina? Then at least some Koreans will be interested in you. This rarely happens, but interracial relationships are always quite rare.
I want to emphasize clearly: KOREAN MEN ARE COMPLETELY THE SAME AS ALL MEN. Dramas are based on the fact that you silly women are always trying to find men who don't exist in the real world. Please stop. No man expects a woman to cook like Rachel Rae or swear like Jenna Jameson. The same should apply to your expectations of men.

What qualities do Korean guys look for in a woman? What can I do to please a Korean?

As I said earlier: try to cook something for him. But this tip usually works with all men. There is no special love elixir that only works with Koreans. Just be yourself. And give him a blowjob (advice from a Korean girl).

Why do Korean boys want to get married so early?

There is tremendous public pressure on this - Koreans need to be married by a certain age. And if that age is passed, the guys go to the hot sale. Korean women are even worse off with this, but men are definitely affected by this influence as well.

What does it mean if a Korean guy gives you a four-leaf clover / hairpin / doll / whatever?

There is no such thing as an ultra-super-special-korea-boy-girl-gift (other than special holidays). A gift is just a gift. If he hides a mega-secret inside of himself, then the guy, perhaps, will tell you about it himself. Remember, girls, you are the only one who likes to play detective games with hints and stuff. Guys never give it that much importance. If he stopped answering your calls, then yes, you should already worry, this is a clear hint.

Why can't my Korean boyfriend show his feelings? Why does this Korean guy who seems to like me only talk to me from time to time? Why do I feel like the heroine of a Greek tragedy involving me and a Korean?

Here's my answer - YES NIKHREN I DON'T KNOW! Stop bombarding my mail with your 20-page sentimental stories! If you need genuine help, read this article. I repeat once again: Koreans are first of all men, then Koreans. Whatever problems you have in your relationship, 99% that it is because he is a man, and maybe only 1% because he is Korean. Before sending an email to the address below, please, please, PLEASE think carefully about your situation first, rule out all possible non-racial-cultural issues, and then just ask me. "

A few more things:

1. Most Koreans are racists. This means that they despise people whose skin is darker than theirs. For example, South Asians are darker than Koreans, so make your own conclusions. Understandably, in many cases, your relationship will not be based on respect.

Even if your boyfriend is not racist, his parents, relatives and friends will definitely be racist. This will make your long-term relationship or marriage extremely difficult. Perhaps your boyfriend will be forced to make a choice between you and everyone else he knows. Guess who is most likely to pick?

2. I do not advise you to contact marriage agencies. Be INCREDIBLY careful about them. Korean men only go to marriage agencies if NO KOREAN WOMAN AGREE TO MARRY THEM. So there is a reason for this. Of course, there are simply losers (Korean women do not really want to marry divorced people or those living in the countryside). But more often than not, the reason is that you are meeting a classic type of Korean whose hobby includes beating up their wives.

3. Also beware of Korean men 30-40 years old, most often Koreans at this age are racist and manipulative women disrespecting women. Remember, if a Korean is a bachelor and he has already turned, for example, 33 years old, then this means that either he was in some special circumstances, or something is wrong with this person.

4. One last thing: do not make the two classic female mistakes that all women make about men in their lives: "He is not like the others" and "He can change for me." The first statement is correct only 20% of the time, and the second is never true.

1. The Republic of Korea or South Korea (hereinafter simply Korea) is a very safe country. A girl may not be afraid to walk alone at night through the sleeping area.

2. Major crimes such as murder are considered unprecedented and get local news coverage for weeks.

3. The best time to visit Korea is in spring, when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, and autumn, when the leaves turn yellow on the trees. In winter it is very cold and windy, in summer it is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.

4. The country's territory is very small, so civilization has penetrated into all its corners. It is impossible to get lost in Korea, and there are no completely remote villages here.

5. The most popular sport in Korea is baseball. It is played by everyone, young and old; almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out.

6. The second most popular is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And having reached old age, all Koreans go to the mountains.

7. Walking in the mountains is such a favorite pastime for Koreans. They can get up at 8 in the morning after a wild booze and still climb the mountain.

8. 90% of Koreans are nearsighted and have to wear glasses or contact lenses. Glasses have been worn since childhood, which involuntarily creates the impression that they are born with poor eyesight.

9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. They do not even suspect about other browsers, and moreover, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, accordingly, are made only for Explorer; in any other browser, no Korean site will work correctly.

1 0. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open naver.com (this is a Korean search engine and not only a system), type Google in Korean into the search, and then click on the link.

11. Koreans are very fond of coffee, and there are coffee shops at every turn. After lunch or dinner, you must have a cup of coffee.

12. Free Internet can always be found: in any institutions, cafes and even on buses.

13. Coffee chains, movie theater chains, supermarket chains, restaurant chains, bar chains, department store chains - if an institution does not have a clone somewhere in Korea, then it has not matured yet.

14. Domestic product in Korea is highly supported, so many imported products such as toothpaste, gum, pads, chips, etc. cannot be found.

15. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Cabbage beds, turnip gardens and rice fields can be found even in the city center.

16. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans take good care of their dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some places you can find free brushes right in the toilet.

17. Education is perhaps the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans study from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or self-study.

1 8. There is no such thing as a vacation in Korea. There are a few days, usually in early August, when many workers take time off to rest or travel abroad.

19. There are two major national holidays: the Lunar New Year and the Autumn Festival, when Korea is closed for three days. There is no more time for rest.

20. A teacher at a state educational institution can only be fired by the president himself. This profession is extremely respected and highly paid.

21. Overweight Koreans are very rare. Really thick - almost never.

22. Girls readily show their legs, but never a neckline.

23. Most Korean women have small breasts and a flat bottom, but very slender legs.

24. Therefore, plastic surgery is flourishing. A girl can puff out her breasts in just one lunch break. After graduating from school and going to college, most girls fix their eyelids, noses, or something else as a gift.

25. Korean women take great care of their skin and hair and use an incredible amount of cosmetics and beauty products. Korean women don't go out without makeup.

26. Many admit that Korean women are prettier than Japanese, Chinese and other Asian women. Even if their beauty is somewhat artificial.

27. For all the cleanliness of the streets in Korea, it is very difficult to find a trash can.

28. All Koreans sing well and therefore love karaoke a lot.

29. Everyone has cell phones, even homeless people.

30. Any phone can be borrowed "on credit" for two years.

31. In Korea, the height of shopping begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.

32. Young people are not supposed to bring girls to their homes, which is why there are a lot of motels in Korea. Lots of.

33. Motels peacefully coexist with churches: they say, have committed adultery - pray.

34. Every guy is obliged to complete military service, unless he is disabled.

35. Some kind of food cult reigns in Korea. Instead of "how are you?" Koreans ask "did you eat well?" grow up for a year. "

36. Koreans eat a lot and varied. Kimchi and other snacks are obligatory for the table. Lunch is rarely limited to just one dish, when you think you're full, more plates are brought in until you burst.

37. Any Korean dish will tell you that it is incredibly healthy. Most often, for some reason, for male health.

38. Koreans probably drink even more Russians. Get drunk quickly, but never row. Even a drunk Korean is not particularly dangerous.

39. Every Korean knows a hundred or two of very noisy drinking games aimed at getting everyone drunk as soon as possible.

40. Koreans are very generous and helpful people. They will definitely want to pay for your lunch and will never refuse help.

41. In Korea, it is customary to greet the watchmen, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, everyone. You show respect for an older person, and it doesn't matter who he works.

42. It’s hard to believe, but according to one source, 25% of Korean women have experience in the intimate service sector: prostitutes, escort services and girls “for communication” in bars and karaoke.

43. Most married men cheat on their wives, and that's okay.

44. Most married Korean women don't work at all raising children.

45. All older women look the same: the same short, cheeky hairstyles, the same clothes, the same headdresses.

46. There are no stray dogs in Korea. Very few people keep large dogs, but it is very fashionable to have a small pocket dog, dye its fur in bright colors and dress it in funny clothes.

47. Contrary to popular stereotype, very few Koreans have tried dog meat.

48. Foreigners in Korea are divided into two categories: exchange students and English teachers.

49. Koreans prefer to sit on the floor than sit on a chair or sofa.

50. Either the weather forecast is never wrong, or the Koreans always, always carry an umbrella in their bag, but the Korean cannot be caught off guard by the rain.

51. There are frequent floods in Korea due to heavy rainfall.

52. Any Korean's wallet is stuffed with business cards and various savings and discount cards and coupons.

53. Koreans mostly listen to Korean music. Western performers listen to what is fashionable.

54. Korean music is mainly pop music, boy bands and girl bands, which are no different from each other.

55. For each song, each band has its own dance that fans know by heart.

56. There are no squares in Korea. There are only areas in front of some buildings.

57. In many bars, you cannot just drink beer, you must definitely order snacks for beer. Koreans themselves cannot just drink beer, they definitely need to chew something while doing this.

60. Nobody cares that a young beautiful girl advertises an alcoholic drink all over the place.

61. When meeting Koreans, the first thing they do is find out their age. This is important for the future communication style. If the interlocutor is at least a year older, you should contact him in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.

62. Koreans are often tactless by asking personal questions such as "Do you have a boyfriend?" or "why aren't you married?"

63. Young Koreans are turning romantic relationships into yet another TV drama.

64. In Korea, you can smoke almost everywhere. No smoking signs are often ignored.

65. It is rare to see a girl on the street with a cigarette. There are few girls who smoke and they smoke only in bars and clubs.

66. You can drink alcohol on the street. Koreans often have impromptu booze and barbecues in the most unlikely places.

67. Koreans often laugh for no reason, in response to any phrase and the most unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.

68. Korea has a park lined with sculptures of male members.

69. In Korea, almost no one calls anyone by name or says "you" or "you." There are many special words for addressing, for each case of kinship and relationship.

70. When a Korean calls someone to him, he holds his hand with the palm down, and not up, as in other countries.

Every K-pop girl has dreamed of dating a Korean. Of course, few people are lucky enough to start a relationship with an Asian, but if you still decided and sold your soul for a cute Korean, then you should know all the pros and cons of such a relationship.

Happy reading, heh ~



Let's start with the pros.


1. Next to you is the second Lee Minho.

Well, if not Minho, then some fashion diva from Korea - for sure, because your boyfriend on every date will look like he stepped off the cover of a magazine a couple of seconds ago. And it doesn't matter at all where you are going with him: sit in a cafe, take a walk in the park or wander along the river bank. Do not be surprised either by styling, or by foundation, or by colored contact lenses, or even by special insoles that increase your height by a few cm. And do not flatter yourself too much, because all these sacrifices are not so much for you as for yourself, your loved one and those around you. (but still nice: sweat_smile :)


2. You are constantly in touch.

And indeed it is. What do our Russian guys do? They only write when they accidentally remember you. A Korean guy will remember you 24 hours 7 days a week. You will communicate constantly! Over time, it starts to get annoying, but do not forget - this is how they show, first of all, care.


3. Oppa will do everything.

In Korea, it is age that determines how people should approach each other. So when a guy is older than a girl, she calls him "oppa". But in fact, it does not matter at all how old you are, because if a guy is really interested in you, he will somehow behave like an oppa, that is, he will take responsibility for you on his shoulders: you will be protected, fed and not given to be sad. Besides, I noticed this funny thing ... Koreans like to call themselves "oppa" very much. For example, instead of saying "I'll buy dinner for you," he will say "oppa will buy dinner for you." In general, hanguki are very well trained in manners in terms of communicating with girls.


4. Special holidays for couples.

Perhaps this is the strangest and, at the same time, the coolest thing about a relationship with a Korean. After all, there are a million such holidays! Let me list a few of the main ones:

22nd day since the beginning of the relationship, 100th day, 200th day, 300th day, year, two, three, Valentine's Day, White Day, Christmas, Couples Day, Rose Day, Peperro Day, Kiss Day, Hug Day, Birthday and so on Further.

And for each of these holidays, the guy is obliged to give something to his beloved. As a rule, these are candies, a teddy bear and a bouquet.


This is where the pros end. Let's move on to the negative aspects of "meetings" with Koreans.


5. No privacy.

You will be checked. Is always. Everywhere. In everything. Forget about personal correspondence on social networks - he will study every dialogue from cover to cover. Forget what it is to go out with your friends at night - they won't let you go. And if they let you go, you will regret it, because you will have to answer calls (thousands of calls), SMS (tens of thousands of SMS) or even take pictures of your clothes and everything that surrounds you.


6. Jealousy.

90% percent of fights when paired with a Korean will occur because you looked at another guy, talked to another guy, thought about another guy, breathed next to another guy, and so on. Therefore, everything about other guys (even those who are shown on TV) is taboo. Unconditionally.


7. "We won't be friends"

In Russia, it often happens that after breaking up, a guy and a girl remain friends. This is not acceptable in Korea. The fact is that there is a clear rule "there is no friendship between opposite sexes" and Koreans strictly observe this rule.


8. And the creepiest part. Meeting his friends.

Be prepared for the fact that, once in his company, you will be considered from all sides, discussed, questioned and looked for flaws. For his friends, you should be ideal: obedient, quiet, sweet, modest, never smoked in your life, who does not know what alcohol and obscene words are, in addition, your makeup should be natural, and your clothes should be like you are leading news on federal channel.


All information taken

It's true ... But they're not that prettier ... just more well-groomed. There are often not very handsome guys, but at the same time, they are neatly and stylishly dressed, combed and even with makeup on their face ... lip liner, tonic, and even mascara here you will not surprise anyone.

I already told something in your public that the younger generation of Koreans are taller and more fit. Later, I will write a separate article about this, but it was this “phenomenon” that caused many idol-like, slender, well-groomed guys with the manners of true “drama gentlemen” to appear in society.

But there is also a downside to the coin, read about it further ...

Once, I was drinking tea in a cozy, quiet coffee shop, and a young beautiful couple came in ... a girl came up to the order counter, and the guy sits down at the table, pulls out his smartphone and begins to correct his hair, stretch his lips and examine his beautiful face - in short, a typical Narcis.

While they were sitting, the girl talked more, and the guy periodically nodded, assented and laughed. Of course, you might think that this is an isolated case ... however, it was later explained to me that girls here often invite guys on dates and pay all the bills themselves.

Another interesting incident happened on the subway, when I was driving to Myeongdong to eat delicious Korean street food, and then a young guy comes in, sits down and starts putting a marafet on his face. Without being ashamed of anyone, he took out a mirror, mascara and other cosmetic items ... and for several stops "diligently" painted. Perhaps he is LGBT, and perhaps not, the Koreans do not care in this regard - as long as the law is not violated. By the way, there is a whole area that is popular with LGBT people, this is Itaewon - there are many gay clubs, but I will write about this separately.

I want to note right away that the Korean women are very beautiful! Most of them also take very careful care of their appearance! You can often find a plump, but very attractive girl - being overweight or thin is not an indicator of beauty, because even among celebrities there are many naturally plump girls, but they are popular with handsome guys.

By the way, many Korean women are similar to the Oljan - it's like a subculture that means "the art of being beautiful." Therefore, Korean women from an early age already know how to use cosmetics.

However, as I said at the beginning - guys are really more well-groomed than girls. Here you can more often find a girl in a baggy sweater, loose hair and no makeup than a guy who is slovenly dressed, not combed and without makeup.

By the way, in Korea it is quite common to meet a handsome guy who meets a nice, but for example a plump girl ... why this happens, I will also tell you, but in another article.

But this is my personal opinion based on personal observation. Although I haven't been in Korea for long, I often walk and have already visited several cities in Korea.

Thank you for your attention, wait for my new publications!

It's pretty rare to see a Korean guy dating a girl of a different nationality. Some people think that this is because Korean guys are against interracial dating and therefore only choose a girl of their own nationality. However, this is just a misconception and the truth is that Koreans are, for the most part, very shy. And even if they are interested in you, because of their timid nature, they may hesitate to show any interest.

What can you do? If you notice that the Korean guy you like is afraid to take the first step, don't be afraid, take it first. But before you decide to go hunting to catch your love, here are some things you should know.

  • They like it when you call them oppas

As you know, all Koreans are united by the fact that they love to be oppos. They will even say to themselves in the 3rd person "Oppa will take care of you", "Oppa loves you." They will appreciate you more if you let them take on this role.

  • They like to be the same

From the same clothes to the same phone, your Korean boyfriend will likely give you the same items, and of course will expect you to use them. They are not afraid to show that someone has appeared in their life, on the contrary, they like to show off.

  • They like to celebrate small anniversaries

It is known that Koreans like to celebrate the first month, 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, the first year together. Also, every month the 14th, in Korea is considered a holiday for lovers. Of course, if it is February 14th, it is Valentine's day, but there is also a rose day, a kiss day, a photo day, etc. He may appreciate that you want to celebrate these days with him and only with him.

  • They are good at communication.

Korean guys never forget about you if you are far away. They will call, write SMS. This is normal for them and of course they will expect the same from you. If you are not used to this kind of relationship, the first time it can be a little overwhelming and unfamiliar.

  • They are jealous

One of the most difficult things when dating a Korean boy is their low tolerance when dating the opposite sex. Most Koreans believe that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. While that doesn't mean you can't have boyfriend friends, you may need to take time to calm him down and reassure him that he is the only one for you.

  • They take care of themselves

The best thing about Korean men is that they dress really well. From great clothes to great haircuts. You must try to look the part.

  • They will feed you

Food is a very important part of Korean culture. In Korea, food is offered everywhere and at all times, for example after successfully passing an exam or gaining a new position. One of the most popular questions your Korean boyfriend will ask you is "Have you eaten yet?" Nothing will make him happier than sharing a large portion together. Start your practice with sticks and kimchi. He will appreciate it.

Tell us, have you ever met a Korean? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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