Why chocolate is good not only for mood, but also for health. Turns out chocolate is good for your health! Find out why What's in chocolate lifts your spirits

There are many different myths about how certain products improve our lives. Say, honey helps to lose weight, carrots improve eyesight, and so on. Probably, there is a certain grain in this, but even having eaten a kilogram of blueberries in one sitting, the blind will not begin to see: all these gastromedical things work gradually, and do not give an instant effect.

Whether it's chocolate.

When they say that chocolate improves mood, I happily agree: I know this feeling of euphoria that comes just a couple of minutes after I eat chocolate. And after all, you don’t need a lot, just a couple of slices, the main thing is that it’s not some dull milk chocolate stuffed to the eyeballs with soy, but good dark chocolate, from 70% and above. This observation suggests that this happiness effect is not the result of a sharp jump in blood sugar from the intake of carbohydrates (which are smaller, the higher the percentage of cocoa content), but the work of the cocoa beans themselves.

And most importantly, how fast! Chocolate lifts your mood in minutes, acting even faster than alcohol - and without the unpleasant consequences that the latter is fraught with.

Of course, I became interested in why this is happening, and I began to understand.

The answer came pretty quickly: tryptophan. This amino acid is found in almost all dietary proteins, but some foods are especially rich in tryptophan. Among them are cheese and dairy products, nuts and mushrooms, and, of course, chocolate. Once in the body, tryptophan is converted into serotonin - one of the most important hormones and the most active neurotransmitters, that is, substances by which nerve cells transmit impulses, "communicating" with each other and with muscle tissue. Excess or lack of such substances just leads to various special effects like mood swings - for example, it is the drop in serotonin levels that makes smokers reach for a cigarette, and its excess can even lead to hallucinations.

Okay, I told myself. Let's say tryptophan is to blame. However, why, in this case, cheese or meat, in which its high content is also noted, do not give such a powerful and, most importantly, instant surge of happiness?

Here the English-language Internet came to the rescue, where I read about the study conducted by Michael Macht and Jochen Müller. In the first phase of the study, they showed three groups of volunteers small clips — roughly speaking, sad, happy, or neutral — and then gave half of each group a piece of chocolate, the other half a glass of water, and asked them to rate changes in their mood.

It turned out the following. Those of the subjects who watched the sad clip experienced the most severe mood swings - at first it worsened, then improved significantly, but only for those who ate chocolate. At the same time, the difference between chocolate and water was insignificant for viewers of joyful and neutral clips. Output? Chocolate works especially well when you are really sad and want a holiday. If everything is so wonderful, it is unlikely to add to your happiness.

Macht and Müller then went one step further by recruiting new volunteers and asking them whether they preferred milk or dark chocolate 75%, 86%, and 99%. After that, they were again divided into three groups: the first were treated to their favorite chocolate, the second - unloved, and the third were left with nothing at all. And what happened?

The mood of the first ones improved significantly literally a minute after they ate their favorite chocolate. The mood of the latter did not change at all at first, but after three minutes it almost equaled the mood of the former. As for the third, at first their mood improved slightly (apparently from the awareness of the importance of the study in which they are participating), but after that it did not change.

Macht and Müller came to an important conclusion for us: the effect of happiness that chocolate causes is caused by several factors. Serotonin is one of them, however, it does not act instantly, and therefore turkey or mushrooms do not give a quick injection of endorphins into the brain. Another factor is the taste of chocolate - and when we eat the chocolate that we like, the mood immediately rises, and after that serotonin takes over.

It seems that my belief that dark chocolate works better than milk chocolate in the field of raising mood is based only on the fact that I like dark chocolate more. However, there is nothing to worry about, and for those who prefer milk chocolate, it means good news: eat your favorite chocolate and you will be happy!

On July 11, the sweet tooth of the whole planet celebrated World Chocolate Day. There are a variety of opinions about the favorite delicacy of children and adults. It is believed that it spoils the figure and teeth, but it improves mood, causes addiction, but cures many diseases. We present you with 11 facts that will help you look at chocolate from an unexpected angle.

1. Not all chocolate is "real". The most correct is bitter, with a maximum cocoa content. However, modern technologies turn a healthy delicacy into just sweet tiles: natural oils are replaced with artificial ones, flavorings are added. Thanks to them, the taste becomes brighter and sweeter, but not at all the way it should be in reality. The indignant Swiss, recognized masters of the chocolate business, even formed an alliance to fight for the purity of chocolate.

2. Chocolate was not always consumed in the solid form we are used to.. For centuries, cocoa beans have been brewed into a hot drink. The Indians, who first began to eat cocoa fruits, roasted and ground them, then mixed them with hot water and added chili peppers. And the dishes found by archaeologists indicate that the natives of Central America prepared chocolate beer from fermented beans.

3. Chocolate lifts your spirits. The substance tryptophan contained in it contributes to the production of endorphins in the human body, which are called hormones of happiness. It is even believed that chocolate can treat depression. But this is most likely not the case. Some studies show that people who often consume chocolate are just more prone to nervous breakdowns. Scientists believe that in this case there is a mechanism similar to drug or alcohol addiction: a person tries to please himself with chocolate, and that, in turn, gives a positive effect, but not for long. Then the person returns to the previous, if not more serious condition. This effect is explained by the fact that chocolate contains a minimal amount of stimulants - theobromine, phenylethylamine and caffeine, as well as cannabinoids - chemicals that are also found in marijuana.

4. Chocolate cures cough, and copes with this almost better than special medicines. The beneficial effect for the throat is associated with the theobromine already mentioned above. In addition, chocolate, unlike tablets, does not cause side effects.

5. Chocolate Helps With Toxicosis During Pregnancy. Again, theobromine is to blame for this. In addition, chocolate reduces the risk of complications during and after childbirth because it relaxes smooth muscles and strengthens blood vessels. Yes, and young fathers can calm their nerves with the help of a treasured tile better than traditional alcohol.

6. Chocolate prevents the development of deadly diseases thanks to the natural antioxidants contained in it - catechins, which also slow down the aging process in the body. The flavonoids and phenols contained in chocolate prevent heart attacks and strokes. They protect and strengthen the circulatory system, oxidizing "bad" cholesterol and preventing vasoconstriction.

7. Salo in chocolate - a vital dish for polar explorers. This property of this unusual combination is explained by its high energy value. In the extreme conditions of the Far North, people need an increased amount of calories, and, as you know, in combination with carbohydrates, fats are absorbed better and faster. By the way, although Ukrainians cannot complain about severe frosts, they eat lard in chocolate with pleasure, and it is served on a stick, like a popsicle. Original, but, they say, delicious. And Napoleon was very fond of pork under chocolate.

8. Chocolate does not spoil the figure. Another thing is that milk, glucose, as well as completely non-dietary nuts and raisins are often added to chocolate bars. But that's a completely different story. And dark chocolate has never harmed anyone. In addition, the carbohydrates found in chocolate are quickly consumed and broken down. There is even a chocolate diet. It involves 100 g of bitter (or at worst milk) chocolate per day with a cup of black coffee, which speeds up the metabolism and water or tea in between. The diet promises a loss of 4 kilograms per week.

9. Chocolate is actively used in cosmetology. Beauty salons often offer chocolate wraps, and in addition to it - a cup of hot drink. It was previously thought that chocolate could cause acne or rashes, but scientists have proven that this is not at all the case. By the way, chocolate cannot cause caries either, because it has an antiseptic effect and rather, on the contrary, prevents its appearance. In addition, chocolate is rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which regulate cell metabolism and strengthen bone tissue.

10. Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac.. The famous courtesan Madame de Pompadour was sure that the fire of passion can only be ignited with this hot drink. A recent study found that eating chocolate is four times more arousing than passionate kissing.

11. People spend $7 billion annually on chocolate., with chocolate consumption increasing significantly in late autumn. The average annual consumption of chocolate by one person is 5.5 kg.

Chocolate is not only incredibly tasty, but also surprisingly healthy, especially if the cocoa content in it exceeds seventy percent. If you are interested in the benefits of this product, read on for more information! You will be amazed at how important this product can be for your body.

Chocolate contains flavonoids

Chocolate is usually associated with a gourmet dessert rather than something nutritious, yet it is an excellent source of plant-based nutrients called flavonoids. They have a very positive effect on health. Flavonoids are found in fruits, vegetables, tea and red wine. They are known to have antiviral, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory effects, fight tumors, and act as antioxidants. The antioxidant properties of flavonoids allow chocolate to improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels. Cocoa contains two types of flavonoids, flavanols and flavonols. The former are the source of antioxidant properties that have an extremely positive effect on your well-being.

Chocolate reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Eating cocoa and cocoa-containing products in moderation leads to improved cardiovascular health. All thanks to flavanols, which dilate blood vessels, fight inflammation and act as antioxidants. Cocoa stimulates the production of acid, which dilates blood vessels, besides, eating chocolate lowers blood pressure, the risk of blood clots, and lowers bad cholesterol. High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are the main risk factors for heart disease. By dealing with them, you improve your condition. If you have a tendency to cardiovascular disease, you need to pay special attention to these properties of chocolate.

Chocolate helps reduce atrial fibrillation

According to scientific data, many people live with atrial fibrillation. We are talking about problems with the heart rhythm, leading to the formation of clots and even a heart attack. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume small amounts of chocolate reduce their risk of developing the condition. This is because flavanols lower blood pressure and help improve blood circulation in the body. It turns out that chocolate reduces the risk of atrial fibrillation.

Chocolate improves mood

Eating chocolate is associated with happiness and holidays. Research confirms that eating chocolate can help lift your spirits, make you calmer and more satisfied with life. Dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure. In addition, dark chocolate contains serotonin, an anti-depressant that improves mood. Flavanols also affect mood. However, don't get used to using chocolate as comfort food. You can’t perceive food as a way to correct negative emotions: the habit of thinking this way is harmful both from a psychological point of view and from a physiological one, as it leads to weight gain.

Chocolate strengthens the cognitive functions of the brain

The flavonols in chocolate help boost cognitive abilities. These substances found in cocoa improve blood circulation throughout the body. Participants in a scientific experiment who drank a drink rich in flavonoids noted a significant improvement in cognitive abilities.

Chocolate can protect your skin

Studies show that the flavonoids in dark chocolate help protect against UV damage and improve blood flow to the skin, thereby improving both its texture and hydration levels. Quality dark chocolate is full of flavanols, which fight inflammation and oxidative stress. That is why they are so beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. Studies have shown that regular consumption of flavanol-rich chocolate protects the skin, but don't think you can forget about sunscreen if you've had dessert, because that's not the case at all.

The darker the better

To get the most benefit, you need to consume chocolate, which contains the most cocoa. White chocolate does not contain flavanols at all, there are few of them in milk chocolate, but there is a lot of sugar - the use of such a product will lead to weight gain! Dark chocolate is low in sugar and fills you up faster. Varieties with a cocoa content of seventy percent or more are excellent sources of flavonoids. A product with a lower cocoa content has a milder taste and a less intense concentration of nutrients, you should always remember this.

Chocolate helps you lose weight

Eating high quality dark chocolate is good for both the mind and the body, and it can even help you lose weight. Flavonoids help reduce insulin resistance, which prevents spikes in blood glucose and prevents you from overeating. Even the smell of chocolate helps curb your appetite! Dark chocolate contains the most flavonoids, so try to use it to improve your health.

Read the label before buying

As with any product, read the label of dark chocolate carefully - it shouldn't have too many ingredients. Watch the percentage of cocoa content: the higher it is, the more beneficial it is for the body. Chocolate should be clean and dark, without any additives. There are varieties that contain sugar, sweeteners, milk, so that the taste is less bitter and more pleasant. Make sure that there are no trans fats in chocolate, because they cause cardiovascular disease, heart attack, diabetes.

Make chocolate even healthier

You can boost the benefits of dark chocolate by adding almonds, which are a great source of healthy fats. Many people think that 100% dark chocolate is too bitter. You can sprinkle it on smoothies or Greek yogurt, or add it to nut butters. Chocolate can be used in other recipes as well. Use quality cocoa. This flavanol-rich supplement can be used in a wide variety of recipes.

Don't go overboard

A few slices of dark chocolate are enough to reap the benefits. Don't overeat. A few slices contain up to twelve grams of fat and over a hundred calories. If you eat too much fat, your cholesterol levels will rise, which means your risk of cardiovascular disease will increase. This can lead to weight gain. Enjoy chocolate in moderation with a balanced diet.

Beware of Side Effects

Chocolate has many health benefits, but it also comes with side effects, especially if you're sensitive to caffeine. The caffeine in chocolate can lead to increased heart rate, anxiety, and restlessness. Be careful not to eat chocolate in the afternoon, because this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of sleep. Chocolate, due to its acidity, can also cause heartburn. Eating too much chocolate will lead to weight gain and chronic diseases like diabetes.

It is believed that chocolate, made from the seeds of the theobroma tree (or, to put it simply, cocoa), began to be eaten by people about 3,000 years ago. Since then, the demand for it has steadily grown - and now this delicacy remains one of the most popular in the world. While consuming large amounts of chocolate every day is unlikely to help you lose weight - Uma Thurman, which she followed before filming Kill Bill, does not count - it is increasingly being called a healthy food. Right now we will try to figure out how fair this is.

Scientists say that this time the claims are quite true, but with a few caveats. In fact, the health benefits of sweetness depend on the cocoa from which it is made, but not on chocolate per se. That is, white chocolate, which is not quite chocolate, since it does not contain cocoa, cannot be considered useful. What can not be said about milk and dark variations of chocolate, with or without dried fruits.

But since we have determined that the healthy bonuses of chocolate depend on cocoa, it is logical to assume that your attention should be focused on (or, as it is also called, bitter) chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70%.

Not chocolate, but cocoa

“Cocoa is a good source of minerals, including (helps maintain healthy bones and promotes), iron (activates the production of red blood cells) and zinc (creates new cells in the body),” nutritionist Rob Hobson explains to the Daily Mail. In addition, the expert adds, cocoa contains more antioxidants than any other (well, almost) food that exists on the planet. These antioxidants, called flavonols, are at the heart of much of the research linking cocoa to protection against disease.

As for chocolate fortified with antioxidants or c, a number of studies show that it may be a little more useful. However, given the interest in such work of chocolate companies, actively funding scientists, the validity of the conclusions remains to be tested.

Mood and more

Cocoa is known to increase the amount of substances in the brain that are directly related to mood. Among them, for example, "positive" phenylethylamine and tryptophan, which turns into the famous serotonin. Cocoa also contains theobromine, which works without causing addiction and unpleasant side effects such as a sudden decrease in productivity or mild tremors.

There are other scientific data regarding chocolate that suggest that the flavonols in cocoa somehow dilate the arteries, increasing their elasticity and thus reducing. These antioxidants are sometimes thought to work similarly to aspirin in that they thin the blood, reducing the chance of unwanted clots forming. Moreover, according to studies, the effect after a cup of cocoa without sugar can last up to 6 hours.

A meta-analysis of studies on the topic, conducted at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge University), showed that both men and women who regularly consume dark chocolate are 37% less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease and have a 29% lower risk of stroke.

Chocolate and brain activity

Countries with higher chocolate consumption have more per capita, according to findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Sounds good, don't you agree? This information brings us to the point that chocolate makes us smarter. Or at least more erudite.

Indeed, studies have shown that consuming cocoa for at least 5 days increases blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for efficiency and alertness. The scientists add that the almighty antioxidants in chocolate also appear to be able to neutralize small, short-term inflammations that usually provoke foggy thoughts.

In other words, adding cocoa powder or a milkshake or a couple of slices of dark chocolate to breakfast in addition to coffee is a great idea. At least for those who want to not just increase the amount of minerals and antioxidants in the diet, but make it tasty.

its main features

A persuasive speech is a speech in which the speaker aims to make the audience believe in the correctness of his point of view, logically prove or refute any provisions, seeks to explain the essence of phenomena and their relationship. To convince is to make you believe you are right.

There are the following main types of persuasive speeches:



actually persuasive.

Inspiring performance

They aim to create a positive emotional mood among the listeners, self-confidence, set them up in an optimistic mood. Such performances should arouse emotions, remind people of what is known, but not fully realized by them, sharpen in their minds the meaning of ongoing or past events.

Such speeches include, for example, the speech of the coach before the game, setting the team up for victory, the speech of the candidate in the elections to his supporters, in which he expresses confidence in victory, the speeches of the leaders at the congress of the winning party, the speech describing the success of the organization during the celebration of its anniversaries, etc.

Rules for preparing an inspirational speech

1. Brevity, but not monosyllabic (at least 1-2 minutes).

2. Increased emotionality.

3. Remind about previous successes and victories.

4. Admire the professional qualities, determination, morale of the participants in the upcoming events.

5. Be sure to express confidence in successfully overcoming the upcoming difficulties.

campaign speech

Campaign speeches aim to encourage listeners to a new action, continuation or termination of their actions. A campaign speech always calls on the audience to do something, to undertake, to commit an act. Only arguments FOR are given in support of the defended thesis.

Campaign speeches include speeches at political rallies calling for support for one or another candidate in the elections, advertising speeches, speeches at meetings with calls to support an initiative, to take part in any business or public action, speeches calling for starting something. either or refuse something. These are speeches ending with appeals like: Buy! Insure! Quit smoking! Avoid fatty foods! Get involved! Donate!, Put your signature! Contact your MP and demand! Vote for...etc.

Rules for preparing a campaign speech

1. The performance should be emotional.

2. It should be short and descriptive.

3. It is necessary to speak in short phrases.

4. The volume should be above average.

5. The presentation should give the listeners all the information they need to make an immediate decision.

6. Arguments FOR must be given.

7. There should not be any ambiguities or reticences.

8. It is necessary to consider whether the audience can take the recommended action (for example, people should have the means to buy what they are called to, the call to vote should be directed to people who have the right to vote, etc.).

9. The audience must be brought to agreement.

10. The speech should end with a direct call for a specific action.

A persuasive speech

Actually, persuasive speeches aim to encourage the audience to accept a certain point of view, an assessment of events, an opinion.

Such speeches include speeches by politicians and candidates for elective positions outlining their program, publicistic speeches at rallies and meetings, moral and ethical speeches, speeches by famous people on various problems discussed in society with the proposal of one or another of their solutions, expressing their own points of view, as well as sermons. In a persuasive speech itself, arguments are usually given both FOR and AGAINST, and it is shown that the thesis defended by the speaker is the most argued.

This is the most difficult type of persuasive speaking and public speaking in general. Sometimes it is not easy for us to convince even one close person of anything, and it is much more difficult to convince the audience. The ability to make effective persuasive speeches is the dream of any politician, head of an institution, journalist, TV presenter, scientist.

Actually, a persuasive speech is a synthesis of all the knowledge, skills and abilities of the speaker, it is a reflection of the high level of his general rhetorical training.

Preparation rules

actual persuasive speech

1. Use the general rules of effective argumentation:

be emotional;

Refer to vital facts

· try to show listeners the real benefit of your suggestions or information;

· be distracted in the presentation;

be concise;

use numbers;

Rely on visibility

use humor.

2. The topic of the speech should be a really controversial issue, which is currently relevant, which is being discussed in society and on which there are different points of view in society.

3. Duration of performance - 3-5 minutes, no more.

4. Moderate emotionality (listeners should feel it).

5. Touch noble emotions (feelings of anger, hatred, justice, injustice).

6. Touch on the issue of truth - what is true, what is not.

7. Use short phrases.

8. Verbally express and repeat the proven thesis at least three times.


1. Which statements are correct?

1. Persuade the audience - means to provide evidence that will not cause objections.

2. To convince the audience is to make them believe that the speaker is right.

3. Proving and arguing are one and the same.

4. Persuasion includes suggestion.

5. Persuasion does not involve suggestion.

6. Persuasion includes emotional and psychological impact.

7. Persuasion is carried out by logical methods.

8. Evidence is the substantiation of the correctness of the thesis put forward.

9. Reasoning is the presentation of arguments that lead listeners to a conclusion (thesis).

10. Reasoning is a set of explanations of the speaker during the speech.

11. For an inspiring speech, above all, heightened emotionality is important.

12. Only arguments FOR are given in campaign speeches.

13. Campaign speeches invite the audience to make a choice.

14. Campaign speeches make the choice for the listeners.

15. In campaign speeches, the call is not obligatory.

16. Persuasive speeches themselves contain arguments FOR and AGAINST.

17. The duration of the persuasive speech itself should be no more than 5 minutes.

18. Actually persuasive performance should be highly emotional.

19. The thesis to be defended must be repeated several times.

20. The actual persuasive speech should address the question of truth.

2. Read the text of the inspiring speech of the president of the fan club to the football team.

So, tomorrow we are playing with Spartak. This is the most important match for us, on which the tournament fate of our team will largely depend. Spartak needs to become a champion, we need to stay in the big leagues. Spartak is a formidable team, the current champion and leader of the championship. But does this give us a reason to be afraid of it today? Spartak lost to weaker teams that set themselves the goal of beating him. We also beat the formidable Spartak in the past - what can prevent us from doing it this time too? Today we have an excellent combat squad, a fusion of experienced veterans with excellent ambitious young players, who should make a name for themselves loudly. Our fans believe that tomorrow is the time for this!

You are guaranteed the support of 30 thousand sincere fans - all tickets for the game have long been sold. We are sure that we will see a great game, great spectacular football and you will please us with the result!

We are all patriots of our city and our favorite team. Our support is provided to you. Make us happy too! It's up to you! We love you and look forward to you!

What would you change, correct in this speech? What can be added?

Make changes and give this speech to the footballers.

3. Give a pep talk:

Before a tough exam

before the most difficult part of your hike in the mountains,

before the supporters of your political movement on the eve of the elections,

before the clean-up of the city;

· at the Day of the city - on behalf of the youth of the city (the youth will not let the older generation down);

before starting renovations in your apartment.

4. Read the texts of campaign speeches prepared by schoolchildren.

a) Dear children! You all know how important it is to brush your teeth. How unpleasant it is when you or someone else has bad breath or dark teeth when he opens his mouth. You just don’t want to approach such a person, even if he is cute. And if it's a girl, then generally ashamed. She must smile, and when she smiles and she has bad teeth, it is very unpleasant, it would be better not to smile. And who wants to meet a girl who doesn't smile and keeps her mouth shut?

Now there are such beautiful toothbrushes, delicious toothpastes, you can choose which one you like. And they are not very expensive anymore. And brushing your teeth takes very little time, so do not spare your time for brushing your teeth. So brush your teeth twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and chew gum during the day, as advised on TV. And you will be beautiful and attractive. And don't be ashamed to open your mouth.

b) Look at my kitten. He is small, fluffy, affectionate. It's so nice to pet him. It will grow up and catch mice without you having to feed it. He will always meet you at the threshold when you come home, and will wag his tail and caress. You will buy him Whiskas and Kitty Cats and he will be grateful to you. He will play with you and you will play with him all day. You don't have a cat at home, do you? Take my kitten and you will have a friend at home. I will give it to you for free. Well, what are you standing? Take it!

c) Tomorrow is Sunday. Why sit at home? The weather is good, we must go skiing. Grab your skis and let's go together. Take, in addition to skis, sticks, as well as something to eat and a thermos of tea. I always do this. It's nice to drink hot tea on a ski trip. Last Sunday I went, and on Saturday too. I really liked it. And you will love it. And then stay at home all day! You can go to the reservoir, or you can go to the forest. Wherever we want, we will go there. Well, shut up? Agree! See you tomorrow at 9 am. Well, whatever you want.

Analyze campaign speeches. Are all the rules of the campaign speech observed? Which ones are not met?

Analyze the arguments that are in these texts. How many of them, are they successful? Which should be kept, which should be discarded, which should be added?

Correct, supplement the speeches and pronounce them from yourself.

5. Prepare a persuasive speech "Watching TV is useful."

Select at least five arguments for this thesis, arrange them in a certain order, draw a conclusion.

You can use words and expressions: distant countries, information, vacations, movies without leaving home, study, concerts, new places, useful tips, the whole family together, news, a quiz, performances of the best theaters, etc.

6. Prepare a campaign speech "Sign up for a paid group of in-depth study of a foreign language."

7. Prepare a campaign speech ending with the call "Eat chocolate!", "Drink Pepsi-Cola!" (optionally). Give at least five reasons why this should be done.

You can use words and expressions: tasty, healthy, refreshing, quenches thirst, beautiful packaging, everyone loves it, you can buy it everywhere, it’s inexpensive, you can return a bottle, etc.

Add your arguments and speak on this topic.

Now justify the theses “Don’t eat chocolate!” in the same way. "Don't drink Pepsi Cola."

8. Prepare campaign speeches on the following topics:

· It is necessary to hold a subbotnik and clean up the garbage in our yard.

Get yourself a cat!

· It is necessary to put an iron door on the entrance.

· It is necessary to make repairs in the apartment.

9. Read the text of the persuasive speech.

We must love animals. They are our friends. Even in ancient Rome and Egypt, people kept pets to get the joy of communicating with them. Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, parrots - these are such wonderful and funny creatures! They are so much fun and enjoyable to live with! They love their owners, they help you get in a good mood, they entertain you. They help lonely people live - psychologists have long established this. It is no coincidence that there are hundreds of millions of domestic cats and dogs in the world. American scientists have found that old people who have pets live longer because they feel needed - because they need to take care of the creatures that depend on them. Look at these photos - people with pets. Is it true that both of them are happy? In England, the number of pets exceeds the number of inhabitants of the country. Pets were kept by almost all the outstanding commanders and statesmen of the past.

Some people do not like pets - they say that they are troublesome to keep, you need to feed them, they are dirty and smell bad. But can't the same be said for small children, the elderly, and even cars? They are all troublesome, but no one says that they are not needed! The benefits and joy of pets are much greater than the trouble they bring.

Pets also have practical benefits - the dog will bring you slippers, protect you from thieves, and dog hair is used for medical socks and scarves. I have a dog and a cat and I can't imagine my life without these cute creatures.

Love pets - they make our life better and more fun.

Is this a campaign or actually persuasive performance? Justify your answer.

What advantages and disadvantages can you point out?

What rules for preparing a persuasive speech are observed, which ones are not?

What persuasiveness techniques are used in this presentation?

What would you change about this performance? Make the necessary corrections and speak on this topic.

10. Give arguments to the theses below, using the techniques of strengthening arguments:

Example: Brush your teeth every day. - You have to brush your teeth every day. The ancients knew this - special toothpicks, and then brushes for cleaning teeth, go back centuries. Japanese archaeologists have found dental care items dating back to the first millennium BC.

It is good to eat onions.

Chewing gum is helpful.

You need to sleep at least 9 hours.

Everyone should know how to swim.

Cats calm the nerves of the owners.

Sports prolong life.

Gestures convey information in the same way that words do.

Honey is good for health.

Good people live longer.

The closer you get to a person, the easier it is to convince him.

The less medication you take, the healthier you will be.

Who runs fast, thinks fast.

11. Prepare a persuasive speech on one of the following topics:

Something that should be in every home

Need to take care of the elderly

You should go to the dentist before your teeth hurt

12. Read the results of sociological surveys, statistical data and prepare a two-minute persuasive speech on these materials. Choose a thesis for a speech based on the results of the survey, and develop it using the results of the survey as the starting point for your reasoning. Use statistics data during the performance itself.

1. How do you assess the financial situation of your family?

bad and very bad -52.9%

average - 41.3%

good and very good - 4.1%

find it difficult to answer -1.8%

bad and very bad -40.3%%

average -51.7%

good and very good - 6.1%

find it difficult to answer -1.8%

3. The most dangerous professions

In the world In Russia

Profession % Profession score
teachers 41,5 military officer 270,07
nurses 31,8 civil aviation pilot 235,60
managers 27,8 police officer (traffic police) 104,21
drivers 21,7 rescuer 96,77
guards 19,0 microbiologist (in industry) 86,06
writers, actors, athletes 16,8 intelligence officer 66,12
builders 16,5 nuclear industry specialist 49,14
scientists, engineers 13,0 chemical industry specialist 49,97
sellers 12,8 stuntman 39,53
electricians 11,5
cleaners 10,9
metallurgists 9,9
farmers 8,3
butchers 6,8
weavers 6,7

Health and Safety Executive Report, 2001; according to Career magazine.

The world ranking shows those who are more likely to experience stress at work (in % of the number of respondents). The rating for Russia was determined taking into account mortality rates per thousand employees, the likelihood of occupational diseases and criminal risks, and indicators of compensation for these risks (salary, retirement, social security, etc.).

"Arguments and Facts", No. 48, 2001.

3. The ratio of the military potentials of Russia and the United States

Russia USA
population (million people) 144,8 282,1
number of men fit for military service (million people)
military budget (billion dollars) 8,36 292,3
number of regular armed forces (thousand people)
ground forces (thousand people)
Air Force (thousand people)
Navy (thousand people)
intercontinental ballistic missiles
intercontinental bombers
rocket launchers
artillery pieces
tanker aircraft
aircraft carriers
nuclear attack submarines
diesel submarines
landing ships

The table was compiled on the basis of data obtained from various sources: the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance, several Internet sites, domestic and foreign media, as well as provided by independent experts.

"Arguments and Facts", No. 48, 2001

4. What is patriotism?

heroic actions, readiness for self-sacrifice - 29%

love for the Motherland -32%

pride in one's country -=4%

devalued concept -6%

find it difficult to answer -29%

5. The most important priorities for Russians (arranged in descending order).








(According to a survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation; Izvestia, November 17, 2001).

6. What Americans are afraid of

public speaking -51%

heights -40%

heart attack, paralysis, ringworm -18%

7. Why is Russia better than America?

Sergey B., aged 32, electrician: - Military equipment. We have what they don't have. For example, in aviation and space.

Lyudmila S., aged 46, teacher of French: - By my own people. Kindness and somewhere even cleanliness.

Maksim S., aged 20, civil engineer: - Weapons, products. Ours are clean. And the weapons are better. And many more: heads, minds.

Valentina R., aged 53, teacher: - Our people are more educated. It is often shown on TV that a journalist will ask the Americans, for example, where Russia is located, they, not knowing anything, will tell lies from three boxes.

Denis K., 21, waiter: - We have a good mentality: kind people. They give more tips.

Aleksey B., aged 70, pensioner: - It depends on which side to approach. Firstly, we are older than America, secondly, we have at least some kind of nation, and thirdly, we have creative roots, and they have gangster ones. They won everything there. That they destroyed entire nations, and now we are not allowed to put things in order at home.

Vladimir P., aged 20, freight forwarder: - We behave smarter and wiser in everyday situations.

Alina S., aged 27, choreographer: - Spirit, history.

Vasily K., aged 18, student: - We have more natural resources in the army of the people.

Galina V., aged 41, seller: - We have more land.

Kirill Pankratov, 23, courier: - Vodka, ballet, football, caviar, space, science, circus.

Irina S., aged 19, manager: - Our mentality is cooler - in terms of characters, interests, relationships between people. We are soulful.

Gennady D., 53, installer: - Babami.

Irina K., aged 35, designer: - Unpredictability, psychology – “we can't help out in a fight, we'll win in a war”, and the tradition to be better than America.

Aleksey E., 21, builder: - Our life is simpler. They are all kind of concerned. Work, some problems. And you leave work with us - and that’s it, you don’t think about it anymore. You think about life, about girls.

"Izvestia" 5.2.2002.

13. Game "Give an argument."

Two participants play one on one or team to team (2-4 people in a team).

The facilitator or teacher proposes a thesis, and the teams take turns giving arguments in support of it. The last one to make an argument wins; the one who failed to bring the argument in turn lost. The facilitator or teacher monitors the quality of the arguments and announces whether the argument is accepted or not accepted. If the argument is not accepted, the team must immediately bring a new one; if it fails, it loses. The game can be played according to the system: quarter-final, semi-final, final.

Theses for the game "Give an argument":

Students must work part-time during their free time.

Students should not work part-time during their free time.

Politeness to others helps to live.

The culture of communication is very important for a modern person.

Everyone can dress well.

A dog (cat) in the house is a joy.

A dog (cat) in the house is just chores, etc.

14. Group game "For and against".

The host puts forward two opposite theses - for example, It's good to have a telephone at home, It's bad to have a telephone at home. The players stand in a circle or in a line, count on the first - second and take turns giving one argument to each thesis: the first - to the thesis Good to have at home phone, because ... the second - It's bad to have a phone at home because.... The facilitator accepts or does not accept arguments (off-topic arguments, repetitive arguments are not accepted; if the argument is poorly formulated, it is proposed to reformulate it in an adequate language form). Those whose arguments are not accepted are out of the game.

The one who makes the last argument wins. When a small group of players remains (3-5 people), we can draw preliminary results: who mainly remained - the opponents of the phone or its defenders.

The game can also be played in team form: in turn, the participants of each team come forward and pronounce their argument, removed from the game for lack of an argument, leave the playing area. In this case, it is clearly seen which point of view prevails.

15. Read the speech of the schoolgirl according to the proverb.

I do not think that a quiet voice adorns a woman. Because if a woman speaks very quietly, no one will simply listen to her remarks, and everyone will get tired of asking again. Is it possible to imagine the party "Women of Russia" with a quiet, barely audible voice? With a quiet voice, they simply would not be considered human beings. And if a woman has to shout something to someone? For example, the husband went for potatoes, but forgot the flashlight. A woman with a quiet voice, of course, will not be able to shout to him through the window about his forgetfulness. Also, for example, a girl comes out to answer the board, but she has a very quiet voice. Of course, no one will listen to her story, and the teacher will ask again several times. What a good score! Imagine if all the teachers in our school spoke very quietly, but who would even listen to them? A quiet voice is not at all an ornament for a woman.

Does the speech match the meaning of the proverb?

What thesis actually corresponds to this speech?

16. Speeches on proverbs.

Quests e: confirm or refute the proverb.

First you need to explain the meaning of the proverb in your own words, then remember or come up with a case that would illustrate or refute the meaning of the proverb, pick up arguments.

The presentation must be persuasive. In the process of speaking, it is necessary to give a proverb at least twice (usually at the beginning and at the end), give several arguments, if possible - give a case from life, draw a clear conclusion (for example, “Thus, it is correctly said that ...., Thus, the proverb is not always right ....). The duration of the speech is from 1 to 2 minutes, speeches less than one minute are not counted.

Children are joy, children are grief All children inevitably both delight and grieve their parents.
A quiet voice is a woman's adornment If a woman speaks in a quiet voice, it makes her attractive and pleasant in the eyes of others.
Speech to conduct - do not weave bast shoes To speak well, you have to learn how to speak it is not easy to speak well
The hut is not cut with a cry If people yell at each other during work, work does not work.
Sing well together, but speak apart In a dialogue, you must follow the order of participation in the conversation.
To tell the truth is not to make a friend If you always tell the truth, then you will always have enemies.
Word is silver, silence is golden The ability to remain silent is valued more than the ability to speak.
Whoever hurts, he talks about it Everyone wants to tell the other about what worries him
An affectionate word and a cat is pleased Everyone loves nice words addressed to them.
Don't watch your throat hurt, watch how things are going You can't judge a person by their words.

17. Prepare a speech on the aphorism. Confirm or refute the aphorism.

The presentation must be persuasive. It is necessary to give an aphorism at least twice during the speech (usually at the beginning and at the end), give at least three arguments, draw a clear conclusion (for example, “Thus, it is correct to say that ...., therefore, not always. ...). The duration of the speech is from 1 to 2 minutes, speeches less than one minute are not counted.

Possible aphorisms for speeches:

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.

Fear the one who fears you.

Happiness is a state of mind.

18. Game "Meeting with sponsors".

Each of the three participants in the game prepares a two-minute speech in advance, in which he calls on "sponsors" (these are all listeners) to donate funds to implement their ideas - for example, one proposes to build a youth club, another - an orphanage, the third asks to donate to the organization of a children's television studio or discos, etc.) They take turns performing. All "sponsors" must bring with them 1 ruble in small coins so that they can donate 10%, 30% or 60% of the amount to one of the speakers (10, 30 and 60 kopecks, respectively).

After the completion of three performances, each of the speakers in turn bypasses the "sponsors" and collects donations for their project. Each of the "sponsors" according to the rules of the game obligated to donate any amount to each participant, but the amount - 10, 30 or 60% - each determines independently. Having collected "donations", the participants count them up and the winner of the game is revealed. The collected "donations" remain with the participants of the game as a reward.


Topics for educational public speaking


There will be a tour tomorrow

How to get to the station

How to lay down a fire

How to skydive

How to play hopscotch

Outstanding Educator

The life of a genius

my grandmother's life

My dog

diehard man

Episode from the life of a hero

My least favorite activity

Useful household item

how we spent my birthday

my hobbies

Great man from my point of view

The most difficult moments in my life

Dangerous trip

Adventure on excursions

Unsolved Mystery

How I saw a UFO

Reserves of the human psyche

How to learn to control yourself

My favorite holiday

My attitude towards (classical music, private ownership of land, new Russians, mountaineering, etc.)

Everyone should know this

What is kleptomania

The book that taught me a lot

My attitude to ditties

Diet and health

The effectiveness of fasting

What is design

Is longevity hereditary?

What is the evil eye

What happened to the dinosaurs

Do dreams matter

Why predictions come true

How to get along with parents

What is freedom to me

Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance


Movie to watch

Book to be read

Can this habit be ended?

Merciful people are still needed

Sleep 8 hours

Expensive thing will pay for itself

Think about choosing a good profession

You can't overcome inheritance

Soldiers are not born

Friendship helps to live

How to live without getting old

Is there a future for space tourism?

Mountains are better than mountains

Music helps to live

There should be state media censorship

Education should be accessible to all

Topics for debate and discussion (can also be used for persuasive speeches)

What gave Russia Bolshevism

Is paid education necessary?

How to study history

Everyone can be taught

Who cannot be a student

Do we need to study (a subject matter)

Are entrance exams required?

Why do we not know foreign languages ​​well?

Are there shameful professions

Does society need religion?

Is there a future for folk music (or any other musical direction)

Is Vegetarianism Good for You?

Should there be unemployment in society?

How to treat the poor, the homeless

Does everyone need to have a secondary education?

Do you need free attendance

Is a jury trial necessary?

Can prison fix

Is the death penalty necessary?

Is a school uniform required?

Should we build nuclear power plants?

Should freedom be total?

Can the market be regulated

Is there any benefit to multiparty

Is corruption invincible?

Should land be private property?

Can generational conflict be avoided?

How to live without fighting

Do we have a democracy

Can freedom of speech be complete

Should abortion be banned?

Why do people drink

Is it possible to beat drunkenness

Can crime be eradicated?

Aphorisms for educational speeches

A person who tries his best to live without enemies loses friends (Yu. Yakovlev, writer).

It is impossible to live life honestly without making enemies (B. Vasiliev).

Scoundrels are rarely cheerful people (M. Gorky).

Loving humanity is easier than doing good to your own mother (G. Skovoroda).

Try to say what you want - there will always be smart and educated people who will say the opposite (N. G. Chernyshevsky).

Experience is like a stick, it helps you walk, but it prevents you from flying.

Mediocrity usually condemns everything that is above its understanding (La Rochefoucauld).

I direct the gentlemen of the senators to keep speech in the presence not according to the written, but only in their own words, so that everyone's foolishness is visible to everyone (Peter 1).

I have lived a long life and never laid a single egg. But this does not mean at all that I cannot judge the quality of scrambled eggs (B. Shaw).

There are no gloomy times, there are only gloomy people (R. Rolland).

If you give a hungry man a fish, he will be fed for one day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will be fed for a lifetime (Indian wisdom).

Even a person deprived of his own thoughts and his own individuality, at the moment when he is endowed with power, acquires essence and content ... Power, credit, glory create individuality and face for someone whom nature has deprived of these properties (L. Feuchtwanger).

If someone spat on my tailcoat from behind, it is up to my lackey to wash off the spit (A. Pushkin).

I am accurate when I go on dates because I noticed that those who wait think of nothing else but the shortcomings of people that make them wait (Boileau).

The art of marriage consists in the ability to move from love to friendship (A. Morois).

When stupid people do something they are ashamed of, they justify themselves by doing their duty (B. Shaw).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

It is simply unbelievable how much the rules can damage, as soon as you put everything in too strict order (G. Lichtenberg).

You need to rely only on what resists (Stendhal).

People should be treated better than they deserve.

He who does not see good in others does not have it himself.

If a donkey kicked me, would I sue him? (Socrates)

A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has virtues (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Rules of conduct for subordinates: Point 1. The boss is always right. Point 2. If the boss is wrong, see point 1. Point 3. Points 1 and 2 are non-negotiable.

A statement does not become true just because we repeat it over and over again. It will not come close to the truth, even if put to a vote (S. Parkinson).

Do not argue with the interlocutor which side of the street to go on - go along the side of the street that he wants, but take him where you need to go.

In troubled years, a blind man always follows a madman (W. Shakespeare).

Three commandments of success in business: do not trust anyone, do not be afraid of him, do not ask anyone for anything (S. Fedorov).

There will always be Eskimos who will develop instructions for the inhabitants of the Congo on how to behave during the heat (S. Lets).

Those who put blinders on their eyes should remember that the kit also includes a bridle and a whip (S. Lets).

The smaller the inhabitants, the greater the empire seems to them (S. Lets).

They say that a person who has lost his teeth has a somewhat freer tongue (S. Lets).

Freedom is the ability to do everything that the laws allow (Catherine II).

For most people, the punishment is the need to think (G. Ford).

Our failures are more instructive than our successes (G. Ford).

Constant importance is a sign of mediocrity (Voltaire).

If there are no thoughts in the head, then the eyes do not see the facts (I. Pavlov)

Among us there are people who are at different stages of development (M. Zhvanetsky)

There can be no statement more absurd and harmful to mankind than that all men are equal. In nature, there are no two objects that are absolutely equal (G. Ford).

In production, the principle is: "Give me what's mine, and I'll take it." It was adopted by all employees - from the board of the company to the workers (N. Tichi, M. Devanna, American managers).

The political leader is responsible not only for how he leads, but also for what those led by him do (V. I. Lenin).

A nation collapses from within if its citizens begin to ask the government for what they can get themselves (R. Reagan).

There are two ways to decompose a nation: the first is to punish the innocent, the second is not to punish the guilty (F. Engels).

People of high culture are not hostile to other people's opinions and are not aggressive (D.S. Likhachev).

Whoever thinks a lot is unsuitable as a party member: with his thought he easily breaks through the boundaries of the party (F. Nietzsche).

For a stupid forehead, a clenched fist is rightfully needed, in the form of an argument (F. Nietzsche).

Strong jets carry away a lot of stones and brushwood, strong minds - a lot of stupid and confused heads (F. Nietzsche).

Every business has four stages: 1. Humor. 2. Confusion. 3. Punishment of the innocent. 4. Rewarding non-participants.

It will not be possible to fool the people all the time (A. Lincoln).

It is difficult to define what democracy is. She is like a giraffe. Once you look - and you will not confuse it with anything else.

People are floating pots: one beats against the other (W. Goethe).

It is necessary that the leader, specialist and intellectual be one and the same person (M. Zhvanetsky).

In order to have a lot of money, one does not need to have a lot of intelligence, but one must not have a conscience (Taleyrand).

Talents must be helped, mediocrity will break through on their own (N. Ozerov, poet).

The mind loses all its charm if it is imbued with anger (R. Sheridan).

Strangers are fairer than friends (L. Vovenarg).

The capable are envied, the talented are harmed, the genius is avenged (Paganini).

Usually, only as a last resort, people pay tribute to the merits of others (L. Vovenarg).

The mind is sharp, but not wide, jumps forward at every step, but cannot move forward (R. Tagore).

It's not a shame to learn, it's a shame not to know.

People hate those they have to lie to (In Hugo).

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them (L. da Vinci).

Just as a medicine does not achieve its goal if the dose is too high, so is censure and criticism when they pass the measure of justice (A. Schopenhauer).

Talentless people are usually the most demanding critics: not being able to do the simplest possible and not knowing what and how to do, they demand from others the completely impossible (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Stubbornness is born of the limitations of our mind: we are reluctant to believe what is beyond our horizons (La Rochefoucauld).

All merchants in the world profess one religion (G. Heine).

I made it a rule for myself to believe only in what I understand (B. Disraeli).

Passion for power comes not from strength, but from weakness (A. Fromm).

Leading the people is easier than moving them (D. Fink).

Aggression is the other side of fear.

When there is nothing to steal, the thief is the guardian of the law (Talmud).

Whoever has never made enemies has never done anything (P. Muni).

Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better.

I never refuse. I never mind. I just forget (B. Disraeli).

The treatment of Jews in every country is a thermometer of its civilization (Napoleon).

Each person is like a letter in the alphabet; to form a word, one must merge with others.

A submissive wife commands her husband (B. Disraeli).

A silent woman is a gift from God (Apocrypha).

If it were not for the ability to forget, a person would never have gotten rid of sadness (A. Bakhya).

We anger God with our sins, people with our virtues.

The East is a true trickster, it reveres maniacs as prophets, but we look at the prophets as maniacs (G. Heine).

Each dogma has its hour, only ideals are eternal (I. Zangvil).

When the bore leaves the room, it seems as if someone enters.

Illusion, that is, delusion, not knowledge, is what brings satisfaction and happiness (S. Zweig).

The whole value of society depends on what opportunities it provides for the development of individuality (A. Einstein).

There is no truth that cannot be distorted (Spinoza).

Art begins where knowledge merges with love or hate (L. Feuchtwanger).

Truth does not become more significant from frequent repetition (M. Maimonides).

The charm of first love is due to ignorance that it can ever end (B. Disraeli).

No love, except intellectual love, can be eternal (Spinoza).

What we call public opinion is, in essence, public emotion (B. Disraeli).

If people guessed what others think of them, they would kill each other.

The more poverty, the more hope (Sholom Aleichem).

Nationalism is a kind of childhood illness: it is the measles of mankind (A. Einstein).

Where there are many people, there is a lot of ignorance (W. D'Acosta).

People hate what they do not understand (A. Ibn Ezra).

Education is what remains after everything that we have been taught is forgotten (A. Einstein).

I am in solitude, which is painful in my youth, but sweet in my mature years (A. Einstein).

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.

What can a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life? (Einstein).

Fear the one who fears you.

Dying for beliefs is the business of a warrior. The writer's mission is to pass them on to others (L. Feuchtwanger).

Disputes do not mean the fallacy of the statement, just as universal agreement does not mean its correctness (B. Pascal).

The arguments that a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

Youth is not a time of life, but a property of the mind (S. Ulman).

Happiness is a state of mind.

A person gets tired of everything and even of love. It is useful to propagate this truth, because it seems to be unknown to many young and even old people (A. Morois).

There is one thing that is more important than freedom - this is order (W. Goethe).

You never love your loved ones as much as when you risk losing them (A. Chekhov).

Those who decide to act are usually lucky. And who only does what he talks about everything and hesitates is unlikely to be the winner (Herodotus).

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed (F. La Rochefoucauld).

The hopelessness of the situation most often lies not in the absence of a way out of it, but in the inability to find it (E. Sevrus).

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity (Aristotle).

People who always have no time usually do nothing (G. Lichtenberg).

If you want to have little time, then do nothing (A. Chekhov).

The biggest crime is impunity (B. Shaw).

The biggest mistake is when a person considers himself absolutely perfect in everything (T. Carlyle).

Beware of minor expenses; a small leak will sink a big ship (B. Franklin).

We know useless things more than necessary (L. Vovenarg).

Anyone who can't get along with people shouldn't be in business, because it's people who surround us (Lee Iacocca)

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king (A . Schopenhauer )

Cheerful people recover faster and live longer (A. Pare).

A small amount loaned makes the debtor a friend, a large amount an enemy (Seneca).

A person is young and old, depending on how he feels (T. Mann ).

The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him a friend (Henry IV).

You can always find enough time if you use it well (I. Goethe).

There are never big things without big difficulties (F. Voltaire).

Not the friend who regrets, but the one who helps (T. Fuller)

There is nothing more dangerous than a fool who tries to portray smart (I. Goethe)

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool (R. Kipling).

The envious person is his own enemy, created by himself, because he suffers from evil (Ch. Montesquieu).

It is necessary to lead in this way: arrange people and not interfere with their work (Prof. I.P. Raspopov).

Truth is born as heresy, and dies as prejudice (I. Goethe).

Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased (T. Gauthier).

The lifestyle that some people lead convincingly confirms the hypothesis that they are descended from monkeys (E. Sevrus).

In difficult times, business people are more useful than virtuous people (F. Bacon)

In fact, very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later (D. Swift).

You have to study a lot to understand that you know little (M. Montaigne).

Aphorisms about communication and rhetoric

He who does not know how to speak will not make a career (Napoleon).

Rhetoric is the art of controlling people's minds (Plato).

Speech is an indicator of the mind (Seneca).

Poets are born, speakers become (Cicero).

Wise men think over their thoughts, fools announce them (G. Heine).

The arguments to which a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

The opinions that we express about others testify to what we ourselves are (A. Graf).

I consider the speeches from the pulpit of students useful only and only for those of them who themselves are preparing to serve in the scientific or educational part; for others, I consider this decidedly harmful and I cannot allow it to continue, because it instills in them the habit and desire to shine with eloquence, which is contrary to the spirit of our decrees and is completely useless.

Nicholas I.

(Russian opinions about themselves. Compiled by K. Skalkovsky. M., 2001, p. 246)

A dispute cannot be eliminated by another dispute, just as the rage of one cannot be eliminated by the rage of another. It is necessary to convince (Antisthenes).

In a good story, as well as on a warship, there should be nothing superfluous. (A. Chekhov).

The squalor of speech is, as a rule, an external sign of the squalor of the spirit (B. Barton).

In oral speech, you can put an even more subtle meaning than in writing (J. La Bruyère).

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words (Plutarch).

A long speech also does not advance things, just as a long dress does not help walking (C. Talleyrand).

The tongue is the most dangerous weapon: a wound from a sword heals more easily than a wound from a word. (P. Calderon)

We are not yet ripe for public discussions (E. Lamansky, manager of the State Bank of Russia, late 19th century).

If you want to be famous, ask questions.

If a person is able to listen to an insult with a smile, he is worthy of becoming a leader (N. Bratslav).

A person who talks a lot usually talks about himself.

Fools are refuted by facts, not arguments (I. Flavius).

People acquire opinions in the same way that children learn the alphabet - through repeated repetition. ( Browning).

People are divided into two halves. Some, entering the room, exclaim: "Oh, whom do I see"; others: "Here I am!" (E. Van Beuren).

A gentleman is a person who can disagree while remaining pleasant (American saying).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

Whoever talks a lot, he says a lot of nonsense (P. Corneille).

Wisely write only about what they do not understand ( V. Klyuchevsky).

Any text benefits from reduction (Prof. ZD Popova).

Why do the listeners fall asleep, but the lecturer never? Apparently, they have a more difficult job (M. Zhvanetsky).

You, Fedya, have strength in words, but you don’t know how to arrange them (M. Zhvanetsky).

There is only one way to become a good interlocutor - to be able to listen (K. Morley).

The speaker himself sometimes does not know exactly what his goal is until he fully formulates it (P. Soper).

In public speech, one must say what is needed, and not say what is not needed (Cicero).

Exact proofs should not be demanded from the orator, just as emotional discussion should not be demanded from a mathematician (Aristotle).

There are people who need to be stunned in order to be convinced (Helvetius).

Outbred dogs bark the most.

Do not say "I have little time, otherwise I would tell you ...", as this difficulty is overcome by the speaker at the preparation stage.

Everyone loves a speaker who respects the rules.

Those who follow the rules always have a good report.

They don't argue with the rules.

Whoever speaks briefly speaks correctly.

Compliance with the rules gives listeners a few minutes of life.

There are people who cannot be listened to; there are people to listen to; But there are people who can't be ignored.

Main used literature

Aristotle. Rhetoric // Ancient rhetoric. M., 1978.

Baeva O.A. Oratory and business communication. Minsk, 2001.

Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. The human word is mighty ... M., 1984

Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Culture and art of speech. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

Grossman L.P. On the art of the lecturer. M., 1970.

Daletsky Ch. Workshop on rhetoric. Moscow, 1996.

Dridze T. M. Language and social psychology. M., 1980.

Zimnyaya I.A. Psychological features of lecture perception in the audience. M., 1970.

Ivanova S. F. Conversations about rhetoric. Perm, 1991.

Carnegie D. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. M., 1989.

Kokhtev N. N. Rhetoric. M., 1996.

Krizhanskaya Yu.S., Tretyakov V.P. Grammar of communication. L., 1990.

Kriksunova I. Create your image. St. Petersburg, 1997.

Kupina N.A. Rhetoric in games and exercises. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

Kupina N.A., Matveeva T.V. Russian eloquence. Reader. Yekaterinburg, 1997.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Fundamentals of rhetoric. M., 1996.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Russian Socrates. Lectures on comparative historical rhetoric. M., 1996.

Murashov A. A. Rhetoric. M., 1998.

Nozhin E.A. Fundamentals of Soviet oratory. M., 1981.

Pavlova L. G. Dispute, discussion, controversy. M., 1991.

pedagogical rhetoric. / Ed. N.A. Ippolitova. M., 2001.

Piz A. Sign language. Voronezh, 1992.

Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Theory of rhetoric. M., 1997

Snell F. The Art of Business Communication, M., 1990.

Soper Paul A. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1992.

Sternin I. A. Practical rhetoric. Voronezh, 1996.

Sternin I.A. Introduction to speech influence. Voronezh, 2001.

Sternin I.A. Rhetoric. Voronezh: Quarta, 2002.

Sternin I.A. Rhetoric in explanations and exercises. Borisoglebsk, 2002, 2003.

Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. M., "Academy", 2003.

Sternin I.A., Novichikhina M.E. Culture of business communication. Voronezh, 2001.

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Topic 1. The concept of public speaking.

Types of public speaking p.4

Topic 2. Basic requirements for public

speech p.8

Topic 3. Work on the speech form of speech p.14

Topic 4. Preparation for public speaking p.36

Topic 5. Beginning of the speech p.44

Topic 6. Behavior of the speaker in the audience p.53

Topic 7. Maintaining attention during a speech p.66

Topic 8. Completion of a public speech p.71

Topic 9. Argumentation p.77

Topic 10. Informational speech, its main

Topic 12. Telling about yourself p.107

Topic 13. Story about the event p.111

Topic 14. Protocol and etiquette performance and

its main features p.115

Topic 15. Introduction of the guest p.119

Topic 16. Praise p.121

Topic 17. Entertaining performance, its main p.123


Topic 18. Persuasive speech, its main p.131


Applications with. 145

Topics for educational public speaking p.145

Topics for debate and discussion p.146

Aphorisms for educational speeches p.147

Aphorisms about communication and rhetoric p.151

Main used literature p.154

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