Test whether you are colorblind. Color perception test for drivers

Color blindness or in another way - color blindness, as a rule, is a hereditary or much less commonly acquired disease of the organ of vision, which is expressed in a violation of the normal perception of color.

According to statistics, men are most often affected by this disease. To find out if you have this anomaly, you need to conduct special testing. This is of great importance if you are planning to purchase and drive a car.

Classification of color blindness

The disease can occur both in partial form and in full:

  • the most common case is red immunity or protanopia;
  • immunity of blue-violet color - dichromia-tritanopia;
  • green immunity - deutranopia;

In modern ophthalmology, color blindness (color blindness) and its manifestations are detected using a test with Rabkin's polychromatic tables. The tables are original drawings, which depict dots and circles of different colors and diameters. In the presence of color blindness, a person can easily distinguish the brightness of a color, but it is difficult for him to characterize the color itself. Rabkin's scheme takes into account these features - the brightness of the icons is the same, but the color is different. A person with a deviation in color perception will not see an image hidden in a different color in the scheme.

The set of tables consists of two groups:

  1. The main group - tables 1 to 27, are intended for differential diagnosis of forms and degrees of color vision disorders.
  2. The control group - tables 28 to 48 are designed to clarify the diagnosis.

Conditions for the color perception test

  • The study must be carried out in natural light and in the normal state of health of the subject.
  • The patient should sit with his back to the window, and the one who conducts the test - opposite.
  • Polychromatic tables must be presented vertically, at the same level with the eyes, maintaining a distance of 1 meter.
  • It takes about 5 - 7 seconds to view the picture and answer.
  • You should not read the result before viewing the card, first we look at the picture for 5-7 seconds and then read the result, because. it is easier for the brain to find what it knows.

Test for color blindness according to Rabkin's tables

Table 1

The table shows the number "96", which is perfectly recognized by both people with color blindness and people with normal vision. The goal is to visually show the subject what exactly needs to be done during the test.

table 2

The table shows figures - a triangle and a square. They are perfectly seen by healthy people who recognize the colors of the spectrum well, and people with color blindness. The goal is to demonstrate the test and identify the simulation.

Table 3

The table shows the number "9". If an anomaly is present, a person will distinguish the number "5".

Table 4

With normal color perception, a triangle is visible in the table and less often a circle. If an anomaly is present, then the person will see a circle.

Table 5

With normal color perception, the number "13" is visible in the table. If an anomaly is present, then the person will see the number "6".

Table 6

With normal color perception, two figures are visible in the table: a triangle and a circle. If an anomaly is present, then the person will not distinguish figures at all.

Table 7

The table shows the number "9". It is perfectly seen by healthy people who recognize the colors of the spectrum well, and by people with color blindness.

Table 8

The table shows the number "5". It is perfectly seen by healthy people who recognize the colors of the spectrum well, and by people with color blindness. However, color-blind people can hardly distinguish this figure.

Table 9

The table shows the number "9", which will be perfectly seen by people who distinguish the color spectrum well, and people who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum. If there is an anomaly in the perception of the red spectral part, a person will see the number "8" or "6".

Table 10

With normal color perception, the number "136" is visible in the table. If an anomaly is present, then the person will see the numbers "66", "68", "69".

Table 11

The table shows the number "14", which is perfectly seen by healthy people who recognize the colors of the spectrum well, and people with color blindness.

Table 12

The table shows the number "12", which will be perfectly seen by people who distinguish the color spectrum well, and people who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum. People who do not distinguish the red spectrum will not distinguish these numbers at all.

Table 13

The table shows a triangle and a circle that people with normal color perception can see perfectly. People who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum see only a triangle. If there is blindness in the red spectrum, the person sees only a circle.

Table 14

The table shows the numbers "3", "0", "6" which are perfectly distinguished by people with normal color perception. People who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum will see the numbers "1" and "6". If there is blindness in the red spectrum, the person will see the numbers "6", "1" and "0".

Table 15

A healthy person will distinguish the following figures in the upper part of the table: on the left - a circle and on the right - a triangle, in some cases - a square in the lower part of the table. If there is blindness in the red spectrum, a person sees a square in the lower part, 2 triangles in the upper part. People with blindness in the green spectrum see a triangle at the top left, and a square at the bottom.

Table 16

A healthy person will distinguish the number "96" in the table. If there is blindness in the red spectrum, the person sees only "9". A person who is poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum will see only "6".

Table 17

A healthy person will distinguish the following figures in the table: a triangle and a circle. If there is blindness in the red spectrum, the person will distinguish only a triangle in the table. They see only a circle - people who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum.

Table 18

People with normal color perception in the table will see one-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows of squares. A person with blindness in the red spectrum will see the horizontal rows as one color and vertically arranged - 3, 5 and 7 also in the same color. A person with blindness in the green spectrum will see the horizontal rows - multi-colored, and the vertical 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 - in the same color.

Table 19

The table shows the numbers "2" and "5", which are perfectly considered by people with healthy vision. People with red or green spectrum perception anomalies will only see "5".

Table 20

People with healthy vision will distinguish the following figures in the table: a triangle and a circle. If a person has blindness in the red or green spectrum, he will not distinguish figures at all.

Table 21

The table shows the number "96", which is perfectly distinguishable by both a healthy person and a person with an anomaly in the perception of the red spectrum. If the perception of green is distorted, a person sees only the number "6".

Table 22

The table shows the number "5", which will be seen by both a person with healthy vision and a person with color blindness. However, a color-blind person can hardly distinguish this figure.

Table 23

In this table, people with healthy vision will see multi-colored horizontal rows and single-color vertical rows. People with color blindness will see horizontal rows in one color and vertical rows in different colors.

Table 24

Table 25

With normal color perception, the number "2" is visible in the table. If there is an anomaly in the perception of color, then the person will not see the number.

Table 26

With normal color perception, two figures are visible in the table: a square and a triangle. If there is an anomaly in color perception, then the person will not distinguish the figures.

Table 27

With normal color perception, a triangle is visible in the table. If there is an anomaly in the perception of color, then the person sees a circle.

Evaluation of the test result:

  • With any number of incorrectly recognized tables, an anomaly in color vision can be assumed.
  • Pay special attention to the fact that computer monitor color calibration may distort actual colors. A reliable result and, of course, a diagnosis can only be made by an ophthalmologist.

However, it should be noted that Rabkin's tables are recognized throughout the world and are the most perfect of all existing tests that determine color blindness. They reliably establish the type and degree of change in color perception.

However, if you have identified visual deviations online, we recommend that you make an appointment with a specialist for a final diagnosis. Be healthy!

Color vision test

Our ability to distinguish colors is determined by the presence of three types of light-sensitive elements (cones) in the retina. Each type of cone is sensitive to a specific region of the spectrum - red, green and blue.

Some scientists believe that our animal ancestors had four-color vision, the fourth type of light receptors distinguished colors in the near ultraviolet part of the spectrum. And now some species of insects, birds and fish have similar vision. The ancestors of mammals lost their four-color vision during the time of the dinosaurs as they became nocturnal (there is no ultraviolet radiation at night).

Some modern people have four-color vision, their rods (other than cones, the type of light receptors) provide a small area of ​​tetrachromacy (four-color) in the color space.

We invite you to test your color vision using a test developed by neuromarketing specialist Diana Derval. So, before you is a color picture in the form of a rectangle, divided into vertical stripes of different colors. Count, starting from the left and moving to the right, how many colors you see.

Attention! One-color zones (stripes) are not necessarily the same width! Having fixed in memory the number of distinguishable colors, proceed to assess your color perception.

Test results

Less than 20 colors. You have two types of light-sensitive cones in your eye, there are no cones that are sensitive to either red or green. There are also a quarter of people with this type of color perception (dichromats) on earth.

From 22 to 32 colors. You belong to that half of humanity whose eyes distinguish three colors. You are a trichromat, and you see many shades in all areas of the spectrum, from purple to red.

From 32 to 39 colors. You are one of the four tetrachromatic people, and you have the richest color perception, similar to that of a bumblebee. By the way, tetrachromats usually dislike yellow, it irritates them.

Over 39 colors. You fooled yourself - there are only 39 colors on the test. Full objectivity can only be given by a paper version of a high-quality print test.

People of certain professions who get a job undergo an eye test for color perception. Special tests help to identify this or that form of color blindness. Such an anomaly does not allow a person to work as a driver, machinist, sailor, pilot or highly specialized doctor. With color blindness, the eye does not perceive some color shades, which interferes with the correct perception and fixation of traffic signals.

Definition and types of color blindness

This anomaly is named after John Dalton, who, based on his own feelings in 1794, described one of the types of color blindness.

In the vast majority of cases, color blindness is caused by a genetic defect in vision, and most often in men. happens less frequently. From 2 to 8% of men suffer from some form of color blindness, and only 0.4% of women. Acquired color blindness is the result of aging, injury, or certain medications.

In the central part of the retina of the human eye, there are light-sensitive receptors called cones - they are. Read more about the structure of the human eye in this. There are three of them, and each of them has its own type of color-sensitive pigment: red, green and blue. Normally, human cones contain all three pigments. Experts call such people trichromats. More than 50% of the world's population is in this category.


About 8% of white men and 0.5% of white women suffer from a form of partial color blindness, most often congenital, called protanopia.

This deviation is characterized by the inability to distinguish between some shades of yellow-green, as well as shades of purple-blue colors.

Protanope has no photosensitive pigment in the cones of the retina - erythrolab, which has a maximum spectral sensitivity in the red-orange region of the spectrum. Light green color is perceived by him in the same way as orange, and he cannot distinguish purple from blue. At the same time, protanop distinguishes blue from green and green from dark red. Today doctors cannot correct this defect.


Deuteranopia is a deviation from normal color perception that occurs in about 1% of people. This form of partial color blindness is characterized by the inability to distinguish certain colors and shades of blue-green, as well as shades of purple and yellow-green.

Deuteranop in the cones of the retina lacks a photosensitive pigment - chlorolab, which has a maximum spectral sensitivity in the yellow-green region of the spectrum.

The patient perceives light green in the same way as light blue, and purple cannot be distinguished from yellow-green. At the same time, it distinguishes purple from green, and green from red. Deuteranopia is usually congenital, and today this defect is not corrected.

Color blindness test

To identify one of the forms of color blindness (color blindness) in modern ophthalmology, Rabkin's polychromatic tables are most often used. So, among people suffering from color blindness, there are:

  • protanopes (deviations in the perception of the red spectrum of colors);
  • deuteranopes (deviations in the perception of the green spectrum)

The rest of the people - trichromats - perceives all shades of colors.

The most amazing thing is that some of us for the time being do not even suspect that they suffer from one of the forms of color blindness. That is why every driver (professional and amateur) needs to pass an eye test for color blindness.

The test below is presented in the form of Rabkin's polychromatic tables and includes 27 color sheets with images. In the figures, you can see colored dots and circles that have the same brightness, but differ in color. To a person with color blindness (deuteranope and protanope), some tables will appear uniform, while a trichromat will distinguish numbers and figures in almost all of these images. To pass the test and correctly identify your color perception, you must adhere to several recommendations:

  • take the test when you feel normal;
  • try to relax;
  • set the pictures at the level of your eyes;
  • take up to 10 seconds to view the picture.
The figure shows the numbers 9 and 6, which absolutely everyone can see: both people with normal color perception and people suffering from color blindness. This picture is needed so that people understand what should be done when passing the test.
A triangle and a square are depicted here, and all people can also see these figures. The picture is necessary to identify simulation cases.
This picture shows the number 9. However, protanopes and deuteranopes (deviations in the red and green parts of the spectrum) will see the number 5.
People with normal color perception will see a triangle in this picture, while people with blindness in the red or green spectrum will see a circle.
Here is the number 13 (or 1 and 3). However, people who are colorblind will say the number 6.
In this drawing, people who are not color blind will be able to distinguish between two shapes: a triangle and a circle. People with deviations in color perception will not find any figures here.
Here is the number 9, which can be seen by both trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes.
The number 5, which is shown in this figure, will be easily seen by people without deviations in color perception. But people with color blindness in the green spectrum may not see this figure or distinguish it with great difficulty.
In this picture, people with normal color perception, as well as deuteranopes, will see the number 9, while protanopes will call 9 or 8, or 6.
The number 136 is depicted here. However, people with partial blindness in the red or green spectrum will call the numbers 6, 68 or 69.
In this figure, the number 14 can be seen by both trichromats and people suffering from various forms of color blindness.
Here are the numbers 1 and 2 (12). They will be seen by people with normal color perception, as well as deuteranopes. But people with partial blindness in the red spectrum will not see these numbers.
This picture shows a circle and a triangle. Both figures will be seen by people who do not suffer from color blindness. Only the triangle will be noticed by the deuteranopes, only the circle will be seen by the protanopes.
In this picture, people with normal color perception will see the numbers 3 and 0 at the top, and nothing at the bottom. Protanopes will see the numbers 1 and 0 at the top, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom. Deuteranopes will see the unit at the top, and the number 6 at the bottom.
Trichromats will be able to distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the upper part of the picture, but they will not notice anything in the lower part. Protanopes will see two triangles at the top, and a square at the bottom. Deuteranopes will distinguish between one triangle at the top and a square at the bottom of the picture.
In this picture, people with normal color perception will see the number 96 (9 and 6). But people with blindness in the red spectrum will notice only one number - 9, while deuteromancers will only notice the number 6.
People who do not suffer from color blindness will see two figures here: a circle and a triangle. Protanopes will only notice a triangle, and deuteranopes only a circle.
In this picture, trichromats will see multi-colored vertical and one-color horizontal rows. For protanopes, all horizontal rows, as well as 3.5 and 7 vertical rows, will look like one color. Deuteranopes will see multi-colored horizontal rows, and single-color vertical rows 1,2,4,6,8.
Here, people with normal color perception will see two numbers: 2 and 5. People with color blindness in the red or green spectrum will only notice the number 5.
In this picture, trichromats will see two shapes: a circle and a triangle. Protanopes and deuteranopes will not notice a single figure.
Here, trichromats and protanopes will see two numbers: 9 and 6. But deuteranopes will only be able to distinguish the number 6.
In this picture, everyone will be able to notice the number 5, but for people with manifestations of color blindness, this will be difficult.
Here, trichromats are able to notice one-color vertical and multi-colored horizontal rows. People with partial color blindness will see the opposite: one-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows.
In this picture, you can see the number 2, if you perceive all the colors correctly. Those who suffer from color blindness will not notice this figure.
This picture shows the number 2. But people with different forms of color blindness will not notice it.
People with normal color perception will see a square and a triangle in this picture. People with color blindness will not see these figures here.
Trichromats will see a triangle in this picture, and people with manifestations of color blindness will notice a circle.

If you answer incorrectly, don't panic. Remember that perception also depends on factors such as:

  • illumination of the room;
  • matrix and monitor color;
  • emotional mood.

If you find any deviations during the test, see a specialist who correctly diagnoses the form and degree of color blindness.

Eye test for color blindness: video


So, color blindness is a deficiency in the perception of a particular color spectrum, which must be identified using the presented test, as well as specialists. This visual defect imposes restrictions on some areas of activity, including those related to driving a car. Whether color blindness is treated or not, read. If you find one of the forms of color blindness, remember: it is better not to drive a car so as not to bring trouble on yourself or on other people.

Color perception is not treated, but can be corrected with special lenses or. Currently, the possibilities of treating color blindness are being actively studied with the help of genetic engineering, so, probably, in the future, ways will be found to correct defects in the perception of certain color spectra.

In order to correctly check your vision for color perception, you need to take a comfortable position and completely relax, while you should not only sit comfortably, but also put your thoughts in order in order to dismiss the possibility of mental error, since only vision will be tested.

The procedure for conducting a test according to the Rabkin table

  1. The picture intended for characterization should be located exactly opposite the eyes of the person being tested.
  2. To determine the pattern in the picture, 5 seconds are enough, so it is advisable to keep within this time for the optimal setting of the assessment.
  3. After character recognition, it is necessary to read the description under the picture, which reflects the meaning of the elements, allows you to evaluate the correctness or falsity of the answers, while clarifying the diagnosis.
  4. In the event of an unexpected manifestation of disappointing results, one should not state in advance that the person suffers from a serious type of color blindness. When an examination is performed using a computer screen, the reflected image changes colors depending on the matrix used and the characteristics of the monitor.

Tables to study

This is a basic picture, provided as an example. It displays the number 96, which is perfectly distinguished by both absolutely healthy people and those suffering from color blindness. This example is intended to show the features of passing the test.

The figure shows a square with a triangle. The picture is designed to weed out people who have additional pathologies of the visual apparatus that prevent them from recognizing the image. If a person does not have additional diseases, then both with a healthy eye condition and with color blindness, he recognizes the presented objects.

If a person has normal vision, he will recognize the number 9. When the patient is unable to distinguish between green or red shades, he will be able to see the number 5, which ordinary people can hardly notice.

In the picture, first of all, a triangle is visible, which is immediately noticed by patients with normal vision. If there are deviations in the recognition of green or red hues, only the circle is distinguished.

Ordinary people instantly recognize the number 13, and in the presence of pathologies from the side of distinguishing green or red shades of the color wheel, only the number 6 is noticed.

With a little effort, people with standard vision quickly find the triangle closer to the bottom of the figure on the left, and the round geometric figure on the right slightly raised. Patients with green and red color incompatibility cannot determine the presence of any elements within the square.

With normal visibility indicators, that is, no blurring of the image, farsightedness or myopia, patients sometimes show little effort to distinguish, but even with color blindness they notice a mark of 9.

The number 5 is theoretically visible both to individuals with optimal vision and those with partial limitation in the green or red sides of the color wheel, but the latter will require a lot of effort in determining, in some cases, patients are not able to perform this procedure.

Persons with standard vision or color blindness in the green shades of the spectrum clearly name the number 9. If there is blindness in relation to red, patients name the symbol as 6, in some cases confusing it with the eight.

People often immediately notice the closely spaced 136 marks. If color blindness is present, usually only a two-digit number is distinguished. The first number is called 6, and the second varies from 6 to 9.

All viewers immediately determine the number 14, and the results break records for the speed of answers.

Most people call the mark 12, since it is noticed not only by people with normal indicators, but also by those who are diagnosed with blindness in the green part of the spectrum. If a person does not have vision in the red region of the spectrum, he cannot distinguish the visibility of an individual object in the image.

If a person has healthy vision, he instantly recognizes the contrasting triangle on the lower right and the circle on the upper left. When the patient is distinguished by blindness in red colors, he will clearly distinguish the circle, and the second geometric figure will remain unrecognized. In the case of blindness in the green part of the spectrum, everything will happen exactly the opposite.

All people with normal vision quickly realize that the drawing is quite complex, since it depicts both numbers and geometric shapes, however, the lower part of the picture remains illegible for many, which is a normal indicator in this example. Usually they begin to talk about numerical values, clearly indicating that they see the numbers 3 and 0. People with a lack of ability to correctly distinguish red can name the top numbers as 10, which is completely different from their original meaning. Then they add that a certain hidden number is seen below, the contours of which are similar to 6. If a person has blindness in the green section of the spectrum, he clearly recognizes the number 1, and below you can see the numerical value 6.

Usually human vision almost immediately recognizes a circle with a triangle, placed from left to right. The lower part for them is marked with a certain picture, but they cannot name the exact meaning. If the patient is severely blind in the red region of the spectrum, he will indicate the presence of two distinct triangles at the top of the screen, and at the bottom is almost guaranteed to name a square. When a patient is blind in the green part of the spectrum, he primarily sees the triangle from above, but finds it only in a single instance. At the bottom, he also clearly distinguishes a square, which he immediately reports.

Standard vision distinguishes clear numbers 96 on this object. If a person is not able to clearly see objects of red color and shades close to it, he will only notice mark 9. When blindness occurs in the green part of the spectrum, the result will be the opposite, since the person will instantly declare about the seen six on the right.

Patients with standard vision distinguish the division of the image into two halves, where a triangular geometric figure is located on the left side, and a circle is located on the right side in a level below it. If it is impossible to distinguish red shades, patients observe only a triangle. When the green segment of the color wheel is limited, you can see that people unanimously claim that they see only the circle.

If a person has normal vision, he will, after a little reflection, declare that the vertically directed rows have constantly alternating colors, and the horizontal lines are distinguished by a uniform shade. With blindness in the red part, the patient notes that the rows are single-colored only with marks 3, 5 and 7 vertically, and horizontally they will also see the similarity of colors. With blindness in green shades, people note that only lines with marks and other even positions are vertically monochrome. All horizontal stripes in this case are evaluated as multicolor.

With normal vision, patients immediately say that they see the usual digital combination of 25. With color blindness in any form, people distinguish only the mark 5.

With good vision without color blindness, a person from right to left sees a triangle below and a circle following it, which is slightly higher. With color blindness in any form, people will not be able to see these geometric shapes, so they will not declare their presence.

Patients with standard vision or with color blindness in the red spectrum distinguish the mark 96. If the blindness manifests itself in the green part of the spectrum, only the number 6 can be clearly distinguished.

This number 5 can be seen by both patients with color blindness and absolutely healthy, however, for the first, this procedure is laborious or not feasible at all.

People with standard vision distinguish vertical lines as one-color, and horizontal ones are classified as multi-color. With color blindness, patients call an absolutely opposite judgment, that is, they believe that the vertical lines are multi-colored, and horizontally each row differs in a single shade.

Diagnosing color recognition disorders

Pathologies of color perception appear more often in males than in women. This is due to the fact that such disorders are always characterized by disorders of the X chromosome. A person receives these anomalies by inheritance, therefore, when getting acquainted with the picture of the disease of one's own ancestors, one can determine the genetic influence of this unpleasant deviation.

To analyze the nature of color vision impairment, complex color combinations are used to recognize certain objects. Attention will help to accurately identify deviations, so you should carefully work with each table. Sometimes these tests are not necessary. This applies to cases with complete color blindness. Tests are not required for rod disorders characterized by an inability to distinguish colors in a dark environment.

When passing this test, the tables should be viewed carefully, without being distracted by extraneous details, and also without experiencing discomfort. If the results are obtained through painstaking work, a possible diagnosis can be predicted in advance or the need for an eye test for color blindness can be eliminated.

Video - vision test for color blindness

Color blindness is one of the most common visual impairments. With this pathology, the eyes cannot perceive one color or several at once.

As you know, color blindness is inherited, and it affects males. The causes of the development of this visual impairment can also be various diseases, injuries, inflammations, tumors of the eyes and central nervous system.

Definition and types of color blindness (color blindness)

Color blindness or color blindness is a violation of the perception of colors caused by a color vision disorder. A person who does not have such a pathology can recognize red, yellow and blue colors, which, when mixed, give different shades.

From the point of view of physiology, this can be explained as follows: in the macula of the retina there are photoreceptor cells - cones. Their function is precisely to perceive colors. There are three types of cones, each of which has a pigment of a specific color (red, blue, yellow).

If there is no pigment in the cones or there is very little of it, then color perception is disturbed. In most cases, there is a lack of red pigment, rarely there is an absence of blue. In the absence of one pigment, dichromasia is diagnosed, and three - achromasia. And with trichromacy, a person has a weakened perception of one color.

For types of color blindness, treatment and tests for definition, see.

In this case, allocate three types of perceptual impairment:

  1. Type A- the perception of green or red color is almost completely absent.
  2. Type B– Significant reduction in color perception.
  3. Type C- color perception is slightly impaired.

Causes occurrence of color blindness:

  • Hereditary predisposition (transmitted through the X chromosome, so men are more susceptible to the development of this pathology);
  • Lack of pigment in cones or disruption of their work;
  • Injuries, tumors and diseases of the eyes and central nervous system ();
  • Age-related changes in vision;
  • Cataract (prevents light from passing through the media of the eyes normally)
  • diabetic;
  • Taking certain medicines;
  • Parkinson's disease (impaired nerve impulse conduction to photoreceptor cells and color identification);
  • Stroke (similar to Parkinson's disease).

Color blindness can affect both one eye and two at once, but in this case it will be uneven. Sometimes color blindness can occur as a temporary phenomenon due to medications with a similar side effect.

A person may not notice the symptoms of color blindness for a long time. The main signs of this visual impairment are:

  1. Violation of the perception of red;
  2. Violation of the perception of blue and yellow;
  3. Violation of the perception of green;
  4. Simultaneous violation of the perception of red, blue and yellow colors.
  5. (tears flow, pain in the eyes);
  6. Blurred contours of objects.

If color blindness was acquired during life, then it manifests itself as a gradual or sharp violation of the perception of colors. In addition, he can progress.

We also bring to your attention pictures for checking vision for color perception and a table of letters for checking vision by.

Allocate three types of color blindness depending on the violation of the production of pigment of a certain color:

  1. Tritanopia.

The most common species are protanopia and deuteranopia.

Protanopia is the inability to perceive red. This pathology is a partial form of blindness and is usually congenital.

In the case of protanopia, the photoreceptor cones lack the pigment erythrolab, which has a maximum sensitivity in the red-yellow part of the spectrum. A person with protanopia will perceive yellow-green as orange, and blue as magenta. However, he will be able to distinguish blue from green, and green from red.

Deuteranopia is a violation of the perception of green.

It occurs when the cones lack the chlorolab pigment, which has a maximum sensitivity in the green-yellow spectrum.

In this case, a person will perceive green as blue, and he will not distinguish purple from yellow-green. However, a person will be able to distinguish purple or red from green.


Tritanopia is a violation of the perception of colors and shades in the blue-yellow and red-violet spectra. In this case, the receptor cells lack the cyanolab pigment, which has a maximum sensitivity in the blue-violet spectrum.

A person with tritanopia perceives yellow as blue, and purple is indistinguishable from red. However, he can distinguish purple from green.

With tritanopia, twilight vision may be absent.

Color blindness test

To determine color blindness, anomaloscopes or special tests are used. Vision tests are carried out using special tables, for example, Stilling, Schaaf, Rabkin, and so on.

The ophthalmologist's table for checking vision is located.



Color blindness is a pretty serious problem, and in some cases it makes life difficult. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for hereditary color blindness. It can only be corrected with the help of special lenses or glasses, but they may not always give the desired effect. At the very least, an ophthalmologist can use tables to check for color blindness to determine the type of this disorder. Drivers, on the other hand, must regularly undergo a color perception test, because. their professional suitability depends on this examination.

Tests for color blindness and color perception are located.

Acquired color blindness is treated depending on the cause. If it arose due to an eye injury or disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, then it can be cured with a conservative or surgical method. If color blindness appeared due to taking some medications, then you should stop taking them.

Ophthalmologists believe that about 8 percent of the male population of the planet and only 0.5 percent of women suffer from a disease such as color blindness. This disease is a violation of color perception by a person, as a result of which he also has the name of color blindness. Often the most important factor that affects its appearance is heredity. Due to the prevalence of color blindness, it is very important to understand why they test for this disease, how exactly it works, and what its results can mean.

Why is color blindness tested?

The human eye in its structure is a rather complex organ of the body, the retina of which takes part in the transformation of the light stimulus. Light-sensitive cones are located directly in this part of the visual system.

Their purpose is to sense the color spectrum in three ranges: red, green and blue. When some kind of disturbance occurs in this part of the eye, a person may no longer distinguish these colors from each other. Such a pathology is essentially color blindness.

How a color blind person sees

It is worth noting that the disease can be both congenital and acquired. That is why ophthalmologists advise from time to time to be examined for at least a minimum number of tests. This can be done quite easily during a periodic medical examination in any clinic or other medical institution.

Color blindness does not actually significantly affect human health, but at the same time, this disease can worsen the quality of life. First of all, this affects the ability to work in certain positions, as well as to acquire certain professions.

Ophthalmologists prohibit people with such a diagnosis from becoming military personnel, vehicle drivers, and medical workers.

On the video - checking for color blindness:

In turn, this situation can provoke an accident, which can lead to injury. They can be both fairly mild and serious, resulting in death. Similar situations also apply to people working in the military sphere or in any enterprises in which dangerous items are indicated by certain colors.

But how to properly apply Vitapos eye ointment and how effective this remedy is is described in.

How is the color blind test done in the hospital and at home

The process of passing a person's test for color blindness takes place in an ophthalmological office, which is equipped with appropriate polychromatic tables. They are colored numbers, letters and shapes. The main condition for this is that the patient must be with his back to the light source. This applies not only to the lamp, but also to the window. It is also worth paying attention to what is worth doing.

Rabkin test

Correct passing of the test implies the correct location of the table in front of the person. It should be in an upright position at a distance of one meter from the patient's eyes. It is worth noting that placing screens with images on a horizontal surface or at an angle can somehow affect the results of the vision test.

Each person should have no more than 7 seconds to think about their answer. His state of health at the same time should be completely normal. This refers to the absence of symptoms such as headaches, weakness, fatigue, depression, stress, etc. All of them can in one way or another affect the patient's ability to adequately analyze what he has seen.

How to check vision for color perception - Ryabkin's test: tables and pictures

In order to test yourself for color blindness, Rabkin's tables are widely used.

It consists of several dozen different pictures, where you can see images made up of circles of a certain diameter and shade. Depending on the severity of the pathology, as well as its type, the patient may or may not see certain numbers and figures. It will also be useful to know how it happens and what reviews exist.

On the video - Rabkin's test:

Types of color blindness - protanopia, tritanopia and deutranopia

The Rabkin test, if performed correctly, allows you to determine several different types of color blindness.

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Among them, ophthalmologists distinguish the following:

  • - the visual system in this case cannot normally recognize the red spectrum;
  • tritanopia- the retina with its cones is immune to blue-violet hues;
  • deutranopia– the eye cannot see the green color spectrum.

Patients can be tested regardless of their age. Often, young children are not suitable for diagnosis due to the fact that they cannot clearly name either the numbers or the figures that are shown on the plates. There are currently no contraindications to undergoing an examination for the detection of color blindness. Find out if there are contraindications for computerized perimetry and what this examination will give.

Interpretation of results

In order to clearly understand how exactly a person passed the test for color blindness, you need to understand how you can decipher and interpret the results of his answers.

  1. The first element of Rabkin's table shows the number "96". This card is used by ophthalmologists to explain to each patient in what specific way it is necessary to be tested. But how are they used and what are the reviews about such lenses.
  2. The next part combines two geometric shapes- square and triangle. The purpose of this card is to identify the simulation.

    Rabkin's tables: a square and a triangle are shown

  3. In the third part, a healthy patient can see the number "9". In the case when he has some pathological qualities regarding the perception of color, then his eye will determine only the number "5".
  4. The fourth table of the chromatic table contains again- the same image of a geometric figure. A healthy person with normal vision will see a triangle on it. The one who has a pathology in the form of color blindness is a circle.

    Rabkin's tables: an image of a geometric figure

  5. In the fifth part there is an image of the number "13". In the case when the patient suffers from color blindness, he will be able to see only the number "6".
  6. On this card there are two shapes from geometry- triangle and circle. If a person has vision problems, then he will not be able to determine what is depicted.
  7. This card is designed to identify the simulation. This is due to the fact that the image of the number "9" on it will be seen by all people, regardless of their retinal color perception.

    Rabkin's tables image 9

  8. In this part of the test, the number "5" is drawn.". Only those with good eyesight can see it.
  9. Healthy people on this card will see the number "9". All the rest, depending on the severity of the violation of the perception of the red spectrum, I can see either "6" or "8".
  10. On the tenth card, a healthy person will be able to see a three-digit number - “136". If there are any violations, it will be possible to make out only two numbers - “68”, “66” or “69”.

    Rabkin's tables with the number 136

  11. In this part of the test, a snag is also hidden, which lies in the fact that both healthy and sick people can see the image. It is easy to see the number "14" on the card.
  12. In fact, on this element of the Rabkin table, it is quite easy to see the number "12" in the case when the eye perceives the red spectrum well. In the presence of a diagnosis, it will not be possible to consider the depicted drawings.
  13. This table depicts two geometric shapes- circle and triangle. This part of the test allows you to determine the presence of normal perception of green spectrum patients. In the case when pathology exists, a person can only see a triangle. Also, this card detects problems with seeing red. Such patients distinguish only the image of a circle.

    Rabkin's tables in the form of a circle and a triangle

  14. This part of the test hides three numbers - "3", "6" and "0". Some of them are seen by people with poor perception of the green spectrum, some - with the indistinguishability of the red. In the first case, the patient will see "1" and "6", and in the second - "1", "0" and "6".
  15. On this card, unlike many others, three geometric shapes are encrypted. A healthy eye is able to see a circle, a square and a triangle. Pathology may be indicated by the perception of any other images.

    Rabkin's tables in the form of three geometric figures

  16. In this part of testing, the number "96" is located on the card. When a person has a poor perception of red, he will see only the first digit, when green - the second.
  17. This card was created in such a way that a person with anomalies of the visual system could see only one of the geometric shapes depicted - either a circle or a triangle.
  18. This part of the test is significantly different from all the previous ones. This is due to the fact that a healthy person with normal vision on the card will be able to see rows and columns of squares with different colors. Any pathology of color perception leads to the fact that the patient will be able to distinguish only monophonic figures of a certain shade.
  19. This test table depicts the two-digit number "25". When diagnosing color blindness, a person will be able to see only one number "5".
  20. This part of the survey also has its own characteristics. A person with color perception problems will not be able to see absolutely nothing in the picture. With normal vision, geometric shapes in the form of a circle and a triangle will be distinguished.

Thus, a complete test for color blindness implies the passage of patients in all parts of the tables. But often it is enough just to determine what exactly is shown in several figures. The process itself can take from one minute to several. During this time, an ophthalmologist can fully assess the state of perception of colors of various spectra by a person's eyes.

There are also 7 more tables that are not included in the above list, but all of them are almost identical to the pictures described.

Find out how to properly apply eye drops to restore vision and how effective they are.

Due to the fact that testing a person for color blindness can reveal a rather serious color perception problem, it is very important to pass this test at least once in a lifetime. First of all, this applies to people working in potentially dangerous conditions in which such a pathology can lead to adverse consequences. It is important to understand that verification takes only a few minutes and does not require any serious effort. Except as a direct visit to the ophthalmologist's office. If you still have any suspicions about the health of the organs of vision, then it is additionally worth holding.

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