Scottish Fold care and nutrition. Scottish Fold kitten care: basic rules for owners

Scottish Fold kittens (Scottish Fold) have a charming appearance, good health and a very docile nature. The pet will quickly get used to your home and get along with other animals without any problems. In order for the baby to feel good and delight the owner every day, you need to provide him with proper care, make an ideal diet and not refuse to communicate. Under such conditions, your pet will grow into a big beautiful cat and will become your faithful friend for many years.

Before the kitten appears in the house

Kitten care

Taking care of Scottish Fold kittens is easy. Wool does not need special care, it is enough to comb it out once a week, it is enough to rinse the eyes once every 5-7 days. The only thing worth paying attention to is ear care. This issue should be treated in the most careful way. It is the ears that are the hallmark of this breed of cats, but at the same time and the weak point.

Examining and cleaning eyes

If the eyes are healthy, then there is no special need for rinsing, you just need to keep them clean. But if the eyes are inflamed, they should be rinsed 2-3 times a day, this can be done with plain water, a weak solution of chamomile, or a treated remedy. To do this, use a cotton swab or soft cloth. If the inflammation lasts more than a week, then you need to see a specialist.

Ear cleaning

You need to do this procedure two or three (more often) times a month.... For cleaning, use a cotton swab slightly moistened with a special liquid. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the auricle.

It is interesting!It is better not to use cotton swabs, but ordinary cotton swabs will do just fine. Do not twist and pull the ears, as this can hurt the kitten and he will be afraid of this procedure. If the ears are healthy, then there is no discharge, there may be a small amount of earwax.

The presence of a thin brown crust in the ears is an alarming sign, it indicates the presence of an ear mite. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian. The treatment will be long with a special solution. If you take action in time, then the prognosis is favorable.

Hair care

Bathing, washing

Scottish Fold kittens should be taught to water procedures from childhood. To do this, you need to gradually moisten them with a damp towel, and then give your pet a treat so that he develops a reflex that a bath is not scary. In the future, you can safely wash the kitten. It is recommended to protect especially active kittens in a special way before taking a bath. To do this, cover your ears with tampons. or you can simply close them with your hands to prevent water from entering. The eyes also need protection, you can even drip a special protective oil into them, but this is not necessary.

Important!The water should be warm, about 36 degrees. Too cold water will cause hypothermia and your Scottish Fold kitten will get sick. Hot water is also harmful, due to the increased temperature, the animal's heart rate will increase and breathing will become more difficult. Eventually, your pet will not tolerate uncomfortable conditions and will run away from the bathroom.

When washing a Scottish Fold kitten, be sure to use a shampoo for cats, and then his coat will be healthy and shiny. Means for people will not work, they will irritate the skin and worsen the condition of the coat, in severe cases dermatitis is possible.

Claw cutting

Very sharp, thin kitten claws should be trimmed with special clippers for small animals... The advantage of such a tool is that they give a straight cut without splitting the claw - this is very important! When caring for a kitten's claws, only the very tip is removed. In no case should a blood vessel be damaged, this will bring severe pain and can lead to the most negative consequences. In this case, a simple rule works: it is better to cut off a little than too much.

Nutrition, peculiarity of the diet

The diet of Scottish Fold kittens should be approached thoroughly. Don't worry if your Scottish Fold kitten has a poor appetite for the first time. This most likely happened because he was not yet used to the new place. Food cannot be given directly from the refrigerator, it must be at room temperature. At the age of 2-4 months, babies are fed often - 5 times a day. When the kitten reaches 4-8 months, they feed him 3 times a day.

After 8 months, you need to feed 2 times a day, like an adult cat... The set of products for kittens must necessarily include meat (beef), poultry (turkey, chicken), game can only be given boiled. You can give eggs, but only boiled and only the yolk. From vegetables, you can give cabbage and grated carrots. For full development, Scottish Fold kittens should be given fermented milk products.

You can also feed the fold kittens with class food. They contain the vitamins and minerals your pet needs in a balanced way. It is strictly forbidden to give smoked, fried and salted, as well as sausages and any human food. This will undermine the health of the developing body of the Scottish Fold kitten.

Usually the breeder gives detailed instructions on how to organize the life of a new family member. But just in case, let's repeat the elementary truths.

Depending on the circumstances, the child spent on the road from several hours to several days. Therefore, the first thing he will need is to use the tray, eat and drink. Keep in mind that almost all cats don't eat, drink, and hardly go to the toilet on the road. When you get home, the first thing to do is remove the kitten from the carrier and show him the tray. If you were given some of the contents of the tray with the kitten, put this contents in your toilet, let the kitten smell and bury it with its paw. After that, praise the baby, stroke and express admiration for how smart and well-mannered he is. The kitten is unlikely to immediately "do the job", most likely it will come out of the tray.

Now show him the bowls of water and the usual food (the breeder should inform about this when selling). It is advisable not to change the cat's diet for at least the first week or two.

If you have a large house or apartment, it is better for the first days to limit the space to one room where the kitten will be constantly under supervision. Place a tray and a bowl of water there in a secluded corner.

As soon as the kitten starts sharpening its claws - take it to the scratching post - and be sure to praise.


It is better to praise a Scotsman, and indeed cats in general, for correct behavior than scold for pranks. For all their external independence, they crave approval and admiration. That is why loving, caring owners almost always have well-bred pets. And mischievous and stubborn self-willed grow up only in those who got a pet by mistake, succumbing to a momentary impulse, who are annoyed by noise and disorder.

The kitten was bought spontaneously, nothing needed at home

If you bought a Scottish Fold kitten "for the occasion", the first thing to do is to go to the veterinary clinic. They will help you determine your age and possible health problems. If you can't visit your vet right away, be sure to do it in the next few days.

For the first time, the kitten definitely needs to buy a tray and litter, as well as high-quality wet food for kittens in the smallest packages. Don't skimp on feed for at least the first couple of months! It is better not to start giving a small kitten dry food immediately.

Start your acquaintance with your new home by familiarizing yourself with the tray. Just keep in mind that the baby may not know what it is. Therefore, observe your child carefully during the first hours. As soon as it starts meowing, look for a secluded corner and make digging movements - into your hands - and into the tray. Did the job - kissed, praised. If you do not keep track - and the deed is done by, it does not matter. Together, collect the "result" in a scoop or blot it with a napkin, take it with the "culprit" into the tray, bury it with a paw - and then praise it. And so every time a bobble occurs. Sooner or later, any kitten, not only a fold-eared Scotsman, will understand what is required of him. Just do not scold the kid, it is absolutely useless.

From the first minutes in the new house, you will understand whether the baby really lived with the breeder at home, in the hall and in love, or grew up in a cage, or even picked up in the nearest garbage can. A cuddled, loving baby behaves boldly and confidently even in a new environment. He is used to seeing only affection from people and therefore he is calmly given in his hands, purrs and examines the available space with curiosity. If your little Scotsman huddles in corners, hiding from the slightest noise, you will have to make a lot of effort to socialize a wild, intimidated creature and turn it into an adequate, well-mannered pet, decoration of a house and an exhibition.

How much food does a kitten need? A starving child is able to eat more than the stomach can digest, which, as you know from advertising, is "no more than a thimble." Therefore, a single portion of feed is the size of his head. We feed 3-4 times a day. Uneaten - remove. If the kitten is less than 3 months old, divide the food in half and give it 2 times more often.

If you do not know if the kitten has been vaccinated by age, be sure to visit your veterinarian. The first vaccination is done in 2-3 months, a month later - revaccination. Before vaccination (7-10 days), it is necessary to give the kitten anthelmintic.

The specifics of caring for a Scottish Fold kitten

Are you worried about how to care for a fold-eared kitten? A healthy Scotsman is a robust animal and does not need any special procedures. If the kitten came from the cattery, there is no need for it at least a month. And afterwards the kitten is bathed only when it gets dirty or before exhibitions (you have to do a marafet).

If a kitten bought on the market has a sticky coat, an unpleasant smell, the baby will have to be redeemed.

Most kittens do not like swimming, so it is better not to start the procedure alone, it is better if you have an assistant. So much warm water is poured into the basin so that the kitten stands "belly up". Then they wet the wool with a hand or a sponge, but not with a shower - the baby will get scared and will start to pull out strongly. For washing it is best to use a special pet shampoo. If it is not possible to buy it - baby soap or shampoo for children “without tears”.

We also wash off the soap with hands or a sponge. Please note that I wash my head especially carefully so that water does not get into my ears. You can use a damp cloth by wiping your head several times, first with soapy water and then with clean water. This will definitely prevent your ears from getting wet.

Final rinsing with clean water - from a bucket to a canopy (one holds by the paws and under the belly, the other pours) or under the tap (do not expose your head under the stream). Then we wrap the baby in a dry towel, or better - in an old sheet (it absorbs water perfectly). If the room is not hot, it is better not to let the kitten go until it is completely dry.

The Scots are shorthaired, so they don't need to be brushed thoroughly every day. Although it is still very desirable to accustom the kitten to a comb. Brushing helps to get rid of hair during the shedding period, calms the cat, and helps to establish contact with the owner.

Normal discharge from the eyes of a Scottish kitten, fold or straight, transparent or slightly grayish. They can leak from the eyes after sleep. Then the eyes are washed with boiled water, each with a separate cotton or gauze swab. If the discharge becomes yellow, too abundant, the eye turns red, run to the veterinarian.

Only the ears deserve special attention in the fold (lop-eared). Their shape contributes to the accumulation of sulfur, dust, causing inflammation. Therefore, an obligatory part of the daily care of a Scottish Fold kitten is examination and, if necessary, cleaning of the ears.

How to clean the ears of lop-eared kittens? They clean their ears with cotton swabs soaked in a special liquid (you can buy at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy), in extreme cases, you can use warm boiled water, and for severe contamination - boric alcohol.

On examination, pay attention:

  • on the condition of the auricles: whether there are scratches, redness;
  • on discharge: there should be no unpleasant odor.

At the slightest doubt, they immediately contact the veterinarian, because ear diseases are very dangerous, especially for small kittens.

It is important to promptly trim the growing claws of a domestic Scottish cat. The fact is that in the wild, claws grind against stones, tree bark, and hard earth. A pet, even actively using a scratching post, is unlikely to be able to grind off its claws so that they cannot harm itself and others. The fact is that overgrown claws cause inconvenience to the cat, and may even grow in. The kitten can scratch itself in the game or when it starts to itch. Yes, and tear up upholstered furniture, carpets cat with regrown claws will become more intense. So once every 2-3 weeks, your pet should be given a manicure and pedicure.

Raising a Scottish Fold kitten

Scottish kittens are very playful. They are ready to be naughty and have fun all day long. Therefore, you should provide your kitten with enough toys, especially if you are away most of the day. Otherwise, when you return from work, you run the risk of finding "Mama's massacre" in your apartment.

In any case, it is pointless to scold the kitten for pranks, after a while. We'll have to come to terms with broken cups, clues on curtains, tangled threads. Just try to remove everything that is especially dear to you in inaccessible places.

Magnetic clamps will help to save the curtains, with which they raise the panels to a height inaccessible to the kitten.

If the baby begins to be naughty in your presence, do not succumb to the sweet expression of a lop-eared muzzle. Stop inappropriate activities right away and distract with a toy. In short, treat it like a human child.

Never play with the kitten with your hand if you do not want the grown cat to bite and scratch. Use toys or materials at hand - ribbons, candy wrappers, rubber bands. Let the little Scotsman get used to being careful with your fingers. If, after playing, the kid scratches his hand, strictly say: "No!" or "You can't!" - and interrupt the game. So you will let the mischief understand that scratching and biting is unacceptable.

After reading how to properly care for fold-eared kittens, you are convinced that it is not at all difficult. But you need to understand that as the owner, you are responsible not only for health, but also for raising the baby.

Everyone knows the cutest kittens with the ears bent down. A rare person is not touched by Scottish Fold cats. But also, not every owner of fold-eared pets knows about the intricacies of caring for an animal, associated not only with the characteristics of the ears, but also with the characteristics of the breed as a whole.

Cats are naturally very creatures, and normally do not need additional care measures. However, due to their age, kittens do not always cope with their hygiene procedures, and they need help with this.

Behind the eyes

Kittens need regular eye cleaning with a damp cotton pad (by the way, y is another story altogether). Such procedures should be taught from the very tender age and from the first days of the kitten's stay in the apartment. Once a week, to prevent infections and more thoroughly cleansing the eyes, you can wipe them with a boric acid solution (1/2 teaspoon of dry powder in a glass of boiled water).

Claw cutting

For domestic kittens it stands on its front legs. It is also worth accustoming to the procedure from the first days of life with the owners. Claws are trimmed about once a month - only the very tip is trimmed, no more than 2 mm, so as not to touch the blood vessels.

When to bathe and how?

Kittens only if necessary - if they are heavily soiled or if fleas are suspected. Up to two months of age, bathing in lop-eared kittens is not provided. Then they bathe every two to three months. They bathe in warm water with a special shampoo. After bathing, the wool must be dried to avoid hypothermia and colds.

The vast majority of kittens are afraid of the noise of the water, so you should be careful with the pressure. It is better to collect water in the bathroom or basin in advance and water the baby from the ladle. For training, you can let rubber toys in the water.

The ears must be closed during bathing with cotton swabs. Oil drops are instilled into the eyes to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes if soapy water is accidentally spilled. The temperature should be around 36 o C.


Human shampoos and balms can cause very severe allergic reactions. Kittens need only be washed with a special shampoo for wool!

It is necessary to wash all products very carefully, because even after washing and drying, the kitten will lick itself to remove a specific smell. Hot air is not used to dry the wool - only cold air at a distance of about half a meter from the kitten.

Ear cleaning

Ears should be examined and cleaned at least once a week. The ear canal is gently wiped from the outside with a cotton pad or cotton wool twisted into a flagellum.

It is better not to use cotton swabs - the kitten can pull away from the unpleasant sensations, and the stick itself can damage the ear, or the cotton swab from it can remain in the ear canal. Sulfur is not removed from the depths of the ear.

Scottish fold grooming

Scottish Folds are naturally very clean, and take care of their fur themselves. However, to reduce the clogging of the stomach with hairballs, you need to brush the animal regularly, at least once a week, with a special wool brush.

You can buy them in special veterinary stores or pharmacies. For short-haired subspecies, a brush with short and frequent teeth is used, for long-haired counterparts, combs should be with longer and thinner teeth.

Also, long-haired cats need combing at least once every two to three days. During the molting period, combing is carried out more often.


A kitten, like a person, needs its own essentials - bowls for food and water, a tray, its own sleeping place, toys and a scratching post.

Food bowls

Kittens should have separate bowls for food and water. Separate dry and wet food bowls are also desirable. It is better to put cups for food and water a little at a distance from each other - natural instincts tell cats that the water near food is most likely contaminated with cadaveric poison.

Sleeping place

The animal must have its own secluded corner - a house with or at least just its own rug on which it will feel protected.

Even active kittens sometimes want to rest and be alone with themselves so that no one bothers them at this moment.



The tray can be with or without filler. For fillers, use high wide trays without a lattice. The sides should not be too high so that the kitten can easily climb over them. With age, you can purchase a tray slightly higher.

It is better to use a natural wood filler, pressed into granules - it crumbles when wet. At first, it is better not to wash the tray thoroughly until the kitten is not - kittens are guided in a new place not by memory, but by smell.

Scratching post

- a common physical procedure, even in small kittens. To prevent scratching furniture, carpets, clothes, it is better to purchase a scratching post. They are sold as individual posts, or as whole complexes with houses and areas for sitting and lying.

Do not think that the kitten will immediately start playing with only a scratching post. It follows, as taught to the toilet - sometimes the smell of catnip is used to lure the baby to an unfamiliar object.


Kittens, regardless of breed, are needed according to the vaccination schedule. Timely vaccination allows you to avoid many serious diseases or at least minimize their consequences. Vaccination is carried out one week after treatment for worms.


Any vaccination is carried out subject to the full health of the animal. The dose and drug are prescribed only by a veterinarian.


The animal must be balanced, no matter what feed is used - dry and wet industrial or. It is recommended to feed kittens up to 4 months 4-5 times a day, then 3-4 times.

Dry food

Food for Scottish Folds is used premium and home class. These are the most balanced feeds, their creation is clearly aimed at the daily needs of animals. In addition, they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for normal development. You only need to use special food for kittens.

Features of feeding with natural food

Feeding natural food is somewhat more difficult, as there are a number of restrictions for the breed. Kids can cook oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.

Porridge is cooked without adding oil. For up to two months, you can give a small amount of ground beef with oatmeal and boiled yolk.

With age, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet, which completely replace milk, boiled by-products, boiled vegetables, meat in pieces, boiled eggs. Fish should be given no more than once a week, strictly boiled.


It is strictly forbidden to give Scottish Fold kittens:

  • - sweet;
  • - herring;
  • - smoked meats;
  • - corned beef;
  • - sausages, wieners, pork sausages.

Fish, poultry, eggs are prohibited in their raw form. Pork FORBIDDEN completely.

Useful video

Features of the breed: how to care for a lop-eared - you can watch the video below.


Like all pedigree animals, Scottish fold kittens have their own set of requirements for care, especially with regard to the diet. One should not forget about upbringing - the baby will not immediately become smart, playful and well-mannered just because it is inherent in his breed.

Kittens are brought up patiently, without screaming and aggression. Feeling love and care, the kitten will delight its owners for a long time with its affection.

Many breeders note that one of the least problematic in keeping is the Scottish Fold breed.

They learn commands well, are smart, do not mischievous, do not climb on curtains, are very clean. Although some nuances in caring for them are still present.

Features of the first days of life

The first appearance of kittens with ears pressed to their heads was discovered in 1961 in Scotland and subsequently registered as a separate breed. Although, according to some data, mentions of lop-eared cats are found in the 18th-19th centuries. in China.

Distinguish Scottish fold(Scottish Fold - cats with pinned ears) and Scottish Straight(Scottish Straight - cats with ordinary ears familiar to the eye).

It should be noted that at one time a cat can give birth to kittens with ordinary ones, and kittens with hanging ears. This is because the breed of cats with pinned ears is allowed to mate only to cats with ordinary ears and vice versa. This is necessary in order to avoid bone diseases (up to the deformity) that occurs in the offspring between two lop-eared cats.

Straight cats are not represented at exhibitions, but you cannot do without them, otherwise fold (lop-eared) would simply disappear from breeding due to congenital defects. Straights are only for pairing with folds.

Did you know? All Scottish kittens are born with ordinary ears, only on the 21st day some of the ears are pressed to the head - these will be Scottish Fold kittens.

Moreover, it may be that as a result there will not be a single kitten with pinned ears.

Kittens' eyes open at 10 days of age, and after another 10 days they begin to actively explore the space of the box, wash themselves. Kittens of one month old crawl out of the box and begin to crawl around the room. From this point on, they can enter complementary foods and begin to toilet train.

The basics of proper care

Proper care is essential to animal health. It is based on the observance of the temperature regime, the rules of hygiene and an attentive attitude to health.

We create conditions and temperature conditions

So that animals do not get sick, immediately after birth, the temperature in the place where they are kept should be + 31 ° C, and the humidity should be about 60%. To do this, you can use electric heaters, heating pads, special warm rugs. However, overheating them is also not good, so you need to put a thermometer in the box and control the temperature. The temperature is gradually reduced, and by 3 weeks of age it should be +24 ° C.

Important! If the kittens are constantly trying to climb one on top of the other and endlessly swarm about going to bed, then the temperature in the room is not warm enough. If they sleep separately from each other and the cats, it is too hot in the room.

Normal air temperature is when the animals just sleep nearby.

The body temperature of newly born kittens is not less than +36 ° С, after a month it increases to + 38-39 ° С. If for some reason the kitten is cold, you need to put hot water in a hot water bottle or a small bottle, wrap it in a towel so as not to burn the animal. Holding it in your arms, a heating pad is applied to the body. You need to warm up gradually.

It is unacceptable to keep kittens in rooms with high humidity (for example, in the basement), from this they can get sick. But you shouldn't dry out the air either - focus on the feeling of your own comfort.

At the bottom of the box with kittens, you need to lay a towel or rag made of natural materials. Avoid slippery materials to help the animals balance.
Make it a habit to look at your feet and at the bottom of the doors when you close them, so as not to step on the kitten or crush him by the doors. You should also accustom the rest of the household to this. A separate conversation must be held with the children so that they do not squeeze the kitten, do not drag it by the tail or mustache.

You need to install a fine mesh on the windows, otherwise, while hunting for birds, butterflies, etc., the animal may fall out. Of course, the adults turn over and fall on their paws, but the kittens are not so agile yet. They can also hit curtain rods, clotheslines, satellite dishes, and other devices, causing death.

Avoid playing with New Year's rain, tinsel, ropes, ribbons, threads, buttons, plastic bags, foil - this can end in disaster. Keep the toilet bowl, trash can, washing machine closed (be sure to check it before each use), large containers of water, cabinets, various boxes, household chemicals, medicines - curious animals may die.

Did you know? An interesting feature of the Scottish Fold is sitting on their hind legs, at this moment they resemble gophers.

To create normal conditions for keeping a fold, you need to buy the following items:
  • 2 bowls for food (for dry and wet food);
  • a bowl for water;
  • feed;
  • cat litter box;
  • a place for a kitten to rest (house, box, rug, etc.);
  • special toys for kittens;
  • scratching post;
  • a basket for transportation (even if you do not plan to take the animal with you on travel, it will come in handy for visits to the veterinarian);
  • comb;
  • shampoo and other cosmetics for hair care;
  • a special leash with a collar for cats if you plan to walk.

Hygiene and care

As a rule, the acquired Scotsman already knows how to use the tray, eat food, sharpen his claws.

It is best not to buy plastic food and drink bowls as they are harder to clean. In addition, over time, harmful substances begin to be released from the plastic and get into the feed. Bowls must be washed with hot water without using chemical cleaning agents.
Sand, pieces of newspaper, or store-bought filler are poured into the toilet tray. You need to clean up after the animal daily to avoid unpleasant odors. In addition, some cats do not sit in the litter box if it is not cleaned there, but look for another place to defecate. Periodically, the tray should be washed with hot water without household chemicals.

They show the kitten its toilet, dig a little there with its paws. Many breeders, together with the Scotsman, give part of the filler from the toilet, so that in the new conditions he can find the toilet by smell.

One of the conditions for proper care is to trim the claws of the animal.Sitting him on his knees and gently pressing on his foot, with the help of a claw cutter, they cut off that part of the claw in which no blood vessels are visible. This does not eliminate the need to purchase a scratching post if you do not want your furniture to be scratched. You can make a scratching post yourself.

Did you know? The FIF (Federation International Feline) breed of Fold cats is not recognized, the GCCF (Gourning Council Cat Fancy) recognized it at first, but then refused and began to withdraw it from breeding.

Care is also necessary for the eyes of the fold, they are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water, without pressing or rubbing.

Kittens' ears are periodically examined for contamination. If they are present, a cotton swab is dipped in warm water (you can use soap), squeeze and gently wipe the ears, act only from the outside and do not stick the stick inside. Normally, there should be no unpleasant odor from the ears.

Examination of the pet's teeth is carried out in order to detect tartar in time, but it is not recommended to remove it yourself, entrust this matter to the veterinarian. You can buy a special brush and paste for cats in stores, but they don't like this procedure. Take care of the loss of baby teeth, you may have to help the kitten.

An important point is the care of the coat of the fold.It is imperative that the kitten be taught to grooming procedures from childhood. So, the pet's hair must be carefully combed, avoiding rolling into tangles, especially during the molting period. To do this, you can buy special devices for combing, as well as hair care products. If mats do appear, they must be cut off.

Kittens are bathed no more than once a month using special shampoos for cats in warm water (not lower than +36 ° C). It is unacceptable to use shampoos and soaps for people, washing powder, dishwashing detergent.

Everything necessary for bathing is prepared in advance and placed within reach, a rag is laid on the bottom of the container with water so that the animal does not slip and is not afraid. A Scotsman may be afraid to swim, you must constantly talk to him affectionately. Do not let water get into your ears, eyes, nose.

The shampoo must be rinsed thoroughly, because after bathing, the fold will lick off and can be poisoned. After the procedure, the wool is wiped and dried with a non-hot hair dryer, otherwise the animal may catch a cold. Then combing is carried out.

If it turns out that the cat gets dirty in its stool, these areas must be rinsed, dried and combed. When the situation is repeated often, the animal must be trimmed.

Attention to the health of the fold

One of the main indicators of the health of a lop-eared kitten is the coat - glossy, dense, without tangles and fleas. The gait of the little Scotsman should not be abnormal.

The tail and body of the animal must be free of nodules, the nose and ears must be clean. The eyes should not fester, the third eyelid should not be visible.

Important! If the kitten is white and has blue eyes, it may be deaf.

The teeth of healthy kittens are white, the gums are pink, there should be nothing superfluous in the mouth, the smell should not be unpleasant. The animal should breathe evenly, without extraneous sounds.

Lop-eared kittens should normally be dense, but not fat. The ribs should not protrude and the belly should not be swollen. The anal opening should not be stained or sore.

An important indicator of the health of fold kittens is behavior. If they are not sick in any way in the physical and mental sense, then they are active, curious, play (except during sleep time and immediately after waking up), not aggressive, not afraid, not hissing, not attacking.
If the kitten licks the same place all the time, there may be some kind of disease. You need to buy a kitten at least 2.5 months old and be sure to ask the owner about the availability of vaccination.It is unlikely that a healthy kitten will be born and kept in a dirty room with an unpleasant odor.

What to feed babies

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a properly selected diet for kittens, because it determines the health status of adults. Scots are fed 4 to 6 times a day, gradually switching to two meals a day as they grow older.

There are 2 power schemes:

  • natural food;
  • ready-made commercial feed.
It is not recommended to mix schemes. Let's consider each of them separately.

About natural nutrition

Many people believe that no food can be compared to natural nutrition in terms of usefulness. However, you need to know that such food should be varied and balanced.
If you decide to use such a food scheme, then you must definitely give the lop-eared:

  • Beef (veal) - preferably raw, not less than 70 g per day.
  • Heart, lungs, liver - instead of meat, also raw. It is not recommended to give the liver more than once a week.
  • Chicken or turkey - only boiled. Avian liver is given no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Egg - Only the yolk can be given raw.
  • Milk and fermented milk products. Milk can be given to small kittens, but for matured animals it must be replaced with cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Boiled vegetables - chopped, mixed with meat.
  • Boiled porridge - in meat broth, carefully chopped, with the addition of oil.
  • Sea fish - only boiled, no more than 1 time per week.
  • Grass - you can pick in a park or other place, away from highways, or you can buy a special mixture in a store and grow grass from it at home. The herb not only contains vitamins, but also helps to remove hair from the stomach.
  • Water.

Important! Food for kittens must be in the form of small pieces or minced meat. You can not give the Scots goose, duck, pork, freshwater fish, sausages in any form, smoked meats, pickles, confectionery.

The food temperature for kittens should be at least +26 ° С and not higher than +37 ° С.

Finished feed

Little Scots can buy food in the store in the form of canned food, bags or dry food, the main thing is that it should be written on them that the food is intended specifically for kittens. At first, it is recommended to soak dry food a little in water.
The advantage of ready-made feeds is that they contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential vitamins and minerals and do not require variety. On the contrary, it is not recommended to transfer a kitten from one food to another, this can cause digestive problems.

When choosing a feed, be sure to read the composition, it should contain as much animal protein as possible (indicating a specific animal), there should be no vegetable proteins, preservatives and dyes. Don't assume that when the packaging says “offal,” it means liver, heart, or lungs. In fact, horns, hooves, feathers, bones, intestines, etc. get into such food.

Focus on premium quality feed, or better - super premium. Of course, if your financial capabilities allow, the ideal option would be holistic food.

Do not forget to change the water in the kitten's bowl daily.

We start raising and training a cat

The upbringing of the Scottish Fold begins from the first day of its appearance in the house, setting the following rules for it:

  • Furniture must not be scratched.
  • You can't climb curtains.
  • You cannot jump on the table and stove.
  • You can't steal food.
  • You can only defecate in a permitted place.
  • You cannot rummage in flower pots and gnaw flowers.
  • You cannot scratch and bite.
However, do not forget to follow some rules yourself if you want to get a properly raised cat:
  • Play with the kitten only with toys. By offering him an arm or a leg as a toy, you allow him to scratch and bite.
  • Do not hit the animal, do not wave your hands at it, do not water it. If it breaks the rules, make some noise (clapping your hands will do) and say "No!" or "Fu!" Only fighting cats can be separated with water.
  • Praise the Scotsman when he follows the rules.
  • Do not scold the animal for offenses, after the commission of which even a short time has passed, it will not understand anything, but will be offended by you.
  • Do not fall for the plaintive meowing - this will spoil the kitten.
  • To prevent the kitten from waking you up in the morning, do not feed it until you are ready to go to work.
  • To prevent the kitten from begging when you cook or eat, do not feed him from the table.

You can punish a Scottish Fold kitten in the following ways:

  • If he gets dirty past the tray - holding it by the withers, but not poking his nose, show him a puddle and say “No!”, Then take it to the tray and make a few digging movements with his paws. Disinfect the dirty place.
  • If he plays pranks at night - say "You can't!" and put next to you.
  • If it scratches or bites during the game - express a ban and go to another room so that the kitten is left alone.
  • If the furniture scratches, clap your hands and ban it. This place can be rubbed with an orange.

Did you know? Several centuries ago, the games of children with kittens were prohibited, because people thought that they deprived children of their memory.

Necessary vaccinations for a pet

Vaccinations are a necessary process that allows you to protect an animal from many diseases that are dangerous even when the animal does not go outside and is not exhibited at exhibitions. Lop-eared people need mandatory vaccinations, which are given at 8, 12 weeks and annually, against such diseases:

  • feline calicivirus;
  • rhinotracheitis of cats.
Veterinarians also recommend vaccinations against chlamydia and leukemia, as well as for animals walking on the street - against rabies, etc.

After vaccinations, kittens should not be bathed for 2 weeks.
Scottish Fold kittens are very cute, somewhat reminiscent of bear cubs. If a kitten of this breed conquered your heart and you decide to have him at home, then provide him with proper care, deal with him, educate him, and he will answer you with affection and love.

Lop-eared cats differ from other breeds in their unusual appearance and cute childish features of the muzzle. Friendliness, increased flexibility and high intelligence are their main characteristics. Each owner needs about the specifics of caring for such a pet.

This breed is distinguished by a vivid manifestation of sexual dimorphism: males are larger and stockier than females, cats are more graceful and graceful.

Common features:

  • almost perfectly round head on a short neck;
  • graceful body;
  • well-developed elongated paws;
  • long straight tail.

The main feature that distinguishes them from the British are miniature ears, triangular in shape. Because of the crease, they seem to be bent down and pressed against the skull.

All colors are allowed by international associations - from white to tortie, but there are exceptions: lavender, chocolate and colorpoint.

Mister Cat warns: advantages and disadvantages

The breed has various strengths and weaknesses.


The Scots are moderately active, preferring sleep to aimless running. This does not prevent them from being playful and active when needed. They love various games with toys, with the right training they quickly learn commands.

Dependent on a person's attention. They quickly become attached to the family. They do not choose a "favorite" - they love each family member equally. They do not tolerate long loneliness, so you should not have an animal for people without a family and with work that requires a constant absence.

This does not mean that the pet is annoyingly intrusive, on the contrary, a high level of intelligence helps them understand when they are in the way.
They are not loud, their voice is quiet and pleasant.

The only thing that unbalances the scotish is moving or a new place. In this case, the owner should be there and help him adapt correctly.

Sociable pets calmly react to small children and other pets.

How to prepare for a kitten's arrival

At the age of three to four months after birth, the kitten can leave the mother. Before his appearance, they prepare a house by purchasing the following things:

  • A bowl. Preferred material: glass, steel, plastic.
  • Tray and filler.
  • House with a scratching post.
  • Carrying.
  • Toys.


The main disadvantage of the breed is greed and indiscriminate food, which leads to serious illnesses. Experienced breeders advise to make a diet.

Before buying, they will find out how the feeding went in the first house. The transition from the old regime should be smooth so that the baby's fragile body does not suffer.

The first additives are soft canned food or sachet food. After the fourth month, premium dry food is added, which contains enough protein, vitamins and essential taurine.

The main thing is not to allow an excess of calcium in the diet of kittens, so that the ears "do not stand up".

Give meat or fish and vegetables occasionally as a reward or just a treat.

Kittens are not allowed to eat:

  • homemade food;
  • sausage products;
  • sweets;
  • the bones of birds.


From the first days, it is important to teach the kid the order in the house, communicate with him, show who is in charge in the house. An ill-mannered and unsociable creature will bring many problems in the future. Smart pets are prone to manipulation and whims, if they do not see authority in a person.

Before buying, you need to come up with a name and pronounce it more often so that it gets used to it faster.

You should not resort to physical punishment, the best method of education is a decisive "no" and patience. The most important thing is to show that the cat should not climb on tables, bed and all forbidden places in the house.

Aggression and whims are condemned. Things should not be damaged.


Scottish Folds are not finicky and do not require maintenance skills.


Monthly kittens of life are prone to pore eyes. First of all, you need to show them to the doctor. The standard treatment is to periodically wipe off with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile tea or medicine.


The weak point of all such cats. Cleaning is carried out at least once a week. It is better to replace cotton swabs with tampons with a special liquid. It is important to be careful so that the little pet gets used to the procedure and does not feel fear.

A typical disease - an ear mite manifests itself in the appearance of a brown crust in the ear. At the first symptoms, you should rather go to the veterinarian.


The coat does not need special care. During molting, it is enough to comb no more than once a week. Increased attention is paid to a pet that walks along the street in the spring-autumn period - there is a high probability of acquiring a company of ticks.

Water procedures

Professional breeders offer the following method of water training: at first, you need to wrap your baby in a wet towel, then reward with a treat. Thus, he will understand that water is not scary.

Before bathing in the bathroom, you need to protect your ears from moisture by plugging them with cotton pads. The water temperature should be warm and as comfortable as possible for the pet. To do this, measure the water with an elbow. Human shampoo will cause skin problems.

It is necessary to use special tools designed to meet her needs.


Health and vaccination

The peculiarities of breeding the breed have caused the appearance of several hereditary diseases:

  • Glaucoma, cataract, volvulus. Also read the article about.
  • Demodectic mange, eczema, allergies.
  • Congenital deafness, tendency to otitis media.

Even if the owner does not plan to release the pet from the apartment, it is imperative to do so, as infections can be brought into the house on shoes or clothes. The first vaccination is given at the age of three months, you can ask your veterinarian about further procedures.

Kitten price

Representatives of the Scottish breed differ in price depending on sex, pedigree, appearance and coat length.

Average price in Russia:

  • Pat class - from four to ten thousand.
  • Breed class - from fifteen thousand.
  • Show class - up to fifty thousand rubles.
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