Influenza Virus: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment. Prevention of influenza in children Preventing and treating complications in children

Influenza is a fairly common infectious disease that causes damage to the bronchi, severe toxicosis of the body and a very unpleasant punitive phenomenon. The infection affects men and women of all age groups and every year, especially in cold autumn and winter periods, it causes massive epidemics that “cover” about 15% of people living on Earth.

A bit of flu history prior to 2019

The first documented flu epidemic was recorded as early as 1580. Then this disease literally "mowed down" people in batches, partly due to the fact that in those distant times, mankind knew little about viral infections and the prevention of the fight against them. In the period 1918-1920, the pandemic of this infectious disease, which manifested itself in a severe form, even received a peculiar name "Spanish flu". During these two years, a very high mortality rate from influenza was recorded. Young, strong and healthy people almost instantly got pulmonary edema, and then they "burned out" before our eyes in a matter of days.

Despite its nature and the regular negative effect on people, it was possible to establish the viral component of influenza for the first time in 1933. It was then that three English scientists were able to isolate a specific form of the virus, which produced a very unpleasant sensation in the respiratory tract of experimental hamsters. This viral infectious agent received its first name influenza A. A little later (in 1940) another group of scientists managed to detect influenza B, and then in 1947 the third, most common and common type of this infection, influenza C.

It was then that scientists managed to determine that a viral infection of this type can "live" for a very long time at subzero temperatures (from -25 to -70 degrees Celsius), while even a few hours spent at room temperature almost completely kill this infection. It also breaks down during drying, chlorine ingress, ultraviolet lighting, heating, ozone exposure.

How can you get infected

The most frequent source of infection with a viral infection is an already infected person. Moreover, he can have both obvious signs of the disease, and act as a carrier that does not show any complications. It is important to note that the infection is transmitted through the air in the form of microscopic droplets excreted by sick people during sneezing, coughing and even talking. An already infected person presents the maximum level of danger in the first days of infection, when the virus is still in the incubation period. If the form of the disease is not complicated, then after 5-6 days the sick person does not pose a danger to others. If pneumonia manifests itself, then the likelihood of catching an infection from a sick person increases rapidly and can persist for up to three weeks from the moment the infection enters the body.

The likelihood of contracting the virus greatly increases in the fall and winter, when it is wet and cold outside. As statistics show, with a periodicity of 2-3 years there are type A influenza epidemics, which occur on an explosive basis, when up to 50% of the population can get sick within a month and a half. Influenza B behaves somewhat differently. It proceeds more slowly (up to 3 months), usually covering up to 25% of the population.

Forms of the disease

The incidence of influenza can take place in different ways. It depends on many factors, and is divided into such basic forms.

  1. Light form. The most common. The body temperature of a person rises no higher than 38 degrees, there are weakly manifested symptoms of intoxication, or there are none at all.
  2. Moderate severity. Here the temperature of the human body is at the level of 38.5 - 39.5 degrees, there is a classic set of intoxication, which is expressed in a fairly strong headache, weakness, pain in joints, muscles, profuse sweating. The nose is stuffy, the pharynx is redder and swelling, the person's voice becomes hoarse, there is a constant dry cough.
  3. Severe form. It is accompanied by a very pronounced intoxication of the body, the body temperature goes beyond 40 degrees, convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting begin to appear, often blood begins to flow from a person's nose.

Hypertoxic form. With this form, the body temperature does not fall below 40 degrees. The symptoms of body intoxication are expressed as much as possible, as a result of which toxicosis spreads to the nervous system. Quite often, at this stage of the disease, the brain begins to swell, and a person can even get an infectious-toxic shock. In many cases, respiratory failure begins at this stage of the disease.

Lightning-fast shape. This type of disease is dangerous because it can be fatal for the patient. This form of infection affects people with a weakened immune system, or with a certain type of congenital pathology. Often, the disease is accompanied by pulmonary edema, disrupted brain activity, profuse bleeding, respiratory failure, and other very dangerous complications appear.

Flu symptoms and signs 2019

The peculiarity of the flu is that it literally takes over the body almost immediately after being hit. The virus has a very short incubation period, which can last from a few hours to 5 days. After that, the person begins to show certain discomfort, as well as clinical symptoms of the disease. The very first and, perhaps, the most important sign that a person is beginning to get sick is an increase in body temperature. In addition, the state of the body begins to deteriorate.

Flu symptoms in an adult

  • severe enough headache;
  • almost always patients experience chills;
  • breathing accompanies dry cough;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • unpleasant dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • almost complete lack of appetite;
  • unfounded fear of light;
  • unpleasant sore throat;
  • unusually increased sweating;
  • weakness of the whole body;
  • specific chest pain.

Flu symptoms in children

In addition, in order to timely detect a disease in a child and take preventive measures to treat it, you should show the baby to a doctor if you start to observe such symptoms in him:

  • the child has shortness of breath, his breathing has become difficult;
  • stuffing of the nose begins, the timbre of the voice changes;
  • the baby's skin color has changed to bluish or slightly grayish;
  • the child began to refuse to drink liquids;
  • vomiting began without any reason;
  • the reaction to others has disappeared, the baby has become withdrawn, sleeps more than usual;
  • a high level of overexcitation appeared;
  • the baby has a dry "barking" cough or a feverish state with fever.

It should be noted that in contrast to the usual acute respiratory infections, when all the symptoms of the disease and its course occur relatively smoothly and gradually, in the case of influenza, the disease develops quite rapidly, almost immediately progressing and providing its "ward" with a very unpleasant state. In this case, such a feverish state, as a rule, lasts the first 2-6 days, after which a period of stabilization begins. You need to understand that a high body temperature for several days in a row can cause various kinds of complications, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor in case of influenza.

Influenza virus strains expected in 2019 - 2020

Given the cyclical nature of influenza, scientists have learned to accurately predict the possible manifestations of certain strains of viral infections in order to minimize the negative consequences of their impact on people.

And next year the following types of infections are expected:

H1N1 is a subtype of the well-known swine flu. He gained his fame in 2009, when he provided a very loud epidemic that covered almost the entire population of the planet. The danger of this viral infection is the possibility of causing numerous complications, some of which can even lead to death. As an example, some of these complications are: pneumonia, inflammatory processes in the brain, and sinusitis.

H3N2 is a strain that is a subtype of influenza A. It is important to note that this virus has not previously seen global epidemics, so scientists call it "young." The unusualness of this infection is that today it is still poorly understood, and its main "weapon" is damage to the vascular system of the body, which has not been previously encountered on a global scale.

The Yamagata virus is a strain that is a subtype of influenza B. And although most healthcare professionals do not call it the most dangerous due to the fact that it has not previously experienced any complications, nevertheless, due to the complexity of its detection and diagnostics, it can create a fairly large number of problems for doctors if it develops into an epidemic.

A little about flu treatment

Flu treatment has its own characteristics. When the acute period of the disease comes, it is advisable to "wait out" by taking bed rest. True, in the modern world, very few people resort to such a method, trying to "drown" unpleasant symptoms with various kinds of drugs. The danger of such a decision lies in the fact that in this case you literally force your body to work with a vengeance, increasing the load on the heart and other vital organs, which in the future can cause various kinds of complications.

It should be noted that the treatment of mild to moderate forms can be carried out at home. And in case of manifestation of more severe forms of the disease, you should immediately contact a medical institution for hospitalization. In the process of treating influenza infection, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drink in the form of tea, compotes, fruit drinks, juices. Here, various antiviral agents, such as anaferon, arbidol, or such as remantadine, viferon or groprinosine, should be used in a complex manner.

If a person is seized by a fever, he should start taking antipyretic drugs, the most common of which are paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is important to remember that such drugs should be taken if the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Fighting with a runny nose should be by using various saline or vasoconstrictor drops. Their list can include no-salt, quicks, pharmacoline, as well as rinazolin, vibrocil, nasol and others.

To strengthen the immune system, you should take fortified drugs. It is important to understand that flu symptoms and the consequences of a long absence of their treatment can cause very unpleasant complications, therefore it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner and begin a course of treatment with minimal manifestations of an infectious disease. If a large number of children start to get sick in schools, then, like in Moscow, for example.

Do not forget that the treatment of influenza in children is somewhat different than that of an adult. Therefore, already at the first manifestations of the disease, it follows:

  • call the local pediatrician, or take the child to the hospital;
  • regularly monitor the baby's body temperature, and in case it has stepped over the mark of 37.5 degrees, start giving him antipyretic;
  • no need to try to give your child antibiotics, especially in the early stages of the flu. During this period, they are simply useless. Their use is practiced in the event of complications caused by infection, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and others;
  • give up the practice of forcing the baby to eat if he has lost his appetite, while increasing the amount of plentiful warm drink should be mandatory;
  • in case of high temperature and lack of reaction to antipyretics, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In any case, remember that even with minimal symptoms of a viral infection, you should not start self-medication and hope that you will be able to "pass" this period. Very often, such an approach causes serious complications in your body and can even cause irreversible consequences, when a person may even become disabled.

Prevention of influenza

Considering that the fight against influenza has been going on for a long time, many people have learned that if you adhere to the correct lifestyle, temper your body, avoid certain places, you can significantly reduce the risk of illness and provide yourself with sufficiently high guarantees that you will find yourself in that list of people. who escaped the epidemic.

It should be noted that the rules for such behavior and way of life are very simple and accessible to every person.

If you find yourself in a region affected by an infectious epidemic, avoid crowded places, in particular large shopping centers, public transport, minimize the likelihood of being in a crowd on the street for a long time, try not to directly contact people who already have symptoms similar to a viral infection.

Take care of your hygiene, remember to wash your hands regularly, using soap. If it is not possible to wash your hands or clean any surface, you should use special alcohol moistened wipes for these purposes. Make it a rule not to touch your nose, eyes, mouth cavity with unwashed hands or not wiped with a special napkin.

Carefully observe the state of your body, pay attention to minimal changes in your condition or the condition of your family and friends. If there are any changes, immediately measure the body temperature in order to be able to detect the disease at the earliest stages.

Ensure regular ventilation of your home, during an epidemic, wash floors with disinfectants daily.

Maintain good physical shape, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, take the necessary amount of time to sleep, and avoid various stressful situations.

Take fortified preparations, eat fruits, berries, natural products.

To provide high guarantees of your body's resistance to various viral infections, get a special flu shot. And the best flu vaccine is a healthy lifestyle, sports and positive emotions!

A healthy mind creates a healthy body !!!

In terms of the severity of the consequences, influenza can be called a viral systemic disease, since it has a detrimental effect on the entire body:

  • respiratory organs suffer;
  • joints hurt (infectious arthritis develops in them);
  • severe complications are possible (on the heart, lungs, kidneys, organs of hearing and respiration, central nervous system).

H1N1 influenza under the names "California", "swine" has been known to the population of the Earth since 2009. Then it led to a serious panic, a shortage of protective masks and antiviral drugs, feverish purchases by countries of the expensive Swiss medicine Tamiflu (oseltamivir). Humanity was preparing for the long-awaited pandemic, and it seemed that it had come. But in 2010, PACE issued an official statement, refuting not even the fact of a pandemic, but the fact of a simple epidemic in 2009, stating that in past years the mortality rate from influenza was even higher. Thus, the "failed" epidemic was perceived by many as a commercial action of pharmaceutical companies that cleverly shoved the stale drug Tamiflu into the world.
But now we have waited for a new arrival of a deadly virus. News about the epidemic in Ukraine, according to official data, claimed 51, and according to unofficial data - more than 100 people, and about the first twenty victims in Russia - in the top of current news.

Recently in Zaporozhye, at the age of 77, the world famous weightlifter Leonid Zhabotinsky died of swine flu: he contracted it in a hospital where he underwent surgery after a broken leg. The son of the renowned champion said that his father lay there for four months, suffered a stroke after the operation, and burned out from the flu in two days.

Swine flu 2016 and 2009: differences and similarities

What is the difference between swine flu 2016 and its predecessor 2009?

Nothing special, except that experts say:

  • about his mutation;
  • the ability to spread from person to person (it is not clear: did those who fell ill in 2009 catch the flu exclusively from pigs?);
  • the overwhelming majority of cases of H1N1, and not SARS (in 2009 there were more cases of SARS);

If we look at the statistics for 2009, then it is as follows for Russia:

  • Officially, the first case of swine flu appeared on 22 May.
  • First death from H1N1 - September 23.
  • In just ten months, 545 people died from SARS and flu.
  • The number of officially registered patients with swine flu by November 10, 2009 amounted to 4563 people.
  • The number of deaths from influenza before November 24 - 125 people.
  • The mortality rate from influenza was 2.7%.

At the same time, both epidemics are painfully similar:

  • Influenza H1N1 gives a complication in the form of rapidly, literally on the clock, developing pneumonia.
  • Contradictory statistics figures.
  • Panic and rumors. For example, the following are used in Ukraine:
    • will spray some kind of prophylactic agent for influenza from planes;
    • the virus was brought out by scientists - enemies of Ukraine, in order to spray it over the western regions;
    • people saw planes flying and spraying something, etc.
  • Deficiency of protective equipment:
    • The bosses make Ukrainian nurses at home sew at least three bandages on a working day.

Memo: Swine Flu Protection

You need to protect yourself from influenza both individually and by the whole world, as soon as a new dangerous virus is discovered. From this point on, the development of a new vaccine begins.


  • The vaccine does not guarantee that the vaccinated patient will not get sick: it protects against several strains of seasonal flu, and the developers cannot guess which one will be this year, plus the viruses themselves mutate. Still, vaccinated citizens are less likely to get sick, and even if it does, the flu is usually easier to tolerate.
  • It is necessary to vaccinate before the epidemic, and not in its midst, and if the person is already sick. (Now, most likely, vaccination is already useless).

Wearing a mask.

  • It is usually worn by healthy people, but in order not to infect the surrounding healthy people, a sick person needs to wear a mask.
  • For healthy people, the mask remains a means of preventing influenza: you need to wear it when visiting public places (in transport, clinics, shops).


Although the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, the hands are an indirect transmitter:

  • On the hands of a patient, viruses are usually full. He touches them to other objects (handrails, pens, etc.), which are then taken by healthy people.
  • Infection occurs when a person touches his face with dirty hands or takes food with them.
  • The requirement to wash your hands many times a day is not an empty phrase. This is protection against the flu.
  • You should carry wet wipes with you and wipe your hands with them when you are away from home.
  • Refusing to shake hands during the flu is not an act of impoliteness, but a manifestation of education and love for one's neighbor.

Fresh air.

The flu virus loves warm rooms with stagnant dry air, so during an epidemic, you need to be outdoors as much as possible.
Remember that your enemy with the flu is not a draft, but a closed window:

  • If the house is sick, and the room is blocked, then soon everyone will get sick.
  • If you have not yet got sick, but just brought a virus with you, then in an unventilated warm apartment it will begin to multiply at a wild rate.

Maintain optimal indoor temperature and humidity:

  • temperature - 20 ° C (pretty cool, but this is the healthiest temperature during the epidemic season);
  • humidity - 50 - 70%.

In winter, the house is very dry, so it is advisable to have a humidifier or keep containers of water open.

Healthy mucous membranes.

Normal mucous membranes are the primary defense... It's not only about microbes, but about dryness of mucous membranes, which is often observed in winter for reasons:

  • dry air;
  • drug use:
    • nasal drops, such as naphthyzine;
    • diphenhydramine, suprastin, etc.

It is good to moisten mucous membranes with a spray, using any bottle of spray drops:

  • Pour physiological or normal saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water) into a bottle.
  • Spray the solution into the nose as often as possible, especially in crowded areas.

Arriving home, you need to do a "general" rinsing of the nose to remove the viruses that have settled in it:

  • pinching one nostril, the other "drink" saline;
  • repeat the same with the second nostril.

Flu symptoms: comparison with SARS

The symptoms of SARS and flu are very similar. The main differences relate to the general condition of patients, temperature, onset and duration of the disease:

SARS symptoms

  • With ARVI, the general condition as a whole can be satisfactory, despite the weakness. Local symptoms predominate - sore throat, runny nose, cough.
  • ARVI begins with a slight sore throat, nasal congestion, and coughing. Then the signs gradually, within one to two days, increase.
  • The temperature rarely reaches values \u200b\u200babove 38.5 ° C and lasts for two to three days.
  • Symptoms of a runny nose, sneezing, lacrimation appear, dry cough intensifies (after a week it becomes productive with phlegm).
  • There is a plaque on the mucous membranes, redness and looseness of the throat.
  • SARS passes on average in a week.
  • Recovery comes immediately - the patient is actively involved in his old life.

Swine flu symptoms

  • General condition - severe:
    • possible nausea, vomiting, joint and muscle pain, headaches - symptoms of intoxication;
    • chills, sweating, increased photosensitivity and pain in the eyes;
    • complete breakdown.
  • A lightning-fast start with a rise in temperature to high values \u200b\u200band a deterioration in well-being in a few hours.
  • The temperature rises to 39 ° and above and lasts for about five days, responding poorly to taking antipyretics.
  • Symptoms of a runny nose and nasal congestion are absent with a sore throat.
  • Dry cough almost from the first hours.
  • Swine flu causes complications:
    • viral pneumonia (in a run-down form, it is irreversible);
    • thrombosis (increased blood clotting).
  • The period of duration of the acute period of influenza is from a week to ten days.
  • Recovery occurs slowly, within two to three weeks after the acute period has passed:
    • All this time, the patient has a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Swine flu 2016: how to treat it

There is still no cure for the flu.

  • Antibodies of the body's immune system fight against viruses, so the treatment of influenza is through strengthening the immune system.
  • In addition to the body's own forces, antiviral agents help, destroying the structure of the virus and preventing their reproduction, but each type of flu needs its own medicines.
  • Antibiotics cannot treat influenza - they are useless and can lead to complications.

You can eat garlic, drink tea with lemon, ginger root - all this is useful, but it is a prevention, not a cure, if a person is already sick.

H1N1 flu drugs

Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is still the only effective antiviral drug for H1N1 flu - not to be confused with teraflu!

There is also zanamivir, but it is difficult to find it in domestic pharmacies.

  • Tamiflu works by blocking neuraminidase, a protein that is part of the H1N1 virus.
  • You need to drink Tamiflu in the first two days of illness - in the following, its effectiveness, like any antiviral agent, sharply decreases.
  • It is impossible to take it as self-medication and "just in case", as the medicine has many severe side effects.
  • The medicine is prescribed by a doctor for severe flu or for patients at risk (elderly, debilitated, chronic patients, asthmatics, etc.).

Tamiflu is mainly distributed among hospitals, and this is doubly reasonable:

  • the medicine in the pharmacy is expensive, but in the hospital it should be free;
  • reception is prescribed when it is really needed.

In most cases, H1N1 flu is relatively easy to carry, thanks to the body's defenses: this is also evidenced by statistics, so most patients with Tamiflu or Zanamavir are not required.

  • Bed rest from the very first day: no courageous dedication at work with the infection of others:
    • Most victims of the flu are workaholics, carrying the disease on the go.
  • For flu symptoms, it is preferable to call a doctor or an ambulance at home:
    • Sitting in a queue for many hours will add three extra viruses to the patient, including the same H1N1, which the person may not have at the entrance to the clinic.
  • The patient needs to be wrapped up well, but the room itself should be fresh and humid:
    • it is necessary to ventilate the room where the patient lies several times a day;
    • constant room air humidification is required.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids is a prerequisite for treatment. You need to drink not just a lot, but a lot:
    • teas with chamomile, calendula, linden, raspberries, black currants;
    • compotes from apples, dried fruits, dried apricots;
    • rosehip decoctions;
    • milk with honey and soda.
  • It is unnecessary to take food to the patient until he wants to himself. Therefore, do not persuade to eat "for strength", especially children.
  • It is not necessary to bring down the temperature above 38 - 38.5 degrees: at high temperatures, viruses die en masse.
    • Fever above 39 in children is reduced with paracetomol or ibuprofen with flu: taking aspirin is dangerous!
    • If the temperature is under forty, it will ease the patient's condition by rubbing the forehead, hands and feet with a vinegar solution or an alcohol solution.

When a doctor call is needed

However, in practice, in an epidemic, it is not easy to wait for the arrival of a health worker - there are not enough of them for all patients. The family doctor simply physically does not have time to bypass all the patients. With ARVI, a delay of 10 - 20 hours is not scary, but with the flu it is life threatening.

In what situation is an immediate ambulance needed?

  • with loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • intense pain of any localization;
  • shortness of breath;
  • headache with vomiting;
  • temperature above 39 °, not dropping half an hour after taking antipyretics;
  • the appearance of a skin rash;
  • swelling of the neck.

If you are being treated for ARVI or influenza, then in the following situations, you definitely need a doctor.

For the past 50 years, the H1N1 influenza virus has infected pigs, but in 2009, symptoms of infection appeared in humans. The infection is especially dangerous for very young children, whose immune system is not yet sufficiently developed. The main feature of the virus is its ability to penetrate into the very depths of the lungs and bronchi in a short time and cause the development of pneumonia.

Signs and symptoms of swine flu in children

Pandemic influenza develops very quickly: no more than 1-4 days pass from the moment of infection. It is impossible to say with any certainty which symptoms manifest themselves in the first place. Some children first have a dry cough, others have a fever, so the signs of the disease are listed in no particular order:

Pediatric Swine Flu Treatment

We have already talked about how to cure swine flu in adults, now let's talk about children. The main methods of treatment for this category of citizens are reduced to specific therapy with antiviral agents for swine flu. In addition, measures are taken to eliminate symptoms and increase the resistance of the child's body to infection.

Organizational and regime activities include the following actions.

  1. Home call. Self-medication in this case is prohibited!
  2. Spending most of the day in bed.
  3. The child needs to be given more drink. It is good if these are herbal teas (in the absence of allergy to herbs), fruit drinks, compotes, especially with the addition of fresh raspberries. When vomiting, it is important to make up for the loss of potassium salts. The solution of "Regidron" or mineral water of the type "Borjomi" and "Narzan" will help with this. The latter will also help with sore throat.
  4. If not everyone in the family is sick, then healthy people should protect themselves with a mask. It is not recommended for the baby to wear it, since it is already difficult for him to breathe.
  5. Ventilate the room more often, if possible, buy a humidifier.
  6. The temperature can be brought down by wiping the baby's body with a warm solution of water and vinegar, taken in equal parts. You can prepare the following composition: mix water, vodka and vinegar in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.
  7. Food should be gentle, containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Read also:

Whooping cough in children - symptoms, course and treatment

Swine flu in children is treated with the following drugs:

Pandemic influenza is characterized by an undulating course. That is, at one point it may seem that the child has become better, but after a while the virus “covers” with renewed vigor. Therefore, in no case should the treatment be abandoned; if necessary, you can drink antibiotics for up to 5-7 days.

Prevention of swine flu in children

To comply with preventive measures, you must:

  1. Don't give up on the vaccine offered in kindergarten or school.
  2. During the epidemic, do not visit places with a large crowd of people. If possible, wait out the peak of the infection at home, and if you need to go beyond it, protect your face with a mask, or at least lubricate the sinuses with an ointment based on Oxolin or Viferon.
  3. Wash your hands more often and be sure to do this with soap.
  4. Prevention of swine flu in children involves the use of a rather large amount of fruits and vegetables. Give small amounts of garlic and onions if the child is okay. You can even make a "medal" for disinfecting air yourself: hang a plastic container from under the "Kinder Surprise" chocolate egg on a string. Make holes in it, and put garlic or onions inside and let the child constantly wear it around his neck.

The thing is that the danger of the disease lies in the fact that the disease is easily transmitted through the air, you can get infected with it in public transport, at work, in any public places, this virus is especially dangerous for young children who carry the influenza virus very hard, and also suffer from serious consequences of the disease. For this reason, it is worth learning as much as possible about the flu 2016, the symptoms and treatment of this disease in order to avoid complications.

History of this virus

Probably many remember that seven years ago a whole flu epidemic began, which at first only affected pigs, but then began to be transmitted to humans, and people were already spreading the strain further. In 2009 there was a real pandemic of such a disease, seven years ago millions of people were exposed to this disease, while this disease was discovered not only in our country, but also on other continents around the world. And although the epidemic has already passed, and doctors were able to bring out a suitable vaccine to combat this virus, today many people are afraid of contracting swine flu, so doctors strongly recommend knowing more about the 2016 flu, the symptoms, and what medications will need to be treated on their own.

Why do doctors warn about the onset of swine flu in our country?

As epidemiologists say, the first outbreaks of this disease have already been recorded in Russia, even at the beginning of this year the virus raged on the streets of large cities, then the epidemic immediately affected forty-seven regions, and this very often became the cause of poor health of people who applied to polyclinics. strain of the virus.

According to experts, this year the virus may come closer to the New Year holidays, but the spread of the infection may stop only at the end of February next year. According to scientific data, this year in January, one hundred and twenty-nine people died not only from the virus itself, but also from its consequences. Most cases of infection were found in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, as well as in Dagestan.

Who is at risk?

Today, it has already been established that the virus most often spreads in young people, although it is likely that this is due to the fact that young people are more likely to communicate with large companies and also visit public places. But this is a little strange for doctors, because young organisms better resist various infections, elderly people and children under five years old, whose immune system is insufficiently developed or weakened, should have entered the risk zone. Today, doctors say that those people who are often in large crowds are at great risk.

There is also a certain list of people who are most often affected by this strain, elderly people who are more than sixty-five years old are included in the risk group, and children with an undetermined immune system are also on the list. In addition, there is a great chance of contracting a dangerous disease in pregnant women, in patients with immunodeficiency, in some cases, patients with asthma or chronic bronchitis are attacked by the virus faster and easier.

At the same time, this virus is very dangerous, so it is very important to find out more information about the flu 2016, symptoms, treatment and prevention of this disease. All the same, patients should remember that it cannot be transmitted through pork, but the strain easily penetrates the body if the patient sneezes, coughs, or a healthy person touches the infected surface, and then touches the nose or eyes with his hands.

When a patient develops the first symptoms of infection, he can become a potential carrier of the virus, so all households should protect themselves with masks, while the patient himself should wear a mask. If the patient begins immediate treatment with drugs that fight viruses, then the strain dies after three days, then the patient is considered not dangerous to others. If we talk about children, then they can carry the virus for about ten days.

If the virus gets on some surfaces, then it feels great there for exactly two hours, only after that the death of microorganisms occurs, therefore it is forbidden to drink or eat from those devices that the sick person used. Even in a minibus or bus, you can get infected if the patient takes on the handrail, and then a healthy person takes it, then this virus will live on his palms.

As soon as a person touches his nose or just his face with dirty hands, the probability of infection is more than ninety-five percent. It is extremely rare that the disease manifests itself without any symptoms, in this case the patient feels quite normal, without feeling weak or unwell, but still the patient will remain a carrier of a dangerous virus. It is for this reason that you should especially carefully monitor your health, as well as know more information about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in Krasnodar, in order to contact your doctor in time.

What are the symptoms of a terrible disease?

Influenza is generally distinguished by its vivid symptoms, so this disease is difficult to confuse with some other virus, but the bottom line is that the swine virus has almost the same symptoms as a regular strain of influenza. To begin with, the patient has a chill in the body, the body temperature rarely rises, there is a wet one, or, if the cough has not manifested itself, then there will certainly be severe sore throat and perspiration. Not infrequently, headaches and weakness manifest themselves, there is a runny nose or just a stuffy nose, the patient feels tired, feels severe body aches, in some cases diarrhea may appear, but this symptom is more typical of childhood, diarrhea is connected to diarrhea, then the flu can be confused with intestinal.

All the same, not many patients know the necessary information about the flu 2016, symptoms and drug treatment, but first it is worth telling more about the symptoms of the swine virus. Influenza generally differs from the common cold in that its symptoms begin to develop rapidly, after infection it may take less than twelve hours, after which the patient begins to feel unwell, high body temperature rises sharply, chills and headaches appear. What kind of influenza strain was detected in a patient cannot be said solely by external examination; for this, laboratory tests will have to be prescribed in order to identify a progressive type of virus.

It is worth saying that swine flu can also have many side effects on the body, the most dangerous of which is pneumonia, this lung disease most often affects children and the elderly who have already had the flu. The danger lies in the fact that pneumonia develops very quickly, already on the second or third day of the disease, pneumonia can be detected in the patient. In order not to face such serious problems, it is better to immediately find out from specialists about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in Volgograd, as well as other cities of the country.

To begin with, it is worth talking about the symptoms of pneumonia that are present in adults, they include a very high body temperature, which can rise above forty degrees, and the person also does not feel well, although these two symptoms are often attributed not to the presence of pneumonia, but to progressive flu. It is worth paying attention to such a symptom as shortness of breath for a sick person, severe coughing fits, the patient begins to complain of painful sensations in the chest area, the patient refuses to take food, often there is pain in the abdomen and in the head area, since the patient does not have enough oxygen , he has cyanosis around his mouth.

But in addition to pneumonia, other types of complications can occur, for example, otitis media often appears in children, but this disease progresses in adults. does not work well. So it is important to know more about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment in children, so as not to let the disease aggravate the baby's condition. Another complication that the patient can expect is sinusitis, this disease leads to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, treatment can be carried out with medication, or surgery is used. Further, it is worth describing more serious complications, because there have been cases when meningitis, tracheitis, inflammation in the kidneys and in the heart muscle were a complication.

Parents need to be very attentive to the condition of their children, if the following symptoms suddenly appear, you should immediately call an ambulance to avoid the unpleasant or even fatal consequences of swine flu.

What symptoms are dangerous for a child with the flu?

To begin with, you should pay attention to how the child breathes, if respiratory activity is impaired, it is difficult for the child to breathe in or the baby breathes too often, you should immediately seek help. It is worth paying attention to the shade of skin color more often, if a strange pallor or even blue discoloration of the integument appears, this will be a signal for immediate seeking an ambulance. Constant vomiting and diarrhea can lead to rapid dehydration of the body, and since swine flu passes with an increase in body temperature, the process of removing fluid from the child's body will take place many times faster, which often leads to the death of the baby.

Quite a few children themselves talk about their condition, parents just need to carefully monitor the signals, if the baby becomes apathetic, he often worries and becomes less sensitive, this is a reason to immediately take the child to the doctor for an appointment. It is very important to monitor the child's fluid intake, if he refuses fluid at all, this also leads to imminent dehydration, then it is worth calling an ambulance to carry out further treatment in the hospital. If you do not know such banal actions with the 2016 flu, the symptoms and treatment (forum) will not help the patient in any way, without calling an ambulance in time, you can bring the baby's condition to irreversible serious consequences, up to and including death.

How does swine flu manifest in children?

It is worth saying that it is extremely important to know about the flu 2016, symptoms and treatment, in children how to treat this disease should be asked only from a doctor, but still it is worth knowing that children's symptoms are slightly different from those of an adult. To begin with, it is worth considering that the flu causes drowsiness in a child, he may not respond to certain actions of his parents, or, on the contrary, becomes too whiny and capricious.

It is important to monitor the child's condition, if he has difficulty breathing or just unfamiliar behavior, it is better to consult a doctor for help. Adult children complain of pain in the head area, muscle soreness is often observed, body temperature rises, the throat becomes inflamed and nasal congestion occurs.

It is very important to know more about influenza 2016, symptoms and treatment of this disease in Voronezh, if a baby has defects in the development of the heart or lungs since childhood, children with diseases of these organ systems are at serious risk, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of illness in if the child has a severely weakened immune system or has neurological disorders.

As a treatment, doctors prescribe mandatory antiviral drugs, and the patient will also have to drink large amounts of fluids, this will help to avoid dehydration. You should not go to work with such a serious illness, since the immune system must fight the flu in full force, and for this the body simply needs good sleep and rest.

The disease is included in the ARVI group (so-called acute respiratory viral infections). Occurs regularly in the form of epidemics (among the population of the country within the limits exceeding the usual rates) or pandemics (epidemics in several countries or even throughout the world). It is not only a medical but also a social problem.

The flu was first described by Hippocrates in 412 BC. e. They were noted for high infectivity, fever, muscle pain and catarrhal symptoms. In the future, many references were left to the flu as the "Italian fever" of the Middle Ages, while the end of the First World War was marked by the "Spanish flu".

The virus itself was discovered in the 30s of the XX century.


The flu virus is the only cause of this disease. It is transmitted from a sick person by airborne droplets (aerosol), less often - household and air-dust routes... The incubation period is from several hours to three days. A person is contagious from the first hours of illness until 5-7 days. During this period, viral cells lead an active life in the human respiratory tract, significantly inhibiting the ciliated epithelium, which acts as a natural filter for the lungs. Due to damage to the epithelium, other viruses can freely enter the lungs and cause inflammation or bronchitis.


For the flu virus characterized by a high ability to mutate, therefore, more than 2000 types of it are known today. They differ in the set of antigens. The division is carried out by a combination of internal (M1 and NP) and external (HA - hemagglutinin and NA - neuraminidase) proteins.

The combination of external proteins gives such combinations as H1N1 and others. According to the combination of internal proteins, the virus is divided into types - A, B, C:

  • The influenza A virus is distinguished by the greatest virulence, it is he who provokes epidemics and pandemics. It is capable of infecting people and animals (birds, pigs, horses), and thanks to rapid mutations, it manages to bypass the immune defense. It is characterized by a course of moderate or severe severity.
  • Influenza B virus is moderately volatile. It infects only people, it is easier compared to influenza A.
  • Influenza C virus is the most stable. Once ill, people remain immune to it. Children are more often infected (the adult body is already familiar), the course is mild.

Four forms of flu are distinguished downstream:

  • easy;
  • moderate;
  • heavy;
  • hypertoxic.

Symptoms and treatment in adults

The flu symptoms are:

  • increased temperature (usually 38-40 ° C), the appearance of chills, fever;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • noise in ears;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • feeling tired, weak;
  • adynamia;
  • dry cough, accompanied by chest pain.

The main symptom of the disease is a sharp rise in body temperature up to 38-40 degrees Celsius. The infection proceeds with the development of general intoxication, which is characterized by chills, general weakness, aching muscles, increased sweating. Localization of headache is usually observed in the region of the temples, forehead, and brow ridges.

Adult flu symptoms also include soreness and tearing of the eyeballsintensifying as they move. At the initial stage of the disease, there is a feeling of dryness in the pharynx and mouth, then inflammation with mucous secretions develops. A dry cough accompanies soreness behind the sternum, pain or sore throat.

Nausea and vomiting are sometimes symptoms. With the classic manifestation of influenza, there is no runny nose, on the contrary, the patient notes dryness of the mucous membranes.

The sense of smell is dulled, and the perception of sounds and light is sharpened. Against the background of a high temperature in a severe form of the disease, disorders of consciousness may appear - delirium, hallucinations and convulsions.


During an epidemic, the diagnosis of influenza is facilitated by the presence of a complex of symptoms that are similar for many people in the patient's environment.

With a sharp rise in temperature, it is necessary:

  • medical examination;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • general blood analysis.

Confirm the diagnosis, differentiate with other acute respiratory viral infections will help:

  • Specific serological tests. They are performed quickly and help to prescribe adequate treatment on time. The most popular are R (H) IF - reaction of (indirect) immunofluorescence and ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To carry out, you need a swab from the nose or throat.
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction.
  • Virological method - virus isolation from chicken embryos or nutrient medium.

For additional diagnostics, you may need an X-ray of the lungs and consultations with a pulmonologist, otolaryngologist.


Influenza treatment in adults and children performed on an outpatient basis, in severe cases and as a result of complications - stationary.


  • bed rest;
  • warm drink in large quantities;
  • antiviral drugs (they are effective as a prophylaxis in the early stages, but in the later stages they are practically ineffective);
  • vitamin preparations;
  • antipyretic, antihistamine, vasoconstrictor - if necessary.

A person is treated with neuraminidase inhibitors, amantadines, interferon preparations, as well as anti-influenza gamma globulin, which contains high antibody titers.

Etiotropic treatment of the virus is most effective at the initial stage of the disease, during the first two days.

The treatment of influenza in an adult should be dealt with by a specialist who prescribes specific antipyretic drugs, taking into account the patient's age, the presence of other concomitant diseases. Prescribing acetylsalicylic acid medications for adolescents and young children is not recommended due to the possible development of Reye's syndrome. Other symptomatic agents - antihistamines, local vasoconstrictor, expectorant and others, should be taken strictly according to indications. To increase the resistance of a weakened organism a vitamin complex is prescribed, which must include vitamins P and C.

It is advisable to treat the disease with antibiotics only after the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, the flu itself is not treated with them.

In the treatment of influenza, donor blood serum containing high concentrations of antibodies can also be used.


The traditional method of influenza prevention recommended by WHO is vaccination... The composition of the vaccine is recommended by the World Health Organization twice a year, for the northern and southern hemispheres. As a rule, it contains the three most characteristic strains of the virus (trivalent) - two subtypes A and one B. In recent years, a quadrivalent vaccine has been developed for the northern hemisphere - two subtypes A and two B.

Vaccinations are especially desirable for:

  • small children (up to 7 years old);
  • elderly people (after 65);
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with chronic diseases, weakened immunity;
  • medical workers.

Social measures such as quarantines in preschool and school institutions, cancellation of public events. It is recommended to avoid large crowds of people, especially in a confined space, and use less public transport.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is also relevant:

  • wash hands, face, nose as often as possible, rinse with saline;
  • when in a team at work, transport, wear a mask, change it at least 1 time in 3 hours; a sick person, wearing a mask, protects others from infection;
  • do not touch handrails, railings, door handles;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in premises using disinfectants.


In most cases, the prognosis of the course of influenza favorable... The cure occurs in 6-8 days, if secondary diseases do not join. As complications, the development of pneumonia, sinusitis, from the cardiovascular system of myocarditis and thrombophlebitis is often observed. Chronic processes can be activated, their course worsen.

Complicated prognosis for young children, pregnant women (possibly termination of pregnancy), elderly people with concomitant diseases.

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