Andipal instructions for use at what pressure. Andipal tablets: what does the drug help from, how to take it with high blood pressure? Composition and form of release


Today's Russians often suffer from hypertension and headache caused by spasms. How to take the pain reliever Andipal for migraines - instructions for use for patients of different ages tells in detail. It is a sedative antispasmodic that does not treat the underlying cause of the symptoms. Reviews speak about the effectiveness of this tool. However, before starting treatment, it is important not only to consult with a specialist, but also to learn more about the medicine.

Andipal tablets

This tool is a combined drug that has an analgesic, hypotensive effect on the body. Due to the active components, Andipal at elevated pressure provides an antispasmodic effect and expansion of blood vessels. This remedy is prescribed for hypertension in the early stages to lower blood pressure.Produces the drug in tablets of 10 pcs. In one package, as a rule, there are 3 blisters with instructions for use.

Andipal's Composition

The effectiveness of this analgesic is due to its composition. The active ingredients for 1 tablet are presented in the table below:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Andipal belongs to the group of narcotic analgesics. Taking the tablets as directed does not help treat hypertension, but it lowers blood pressure. The active components of this medication relieve spasms of organs and peripheral vessels, lower the patient's blood pressure. Metamizole sodium normalizes body temperature and relieves pain.

After entering the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream in a few minutes, blocks the prostaglandin system from arachidonic acid, and affects the sensitivity threshold of the hypothalamus (part of the brain). Papaverine hydrochloride lowers the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs, has a vasodilating effect. Due to bendazole, the drug restores peripheral nerve endings, stimulates the spinal cord. Phenobarbital has a sedative effect. In addition, this component enhances the hypotensive effect.

The capabilities of Andipal are presented below:

  1. Eliminates headache caused by vasospasm.
  2. Relieves pain in spasms of the intestines, stomach and other internal organs (but does not eliminate the cause of the symptom).
  3. Has a hypotensive effect, but is not used to treat hypertension.

After taking Andipal, it is rapidly absorbed into the body through the stomach. The maximum absorption of active ingredients is achieved 20 minutes after application. The active substance is metabolized in the liver. It is excreted completely by the kidneys in the urine over a long period of time. For this reason, you should not exceed the dosage of the drug, so as not to worsen your condition.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed to patients as an analgesic to relieve pain caused by vasospasm. This condition negatively affects blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the internal organs, so it is worth taking Andipal. Below are the symptoms and diseases for which this drug is effective:

  • eye pain;
  • dysuria;
  • essential hypertension (initial stage);
  • intracranial hypertension (benign);
  • diseases associated with high blood pressure;
  • hypertensive encephalopathy;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the chest while breathing;
  • pain in the abdomen, perineum, pelvis;
  • tenesmus of the bladder;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • sharp pain;
  • chronic headache after trauma.

How to take Andipal

Reviews of patients and doctors confirm the hypotensive and antispasmodic effect of Andipal. Prescribe tablets to all patients in an individual dosage, taking into account the diagnosis and other factors. Standard instructions for use of the drug:

  1. With high pressure at the initial stage of hypertension, they drink 1 tablet to relieve the symptom.
  2. With a headache, without the goal of lowering blood pressure, drink 2 tablets per day with an interval of 60 minutes. The maximum daily dose of Andipal according to the instructions is 5 tablets.
  3. For vegetative-vascular disorders (hypertensive type) Andipal is used 1 tablet 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days in a row. It is recommended to combine the analgesic with motherwort or valerian.

special instructions

This remedy is not used for long-term treatment. The tablets are available for symptomatic administration in certain patient conditions. In cases where the use of Andipal is designed for a period longer than 1 week, it is recommended to monitor the state of the liver and the patient's peripheral blood picture. If the drug does not give an effect within 3 days, then the use of the drug is stopped and a doctor is consulted for another treatment.

It is important to remember that Andipal tablets are narcotic analgesics. In this regard, during the period of treatment with this remedy, it is recommended to abandon driving a car and conducting activities that require speed of psychomotor reactions and high concentration of attention. In addition, the drug is addictive due to the presence of phenobarbital in the composition. Children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old are allowed to take Andipal strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Andipal while breastfeeding

It is important for young mothers, especially before starting to use any medication, to consult with specialists. According to the instructions, Andipal is not prescribed to patients during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If it is impossible to do without this drug during lactation, the child is transferred to artificial feeding. The fact is that the active components of Andipal negatively affect the baby, spoil the quality of breast milk.

Andipal and alcohol

Most medicines cannot be used in conjunction with alcoholic beverages. Andipal enhances the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body, which is very dangerous for the patient. In a state of alcoholic intoxication or after drinking a small amount of alcoholic beverages, this drug should not be used, even if indicated.

Drug interactions

The antihypertensive effect of Andipal on the body increases significantly when the drug is combined with drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  1. Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine).
  2. Nitrates (Nitroglycerin).
  3. Beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Metoprolol).
  4. Diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix and others).
  5. Myotropic antispasmodics (Euphyllin and others).

The hypotensive effect of the drug decreases if it is combined with the following types of drugs:

  1. Toning (ginseng in the form of tincture or tablets, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea).
  2. M- and H-cholinomimetics (Acetylcholine, Nicotine).
  3. Analeptics (Cytisine, Camphor, Sulfocamphocaine).
  4. Adrenomimetics (Ephedrine, Adrenaline).

According to the instructions for use, the simultaneous use of Andipal with drugs from the group of opioid analgesics provokes the development of side effects. The drug is less well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, if combined with activated carbon and various drugs that provide an astringent effect and have an enveloping effect. The latter include antacid drugs and drugs with bismuth in the composition.

Side effects

According to the instructions for use, the drug can cause the following side symptoms:

  • constipation;
  • allergy;
  • nausea;
  • nephritis;
  • drowsiness;
  • red urine;
  • hyperhidrosis.

With prolonged use of Andipal, the following violations may occur:

  • agranulocytosis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • leukopenia.


During treatment, it is important to adhere to the instructions for use. Exceeding the dosage of the drug leads to such negative consequences as:

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • anaphylactic shock.


Andipal is an effective drug, but specific. Before starting a course of therapy, it is important to read the instructions for use and consult a doctor. Contraindications for the appointment of Andipal are the following conditions:

  1. Liver problems.
  2. Kidney dysfunction.
  3. Decreased muscle tone.
  4. Systemic blood diseases.
  5. Hypotension (the drug does not increase blood pressure, but lowers it).
  6. Increased blood clotting.
  7. Individual intolerance.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Lactation period.
  10. Hereditary pathologies of pigment metabolism.

Terms of sale and storage

Russians can buy Andipal according to the instructions for use without a special prescription from a doctor. When storing medicines at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The place should be dark, dry, out of reach of children.
  2. The air temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.
  3. The shelf life is up to 2.5 years.


This tool has no analogues in composition. However, in the pharmacy, you can buy an effective medicine that is similar in properties to this drug. Analogs of Andipal in terms of antispasmodic effect are the following drugs:

  • Nomigren;
  • Urolesan;
  • Papazol-UBF;
  • Unispaz;
  • No-shpalgin;
  • Theodibaverine.

Andipal's Price

The cost of Andipal tablets depends on the chosen pharmacy, the manufacturer's company and other factors. Below is a table with an overview of prices for the drug:

Pharmacy name


Avexim, 20 pcs.

Pharmstandard Tomskkhimfarm, 10 pcs.


Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimfarm OJSC

OJSC Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod

LLC Anzhero-Sudzhensky KhFZ, 10 pcs.

Pharmacy "36.6"

Pharmstandard, 10 pcs.

Avexima, LLC Anzhero-Sudzhensky KhFZ


Andipal is a drug that includes components that contribute to the analgesic, antispasmodic and vasodilating effect and to reduce pressure.

The drug is made in the form of white tablets (sometimes a yellow tint may be present). There are ten tablets in one package. It is prescribed for patients diagnosed with the initial stage of hypertension.

Any drug has its own indications and contraindications, and Andipal, which is prescribed at high pressure, is no exception.

Andipal increases or decreases blood pressure

When a person's blood pressure rises, taking one tablet of Andipal can normalize it. This is exactly what is indicated in the instructions for use.

But at the same time, it is not prescribed as the main drug for the treatment of hypertension. To be more precise, andipal tablets absolutely cannot cope with hypertension. If the patient drinks them for a long time, there will still be no result.

Andipal is intended for first aid. But in this case, there are special instructions. What pressure does Andipal save from?It is customary to take the drug once in order to quickly lower the pressure and prevent acute pain in the patient.

The tablets help in the case when a person's systolic pressure does not exceed 160 mm Hg. This is considered an extreme indicator. If the pressure exceeds 160 mm, then in no case should it be taken, so this can only aggravate the situation. And then it does not lower the pressure, but rather increases it.

This is due to the fact that the substance dibazol is a part of andipal, the main task of which is toning of blood vessels. At the beginning, the patient's condition worsens, but after about half an hour it returns to normal, and the pressure gradually decreases.

When a patient has a seizure, it is important to be calm during this period. If the patient is unable to cope with anxiety on his own, then you can drink a sedative.

There is an opinion among the people that Andipal is able to cope with low blood pressure.

Yes, there are such situations. We have already mentioned this: due to dibazol, which is part of andipal, the pressure first rises slightly, and then gradually decreases.

It can be concluded that if you drink two tablets at the same time, then the pressure will rise, but not for long. In any case, it is better not to take risks, and take this drug only if there is a slight deviation from the norms.

What is included in Andipal

As we have already mentioned, andipal is a combination drug and is prescribed for sharp increases in blood pressure.

The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • Analgin, which relieves pain syndrome at the time of a drop in blood pressure. Analgin lowers body temperature, which is often found with a sharp increase.
  • Papaverine. This component helps to reduce vascular tone and relax smooth muscles.
  • Phenobarbital. Due to the fact that papaverine is part of andipal, it should not be taken for a long time, it becomes addictive.
  • Dibazol is a substance designed to lower blood pressure.

Such a "golden composition", as doctors say, allows you to perform several useful functions at once. It can be taken as an analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, and antipyretic agent.

How much is Andipal worth? Compared to other drugs, Andipal is considered the most affordable.

Instructions for use at high pressure

The initial stage of high blood pressure involves taking pills inside. How to take Andipal? The acceptable dosage is one or two tablets. The number of appointments is no more than three times a day.

The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, and can last from seven to ten days.

If the patient notices that the pressure does not decrease in any way during the treatment period, then the doctor replaces it with something else.

Only a doctor can change the treatment, by doing it yourself, you can only make the situation worse. To achieve a greater effect, the doctor prescribes Andipal for high blood pressure in addition to other medications.

An overdose of the drug is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;

The drug is considered potent, therefore the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. This allows you to get rid of unwanted consequences.

Andipal is contraindicated in children under 15 years old, due to the presence in it of the active substance phenobarbital, which has a detrimental effect on brain cells, or rather on their development.

If a child is regularly given a drug, he may develop mental retardation. Therefore, before prescribing Andipal, the attending physician should try other medications for therapy.


Andipal, like other medicinal diseases, has a number of side effects:

  • an allergic reaction may begin in the form of redness and itching of the skin;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • coordination of movements is disturbed. Patients who are driving should not take pills;
  • depressive state.

Long-term treatment with Andipal leads to a depressed effect on the circulatory system. This is due to the analgin, which is part of the drug.

The medicine is taken as directed by a doctor. Only a specialist can determine for each patient an individual scheme of application.

When are Andipal tablets prescribed

Andipal is taken for:

  • elimination of headaches;
  • elimination of spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • getting rid of pain syndrome, which is caused by spasm of smooth muscles or organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of pressure, with a mild form of hypertension.

At what pressure is Andipal taken? A drug is prescribed for the diagnosis of primary or secondary hypertension. It also removes andipal pressure temporarily increased or increases when low.

When andipal cannot be taken at high pressure

Pressure pills should not be taken with heightened increased sensitivity of the substances that are part of the drug. Pyrazolone is especially allergic. Also, doctors do not recommend for renal and hepatic dysfunction and hepatic porphyria.

Andipal for high pressure is not used when the patient has a deficiency of glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase and for any disorders in the circulatory system.

Features of the drug

Have there is a drug a lot of positive reviews, but there are also some nuances. You should discuss these nuances with your doctor before starting therapy.

There were situations when a medicine eliminated migraines at a pressure of 155/55, and brought them back to normal. In this case, the systolic decreases, and the lower one increases the pressure. Only a doctor can prescribe medication to lower blood pressure. To some extent, the drug is considered a soft drug, since it contains phenobarbital, which is characterized as a light drug that reduces the level of adrenaline. Also, the drug is addictive if used for a long time.

It is possible to take Andipal together with other drugs, such as nitrates, slow calcium channel blockers, myotropic antispasmodics, diuretics, hypotasiasis, but only after consulting a doctor.

Andipal is a combined drug that reduces blood pressure and enhances the antihypertensive effect of other drugs.

Andipal tablets at what pressure should I take? The answer to this question is unambiguous - the drug is taken only at elevated pressure, in order to lower it.

Reception of adsorbents or other drugs that tend to bind blood and envelop blood vessels do not allow Andipal to be absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

  • severe poisoning;
  • bleeding may open inside the body;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in pressure;
  • stroke;
  • dysfunction of the stomach and liver;
  • heart failure.

When treating with Andipal, even a drop of alcohol can cause the above complications.

Andipal is a relatively new medicine, and various disputes and questions arise around it. For example, about the benefits and harms of the drug. Or how Andipal affects blood pressure: lowering it or raising it.

The instructions for use of the drug contain information about its complex effect on the body:

  • reduced fever;
  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • elimination of vascular and smooth muscle spasms.

Among other components, the tablets contain papaverine. Therefore, the drug is not only an effective analgesic and antipyretic. He is able to stop the onset of the hypertensive crisis.

But before taking Andipal, you need to consult a doctor, find out in which case you can drink it, and also carefully read the contraindications.

The instructions for use indicate that andipal has a powerful effect as a non-steroidal analgesic agent. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition of one tablet contains:

  • metamizole sodium (0.25 mg);
  • phenobarbital (0.2 mg);
  • papaverine hydrochloride (0.2 mg);
  • bendazole (0.2 mg);
  • calcium, stearic acid, potato starch and other components.

Metamizole sodium (common analgin) eliminates headaches and stomach cramps, lowers body temperature and increases the body's resistance to inflammatory processes.

In combination with papaverine and bendazole, analgin relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs, reducing their tension and soreness. Therefore, andipal is recommended to be taken as an antispasmodic medicine when the following syndromes are disturbed:

  • painful spasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • development of a migraine attack, with and without aura;
  • headaches caused by cerebral vasospasm;
  • primary or secondary hypertension.

The drug is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and blocks prostaglandins, increasing the sensitivity threshold. Pain centers in the hypothalamus signal a weakening of pain syndrome.

How does Andipal affect blood pressure?

Andipal is an antipyretic with the ability to dilate blood vessels. The mechanism of action of the drug in this direction is as follows:

  1. Papaverine, which affects the level of calcium in cells, helps to reduce blood pressure in blood vessels.
  2. Bendazole, which stimulates the spinal cord and restores nerve endings, relaxes smooth muscles, including those in the walls of blood vessels, and reduces their tension.
  3. Phenobarbital, which has a sedative effect, is also a catalyst that enhances the effect of all components of the drug on the human body. Within an hour after taking, the medicine not only relieves spasms, but also effectively lowers blood pressure.

That is, andipal can be taken as a remedy for high blood pressure. But at the same time, you need to take into account all the recommendations that the instructions for using the drug contain.

The course of treatment for the syndrome usually does not exceed three days. And this is no accident. The drug does not address the underlying causes of unstable blood pressure or treat hypertension. The pills only relieve spasms, which cause surges in blood pressure.

The uniqueness of the drug is that it, as an analgesic, is able to help cope with headaches even with slightly reduced pressure. But only in those cases when the pain syndrome arose due to spasms. However, such an effect, when andipal slightly increases the pressure, occurs rather in exceptional cases than as a rule. Therefore, you need to take it only after consulting a doctor.

Instructions for use

Andipal is sold in pharmacies and dispensed freely without a prescription. These are yellowish tablets, most often packaged in plates of 10 pieces. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging. Instructions for use must be attached.

The drug can only be taken by adults. Children who have already reached 12 years of age - strictly by prior agreement with the doctor (sometimes the age threshold is indicated up to 14 years). The following phenomena can serve as indications for use:

  • strong, spasmodic pain in the head;
  • fever and inflammation;
  • increased pressure;
  • stomach cramps.

With regard to pain in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to take the medicine if there is a suspicion of food poisoning. In this case, nausea and dizziness may worsen.

The instruction for the tablets contains the following recommendations regarding dosages:

  • adolescents from 12 to 16 years old can drink one tablet a maximum of two times a day;
  • an adult is allowed a daily dose of 4 tablets, that is, two tablets twice a day or one tablet three times a day.

It is advisable to take the drug after meals, with a small amount of liquid (any, except mineral water and coffee).

The duration of the course usually does not exceed three days. Increasing the number of days of treatment can lead to side effects and liver problems.

The drug can be used to stabilize the pressure (usually lowers it), the surges of which have arisen due to vasospasm. However, you should know at what pressure it is not recommended to take it:

  • at rates below 100/60;
  • at rates above 150/90.

The doctor may prescribe a short course of treatment or even a one-time dose of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Instructions for using a fast-acting drug like Andipal include a number of caveats:

  1. May cause an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to certain components (for example, papaverine).
  2. If the patient does not tolerate analgin, a similar reaction will occur to andipal.
  3. Do not take medicine with alcohol, antidepressants and coffee.
  4. Take special precautions with those who have liver or kidney problems.
  5. Strictly not recommended for people with tachycardia or any other heart condition.
  6. The drug is contraindicated for anemia, glucose deficiency or other blood pathologies.

Andipal tablets can be harmful during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. The drug is undesirable for children under 14 years of age and the elderly.

The medicine can reduce reactions and cause drowsiness. Therefore, it is better not to take it when working with various mechanisms or while driving a car.

In no case should the permissible amount of the medication taken be exceeded. Overdose threatens with the opposite effect, namely, pressure destabilization. You may experience severe nausea, tinnitus, and dizziness. Therefore, before taking it, the instructions for the use of the medicine must be studied, and a doctor's consultation is strongly recommended.

Instructions for use:

Andipal belongs to the group of combined drugs. It has an antispasmodic, vasodilating and analgesic effect. The drug is available in tablet form.


Andipal consists of metamizole sodium (250 mg), bendazole (20 mg), papaverine hydrochloride (20 mg) and phenobarbital (20 mg). Each of Andipal's constituents has a specific effect on the body.

Metamizole sodium - has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is well and easily absorbed, the effect of its application comes fairly quickly.

Bendazol or Dibazol - is able to dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms and lower blood pressure. In addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on the function of the spinal cord. Dibazol is an immunostimulating drug. The main application is spasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels, the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system.

Papaverine hydrochloride - relieves spasm of internal organs, as well as blood vessels. Large doses of the drug can lead to a decrease in the excitability of the heart muscle and a slowdown in intracardiac conduction.

Phenobarbital - has a hypnotic effect. Also applies to antiepileptic drugs. In small doses, it has a sedative effect, in combination with antispasmodics and analgesics, it is used to treat spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a chronic form, the main manifestations of which are spasms of smooth muscles. Such diseases include gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis.

According to the instructions, Andipal is indicated for headaches, since the drug has the ability to relieve spasm of the vessels that supply the brain with blood. In combination with other drugs, Andipal is indicated in the treatment of hypertensive crisis.

Dosage and administration of Andipal

Andipal should be used one to two tablets up to three times a day. The course of treatment with Andipal is 5 to 7 days.

Contraindications to the use of Andipal

According to the description, Andipal is contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the liver and kidneys, which are accompanied by a violation of their normal function;
  • anemia, which is accompanied by increased blood clotting;
  • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  • porphyria (hereditary pigment metabolism disorder);
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • allergies to the components of the drug.

Description of Andipal side effects

According to reviews and instructions, Andipal may have the following side effects:

  • stomach and intestines: possible nausea and constipation;
  • hematopoietic system: a decrease in the protective or coagulating properties of blood is possible;
  • Central nervous system: development of a depressive state, decreased physical activity is possible;
  • allergy to the components of the drug, in some cases anaphylactic shock is possible.

additional information

According to the instructions, Andipal should not be taken with alcohol, as the drug can enhance the effect of ethyl alcohol. The use of Andipal in combination with drugs that depress the nervous system can enhance their effect.

Taking the drug Andipal has positive reviews from people with problem vessels. After studying the instructions for use, the features of the composition, you can find out at what pressure to take the medicine.

Basically, Andipal Avexima for high blood pressure is preferred to use for elderly hypertensive patients, since its reliability has stood the test of time. Although modern medicine has a variety of antihypertensive drugs, the combination of reasonable price and reliability explains the adherence to the drug. The successful combination of accessibility and security inspires confidence, especially when it comes to daily use.

As a combination remedy, it combines substances that not only affect different symptoms, but mutually enhance each other's effectiveness and reduce the risk of side symptoms.

Taking the drug Andipal has positive reviews of people with problem vessels


This is a combined analgesic-antispasmodic, the combination of the components of which helps them mutually reinforce each other. The content of the medication includes four active agents:

  • papaverine;
  • bendazole;
  • metamizole;
  • phenobarbital.

The components in a balanced combination and adequate dosage provide the main action of the drug. It should be borne in mind that with the independent use of a separate element, even at a higher dose, the desired result is not guaranteed:

  • Papaverine is an opium alkaloid, antispasmodic. By relaxing the smooth muscles of the blood vessels (myotropic effect), it acts as a vasodilator and hypotensive. Its effect is enhanced by metamizole and phenobarbital.
  • Bendazole is a vasodilator. A moderate hypotensive effect lasts for two to three hours. Has an adaptogenic and immunostimulating effect, activates the production of antibodies. A vasodilator, dilates the blood vessels of the brain, therefore it is successfully used for sclerosis of the cerebral arteries, which causes secondary hypertension. This component explains why it is worth using Andipal for high pressure.

Papaverine - opium alkaloid, antispasmodic

  • Metamizole is an anesthetic of a group of non-narcotic drugs. It also has antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory properties. Increases the threshold of pain sensitivity, which is useful for frequent pain. It has no effect on water-salt metabolism, which is important in case of complications such as edema. Due to the peculiarities of metabolism, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa. It should be carefully combined with other NSAIDs so as not to increase the toxic effect. In order to avoid the risk of developing agranulicytosis (a decrease in leukocytes in the blood count) with frequent use, it has been excluded from the list of acceptable drugs in some European countries.
  • Phenobarbital is a barbiturate with antiepileptic and hypnotic effects. Refers to long-acting barbiturates that can be addictive. Its effect on the body continues for 12 hours after ingestion. Already after 2 weeks, addiction can develop. This explains why, after prolonged use, there may be discomfort after stopping use. It can enter the fetus through the placenta, therefore it is not recommended for use in pregnant women. In a number of countries, phenobarbital is prohibited for import.

Indications for the use of the drug

Andipal is prescribed under the following conditions:

  • headache;
  • hypertension;

For hypertension, this medication is prescribed

  • neuralgia;
  • bronchospasm. May present with chest pain and trouble breathing when breathing is difficult (inspiratory dyspnea);
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis - muscle inflammation;
  • pain with spasms;
  • rheumatism.

Instructions for use at high pressure

Let's take a closer look at whether the agent raises or lowers pressure.

It is worth regularly monitoring blood pressure. If possible, it is better to take measurements at the same time every day in order to understand which numbers cause discomfort. Usually, measurements are taken in the morning, before getting out of bed, or in the evening, if you need to find out the need for a pill at night. If the tonometer regularly records high numbers, systemic treatment should be selected. To do this, your doctor may need to do additional tests.

You need to regularly monitor blood pressure

In some cases, hypertension can be neurogenic or transient and go away on its own. And the use of Andipal against the background of a normal state can cause a state of discomfort. In case of side effects, you should stop using the medication and consult a specialist.

Andipal under pressure helps to improve overall well-being. This may explain its popularity, as the problem interferes with daily life. The combination of the drug in the correct dose practically does not cause side effects and overdose. You should not independently change or separately increase the use of a single component, as this does not guarantee an increase in efficiency.

Take pressure pills on a regular basis. Sometimes it is necessary to combine with other drugs that affect blood vessels or are prescribed for the treatment of concomitant diseases, for which their interaction must be taken into account.

The combination with beta-blockers, amiodarone, furosemide, antispasmodics enhances the hypotensive effect.

You should not use Andipal as an antihypertensive agent together with the use of adrenaline, nicotine, analeptics, toning the nervous system (ginseng, caffeine, eleutherococcus), this reduces its effectiveness.

How to drink the drug depends on the characteristics of the condition. Andipal from pressure is taken according to the standard regimen:

  • In the presence of headaches against a background of high blood pressure, 2 tablets are allowed.
  • Take 1 tablet 2 times a day for essential (primary) hypertension, do not exceed the course of treatment for more than 3 days. The drug is well tolerated with single use.
  • If there is a single increase in blood pressure numbers, you can take one pill at a time.

The maximum daily dose is up to 6 tablets. Since Andipal has no stomach irritant effect, it can be taken with or without food. Andipal Avexima for high blood pressure is convenient to take in the evening to ease the way to sleep.

Drinking Andipal from pressure should be no more than 3-5 days. The dose and duration, as well as at what blood pressure the continued use is allowed, can be changed by the doctor as needed.

The purpose of the medicine is to relieve pain and quickly induce a hypotensive effect. Andipal is not used with low blood pressure.

Drinking Andipal from pressure should be no more than 3-5 days


Although the drug has a proven and harmonious combination, the constituent components may not be applicable in some cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the elements of the composition;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • respiratory depression;
  • orthostatic collapse;
  • blood diseases;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • porphyria;
  • AV blockade;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy, especially during the first trimester;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children under 15 years old.

Do not take this medication during breastfeeding.


Analogs include drugs containing related components, while their prices may vary. If the analogue does not help on a par with the original drug, it must be replaced with a more effective agent. Having a similar composition, these drugs may have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using. The best analogs of Andipal with increased blood pressure are:

  • Theodinal,
  • Papazol,
  • No-shpa,
  • Analgin,
  • Cardiomagnet,
  • Nimesil,
  • Urolesan.

It is not worth stopping treatment when the condition improves in order to avoid surges in blood pressure. Consistently high blood pressure during examination is an indication for compulsory systemic treatment. With prolonged use, blood monitoring may be necessary. How to take Andipal individually should be discussed with your doctor.

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