How to celebrate the New Year and what menu to make? How to properly celebrate the new year of the dog.

New Year 2018 according to the Chinese calendar began on February 16, 2018. He became the 4716th in the Eastern tradition and will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. The new Chinese horoscope sign will take effect on February 5, 2018.

Dog in Eastern Astrology

A dog is a totem animal, and its time period is from 19.00 to 21.00. In the East, this time is considered a stage of well-deserved rest, reflection, and making plans.

In Chinese manuscripts, the Dog is depicted pensively looking up, lying on the grass in a relaxed position.

Asians consider the dog to be a wise pet. Therefore, the coming 2018 promises to be peaceful, and people will feel peaceful. But it should be remembered that before you rest, you need to work hard and finish all the planned tasks.

New Year 2018 - the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Yellow Earth Dog in 2018 says that you can plan for the future. New ideas born will be well thought out.

You won't have to lie down in 2018, because the Dog is quite active. The year will be favorable for those who know how to work, boldly look into tomorrow and are ready to make efforts to ensure a bright future.

Symbols of 2018

Each year in the Chinese horoscope is associated with a specific color. Therefore, you can celebrate the new 2018 in yellow, gold, orange, brown and mustard colors.

Outfit for the Year of the Yellow Dog

Also, each year in Eastern astrology has its own stones. A dog is a down-to-earth creature. Earth symbols are embodied in: amber, beryl, carnelian, citrine, hyacinth, jasper, tiger's eye, zircon.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018

Astrologers advise to celebrate the New 2018 year with family and friends. It is advisable to gather at one table all relatives, even distant ones or those with whom you did not communicate long years... Close friends are invited to the family table.

If there is no opportunity to gather at home, a family restaurant with a soulful atmosphere will do. Choose in advance,. Disco, clubs, saunas, etc. are not desirable for celebration this year.

The dog does not like sudden movements, drunk people. Therefore, the celebration itself should not be noisy or pompous, the main thing is that everyone should be comfortable, warm and calm. It is not advised to sing loudly, dance to the point of exhaustion, or get drunk.

The place of the holiday must be decorated; it is better to use decor in brown, yellow and white shades.

Table setting and decoration in 2018

What to put on the festive table

A dog is an unpretentious animal in food, not a gourmet. One must approach the choice of dishes calmly and not chase after gourmet products. But, even simple dishes can be beautifully decorated. For this, vegetables and fruits, herbs are suitable.

The dog is a meat-eater, which means that the advantage on the table should remain with meat dishes.

Festive table for the New Year 2018 (photo: from open sources)


Preference is given to low-alcohol drinks: wine, champagne, cocktails. However, you need to be careful with their use. First meal

On New Year's Eve, all of us, young and old, hope that our dreams will come true, achievements will multiply, and troubles and sorrows will bypass. For all this to really come true, it is important to know how to celebrate 2018 of the Yellow Dog in accordance with all the canons.

What is the zodiac patron

In the near future, the Yellow Earth Dog will help us lure luck by the tail. She will come into her own rights on February 16 and will be with us until February 4, 2019. This animal has an active solar energy yang and takes 11th place in the zodiac circle.

The main symbol of 2018 is a very friendly, extremely loyal, extremely conservative and exclusively family sign. The dog is unassuming, disinterested, wise, fair and does not strive for luxury and glory. The main thing for her is not material wealth, but peace and stability in the family, at work and in relationships with friends.

The symbol of the year is very faithful, so not only does not lose old friends, but also helps to make new ones

With such a heavenly patron, we can hope that the next year will be calm and prosperous, perhaps not ideal, but also not as difficult as the previous one. It gives us hope that there will be a little more truth and decency in the world, and positive changes will take place in all areas of human relations, both family and between countries.

All shades of the earth are considered good colors for the celebration: yellow, mustard, dark green. We wrote about what kind of outfits to choose in order to lure luck and love in the article "What to wear for the new year 2018".

Where and how best to celebrate the New Year 2018

The dog cannot stand a noisy crowd, but alone it literally goes crazy. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the year that she patronizes at home in the circle of the closest people. Ideally, the whole family should gather at the table that night. The dog will definitely appreciate it, because its motto is close communication and preservation of family ties. You can also invite friends, but only those with whom the friendship is time-tested.

Celebrate in a cozy family restaurant, if TV and Olivier is not to your liking

If the size of your home does not allow you to comfortably meet the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog with the upcoming company, rent a room in a family restaurant or a country house. The less solemn and pretentious, the more comfortable and homey the environment is, the better.

For those who decided that there is nothing better than a family hearth, the question arises: what to cook for the New 2018? We know the answer and share with you the most delicious recipes For more information, see the article about dishes for the New Year's feast that will surely please the Dog.

How to meet according to your zodiac sign

The dog reacts negatively to noise and does not like drunk people. Immodest behavior, dancing until you drop, loud chants, unrestrained drinking of alcohol on this night are not allowed. A glass of champagne to the chimes will be enough. If you cannot imagine fun without alcohol, know when to stop and control the degree of intoxication.


Aries will never miss the opportunity to spend an evening in good company, but they better meet the coming year not in the club, but at home. You should not be upset, because they will not be bored anyway.


For Taurus, respectability and comfort are a priority. To create the atmosphere of a five-star restaurant, where each guest will feel the most important and desirable, they can do it even in their own apartment.


A warm country house is the best option for Gemini

It is difficult to keep twins at home on New Year's Eve, because they cannot imagine fun without a large company. The way out is to rent a country house and gather all friends and relatives in it.


Cancers are purely family people who prefer holidays in a close circle with a richly laid table. Maybe this approach will seem boring to some, but the mistress of the year will definitely like it.

a lion

Leo tries to turn the New Year's Eve into an exciting adventure: rent a house by the sea or a summer cottage in the forest. And this sign can sincerely have fun without alcohol, without violating the rules of the patroness of the year.


Family virgins will make the celebration truly homely and warm

Virgos are used to planning every little thing and carefully preparing for any event. They will definitely arrange the perfect celebration in their home and connect the whole family to its organization. The dog will be happy.


Libras love homemade meals with good food, beautiful music, and few people they like. No one will be bored: this sign knows how to entertain guests so as to please everyone, including the eastern hostess of the celebration.


Scorpios are adherents of everything unusual. They will most likely want to celebrate the holiday in another country or at least a city. The dog won't mind. The main thing is that the company is suitable.


Sagittarius, as always, want to come off to the fullest!

Energetic Sagittarius always need the company of the same light-hearted and kindred people. And where the fun will take place: in the city, in the country or in a cozy restaurant, it doesn't matter.


It is important for Capricorns that any event goes according to plan, the company is warm and friendly, and the food is delicious. The holiday organized by them cannot but please the conservative and peace-loving symbol of 2018.


Aquarian pacifists value warmth most of all and hate quarrels. They perfectly master the art of extinguishing the brewing conflict and turning enemies into friends. The dog trusts them and will not mind, even if on New Year's Eve they decide to go to a club party.


Pisces will feel great, because a holiday with their families is what they need. And they always know how to please with sweets!

Pisces love romance and comfort: a small company, calm music, candles, pleasant communication. All this is to the liking and mistress of the coming year, so it will not be difficult for them to prepare for the meeting in such a way as to earn the favor of the symbol.

How to properly celebrate according to Feng Shui

Many people believe that celebrating the New Year in feng shui is simple: it all comes down to preparing decorations and outfits in the appropriate color scheme. In fact, this is a serious Taoist practice that takes into account many nuances. Her adherents begin to prepare for the entry into a new life period with completely different things.

Getting rid of trash

Feel free to scoop out everything unnecessary, old, forgotten from the house!

Before you start creating a New Year's atmosphere, take care of the formation of a harmonious space in the house. First of all, get rid of old things stuck in closets. Do not regret them - the trash is an anchor that absorbs your life energy.

Tip: if the item is dear to you, but you haven't used it in over a year, just take a photo of it. And does not take up space, and is always at hand!

We get a live Christmas tree

Conservationists can dress up a spruce right outside! Even if not by feng shui, but the soul is in place

The European custom to put a pine or spruce in the house does not contradict the principles of feng shui. But the green beauty doesn't have to be artificial. A synthetic accessory has a negative effect on the energy of the space, while a living tree, on the contrary, will fill the atmosphere of the house with positive energy.

Preparing gifts

Even small gifts can be used profitably, and not as another dust collector

Gifts are an obligatory attribute, without which a wonderful holiday will lose its magical power. They will help you maintain a spiritual relationship with loved ones and show how dear they are to you. Small cute souvenirs, selected taking into account the nature and characteristics of the person being gifted, will unite you even more, and the process of their presentation will become one of the most pleasant events of this fabulous night.

Getting ready for the holiday

Forgive offenders and release thoughts of them from your life.

The most important preparatory stage is working on your thoughts and mental attitude. You need to approach the entry into the next year spiritually updated: reject anxiety, forget about problems and tune in to a positive attitude towards your environment. Even when you are unable to forgive the offenders, let go of the situation. A few days before New Year's Eve, remember more often about your family and friends, imagine them happy and healthy.

Signs and superstitions for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Not a single old holiday is complete without beliefs, and the meeting of the Year of the Yellow Dog is no exception.

Such a cute dog will replenish the family budget if you find the right place for him.

Signs for attracting financial well-being:

  • Purchase a dog-shaped piggy bank from a gift shop and place it at the entrance. Ask all arriving guests to throw a coin at it.
  • Put the thousandth bill in your festive clothing pocket or pin it from the inside with a pin, and then store it in your wallet. She will attract cash flow.

Humanity is always valuable, and the mistress of the year will accurately assess your deed

Signs that promise happiness, love and prosperity:

  • If you dream of a dog on New Year's Eve, expect quick changes for the better.
  • On the first of January try to meet a stray dog \u200b\u200bon the street and feed him. In this way, you will enlist the sympathy of the patroness of the year.

To have a dog as a pet this year is not fun, but a big responsibility, so make the decision to purchase four-legged friend the whole family!

Signs about the family:

  • To live the whole year in a complete family idyll, make a yellow dog amulet and keep it in plain sight. He will protect your family from quarrels and troubles.
  • If you want to conceive a child in the coming year, put a small plush puppy under the tree, and next to it some childish little thing, for example, a cap or a bottle.

Just in case, it will not be superfluous to prepare for the New Year and meet it the way its eastern mistress wants. In any case, this approach will add magic to the holiday and give hope that the next one will be no worse, and maybe even better than the previous one.

According to the traditional Chinese calendar, the Year of the Dog will begin on February 16, which means that the symbol of the Year of the Dog will remain with us until February 5 of the next 2019. What is useful to know about her character?

2018: what year of the Dog

Chinese astrology uses the lunar calendar, considering the second new moon to begin the New Year, which occurs after the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year is December 21). In this ancient calendar, 12 animal symbols, replacing each other, form cycles of 12 years. In turn, two more cycles are superimposed on them in parallel - 5 basic elements, or elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth) and 2 types of cosmic energy (Yin or Yang).

The upcoming New Year of the Dog is the eleventh in the Chinese 12-year cycle. This time, it carries the Yang energy, as well as the energy of the Earth, which is traditionally associated with yellow. Thus, Yellow Earth Dog - in fact, this is just a verbal interpretation of the figurative representations of the Chinese astrologers.

Year of the Dog: what year of birth

People born in 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, etc. years, have personality traits that are attributed to their patroness Dog: she is honest and diligent in any business, disinterested in communication and devoted to friends, has an open, cheerful character and is always glad to new adventures. The zodiac sign similar to her in psychological type is Libra, and the best compatibility is possible with the signs of the Tiger or Horse.

Among those born in the Year of the Dog, there are many celebrities: Kate Middleton and Prince William, Claudia Schiefer and Dakota Fanning, Andrea Bocelli and David Bowie, as well as Prince Albert II of Monaco, Jane Birkin, Uma Thurman, Matt Damon, Naomi Campbell, Sharon Stone, Madonna , Sophia Lauren, Sylvester Stallone, Brigitte Bardot, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson.

It is believed that the Dog can find optimal use of his talents in such areas as medicine, advocacy, charity, spiritual or social activities, teaching, scientific research.

What is auspicious in the Year of the Yellow Dog

To compensate for the obvious excess of the Earth's energy (it is believed that the Dog itself has the power of this element, and in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog - doubly), it is good to decorate the interior, as well as wear clothes in tones symbolizing other natural elements: green (Wood); blue and black (Water). Figuratively, this advice can be explained as follows: trees grow and rise above the ground - which means that green color this year will bring good luck to those who strive for spiritual and material growth. Water, in turn, nourishes the earth, making it fertile - so the vibrations of blue and black will help you achieve success where it is needed most.

The Year of the Dog 2018 is a period generally favorable for changes in lifestyle. It will be easier for us to abandon some old habits and start useful new ones, change our place of residence or start ambitious professional projects. At work, the Perfectionist Dog will require us to be serious about detail, have solid organizational skills, and efficiency in performing administrative tasks. But also remember to share your successes, communicate more and, if possible, support the people around you. Of course, you should not be friends with just anyone, but general principle is this: the more generously you give, the more comes back to you. If we try and do everything right, we will have a very stable, fruitful year.

The topic of family and relationships will also be very important in the coming year. With those who have not yet met their mate, the sociable Dog will share his phenomenal instinct: it will be easier for us to find “our” person and recognize the “stranger”. However, in the coming 12 months, many will have to go through periods of loneliness: these moments will not last long, and with the right attitude towards them, they can even inspire creativity.

Photographer: Ruben Suarez

Make up: Matilda Beltran

Producer: RL Jewel

New 2018 is just around the corner. So it's time to think about how to celebrate this magical, long-awaited holiday. The main symbol and patroness of the coming year will be the yellow earthen dog. How to tame such an animal so that it brings happiness, love and success in business? This is what we'll talk about in this article.


Each of us is looking forward to the onset of New Year's Eve. We are diligently preparing for the holiday: we choose a beautiful outfit, look for new recipes for delicious dishes, buy gifts. And, of course, we are engaged in one of the most enjoyable customs of the celebration - decorating the New Year tree. All these worries do not change from year to year.
But what is special about the 2018 meeting? Let's list a few points to pay attention to:
Invite more guests... A dog is a very loyal, loyal and friendly animal. Therefore, it is best to celebrate the New Year in a fun company of friends, family and friends.
Choose natural... The patroness of the coming year will certainly appreciate if the tablecloth on the festive table is made of real cotton or linen. And among the gifts under the tree there will be products made of natural stone or wood.
Be generous... This should manifest itself in everything. Do not skimp on nice words for your loved ones. Set a decent festive table with an abundance of different dishes. By the way, don't forget to put a bowl of coins and wheat grains on the table. This ritual will help you attract wealth.
Say goodbye to unnecessary. This rule concerns all aspects of life. Do general cleaning at home, get rid of old junk. Also, be sure to pay off all debts, if any. And by all means ask for forgiveness from those with whom you quarreled in the past year. This will take the extra burden off your shoulders and make room for new, wonderful emotions.
You should not be sad alone or work on such a wonderful holiday. Celebrate the year of the earth dog with joy and open heart, then the patroness of the New 2018 will definitely repay you in kind.


It is impossible to imagine a holiday without beautiful pictures. New Year's photos will allow you to capture the last bright moments of the outgoing year. And so that the quality of the frames is on the highest level, it is important to take care of creating a special photo zone in advance. We offer you simple but effective tips to help you cope with this task:

Good light is the key to success... Photos will turn out much more beautiful if the room is bright enough. Ideally, the photo zone will be located opposite a window or a special spotlight. Solid light walls will also help you achieve the highest quality footage. Make sure there are no unnecessary details on the walls.
Special attention to decor... A lot of New Year's decorations will help you create a unique atmosphere of a real fairy tale. It can be anything: socks on the fireplace, shiny snowflakes, compositions of fir branches and, of course, sparkling garlands. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decor and choose the details with taste, because the dog does not like pretentiousness.
Don't forget about accents... The main part of the photo zone can be a fluffy beauty tree. Or a figurine in the shape of a dog.
Experimenting... The patroness of 2018 appreciates naturalness and natural style. However, this does not mean that the area for the photo shoot will be boring. You can decorate it in the form of a magical forest using decorative trees. Or make a false fireplace, next to which there will be a rocking chair with a warm blanket. Unleash your imagination, and then you will get a really amazing result!
The main colors of the New Year
Since 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, preference should be given to shades of golden, orange, amber, mustard and brown. As well as sandy, beige, woody and light green colors.


On New Year's Eve, everyone wants to look irresistible. Therefore, the question of choosing an outfit is very acute on the eve of the holiday. The main color of the next year is yellow. But this does not mean that the choice is limited to only one shade. We have already listed several options for the current colors above. This list is complemented by the colors of ocher, terracotta, mimosa and lemon.
And if you think that this color does not suit you very well, then there is an excellent way out of this situation. Just complement your outfit with accessories of yellow shades: jewelry, scarves, belts, ties.


Each hostess carefully thinks out the festive menu in advance. After all, you always want to see all the best, tasty, but at the same time new and unusual on the New Year's table. An earthy dog \u200b\u200bwill be very pleased with a generous table, with an abundance of meat dishes. And also snacks made of yellow vegetables and fruits: pepper, corn, mango, pineapple, melon, etc. Just do not present too exotic dishes and drinks. Remember, your dog values \u200b\u200bsimplicity.


New Year is the time for real fun! On a festive night, even the most serious people are imbued with the spirit of magic and miracles. And in order for the celebration to be remembered for a long time, it is better to take care of the script in advance.
There are many simple and very interesting entertainment. For example, each guest is invited to write their own thing on paper. cherished desire, which should come true in 2018. Then all the notes are collected in one box and kept by the owner of the house throughout the year. And on the eve of 2019, it will be very interesting to read these messages and assess whether hopes have come true. You can also arrange various dance and music competitions. As well as outdoor games. The main symbol of the year will love this idea.
When thinking about contests, don't forget about the prizes. These can be small keepsakes or sweet gifts. It will be pleasant for every participant of the holiday.


A dog is a pet that loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, she will really like it if you decide to spend the New Year at home, with family and friends. However, do not forget that many dogs are used to living in packs. Therefore, feel free to visit your friends and acquaintances. The main thing is that no one is alone on this magical night.

Each New Year gives us a chance to become better, to realize our plans, to achieve success. Never stop believing in a miracle, and then all your dreams will definitely come true! And if you need help organizing the best holiday of the year, contact Run the Show - a team of true professionals.

For luck to be a real companion throughout the year, it is of great importance how to celebrate the New Year of the 2018 dog year and what the menu should be. The yellow earthen dog has no simple character.

Everyone knows that they are friendly, loyal, loyal, but at the same time, this beast can be lazy and indifferent to what is happening - this makes him quite unpredictable. But in general, the coming year will be quite stable and complete pacification is guaranteed. This year you can achieve harmony in almost every area of \u200b\u200blife. The year of the yellow dog will be an excellent period for concluding marital unions, having children - in a word, happiness in your personal life.

Year of the Earth Dog for the majority of citizens will become the realization of hopes and secret dreams, and in this regard, how to celebrate the New Year - you need to think in advance. After all, we must try to please the mistress of the year - the Yellow Dog, pamper her. But how to do it? Only if you attract her attention with beautiful outfits, original decor of the room, delicious menus that will not leave her indifferent. The necessary preparation, planned events, incredibly tasty dishes will help to celebrate New Year's Eve not only fun, but also interesting, and will also attract good luck for the next 365 days.

The symbol of 2018 should like everything that you can demonstrate in order to accurately count on generous gifts from her. And since dogs are pets, they are tied to home and comfort, and therefore a general cleaning must be carried out on your living space so that you feel the coziness and comfort immediately. Of course, cleaning is not at all difficult if you have a vacuum cleaner, a mop and all kinds of detergents. But how do you create a cozy atmosphere in your home?

First of all, you need to pay attention to home textiles. Do you think it's time to change it? If on New Year's Eve you decide on this, then it is better to stop at the upholstered furniture capes, blankets and curtains in yellow-brown shades. This choice will not only delight the Yellow Dog, but also the warmest colors in the interior will bring a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

  • New Year's interior 2018
  • What to wear for New Year 2018

New Year's interior 2018

Don't ignore the decorative side of the festive transformation of your favorite living space. To decorate your apartment, you can use snowflakes, golden rain, fir needles, cones, small figures of dogs and much more. When your dog arrives, you should understand that you are looking forward to it and will be incredibly happy when it arrives. In order not to scare her away, even by accident, you will not need to use bright details in interior design. Dogs, although funny, are still modest animals, and therefore they are unlikely to like too colorful decor. It will also be necessary to remove from the interior the existing figures and images of all representatives of the feline family, both domestic and wild.

And can you imagine the New Year without a forest beauty? Not for a moment. But we must try not to overdo it with toys, a garland.

It is necessary to decorate the Christmas tree elegantly - even if the balls are not multi-colored, two or three shades will be enough, there should not be a lot of tinsel and must be in the same scale.

What to cook for the New Year 2018

It is also impossible to imagine New Year's Eve without setting the festive table. It is desirable that the tablecloth be in the appropriate shades: yellow, gold, beige. To add elegance to the upcoming holiday, you can place napkins on the table, pre-decorated with metal rings. All dishes and glasses, cutlery must be from the festive collection. And it is imperative to decorate the table with New Year's attributes: candles, fir cones, gold braid for decorating glasses, wine glasses.

In order for the owner of 2018 to enjoy the coming holiday, it is imperative to add meat dishes to the menu - after all, as everyone knows, dogs love him. For dinner, it is better to serve aromatic meat, because dogs cannot remain indifferent to this weakness. And for a snack, decorate the dish using smoked meat, for example. Grilled kebabs are also acceptable. And nothing exotic. Lemons, pineapples, bananas, and soft drinks can be used to support the color theme - lemonade is ideal.

The New Year's menu should be selected taking into account the tastes of all those present, therefore, you must first find out if there will be vegetarians among them. That is, it will be necessary to prepare several dishes, including those that lack meat and seafood.

If children also celebrate, then you need to put something on the table for them without peppers, spices, but light dishes.
And it is impossible to imagine any family holiday without a cake. You can, of course, buy or order a ready-made dessert, if you want to save your strength and energy in order to enjoy the holiday to its fullest, but if you wish, you can make several light sweets. They are performed in parts and completely depend on the skill and zeal of the hostess. Light dessert is perfect for the New Year's menu. To do this, you only need half an hour to prepare the dessert.

Crush the cookies, mix with melted butter, place them on the bottom of the cake pan. Pour in the condensed milk and place the banana circles on top. Dilute the gelatin, pour into yogurt, add pieces of kiwi or oranges. Mix everything thoroughly, combine with whipped curd mass and gently add rice balls to the composition. Until the liquid freezes, pour it into molds or pour it into one removable mold. Now put them in the refrigerator, and after hardening, sprinkle with cocoa or chocolate chips.

What to wear for New Year 2018

Celebrating the New Year is full of expectations, exciting and enjoyable moments. However, this time there are also problems related to the celebration. One of the problems that must be solved before the holiday is to choose the right outfit. Because how successful and appropriate your image will be for the New Year, the mood, the absence of shyness and discomfort throughout the night and the confidence that you look your best will directly depend. However, it is imperative to remember that a perfectly matched image will allow you to gain the trust and good attitude of the Yellow Dog, and, most likely, it will help to realize the most cherished dreams.

New Year's clothes are of great importance during the celebration, because they will contribute to the success of the next year and will always provide good mood... The chosen style must definitely please the hostess of the year, so that she will support you all 365 days. After all, she is very generous and will be able to deliver pleasant surprises to you. In the New Year, the Yellow Dog brings only changes in life for the better. So try to stand out from the crowd, but don't go overboard and make your New Year's look outrageous and vulgar. Modesty, harmony - that's what you will have to embody on New Year's Eve.

Of course, every woman wants to look beautiful and elegant for the holidays, and in this regard, choosing the right outfit is a responsible procedure that requires a special approach. Regardless of where you will celebrate the New Year - in a friendly company, at a corporate party or in a fashionable restaurant - in any case, you will need to adhere to certain parameters.

Yellow shades that match the color of the symbol of the year are not the only ones you can use when choosing a New Year's outfit. Don't limit yourself to just these colors, you can also use lighter shades of blue or green. You will win with a gold color - this is an actual shade that can be applied not only in clothes, but also in accessories. And we are talking here not only about rings, earrings, but also decorative finishing of handbags, straps, shoes. Speaking about ornaments, it is worth noting that prints in the form of dogs will also come into place.

Try to dress tastefully for the New Year and not be a gray mouse, otherwise, you will not like the mistress of the year, and she will not want to help you in the future. By New Year's Eve 2018, the Yellow Dog will react carefully to everything, jealously preserving its traditions and priorities. Don't make her angry or disappoint her by choosing to celebrate New Year's outfits with predatory colors, prints - no tiger, leopard ornaments. Also, don't scare her off with icons or cat appliqués.

Choosing a dress for the New Year 2018, you need to show a sense of proportion, without turning into a parrot or a Christmas tree. Everything should be in moderation so that the chosen image is elegant, feminine. While participating in the choice of an outfit for meeting the long-awaited holiday, one should not forget about such important things as manicure, makeup and hair. In the end, this is the only way to achieve a difficultly attractive, but also perfect image, which the Yellow Dog will definitely like.

What to give for New Year 2018?

As gifts for the New Year 2018, you can choose things that will help make your home more presentable and comfortable, not forgetting that the Yellow Dog is, nevertheless, a pet. You can present dishes, interior items, home textiles to your family and friends. For representatives of the older generation, it is advisable to prepare gifts that differ not only in beauty, but in functionality and practicality: knitted socks, scarves, hats, warm blankets. Children will be happy with gifts in the form of soft toys - if possible, it is better to surprise the child by presenting a live puppy - the symbol of this year. If not, then a toy.

Any figurines, pictures, appliques with the symbol of the year will be appropriate as any gifts in which the main attribute will be a dog or its image.

Many of our compatriots prefer to give perfumes. But this time it is better to refuse such an undertaking. After all, as you know, dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, and therefore pungent odors can scare off the Mistress of the Year. And, of course, it is forbidden to give cats - both live and soft plush and various images with them.

It is imperative to spend New Year's Eve with a pleasant company - the Dog will really like it, since it is friendly by nature. On this night, the mood should also be festive - it is forbidden to be bored, sad. The Year of the Yellow Dog stands for harmony in the family and in the team, the establishment of relationships, a pleasant and peaceful pastime.

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