Essential amino acids. Valine

It is one of the ten essential amino acids. It is part of almost all proteins we know. This amino acid is named after the valerian plant. It has a positive effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. Participates in the growth and synthesis of body tissues. It is a source of energy for muscle cells.

Valine rich foods:

Indicated approximate quantity in 100 g of product

General characteristics of valine

Valine belongs to a group of proteinogenic amino acids, which includes 20 acids. This aliphatic α-aminoisovaleric acid has the chemical formula: C 5 H 11 NO 2.

It acts as one of the starting substances in the synthesis of pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) and penicillin. Interferes with the decrease in the level of serotonin in the body. It is found in large quantities in animal products, rice and nuts.

Daily Valine Requirement

For an ordinary person, the daily norm of valine is, on average, 3-4 grams per day. Regular chicken eggs are in the lead in terms of the content of this substance, followed by cow's milk and meat. For vegetarians, nuts, beans, rice, pumpkin seeds, and seaweed are good choices.

The need for valine increases:

  • in the treatment of painful addictions and addictions;
  • with depression;
  • in the presence of multiple sclerosis;
  • when restoring damaged tissues;
  • with a deficiency of amino acids resulting from taking certain medications;
  • if you suffer from insomnia, irritability and nervousness;
  • with increased sensitivity to temperature changes.

The need for valine decreases:

  • with paresthesias (sensations of goose bumps on the skin);
  • with sickle cell anemia;
  • with violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Valine digestibility

Since valine is an essential acid, its assimilation takes place through a general interaction with the amino acids L-leucine and L-isoleucine. Moreover, valine is very well absorbed from walnuts and quail eggs.

Useful properties of valine and its effect on the body

  • valine prevents a decrease in the level of serotonin - the hormone of joy and good mood;
  • regulates protein metabolism;
  • is a complete source of energy for muscle cells;
  • thanks to valine, vitamin B3 is synthesized;
  • valine is responsible for the assimilation of other acids of the proteinogen group;
  • increases muscle coordination and decreases the body's sensitivity to cold, heat and pain;
  • valine is essential for maintaining normal nitrogen levels in the body.

The interaction of valine with essential elements

Valine is able to interact well with proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as slowly digestible carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, wholemeal bread, bread, muesli). In addition, valine is combined with all amino acids of the protein group.

Factors affecting the body's valine content

Adequate nutrition and overall physical health affect the body's valine content. Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lead to a decrease in the absorption of this amino acid by the cells of the body. Lack of enzymes, diabetes mellitus, liver disease lead to a decrease in the positive effect of amino acids on the body as a whole.

Valine for beauty and health

Valine is used in bodybuilding as a dietary supplement in combination with essential amino acids such as isoleucine and leucine. Such complexes of sports nutrition tone muscle tissue and strengthen the muscles. Used to build muscle mass.

Since valine is responsible for providing our body with serotonin, its sufficient amount in the body leads to vigor, good mood and bright eyes. In sports nutrition, valine is also used as a means to improve protein metabolism.

Based on this, we can conclude that in order to feel good and look beautiful, you should consume products containing valine. Naturally, within normal limits.

It is believed that the amino acid content in foods is necessary for athletes to achieve better athletic performance. One of the amino acids that has recently been increasingly mentioned as essential is l leucine, valine and isoleucine.

In order to make sure of the usefulness of this amino acid, one should understand the mechanism of its action on the body. Since there may be an opinion in the interest of sports nutrition manufacturers in spreading the myth about the usefulness of this or that product for ensuring a constant and stable income. Or leucine's entry into the market and its popularity is related to its usefulness and effectiveness. And is this substance actually found in foods?

One of the amino acids that has recently been increasingly mentioned as essential is l leucine

What is L Leucine (L Isoleucine)

Leucine is the most important amino acid, which is directly involved in the creation of new structures in the protein molecule, which serves to increase the received energy and improve metabolism.

This amino acid belongs to the group of those with branched structural chains within molecules. In addition to it, this group includes valine (l valine) and isoleucine.

The complex structure of the side chains is used for the synthesis of energy by cells, which are necessary for athletes in the first place for full-fledged sports. That is why the presence of these amino acids is required in the diet in full.

Features of amino acids: effect on the body

This amino acid is very necessary for athletes, especially those who are engaged in powerlifting or bodybuilding, since this amino acid, which is found in products, according to recent studies, has a very effective effect that is aimed at increasing protein synthesis. And protein, as you know, serves as one of the main building materials of muscle fibers.

L-Leucine amino acid

In addition, leucine and valine (l valine) are able to resist the breakdown of protein molecules, which has a positive effect on muscle growth. It turns out that taking drugs with leucine or leucine itself after strength training leads to less protein breakdown, which has a positive effect on nitrogen balance and promotes reparative processes in the body.

This amino acid (isoleucine) found in foods can be a source of energy for the body due to its ability to inhibit glucose metabolism and prevent muscle metabolism. Leucine, like valine (l valine), also contributes to the process of glucogenesis, exhibiting an anti-catabolic effect. Summing up, it can be noted that the combined intake of the entire group of amino acids with branched structural chains can have a positive effect for sports training.

This amino acid is involved in stimulating the production of insulin, which is the most important hormone in foods for strength athletes. It is insulin that is responsible for the "delivery" of amino acids and glucose to the cells of the body, which is directly related to the process of protein synthesis and the growth of the number of muscle tissue cells.

In addition, elevated plasma insulin levels reduce the release of catabolic catecholamines and cortisol.

Source Naturals, L-Valine

Increased cortisol is bad for muscle tissue because cortisol is directly responsible for breaking down nutrients for energy release.

How and when to take leucine, isoleucine

Valine and isoleucine are primarily of interest in bodybuilding, due to their properties to synthesize protein, which leads to anabolic effect and muscle growth. But it is not recommended to use this amino acid as a mono-supplement, since an excess of leucine causes a reverse reaction, leading to a sharp decrease in muscle fibers, which has a detrimental effect on bodybuilding.

The most optimal option for taking is a combination of leucine and its close companions in action - isoleucine and valine. Even better would be a combination of supplements in foods enriched with the listed amino acids with proteins, food proteins, or simple oatmeal, which serves as a source of "long" carbohydrates and fiber. For the complete assimilation of leucine, a sufficient amount of B vitamins is required in the body, without which the necessary protein metabolism in the liver cells is not carried out, and the metabolism of leucine, like valine with isoleucine, becomes incomplete.

The most optimal option for taking is a combination of leucine and its close companions - isoleucine and valine

Where to Buy Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine

You can buy leucine, isoleucine and valine on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Also works Therefore, if you have already decided which amino acid is more suitable for you, then you can find it on.

Amino acid content in foods

Leucine contains foods like this

  • Soya beans
  • Beef
  • Peanut
  • Salami
  • Fish (salmon)
  • Wheat germ
  • Chicken
  • Almond

Leucine is found in peanuts


  • Fish (tuna, smelt)
  • Meat (pork, beef)
  • Milk
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Pistachios
  • Dried parsley

Chicken eggs contain Valine


  • Milk
  • Hard cheese
  • Cottage cheese
  • Brynza
  • Bird
  • Legumes


Taking leucine, isoleucine (l isoleucine) during exercise can have a positive effect in terms of performance, improves metabolism, but does not increase the athlete's strength or maximal strength with one repetition of the exercise.

For these purposes, it is not recommended to take isoleucine, like other amino acids, since the growth of muscle mass will not lead to an increase in strength and the athlete may simply not calculate his strength with the next approach.

But this does not mean that you do not need to take leucine, since it provides a constant concentration of the amino acid in the blood cells during exercise. In addition, leucine and valine help the athlete dry out before competition by improving metabolism, reducing catabolic activity, while maintaining muscle mass.

In these tables, the average daily requirement for valine is assumed to be 3500 mg (3.5 grams). This is an average figure for the average person. For athletes, the norm of this essential amino acid can reach 6-7 grams per day. The column "Percentage of daily requirement" shows how many percent 100 grams of the product meet the daily requirement of a person for this amino acid.


The product's nameValine content per 100gPercent Daily Requirement
Egg powder2550 mg73%
Parmesan cheese2454 mg70%
Red granular caviar2140 mg61%
Soybeans (grain)1737 mg50%
Cheese "Poshekhonskiy" 45%1270 mg36%
Lentils (grain)1270 mg36%
Cheese "Swiss" 50%1250 mg36%
Peanut1247 mg36%
Pink salmon1230 mg35%
Pistachios1230 mg35%
Powdered milk 25%1207 mg34%
Cheese (from cow's milk)1200 mg34%
Cheddar cheese 50%1150 mg33%
Beans (grain)1120 mg32%
Perch1100 mg31%
Cashew nuts1094 mg31%
Roquefort cheese 50%1080 mg31%
Sunflower seeds (seeds)1071 mg31%
Chees Feta"1065 mg30%
Meat (beef)1030 mg29%
Peas (shelled)1010 mg29%
Low-fat herring1000 mg29%
Mackerel1000 mg29%
Low-fat cottage cheese990 mg28%
Zander980 mg28%
Pike980 mg28%
Horse mackerel950 mg27%
Chicken egg yolk940 mg27%
Almond940 mg27%
Meat (turkey)930 mg27%
Chum900 mg26%
Pollock900 mg26%
Cod900 mg26%
Hazelnut900 mg26%
Sesame886 mg25%
Meat (chicken)880 mg25%
Quail egg880 mg25%
Meat (broiler chickens)870 mg25%
Cottage cheese 18% (fat)838 mg24%
Meat (meat pork)830 mg24%
Meat (lamb)820 mg23%

Article added: 2017-10-10

Diet calculator (calories, vitamins, minerals) Online calculator for calculating proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, vitamins and minerals in the diet; daily requirement analysis
Comparison of products by chemical composition (calculator) Calculator to quickly compare two products by chemical composition
Basal metabolism (calorie expenditure per day) Basic (daily) calorie consumption calculator for men and women, online
Glycemic index of food (table) High and low glycemic index foods, complete table

Valine belongs to the group of branched-chain amino acids. These substances make up approximately 70 percent of all proteins in the human body.

However, this amino acid is not produced by the body, and therefore must be supplied with food or supplements.

general characteristics

In 1901, the German chemist Emil Fischer, by hydrolysis of proteins, first isolated valine from casein. This amino acid owes its name to valerian. Today this substance is known as an essential amino acid, which stimulates the body's activity, contributes to the formation and maintenance of its structural and functional integrity.

Valine is an aliphatic amino acid with a non-polar character. Closely related to leucine and isoleucine, with which it shares a number of properties. These hydrophobic substances rarely take part in biochemical reactions, but play an essential role in determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins. In addition, valine promotes the absorption of other amino acids.

Valine (L and D isomers) is also known as a glucogenic amino acid. That is, if necessary, the liver is able to transform this substance into glucose, which the muscles then use as an additional source of energy. In addition, it serves as a starting material for the synthesis of penicillin.

Role in the body

Valine is essential for maintaining bodily functions such as muscle and immune health.

Prevents muscle damage and supplies tissue with the extra glucose needed for energy production during physical activity. When combined with isoleucine and leucine, it promotes normal growth, tissue repair, regulates blood sugar levels and provides the body with energy.

This essential amino acid is essential for the central and autonomic nervous system, is important for the adequate course of cognitive functions, and is essential for the proper functioning of the psyche. In addition, it is a substance that inhibits the transport of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier.

Valine is essential for liver function. In particular, it removes potentially toxic excess nitrogen from the organ. It also helps in the treatment of the gallbladder, liver (with cirrhosis, hepatitis C) and other organs affected by alcoholism or drug addiction. It is an effective prophylactic agent against encephalopathy or brain damage caused by excessive drinking. Possesses antiviral properties. It is a precursor to penicillin.

Valine features and benefits

Valine has many benefits. This amino acid is a real salvation for people suffering from insomnia and nervousness. Also proven to be effective in treating muscles and regulating the immune system. And those who want to lose weight take this substance as a remedy for excessive appetite.

Other properties of valine:

  1. An essential amino acid with a stimulating effect, essential for muscle metabolism, growth, tissue repair and proper coordination.
  2. As a glucoamino acid, it provides the body with additional glucose.
  3. It is useful for treating the liver and gallbladder.
  4. Helps to correct the balance of amino acids in the body (for example, in case of drug addiction).
  5. Promotes mental alertness, maintains a calm mood, relieves depression.
  6. Important for regulating nitrogen concentration in the body.
  7. Before entering the bloodstream, it is not processed by the liver.
  8. It is found in high concentration in muscle tissue.
  9. Any acute physical stress, as well as surgical interventions, are the reason for increasing the daily norm of valine, leucine, isoleucine.
  10. Facilitates getting rid of alcohol and drug addiction.
  11. Improves the condition of multiple sclerosis.
  12. It is necessary for people with hypersensitivity to temperature extremes.

Valine for bodybuilders

But perhaps most of the benefits of valine are experienced by athletes, in particular bodybuilders. For athletes, this amino acid is important as a substance to restore muscle tissue, speed up metabolism and increase endurance. Bodybuilders consume valine along with leucine, which promotes faster muscle growth and additional energy supply. In addition, the amino acid helps in easy recovery from injuries or overstrain.

Daily requirement

The drainage requirement for valine is approximately 2-4 g.

A more accurate individual dosage can be calculated using the formula: 10 mg of amino acid per 1 kg of body weight (or 26 mg of a substance per 1 kg - when it is necessary to increase the dose).

However, people with liver or kidney dysfunction should not take supplemental valine without consulting a doctor. High doses of the amino acid can worsen the course of disease. Also, the intensity of valine consumption should be reduced by persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the presence of sickle cell anemia. But diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, insufficient production of enzymes, on the contrary, impair the absorption of amino acids by the body.

Amino acid deficiency

Although valine is easily replenished from food, amino acid deficiencies have been reported. The lack of this substance affects the quality of myelin (the sheath of nerve cells), and also causes degenerative neurological diseases. The deficiency manifests itself in the form of the so-called "maple syrup" disease (occurs in people whose body is not able to absorb leucine, isoleucine and valine). The unusual name of the disease is explained very simply: in such patients, urine takes on the smell of maple syrup.

In addition, an experiment on rats showed that with a lack of valine, lipid formations appear in the liver tissues. Also, an amino acid deficiency may be indicated by hair loss, weight loss, stunted growth, leukopenia, or hypoalbuminemia (the level of albumin in the blood decreases sharply). And also possible damage to the mucous membranes, arthritis, memory problems, depression, muscle atrophy, sleep disturbances, weakened immunity.

People who do not have enough protein food in their diet, as well as those who are involved in sports, in order to avoid a deficiency of valine, should take care of its additional intake in the form of dietary supplements.

Overdose: what is the danger

Consuming valine in too high doses can lead to hallucinations and "goosebumps". Also, regular overdoses cause liver and kidney dysfunction, increase the level of ammonia in the body. Minor overdoses of the substance cause allergic reactions, nervousness, indigestion and blood clots.

Food sources

Valine is an essential amino acid, which means there is an urgent need to replenish the substance with food.

The amino acid is found in high concentration in foods:

  • animal origin: meat (beef, lamb, pork, chicken), fish, squid, dairy products, various types of cheeses;
  • vegetable origin: lentils, peanuts, soybeans, mushrooms, sesame and pumpkin seeds, greens, whole grains, beans, corn flour, peas, beans, seaweed.

It is easy to get your daily dose of valine by consuming dairy products and eggs. The highest concentration of the substance is found in cottage cheese, natural yogurt, cheeses (Swiss, processed, goat, edam), as well as in milk and eggs. Among the seeds and nuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds are the most beneficial. It is better to stop the choice among the varieties of fish on salmon, trout, halibut, and among legumes rich in protein, choose beans, lentils or chickpeas. Porcini mushrooms and cherries, as well as wild rice, millet, buckwheat, and barley are ideal for vegetarians. But still, perhaps the easiest to digest is valine from quail eggs and walnuts.

Interaction with other substances

Deciding to take Valine as a dietary supplement? Then it is important to know the rules for the use and combination of amino acids in order to get the maximum benefit.

First and foremost, valine must always be taken in combination with two other amino acids, leucine and isoleucine. Ideal balance: 2 mg of leucine and valine for every milligram of isoleucine.

The second thing to remember is that valine competes with and on the way to the blood-brain barrier. This means that the higher the level of valine in the body, the less tyrosine and tryptophan are found in the brain cells. Given these amino acid "competition", tyrosine and tryptophan should be taken no earlier than an hour before or after taking valine.

Third tip. This amino acid goes well with polyunsaturated fatty acids and "correct" ones (cereals, muesli, wholemeal flour products).

And the fourth rule for combining nutrients. Valine deficiency makes it difficult for the body to absorb all the other amino acids it needs.

By following these tips, you don't have to worry about a possible valine deficiency.

The latter are known today in quite a large number, but some are of particular value. A striking example is the branched-chain amino acids, also called BCAAs. These are valine, leucine and isoleucine. This article focuses on the amino acid that opens this short list.

General information about valine

Valine differs from the lion's share of protein components in that it is part of almost all proteins at our disposal today. The amino acid got its name from the name of the medicinal plant valerian, and was first isolated from casein in 1901 by the German scientist G.E. Fisher.

4. Energy. As mentioned above, valine is converted into glucose as needed. By participating in energy metabolism, it contributes to the formation of ATP molecules, which primarily supply energy to muscles, including the heart. When a person is exercising or doing physical labor, valine becomes a source of amine nitrogen.

Excess and deficiency of valine

Every day, each of us should receive from 2 to 4 g of valine - depending on the intensity of physical activity and the presence of health problems. The individual dosage is determined at the rate of 10 mg of amino acid per 1 kg of body weight.

Unfortunately, some categories of citizens need to be wary of dietary supplements that contain valine. This applies to people with kidney or liver dysfunction, sickle cell anemia, or diseases of the digestive system. In such cases, the intake of valine should be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise it is easy to overdo the dosage, and an excess of amino acid will certainly cause a deterioration. An overdose of a compound is fraught with the occurrence of hallucinations, an increase in the content of ammonia in the body, and the appearance of a feeling of creeping on the surface of the skin. Upset stomach or intestines, an allergic reaction, irritability and increased blood density can also be felt.

Lack of valine is an equally serious condition of the body, which leads to the development of diseases of the nervous system of a degenerative nature, the formation of lipid inclusions in the liver, hair loss, a significant decrease in the level of albumin in the blood, and depletion. Prolonged deficiency of the essential amino acid can cause depression, arthritis, memory impairment, and insomnia. Lack of valine is often seen in people who have been following strict weight loss diets for a long time, and in those who suffer from the indigestibility of BCAAs. In the second case, doctors use the term "maple syrup disease" (due to the acquisition of the corresponding smell in the urine of the victim).

Athletes should definitely consume valine in the form of dietary supplements if they want to achieve the best results in their activities. However, the amino acid should be taken together with leucine and isoleucine, that is, it is advisable to choose a BCAA supplement.

Valine Source Products

To avoid a lack of valine in the body, you should include in your diet foods rich in this essential amino acid. These include:

  • meat (beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, goose, veal, pork);
  • fish and seafood (mainly from the salmon family, herring, tuna, dried smelt and whitefish, black and red caviar, squid);
  • milk and fermented milk products (hard cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • nuts and seeds (walnuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, watermelon, pumpkin, sunflower);
  • legumes (lentils, soybeans, peanuts, red beans, peas);
  • whole grains of cereals, wheat and corn flour;
  • seaweed;
  • dried and fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill);
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa;
  • soy protein isolate.

Valine should be taken in addition to eating rich foods for overweight, nervous disorders, migraines, sleep disturbances, brittle nails and poor hair condition. Supplements with an amino acid in the composition are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, and individual intolerance to the compound. Valine should not be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding of an infant, under age, in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, malfunctioning of the liver and organs of the urinary system.

Ponomarenko Nadezhda
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