Blood parameters in malignant neoplasms of the stomach. Examination and analysis of blood for stomach cancer Tests for cancer of the stomach and intestines

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Konstantin asks:

What tests are prescribed to detect stomach cancer?

A general blood test for cancer is characterized by the following values ​​of the determined indicators:

  • Increase in ESR more than 15 mm/h;

  • Low hemoglobin concentration - less than 90 g / l;

  • Reduced number of red blood cells - from 2.4 g / l to 3 g / l;

  • Normal total white blood cell count;

  • Normal leukocyte formula (percentage of leukocyte forms, such as segmented, stab neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and monocytes);

  • An increased number of leukocytes in advanced cancer with metastases;

  • A significant increase in the number of leukocytes with metastases of gastric cancer in the bone marrow.
Thus, changes in the general blood test are not specific, but causeless anemia and accelerated ESR, combined with a deterioration in well-being and discomfort in the epigastric region, should become alarming factors, the presence of which is the reason for a detailed examination of the stomach.

In a biochemical blood test for stomach cancer, the following changes are also detected:

  • Low concentration of total protein (below 55 g/l);

  • Low concentration of albumins (below 30 g/l);

  • High concentration of globulins (above 20 g/l);

  • Increased activity of alkaline phosphatase (AP);

  • Increased activity of aminotransferases (AST, ALT).
These changes are also not specific, but their appearance allows you to be alert and undergo additional examinations to detect stomach cancer.

Finally, the analysis of the coagulation system in gastric cancer is always characterized by a tendency to hypercoagulation. That is, blood clotting is increased, resulting in the formation of a large number of blood clots. To compensate for thrombus formation, the fibrinolysis system is activated, which resolves them. As a result, in gastric cancer, the following changes are observed in the analysis of the blood coagulation system:

  • Increase in PTI (more than 1.05 or more than 112%);

  • Acceleration of APTT (less than 25 sec);

  • TV acceleration (less than 11 sec);

  • An increase in the concentration of fibrinogen (more than 5 g / l);

  • An increase in the concentration of antithromboplastin;

  • An increase in the concentration of antithrombin.
In addition to the listed blood tests that help identify and suspect stomach cancer, there is another specific study. This study involves the study of the CDH1 gene, which determines the presence of a mutation. If a mutation in the gene is found, then this means that the person has a hereditary tendency to stomach cancer. The presence of a tendency to stomach cancer means that a person must undergo a gastroscopy every six months with a detailed study of the mucosa for a malignant neoplasm.
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Demonstrates changes in all indicators - erythrocytes and hemoglobin, leukocytes, ROE.

Erythrocytes - red blood

For a blood test for gastric cancer, it is predominantly hyperchromic, with a color index of 0.5-0.7, but often at the beginning of the disease it is absent and is observed in the stage of tumor decay. The decay products, acting toxically on red blood cells, cause their increased hemolysis, and the regeneration of erythrocytes lags behind. The lack of bone marrow regeneration is explained as follows: during decay, bleeding occurs, entailing the loss and decrease in the number of red blood cells, and the absence of hydrochloric acid changes the nature of meat digestion and thus deprives the body of some amino acids that stimulate erythropoiesis.

Sometimes gastric cancer is accompanied by hyperglobulia in the blood test, which is due to thickening of the blood during cachexia or a condition of the lungs and heart that can cause hypoxemia, in which erythropoiesis increases.

Leukocytes - white blood

The number of leukocytes in a blood test for gastric cancer fluctuates sharply depending on the phase of the process. It is characteristic that at normal temperature leukopenia or a normal number of leukocytes can be observed.

With a disease accompanied by tumor decay, anemia, fever, gastric bleeding, leukocytosis can reach 10-12 thousand per 1 mm3 of blood. More often, leukocytosis is moderate - 9-10 thousand. Changes in the hemogram in gastric cancer are observed mainly in the direction of an increase in the number of neutrophils with a slight shift to the left and an increase in the number of stab forms. Neutrophilia with a shift to the left is characteristic of the decay stage and is explained by the reaction of the hematopoietic system to decay products. The disintegration of the tumor, which sharply increases leukocytosis, also increases the intensity of the degenerative granularity of neutrophils, which in tumors is usually either absent or weakly expressed.

Thus, changes in the blood test for gastric cancer are as follows: slow or spasmodic anemia can be noted, leukopenia in the initial stages, before decay, moderate leukocytosis during tumor decay, neutrophilia, a slight shift to the left, zosinopenia; for a cancerous leukogram, an increase in the number of monocytes is considered characteristic, which is obviously associated with a tissue reaction.

ROE - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction

ESR in the blood test for gastric cancer sometimes has a diagnostic value: if there is a systematic increase in its indicators and there are no visible grounds for explaining this increase, then this symptom is suspicious in the sense of the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

Increased ESR in gastric cancer fluctuates over the course of the disease, which is explained by the variety of influences on ESR of various causes. The evaluation of the data of this reaction in a patient with stomach cancer should occur in connection with the entire clinical picture - it is possible to confirm the diagnosis of cancer with an accelerated ESR (repeatedly) and this diagnosis cannot be refuted by a delayed ESR.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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Diagnosis of most pathologies is carried out on the basis of test results. Cancer is no exception. In large clinics, with the help of certain laboratory tests, specialists can detect pathology at an early stage, which allows for a complete recovery. As for stomach cancer, then with this pathology, tests are also mandatory, although they do not reflect the full picture of the patient's condition. In other words, this type of research is used as an additional one. It is on the basis of their results that it is possible to assess the patient's condition.

A blood test is used as an additional diagnostic method for stomach cancer.

In most cases, the following tests are used for gastric cancer: general clinical, biochemical, coagulation determination and a cancer marker is mandatory.

It is important to remember that in some cases, the indicators may be the same for both gastric cancer and gastritis. Therefore, the final diagnosis is made only after a complete examination.

When performing a general study, the following parameters are most important:

  • ESR - in cases where this indicator exceeds 15 mm / h;
  • hemoglobin - a sharp decrease in the level of this element below 90 g / l;
  • erythrocytes - a pronounced decrease in the amount of these elements below 2.4 g / l;

When deciphering a blood test, the main indicators are taken into account

  • leukocytes - maintaining normal indicators against the background of pronounced changes in other elements;
  • white blood cells - a pronounced increase in the number of these elements may indicate the involvement of bone marrow cells in the pathological process.

In some cases, there may be a sharp increase in the level of leukocytes. Often such a change indicates the formation of metastases.

During the performance of a biochemical study, some parameters are also highlighted that are most important in the diagnosis of cancer:

  • total protein - in most cases, it sharply decreases to a level of 55 g / l and below;

The amount of proteins in the blood plasma is important for the diagnosis of cancer.

  • albumins - a pronounced decrease in the level of this element below 30 g / l;
  • globulins - characterized by an increase in the level of elements above 20 g / l;
  • alkaline phosphatase - there is a pronounced increase in the active element;
  • aminotransferase - there is also an increase in the activity of the substance.

Separately, a study of blood clotting is performed. Of particular importance is an excessively elevated level of indicators, which indicates the likelihood of developing blood clots. As a result, the body tries to stabilize the condition and begins to produce substances that help dissolve blood clots. As a result, an increase in the level of antithrombin and antithromboplastin is observed.

Separately, a blood test is performed to determine tumor markers.

As already mentioned, in addition to the above, a mandatory blood test for stomach cancer is the definition of tumor markers. The results of all these studies, in combination with the indicators of analyzes of other biological fluids, for example, gastric juice and feces, make it possible to draw up a picture that reflects the state of the body and determine the characteristics of the course of the disease.

red blood cells in cancer

Separately, the most important elements and changes in their parameters in this disease should be considered. First of all, these are erythrocytes. This disease is characterized by hyperchromic anemia. The color indicator in most cases is in the range of 0.5-0.7.

It is important to note that in some patients, changes in this indicator are observed only with the collapse of the tumor.

Reduced red blood cell count in stomach cancer

Changes in this indicator are explained as follows. As a result of the decay of the tumor, a sharp release into the blood of products with a toxic effect is noted. This leads to the fact that the rate of regeneration of red cells is sharply reduced. It is also important that any decay is accompanied by bleeding, which means the loss of red blood cells. In addition, with this disease, there is a pronounced violation of the function of digestion, due to a decrease in acidity, there is no normal breakdown of animal fibers, which also negatively affects the level of red blood cells.

Leukocytes in cancer

The number of white cells can change dramatically depending on the stage of the oncological process. If the body temperature does not change, then the level of leukocytes will be within the normal range. If the study showed an increase in the amount of this element, one can suspect the collapse of the tumor. There is an increase in body temperature, bleeding and, as a result, leukocytosis. It is important to emphasize that the increase is mainly observed due to neutrophils.

It should also be noted that at the initial stage of cancer, the leukocyte formula changes slightly and more often the changes go unnoticed. Pronounced changes are noted precisely at the last stage. In addition, oncology is characterized by an increase in monocytes, which is explained by the body's reaction to foreign tissues.

The level of leukocytes in the blood rises when the tumor in the stomach decays

ESR in cancer

Especially important in the diagnosis of pathology is the level of ESR. In the event that a systematic increase in the index is observed, while there are no visible changes in the patient's well-being, the formation of a cancerous tumor should be excluded.

With the formation of a tumor in the stomach area, high ESR values ​​are preserved. There are many reasons for this. Starting from intoxication and ending with a violation of the function of hematopoiesis. In any case, a constant increase in this indicator is a direct indication to the appointment of a cancer screening.

A low level of ESR does not exclude the presence of a tumor and cannot be considered as a true diagnostic sign.

The development of a tumor in the stomach is accompanied by an increase in the level of ESR

All people who lead a healthy lifestyle and provide themselves with good nutrition should be wary of the fact that ESR begins to rise for no reason. In addition to this study, you can donate feces, as a result of which the presence of occult blood can be detected.

Biochemical research

This type of study is recommended to evaluate the functioning of organs. Thanks to some indicators, it is possible to determine which body is experiencing difficulties in its work. Blood sampling is carried out strictly on an empty stomach and only from a vein located on the elbow bend. In the presence of a malignant formation in the stomach, the following changes are possible:

  • Total protein - in the presence of cancer, the indicator may decrease to 55 g / l. It is important to note that proteins include albumins and globulins. With cancer, the number of the former is significantly reduced, while the latter is greatly increased.

A biochemical blood test for stomach cancer is performed to assess the degree of damage to other organs

  • Lipase - this element increases in its concentration if the pathological process involves the pancreas.
  • Phosphatase - the element always increases in the presence of cancer of any localization.
  • Gamma GT - always increases with cancer.
  • There is an increase in aminotransferases.
  • Cholesterol - this indicator can both decrease and increase depending on the location of the formation.
  • Glucose - moderately reduced.
  • Bilirubin - increases with involvement in the pathological process of the liver.

The level of bilirubin in the blood increases with liver damage

Important: at the initial stage of cancer, no changes in the blood picture may occur. Indicators begin to change as education develops.

The analysis is given periodically, which allows you to assess changes in the state of important organs and prescribe the necessary treatment in time.

Tumor markers in cancer

A prerequisite is the donation of blood for tumor markers. Any deviation from the norm in this study indicates the presence of a mass, which requires additional examination to determine the localization of the tumor and the stage of its development.

For the diagnosis of stomach cancer, an analysis is carried out to identify the oncomarker CA 125

The most revealing is the analysis for the detection of CA 125. It is a high molecular weight glycoprotein that acts as an antigen. Normally, it should not exceed 35 units / ml. But in the presence of cancer, it increases significantly. At the same time, in a healthy person, it can also vary within the normal range depending on other reasons.

In the presence of a benign formation, this indicator will exceed the norm, but it will always remain within 100 units / ml. If the numbers are significantly higher than the specified level, a malignant process should be suspected.

The next indicative tumor marker is CA 19-9. It is also referred to as carbohydrate antigen. A substance is produced if there is a malignant formation in the stomach or pancreas. Especially often, the analysis of this indicator is used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment being performed.

Oncomarker CA 19-9 allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment

In the event that a repeated increase in CA 19-9 is observed, the formation of new metastases or another recurrence of the pathology should be suspected. Normally, the indicator should remain within the range of 10-37 units / ml. With the development of a cancerous tumor, the indicator sometimes increases to 500 units / ml.

Each analysis for this pathology has its own meaning and you should not refuse the next blood donation. It is on the basis of the results that it is sometimes possible to evaluate the effectiveness and correctness of the selected treatment or to identify the development of complications and relapses in time.

What indicators in the blood test indicate the development of cancer, you will learn from the video:

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an examination. One of the simplest and most informative studies is a blood test. If a pathological process occurs in the body, then the composition and characteristics of the biological fluid differ from the norm.

Based on a single blood test, a diagnosis cannot be made, but it allows you to understand what other instrumental studies need to be carried out in order to find out exactly the cause of the deviation. A blood test for stomach cancer will help track the dynamics of tumor development and, if necessary, change the therapy strategy, which will increase the chances of recovery.

What blood tests are done for stomach cancer

To see all the deviations in the composition of the blood and confirm the formation of a cancerous tumor, it is prescribed:

  • clinical blood test;
  • biochemical research;
  • analysis for the detection of tumor markers.

The test results only allow the doctor to suspect the presence of a tumor in the stomach. In rare cases, the chemical composition of the biological fluid can be almost the same in a patient with stomach cancer and in a person suffering from gastritis, so more research is required.

Indicators of blood tests for stomach cancer can only be correctly interpreted by a narrowly specialized specialist

What does a general blood test show

To study the properties of tissue, blood is taken from a finger, but blood from a vein can also be used. If there is a suspicion of the development of stomach cancer, then special attention is paid to the following indicators:

  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Usually malignant formations are accompanied by an increase in ESR. Normally, this figure is less than 15 mm / h. A sharp increase indicates that the inflammatory process is actively taking place. After treatment with antibiotics, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate does not decrease. The cause of increased ESR is intoxication and impaired hematopoiesis;
  • white blood cell count. At the first stage of the disease, the level of white blood cells remains within the normal range (4-9 thousand / μl). As the pathology develops, their number increases significantly, mainly young forms are found in the blood. Leukocytosis can occur due to infection, inflammation, dietary habits, allergies;
  • erythrocyte concentration. In pathology, the indicator is below 2.4 g / l., It is considered normal if their level in women is in the range of 3.7-4.7 million / μl, and in men 4-5.3 million / μl. The number of red blood cells decreases, because during the decay of the tumor, toxic substances are released into the blood, which negatively affect the formation of red blood cells, as well as due to acute or chronic blood loss. The indicator also decreases because digestion is disturbed during pathology, and animal fibers are poorly split;
  • hemoglobin level. In cancer, as a rule, patients are diagnosed with anemia (hemoglobin below 90 g/l at a rate of 120-160 g/l). It develops due to the fact that the tumor prevents the normal absorption of nutrients and iron. At a later stage of the disease, anemia becomes more pronounced, as bleeding opens at the site of the tumor.

These blood changes can occur not only with stomach cancer, so conclusions cannot be drawn on their basis.

Special preparation for the general analysis is not required. The main condition is not to eat or drink juices, tea, coffee 8 hours before donating blood. It is advisable to avoid nervous or physical overexertion the day before the analysis. If medication is taken, then this should be reported to the doctor, who will interpret the result of the study.

It takes about an hour to study a complete blood count, usually the laboratory issues the results in the morning of the next day


A biochemical blood test allows you to evaluate the activity of internal organs. The deviation of certain indicators makes it possible to identify in which system a failure occurred and how much the disease progressed.

Since tumor cells are able to spread and affect neighboring organs, when checking for stomach cancer, attention is also paid to the work of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.

Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach, the sampling is made from a vein. 2-3 days before the study, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, visiting a bath or sauna. It is undesirable to take hormonal drugs, antibiotics, diuretics, statins, as they can distort the result.

The following indicators help to identify the dysfunction of the digestive system that occurs with stomach cancer:

  • amount of total protein. If there are malignant tumors, then its concentration becomes less than 55 g / l. Cancer cells reduce the amount of albumin (less than 30 g / l), and increase the level of globulins;
  • an increase in lipase. If cancer cells have spread to the pancreas, then the amount of fat-splitting enzyme increases;
  • the level of alkaline phosphatase rises if a tumor develops in the body;
  • increase in gamma GT (glutamyl transpeptidase). This enzyme is involved in the process of amino acid metabolism. An increased amount of this compound in the blood indicates stagnation of bile, which occurs as a result of dysfunction of the liver or biliary system. It is considered normal if the indicator does not exceed 71 units / l for men and 42 units / l for women;
  • an increase in the activity of aminotransferases indicates liver necrosis or myocardial infarction. Less pronounced enzyme activity in cirrhosis, skeletal muscle injury, myositis, heat stroke, some liver tumors, hemolytic diseases;
  • abnormal cholesterol levels. The indicator can be low or high, depending on the location of the cancer;
  • decrease in glucose;
  • an increase in bilirubin. The pigment is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin and is excreted from the body by the liver. An increase in its concentration in the blood indicates the pathology of the gland.

It is impossible to determine the type of tumor by blood tests.

Gastric cancer also provokes increased thrombosis, this can be detected by checking the blood coagulation parameters (APTT, TV, PTI). Adaptive mechanisms with an increase in the activity of the blood coagulation system accelerate the production of factors that dissolve the formed blood clots. That is why in cancer, more than the norm of antithrombin and antithromboplastin is found.

Detection of tumor markers

If a general analysis and blood biochemistry confirm the possibility of developing a tumor in the stomach, then the doctor prescribes an analysis to detect tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances that are waste products of tumor cells or compounds formed by normal tissues as a result of cancer development.

They are found in the blood and urine of patients who have cancer or some other disease. Thanks to tumor markers, they also monitor the dynamics of the disease and check if there is a relapse (the antigen appears in the blood 6 months before signs of metastases appear).

Antigen detection suggests the presence of a tumor at an early stage of its development, which significantly increases the chances of recovery.

CEA or cancer-embryonic antigen is also found in the blood of a healthy person, but is found in a very low concentration. With certain types of tumors and inflammatory diseases, its level in blood plasma rises. This means that it can be used as a tumor marker.

CEA is increased as a result of a tumor of the stomach, pancreas, liver, brain, prostate, and respiratory organs. The level of antigen also increases with autoimmune pathology, cirrhosis, pneumonia. Exceeds this figure and norm in heavy smokers.

With a tumor of the stomach in the blood, the amount of high molecular weight glycoprotein, which is an antigen, increases. It is designated as CA-125. This marker is also present in the blood of a healthy person, but its concentration does not exceed 35 units / ml. Tumor growth provokes an increase in the level up to 100 units/ml.

It should be noted that the indicator increases in both malignant and benign neoplasms. The reason for the increase in protein can be a tumor of the ovary, uterus, rectum, liver, pancreas, as well as the development of a disease unrelated to oncology (ovarian cysts, endometriosis, peritonitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis).

With a cancerous tumor in the stomach, an increase in the level of the oncomarker CA 19-9 is also detected. The indicators of this antigen are normally 10–37 units/l, and in cancer it increases to 500 units/l. To check how effective the therapy is, a repeated blood test for this tumor marker is prescribed. For example, if after resection of the stomach the level of the antigen does not decrease, then this means that the tumor has metastasized.

To diagnose cancer in the gastrointestinal tract, a study is carried out to identify the oncomarker CA 50. It is considered normal if it is not more than 23 units / l in the blood plasma. An increase in this indicator is noted in cancer of the stomach, pancreas, large intestine or breast.

With a tumor of the stomach, the amount of the tumor marker CA 72-4 increases. Normally, its concentration is 6.9 U / ml. The protein is produced in oncology of the gastrointestinal tract. If the values ​​​​are exceeded, then in 95% of cases this indicates precisely stomach cancer.

Since tumor markers are found at different tumor localizations, their interpretation is carried out only taking into account the clinical picture and in the totality of the test results.

Even an increase in the concentration of tumor markers in the blood does not allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the development of a tumor.

In the early stages, cancer antigen may not exceed normal values. Only with periodic repetition of tests and an increase in the level of antigens, it is possible to confirm the tumor and monitor the dynamics of its spread.

In order to find out exactly whether a tumor is malignant, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy, in which cells from different parts of the tumor will be taken. The material is carefully studied and, based on these data, a conclusion is made about the type of neoplasm, the stage of the disease, and the feasibility of surgical treatment.

A very important diagnostic criterion is a blood test for stomach cancer, the indicators of which quite accurately indicate the presence of a malignant process.

Laboratory studies do not become the only definition of the development of cancer, but they are the data on which the doctor builds his conclusion.

Gastric cancer occurs with multiple pathological symptoms, ulceration, decay of the neoplasm, general intoxication of the body. In addition, the patient has numerous digestive and metabolic disorders. Laboratory studies are based on the identification of such processes.

When it is suspected that a patient has developed stomach cancer, a blood test is clear enough to make an initial diagnosis. The specialist studies his results, comparing the obtained indicators with the normal level. The degree of their change can indicate the development of a tumor.

As a rule, a clinical and biochemical study is first prescribed, and by the degree of change in their data, the doctor already determines the need for other tests or the use of hardware diagnostic methods.

Based on the totality of the results obtained, the specialist makes an expert opinion on the use of a particular treatment method.

According to laboratory studies, it is impossible to unequivocally judge the presence or absence of stomach cancer, but they can answer the main questions about the cause and nature of the disease observed in the patient.

Very often, studies of blood plasma and its formed elements are used to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment used.

Types of analyzes and interpretation of indicators

Deciphering the indicators of analyzes gives a fairly clear picture of the patient's condition. Usually, according to the degree of change in parameters, the doctor is able not only to suspect the presence of a tumor, but to determine the degree of its neglect and effect on the body.

They are aimed at clarifying the safety of the body's activity, establishing the presence of inflammatory processes, existing disorders and observed pathological changes.

The data obtained in the course of laboratory studies will prompt the specialist in the direction of further differential diagnosis when obtaining doubtful results.

General blood analysis

Usually a combination of two main methods is required, which include a complete blood count and ESR for gastric cancer. Their combination is called clinical analysis.

Usually, the biomaterial is taken from a vein, but sometimes it is allowed to take it from a finger.

The diagnosis is made by changing the following indicators:

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test when indicating gastric cancer is no less important. It allows you to study the features of the course of physiological processes in the body, the state of the digestive system and the features of the structure of the plasma.

The study indicates exactly which system failed, and also determines the quantitative and qualitative indicators of existing changes. They allow us to suggest the localization of the tumor and the degree of its influence on the patient's body.

According to the basic data, a gastroenterologist is able to judge the presence of an oncological disease and the neglect of the process.

The following indicators are important

Criterion Norm Stomach cancer rate Pathological factors
total protein 65-84 / l. >55 g/l Albumins fall and globulins rise
Lipase 0-187 units/l >187 units/l
Alkaline phosphatase up to 260 units/l. >260 units/l
GGT 42-71 units/l >42-71 units/l With the development of a tumor, a violation of bile secretion occurs, as well as a malfunction in the work of other anatomical formations of the gastrointestinal tract
ALT, AST 30-45 units/l >30-45 units/l
Cholesterol 3.4-6.4 mmol./l. The level may be increased or decreased depending on the location of the tumor.
Glucose 3.4-5.6 mmol./l. >3.4-5.6 mmol./L.

Analysis for tumor markers

In cases where the doctor, based on the results of two previous studies, understands that the likelihood of stomach cancer is very high, he studies the level of tumor markers.

The term refers to compounds that are released after the decay of cancer cells or substances resulting from the development of a tumor.

The main one is the total CEA or cancer embryonic antigen. It is usually detected in every person, but its level rises sharply with the development of oncology. Usually, its concentration increases sharply with neoplasms of the stomach, brain, liver, pancreas, prostate. It should be remembered that it also rises in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases, pneumonia, cirrhosis, as well as with many years of smoking.

There are also specific tumor markers. These include:

Useful video

What tests indicate the presence of a malignant process can be found in this video.

Study of coagulation parameters

Often, when symptoms suggestive of a tumor, an analysis of the blood coagulation system is also performed. It includes indicators of the coagulogram, anticoagulant factors and the fibrinolysis system.

If a patient develops stomach cancer, then as a result of frequent bleeding or during the life of a malignant neoplasm, parameters increase that contribute to an increase in thrombosis. Therefore, an excess of APTT, PTI, TV is recorded.

At the same time, fibrinolytic processes are enhanced to stabilize the overall SC system and prevent embolism. The concentration of antithrombin and antithromboplastin increases.

There is also a genetic analysis to detect a malignant neoplasm in the stomach. It is aimed at fixing the presence of mutated MLH1 and CDH1 genes. According to the results of the analysis, the doctor judges that a person has a hereditary predisposition to cancer. Early diagnosis significantly increases the patient's chances of curing the disease until complete recovery.

If a person applies to a state medical institution, then he has the opportunity, under the CHI policy, to undergo almost all procedures for free.

The price of analyzes in a private clinic is:

For clarification, multiple examinations of the patient are required with all of the above tests and many other procedures for the purpose of differential diagnosis, identifying the degree of neglect of the disease and determining methods of treatment.

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