A detailed explanation of the problem of nausea, vomiting and toxicosis (early preeclampsia) during pregnancy: causes and effective treatment. A detailed explanation of the problem of nausea, vomiting and toxicosis (early preeclampsia) during pregnancy: causes


What if there is no nausea or vomiting during pregnancy?

Some studies show that women who experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy have a slightly lower risk of miscarriage or stillbirth than women who do not have these symptoms.

However, despite this, the absence of nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman should be seen more as a stroke of luck than as a sign that something is wrong with the pregnancy.

Constant nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy: toxemia of pregnancy

Nausea and frequent vomiting in the first 3-4 months of pregnancy is called early toxicosis.

Although pregnancy toxemia is very common, it is rarely so severe that a pregnant woman needs medical attention. This happens in about 0.5-2% of all pregnant women. The exact causes of toxicosis are not known.

Severe toxicosis, without adequate treatment, can lead to significant dehydration and exhaustion of the body of a pregnant woman, rupture of the gastric mucosa, convulsions and even death, so if you encounter such a problem, consult a doctor immediately.

To treat toxicosis, the doctor may prescribe special medications, as well as intravenous infusions (droppers) with nutrients.

In the old days, early toxemia was one of the common causes of death of pregnant women in early pregnancy. At present, fortunately, death due to early toxicosis is extremely rare.

Today, the leading cause of death for women in early pregnancy is .

If you don't experience nausea and vomiting very often and you're coping well, check out our recommendations below.

Nausea + heartburn + stomach pain + frequent burping during pregnancy

A similar combination of symptoms is very often observed in pregnant women and is associated with a malfunction of the valve that blocks the transition from the stomach to the esophagus.

If you encounter a similar problem, carefully study our recommendations in the article. Evidence-Based Guide for Patients on Heartburn and Stomach Pain.

Other causes of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. When should you see a doctor?

The likelihood that nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is not related to the pregnancy itself is greatest if:
  • Severe nausea and vomiting first appeared after 9 weeks of pregnancy
  • In addition to nausea and vomiting, there are symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, chills, and abdominal pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting occurred after eating a product that may have been spoiled
  • Simultaneously with nausea and vomiting, headaches, severe dizziness, gait disturbance, visual impairment, speech impairment appeared
  • Vomit contains blood
  • Before the onset of nausea and vomiting, you had an increase in blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.

If you suspect that in your case, nausea and vomiting have nothing to do with pregnancy, or if you notice the above signs, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?

In cases where nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman is not associated with pregnancy complications or other diseases, it is possible to weaken or completely eliminate them as follows:


  • Eat as soon as you feel hungry, regardless of the time and daily routine.
  • Try to eat less food at a time, but eat more often.
  • Don't follow the principle a pregnant woman should eat for two"! Pregnant women should receive only 450 kcal. per day more than ordinary women (450 kcal is, for example, 100 grams of biscuits, 100 grams of cheese, 200 grams of potatoes, etc.).
  • Try to eat as little spicy, fatty or strong-smelling foods as possible.
  • Avoid contact with foods that you do not tolerate well during pregnancy.
  • Talk to your doctor about stopping your iron supplements and starting a multivitamin/mineral supplement designed specifically for pregnant women. Iron supplements often cause severe nausea and constipation.
  • For breakfast, a small sandwich with cheese or lean meat, but without butter, is best.
  • Between meals, try to drink sugary drinks (such as fruit tea with sugar), but do not drink immediately after meals or with meals.

Mode of work and rest

Watch for situations where your nausea and vomiting get worse and try to spend more time in these situations (eg, walking, light sports, housework, rest).

Medicines for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

Special medicines for vomiting are used only in cases where all other means do not help, as well as with severe toxicosis.

Of all the antiemetic drugs, the most effective and safe during pregnancy are: Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), odinansetron, promethazine, metoclopromide, meclizine, diphenhydramine.

Be sure to check with your doctor before you start taking any of these medicines.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is quite common, although not in every woman. It can be mild, or it can be so intense that it begins to threaten health. In most cases, treatment is not required, soothing teas and long walks in the fresh air can be dispensed with. With severe incessant vomiting, hospitalization is necessary, followed by treatment under droppers.

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    To make it easier to understand when toxicosis can begin during pregnancy, doctors have set the following time frames:

    • Early toxicosis. Starts immediately after delay or 6th week. It ends starting from the 13-14th week, but it can either end earlier or last longer, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.
    • late toxicosis. It begins in the third trimester of pregnancy or in the middle of the second, which is dangerous for the mother and fetus.

    All cases associated with toxicosis during pregnancy are individual. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly when it will pass. Some experience only a slight disturbance of well-being, others are forced to go to the hospital for a long treatment in order to avoid dehydration. The same applies to duration. But in most cases, it lasts until the 14th week, after which it still passes.

    Signs of toxicosis usually end when the placenta is fully formed. After that, a relatively calm course of pregnancy begins in the second trimester. Toxicosis in the third trimester is dangerous and speaks of pathology. There is an opinion that the manifestation of symptoms is associated with the sex of the child, but this does not depend on whether the woman is wearing a boy or a girl.

    Often the absence of toxicosis causes fear and concern, but this is absolutely unfounded. The fact is that if there is no toxicosis, this does not mean that the pregnancy is abnormal. This just indicates that the expectant mother is healthy, the body has adjusted to the new rhythm of life, copes well with stress and adapts to the new state.


    At the moment when conception occurs, the body of the expectant mother begins to adapt to work for two. Because of this, at first there is some discomfort, which can manifest itself:

    • irritability;
    • loss of appetite;
    • increased salivation;
    • weakness;
    • nausea;
    • drowsiness;
    • change in taste buds;
    • vomiting and weight loss.

    Less commonly, with early toxicosis, the development of dermatoses, osteomalacia, asthma, and tetany is observed. Regardless of who the expectant mother is waiting for, signs of toxicosis appear the same way. Symptoms can also be observed with a frozen pregnancy and its other pathologies.

    The most annoying symptom is the gag reflex. In pregnant women, work is one of the most striking signs of toxicosis. The earlier it appears, the more pronounced it becomes. There are several degrees of severity of the gag reflex:

    • Light. A small amount of vomiting comes out, no more than 5 times a day after meals. There are no major changes in the woman's condition. Weight loss is no more than 3 kg in 2 weeks.
    • Average. Gagging occurs up to 10 times a day, regardless of food intake. Weight loss in 14 days exceed 3 kg. Feeling worse, weakness occurs, blood pressure decreases.
    • Heavy. Vomiting can occur up to 25 times a day. This process leads to dehydration or sudden weight loss - more than 5 kg per week. The temperature rises, bad breath appears, the pulse quickens, blood pressure drops, the woman's condition becomes inhibited. Sometimes the work of the kidneys is disrupted. Prolonged vomiting can become life-threatening. In some cases, an artificial termination of pregnancy is even necessary.

    Dermatosis is another unpleasant symptom of toxicosis at the 13th week. Rashes appear, which are accompanied by severe itching of the skin, including the genitals. Pathology leads to irritability, insomnia and depression.

    Types of toxicosis:

    Staphylococcal It is activated by bacteria, which, when decomposed, releases heat-resistant exotoxin into the food product (food poisoning). In this case, treatment is necessary
    Evening Appears after a busy exhausting day. Without adequate nutrition, the body is depleted and toxicosis appears. It interferes with sleep and rest. In this case, freshly prepared juice or fruit drink and evening walks can have a beneficial effect.
    Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy Occurs in the interval from the 1st to the 14th week. At this time, doctors recommend calmly experiencing your symptoms. If the symptoms intensify, then safe and mild herbal remedies can be prescribed to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman and reduce intoxication. The expectant mother, using these drugs, feels good, but when they stop taking them, all the symptoms immediately resume.
    Late Does not occur during normal pregnancy. With an increase in symptoms, it develops into preeclampsia, which is manifested by swelling, protein in the urine, a large weight gain and an increase in blood pressure. The more it progresses, the more difficult and dangerous the situation for a woman's health becomes. With regular visits to the doctor, she will be hospitalized and treated on time. One of the dangerous varieties of preeclampsia is preeclampsia, which, in the absence of adequate treatment, can develop into eclampsia.
    Toxicosis before delay If nausea appears immediately after conception, this is not a sign of pregnancy. Normally, toxicosis can begin only after the attachment of the fetal egg, but in reality - much later. It is not always manifested precisely by vomiting and nausea.


    It is not completely clear why toxicosis occurs. There are several reasons that may have an effect on this:

    Cause Description
    Hormonal changesFrom the moment of fertilization of the egg, cardinal changes occur in the uterine cavity, the composition and concentration of hormones changes (see the figure below). This affects the health, behavior and well-being of women. There is irritability, tearfulness, resentment, dizziness and nausea, there is an aggravation of smell. The embryo is foreign to the mother's body, and he wants to get rid of it. After some time, the level of the hormone stabilizes and the body calmly accepts the fetus around the second trimester of pregnancy.
    Development of the placentaSuch a theory also has the right to life. It was found that toxicosis exhausts the female body in the first trimester until about the 13-14th week. Just by this time, the formation of the placenta is completed, which performs many functions, including the retention of toxic substances. Until the process of planetary development is completed, the body of a pregnant woman protects itself from possible intoxication.
    Defensive reactionToxicosis during pregnancy is a natural natural act of protection. A pregnant woman develops nausea when eating fish, eggs, meat, caffeinated drinks, inhaling cigarette smoke. Such products can be dangerous, including due to the content of an increased number of pathogenic microorganisms. Nausea and vomiting protect the fetus from harmful and dangerous toxins. In this case, toxicosis is biologically necessary. Insulin, which is produced after each meal, also has a negative effect on the development of the child.
    Chronic infections and diseasesAn infection that has not been fully cured leads to a significant weakening of the pregnant woman's immunity, which can provoke toxicosis in the first trimester. To this end, during planning periods, it is recommended to take tests for latent infections, take vitamin complexes to maintain the body, and avoid stress.
    Psychological reasonsLate toxicosis may begin due to the psychological and emotional state of the pregnant woman. Can affect: stress, nervous experience, emotional shock, lack of sleep, irritability. According to doctors, such toxicosis most often develops in women who become pregnant unplanned. Many people set themselves up for the fact that during pregnancy there is a strong toxicosis, increasing its influence. Scientists believe that in the onset of pregnancy, the nervous system changes greatly, the centers of the brain that are responsible for the sense of smell and the gastrointestinal tract are activated.
    Age CriteriaPregnancy after age 35 can be dangerous, especially if this is the first conception or there have been abortions before. Toxicosis can develop more strongly. The younger the expectant mother, the easier it is, as a rule, to tolerate possible symptoms.
    Genetic backgroundSevere toxicosis often occurs in women in whose family someone already suffered from toxicosis in the previous generation. If the mother had unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy, there is a 70 percent chance that this problem will not bypass the daughter
    Multiple pregnancyMultiple pregnancy is accompanied by difficulties in bearing. In women with twins, toxicosis manifests itself much more progressively due to higher hormone levels. The more fruits a woman wears, the more likely she is to feel unwell
    Women's healthLess susceptible to the manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy are those who do not have chronic infections, who lead a healthy lifestyle and who do not have chronic diseases

    How to reduce toxicosis

    According to many scientists, now signs of toxicosis have begun to appear more often due to a decrease in the overall health of women of childbearing age and the additional load in the form of an embryo. All this happens against the background of bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, overwork, untreated infections, depression, emotional stress. But this is only a small part of what happens.

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to improve the health of the expectant mother. Even with the identified symptoms of toxicosis, a comprehensive strengthening of immunity will significantly improve the general condition of the pregnant woman.

    With toxicosis, the body tells the woman that it is necessary to change the support and replenish the reserves of nutrients and vitamins necessary for both her and the unborn child.

    There are a huge number of vitamin complexes that need to be combined with an additional intake of vitamin E and folic acid, since they are extremely important in the first weeks of pregnancy: they reduce the risk of developing pathologies of the nervous system and other organ systems. With a lack of these vitamins, severe disorders in the body can occur.

    • The daily routine should be rational. Increased loads are compensated by long sleep, proper daily routine, balanced nutrition. It is necessary to give up smoking, alcohol and other bad habits, they will not bring anything useful to the body at this time.
    • If it is impossible to form a balanced diet, you can use special milk mixtures. With such a product, a pregnant woman will provide the body with the necessary set of nutrients, which reduces the manifestation of toxicosis and reduces the risk of preeclampsia.
    • Toxicosis is most pronounced in the morning - this is caused by low sugar levels. Therefore, to prevent nausea, you can eat some bread, dried fruits, crackers or drink a cup of mint tea before getting up. After a light breakfast, glucose increases, which helps to avoid morning deterioration.

    From drinks you can choose tea, vegetable broth, water. Easily digestible foods, such as fruits, will help reduce the burden on the digestive system. Vegetables and dairy products will relieve constant nausea. Fried and fatty foods will only make you feel worse.

    Treatment at any stage of pregnancy involves an integrated approach. You need to contact a specialist to conduct a complete examination and laboratory screening. Only according to the results of all these studies, individual treatment can be prescribed. In parallel, it is necessary to support the body, give up bad habits, and eat right.

    Long walks in the fresh air help to fight the main part of the symptoms and have a positive effect not only on the well-being of the woman, but also on the development of the child.

    Folk methods

    The following folk remedies are most effective:

    • Medicinal herbal teas with lemon balm and nettle can soothe morning sickness. Enough 1 tsp. dried raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, after which you can take. It is advisable not to add sugar, but to replace it with honey.
    • Aromatic oils of mint and chamomile help relieve an attack of toxicosis. Used with the use of an aroma lamp, 2 drops of each product are added to it. In its pure form, oral administration during pregnancy is prohibited.
    • Other aroma oils, such as tea tree and eucalyptus, also help well. In addition to the aroma lamp, you can apply a drop of the product to a cotton swab and inhale directly.
    • Ginger tea with lemon will help to quickly relieve nausea. To do this, a large piece of the root of the plant must be poured with hot water.
    • A slice of fresh lemon or a slice of orange can greatly relieve symptoms. You can not only eat them, but also keep them close to inhale their aroma if necessary.

    Pharmacy preparations

    Drug therapy is mainly aimed at improving metabolic processes, reducing intoxication, and normalizing the condition. Medicines will affect the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, so all drugs that have no contraindications during pregnancy mainly consist of herbal ingredients that improve tissue trophism and placental blood flow.

    There are herbal preparations that are now often prescribed to pregnant women in the last stages for the treatment and prevention of toxicosis, for example Hofitol. It is based on artichoke extract, vitamins B and C, carotene. This drug has no effect on the fetus, improves metabolic processes in the body.


    • extensive diseases of the liver, bile duct, excretory system;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • acetonemia;
    • chronic intoxication.

    It is prescribed as a drug of complex therapy. Improves the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, restores the normal functioning of the body, reduces intoxication.

    Another important drug that is used to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis is Cerucal. It has a pronounced anti-hiccup and antiemetic effect. It blocks the signal from the receptors of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the vomiting centers in the brain do not react, and the food, being digested, enters the intestines. The optimal remedy for inability to digest food and exhaustion of the body.

    Under the action of the substance, the tone of the intestinal muscles is activated, which causes contraction of the uterus. Therefore, it should be taken with caution before the 14th week of pregnancy. After that, the drug is safer, since the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is reduced.

    It should be borne in mind that it contributes to the accumulation of salt and water in the body, so it should not be used for preeclampsia.


    Enterosgel is a new drug with a sorbing effect based on methylsilicic acid. It has proven itself well, does not linger in the body, quickly moves along the digestive tract, carrying with it a large amount of toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products. Has the following properties:

    • eliminates the processes of decay, gas formation;
    • removes toxins;
    • activates digestion;
    • stimulates intestinal muscle activity;
    • cleans from harmful microorganisms;
    • positively affects the functioning of the kidneys and intestinal mucosa.

    Taking Enterosgel significantly reduces the manifestation of toxicosis, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, and improves the condition of the body. It does not enter the bloodstream and is absolutely safe for the intrauterine development of the child. It has one negative property: the possibility of constipation in the first few days. Before taking it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

    Such therapy helps to relieve some signs of toxicosis, reduce the risk of possible complications of pregnancy. In the later stages, the best option is considered to be intravenous administration of a complex medication, monitoring the child's condition, subject to being in a hospital. This is the best solution that will help reduce the likelihood of developing such serious pathologies as preeclampsia, hypoxia and others.


    During pregnancy, the process of restructuring the body takes place, therefore, for the normal development of the child and to reduce the likelihood of complications and unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to prepare. 3-6 months before conception, it is necessary to take care of prevention, which includes:

    • taking a complex of vitamins;
    • proper nutrition;
    • sports;
    • normalization of the daily routine;
    • treatment of chronic diseases.

    This will contribute to the onset of pregnancy and its normal course, the absence of complications. The basic prevention of toxicosis is the treatment of chronic diseases. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits and minimize stress.

    Possible Complications

    Constant control of body weight in early pregnancy is very important, a sharp drop or increase in weight indicates complications and requires assistance. No matter how the toxicosis passes, it is necessary at this stage to make efforts to maintain the pregnancy, since there is a high probability of re-toxicosis in the last trimester.

    Nausea with various deviations of pregnancy:

    Frozen pregnancy With a frozen pregnancy, the intensity of symptoms drops sharply: yesterday there was severe nausea and vomiting, and today there are no signs. The most alarming symptom of this is at 10 weeks or less, since nausea in this case cannot disappear by itself. The fall is due to the fact that chronic gonadotropin ceases to be produced and the condition suddenly improves. Often, a frozen pregnancy is accompanied by spotting and pain, in which case you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. This is not just a loss of the fetus, it is also a life-threatening condition.
    ectopicpregnancy In the early stages, an ectopic pregnancy develops relatively normally, since there is enough space in the fallopian tube. At this stage, the condition will not differ from the well-being of other women: early toxicosis develops and its absence is observed, as in normal pregnancy. Often the body feels that something is wrong and stops the development of the fetus, then symptoms of a missed pregnancy may appear. In the event that the embryo continues to develop outside the uterine cavity, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur, which is fraught with dizziness, weakness, nausea, and loss of consciousness. If the period is more than 6-7 weeks, then it is urgent to call an ambulance for a complete examination and possible surgical intervention. It is worth remembering that an ectopic pregnancy is not necessarily accompanied by other symptoms, but there may be pain on one side of the lower abdomen and black and brown spotting.
    Infection When nausea and fever appear together during pregnancy, it may indicate an intestinal infection. Often also accompanied by diarrhea
    Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract If blood appears in the vomit, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the development of the Mallory-Weiss syndrome is a pathology of the gastric mucosa, when cracks form on it and it bleeds. This condition is rare, but you still need to see a doctor.

    Toxicosis during pregnancy is an optional phenomenon. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve the condition.

Toxicosis is a fairly common condition of pregnant women, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It occurs due to poisoning with toxins and other harmful substances that are formed in a pregnant woman during the development of the fetus.

It can also lead to the manifestation of many symptoms, the most permanent being disorders of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and metabolism. How long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy, so much the manifestation of symptoms continues.

There are several degrees of toxicosis:

  • The first - the urge to vomit is observed infrequently, up to 5 times. Weight loss is negligible up to 3 kg.
  • The second is vomiting up to 10 times and weight loss can be 3-4 kg over a two-week period, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure.
  • The third is prolonged and frequent bouts of vomiting, reaching up to 25 times a day, there is a significant weight loss - more than 10 kg, the temperature rises and the pulse quickens.

When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women?

Many women try to determine the absence or, conversely, the presence of pregnancy and begin to listen to their body, to its every change. Not every woman knows exactly when toxicosis can begin during pregnancy. Doctors set the following time frames:

  • Early toxicosis can begin in the first days of delay or at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. And toxicosis ends early by 13-14 weeks, but everything can end earlier, each case is individual.
  • Manifestations of late toxicosis begin in the very last trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes in the middle of the second trimester, which is much more dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Signs of toxicosis in pregnant women

As soon as a child is conceived, the body of the future mother begins to adjust the rhythm of work for two: the mother herself and the baby. From which, at first, a woman begins to experience discomfort called toxicosis. How to deal with it, you can find out on the forum, where every mom shares her secret.

First of all, a woman shows irritability, increased salivation, loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, drowsiness, changes in taste buds, vomiting, and weight loss. Very rarely, with early toxicosis, one can observe the development of dermatosis, asthma, osteomalacia - softening of the bone substance, tetany - spasmodic manifestations of skeletal muscles. Signs of severe toxicosis appear regardless of who mommy is waiting for: a boy or a girl. Symptoms of toxicosis can also be observed during a frozen pregnancy, which can be distinguished by the absence of fetal movement and heartbeat.

The most dangerous and unpleasant signs of toxicosis, both in the first trimester and in the third.

Gag reflex in pregnancy

Vomiting is one of the most striking manifestations of toxicosis in late and early pregnancy. Most often, vomiting is active for 20 weeks, and the earlier it starts, the more severe it is. There are several degrees of severity of the gag reflex in a pregnant woman:

  1. Mild nausea and a small amount of vomiting, which occurs no more than 5 times a day, usually after meals. The woman's condition is unchanged, weight loss is about 3 kg, but no more.
  2. Gagging increases up to 10 times a day, regardless of food intake, and weight loss in 2 weeks can already reach 3 kg or more. The well-being of a pregnant woman worsens significantly: weakness occurs, the pulse rate increases, and blood pressure decreases.
  3. There is excessive vomiting, which can reach up to 25 times a day. Such a transient process leads to dehydration of the body and a sharp weight loss (more than 10 kg.). The temperature rises, bad breath appears, the pulse quickens, blood pressure drops and the woman becomes inhibited. In some cases, there may be a violation of the kidneys and with prolonged vomiting, which is already becoming life-threatening for the mother, doctors recommend artificial termination of pregnancy.

Dermatous rashes

This is the most unpleasant manifestation of toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy, in the form of diffuse itching of the skin, it can reach the genitals. This leads to irritability, sleep disturbance and depression.

Dangerous development of tetany and osteomalacia

Progressive development occurs due to the violations of the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body of the expectant mother. Osteomalacia causes softening of the bone tissue, which threatens with bone fractures. Tetany is dangerous with cramps in the muscles of the upper extremities, very rarely observed in the lower extremities and on the face.

Why is there no toxicosis

Women are so accustomed to the idea that toxicosis is a normal course of pregnancy that its absence began to evoke fear and apprehension. Do not worry, such suspicions are completely unfounded and not dangerous. On the contrary, it means that the expectant mother is absolutely healthy. If there is no toxicosis, this is normal. The body easily adapted to the new rhythm of work, coping well with the loads, it adapted to the new state without the manifestation of nausea, vomiting and violations of its general systems.

The advantageous aspects of "non-toxic" pregnancy are obvious:

  • there is no threat of miscarriage, subsequently severe toxicosis;
  • timely replenishment of vitamins developing the fetus, which improves its development, without any pathologies;
  • excellent mood and well-being, allows you to enjoy the unique state of the body.

Types of toxicosis

During pregnancy, there are several types of toxicosis:

  • Staphylococcal toxicosis - is activated by enterotoxigenic strains, which, during reproduction, can release heat-resistant exotoxin into food products. An urgent consultation with a doctor, examination and further treatment is necessary.
  • Evening toxicosis - after an exhausting and stressful day and without taking enough food, the body becomes exhausted and succumbs to the attack of toxicosis. Toxicosis in the evenings makes it difficult to fall asleep and rest in peace. Evening walks, freshly prepared juice or fruit drink from fresh sour berries have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy - This is approximately the period from 1 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors recommend calmly experiencing the symptoms of toxicosis in the first trimester. In the event that the signs intensify, then specialists can prescribe safe soft herbal remedies, which will greatly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman and reduce intoxication. But it is worth noting that while mommy uses prescribed drugs, she feels great, but when you stop taking these drugs, the signs of toxicosis immediately resume. To reduce toxicosis during pregnancy, you can resort to folk remedies, which will be safer for the baby.
  • Late toxicosis - with the normal development of pregnancy, the re-emergence of toxicosis in the second trimester is excluded. But there are times when late toxicosis causes bouts of vomiting and nausea, if the symptoms increase, then a complication occurs called preeclampsia. It is manifested by swelling, the presence of protein in the urine, high blood pressure and weight gain up to 400 grams per week. The more toxicosis progresses in late pregnancy, the more difficult and dangerous it is for the health of a pregnant woman. But mom, who regularly visits the doctor, will be notified of preeclampsia in time, and hospitalized in time. Treatment is prescribed individually, it all depends on the specific situation and the degree of symptoms.
  • Toxicosis before delay - Did you feel nausea immediately after conception? This is not a sign that you are already pregnant. Toxicosis can begin 7-10 days after the development of the fetal egg. But nausea and vomiting may not always occur, on the contrary, many women begin to experience a brutal appetite.

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

Why toxicosis occurs during pregnancy is still a mystery and an unexplored phenomenon. In absolute accuracy, it is impossible to say what causes the symptoms of toxicosis in the early and late stages.

But still, doctors identify several causes of toxicosis in pregnant women:

  1. Changes in the hormonal system. From the first hours of fertilization of an egg in the uterine cavity, cardinal hormonal changes occur in a woman. The composition of hormones changes dramatically, which is reflected in the behavior and health and well-being of a pregnant woman. Against the background of these changes, she becomes irritable, touchy and whiny, nausea is provoked, and her sense of smell is aggravated. In the first months, the fetus for the mother's body is considered a foreign body, which he would like to get rid of, which also affects the well-being of the future mother. But when does toxicosis in pregnant women end? After some time, the level of hormones stabilizes, and the mother's body calmly accepts the embryo, and the fight against toxicosis will stop by the second trimester.
  2. Development of the placenta. The likelihood of this theory is quite logical. It was found that toxicosis exhausts the female body in the first trimester, up to about 13-14 weeks. The sharp disappearance of toxicosis is associated with the fact that the placenta is already completing its formation. And now the performance of many functions passes into her duties, this number includes the retention of toxic substances. In the meantime, the process of placental development is not completed, the body of a pregnant woman itself protects itself from possible intoxication by vomiting.
  3. Defensive reaction. The refusal of the expectant mother from many products and late toxicosis during pregnancy is nothing more than a natural act of protection. Mommy develops nausea primarily on cigarette smoke, coffee-containing drinks, on fish, meat and eggs. They can be hazardous to health due to the pathogens they contain. The gag reflex and nausea protect the fetus and the mother's body from the ingress of substances harmful and dangerous to them, in which case toxicosis in pregnant women is biologically necessary. In addition to the toxins and poison contained in the food consumed, the development and growth of the embryo is negatively affected by insulin produced after each meal.
  4. Chronic infections and diseases. Infections and illnesses that have not been fully cured lead to a weakening of the immune system of a pregnant mother. This can provoke toxicosis in the first trimester, and then what to do? It is necessary to connect the full complex of vitamins at the planning stage, as well as contact a specialist and undergo a full examination. Then undergo a course of treatment, especially for infections.
  5. Psychological changes. Severe toxicosis in the 3rd trimester may begin due to the psychological and emotional state of the mother. Nervous experiences, stress, lack of sleep, emotional upheaval and irritability are the causes of severe toxicosis, leading to nausea and vomiting. According to doctors, late toxicosis develops in women who become pregnant unexpectedly and unplanned. Moreover, many women set themselves up in advance for the fact that all pregnant women have severe toxicosis in the first trimester or in the later stages. And the principle of self-hypnosis is known to all. According to scientists, with the onset of pregnancy, the nervous system undergoes great changes, and the centers of the brain that are responsible for the functioning of the sense of smell and the gastrointestinal tract are currently activated.
  6. Age Criteria. Pregnancy that occurs after 30-35 years is considered dangerous, especially if this is the first conception or there have been multiple abortions before. The development of toxicosis can manifest itself much stronger and more risky. Experts say that the younger the future mother, the easier it is to tolerate the possible symptoms of toxicosis. But this is not in all cases, there are exceptions.
  7. Genetic background. The occurrence of toxicosis in the second trimester due to heredity has a greater chance of developing it. In the event that someone from the previous generation suffered from toxicosis at week 16 or any other period, there is a 70% chance that this problem will not bypass you either. The risk of an increase in symptoms increases if a woman had toxicosis in a previous pregnancy.
  8. Multiple pregnancy. There is certainly more joy from such news, but there will also be more difficulties in bearing. For example, toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy in a mother with twins manifests itself much more often and more progressively than in a woman with a singleton pregnancy. But for pregnant women who have undergone early toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage is practically not threatened, which is important.

It can also be said with confidence that a healthy woman is less prone to the manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy than a mother with chronic diseases, infections and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

What week does toxicosis go away?

All cases associated with toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy and subsequent trimesters are individual, therefore, to accurately answer the question: “When will toxicosis end?”, No one can answer absolutely exactly. Some mothers experience a slight sign of nausea, while others are forced to spend weeks in the hospital in order to overcome toxicosis. The same factor applies to the duration, because in pregnant women, toxicosis is observed in different trimesters, but in most cases, toxicosis at week 14 goes away on its own.

Signs of toxicosis can continue until the placenta is formed, and this process ends at about 12 or 14 weeks. After that, the calm course of pregnancy of the second trimester begins. Toxicosis in the third trimester can resume again, then it already has a completely different term - preeclampsia.

There are times when a future mother's toxicosis begins in the last trimester, which is much more dangerous than toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. With signs of late toxicosis, you should immediately contact a specialist.

How to reduce toxicosis during pregnancy?

What exactly helps with toxicosis and how to alleviate its symptoms can only be determined by the pregnant woman herself, each has its own method of dealing with toxicosis. The main symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy appear in the morning, because the level of glucose in the blood is lowered during this period of time. If you follow the tips below, then the activity of toxicosis may subside.

How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy:

  • Before you get out of bed, you should eat a small piece of bread, biscuits, or preferably dried fruit. Make mint tea, add a slice of lemon and a small amount of sugar to it, which normalizes blood glucose levels. All of these methods will help relieve the symptoms of toxicosis in the early period or in the last trimester, there is no difference.
  • You can dissolve a slice of lemon or orange, sour fruits usually smooth out the manifestations of nausea. But for many, on the contrary, toxicosis increases, so you need to listen to your body and check all methods gradually.
  • You need to drink only those drinks and juices that are right for you: herbal tea, chilled drinks, plain water, vegetable broth.
  • Instead of drinks containing a large amount of dyes, you can eat fruits with a high liquid content - melon, watermelon, grapes and ginger, with toxicosis will be the best option. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a serving of ice cream.
  • Heavy, spicy and fried foods should be replaced with steamed dishes. Also, light foods in the form of dairy foods, fruits and raw vegetables are less taxing on the stomach and are much healthier.
  • It is necessary to divide the meal into several servings and eat smaller amounts of food, but more often. During the day, you can connect crackers, a banana or an apple so that the stomach is not empty. The fight against toxicosis will not be in vain if you do not allow vomiting and nausea to become a habitual manifestation of your body.
  • It is not recommended to go to bed immediately after eating. It is worth waiting a few hours before falling asleep or just lying down.
  • A proven grandmother's recipe for toxicosis during pregnancy is a spoonful of honey at the beginning of the first symptoms of toxicosis.

Nutrition for toxicosis of pregnant women

So how to make up the diet of the expectant mother, with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy? The erroneous opinion of many is to limit oneself in food, the less we eat, the less nausea and vomiting. First, it is in the initial months that the embryo needs various trace elements and vitamins. Secondly, even the shortest diet, which is aimed at eating only one product, can soon cause an allergic reaction, both in mommy and in the fetus.

Therefore, it is important to make a balanced diet during this period:

  • From the very beginning of toxicosis, it is necessary to exclude exactly those products that cause nausea. These are mostly dairy products.
  • And what foods are needed, despite the progression of nausea and vomiting? To replenish minerals - sodium and chlorine - table salt is recommended, but in moderation. Therefore, salted fish and cucumbers will even be useful during this period, but do not forget about the measure, especially for women with chronic kidney diseases.
  • The menu for toxicosis in late pregnancy is significantly different. First of all, it is important to remember the enemy of the last trimester of pregnancy - salt. Therefore, refrain from taking herring and cucumbers, this can provoke fluid retention in the body. And less salt in all dishes.

The best prevention for late toxicosis is moderate food intake. The most unloved products for the body in this period are smoked meats, pickles and marinades. Therefore, it is very important to follow a healthy and healthy diet before late toxicosis begins.

Protein plays an important role in late toxicosis, and the lack of protein leads to its decrease in the blood. In this connection, it is recommended to add boiled fish, cottage cheese and boiled lean meat to the healthy diet.

Treatment of toxicosis

There are many remedies for toxemia, and some only reduce the symptoms, while others fight it. But it is worth taking into account that not all drugs for toxicosis are safe and effective.

  • Treatment of toxicosis with the help of a drug method. In the fight against toxicosis, among a wide range of drugs used, only valerian, nosh-pa and trace elements are among the harmless means. But in some situations, the use of more serious drugs is simply necessary for the health of the mother and child, if inactive, a miscarriage may occur. Drug treatment of early and late toxicosis should be comprehensive and include various drugs: enterosgel, Essentiale, cerucal and many others.
  • Immunocytotherapy is a modern invasive method of treatment. The principle of its action is as follows: the husband's lymphocytes are injected into the skin of the forearm of a pregnant woman. Relief of symptoms of toxicosis occurs after 24 hours. This method of treatment requires a thorough examination of the father for infections. It is important to know that immunocytotherapy can be dangerous, as it increases the risk of contracting hepatitis and other infections.
  • Homeopathic method of treatment. This type of fight against toxicosis is considered the safest and most effective. Homeopathy allows you to select individual preparations that can treat not only the female body, but also the children. Side effects and overdose are excluded, and addiction does not occur from the drugs used.
  • aromatherapy has been used since ancient times and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. So, for example, during the morning exacerbation of toxicosis, you can drop a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on a handkerchief and put it next to you. If you do this procedure for several nights in a row, the result will not be long in coming.

You can carry ginger oil with you and at the moment when the attack of nausea worsens, you need to drop ginger oil on your palms, rub well and bring your palms to your nose, and take a deep breath. You can also carry out steam inhalation, they reduce the urge to vomit.

For preventive purposes, every morning it is necessary to rub the oil solution into the umbilical region: one drop of ginger is added to a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

In addition to the above methods of treating toxicosis, phytotherapy is also used, and someone prefers unusual methods: acupuncture, hypnosis, electrosleep, and others.

You should not set yourself up for the fact that the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy will not let you through. Tell yourself more often: “Everything will be fine, both with me and with the child!”

Checking the article: Lada Sergeeva,
practicing gynecologist

Useful video about toxicosis during pregnancy November 2, 2019


Behind the most exciting period - the first trimester of pregnancy, and with it many fears and uncertainty about the future. With the onset of the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman wants to know in detail what is happening in the body with her and her growing baby.


Of course, one cannot be unequivocally sure that toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy will come to naught, and will no longer bother. Unfortunately, this does not happen to everyone.

But most often (especially if the toxicosis was mild), it passes without a trace, and already at the beginning of the new trimester, the expectant mother no longer remembers about him. If nausea is still worrying, you should not be very upset, because it will gradually become less and by the 16-20th week, when the baby begins to move, it will pass.


External changes, still imperceptible some couple of weeks ago, become apparent. This is especially true of the breast, because at the 13th week of pregnancy it continues to grow actively and adipose tissue is replaced by glandular tissue, for future lactation.

Worries about unpleasant and often painful sensations in the chest are no longer there - they are a thing of the past when the hormonal system was intensively rebuilt in a new way.


This time, perhaps, can be called calm, which means that the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is not periodically in good shape, as during dangerous periods (8-9 weeks). But this does not mean that you can neglect your health. A moderately active lifestyle without frills and overstrain will allow you to fully enjoy your condition and watch your growing tummy.

By the way, he has already grown a little and can already be seen in some pregnant women under light clothing. But it looks more like a slightly recovered mommy and an unknowing person will not be able to distinguish a tummy from a “pregnant one”.

How is the baby changing?

The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is very active, its weight is already equal to 20 grams. This is how much a small peach or an average plum weighs. The longer the period becomes, the faster the weight gain in the baby goes.

The size of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is from 65 to 80 mm. Such a big difference may be due to the individual characteristics of the future man. After all, among adults there are tall and short people. Outwardly, the baby is starting to resemble a little man more and more.

The gastrointestinal tract has acquired villi, which will soon be involved in the process of digesting food. The pancreas is already producing insulin, and the rudiments of future baby teeth are already in the gums.

The movements of the baby are becoming more active, and soon mommy will be able to feel them. In the meantime, they are not yet strong enough to be felt. The baby's vocal cords are laid exactly at 13 weeks.

Analyzes and examinations at 13 weeks

Anyone who for some reason did not undergo an ultrasound now, it's time to make up for this omission. Often in this period the sex of the baby is very clearly visible, but during the second ultrasound monitoring this is not so well seen.

All tests in the first trimester have already been passed and now a woman can only go through narrow specialists, and before each visit to the antenatal clinic, take a general blood and urine test.

Feeding a woman at 13 weeks pregnant

Now, when toxicosis has already passed for many, or has become much less, there is a great desire not to limit yourself in anything and eat foods that until recently you didn’t even want to look at. This is fraught with a sharp jump in weight and rapid addiction, which will subsequently lead to excess weight for both mother and child.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in this period is correct, and, of course, regular. It is better to give preference to easily digestible foods, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products. This good habit will be very relevant with further breastfeeding.

I> 13th week of pregnancy is a kind of transition to the next stage of embryo development. Although at the end of this period it will be possible to call it the fetus. Many women develop toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy, it is also called early. Don't worry a little more and it will pass. So do not be afraid if you are constantly bothered by nausea at 13 weeks of pregnancy, it will disappear.

At the thirteenth week, the fetus already has, there should be twenty of them and they will wait for their moment to erupt. It is worth noting that the eyelids of the crumbs are not yet open, they are fused and the eyes will begin to open only after four months. If the handles are long, then the baby can even suck his finger, which will be noticeable on an ultrasound. In addition, tissue begins to form in the crumbs, and the bones of the child will gradually form from it, especially the bones of the head and limbs. A few ribs are already starting to appear. The most interesting thing is that even the chin and nose can be seen more clearly. And very soon, the breast of the fetus will begin to move, as during breathing, thereby training to breathe.

It is worth noting that the baby’s intestines already fit into the abdominal cavity, villi begin to form and appear in it, which play an important role in the digestion of food. In addition, your baby's pancreas is able to produce insulin. . At this stage, the placenta plays a rather important role in the nutrition of your fetus - supplying it with oxygen, as well as outflows of products, their processing now performs this function. In the future, amniotic fluid will play this role. The most interesting thing is that at thirteen weeks the placenta is already formed, it is quite ready to take over from such an organ as the ovaries. The placenta will secrete the hormone - progesterone, including estriol. At 13 weeks, a fairly cloudy membrane will envelop the baby. And at the top, usually on the left side, is the umbilical cord.

The length of the crumbs will be up to 78 millimeters, and the weight will be about 20 grams. you will not be bypassed, although they will be reduced to a minimum. You still need to take care of yourself . If you have a fever at 13 weeks pregnant or a cold at 13 weeks pregnant, you should contact your doctor immediately. Since your fetus will suffer because of this, and you will not be able to take some medicines. In addition, it is a cold that can affect the mutation of some of the baby's organs, so you should not joke about it and self-medicate, because this is not only your health, but also your crumbs.

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