Diabetes mellitus and vaccination. Flu vaccine for diabetes: why is it? Drug therapy for deficiency

Diabetes and flu - how to behave? If you have diabetes, it is very important to avoid getting the flu. Influenza is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that gets to the muscle tissues and all organs, poisoning them with harmful toxins. Although everyone has a chance to get the flu, people with diabetes have a harder time fighting the viruses that cause it. Influenza and other viral infections add stress to the body because it can increase blood sugar and the likelihood of serious complications.

What you need to know about flu symptoms

Symptoms of influenza after an incubation period of 2-7 days usually appear suddenly. These may include the following:

  • Heat
  • Severe pain in joints, muscles, and around the eyes
  • General weakness
  • Redness of the skin and red, watery eyes
  • Headache
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat and watery discharge from the nose

According to the American Diabetes Association, if you get the flu, it's important to check and double-check your blood sugar. If a person is sick and feels awful, he may not be aware of blood sugar levels - he may be too high or too low.

WHO recommends checking your blood sugar at least every three to four hours and immediately inform your doctor of any changes. If you have the flu, you may need more insulin if your blood sugar is too high.

Also, check your ketone levels if you have the flu. If the level of ketones becomes too high, a person may fall into a coma. With a high level of ketone bodies, a person needs immediate medical attention. The doctor will be able to explain what needs to be done to prevent serious complications from the flu.

People with diabetes should definitely see a doctor to prescribe medication to relieve flu symptoms. But before that, make sure that you carefully read the drug label. Also, avoid foods with ingredients that are high in sugars. Liquid syrups, for example, often contain sugar.

You should stay away from traditional cough medicine. Drugs that are used to treat flu symptoms are usually high in sugar. Pay attention to the inscription "sugar free" when buying flu medicine.

You can feel really bad with the flu, and dehydration is very common with the flu. You need to drink plenty of fluids, but be sure to monitor the level of sugar in it. With food, you can regularly manage your blood sugar yourself.

Ideally, with the flu you need to choose the best foods from your regular diet. Eat about 15 grams of carbohydrates every hour when you get sick. You can also eat toast, 3/4 cup frozen yogurt or 1 cup of soup.

If you have flu-like symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. With flu, your doctor may prescribe antiviral medications that can make flu symptoms less severe and make you feel better.

  • Continue to take diabetes or insulin pills
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • Try to eat as usual
  • Weigh every day. Weight loss is a sign of low blood glucose.

Diabetes and flu are a very unpleasant neighborhood, so try to avoid at least the second. And if it doesn’t work, immediately contact your doctor.

How to avoid dehydration with flu and diabetes?

Some people with diabetes also suffer from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea due to the flu. That's why it is so important to drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration due to flu.

For influenza and diabetes, it is advisable to drink one cup of liquid every hour. It is advisable to drink it without sugar; drinks, tea, water, infusions and decoctions with ginger are recommended if your blood sugar level is very high.

If your blood sugar is too low, you can drink a liquid with 15 grams of carbohydrates, such as 1/4 cup grape juice or 1 cup apple juice.

If you have diabetes, you are at an increased risk of complications after the flu. It’s vital to get a flu shot or a nasal vaccine once a year. True, the flu vaccine does not provide 100% protection against influenza, but it protects against its complications and makes the disease easier and less prolonged. Flu vaccines are best received in September - before the start of the flu season, which will begin around December-January.

Ask family members, colleagues, and close friends to take the flu shot too. Studies show that a person with diabetes is less likely to contract the flu if others are not infected with the virus.

In addition to influenza vaccination, always keep your hands clean. Frequent and thorough hand washing is necessary in order to eliminate pathogenic (pathogenic) microbes from the hands so that they do not enter the body through the mouth, nose or eyes.

Who should not get the flu shot

Opponents of vaccination believe that flu can be eliminated from it. But this is just an absurd error. The vaccine itself can neither provoke an outbreak, nor exacerbate the disease, if the vaccinated person is still flu. On the contrary, it is more easily tolerated, faster, and does not end with complications. True, vaccination would be the best protection against influenza, if not for some contraindications that limit its use.

Contraindications for adults

If, for example, last year you suffered a flu shot hard, then it is clearly contraindicated for you. And it’s better not to experiment by trying again.

All types of influenza vaccines are made on the basis of chicken protein. If you don’t eat chicken eggs, because they cause allergic reactions in you, you will have to refuse vaccinations once and for all.

Some vaccines include antibiotics such as “Polymyxin” or “Gentamicin”, “Neomycin” (and others from this series), as well as formaldehyde, octoxynol-9. They can cause severe allergies. These drugs, of course, are absolutely contraindicated in this category of patients.

As for allergies, if painful reactions occurred earlier to vaccinations against any other diseases, this type of prophylaxis will have to be excluded.

The vaccine "Flu" has its contraindications. These are immunodeficiency states, cancerous tumors, diffuse diseases of the connective tissue (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, etc.), severe diseases of the nervous system, and damage to the adrenal glands. Live vaccines that are introduced into the nasal cavity, in addition to all this, are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The patient should feel relatively healthy at the time of vaccination. You can’t do it if you feel unwell, at least a little fever, there are signs of a cold, even a slight runny nose. Of course, vaccination is out of the question in acute infections.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases is also a contraindication, but temporary. Vaccination can be started as soon as it subsides or recovery occurs. Duration of vaccination should be determined only by a doctor.

Very rarely, Guillain-Barré syndrome develops after vaccine administration. This is acute polyradiculitis with a partial loss of muscle sensitivity and limitation of movements. If it does not pass in a month and a half, the vaccine should not be given.

There are diseases in which the issue of influenza vaccination in each case must be decided with a doctor. Indeed, much depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of its course, complications. These are bronchial asthma, hypertension, heart failure, kidney damage, diabetes, blood diseases.

Contraindications for children

You cannot vaccinate infants who are under six months old. But babies from 6 months to 2 years old should be vaccinated, because it is at this age that they do not yet have strong immunity against viruses.

As adults, children are not recommended to be vaccinated with an allergy to chicken protein, as well as with a pseudo-allergy to cold. Vaccine administration is also excluded in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Do not vaccinate children if they had adverse reactions after the previous vaccination, even expressed rather weakly.

Check with your doctor

To ensure that the vaccine is only beneficial, consult your physician before using it. Last year, did you get the vaccine well? But a lot can change in a year. And it’s better to make sure that you have no contraindications.

Do I need a flu shot?

Flu vaccine, disease prevention - this is a very important point. Prevention is always more important than treatment afterwards. To date, there is no panacea for the flu, there is not a single miracle cure that guarantees a quick and complete cure, so flu shots play the role of preventing the disease. It is very important to prevent the disease by vaccinating on time. Every year, more and more people are vaccinated against this dangerous disease.

However, there are opponents and supporters of this procedure. There is no clear, concrete answer about the benefits or harms of a flu shot. Vaccination should be carried out after research and individually.

This vaccine is not included in the vaccination calendar and is paid for an adult, but for children it is still done for free.

Vaccination against influenza in Russia takes place voluntarily, each person has the right to make his choice - for or against, and for the kids the choice is made by the parent.

The word “flu” comes from the French “grab”, “catch”. The definition indicates the suddenness and speed of penetration of the virus into the body. Influenza is a dangerous infectious disease that is acute and usually affects the respiratory system and is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • severe weakness;
  • general deterioration;
  • pain in the head;
  • muscle pain;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Dangerous influenza viruses, what is the danger, indications

You can get the flu at any time of the year. But usually people still get sick in the fall and winter, because at this time the body lacks vitamins, the rooms are not ventilated and temperature changes occur. In the autumn-winter period, an epidemic of the disease usually occurs. Young children, whose age is more than six months, can become ill, as antibodies transmitted by the mother cease to have a protective function. Influenza A, B, C viruses trigger the disease. The flu virus mutates easily, therefore, flu shots for children and adults should be done annually. As soon as the virus enters the upper respiratory tract, it instantly captures the mucous membrane and destroys its cells.

Cells are rejected and during coughing, sneezing, breathing get into the environment, infecting others. Such an infection is referred to in medicine as the “airborne droplet”. You can get infected through personal hygiene items, underwear. As soon as the virus has entered the body, the symptoms of the disease begin to appear, a sharp weakness appears, the body temperature rises up to 40 degrees, dizzy, convulsions can even develop, mucus is released from the nose, and the throat is tickled. When a person is ill with the flu, he gains a kind of immunity to the disease, but the problem is that the virus mutates and the antibodies that have developed do not provide any protection against the mutated virus.

Influenza is very dangerous, as it completely suppresses the human immune system. In addition, the flu provokes an exacerbation of other diseases.

Complications after infection can be as follows:

  • acute pneumonia;
  • otitis media;
  • changes in the central nervous system;
  • altered processes in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

The Ministry of Health recommends vaccination as the only way to avoid infection and create immunity to a terrible disease. WHO (World Health Organization) has identified the risk groups for which the flu vaccine is indicated, these are people:

  • including children who often suffer from various infections;
  • with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma;
  • suffering from diseases of the central nervous system;
  • with heart disease or vascular problems;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with blood diseases;
  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • with a deficiency of the protective system of the body;
  • who go to kindergartens and schools.

An effective flu vaccine is improved every year, as the virus constantly mutates. The experience of scientists allows you to create an effective and safe vaccine. Vaccination with the drug that was done this year will be ineffective the next year, and therefore, flu vaccination with an improved drug takes place annually. According to statistics, the vaccine is valid, but cannot guarantee 100% that a person will not get sick, but even in case of infection, the disease will proceed in a milder form and serious consequences will not occur.

The best flu vaccines, vaccination schedule for when to get the flu shot

For vaccination, live and inactivated vaccines are used today. Live vaccines are rarely used today, as the latest generation of live vaccines is being developed. But an inactivated vaccine has practically no serious consequences. This vaccine may be:

  • whole cell;
  • split vaccine;
  • subunit.

The difference between the drugs is that they split the virus into component particles in different ways. The whole-cell vaccine causes complications, has contraindications, but at the same time creates a stable immunity to influenza. The most harmless today are the second and third type of vaccine. They practically do not give complications. These drugs do not harm even the child, actively stimulate the immune system and do not cause adverse reactions. Today in Russia 11 flu vaccines are used and approved. More often than others do vaccination with drugs:

  • “Flu-arix”;
  • “Waxigripp”;
  • “Begrivak”;
  • “Influvac";
  • "Influenza."

How does vaccination work?

After the drug is administered to humans, the process of producing antibodies occurs. This creates multi-level protection. 14 days after vaccination, a sufficient amount of antibodies accumulates in the body and the body does not perceive the disease. Protective protein instantly recognizes the virus and eliminates it.

Immunity lasts up to six months or throughout the year. Immunization efficiency reaches 90%. This means that there is a chance of catching the flu, but it is negligible compared to if the vaccine was not done in a timely manner. Today there is a standard vaccination schedule. Vaccination begins in September or October, so that by winter the body develops immunity to influenza. It is very important to get vaccinated before the epidemic. Babies can be vaccinated at the age of six months. Babies who have not yet been vaccinated against the flu are advised to vaccinate twice in half the dosage for an adult with an interval of 30 days. The vaccine is given intramuscularly or very deeply under the skin.

Modern flu vaccines practically do not give a negative reaction after administration, occasionally in vaccinated people the temperature may rise or swelling may occur around the injection site. You can not be vaccinated for people who are diagnosed with an allergy to one or another component of the drug, for example, protein or preservative. You can not administer a vaccine during the period of illness. You can only be vaccinated a month after the disease has passed. You should not be vaccinated against influenza if there were complications during the previous vaccination.

Vaccination must be done at a licensed medical facility. Vaccination should be carried out by an experienced physician. After the drug has been introduced, the doctor must issue a certificate in which all data about the drug will be entered. You cannot buy the vaccine yourself. Science today has proven the high efficacy of influenza drugs, especially for babies at risk. It is necessary or not to be vaccinated - this should be discussed with the pediatrician individually.

Consequences after vaccination, vaccination rules

After vaccination, the following complications may not often occur:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs of a bacterial type. If the temperature does not drop for more than five days, this is a sign of pneumonia.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Acute otitis media.
  5. False croup.
  6. Myositis.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases.

Vaccination can be free, paid, and passive immunization. Schools, kindergartens and clinics purchase the vaccine with the money allocated by the municipality. This vaccine is of Russian production. Some employers provide free vaccination. Vaccinations are paid in private clinics for a fee, and the price depends on the drug and the cost of the service itself.

Attention! Flu vaccines purchased at a pharmacy should be stored according to the rules prescribed in the instructions, otherwise the drug will lose its valuable properties. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate yourself.

Flu shot - contraindications

The flu epidemic has long been commonplace, and preparation for it has become a matter of course. About how important the prevention of the disease, even children know. It is well known that vaccination is one of the best ways to prevent influenza. And only the one who directly faced the problem knows that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. In more detail about the negative aspects of influenza vaccination we will describe in the article.

Side effects of the flu shot

Flu vaccines come in many forms:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses in it, but it enters the body through an injection.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This tool contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can have side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most common negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination, a person may feel weak, tired, drowsy. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. After vaccination, many people have a headache.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of a flu shot is considered anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly common unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

The patient forgets about most of the side effects a couple of days after vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, before vaccination, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Who is the flu vaccine contraindicated for?

Despite the large number of advantages, flu vaccine may be contraindicated for some categories of patients. It is recommended to look for an alternative method of protection against the disease in the following cases:

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to the flu shot for adults. Therefore, in order for vaccination to really benefit, it is imperative to consult with specialists before the procedure and to understand their detailed inquiries about the state of health and past illnesses.

Do not forget that the vaccine is still not a panacea. To completely protect yourself from the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, during the epidemic, replenish your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.

People suffering from diabetes mellitus need special care during an epidemic of SARS and influenza. With this viral disease, the load on all body systems increases and recovery is more difficult than for healthy people. Treatment with folk remedies or a flu shot for diabetes can significantly reduce the risk of illness.

Prevention of viral diseases is very important, because preventing an illness is much easier than treating it. There is currently no cure for the flu, so getting vaccinated is very important.

Whether it is possible to be vaccinated for diabetes and whether they will harm the patient more than the estimated damage from the disease, the doctor must decide on an individual basis.

Dangers of influenza for diabetics

Viral influenza can negatively affect the patient's immune system. The danger of complications after illness makes this disease dangerous for all weakened people. The World Health Organization has identified several risk groups for which influenza vaccination is especially indicated:

  • people prone to colds and infectious diseases;
  • patients with heart failure;
  • patients with CNS defects;
  • diabetics.

Important! As you can see from the list of diseases that increase the risk of complications, influenza in diabetes is extremely dangerous. According to medical statistics, a vaccine given cannot 100% guarantee that a person will not contract the virus. But even if the vaccinated person nevertheless becomes infected, the course of the disease will be much softer, "blurred", and the likelihood of complications will decrease to almost zero.

How the flu shot works

Vaccination against influenza in diabetes mellitus occurs as follows: the drug is administered to a person and thereby starts the process of producing antibodies. The body begins to prepare for protection and when a virus enters it, the immune system will immediately recognize it and destroy it. To fully prepare for a meeting with the causative agent of the disease, it will take 2 weeks from the moment the vaccination was given.

Statistically, the effectiveness of such vaccination is close to 90%. Immunity against the virus lasts for six months to a year.

How to treat a diabetic patient for the flu

Not all diabetes vaccinations are approved by the attending physician. You can face a situation when the vaccine was not given, and the symptoms of the disease have already appeared. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor without self-medication.

Important: the therapist will prescribe antiviral medications that will ease the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prevent complications from developing.

In addition to treating a viral ailment, the patient should not forget about the treatment of the underlying disease:

  • you need to continue taking regular medications or insulin;
  • drink even more fluids than usual to stay hydrated;
  • closely monitor your weight. If a diabetic flu shot has not been given and the disease has occurred, you should try to avoid lowering blood glucose levels. Decreased weight usually signals this decrease.

When a flu shot is contraindicated in people with diabetes

It is believed that the flu vaccine itself causes illness. This is an obvious misconception, the vaccine does not provoke or aggravate the virus, if a person does become infected with it. Nevertheless, there are quite objective reasons for refusing vaccination:

  • allergy to chicken protein. All vaccines are prepared on this basis, so in case of allergies, vaccination can be dangerous;
  • if the previous vaccination was difficult. There is an individual reaction and in case of a severe course it is not necessary to repeat the vaccination. Diabetes mellitus from vaccinations can aggravate, so carefully monitor your condition;
  • in case of feeling unwell. Even small symptoms (runny nose, cough, mild fever) are a reason to refuse vaccination;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Diabetes also belongs to the list of such diseases. It is necessary to discuss with the attending physician the possibility and timing of vaccination, depending on the condition of the disease.

The flu shot for type 2 diabetes is generally easier to tolerate than type 1 diabetes. Nevertheless, a consultation with the attending physician is necessary before vaccination.

Prevention and timely vaccination will help diabetics not to get this dangerous viral disease. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity in combination with vaccination will make diabetics safe from the disease.

Diabetes influenza: how to behave?

about the author

My name is Andrey, I have been a diabetic for more than 35 years. Thank you for visiting my site. Diabei about helping people with diabetes.

I write articles about various diseases and personally advise people in Moscow who need help, because over the decades of my life I have seen a lot of things from personal experience, tried many means and medicines. This year 2020, technologies are developing very much, people do not know about many of the things that have been invented at the moment for the comfortable life of diabetics, so I found my goal and help people with diabetes, as much as possible, live easier and happier.

The addition of various diseases - bacterial, infectious and others - significantly exacerbates the course of diabetes. The same applies to influenza and other diseases, in order to exclude the occurrence of which it is strongly recommended to vaccinate. Vaccinations can and should be done not only for adults, but also for children, however, in this case, certain recommendations must be followed to exclude the development of complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Need for vaccination

First of all, I would like to draw attention to why vaccination is a necessity. The fact is that any extraneous disease that forms during diabetes mellitus is significantly exacerbated and, in turn, aggravates the symptoms of the presented pathological condition. The most severe are similar clinical manifestations in children and the elderly.

Flu shots in diabetes mellitus with type 1 or type 2 disease are also necessary because the frequency of formation of certain pathological conditions increases significantly. So, a person, on average, is one and a half or even two times more likely to encounter any colds and other ailments. The most significant are the presented indicators precisely in childhood, when the body is most susceptible to various viruses and bacteria.

Speaking about the admissibility and necessity of vaccination, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the presence of various diseases, which may be a contraindication in this case. Their list is quite extensive, and therefore, so that the occurrence of influenza and diabetes mellitus do not threaten the life of the child, a thorough check of the condition of the body and consultation of a diabetologist will be required, which will tell you how the vaccine can be administered.

General norms

In order for all stages of vaccination to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to follow some general recommendations that every diabetic should be aware of. Speaking of this, pay attention to the fact that:

  1. before vaccination against influenza and other diseases, it will be advisable to conduct a study of the ratio and glycemia indicators on an empty stomach. No less significant examinations in the present case should be considered glucosuria for 24 hours and a urinalysis for the presence of acetone in it;
  2. preventive vaccination should be carried out exclusively against the background of the main rehabilitation course. Talking about this, they pay attention to dieting and mandatory insulin therapy;
  3. in the technical implementation of vaccination, it is strongly recommended that you pay close attention to the likelihood of lipodystrophy in a child who has diabetes.

All this necessitates the choice of such parts of the body for vaccination that are free from lipodystrophy and other problem states.

It is in this case that diabetes type 1 or 2 can not be expected to develop complications and other critical consequences. In the period after vaccination, it will be mandatory to control not only the pediatrician, but also the endocrinologist over the integral condition of the child. In particular, the temperature indicators of the body for three days, the presence or absence of any local reactions should be taken into account.

The same applies to the clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus decompensation, which are associated with the formation of thirst and polyuria, as well as with dyspeptic disorders. With the correct setting of a flu shot for diabetes, pain in the abdomen will not form. The formation of glycemia and glucosuria will also be excluded. No less alarming signs should be the appearance of an odor from the oral cavity and the appearance of acetone in the urine. According to indications after vaccination, diet and insulin adjustments may be required.

The exact time of vaccination for diabetes is determined exclusively by a specialist, based on certain diagnostic data. In some cases, if vaccination is not possible for any objective reason, additional treatment is recommended. It will help to improve the general condition of the body and carry out the required vaccination in childhood or adulthood.

For preventive vaccination of children with diabetes mellitus, all contraindications remain valid. They are determined by the instructions for the implementation of preventive vaccination for such children who have not experienced diabetes. The decompensated condition in a child who has diabetes should also be taken into account.

Thus, if a person has the first or second type of disease, a flu shot is acceptable.

However, certain rules must be observed in order to exclude the formation of complications. It is in this case that it will be possible to achieve the maximum restoration effect for any type of diabetes.



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The flu vaccine for type 2 diabetes mellitus may not always be used, before vaccination it is necessary to consult a doctor about the admissibility of the drug. It should be borne in mind that infection with pathology affects negatively, often leads to dangerous complications.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

For many years I have been studying the problem of DIABETES. It is scary when so many people die, and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to tell the good news - the Endocrinology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a medicine that completely cures diabetes. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: Ministry of Health has made adoption special program, which compensates for the entire cost of the drug. In Russia and the CIS countries diabetics before can get a remedy IS FREE.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

Is it possible to vaccinate diabetics

Doctors recommend a vaccine for diabetics if there are no contraindications. With this disease, recovery may not occur for a long time, all body systems experience severe overload, the formation of adverse reactions is possible. If a decompensated state, life-threatening complications are observed, most of the medicines are prohibited.

Vaccination must be carried out no later than 2 weeks before the expected start of the epidemic season: immunity to the strain of the virus is developed within 14 days. Before the injection, be sure to undergo a medical examination. You cannot interrupt your diabetes treatment.

Type 1 diabetes

The flu vaccine for type 1 diabetes is more difficult to tolerate than for type 2 diabetes.

Before carrying out it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in other ways: eat enough sources of vitamins and minerals, if necessary, drink a course of immunostimulants selected by your doctor.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of sugar in the blood, to prevent an increase in the indicator.

It is necessary to administer insulin in a timely manner. In some cases, insulin therapy and diet are temporarily changed.

Type 2 diabetes

A flu shot with type 2 diabetes will be less difficult to tolerate. However, timely insulin injections are necessary: \u200b\u200bit is important to monitor blood sugar levels.

be careful

According to the WHO, every year in the world 2 million people die from diabetes and its complications. In the absence of qualified support for the body, diabetes leads to various kinds of complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies, struggling with a painful disease, or turns into a real person with a disability.

What do people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a tool completely curing diabetes.

The Federal program "Healthy Nation" is currently underway, within the framework of which this drug is given to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS IS FREE. For more information, see official website MINZDRAVA.

It is required to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, observe precautions. After the introduction of the vaccine, one should refrain from appearing in crowded places for some time to reduce the likelihood of infection. If for any reason this is not possible, the use of a medical mask is recommended.

Correction of diet or insulin therapy after an injection may be required.

What can be the complications

With the right injection technique, the use of a disposable syringe, and the absence of contraindications, the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal.

With decompensation of the pathology, the state of the body may worsen after the introduction of the vaccine, pains, discomfort in the abdomen appear. Insulin deficiency may occur, due to which the level of glucose in the blood and urine increases.

Our readers write

Topic: Defeated diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration my-diabet.ru

At 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to sit down. When I turned 66, I was stabbing myself with insulin, everything was very bad ...

And here is my story

The disease continued to develop, periodic attacks began, the ambulance literally returned me from the other world. All the time I thought that this time would be the last ...

Everything changed when my daughter let me read one article on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, an allegedly incurable disease. The last 2 years I began to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the country every day, with my husband we are leading an active lifestyle, we travel a lot. Everyone is surprised at how I keep up with everything, where so much strength and energy comes from, everyone still won’t believe that I am 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this terrible disease forever, take 5 minutes and read this article.

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If a person’s immunity is weakened, it is dangerous to be vaccinated: a diabetic with flu often has complications, some of which can be fatal.

Complications can also be noted with errors in the technique of introducing a syringe: soft tissues, large blood vessels can be damaged. If the nerve is damaged, inflammation will develop. In addition, with an allergic reaction to chicken protein, undesirable effects occur, in severe cases anaphylactic shock is possible.

To avoid complications, you should consult your doctor before vaccination.

Doctors say that now is the time to get a flu shot for those patients who have diabetes. It is for them that the flu is a danger in view of the fact that the immunity of diabetics is reduced, tissue trophism is impaired, and metabolism is altered. This creates the prerequisites for a more severe, complicated course of influenza in people with diabetes, which is why it is important for them to protect themselves from infection before the outbreak.

Weakened immunity in diabetics

Vaccination against influenza is extremely important for diabetics, especially those suffering from this pathology for more than one year. This is due to the fact that the presence of diabetes can suppress the activity of immunity compared to those who do not have this pathology. Due to the fact that, along with all other tissues and organs, the immune system also suffers, the flu in diabetics can be difficult and complicated. A flu epidemic is expected very soon, and infection can be very easily done by banal handshakes and being in crowded places, touching door handles in public places, or in contact with other patients, such as in a clinic.

Stories of our readers

Defeated diabetes at home. It has been a month since I forgot about the jumps in sugar and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, emergency calls ... How many times have I gone to endocrinologists, but they say only one thing there - "Take insulin." And now 5 weeks have gone, as the blood sugar level is normal, not a single injection of insulin and all thanks to this article. Everyone with diabetes must read!

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If a patient has diabetes, an influenza vaccine is an important step that reduces the risk of illness by forming immunity to the influenza viruses contained in the vaccine.

What is the danger of diabetes?

Although the flu vaccine is important for everyone, especially for children and the elderly, pregnant women, there are reasons why it is important to carry out it in advance, before the epidemic, namely with diabetes. So, the presence of a long history of diabetes can lead to a sharp decrease in the activity of immunity in the fight against this infection and viral diseases (ARVI group) compared with those who do not have diabetes. If the patient also suffers from complications of diabetes, he becomes more vulnerable to serious viral infections and their complications, including pneumonia.

According to scientists and practitioners, if a patient has diabetes for more than one year, he risks dying of severe flu or its complications without proper vaccination. People with diabetes are often at greater risk for heart and lung diseases, so complications of a flu infection like pneumonia, bronchitis, pericarditis, encephalitis, or hemorrhagic syndrome can become fatal.

Flu shot: is it worth it?

People with chronic diseases, including diabetics, belong to the category of people who are recommended a flu shot to reduce the risk of infection and its severe course, fatal complications. It is carried out free of charge, as part of a compulsory insurance policy in any clinic at the request of the patient and the recommendations of the attending physician. Today, more and more people are getting flu shots to protect themselves from infection, but vaccination coverage is still not enough.

Many people refuse to get the flu vaccine or doubt the feasibility of having it, as they have heard that it is not effective. The statements of friends or family members who received the vaccine and then still get the flu or the common cold can influence it.

Flu and colds: is there a high risk?

It is important to know that the vaccine will not protect against all possible viral infections during the epidemic season. It creates immunity against those strains of the flu that are predicted for the current season and introduced into the vaccine. Sometimes the virus mutates, and the flu does not come as expected. But the benefits of vaccination are definitely there.

Recent studies show that it reduces the incidence of influenza by 40-60%. It depends on how well the circulating viruses match the flu vaccine. In any case, against the background of stimulation of the immune system with the vaccine, even the “non-vaccine" flu will not be so severe and dangerous, reducing the risk of fatal complications. In addition, it has been found that receiving a vaccine reduces the risk of influenza-related hospitalization among people with diabetes.

When and how to protect yourself from infection?

The best time to protect yourself from infection is usually September. If vaccination is carried out in early autumn before the start of the epidemic season, a stable immunity will form, and when the infection unfolds in full force, protection will already be maximum.

If there are temporary contraindications (acute respiratory viral infections, changes in well-being), immunization can be carried out before the end of October. You can be vaccinated later, as the flu season usually lasts until January-February or even later. But you need to keep in mind that producing a minimum amount of protective antibodies will take two weeks after the vaccine against infection has been received.

What is important to know?

It's important to note right away that the flu vaccine has some side effects, including soreness in the injection area, headache, fever, nausea, and muscle pain. Some people even feel like they have a cold the day after receiving the injection. However, do not worry - the classic vaccine infection is not provoked, in modern preparations only virus fragments are used.

In addition to getting the flu shot, there are some other steps you can take to prevent getting sick:

  • You should regularly wash your hands with soap and water. Be sure to do this before injecting insulin, checking your blood sugar and eating.
  • You need to cough or sneeze, covering yourself with a handkerchief, and ask other family members to do the same. Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, especially when visiting clinics, markets or shops. This is the easiest way to spread viruses.
  • During the period of the epidemic, it is worth periodically disinfecting surfaces that may be contaminated. It can be a table, kitchen surfaces and telephones.
  • Vaccinate against pneumococcal infection. In addition to the flu, a pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for people over 65 and for anyone with diabetes. This is due to the fact that diabetes has an increased susceptibility to viral infections, and pneumonia can be a complication of the flu.

It is important to plan an annual flu shot. This is due to the fact that influenza viruses change from year to year, and the previous vaccination will be ineffective in the next season.

Influenza or acute respiratory infections significantly worsens the overall health of a diabetic. Typically, these diseases increase blood sugar. This increase is due to the fact that the body produces substances to suppress infection. These substances inhibit the effects of insulin.

In type 1 diabetes, there is a chance of developing a complication such as ketoacidosis. If a person has type 2 diabetes, diabetic coma can occur with improper therapy.

When treating acute respiratory infections or influenza, it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose in the blood and check the indicator every three hours. Knowing your sugar index, you can take action in time if this indicator decreases or increases. Diabetics need to know if they can get the flu shot.

Diabetes and flu

If a person has diabetes, then in case of viral ailments it is much more difficult to control the course of the disease. Influenza for people with high blood sugar is more dangerous than for healthy people.

With flu, cough, runny nose, and muscle pain appear. Influenza and diabetes are interconnected and exacerbate one another. A viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract and muscles usually appears and develops rapidly. A person with the flu has the following symptoms:

  • temperature increase,
  • general breakdown,
  • fever,
  • dry cough,
  • pain in the eyes and muscles
  • sore throat,
  • dryness and redness of the skin,
  • runny nose
  • discharge from the eyes.

Not necessarily all symptoms appear simultaneously. Some symptoms may go away, others may appear. Influenza imposes a certain burden on the human body. This is fraught with sudden surges in blood sugar and the formation of various complications.

In addition, a person in this condition sometimes refuses to eat, which for diabetics threatens with hypoglycemia. Many doctors recommend getting flu shots to avoid jumps in glucose, complications and decompensation of the disease. To be vaccinated with diabetes or not, this is a personal matter for everyone with diabetes.

After vaccination, diabetes will not progress rapidly. Preventive measures do not harm health, people with weakened immune systems must take measures to prevent diseases that can aggravate the main ailment.

During epidemics, you can wear a sterile gauze dressing, avoid contact with sick people, and wash your hands thoroughly after visiting public places.

In some cases, a person can take a medication from vaccinations, if there are certain contraindications.

Frequency of checking the level of glucose in the blood with influenza

The American Diabetes Association claims the importance of checking blood sugar for the flu. If a person does not feel well, the cause may be a decrease or increase in sugar concentration due to acute respiratory infections.

It is recommended to constantly measure blood sugar, and immediately inform the doctor about any changes. If a person develops the flu, more insulin may be needed if there is a tendency to increase blood glucose.

It is also necessary to check the level of ketone bodies with influenza. If the indicator increases, the likelihood of coma increases. With a high level of ketones, the patient needs emergency medical care.

Your doctor will explain what measures should be taken to prevent serious flu complications.

Vaccination and diabetes

The pertussis vaccine is one of the ingredients of the DPT vaccine, a combination vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, which should be given to all children. The pertussis vaccine contains pertussis toxin, which is produced by a microbe that causes pertussis.

The toxin, which is considered one of the most dangerous poisons, has different names and is characterized by numerous effects on the human body. First of all, pertussis toxin disrupts the pancreas. In some cases, hypoglycemia appears or the course of diabetes intensifies.

Vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella, or MMR for short, contain many components. The MMR vaccine, especially its components against mumps and measles, plays an important role among the causes of type 1 diabetes. Therefore, measles vaccines should be given with extreme caution.

Many doctors are of the opinion that mumps infection can cause diabetes. There is evidence of an indirect link between diabetes and mumps. Studies have been conducted proving the association of mumps with pancreatitis. There are reports of isolated cases of type 1 diabetes after mumps infection.

There is evidence that mumps infection can trigger the formation of type 1 diabetes in some people. The information that binds type 1 diabetes and mumps virus is as follows:

  • There is a scientific link between viral infections (including mumps) and type 1 diabetes.
  • Circulating antibodies against pancreatic antigens, in particular beta cells, when recovering from mumps infection. Such antibodies are found in the early stages of type 1 diabetes.
  • Studies show that the wild type of mumps virus is able to infect human pancreatic beta cells.

There is scant evidence of a link between measles and diabetes. Measles vaccinations for adults can be given if it is known that immunity to this disease is reduced.

Thus, it was found that vaccination against measles for adults can be carried out without risk of worsening the course of diabetes.

A study of a Hib vaccine in which 114 thousand children from Finland participated, found that people who received four doses of the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine had a higher incidence of type 1 diabetes than those who received only one dose.

Treatment rules

When a person with diabetes treats influenza or ARI, they should systematically monitor their blood glucose levels. The check should be carried out at least every 3 hours, and preferably more often. It is important to carefully study the contraindications to any drugs.

With a cold, you should eat regularly, even if there is no appetite. Often the patient during the flu does not feel hunger, although he needs food. You do not need to eat a lot of foods, just eat healthy meals in fractional portions. For colds, a diabetic should eat small meals every hour and a half.

If a person has a temperature and the condition is accompanied by vomiting, doctors advise drinking small sips of 250 ml of liquid every hour. Thus, dehydration of the body can be ruled out.

With a high concentration of sugar in the blood, you can use ginger tea without sugar or pure water.

You can not stop taking sugar-lowering medications or inject insulin. If you decide to start taking cold preparations, it is important to pay attention to contraindications.

The attending physician may advise increasing the dose of insulin for the duration of a cold or flu. You should measure your blood sugar every four hours and try to keep it in good condition all the time.

Situations may arise when there is a high temperature and it is impossible to bring sugar back to normal with the help of medications. In this case, you need to drink a lot of warm liquid. Doctors advise drinking at least half a cup every 30-40 minutes. In order to prevent situations provoking diabetes, a flu shot should be given.

  1. fruit drink
  2. bouillon,
  3. tea without sugar. Tea with ginger root for diabetes is very useful.
  4. decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

For type 2 diabetes, glucose and heavy foods should be avoided. It is important to follow a normal diet and consume the same amount of fruits and vegetables. If this cannot be done due to poor health, it is recommended that you eat soft foods, such as jelly and yogurt, at least twice a day.

You should measure your weight daily. Losing kilograms can be a sign of decompensation of diabetes. For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it’s useful to keep a self-monitoring diary and keep notes on hand so that you can demonstrate them to your doctor if necessary. How to behave with the flu for diabetes - in the video in this article.

Watch the video: Flu vaccine for diabetes - can I put

Draw conclusions

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