Scottish Fold kitten grooming food character. Scottish Fold care

Few know that caring for a Scottish Straight kitten is slightly different from caring for a Fold Scottish kitten. Features of care are not only in increased attention to health, care, but also to educating the character of the Scottish cat, developing the right habits and adapting the kitten in the family.

The main points to look out for are:

  • training to the tray;
  • having your own place and organizing a place for playing, scratching posts;
  • establishing a feeding system;
  • eye care;
  • correct wool hygiene;
  • timely bathing and ear hygiene;
  • clipping and cleaning teeth;
  • timely visit to the veterinarian.

If you follow all the rules of care, which will be described below, your Scottish cat will always remain healthy and active, and preventive examinations with a veterinarian will not take a lot of time and give you trouble.

Tray training your kitten

Toilet training for a Scottish cat requires a lot of patience from new owners if the kitten has not been accustomed to a certain filler by the breeders and trained in the basic rules of personal hygiene. Caring for a Scottish cat will definitely include the timely replacement of the litter, since scottish cats are very clean and may completely refuse to visit the litter box if it is not cleaned in time and properly cared for.

If your kitten goes to the toilet in the wrong place, do not scold him, since the character of the Scottish cat is quite stubborn and she will regard this not as a lesson and the basics of care, but as direct aggression.

Proper care will include gentle upbringing of the Scottish cat, in which case the cat will grow up to be docile and will not shit in the wrong places, either intentionally or accidentally.

Organizing your own place

The versatile Scottish cat grooming includes organizing your own kitten space and preparing special toys. These include not only a scratching post, but also many small toys in the form of mice, balls, various swing rods, which not only develop a Scottish cat, but also allow you to protect your personal belongings from harm from a kitten.

By themselves, the representatives of this breed are Scottish cats, they are sufficiently educated and will not play with the personal belongings of the owners, but still a large number of toys will only delight your pet. A prerequisite will be the purchase of a house or a bedwhich will become your Scottish cat's own personal space.


The purchase of a scratching post is also a need for grooming, since nail cleaning is a natural need for any cat, and Scottish cats are clean enough to sharpen their nails on your furniture. It is best to organize the space of a Scottish cat in such a way that all toys, a scratching post and her personal house are in visual reach, then she will understand that this is her territory and will not interfere with you if you want to retire.

It is very important to refresh the Scottish cat's environment from time to time, as most cats spend their whole lives in a confined space and the variety in toys and play will certainly delight your kitten.

Power features

The diet of Scottish straight kittens does not differ at all from the diet of the fold representatives of this breed. The structure of nutrition depends on what kind of food you prefer to feed it - natural or dry. From two to three months, you can completely transfer the kitten to artificial nutrition, but for some time it is recommended to give him milk in small quantities and low fat content.

Mandatory components of care and natural nutrition should be:

  • fish and dietary meat;
  • milk products;
  • various types of cereals;
  • cooked or raw vegetables, depending on your pet's preference.

It should be noted that when choosing meat and fish, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  • products should be well cooked and thoroughly chopped;
  • porridge is recommended to be included in every meal and mixed with meat products;
  • by-products are allowed only in small quantities and in the case of thorough cleaning;
  • herbs and seasonings are completely excluded;
  • you can combine dry or wet food with natural food in equal proportions throughout the day.

What to look for

It is worth carefully monitoring not only the diet, but also the number of servings, since feeding Scottish Straight cats requires a clear dosage... This is due to the fact that this breed is prone to corpulence and not always the Scottish cat can control its appetite when it really is not full, but when it is overeating. However, if the Scottish cat leaves food on the plate, you should not immediately contact your veterinarian, because you can adjust the portion size based on the mood and activity of the Scottish cat.

A Scottish Straight kitten should be fed in such a way that 40% of all food is protein.

Up to a year, it is recommended to build food in such a way that it is divided into three to four meals, and for adult cats, 2 meals a day will be optimal. A prerequisite should be the presence of clean, boiled water.


There are foods that are strictly not allowed for feeding cats:

  • potatoes and any dishes made from it;
  • greens and herbs grown on the windowsill or bought in special stores;
  • pasta and food with spices and herbs;
  • fatty meats such as pork;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat.

Given the peculiarities of the structure of bone and cartilage tissue, it is necessary to regulate the nutrition of your pet in such a way that it receives all the necessary nutrients, especially in the period up to 1 year, therefore, the nutrition of a straight British kitten is of great importance in the care process, and its regulation helps to guarantee health and your cat's longevity.

Eye care

An obligatory procedure for caring for the eyes of a British kitten is their examination and wiping with a special swab, which must first be moistened in water or in a special liquid.

Such simple procedures will eliminate infection and eye diseases that are typical for representatives of this breed. To cleanse the eye, wipe it from the outer corner and to the nose.

In this case, strong pressure must be excluded. A feature of Scottish cats is that their eyes are very watery due to the fact that they have a narrowed shape, so you need to regularly cleanse the tear ducts. In no case should the appearance of non-transparent tears be this is the main sign of eye infection. In this case, you must definitely contact your veterinarian and follow all his recommendations in order to ensure a quick recovery.

Wool and care

To care for the hair, special combs and brushes are used, which must be regularly combed out of the cat. This procedure is required due to the fact that the coat of Scottish kittens and adult cats is quite chipped, and the cat can not always completely clean it on its own. This procedure is mandatory for both short-haired and long-haired representatives of this breed. With regular brushing, the cat will shed less and its coat will look much more beautiful. There are several types of brushes:

  • wide comb and fine-toothed;
  • natural and artificial;
  • basic and decorative.

As an additional care for the coat, you can use special lotions that facilitate easy combing of the coat and make it more well-groomed. If a cat has skin peeling, it is imperative to choose special products that will help eliminate it, as this indicates general skin diseases.


Features of care for a straight kitten include obligatory water procedures, which consist in teaching them to swim in warm water.

Such bathing allows not only to exclude the appearance of hairballs in the stomach, but also allows you to make the cat more well-groomed, prevent the appearance of dandruff and fleas, and also prepare it before an exhibition or a festival. It is necessary to accustom the kitten to bathing as early as possible so that he is not afraid of water and water procedures do not become stressful for him.

Ears and teeth care

The British Straight kitten also requires careful ear hygiene and regular dental care. Such procedures consist in cleansing the ears with a special cotton swab, which is moistened in a liquid purchased from a veterinary clinic. Taking into account the peculiarity of the structure of the ears, a scrupulous attitude to their hygiene is required, which consists in the careful eversion of the ear cartilage, cleaning the ear canal.

Also, regular hygiene will help prevent ear mites from entering the ear or clogging the ear canal.

Examination and brushing of teeth should also become a mandatory procedure, since the detection or formation of plaque on the teeth at an early age will quickly eliminate them almost painlessly. The cat's teeth should be white and the gums should be an even pink color. Inflammation or swelling of any type is not allowed.

What and how often to feed a Scottish Fold cat?

Scottish Folds of all ages need quality, balanced nutrition. Experts recommend feeding pets with ready-made industrial premium food (Yams, Royal Canin, Pro Plan, Hills). Both semi-liquid feed and dry feed are suitable. For cats that spend most of the day alone, it is better to choose dry foods, as they retain their attractiveness to cats longer, do not become aired or spoil for a long time. Some people prefer to feed natural foods, but it is very, very difficult to formulate a balanced diet from them. For this, there are special books with diagrams. The basis of a natural diet is lean meat. Other foods permitted for feeding cats include offal (liver, lung, heart, stomachs, intestines), bran, cereals (rye, oats, wheat), and fermented milk products. Scottish Fold foods should be free of salt, spices and sugar. Food intended for humans should not end up in the cat's bowl, as it is bad for cats but tasty. After trying it, Scottish Fold may refuse to eat healthy food, designed and made especially for cats.

It is recommended to feed Scottish Fold cats up to 1.5 years from 3 to 5 times a day... Adult cats are recommended to be fed 2-3 times a day... The amount of feed per serving and the daily requirement are indicated on the feed packaging or the manufacturer's website.

How to care for the coat of a Scottish Fold cat?

To care for Scottish Fold wool you will need:
- a comb with sparse long teeth with rounded ends,
- a glove / mitten for combing short-haired cats or a metal comb with short, fine teeth,
- natural bristle brush or metal massage brush with antistatic coating,
- shampoo for cats,
- dry shampoo,
- sponge (for washing the muzzle),
- conditioner for wool,
- towels and hairdryer.

Brushing Scottish Fold cats is required at least once a week... During the molting period - at least twice a week... First, prepare the coat with a wide-toothed comb, then use a glove (or fine comb) to comb out dead hair and massage the skin. Finally, you need to tidy up the wool with a natural bristle brush, which will also be useful for dry brushing. Brush in the direction of guard hair growth. If the tail looks good, it is not recommended to comb or comb it out.... The hair on it is easily pulled out, but it takes an extremely long time to recover. Particular care should be taken when brushing to remove hair between the toes, armpits and chest. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to walk over the wool with wet hands to collect the hairs combed with a mitten.

How to care for teeth, ears, eyes and claws of a Scottish Fold?

Teeth... Plaque on the teeth is the smallest problem that can occur if the teeth and gums of Scottish Fold cats are not properly cared for. It is necessary to teach to brush your teeth from an early age. It is recommended to clean at first with gauze, folded 2-3 times and dipped in a weak solution of baking soda and salt. The gauze should be wrapped around the finger, and then massage the gums in a circular motion. The teeth should be rubbed with gauze in the direction from the gum to the edge of the tooth. Once the Scottish Fold gets used to this procedure, you can switch to an animal toothbrush and paste (available from your pet store and veterinary pharmacy). Dry food, special treats and pieces of raw meat help to remove plaque on the teeth. Examining and brushing your teeth should be done weekly. If you find the rudiments of diseases, tartar, malocclusion and other problems, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

Ears. Ears should be cleaned of excess wax and regularly examined for ear mites. Cleaning should be approximately once every 3-4 weeks using cotton swabs or cotton wool pieces. Also, this procedure will require a special tool that can be purchased at the pet store. If it is absent, cotton wool can be soaked in ordinary vegetable oil. It should be cleaned from the base of the ear to its edge, without immersing the stick deeply into the ear canal so as not to damage it. Finally, it is advisable to smear the inner surface of the Scottish Fold ear with baby cream.

Eyes... Scottish Fold cats do not have increased watery eyes, so eye care is very simple. It is necessary once a day wipe your eyes with a damp handkerchief or other lint-free cloth. Cotton wool is not suitable for eye care. You can moisten the cloth in plain water or tea leaves (both green and black tea will do).

Claws. Cutting the claws of Scottish Fold cats is necessary for their own safety. By catching a long claw on a carpet, furniture or clothing, a Scottish Fold can injure itself of varying severity (sometimes up to amputation of the claw). In addition, when there are other animals or children in the house, this procedure is also necessary, since active Scottish folds can accidentally injure their playmates with long sharp claws. For a haircut, you will need a nail clipper of a convenient size or special scissors for cutting nails. Small kittens can be trimmed with nail clippers. Whichever tool is used, it must be well sharpened, otherwise it will break the claw and cause pain to the pet. The owner should prepare the necessary supplies, including styptic and cotton wool in case of injury, sit down the Scottish fold comfortably, secure it in place, and gently press on the ball of the foot. The narrow transparent part of the claw should be cut without affecting the growth zone (thickening at the base of a pinkish tint). Do not forget about the fifth toe on the front feet. Scottish Folds under the age of six months are recommended to cut their nails once every 1-2 weeks, and for adult cats - once a month.

How should you bathe a Scottish Fold, and how often?

The Scottish Fold should be bathed only when necessary. Bathing is not only stressful for the pet and its owner, it can also reduce the protective properties of the Scottish Fold coat (with frequent washing). Therefore, it is recommended to use dry shampoo for light dirt. Cleaning with warm bran (heated in the oven) can replace traditional bathing. The technology of using powder and bran is approximately the same: the cat is placed on newspapers, after which the powder or bran is rubbed into the wool, and after a few minutes are brushed out with a natural bristle brush.

Traditional bathing is recommended when the wool is heavily soiled, before an exhibition, knitting and other similar cases. Before you start bathing, you should prepare all the necessary accessories and arrange them conveniently (not on the edge of the tub!). A towel should be spread on the bottom of the basin or tub to provide the cat with a stable position. You only need to use special shampoos for cats. Human and dog products and soaps are not suitable for scrubbing Scottish Folds. The most suitable are shampoos made on the basis of medicinal herbs or seaweed (attention: an allergic reaction to the components of such shampoos is possible).

The shampoo should be selected depending on the color, type of coat and some of its features:
- for white Scottish folds, a whitening shampoo is recommended,
- shampoos for white cats are also suitable for blue and cream cats (give a pearl tint),
- for Scottish folds with fleas, - with anti-flea effect,
- for pets with a very greasy coat - a conditioner containing an alcohol solution,
- for Scottish folds of black color - tint shampoo for the second wash.

After applying the shampoo, it is necessary to create lather. The muzzle should not be washed with shampoo. It is recommended to wipe it with a damp sponge. It is recommended to use conditioner, conditioner or conditioner for wool (according to the instructions). Then it is necessary to rinse the coat very well, since the residues of detergents can lead not only to sticking of the hairs when drying, but also to poisoning the pet, since the cat will definitely lick the coat after bathing. It is recommended to dry the hairline with soft bath towels. You can use a hairdryer, but not desirable. After drying, brush the wool with a natural bristle brush.

1. After 24 hours after using anthelmintic drugs, it is recommended to wash the cat.
2. Do not bathe the cat after she has eaten. After eating, at least 4 hours should pass.
3. In no case should the cat be immersed in water with its head.
4. Bathing a Scottish Fold is best done together.

When picking up a kitten from a breeder, ask about the pet's diet. It is advisable to continue feeding him with the usual products in the prescribed mode at least the first days. This will save the animal from indigestion, and you from worrying about its appetite.

Scottish cats are omnivorous - they are not capricious in food and quickly get used to new products. Decide if you will feed your pet with homemade or industrial food. The latter option is preferable - professional feed contains a balanced complex of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the proper development of a kitten. Up to six months, the pet is fed with canned food and dry granules for kittens, later they can be transferred to food for adult animals. Make sure that the animal always has clean water - this is especially important if the kitten eats dry food.

If you decide to cook your own food, make the animal a mixture of meat products and cereals. Fatty meat, cream, semi-finished products and smoked meats are contraindicated for kittens. Scottish Folds should not be given a lot of calcium - for example, cottage cheese. It is believed that such food can affect the ears of the animal - instead of lying, they will rise.

Do not feed your pet treats - Scottish Folds are prone to overeating, and this is fraught with fullness and indigestion.

Feed your kitten three to four times a day. After six months, he can be transferred to two meals a day.

Good manners

Scottish folds quickly get used to the rules. Give your animal a comfortable place where it feels safe. This can be a basket with a soft mattress, a bed or a special cat's house. Make sure you have a scratching post and toys. The little one will play for hours with an elastic band or chase a paper ball.

The kitten needs communication. Play with him every day, pick him up, talk. Scottish Fold is very sociable and needs close contact with the owner.

Kittens of this breed are very clean. Choose a convenient litter box and clean it regularly. You can put two trays for your pet - this is especially convenient if you are not at home for several hours.

Scottish Folds get along well with children, cats and other pets. They very rarely show aggression, maintaining a cheerful disposition until old age. These kittens do not scratch and do not bother meowing, they are very balanced and slightly phlegmatic. But for the safety of the pets themselves, it is worth doing them regularly manicure. Trim the claws with special animal clippers, removing only the very tip of the plate.

Take care of the kitten's fur. Care for thick fur with a dense undercoat with a fine, round-toothed comb. Brush the kitten twice a week - the animals usually tolerate this procedure. You shouldn't wash your pet. But you need to regularly clean his ears. With a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion, gently wipe the inside of the ear. If there are dark crusts on the cotton wool, show the kitten to the vet - the animal may have been infected with an ear mite. Check your pet's eyes too. If they are watery, drip anti-inflammatory drops, and wipe off the dirt in the corner of the eyes with a damp cotton swab.

Everyone knows the cutest kittens with the ears bent down. A rare person is not touched by Scottish Fold cats. But also, not every owner of fold-eared pets knows about the intricacies of caring for an animal, associated not only with the characteristics of the ears, but also with the characteristics of the breed as a whole.

Cats are naturally very creatures, and normally do not need additional care measures. However, due to their age, kittens do not always cope with their hygiene procedures, and they need help with this.

Behind the eyes

Kittens need regular eye cleaning with a damp cotton pad (by the way, y is another story altogether). Such procedures should be taught from the very tender age and from the first days of the kitten's stay in the apartment. Once a week, to prevent infections and more thoroughly cleansing the eyes, you can wipe them with a boric acid solution (1/2 teaspoon of dry powder in a glass of boiled water).

Claw cutting

For domestic kittens it stands on its front legs. It is also worth accustoming to the procedure from the first days of life with the owners. Claws are trimmed about once a month - only the very tip is trimmed, no more than 2 mm, so as not to touch the blood vessels.

When to bathe and how?

Kittens only if necessary - if they are heavily soiled or if fleas are suspected. Up to two months of age, bathing in lop-eared kittens is not provided. Then they bathe every two to three months. They bathe in warm water with a special shampoo. After bathing, the wool must be dried to avoid hypothermia and colds.

The vast majority of kittens are afraid of the noise of the water, so you should be careful with the pressure. It is better to collect water in the bathroom or basin in advance and water the baby from the ladle. For training, you can let rubber toys in the water.

The ears must be closed during bathing with cotton swabs. Oil drops are instilled into the eyes to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane if soapy water is accidentally spilled. The temperature should be around 36 o C.


Human shampoos and balms can cause very severe allergic reactions. Kittens should be washed only with a special shampoo for wool!

You need to wash all the products very carefully, because even after washing and drying, the kitten will lick itself to remove a specific smell. Hot air is not used to dry the wool - only cold air at a distance of about half a meter from the kitten.

Ear cleaning

Ears should be examined and cleaned at least once a week. The ear canal is gently wiped from the outside with a cotton pad or cotton swab twisted into a flagellum.

It is better not to use cotton swabs - the kitten can pull away from the unpleasant sensations, and the stick itself can damage the ear, or the cotton swab from it can remain in the ear canal. Sulfur is not removed from the depths of the ear.

Scottish fold grooming

Scottish Folds are naturally very clean, and take care of their fur themselves. However, to reduce the clogging of the stomach with hairballs, you need to brush the animal regularly, at least once a week, with a special wool brush.

You can buy them in special veterinary stores or pharmacies. For short-haired subspecies, a brush with short and frequent teeth is used; for long-haired counterparts, combs should be with longer and thinner teeth.

Also, long-haired cats need combing at least once every two to three days. During the molting period, combing is carried out more often.


A kitten, like a person, needs its own essentials - bowls for food and water, a tray, its own sleeping place, toys and a scratching post.

Food bowls

Kittens should have separate bowls for food and water. Separate dry and wet food bowls are also desirable. It is better to put cups for food and water a little at a distance from each other - natural instincts tell cats that the water near food is most likely contaminated with cadaveric poison.

Sleeping place

The animal must have its own secluded corner - a house with or at least just its own rug on which it will feel protected.

Even active kittens sometimes want to relax and be alone with themselves so that no one bothers them at this moment.



The tray can be with or without filler. For fillers, use high wide trays without a lattice. The sides should not be too high so that the kitten can easily climb over them. With age, you can purchase a tray slightly higher.

It is better to use a natural wood filler, pressed into granules - it crumbles when wet. At first, it is better not to wash the tray thoroughly until the kitten is - kittens are guided in a new place not from memory, but by smell.

Scratching post

- a common physical procedure, even in small kittens. To prevent scratching furniture, carpets, clothes, it is better to purchase a scratching post. They are sold as individual posts, as well as in whole complexes with houses and areas for sitting and lying.

Do not think that the kitten will immediately start playing with only a scratching post. It follows, as taught to the toilet - sometimes the smell of catnip is used to lure the baby to an unfamiliar object.


Kittens, regardless of breed, are needed according to the vaccination schedule. Timely vaccination allows you to avoid many serious diseases or at least minimize their consequences. Vaccination is carried out one week after treatment for worms.


Any vaccination is carried out subject to the full health of the animal. The dose and drug are prescribed only by a veterinarian.


The animal must be balanced, no matter what feed is used - dry and wet industrial or. It is recommended to feed kittens up to 4 months 4-5 times a day, then 3-4 times.

Dry food

Food for Scottish Folds is used premium and home class. These are the most balanced feeds, their creation is clearly aimed at the daily needs of animals. In addition, they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for normal development. You only need to use special food for kittens.

Features of feeding with natural food

Feeding natural food is somewhat more difficult, as there are a number of restrictions for the breed. Kids can cook oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.

Porridge is cooked without adding oil. A small amount of ground beef with oatmeal and boiled yolk can be fed for up to two months.

With age, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet, which completely replace milk, boiled by-products, boiled vegetables, meat in pieces, boiled eggs. Fish should be given no more than once a week, strictly boiled.


It is strictly forbidden to give Scottish Fold kittens:

  • - sweet;
  • - herring;
  • - smoked meats;
  • - corned beef;
  • - sausages, sausages, pork sausages.

Fish, poultry, eggs are prohibited in their raw form. Pork FORBIDDEN completely.

Useful video

Features of the breed: how to care for a lop-eared - you can watch the video below.


Like all pedigree animals, Scottish fold kittens have their own set of requirements for care, especially with regard to the diet. One should not forget about upbringing - a baby will not immediately become smart, playful and well-mannered just because it is inherent in his breed.

Kittens are brought up patiently, without screaming and aggression. Feeling love and care, the kitten will delight its owners for a long time with its affection.

Amusing bent ears, naive look of round eyes, always a little surprised expression of a muzzle, spontaneous and cute disposition of Scottish Fold cats won the hearts of millions of people. Perfect companions and loyal friends, Scottish girls give a lot of positive emotions to their owners. What should a person do to make his pet happy?

Preparing a place for a kitten

For a joyful event - the appearance in the house - you need to prepare in advance... The set of the necessary dowry for the baby must include:

  • dishes - several bowls (preferably ceramic) of different capacities for food and water;
  • convenient design tray;
  • filler of a brand familiar to a kitten;
  • hygiene and care items - brushes for combing and brushing teeth, metal combs, massage gloves, zoo cosmetics, nail clippers, several towels and nappies made of natural hygroscopic material;
  • 5-6 toys of different types, developing reaction, mobility, intelligence;
  • scratching post;
  • a shelter for sleeping and resting (at first, you can use a carrier in which the Scottish arrived from the nursery).

The correct arrangement of the zone where the kitten will feel comfortable and safe is very important: the further behavior of the pet, the formation of stable useful habits and skills, largely depends on how the adaptation to the new home will go. It is advisable to close the room in which the baby will spend the first days by placing a tray, food and water there.

You can sit with him, talking with affectionate intonations, try to interest him with a toy, and then leave, giving him a few hours to look around. Having mastered, he himself will make it clear that he is ready to explore new spaces. There is no need to rush or limit the kitten's desire to get acquainted with other parts of the house. The adaptation period, if the owner does everything right, lasts 2-3 days, and after a week the baby will finally cope with the stress caused by the move and get used to the new environment.

Scottish Fold care

Regular hygiene procedures are important not only for the pet to look well-groomed and tidy. They allow you to notice and prevent the development of certain diseases in time.

Cleaning of ears, eyes, nose

Due to the structural features of the outer ear of the Scottish Fold, organ sanitation should be carried out at least once a week. This is best done with a special hygiene lotion that softens and removes wax build-up and impurities. In addition, the resulting film creates a protective barrier against dust, bacteria, fungi. It is highly undesirable to use a cotton swab moistened with a product, since:

  • even the most careful movements can lead to pushing the earwax deep into the canal and the formation of a plug;
  • there is a stimulation of the production of even more secretions;
  • cotton wool fibers may remain in the ear canal, leading to inflammation.

To clean the ears of the Scottish Fold, you need to fix the animal, carefully bend the auricle, drip 15-20 drops of lotion (into each ear canal), close the ear and gently massage its base for 3-5 minutes.

Because of the shortened lacrimal ducts, Scottish eyes often watery. This secret, when oxidized, forms brownish streaks. Therefore, it is necessary to rinse the eyes and treat the area around them as needed, using chamomile broth, furacilin solution or special hygienic eye drops for cats. An opaque white or greenish discharge and reddened eyelids can be symptoms of conjunctivitis. To clarify the diagnosis, you should contact your veterinarian.

Special care of the nose is required only for nasal congestion, when the animal is sick or has had RVI... It is highly discouraged to "prescribe" and use medications on your own. Traces of discharge from the nasal passages are gently removed with a slightly damp cloth.

Hair care

The requirements for caring for the wool of both varieties of the fold cat breed - Scottish (shorthair) and Highland (semi-longhaired) - do not differ significantly: you need to comb your pet at least once a week. The main difference lies in the selection of tools and bathing products.

  • For a short dense Scottish Fold coat, you will need a massage brush with natural bristles, a comb with rounded teeth and an average distance between them.
  • Longer, silky Highland Fold coats are best combed with metal combs with different or equal Teflon-coated teeth. The furminator, which is used during the molting period, usually does not work out the collar, tail and pants.

A rubber glove to remove lost hairs will be needed for representatives of both breed variations, a slicker (slicker) is not used for either Scottish or Highland. You can make the procedure easier if you first apply a special antistatic agent to the wool. The hair is combed in the direction of the guard hair growth.

It is interesting! First, the back is worked out, then the sides, chest, abdomen, and last of all - the legs.

If the hair on the tail (especially in the Highlands) is not tangled, not gathered in tangles, it is not combed, but carried with a damp hand or sponge from the base to the tip of the tail in order to collect dead hairs.

Care of claws, teeth

The frequency with which the Scottish Fold claws are trimmed depends on the individual characteristics of the pet. The main criterion for the need for the procedure is excessively long and sharp claws, curling towards the inside of the foot. Even the most experienced groomer can make the mistake of cutting the claw too close to the pulp, a living tissue containing blood vessels.

Given that Scottish Folds are genetically susceptible to hemophilia, an unsuccessful procedure can result in prolonged bleeding for the pet. Therefore, you can do it yourself only if you are absolutely confident in your ability and choose the least traumatic tool for this - a special nail clipper.

But caring for the oral cavity and Scottish Fold teeth does not require any special knowledge and skills from the owner. The whole system of preventive and hygienic measures is reduced to:

  • periodic examination, independent - once a week and in the veterinary clinic - 1-2 times a year;
  • systematic teeth cleaning;
  • properly formulated diet.

Brushing your teeth can be done with a special brush, cotton swab or piece of cloth. You will need animal toothpaste or baking soda with a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide as a cleaning agent.

Gently brush movements are carried out in the forward-backward and up-down directions, capturing the surface of the teeth as much as possible. The procedure should be tried to be carried out quickly, since tightening it annoys the pet, which will certainly break free, not allowing the process to be completed.

Bathing and washing

Washing is a mandatory part of Scottish Fold care. If the pet does not take part in exhibitions, water procedures are carried out every two months, without using the entire arsenal of zoo cosmetics necessary to prepare the animal for the show. With insignificant contamination, you can limit yourself to dry shampoo or clean the cat's fur coat with bran: such means are good at removing grease and dirt from the coat.

For regular washing in the bath, detergents are selected that take into account the peculiarities of the coat: for example, compositions for long-haired or short-haired cats, bleaching for white and light colors, tint - for the second wash of black cats.

  • The cat is seated on the bottom of the tub, covered with a towel or anti-slip mat. The water level should reach the sternum.
  • Shampoo is applied to the moistened wool and, with gentle circular movements, it is distributed over the body and limbs of the animal, rubbing into the wool and creating foam.
  • The muzzle is wiped with a slightly damp sponge without detergent.
  • After washing, thoroughly wash off the remaining foam and, if necessary, use a conditioner.
  • It is recommended to dry the wool by changing the bath towels several times. A hair dryer, if the animal is accustomed to it, reduces the time of this procedure, but there is a risk of overdrying the coat and skin. Despite the fact that the Highland Fold wool, due to its texture, is not prone to the formation of tangles, the animal should be dried at the same time as monitoring the condition of the coat - combing tangled hairs if they appear during washing.
  • The finishing stage is a thorough brushing with a natural bristle brush.

The basic steps for washing Scottish and Highlands before a show are the same.

  • First, a degreasing compound is applied to the dry coat, rubbing it in with massaging movements to ensure the penetration of the drug to the roots of the hairs.
  • After rinsing off the degreasing agent, use a cleansing shampoo.
  • Then, to emphasize the beauty of the color, to give it brightness and intensity, a tint shampoo is used. Using the right products of this type, you can also neutralize unwanted residual patterns in cream or red cats, or give an expressive contrast to the marble pattern.
  • Depending on the length of the coat, a suitable texturizing agent is used to give it shine and density.
  • Finish bathing with a conditioner, which is then thoroughly washed off.

Important! The pet must be taught to all care procedures from childhood so that they are not stressful for the pet and an unpleasant duty for the owner for this reason.

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