Which is safer than ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin. Which is better - Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? How not to make a mistake with the choice? Levofloxacin eye drops

Fluoroquinolones are very popular in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Doctors often prescribe Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin, comparing these drugs will help determine in which cases a particular medication will have a positive effect.

Characteristics of Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin is a synthesized fluoroquinolone antibiotic. The isomeric analog of ofloxacin acts as the active substance of the drug. One tablet contains 250 mg of levofloxacin hemihydrate.

Indications for use are infectious diseases caused by sensitive microflora:

  • acute sinusitis;
  • chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • pneumonia;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

The average daily oral dose is 500 mg.

It is not prescribed if the patient has allergic reactions to one of the components that make up the drug.

It is also contraindicated in such clinical presentations:

  • epilepsy;
  • tendon problems with fluoroquinols.

Do not use the drug in pediatrics (possibly a violation of the articular cartilage).

Do not carry out medication treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In rare cases, the following negative effects may occur:

  • candidiasis;
  • mycoses;
  • inflammation and degeneration of tendon tissue, ruptures;
  • a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets or erythrocytes;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • anorexia, hypoglycemia;
  • sleep disturbance, nervousness, irritability;
  • disorder of taste;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • vertigo, ringing in the ears;
  • tachycardia, arterial hypotension, prolongation of the QT interval;
  • bronchospasm, lack of air, allergic pneumonitis;
  • nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea;
  • hepatitis, jaundice;
  • rash, itching, angioedema, hyperhidrosis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • asthenia, pyrexia, pain in the chest, back, limbs;
  • attacks of porphyria.

When using the drug in higher doses than recommended, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • lengthening of the QT interval.

In case of an overdose, you should immediately stop taking the medication, consult a doctor, and do an ECG.

Dialysis is ineffective because there is no antidote. Treatment can only be symptomatic.

Characteristics of Ciprofloxacin

The main active ingredient of the drug is ciproflaxacin. The composition of the drug includes auxiliary components: starch, talc, titanium and silicon dioxides, magnesium stearate and lecithin.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • acute bronchitis, exacerbation of the disease in a chronic form;
  • severe tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • infections resulting from cystic fibrosis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontal;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • complicated infections and inflammations of the urinary system;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious skin lesions, burns, ulcers and a number of others.

The drug can be used in the treatment of postoperative infectious complications.

You can not take Ciprofloxacin for allergic reactions to the main and auxiliary components of the medication, as well as the simultaneous use of tizanidine.

It is contraindicated for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Side effects:

  • loose stools;
  • vomiting;
  • eosinophilia;
  • fungal superinfection;
  • lack of appetite;
  • excitation;
  • hyperactivity;
  • headaches;
  • taste disturbances;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the stomach / intestines;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • musculoskeletal pain;
  • joint pain;
  • rash, nettle fever;
  • fever, fatigue;
  • change in the number of leukocytes;
  • inflammation of the colon;
  • decreased platelet count;
  • increased sugar levels;
  • allergic reactions;
  • depression with the appearance of suicidal thoughts;
  • pathological dreams;
  • changes in sensitivity;
  • trembling;
  • convulsions;
  • visual impairment;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • fainting;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • suffocation;
  • jaundice, hepatitis;
  • intolerance to sunlight (photosensitivity);
  • increased muscle tone.

If the dose of the medication is exceeded, stop taking it and seek medical help.

Overdose symptoms may be as follows:

  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • the appearance of crystals, blood in the urine;
  • impaired renal / liver function.

Comparison of drugs

Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin are analogous medications. They are used in the field of pulmonology and otolaryngology. They are used in the treatment of diseases associated with inflammation of the ENT organs; respiratory infections are also no exception. At the same time, different active substances are included in the composition of the drugs, therefore there are differences between the drugs.


Both medicines belong to the antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone series. Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin have a similar purpose, therefore, their spectrum of actions is identical.

Medicines have the same release forms:

  • tablets;
  • solution (for injection and for infusion);
  • drops (eye and ear).

The drugs are well tolerated by the body and well absorbed when taken orally. Adverse reactions occur rarely and at the same frequency. The negative consequences are similar too.

What is the difference

The active ingredient of Levofloxacin is levofloxacin, the main component of Ciprofloxacin is ofloxacin. The first is a new medication, and the second belongs to the first generation drugs, so some of the pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance to it.

The new drug is compatible with other medicines; in Ciprofloxacin, when interacting with other compounds, the level of activity decreases.

Which is cheaper

Any form of Ciprofloxacin is cheaper than the counterpart. For example, the average cost of a package of tablets of the first is 80 rubles, the second - 250 rubles.

Is it possible to replace Levofloxacin with Ciprofloxacin

Levofloxacin can be substituted for Ciprofloxacin if the bacteria that caused the disease are susceptible to the latter. Before making a replacement, it is better to consult a doctor.

Which is better - Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin

Levofloxacin, being a new generation drug, has a higher efficiency. Some pathogens that are resistant to the opponent cannot resist Levofloxacin. It is more active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumococcal infection and atypical microorganisms.

In this article we will try to figure out which is better than levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. To give a thorough answer, one should dwell in more detail on the features of the use of each of these drugs separately.


Ciprofloxacin belongs to the classical fluoroquinolones, which have broad indications for use in respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract and ENT pathology. Clinical experience shows that this drug is active against gram-negative bacteria, staphylococci and atypical pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.). At the same time, Ciprofloxacin is not effective enough for diseases caused by pneumococci.

The selection of the optimal drug for the treatment of any disease should be done exclusively by a highly qualified doctor.


As a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, Ciprofloxacin has been successfully used in the treatment of patients suffering from respiratory infections of the respiratory tract and ENT pathology. For what diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the ear, throat, nose, this drug from the group of classic fluoroquinolones is used:

  1. Acute and chronic bronchitis (at the stage of exacerbation).
  2. Pneumonia caused by various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses, throat, etc.


Like most drugs, Ciprofloxacin has its own contraindications. In what situations this representative of classical fluoroquinolones cannot be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and ENT pathology:

  • Allergic reaction to Ciprofloxacin.
  • Pseudomembranous colitis.
  • Childhood and adolescence (until the end of the formation of the skeletal system). The exception is children with pulmonary cystic fibrosis who have developed infectious complications.
  • Pulmonary anthrax.

In addition, patients with the following disorders and pathological conditions have restrictions on the use of Ciprofloxacin:

  • Progressive atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Severe cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Various heart diseases (arrhythmia, heart attack, etc.).
  • Decreased levels of potassium and / or magnesium in the blood (electrolyte imbalance).
  • Depressive state.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Severe central nervous system disorders (eg, stroke).
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Serious malfunction of the kidneys and / or liver.
  • Advanced age.

Side effects

According to clinical practice, adverse reactions in the prevailing majority of patients taking fluoroquinolones are infrequent. Here are the undesirable effects that occur in about 1 in 1000 patients taking Ciprofloxacin:

  • Dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, etc.)
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Feeling of heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Recurrent sleep problems.
  • Changes in basic blood parameters.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Various skin rashes.
  • Painful sensations in muscles and joints.
  • Functional disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Do not buy Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without first talking to your healthcare professional.

special instructions

With extreme caution, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed to patients who are already taking medications leading to a prolongation of the QT interval:

  1. Antiarrhythmic drugs.
  2. Antibiotics from the macrolide group.
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants.
  4. Antipsychotics.

Clinical observations show that Ciprofloxacin enhances the effect of hypoglycemic drugs. With their simultaneous use, careful monitoring of blood glucose should be carried out. It is recorded that drugs that reduce the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract (antacids), and which contain aluminum and magnesium, reduce the absorption of fluoroquinolones from the digestive tract. The break between the use of antacid and antibacterial drugs should be at least 120 minutes. I would also like to note that milk and dairy products can affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin.

In case of an overdose of the drug, it is possible to develop headache, dizziness, weakness, convulsive attacks, dyspeptic disorders, functional disorders of the kidneys and liver. There is no specific antidote. The stomach is washed, activated carbon is given. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Closely monitor the patient's condition until complete recovery.


Levofloxacin belongs to the third generation fluoroquinolones. Possesses high activity against gram-negative bacteria, pneumococci and atypical pathogens of respiratory infections. Most pathogens that show resistance (resistance) to the "classic" second-generation fluoroquinolones may be susceptible to more modern drugs such as Levofloxacin.

Food intake does not affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin. Modern fluoroquinolones can be taken either before or after meals.


Levofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is actively used for the following diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs:

  • Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi (at the stage of exacerbation).
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ear, throat.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Infectious complications of cystic fibrosis.


Despite the fact that Levofloxacin belongs to the new generation of fluoroquinolones, this drug can not be prescribed in all cases. What are the contraindications to the use of Levofloxacin:

  • Allergic reaction to the drug or its analogues from the fluoroquinolone group.
  • Serious kidney problems.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Tendon damage associated with previous fluoroquinolone therapy.
  • Children and adolescents.
  • Periods of childbearing and breastfeeding.

Levofloxacin should be prescribed with extreme caution in elderly patients.

Side effects

As a rule, all adverse reactions are classified according to the severity and frequency of occurrence. Let's list the main undesirable effects from taking Levofloxacin that may occur:

  • Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, etc.).
  • The level of essential liver enzymes rises.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Tendon damage (inflammation, tears, etc.).

Self-administration of Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without the permission of your doctor can have serious consequences.

special instructions

Since the likelihood of joint damage is high, Levofloxacin is not prescribed in childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years), with the exception of extremely severe cases. When using antibacterial drugs for the treatment of elderly patients, it should be borne in mind that this category of patients may have impaired renal function, which is a contraindication for prescribing fluoroquinolones.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, patients who have previously suffered a stroke or severe traumatic brain injury may develop epileptic seizures (convulsions). If you suspect the presence of pseudomembranous colitis, you should immediately stop taking Levofloxacin and prescribe the optimal course of therapy. In such situations, it is strongly discouraged to use drugs that inhibit intestinal motility.

Although rare, there may be cases of tendon inflammation (tendonitis) when using Levofloxacin. Older patients are more prone to this kind of adverse reactions. Concomitant use of glucocorticosteroids significantly increases the risk of tendon ruptures. If you suspect a tendon lesion (inflammation, rupture, etc.), fluoroquinolone therapy is stopped.

In case of an overdose of this drug, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. The use of dialysis in such cases is ineffective. There is no specific antidote.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased concentration of attention and quick reactions (for example, driving). In addition, due to the risk of developing photosensitization, refrain from excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Which drug to choose?

How to determine which is better than Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? Of course, only an experienced specialist can make the best choice. Nevertheless, when choosing a drug, it is necessary to rely on 3 main aspects:

A good drug is one that is not only effective, but also less toxic and available. In terms of effectiveness, Levofloxacin has its advantages over Ciprofloxacin. Along with the preserved activity against gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms, Levofloxacin has a more pronounced antibacterial effect against pneumococci and atypical pathogens. Nevertheless, it is inferior to Ciprofloxacin in activity against the pathogen Pseudomonas (P.) aeruginosa. It has been noted that pathogens that are resistant to Ciprofloxacin may be sensitive to Levofloxacin.

The type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents are decisive when choosing the optimal fluoroquinolone (in particular, Ciprofloxacin or Lefovloxacin).

Both drugs are well absorbed in the intestines when taken orally. Food has practically no effect on the absorption process, with the exception of milk and dairy products. They are convenient to use because they can be prescribed 1-2 times a day. Regardless of whether you take Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, in rare cases, unwanted side reactions may develop. As a rule, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.) are noted. Some patients taking second or third generation fluoroquinolones complain of headache, dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue, and sleep disturbance.

In elderly patients, especially with glucorticosteroid therapy, tendon ruptures are possible. Due to the risk of developing joint lesions, fluoroquinolones are limited in use during periods of gestation and breastfeeding, as well as during childhood.

Currently, for most patients, the price aspect is of paramount importance. A package of Ciprofloxacin tablets costs about 40 rubles. Depending on the dosage of the drug (250 or 500 mg), the price may fluctuate, but not significantly. More modern Levofloxacin will cost you an average of 200-300 rubles. The price will depend on the manufacturer.

At the same time, the final decision as to what is best for the patient, Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, is made exclusively by the attending physician.

Levofloxacin: Analogs, Review of Essential Medicines Similar to Levofloxacin

According to the latest medical statistics, the spread of prostatitis and its forms has recently begun to increase. The reasons for this situation can be called a lot of factors, among which, the main place is occupied by a man's unsatisfactory attitude to his health, poor ecology, poor-quality food, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising how seriously pharmacologists have to work to offer patients the latest and most effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Among them, there is also Levofloxacin - the latest generation antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action.

This type of drug, like Amoxiclav, belongs to antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action and is ideal for the systemic treatment of various diseases, including prostatitis (acute, chronic, bacterial).

The form of release of the drug is tablets or injection solutions. Any form of the drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, affects the body at the cellular level, and the targeted action of the drug allows you to effectively kill entire colonies of harmful microorganisms. For people suffering from infectious and bacterial diseases, it will be much cheaper to purchase such a medication than to buy other synonyms and antibiotic substitutes, which also have side effects and contraindications.

Levofloxacin analogs have the following properties:

  • They have a wide and active range of effects on the body.
  • They are able to quickly penetrate into prostate tissue.
  • They show a high degree of activity and directed action.

Before taking the medicine, you should read all the information that the instructions for taking the medicine offer you. Like any other antibiotic, domestic or imported, Levofloxacin can cause side effects and individual intolerance.

Today you can choose not only Levofloxacin, analogues of this drug, similar in composition, action and form of release, are presented on the market in large quantities.

Tavanic is an equally effective antibiotic that is prescribed for a variety of diseases. It is characterized by a high degree of drug activity and impact on groups of harmful microorganisms, its use allows you to obtain positive treatment results in the shortest possible time of therapy The price of the product depends on the form of release: tablets can be bought from 600 rubles, solution for injections, it will cost you 1620 rubles.

Ciprofloxacin is an active antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. It is used to treat infectious diseases of internal organs and tissues, in particular, the genitourinary system. The drug is produced in various forms, for example, these are eye drops, suspensions and solutions for injections, tablets and capsules. The cost of the antibiotic is low, from 18 rubles, and any pharmacy can offer you this drug.

Along with the above-mentioned Russian analogues, there are also foreign analogues of Levofloxacin on the market that can defeat any infectious disease.

Eleflox, produced by an Indian pharmaceutical company, is actively used to treat various forms of prostatitis, inhibits the activity of harmful microorganisms. It is used in systemic treatment, in which the disease quickly responds to therapy.

Glevo is a product of Indian pharmacology, with a wide spectrum of action, excellent for the treatment of all forms of prostatitis.

Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinols. The same group with the active substance levofloxacin includes:

All antibiotics in this group are very effective in the treatment of prostatitis. Therefore, your choice of a drug can only be influenced by the presence of an individual intolerance to the components of one of them, the severity of the disease, at which it is necessary to apply complex treatment, in which not all antibiotics may be compatible with other drugs. All drugs have detailed instructions, after reading which you will find out what side effect you can expect, what contraindication in your case may affect the choice of the remedy.

Tavanic or Levofloxacin which is better?

As we have already noted, both of these drugs belong to the group of fluoroquinols, with an active ingredient - levofloxacin, which quickly enters the bloodstream, then it is taken by plasma and distributed to all tissues of the body.

The drug Levofloxacin has an active effect on various tissue sites affected by harmful microorganisms, and it acts directly at the cellular level, which speeds up treatment and gives positive results. With prostatitis, different groups of bacteria can be present in the body, affecting the organ and causing the disease: anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative, simple microorganisms and chlamydia. With all these "pests" the drug fights very effectively.

Tavanik is a latest generation antibiotic with high rates of effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of various internal organs, bone tissue.

The active ingredient in the drug is levofloxacin, auxiliary - crospovidone, cellulose, titanium dioxide, macrogol 8000, iron oxide red and yellow. When taking the drug, its concentration in the blood lasts for a rather long period.

The antibacterial drug gives the fastest and most positive results in the treatment of various forms of prostatitis, from mild to chronic, as it affects tissue cells, their membranes and walls. It is especially effective in complex treatment, because its active and active component - levofloxacin, interacts well with other drugs.

If we compare Tavanic or Levofloxacin, which is better, then the first drug has fewer side effects and has a faster action and its spectrum of action is much wider.

Comparing the cost of drugs, it can be noted that you can buy Levofloxacin at a price of 77 rubles, and Tavanik - from 590 rubles.

Most often, when the doctor prescribed a course of treatment with this drug, the patient is prescribed 2 doses.

The average daily dose of the drug in each dose ranges from 500 ml to 1 g, depending on the form of the disease in which the prostate gland is located. If injections are prescribed, then the daily dose of liquid is from 250 to 500 ml, depending on the severity of the disease. The medicine is taken regardless of food intake. the mucous membrane quickly absorbs the substances of the drug.

In milder forms of prostatitis, as well as in diseases that affect the bronchi, the course of treatment can be from 14 to 28 days. In this case, the daily dose ranges from 500 ml to 1 g.

To decide whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better, your doctor will help you, who will select the optimal antimicrobial drug for effective therapy.

Levofloxacin vs.Ciprofloxacin: Comparative Evaluation of Drugs

The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, inhibits the vital activity of various microorganisms, quickly enters the bloodstream, is distributed throughout the tissues of the body, and any infection lends itself to such therapy.

The doctor prescribes the drug, who calculates the daily dose of the drug.

The course of treatment can be from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the degree of the disease.

If we consider Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, the difference is that the former is more effective, it can interact with other drugs, while Ciprofloxacin under the influence of other drugs can reduce its concentration and activity, which delays the course of treatment.

Both drugs, Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, are antibiotics that should only be taken on the advice of a physician, who considers each case on a case-by-case basis.

The main difference between the two antibiotics is the active substance: in the first drug it is levofloxacin, and in the second it is ofloxacin. Under the action of Ofloxacin, not all groups of bacteria can be destroyed, since microorganisms have different degrees of sensitivity to ofloxacin, therefore, prostatitis therapy may be different due to the causes of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment may also differ.

Levofloxacin Astrapharm: description of the drug and its distinctive features

Distinctive features from Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin Astrapharm is able to inhibit the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, while Levofloxacin acts on all groups of bacteria.

Most often, Levofloxacin Astrapharm is used to effectively treat chronic bacterial prostatitis.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, positive dynamics is observed already in the middle of treatment, and this happens regardless of the form of the disease.

If we talk about Levofloxacin Astrapharm blister, then it is more effective in the treatment of mild and moderate forms of prostatitis.

Regardless of what choice you make in the treatment of prostatitis, you must remember that only systemic, well-chosen treatment can give positive dynamics and results.

Specialty: Urologist Work experience: 21 years

Specialty: Urologist-andrologist Work experience: 26 years

Levofloxacin: analogues in the active substance, features of the therapeutic effect and indications for admission

According to the instructions for use, Levofloxacin is an original wide-profile antibiotic that is active against a number of infectious agents in the human body.

The drug Levofloxacin, analogs of which can be presented in different forms of release, can be effectively used in diseases of the ENT system. Thus, quite often this drug is prescribed to patients with otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc. The active ingredient of this drug will be no less effective in relation to skin infectious lesions, as well as diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems (prostatitis, pyelonephritis, chlamydia, etc.).

According to statistics, today Levofloxacin has several medicinal analogues, which can be presented in the form of drops and tablets, and also have a cheaper price. Reviews of these drugs can be read on numerous patient forums. Moreover, more than 60% of adults are regularly exposed to infectious lesions of various body systems, therefore, the need to use Levofloxacin is more than in demand today.

Levofloxacin is produced, analogues of which also have a wide therapeutic spectrum of action, in the form of tablets, solution for injection, and also eye drops. As for the pharmacological effect, this drug is a potent antibiotic that helps to destroy pathogenic infectious foci.

Levofloxacin, like its main substitutes, is contraindicated in pregnancy, childhood, severe kidney and liver diseases. Elderly people need to take such a drug strictly under the supervision of a doctor.


All analogues of Levofloxacin (synonyms for the therapeutic effect) are divided into two separate subgroups:

  • Analogs for the active substance of the drug.
  • Pharmacological group analogs.

By active substance

Analogues of Levofloxacin, which will be presented below, can be prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia, sinusitis, protracted bronchitis, all kinds of urological lesions, as well as pyelonephritis. It is forbidden to prescribe such drugs to children under eighteen years of age, pregnant women, as well as with individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug.

The most effective analogues of Levofloxacin (in terms of active ingredient) are:

Levofloxacin, as well as generics, should be taken in the morning before meals. In acute infectious lesions, the permissible dosage of the drug is 250 mg (1 tablet per day). The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. On average, it takes five to ten days to completely suppress the infection.

As for the side effects from analogues of Levofloxacin, in comparison with the drugs of the previous generation, these drugs are much better tolerated and provoke adverse reactions in no more than 1.5% of all cases. In this case, patients may experience nausea, abdominal pain, improved functioning of the heart, kidneys and digestive system.

According to the quinolone generation

Sparfloxacin is a striking analogue of Levofloxacin in the generation of quinolones. Also, like Levofloxacin, it belongs to the last, third generation of antibiotics. This drug is most effective against gram-negative foci of infection, in particular, staphylococci.

Sparfloxacin is prescribed for the same indications of the patient as Levofloxacin (analogs can be prescribed by a doctor). Thus, such an antibiotic can be used to treat chlamydia, leprosy, inflammatory diseases of the urethra and the respiratory system.

As for contraindications, apart from the standard prohibitions that are attributed to Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin also has a prohibition in the form of bradycardia and hepatitis.

The price for such an analogue of the drug is 340 rubles per pack (6 tablets).

Tavanic or Levofloxacin: which is better, characteristics and features of the best antibiotic analogues

One of the most popular foreign analogues of Levofloxacin is Tavanic, which is produced by a French manufacturer. Many patients do not know whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better.

With a detailed study of both of these drugs, it should be said that, unlike Levofloxacin, Tavanic has only one dosage form (solution for infusion). This is the disadvantage of this medication.

Tavanic or Levofloxacin (which is better for adults, the attending physician must decide in each case) have very similar indications for use, since both drugs are approved for use in prostatitis, sinusitis, respiratory and genitourinary infections. Moreover, both medicines are available over the counter.

When asked whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better, it is also important to note the cost of the first drug, which can reach up to 1200 rubles, which will be significantly higher than the average price for Levofloxacin.

Another analogue of Levofloxacin, which has a similar therapeutic effect, is the drug Moxifloxacin. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect against infectious agents of different classes.

Compared to Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin has the following advantages:

  • The drug has a wider spectrum of action.
  • Does not provoke allergies when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • It can be used in conjunction with other antibiotics without causing negative reactions.

In turn, the following disadvantages of this analogue are distinguished in comparison with Levofloxacin:

  • Less effective for urinary tract infections.
  • Does not have complete reception security.
  • It has a large list of contraindications.
  • It has a bad effect on the exchange of vitamins when taken.

As for eye drops, Levofloxacin in this form of release has analogues in the form of Floxal, Signicef \u200b\u200band Ofloxacin. The use of these drugs is allowed only as directed by a doctor, with strict adherence to the dosage. When treating children, it is important that the therapy is supervised by a specialist.

Remember that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Be sure to consult with your doctor! The information on the site is presented solely for popular informational purposes and does not claim to be reference and medical accuracy, is not a guide to action.


The most common pathogens of CP are representatives of the family of gram-negative bacteria Enterobacteria ceae, which come from the gastrointestinal tract. Most often these are Escherichia coli strains, which are found in 65-80% of infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia spp., Klebsiella and Enterobacter aerogenes spp., And Acinetobacter spp. are detected in 10-15%. Enterococci account for 5 to 10% of confirmed prostate infections. When examining patients with CP, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, Trichomonas, gardnerella, anaerobes, fungi of the genus Candida, which are among the probable causative agents of this disease, are increasingly found.

Fluoroquinolone of the 3rd generation, levofloxacin - REMEDIA (Simpex Pharma Pvt Ltd.) - has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It belongs to a new group of fluoroquinolones, the distinctive feature of which, along with high activity against many gram-negative bacteria, is increased activity against gram-positive microbes, atypical microorganisms and anaerobes.

It is known that CP leads to significant disturbances in the quality of life of men and, in addition to pelvic pain syndrome and urinary disorders, can become one of the causes of sexual dysfunction and have a depressing effect on male fertility.

The proven uropathogens in chronic bacterial prostatitis (CKD) are representatives of the family of gram-negative bacteria, to a lesser extent - gram-positive microorganisms.

The question of the role of non-clostridic and facultative anaerobic bacteria in the development of prostatitis is discussed. There is still no complete clarity regarding atypical pathogens, such as chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, which are unproven but probable causes in the initiation of CP.

It was found that only fluoroquinolone antibiotics, alpha 1-adrenergic blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs meet the requirements of evidence-based medicine in the treatment of CP patients.

Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of fluoroquinolone levofloxacin (commercial name Remedia) in the treatment of CKD and CP

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Oh, this is not an easy choice! Which is better - Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin?

In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are widely used.

They are distinguished by a high degree of effectiveness and have a wide spectrum of action. Among the most popular drugs are Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin.

These analogous medicines are successfully used in the field of pulmonology and otolaryngology. With their help, ailments associated with inflammation of the ENT organs, pulmonary diseases and diseases of the respiratory tract are treated. Respiratory infections are no exception.

Both drugs are successfully used in the treatment of progressive tuberculosis. To understand which remedy is better, it is advisable to consider in more detail the features of each of them and compare the effectiveness of the drugs.


Ciprofloxacin is a classic fluoroquinolone showing increased activity against staphylococci and chlamydia. As for the diseases that develop as a result of pneumococcal infection entering the body, the drug is ineffective against them.

Photo 1. Packaging of Ciprofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 mg. Producer "OZ GNTSLS".

Ciprofloxacin is prescribed for respiratory tuberculosis. In some cases, complex treatment is carried out with Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin and Isoniazid. It has been clinically proven that monotherapy for tuberculosis is less effective.

Indications for use

The absolute indications for the use of Ciprofloxacin are:

  • acute bronchitis, and exacerbations of the disease in a chronic form;
  • severe tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • infections resulting from cystic fibrosis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontal;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • complicated infections and inflammations of the urinary system;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious skin lesions, burns, ulcers and a number of others.

The drug can be used in the treatment of postoperative infectious complications.

The main active ingredient of the drug is ciproflaxacin. The composition of the medication includes auxiliary components: starch, talc, titanium dioxide and silicon, magnesium stearate and lecithin. The drug has several forms of release: tablets, solutions for injections and infusions.

Ciprofloxacin has its own contraindications and side effects. In most cases, the drug is easily tolerated, but against the background of its administration, there may be:

  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling of the vocal cords;
  • anorexia;
  • leukopenia;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • renal failure;
  • the occurrence of pain in the abdomen;
  • upset stool;
  • insomnia;
  • violation of taste perception;
  • headache;
  • exacerbation of epilepsy.
  • individual intolerance to its individual components;
  • hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin.

The medicine is not prescribed for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 15 years of age. An antibiotic should be used with caution in case of renal failure.


Levofloxacin is a third generation fluoroquinolone. The drug shows high efficacy against pneumococcal, atypical respiratory and gram-negative bacterial infections. Even those pathogens that are fairly resistant to second-generation antibacterial fluoroquinolones are sensitive to Levofloxacin.

Photo 2. Packaging of Levofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 500 mg. Manufacturer "Teva".

The drug is used for pulmonary tuberculosis. The spectrum of its action in this respect is completely identical to Ciprofloxacin. With monotherapy, clinical improvement in patients is observed after about a month.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Levofloxacin are:

  • exacerbation of bronchitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, characterized by a complicated course, for example, sinusitis;
  • pulmonary inflammation of any form;
  • inflammatory processes of an infectious nature of the ENT organs;
  • infections developing against the background of cystic fibrosis;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, inflammation of the prostate, chlamydia;
  • abscesses of soft tissues;
  • furunculosis.

The active ingredient of the drug is the chemical component of the same name - levofloxacin. The drug contains additional components: cellulose, sodium chlorine, dihydrate, disodium edetate, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, calcium stearate.

Levofloxacin has several forms of release. Today, you can buy drops, tablets and infusion solutions in domestic pharmacies.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other drug, fluoroquinolone Levofloxacin has a number of side effects:

  • allergy to individual components of the drug;
  • violation of the functional features of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache accompanied by dizziness;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • feeling tired, sleepy;
  • inflammation of the tendons;
  • acute liver failure;
  • depression;
  • rhabdomyolysis;
  • neutropenia;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • asthenia;
  • exacerbation of porphyria;
  • exacerbation of epilepsy;
  • the development of a secondary infection.

Contraindications to taking the drug are:

  • a tendency to develop an allergic reaction to certain medicinal components, i.e., individual intolerance;
  • unhealthy kidneys;
  • epilepsy;
  • medicinal damage to the tendons associated with treatment with fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs.

Levofloxacin is not prescribed for women during pregnancy and during lactation, as well as for children and adolescents. Caution should be exercised by patients with renal pathologies and persons of a geriatric profile.

In case of drug overdose, symptomatic treatment is expected. Dialysis is not very effective.

During the therapeutic course, it is not advisable to drive a car and engage in other activities that require a quick reaction and increased attention.

Due to the potential for photosensitivity, it is recommended that you stay in direct sunlight as little as possible.

Which is better: Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin? How do antibiotics differ?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing and purchase one of the above drugs, it is necessary to determine which one is better. The advice of a specialist will not be superfluous in solving this issue. When evaluating an antibacterial agent, it is necessary to build on the following criteria:

Comparison of drugs: which is more effective

Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin have a similar purpose, that is, their spectrum of action is identical, but the first drug has a number of advantages in terms of effectiveness.

The active ingredient of Ciproflaxacin is ciproflaxacin; Levofloxacin contains the main component of Levofloxacin.

In contrast to Ciprofloxacin, the antibacterial effect of Levofloxacin against pneumococcal infection and atypical microorganisms is more pronounced. The drug remains active against gram-negative bacteria.

It is known that some pathogens not sensitive to Ciprofloxacin show instability before exposure to Levofloxacin. The latter is more active against Pseudomonas (P.) aeruginosa.

The type of bacteria and the degree of its sensitivity is a determining factor in the selection of a drug.

Photo 3. Packaging of Levofloxacin in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion with a dosage of 5 mg / ml. Manufacturer "Belmedpreparaty".

Both fluoroquinolones are well tolerated by the body, have excellent oral absorption, and have been successfully used as an effective anti-tuberculosis agent. Levofloxacin shows great effectiveness in this regard, because it is used in the form of intravenous injections.

The concentration of the active substance in the tablets is lower than in the second preparation. Levofloxacin is more often prescribed as the only drug for monotherapy. Eating is irrelevant during treatment. Both those and other pills can be drunk both before and after meals.

As for adverse reactions, they occur rarely and with the same frequency when taking both Levovloxacin and Ciprofloxacin. Undesirable effects are similar in their manifestations. Patients taking these fluoroquinolones may experience the following disorders:

  • bouts of nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid fatigue, fatigue;
  • insomnia.

Contraindications for taking both drugs are identical.

Price difference

In terms of price, Ciprofloxacin is more readily available. One package of the medicine (500 mg) can be bought at a pharmacy for 80 rubles. Levofloxacin will cost at least 250 rubles per package. Both drugs are available with a prescription only.

Useful video

Watch the video, which tells about the features of the antibiotic Levofloxacin: indications for use, dosages, side effects, compatibility with other drugs.

  • igor - Features of treatment with Amoxicillin: how many days to take an antibiotic to defeat the disease? five
  • Irina - Instructions for the use of Kanamycin: how not to be mistaken with the dosage 4
  • Petya - Instructions for the use of Kanamycin: how not to be mistaken with the dosage 4
  • Gena - Antibiotic Amikacin: instructions for use, contraindications and side effects 3
  • Vasily - Instructions for the use of Amikacin: how to breed injections 6

Online magazine about tuberculosis, lung diseases, analyzes, diagnostics, medications and other important information about this.

Ofloxacin is an antibacterial drug second generation from the group of fluoroquinolones. Pharmacological agents of this group are an alternative to broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Due to the structure and mechanism of action, the drug has a high bactericidal activity in relation to gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

The main advantage of Ofloxacin is that it is effective in deactivating microflora, resistant to other antibiotics.

Application of Ofloxacin

The antibiotic has been successfully used to treat various diseases. The drug is used to treat infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract (including pneumonia, bronchitis). The drug is widely used in otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Photo 1. Packaging of Ofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 200 mg. Producer "Darnitsa".

When infectious diseases of the skin (for example, with furunculosis, carbunculosis, phlegmon), the drug shows high efficiency. Ofloxacin copes with the treatment of infections of the osteoarticular apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, small pelvis (for example, salpingitis, oophoritis).

Antibiotic used in nephrology and urology for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Among the pathologies of a venereal profile, the drug is used to treat gonorrhea, chlamydia. An antibacterial drug is prescribed to prevent the development of infectious pathologies with immunodeficiencies (including HIV).

In ophthalmic practice the drug shows high efficiency in the fight against conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iritis, complications after trauma to the organ of vision.

Reference. An antibacterial drug is used to treat tuberculosis in combination with other drugs.


Ofloxacin has some contraindications for use:

  • status epilepticus;
  • pathology of the functions of the nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis in history);
  • the state of pregnancy;
  • fermentopathy of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

The drug is contraindicated in children under the age of 18, since the growth of the skeleton has not yet been completed by this time. Patients with diagnoses of atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, impaired blood circulation in the brain, chronic kidney disease should limit the prescription of the antibiotic to a minimum dosage.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract, the following side reactions may occur:

  • state anorexia;
  • sensation nausea;
  • defecation disorders (more often in the form of diarrhea);
  • bloating;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • overactive liver enzymes;
  • excess bilirubin;
  • development jaundicedue to cholestasis.

From the side of the central nervous system, the following side reactions may occur:

  • cephalalgia;
  • convulsive trembling;
  • dizzy;
  • difficulty in movement;
  • sensation numbness in the limbs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • depressive disorders;
  • sensation double vision;
  • changes perception of taste.

On the part of the musculoskeletal system, the following side reactions may occur:

  • muscle pain;
  • joint pain;
  • inflammation synovial sheaths and tendons.

From the side of the cardiovascular system, the following side reactions may occur:

  • inflammation vessels;
  • increase frequency of myocardial contractions;
  • significant pressure drop up to collapse.

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On the part of the skin, the following side reactions may occur:

  • petechial hemorrhage;
  • dermatitis;
  • rash in the form of papules;
  • inflammation vessels.

From the side of the hematopoietic system, the following side reactions may occur:

  • decrease in leukocytes;
  • development agranulocytosis;
  • development anemia;
  • decreased platelets;
  • reduced work of all sprouts of hematopoiesis.

From the urinary system, the following side reactions may occur:

  • sharp jade;
  • violation kidney activity;
  • increase in creatinine in blood;
  • excess content urea.

The manifestation of allergic diseases is possible in the form of:

  • hives;
  • quincke's edema;
  • skin rash;
  • allergic pneumonitis;
  • allergic jade;
  • anaphylaxis (rarely).


One antibacterial tablet consists of 400 mg ofloxacin as an active ingredient, corn starch, cellulose, talc, povidone, calcium stearate, aerosil.


Levofloxacin - a synthetically created antibiotic fluoroquinolone. The active substance of the drug is isomeric analog ofloxacin.


One Levofloxacin tablet consists of 250 mg levofloxacin hemihydrate.

Photo 2. Packages of Levofloxacin in the form of tablets with dosages of 250 and 500 mg. Manufacturer "Dalkhimpharm".


Indications for the use of Levofloxacin are infectious diseases caused by sensitive microflora:

  • acute sinusitis;
  • chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • pneumonia;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract.


Among the contraindications are: hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, status epilepticus, renal failure, pregnancy and lactation.

A drug contraindicated children and adolescents.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract side reactions such as changes in the act of defecation (in the form of diarrhea), flatulence, and abdominal pain can occur. These effects are rare and manifest in 1% cases.

From the central nervous system there may be side effects such as cephalgic pain, patients sometimes feel dizzy, sleep-wake cycle disrupted.

Fatigue appears, work capacity and stress resistance decrease.

From the musculoskeletal system pains of muscle and articular origin may be noted. A pain syndrome of this nature is subjectively felt by a person as body aches.

Negative effects on the part of the cardiovascular system manifest themselves infrequently and are expressed in vascular inflammation, an increase in the frequency of myocardial contractions, a significant decrease in pressure up to collapse.

From the side of the skin the appearance of petechial hemorrhages, dermatitis, rash in the form of papules, vascular inflammation is possible.

Rarely occur allergic diseases in the form of urticaria and skin rash. Extremely rare anaphylaxis and quincke's edema.

Important! Levofloxacin is widely used in phthisiology for the treatment of tuberculosis. It is a reserve medicine and is only used if the Koch bacillus strain is highly resistant to other drugs.

Levofloxacin or Ofloxacin: which is better

Levofloxacin activity against microorganisms twice as muchthan Ofloxacin. The period of half excretion of a substance from the body lasts about 6 o'clock, and Ofloxacin - around 5.

The drugs differ in dosage. For the treatment of infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract, it is prescribed. For the treatment of a similar pathology, it is required 500 mg Levofloxacin once a day... This creates a concentration of Levofloxacin 2.5 times more than Ofloxacin.


Ciprofloxacin is an antimicrobial drug with a wide range of effects, also belongs to fluoroquinols. Medication has a bactericidal effect.


One antibiotic tablet consists of 250 mg ciprofloxacin as active ingredient... The list of excipients consists of cellulose, hypromellose, croscarmellose, polysorbate, stearate.

Photo 3. Packaging of Ciprofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 500 mg. Producer "Actavis".


Indications for prescribing a medication are infectious pathologies of various systems:

  • respiratory tract;
  • ENT organs;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin;
  • musculoskeletal system.

The drug is used to prevent infections with immunodeficiencies.


Contraindications include high sensitization to drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. The medicine should not be used to treat patients in status epilepticus... Lack of kidney and liver function makes taking Ciprofloxacin unacceptable.

Attention!During gestation and lactation it is strictly forbidden to take any drugs from the fluoroquinolone group.

The medication is contraindicated in children and adolescents. For older people, there is a high risk of renal disease while taking an antibiotic.

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Side effects

The patients Ciprofloxacin is most commonly tolerated without adverse effects. Allergic manifestations (itching, rash) are rarely noted, rarely develops quincke's edema.

Photo 4. Quincke's edema in a woman. May cause suffocation in some cases.

Appetite may disappear, soreness in the epigastrium, diarrhea, and malaise may be felt. Sometimes sleep is disturbed, cephalgic syndrome develops. Perception of taste and odors may be impaired.

Important! Ciprofloxacin is successfully used by phthisiatricians for the treatment of tuberculosis. As an agent from the reserve group, the antibiotic shows a high effect on resistant colonies of tuberculosis bacteria.

Differences between Ciprofloxacin and Ofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin is a first generation fluoroquinolone medication. Unlike Ofloxacin, its spectrum of action narrower since more bacteria are resistant to it. Ciprofloxacin and Ofloxacin are similar in mechanism of action and structure, but have a number of differences. The activity of Ciprofloxacin against microorganisms exceeds that of Ofloxacin.

The drugs differ from each other in effective doses. For the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system, 200 mg Ofloxacin twice a day... To treat a similar pathology requires 400 mg Ciprofloxacin once a day... Ciprofloxacin has fewer side effectsthan Ofloxacin.

Ofloxin and Ofloxacin: are they the same thing or is there any difference?

In order to find out whether there is a difference in the drugs Ofloxin and Ofloxacin, it is necessary to analyze their composition, compare the contraindications and side effects of antibiotics.


Ofloxin is an analogue of Ofloxacin. The composition as an active ingredient includes 200 mg ofloxacin... Excipients: corn starch, cellulose, talc, povidone, calcium stearate, aerosil.

Photo 5. Packaging of Ofloxin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 400 mg. Manufacturer "Zentiva".


Medicine used in the treatment of:

  • respiratory tract infections (including pneumonia, bronchitis);
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases (sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis);
  • infections of the skin (for example, with furunculosis, carbunculosis, phlegmon);
  • diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pelvic infections (eg, salpingitis, oophoritis);
  • urological pathologies (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis);
  • venereal infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia).


Epilepsy and high sensitization to quinolones - contraindications for use Ofloxin.

It is forbidden to prescribe an antibiotic for pregnant women, as well as women in the lactation period.

In case of impaired renal function at the beginning of therapy, the usual dosages are prescribed, and later they are reduced, taking into account indicators of creatinine clearance.

Side effects

Adverse reactions appear as dyspeptic disorders, loss of appetite, epigastric pain, diarrhea. In the blood plasma, the concentration of bilirubin increases. Anemic conditions may develop with increased fatigue, apathy.

The reaction rate slows down during complex work. Sleep is disturbed, dizzy, hallucinations are extremely rare.
Ofloxin and Ofloxacin - complete structural analogs, and there is no difference between them.

Comparison of drugs: rational choice of antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones

Ofloxacin and Ofloxin are one and the same medicine. Levofloxacin is an isomer of Ofloxacin and differs from the latter in a number of properties. To achieve the effect, a smaller dose of the drug is needed, therefore the choice of Levofloxacin preferred.

Ciprofloxacin is the first generation of fluoroquinolones, it less efficient to usethan Ofloxacin and Levofloxacin, since a larger number of microorganisms managed to form resistance to it. In relation to tuberculosis and severe infectious pathologies the highest effect is shown by Odnoklassniki

Today in otolaryngology and pulmonology, various antibacterial agents are considered one of the main drugs. Due to their high efficiency, drugs from the fluoroquinolone group are quite often prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases and respiratory infections. In this article we will try to figure out which is better than levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. To give a thorough answer, one should dwell in more detail on the features of the use of each of these drugs separately.

Ciprofloxacin belongs to the classical fluoroquinolones, which have broad indications for use in respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract and ENT pathology. Clinical experience shows that this drug is active against gram-negative bacteria, staphylococci and atypical pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.). At the same time, Ciprofloxacin is not effective enough for diseases caused by pneumococci.

The selection of the optimal drug for the treatment of any disease should be done exclusively by a highly qualified doctor.


As a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, Ciprofloxacin has been successfully used in the treatment of patients suffering from respiratory infections of the respiratory tract and ENT pathology. For what diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the ear, throat, nose, this drug from the group of classic fluoroquinolones is used:

  1. Acute and chronic bronchitis (at the stage of exacerbation).
  2. Pneumonia caused by various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses, throat, etc.


Like most drugs, Ciprofloxacin has its own contraindications. In what situations this representative of classical fluoroquinolones cannot be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and ENT pathology:

  • Allergic reaction to Ciprofloxacin.
  • Pseudomembranous colitis.
  • Childhood and adolescence (until the end of the formation of the skeletal system). The exception is children with pulmonary cystic fibrosis who have developed infectious complications.
  • Pulmonary anthrax.

In addition, patients with the following disorders and pathological conditions have restrictions on the use of Ciprofloxacin:

  • Progressive atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Severe cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Various heart diseases (arrhythmia, heart attack, etc.).
  • Decreased levels of potassium and / or magnesium in the blood (electrolyte imbalance).
  • Depressive state.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Severe central nervous system disorders (eg, stroke).
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Serious malfunction of the kidneys and / or liver.
  • Advanced age.

Side effects

According to clinical practice, adverse reactions in the prevailing majority of patients taking fluoroquinolones are infrequent. Here are the undesirable effects that occur in about 1 in 1000 patients taking Ciprofloxacin:

  • Dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, etc.)
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Feeling of heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Recurrent sleep problems.
  • Changes in basic blood parameters.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Various skin rashes.
  • Painful sensations in muscles and joints.
  • Functional disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Do not buy Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without first talking to your healthcare professional.

special instructions

With extreme caution, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed to patients who are already taking medications leading to a prolongation of the QT interval:

  1. Antiarrhythmic drugs.
  2. Antibiotics from the macrolide group.
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants.
  4. Antipsychotics.

Clinical observations show that Ciprofloxacin enhances the effect of hypoglycemic drugs. With their simultaneous use, careful monitoring of blood glucose should be carried out. It is recorded that drugs that reduce the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract (antacids), and which contain aluminum and magnesium, reduce the absorption of fluoroquinolones from the digestive tract. The break between the use of antacid and antibacterial drugs should be at least 120 minutes. I would also like to note that milk and dairy products can affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin.

In case of an overdose of the drug, it is possible to develop headache, dizziness, weakness, convulsive attacks, dyspeptic disorders, functional disorders of the kidneys and liver. There is no specific antidote. The stomach is washed, activated carbon is given. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Closely monitor the patient's condition until complete recovery.


Levofloxacin belongs to the third generation fluoroquinolones. Possesses high activity against gram-negative bacteria, pneumococci and atypical pathogens of respiratory infections. Most pathogens that show resistance (resistance) to the "classic" second-generation fluoroquinolones may be susceptible to more modern drugs such as Levofloxacin.

Food intake does not affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin. Modern fluoroquinolones can be taken either before or after meals.


Levofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is actively used for the following diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs:

  • Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi (at the stage of exacerbation).
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ear, throat.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Infectious complications of cystic fibrosis.


Despite the fact that Levofloxacin belongs to the new generation of fluoroquinolones, this drug can not be prescribed in all cases. What are the contraindications to the use of Levofloxacin:

  • Allergic reaction to the drug or its analogues from the fluoroquinolone group.
  • Serious kidney problems.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Tendon damage associated with previous fluoroquinolone therapy.
  • Children and adolescents.
  • Periods of childbearing and breastfeeding.

Levofloxacin should be prescribed with extreme caution in elderly patients.

Side effects

As a rule, all adverse reactions are classified according to the severity and frequency of occurrence. Let's list the main undesirable effects from taking Levofloxacin that may occur:

  • Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, etc.).
  • The level of essential liver enzymes rises.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Tendon damage (inflammation, tears, etc.).

Self-administration of Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without the permission of your doctor can have serious consequences.

special instructions

Since the likelihood of joint damage is high, Levofloxacin is not prescribed in childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years), with the exception of extremely severe cases. When using antibacterial drugs for the treatment of elderly patients, it should be borne in mind that this category of patients may have impaired renal function, which is a contraindication for prescribing fluoroquinolones.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, patients who have previously suffered a stroke or severe traumatic brain injury may develop epileptic seizures (convulsions). If you suspect the presence of pseudomembranous colitis, you should immediately stop taking Levofloxacin and prescribe the optimal course of therapy. In such situations, it is strongly discouraged to use drugs that inhibit intestinal motility.

Although rare, there may be cases of tendon inflammation (tendonitis) when using Levofloxacin. Older patients are more prone to this kind of adverse reactions. Concomitant use of glucocorticosteroids significantly increases the risk of tendon ruptures. If you suspect a tendon lesion (inflammation, rupture, etc.), fluoroquinolone therapy is stopped.

In case of an overdose of this drug, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. The use of dialysis in such cases is ineffective. There is no specific antidote.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased concentration of attention and quick reactions (for example, driving). In addition, due to the risk of developing photosensitization, refrain from excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Which drug to choose?

How to determine which is better than Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? Of course, only an experienced specialist can make the best choice. Nevertheless, when choosing a drug, it is necessary to rely on 3 main aspects:

  • Efficiency.
  • Safety.
  • Availability.

A good drug is one that is not only effective, but also less toxic and available. In terms of effectiveness, Levofloxacin has its advantages over Ciprofloxacin. Along with the preserved activity against gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms, Levofloxacin has a more pronounced antibacterial effect against pneumococci and atypical pathogens. Nevertheless, it is inferior to Ciprofloxacin in activity against the pathogen Pseudomonas (P.) aeruginosa. It has been noted that pathogens that are resistant to Ciprofloxacin may be sensitive to Levofloxacin.

The type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents are decisive when choosing the optimal fluoroquinolone (in particular, Ciprofloxacin or Lefovloxacin).

Both drugs are well absorbed in the intestines when taken orally. Food has practically no effect on the absorption process, with the exception of milk and dairy products. They are convenient to use because they can be prescribed 1-2 times a day. Regardless of whether you take Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, in rare cases, unwanted side reactions may develop. As a rule, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.) are noted. Some patients taking second or third generation fluoroquinolones complain of headache, dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue, and sleep disturbance.

In elderly patients, especially with glucorticosteroid therapy, tendon ruptures are possible. Due to the risk of developing joint lesions, fluoroquinolones are limited in use during periods of gestation and breastfeeding, as well as during childhood.

Currently, for most patients, the price aspect is of paramount importance. A package of Ciprofloxacin tablets costs about 40 rubles. Depending on the dosage of the drug (250 or 500 mg), the price may fluctuate, but not significantly. More modern Levofloxacin will cost you an average of 200-300 rubles. The price will depend on the manufacturer.

At the same time, the final decision as to what is best for the patient, Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, is made exclusively by the attending physician.

The tablet medicine Lomefloxacin ® is an effective antimicrobial drug for oral administration.

The drug belongs to fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The main active ingredient is lomefloxacin.

Due to its wide spectrum of action, it is used in various fields of medicine to treat bacterial infections. Helps with all types of inflammation of the urinary tract, respiratory system, osteomyelitis, skin lesions, tuberculosis. In ophthalmology, eye drops based on lomefloxacin® are used for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva.

The drug belongs to the group of prescription drugs, since, along with its effectiveness, it is characterized by a rather high toxicity. It is not used to treat children, adolescents and pregnant women, has a number of restrictions on its use and requires strict medical supervision during the course of therapy. Why can't you take this drug uncontrollably?

Because Lomefloxacin ® is an antibiotic belonging to the second generation of quinolones (fluoroquinolones). All medications of this group, due to the peculiarities of pharmacokinetics, are able to replace calcium in bone tissue, which leads to a slowdown in the growth of bone cartilage tissue in children (in this regard, the drug is contraindicated in children and pregnant women). There is also a negative effect of drugs on the nervous system, ligamentous apparatus and liver. For this reason, the use of tablets on their own, without a medical prescription, is unacceptable.

Pharmacological group

According to the generally accepted international classification, Lomefloxacin ® belongs to antibacterial agents of the fluoroquinolone class.

Composition of Lomefloxacin ®

The active ingredient of the drug with this name is the second-generation quinolone (fluorinated) antibiotic lomefloxacin of the same name. Most of the causative agents of bacterial infections are bactericidal, blocking DNA gyrase and preventing further DNA replication. The following types of pathogens are susceptible to antibiotics:

  • gram-positive aerobic strains of staphylococci, including aureus;
  • gram-negative aerobes - enterobacteria, Citrobacter diversus and freundii, E. coli, Haemophilus influenzae and parainfluenzae, some varieties of Klebsiella, Moraxella catarrhalis, Proteus spp., Morganella morganii, shigella, salmonella, gonococcus and others;
  • atypical microorganisms - ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, tuberculous mycobacterium.

Lomefloxacin ® is absorbed from the digestive tract almost completely, and then is quickly distributed to tissues, where its concentration significantly exceeds the plasma concentration. It is noted that the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract somewhat worsens the absorption of the drug. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys, and practically unchanged.

Release form Lomefloxacin ®

Based on this antibiotic, two dosage forms are produced. The domestic pharmaceutical company "Pharmasintez ®" sells tablets in an enteric film shell through the pharmacy chains, where the active ingredient content is 400 mg. They are packaged in carton packs of 5 pieces.

Another Russian company, OAO Sintez, produces eye drops with lomefloxacin hydrochloride in 5 ml dropper bottles under the trade name Lofox. They contain an antibiotic concentration of 0.3%.

Lomefloxacin ® recipe in Latin

The free sale of antibiotics in pharmacy chains has been prohibited since January last year: organizations are threatened with fines and suspension of activities for this. The ban is associated with an increase in the tolerance of infectious agents to drugs. In addition, fluoroquinolones are very dangerous to use for self-medication. To purchase the drug, you will need a prescription filled and certified by a doctor:

Rp .: Tab. Lomefloxacini 0.4

S. t. d. No. 10

D.S. Take one tablet once a day.

Indications for use

A wide antimicrobial spectrum and the effectiveness of the drug make it possible to successfully use it in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the most diverse localization:

  • (bronchitis, pneumonia, infected bronchiectasis, etc.);
  • and (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • , subcutaneous tissue and bone tissue;
  • tuberculosis (in combination with other medicines).

In ophthalmology, lomefloxacin eye drops are prescribed in case of damage to the organs of vision by susceptible microflora (keratitis).


It is strictly forbidden to use the drug for pregnant women, breastfeeding, as well as children and adolescents under the age of 18 years. The prohibition is associated with the property of the antibiotic to form insoluble chemical compounds with calcium and slow down the growth of the skeleton of the cartilage tissue. In addition, you should not take Lomefloxacin® in the presence of hypersensitivity to it, epilepsy, as well as inflammation of the tendons against the background of the previous intake of fluoroquinolones.

The drug is prescribed with caution in case of impaired renal and liver function, as well as with atherosclerosis and impaired cerebral circulation.

Dosages and treatment regimens

Due to the slow elimination of the drug from the body, it is enough to take only once a day (only for tuberculosis - twice a day). In what dose and for how long - the doctor decides on the basis of the severity and nature of the disease. On average, treatment regimens are as follows:

Disease Daily dose, mg Treatment course, days
MEP infections are not complicated and
400 for uncomplicated course, 800 for complications from 3 to 5 for uncomplicated form and
up to 10-14 with complicated diseases
Prevention of infections during transurethral interventions 400 A few hours before the operation, once
and skin infections 400 5-14
acute and chronic 800 Once to open the mold
and 5 days for chronic
urogenital 400-800 up to 28
from 400 to 800 21-56
acute, bronchopneumonia 400 10
Chronical bronchitis, 400-800 up to 14
800 to 10

When treating tuberculosis, the drug is taken at 800 mg for two to four weeks (as part of a comprehensive anti-tuberculosis therapy regimen).

Eye drops are applied daily, 2 or 3 times drop in each eye. The average course of treatment is a week.

Side effects of Lomefloxacin ®

Lomefloxacin hydrochloride (a chemical form of an antibiotic in drugs), due to toxicity, can provoke the following negative reactions:

  • disorders of appetite and stool, the development of colitis;
  • malaise, headaches and eye pains, sleep and consciousness disorders, tremors and convulsive syndrome;
  • disorders of hematopoiesis and heart rhythm, hypotension, progression of ischemia, heart attack;
  • cough flu-like symptoms, apnea, shortness of breath;
  • pain in bones, joints, vasculitis;
  • inflammation and rupture of tendons;
  • disorders of urination, impurities in the urine, intermenstrual bleeding and vaginitis in women, in men - orchitis, epidymitis;
  • inflammation and rupture of tendons;
  • rash, photosensitivity, urticaria,.

Eye drops can cause a local burning sensation, and with a long course of treatment, the development of fungal superinfection.

Lomefloxacin ® during pregnancy and hepatitis B

Penetrating through the placenta, the antibiotic interferes with the proper development and growth of fetal bone tissue, causing other mutations. Therefore, the use of the drug Lomefloxacin ® during pregnancy is unacceptable. During lactation, being excreted into milk, drugs cause sensitization in infants, disturbance of intestinal microflora, candidiasis, and slow skeletal growth. Therefore, breastfeeding should be discontinued during treatment.

Lomefloxacin ® and alcohol

It is unacceptable to combine such toxic antibiotics as fluoroquinolones with alcohol intake. This combination is fraught with serious complications for the liver and kidneys, moreover, against the background of alcohol intoxication, the above side effects occur more often. Therefore, the combination of Lomefloxacin ® with alcohol is not only undesirable, but even dangerous for the patient's health and life. Development of toxic lesions of the central nervous system, medicinal hepatitis, nephritis, etc. is possible.

Analogues of Lomefloxacin ®

On the basis of the active substance with the original name, several preparations similar in composition and action are produced:

  • Lomflox ®
  • Xenaquin ®
  • Lomacin ®
  • Lofox ®

In addition, the doctor may prescribe another antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone group as an alternative medicine, if indicated.

What is the Difference Between Lomefloxacin® and Levofloxacin®

It represents the third generation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, therefore the spectrum of its bactericidal activity is wider. It is more active against gram-positive pathogens, which makes it possible to use it for a larger number of diseases, and optimized pharmacokinetic processes reduce the severity of side effects. In addition, there is a dosage form of Levofloxacin ® for parenteral administration.

Comparison of Ofloxacin ® and Lomefloxacin ®

Both drugs belong to the second generation of fluoroquinolones, but there is some difference between them. First, it is less toxic. Secondly, a wider spectrum of action determines the use in ENT practice for the treatment of sinusitis, otitis media and other infections. Thirdly, in addition to tablets, there is Ofloxacin in the form of ear drops and lyophilisate for intravenous administration.

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