The most powerful tablets from the tooth. List of the most effective toothache pills


To relieve discomfort and toothache will help special means. There are fast and effective toothache pills - these should be in every home first aid kit. They are taken in extreme cases. After that, you need to consult a doctor - the removal of a symptom will not stop the pathological process.

Types of toothache pills

When choosing a drug, the causes that caused the pain syndrome are taken into account. Funds classification:

  • painkillers - help with medium and deep caries, damage to periodontal ligaments, will reduce pain;
  • anti-inflammatory - with increased sensitivity of enamel, pulpitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, including maxillary sinuses;
  • antibiotics - after extraction (removal) of the tooth, with periodontitis;
  • homeopathy - with mild aching toothache, cracked enamel.


The most common pain relievers are pain relievers.

Drugs act on nerve endings, slow down the signal.

This reduces discomfort if a tooth or gum hurts. Expensive and cheap painkillers sold in pharmacies:

  • Ketanov;
  • Analgin;
  • Dexalgin;
  • Bellastezin;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Corvalol;
  • Baralgin (analogue of Analgin);
  • Aspirin (based on acetylsalicylic acid).

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for getting rid of pain due to rapidly increasing post-traumatic, muscle inflammation. They suppress the production of prostaglandins and their precursors, relieve fever. This type of drug is often found in the first aid kit, it is easy to use at home. It:

  • Nurofen;
  • Nise;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Biseptol;
  • Validol;
  • Valocordin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Ketonal;
  • Ketonoff;
  • Nimid;
  • Spazgan;
  • Suprastin;
  • Fanigan;
  • Aspirin.


Antibacterial agents not only relieve pain, but also quickly relieve inflammation of the gums. They accelerate the healing of teeth or oral tissues.

Antibiotics eliminate redness, swelling, fever, and prevent the development of purulent infections.

Cephalosporins are not used to treat pain. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. The most frequent recommendations:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Penicillin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Digital.

homeopathic remedies

If a toothache is caused by a cold, is aching, not too pronounced, it can be eliminated with herbal preparations. Homeopathy helps with discomfort due to overwork, bruises, maxillofacial injuries, abuse of coffee and strong drinks, reactions to cold and hot liquids, food. Accept:

  • Aconite;
  • Coffee (based on coffee);
  • Nux Moshatu, Nux Vomiku (for children and pregnant women).

How to relieve toothache at home

With individual intolerance to medicines or their absence at home, it is permissible to use folk remedies. These are tooth drops, valerian tincture, green eucalyptus oil and other preparations. How to apply:

  • A swab soaked in an anesthetic liquid is applied to the diseased tooth.
  • A decoction of sage or cranberry juice is used as a rinse.

Folk remedies do not give a toxic effect on the body, like tablets.

If the pain is not very strong, it is better to do with herbs.

The choice of remedy depends on the symptoms. Pills can help ease the pain. For example, to get rid of inflammation or stop it, you need to drink an anesthetic drug with anti-inflammatory properties.

Strong painkiller

With pronounced discomfort, unbearable sensations, it is necessary to select medications. The most powerful toothache pills:

  1. Ketanov (Ketorol, Ketorolac - synonyms) - the most powerful drugs, help to relieve even acute pain. They last up to 8 hours. Means are toxic, have many contraindications (pregnancy, kidney disorders), and are available by prescription. According to the instructions, they can be used for serious inflammation, open wounds, after complex operations. Adult daily dosage - 10-40 mg. Cost - 50 rubles for 20 pcs.
  2. Tempalgin - an anesthetic based on metamizole sodium and tempidone, helps with moderate and mild pain syndromes. An antipyretic analgesic, in addition to relieving pain, helps stop the development of fever and inflammation. They are contraindicated in children under 14 years of age, pregnant women, with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Price - 100 rubles for 20 pcs.
  3. Spasmalgon is a complex strong analgesic based on metamizole sodium, pitofenone, fenpiverinium bromide. According to reviews, the pills relieve pain, inflammation, fever, spasms. They are contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, angle-closure glaucoma, children under 6 years of age. Cost - 145 rubles for 20 pcs.
  4. Pentalgin - tablets for first aid when a tooth hurts, based on naproxen, paracetamol, caffeine, pheniramine and drotaverine. The complex provides a powerful analgesic effect. The remedy is contraindicated in arrhythmia, children under 12 years of age, anemia. 4 tablets cost 100 rubles.
  5. Citramon (Askofen, Excedrin) - tablets based on paracetamol and aspirin. The components enhance the analgesic effects of each other. Caffeine in the composition tones blood vessels, eliminates drowsiness. Adults need to take 2 tablets at a time. Contraindications: hemorrhagic diathesis, gastric bleeding. The cost for 10 tablets is 10 rubles.

Preparations for dental inflammation

If a tooth hurts, and discomfort is accompanied by an inflammatory process, fast-acting medicines are needed. Doctors prescribe these drugs for toothache adults:

  1. Nurofen. The active substance - ibuprofen - relieves severe pain, reduces fever and inflammation. The analgesic effect lasts 7-8 hours, and occurs half an hour after ingestion. The daily dose is 1-2 tablets. First aid pills are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, in the third trimester of pregnancy, with hemophilia, leukopenia. 10 pieces. cost 100 rubles.
  2. Nimesil. The drug based on nimesulide is not inferior in effect and action to ibuprofen. It is available in the form of a powder, which is diluted with water. The tool helps with severe pain, reduces the severity of symptoms. Contraindications: Crohn's disease, bleeding disorders. Price - 275 rubles for 9 pcs.
  3. Nise, Mig - effective tablets based on nimesulide. They can be used for pulpitis and periodontitis to relieve pain, moderate pain in caries. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is pronounced. The drug is prohibited for dermatoses, internal bleeding, renal, hepatic insufficiency, up to 2 years. Adults take 4 tablets of 50 mg daily. Possible side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, skin rashes. The drug does not affect the hemostatic system, but blocks the action of prostaglandins. 20 pcs. cost 200 rubles.
  4. Paracetamol - a time-tested inexpensive remedy will ease mild to moderate toothache, and stop inflammation. Non-narcotic analgesic safely relieves fever, does not affect the centers in the brain, breathing, heart function. Tablets are contraindicated in cases of impaired liver or kidney function, up to 3 years. 20 pcs. cost 20 rubles.

Freezing tablets

Painkillers for teeth can have a cooling effect. It quickly dulls pain, lasts for several hours. Many pain relievers with a freezing effect are suitable for children, are used in dentistry to reduce discomfort and relieve spasm. Examples:

  1. Kamistad is a drug based on a strong local anesthetic lidocaine. The tool is used for severe toothache. Contraindication - a violation of the liver. Cost - 280 rubles for 10 g.
  2. Dentol is a remedy that can be used even in young children suffering from teething. The gel preparation relieves inflammation due to benzocaine, is applied to the mucous membrane with severe and moderate pain. Dentol is contraindicated in multiple oral wounds. Cost - 250 rubles for 15 g.
  3. Metrogyl Denta is a metronidazole-based gel that relieves pain caused by gum disease. It will calm the irritation. The tool is used for emergency care and chronic diseases. The gel is contraindicated in patients under 6 years of age. A package of 20 g can be bought at a price of 240 rubles.

Toothache medicines for children

Many painkillers are not safe to take for children under 6 years of age, so special drugs are selected for them. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor. More often than others they give:

  • Nurofen - from 6 years old, 200 mg 3-4 times a day for a course of no longer than 2-3 days;
  • Panadol - from 6 years old, ½-1 tablet 3-4 times a day for a course of 3-5 days;
  • Nimesulide, Nise, Nimulid - from 12 years old, 3-4 mg / kg of body weight 2-3 times a day;
  • Ketorol, Ketanov - from the age of 16, 10 mg per day in a five-day course.

Tablets should not be used for newborns. Infants are shown suppositories, suspensions, drops based on ibuprofen, paracetamol, chamomile and mint extracts. When teething, accompanied by pain, it is useful to massage the gums.

Toothache medicine for pregnant women

During the bearing of a child, the choice of painkillers becomes difficult. For example, products based on nimesulide, ketorolac are completely prohibited - they are dangerous to the fetus. In the second trimester, you can use some means, in the first and third - it is better to abandon pharmaceutical preparations, replacing them with rinses and decoctions of herbs. Approved drugs for pregnant women:

  • No-shpa - relieves spasm and pain, taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • Analgin - 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day with meals;
  • Spazmalgon - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day for no longer than 5 days in a row;
  • Paracetamol - 500 mg 1-4 times a day for a course of 3 days;
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen - 400 mg 3 times a day;
  • Aspirin - 1-2 pcs. per day for a course of 3-5 days.


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Toothache is the kind of pain that is simply impossible to endure. Sometimes it paralyzes the work of a person, completely disrupting the rhythm of his life. Of course, a toothache is a reason to go to the dentist, but when there is no opportunity to get to the doctor for an appointment, painkillers can come to the rescue. However, they must be taken correctly, without exceeding the dosage and carefully studying all possible contraindications.

Toothache can occur for various reasons, for example, caries, periodontitis, pulpitis can cause it. It is important to understand that painkillers cannot cure a tooth, they only temporarily help reduce pain. Most drugs are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if there are diseases of the renal system, any drugs should be taken with caution.

There are two groups of drugs that can relieve toothache, these are:

    NSAIDs, which include Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, etc. These drugs not only anesthetize, but also relieve inflammation.

    Analgesics, which include: Tempalgin, Ketonov, Analgin, etc. These drugs are aimed solely at stopping the pain symptom by blocking the centers inside the brain that are responsible for the transmission of the pain impulse.

If you take too high a dose of painkillers, you may develop serious side effects, such as: nausea, shortness of breath, drowsiness, increased blood pressure, seizures, and even respiratory arrest.


Nise refers to drugs from the group of NSAIDs with the main active ingredient - nimesulide. The drug does not affect the hemostasis system, which is responsible for maintaining the liquid state of the blood and for its normal functioning. Nimesulide blocks the action of prostaglandins, relieving inflammation.

The drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of hepatic and renal insufficiency, as well as under the age of 2 years.

Adults should not take more than 4 tablets per day if the dosage of one tablet is 50 mg. The tablet is taken before meals, not chewed, washed down with plenty of water.

Overdose symptoms: nausea, abdominal pain, skin rashes.


Ketorol belongs to the group of NSAIDs, has a pronounced analgesic effect. The main active ingredient is ketorolac promethamine. Ketorol is recommended for use with severe toothache.

Do not exceed the daily dose of 4 tablets of 10 mg for adults. Ketorol is not combined with other NSAIDs or with Paracetamol.

Contraindications for admission are the following conditions: disorders of the kidneys and liver, the period of bearing a child, the period of breastfeeding, children under 16 years of age.

After taking the drug, the following side effects are possible: drowsiness, increased blood pressure, swelling of the limbs and face, disorders of the digestive system.

Nurofen is a drug that relieves pain, relieves inflammation and swelling. Tablets are allowed to be taken in children from 12 years of age. The drug is fast-acting and effectively eliminates pain already 30 minutes after ingestion.

With pain, you can take 1-2 tablets once. You can repeat the dose after 6-8 hours, but not more than 3 times a day. Nurofen is able to stop pain of moderate intensity. With severe pain, you can use a drug such as Nurofen Plus. Its composition is supplemented with codeine, which allows you to more effectively stop toothache.

However, Nurofen has a wide list of contraindications, including:

    Violations of the functioning of the liver and kidneys;

    Hemophilia, leukopenia;

    Violations of the functioning of the digestive tract;

    Children's age up to 12 years (for tablet form);

    breastfeeding period, etc.


Tempalgin is an analgesic-antipyretic drug. Helps relieve pain, reduces elevated body temperature, has a weak anti-inflammatory and calming effect. As part of Tempalgin, two main active ingredients are: metamizole sodium, which is a non-opioid analgesic and tempidone, which is a tranquilizer.

Tepalgin is taken for mild or moderate toothache, the daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.

Contraindications for use are:

    Renal and heart failure;

    (below 100 mm Hg);

    Disorders of the hematopoietic system:

    childbearing and breastfeeding;

    Age under 14 years old.


Ketanov refers to drugs from the group of NSAIDs, is able to stop severe toothache. In addition, Ketanov has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is often recommended for admission after undergoing dental surgery.

Do not take more than 1 tablet per day. The minimum time that must elapse before the next appointment is 6 hours.

Ketanov tends to provoke heart rhythm disturbances, an increase in blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea.

You should not take the drug with a stomach ulcer, with a violation of blood clotting, with asthma, diseases of the liver and kidneys. Ketanov is forbidden to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as in children under 16 years of age.

Tooth drops for toothache

Tooth drops are drugs that have analgesic, local irritant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are used for toothache until medical assistance is provided.

Do not use tooth drops in children under 12 years of age, in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is used topically, applying up to 3 drops of the product to a cotton swab and applying cotton to the diseased tooth for up to 10 minutes.

Tablets during pregnancy

Taking any medications during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution, since most drugs are contraindicated at this time. Many of them are able to overcome the placental barrier and affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, to relieve toothache, pregnant women are recommended to use local remedies - mouthwash solutions, compresses. It is possible to take Paracetamol, but not more than 1 tablet.

With severe pain and after consultation with a specialist, you can take:


    Ibuprofen, but not in the third trimester.


  • Baralgin.

Do not exceed the daily dose of 2 tablets for any of these remedies. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is safer in terms of taking medications, since the risk of fetal pathologies at this time is minimal.

Painkillers for children

Tablet forms of drugs in childhood, as a rule, are not prescribed. With toothache, suspensions, gels and solutions are recommended for admission. Moreover, all these drugs can be based on either ibuprofen or paracetamol. Do not exceed the maximum daily dose of paracetamol of 2 g.

Most often, children are recommended to relieve toothache:

    Nurofen for children over 6 years old.

    Panadol for children over 3 years old.

    Ketanov for teenagers over 15 years old.

    With a mild toothache can help: Analgin, Aspirin, Paracetamol. These drugs work for about 2 hours. You should not overpay for more expensive products, the active ingredient in which is the same paracetamol, aspirin or analgin.

    For acute pain, it is best to opt for drugs such as Nise, Nimesulide, Ibuklin, Ketanov.

    With aching pain of low intensity, you can take antispasmodics: No-shpu, Papaverine, Spazmalgon.

    With severe pain, only narcotic drugs can help: Fentanyl, Promedol, Morphine. However, these drugs cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

Arising, it would seem, "out of nowhere" pain associated with a disease of the teeth, bring serious discomfort into our lives. Such pain has an irritating character and a strong intensity, which significantly affects the quality of life and the performance of daily activities. Of course, there is a small percentage of people who are lucky enough not to know what a toothache is. But, if you are part of the circle of the majority, then you are probably familiar with the problem of choosing medicines to relieve this pain.

Toothache gives us considerable discomfort and requires immediate elimination.

Which toothache pills will help the best? With a lack of time, desire or lack of opportunity to use dental services, one has to take extreme measures. In this case, drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are a temporary and welcome salvation. But which pills help with toothache? Since self-medication is not welcomed by science and medicine, and not without reason, you should at least understand this burning issue a little. What are the best tablets for toothache and in what cases are considered appropriate and most effective, this article will help you figure it out.

What you need to know about toothache medications

  1. The use of pain relievers should not be considered a treatment or a substitute for qualified dental care. Analgesics do not cure, but only help to dull the pain, while the cause of this pain continues to progress. Thus, the use of these funds should be only temporary, they are used only in order to wait until the appointment with the dentist. Many real cases confirm that often, instead of adequate treatment, patients are delayed with the root cause of the pain. In the end, the only thing that could be done in the end was to remove the tooth. It is worth concluding: a toothache is an “alarm bell”, which signals that you should urgently consult a dentist.
  2. Almost all medications have certain contraindications and side effects. The list of undesirable effects is often more impressive and longer as far as it is considered a powerful analgesic. Ideally, with regard to the choice of any medication, you should consult a doctor, in especially urgent cases, at least remotely. The doctor will tell you how to get rid of a toothache correctly and without risking your own health.
  3. The classic case is when the patient takes two or more pills with a short interval and does not get the desired effect.

    Should be remembered , that if a given dose was ineffective, then the subsequent prem will not lead to the desired result. In this situation, you should refuse this drug, because otherwise you will only harm yourself. After taking so many medications, the liver will be the first to suffer, which will seriously affect your future health.

Medicines used for toothache

When choosing a medication for the relief of toothache, it is desirable to take into account the mechanism of action. This is due to the fact that each active substance has its own mechanism of influence on the body, which causes a positive effect, as well as possible undesirable effects. In order to achieve a short-term effect of loss of sensitivity, freezing preparations are used. In turn, antibiotics are used to reduce the risk of possible complications. But you should definitely remember that all these drugs do not treat the root cause, but only fight the symptoms.

How to soothe a toothache at home?


These are all familiar analgesics, which have a very reasonable price and are found in almost every home medicine cabinet.

So, what are the painkillers for toothache:

  • "Analgin", "Baralgin", "Pentalgin" - this group is effective for not very strong pain.
  • "Paracetamol", "Efferalgan" - perfectly help with minor pain discomfort, but with intense pain they are ineffective. In addition, these tools are very effective in the presence of high temperatures.
  • "Ketanov" - relieves high-intensity pain. It should be used strictly according to the instructions, as it is highly toxic in large doses.

Ketanov is an excellent remedy for relieving toothache, but it should be used with caution.
  • "Aspirin" - has several beneficial effects. Relieves mild pain and inflammation.
  • In certain cases, combined drugs are used. They consist of two components: the first is an analgesic, and the second is an antispasmodic, for example, Spazmalgon or No-shpa. However, they have a higher price.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The most effective anti-inflammatory drugs are ibuprofen-based drugs. Today in pharmacies you can find many trade names, most often it is "Ibuprofen", "Nurofen" and others. The main difference is that such drugs have antipyretic, antirheumatic and analgesic effects. There are also products with the active substance - nimesulide, they have a longer time and effect. These include "Nise", "Nimesil" are quite common and accessible to many drugs.

Freezing agents

It is believed that Kamistad (lidocaine-containing gel) helps better than systemic drugs, since this drug is local. In addition to the analgesic effect, thanks to the chamomile extract, an antiseptic effect can be achieved.


Effective toothache pills for adults

Since everyone's pain threshold is different, each person experiences pain differently. Different in intensity and character (strong or not, aching or cutting) pain in any case brings discomfort. The best and correct solution to this problem for a person of any age is to go to a medical specialist. Because as soon as he can find the cause of the pain and eliminate it through medical manipulations.

However, there are times when even after visiting the dentist, the pain does not subside. At such moments, you can use medicines, preferably those prescribed by a doctor. With different symptoms, you need to use different drugs.

  1. With mild toothache, analgesics and antispasmodics can be used. A fairly popular analgesic is, which is currently outdated, but, nevertheless, is still an effective drug. But it is worth remembering that it can cause a lot of side effects. This drug can be easily replaced with a more effective analogue - Tempalgin for a slightly higher price. Spasmil-m can be used as an antispasmodic.
  2. If the pain is severe (for example, after tooth extraction), drugs with a more pronounced effect can be used. A good remedy is the drug "Ketanov". It copes well even with a very strong pain syndrome at home, but it must be used with great care. The prescribed dosage should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects.
  3. In order to quickly relieve toothache in adults, you can use the drug "Ketorol". And to achieve a faster and more pronounced analgesic effect, these tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid. Since this remedy is very strong, it is allowed to use no more than three tablets per day.
  4. The drug "Nimesil" has proven itself to be excellent, which quickly and permanently relieves pain.

Pregnant women often experience toothache. Expectant mothers should be extremely careful when taking painkillers

What pills to use for toothache during pregnancy?

Toothache in pregnant women is a fairly common problem. Most often, pregnant women are advised to use alternative medicine recipes at home. It includes a variety of infusions and decoctions for rinsing, vegetable-based pastes and gels. As for traditional medicine, there are contraindications to the use of a number of drugs. Pregnant women should not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antibiotics, as they penetrate well into the placental circulation and may adversely affect the development of the fetus. Also, these drugs should not be used by mothers who are breastfeeding, because the toxic substances of these drugs with breast milk enter the baby's body and adversely affect his body.

There is a fairly small list of drugs that can cause the most minimal harm to a mother and her child:

  1. Antispasmodic - "No-shpa", the active substance in which is drotaverine. This drug can be used in the first months of pregnancy. It can well relieve not intense pain, relieve swelling of the gums and improve the general condition of the body.
  2. Analgesics - it is shown to use the so-called "weak" analgesics such as "Tempalgin" or "Sedalgin". It is recommended to drink half the average therapeutic dose.
  3. Freezing agent - "Solcoseryl" perfectly anesthetizes and alleviates the general condition, and also relieves swelling and inflammation.

Tablets for toothache in children

In the process of teething, most newborns experience particularly severe pain. They are often accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, irritability, tearfulness.

In order to help the child, there are separate drugs, which include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - "Ibuprofen", "Nise" are most often used in the form of suspensions, which are conveniently applied to the gums. You can also use Nise tablets by rubbing them into powder and applying the resulting composition to the gums.
  2. Freezing agents - "Baby-Dent", "Kalgel" they can be used against toothache before feeding the baby. Most often it can be found in the form of ointments or gels, which is convenient for caring for children.
  3. "Paracetamol" - especially often used if toothaches prevent the child from sleeping normally, as well as in the presence of fever. Use this drug strictly according to the instructions.

In order to relieve toothache without pills, you can use a weak soda-salt solution to rinse your mouth. Also, to get rid of swelling and soreness of the gums, rubbing with swabs moistened with fir oil is used.

This article is posted solely for the general educational purposes of visitors and is not scientific material, universal instructions or professional medical advice, and does not replace a doctor's appointment. For diagnosis and treatment, contact only qualified doctors.

Toothache is the worst pain a person can have. According to doctors, this is the only pain that cannot be tolerated. Even women who have become mothers agree that labor pain compared to a toothache is just a slight discomfort. How to soothe a sore tooth? And which painkillers are most effective?

What to take for toothache?

Before choosing a remedy for toothache, you need to accept the fact that the effect of it will be short-lived. Painkillers for toothache acts as a temporary measure. His task is to alleviate the patient's condition until he seeks medical help.

Depending on whether the tooth hurts a lot, or the sensations are more like unpleasant discomfort, the choice of the drug will also depend. Some drugs can relieve pain for quite a long time, others - only for a couple of hours, because painkillers for toothache are divided into strong and weak drugs. The choice of remedy differs with different intensity of pain sensations: some drugs simply cannot relieve sharp and severe pain.

Sometimes a toothache is just unbearable.

It is best if the choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor. He will be able to take into account the nature of pain, the presence of contraindications to taking the medicine, the possible side effects from the use in each individual patient. But in reality, each patient independently chooses painkillers, trusting advertising, the advice of friends or the recommendations of pharmacists. To better understand which type of pain reliever is needed for what kind of toothache, you should study the most popular pain medications.

First aid for mild pain syndrome

Many patients believe that mild and aching pain in the teeth is more terrible than severe pain. A person is constantly disturbed by pulling and aching sensations, salvation from which is not possible. The pain is not so strong and unpleasant as to force a person to urgently run to the dentist, but it is capable of squeezing all the strength out of the patient in record time. A few hours with a aching tooth - and a person becomes irritable and nervous, while feeling exhausted, tired and absent-minded. Typically, such sensations occur in the early stages of tooth decay.

If you have a toothache, go to the doctor

The best pain reliever for toothache is non-hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are usually based on active ingredients such as paracetamol or metamizole sodium. The patient chooses the form of the drug himself. It can be tablets, syrup or capsules. All these medicines can not only perfectly anesthetize a aching tooth, but also eliminate inflammation in the body and reduce the temperature if there are manifestations of fever. The list of the most popular drugs includes:

The first two drugs can be either in pure form or be the main component of any other medicines. If additional substances are present in the medicine, then it will have more functions and be able to deal with more symptoms. However, such a drug will cost more, and it will have more side effects and contraindications. And this is also worth paying attention to when choosing one or another pill for toothache.

Paracetamol-based preparations

The most famous, popular and time-tested analgesic is Paracetamol. This drug is present in the home medicine cabinet of every person, since its action is wide. The tool is approved for use from the first months of life, is able to fight many ailments and is simply indispensable for mild toothache.

In recent years, quite a few analogues of Paracetamol have appeared. These are Efferalgan, Panadol, Tylenol and others. These drugs have additives that enhance the effect of the main substance and protect the body from possible side effects. The main task of Paracetamol and its analogues is to relieve pain and lower the temperature, and it copes with it very well. The drug is also capable of reducing inflammation, but it is still unable to completely overcome the pathogenic microflora.

Paracetamol is presented in various forms. The most popular are tablets and syrup, which is convenient for treating babies. There are also capsules and granules from which the solution is prepared. They can rinse the mouth, which will also alleviate the condition. Suppositories and injections of the drug can cope well with the manifestations of fever.

To maximize the effect of tablets and capsules, they should be washed down with clean drinking non-carbonated water. Tea, milk, juices, and even mineral water with carbon dioxide can weaken the effectiveness of the drug and even lead to serious complications.

You can not only drink a paracetamol tablet inside, but also attach it to a sore tooth. The analgesic effect usually occurs 20-25 minutes after taking the drug. You can buy a medicine and its analogues at any pharmacy at an affordable price. A prescription from a doctor is not required, but this does not mean that Paracetamol is harmless. Like any medicine, it has many contraindications and side effects, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to take it uncontrollably and in large quantities.

If the doctor did not prescribe the medication and did not determine its dose, you must carefully study the instructions for using the medication, determine the maximum allowable dosage, and make sure that it has no contraindications. After the start of treatment, you should carefully monitor your condition and if you experience the slightest disturbance from the stomach, liver or kidneys, immediately stop taking the drug.

  • increased flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia;
  • skin rashes;
  • nosebleeds.

Analgin and Nise

The second most popular drug for toothache is Analgin. It is this painkiller that is taken for any pain syndrome: pain in the teeth, head, muscles and other organs. Its basis is metamizole sodium, and Tempalgin, Spazgan and Spazmalgon are considered analogues.

The effect of the drug is similar to paracetamol - it occurs within half an hour. Analgin can relieve mild pain for several hours, which puts it on a par with more powerful medicines. But he will not be able to cope with severe pain in the recommended dosages. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it if a flux has formed, or severe inflammation is observed: there will be no effect, and the load on the body will be noticeable. This is a rather dangerous situation, because in the absence of an effect, patients take other, stronger drugs. And the available dose of metamizole sodium enhances their action and leads to the accumulation of the substance in the body. As a result - the strongest side effects.

In order for Analgin to be taken without consequences for the body, the daily dosage should not be exceeded (no more than six tablets), it is necessary to take breaks in taking the drugs for at least five hours. If this time interval is not respected, there is a high risk of severe complications.

If there is a nagging toothache, painkillers can also be selected from foreign medicines, such as Nise. Its basis is nimesulide. This drug came to our country from India, famous for its pharmaceutical products. It is produced in two forms - tablets and syrup. Nise gained popularity due to the absence of side effects from the digestive system and excellent results in the fight against mild pain.

Nimesulide, which is part of many analogues of Nise, is widely used not only in dentistry, but also in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It successfully fights such ailments as rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, helps with inflammatory processes in the muscles, is able to relieve pain from mechanical damage to bones, muscles and tendons.

The downside of such a wide spectrum of action of the drug are multiple contraindications. So, it is forbidden to take Nise with peptic ulcer and bleeding of the digestive system, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not recommended for hypertensive patients and patients with diabetes mellitus. The maximum allowable dosage is 4 tablets per day, but it is better if the dose does not exceed two.

How to save yourself from severe pain

If the pain in the tooth is sharp, shooting and “clouding” the eyes, conventional analgesics cannot be dispensed with. In this case, an urgent appointment with the dentist is recommended, and until the patient sits in the doctor's chair, powerful painkillers can help. After all, even the strongest painkiller for toothache is not able to cure a tooth and prevent further pain.

Ibuprofen is considered the strongest drug for toothache. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug has many analogues that are sold without a prescription in every pharmacy. The big advantage of Ibuprofen and its analogues is the minimum number of side effects along with a wide and powerful action.

This medicine effectively relieves inflammation occurring in the body, in a short time relieves even severe toothache.

Ibuprofen will cope well with pain, severe caries, pulpitis or flux. In addition to the tablet form, the drug is available in the form of suspensions and suppositories. If the recommended dosage is not exceeded, the drug is completely harmless, which makes it possible to prescribe it even to infants to reduce fever.

The strongest pain reliever

Ketanov is considered to be the most powerful medicine for toothache. The basis of the drug, as well as many of its generics, is ketorolac. Medicines based on it are the first that are recommended by pharmacists in any pharmacy. A prescription is not required to purchase it, but you must read the instructions for use.

Although the drug is quite powerful, a pronounced analgesic effect occurs only 35-40 minutes after the drug is used. And if the patient had a fatty meal the day before, the action may slow down for another 20-30 minutes.

Ketanov is used not only in dentistry, but also in surgery: this medicine is included in the list of drugs prescribed after surgical interventions to relieve pain during the healing of sutures. A feature of Ketanov is its cumulative effect: ketorolac is difficult to excrete from the body, and therefore its long-term use is prohibited. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days when using one tablet per day. If the pain is very severe, the dosage can be increased to two tablets per day.

And although Ketanov, according to doctors and patients, relieves pain in the best way, it has many side effects. And the only way to avoid their appearance is not to exceed the recommended dosage. Otherwise, the patient may experience:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drop in visual acuity;
  • swelling of the throat;
  • pain in the head;
  • hallucinations;
  • psychoses.

Particular caution should be observed in patients who take other anti-inflammatory drugs in conjunction with ketorolac. These drugs can enhance the effect of Ketanov, but at the same time they will contribute to the development of more side effects and in a more severe form.

Toothache requires mandatory medical attention - it will not be possible to eliminate it with pills. Long-term self-medication will lead to the development of additional health problems, which will be quite difficult to get rid of. Painkillers for toothache are not intended for treatment, but for the relief of pain until the provision of professional assistance.

Often a toothache takes a person by surprise. It is good if the patient can immediately get to the doctor, but if the pain appeared in the middle of the working day or on the weekend, you need to look for ways to reduce discomfort. What toothache pills can be bought without a prescription? Is it possible to cope with discomfort exclusively with home remedies? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of toothache

Toothache is considered one of the most severe. It can be aching, shooting, paroxysmal and simply unbearable, when a person cannot think of anything but pain (we recommend reading: how to eliminate aching toothache?). Why can teeth hurt? Possible reasons:

  • deep caries - if the crown is affected, the tooth reacts sharply to temperature stimuli, sour and sweet foods;
  • enamel cracks that cause discomfort during and immediately after eating;
  • periodontitis - an inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the tooth root;
  • periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum, which develops in the absence of treatment for periodontitis;
  • pulpitis - inflammation of the nerve bundle;
  • wisdom tooth growth;
  • dental trauma;
  • previous dental procedures.

General sedative drugs

Will Valocordin help?

Valocordin is in almost every home. A sedative drug has a calming effect not only on the nervous system, but also reduces toothache. To relieve discomfort, you need to moisten a cotton swab in the preparation and apply it to the sore spot for 4-5 minutes.

To enhance the analgesic effect, you need to add a few drops of clove oil or powdered clove seeds to Valocordin. Then make a lotion by applying a cotton swab with the prepared mixture to the gum near the disturbing tooth.

Will Validol relieve toothache?

Validol tablets have a calming effect on the central nervous system and are suitable as an anesthetic for teeth. The tablet must be crushed into powder and mixed with warm water until a creamy homogeneous substance is obtained. The mixture should be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes, covering the top with a piece of bandage. While at work or on the street, you can simply put a pill on your tooth. Sometimes Validol causes a slight burning sensation.

Valerian, motherwort and other herbal remedies

Pain can be relieved with herbal remedies. Valerian root tincture or eucalyptus oil help - moisten a piece of bandage or cotton wool with a liquid, applying a swab to a sore spot. Also, to reduce discomfort, you can prepare a decoction of calamus root, motherwort, sage, calendula or oregano. The liquid should be slightly warm - a cold broth will not have the desired effect.

Against pain, special tooth drops based on mint oil, camphor and valerian are shown. The drug is sold in any pharmacy and is easy to use.

Easy to use herbal homeopathic remedies. With puffiness, itching and pain, Traumeel S gel, as well as Arnica, effectively cope.


To relieve pain, there are a number of drugs that act quickly and allow you to calmly wait for a visit to the dentist. What medicines can be used at home? Freezing agents that eliminate discomfort:

  • Bellastezin in the form of tablets. The composition of the drug contains benzocaine, which causes a feeling of numbness, and belladonna extract, a powerful antispasmodic. Bellastezin is often used in dentistry as a local anesthetic for minor operations. For pain relief, it is used in rare cases and not longer than 5 days.
  • Ointment Solcoseryl. Well anesthetizes, removes swelling and fights inflammation.
  • Gel Kamistad. It has a freezing effect due to the content of lidocaine. The gel is applied to the affected area of ​​the mucosa no more than 3 times a day.

Bellastezin and other drugs with lidocaine and benzocaine have a temporary effect, allowing you to forget about discomfort for a while. Below is a list of more powerful medicines that are often sold without a prescription.

Based on ibuprofen and paracetamol

Ibuprofen-based drugs are considered one of the most effective drugs for toothache. These are non-steroidal drugs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Ibuprofen reduces body temperature and copes with headaches. It can relieve pain in case of caries, pulpitis or flux.

Ibuprofen and its analogues are usually very cheap, available in the form of tablets, syrup and suppositories, which makes it convenient to use. Candles are most often placed in the smallest patients, and the drug in other forms at a dosage of 200 mg, according to the instructions, is allowed to be taken even by pregnant women in the 1st and 2nd trimester. Along with its powerful action, ibuprofen has virtually no side effects. Ibuprofen-based drugs that can be bought at a pharmacy:

Medicines based on paracetamol prevent the transmission of pain impulses to the brain, i.e. the patient continues to have a toothache, but the brain does not perceive this information. Common drugs with paracetamol are Efferalgan, Panadol. They are safe for humans, the side effect is rare.

A single dose of paracetamol is 500 mg. With severe pain, it is allowed to drink 1000 mg - relief occurs after 15-20 minutes, and the effect lasts about 4 hours. The medication not only relieves pain, but also fights inflammation, high fever. Paracetamol can be combined with Aspirin and other nonsteroidal drugs to enhance the analgesic effect.

Based on metamizole sodium (Tempalgin, Baralgin)

One of the most famous toothache pills is Analgin. It's hopelessly outdated and has a long list of side effects. If no other remedy is available, the tablet does not need to be applied directly to the aching tooth, but it is better to just drink it. The active substance has an acidic environment - with a long stay in the oral cavity, it acts aggressively on the enamel and can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

Analgin in tablets begins to act 20-30 minutes after ingestion, in injections - instantly. However, not every person knows how to give injections, and it is also difficult to calculate the correct dosage of the drug. An overdose is dangerous, so it is better not to experiment at home.

List of drugs based on metamizole sodium for pain relief:

  • Spazmalgon;
  • Pentalgin-N;
  • Andipal-Neo;
  • took;
  • Baralgin;
  • Tempalgin.

Baralgin tablets relieve pain well. With severe discomfort, the maximum single dose is 2 pills, more than 6 pills should not be taken per day. The remedy reduces inflammation, but it is allowed to use Baralgin for pain relief for no longer than 5 days. For better absorption of the drug when taking it, a plentiful drink is shown.

Tempalgin - tablets for toothache with analgesic effect. According to the instructions, the remedy is used for mild pain. The drug contains tempidone, a sedative substance that will allow you to relax and fall asleep after a nocturnal attack of pain. These green pills also have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Mitamizol sodium does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not affect the water-salt balance in the human body. For this reason, medicines based on it can be taken by elderly people and patients with gastrointestinal disorders.

Based on nimesulide (Nise, Nimulide, Nimesil, Nimid, Nimulex)

Means based on nimesulide have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and reduce body temperature. The active substance is low allergenic, therefore it is suitable for patients who have intolerance to other drugs of the NSAID group. Means with nimesulide:

Based on Ketorolac (Ketorol, Ketanov, Ketrozol)

Means based on Ketorolac have an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and help bring down the high temperature (we recommend reading: painkillers used in dental treatment). Many people know the names of drugs with ketorolac - medicines are powerful analgesics and are used for acute pain:

  • Ketorol - green tablets that have a quick effect with severe discomfort. Subject to the dosage, the drug is quite safe and does not cause severe adverse reactions. To relieve symptoms, you need to drink 1-3 tablets every 6 hours.
  • Ketanov is one of the most powerful remedies that alleviates the patient's condition even with pulpitis or periodontitis. The effect occurs 30-40 minutes after ingestion and lasts up to 7 hours. Ketanov is available in the form of tablets and injection solution.
  • The drug Ketocam is also used for severe pain. To relieve symptoms, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg every 4-6 hours.


Dexalgin is one of the best medications for severe toothache. Tablets begin to act after 30 minutes, the duration of the effect is up to 5 hours. Disadvantage - Dexalgin often causes stomach pain, diarrhea, allergies, and other unpleasant side effects. According to the instructions for use, the drug is forbidden to give to children under 12 years of age, the recommended dose is no more than 25 mg at a time.

What does traditional medicine offer?

To reduce discomfort, it is not necessary to drink potent drugs - improvised means will help solve the problem. In order not to hurt your teeth, at home you can use popular folk recipes:

  1. Make baths from a decoction of spruce or pine. In a container with 1 liter of water, put one medium branch of a tree, bring to a boil and cool. The liquid must be taken into the mouth and kept for 5-10 minutes or rinse the mouth. Perform the procedures until the condition improves.
  2. Rinse your mouth with soda and salt with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine. A water-alcohol solution of iodine is an antiseptic and deprives the inflamed nerve of sensitivity. It is also used for lotions - applied to a tampon and applied to the gum until the pain disappears. The compress cannot be used more than 4 times a day, as there is a risk of burning the mucous membrane.
  3. Mix salt with chopped onion and garlic in equal proportions. The resulting mass must be put on the tooth, covered with a piece of cotton wool on top.
  4. Grind plantain leaves and squeeze out the juice. It should be rubbed on the gum in the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth - this method helps with mild pain.
  5. Boil 5-7 bay leaves in 150 ml of wine vinegar for 3 minutes. Infused and chilled broth is used in the form of baths.

Streptocid has a good antibacterial effect. It is sold in the form of tablets and powder. Streptocid can be added to any rinse solution, as well as applied to the gums to reduce inflammation.

Anesthesia is a temporary measure

If a person has a toothache, they need to take a number of measures that will help reduce discomfort before visiting a doctor:

  • remove food debris from the carious cavity (if any) and interdental spaces;
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of 1 tsp. soda and 0.5 glass of water after each meal;
  • chew food with the healthy side of the jaw;
  • do not apply warm compresses to the sore spot;
  • take pain medication.

Pain relief is a temporary measure. Patients often procrastinate and are late in identifying the cause of the pain. As a result, the only way a doctor can help is to remove a tooth.

Analgesics are used only to ensure that the patient "be patient" before visiting the dentist. Which medications will have the desired effect depends on the nature of the pain: with moderate pain, Nimid will be effective, with strong Ketanov, and with a weak one, an ordinary soda-salt solution will do. Regular anesthesia is dangerous - if a person does not feel pain, he will not treat the tooth, which can lead to pulpitis, and then to periostitis and the formation of phlegmon or fistula.

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