Nasa's message about the change of signs of the zodiac. Changes in Zodiac Signs: new horoscope dates

It is unlikely that serious scientists consider astrology to be a real science, nevertheless, millions of people for thousands of years have listened to the advice of astrologers describing character, temperament, and even, according to the position of the stars in the sky at the time of a person’s birth. As it turned out, since the formation of this science (or pseudoscience - as you like) during the time of Ancient Babylon about 3000 years ago, the picture of the location of the constellations in the sky has changed a lot. And the agency's specialists were the first to pay attention to this. It was they who made adjustments to the existing zodiac circle, after which it began to look rather unusual.

Babylonian astrologers divided the belt on the celestial sphere along the ecliptic, along which the visible paths of the Sun, Moon and planets pass, into a sequence of 12 sections. The names of the signs are closely related to the zodiac constellations, which in that era corresponded to them. Yes, but over time, the constellations tend to drift along the grid tied to the ecliptic, and over the past 3000 years this drift has greatly shifted their original positions. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the position of the earth's axis has noticeably changed over the millennia. The NASA Space Place website is about astrology and dotted all i, including shifting the constellations that are well known to everyone, and with them shifting the signs of the zodiac.

The main change was the addition of the thirteenth zodiac sign. It existed back in the days of Ancient Babylon, but due to the fact that at that time, as now, they used a 12-month calendar based on the phases of the moon, they decided to abandon the 13th sign for the sake of convenience. But to be completely accurate, the 13th character must be returned to service. The thirteenth sign is "Ophiuchus", located in the sky between Scorpio and Sagittarius. According to NASA, this sign falls on the period from November 30 to December 18. Due to the displacement of the earth's axis and the introduction of a new sign, the rest of the signs turned out to be displaced. From now on, the signs of the zodiac are arranged as follows:

Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
Fish: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Calf: May 13 - June 21
Twins: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - August 10
A lion: August 10 - September 16
Virgo: September 16 - October 30
Scales: October 30 - November 23
Scorpion: November 23 - November 29
Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

Unusual, isn't it? But nothing can be done, the modern zodiac should look exactly like this. And do not be surprised if you used to be, for example, Scorpio, and now suddenly turned into Libra. We'll have to adapt to this state of affairs. It may well be that soon the 14th sign called Whale, which was proposed to be introduced back in the 70s of the last century, will be added to the zodiac soon.

Classical astrology, which appeared about 3000 years ago, tells us that there are only 12 signs of the Zodiac, but new scientific research says otherwise.

Earlier we wrote about the mystery of the 13th Zodiac Sign. As stated in the published article, these changes are not yet taken seriously, and most likely will not be accepted by the community of astrologers and the worldwide association, since traditional astrology has proven its strength over these millennia, and the new teaching can destroy everything that is believed people and everything that has been proven by experience and observation.

Changes in Zodiac Signs

The new astrology is to blame for everything, whose supporters claim that the movement of the Sun relative to the starry sky has changed because the earth's axis has changed. NASA confirms the fact of the displacement of the Earth's axis, but this does not change anything, however, a number of scientific astrologers propose to change the dates of passage through the Zodiac Signs.

Now, in their opinion, the updated horoscope should look like this:

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  • Fish: March 11 — April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Calf: May 13 — June 21
  • Twins: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • A lion: August 10 - September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  • Scales: October 30 - November 23
  • Scorpion: November 23 - November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

Note that a new Sign has been added - Ophiuchus. At the dawn of astrology, he was almost invisible, so he was not taken seriously and was not included in the Signs of the Zodiac, but now he is more than distinct, so they propose to introduce him. Authoritative scientists fully argued their proposals regarding the displacement of the Zodiacal zones, but this does not mean global changes, since people are used to the standard horoscope. Classical astrology does not accept changes in the Signs of the Zodiac - at least not yet.

The new dates of the horoscope raised a lot of noise in the world, as people began to wonder which Sign they belong to - to the new or the old. Popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan supported the hype and made many people doubt the truth and monumentality of such a science as astrology. Experience and time win over impulsiveness and the desire for novelty, so that for now everything remains as it has always been.

If you're not sure which Zodiac Sign you and your personality are, you can take our free Zodiac Sign Test and find out how accurate your horoscope has been all along!

13th Zodiac Sign and new zodiac dates

The Earth and the Sun are in a constant dance that lasts 26,000 years. When this time passes, everything starts all over again. During this long period of time, a lot can change in the night sky from the point of view of observation from the Earth.

If you follow these changes, then every 150-300 years you need to change the dates of horoscopes, slightly shifting the Signs of the Zodiac. the only actual information is the 13th Sign of the Zodiac, which is very important. People born from November 17 to 27 can consider themselves Ophiuchus - this is not an independent Zodiac Sign, but rather an addition to the character of Sagittarius or Scorpio. These people destroy what they love. Their fate is often difficult, but in the end, happiness always awaits them.

Ophiuchus is fickle, windy, fearless. They need time to make their lives more stable and meaningful. They can become anything - everything is limited only by their imagination. That is why among Ophiuchus you can meet talented actors, directors, cruel rulers and revolutionaries.

© in a hurry to tell the whole truth about the information that has recently stirred up social networks.

And the thing is, information is being disseminated in the media that, according to NASA scientists, in particular Professor of Astronomy Park Kankla, the sign system, based on information obtained several millennia ago, is now significantly outdated.

The generally accepted structure of the zodiac circle, divided into 12 sectors and, accordingly, 12 constellations, is based on a system developed back in Ancient Babylon. One of its main principles is that the Sun must be in the constellation on the birthday of every person who belongs to this sign.


But over many centuries, the orbit of the Earth's movement has gradually changed, as well as the position of the Sun at the time of the birth of man. And for those people who in our time are used to trusting the stars and do not dare to take serious actions without looking into the horoscope, the zodiac calendar requires a clear upgrade and expansion.

From here, it seems, the conclusion follows that the old zodiac system is unreliable, and the modern signs of the Zodiac have shifted by about a month relative to the dates indicated on the calendar. Therefore, the global reform of the astrological calendar from NASA involves changing the dates for all signs of the Zodiac. But this is not all that is said in the notes.

Astronomers propose to introduce into use a new thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, which has a name ( Ophiuchus) - from the constellation of the same name. This is a fairly large, but inconspicuous equatorial constellation, located south of Hercules. One of the most bright stars constellation Ophiuchus - Ras Alhage.

Horoscope: dates of the signs of the Zodiac according to the old and new calculus


So, how should the signs of the Zodiac be located according to the new horoscope? In brackets are the zodiac signs by date of birth, valid today:

  • Aries(March 21 - April 20): April 18 - May 13
  • Taurus(April 21 - May 21): May 14 - June 21
  • Twins(May 22 - June 21): June 22 - July 20
  • Cancer(June 22 - July 22): July 21 - August 10
  • a lion(July 23 - August 23): August 11 - September 16
  • Virgo(August 24 - September 23): September 17 - October 30
  • Scales(September 24 - October 23): October 31 - November 23
  • Scorpion(October 24 - November 22): November 24 - November 29
  • : (13th sign of the Zodiac) November 30 - December 17
  • Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21): December 18 - January 20
  • Capricorn(December 22 - January 20): January 21 - February 16
  • Aquarius(January 21 - February 18): February 17 - March 11
  • Fish(February 19 - March 20): March 12 - April 17

13th sign of the Zodiac: characteristic of Ophiuchus


The new Zodiac sign Ophiuchus falls on the last 5 days of Scorpio and the first 5 days of Sagittarius. Those. The 13th sign of the Zodiac covers birth dates between November 17 and 27 and lasts for 10 days.

People born under the sign of the Zodiac Ophiuchus receive great energy and intuitive potential. They have a very developed inner strength and a sharp mind, seeking to explore the deepest aspects of life. This means that it is the Ophiuchus who are able to join the ranks of psychics, soothsayers and even sorcerers.

Ophiuchus contains the unity and at the same time the struggle of two primordial principles: black and white, light and darkness, good and evil, love and hate, etc. The stars endow Ophiuchus with the obligatory presence of these two strongest tendencies. But only the representative of this sign himself can decide which of the forces to choose. The sign of Ophiuchus personifies the liberation of a person and his exit from the circle of rebirths.

Is it true?

13 zodiac constellations, including Ophiuchus back in the 1st millennium BC, found by the inhabitants of Babylon. But, the Babylonians decided to link the constellation map to their calendar, which divided the year into 12 months, so they divided the zodiac into 12 sectors, crossing out Ophiuchus.

Indeed, now we can say that in the 3,000 years that have passed since the Babylonians made up the zodiac circle, there has been a shift in the zodiac constellations, so now it looks a little different. Since the process is constant - adjustments will occur in the future.

It should be noted that NASA did not make any changes to the astrological circle and does not consider astrology a science at all. NASA spokesman Dwayne Brown said the agency did not change signs or reveal anything. NASA not only did not propose to introduce the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, it stated that this sign has existed since ancient times.

And all the fuss began because of the incorrect interpretation of a note from the NASA Space Place children's educational project, published back in January 2016.

The article tried to tell only that horoscopes cannot claim to be accurate, since the position of the earth's axis relative to the constellations has changed over the millennia.

Classical astrology, which appeared about 3000 years ago, tells us that there are only 12 signs of the Zodiac, but new scientific research says otherwise.

Earlier we wrote about the mystery of the 13th Zodiac Sign. Today is the time to remember it again. True, it is not known whether astrologers will take Ophiuchus seriously, since traditional astrology has proven its strength over these millennia, and the new teaching can destroy everything that people believe in, and everything that has been proven by experience and observation.

Changes in Zodiac Signs

According to scientists, for many centuries the movement of the Sun relative to the starry sky has changed because the earth's axis has changed. NASA confirms the fact that the Earth's axis is shifting. In this regard, a number of scientists propose to change the dates of passage through the 12 main zodiac constellations. Considering the 13th constellation - Ophiuchus, which, therefore, can now officially become the 13th Sign of the Zodiac.

Now, according to scientists, the updated horoscope should look like this:

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  • Fish: March 11 — April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Calf: May 13 — June 21
  • Twins: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • A lion: August 10 - September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  • Scales: October 30 - November 23
  • Scorpion: November 23 - November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

Note that a new Sign has been added - Ophiuchus. At the dawn of astrology, he was almost invisible, so he was not taken seriously and was not included in the Signs of the Zodiac, but now he is more than distinct, so they propose to introduce him. Authoritative scientists fully argued their proposals regarding the displacement of the Zodiacal zones, but this does not mean global changes, since people are used to the standard horoscope. Classical astrology does not accept changes in the Signs of the Zodiac - at least not yet.

The new dates of the horoscope raised a lot of noise in the world, as people began to wonder which Sign they belong to - to the new or the old. Popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan supported the hype and made many people doubt the truth and monumentality of such a science as astrology. Experience and time win over impulsiveness and the desire for novelty, so that for now everything remains as it has always been.

If you're not sure which Zodiac Sign you and your personality are, you can take our free Zodiac Sign Test and find out how accurate your horoscope has been all along!

13th Zodiac Sign and new zodiac dates

The Earth and the Sun are in a constant dance that lasts 26,000 years. When this time passes, everything starts all over again. During this long period of time, a lot can change in the night sky from the point of view of observation from the Earth.

If you follow these changes, then every 150-300 years you need to change the dates of horoscopes, slightly shifting the Signs of the Zodiac. The only relevant information is the 13th Sign of the Zodiac, which is very important. People born from November 17 to 27 can consider themselves Ophiuchus - this is not an independent Zodiac Sign, but rather an addition to the character of Sagittarius or Scorpio. These people destroy what they love. Their fate is often difficult, but in the end, happiness always awaits them.

Ophiuchus is fickle, windy and fearless. They need time to make their lives more stable and meaningful. They can become anything - everything is limited only by their imagination. That is why among Ophiuchus you can meet talented actors, directors - and at the same time cruel rulers and revolutionaries.

We wish you good luck and advise you not to take seriously online articles and magazine articles about changes in the dates of the Zodiac Signs. The community of astrologers has not yet accepted and, most likely, will not accept any changes in the coming years, because this is not relevant and can cause a huge amount of controversy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.09.2016 13:43

We often read horoscopes to learn more about ourselves and the nature of those around us. ...

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