Looking young, not young: where does the line go? "Where do you go": How to live when you look younger than your age How to look young.

Few women would not like to look young and beautiful. After the appearance of the first age-related changes, many have to seriously think about how to look younger at 35 years old. It is generally accepted that maintaining beauty is an expensive pleasure and not everyone can afford it. Actually it is not. Anyone can maintain their attractiveness with minimal time and financial costs.

In order to have a youthful appearance and look fresh, you should follow a number of rules:

Emotional condition

A frequent smile leads to the formation of nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the eyes, which are called - " crow's feet". However, this is not a reason to stop smiling. During a sincere smile or laughter, almost all facial muscles work, which allows you to keep them in good shape. A cheerful, cheerful person ages much more slowly than a gloomy and gloomy one.

Care products

It is necessary to take care of the face and body at any age. After 30, you should choose funds more carefully. Experts recommend choosing products that are designed for an older age. Best option + 5 years. Particular attention is paid to the skin around the eyes. It becomes thinner over the years, the first mimic wrinkles appear. To prevent the situation from worsening, creams, serums and other products based on hyaluronic acid, snail extract, collagen and elastin are used. A number of ingredients moisturize well and retain moisture in the cells, which leads to the preservation of elasticity and firmness, helps to visually rejuvenate and look 2-3 years younger.

To prevent dryness and the occurrence of hyperpigmentation, it is necessary to use cosmetics with sunscreen filters at any time of the year. This does not mean that in winter it is necessary to apply a cream that is usually used for the beach, it is enough to use traditional decorative and care cosmetics containing SPF.

Full sleep

Lack of sleep negatively affects appearance at any age. Normal sleep is 7-8 hours. It is necessary to sleep on a pillow, in a position - on the back. You can't lie face down. Otherwise, creases, puffiness, bruises under the eyes form on the skin. The same applies to sleeping on your side. In this option, there is a risk of edema on one side only and the formation of significant asymmetry.

Eliminate bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of youth and beauty. Abuse leads to vasoconstriction, loss of moisture and circulatory disorders. As a result, the skin acquires an unhealthy grayish tint, wrinkles form, the face looks wrinkled and tired. To avoid this, alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum, and cigarette smoking should be completely abandoned. The maximum dosage is no more than 1 glass of wine in 2-3 days.

Healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition helps to provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein and other essential substances. To improve your form, you need to exercise regularly, use physical exercise or take long walks. This will help to get rid of excess weight, which paints few people and saturate the blood with oxygen. As a result, a woman will look and feel good, her skin will become toned, regardless of how many years are indicated in the passport.


After 31 years and more, you should not refuse to use cosmetic products. The face needs protection and masking of defects. To do this, you can use various modern devices and products. Particular attention is paid to clothing. You don't have to blindly follow fashion trends. It is important to have your own individual style, emphasizing the dignity of the figure and hiding the flaws.

Perfume will help complete the look. When choosing, you should take into account your color type and taste preferences. It is better to refuse the use of too sweet cloying aromas. They are more suitable for women over 60. Excessive freshness will also be out of age. Optimal - find the middle option.

Facial rejuvenation after thirty

After 25-30 years, the first age-related changes appear. Every passing year is involuntarily reflected on the face. You can’t close your eyes to this and let it take its course. Speaking about how to look younger than your age at 30, you need to pay special attention to care and rejuvenation. For this, it is not necessary to resort to help plastic surgeons and use expensive manipulations.

For the skin at this age, it is important:

  • thorough cleansing 2 times a day;
  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • protection from external factors.

A sufficient number of cosmetic products on the market makes it possible to take care of yourself. Substances provide nutrition, hydration and have a tightening effect. As a result of regular use, the skin looks fresh and well-groomed. Peeling, redness, enlarged pores, rashes are eliminated, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

You can provide quality food by using traditional products from the refrigerator. To do this, you can use eggs, lemon, cucumbers, honey and other products. When using allergens, the composition is first applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If there is no reaction, you can use it in full.

You can prepare cubes based on mint leaves, strawberry or lemon juice, green tea, etc. They can be kept in the freezer for many months, which allows them to remain fresh at any time of the year.

At this age, anti-aging products can be used. Products are widely represented on the shelves of specialized stores. It is recommended to purchase products containing plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, snail mucin, etc.

The compositions are applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté area.

When performing procedures, you should use the advice of cosmetologists:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you must use a day cream. For winter, high-fat products are selected that protect against low temperatures and wind.
  • In such years, special attention is paid to the foundation. It shouldn't be too tight. Otherwise, the product will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the imperfections of the skin, adding a few years.
  • For skin with vascular clear and frequent redness, preference is given to products that contain a sufficient amount of yellow pigment. If the skin is already with a yellowish tint, the use of such cosmetics must be abandoned.
  • To hide bruises under the eyes and eliminate puffiness, you can use special patches, concealer and other products.
  • Night cream should contain hyaluronate and retinol. Apply the product 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Lips should be moisturized at least once a day. For this, hygienic lipstick, creams and other means are used. Do not lick your lips in the wind. In this case, they are winded. There is peeling. Various remedies or ordinary Vaseline can fix the problem.

To maintain well-groomed skin, it is periodically worth doing peeling, cleaning, massage and other manipulations.

Hand rejuvenation

When discussing the topic of how to look young at 35, it is necessary to say about the hands. They are more affected than other parts of the body. chemical substances, temperature fluctuations, etc. It is the hands that often give out the true years of a person. It is important to provide them with quality timely care.

For this, special creams, masks, baths are used. Creams are used daily. For the cold season, fatty products with plant extracts in the formula are selected. Paraffin masks have proven themselves well.

You have to be careful with baths. Abuse can have the opposite effect.

Experiment with hairstyles

When performing care procedures, do not forget about the hair. Numerous staining, poor ecology, poor-quality products - lead to a deterioration in the condition of the curls. Excessive dryness occurs or, conversely, fat content, loss increases, the strands look thin and lifeless.

To return the hair of attractiveness will help the recommendations of experts:

  • When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to consider the shape of the face, the length of the neck, the figure of the woman.
  • Hairstyles with a pile should be left for older ladies, they visually add years.
  • At this age, you can wear curls of any length, including large ones, of course, if they are beautiful, thick and well-groomed.
  • With active loss, dryness and lifelessness, it is better to cut the braid to the waist. In this version, it is recommended to wear a hairstyle of medium or short length.
  • When choosing a haircut, you can follow fashion trends. Slight tousled, asymmetric, slanted bangs, etc. - all this can make a woman visually younger.
  • To make the hair visually more voluminous - coloring and other modern techniques will help.

In your 30-35 you can and should experiment with the image. The main thing is that the hair allows you to do this, be well-groomed and healthy.

To maintain good condition after each wash, it is recommended to use masks. The ends must be treated with oil.

The use of styling devices that act through high temperature, should be kept to a minimum.

When the strands grow back, the roots need to be tinted in a timely manner, and the dry tips should be cut off.

Hair color matters

In order for the curls to look attractive, it is worth using several shades when staining. Properly selected hair color will make the hairstyle more lively and modern.

Now in vogue various techniques of staining. To look stylish, you can use the ombre technique, balayazh and others. Such techniques give the image of attractiveness. They are used by numerous show business stars. The choice of technique depends on individual preferences.

If you have experience and knowledge, you can carry out the manipulation yourself. However, in order not to harm the hair and do everything right, you should contact a specialized salon.

Be careful with makeup

To look attractive under any conditions, girls after 30 are recommended to use a minimum of decorative cosmetics. The exception is the evening, when makeup should be bright.

For lips, you can use lipstick of several tones or glosses. A light shade is applied to central part. Thus, the lips look plumper.

Under the eyebrow, light-colored shadows are applied. Thanks to this, the eyebrow looks raised, and the face itself looks young.

Also needs illumination inner corner eyes.

For visual correction of the shape of the face, blush of various shades and other products are used.

Eye makeup is carried out using a pencil, shadows, mascara. For a daytime make-up, it is better to refuse the smokey ice technique that is now popular. Also, it should not be used by those who do not know how to do it.

Wardrobe after 30 and 35 years

The wardrobe is important. In order not to add visually extra years to yourself, you should use the advice of stylists:

  • The length of the skirt can be any. From mini to maxi. At the same time, shapeless products should be avoided. Fitted dresses are preferred.
  • There are no restrictions on clothing colors. Years allow you to wear wardrobe items of any color scheme, from bright to pastel or neutral.
  • Those whose figure allows it can wear short shorts. The main thing is to put on clothes at the right time for this. In the office, such products will look ridiculous and out of place.
  • For work, preference is given to a business suit, strict dress, skirt, trousers, blouses, etc.
  • For an evening out, you should have a few elegant outfits in your wardrobe.

In such years, you can experiment with style - wear leather trousers with a leather jacket, a retro outfit, etc. By thirty-five, it is necessary to fully form an individual style.

When creating an image, attention should be paid to details. Properly selected shoes and a handbag help to complement the outfit.

You can also use various decorations, from massive to elegant.

Years are not at all a reason to give up on yourself, wear shapeless clothes, walk with an unwashed head, overgrown roots and a complete lack of makeup. To look young and attractive, it is enough to give yourself 20-30 minutes a day. It is necessary to approach the issue in a complex way.

You can learn more about how to look younger than a 30-year-old woman from the following video:

You will need

  • We must pay tribute to mass culture and the development of public consciousness: the 30th anniversary is no longer the boundary beyond which a “girl” automatically turns into a “woman” and “leaves the race”. As the age limits for starting a family and having children shift, so do our ideas about the age at which youth gives way to maturity. And yet, the number "30" has a magical effect on many, forcing them to go "breaking bad" just to look younger than their years.
  • Closer to 40 years, the question “How to look younger than your age?” takes on a more up-to-date sound, since age signs appear more and more clearly, and the accumulated fatigue makes itself felt.
  • The desire to look younger than one's age is a completely natural desire of any woman, because confidence in one's own attractiveness is an important component of self-esteem. Unfortunately, time does not spare anyone, and it is simply impossible to look 25 years old at 50, but looking 10-15 years younger than your real age is an achievable goal.


Master the art of makeup

If you haven't used makeup before, now is not the time to start. Many women who want to look younger than their age will make the same beauty mistake - they start wearing bright makeup. First, a sudden change in image will draw attention to changes in your appearance, involuntarily forcing acquaintances to peer into your face more closely. Secondly, bright make-up in rich, dark colors - namely, for some reason, such women choose “for ...” - visually adds age.

Don't be afraid to look "gray" - light, pastel shades of lipstick, shadows and powder will give your look freshness and youth. Leave dark and rich shades of lipstick and shadows for special occasions and evening parties. Light mother-of-pearl in makeup, when appropriate for the situation, will also play into your hands.

Take care of your lips - nourish and moisturize them, if necessary, use special lip scrubs. Moisturized smooth lips - one of the great ways cheat age.

Pick a lipstick shade that suits your skin type if you haven't already. The older you get, the more expensive beauty mistakes are.

Pay special attention to the shape and color of the eyebrows. A well-chosen form will help you refresh and lighten the image and look younger than your real age. Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are equally unfortunate in terms of anti-aging makeup. Try to find the golden mean yourself or with the help of a beautician.

If you use tonal products, give up products with a dense texture in favor of more liquid ones, and replace compact powder with loose. Rolling in wrinkles, tonal products with a dense texture will only emphasize your age, and will not hide age spots and other manifestations of age-related skin changes.

Hair color and cut

There are two common opinions about what should be in women of age. It is believed that with age, the hair color should become lighter, and the haircut should be shorter. The first is partly true, but the second is a stretch.

In fact, if you want to look younger than your age, refrain from dyeing your hair tones darker than your natural color. Trying to dye your hair blonde is often the wrong decision. Firstly, with age, hair becomes weaker, more fragile and vulnerable, grows more slowly and falls out more, and blonding is a rather aggressive procedure. Why subject your hair to such stress? Secondly, as we have already said, abrupt changes in appearance only draw attention to age-related changes.

If you want to lighten, then do it gradually, no more than 1-2 tones lighter in one coloring. Try playing with tones and color, perhaps bronding or other non-uniform coloring techniques will be a great alternative for you to completely lighten.

As for the length of the hair, a short haircut will not help you look younger than your age, but rather, it will emphasize your age. If you've been walking all your life long hair, and at the age of 40 you suddenly cut them under a square, then you give a very clear signal to others: “I think that I am no longer young, now I can only walk with short hair.” Do you really want this? Look at Hollywood actresses aged 45 and over: how many of them have switched to short hair?

Another argument in favor of a long haircut: the ability to divert attention from the neck, which is the first to give out a woman's age. If you want to look younger, don't cut your hair short, especially if your neck already bears the marks of time, the oval of the face has "creased" and there has been a double chin.

A short haircut can be justified, perhaps, only if the condition of the hair has deteriorated sharply with age, and a neat short haircut helps to hide this.

Work on your eyes

You may be surprised, but often it is the look that prevents you from looking younger than your age. All life experiences - positive and negative - are reflected in your eyes and on your face as a whole. Look at your youth photos. What do you see? Careless, mischievous, unclouded by problems look “with sparks”. Of course, it is difficult to look at the world through the eyes of a 20-year-old girl at 40, but at least try not to frown, smile barely noticeable, as if dreaming about something beautiful. If such a young look is hard for you, at first practice in front of a mirror. Over time, you will get used to it, and others will certainly notice changes in your appearance.

Change to "you" with the sun

If you want to look younger than your age, avoid tanning beds and limit your tanning to the natural rays of the sun. Firstly, a tan makes you look older, and secondly, UV rays dry out the skin, which already has problems with collagen production and moisture retention due to age-related changes.

Make it a rule not to go out without sunscreen and, if possible, a hat. If summer and beach are synonymous for you, then get sunscreen with the maximum level of protection, a wide-brimmed hat and a beach umbrella and visit the beach only with such “outfit”.

You can stop time. And even reverse it. Your hair, hands and skin can look younger without having to resort to plastic surgeons, go to high-end beauty salons or spend money on expensive creams.

But really, all you need to know about how to look younger than your age is to study your habits and replace some of them with simple anti-aging tricks. Here are 17 tricks that will make you look younger.

Apply sunscreen daily

Dermatologists keep reminding us that sunscreen must be applied daily to look younger. According to years of research, people who regularly use sunscreen age much more slowly than those who only use sunscreen occasionally.

SPF 30 is the gold standard in dermatology. Apply it every day and don't be stingy. Most of us use only a quarter of what we need. Cover your face with a thick layer of sunscreen daily.

Reduce the "doses" of powder

This is especially true of compact powder. She, of course, at the first moment perfectly evens out the face, but the longer the powder lies on your skin, the more it clogs into wrinkles. This makes them more visible and therefore older.

It is better to use bb-cream and corrector to hide local problems. And use the powder only for oily areas, if any, and only loose.

Use self-tanner

A tanned face is always beautiful and "smooth". Not to mention the fact that self-tanning will hide many age spots that often appear on the skin after 30 years.

And if you use powder (which is not the best option, why - see above), then use the one with a "bronze" effect, and not abundantly - apply it only on the forehead, nose and cheeks. And not with the sponge attached to the powder box, but with a large brush or powder puff.

Use hand cream

The skin on the back of the hands is very thin. And this makes her prone to premature aging. Dry air robs your skin of moisture, making your hands look even older than your actual age.

Exit? Use hand cream regularly. It is better if it is also sunscreen, because the sun's rays contribute to the appearance of age spots and wrinkles on the skin - and this is one of the main signs of age.

Avoid foods that stain your teeth

Healthy white teeth are the first sign of youth. Dark, spicy, sticky foods like barbecue sauce or soy sauce are the main culprit in staining your teeth. Red wine, coffee and cola also leave stains on the teeth and spoil their appearance.

Meanwhile, "saving" teeth can be not only simple, but also delicious. Instead of barbecue sauce, season chicken breast with mango salsa or aromatic herbs. Ditch cola in favor of plain mineral water.

And, what is very important, few people know that green tea stains teeth even more than some teas.

Avoid bright colors in makeup

Some colors make us more solid and only emphasize wrinkles. So give up the bright make-up in favor of natural shades.

First of all, these are such as beige, transparent gloss, black mascara. I beg you, don't scream blue eyes and bright pink lips.

To look young, you need to be healthy, and, therefore, it is important not just to cover up wrinkles, but to eat right, play sports, get enough sleep and smile.

Less use of hair-heating appliances

A woman with shiny and voluminous hair definitely looks younger. But due to the use of flat irons, flat irons and hair dryers, hair can become dull, lose volume and - therefore - make you look older.

To avoid this, give your hair a rest. Two days a week do not use any heating devices. Let your hair dry on its own or don't wash your hair that day. Use dry shampoo if necessary. This simple trick will actually help you look younger.

Paint your nails

Your real age is most often betrayed not by your face, but by your hands. You can mislead others into thinking that you are much younger, just by painting your nails. Along with jewelry, painted nails distract the interlocutor's attention from your shortcomings.

Give preference to bright, but glossy varnishes.

Exercise regularly

Exercising improves blood circulation, which allows the skin to look better and reduces bags under the eyes. In addition, healthy physical activity slows down skin aging. And in general, when you are in good physical shape, you naturally look younger.

Consider this an additional reason for a daily half-hour workout. Let it become your habit!

Limit your salt intake

Salt retains water in the body. Because of this, swelling appears, especially under the eyes (signs of age). Because of overuse salt the person may look swollen.

Think about how much salt you are actually consuming, because salt is hidden everywhere - in bread, sauces and condiments, deli meats, and even in sweet pastries.

Control your smartphone addiction

When texting and browsing Facebook, you constantly tilt your head - this causes ugly wrinkles on your neck. Which is not surprising - a frequently repeated movement will certainly leave marks on your body.

Think about where you post most often. In the office? On the couch? Hang photos of your loved ones at eye level in these places so that you can straighten up and look at them more often.

Use mouthwash daily

If using mouthwash has become a habit for you, you are on the right track. Dental elixirs kill bacteria, remove food debris and clean gums. The result is clean white teeth and healthy gums.

Eat more products rich in proteins

Proteins are the building blocks for our body. If you want to have healthy hair, nails, skin, you need to provide the body with building materials. And for this, your daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein food.

Pregnant, lactating and female athletes even more.

Note: A serving of salmon contains 22 grams of protein, while a glass of skim milk has 8 grams.

Be careful with wet hair

If you have stopped using heating appliances and increased your protein intake, but your hair is still dull and lifeless, the reason may be improper handling of wet hair. When wet, hair is especially vulnerable. Combing wet hair can cause breakage and split ends.

Never brush wet hair. The maximum that can be done is to gently walk through the hair with a rare comb with blunt teeth.

Eat more greens

Greenery is natural Toothbrush. Fiber-rich vegetables like spinach, lettuce and broccoli naturally clean teeth. They prevent the formation of plaque (although this does not eliminate the need to brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste).

In addition, people who regularly eat dark green leafy vegetables have a healthier complexion. Remember, vegetables should take up half of your plate.

Control your stress

Stress affects not only your internal state, but also your appearance. provokes inflammatory process in the skin and exacerbates symptoms such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.

Plays an important role in stress management social support, meet up with friends more often, learn a few relaxation techniques, or keep a diary.

get enough sleep

During sleep, the body produces more estrogen and progesterone. These substances are part of the skin's regeneration mechanism. That is why in the morning your skin looks fresher.

And these same hormones prevent acne.

Don't stay up late watching TV or working, come up with some kind of evening ritual that will help you fall asleep faster. For example, drink a mug of warm milk with honey before bed.

Every representative of the weaker sex wants to always remain beautiful and attractive. But age, the birth of children, life leave an indelible mark on the appearance. There are many effective ways and simple secrets to help solve this problem. It is quite possible to become visually younger by 5, 10, 15 years. The main thing is to realize your potential and not overdo it with experiments in clothing and cosmetics.

Just wanting to look young is not enough. A woman needs to take care of her health and not forget about her appearance. There are many factors that visually increase age. It is important to eliminate them and prevent them in the future. This will make you look much younger. Therefore, work on this first of all, and you will see how you are transformed. These include:

  • Untidy hands. Loose skin hands adds a few years. Even if there is nothing to complain about, then it is this part of the body that gives out the true age of the fairer sex. You also need to pay attention to the fullness of the forearms. It is this detail that ages a woman in the eyes of other people.
  • Early gray hair. Some women start going gray long before old age. The reason for this is the lack of nutrients in the body, genetic predisposition, health problems. You can turn gray early because of life in stress, physical overwork, emotional breakdown.
  • Flabbiness of the skin. The neck area needs no less care than the face and hands.
  • Flashy makeup. Wanting to hide the true age, some mature ladies put on too rich and colorful makeup. You need to do the opposite. Calm, muted tones will give the face expressiveness and favorably highlight the natural beauty.
  • Cloth. You should not hide the body in baggy, shapeless hoodies, blouses, sweaters that have long gone out of fashion. Even a full figure in perfectly matched clothes looks much sexier than a thin one in a tight mini. However, there is another side of the coin: some women dress in the youthful style of their daughters or granddaughters, which does not make them younger in any way, but, on the contrary, significantly spoils and ages.
  • Perfume aroma. Perfume (cheap or expensive) can age, especially if the woman herself does not like it.
  • Wrinkles are an undeniable sign of aging. It is better to do everything to prevent their occurrence: use special sunscreen cosmetics, constantly moisturize the skin.
  • cellulite, excess weight, excessive sunburn, chronic fatigue- all this ages a woman.

How to eat right?

Health, youth and beauty begin with proper nutrition. An unbalanced, meager diet disrupts the activity of the whole organism, negatively affecting the condition of the skin, nails, hair, figure. If you adhere to a rational diet, you can recharge your batteries, strengthen sleep, and improve your appearance. For this you need:

  • consume enough protein
  • minimize the intake of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates;
  • ensure a normal drinking regime;
  • eat no more than 3 times a day;
  • do not get carried away with coffee and strong tea.

Nutritionists advise to do once a week fasting days. You can spend the whole day at:

  • water;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • herbal tea;
  • greenery.

This will help to remove excess weight, overcome insomnia, improve mood. In the daily menu it is desirable to include:

  • Extra virgin olive oil. It slows down the aging process, improves metabolism, fills the body with monounsaturated fats that nourish the skin from the inside.
  • Green tea is a powerful natural antioxidant that protects the collagen of the epidermis from harmful irritants.
  • Fatty fish varieties (salmon, halibut, saury, stellate sturgeon), which are a source of anti-aging. Fish contains Omega-6, a substance useful in pathologies of the heart and digestive organs.
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa. These foods are filled with antioxidants. They help lower blood pressure, increase insulin sensitivity, protect skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vegetables. Filled with useful elements and do not contain many calories. They contain carotenoids and vitamin C, which protect the dermis from premature aging and sunlight. Scientists have found that people who constantly eat green and yellow vegetables have fewer facial wrinkles.
  • Flax seeds. They contain lignans that lower cholesterol levels, reduce the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream, reduce the risk of developing cancer in the mammary and prostate glands.
  • Pomegranate. Can compete with green tea in the amount of antioxidants. It reduces the inflammatory process, normalizes the composition of the blood, protects the skin from solar radiation, helps to heal wounds and microcracks of the epidermis faster.

Avocados, tomatoes, spices, bone broth stop skin aging, improve its appearance, fill it with essential substances.

How to take care of your skin?

To rejuvenate in just one night, this recipe will help: before going to bed, you need to apply a cleansing night cream to the face area, and on top cover with a thin layer of any mask cream that hardens and turns into a film, and remove the product in the morning. The skin will then tighten and become brighter.
Dermatologists remind that the skin looks much worse if exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly use sunscreen age much more slowly than those who do not use it at all.
Caring for the skin of the face, neck and hands, you need to:

  • use a sponge-lufra daily. This will stimulate blood circulation, remove the upper keratinized layer of cells, make the epidermis plastic and fresh in appearance;
  • not being in a hot bath for a long time in the morning;
  • try not to frown and learn to express your dissatisfaction in other ways. So you can avoid early wrinkles on the forehead;
  • always use hand cream (preferably sunscreen).

Makeup Features

An illiterate make-up can turn even a young girl into a very special person. advanced age. Therefore, you need to take into account every moment in its implementation.

Makeup base

A dense layer of foundation cream creates the effect of applying a mask, makes the face heavier, and outwardly ages it. It is advisable to use a base with a light texture, which contains reflective particles. This cream looks natural on the face, moisturizes the epidermis, creates the effect of inner radiance, freshness, youth.


The cheekbones, covered with dark blush, give age, although they visually lengthen the face. But a light radiant blush with refreshing shades, applied to the “apples” of the cheeks, will give desired effect youth.

Lipstick and shadows

Matte lipstick and shadows add solidity, deprive of volume and emphasize wrinkles. Mature women Lipstick with the effect of wet lips and shadows with mother-of-pearl and satin texture help to hide your years.


A woman will age the eyes, summed up along the entire upper contour of the eyelids with black eyeliner. This reduces the "mirror of the soul" visually, makes the redness of the sclera noticeable, which makes the look dull and tired. Eyeliner, matched to their color, makes expressive eyes. For example, dark blue or dark gray eyeliner is ideal for blue eyes, dark brown for brown eyes, and dark green for green eyes. To look younger you need:

  • draw eyes from the outer corner, completing the line without reaching the inner corner of the eye;
  • apply a little pearlescent shadows to the inner corner of the eyes.

Lip gloss

It is enough to apply it to the middle of the lower lip. This will give volume to the lips and emphasize makeup. If there is a lot of shine, then this will add wrinkles. In addition, it can spread beyond the boundaries of the mouth.

Hair color and hairstyles

The French are true connoisseurs and connoisseurs female beauty, they say that the older Mademoiselle gets, the shorter her hair should be. A short haircut, professionally performed by a master, will help you look younger by as much as 15 years.
However, frankly youthful haircuts (for example, under a boy), bright shades of hair, as well as curls simply loose on the shoulders, will have the opposite effect and give their owner a few extra years. Ideally, if you choose for yourself the “same” hairstyle that will refresh and make your face look younger.
Hairstyles that make you look younger

  • artistic mess: curled curls, strands of hair knocked out of the bun, randomly styled or not smoothly combed hairstyle;
  • hair length to the end of the neck and above is an ideal option that suits all women of an elegant age category;
  • bob and bob in any version do not go out of fashion and remain extremely relevant for adult women. There are a lot of variations of these hairstyles, so every lady can choose the perfect haircut for herself;
  • imitation bangs is a good technique that will replace bangs in adulthood and open part of the forehead. It goes very well with bob and bob, as well as with longer haircuts.

Note! High ponytails, braids, collected hair, long straightened curls, small curls, bouffant, heavy bangs, retro hairstyles, shells, torn strands, shaved temples, black hair visually give a woman an extra age.

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Sports activities improve blood circulation, slow down aging, relieve puffiness under the eyes. A fit, physically fit woman always looks young and attractive. This does not mean that you need to exhaust yourself with back-breaking workouts in the gym, which not only does not improve the appearance, but also adds to health problems. It is enough to do morning exercises every day, pump the press, walk more, be in the fresh air more often. If a woman nevertheless decided to lose years of training, then they are suitable for her:

  • moderate aerobic activity: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming. This sport will help rejuvenate the skin and improve performance. internal organs and systems;
  • brisk walking will rejuvenate blood vessels and the heart;
  • exercises with loads (pull-ups, squats, push-ups) will train muscles and improve brain function;
  • Yoga and Pilates will rejuvenate the spinal column.

Sports can be harmful if you do not take into account such points:

  • intense excessive loads are not allowed;
  • you can not do strength exercises if there are diseases that affect the cardiovascular system;
  • running and stretching exercises are not done for problems with the spine;
  • training for more than 2-2.5 hours greatly overloads the body.

Overwork, stressful situations, addictions overeating, eating a large number salts are the factors to be avoided in order to keep youth as long as possible.


A woman who has crossed the 30-year age limit will look younger if she starts wearing things:

  • from natural fabrics of soothing shades. Shiny clothes will only emphasize and add age;
  • sized. For example, a tight turtleneck will not hide those parts of the body that you would like to go unnoticed. However, clothes should fit moderately: hoodies and baggy sweaters will not help you look slimmer;
  • emphasizing the waist.

Business attire, checkered and striped shirts, mid-knee or slightly lower dresses, comfortable heeled shoes and sneakers will emphasize attractiveness and femininity.
Too short minis, high collar sweaters, black clothes, ruffles, lace, latex and velvet items add age to mature ladies and make them less sexy.

Psychological condition

Beautiful well-executed make-up, well-groomed hands and hair, perfectly matched clothing style, fashionable hairstyle and manicure - all this makes a woman beautiful and reduces her age. However, an extinct, tired look, an eccentric, hysterical character, an eternally depressed mood, anger at the world and the people around can quickly age a woman in the eyes of any man. To really be young and fashionable is always high spirits, a smile, a sparkle in your eyes, a healthy blush on your cheeks, an easy, confident gait, a sense of humor.
To stay young, active, cheerful as long as possible, you need to:

  • move a lot, monitor your posture, take a contrast shower;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day. You need to go to sleep properly. At night, you can take a relaxing bath, drink tea with milk, read a book;
  • do not give up sex, as this is one of the most important secrets that prolong youth;
  • smile more often, despite all the hardships of fate and life's failures.

In this video, you will learn what will help you stay young longer.

A positive, purposeful, well-groomed, fit, happy woman will always look perfect and young. An optimistic attitude and energy will be reflected in the best way on the attractiveness and appearance of a lady of any age category.

Monica Bellucci © Getty images

All girls, regardless of age and position in society, are interested in the question of how to look younger than their age? For the most part, this is the fault of mass culture and modern beauty parameters: abroad, they believe that the 40th anniversary is the beginning of life. And yet, the number "40" affects many almost magically: many are ready for anything to look younger than their years.

Therefore, if you want to be considered a "woman without age", then our advice will help you with this.

  • Skin care. The first thing to pay close attention to is the condition of the skin. The best time to start caring for your skin is at a young age. But if you took your skin for granted until a certain age, then it is better to start caring for it right now. The first thing to do is to choose the basic skin care products that are best for you. Cleansing and moisturizing significantly improve the appearance of the skin. Secondly, choose anti-aging products. Do not refuse salon skin care procedures, they can significantly transform your face for the better.

Carmen Dell'oreface © Getty images

  • Proper makeup. If you're not used to wearing makeup every day, then it's time to get used to it. Cosmetics can help you highlight your assets and hide your imperfections. But it is important to remember the rule: the use of bright colors will not make you younger, it only focuses on age. For every day, natural make-up is suitable, in a color scheme that matches your type of appearance.

Ornella Muti © Getty images

  • Correct haircut and hair color. If you want to look younger than your age, then forget about dyeing your hair in shades darker than your natural hair color. But becoming a blonde to look younger is also not worth it: with age, the hair becomes more fragile and weak, their growth slows down. It is best to experiment with tones: staining techniques such as bronding and coloring will be popular and suitable. In terms of hair length. There is an opinion that girls should wear only short haircuts. But in fact, this is not so: long and well-groomed hair will adorn a girl of any age. Look at Monica Bellucci, this actress hasn't gone short and looks amazing.

Monica Bellucci © Getty images

  • Wardrobe. So that you are not considered a "youthful" lady, do not try to sort out the image of teenagers. It is better to give preference to the classics. In order to look younger, it is enough to choose a romantic style or a French style. With age, a girl's wardrobe should acquire laconic elegance. Feminine silhouettes will emphasize your forms, hide figure flaws.

Meryl Streep © Getty images

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