The laureates of the Nobel Prize for what they received. Nobel Prize winners from Russia and the USSR

The Nobel Prize winners in 2018 were the doctor from Congo Denis Mukweg and Iraqi human rights activist Nadia Murady. The Nobel Committee has awarded them a reward for efforts to combat sexual violence in wartime.

Previously, they were awarded the Sakharov Prize. Denis Mukveg received this reward in 2014, and Nadia Murad - in 2016.

Denis Mukweg- a gynecologist from Congo, who devoted most of his life to protect victims of sexual violence. Mukveg and his employees treated thousands of patients affected by such attacks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Nobel laureate has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape, and also criticized the Congolese government and other countries for the fact that they did not make enough effort to stop sexual violence against women during armed conflicts. The basic principle of Denis Mukveg is that "justice is a matter of everyone."

Denis Mukweg

Human rights activist from Iraq Jesidka Nadia Murad. - One of about 3 thousand girls and women who have become victims of rape and other abuses on the part of the terrorist group "Islamic state". Terrorists use sexual violence as weapons against dries and other religious minorities. After the escape from the "Islamic State", Nadia Murad decided to openly talk about what suffering she experienced. The woman showed extraordinary courage, speaking on behalf of other victims. In 2016, when she was only 23 years old, she was awarded the title of the first ambassador of the UN Good Will for the dignity of people affected by trafficking in persons

Who are such Ezids?This is one of the nationalities. Ezidoids mainly live in the north of Iraq, as well as on the territory of several countries of the Middle East and the Caucasus. We confess Jesidism, they speak Kurdomange Kurdish dialect. In Iraq, they have long been persecuted - first, because they were Kurds, and secondly, because there were Kurds non-Muslims, that is, a minority in the minority. In particular, the city of Sinjar was most affected by the attacks. Terrorists entered the city in August 2014. 90% of Yezidov left their homes and left for other countries. Thousands of women were captured by "ID." After in 2015, the Kurdish troops liberated Sinjar, there were mass burials of Ozidov. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights acknowledged the persecution of Jides genocide.

Nadia Murad.

The list of nominees of 2018 has numbered 331 candidates: 216 people and 115 organizations. This is the second largest number of candidates after 2016.

Important: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has nominated on the Nobel Prize of the World on September 18. The illegally convicted Ukrainian was hungry in a Russian prison for almost 145 days. However, according to the rules, the Ukrainian director may fall into the list of nominees only In 2019.. After all, the nomination must be presented until February 1 of the award.

Recall the Nobel week began in the capital of Sweden Stockholm on October 1. Premium laureates:

  • according to medicine and physiology- James P. Alison and Tasuka Hondi for the opening;
  • - Arthur Eshkin, Gerard Muura and Donna Strickland for "breakthrough achievements in the field of laser physics."
  • in chemistry - Francis Arnold, George Smith and Gregory Winter for the development.

On October 8, in Stockholm will be called the winner of the Award Economics of Alfred Nobel. Will not handle. The award ceremony will be traditionally December 10 - on the day of the death of Alfred Nobel.

What ? This is a prestigious international award, annually awarded for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or contribution to the culture or development of society. The premium is established by the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, which invented dynamite. He bequeathed his fortune (31.5 million Swedish crowns) to finance the award. Annual income from his heritage is divided into 5 equal parts between the laureates. The Nobel Prize is awarded for more than 100 years - since 1901.

The Nobel Prize for Economics for 2017 was awarded to American Richard Talera, a specialist in the behavioral economy.

On Monday, October 9, the Nobel Committee called the name of the winner of the economy in the economy this year. They became American Richard Taler, Professor of the University of Chicago and one of the founding fathers of the new popular destination in the economic theory of the enterprise economy.

"The contribution of Richard Talera made it possible to build a link between economic and psychological analysis of the process of individual decision-making ... its empirical observations and theoretical conclusions were used to create a new and rapidly developing direction of the behavioral economy, which in turn made a significant contribution to the development of many areas of economic research. and the formation of economic policy, "the Nobel Committee says, which gives Reuters.

Thaler showed that in specific cases, people do not act as it predicts the standard economic theory, writes Columnist Bloomberg Cass Sanein. People do not consider money interchangeable and postpone them into individual "psychological accounts" (money for mortgage, money for vacation, retirement money). Investors overly emotionally react to unexpected news. People take care of justice - and they are willing to pay to punish people who were unfair. People pay attention and planning, and actually activities, and at the planning stage they can try to disrupt their own actions (for example, throw away high-calorie food from home from home).

SanSetin notes the influence of Taler's ideas on the activities of the authorities around the world: officials use its discoveries to increase pension savings, reduce poverty, raise the level of employment, make roads safer and improve people's health. In addition to Tatler over similar issues, Colin Chamber from the California Institute of Technology, Ernst Fer from Zurich University, George Lévenztein, from the University of Carnegie Mellone and Matthew Rabin from Harvard.

The Nobel Prize in the economy was established by the Swedish National Bank in memory of Alfred Nobel and awarded since 1969. Now the size of the award is 9 million Swedish crowns (1.1 million dollars). In 2016, the Prize was received by Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom for the creation of contract theory.

Who else could get the Nobel Prize in Economics

The taler was not the only undisputed contender for the award this year. Clarivate Analytics annually amounts to the list of possible laureates of the Nobel Prize, taking into account the citement of their work.

This year, the list of possible laureates of the premium in economics includes Colin Camera From the California Institute of Technology and George Lowienstein From the University of Carnegie Melon "for innovative research in the field of behavioral economy and neuroeconomics", Robert Hall From Stanford University "For analyzing the productivity of workers and research of recession and unemployment", as well as Michael Jensen. from Harvard, Stewart Myers. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ragura Rajan From the University of Chicago "For contribution to the analysis of the decisions made in the field of corporate finance."

Sannesine in his column for Bloomberg calls several other scientists whose contribution, in his opinion, deserves the estimates of the Nobel Committee. He chose those who not only introduced an important theoretical contribution, but also had a significant impact on the world and influenced the lives of many people.

Ester Duflo Massachusetts Technological Institute has been developing mechanisms for assessing the impact of the authorities intervention in the economy. Duflo first used randomized controlled tests - the method widely used in evidence-based medicine. She watched the lives of two identical groups of people, one of which was subjected to interference from the authorities - it could be measures aimed at reducing incidence, expanding access to loans, reducing poverty or improving education. Another group identical to the first, influence has not been subjected.

Area of \u200b\u200binterest Richard Posner From Chicago University - Analysis of legal norms with the help of economic instruments. His studies helps to answer the question of what the probable consequences of such measures will be as local laws for leasing controls or by the conversion of contracts as "unscrupulous", because they are unfair in relation to the poor. Methods developed taking into account the studies of Posner are used in such areas as manufacturing safety, car accident prevention, antitrust legislation, consumer protection or the definition of private property.

William Nordhaus The University of Yale has made a significant contribution to the development of methods for assessing the social and economic consequences of climate change. His ideas were used in the development of a multitude of legislative initiatives in the United States and outside the country.

William Kip Viscussi From the University of Vanderbilt developed a methodology for money assessment of risks for life and health. The results of its research are used in the work of the Agency for Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

Prepared Lisa Dobkin

Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology Americans - 73-year-old Michael Rosbash, 72-year-old Jeffrey Hall and 68-year-old Michael Yangu . They received a reward for the opening of molecular mechanisms responsible for controlling circadian rhythms.

Scientists were able to allocate a gene in Drosophil, who controls the daily biological rhythms of the living organism. They managed to "look inside our biological clocks and explain how plants, animals and people adapt their biological rhythms to earthly," said the press release.Hall, Rosbash and Young in the process of study found that this gene contains protein that accumulates in cells at night, and during the day it is collapsed.

They were engaged in this theme of several decades and were able to identify the mechanisms that control the biological watches of both human and other organisms that operate on the same principles. They adapt to the phases of the day and regulate the behavior, the level of hormones, sleep, body temperature, metabolism and many other important processes.

For the first time, it was possible to single out the PER gene in 1984, and subsequent studies allowed to identify other important components. Now it is known that circadian rhythms concern not only sleep and wakefulness, because almost all cells live along the cycle whose duration is about 24 hours.

Their work is important, After all, the inconsistency of lifestyle and rhythms affects human health and with time can lead to the development of various diseases. In addition, knowledge of the characteristics of the cycle may in the future contribute to the creation of drugs for its normalization, because some it is shifted due to mutations in genes.

Rosbash noted that the representatives of the committee called him at 5 am. "I was asleep. And the first thought was that someone died, "he said. Young was also very surprised. Each of the scientists will receive ⅓ cash remuneration, which this year is $ 1.1 million.


Nobel Prize Prize laureates alsosteel Americans -85-year-old Professor Mit Reiger Weiss, 81-year-old Barry Barish and 77-year-old Kip Thorn from the California Institute of Technology for the decisive contribution to the LIGO Detector and the observation of gravitational waves.

Photo: Credit Molly Riley / Agence France-Presse / Getty Images

In February 2016a group of physicists and astronomers announced that waves recorded with two gravitational telescopes as a result of a collision of two black holes, which are in a billion light years from the ground. Here which is called the main scientific discovery of the century, 15 points.

Gravitational waves predicted Albert Einstein still century ago, but before that, no one managed to throw them away. The Academy called it "the discovery that the world shook."

Weiss, Barish and Thorn - the creators of the LIGO Observatory, which recorded gravitational waves and the international scientific communityLIGO SCIENTFIC COLLABORATION, which has spent 40 years and more than $ 1 billion. Weiss will receive half of the monetary prize, Barish and Thorn share the second half. Their work will allow learning things about which scientists did not even know before.

According to Weiss, this award is a recognition of the work of about a thousand people over the past 40 years. He also added that many did not believe when the first signals were recorded in September 2015. It took another 2 months to make sure of their reality.


Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Chemistrybecome 75-year-old Swiss Jacques Dubosh, 77-year-old American Joakim Frank and 72-year-old Briton Richard Henderson. They received a reward for the development of high-resolution cryoelectronic microscopy.

Scientists have developed a new way to obtain accurate 3D images of biomolecules, for example, proteins, DNA and RNA. It helped to decipher the processes that occur in cells and were previously invisible, and also better understand the diseases like the Zika virus. In the future, their discovery can help in developing the necessary drugs.

"There will be no more secrets. Now we see the complex details of the biomolecules in each cell of our body," the head of the Nobel Committee on Chemistry Sarah Shergerupe Lins during the announcement of the results of the award.

Henderson noted that he was at a briefing in Cambridge, when the bell rang.He dropped, but the phone continued to call. Franca pleasant news found early in the morning in his house in New York.

The shape of the protein and other biomolecules is important for understanding their functions.For example, the structure of the virus helps to understand how it attacks the cells. Henderson, Dubosh and Franc in the process of their work proposed to explore biomolecules by instant freezing of the liquid in which they are located. In the Swedish Academy of Sciences noted that this is important both to understand the chemical principles of life as a whole and for the subsequent development of drugs. This technology has already been tested not only on the Zika virus, but also during the study of proteins involved in the control of circadian rhythms, for which the Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded this year.


Following Svetlana Aleksievich and Bob Dilan, the Nobel Prize this year received 62-year-old British Writer of Japanese origin Kadzu Isiguro. The Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded him award with the wording "For the novels of the huge emotional force, which revealed the abyss hiding behind our illusory sense of communication with the surrounding world."

Ishiguro was born in 1954 in Japanese Nagasaki in the Oceanograf family, and in 5 years he moved to England. His passionate literature began in 9-10 years, when he found stories about Sherlock Holmes in the local library.

In the youth, the future writer wanted to play music and write songs.He did not achieve a lot of success in the musical industry, but it helped to form his special style.

Isiguro often refers to the topic of memory, death and time. The story in his novels usually comes from the first person, and the plot has a deep subtext. In addition, the writer managed to work in different genres - in his books there are elements of detective stories, westerns, science fiction and even fantasy.

During his writer career, he released 7 novels, a number of stories and plays.Among the most popular works - the "rest of the day" and "do not let me go", which at one time were fused. Here you suggest that you should know to seem reading intellectual.

The news of the reward found him during a press conference in London.For Isiguro it was shock. "If I guessed something about something, I would wash my head with this morning. When I think about all the modern great authors, which have not yet received the Nobel Prize, I feel a little deceiver, "he added.

Now Isiguro is working on a new novel. The plans also have several shields and theatrical projects.


The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobel Prize of the Peace of Coalition of ICAN International Organizations (international movement for the rejection of nuclear weapons). It received a reward for his work to attract attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its innovative efforts in the preparation of an agreement prohibiting such a weapon.

The coalition actively contributed to the negotiations, which ultimately led to the adoption of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in July 2017. He implies a ban on development, testing, storage, acquisition, transportation and use of nuclear weapons. Despite the active protests against this document, it was already signed by 53 UN member. In his statement, ICAN noted that the premium is a tribute to the permanent work of millions of activists who oppose nuclear weapons.

"We met this news with joy. Every year should happen at least one lucky event that would give us hope. And this is exactly the same case, "the Ambassador of Costa Rica in the UN and the head of the negotiation process, Elene White Gomez, noted.

ICAN has become the 24th organization that has received the Nobel Prize of the World since 1901. Prior to this awards were awarded the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The director of ICAN Beatris Finn said that in the coalition, first considered the news of the draw.The call rang in their office, but no one believed until the name of the organization sounded during the announcement of the results of the award. She also said that this award is a message to all nuclear states and all countries that continue to use nuclear weapons to ensure safety, because such behavior is unacceptable.

The last Swedish Academy of Sciences will announce the name of the winner of the premium in economics. It will happen on Monday, October 9, at 12:45 pm in Kiev time. Live broadcast can be viewed.

The Nobel Prize is the most prestigious scientific award in the world. Her dream of getting scientists from different spheres. Know about the latest achievements of humanity marked by this award, it is worth each educated person. How did she appear and in what directions of science can it be obtained?

What it is?

An annual reward is called in honor of the Swedish engineer, the industrialist and the inventor. Alfred Bernhard Nobel was her founder. In addition, it owns a fund from which money is allocated for. The history of the Nobel Prize begins in the twentieth century. Since 1901, the Special Commission defines the winners in such categories as physics, medicine and physiology, chemistry, literature and protection of the world. In 1969, a new science was added to the list. Since then, the Commission also celebrates the best specialist in the field of economics. It is possible that new categories will appear in the future, but at the moment the discussion of such an event is not conducted.

How did the reward appear?

The history of the Nobel Prize is very interesting. It is associated with a very gloomy incident in the life of its founder. As you know, Alfred Nobel was when in 1889 his brother Ludwig died, a journalist of one of the newspapers confused and pointed out in the Obritis of Alfred. The text called him a delay in death. Alfred Nobel was horrified by the prospects to stay in the memory of mankind in such quality. He began to think about what could be left after himself, and composed a special testament. With it, he hoped to correct the situation with dynamite.

Testament Alfred Nobel

The significant text was invented and signed in 1895 in Paris. According to the will, all the remaining property of debris must exchange on securities on the basis of which the Foundation will be created. Interest with the received capital will go to the awards for scientists who brought maximum benefit to humanity. They must be divided into five parts: one for someone who opened or invented something new in the field of physics, the other for the most talented chemist, the third is intended for the best doctor, the fourth - for the creator of the chief literary work of the year dedicated to human ideals, and the fifth - For the one who can help build peace on the planet, fighting for the reduction of armies, the destruction of slavery and the friendship of peoples. According to the will, the laureates of the Nobel Prize in the first two categories are determined by Swedish sciences. According to medicine, the choice makes the Royal Caroline Institute, the literary chooses the Swedish Academy, and the last thing is the Committee of five people. They are elected by Norwegian Storting.

Dimensions awards

Since the premium is determined by the percentage of capital attached by the Nobil, its size changes. Initially, it was provided in Krona, the first amount was 150 thousand. Now the size of the Nobel Prize has grown significantly and give it in US dollars. In recent years, it is about a million. Once the money in the fund is completed, the premium will disappear. The Nobel amount initially made up almost 32 million Swedish crowns, therefore, taking into account successful investments, all these years it only increased. Nevertheless, in recent times, interest does not allow a positive budget - the cost of the prize, the ceremony and the content of the administration is too large. A few years ago, the size of the Nobel Prize was decided to reduce to ensure the stability of the Fund in the future perspective. The administration does everything possible to maintain it as long as possible.

Family scandal

If the story went differently, this premium could never appear. The Nobel amount was so big that relatives could not accept her loss. After the death of the inventor, one of the other began legal proceedings on which attempts were made to challenge the will. Nobyl belonged to a mansion in Nice and a house in Paris, a laboratory in Russia, Finland, Italy, Germany and England, a lot of workshops and factories. All heirs wanted to share among themselves. However, Storting decided to recognize the testament. The strish of the deceased sold his property, the time and size of the Nobel Prize was approved. Relatives got a sum of two million.

Establishment of the Fund

The Nobel Prize, the history of which began with a scandal, was first awarded only to the Royal Council held a meeting on June 29, 1900, at which all the details were considered and approved the Official Fund. A part of the money was purchased a building in which it is located. In December 1901, the first event was conducted. The size of the Nobel Prize a hundred and fifty thousand became the first and most modest. In 1968, the Swedish Bank proposed nominant and specialists in the field of economics. The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences is chosen for this sphere. For the first time, she was presented in 1969.

Rules for the ceremony

The testament indicated only the size of the Nobel Prize and Science, for the achievements in which scientists need to be noted. The rules for holding and choosing it was necessary to compile the administration of the Fund. They were developed at the beginning of the twentieth century and from the same time practically do not change. According to the rules, the award can award multiple people, but they cannot be more than three. If the applicant died at the time of the December ceremony, but was alive with the announcement of the nominations in October, he will receive the amount posthumously. Nobel Foundation does not award premiums by charging this to special committees for each direction. Their members can seek help from scientists from different scientific areas. The award in the field of literature gives the best linguistics specialists. The laureate in the nomination of the world is chosen with consultations of scientists in the field of philosophy, jurisprudence, political sciences, stories, invite to discuss the discussion sometimes a specialist can personally offer the applicant. Such right belongs to the laureates of the previous years and a member of the Swedish Academies of Sciences. All candidates are approved by February 1 per year, when a premium will be held. Until September, each proposal is estimated and discussed. Thousands of specialists can participate in the process. When the preparation ends, the committees send approved candidates for official instances, where scientists of the Nobel Prize, which will accept the final decision. In the field of physics, chemistry and economic sciences, the main groups are groups of representatives of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, in each of which twenty-five people. Fifty participants from the Caroline Institute are engaged in medicine. Literature - eighteen scientists from the Swedish Academy. The Norwegian Nobel Committee awards the Peace Prize. In October, the latter approval is made, which is announced at a press conference in Stockholm to the whole world, accompanied by comments on the causes of each solution. By December 10, the laureates and members of their families are invited to a solemn ceremony.

Noselev Prize is an international award, which is awarded annually since 1901 for an outstanding contribution to the science, literature and development of society. The first premium in the world of this kind.

"All my movable and immovable property must be addressed by my hearthractors to liquid values, and the capital assembled in this way is placed in a reliable bank. Investment revenues should belong to the Foundation, which will allocate them in the form of premiums to those who have brought the greatest benefits during the previous year ... These interest must be divided into five equal parts, which are intended: one part - to the one who will make the most important discovery or physics invention; Another - to the one who will make the most important discovery or improvement in the field of chemistry; The third is the one who will make the most important discovery in the field of physiology or medicine; the fourth - to the one who will create the most outstanding literary work of the idealistic direction; The fifth - to the one who made the most significant contribution to the cohesion of nations, the destruction of slavery or the decline in the number of existing armies and facilitating the conduct of peaceful congresses ... My special desire is that the nationality of candidates is not taken into account when awarding prizes ... "

"Culture.RF" was his own list of the most famous laureates.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936)

Nobel Prize 1904 "For the works on the physiology of digestion, expanding and changed understanding of the vital aspects of this issue"

The first Russian Nobel laureate, an outstanding scientist, the pride of domestic science and the "first physiologist of the world", as his colleagues called on one of the international congresses. None of the Russian scientists of that time, even Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, did not get such fame abroad. Pavlova called the "romantic, almost legendary personality", "citizen of the world", and a friend of a scientist, writer Herbert Wells, said about him: "This is a star that illuminates the world, shedding the light that has not yet been loan."

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845-1916)

Nobel Prize 1908 "For Proceedings on Immunity"

The famous Russian biologist believed in the limitless possibilities of science, "which one can bring humanity to a true road." Ilya Mesnikov is the founder of the Russian school of microbiologists and immunologists. Among his disciples - Alexander Cleeding, Lev Tarasevich, Daniel Zabolotny, Yakov Barda. Mechnikov was not only a scientist, but also the writer who left the extensive legacy - popular science and philosophical work, memories, articles, translations.

Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968)

Nobel Prize 1962 "For Pioneer Studies in the Theory of Condensed State, especially Liquid Helium"

An outstanding Soviet scientist dedicated to theoretical physics all his life. He was carried away by science in childhood, he gave himself a journey never "not to smoke, not to drink and not marry." With the last vow, I did not work out: Landau was a famous lovelace. He possessed the inimitable sense of humor, for which he was especially adored students. Somehow, the physicist has led to the example of his humorous classification of science as an example, saying that "sciences are natural, unnatural and unnatural." The only non-physical theory of Lion Landau was the theory of happiness. He believed that every person should and even must be happy. For this, the physicist brought a simple formula, which contained three parameters: work, love and communication with people.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-1989)

Nobel Prize of 1975 "For fearless support for the fundamental principles of the world between people and a courageous struggle with the abuse of power and any forms of suppressing human dignity"

The well-known Soviet physician, one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, public figure, the dissident and human rights activist did not support the general line of the party, opposed the arms race, testing nuclear weapons and demanded the abolition of the death penalty. For which in the Soviet Union was persecuted and was deprived of all awards, and in Sweden received the Nobel Prize of the World ...

Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984)

Nobel Prize 1978 "For basic research and discoveries in low-temperature physics"

"I firmly believe in the international science and I believe that the real science should be out of all political passions and the struggle, no matter how it would have sought to involve it. And I believe that the scientific work that I did all my life is the herifsight of all mankind, wherever I have created it "- Petr Kapitsa wrote in 1935. The world-famous physicist worked in Cambridge, was a valid member of the London Royal Society, the founder of the Institute of Physical Problems, the first head of the Department of Physics Physics of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The famous physicist Abram Fedorovich Ioffe wrote about his student: "Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa combining a brilliant experimenter, an excellent theorist and a brilliant engineer, is one of the most striking figures in modern physics."

Despite the generous painting of Russian geniuses of literature, only five of them managed to get the highest award.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was nominated for a premium in 1909, but did not receive it. The great Russian writer in 1906 stated that he would refuse the Nobel Prize (both in the world and in literature) if his candidacy won: "It will save me from great difficulty - to dispose of this award, because any money, in my opinion, only evil bring."

Ivan Bunin (1873-1953)

The Nobel Prize of 1933 "For the truthful artistic talent, with whom he recreated a typical Russian character"

The first Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize. Bunin emigrated from revolutionary Russia and at that time she lived in France for 13 years. Two - Bunin and Merezhkovsky were claimed on the Nobelka from the Russian emigrants-writers, and there were two camps of supporters, they did rates ... However, the victory of Ivan Alekseevich, maybe, and upset rivals, but for a while: so, shaking the back of the Bunin, the wife of the Merperovsky Zinaida Hippius said Honestly: "I congratulate you and envy." The main thing was that the reward went to the Russian writer.

Boris Pasternak (1890-1960)

Nobel Prize 1958 "For significant achievements in modern lyrical poetry, as well as for the continuation of the traditions of the Great Russian epic novel"

Having learned about the award from the personal telegram of the head of the Nobel Committee, addressed to the poet and writer, Pasternak replied: "Infinitely grateful, touched, proud, surprised, confused." However, the Soviet leadership, this news was perceived extremely negative. A campaign against the poet began, and he was forced to abandon the Nobel Prize, otherwise the citizenship could lose and expose the expulsion from the USSR. But delay (Pasternak did not refuse immediately, but did it in a week) turned out to be destructive. He became a "starred poet" - however, it was not worried about so much about himself, how much about his relatives and friends who also became attacked ...

Time passed through its places. After 30 years, December 9, 1989, the Nobel Medal of Boris Pasternak was solemnly awarded in Stockholm his son Eugene.

Mikhail Sholokhov (1905-1984)

Nobel Prize 1965 "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossack in a turning point for Russia"

Sholokhov was supposed to get his award even earlier. But in 1958, the Committee preferences Pasternak's candidate ... and about Sholokhov forgot them again. In 1964, the French writer Jean-Paul Sartre refused the Nobel Prize of Literature, stating that, in his opinion, the award is worthy of Sholokhov. A year later, in 1965, 60-year-old Mikhail Sholokhov received a well-deserved award. Speaking with speech in Stockholm, he said: "Art has a mighty power of impact on the mind and man's heart. I think that the artist has the right to be called the one who sends this power to create a beautiful in the souls of people, for the benefit of mankind ".

Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008)

The Nobel Prize of 1970 "For moral strength, hoped in the tradition of the Great Russian Literature"

Like Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn did not want to refuse the believed Nobel Prize. And in 1970, when the Committee told him about the award, he replied that he would definitely arrive at her personally. However, this was not destined to happen: the writer threatened with the deprivation of Soviet citizenship - and he did not go to Stockholm. True, he did not regret it at all. Studying a program of a solemn evening, Solzhenitsyn sincerely did not understand: "How to talk about the main thing about the whole life behind the" feast table ", when the tables are stuck in dishears and everyone drinks, eat, speak ..."

Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996)

The 1987 Nobel Prize "For Comprehensive Literary Activities, distinguished by the clarity of thought and poetic intensity"

"Prix Nobel? OUI, MA BELLE, " - joked poet in 1972, long before receiving a premium. Unlike his fellow travelers - Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn, by the time of world recognition the poet Brodsky has long lived and taught in America, because in the early 1970s there was a deprived of Soviet citizenship and expelled from the country ...

It is said that the news about the award of the Nobel Prize has practically did not change the expressions of his face, because the poet was confident that sooner or later, and the Nobelian would be it. To the question of a journalist who he considers himself - Russian or American, Brodsky replied: "I'm a Jew, a Russian poet and an English essayist". In the same year, poet poems were first published in the USSR in the magazine "New World".

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