Religion as one of the forms of culture. "Religion as one of the forms of culture"

The reasons for the emergence and features of the functioning of religion in

society. The role of religion in the modern world. Religion and morality. Religion and Science. The variety of religions. World religions.

Religion (Latin religae - to bind) - it is a system of teachings, beliefs and cult actions associated with the unity of man with a supernatural and sacred being, called God or the Absolute, the Creator of everything that exists on Earth and governing the thoughts and actions of people.

The essence of religion is faith in God. And as the Gospel says: "Faith is the fulfillment of the expected and confidence in the invisible" ... She realizes herself:

- in cult (veneration of the deity by a system of established rituals and ceremonies);

- in associations of believers (church, religious community);

- in the worldview, worldview of believers.

The origin of religion is associated with the dependence of man on the natural forces surrounding him, with the impossibility of the ancient man rationally subordinate and take control of the conditions of his being. Since the creation of human society, religion has been a kind of means of protecting people from natural disasters, in many ways contributing to the processes of knowledge and awareness of society.

The role of religion in society is characterized by the presence of functions , among which stand out:

- ideological , which creates a religious picture of the world and explains nature, society and man from the point of view of religious understanding. The religious worldview forms the purpose and meaning of their being for believers;

- compensatory , relieving social and mental stress, helping a person to overcome the state of powerlessness, weakness, suffering, illness. Thus, the disunity of people is replaced by brotherhood in Christ in the community, and the actual impotence of man is compensated by the omnipotence of God;

- educational preaching high moral values \u200b\u200band norms and calling a person to decent behavior. As a normative system, religion in a certain way orders the thoughts and actions of people and thus regulates their behavior in society;

- communicative , contributing to the rapprochement and communication of believers both among themselves and with God and with the ministers of the cult.

Religious culture is an integral part of the general culture, formed from the religious needs of people and designed to satisfy them. Religious culture includes:

Religious morality;

Religious philosophy;

Religious art;

Religious educational and educational institutions (seminaries, Sunday schools, libraries, etc.).

At the end of the 20th century, the positions of religion and the church in the world have significantly strengthened. This is due to the social upheavals (revolutions, world and regional wars, acts of brutal terrorism, the consequences of scientific and technological revolution, ill-conceived reforms, etc.) that humanity has endured, while revealing all the fragility of its existence. People tired of social disasters seek peace of mind in God , in the church, in the religious faith. And religion helps a person to find:

Peace of mind and independence from external circumstances;

The inner completeness of your own life.

However, in modern religious activity there is a significant share of fanaticism and extremism, rejection of dissidents and non-believers. All this by no means contributes to the consolidation of people, but, on the contrary, stimulates their aggressiveness, pushing them towards separation and confrontation (for example, the activities of Islamic fundamentalists).

Religion is inextricably linked with morality , embodied in the values \u200b\u200band norms that govern human life. Faith inspires to serve Good, which lies beyond practical calculation and direct expediency, gives a person strength for this service. It is in religious thought that the thesis about the moral significance of every human person, about the universal human nature of moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bis persistently repeated. In addition, the emotional and sensory sphere of people occupies a significant place both in religion and in morality.

Historically, the relationship between religion and science were very contradictory. If science in its comprehension of the world is guided by reason and rational knowledge, then religion tries to explain the world based on intuition, sensory knowledge and faith. At the same time, faith and reason are not mutually exclusive paths of knowledge. On the contrary, uniting in a person, they become the basis of his spiritual life and contribute, in the full sense of the word, to the cultural development of mankind.

Religion comes in many forms. The most famous the original forms of religion were:

- totemism (English, totem from the language of the Indians meaning "his kind") - worship of a clan, tribe - an animal, plant, object or natural phenomenon, which is considered to be its ancestor;

- animism (Latin anima - soul) - belief in the existence of spirits, in the presence of an independent soul in people, animals, plants;

- fetishism (French fetiche - amulet) - belief in the supernatural properties of special objects;

- magic (Greek mageia - magic) - belief in the effectiveness of special rituals on the surrounding reality in order to change it (it can be love, harmful, agricultural, etc.).

In addition to the preservation of early religious forms today, confessions national religions:

- judaism (a religion widespread among Jews; arose at the end of the 2nd millennium BC);

- hinduism (the most significant religion in modern India; originated in the 5th century AD);

- confucianism (one of the religions of China, developed in the 5th century BC);

- shintoism (the medieval religion of the Japanese; from 1868 to 1945 - the state religion of Japan), etc.

National religions are largely associated with a particular people, ethnos, nation. The reasons for this kind of national isolation can be geopolitical conditions, a pronounced ethnic identity of culture.

Among the variety of religions, there are fundamental ones that are called world. There are in the world three world religions : Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

Buddhism - the earliest world religion in time of creation (includes two main directions: Hinayana and Mahayana). Buddhism arose in the 6th century. BC e. in India and is named after its legendary founder - the prince Siddhartha Gautama (623-544 BC) who later received the name Buddha (enlightened). According to Buddhism, everything in the world is impermanent, transient, and therefore full of sorrow and dissatisfaction. The central idea of \u200b\u200bthis religion is the doctrine of the four good-Native truths :

- truth of suffering that exists throughout life;

- the truth about the causes of suffering that are due to a person's selfish desires;

- the truth of liberation from suffering which consists in liberation from desires, one's own “I” and life itself;

- the truth of the only way to end suffering Is the noble eightfold path, consisting of eight steps.

Having passed this path, a person reaches nirvana (Skt. - fading, cooling) - that is, complete detachment from the outside world, the absence of any desires. One of the most important commandments of Buddhism - principle of non-violence , love and mercy for all living beings: people and animals. The main Buddhist ritual is meditation replacing prayer. While meditating, a person moves away from the outside world, concentrates and plunges into his Self and connects with the spiritual world.

Christianity arose in the 1st century. in Palestine. The founder of Christianity is considered Jesus Christ who was martyred for the happiness of mankind. The basics of the Christian faith are set out in the Bible. The main ones are:

The concept of the sinfulness of a person as the cause of all his misfortunes;

The idea of \u200b\u200batonement for sins through courage, strict life (asceticism), an example here is Jesus Christ, who by his death on the cross atoned for the ancient "original" sin of mankind;

Teaching about the deliverance of a person from sins through prayer and repentance;

Faith in the afterlife reward for the human soul (the righteous will go to Paradise, the sinner - to Hell);

The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman life as patient, humble, all-forgiving, etc.

In the XI century, Christianity split into two independent directions: orthodoxy and catholicism ... In the 16th century, the widespread anti-Catholic movement in Europe - Reformation - contributes to the emergence of the third main direction of Christianity - protestantism ... In turn, each denomination has different directions, trends, sects.

Islam, islam (Arabic - obedience) - the third world religion (has two main directions: Sunnism and Shiism), arose in the 7th century in Arabia. The founder of Islam is considered Muhammad , which, according to legend Allah (God) chose as his prophet. The creed of Islam is set out in The Quran ... Five basic dogmas are formed here:

Monotheism (there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet);

Pray (perform namaz) five times a day;

Observe the fast (uraz);

Make a hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca at least once in a lifetime;

Give alms (zakat).

Islam transfers the search for human happiness to heaven and consolidates the inseparability of spiritual and secular power, politics and the state.

The emergence of world religions is the result of a long development of economic, political and cultural ties between different countries and peoples. Despite the difference in the systems of explaining the world, all world religions offer believers practically a common code of conduct which basically can be reduced to the ten Mosaic commandments.

The world religions had a lot in common, which allowed them to cross national borders and spread quite widely across the globe.

Detailed solution Paragraph § 12 on social studies for grade 8 students, authors Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. 2016

Question 1. What is religion? When did the first religions appear? What modern religions have the largest number of believers?

Religion is a special form of awareness of the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and uniting people in an organization (church, religious community).

Religions appeared in the form of various beliefs (which did not yet have a clear organization similar to the modern one) almost simultaneously with the emergence of humanity.

According to the information currently available about the Paleolithic period, at least by the end of this era, ancient people developed what we might call religion or spiritual relationships. This is indicated by the customs of ritual burial and rock paintings in caves that they had by that time. People probably believed that the natural world was inhabited by gods or deities, or even that various objects and places, such as rocks or groves, were themselves alive. Religious beliefs and practices - as we might imagine them - have formed a social structure, as if linking communities and making them more efficient.

It is customary to understand world religions as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. For a religion to be considered a world religion, it must have a significant number of followers around the world and at the same time must not be associated with any national or state community. In addition, when considering religion as a world religion, its influence on the course of history and the scale of distribution is taken into account.

Question 2. Why does a person believe in the influence of supernatural forces on his life and the development of society? Why does the active development of science and the dissemination of scientific knowledge not reduce the number of believers?

A person must believe in something, without faith his life will be empty, devoid of hope, meaning, confidence in the future, etc. When a person experiences some seemingly hopeless situation, and there is absolutely no one to turn to, he turns to God, i.e. to supernatural forces, sincerely asks, and help comes seemingly out of nowhere. How can you not believe in miracles after that? Naturally, we believe that someone from above sees and controls us. For evil deeds, a person is punished, for good deeds, a person is rewarded. The law of balance is at work, in my opinion, this is fair.

Because, although science is strong, it cannot explain many things. There are cases that you cannot name except miracles, they contradict all laws, all known truths. That is why the number of believers does not decrease and will never decrease.

Question 3. Why, according to the philosopher, the evidence of the existence of God cannot be reliable? How do you understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe gradual development of religious experience and religious thinking?

All these proofs cannot give absolute certainty. Both the existence of the external world and the existence of the Divine principle for reason are only probabilities or conditional truths, can only be affirmed by faith.

Question 4. What is religion?

Religion is a special form of awareness of the world, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and the unification of people in an organization.

Other definitions of religion:

The doctrine of the reunification of man with God.

One of the forms of social consciousness; a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in supernatural forces and beings (deities, spirits) that are the subject of worship.

Organized worship of the higher powers.

Spiritual formation, a special type of human relationship to the world and to oneself, conditioned by the idea of \u200b\u200banother being as dominant in relation to the everyday existence of reality.

The conviction in the existence of some invisible order and that the highest good is to harmoniously fit into this order.

Question 5. What is characteristic of religious faith?

Any religion assumes the presence of a mysterious connection between man and God (or other supernatural forces), worship of these forces, the possibility of human interaction with them.

Religious faith is always associated with the belief in the presence of some supernatural forces that, in one way or another, affect the fate of a person, the life of society. The supernatural, according to religious people, does not obey the laws of the surrounding world, but at the same time does not belong to the realm of fantasy.

Religious faith is also certain experiences, feelings of a person, manifested in relation to God (or other supernatural forces).

A religious person is convinced of the reality of contact with God, that God in one way or another influences the fate of individuals and entire nations and that the believer has channels of communication with him, for example, by saying a prayer or making a sacrifice. The believer believes that God makes certain requirements for his behavior and can call to account for their failure, although most religions admit the possibility of establishing good relations between man and God and the chance of man to propitiate the deity. For this, a person performs certain actions - rituals, each element of which is filled with deep religious meaning and reflects the fundamental ideas of religion. The pinnacle of ritual actions is prayer - a direct verbal appeal of a person to God.

Question 6. What is the significance of religion in the life of society?

Religion performs a number of significant social functions.

It regulates the behavior of people in society. First, believers must follow certain rules, follow established religious actions. Secondly, religion combines the moral experience of generations of people and creates some general principles of coexistence in society.

Religion not only makes demands on a person's behavior, but also encourages him to develop certain positive qualities, for example, kindness, mercy, moderation.

Religion is not only the rules of behavior, but also a certain view of the world, the essence of man and his place in the world.

Relieves a difficult psychological state of a person, allows him to feel relief, an influx of strength. Of course, religion is unable to solve many real problems of a person (illness, material difficulties, family troubles), but it can change the attitude of the person himself towards these problems, give him new guidelines and life incentives.

Religion can also save a person from loneliness, expand his circle of communication. A person interacts with other believers within a religious community, he can find himself.

Question 7. List and briefly describe the main types of religious organizations.

Religious organizations include churches, sects, and organizations built around a prominent religious leader.

The Church unites the followers of any religious creed, who jointly conduct divine services. It is characterized by a clear division of believers into clergy (clergy) and laity (ordinary believers), and the clergy themselves occupy a different position in the church hierarchy. Most churches have official religious leaders, such as the Pope for the Catholic Church, and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for the Russian Orthodox Church. Many churches have a certain territorial structure, for example, in a number of Christian churches, dioceses are allocated, headed by archbishops and bishops. Any church develops a system of immutable foundations of doctrine and rituals.

A sect usually arises as a result of the separation from the church of a part of the laity and clergy, opposing themselves to the rest of the believers. The number of members of the sect, as a rule, is limited, and the division into laity and clergy is eliminated, the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of all members of the organization is proclaimed. An important feature of the sect is the claim to the exclusiveness of its religious attitudes, the belief in the “chosenness of God” and absolute intolerance of dissent. Sectarians seek to isolate themselves from other religious organizations, to withdraw from worldly life. In addition, sects tightly control the lives of their adherents, sometimes depriving them of the opportunity to dispose of their property, freely act, think, communicate, create.

Sectarian-type religious organizations can be built around a prominent religious figure. The leader of such an organization proclaims himself and is recognized by its participants as God (a new incarnation of God) or a representative of God (some supernatural power) and the bearer of absolute truth. It is the head of the organization who is the most important object of religious worship of its members.

Question 8. What is the principle of freedom of conscience? How is it implemented in our country?

Freedom of conscience is usually understood as the right of a person to independently form their convictions and express them openly, without harming the freedom of other people and society as a whole. These beliefs can relate to a variety of areas of human life: religion, attitudes towards people, work, creativity, the state. We can say that freedom of conscience is the right of every person to some independence of his spiritual life from society and the state.

Representatives of many of the world's most widespread religions live in the Russian Federation. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions are an integral part of the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the norms of international law, guarantees the implementation in our country of the principle of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. All religions on the territory of our country are equal, there is no state, official religion. The state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their cult. Young people who are conscripted for military service (i.e., subject to conscription) can do alternative civilian service if military service is contrary to their religious beliefs.

In modern Russia, the church is separated from the state, that is, the state does not interfere in the internal life of religious organizations, does not finance their activities and does not promote some of them. Religious organizations, in turn, should not interfere in public administration issues.

Russian legislation provides for equal access for representatives of all religions and atheists to receive basic, secondary and vocational education. In addition, propaganda of any religion or atheism is prohibited in compulsory classes in public educational institutions.

Question 9. Write a short message about the main ideas and symbols of the most widespread religions in your region.

Christianity is an Abrahamic world religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ described in the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Christians have no doubt about the historicity of Jesus Christ.

Christianity is the largest world religion both in terms of the number of adherents, of which there are about 2.3 billion, and in terms of geographic distribution - there is at least one Christian community in every country in the world.

The largest movements in Christianity are Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. In 1054, the Christian Church split into Western (Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox).

Christianity arose in the 1st century in Palestine, which at that time was under the rule of the Roman Empire.

Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic world religion. The word "Islam" is translated as "surrender to God", "obedience", "obedience" (to the laws of Allah). In Sharia terminology, Islam is complete, absolute monotheism, submission to Allah, His orders and prohibitions; removal from polytheism and associating with Allah.

Islam originated in the 7th century in the sermons of Muhammad, who is a prophet for Muslims. According to the teachings of Islam, the prophets and messengers, including those sent earlier by Musa (Moses) and Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ), went to different nations to instruct nations on the path to monotheism, however, over time, people began to fall into error, and some became distort the faith by bringing your own views into the scriptures.

The adherents of Islam are called Muslims. The language of worship is classical Arabic. In the world at the moment there are, according to various estimates, from about 1.2 to 1.57 billion Muslims.

Question 10. Imagine that your friend turned to you for advice on choosing a religion. What arguments could you give to justify caution in this matter? What elements of religions would you recommend to pay special attention to?

Everyone can find religion to their liking. If you advise something, one must be aware of customs, use the character of a friend, his outlook on life in the choice, because each religion has its own philosophy. You need to pay attention to people who profess this religion, to deduce the common features of these people. After all, if he / she follows this religion, sooner or later he will acquire these qualities.

Question 11. Visitors to one of the Internet sites discussed an article by a journalist that religion, with its miracles and supernatural powers, leads young people away from studying physics, biology and other natural sciences. Express and justify your attitude to the opinion of the journalist.

The state and society should be interested in educating not religious, but deeply and comprehensively educated citizens who have modern scientific knowledge and technologies, active, creatively oriented individuals who have a purposeful will, consciousness of personal civic responsibility for what is happening in the country, capable of providing social, spiritual and economic progress of the nation.

Question 12. The writer V. Nabokov said: "It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers." How do you understand these words?

Everyone comes to faith on their own, having come a long way before that. No one ever leads someone by the hand to decisions; we ourselves make moral choices.

8th grade

Topic: "Religion as one of the forms of culture."

There is God, there is the world, they live forever,

And people's lives are instant and wretched,


Who loves the world and believes in God.

N. Gumilyov

Preparatory work:Preparation by students additionally at home. Students prepare messages and materials on the theme "World religions": Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

Basic concepts: Religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, atheism.

Equipment: a multimedia projector, the Bible, the Koran, icons, handouts for students in the form of an information table for self-filling, excerpts from the Bible, the Koran, the instructions of the Buddha.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

II. Learning new material:

    Teacher:Learning new material.

Formulation of the problem.Solve the crossword puzzle.















3. to









































    Special spiritual rules governing human behavior.

    Part of the surrounding world, different from nature, the world of people and human relations.

    Achievements of people in material and spiritual life.

    Feeling of love for the Fatherland, taking care of its interests.

    One of the types of human activity, which is conditional.

    A person, as a participant in social relations, as well as conscious activity.

    They are always where they are right.

!!! Find the keyword ( religion).

The topic of the lesson and goals are announced.

The topic of our lesson today is "Religion as a form of culture"

Pay attention to the lesson plan

    Definition of the concept of "religion".

    Features of religious faith.

    Functions of religion.

    Religious organizations and associations.

    Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.

Questions on this topic:

    What is religion?

    When did the first religions appear?

    What was their characteristic?

1. The first point of the plan

Let's formulate the questions that we should answer today at the end of the lesson?

(What is religion?)

And I will add one more question to which we have to answer: Are culture and religion related?

Teacher ... Religion is one of the most significant forms of human culture, which appeared in ancient times.

From the lessons of history, you know that religion, religious ideas of people originated a very long time ago, about forty thousand years ago.

At a certain stage in the development of religion, such a social institution as the church appears, which unites people of the same religion, forms uniform canons, dogmas, and norms of behavior.

Religion is of great importance in our time.

The textbook interprets the word "religion" in two meanings (heading "opinion"). Some researchers translate this word from Latin as "to bind", that is, it means a special, not material, but spiritual connection between the earthly and heavenly (divine) worlds.

According to another interpretation, religion is "piety, shrine, an object of worship."

Try to independently determine the meaning of the word "religion", based on these translations from Latin ( supposed children's answers: for me, religion is faith and this connection between me and God).

Teacher: let's answer the question: What is religion?

Religion - a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in the existence of God or gods, supernatural forces, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions. (write downin the notebook).

Historical forms of the development of religion.




There are different types of religion: monotheistic (based on faith in one God) and polytheistic (practicing polytheism), ritual (with an emphasis on the implementation of certain cult actions) and religions of salvation (recognizing the main beliefs, ideas about the world and man, their posthumous fate), national (associated with a particular people or peoples) and world (not recognizing national differences).

National religions include shintoism (for the Japanese), confucianism (from the Chinese), judaism (Jews ). The main world religions in the modern world - Christianity (emerged at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD), Islam (emerged in the 7th century AD), Buddhism (emerged in the middle of the 1st millennium BC).
The largest religions today are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.




Student messages (three messages)

! Working with the document on page 76 of the tutorial.

? Why do people believe in supernatural interference?

The basis of religion is faith (personal, emotional attitude of a person to any information that he recognizes as valid without evidence).

2.The second point of the plan: Features of religious faith


    Conviction in the existence of supernatural forces;

    Conviction in the influence of supernatural forces on the life of a person and society as a whole;

    Conviction in the possibility of human contact with supernatural forces.

The teacher asks a question on the third point of the plan.

3. Functions of religion.

Why does the active development of science and the dissemination of scientific knowledge not reduce the number of believers? (slide 8)

Practical work.

Fill out the table "Functions of religion". P. 78 textbooks.

Function of religion

Her essence






Psychological (compensatory)




Teacher: next question to the third point of the plan.

Pay attention to the Christian commandments. Are they relevant today ? What functions of religion are realized through these commandments?

Honor your father and your mother, that it may be good for you, and that your days may be prolonged on the land that the Lord your God gives you.

Dont kill.

Do not commit adultery.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor's house; do not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his livestock, nor anything that is with your neighbor.

(Answer suitable 1,2 function: regulatory and educational)

    Religious organizations and associations

1. An important element of religion is religious organizations that directly embody religious values \u200b\u200band attitudes in their activities. Religious organizations include:



-organizations built around a vibrant religious leader.

At the beginning of 2013, 23,494 religious organizations were registered in Russia.

The legal status of religious organizations is regulated by the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Associations”.

2. Church

It unites the followers of any religious creed. It is characterized by a clear division of believers into clergy (clergy) and laity (ordinary believers). Has an official religious leader. Many churches have a specific territorial structure.

hierarchy in the Russian Orthodox Church

Hierarchy - (from the Greek hieros - sacred and arche - power), the arrangement of parts or elements of the whole in order from the highest to the lowest. The term is used to describe the organization of the Christian church;


    a priest


3.Any church develops a system of immutable foundations of doctrine (dogmas) and rituals (slide 13)



4 Sect. It usually arises as a result of the separation from the church of a part of the laity and clergy, opposing themselves to the rest of the believers. The number of members of the sect, as a rule, is limited, and the division into laity and clergy is eliminated, the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of all members of the organization is proclaimed.

The sect is characterized by:



    Claims for the exclusivity of their role

    Zero tolerance for dissent


According to an all-Russian poll conducted in March 2013, the population of the Russian Federation is distributed by religious affiliation as follows:

    Orthodoxy - 75%

    Islam - 5%

    Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism - 1% or less

    Unbelievers - 8%

    Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.

Freedom of consciencethe right of a person to independently form their convictions and express them openly, without prejudice to the freedom of others and society as a whole.

    Freedom of religion- the right to independently choose which religion to profess, or to abandon religion altogether, taking the position of atheism .

Atheism - a worldview that rejects the existence of the supernatural - gods, spirits, other non-material beings and forces, the afterlife, etc.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 28

Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, to freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and to act in accordance with them.

Teacher: Questions of religion are not only reflected in the constitution, but also in other documents in

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Art. 14. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion. States must respect the right of children to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under the leadership of their parents.

Implementation of the principle of freedom of conscience, freedom of religion in the Russian Federation:

    All religions on the territory of the Russian Federation are equal, there is no state religion

    The state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their cult

    Equal access to education is provided for representatives of all religions and atheists.

Based on the above, we can conclude that religion implement the principle of freedom of conscience, but much depends on the citizen himself. Only a calm, respectful attitude towards representatives of other religions, religious tolerance can prevent mistrust, disagreements and enmity in society.)

III . Anchoring and generalizing :

"Thank you word"

I invite you to listen to a short story about this word.

During the war, a woman believing in God worked in the canteen of a military hospital - feeding the wounded. She had to work from morning to evening, and therefore she did not have time to go to church to pray. She came to the priest with a request to bless her to leave this job. He listened to her and strictly said:

Work! People are praying for you! - The woman was very surprised, then the priest asked:

What do the wounded say to you when you give them food?

They say "thank you", what else?

This word has great power - it is tantamount to the prayer "Save God." If you were told a sincere “Thank you” three times a day, then God will surely hear and take care of you.

The woman thanked the priest and with even greater diligence began to look after the wounded soldiers.

Conversation on questions:

    What new things have you learned about the word thank you? (We have always considered this word cultural, but it turns out that believers have this little prayer)

    How often do you hear the word "thank you" in your address? For what?

    To whom and for what do you yourself say "thank you"?

    The woman in the story is called a believer. What proves that she really believed in God? ( She was worried that she could not go to the temple. She asked for blessing from the priest. After learning that the word "thank you" is a prayer, she began to look after the wounded soldiers with even greater diligence)

B) The woman was a believer and worried that she could not go to church often. Why did people build temples? (to pray, praise god)

When they were building the church, they worked not only physically, but also spiritually: they built with love, with respect for God. So what happens? The temple was created by man, which means it…. (culture)

Today, these remarkable structures - churches - are considered cultural monuments. They are protected by the state.

Regional component

. - Do we have a temple in our village? Where is he located? What is the name of?

1.Why are these religions called world religions?

2. What kind and type can be attributed to each of the world religions?

3. What are the common features of the considered religions?

4. What are the differences between them?

I V ... Conclusion

Working with a small table. I will ask you to work in pairs.



Please write what you imagine, what words come to your mind when you hear the words "culture" and "religion"?






Keep a promise

Accuracy or others.

Pictures, movies


a priest



Christmas or others.

These big concepts, culture and religion, are associated with each of us with their warm, simple, understandable parts. These ideas can be made more precise, so that each one becomes more thorough and deeper. This is what we will do today in the lesson.

It is possible to invite students to independently draw a conclusion based on the lesson materials or conduct a conversation on the following questions:

What new things about religion did you learn in the lesson today?
- What conclusions can be drawn about the role of religion in human life?

    Anchoring. Sinkwine.

1 noun;




    Short conclusion.


    Paragraph 10

    Prepare for a revision lesson

Methodological development is intended both for conducting a lesson Social studies on the topic "Religion as one of the forms of culture" can also be used to conduct a class hour to help the class teacher. The purpose of writing this methodological development: to assist in the selection of materials and their systematization, the proposal of photographs and reproductions, the course of the lesson and slides.




social studies lesson

Topic: "Religion as one of the forms of culture"

Developed by:

Teacher Orlova T.I.


The methodological development is intended both for conducting a Social Studies lesson on the topic "Religion as one of the forms of culture" can also be used to conduct a class hour to help the class teacher. The purpose of writing this methodological development: to assist in the selection of materials and their systematization, the proposal of photographs and reproductions, the course of the lesson and slides.

Computer set: Orlova T.I.


Main part.





Within the framework of the discipline "Social Studies" one of the topics of the section of the spiritual sphere of society is studied the topic "Religion", in our modern society the state attaches no unimportant importance to this topic. This is due to the fact that there is not a single country, not a single civilization, where religion has not left its visible and beautiful traces. Many monuments, according to the decision of UNESCO, are worldwide: St. Basil's Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, Notre Dame Cathedral, domes of churches directed into the sky, etc. solemn spiritual chant, the beauty of icons and Buddhist temples ... this is the material manifestation of religion generally accepted by mankind.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the young, growing generation, in search of truth, often turn to the sources of religion, looking for the meaning of their existence. It is the acquaintance with the basics of religious trends that can help in overcoming life's hardships and troubles. The real essence of religion and can be comprehended by a person himself, in contact with the spiritual wealth of religion. Religion has always reflected social relations, therefore, in the most difficult and tragic periods of history in different states, there is a sharp surge of interest in religion.

It is necessary to convey the role of religion in the life of society and individuals in social studies lessons and in extracurricular activities.

The purpose of writing a methodological development is to assist the teacher in conducting a lesson on the topic "religion as one of the forms of culture", based on systematized and selected material. Accompanied by slides.

Religion as a form of culture

... There is God, there is the world, they live forever,

And people's lives are instant and wretched,


Who loves the world and believes in God.

N. Gumilyov

(slide number 1)

Lesson type : lesson - research with elements of project activities and

using multimedia presentation technology.

Lesson objectives:


  • Define the role of religion as one of the forms of culture.
  • Study the foundations of beliefs in world religions, their similarities and differences
  • Teach students to analyze and summarize the information received, draw up projects and presentations on the topic of the lesson.


  • To bring students to an understanding of the importance of religion in modern society, as one of the forms of culture and a source of moral development of man and society as a whole.
  • To form an attitude towards religion, religious consciousness, a tolerant attitude towards representatives of various religious confessions.


  • To contribute to the formation of the ability and skills of students to work with different sources, literature and the Microsoft Office Power Point computer program.
  • Form ability to the visual and verbal perception of the lesson materials.

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce students to the essence of religion.
  • Show the signs of religious consciousness, the role of religion in the life of society, the main ideas of each of the world's religions.
  • Explain the essence of the principle of freedom of conscience.

Basic concepts of the lesson:Religion, monotheism, polytheism, animism, fetishism, totemism, world religions, faith, religious cult, church, sects, freedom of conscience.

Equipment: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard or screen

(for slideshow), laptop.


Explanatory and illustrative:

* lecture;


* books (visual aids)

Research method:

* execution of a report or presentation on a topic with a problem statement and analysis of the material.

Preparation for the lesson:

  1. Create a multimedia presentation "Religion as a Form of Culture".
  2. Students are invited to prepare projects "World Religions" in the form of a report or presentation.

During the classes

Organizing time: (checking attendees and preparing for the presentation slideshow 5-15 minutes)


One of the oldest forms of culture is religion. The path of the church in our country was difficult and thorny. Today the interest in religion is extremely high. We are witnessing how the leaders of our state are building their relations with representatives of various religious confessions, using the potential of religion in the revival of the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the nation.

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson and explains the goals.

The topic of our lesson is "Religion as one of the forms of culture." We will meet and repeat what world religions exist and develop in the world. Let's study the basics of beliefs in world religions, their similarities and differences. We will try to summarize the information and review the prepared presentations and listen to reports. (homework)

(1 minute)

(Slide number 2)

2. Motivation.

The teacher explains about spiritual culture in the life of modern society.


Spiritual culture is understood as a "second nature" created by man, built on top of the first, natural, nature, as a world created by man. It covers the entire totality of the achievements of society in material and spiritual life. Spiritual culture includes knowledge, beliefs, convictions, spiritual values, ideology, morality, language, laws, traditions, customs achieved and assimilated by people. Spiritual culture characterizes the inner wealth of consciousness, the degree of development of the person himself.

(1 minute)

3. Updating basic knowledge on the topic "Religion".

Students are invited to recall the knowledge on the topic "Religion" received at school.

  1. What is religion?
  2. Describe the early forms of religion? (totemism, magic, fetishism, animism)
  3. What is the difference between the early forms of religion and the world?
  4. What religions can you remember?

(10 minutes)

  1. Formation of new knowledge.


Religion is one of the most ancient and basic (along with science, education, culture) forms of spiritual culture. In modern science, the definition of religion is popular, proceeding from the recognition of faith in God as the basis of it ("religion is faith in God"). Along with it, other approaches to understanding the essence of religion are widespread: religion is a system of views, which are based on the concept of the sacred, holy; religion is one of the forms characteristic of culture for man's adaptation to the world around him, the satisfaction of his spiritual needs.

(Slide number 3).

The core of religion is faith, it is in it that the most important features are found that determine the place of religion in the relationship between man and the world.

FAITH is a property of human consciousness that manifests itself not only in religious, but also in other forms of consciousness.

Religious faith consists of:
1) faith itself, that is, beliefs in the truth of the foundations of religious teaching;
2) knowledge of the most essential provisions of the doctrine;
3) recognition and adherence to the norms of morality contained in the religious requirements for a person;
4) compliance with the norms and requirements for the daily life of a person.

Elements of the structure of religion and levels of religious consciousness are presented on the slides.
There are various types of religion: monotheistic (based on belief in one God) and polytheistic (professing polytheism), ritual (with an emphasis on performing certain cult actions) and salvation religions (recognizing the main beliefs, ideas about the world and man, their posthumous fate), national (associated with a particular people or peoples) and world (not recognizing national differences).

(Slide number 4)

The national religions include Shintoism (among the Japanese), Confucianism (among the Chinese), and Judaism (among the Jews). The main world religions in the modern world are Christianity (arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD), Islam (arose in the 7th century AD), Buddhism (arose in the middle of the 1st millennium BC).
The largest religions today are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.
The following data indicate the role of world religions in the modern world.
1. The vast majority of people living on Earth are adherents of one of the existing world religions.
2. In many countries of the world, religious associations are separated from the state. Nevertheless, the influence of religion on the political life of modern society remains significant.

(Slide number 5).

A number of states recognize one of the religions as state and compulsory.
3. Religion as a form of culture is one of the most important sources of moral values \u200b\u200band norms, regulates the daily life of people, preserves the principles of universal morality. The role of religion in the revival and augmentation of the cultural heritage, familiarizing people with it is invaluable.

4. Unfortunately, religious contradictions continue to be the source and breeding ground of bloody conflicts, terrorism, and stand of separation and confrontation. Religious fanaticism is destructive, it opposes culture, universal human spiritual values, and human interests.
Now your classmates will acquaint you in more detail with the peculiarities of world religions. (lecture with short notes - 20 minutes)

There is a presentation of projects and presentations of students.

(time 15-20 minutes)


One of the fundamental human rights in the modern world is the right to freedom of conscience.

(Slide number 6).

According to Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or not to profess any religion, freely choose, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them."
Freedom of conscience, thus, leaves a man with a choice between religious faith and atheism, which denies the existence of God, any supernatural forces and religion.

(Slide number 7)

5. Consolidation and generalization:

We answer the questions:

1. Why are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism named as world religions?
2. What are the common features of the considered religions?
3. What are the differences between them?
4. What is “freedom of conscience”, what does it mean for citizens of democratic states?

6. Lesson summary

It is proposed to independently draw a conclusion based on the lesson materials.

Homework (on the board)

  1. Section 4.4, p. 128-137, textbook Vazhenin A.G., Social Science: -4- ed. - M .: "Academy", 2007;
  2. Paragraph 6.5., P. 275-282, Borovik V.S., Social Science.-M .: "Academy"., 2006
  3. Make a detailed plan

Lesson topic: "Religion as a form of culture."

There is God, there is the world, they live forever,

And people's lives are instant and wretched,

but a person contains everything in himself,

Who loves the world and believes in God.

N. Gumilyov



1. Define the role of religion as one of the forms of culture.

2. To study the foundations of beliefs in world religions, their similarities and differences

3. Teach students to analyze and generalize the information received, draw up projects and presentations on the topic of the lesson.


1. To bring students to an understanding of the importance of religion in modern society, as one of the forms of culture and a source of moral development of man and society as a whole.

2. To form an attitude towards religion, religious consciousness, a tolerant attitude towards representatives of various religious confessions.


1. To contribute to the formation of the ability and skills of students to work with different sources,

2. To form the ability to visually-verbal perception of the lesson materials.

    To reveal the specific features of religious consciousness, various functions of religion in society.

    Describe the main types of religious organizations.

    Expand the meaning of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

Lesson type: combined, with elements of research activities.

During the classes

    Updating basic knowledge on the topic.

Homework check.

Political parties:

political parties occupy a special place among the subjects of political activity, acting as intermediaries between citizens and the state. The classic definition of a party belongs to the French political scientist Roger Gerard Schwarzenberg (b. 1943):

Political Party is a continuously operating organization that exists both at the national and local levels, aimed at receiving and exercising power and striving for this purpose to broad mass support.

The parties bring together the most active representatives of social groups with similar ideological and political views and striving for state power.

Party signs are:

    functioning on a long-term basis, organization, the presence of formal norms and rules of internal party life, reflected in the charter;

    the presence of local branches (primary organizations) that maintain regular communication with the national leadership;

    focus on the conquest of political power and its disposal (groups that do not set such a goal are called pressure groups);

    availability of popular support, voluntary membership;

    the presence of a common ideology, goals and strategies expressed in the political program.

In modern society, parties perform a number of specific internal and external functions.

Public organizations:

Public organization - a non-governmental / non-governmental voluntary association of citizens based on common interests and goals. Sometimes the term “third sector” (public) is used in addition to the public and private sectors. Individuals and legal entities - public associations may be members of a public organization in accordance with its charter, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law and laws on certain types of public associations. The presence of membership of a public organization differs from a public movement, in which membership is not required. The highest governing body of a public organization is a congress (conference) or general meeting. The permanent governing body of a public organization is an elected collegial body accountable to the congress (conference) or general meeting. In the case of state registration of a public organization, its permanent governing body exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the public organization and performs its duties in accordance with the charter. An international public organization is a non-governmental / non-governmental association, whose members (on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve statutory goals) are subjects from different countries and registered in a state whose legislation allows foreign individuals or legal entities (without any discrimination nationality) create public organizations and be elected to the governing body of such an organization.

Spiritual culture of the individual:

spiritual culture is a historically established way of development and organization of human life, which operates, develops and is recorded in the products of spiritual and material labor. Spiritual culture operates in a system of so-called social values \u200b\u200band norms, as well as relevant institutions and organizations, which is expressed in the aggregate attitude of people to nature, people with people and to themselves.

Spiritual culture in the life of society comes through the process of assimilating the norms and values \u200b\u200bof previous generations of mankind, observing and emerging new spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat play an important role in social activities to assimilate and change the world, serve as a kind of compass in this process.

The main goal of spiritual culture is the formation in the interests of society of a certain type of human personality, in the control of human behavior in his relationship with his own kind, the regulation of human relations with nature and the world around him.

Another aspect of spiritual culture is the formation of human cognitive abilities. The spiritual culture of mankind is reflected in social consciousness and enrichment, development of the world of spiritual values.
The subject of labor in spiritual culture is not only nature and its substances, but also social progress, human activity and human thinking. The subject of spiritual production, as well as the instruments of human activity, is also quite peculiar. A separate contingent of professionals is formed in society who are engaged in the creation and development of spiritual values. Most of them are the intelligentsia. But the creation of spiritual values \u200b\u200band spiritual culture cannot be formed outside the people, which is the main creator and consumer. Thus, we can say that spiritual culture develops only in conjunction with the people. The best examples of spiritual development receive a certain social assessment and are included in the fund of the spiritual culture of mankind or a separate society, thereby becoming the property of the public. Consuming spiritual values, a person becomes a person, while acting as an object and as a subject of spiritual production.

The influence of art on the spiritual development of a person:

The influence of art on the spiritual development of a person. A person who considers himself cultured constantly raises his level, shows high consciousness in work, gets acquainted with the achievements of world literature and art, reads in his free time, visits exhibitions, museums, theaters, listens to music. Perhaps, there is no such person on whom art would not have an influence. You just need to learn to perceive it. Sometimes we even try to be like characters in fiction. The attitude towards art also depends on the social environment, that is, on the material and social situation of people. A real work of art can conquer everyone - ^ and a rural worker, and a worker, and a scientist, and a businessman. Art is a universal national property, its influence on the development of society is enormous.

Art gives a person aesthetic pleasure, makes him feel beauty, fills life with joy and goodness. Content and masterfully created works, being a source of new knowledge, at the same time enrich the spiritual world of a person.

Literary works introduce us to unknown aspects of life, thoughts and feelings of people of a certain era. Music with its beauty gives an emotional uplift, cheers up, gives birth to new feelings. Knowledge about the life of the people, transmitted through works of art, is of great importance. This knowledge is more artistic in comparison with the knowledge that we find in the works of historians, economists, politicians and lawyers. Art reveals the thoughts, feelings of a person, helps us to know ourselves, to discover some new qualities, features. Man and his life, struggle, thoughts and feelings, social relations are the main thing for art. In the images of a real artist, one can distinguish character, behavior and outlook on life, moral qualities, moral character of the hero. In works of art, one can find both positive and negative images: we try to learn from the former, we avoid the latter. Characters created by great masters are very similar to their contemporaries in their moral qualities and behavior. These typical images are always interesting to us for their versatility and character traits.

Lesson plan:

    The main meanings of the concept of "religion"

    Types of religion

    Structure of religion

    Functions of religion





    Test "Religion"

Preparatory work:Preparation by students additionally at home. Students prepare messages and materials on the theme "World religions": Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

Basic concepts:Religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, atheism.

1. The first point of the plan

Teacher:Let's find words that fit the understanding of the word "religion".

(children's answers: sect, faith, god, soul, cross, etc.)

Teacher... Religion is one of the most significant forms of human culture, which appeared in ancient times.

From the lessons of history, you know that religion, religious ideas of people originated a very long time ago, about forty thousand years ago. Religion is of great importance in our time.

The textbook interprets the word "religion" in two meanings (heading "opinion"). Some researchers translate this word from Latin as "to bind", that is, it means a special, not material, but spiritual connection between the earthly and heavenly (divine) worlds.

According to another interpretation, religion is "piety, shrine, an object of worship."

Try to independently determine the meaning of the word "religion", based on these translations from Latin ( supposed children's answers: for me, religion is faith and this connection between me and God).

Teacher: let's answer the question: What is religion?

Religion is a set of spiritual concepts based on belief in the existence of God or gods, supernatural forces, as well as appropriate behavior and specific actions. (write down in the notebook).

Historical forms of the development of religion.

    Tribal What do we know about them?


List the world's religions

Christianity (message)

Islam (message)

Buddhism (message)

3. Functions of religion.

Why does the active development of science and the dissemination of scientific knowledge not reduce the number of believers?

Teacher: next question to the third point of the plan.

Pay attention to the Christian commandments. Are they relevant today? What functions of religion are realized through these commandments?

Honor your father and your mother, that it may be good for you, and that your days may be prolonged on the land that the Lord your God gives you.

Dont kill.

Do not commit adultery.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

Do not covet your neighbor's house; do not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his livestock, nor anything that is with your neighbor.

(Answer suitable 1,2 function: regulatory and educational)

Religious organizations and associations

1. An important element of religion is religious organizations that directly embody religious values \u200b\u200band attitudes in their activities. Religious organizations include:

Organizations built around a vibrant religious leader.

2. Church

It unites the followers of any religious creed. It is characterized by a clear division of believers into clergy (clergy) and laity (ordinary believers). Has an official religious leader. Many churches have a specific territorial structure.

3. Organization

4. A sect usually arises as a result of the separation from the church of a part of the laity and clergy, who oppose themselves to the rest of the believers. The number of members of the sect, as a rule, is limited, and the division into laity and clergy is eliminated, the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of all members of the organization is proclaimed.

The sect is characterized by:



    Claims for the exclusivity of their role

    Zero tolerance for dissent

Freedom of conscience - the right of a person to independently form their convictions and express them openly, without prejudice to the freedom of others and society as a whole.

    Freedom of religion - the right to independently choose which religion to profess, or to abandon religion altogether, taking the position of atheism .

Atheism - a worldview that rejects the existence of the supernatural - gods, spirits, other non-material beings and forces, the afterlife, etc.

IV. Conclusion

It is possible to invite students to independently draw a conclusion based on the lesson materials or conduct a conversation on the following questions:

What new things about religion did you learn in the lesson today?
- What conclusions can be drawn about the role of religion in human life?

V. Homework:§ 21 table

Archaic religions

World religions

Common features:

Common features:

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