Grooming cats: how to trim a cat yourself? Step-by-step instruction. How to trim a cat at home Is it worth trimming Persian cats

Grooming of domestic cats is not an obligatory hygiene procedure, but nevertheless, many breeds need to shorten the coat. A step-by-step technique on how to trim a cat at home will come in handy for many owners, because it is not always possible to do manipulation with a veterinarian. Such a procedure can be carried out for hygienic and decorative purposes, as well as prescribed by a veterinarian as a therapeutic one.

Read in this article

Reasons why a cat is cut

There are several good reasons why pet grooming is necessary and desirable.
procedure. According to their purpose, haircuts for domestic cats are:

The best quality haircut is done, of course, in the salon. Grooming specialists use special tools and devices that do not damage the skin. But it will be useful for the owner to know how to trim the cat himself at home, so as not to overpay every time.

To learn how cats are cut in the salon, see this video:

How often to have hairdressing procedures

The regularity of the haircut is determined by the rate of regrowth of the coat. As a rule, wool grows back from 3 to 6 months. The rate of growth of the coat is influenced by the breed of the animal, its state of health.

It is recommended to cut an average cat no more than 2 - 3 times a year. If the procedure is associated with the removal of tangles, then it is carried out as they form. Model haircuts can be done more often, but you should take into account the condition of the coat, the season of the year and the health of the pet. Hygienic and medical haircuts are carried out, as a rule, as needed.

Some of the nuances that may arise after a haircut

Owners often wonder what will happen if they cut a cat, especially for the first time. Fans of cat hairstyles should know that after cutting the coat, not only the structure of the coat often changes, but even the color. Pets with colorpoint and tipping should not be trimmed due to the darkening of the coat in the belly and back area.

a) Variation of color point color; b) Solid blue color with a distinct silver tint (the ends of the hair are silver tipped)

Regular haircuts can result in the coat not growing back to its normal length. After hairdressing procedures, the new fur coat may become thinner, more quickly roll into tangles.

Self-haircuts often result in skin injuries. The risk of developing inflammatory processes increases.

When grooming in a clinic or salon, an animal is often given light anesthesia or sedatives. However, the regular use of sedatives and anesthesia adversely affects the pet's health.

What is needed for the procedure

Before being puzzled by the question of how to cut a cat himself, the owner should stock up on the necessary devices and tools. For home grooming, you will need a high, stable table on which you can comfortably position the animal. A wide ironing board is also suitable for these purposes.

As a hairdressing tool, scissors with non-sharp edges, a hair clipper are needed. Owners mastering home grooming are often interested in how they cut their cats in the salon and at home. There are many cat trimmers on the market. There is a tool designed specifically for clipping long-haired breeds. It is distinguished by sharpening of the blades and does not injure the delicate skin of the animal.

If your pet is terrified of an electric clipper, it is better to use scissors or a manual clipper. Care should be taken when working as the risk of injury from such a tool is high.

You will need a comb to comb the coat while clipping. For this purpose, it is better to purchase a rare comb. All instruments must be individual. Before the procedure, it is advisable to treat the cutting surface with any disinfectant solution.

It is impossible to carry out high-quality self-grooming of your pet without an assistant. You can purchase a special collar to protect the owner from being bitten by a disgruntled pet.

A restless cat is best cut at a veterinary clinic, where she will be given sedatives if necessary. At home, you cannot use any sedative drugs.

Before trimming a cat's fur, you should stock up on disinfectant solutions, for example, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine to treat possible cuts.

How to cut correctly

Before hairdressing manipulation, the animal should be bathed with shampoo and conditioner. It is best to carry out the water treatment 2 - 3 days before the haircut. This will facilitate combing and the process of creating a hairstyle. To avoid injury, you should also trim your nails or put on special protective pads on the claws.

It is necessary to carry out a haircut with an assistant. How to cut a cat with a clipper has its own rules, the implementation of which will greatly facilitate the owner's task:

  • With the help of a machine, hair is removed from the sides, back and abdomen of the pet. As a rule, nozzle no. 3 is used, which corresponds to 3 mm. The abdomen should be treated with particular care. It is better to pre-cut the crotch and milk nipples with scissors.
  • The hair in the armpits is trimmed by changing the nozzle by 2mm. Then the back of the body is cut.
  • The tail is either not cut at all, or a "tassel" is left at the end.
  • The hair on the paws is cut, forming either short "socks" or longer "knee-highs".
  • The shape of the hairstyle on the head, if necessary, is done with scissors.
  • Scissors trim the mane and "tassel" on the tail.

If you have to decide how to cut a cat with scissors, if there is no typewriter, then in this version you should prepare for a little more difficulties. With the help of scissors, as a rule, they touch up the wool after clipping with a clipper. The hairstyle when using this tool alone will be uneven and unaesthetic.

After cutting, the animal must be bathed, wiped with wet wipes and dried with a hair dryer.

For information on how to trim a cat at home, see this video:

Popular hairstyles

The owner's imagination and the professionalism of the haircutters allow you to give the animal a wide variety of images: from the majestic lion to the creative Dragon-dinosaur. The most common and popular haircuts among cat owners are: Leo, Puma, show haircuts Harlequin, Modern, Continental.

French lion

This type of haircut can be called universal, since it is often used both for hygienic purposes and as a model hairstyle. It is advisable to choose an option in hot summer. There are not so many difficulties in how to cut a cat with a clipper "under the lion" yourself. The wool is sheared with a tool all over the body. The hair on the limbs is left unchanged in the form of "socks" or "golf". The base of the tail is trimmed, at the end a "tassel" or "whisk" is formed.

The Dragon

Exotic Haircut Dragon is an unusual mohawk on the back of an animal. To give the pet an original look, the head is not cut, the fur coat on the body is cut. Along the spine and tail, the hair is trimmed in the form of triangles. You can also leave scraps of wool and other shapes, it all depends on the owner's imagination and the professionalism of the groomer.

Exhibition types of haircuts

Haircuts such as Harlequin, Modern, Continental are usually made for show animals. If the animal takes part in the exhibition, then the cats are sheared in this case, as for a fashion show. The purpose of such procedures is to emphasize the exterior features of the animal and, if possible, hide the existing shortcomings. The owner will not be able to make such hairstyles for the pet on their own. This complex grooming requires experience and a professional approach and can only be performed by a specialist in a specialized salon.

The cat owner can do the grooming of the pet for medicinal and hygienic purposes himself. To do this, you need to know certain rules and be patient. It is better to entrust exhibition and decorative hairstyles to professionals.

In the summertime, fluffy cats and cats have a hard time. The almost ideal thermoregulatory system of the body does not help either. Due to the shaggy undercoat, heat exchange is disturbed, and the owner of a luxurious fluffy fur coat literally becomes exhausted from the heat. A haircut helps to solve the problem.

And finally, the most important thing. The animal will get rid of discomfort and will not suffer from heat.

Important! Mats are not just an aesthetic problem or a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora. The appearance of "felt balls" often indicates that the cat has a metabolic disorder and needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

To cut the animal or not to cut

With all its advantages, a haircut has a number of contraindications. This is especially true for show animals of a certain color. For example, in cats of typing (silver) and colorpoint ("Siamese") colors, the regrown hair on the back and belly may darken.

You should not take risks with too temperamental and nervous cats. The use of anesthesia is not a solution to the problem, as it is associated with many risks (renal and hepatic failure, cardiac arrest). You should not blindly follow fashion and cut short-haired cats without the need. They do not particularly suffer from the heat, and their shiny coat does not get confused by mats.

Important! You can not cut the hair on the head, paw pads of an animal. In no case should you trim your mustache!

What is required to trim a cat at home

To trim your cat at home, along with patience, you will need.

  • Two trimmers: regular and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Blunt-ended scissors (surgical ideal).
  • Also prepare a bandage, iodine, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide. The pet has sharp teeth and claws, this cannot be discounted.
  • It is advisable to trim a cat or a cat together. It is not so easy to cope with this task alone.

How to trim a cat: procedure

  • Secure the animal by its hind and front legs, laying it on its side.
  • If the animal is in an aggressive mood, wear a special collar on it. Can bite!
  • First, remove the mats with scissors. Then, use a clipper to trim the fur on the back and sides of the animal. It is best to use a 3 mm nozzle. The risk of injury to the skin of the animal is minimal.
  • Cut the fur on your feet (if necessary) last.
  • When trimming belly fur, take extra care around the genitals and nipples. It is advisable to shorten the coat in these areas in advance with scissors.
  • It is not necessary to trim the tail. It all depends on your imagination. You can leave a "squirrel" or "fox" fluffy tail, or you can sharpen your pet to resemble an African relative, leaving a small brush.

Important! How to cut a cat - over the coat or against? Both options have the right to life. It's up to you to decide. When cutting against the hair, the procedure is faster. Haircut is more laborious and time-consuming, but the cat feels less discomfort.

The haircut must be done very carefully so as not to injure the animal. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to trim your cat in one go. There is nothing wrong if the procedure takes place in several stages, but without physical and mental trauma for both parties.

Some owners wash the cat after washing and dry it with a hairdryer. This is, to put it mildly, redundant. Manipulations associated with a haircut are already a lot of stress for a furry. It is much more humane to remove adhered hairs with a piece of suede or a damp cloth. Protect the animal (even in the summer heat!) From drafts: the kitty can catch a cold.

How best to shave a cat

To avoid fiddling with scissors, you can use an electric shaver with the same precautions as with a regular haircut. The coat should not be shaved clean. Better to just shorten it.

Popular cat haircuts

A haircut a lion... The coat is left intact on the head, forelegs, hocks and tip of the tail.

"Puss in Boots" - the same as the "lion", only the tail is left in its original beauty.

Summer - the most radical option.

As for the options for "salon" haircuts, there are many options. From under the groomer's scissors, a furry miracle comes out as a "puma", "harlequin" and even a "dragon".

And if the cat does not want to get a haircut

Well ... So the scissors will have to be put aside. In this case, take good care of your pet's coat.

  • Brush your cat regularly.
  • Remove tangles from time to time (or better yet, prevent them from forming).
  • When bathing the animal, use special emollient shampoos and balms.

Purchase a special product for absorbing hair in the digestive tract from your veterinarian or purchase a special food with absorbable ingredients. And, to prevent heatstroke in the animal, use an air conditioner more often.

Any pet needs careful care, especially for long-haired cats. For example, some pets need to be trimmed, but do it with extreme care. This is not an easy task for the breeder as it is important not to injure the four-legged friend. To make things easier, you need a clipper for cats.

Is it possible to cut cats

If we are talking about short-haired breeds, for example, about sphinxes, then the question of how to trim a cat is irrelevant. But for representatives of fluffy Scottish, Persian or British breeds, on the contrary, a haircut does not hurt - for the purpose of hygiene. The fact is that when licking, part of the wool penetrates the digestive organs, forming lumps. Such a foreign body can lead to serious disruption of the digestive tract, provoke the death of a beloved pet, so it is sometimes necessary to trim the cat at home. Other indications:

How cats are cut

Before deciding on such an experiment, you must choose one of two options: a haircut in a specialized salon or trim your pet yourself at home. In the latter case, it is better not to use a straight razor, especially since special tools and machines for such cases prevail in free sales. If you stock up on them in a timely manner, you will not need to go to the salon. The main secrets of the home procedure are described below:

  1. Grooming can change the color and structure of the cat's coat, for example, the hair darkens, becomes rough to the touch.
  2. It is important to know that this session takes a long period of time, and when an inexperienced groomer is working it lasts 2-3 hours.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to trim the hair on the animal's head and paw pads, in the ears, trim the mustache. Otherwise, the cat loses the sharpness of the organs of touch.
  4. To prevent the cat from hurting the hairdresser, it is recommended that he trim his nails in advance, give a sedative before starting the session.
  5. You can dry a new haircut of an animal with a hairdryer, but for this they use not a hot, but a warm stream of air.

Interested in whether it is possible to cut cats, you need to find out what kind of haircuts it can be, which cats are more suitable, how much will the owner cost in a special salon? The following cat hairstyles are available to choose from:

  1. A lion. According to this model, you can trim Persian, Scottish, Siamese cats. The body is sheared, and the hair remains only on the head and tip of the tail, like a real lion.
  2. Puma. The hairstyle is similar to the "Lion", but differs in the rest of the hair on the chest. According to this principle, Persian, Siberian, Scottish cats are trimmed.
  3. The Dragon. A distinctive feature of this image is the mohawk on the back, which starts at the withers and ends at the tip of the tail.

How to trim a cat in the salon

Masters often ask how much it costs to trim a cat, what is the cost and duration of such a session? This is the wrong approach. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the preparatory activities for the procedure. For example, the master will start the process after the pet takes a sedative, and aggressive animals will need sleeping pills. In the course of a haircut, not only scissors and a clipper are involved, but also a trimmer capable of efficiently processing the most inaccessible places on the body of a pet.

Self-grooming of a cat at home

If the main requirement is to do an inexpensive cat haircut, you can always shave it at home. To do this, it is better to buy and use special tools, and not an ordinary mechanical razor from your own arsenal. In order for the wool to continue to grow correctly, it is advisable to start the process with the advice of a specialist. Otherwise, the sequence of actions of the breeder is as follows:

  1. The first step is to immobilize the pet by holding the front and hind legs, laying on its side. This is the only way to cut the cat, otherwise he simply will not be given to hands. Aggressive long-haired breeds are recommended to wear a special collar during the cutting period.
  2. It is recommended to carefully cut large mats with scissors, after giving the cat a sedative. The owner must act carefully, since such actions provoke stress for the pet in any case. Before trimming the cat, you need to sharpen the scissors.
  3. After the scissors, you need to use a razor to remove the hair from the sides, back, and then partially from the legs. It is important to avoid intimate areas, nipples, otherwise their injury can cause a serious illness of the animal. The ponytail can be trimmed last if desired by the hairdresser, but you don't have to experiment.
  4. It is recommended to remove cut hairs adhering to the body with a damp cloth, but a hairdryer is allowed only in case of emergency. Such a device, or rather the flow of hot air it produces, causes severe stress in the animal.

How to trim an aggressive cat

  1. Introducing anesthesia to an animal before a haircut is not useful; in case of increased aggression, it is better to use a permitted sleeping pill.
  2. To prevent the cat from scratching the owner, he needs to cut off the claws. Do not worry, as they will be able to grow back in a week.
  3. At home, with increased aggression of a four-legged friend, it is advisable to use a special collar, otherwise the cat may bite the "hairdresser".

Video: grooming cats at home

In summer, cats with long hair have a bad time, and even the thermoregulation of their body is not able to cope with cooling in extreme heat. Shaggy and dense wool, with which it is so good in winter, in the heat is an unnecessary and heavy burden: the fur and undercoat become an obstacle to optimal heat transfer, so the cat suffers from overheating. However, there is a way out, because the cat can be trimmed!

Today this procedure is quite popular in various grooming salons, but what are its main advantages:

  • the cat will get rid of the tangles, because if there are a lot of them, not a single comb will cope with them;
  • the animal's digestion is normalized: ugly sagging hairballs that make the cat ugly, moreover, can clog the pet's stomach and intestines if they are accidentally swallowed during licking;
  • there will be order in the house: after shearing, the wool no longer lies in all corners and does not irritate the owners of the animal, settling on black clothes;
  • combing your pet will be easier;
  • both the cat and its owner will find peace of mind: there will be no need to torment the cat and suffer yourself from the daily tearing of tangles;
  • the cat will get rid of suffering, ceasing to languish from heat.

In addition, the presence of hairballs is the cause of a dermatological problem: the skin under the mats heats up, which creates favorable conditions for the emergence of pathogenic microflora. If mats are formed constantly, this is a symptom of metabolic disorders or vitamin deficiency.

What to cut

To find out how to trim a cat at home, you should stock up not only with the necessary tools, but also with patience. What you need:

  • assistant;
  • cat trimmer;
  • scissors with rounded ends;
  • cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide.

What should be the trimmer:

  • reliable and high quality;
  • with a power of at least 45 watts. This point is especially important when trimming exotics, Persians and other long-haired cats;
  • other breeds can be cut with less powerful devices;
  • the blade must be sharp and cutting;
  • the length of the blade is two to three centimeters, otherwise you can injure the animal, especially if you do not have sufficient experience in grooming pets;
  • the equipment must work from the network, so the stability of work is ensured

You can also use the most ordinary mechanical hair clipper. Its advantages:

  • budgetary cost;
  • it is less noisy.

The downside is that the haircut will last longer, and the hairstyle may not turn out too symmetrical.


How to trim a cat with scissors and a clipper:

  • the animal is turned on its side and held by its hind and front paws;
  • if it is aggressive, it should be wearing a collar;
  • first, the tangles are removed with scissors, and then with the help of a clipper, the haircut continues on the back and sides;
  • at the end, if necessary, the hair is clipped on the paws;
  • when cutting the fur on the belly, you need to act as carefully as possible, keeping in mind the cat's nipples and intimate area. It is better if this area is trimmed with scissors in advance so that everything is clearly visible;
  • the head is not cut, the maximum is thinning;
  • tail trimming - optional.

Carefulness of the procedure is important so that the cat does not get hurt.

If the haircut did not work out the first time, do not despair, because it can be stretched over several stages.

After cutting, the animal must be bathed and dried with a hairdryer.

Common cat haircuts

Haircuts are divided into show and home. How to trim a cat at home:

  • lion - wool is removed everywhere, except for the head, tail and part of the paws;
  • puss in boots - the hair remains on the head, tail and legs along their entire length;
  • summer.

Show or model haircuts should be done by a professional groomer. How to trim a catfor the exhibition:

  • puma;
  • continental;
  • the Dragon;
  • modern;
  • harlequin.

If there is no haircut in the plans or the animal is capricious in every possible way and is not given to the hairdresser, then you will have to take care of the coat in the usual way:

  • comb regularly;
  • timely cut tangles and matted hairs;
  • use various special products that help soften the hair and make it smoother.

Long-haired individuals need special means that dissolve matted hairballs in the stomach or special feeds that already contain similar absorbable components. To prevent heatstroke, an air conditioner will have to be installed in the home.

What else you should know about grooming cats

Useful information:

  • after clipping, the color and structure of the coat may change;
  • wool grows back long enough;
  • the length of the hairs may decrease;
  • you can not cut hair on the head, inside the ears and on the pads of the feet;
  • smooth-haired cats are cut only in exceptional cases, for example, if they are heavily soiled.

Can I trim my cat at home? How and where to do it correctly? Complete instructions for grooming your cat yourself at home.

Is your cat's hair dull and matted? Do you have a long haired cat and needs constant grooming? Grooming your cat can be a good option for you and her. Although professional groomers are much better and faster at shaving your pet, you can shave your cat at home. Beforehand, be sure to talk about it with ours! Also, use only appropriate tools and methods for shearing the animal. If you are careful and prepared, you can safely trim your cat yourself at her home.

1. Make a decision about grooming your cat

First, decide if you need to trim your cat or whether it will be enough to brush and wash it. If the animal's hair has gathered in mats that are difficult or impossible to comb, then a complete haircut for your cat will be a good option. The abundant amount and size of mats on the skin can cause discoloration of the coat, the development of skin fungal flora, dandruff, dermatitis and scarring of your cat's skin. Therefore, incorporate grooming into your regular household schedule.

Other reasons for grooming your cat could be:

In these cases, you can reduce the length of the coat by shortening it. It is generally best to avoid unnecessary shaving.

  • Your cat's coat is designed to keep it cool in the summer and warm during the winter. Shaving your pet too short will interfere with the normal thermoregulation of your cat's body and cause it to freeze or overheat.
  • If you have a long-haired cat, consider washing and combing to help normalize heat transfer.
  • Not all cats need and can shave. Very aggressive, elderly or sick cats are at risk of being distressed or cut when clipping. (Here you can groom your cat under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian).

2. Consider visiting our groomer room

Check local prices for skin carein salons for animals (here it costs from 500 rubles). Professional groomers have been trained and experienced to handle wool and provide comprehensive care for your pet. While going to a pet hairdresser is more expensive than grooming your cat at home, it's worth it. In addition, the groomer has an order of magnitude lower risk of injury to your pet than you. They also know how to keep pets calm during the grooming and grooming process.

  • Prices vary depending on what service you need. If you need basic grooming (rather than a full shave), the cost will be lower.

3. Consult our veterinarian

To be on the safe side, consult with your cat before grooming. If your cat's coat is matted, our veterinarian may prefer to remove 2-3 mats by himself. In addition, our veterinarian may advise you not to shave your cat or only do it at specific times. He may also have recommendations for the groomer and the tools to use.

4. Preparation for grooming the cat

Gather the necessary materials and tools for the upcoming grooming procedure. If you decide to shave your cat at home, getting ready will make the grooming process easier and faster. Prepare rubber gloves (to avoid getting scratched or cut), towels, a hairbrush, a treat, an appropriate clipper, and a removable one. You can purchase a pet hair clipper from us, an online pet store or other local pet supply store. Be sure to get a tool designed for small animals, not people!

  • Do not use razor and blades to trim your cat!

5. Find an assistant

Look for a partner for the event from your friends or family. Shaving your cat alone will most likely be very difficult and dangerous for you. Better to find someone who can hold the cat while you shave your pet. Better to choose someone who already knows your animal. Your pet will trust such a person more than a stranger.

  • Try to associate your cat's grooming with positive things for her, such as petting and rewards. Show her the tools you'll be using and then give her a treat, praise, or pet her.
  • Before a grooming session, ask your helper to pet the cat first on the clipping table so that she calms down and does not worry. After the cat purrs, ask your helper to gently hold the cat in place with both hands. There may be times, for example, when you are working in the tail area, the assistant will need to hold the cat in his arms. Therefore, take care of a robe or overalls beforehand.

6. Where to cut a cat

Choose a location. Decide where you want to shave your cat. There will probably be shorn wool everywhere, so keep that in mind. Choose a room or area with tiles, wood flooring or linoleum rather than carpeted floors. A kitchen or bathroom is fine. Shaving your cat in a familiar environment will help keep her calm.

  • Find a comfortable table that you can use and on which to place your animal. Please note that the table you will be using may be scratched or dirty.

7. Preparing the cat for grooming

Brush your cat. This is to cleanse the cat's hair before shaving, which will remove dirt, spread sebum over the entire surface of the coat, straighten the hair and reduce skin irritation from clipping; and also, will reduce the wear of the knife of your machine. If your cat has short hair, you only need to brush and brush it once a week, and if your cat is long-haired, you must groom it thoroughly weekly. To brush your cat, follow these steps:

  • Use a slicker and then a metal comb.
  • Comb her fur from head to tail. Start with her belly and paws. Be careful around your chest and lower body.
  • Try to untangle all the tangles.
  • Use a natural bristle or rubber brush to remove dead and fallen hair.
  • Brush the cat's tail by separating it with a groove in the middle and comb the coat on both sides.

8. Choose your cat's haircut style

There are several ways to shave your cat. It is best to have a plan and an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you want your cat to look as a result before you start grooming. Your choices should assume and take into account the main points, such as hygiene, age, coat length, and so on. Consider the following:

  • A hygienic shave frees up the anus and genitals for less contamination and easier cleaning afterwards.
  • Abdominal shaving removes hair on the belly, groin and armpits, where tangles often occur.
  • The clipper only cuts part of the hair, essentially just reducing the length, not the amount. Trimming is effective in reducing hair loss.
  • The most popular haircut for cats that reduces shedding is the lion. A cat with a haircut "under a lion" looks like a miniature copy of the "king of beasts".

9. General rules for grooming cats with a clipper

Keep your clipper and knife always clean and lubricated. Make sure you don't shave your cat for too long. The knife will be hot. Take frequent breaks to keep it cool. Your cat's skin is very sensitive to temperature, which is another reason to constantly monitor the temperature of the knife block.

  • Always use the supplied machine lubricating oil.

10. Straighten the cat skin

Keep your cat's skin straight and taut. When shaving your cat, be sure to stretch the skin just enough so you don't cut it. Make sure you calm your cat down enough before starting. It will be good if your assistant helps.

11. Direction of movement of the car

Move the car correctly over the animal. Let your knife move in the direction of the fur growth. Try to throw wool off the knife while clipping. Avoid using low speed clippers as this will worsen the skin condition and cause dermatitis and skin rashes, a painful condition that causes the cat to lick and scratch, which is usually complicated by infection.

  • Shaving against the growth of the coat increases the risk of cutting your cat's skin.

12. Follow the general rules for grooming the animal.

Don't shave too short. To give your cat's coat sufficient protection from the sun during the day and the cold at night, leave one inch (2.54 cm) of fur. Cutting too short can cause the guard hair to grow into the skin. This can lead to uneven coat and skin problems.

13. Be careful in areas of high risk of skin injury

Avoid high-risk areas. Do not shave further than the pasterns and hocks, closer to the feet, where the skin, ligaments and tendons are very sensitive. Do not shave off the mustache (including the eyebrows above the eyes) and the plantar side of the forelimbs. If your cat is particularly worried when clipping near a sensitive area, stop immediately.

14. Hygienic haircut

Shave your cat's sanitary areas for hygiene. This is especially true for long-haired cats. This procedure is purely functional. This helps to keep your cat's coat clean of faeces that stick to it after using the litter box. This procedure should be repeated every six weeks.

  • Use a # 10 clipper knife block.
  • Hold your cat firmly and comfortably.
  • Shave off the hair around the anus. Be careful not to cut your pet.

15. Grooming the cat's chest and belly

Shave your chest and belly. Particularly useful for long-haired cats, abdominal shaving removes most of the hair from the animal's lower body. This procedure is a continuation of the hygienic haircut under the tail. As a result, it will make it easier for your pet to brush his tongue every day. Trimming the chest and abdomen prevents tangling and excessive hair loss. The shaved belly will not be visible when the pet is walking or lying.

  • Use the correct clipper and knife size.
  • Tighten your belly skin.
  • Shave under the tail and around the genitals.
  • Trim the fur in the groin and between the hind legs.
  • Shave off the belly and underarms.

16. Use the attachment

Try using the clipper attachments often supplied with the appliance. They will leave 1 to 2.5 cm of hair on the cat's body. This will shorten your hair, but not completely shave it off. For such a procedure, the cat should not have tangles in the clipping area with the attachment. This will reduce shedding and mats. It will also make it easier to see your cat's body in case of skin problems.

  • Attach the attachment to the knife block or adjust the knife length.
  • Start shaving behind your ears.
  • Trim your cat's back to the base of its tail.
  • Shave the shoulders and sides of the animal's body.
  • Turn the cat on its side.
  • Trim your cat's belly.
  • Trim the hair on the hindquarters and forelegs down to the pasterns and hocks.

16. Making a lion out of a cat

Cut your back. Start at the base of the tail on the cat's back. Use a # 10 knife and cut against the growth of the fur. Shave your back towards the cat's head.

17. Grooming the pet's lower body

We shave the stomach. Work your cat's belly. First, shave in the direction of hair growth so you can remove most of the coat and get a better view of the coat. Then, reverse the direction of the clipper and cut in the opposite direction for an even cut.

18. Decide which tail you want your cat

Decide on the shape and length of the hair on the tail. For a lion, three main tail haircuts are used: a short-haired, fully shaved tail or a tail with a tassel, pompom. The pompom tail looks like a fluffy ball at the end. The style depends on your personal preference. Below are the steps to complete these haircuts:

  • For a shaved ponytail, trim it from base to tip at the top and sides. Then back down to create an even trim that will blend in with the haircut on your cat's back. Shave off the underside of the ponytail. Keep a straight line all the way.
  • For a tail with a tassel or pompom, leave the long hair 5 to 7.5 centimeters (just fits in one hand) from the tip of your cat's tail. Use the clipper knife to create a blending line similar to the line created for the shaved tail. Trim all sides of the ponytail until the finish is smooth and even.

19. Take care of your front legs and armpits.

Gently with the forelimbs and armpits! Extend your limbs fully. Stretch loose underarm skin to prevent possible injury. Shave about 2 to 3 centimeters below the elbow. In a straight line, work back and forth along the hair growth. Again, use the knife attachments to create the desired length of wool. Then unfold the clipper and shave against the growth of the coat to smooth out unevenness.

20. Grooming the hind legs

Trim your cat's legs. Pull out her hind legs first. Shave downward to remove most of the fur and improve visibility. Then work your way up against the fur. Cut until you reach the ankle.

21. Grooming the neck and creating a "lion's mane"

Create a mane for the cat. Pull the skin forward and start shaving at the back of your neck. Cut against the growth of the fur. Imagine your cat is wearing a collar. Use a natural guideline for the head. Once you're done with the back of the neck, move to the front. Shave up to her natural collar line. Then, bring the front and back lines together by shaving off the sides of the neck, keeping the natural line of the cat's collar.

22. Final grooming of the cat

Get your cat wet and wash well. Once you've finished trimming, give your cat a degreasing bath. Use a shampoo that is suitable for cats. You can buy these shampoos from us or your local pet store. If your cat has sensitive skin, then our veterinarian may have advice on the choice and use of shampoo. Follow these basic steps:

  • Place a rubber bath mat in a sink or tub to provide a solid support for your cat.
  • Fill the tub with 8-10 centimeters of warm water.
  • Place your cat in the tub.
  • Use a shower hose to get your cat thoroughly wet. Do not spray water directly into your ears, eyes, or nose. Instead of a hose, you can use a large plastic jug or a non-fragile cup.
  • Massage your cat gently with shampoo. Lather from head to tail.
  • Thoroughly rinse your cat's entire coat with a shower hose. Avoid getting water and shampoo in your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Pay special attention to your cat's sanitary areas.Pat the cat dry with a large towel.

23. Drying with a hair dryer

Blow dry and brush at the same time. After you've washed your cat, be sure to dry and comb it out. Use the cool setting of the hair dryer to avoid damaging your skin. Comb through hair that has stuck together with water. Make sure the coat dries evenly, lies evenly and is smooth.

24. Final touch

In the summertime, if your cat walks outside, apply sunscreen on it. Your cat's coat helps prevent skin cancer by blocking harmful UV rays. When you shave your cat, he loses some of that protection. Be sure to use pet sunscreen to prevent sunburn and skin cancer.

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