Free online consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Ask a gynecologist for free

On our website you can get a free consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, A. Berezhnaya, about the course and planning of pregnancy.

How to ask a question?

Option 1 - Leave your comment under the article that matches your pregnancy week.

To do this, select your pregnancy week in the calendar. Your attention will be provided with useful information about the features of this week of carrying a baby, and a form for sending a comment / question will be at the end of this page.

Option 2 - ask your question under the article, the topic of which corresponds to the topic of your question.

Enter in the search the phrase you are interested in, for example, "uterine hypertonicity" or "blood test", and click the "Search!" Button. Find and go to the article you need among the results. Read the above material, and if you still have questions, then ask them under this article, going down the page and filling out the form for sending a comment.

Each time you fill out the form, indicate your name and e-mail. This will make it easier for the doctor to make out who and what has asked or asked in the past.
If you want to answer the doctor or supplement your question, then click "Answer" under your remark or under the doctor's text.

The number of questions is not limited!

The articles presented on the site have enough information so that after reading them your questions will disappear by themselves. But there are difficult situations when you cannot do without the advice of a specialist. That is why, to help pregnant women, a free medical consultation was offered by a doctor of the highest category, A.S. Berezhnaya. Answers to questions are provided within 1-2 days from the date of their publication on the site.

Remember! Online consultation is not a substitute for an in-person visit to the doctor.

  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • irregular menstrual cycle. Changes in characteristics: more abundant or, on the contrary, more lean menstruation;
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • planning pregnancy;
  • selection of contraceptives;
  • itching, burning in the genital area;
  • frequent, painful urination;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • pain, formation of mammary glands;
  • headaches, discomfort in the mammary glands, nervousness before menstruation;
  • hot flashes, increased pressure, mood changes in the premenopausal period.

Are you concerned about any of the above issues? Use the online consultation of a gynecologist. The advantage of online consulting is that you can ask a question at any time and anonymously, the answer is immediate. Not every person in modern life can set aside a whole day in order to visit a clinic and wait for an obstetrician-gynecologist's appointment. In addition, they usually do not have time to visit the antenatal clinic after a working day. Online counseling will be especially appreciated by young mothers. A newborn baby takes all of mommy's time. But it is during this period that a woman is faced with many questions. And there is no opportunity to leave the child for someone and go to the doctor. This is where the internet comes in handy.

What is a person guided by when choosing a doctor for himself? Of course, his qualifications and experience. Patient reviews and the actual approach to treatment are also important. A free clinic is often associated with rudeness and rudeness among people. This is already enough for the person not to want to come to the reception. A good doctor heals even with a word, so it is so important that the specialist can establish contact with the patient and create a friendly atmosphere.

On our website, an online consultation is carried out only experienced specialists.

How is the consultation going?

  • Counseling takes place around the clock;
  • use a special form to submit a question;
  • formulate your question in detail;
  • you can choose a consultation by phone or chat;
  • choose a tariff and pay for the consultation;
  • the answer will be sent to your mail within an hour;
  • online chat with a gynecologist is available on our website, it's also around the clock.

If the gynecologist needs more information in order to give a complete answer, he may ask you to answer additional questions. Consultation is provided, first of all, by people, therefore, attention is paid primarily to paid consultations, unfortunately we do not guarantee the answer to free questions. You can communicate with a real specialist directly in the chat. If you urgently need a consultation with a gynecologist or ask a gynecologist a question as soon as possible - do not hesitate, we will be happy to help you with any question.

Okhrimenko Maria

30.10.2019 08:52:08

Hello. I am 19 years old, my last period was 10/1/19. Today, on 10/30/19, they are still not there. There was some abdominal pain, similar to menstruation, but there was no discharge. I am very worried that they are not. Is this the norm or not?


06.10.2019 09:54:09

Hello, I am taking ok Dimia, as a contraception. I have been taking it for half a year, the last two months of menstruation begin a day earlier, when there is one more pill left. I don't understand why this is happening and what needs to be done, to start a new one with a new menstruation?

Hello Victoria,

your question should be asked to the gynecologist.

Be healthy.

View Alexander Skib's answer

05.10.2019 13:02:18

Hello! For 9 months I have been drinking lindinet 20, after the last seven-day break, I did not take pills in the first three days of a new package, on the third day there was unprotected intercourse. How to take the drug now? And what is the probability of a possible pregnancy?

Hello. The chance of pregnancy is low. You can start taking the drug in the first 5 days of the cycle.

View answer Svetlana

05.10.2019 12:50:35

Hello. I have a pregnancy of 9 weeks 4 days and there were 3 drops of deep green discharge. They took two smears - one showed that there was no inflammation, and the second was not ready for infection. Prescribed candles terzhinan, the instructions say that in the first trimester is impossible. I put 3 days, on the first day there was one drop of pink color, then only light yellow from the candles themselves. Can you please tell me if I can continue to put them?

Hello. Terzhinan is contraindicated for use in the 1st trimester, ask your doctor to replace it. The list of approved drugs at an early stage is small (Geksikon, Betadine, Fluomizin).

View answer Maria

05.10.2019 12:02:45

Good afternoon, please tell me the endocrinologist sent to take hormones LH, FSH, estradiol, testosterone, DHA. Everywhere to take in different cycles. It turns out that every day I need to inject a vein to give everything? Or can you hand over everything on a specific day of the cycle? And also I can not figure out from what day to count, daub begins 3-4 days, then normal menstruation. Count the first day with a daub or not (brown daub). Sent on hormones due to pituitary microadenoma

Hello. The days of the cycle are counted from the first day of menstruation, and not smearing secretions. Sex hormones are given on the 3rd or 4th or 5th day of the cycle, with rare exceptions (sometimes you need to repeat it on the 20-22 day). Your doctor should have indicated a specific date of delivery, depending on your clinical situation.

View Galina Answer

05.10.2019 11:54:42

I am 49 years old. The last menstruation was in Yulia. I thought that menopause had begun. A polyp was discovered some time ago. After 2 days, I have a referral for hysteroscopy and rdv, and here, unfortunately, 2 days of daubing began, I don't know if my periods will never go like this, I didn't expect them anymore. Question: with daubs or menstruation, I will probably be denied a hyster. What to do, how to guess now for the operation, if now such an unpredictable behavior of the body?

Hello. In the case of spotting discharge, hysteroscopy is performed. If menstruation comes, then the procedure is done after it ends.

View Answer Anna

05.10.2019 10:57:00

Hello. Please tell me how long a slight burning sensation will appear when urinating after starting treatment for chr. candidiasis (Fluconazole was prescribed 1-4-7 and then once a week -3-6 months. I am treated for 2 months, there is a slight burning sensation, but not only Candida albicans but also Enterococcus faecalis were found in the culture. Is it necessary to treat the second one? Before the doctor came, only Fluconazole and Clotrimazole 2% were prescribed.

Hello. If there is a lot of enterococcus (more than 10 in 3), then treatment is needed. There should be no burning sensation.

View answer Elena

05.10.2019 10:32:00

Hello. The other day I was taking the analysis "Ureaplasma urealyticum + parvum (half-col.) DNA" and the following result came ... It was found- "Specific DNA fragments were identified in a concentration of less than 10 ^ 4 copies in the sample." How dangerous is it? Thanks in advance!

Hello. This is a normal variant, no treatment is required.

View Dean's answer

05.10.2019 10:28:44

Hello, I have such a question when I slept with my husband, he finished me 2 days passed and we slept again, my lower abdomen hurt and smeared blood, what could it be


A gynecologist is a specialist whose tasks are to study the health of a woman at different periods of her life, identify deviations from the norm, treat a woman's diseases and prevent them.

The structure of gynecology also includes several sections, such as gynecological oncology, gynecology-endocrinology, and pediatric gynecology.
Of course, the task of a gynecologist is, first of all, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genital area, but when examining and further observing a woman, he always has to take into account the state of health of the patient as a whole, her psycho-emotional background, and the presence of background chronic diseases. All these factors can adversely affect a woman's health.

Examination by a gynecologist should be carried out 1-2 times a year, and more often if there is a gynecological disease. Not all women undergo preventive gynecological examinations with due regularity, considering them unnecessary, since nothing bothers them. But for this, professional examinations were introduced into practice in order to detect the disease at the earliest stage, when there are no complaints yet and the treatment can be minimal and will make it possible to forget about the identified disease in the future. Of course, the main goal of a preventive examination by a gynecologist is the prevention of oncopathology. Detection of a malignant tumor at an early stage is the main guarantee of the patient's successful cure. The most common diseases in the structure of oncopathology are cervical cancer, cancer of the ovaries and the body of the uterus; benign tumors of the uterus (fibroids), ovaries (various cysts, cystomas, etc.) are also very common. During a preventive examination, a gynecologist takes smears from the mucous membrane of the cervix of the cervical canal, and in the laboratory the obtained material is examined using microscopes to identify malignant cells.

The most common reasons for a woman's appeal to a gynecologist is the appearance of signs of an inflammatory process in the genital organs.

In addition, a gynecologist is also involved in planning pregnancy, helps a woman to prepare her body for conception in a timely manner, supervises a pregnant woman together with obstetricians, preventing possible complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, helps to recover from childbirth.

Our gynecologists have already consulted people from: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chita, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ryazan, Kaliningrad, Izhevsk, Tula, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Blagoveshchensk, Stavropol, Tambov, Yuzhno -Sakhalinsk, Kaluga, Kazan, Ufa, Ivanov, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Samara, Nizhny Saratov, Novgorod, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Orenburg, Barnaul, Vladimir, Tyumen, Tomsk, Perm, Vladivostok, Belgorod, Cheboksar, Maghad, Mineralnye Vody , Maykop, Lipetsk, Nalchik, Ulan-Ude, Togliatti, Surgut, Khabarovsk, Tver, Petrozavodsk, Salekhard, Astrakhan, Kurgan, Orel, Omsk, Yaroslavl, Gorno-Altaysk, Murmansk ... as well as other large and small cities of the Russian Federation.

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