What women love scales in bed. Libra woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need? Air sign compatibility

Planet: Venus, Saturn
Stones: diamond, beryl, pearl, green jasper, coral, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, sapphire, chrysolite, crystal
Symbols: scales, book
Talismans: book, heart
Colors: green, gray, pastel colors, dark blue, aqua
Flowers: marigolds (calendula), rose, violets
Metals: bronze, copper
Lucky days: Friday Saturday
Bad days: tuesday, sunday
Lucky numbers: 2, 6 and everything that is divisible by 6; 7, 8, 9, 15
Country: Austria, Caucasus, China, Russia (Siberia), Thailand, Japan

general characteristics


People of this sign have good looks. Moreover, in the beauty of the ladies, masculine notes are often caught. And, conversely, in men - women. The physique is rather plump than skinny. This does not mean that all Libras are overweight. They just don't have bony, rather bends.

As for the face, it is vague here. Often there are dimples, signs of Venus. Even if they are not, then surely someone in the family had them. The facial features are pleasant, medium-sized. The smile is gentle, slightly mysterious. Serenity and tranquility reign on the face.


They have a calm, light, balanced character. Before reaching this balance, they rush for a long time, get nervous. Peace is above all for them. Often, fate will deign to them. They do not have to put in much effort to achieve harmony and peace in life. They are loved by those around them for their good-natured and cheerful disposition. Sociable.

They are sickened by rudeness, complications, clarification of relationships, quarrels, disagreements. That is, anything that can disturb their peace. Libra is inherent in duality: along with a positive trait, there is a negative one. The mind coexists with naivety, slowness with haste.

Being in harmony, they present others with smiles and a friendly disposition. Otherwise irritable, angry, stubborn.

They also successfully combine total laziness and increased efficiency. They can show passivity, apathy for weeks, so that after a day they can do everything quickly, catching up on lost time. A very controversial sign.

They love to argue, to express a point of view opposite to yours. They prefer to leave the last word for themselves, no matter how ridiculous and illogical it would be. The same goes for their shortcomings. If you dare to express them in their face, they will vehemently deny them, even if your reasons are not groundless.

Libras are showing an increased interest in art. In painting, they do not like bright colors, rather restrained, bed tones. Among them there are often connoisseurs, gourmets, connoisseurs of wines and gourmet dishes.

They have the ability to concentrate on something, to penetrate the essence. They tend to think over everything for a long time and carefully, showing indecision, slowness.


Libra is usually distinguished by good health and psyche. The main problem is overeating. Up to gluttony. Too much interest in alcohol. From here. Liver, stomach, kidney problems, headaches.

Libra man

Libras are unreliable people. Today they may think this way, but tomorrow they may think differently. Today he meets with you, and tomorrow he may fall in love with another. The same goes for friendship. Falling in love with him, you will be completely absorbed in his being, his thoughts and desires.

Love is of great importance to them, even the most important one. Their interest in this phenomenon does not disappear right up to the grave. Unsurprisingly, Libra men are usually surrounded by many people of the opposite sex. With their indecision, they can inflict deep wounds, tormenting and tormenting fans with guesses and hopes.

Becoming his companion, you will have a desire to surround him with care and attention, which you will not expect from him. He doesn't think too much about how you feel. His behavior, smelling of indifference, will often give you negative emotions. In a romantic relationship, they are too rational. He is not very well versed in the spiritual side of relationships. Sometimes he can be mistaken for a callous person. If you seek protection from him, it remains to be seen whether you will receive it. He will begin to analyze everything, look for the truth and it is not surprising if you find yourself to be guilty and do not find the expected support.

Libra is not characterized by a violent curiosity about the analysis of actions. They prefer to analyze more abstract things and phenomena.
Do not forget that Libra values ​​beauty and beauty. You have to look good. Anytime and anywhere. Your home should be the same. Food should be tasty and appetizing and of high quality. Libra is a foodie. Even at home, you should look good, while he can calmly walk around in some flaw. Do not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction.

Libra makes good fathers. Calm, balanced. In the first place for him is the spouse, and then the children.

Libra men in bed
This is exactly the case when they say that looks are deceiving. In appearance, this can be a rather thin man. However, in bed, his hidden and hitherto unknown to you his possibilities are revealed. A real hurricane.

This is a lover who does not tolerate haste. He is a supporter of erotic games, long introductions. Sexual intercourse for him is not just intercourse, but an organic tandem of the spiritual and physical sides.

In general, Libra men adhere to liberal views. Easily charm women.

Famous Libra men: M.Yu. Lermontov, Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ivan Bunin, Nicholas Roerich, Sergei Yesenin, Michael Douglas, Savely Kramorov, Will Smith, Matt Damon, Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Bezrukov, Alexander Mikhailov, Marcelo Mastroiani, Alexander Bashirov, Oleg Effilov , Egor Beroev.

Libra women

These women are careful, smart. They are often light, airy. The voice is gentle and smooth, like the ringing of a bell. However, masculine notes will still be present. Likes to wear trousers. It's comfortable. When necessary, she will appear in a luxurious dress with a deep neckline. They adapt to any situation: they look great both at the holiday and in the garden. Hard and dirty work is diligently avoided.

Likes to take part in an argument. In the process of discussion, he can defend an opinion, the author of which is not. It is not the topic of the dispute that is important, but its process. Her charm and smiles can make you take her side.

Libra is prone to analysis, they can be an excellent support for the husband, helping him to solve important problems. Therefore, the spouses treat them with deep respect.
The scales continue to work even after acquiring the status of a wife. She doesn't like to sit around her neck. She strives to earn money in order to spend it on herself, on improving the house, on her husband, children. The home environment reflects her excellent taste. She is an excellent hostess. Knows how to cook perfectly. The meal is carried out using the best dishes.

These ladies love delicious food. They love all kinds of delicacies and sweets. But appreciating beauty and harmony, he will be able to pull himself together, eat rationally, go on a diet, and go in for sports.

In addition, the Libra woman is a great mother. Her children are always clean and tidy. They will receive love, warmth, and wonderful upbringing from their mother. Don't worry about fading into the background after the babies are born. You come first for her.

Libra women in bed
This woman loves to wear clothes that can arouse the male gaze. It is likely that a woman in a transparent blouse will be born under the sign of Libra. She loves her body, loves to admire it. Therefore, do not mind making love in front of a mirror, where she could see her body. It is possible that she will enter the bedroom in a beautiful transparent or translucent robe. She makes a lot of efforts to seduce, attract attention. A real coquette, although this is not always admitted. In this regard, she is a real woman.

Doesn't like rudeness. Don't attack her like an animal. Better to be approached with care and affection. A slow massage from the buttocks to the shoulder blades will also bring pleasure. You can induce her affection by expressing admiration for any part of her body.

Famous Libra women: Sarah Bernhardt, Marina Tsvetaeva, Monica Bellucci, Brigitte Barteau, Catherine Deneuve, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chulpan Khamatova, Morion Cotillard, Romy Schneider, Inna Churikova, Elena Korikova.

Larisa Tsareva

It is believed that people born under the sign of Libra are as balanced and balanced as the symbol of their horoscope. But is it really so? Consider what is the characteristic of a Libra woman according to the sign of the zodiac, and what qualities and traits are inherent in her. The sages of the oldest astrological science claim that this is one of the most sensual zodiacs. Libra women are characterized by inner charm, grace, gentleness, sophistication, romance. Venus herself patronizes them, endowing them with the power of love spells. Such ladies are able to fall in love with men at first sight. They have exquisite taste and know how to present themselves. Libra girls often have an attractive appearance and a beautiful figure. Literate and wise by nature, they are good conversationalists and great listeners.

The sign belongs to the air element, therefore the character of the Libra girl is as changeable as the breeze on a summer evening. And this is the negative side of the zodiac. It is not always easy for a person to make a choice. Having decided something in the morning, in the evening the Libra lady can change her mind and begin to suffer from it. Fair and honest incapable of betrayal she very often acts to her detriment, fearing to hurt other people.

Libra is not characterized by greed, commercialism, greed. They are highly motivated and can be agile in business and work. But even if they achieve financial success, they do it in an exceptionally honest way, without deceiving or substituting others.

They are often disliked in a team for their straightforwardness and truthfulness.

Many people come to such women for advice and support. Their noble nature allows them to correctly resolve many conflicts. But thanks to their mercy and desire to help, Libras often find themselves in the center of other people's events, to the detriment of their time and deeds. They say that initiative is punishable, and the zodiac often tests a proverb in life. For their desire to be useful, they sometimes get stabs in the back, and attackers can simply take advantage of their kindness and trust.

Libra women have inner charm and grace

The injustice happening in the world and the bustle around sometimes throw Libra girls out of balance. To gain strength and recover, they need to be alone, away from noise and pressing problems. The best recreation for the zodiac is nature walks. But despite the external fragility and vulnerability, Libra has an internal core. It is he who allows them to rise after any falls and move on no matter what.

Compatibility in the relationship of Libra women with other signs of the zodiac

A lady born under the sign of Libra is the very embodiment of femininity. For life, she needs a man who will take care of her and protect her from adversity. Then her best qualities appear, and she literally blooms. If a girl develops a relationship with a weak man, then she takes on too many worries and turns into a "draft horse".

In love, the Libra lady is inclined to idealize her chosen one, and excessive sentimentality sometimes prevents her from seeing the true face of her partner. Love for such people is the main priority in life. Without her, they do not accept relationships and, moreover, marriage. Having found "her man", a woman becomes for him not only a lover, but also best friend.

The Libra woman knows how to skillfully balance between home and career, she is a wonderful mother and a good housewife.

So, what signs of the zodiac are compatible with Lady Libra:

Zodiac signsLove compatibilityMarriage compatibilityCompatible in
Capricorn AverageLowHigh
Aquarius HighHighHigh
Fishes AverageAverageAverage
Aries HighAverageAverage
Taurus AverageAverageAverage
Twins HighHighHigh
Crayfish AverageLowAverage
a lion HighHighHigh
Virgo AverageLowAverage
Scorpion AverageAverageLow
Sagittarius HighHighHigh
scales AverageAverageHigh

The Gemini, Leo man is most suitable for Libra women, a good union is obtained with Aries and Sagittarius.

Libra has a complex and ambiguous relationship with Sagittarius and Capricorn. With men, who were also born under the sign of Libra, the ladies do not have the best compatibility, although it would seem that they are similar in character, and this should bring them closer. In such an alliance, indeed, all the advantages are doubled, but also cons are multiplied by two.

Libra women are best suited for a Gemini or Leo man.

Libra woman: characteristics and compatibility in bed

Libra girls do not diminish the importance of sex in relationships. For them, intimacy is a sphere where people not only get physical pleasure, but also open up and get to know each other even more.

A woman of this sign is attracted by the intellect and inner world of a man. She cannot be seduced by sweet words and looks. If she is not interested in a person, then she will not go to bed with him.

For Libra, the atmosphere of intimacy is also very important. They love to do everything beautifully, romantically, clean and comfortable. You can not even hope that the lady of this zodiac will agree to have sex anywhere. She likes it when a man looks after and takes good care of her.

The Libra girl is a very gentle, passionate and sensual lover, but she fully manifests herself in intimacy only if she feels reciprocity from her partner. To a loving man will not be bored with such a lady in bed, she is open to experiments and will delight, surprise her chosen one with new images of herself. She expects the same return from her partner, and if she encounters rudeness, disrespect and consumerism in bed, she will never tolerate it.

If a woman considers her partner to be a bad lover, then she may well break up with him, no matter how ideal their relationship is.

Libra never fully reveals itself to a loved one, allowing him to gradually know himself, over and over again discovering something new. Harmoniously combining mental abilities, femininity, soulfulness, such women literally captivate men becoming the most desirable and charming.

For Libra, the most ideal man in bed compatibility is Gemini. Relationships in the intimate sphere with Aquarius and Sagittarius are harmoniously developing. Libra can have a very passionate love affair with Aries, but the relationship will be more about chemistry than deep love.

Charming Libra women literally captivate men

How to conquer and how to conquer a Libra girl?

The woman of this zodiac knows her worth. She will never enter into a serious relationship with a man morally weaker than herself, but she will not allow herself to prevail over herself. She needs someone she can admire.

Possessing a sense of beauty and delicate taste, the girl will evaluate the guy in all respects, from the ability to dress and gentlemanly qualities, to his manner of speech and worldview. She will not allow her partner to invade her personal space. Those who wish to conquer her need to be tactful in communication.

It is not difficult for a Libra woman to seduce a man, she loves flirting and is not shy. But it will not be easy for a man to fall in love with such a girl. And the point here is more in herself. Libras do not always know exactly what they want, they are not always sure of their feelings and decisions. Sometimes they too demanding of men and overly capricious.

To win the heart of the Libra lady, the guy should definitely show more ingenuity. These girls do not accept banality and boredom. They often choose versatile men with a good sense of humor, charisma, excellent manners, kind and romantic, and at the same time courageous and ambitious. They are attracted by a certain mystery, a sense of mystery. If a person is smart enough to reveal himself "in small pieces", maintaining intrigue in a relationship, he can have no doubt that will fall in love with Libra.

Libra always pays attention to the status of a man, his activities, and will never contact unpromising, insecure people

To please such a lady, a man should show gallantry and in no case be rude in her presence. The “conqueror” should be prepared for the fact that today his chosen one admires like a child a daisy plucked from someone else's garden, and tomorrow, on a grand scale, throws the diamond ring presented to her into the river. Too much desire of a guy to please a girl may be mistaken for weakness.

She will give her heart to the man who will make her feel like a goddess, but at the same time will not be under her thumb.

Libra girls hate banality and boredom in relationships.

How can a man understand that a Libra girl is in love?

This is not the type of women who immediately "blur" in the presence of the object of their love and throw themselves on his neck. A Libra lady in love is unlikely to reveal herself and her feelings until she is sure that everything is mutual, and the man can be trusted. Most women of this sign are smart, and understand that sometimes people manipulate each other, playing on strong feelings and affection. Libra will not allow themselves to be used, so they are often careful. But they will not miss their "prey" either.

You can understand that a girl born under the sign of Libra is in love by her behavior: she flirts, smiles, tries to be around more often, looks for meetings and conversations, but she does it all very subtly and in two ways. She always keeps herself ways to go back, if suddenly something in the relationship does not suit her.

She will willingly accept courtship and gifts, agree to a date. The lady will not pretend to be an unapproachable beauty, she will make contact. Libras are romantic and ready to give their love object pleasant moments, touching words, sometimes even writing poems or songs.

Libra girl in love flirts and smiles a lot, looking for meetings and conversations

Libra considers love a priority in life, they are born in these energies and will never deny themselves pleasure. enjoy wonderful feelings, but only with those men who are considered worthy of themselves. Having lost the love and trust of such a woman, it will be impossible to return her.

Libra will not forgive betrayal and will not accept a secondary role.

What gift is suitable for a Libra woman, how to surprise and delight her?

The Libra woman is endowed with good taste and it should be noted right away that giving her outright "vulgarity" is not worth it. She will appreciate good perfume, jewelry, branded clothing. But this does not mean that all gifts must necessarily be expensive. You can please a girl with a soft toy, a funny souvenir, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers to please a girl with a "puppy" delight.

If a woman's hobbies and hobbies are known, then gifts from these areas will always come in handy. A man who wants to surprise his beloved will achieve his goal if he gives her a romantic evening on a yacht or on the roof of a skyscraper, a trip, unforgettable days in a cozy country house in nature.

An unforgettable trip will be a great gift for a Libra woman.

Libra can be presented with anything related to beauty and femininity: cosmetics, certificates in beauty salons, stylish accessories. They value comfort and convenience, and modern functional home appliances will also be a good choice for them.

Many ladies gravitate towards art and will be insanely happy with tickets to the theater, to a rare concert or a unique exhibition.

Libra is very grateful and will sincerely rejoice at any gifts, apart from the obvious bad taste and cheap imitations.

Summing up, it should be said that positive and negative traits balance at the same level in Libra. They masterfully combine ice and fire, strength and weakness, good and evil. Which cup and at what moment will outweigh, largely depends on the person in contact with Libra - what he brings to the world of the zodiac, he will receive from him. To see more good, good and positive from this sign, you need to project this yourself.

May 29, 2018 1:16 pm

General characteristics.

Women born under this sign are distinguished by their beauty and graceful appearance, aversion to everything unattractive. They have a natural sense of beauty, understand manners and clothes, the intricacies of fashion, expensive perfumes, love exquisite jewelry and strive to surround themselves with luxury. The Libra woman admires beauty in all its forms: in music, art, architecture and people. The place where she lives is always elegant.

She is extremely picky about men: she picks up a gentleman just like a diamond on her hand - to set off her own beauty. At the same time, she has the ability to self-criticize. She wants her image to meet high standards and will make the necessary adjustments to it. It is not surprising that Libra women are considered the standard of charm.
There is no denying her penchant for impermanence. She tries to seduce any attractive man she meets, and having achieved her goal, she will willingly go to meet new victories.
With rare exceptions, her affections are superficial and short-lived. Her intimate life is mainly built on the principle "out of sight - out of mind!"
Since Venus rules this sign, Libra women are proficient in the art of love. However, do not forget about her aversion to anything unattractive. If you are in bad shape (saggy belly, flabby biceps and chest muscles requiring a bra), be sure to turn off the lights before you decide to take off your clothes, otherwise your friend will suddenly have a migraine, or worse, she will simply run into the bath and hide there. ... One woman of this sign came to me, indignant why I had not warned her about a man who was supposed to become her lover. I didn't understand what she meant. Their signs were compatible, he is a tall, interesting man, a successful lawyer, she was pleased with his company. Then she told me how, on their first night, she found his erect penis taking on the shape of a boomerang, expecting to see a graceful pink rod, she saw something thick at the base and tapering towards the end, with swollen blood vessels and a purple head. Most women would close their eyes to this physical disability, taking into account all the positive qualities, but not Libra women!
She prefers artistic natures: actors, singers, writers, artists, musicians, and not businessmen. Libra, sharp enough on the tongue, explains it this way: "As I understand it, God created businessmen only because he needed people to do boring, monotonous work on earth."
The woman of this sign is most often interested in men not as such, but as much as they are able to admire her. She may need a man to satisfy her "ego". The Libra woman is focused on herself, so any environment for her, this precious stone, is just a frame.
She will not be in a hurry: it’s useless to say that the appointment is at half past seven, and now it’s already a quarter to eight - she will not react and will not come off her lipstick until the final touch is made. In the end, for a woman of this sign, social events are just an opportunity to show off a shining star on them.
When things don't go the way she wants, she can become petty and irritable. The Libra woman expects perfection and tends to exaggerate the mistakes and shortcomings that prevent it from achieving. A cavalier who stutters about money ceases to exist for her.
In her opinion, money is needed in order to spend it, and not in order to talk about it. Such conversations are boring for Libra. This woman is interested in money as a means of buying beautiful things: hair clips inlaid with emeralds, a chinchilla boa, Dom Perignon champagne ... She herself does not care about the despicable metal.
She loves reading pleasant books, watching movies with a happy ending, living in an apartment decorated with flowers, listening to soothing music. Balanced and calm, she sometimes becomes irresistibly lively. These periods of euphoria are offset by "deep down" - periods when she sees everything in black.
The woman of this sign strives for perfection in small things. The tiniest sign of confusion will make her feel agitated. This is the same person who would rearrange the deck chairs in the proper order on the Titanic when the ship went down.
Don't try to order her. She will not obey. If you insist, you will run into her stubbornness, and the more you push, the more she will resist. Politeness and calm persuasiveness of speech - this is what will help you negotiate with the Libra woman.
Charming, very feminine, she is also smart, artistic. At unfavorable moments in her life, she is indecisive and suffers in anticipation of support, a strong patron, like a blind man looking for his guide dog.

Her sex life

The key word here is drama. When a Libra woman takes her first steps in a body-hugging sheer nightgown, she will make sure that the light falls on her from behind. She will carefully prepare the stage for making love. This woman enjoys the reaction of her lovers, loves their enthusiastic confessions about how much pleasure they got by making love to her ..
She prefers a long, languid prelude. Indeed, why rush? The night is made for love.
She enjoys all forms of manifestation of love, including verbal. A woman of this sign will appreciate a few lines of a love sonnet if you can read them confidently without stuttering. She understands that seduction is an art, and real sex is a celebration for two.
A Libra woman is confident in her sex appeal and will try to accentuate and use it in unexpected ways. She knows very well how to prepare for a night of love (for example, rubbing aromatic oils into her skin or using a special powder). I knew one woman of this sign who shaved her pubic hair in the shape of a small heart with her lover's initials in the center. A Libra woman can attach strings of beads around her waist, which will make sensual sounds with every movement of her hips.
I advise you to arrange a mirrored ceiling in your bedroom or consider special lighting. She loves it when her partner voluptuously massages her bare back, lifting slowly from the buttocks to the shoulder blades, then she turns and asks to do the same with her breasts.
Venus, patronizing women of this sign, is also the "mistress of the Venus flytrap", so the Libra woman has an extraordinary ability to control the vaginal muscles. She can loosen and tighten her grip again, to her (and his!) Pleasure. One woman of this sign brought men to orgasm without using any muscles other than vaginal ones.
If you've spent the night together, don't wake her up for breakfast: she loves to sleep. At a champagne brunch, you can tell her all about that wonderful night you spent with her. You can offer shower games, but don't pull the curtain; she likes to see herself reflected in the mirror on the opposite wall.
Be careful to keep your hands away from her hair during oral sex. She is especially sensitive to any touch in the head area.
Never act like an animal. If you find the right approach, your partner will never say no. But she won't let you get close if you act like a boar during your "friend's" heat.
Her body may be in need of sexual excess, but her mind requires moderation. Never try to seduce a woman of this sign in a car - you will waste time, and possibly your girlfriend!
She is a real woman, one of those who adores transparent blouses and rejects bras, trying to walk so that her breasts flutter under her clothes. You can argue with your buddy that the woman who lost her swimsuit top on the beach was born under the sign of Libra. You will win this argument for sure. And here is the woman sitting opposite you on the bus, in a skirt so short that panties are intriguingly visible from under her. Ask her what sign she was born under. She will confirm your guess.
The Libra woman is ready to share her beauty with everyone who knows how to appreciate her. She adores her body and knows that it deserves admiration. Flaunting naked (perhaps by an open window), she invites you to admire her adorable ass, soft lines running from the belly to the crotch, thick pubic hair. It is completely clear to her that you will not be able to resist the temptation to touch, caress all these "delicious things".
In women of this sign, you can often notice a tendency to narcissism - a state when she is excited from her own body. The difference between narcissism and masturbation is psychological: the first is a manifestation of love for one's own body, while the second is the process of obtaining purely physical pleasure.
Libra women are eccentric. Rest assured, no other woman knows as many options for sex games as women of this sign. One of them inserted a silk scarf into her partner's anus. When his arousal reached its highest point, she pulled out the scarf, which led her lover to a grandiose orgasm. She later told me that she had "perfected" this method. She made several knots on the scarf, and when she pulled it out, these knots stimulated new waves of orgasm in her partner. Another woman of this sign used a vibrator with which she touched her man's anus at a critical moment. In doing so, he experienced extraordinary pleasure. Another (believe it or not) has come up with a way to increase arousal during oral sex. She took the testicles of her lover into her mouth and at the same time began to hum, this intensified the vibration, and if he was also talking or singing at that time, then he sent the vibration back to her, this led both to a state of tremendous ecstasy.
You can be calm: the Libra woman will find a way to double, or even triple, pleasure!
She is popular with male fetishists, in particular among representatives of the category of fetishism, known as partialism, that is, an addiction to any one part of the body. She sympathizes with men who have a passion for her hair, hands, toes, knees, or her name. Why not? If it is perfect itself, then all its parts must be perfect.

General characteristics.

He was born under the sign of Libra, therefore he strives for balance and harmony. Life is like a swing - up and down. But he will run from one end to the other, trying to establish balance. With a sensitive nature, he is happy when the world around him is in order and peace.
Men of this sign, as a rule, cannot be attributed to the athletic type, and participation in spectacular sports will not give them pleasure. Offer the Libra man board games - chess or trick-trak - and you will see that his interest in them is much greater.
He is an interesting conversationalist and expects the same from you, so be careful. If you confuse Picasso with Beethoven, before meeting a Libra man, you will have to flip through an encyclopedia.
He is kind, has a keen sense of justice, loves to play by the rules and gives everyone their due. He is well-mannered, tactful, with a finely developed sense of humor. Peaceful and loving by nature, he may resent the sight of injustice.
In business, he is excellent at maintaining good relations with partners and subordinates. His nature seeks to compromise, to reconcile opposing sides. Since it is difficult for him to make an unambiguous and irrevocable decision, he prefers to postpone all difficult problems for later. Often he needs a partner to do an unpleasant, thankless job, such as informing an incompetent employee that he has been fired.
In business negotiations, he prefers to make decisions based on the conclusions of a team of specialists, possibly an arbitration panel. Of course, he would like to be part of it. There is no one who could smooth out all contradictions, relieve tension and calm the raging passions better than Libra. For this is the essence of the nature of a man of this sign: to go to the goal in his own way, but at the same time avoid personal problems.
If things are not going the way he would like, you may suddenly find behind his external rationality, honesty and patience
a completely different person. Libra men have a very developed intuition, so do not try to deceive them.
You can throw dust in his eyes, but this will only give you time to close your eyes and sneeze. He sees the essence of things, and when it is necessary to understand the reasons, he acts with the efficiency of an X-ray machine.
He does not always give vent to feelings. He hates scandals.
Men of this sign love architecture, painting, music, theater and beautiful women. They use their charm as a means of courtship. And although they have many ways to seduce a woman, they have some problems in relationships with the opposite sex. When a partner is ready, he is not always sure whether he can satisfy her.
The reason for his indecision is in carefully weighing the moment. Everything should be perfect. The slightest bit of doubt makes him get down to business from the beginning. Some girls like it, usually those who enjoy the peculiarities of prolonged torture.
Don't give up hope. Explain to your beloved what you need, and he will immediately be inspired. If your friend was born under the sign of Libra, you've already noticed that the night spent in bed with him is not a waste of time.
The Libra man is determined to please his girlfriend - even if it takes all night!
In love with him, you can count on more pleasure than he himself. He thinks sex is great for both. He has the patience to satisfy. Leave a soft light and don't be rude and vulgar. All that you
what you need to do is explain when, how and what you want from him. You will see that he is ready to do everything for you.
The Libra man easily "responds to praise and flattery. You can cajole him with a few well-chosen compliments. He does not like to hurt and therefore very often finds himself at the mercy of aggressive women.
He can become an obedient toy for a woman who knows what she needs from him. A man of this sign easily falls in love and hardly gets out of love traps. One of the reasons is his aversion to heightened emotionality. A woman who decides to stage a scene for him may consider the argument won even before it starts.
He begins to be interested in the opposite sex at a fairly early age and continues this hobby all his life. But he is also a good family man. It is very easy to make him fall in love. However, you will have to make all the preparations for the wedding yourself, without relying on it. He doesn't like to worry about details because they disturb his peace of mind.
A Libra man will be absolutely happy if you show an even, without excessive emotionality, character. Sometimes it is difficult for him to distinguish friendship from love, but he is the owner. Do not flirt with other men with him!
He prefers women with long hair and slightly damp lips, who know how to dress well.
Warning: if your dress looks like it's very easy to take off you, it will be very difficult for him to distract himself from this thought.

His sex life

While it is true that you should be proactive, keep in mind that the Libra man is eager to please you and nothing is impossible for him. He always cares if you have an orgasm. And with the right attitude, he can become the perfect lover. Use your fingertips. He will respond perfectly if you lightly stroke his testicles.
"However, be patient: if you make an attempt to rush your lover, his sexual organ will come out of an erection. There is nothing worse for an excited woman.
His discretion and slowness can work wonders if you relax and enjoy.
The combination of skillful loving acts and the provision of complete freedom will probably give you complete satisfaction. The man of this sign is well acquainted with the characteristics of the female body, has an active erotic imagination and correct intuition.
Do not judge a Libra man by his fragile physique - he is very hardy. It flares up slowly, it burns for a long time, and, most likely, you will be the first to shout "enough!"
He likes everything in sex, except for any manifestations of vulgarity. He knows how to caress a woman's body. By the time he undresses his partner, she is already ready for love. In the preliminary game, the Libra man is patient, gentle, impressionable. And more importantly, at this stage, he will not "short circuit", at least until you know a whole world of new delightful sensations. In the act of love, he is persistent, enduring and has much more strength than any woman could need.
Sex for him is a holistic experience, not just acrobatic tricks in bed. He thinks about your pleasure when he bites your chest, sucks on your toes, runs his tongue along the inner thighs. When his fingertips touch your clitoris, he thinks only of what delightful experiences are taking possession of you right now. A favorite technique used by Libra men is to gently touch the area between the vagina and the anus with the lips. THESE. gentle touches cause rapid breathing in many of the fair sex.
If you are the type of woman who can relax and have fun without these caresses - I wish you good luck! If you feel that you need to speed up the pace, take the initiative, but do it tactfully, do not order the Libra man in bed.
Forgotten to take your birth control pills and you don't have anything suitable on hand? The Libra man is smart enough. He will not mind masturbation, oral sex, he can come between your breasts or even in your armpit. Anything, as long as it pleases both you and him. But he wants to know exactly what is expected of him. He is ready for almost anything, provided that everything is explained to him in advance.
The Libra man is prone to frequent partner changes. Since his feelings do not differ in depth, most of his connections with women are superficial. He does not see anything wrong with having two (or more) love relationships at the same time.
The man of this sign observes with curiosity the erotic games of others. And he enjoys group scenes, whether they are only men, only women, or both. He can hang the mirror at the right angle and thus observe his own lovemaking. Or he will ask his partner to join him in a mask, creating the illusion of the presence of two strangers.
The Libra man loves to paint the body. He uses small brushes to paint certain areas on his body or that of his partner, which brings a certain erotic pleasure. Some men born under this sign record their conversations during sex on a tape recorder and then listen to the recording so as not to miss a single sound.
Libras have a keen interest in everything elegant and indulge in exotic forms of excitement with pleasure.
Men of this sign know how to charm women. There are many more pimps among them than among other signs. Many are homosexual or bisexual.
As a rule, this is an easy and free nature in all matters of sexual intercourse. If his partner wants to sleep with another man or woman, he won't mind. He likes to be in the middle of a triple love union, interacting with two other partners.
Because of the frequent voluntary abstinence, men of this sign tend to masturbate. Quite common among them is masturbation with excitement from looking at photographs of women in furs and jewelry. Once a man of this sign told me that he took his wife's fox coat, locked himself in the bathroom with her and tickled his sexual organ with fur until he was ready for orgasm. Another man liked to go into the bathroom while his girlfriend was there, and began to masturbate right in front of her.
Others prefer to have physical contact with objects that have a hole, or those in which one can be made. I've heard of donuts, fruit, toilet rolls and sponges. I am sure that the Libra men themselves can complete this list.

First steps

Libra needs admiration. Don't spare compliments. Put them on a gold tray and wear them for a long, long time, but don't overdo it. You should be sincere and not use a standard set of phrases, as, for example, one man did when he praised the beauty of the hands of a photo model who worked in commercial television and heard such compliments a thousand times. Tell a witty man of this sign about his physical merits, and a beautiful woman about her mind. Thus, you will not, like a parrot, repeat what has been said more than once long before you.
If you are looking for a topic to start a conversation, then try one of the current events. Know how to defend your point of view. Libras may disagree, but they won't refuse to listen. They are too interested in knowing two points of view.
One hint: They tend to side with the loser in their sympathies. They sympathize with socially disadvantaged groups and various kinds of minorities.
Don't forget: Libra loves luxury. If you are going to make a gift, remember that only real silver, 14-carat gold, crystal, diamonds, French champagne will do. The Libra woman loves jewelry.
When you're about to have some fun, throw away those vulgar thoughts of high prices. Invite your Libra-born partner to a fine restaurant, great show, concert, or art gallery. Show that you have good taste too.

The last steps

This connection is easy to end, as there are so many ways to get a Libra out of balance.
Stop monitoring your weight and clothes, make dates in noisy and crowded places, chat about insignificant trifles, get involved in arguments.
Complain that they are wasting money lightly. Insist on being in control of their spending.
Present them with complaints about their lack of punctuality and inability to fulfill anything by a strict deadline. Open their mail: For Libra, this invasion of their privacy is a particularly hard, unforgivable insult.
Stop complimenting. Prepare food from convenience foods. Change your bed sheets less often. When you make love to them, try to speed up the process: really, why bother?
Be overcritical. If Libra, as always, will react tolerantly, then tell them that they are so open to different opinions that, just look, their brains will fall out.
Scold them for their poor cooking: Libras are especially proud of their culinary skills. Tell them their Wellington-style steak is real Waterloo.
If the breakup procedure is too long, then here is the most effective recipe: in the midst of another quarrel, apply (light!) Physical impact.

Erogenous zones

The most sensitive area in Libra is the sacrum and buttocks. Normally, when dancing or even walking, gently place your fingers on Libra's waist. In more intimate moments, place your palms on your bare buttocks and, gently pressing, massage them in a circular motion, and then, going from bottom to top, back along the spine, then return your palms to their original position. The scales will literally climb the wall with pleasure!
If we are talking about a Libra man, try to press your nipples against your lower back - and he will not need any other encouragement!
For all Libras, the glute is a highly active erogenous zone. Libra women love it when this place is stroked, caressed, patted and playfully pinched - this makes them excited. She also really enjoys making love in such positions when she is in every sense available to her lover from behind, such as, for example, during intercourse in the anus. Libra, women and men, also respond positively to more aggressive influences - sharp palm slaps or whipping. By the way, Libra can often be recognized by their well-defined, rounded buttocks.

Compatibility with other signs.

Libra and Aries

This connection suffers from open contradictions. Aries is aggressive and restless, and Libra strives for perfection and needs peaceful partners. The fundamental dissimilarity of temperaments inevitably leads to quarrels. A purely sexual relationship, however, will be good. Forecast: great bedroom and bad living room; in a word, romance is likely, and marriage is very unlikely.

Libra and Taurus

Taurus is too earthy, and for a romantic Libra, his sense of ownership is too developed. Soon, Libra may be in the company of a jealous partner. However, at the physical level, their "frequencies" are the same, and this works for them. Libra is tolerant and understanding and can handle the temperament and stubbornness of a Taurus. However, Libra's frivolity will infuriate Taurus. A lot of fun, but little chance of a lasting union.

Libra and Gemini

It is difficult for both of them to step on the throat of their songs. Love moves the world, but this couple will shove and push the world on its own. Otherwise, however, they match perfectly: both passionate, non-jealous and alien feelings of possessiveness. They have many similarities in character, and as partners in bed, they are just perfect. A wonderful romance and a happy marriage.

Libra and Cancer

Cancer can be overly critical, especially about Libra's extravagance. Cancer stays close to home, and Libra loves to wander. Cancer is a practical hoarder, Libra is impulsive and loves everything that costs money. There are few points of contact here. Deeply feeling, gullible Cancer will be shocked by the inconstancy and emotional superficiality of Libra. Tolerable connection, but intolerable marriage.

Libra and Leo

Each of them gives the other what is needed: Leo is passionate, Libra is demonstrative, and both are fixated on sex. It will be a constant fireworks display in the bedroom. However, when "egos" collide, Libra should give in, which will not be difficult with their tendency to compromise. A whirlwind romance may well turn into a wonderful marriage.

Libra and Virgo

Virgo lives strictly according to the rules, and this does not suit Libra. There are other antagonisms: Virgo is tight-fisted, and finances may interest her more than sex, and this, from the point of view of Libra, is completely unforgivable. Virgo can also be boring and critical, even dictatorial. All this is intolerable for Libra, and they will soon begin to seek solace on the side. A fragile bond and a very difficult marriage.

Libra and Libra

They react to each other with the same passion. They have a lot in common: mischief, sociability, emotionality, love of beauty and harmony. But when the heat of the first meetings subsides, harsh reality invades the Libra relationship. No one wants to descend from the clouds to a sinful earth, and this can cause discord in sexual relations. Quite a successful connection, but marriage will require more maturity and a more practical approach.

Libra and Scorpio

Scorpio is too jealous for the frivolous Libra. The Scorpio character does not tolerate even light flirting on the part of a partner. The complete uncomplexity of Libra in matters of sex will constantly keep Scorpio at the boiling point. Scorpio must dominate, Libra must cooperate. The physical attraction is great, but the energies generated in this field are explosive in nature. Passionate and stormy connection. And the marriage is the same.

Libra and Sagittarius

Sagittarius has a strong penchant for adventures, and Libra will never be bored with him. Libra flirts will only amuse the tolerant Sagittarius. Sexually, these two signs match well. The only problem is Sagittarius's unwillingness to settle down and in his craving for independence. Libra needs a stable partner and a home (as a reliable reference point). If these signs manage to come to an agreement on these issues, then the forecast is favorable for both short- and long-term relationships.

Libra and Capricorn

Capricorns have a strong physical attraction to Libra, who, in turn, enjoy Capricorn's ability to make money. But Libra's lazy habits infuriate the hard worker-Capricorn, and Libra is in despair from the boring prudence of Capricorn. Capricorn doesn't like Libra's secular lifestyle. There are too many psychological antagonisms for a successful marriage. The connection will be short-lived.

Libra and Aquarius

This couple will do great! Libra will put their trust in Aquarius's guidance on their journey from adventure to adventure together. These signs like social life, both will be drawn into social activities. Having many mutual friends, these partners will give each other freedom in some personal matters. And with sex they will be fine, both in paradise and in the hut! A very sensual connection and a promising marriage.

Libra and Pisces

Complex combination. The tenderness and sensuality of Pisces is exactly what Libra likes. However, Pisces is not at all inclined to dominate, and Libra is reluctant to take on the role of a tough leader, which is required in this case. Libra begins to annoy the obsessive addiction of Pisces, and they, in turn, do not approve of Libra's numerous hobbies on the side. Libra starts to get angry, Pisces drowns in the abyss of despair ... Sad? Yes, a sad prognosis for both a serious romance and marriage.

Source - "Intimate Horoscope" by G. Martinet (Moscow, ROSAD, 1995)

Text: Sasha Gluvein

The constellations under which we were born can influence our character and the choice of a partner. Woman.ru presents a series of articles in which she will tell about the representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

You should not consider this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, getting a general idea of ​​who you need is quite possible. We in no way urge you to ruin an already established relationship if it suddenly turns out that according to this text you are not suitable for each other.

Libra woman

A Libra woman admires beauty in all its forms, from music and architecture to people. She makes very high demands on men, in fact, her companion should perform the same functions as a diamond ring on her finger - to be aesthetically attractive and raise self-esteem. As a rule, the owners of beer bellies and other sports-rejecting personalities disappear even in the quarterfinals. Libra women love creative personalities and are attracted to actors, singers, writers, artists and musicians.

The well-known Buridan donkey, who died of starvation between two armfuls of hay, was probably born under the same zodiac sign. When making a decision (no matter what it is about - what shoes to wear or whom to marry), a Libra woman can fluctuate indefinitely. Sometimes, in order for her to make at least some choice, external intervention is necessary. However, such indecision does not mean a lack of intelligence. This person has an analytical mindset and is “friendly” with logic. The expression "There are two points of view - one is wrong, and the second is mine" - does not apply to Libra in any way, they take into account the opinion of other people, with the opinion of a beloved man - without fail.

"Personal space" for Libra is not just a set of words, so she is unlikely to start rummaging through the pockets of her partner in search of "evidence", check his email or read SMS messages on her mobile phone.

The Libra woman is a chatterbox by nature, she can talk indefinitely, pouring from empty to empty in the absence of some important topic of conversation. There are a lot of extroverts among Libra who pathologically cannot stand loneliness.

She always has a very difficult relationship with money - deep down in her soul, this woman is sure that money was created in order to spend it, although she is not always ready to admit it out loud. By themselves, crisp banknotes are unlikely to bring a woman - Libra into a state of stormy delight, they mean for her the opportunity to acquire something beautiful.

As a rule, a Libra woman knows all her shortcomings and advantages, the latter, with the help of makeup and clothes, she emphasizes very skillfully. In most cases, Libra looks adorable even in simple jeans. True, they are late due to the fact that at first they spend too much time in front of the mirror, thinking about what to wear, and at the last moment they change their mind.

The Libra woman is constantly torn between career and family, she wants to achieve success in both fields at the same time. If she is late at work, then she feels guilty towards her family. If you have to spend some time at home, you will definitely be worried about how they cope without it in the office.

The Libra woman is efficient, but her performance varies during the week. She does not know how to work according to the plan and do “from now to now”, evenly distributing the load: one day she gushes with ideas, on the other she dreams of a vacation in the morning, on the third she is able to make a weekly plan.

Libra woman and sex

The Libra woman prefers a long love prelude. Why rush when nights are made for love? She enjoys every minute of the "erotic introduction" and finds it delightful even to exchange remarks of relevant content.

From the Libra point of view, seduction is an art that requires suitable decorations - a play of light and shadow, a mirror placed on the ceiling, etc. If a Libra woman is confident in her sex appeal, she will emphasize it - sometimes even in very unconventional ways. Libra can spare no time for an intimate design with a heart or a lover's initials, can create a fashionable erotic "ensemble" of clinking bracelets and a naked body, or openly provoke a man without wearing a bra under a transparent blouse.

Women born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by an extraordinary ability to control intimate muscles, some of them are able to bring a man to orgasm, practically without moving. In addition, they believe that sex is an activity for two, and not a man's sport, which includes erotic exercises on a balance beam. So Libra always thinks not only of themselves, but also of their partner. However, crazy sex in an elevator, car or in the forest is not very attractive for this person. The Libra woman will prefer to make love in the bedroom, the second place is taken by the bathroom.

Scales fit

The woman - Libra and the man - Aries - once again prove the correctness of the statement that opposites attract. They complement each other quite well (like the Irish and the riots, cake and cream roses), making together an alliance that can last for years.

A woman - Libra and a man - Leo is a very successful combination, the charming "Weigher" for Leo is the very "trophy" that can be proudly shown to others. However, here we are dealing not only with external harmony - they not only look good, but also feel very comfortable next to each other.

Libra woman and Libra man are able to give each other love, romance and ... balance, which both so desperately need.

A Sagittarius man can make the "Weigher" smile on the first date, to understand that her outlook on life is very consonant with his views on the second, on the third - to seriously think about the wedding. All this time, a Libra woman will enjoy his relaxedness and constant desire to demonstrate his feelings in public. In a word, a bright future awaits them, not darkened by family scandals.

In a man - Aquarius, a woman - Libra can fall in love, if not at first sight, then from the second for sure. Despite the fact that dating can not be called "classics of the genre" (they will come out too eccentric), a long and tender relationship awaits them. To an outside observer, it may seem that these two are only doing what they are quarreling, but in fact they need a verbal skirmish so that love does not become too cloying.

Not the most successful and not the most unfortunate combinations

"Weigher" is unlikely to be able to resist the onslaught of a man - Taurus and will not regret it - sex will be simply divine. The bone of contention can be a different attitude towards the presence / absence of people nearby. The Libra woman is a creature with a pronounced social coloring, while Taurus, as a rule, does not care about others.

A man - a Gemini and a woman - Libra always have something to talk about, but this is unlikely to help them somehow streamline their dating schedule. However, if they nevertheless find themselves "in the same place, at the same hour," the sex will be enchanting. True, despite the mutual attraction, most likely, only sex will be magical, and not the whole short romance.

The relationship between the Weigher and the Cancer man is more reminiscent of a long, difficult job, they are too different. It can take a very long time to find common ground and learn to hear and understand each other. Sometimes too much, so that patience for both ends faster.

If the woman - Libra and the man - Scorpio and manages to overcome the constraint and tension, without which the candy-bouquet stage of the novel probably cannot do, then a relationship may arise between them that claims to be strong.

A man - Pisces and a woman - Libra can walk around the bush for a very long time, not daring to take the first step, but if it is taken, there is a chance for the success of this enterprise.

Scales are not suitable

The Weighing Woman and the Virgo man have catastrophically little in common, except perhaps a very high level of expectations as regards a partner. Despite the good sex, this relationship is unlikely to have a future.

A woman - Libra and a man - Capricorn, although they perfectly "get along" with each other in bed, will constantly sort things out because of money.

Libras are artistic natures, they strive for harmony and value beauty in everything. When it comes to sex, Libras are true to themselves - they are looking for beauty and harmony in sexual relationships. They are attracted by mystery, and often the process of conquest is more important to them than the ending. There, in the finale, marriage and everyday life, and this is mortal boredom for Libra. For those who want a relationship with Libra, it is vital to constantly develop, improve and remain a "prize" that gambling Libra will certainly want to win.

Libra in sex: general characteristics and intimate habits

Libras are always hungry for variety. Often this leads to a series of betrayals, it also happens that Libra meets several people in parallel. This is understandable: Libra is looking for an "ideal" partner, but if they have not met one, they will collect their ideal from several.

As true adventurers, Libra has a habit of pursuing with fervor, and after reaching a goal, leaving that goal in the past. So that your relationship with Libra does not end, let them reach out and seduce you over and over again, keep them in sensual tension. In addition, you need to be one step ahead in spiritual development, otherwise Libra will quickly lose interest in you.

Libra's changeable nature, which does not allow them to choose what they like more, plays an important role in sexual preferences - Libra loves to try new things. Role-playing, reincarnation, spontaneity are Libra's strong point. Learning about sexual practices with your Libra and being ready for intimate discoveries is the key to a harmonious sexual relationship with Libra.

Sexual characteristics of Libra men

Libra men are attractive and charming, many women fall under their spell. Libra in bed is difficult to embarrass something, they are ready for almost anything. Long foreplay, perhaps even some slowness in sex, pleases Libra men. They love to be aware of their every step, gradually igniting passion in their partner. It is important for them not only to enjoy themselves, but also to deliver it to the woman. The Libra man is hardy and, believe me, he has enough strength for everything that he has in mind. Sex for Libra is not just the satisfaction of physiological needs, it is a sensory experience that is given great importance.

For Libra men, entourage is important, they can abstain from sex if the situation or situation, in their opinion, is "inappropriate." What surrounds them should be inspiring. They are relaxed in bed, they are attracted to all sorts of experiments up to threesome sex. Exotic games, mirrors, masks, toys, unusual bed positions, accessories - Libra men love it all. Get involved in his game, maintain interest, offer something unusual, respond with tenderness to tenderness - and you will be able to satisfy the Libra man.

Faithfulness is not a Libra virtue. For them, cheating is a new exciting experience in which they can get fundamentally different impressions. This spurs imagination, and it is so necessary for the sexuality of Libra!

The Libra man is a gentle lover, resourceful and patient. He is caring and sympathetic to issues of restrictions on sexual life, if the girl has reasons for that, finding other ways to get pleasure for both. The main thing for him at this time is to understand what they want from him.

Do not rush him and do not rush yourself - for this man, not only the ending is important, like, for example, Leo, he is also carried away by the process itself. Your impatience can ruin everything, to the point that the man loses interest in what is happening and retires. Another mistake in bed with a Libra man is trying to dominate, order. It will annoy him and turn him away from you.

Erogenous zones, in addition to the "classics" - the back, lower back and buttocks. A playful slap, under the right circumstances, can trigger a more violent reaction than you would expect, and that reaction won't upset you.

Sexual characteristics of Libra women

The Libra woman can charm anyone. There is always a certain theatricality in her appearances that makes an impression on men.

She carefully prepares for the act of love, thinking through her outfit and setting to the smallest detail, and then watches the reaction of her man. The guy she likes should be charmed. To know that she is gorgeous, to see genuine delight in the eyes of her lover is simply necessary for her.

In sex, she will not rush, she expects that they will "conquer" her, and they will do it slowly, sincerely, tenderly and beautifully. She is stimulated by mirrors - if in them she sees something sexy and beautiful, and this is what the views of a man convince her of - this gives her pleasure.

The Libra woman cannot stand rudeness and animal manifestations of passion. Using brute force in sex with her is the worst mistake you can make. For all her relaxedness, she will refuse even if the surroundings seem vulgar to her, such as the back seat of a car.

The main erogenous zone of a Libra woman is her ears. In a figurative sense. She is convinced that she was created to be admired, and she is excited by the words of love and admiration spoken by her partner. Pay homage to each part of your body by naming and touching them.

The Libra woman surrenders to lovemaking recklessly, completely immersing herself in the process, showing rare ingenuity, happily engaging in sexual games or starting her own.

How to satisfy a Libra woman? Play by her rules, admire her, exalt her. She is not a prude and there are practically no restrictions on sex for her. The Libra woman often uses toys, and if there are none, she easily improvises, turning any thing into an object of sexual pleasure. Everything that she does in bed, she does with fiction and her inherent artistry, turning the act of love into an erotic theatrical performance with an inevitable happy ending.

Compatibility: Perfect partner in love and sex

If we talk exclusively about sex, Libra is able to enjoy union with almost any partner. There are nuances with longer relationships.

The most unsuccessful sexual relations in Libra are with Scorpios, a little better, but also rather sad connections with Sagittarius, Capricorns and Virgo. A series of mutual claims and grievances, and sometimes even scandals, do not leave this relationship a chance. With Pisces, sexual relations will be quite bright and short-lived, as well as with Taurus and Cancer.

Ideal compatibility in bed with Libra with representatives of their own sign. But everything is spoiled by their penchant for intrigues on the side. There is a strong attraction between Libra and Aquarius, and if both try, something can come of it. The same goes for unions with Leo and Gemini. With the Libra Gemini, among other things, they have in common looseness and frivolity, with Leo - the love of theatricality in bed and in relationships. Libra's relationship with Aries is quite harmonious, representatives of these signs promise to become a good tandem.

This is general information about Libra sexuality. If you are interested in deeper knowledge in this area, Astro7 experts will help you. First!

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