New Year for the twins. Gemini health horoscope

You need to see what the horoscope for 2018 says - Gemini will become more successful in love! And what will happen to work and finances for your zodiac sign? Find out what the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be like for Gemini!

For Gemini, 2018 will be a landmark year, it will determine your future life for several years to come. The Yellow Earth Dog is very favorable to the wards of Mercury, which means that favorable changes are possible in all areas of life. But you just don’t need to rush in all directions at once, trying to simultaneously arrange your personal life, solve financial issues and achieve career growth. The horoscope advises to focus on one thing, and you will succeed!

In the spring months, you will be charming and able to charm everyone you want - from members of the opposite sex to your own boss. But most of all pleasant surprises will be presented to you by the summer months, or rather July and August. We will not reveal all the secrets in advance, but try to plan your vacation for the end of summer. You can be sure that Yellow Doggy will not disappoint you!

Health and Wellness

The horoscope says that for the representatives of your zodiac sign, 2018 will be very important, so you need to meet it fully armed. However, in the near future your energy potential will not be very high, so try not to waste your energy and save your nerves. Learn to meditate ahead of time. Use them every time you feel extremely tired or seasonally depressed.

People say that all diseases are caused by nerves, and in your case this is more than fair. Don't get irritated over little things and take care of yourself. In January, the risk of injury is increased, be careful (especially in icy conditions). The same applies to Gemini-motorists. We hope you have already changed your “iron horse” into winter tires?

Love and family

For Gemini, the year of the Dog will be so rich in love adventures that you will even feel a slight fatigue from new acquaintances. But how the relationship will develop depends only on you, the horoscope will not help here. After all, you already had to deal with the close attention of numerous boyfriends? In this case, you must know how to keep unwanted admirers away from you!

If you are in an active search for your partner, then the stars advise you to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Sometimes you can find your happiness where you don't expect it. Don't forget to take care of your appearance, because the proverb says that we are always met by our clothes.

According to the Gemini horoscope for 2018, family people will spend the next 12 months in a warm, romantic environment. The time has come to refresh the feelings that involuntarily dull over the years of living together. Go with your soulmate to a resort or on a joint tourist trip to cities and villages. Not enough extreme for you? Try to persuade your partner to skydive or bungee jump with you! A powerful adrenaline rush will be a good catalyst and help bring passion back into your relationship.

Finance, career

Cash receipts will be fairly stable throughout the year, some difficulties may arise only in March and October, but they will not cause you much inconvenience. The only caveat - try not to participate in dubious transactions, as there is a risk of becoming a victim of a scammer.

Gemini businessmen will be able to successfully develop their business, thanks to excellent oratorical skills and the ability to converge with the right people. However, be prepared for the fact that some malicious individuals may try to ingratiate themselves with you. The horoscope recommends carefully checking new acquaintances, especially if they offer you quick and “muddy” enrichment schemes.

For Gemini employees, career growth is possible if you manage to improve your performance and impress your bosses. The Yellow Dog will provide many Geminis with excellent opportunities to change jobs, so if your job does not suit you, then there is an occasion to think about a more suitable business.

You should not focus only on making money. Think about your prospects - what would you like to achieve in the next 3..5 years? It is in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog that you can lay a solid foundation for future happiness! Try to realize your abilities and talents. Focus on your goal and don't get distracted by trifles.

In the spring months, apathy and blues can overcome you. If possible, take a short vacation. For example, you can visit the mystical

Representatives of the sign will have to show leadership qualities in communicating with people and independence. Gemini will need support like no one else, but you are unlikely to have to rely on the support of other people. If you want independence, love and good luck, try to think through your actions and behavior yourself.

2018 will be a difficult but interesting year for Gemini. You can find a way out of the most difficult situation, but you will have to sweat a lot. If earlier luck itself swam into your hands, now nothing will be given to you just like that. You will have to show independence and independence. Try to act on your own, then success will accompany you even in those things that you did not count on before.

For many representatives of the sign, the year of the yellow dog will be the beginning of success, both in personal life and in their careers. If earlier you wanted to meet a nice person who would help solve various difficult issues, now you will learn how to cope with problems yourself in different ways.

For some, fortune will smile in monetary terms. For everything to be in order, try to act in your own interests. Starting in the summer, you will enter a period of change that will change your views on many things. Try to accept the changes and act according to your circumstances. You may have more luck than you expected.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for 2018

2018 will require you to display such qualities as courage, decision-making, independence and independence. Try to identify in yourself leadership qualities and artistic abilities that will help you achieve any goals. The current period will be favorable for those who dream of personal happiness, prosperity and career. If you want to achieve the desired result, act boldly and decisively. Already in the summer months you will see the result and will be able to use it correctly.

In family life, the situation will not change. Circumstances may require you to be independent, courageous and able to make decisions. For those who are still in active search, luck will smile in the spring. You can not only make a few romantic acquaintances, but also find a potential partner in a woman who has not been noticed before.

Family men will have to be patient. You may face jealousy, troubles and conflicts, interference from relatives or those who may be interested in the breakup of your family. Trust and warmth, goodwill will help you cope with all difficulties. But if you decide to leave, do it better in one of the summer months. Then the parting will be calm, and you can remain friends if you want.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for 2018

For you, the coming year promises to be romantic and peaceful. You will not only be able to complete the work you have started and implement your own projects, but also learn something interesting and new. Good luck will smile at you on the road, where you will spend time with very pleasant fellow travelers and interesting interlocutors.

If you want to make a romantic acquaintance and are waiting for true love, then luck will smile at you at the beginning of the month. Most likely, a business acquaintance will gradually become romantic and tender, which can change your life and destiny. For those who dream of children or building relationships with a spouse, the year promises to be a happy one. Already in the spring months, you will be able to achieve what you want.

In a career, a decisive turn will come in early autumn. At this time, your attention will be focused on business. You will take a decisive step and be able to correctly assess your abilities and achieve all the most interesting things. Try to be active and not communicate with those who are not interested in you. Beware of false friends and relatives who may be interested in your affairs and problems. Their interference can greatly harm you, not only in achieving your goal, but also in love.

Born in the Year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

The year will be favorable for all business ventures. Do not be afraid to try something new and interesting, as this will not only increase your professional skills, but will also contribute to success with the opposite sex.

For you, 2018 will be a time of pleasant discoveries, activities and interesting work. If you want to take action and find a new hobby, dream of new opportunities and promotion, take action. An accurate goal will contribute to your work, luck, which you will achieve in a short time. The main thing is not to stop and try everything new and interesting.

Born in the Year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

The year promises to be difficult and conflict if you show stubbornness and fail to negotiate with people correctly. You will have many difficulties, as too many people are opposed to you. It is worth considering your behavior and the scenario for exiting the game. In such a situation, you will be able not only to make the right decision, but also competently and without consequences to resist your enemies, their negative influence.

It is important in such a situation not only to cope with all the difficulties, but also to act decisively and boldly, beautifully and actively. Feeling like a winner, you will be able to face many difficulties. The main thing is not to give vent to your emotions, and act correctly and beautifully. Then success will be on your side, and you will be able to find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

For you, the year promises to be controversial, full of both light and dark streaks. Only those Gemini who have already decided on their family circle, duties and affairs will feel calm in it. For everyone else, it promises to be bright, unpredictable and calm, beautiful and interesting.

However, before luck appears on your horizon, you will have to overcome a lot and come to terms with various obstacles and troubles. The main thing is to act calmly and show yourself in your favorite work from the best side. Intuition, ingenuity and sociability will help you overcome any difficulties.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

It will seem to you that luck has turned its back on you, there are too many troubles for you to feel optimistic and self-confident, but this is not so. Sometimes despair and negative emotions will overwhelm you, but you can find the strength in yourself for activity and pleasant work.

So that luck does not leave you, and everything turns out well and beautifully, act boldly and try to find positive moments even in what is unpleasant for you. Then you can not only correctly navigate the situation, but also find ways to solve any problem and conflict. The main thing is not to lose optimism, no matter how the clouds gather over your head.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

For you, the year will be calm, pleasant and gentle. You do not have to spend a lot of time trying to achieve success or provide for yourself, as luck will go into your hands. In a difficult situation, you can find an easy way out and cope with any difficulties and problems.

The main thing is not to rush, to act calmly and reasonably. Haste can become your biggest enemy, which can ruin your mood and interfere with your plans. Eliminate problems as they arise and try to talk less about your successes to those who may be very jealous of you or turn circumstances not in your favor.

Born in the Year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

This year you will be able to improve your personal life, but in business, various troubles, scandals and problems are possible. You will feel out of place, especially if someone else interferes in your affairs.

If you want to achieve success and fulfill yourself, act decisively, beautifully and brightly. Then a bright streak will come in your life, and you will be able to realize a lot. Show artistry and beauty even in what you are not interested in, and then you will be able to win over many to your side. And this is what will help you not only succeed, but also win the heart of the person you like without any extra effort.

Born in the Year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

The year of the yellow dog will be a test of your courage, the ability to keep your word and behave beautifully. You may encounter unexpected obstacles and troubles that can greatly harm you. So that luck is on your side, try to behave calmly, pushing back obstacles, and then you will feel on the wave of success and love.

Do not stop there: it is likely that you will be able to behave correctly even in the most difficult situation and find an unexpected and correct solution. Success will come unexpectedly one of the autumn days, when you no longer hope for anything. Therefore, do not lose hope for the best even in the most difficult moments.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

The year will be neutral for you. Both success and failure will depend entirely on you. Many Gemini will get the opportunity to show independence and make important decisions in their personal lives or activities.

In work, the success of your actions will depend entirely on your ability to accept negative facts and try to find your foothold and strong link.

In your personal life, you should show artistry and give as much warmth as possible to your loved one. You will not stand aside, a loved one will thank you, and you will be able to find the key to your happiness and joy. And if he does not suit you, calmly part without insults, troubles and mutual insults. The main thing is to believe in your own happiness and act in such a way as to show your best qualities in activities and communication.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

2018 will be a difficult year in every way. Before you achieve success and be able to fulfill yourself, many obstacles and troubles will arise on your way, difficulties that you will have to overcome.

If you dream of a beautiful career and love, go for it. Success awaits you just around the corner only if you show independence and can correctly calculate your own strengths.

For many Gemini, a business that you have long given up on will be successful. Therefore, you should not immediately reject what seems uninteresting or unpromising to you. Remember that you can achieve a lot in your life if you correctly assess your strengths and chances.

Born in the Year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

This year your life promises to be interesting and joyful. Expect many meetings, acquaintances and changes in friendships or family relationships. Changes are also possible in your personal life, as you may not notice much. To regain control of the situation, act boldly, beautifully, gracefully and artistically. Then you can not only learn a lot of interesting things for yourself, but also understand how to act and behave beautifully.

Perhaps there will be a pause in your personal life, but it will be followed by a whirlpool of events, including unpleasant ones. It is for this reason that you will make a decision that no one in your environment will like, but it will give you self-confidence and a feeling of victory over the most difficult situation.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

For you, the year will be happy and bright, rich in events and adventures. You will fully experience happiness, provided that you correctly think over your actions and decisions, you can enjoy life, putting aside all your affairs and problems. Happiness will smile at you in your personal life, even if at first everything turned out completely different from what you originally planned.

If everything in life does not turn out as beautifully as you want, act boldly and beautifully. You can easily find the key to your love and the heart of the person you are interested in and like. The main thing is to show artistry and feel the taste of a beautiful and easy life.

Born in the Year of the Boar (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

For you, the year will be rich in holidays and various pleasures. If you want to succeed, be careful and cunning, do not immediately reveal all your opportunities and cards. Then you will be able not only to orient yourself correctly, but also to understand how to act beautifully and reasonably in your situation, without unnecessary running around. In this case, you will be able not only to understand your strengths and weaknesses, but also to accurately develop a plan and strategy for behavior.

In your personal life, expect sharp turns. Perhaps an unpleasant discovery. However, do not rush to be upset: perhaps fate itself is preparing a beautiful gift for you, which you did not even suspect.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2021 clearly shows that family relationships will come to the fore. In the new year, the Gemini are waiting for forgotten or delayed cases that are long overdue to be resolved. Therefore, it is obvious what awaits Gemini in 2021 according to the horoscope. Expect a lot of changes, change your outlook on life in order to achieve success and respect for loved ones. Solve all difficulties instantly, because waiting for everything to be decided by itself is rather ridiculous. Gemini is one of the most sociable signs. A detailed Gemini horoscope for 2021 invites you to find a job where you can be eloquent. Use this main trump card, which can help you cope with difficulties and achieve success.

Gemini love horoscope

At the very beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will easily achieve location in society. There will be no problems on the personal front, as the opposite sex will admire the twins. Thanks to assertiveness, audacity, they will pick up a second half that suits them for life. However, Gemini in the new year 2021 should change their point of view a little, restrain their drinking, regularly work on themselves. Since, according to the horoscope, they will lose control over themselves and will live happily at the expense of their partner. This can go on for a long time and Gemini may experience failure in their personal lives. Remember that you need to be able to give more than take. The Gemini love horoscope for 2021 advises you to believe in persons with whom you have known for a long time. In the summer, Gemini will be infatuated, but without reciprocity, so their pride will suffer. Do not get depressed, be patient and enlist the support of your relatives.

Gemini family horoscope

In family relationships, you need to listen more to your partner, try to build relationships by making concessions. Do not commit rash acts, as your relationship with your family will worsen. Despite such actions, the relationship will still return to normal. With the child, too, there will be no special difficulties, but no one has canceled attention and care. Recharge with optimism so that your joy is transmitted to others. The Gemini family horoscope for 2021 promises warm relationships with relatives. Gemini born under the auspices of Mercury are sparking people. Without this feature, you can not do in family life. The appearance of a baby in the family will bring joy to the family. Help your family, take an interest in the education of your children, take an active part in the lives of your loved ones. And you will see how close people will treat you with understanding and care.

Horoscope for lonely twins

A large number of exciting acquaintances have prepared the stars for, so do not miss the chance to meet your soul mate. For single Gemini, the horoscope for 2021 promises a long-awaited meeting with a loved one. As for single women, they will be able to return their former feelings with the person with whom nothing happened before. The main thing is to get down to the ground in time and not to fly in the clouds for a long time.

Single representatives of the stronger sex in 2021 will decide to experience all the beauties of flirting and romantic relationships. There will be many temporary romances. However, such flirting will not lead to a serious relationship and everything will end quickly. Gemini, pull yourself together and do not exchange yourself for empty acquaintances, be more serious. Take the choice of a loved one with all seriousness and only with intentions to bring the relationship to marriage. If you can reconsider your views, you will definitely find a faithful companion for life.

Gemini health horoscope

New Year promises the representatives of this sign to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Watch your health, as there is a chance of getting problems associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the spring, an exacerbation of protracted diseases is likely, and in May you need to follow the right diet. Remove fatty foods, salt, smoked meats from the menu.

In the first decade, the White Metal Monkey will protect you from overwork and keep you in a good mood. Walk more in the fresh air and do not ignore sports, go in for swimming, gymnastics. Also keep an eye on your dental health, because you will often have to go to the dentist.

Gemini born in the second decade must protect the nervous system from stress. Difficulties can arise at work, in the family, so stock up on a good mood and do not lose heart. The health horoscope for twins for 2021 advises to rest more often. Visit massage sessions, prepare soothing baths.

In the third decade, injuries are likely, so take care of yourself and drive carefully. Astrologers advise taking care of your health, examining the digestive organs, checking the cardiovascular system. So, you can avoid further health problems.

Career and finance

The concept of career and finance for Gemini in the new year means the implementation of long-conceived ideas and plans. You will be able to succeed at work, achieve promotion and prove yourself exclusively from the best side. Moreover, there will be no difficulties on the way of achievements. Everything is in your hands, the Year of the White Metal Monkey does not like the lazy, but will pleasantly reward those who work hard. In the other half of the year Gemini will be lucky in the lottery, do not miss the chance to become the winner of the main prize. But not all Gemini unfortunately know how to save cash, many of them are spenders.

The career and finance horoscope for 2021 advises you to give the collected funds to your loved ones for preservation. Look at life more realistically, because whatever one may say, money will always come in handy, especially if you are a family man. There may be little difficulties in work, as Gemini gets bored with the same work. Use the contacts of old friends and together you can create the business you dreamed of. Try yourself in a new field of activity, prove yourself as a boss and success and general recognition of colleagues await you. Since the financial horoscope for 2021 promises Gemini men to take up their minds, because they are inventive and can prove themselves in different fields of activity at the same time. Their bottom will turn out to be an excellent leader and organizer in terms of business.

General forecast for twins for 2021

Most Gemini achieve tremendous success in work, in the family, however, subject to diligence. Your financial situation will change for the better, success will follow you around. The monkey will tell you where it is better to show your abilities and knowledge. And competitors will be defeated. As for love, Gemini needs to reckon with the opinion of a loved one, to support a person dear to you, otherwise a cold relationship cannot be avoided. Representatives of this sign who have not yet found their love in the new year can meet their ideal for a serious relationship. Many Geminis are waiting for marriage and a happy life with a partner.

Gemini woman horoscope

A female born under the sign of Gemini will be strict both at work and in personal relationships. But there is not the slightest reason for this. You just have to change your behavior and change your attitude towards others and everything will work out. Remove the crown from your head and you can easily communicate with people. But even under such circumstances, men will like you, who, despite your behavior, will be fascinated by you.

Most of the women born under the sign of Gemini in 2021 will want to change their usual workplace, radically change their lives. So, according to the horoscope, a promising job with an excellent salary awaits. In addition, you will have more time that you can devote to your family and loved ones. In the summer season, the stars recommend sports, so choose the best and most suitable sport for you. For those who have little time for classes, they can go to the pool, which also has a positive effect on health. In the new year, you may have health problems associated with colds. By playing sports, you will reduce the likelihood of the onset of the disease, and if you are in a painful condition, you will more easily endure the disease. At the end of the year, you should devote more time to yourself, try not to overload yourself with work, because this attitude will soon make itself felt. Depression and stress may occur.

Gemini man horoscope

In the new year 2021, men need to be more careful and strive to avoid frivolous actions. So, you can avoid conflict situations at work and family. they often cut off the shoulder, because of their ardor they can lose their jobs, so the Monkey advises you to pacify the saws and focus on the most important thing in life, and specifically on the family and children. As the head of the family, you must deal with financial matters and learn how to save money. An accurate horoscope for 2021 for Gemini men promises a large number of surprises of fate, since they have all the trump cards in their hands. It is up to you how you use them.

In the summer season you can relax and finally relax. However, in autumn your health will deteriorate a little. Twins who are not yet married will be able to compete for their chosen one and beat all rivals. Men, nature has endowed you with all the qualities so that you are a caring father, a good husband and an excellent worker. Therefore, if minor difficulties arise, do not despair, because these are temporary troubles that you can easily cope with.

The dual nature of the Gemini is manifested in everything, it is funny to watch the rapid changes in his character: today they like one outfit, tomorrow another, yesterday they considered their work the best, and today they are ready to run without looking back from a noisy office. The sign is constantly in motion, a measured monotonous life for him is tantamount to imprisonment. For all their eccentricity, they are childishly trusting, for example, Gemini will take every word in the horoscope for 2018 seriously and will strictly follow the advice of astrologers.

A sign can instantly abandon its opinion, which it has defended for months. This characterizes him as an unreliable business partner.

The weak point of the sign is punctuality and extravagance. Deep down, each of them strives for the ideal. The main thing is to understand - what is it? The process of self-improvement is complicated by a stormy imagination that draws new pictures of a bright future every day.

In the first half of the year, the Earth Dog will create favorable conditions for manipulating finances. There will be several offers for profitable investment.

In May-June, relations with work colleagues will worsen, which will completely discourage you from appearing in the office for at least a day. The stars strongly recommend getting together and accepting the blow of fate with dignity, otherwise, you will lose the orientation and meaning of your development.

In the midst of July, a fatal meeting will take place that will turn the life of Gemini 180 degrees. A frantic desire to be near the object of desire will make you sacrifice finances, career and family relationships. A dizzying romance will make you happy, even if not for long.

In autumn, it is better to slow down and pay attention to your health. In November, the risk of leg injury increases.

Devote December to the stabilization of all spheres of life. It's time to go to reconciliation with a dear person, pay off debts, pay attention to parents and children.

The Year of the Earth Dog is a fertile time for professional activity. Congenital sociability will allow you to succeed in career matters and have influential patrons. It is important to be aware of what you have to give in return. Behind the excellent prospects are risky projects and the signing of fictitious documents. Separate the bad from the good, choosing the safe, only then the rise will not be followed by a painful fall.

The second half of the year will be busy. High labor activity will not leave time for rest and personal life. Take time to relax, otherwise nervous breakdowns and depression cannot be avoided.

In family relationships, everything will not be so rosy. Your systematic absence and frank unwillingness to take part in solving routine family tasks will force the other half to put the question squarely - home or work. The desire for self-realization will inspire many representatives of the sign to choose the second option. Therefore, by the end of the year, divorces will become more frequent among Gemini.

In the family of the beautiful half of the sign, idyll and tranquility will reign from the beginning of the year. Once again, you will be convinced of the correct choice of a life partner - this is a true friend and comrade-in-arms who dutifully endures the eccentric nature of his wife.

In the spring, relations with work colleagues will worsen, the stars recommend giving in and nullifying the dispute. Rivalry will not lead to anything good.

Summer will be eventful. Sharp jumps and falls will be accompanied by constant stress. Single Gemini women will experience disappointment in short-lived relationships with a sad end. Do not despair, acquaintance with a life partner has already happened, it remains to be patient so that fate will connect your paths together.

A business trip in early autumn can push a married representative of the sign to treason. Are you ready to hide the truth from your spouse all your life? You decide! A reckless statement, even a few years after a one-time incident, will cross out the years of a reliable union.

love horoscope

From the first months of the Year of the Earth Dog, representatives of the sign will be busy looking for a congenial person who will understand, sympathize and support in all endeavors, no matter how unpromising they may be.

Dissatisfaction with family life in March will reach its climax. Critical representatives of the sign, if they do not decide to put an end to the relationship, will force the partner to change. Fruitful work on mistakes will improve relationships and the feelings of two loving hearts will sparkle with bright colors.

In the middle of summer, a pleasant event awaits Gemini - a marriage proposal, marriage, pregnancy or the birth of a child.

Lonely people will seek to seduce as many partners as possible, whether for the purpose of self-expression, or in an effort to find solace. A tough game that leaves dozens of broken hearts in its wake will give you a lot of problems in the future. Horoscope.

The stars advise: in September, free women should neglect a gentleman with a "fat" wallet in favor of sincere feelings. Selfish relationships will end in the cruelty and assault of a man.

By the end of 2018, the strong half of the sign will reconsider their attitude towards children - those who do not yet have them will decide to take a responsible step, and accomplished fathers will begin to be sincerely interested in the life of their child.

Money horoscope

The financial situation in the year of the Earth Dog will be far from ideal. In an effort to replenish the "piggy bank" you should not get involved in adventures - you will not only miss the investment, but also find problems with the law.

Monetary "calm" is the time for a breakthrough. By the end of the year, you will unexpectedly take part in a project, the financial benefits of which will make it possible to realize an old dream - to buy a car or change an existing one for a modern, more expensive model.

So that the period of financial stagnation does not feel so acute, moderate your spending. Think about what you can temporarily give up. Prefer homemade dinners to restaurant ones and try to spend your free time more economically.

Career horoscope

Knowing that Geminis are excellent performers, unscrupulous colleagues will try to trick them into doing their job. In order not to be responsible for other people's affairs, learn to say a categorical "no" to frankly impudent requests for help.

In the first half of the year, your bosses will appreciate your many years of work and offer you a promotion. If this does not happen, have the courage to tactfully hint to the management about your readiness to move up a step.

The new position will involve relocation or frequent business trips. Feel free to agree, such work will bring not only a good income, but also moral satisfaction.

Private business owners will not experience serious problems, but sharp jumps in revenue are also not expected. Maybe it's time to change direction? Your priority areas are passenger and cargo transportation, tourism, private postal service, etc.

Health Horoscope 2018 for Gemini

The consequences of a wild life will make themselves felt at the beginning of spring. Are you neglecting sleep? Get bags under your eyes and deplete your immune system. Do you like to drink? The state of the liver and the cardiovascular system will deteriorate sharply. Do you smoke? Get a cough like an 80-year-old grandfather and a far from Hollywood smile.

With the onset of warm weather, engage in active sports in nature - buy a bicycle, take walks in the park, play tennis, etc.

Imperfections of the figure will not allow you to demonstrate a bikini on the beach in the summer. Give up cardinal thoughts in the form of plastic surgery or liposuction - spend a lot of money, the effect will be temporary, and the acquired health problems will be permanent. To get in shape for next summer, eat healthy and go to the gym today.

Unfortunately, the lack of willpower and inconstancy will allow few people to achieve the ideal 90x60x90 or distinct cubes on the press. So maybe, well, them, bikinis?

Celebrities born under the sign of Gemini: actors Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, James Belushi, Alexander Abdulov, political figures John F. Kennedy, Ernesto Che Guevara, Peter the Great, singers Boris and Konstantin Burdaev, Maxim, Anzhelika Varum, Nadezhda Kadysheva.

Eastern horoscope for 2018

Other horoscopes for 2018

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Fans of astro forecasts who are interested in what awaits the sign of the twins in 2018 will be satisfied with the plans of the Yellow Earth Dog. In general, the dog will bring with it stability, career growth, home comfort, profitable acquaintances, the possibility of self-realization, and will throw a couple of large tempting projects.

The most accurate horoscope for Gemini for 2018 provides for complete financial independence. However, it will not work to relax and rest on our laurels, as in the year of the Rooster - the Dog will not allow even his pets to sit back and idle.

Already in winter, impatient and ambivalent natures can begin to make plans, beat up the budget in order to avoid the waste that is characteristic of representatives of the most carefree zodiac sign. Moreover, it will be too late to engage in planning in the spring.

It's time for love to take the twins by surprise - there will be so many contenders for the hand and heart that you will have to fend off romantic proposals with your hands and feet. Astrologers recommend not to miss your chance and finally choose a worthy couple. Love passions, although they will haunt the whole year, closer to summer, the twins will still have to find time and energy to communicate with partners, personally recheck accounts, finances in order to avoid risks and deceit.

The Earth Dog loves agricultural workers. To everyone who selflessly surrenders to the beds in the country, the dog guarantees not only a high harvest and full bins, but also a tight wallet that will help you have a good rest at the end of summer. It is this time of the year that the astrohoroscope recommends choosing for a vacation.

FAVORABLE COLORS: bright yellow, orange, gray-blue, silver, violet.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 7 (and all numbers that add up to 7, such as 7, 16, 25, 34, 52, 115, 250), 12, 18.

LUCKY DAYS FOR GEMINI: Wednesday, Sunday.


The Earth Dog guarantees a stable income and career growth, but only for those twins who boldly build a career, “burn at work”, and not just sit and wait for time from call to call. Finally, there will be a chance to take a highly paid position, at the same time show your abilities and organization to the company's management.

At the same time, for everyone who does not like the workplace, the Yellow Dog promises to find a more worthy and profitable business. The twins can easily win the elections, take the deputy chair.

Honor and high status in society are guaranteed to skillful negotiators from among the twins - most of the representatives of the sign can boast of this quality. Of course, if they manage not to let the chance out of their hands and do not give the initiative to competitors.

Talented twins need to set quite realistic goals for themselves, then their dedication to business will certainly be crowned with universal recognition and fame. This is especially true for writers, directors, artists, composers. The most assiduous of them by the fall will be able to boast of the results of their hard work.

Love Adventures

Single twins from the very beginning of the year will feel attention from the opposite sex. It is not difficult at all for people who always have the latest novelties from the world's fashion collections in their closet. Restless adventurers will enjoy their popularity and enjoy life until they lose their strength from sleepless nights.

Therefore, the stars warn in advance: be selective in relationships, do not try to keep all the fans at the same time. Otherwise, there will be no time left not only for sleep, but also for work.

Both women and men of this sign will be able to wait for their turn at the registry office and enjoy a measured family life in the new 2018. In addition, a civil marriage also promises to show many charms from a home idyll. However, do not rush to accept the very first marriage proposal, there will be so many fans that the choice must be approached thoroughly.

  • Gemini has the best compatibility in love and marriage with Air signs: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
  • good compatibility with Aries and Leo. Here there is harmonious love compatibility, marriage can be very successful.
  • Union with Pisces may be useful for a career.
  • Union with Virgo- for emotional support.
  • Relations with Cancer can provide financial benefits.
  • Union with Capricorn can become harmonious if the partners make compromises.
  • Sagittarius can be one of the best choices if partners avoid boredom in the relationship and add variety to everyday life.
  • Compatibility with Scorpio pretty difficult. Here, common interests, hobbies, hobbies will help to strengthen love and marriage.
  • partnership with Taurus will be fruitful for spiritual development.

Health and sports

Astrology suggests that the yellow Dog will give excellent health and mood. Good health in 2018 will be the key to a successful career, high earnings and victories on the personal front.

However, one should not rely only on a prediction. Fate protects, first of all, those who do not forget to take care of themselves and devote a lot of time to routine examinations and sports.

Healthy eating and no alcohol is the main motto of the Yellow Dog. These requirements will have to be met throughout the year in order to prevent the moment when the disease knocks.

The mistress of the year is always mobile and fast - she expects the same from her wards. It is enough to devote time to jogging, Scandinavian sticks, morning exercises. Older people need to take walks in the park or in the forest every day. Young twins can come to grips with swimming, hardening the body.

In addition, do not forget to monitor your emotional sphere. Do not succumb to provocations, quarrels, take care of your family and their nervous system. Particular attention should be paid to small twins - children will be prone to colds even in the warm season. To prevent this, take preventive measures (buy a subscription to a salt cave, harden yourself, take inhalations).

Financial Success

Not only love, career and health will be at the height of this sign. Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 for hardworking twins will be a good starting point in business. Large projects will be outlined from the end of March. Moreover, the twins can safely grab onto anyone - the mistress of the year will allow them to be realized to the end and succeed in the financial sector.

The most active will instantly forget about loans, IOUs, mortgages, if they join the work process in the spring. Realists by nature, they will quickly find additional income and even be able to provide financial assistance to relatives, friends, and partners.

By the end of summer, the twins will have another surprise from the dog - they will be able to uncover the secret of an economical vacation abroad, find vouchers to their favorite resorts at a discount and take the family, finally, on vacation to the coast or to the mountains.

Don't count on a chance to win the lottery. However, in the autumn it will be possible to receive an inheritance or a generous gift from relatives. Only the stars offer to manage the funds wisely, and not in the way some twin spenders are used to doing. To avoid rash actions and investments, try not to take risks and don't sacrifice your last money.

Family and Children

Predicting an astrological forecast for family people is even easier - the Earth Dog promises them a life full of romance, especially in early spring and autumn. The high intellectual level of the twins sometimes does not allow them to break into the pool of passions "to the fullest." Their ability to “sad” at the most inopportune moment can push the other half away and make them look for warmth on the side.

The astrological horoscope warns of a dual period even for strong married couples. On the one hand, the unfaithful representatives of the sign will have enough strength and energy not only for a permanent partner, but also for communication on the side, on the other hand, flirting with strangers can bring them a lot of trouble. At the same time, the revelations will certainly be loud and scandalous.

In the new year 2018, storks will fly to the twins in a timely manner, the main thing is to lure them correctly. Children will bring a lot of joyful troubles to their parents and practically sit on their neck, which the twins will only be happy about - they love and know how to pamper their children.

Try not to pay off kids and teenagers with gifts - they really need communication and understanding from adults.

By the end of the year, adult children will please their parents with sports and educational success.

If we summarize the full potential of the twins in 2018, we can safely say that they will have a good time. Especially for those representatives of the sign who are ready to completely get rid of bad habits, do what they love, build their lives, slowly considering each step.

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