Angels are helping you. Guardian Angel works wonders...

The more often we start calling on angels, the more help we can get from them. They want to be close to people, helping them in everything. If we are happy, they will be happy too. However, you can't get help without asking for it. How to call angels? Before answering this question, it is necessary to single out the factor that there is a universal law. He acts as a connecting element between people and angels.

Angels cannot help unless asked to.

According to the law, angels are not able to interfere in people's lives unless they ask for it. An exception is a situation that poses a threat to life. An angel will not make decisions for a person. However, if asked, he is able to offer his advice, help find a way out of the situation. For example, he will push for an answer, support, inspire, form a wonderful coincidence. But there is one caveat. You have to ask him about it. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand how to call on angels.

One should not take on a serious look and maintain formality in tone or dress. There is no need for additional ceremonies. Angels are not so complex in this sense. Their true nature lies in pure and selfless love. They are able to hear the prayer that comes from the heart. Even a simple call is enough for them to rush to help. How to call angels? Form a mental request. Sometimes this is enough. There are several ways in which you can summon them.

Try writing a letter or visualizing a message

Write a letter to your keeper. This is quite a useful practice. In this way, you can pour out the pain and anxiety that has accumulated. You don't have to hide anything. Only in this way the angels will help to find a way out of the situation that has arisen.

How to call angels? Try using a visualization technique. You can call it imagination. Terms do not play a special role. Visualization can form a powerful appeal. Imagine angels flying around. See how strong they are. Watch how the angels enter the room in which you are located. This kind of visualization will be a real appeal. You just need to imagine clearly, feeling emotions, a breath of breeze, etc. Visualization should be complete.

Mentally talk to your angel

Try to mentally call - and a good angel will fly. In your thoughts form a message for help to him. And he will immediately be there. Naturally, one must be sincere in one's appeals. Otherwise, the cry simply will not be heard. You can also ask God to send angels to help you.

We must try to talk to the angels. You can always express your requests with words. In some situations, people may do this unconsciously. If you often spend time alone, in some quiet place, then you can try talking to the angels. Due to this, peace and good mood will return. We can say that a kind angel helped to find peace of mind.

Leaving the house, you can repeat the following words: "My angel, come with me, you are in front, I am behind you." This should be done quietly, preferably in a whisper. Only an angel should hear you. Words must be repeated like spells.

How to identify your custodian?

There is a legend about an angel that says that he will always come to the rescue. And it is desirable to know which guardian protects you. There is an assumption that you can determine the name of your angel using the date of birth. To determine the incarnation of your guardian, you need to sum up the numbers that make up the date of birth. Reduce them to a single digit. For example, if you were born on July 30, 1986, then you need to add the following numbers: 3 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 34; 3 + 4 = 7. is odd. This means that your angel is a woman. Even numbers denote male guardians.

What is the personality of your angel?

When you have decided on an individual figure, then it is already possible to determine the features that your keeper has. What character gives an angel a certain number?

1 - What is the legend about the angel in this situation? This is a protector who will try to come to the rescue before he is asked for it.

2 - An angel who often appears in a dream. He can leave marks in the form of moles for his wards. Most often on the face.

3 - Air angel, patronizing people who are prone to adventurism, risk. It appears next to them and often betrays its presence with the rustle of wings.

4 - Wise angel. He communicates with his wards through hints and puzzles that need to find the right solutions. Accordingly, a person born under his patronage has a good intellect. In his work, he always succeeds.

5 - The angel endows his wards with longevity. Since it receives nourishment from tears, it comes to the rescue most often when a person cries.

6 - The angel makes contact with people through creative energy, helping to reveal their artistic abilities and acquire a special view of the world.

7 - The most touchy angel. He must be constantly thanked. He does not tolerate rude words and non-recognition of his merits.

8 - Holy angels in this case are the embodiment of the souls of dead ancestors. Clients are treated with care and taken care of.

A warm angel who helps his charges to find harmony with the world, to understand the essence of things.

Gotta practice

How to call a guardian angel? For contact, they use signs so as not to give themselves away to outsiders. And they do not want to scare their ward. But you can always try to get in touch with him. This will require a little practice. What need to do?

  1. Pick a time when you can be alone in silence. This can happen in the morning or in the evening. The main thing is that no one disturbs your peace.
  2. Do you want to call on angels for help? Arrange a small space, provide coziness and comfort. This can be done, for example, with a pillow, putting it next to you.
  3. Sit down, take a comfortable position, straighten up. Clamping, bending or slouching is not worth it.
  4. Close your eyes. You need to breathe calmly, deeply. Don't think about anything in particular. To get rid of unnecessary thoughts, you can concentrate on your breathing.
  5. Mentally address your guardian, call him to you. An invisible breath, warmth, lightness can tell about the appearance of an angel. This is individual for everyone.
  6. Ask him to cover you, hug you, touch you. Try to remember the feeling that will arise. And this feeling should not be forgotten so that it can be reproduced later.
  7. Ask what is your angel's name. Address him by name, thank him for the appearance, for the feeling he gave, for his care of you for so many years. If necessary, ask for help. Share your dreams and goals with him. Everything you plan to do. You have to tell about what you have done. Maybe he will advise what needs to be fixed.
  8. You shouldn't keep him long. It takes a lot of energy from him. Say goodbye to him, inviting him to visit you as often as possible.
  9. Stretch your whole body, opening your eyes. Although the world has remained the same, you have gained an understanding that the angels of God will not leave you in a difficult situation now. They will help you find a way out of the current circumstances.

Don't Forget About Your Angel

Such meetings should be practiced regularly so that communication is not lost. It will also help build rapport. Once you have learned about your angel, then you should not forget about it. Thank him as often as possible, energizing in such a simple way. Only in such a situation will the union be strong.


In this review, the basic principles of how you can talk with your keeper, how to call him and ask for help were considered. Now you know what they are, angels (by date of birth and in reality). You also know how to call them. We hope that this knowledge will help you.

Angels and Archangels - how to ask patrons for help

Regardless of whether you feel the presence of angels and archangels, believe or not in their existence, they are always there and ready to come to the rescue and respond to your call. They are ready and willing to support and help every person on his way.

In connection with the law of Free Will, angels cannot help a person unless they hear from him a clear request for help and inviting them into his life!


Helps with:

  • Loyalty and commitment to what you believe in
  • Courage
  • Direction
  • Energy and vitality
  • The meaning and purpose of life in all its manifestations
  • Motivation for actions
  • Protection
  • Cleansing space
  • Emancipation of the spirit
  • Increased self-esteem
Below is a short decree that you can give to Archangel Michael if trouble suddenly happens to you and you need immediate help. This can be especially useful in traffic accidents and in various difficult situations that at first glance seem hopeless. When you issue this decree with all the fervor of your being, Archangel Michael instantly rushes to your side.

Archangel Michael Help! For help! For help!

Archangel Michael Help me! Help me! Help me!


Call on Michael when you feel scared or vulnerable. He will immediately come to you, instill courage in you and increase your self-esteem, both physical and emotional. You will feel his presence next to you, as if you have a bodyguard who loves you, who is ready to protect you. Anyone who wishes to harm you will instantly change their mind. Michael does not require an official spell and will come to anyone who calls on him.

For example, you might think like this:

Archangel Michael, please come to me right now, I need your help!

And mentally describe the situation in which you need support.

As mentioned above, you will understand that he is near when you feel the characteristic warm energy.


Helps with:

  • adoption of a child
  • Art projects and everything related to art
  • Conception of a child and fertility
  • Journalism and writing
  • TV-radio work
“I am here to help those who speak about social needs. This kind of propaganda is an ancient art, and for many years almost nothing has changed here, only technical progress has been added.

In all other fields, the art of saying is constantly and steadily gaining strength to give people the power and strength to change and hope. Let me open up opportunities for those of you who hear in your heart the call to perform, play and create on a larger scale.”

you can give next ukah to fill yourself with light, energize your spiritual path and get help in your progress towards ascension:

In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM the holy one of God!

In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM a holy one of God!


Before starting any art or information project, ask Gabriel to direct your activities by saying aloud or mentally:

Archangel Gabriel, I ask you to appear because (describe your intention). Please open the channels of my creativity so that I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind so that I can generate unique ideas. And, please, help me to maintain energy during the entire execution of the plan. Thank you, Gabriel.


Helps with:

  • divine magic
  • Environmental protection, especially with water basin problems
  • Manifestations
  • Wild animals, fish and birds, healing and protecting them


Call on Archangel Ariel anytime, anywhere. If you cast this spell in nature, especially near water, you will most likely feel, hear, and see its presence:

Archangel Ariel, I call you. I yearn to help protect and heal the environment and I ask you to give me a Divine assignment for this important mission. I ask you to open the way for me and support me in this endeavor. Thank you for the joy this mission brings to me and the world.


Helps with:

  • Overcoming bad habits
  • Clairvoyance
  • Vision, physical and spiritual
  • Healers, guiding and supporting them
  • Healing both people and animals
  • Pets looking for the missing
  • Cleansing space
  • By freeing the spirit
  • Travelers: protection, order and harmony
A short prayer for healing that you can give at any time:

Raphael and Mary, I ask for [name yourself and/or another person] to be healed of [name condition(s)], in accordance with the holy will of God.

I AM the perfection of God revealed
In body, mind and soul.
I AM God's guidance flowing
Healing and keeping in fullness!


Whenever you, or someone you know, or an animal experiences a physical ailment, call on Archangel Raphael and ask for angelic healing. He will immediately intervene in the processes taking place in the body of a person or animal, and will explain to you what needs to be done to enhance the effects of the treatment.

To call Raphael to yourself, just think:

Archangel Raphael, I need help with (describe the situation). Please surround my body and saturate it with your powerful healing energy of Divine Love. I surrender myself completely to the will of God and I know that through his deliverance I will be opened to regain the health that the Lord has given me. Thank you for energy, health and happiness, Lord and Raphael!

To call Raphael to someone else, you can imagine him and other angels surrounding that person or animal with their healing presence and emerald green light. You can ask the Lord to send Raphael to you, or you can ask Raphael himself:

Archangel Raphael, please visit to heal (name of person or animal) and promote health and well-being for all of us. Please help raise all our thoughts to faith and hope, and remove all doubts and fears. Please clear the way for Divine health to reign here once and for all. Thank you.

Prayer to St. Archangel Raphael

Oh, holy Archangel Raphael! We earnestly pray to you, be a guide in our life, save enemies from all visible and invisible, heal our mental and bodily illnesses, direct our lives to repentance for sins and to do good deeds. Oh, holy great Raphael the Archangel! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and make me worthy in this and in the future life to thank and glorify our common Creator in endless ages of ages. Amen.


The name Samuel means "one who sees God." This archangel helps restore significant parts of our lives. Call Samuel if you want to find new love relationships, new friends, a job, or any lost item.


  • Dealing with career issues
  • In finding a life purpose, searching for lost things, in building and strengthening relationships between people
  • In search of kindred spirits and in achieving world harmony

How to call:

Samuel will hear you, even if you call him mentally:

Archangel Samuel, help me in solving my question (designate) guide me along the best possible path for me.

About lost things:

“Archangel Samuel, it seems to me that I have lost (indicate what exactly). I know that in reality nothing is ever lost, for God is in everything and everywhere. He knows everything. Please guide me so that I can find what I have lost. Thank you, Samuel!"

Archangel Chamuel helps to renew and improve your love, caring relationships with others, the development of higher emotions, helping to develop the Anahata Heart Chakra. All this is achieved through the beautiful Pink Ray, which represents our ability to love and cherish others, to be unconditionally able to give and receive love. It is love that moves us through compassion towards divine emotional maturity. Many people are afraid of opening their Heart Chakra. Warmth emanates from those who discovered Anahata.

Archangel Chamuel helps us in all our relationships and especially through life changing relationship situations such as conflicts, divorces, bereavement or even job loss. Archangel Chamuel helps us appreciate the existing tender relationships we already have in our lives. His message is: "It is only the energy of love within any given goal that provides lasting value, and will benefit all creation."

The balanced Pink Ray is the union of Heaven and Earth embedded in the human heart. It is the union of the physical Red Ray with the White Ray of spiritual awakening and abundance.

Physical associations:
Body parts - heart, shoulders, lungs, arms, hands and skin. Heals any part of your body that you have rejected or condemned and called unattractive. Ease, physical tension and psychosomatic illness. Also useful where an illness has been diagnosed and fear is blocking physical recovery.

Emotional and mental associations:
The pink ray is associated with creating an atmosphere of trust and self-esteem. This ray quickly dissolves the negative emotions of self-esteem, self-loathing and selfishness. It kindles "inner" happiness. Stops depression, compulsive behavior and destructive tendencies.

Spiritual associations:
Opens the Heart Chakra to develop a healing gift. Attracts kindred spirits of those with whom you can share your innermost thoughts and feelings. Prepares you to receive Christ consciousness and a holy state of mind.


These Angels serve on the Purple-Gold Ray of Peace and help to find peace of mind and establish peace. Archangel Uriel, Archeia Aurora and their angels help in world service - in the manifestation of Divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations; in restoring peace, brotherhood and mutual understanding between communities and peoples. They can be asked to bring peace to the Earth - to all tense points of the planet!

Ask them about:

Spiritual gifts: about inner peace, peace of mind, about untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche, about new hope.

Practical help: about the peaceful resolution of problems in personal, social and professional relationships; in creating a harmonious environment for the manifestation of creativity and growth; about inspiration and help to sisters of mercy, doctors, shelter workers, educators, teachers, judges, ministers of the social sphere of society and everyone who serves their neighbors.

World Service: about ending wars, about restoring peace; about brotherhood and mutual understanding; about the manifestation of divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations.

“In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts reported that from the window of the Salyut-7 space station they saw seven large angels with wings like giant jet planes. One woman astronaut said: "They were smiling as if they knew a wonderful secret."

These angels are reminiscent of the Archangel Uriel and the angels of the world. They are so big and strong that the light of their kind smiles can dissolve seemingly insurmountable problems - even on a global scale! "

You can imagine Uriel and the angels of the world as gigantic creatures like those seen by the astronauts. They can bring peace to underprivileged areas, to your home, and to an upset mind or soul.

They act quickly and with great power. By entrusting them with work, you will see that your problems disappear as quickly as clouds after rain. When you ask them to solve global problems, millions of angels get to work!

Prayers to Archangel Uriel:

“Archangel Uriel, Your name is the Fire of God!

I ask for the restoration of peace for all disturbed minds and souls!
Archangel Uriel, create a harmonious environment around me and all people living on the planet.”

Read the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:

“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where resentment is forgiveness
Where doubt is faith
Where despair is hope
Where darkness is light
Where sorrow is joy.
O Divine Sovereign,
Make me
Not so much looking for consolation as consoled;
Not so much seeking understanding as understanding;
Not so much sought to be loved as loved.
For when we give, we receive
Forgiving, we receive forgiveness ourselves,
And when we die, we are born into Eternal Life.

And then repeat 3 times:

“Archangel Uriel and the Angels of the world, I accept the gift of peace in my heart, in my soul, in my spirit, in my body, in my mind! Make me an instrument of God's peace."

Question: Archangel Uriel, I know less about You than about other angels. You remain a mystery to many. What could you tell us about yourself and your role, and what message do you have for us?

Answer: I'm glad you invited me to contribute to this book, Doreen, I've been there invisibly during your many other projects. Although I seem ephemeral to you and my presence is difficult to determine, I have always been there for you. I have shed light on many situations in which you experienced some kind of difficulty, helped you deal with them in much the same way that hair conditioner helps you deal with tangled curls. In most cases, I stand respectfully apart from those who usually communicate with you directly, preferring to stay behind the scenes and come when my help will bring the greatest benefit.

My love is constantly overflowing from my heart into yours (I mean not only you, but everyone who can hear these words). I am very busy washing situations with love, like a firefighter on a wildfire who chooses the areas engulfed in the most intense flames. I extinguish the pain where it seems that everything is already hopeless, and then you begin to see and think more clearly, and in the end there is a way out. I bring new light into your consciousness so that hope returns to your heart. In many cases, I help you find a creative solution that the Higher Mind constantly offers you, but you can perceive them only in a state of clear consciousness.

I am like a window cleaner from which the prospect of the future opens up to you. I'm just clearing the clouds so you can see life in a new light. Often you call me a "psychological angel", and this is true. I really have the ability to change something in your hearts and bring about forgiveness, even in situations where anger and hatred cloud the mind. I put out the flames of hatred and return to man the ability to realize Divine love. Yes, I am not only the Archangel of Forgiveness, because I can bring much more benefit to humanity.

I am a beginner compared to those archangels with whom people are already very familiar. Other archangels - many of whom you have already met (and those who are still on the way to meet with your open consciousness) - have more, as you call it, "certain" traits, so you immediately recognize them. Michael, with his sharp sword, is an all-powerful warrior fighting for your awareness. Is it possible to ignore his loud voice and commanding spirit? Raphael, with his endless kindness and desire to support, is like a best friend who is ready to be by your side in difficult times. Gabriel is an assistant to creative people and geniuses, he is always happy to do everything in his power and direct the source of the energy of creation to the Earth. And who am I in the kingdom of the archangels? I am the one who helps from afar, the one who amplifies situations in which healing occurs, I am ready to pour powerful streams of light into your minds and everything that happens.

This light is the lifeblood of healing and opens your mind and heart so you can see things from a different angle. My stream of light helps you take a step back and rethink everything. He prepares your heart for forgiveness, even when your mind is seeking revenge. It weakens the effect of the attack and softens your reflex desire for immediate revenge. This does not mean that you lose your resolve and, having softened, find yourself in a foolish position. You become calmer and have the opportunity to find a new perspective, find a different solution and strength.

Imagine me as a wise uncle who offers to solve the problem in a different way. I bring you an era of wisdom woven by life itself. And my testament you receive in the form of the greatest wealth: a source of light that I generously direct on your sacred head if it bows in sorrow. This source is constantly replenished with renewed light, and I have an eternity to spend with you.

But not only this light is a healing catalyst, we should not forget about our endless conversations that take place at such high frequencies that your consciousness sometimes does not even know about them. It's moments like these that give me the most joy - the sublime communion of our "gatherings" that most often occur during meditation, in a dream, or when you are in * a state of expanded consciousness. I get great pleasure from how deep our intellectual conversations are, my heart overflows with happiness when I see that you write down these thoughts, fix their wisdom for your own benefit and prosperity.

Contact me more often, I'm always there. Do not think that I will get tired of our communication, this is my duty to you. I really appreciate our conversations, and I am also available in those moments when you do not realize my mission. I am the same Light as you, and, having merged together, our common light will bring much joy to the entire universe.

From the book "Messages from Angels" by Doreen Virtue


Archangel Zadkiel and his female counterpart Saint Amethyst embody the spirit of the violet ray, the seventh ray, and the age of Aquarius. He and Holy Amethyst assist humanity in mastering the seat of the soul chakra.

These archangels bring the flame of freedom, joy, forgiveness, alchemy, justice, transmutation and liberation of the soul. We can enhance these violet ray qualities in our lives by invoking the violet flame through the science of the spoken Word.

The use of the violet flame can erase the memories of the past, bring forgiveness and increase the spirit of joy in us. And every time we call on Zadkiel and Amethyst, who embody the violet flame, we bring change to the earth and change ourselves, move closer to merging with our Christ selves and help prepare the world for the coming Golden Age. According to Archangel Zadkiel, the success of the Aquarian age is absolutely dependent on the effectiveness of our violet flame invocations and on single violet flame invocations that can be worth a million prayers.

You can call on Zadkiel and Amethyst to help you cleanse your past karma and bring a new stream into your life. As you say the following affirmation, visualize a violet flame erasing the obstacles to your soul's liberation:

In the name of Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst,
I AM the violet flame in action in me now!
I AM the bliss and delight of the violet flame!
I AM freedom from limitations!

Archangel Zadkiel His name means "Divine Justice".

He is considered the archangel of mercy and generosity!

He is an angel of healing who works alongside Archangel Michael, replacing negative energies with faith and compassion. Healing the physical and emotional body (soul).

Zadkiel helps us see the Divine Light within ourselves and in others. If you are having trouble forgiving yourself or another person, ask Zadkiel to intervene.

He will free your mind from unforgiveness. However, this will not mean that you allow others to insult you. This will only mean that you do not want to drag along the burden of emotional experiences about the situation left in the past.

How to summon

Every time you're upset, call Zadkiel:

“Archangel 3adkiel, I beg you, help me heal my heart. If I cannot forgive, please help me to be completely free from unforgiveness. If there is something I don't see, please help me see it clearly. If I need to feel more compassion, please fill my heart with mercy. If I feel anxious or anxious, please fill my heart with faith and peace. Now I have complete hope in you and in God. I trust that your God-given power will take care of every detail with Divine grace, harmony and wisdom. Thank you".

Regarding abortion, it is very important for you to forgive yourself and, most importantly, to realize that you are very revered by God, we honor any of your choices, there is no retribution and punishment. All events in life are not accidental, all this is part of the spiritual lessons that a person goes through, and all the lessons teach us love, let yourself go through this and be happy!

ARCHANGEL METATRON (Archangel Metatron / Merraton / Metaraon)

Metatron is an ardent and energetic angel who works tirelessly to help the inhabitants of Earth. He serves as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, as he has a rich experience of being both a man and an angel. He helps us understand heavenly perspectives and teaches us how to cooperate with the angels.

Children have a special place in Metatron's heart, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel to safety through the wilderness. He continues to lead children today, both on Earth and in Heaven.

Metatron cares deeply about children diagnosed with Attention Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and helps parents, caregivers, scientists and medical professionals find natural alternatives to Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs.

Metatron helps recently deceased children to adjust to Heaven, and living children to love themselves and be able to focus. Metatron also helps children to become aware of spirituality and to accept and polish their spiritual gifts.

Metatron's energy is very strong and focused like a laser beam. He has a great driving force and will always help you overcome your insecurities and take a bold step forward. He is also a philosopher and is ready to help you understand what causes other people to act and why certain situations arise.

He says:

“My life on Earth gave me the opportunity to understand human ideas about life and death, which are abstract for those who have always been on the ether. I well understand the fear of death, which is the basis of many human emotions. Since I myself crossed this line, I want to emphasize the opinion that you have heard so often: in fact, one should not be afraid of coming here. Your time is planned according to the calendar of your soul, and death will not come a single moment before the due date.

There is no premature or unplanned death, and all the unpleasant things associated with death exist mainly in the human imagination. Even those who perish under tragic circumstances are spared from excruciating suffering through the intervention of God. Their souls are removed from the body at the moment of inevitability, long before suffering can begin.

This disconnection from the event occurs because they are focused on what will happen when their earthly existence ends. The attraction of the newfound life that follows death completely distracts from the suffering that one would seem to endure at the moment of death. We assure you that all this is happening because the Great Creator, who is with us always and everywhere, has compassion on us.”

Helps with:

  • Attention Disorder Syndrome (ATD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Children's problems
  • Spiritual understanding
  • writing


If the child you care for has STD or ADD and is prescribed certain medications, Summon Archangel Metatron There may be alternative treatments available:

Archangel Metatron, I ask for your loving intervention to help (name of child) who is diagnosed with (name of diagnosis). Please help us to know God's Will for this child and tell us adults what is best for him. Please help us to stay strong among so many professionals and do what we think is right.

Please help us, all concerned adults, to make decisions on behalf of this child, and to have discussions peacefully despite differing opinions. Metatron, please keep this child safe from the slightest harm, now and in the future. Thank you.


The main task of Sandalphon is to bring people's prayers to the Lord so that He answers them. It is said to be so high that it extends from Earth to Heaven. In ancient Kabbalah, it is said that Sandalphon helps future parents determine the sex of the child they are carrying. Many believe that he is quite sophisticated in music.

The messages and music of the archangel Sandalphon reach us like a gentle whisper carried on the wings of angels - they are so gentle that they can whisper past you if you do not pay due attention to them. When you call on Sandalphon, be very attentive to all the words and music that are heard in your mind - most likely, these are the answers to your prayers.

Helps with:

  • music
  • Prayers - delivers them to God and answers them
  • Future babies - determines their gender


If you are praying and want an urgent answer, call on Archangel Sandalphon while thinking about your prayer and saying:

Beloved archangel Sandalphon, who delivers and answers prayers, I ask you for help. Please deliver my prayer (read the prayer) to the Lord as soon as possible. I ask you to bring me a clear answer so that I can understand it. Please let me know if my request is being followed and let me know if there is anything else I should do. Thank you and amen.

Often, due to past negative experiences, our heart is closed to angels. Or the mind, accustomed to rational thinking, cannot comprehend and understand the presence of angels in our lives. How then can angels appear to us? The main aspect is that we must accept angels into our lives and establish a connection with them.

When we open ourselves to the angels, the mental, emotional and physical bodies must be involved. By activating all three of your main bodies, you open a channel between yourself and your angels, and they get the opportunity to actually appear to you, or you really feel them.

Angels will bring joy, positive mood, harmony of relationships, wisdom, love, clear guidance, protection and support into your life. Your angels are waiting for you with wide open hearts, and love for you is sincere and pure. Of all the Higher Beings, it is easiest for us to perceive angels and communicate with them.

How to get in touch and hear the guide angels, the Higher Self and the archangels?

On the way to our Higher Self and guide angels, various difficulties and trials can await us.

The most serious and frequently encountered are fear and disbelief in oneself. Those nightmarish pictures that torment you are nothing but an expression of your fears and stress. In such a state, it is really difficult to hear anything, and even more so to try to achieve inner silence.

It is easier for a modern person who constantly works with the mind to get in touch with the Higher part of oneself through the heart. it is best to concentrate on the heart chakra, and not on the ajna. Try not to hear the angels, but to feel them, to feel their love, their energy, their vibrations.

Heart meditation

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on the area of ​​the heart or on the heart chakra. Just sit and look at her with your inner eye. It does not matter if extraneous thoughts come to mind, try not to be distracted by their long reflection and each time return back to the contemplation of the heart chakra. Feel the peace and tranquility reigning inside your heart. Feel its calm measured beat. Imagine that the whole world around you is boiling and seething somewhere out there, outside of your heart.

In it - peace and quiet, as in the depths of the ocean. Inside you, inside your heart is everything that you can and want to do. And nothing will be created without your will. You are the master of your heart and your world. When you manage to feel this, sit in this state for as long as you need to feel confident in yourself and your abilities.

Now, with that confidence, start sending waves of love and gratitude from your heart. Thank everyone and everyone you want to thank, even for the smallest things. Thank the universe, thank God in yourself and God in other people, everyone who helps you to realize yourself as you are. Let these waves radiate from your heart and go into the reality around you. Watch with your mind's eye how they change people and situations by touching them. You can imagine those with whom you have a difficult relationship and send them waves of love and gratitude. You will see the effect they will have.

At the end of the meditation, turn to your Higher Self, send him waves of love and gratitude and ask him to guide you in the best way for you. Thank yourself and send love to yourself. Feel how this wave from the heart envelops you from head to toe, like a magical cocoon, protecting you from all adversity and transforming your inner being.


Michael- protection, courage, confidence and security. Guidance in life purpose.

Archangel Michael obeys the Angels of Protection (blue). Ask Him for protection from spiritual and physical dangers and trials of all kinds.

Raphael- healing animals and people, guiding doctors and healers in their education and work, guiding and protecting travelers, connecting with your soul mate.

Archangel Raphael is assisted by Healing Angels (green). Ask for help and protection from diseases, for the healing of the soul and body in traditional and alternative medicine.

Gabriel- delivering important and clear messages - helping messengers (teachers, actors, artists) help in all aspects of parenthood, including conception, adoption and birth.

Angels obey the Archangel Gabriel, directing them to the true path (white color). You can ask for joy and happiness, for the opening of life plans for the future, for world peace.

Uriel- intellectual understanding, conversations, ideas, insights, study, examinations, writing and public speaking.

Ariel- contact with nature, animals and spirits of nature, earthly material needs, guidance in a career or vocation related to the environment or helping animals.

Metatron- Sacred geometry and esoteric healing, working with universal energies, helping highly sensitive people (Indigo and Crystal children).

Raziel- understanding the mysteries of the universe - remembering past lives and healing from their traumas - understanding esoteric wisdom - interpretation of dreams.

Sandalphon- transmission of prayers from people to God - help to musicians.

Haniel- awakening your spiritual gifts - intuition, letting go of the past - help in healing women's and emotional problems.

Jeremiel- development and understanding of spiritual visions and clairvoyance - guidance in reviewing life in order to bring it in line with the way you want to live.

Raguel- help with quarrels and misunderstandings. making great new friends.

Zadkiel- helping students remember facts and figures, choosing the path of forgiveness.

Archangel Zadkiel obeys the Angels of Joy (purple). Forgive him for tolerance and help in diplomacy, for joy in life.

Azrael- help to the disadvantaged - help to the souls of the dead - consolation in grief.

Jophiel- harmonization of thoughts and feelings - purification of life from negativity.

Archangel Jofil is subordinate to the Angels of Illumination (yellow color). You can ask for the successful passing of exams, for the discovery of the gift of clairvoyance, liberation from bad habits and all sorts of harmful thoughts.

More Angels and Spirits working with us:

The first ones who get in touch more often lately and ask to spread information to the masses, supplementing the existing picture of the Spiritual World of the Earth and providing their energies through their messages:

  • Mother Mary (an aspect of God KIND, Ma-Ra) and Archangel Raphael (Ha-Ra). - Green beam.
  • Kryon. Master of Magnetism.
  • Lord Hilarion. - Green beam.
  • Master Anastasia. (from the books of V. Megre) - Violet ray.
  • Bishop Paul the Venetian. - Pink beam.
  • Lord Jesus. - Golden beam.
  • Our Higher Selves - Green Ray.
  • Geya (eng: Gaya) - Spirit of the Earth
  • Leo Tolstoy is a green ray.
  • Nikolai Gumilyov - green ray.
  • Anna Akhmatova - green beam.
  • Elder Athanasius
  • Lemurians in Altai and Telos.
  • Lemurian Mirra.
  • Master Ne-Ra (Different Galaxy)
  • Elemental Traffic.
  • Guardian of the mountain * Tow.


given to Urania by Thoth

Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Ask your Higher Self to help you meet the brothers and sisters in your spiritual family. Close your eyes and start breathing slowly and smoothly, preferably without pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Feel how with each breath you begin to slowly move up, smoothly rising higher and higher along the long vertical tunnel above your head. As you exhale, you are like a swimmer emerging from the depths, slowing down a little to take a little break from the rise and prepare for the next rush to the top.

You can already see the light at the end of this long tunnel. Strive for it with all your being, and the rise will go faster. Now you are already touching this light with your crown, taking another breath and as if emerging into a huge dazzling space. You float in it. It seems to you that you are in heaven, inside a fluffy cloud. Take a look around. Everywhere you see the faces of angels around you, they surround you everywhere, they exude such love for you and such admiration that at first it will take you some time to get used to them.

Say hello to them, let them touch you, hug you. You will definitely feel these touches, they will be like light touches. But there will be many. Maybe you can even hear the flapping of their wings. You have briefly returned home to your spiritual family, and they are happy to welcome you. Let them do for you what they want to do for you. Maybe they will spin you in their delightful round dance, maybe they will want to undress and bathe you in the rays of light and their love. Maybe they want to give you an angelic massage. Maybe they will present their gifts to you. Whatever they do, all this will be appropriate, and you will feel their every movement as the greatest gift for yourself, you will be happy from any of their touch, because you will feel that for you there is no one closer and dearer than them.

When you understand that it is time for you to return, the angels will again gather around you, and each of them will give you a particle of their energy with their touch, which you will carry with you to Earth. Feel how your being, like a vessel, is filled with these energies. Realize how important it is to them that you bring their energy down. Every particle of this energy will be forever connected with your Native Home through you, you will be a messenger of Light on Earth, a messenger of great angelic beings, a messenger of Love. Feel these energies singing within you, feel this choir with your whole body and realize that, having descended to Earth, you will always carry them in yourself, you will shine with them and light the way for yourself and others.

Thank the angels for their gifts and, with a light and free heart, dive into the small round hole at your feet. You will descend along it just as smoothly as you went up, breathing in and out, only now with each exhalation you will come closer to the Earth, to yourself, sitting in meditation in a calm room. Take another breath and open your eyes. Do you still feel the singing energies of the Angels in you?

Archangels are one of the first creations of God and they existed long before mankind and human religions. They belong to God, not to any theological religion. Therefore, they work with everyone who contacts them.


"Dear Angels!

I entrust all my financial affairs and money worries to your care!

I ask you to release me from all anxieties, worries and fears about money and replace them with faith!

I just need to look at nature to be sure of the abundance that the Universe has!

I will get rid of all negative thoughts about money and realize that prosperity is my true state!

I am grateful (on) for everything that I have in life!

I am learning to manage my finances and am creating my abundant future right now!

And finally, I ask you to help me realize my purpose in life and fulfill it boldly and decisively! I know that wealth will come to me if I do what I love.

Please help me use my skills and knowledge to serve the world! THANK YOU!"


This prayer protects from negative energy, gives protection from ill-wishers, calms, and also protects a person from stress, fear and painful conditions.

"My Guardian Angel protect me,
Protect my home and loved ones.
Protect yourself from evil enemies with a wall,
Luckily, I follow you through life.

You clothed me with the Power of Heaven,
so that grief and evil help me to expel.
So that I, never being afraid of anything,
I could overcome all obstacles.

Deliver me Angel from spiritual dirt,
Give me pure, free energy.
Take care of me, protect me
so that happiness and joy can be found.

Let only those people be next to me
whose heart is open only to kindness.
Who has kindness to me, respect,
who rejects envy and malice in the soul.

My protector angel, you are my helper,
for my projects you open the road.
Help me to fulfill all my desires,
so that enemies do not interfere with me in my life "


Those who followed our tips earlier and turned to the Higher Forces precisely at the Hour of the Angel, were convinced that such appeals are quickly accepted for execution.

By turning to the Higher Forces with a request at exactly the specified time, you can be sure that your request - prayer will be heard.

If it is at the moment indicated in the table that obstacles and difficulties, as if by agreement, begin to appear on your path and interfere with you in every possible way, you should know that it is better to abandon your plans: fate warns that you are on the wrong path.

Not sure if you should call someone first?

Try to call the Hour of the Angel: if you really need it, you will definitely get through and everything will clear up; well, if something prevents you from getting through at this moment, the issue has resolved itself, you better not take the initiative.

How exactly to address the Duty Angel: go to church, read a prayer or ask, what is called, in your own words? There are no rules here: do as your heart tells you.

The angels do not respond to "an appeal according to the charter", but to a request coming from the heart.

And one moment: does your religion matter?

No, it doesn't. If you truly believe, then you yourself perfectly understand: all religions turn to the One God, no matter what names we call Him. The angel on duty, like the sun, shines on everyone.

Turn to the Hour of the Angel for help - and you will certainly receive it (although, perhaps, in a very unexpected form), your business will certainly get off the ground.

Date Time
From to

1- 17:28 - 18:15
2- 17:25 - 18:12
3- 17:23 - 18:10
4- 17:20 - 18:07
5- 17:17 - 18:04
6- 17:14 - 18:01
7- 17:11 - 17:58
8- 17:08 - 17:55
9- 17:10 - 17:45
10- 17:03 - 17:49
11- 17:00 - 17:46
12- 16:57 - 17:43
13- 16:55 - 17:40
14- 16:52 - 17:37
15- 16:49 - 17:34
16- 16:46 - 17:31
17- 16:43 - 17:28
18- 16:40 - 17:25
19- 16:20 - 17:22
20- 16:35 - 17:18
21- 16:32 - 17:15
22- 16−29 - 17:12
23- 16:26 - 17:09
24- 16:23 - 17:06
25- 16:20 - 17:03
26- 16:17 - 17:00
27- 16:14 - 16:57
28- 16:11 - 16:53
29- 16:08 - 16:50
30- 16:05 - 16:47

Those who live in an area located near the border of time zones,
will have to focus on "middle of the moment".

For example, if the table indicates the period from 18:25 to 19:15, at the junction of time zones it should be reduced to 18:40 - 19:00.

Astrologer Lydia Nevedomskaya


The energy of your home depends only on you. Nobody can change it without your permission. If our aura is weakened or damaged due to the fact that you shared your power with someone, immediately try to strengthen it. You need to eat well, actively engage in auto-training, make the right decisions, visualize exactly what you want, and communicate with Angels of various ranks.

Every time you think or talk about angels, an archangel or a teacher, an energy enters your aura that makes it even brighter.

Having a strong and pure aura, you will attract people to you; they will begin to support your decisions and plans.

How to clean your house:

To make your home attractive to the angels, you must first free it from all rubbish. Do the cleaning. Vacuum and wash the entire house. Change the interior as needed.

Open the windows to let the old energy out And let the new in. This is very important to do if you quarreled with someone or were rude to someone.

Purify the room with incense by placing it in every corner of the house. Let bells and cymbals hang in every room; they must destroy the former heavy energy.

Check the bookshelves, get rid of all junk and low vibration books - they give off bad energy.

Plants with small leaves, such as ferns, destroy all negative formations.

Call on the silvery-violet flame and imagine it filling your home.

How to fill your home with LIGHT:

Buy or borrow from friends books that exude Light. The images on the walls also radiate a certain energy.

Beautiful photographs of landscapes and views of the sea, bright or holy people, cheerful children and animals fill the space with Light.

Angels love color, so your home should have brightly colored curtains, bedspreads, and rugs. Fill the space with a variety of colors.

Set up an altar with candles, crystals, beautiful objects, images or figurines of saints and ascended masters.

The angel will certainly be impressed by your daily prayer, said in this corner with a lit candle.

Meditate, pray and dance in a space filled with Light and joy.

Favorite sounds of Angels:

Angels are attracted by classical music and beautiful compositions of the new era, written in the name of peace and harmony. They also like the sound of glass and Tibetan bowls.

Angels love laughter. May there always be joyful relatives and friends in your house, and then the angels will definitely visit you. Sing more often beautiful or spiritual songs, and your home will become even more attractive to the messengers of light. Chant the names of the Lord, mantras or the sounds of "o" and "a", May the chanting bring you happiness.

Conversations on spiritual topics and kind words about other people also caress the ears of angels.

Meditation inviting Angels to your home:

1. Make sure that no one will disturb you in the place chosen for meditation.

2. If possible, enhance the energy of the place with flowers, candles, incense, angelic music that you like, and beautiful objects or books.

3. Sit or lie down with your back straight.

4. Imagine that you are rooted: the roots coming from your feet bind you to the earth.

5. Relax and abstract from the outside world. Look around and bless all things and all the inhabitants of your home.

6. Close your eyes and imagine your home filled with beautiful golden light.

7. Ask for a beam of light to descend from the Origin to the earth, penetrating your home. Imagine this picture in your mind.

8. Invite angels to your home.

9. Believe that they are near you, listen to your feelings.

10. Thank them for visiting and promise that you will keep the energy and Light they have surrounded us with.

Diana Cooper

Helpful Hints

Guardian angels are incorporeal beings that live side by side with us, but not everyone is aware of this. Each person's birth horoscope contains information about everything, includingwhich guardian angel is next to him, how he can help him, what character he has, what he can protect him from, and so on.

If you know the features of YOUR angel, you can receive help from him easier and faster. Angels are able to send signals to a person at the right time in order to move him to action and striving on the way to his cherished dream and goal.

It also happens that some kind of strange circumstances that force us to do something for our development. For example, we have long wanted to quit a job we hate and devote more time to a creative activity that brings benefit and joy to us or other people.

We do not dare to take such a step, but circumstances suddenly develop in such a way that we start to do it: for example, there is a sharp reduction in work or a company closes for a while, sending employees on unpaid leave, and so on.

Angels also speak to us very often. through dreams. They may not appear there in the form of winged people in white clothes, but after dreams we experience some feelings and think about what we need to change, where to move or how to act.

Angels can also send us random people who can suddenly give unexpected advice, or suggest something important. Or we may meet some special signs. Angels have a million other ways in their arsenal to convey something important to a person, to help, to suggest.

The English know how to help when a person believes in them and in higher powers, tries to develop spiritually and does not wish harm to anyone.

Angels differ from each other, having their own characteristics, which ones your guardian angel has, you can calculate by certain formula(the formula was presented in the book by Elena Mazova “The address of your guardian angel. Communication Guide").

This formula will allow us to determine the sign of the Zodiac in which the fictitious point of the horoscope is located, which is called White Moon or Selena- white karma of a person. It is Selena who gives an idea of ​​who our guardian angel is.

How to recognize your guardian angel?

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Plug your data (YEAR - only the last 2 digits, MONTH and BIRTHDAY) into the following formula and calculate the total:

Example: You were born on February 28, 1980. We substitute the data into the formula: 134.70 + 51.429 * 80 + 4.286 * 2 + 0.141 * 28 \u003d 134.70 + 4114.32 + 8.572 + 3.948 \u003d 4261.54.

2. Divide the resulting number by 360: 4261.54/360 = 11.83.

360 is the number of degrees in one circle, so now let's determine how many "circles" fit in your number. In this case, as many as 11.

3. We multiply 11 by 360 and subtract the number obtained in paragraph 1 from the resulting number, calculating the remainder: 11 * 360-4261.54 = -301.54.

4. According to this remainder 305.49, you can determine the sign of the Zodiac, this is AQUARIUS. We determine the sign depending on the resulting balance:

Up to 30.00 or less = Aries

30.01 - 60.00 = Taurus

60.01 - 90.00 = Gemini

90.01 - 120.00 = Cancer

120.01 - 150.00 = Leo

150.01 - 180.00 = Virgo

180.01 - 210.00 = Libra

210.01 - 240.00 = Scorpio

240.01 - 270.00 = Sagittarius

270.01 - 300.00 = Capricorn

300.01 - 330.00 = Aquarius

330.01 - 360 = Pisces

TIP: Do the calculations several times to avoid mistakes! If you have any astrological program, you do not have to calculate manually. It is enough to look at where the White Moon was at the time of birth. The sign in which this point is located will be sign of your guardian angel!

If you have difficulties with calculations, write to our group in contact or in the comments to this article.

guardian angel by date of birth

Signs of your guardian angels:

If you have calculated by the formula which zodiac sign your guardian angel "fell" into, you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about him.


This angel is quite energetic and has a very large charge of energy, which he gladly gives you. When you are very tired, but you still need to do something, you may suddenly have the energy to continue the work, strength comes from somewhere.

What is his task? Encourage you to make your own decisions.

When does he come to the rescue? If you want to start a new business, start something radically new, change your life, this angel is able to support you and give you extra strength and courage.

What is he protecting you from? From very sharp and impulsive actions; from the desire to get everything this minute, without making any special effort; from rudeness and rudeness on the part of other people. It can also protect you from very serious injuries, burns, accidents. Even if you get into such situations, you will get off with minor injuries. Also, this angel is able to prevent the development of diseases related to Aries - diseases of vision, teeth, etc.

When is he more active? In the first month after your birthday; at the very beginning of any month; in January; when you are just starting a new business.

When is he powerless? When you do not want to develop, do not strive for new heights, lead a routine life and only say that you would like to live differently without doing anything. If you can’t decide on goals, you don’t even want to set them for yourself, you don’t know what you want.

Your angel might look like this:


This angel can be felt by you as something material. For example, you may have a specific thing, a talisman that you think saves you from trouble and helps you make the right decision in a difficult situation.

What is his task? To teach you to see beauty, to give you a sense of taste, to teach you how to properly manage your resources, how to save energy, and protect the environment.

When does he come to the rescue? It helps at a time when you are looking for ways to improve your life in a material sense, but do not become so attached to finances that you forget about everything else. He helps you find the work of your life that will give you not only money, but also job satisfaction. It also helps you when you are striving for health, to move to the right way of life. It helps you find the information you need, gives you signs on how to act and what to do. You intuitively begin to remove from your life what prevents you from gaining the body of your dreams and excellent health.

Read also:Quiz: Who is your guardian angel?

What is he protecting you from? This angel helps you protect yourself from diseases of the throat and thyroid gland.

When is he more active? In the second month after the birthday; in February.

When is he powerless? If you destroy your health intentionally, knowing where it will lead; if you don't want to live the right way, don't pay attention to how you look. If material values ​​are more important to you than spiritual values, and if you are ready for everything for the sake of money, including bad deeds.

In your dreams, this angel may appear in a classic form, for example, in the body of a child with wings:


This guardian angel may have several faces, or appear not as one being, but as several.

What is his task? He wants you to learn how to change, be more flexible and mobile, calmly accept changes in life, learn how to communicate with people and find the right approach to them.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel loves when a person develops, increases his intellectual level, so he will always help him in this. It will also attract people into your life that can make you smarter. It helps to make the right purchases, for example, it will lead you to a new bookstore that you had no idea about, but which you will find a lot of useful things for you.

What is he protecting you from? The angel will help you with safety on the road, on the journey. He will protect you from gossip and incorrect information, help protect you from dishonest and two-faced people.

When is he more active? In the third month after your birthday; in March.

When is he powerless? If you are not at all interested in anything new, do not like to read, are not looking for new interesting information. If you become more and more isolated with age and do not want to communicate with young people, if you do not accept the changes that are taking place in the world around you. This angel will not be able to give you anything and will not be able to help you in any way.

strong guardian angel


This guardian angel knows more than anyone how to bring you peace of mind when you need it most. He knows how to take care of his ward as if he were his own child, thereby making this person feel in the company of a close soul even when he is alone. This angel may appear in your dreams in the form of something or someone very dear and familiar, in the form of a close relative or even a soft toy. You may also have the feeling that your angel is your deceased relative.

What is his task? Its task is simple - to give you the opportunity to learn how to take care of others, give them warmth and help, become a softer and kinder person.

When does he come to the rescue? If your hearth means a lot to you, you strive to protect and take care of your loved ones, it is easier for an angel to make itself felt with your help and tips. It helps you to be closer to your family, to find a spiritual connection with them. It gives you the opportunity to see each other and communicate if you live very far from each other. He is especially active when you start your family or resolve issues related to relatives.

What is he protecting you from? He is able to save you from quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, from diseases associated with the digestive system.

When is he more active? In the fourth month after your birthday, in April.

When is he powerless? He cannot give you anything if your roots and your family mean nothing to you, if you do not think about your family, do not honor your parents and other older relatives, do not want to take care of the house in which you live.


This is a very bright angel, which seems to a person to be a guiding star, a bright ray of light, beckoning. When you look at the fire, you may get the feeling that an angel is somewhere near you or standing behind you. It will be easier for you to ask your questions to the angel, for example, by lighting a candle. Watching her flame, you will receive answers to your questions.

What is his task? He wants you to be happy and inspired by doing what you love. Its task is to develop your creative talents and abilities, to teach you how to use them correctly.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel will communicate with you through creativity, giving you the right tips. Most likely, you have some kind of talent in creativity, you can create something. Doing your favorite creative thing, you will feel or see the right cues.

What is he protecting you from? From failures in love and creativity, from problems with children. Also, a guardian angel of this type is able to protect you from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When is he more active? In the fifth month after your birthday or in May. It is activated when you begin to think creatively, begin to approach things using your creative thought.

When is he powerless? When a person does not want to realize himself creatively, does not want to see joy in the work he is doing, or does not want to do what he loves for various reasons.


This guardian angel is quite reasonable and reasonable, he comes into contact with a person not with the help of internal vague sensations, but inspires certain thoughts that may suddenly come to mind. A person may not even suspect that his angel inspires him with these thoughts, and may consider that he himself thought of this before.

What is his task? The task of this angel is to turn on your mind when necessary. One cannot live with feelings and emotions, in some cases we need to act, obeying the mind.

When does he come to the rescue? He can help you when you are required to think logically and sensibly, evaluate situations reasonably, and consider important decisions. For example, he will tell you how to find the best job, what you need to develop in order to become a professional in your field, how to act in case of difficult situations. This angel helps to find a middle ground between feelings and reason in making important decisions. He will always help at the moment when you have a desire to streamline your life, switch to a healthy lifestyle, take care of your own health.

What is he protecting you from? An angel can protect you from rash and impulsive actions when you do not want to hear the mind. He will tell you how to avoid failure at work, how best to act and how to communicate with colleagues. It helps you avoid activities and situations in your life that can lead to health problems.

When is he more active? In the sixth month after the birthday, in June.

When is he powerless? When you do not want to hear your mind, do not want to think logically and obey only the impulses of the heart, then the angel will not be able to help you. You can’t go with the flow all the time, ignoring logic and common sense. It usually comes at a cost to the individual.


An angel of this type can appear in dreams or appear in your imagination as a very beautiful and somewhere even ideal being. It does not act assertively, but gently and gently, leading you to inner peace and tranquility. He gives clues through other people. For example, your partner can teach you something important: it is your angel who sends you his advice and help.

What is his task? Smooth over problems and be there for you when you are out of balance. It is important for him that your life, your thoughts and feelings are in balance, you do not go to extremes and do not do stupid things.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel helps you reach an understanding with other people, in particular with your partners. He is especially active, he begins to work when you are trying to build harmonious relationships. It can also give you important tips in dealing with business partners, when signing contracts, when concluding verbal agreements, etc. It helps you, if you wanted to gain popularity, to become a public figure. He will tell you how to behave better so that your popularity grows and strengthens, and helps you attract the right people into your life.

What is he protecting you from? It protects you from mistakes in relationships with personal or business partners, and indeed with other people.

When is he more active? In the seventh month after the birthday; in July.

When is he powerless? If there are constant extremes in your life from which you do not want to get out, it is difficult for him to help you. It works when you have the slightest desire to bring balance and beauty into your life and when you begin to strive for this. If this is not the case, then the angel cannot help you in any way.

Guardian Angel: meaning


This angel may appear to you as a very mysterious creature, and you may even be afraid of him. Sometimes the signals and signs that an angel gives can seriously scare. However, there is no point in being afraid of an angel - for a person, he brings only good. This angel knows how to act through intuitive insights like no other!

What is his task? This angel seeks to let you know that you should not be afraid of the mysterious and inexplicable, this is part of our life. Its task is to reveal to you secrets that will help you develop in a spiritual sense, help you use other people's energy and your internal reserves in a positive way, make you stronger in the face of temptations and ups and downs of fate.

When does he come to the rescue? A guardian angel of this type is able to help you when you are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, explore some deep question, understand the psychological background of actions; when you want to plunge into the world of the incomprehensible and unknown, when you want to find answers to important questions or just want to find a lost thing. It helps you when you are running a business, working with other people's money (for example, using loans or loans), or want to increase your income.

Many religions recognize the existence of angels - incorporeal magical beings who are in the service of the Almighty and help people on the path of spiritual development. In the Christian tradition, it is customary to depict angels as beautiful creatures with wings behind their backs. All of them are clearly divided into nine ranks, depending on the functions they perform. Orthodox people believe that ordinary guardian angels are led by archangels. So why is there such a hierarchy in the Kingdom of God? Let's figure it out.

Dionysius the Areopagite

The basis of angelology - a kind of science that studies the inhabitants of the higher worlds - was the essay "On the Heavenly Hierarchy", signed in the name of St. Dionysius the Areopagite. This theological work had a great influence on the ideas of Orthodox Christians about the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Luke describes the deeds of the holy apostles, who in the 1st century AD, after the death of Jesus Christ, dispersed to different countries, preaching a new religion. The speech of the Apostle Paul in the building of the Athenian Areopagus (Supreme Court) made a great impression on the audience.

Especially St. Luke points out that after listening to the sermon, Dionysius the Areopagite believed in the resurrection of Christ. He was a publicly respected judge, a talented orator and philosopher. Actually, the word "areopagite" denotes the belonging of the saint to the power structure of Athens. Soon, the newly-born Christian became the first bishop of the Greek capital, having managed to bring many new adherents into the bosom of the nascent church.

Alias ​​or hoax?

The authorship of Dionysius the Areopagite is attributed to several works: "On the Names of God"; "On the Church Hierarchy"; "On Mysterious Theology"; "Mystical Theology", as well as the aforementioned theological treatise "On the Heavenly Hierarchy". However, most scientists have come to the conclusion that the unknown author of these works was simply ashamed to give his name or deliberately hid it, indicating a famous saint.

According to the conclusions of most historians and philologists, the works attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite were written on the territory of modern Syria at the beginning of the 6th century. Thanks to the authoritative name of the alleged author, these treatises quickly gained popularity in the Byzantine Empire. And already from the hierarchs of Constantinople they came to Russia, having been translated into Slavic languages.

Until now, there are disputes about the possible author of the listed theological works, who was a talented theologian, of course. The writings of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite are an organic combination of Christian doctrine with the philosophy of Neoplatonism. They are based on the assertion that the human mind is incapable of knowing the design and nature of the Creator. And only a complete renunciation of one's own ideas about the divine can bring a person closer to understanding the Almighty.

How are they all set up?

According to the Orthodox, the Kingdom of God is a well-organized structure designed to implement the will of the Creator, to resist hostile forces and to help believers. The heavenly hierarchy is an example of how wise and effective management should be arranged at all levels of being. This organization is led by the Lord himself.

The hierarchical structure of the Kingdom of God is a pyramid, which includes three degrees: the highest, the middle, the lowest. Each of them, in turn, is divided into three ranks. So there are nine in total.

It is believed that there are very few angels closest to the Creator, and the farther from the Almighty, the more massive the contingent of these wonderful creatures becomes. However, it cannot be argued that the angels who occupy a lower position in the hierarchy are less important. In Orthodoxy, the opinion is accepted that God loves all his creatures equally, and each of them fulfills his will on an equal basis with everyone else.

The highest degree in the Kingdom of God is occupied by three angelic ranks: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. The former are closest to God. Their name can be translated as "flaming". Possessing six wings, being in constant motion, each seraphim is able to kindle the fire of life in the soul of a mortal.

Cherubim are carriers of the highest divine wisdom. These are the guardians guarding the Tree of Knowledge itself, the fruits of which, contrary to the will of the Creator, were eaten by Eve and Adam. Cherubim teach their brothers to correctly understand the plans of the Almighty. And the Thrones are named so because they are located directly at the throne of the Creator. They reflect the divine providence, through them the will of God is transmitted to the lower levels of being, therefore, with the support of the thrones, holy souls are able to foresee the future.

The middle degree of the heavenly triad is Dominions, Forces, Powers. Occupying an intermediate level in the hierarchy, these angels transmit the will of divine providence from a higher plane to a lower one. For example, the Forces bestow various abilities on holy ascetics, give them confidence in the realization of righteous undertakings. Dominations oppose any injustice, support the desire for freedom, stand up for a respectful attitude towards all God's creatures. And the Authorities are the direct conductors of the will of the Creator, realized in the world of people.

All of the above angelic ranks are inaccessible to the perception of mere mortals. They are too far from our understanding, therefore they do not contact representatives of humanity in any way.

Archangels and angels

Only representatives of the third degree of the hierarchy of angels take a direct part in people's lives. These are the Principles, Archangels and Angels. The first of them provide patronage to states and religious associations. It is the Principles that decide the issues of succession to the throne and supreme power in each country. The stability and well-being of entire peoples depends on the wise policy of the beginnings.

Archangels are the chiefs of ordinary angels. In the Orthodox tradition, there are eight of them: Barahiel, Michael, Selaphiel, Gabriel, Jehudiel, Raphael, Jeremiah and Uriel. There are three who enjoy the greatest honor and respect among believers: Michael, the head of the angelic host; Gabriel is the voice of God and a good messenger; Raphael is the main healer and protector from all diseases.

However, the rest of the archangels perform no less important functions. Thus, Uriel guards temples and holy places; Selaphiel encourages people to pray; Jehudiel supports church ascetics-missionaries; Jeremiel inspires people with good thoughts, and Barahiel blesses mortals for good deeds.

Angels are the most numerous rank of the heavenly hierarchy. They patronize specific organizations and people. Being closest to us, they often act as guardian angels, guiding each person on the path of spiritual development. These creatures are invisible and immortal, of course, in the understanding of people. They are associated with the elements of air and fire. It is believed that angels purify sinful souls with a divine flame, and they move around our world like the wind.

Currently, there are several different interpretations of the heavenly hierarchy. Separate teachings based on Christianity distinguish not nine, but 11 angelic ranks. The writings attributed to the pen of St. Dionysius the Areopagite formed the basis of many esoteric practices, including white magic.

Last time we discussed the fundamental possibility of being in constant dialogue with your guardian angel, asking him for advice and help. Now we will talk about specific appeals to the guardian angel on various occasions. I will try with you to consider a variety of cases when a guardian angel provides a person with effective help. Take them into service, do the same - and everything will work out for you in the best way.

Remember the following: if the Lord does not have a will for you that coincides with your desires, then in fact a fate is prepared for you even better than what you thought. Hear the will of the Lord about your happiness, go to it along the paths indicated by the guardian angel, do not look back at what remains behind: unfulfilled hopes, unfulfilled dreams ... Go ahead, trust your guardian angel - and be happy! Just remember, please, that you live your life on your own, make actions - you, choice to do - also you. The angel will tell you everything you need, but it is up to you to hear or not hear him. The responsibility for your life is yours, not the angel's. The Lord gives us opportunities, the angels are His messengers, but a number of opportunities remain unrealized. The Lord wants us to be saved and good, and His angels warn us of dangers, but we fundamentally do not want to respond to their warnings, carried away by something of our own.

So, we must learn to listen and hear the guardian angel and always - always! - When making decisions, proceed from his advice. You are late for a business meeting, nervous, cursing, looking for a fresh shirt (new tights). And suddenly it turns out that the shirt needs to be ironed (all the “whole” tights are over). What to do in this case? Do not smack the fever, do not hysteria. Sit quietly, relax and ask your angel if this minor event (your not finding a shirt / pantyhose) means that the meeting should be rescheduled for half an hour? If he tells you yes, calmly dial the correct phone, apologize and tell him that you are a little late. Why might you need to postpone your meeting? There may be hundreds of reasons for this, but this is for your own good! Remember this! Always proceed from this when making life choices!

What will happen if you do not listen to your angel and run headlong to that meeting, somehow hastily resolving the issue of your wardrobe? Yes, anything can be. You can get stuck in an elevator for half a day, you can get hit by a car, be very unkindly met by business partners, lose your bag, documents, money ... No need to experiment. And no need to fuss. Turn on every occasion to the angel and act on his advice.

Do you understand everything? Just don't be shy! You probably want to ask a question, but you don't dare. I'll set it up for you. How do you talk to your guardian angel? What is needed for that?

I will tell you this: nothing special is needed. Every conversation you have with your guardian angel is like a conversation with yourself. You ask, you answer. If you want, do it out loud, if you want, to yourself, whichever is more convenient for you. The first thing that comes to your mind is the thought inspired, prompted by the guardian angel. As soon as you start processing the information that comes to mind from the standpoint of logic, thinking, choosing words - these are your interpretations, you don’t need it: it won’t help solve problematic issues, but will only confuse you even more.

What questions to ask an angel? Mostly those to which you can get a one-word answer - Yes or No. Do not expect detailed "lectures" from the angel, most likely you will not hear anything like that.

At the beginning of each section, I will give a prayer to the guardian angel, an appeal that will allow you to enter into a dialogue with him. Is it necessary to read it every time? Should I learn by heart? See for yourself. At first, it will be quite difficult to talk with your angel, then it will become easier and easier. After a while, you will no longer have to ask anything, you will simply always know how to act and how not to. Naturally, when you are already so short with your guardian angel, there is no time for reading prayers - communication takes place in a “working order”. But for beginners, I advise an appeal to an angel to precede a prayer.

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