The results of the vision test on the apparatus are transcribed. Refractometry of the eye: what is, indicators What does cyl mean when checking vision

Many have come across incomprehensible symbols written by doctors

When passing an ophthalmological examination, we often get a lot of results on our hands, but it is extremely difficult to understand what has been written.

Blame it all difficult ophthalmic language, incomprehensible abbreviations and designations. So that you can understand at least a little of all these symbols, we will give you a short tour of the basics of ophthalmology.

Of course, we all understand that a letter, an icon or a stick carries certain information, which helps to correctly diagnose, prescribe effective treatment and avoid further deterioration. Undoubtedly, professionals are well versed in all these subtleties, but it would be nice for you to understand the meaning of such abbreviations.

SPH - what is the diagnosis?

If you found this characteristic in your analysis sheet and do not have an idea about sph vision, what it means, then our information will be very useful for you. So, SPH characterizes the presence of astigmatism: i.e. in different parts of the eye, the rays are refracted at certain angles (different), which brings significant discomfort to the patient.

Sph usually suggests astigmatism

There are several types of astigmatism that can be targeted for such diagnoses:

  • myopia;
  • hyperopia;
  • mixed astigmatism.

The very concept "Vision sph" almost never occurs without accompanying digital indicators. For example, sph +2.5 means that the patient needs a diopter of +2.5 as a corrective agent. If the number is with a minus (-3), then the person is progressive.

Usually, the bottom line describes astigmatism level in relation to the pupil. If we abstract a little from the numbers and remember what the human eye looks like, it becomes clear that the cornea has a spherical shape, which can be conditionally divided into 4 equal parts.

So, astigmatism indicates to the deflection level where the beam is refracted. For example, the luminous flux should fall directly on the conditional horizon, but the bar slides down and turns out to be above / below the desired indicator.

A special set of diagnostic measures will help to calculate the level of deviation and select a rational accompanying glass that will optimally complement the diopter and bring the visual acuity closer to unity.

Therefore, seeing vision sph cyl ax and the corresponding figure, there is no need to be frightened and perplexed, because these are absolutely normal indicators. For example, if a doctor prescribed you prescription for glasses / lenses, then he is simply obliged to indicate the appropriate parameters, only taking into account which corrective measures will be correctly selected.

There are situations when they try to place dozens of indicators on one small sheet of analysis, which further confuses and misleads patients.

Gymnastics to restore vision, see this video: Link

Correct selection of glasses

Only a doctor will help you to choose the right glasses, and only after examination

If you had to deal with such a set of numbers and letters: SPH -1.75 CYL -0.25 (AX120A), then we will try to provide you with a short answer about each of the indicators.

Since we have already talked about SPH and CYL, we will delve into the essence of the add-on vision "sph cyl ax" what it is and how to treat it.

Index ax represents useful addition, aimed at specifying the angle of the visual cylinder, which is responsible for the correct refraction of light fluxes. I would like to note that AX can range from 0 to 180 degrees, which will help you diagnose faster and more correctly.

As a rule, if the examination is carried out on two eyes, then indicators will be different... There is an opinion that one eye always sees worse, and accordingly, one eye will have significantly higher indicators than the other.

By the way, if you were able to make all types of vision characteristics in one line, then we can assume that the medical center has modern equipment.

A similar detailed eye diagnostics important for the correct selection of glasses, because many people spend the whole day in glasses, and do not use them only for moments of intense visual activity.

For more illustrative example and a rational understanding of all these concepts, let's look at one recipe with which the patient goes to the optician for the corresponding purchase.

Most people require custom glasses

So OD sph +2.5 cyl +0.5 ax 90:

  • As you can see, the patient suffers from hyperopia (since +),
  • the level of astigmatism by 0.5 (an additional corrective diopter is selected), which is set at an angle of 90 degrees.

Of course, upon arrival at the optician, you will be checked again to make sure that the initial diagnosis is correct and will be launched mechanism for creating individual glasses.

If the difference in diopters is large, then to restore vision, you need to buy exclusively complex glasses: lenses in the right / left eye can be radically different and even have plus and minus diopters.

Timely diagnosis of diseases of the visual apparatus is very important. After all, computers, phones and other gadgets have long been a part of our life. And they greatly increase the strain on the eyes.

It is enough to visit an ophthalmologist for a preventive eye examination once a year. There are many methods of ophthalmological examination. Visometry is one of the standard methods.

What it is?

Visometry - a completely prompt and accurate diagnostic method that does not require any preparation. It is a technique based on the use of special tables by an ophthalmologist.

Visual acuity refers to the ability of the eye to see two separate objects at a minimum angle of view, which is measured in minutes. The angle of view, which is equal to 1 minute, is taken as the norm, and is indicated by one.

The visual acuity chart is a large-format white poster with black characters of different sizes depicted on it. These signs in ophthalmology are called optotypes.

The table should be located at a distance of 5 meters from the subject. The visometry procedure is carried out strictly in a sitting position. Visual acuity is tested in turn for each eye. The patient covers one eye with a white plastic spatula, and the doctor invites him to recognize different optotypes.


Types of ophthalmic tables

1.Sivtsev's table

Consists of a list of certain Russian letters. There are 12 lines in the table, the top line contains the largest letters and with each subsequent line the size of the letters decreases. On the left side of the table, next to each line, the Latin letter "V" is written with a specific numerical value. This is an indicator of visual acuity called a visus. And on the right, the Latin letter "D" indicates the number of meters from which the characters of a particular line should be recognized from an angle of view of 1 min.
100% vision is considered equal to V \u003d 0.1. To do this, a person must, from a distance of 5 meters, recognize the signs written in the 10th line, and from 50 meters the optotypes of the upper line. Lines 11 and 12 can be recognized by people with 150% and 200% vision, they are extremely rare.

2.Golovin's table

It is identical to Sivtsev's table - the same 12 lines with the vise on the left. But instead of Russian letters, Landolt's rings are used here - circles with breaks on one of the 4 sides.
The size of the rings is calculated using the formula 7mm / V (corresponding to a certain line). As a result, it turns out that in the first row there are circles with a diameter of 70 mm on top, and in the bottom - with a diameter of 3.5 mm. At the direction of the doctor, the patient must name which side of the ring the gap is.
The table can be used in conjunction with the Sivtsev table. Or in cases when, with frequent diagnostics of vision according to the Sivtsev table, the patient has already learned by heart the location of all the letters.

3. Orlova's table

It is used to diagnose the visual apparatus of babies. After all, not all preschoolers know the alphabet.
Therefore, the optotypes of all 12 lines are images and Landolt rings. The size of the pictures for each line is also determined by the formula.

4 Snellen table

Created in 1862, it is generally accepted in most countries of the world. The optotypes here are Latin letters in 11 lines, their size also increases from bottom to top.

Next to each line is the distance, in feet, at which a person with normal vision should recognize the letter. The lowest row, which the subject can read without errors, and determines the indicator of visual acuity.

5 Pole's table

The role of optotypes here is played by circles of different sizes with breaks and lines of parallel stripes. Demonstrated at close range.

This is a non-standard table, it is used only in certain cases:

  • if the patient's vision is below 0.1;
  • for military medical examination, during a medical examination for military service;
  • for medical and social examination, during a medical examination to determine the disability group.

Decoding indications

The ophthalmologist fixes the results of visometry with the formula.

100% vision of the left and right eye is indicated by Vis OD \u003d 0.1 and Vis OS \u003d 0.1. This indicates that the examined person sees the letters of the 10th line from 5 meters.

It is possible that the eyes have different visual acuity, so the visometry procedure is performed for each eye in turn. For example, if the right eye from a standard distance recognizes the optotypes of only the first 4 lines, then the ophthalmologist fixes the Vis OD \u003d 0.4. And with the left eye the patient sees the letters of the first 8 lines, then the indicator will be Vis OS \u003d 0.8.

For patients with low visual acuity, the indicator is calculated using the Snellen formula:

Vis \u003d d / D.

d is the number of meters from which the patient can clearly see all optotypes of a particular row.
D is the distance from which the same optotypes should be recognized by a person with 100% vision.

If the patient recognizes the letters of the upper line from 3 meters, and the normal distance for the upper line is taken as 50 meters, then the calculation of visual acuity will look like this:

Vis \u003d 3m / 50m \u003d 0.06

Today it is possible to carry out visometry using computer diagnostics... The duration of the procedure is 1 minute. You must look at one point in the center of the monitor screen. The examination result is given by the computer for both eyes at once. Compared to printed tables, this method is more accurate and efficient.

According to medical statistics, visual acuity begins to decline with age. On average, after 45 years. To prevent deterioration of vision at an earlier age, it is necessary to undergo an annual examination by an ophthalmologist.

Modern devices are capable of not only measuring the clinical refraction of the eye. With their help, you can evaluate the refraction of the cornea, its radius, diameter. These data are indispensable in the selection of contact vision correction, clarification of the type of astigmatism (corneal, lens).

1) Ref - results of refractometry. 2) R - right eye. 3) L - left eye. 4) Sph - the optical power of a spherical lens, corresponding to the refraction of the eye in one of the two main meridians of the eye. 5) PD - interpupillary distance. 6) The results of measuring the radius of curvature of the cornea in its maximum and minimum meridians, expressed in millimeters. 7) R1 and R2 - the results of measurements in the maximum and minimum meridians of the cornea. 8) VD - vertex distance. 9) # - data, the reliability of which is questionable. 10) Cyl - the optical power of a cylindrical lens, the addition of which to a spherical lens with an optical power corresponding to one of the two main meridians of a given eye (see item 4), reflects the refraction of the eye in the other main meridian. Usually negative (minus) cylinders are preset in autorefractometer settings. The size of a cylinder always indicates the difference in refraction of the two main meridians. 11) Ax is the axis of the cylindrical lens (see item 10). 12) The average refractive index in the two main meridians of the eye, expressed as a prescription for glasses. 13) Ker - results of keratometry. 14) The average of the obtained measurements of the radius of curvature of the cornea (in mm) and the refractive power in its minimum and maximum meridians (in D - diopters). 15) The results of measuring the refraction of the cornea in its minimum and maximum meridians, expressed in diopters (D).

The reason is that this printout is issued in the form of a prescription for glasses and, accordingly, does not reflect the true refractive power in the two main meridians of the eye, but only the optical correction that is necessary to correct it. The latter can be written both with negative ("-") exponents of the cylindrical component, and with positive ("+"), and also translated from one form to another according to the rule of cylinder transposition (see example in skiascopy).

One of the modern methods for determining the refraction of the eye is autorefractometry. During examination, the device emits a beam of infrared light directed through the pupil to the retina. Passing through the optical media, it is refracted and, reflected from the fundus, returns back. The sensors record its parameters, and the program compares them with the initial ones and calculates the clinical refraction of the eye.

When conducting a study without the use of cycloplegic agents, dynamic refraction is assessed, which is the sum of static refraction (refraction in a state of complete rest of accommodation), accommodative tone and / or so-called instrumental myopia (involuntary accommodation into the device). This is the reason that the results of refractometry are not an unconditional basis for the appointment of optical correction. The decision about its necessity and the strength of corrective lenses is decided by an ophthalmologist through subjective selection (subjective refractometry).

The autorefractometry procedure is extremely simple and does not take much time. The patient sits down in front of the device in the required position. Each eye is examined individually. The patient is invited to look at an object (fixation mark) located at a conventionally infinite distance in order to maximize accommodation relaxation. The investigator, using the joystick, aims the apparatus at the center of the pupil, then the measurement takes place in automatic or manual mode. At the end of the study, the results can be printed.

As in the case of skiascopy, more reliable results will be obtained in patients after cycloplegia, which will help to maximally relax accommodation.

Modern devices are capable of not only measuring the clinical refraction of the eye. With their help, you can evaluate the refraction of the cornea, its radius, diameter. These data are indispensable in the selection of contact vision correction, clarification of the type of astigmatism (corneal, lens).

Decoding the autorefractometer readings

1) Ref - the results of refractometry.

2) R - right eye.

3) L - left eye.

4) Sph - the optical power of a spherical lens, corresponding to the refraction of the eye in one of the two main meridians of the eye.

5) PD - interpupillary distance.

6) The results of measuring the radius of curvature of the cornea in its maximum and minimum meridians, expressed in millimeters.

7) R1 and R2 - the results of measurements in the maximum and minimum meridians of the cornea.

8) VD - vertex distance.

9) # - data, the reliability of which is questionable.

10) Cyl - the optical power of a cylindrical lens, the addition of which to a spherical lens with an optical power corresponding to one of the two main meridians of a given eye (see item 4), reflects the refraction of the eye in the other main meridian. Usually negative (minus) cylinders are preset in autorefractometer settings. The size of a cylinder always indicates the difference in refraction of the two main meridians.

11) Ax is the axis of the cylindrical lens (see item 10).

12) The average refractive index in the two main meridians of the eye, expressed as a prescription for glasses.

13) Ker - results of keratometry.

14) The average value of the obtained measurements of the radius of curvature of the cornea (in mm) and refractive force in its minimum and maximum meridians (in D - diopters).

15) The results of measuring the refraction of the cornea in its minimum and maximum meridians, expressed in diopters (D).

Depending on the instrument model, S.E. may also be displayed in the printout. (spheroequivalent). It is calculated as the arithmetic sum of the optical power of a spherical lens and half of a cylindrical lens, determined during autorefractometry.

The value labeled Cyl reflects the degree of astigmatism present. It is important to note that when making expert decisions (fitness for military service, disability, etc.), it is taken into account without taking into account the "+" or "-" sign indicated in front of it in the printout of autorefractometry results.

The reason is that this printout is issued in the form of a prescription for glasses and, accordingly, does not reflect the true refractive power in the two main meridians of the eye, but only the optical correction that is necessary to correct it. The latter can be written both with negative ("-") exponents of the cylindrical component, and with positive ("+"), and also translated from one form to another according to the rule of cylinder transposition (see example in skiascopy).

Autorefractometry is a method of computerized vision diagnostics, which allows examining the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. With this procedure, the doctor can diagnose even the smallest refractive errors (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia).

How autorefractometry is performed

When performing autorefractometry, the refractometer emits a beam of infrared light. The image of this beam is recorded by sensors before and after the light leaves the eye. All obtained data are analyzed using computer programs. The entire procedure is performed automatically, and the patient only needs to remain motionless for a while and focus on the fixation mark.

To determine refraction as accurately as possible, complete relaxation of accommodation is necessary. For this, the fixing mark is set at the maximum distance. The main advantage of this procedure is the ability to obtain the most accurate data on the magnitude of astigmatism and the difference in refraction in both eyes.

Pros and cons of autorefractometry

Of course, autorefractometry is not complete without errors, but even they cannot reduce the popularity of this research method. Its results need medical interpretation and can serve as a basis for further research. An optometrist will certainly be interested in the results of autorefractometry when choosing lenses or glasses, but ophthalmologists prefer not to be limited only to autorefractometry. It should be noted that this procedure cannot be performed on patients suffering from clouding of the lens, vitreous body or cornea.

Currently, the image of a Christmas tree, balloon or house is increasingly used as a fixation point. Such images help to capture the patient's attention and keep it for a certain time. Older devices used images of a circle as a fixation point, so it was rather problematic to attract the attention of patients (especially children).

Today, in order to check your vision for myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, it is enough to turn to a fully computerized technique that allows you to do this in a few minutes. This diagnosis is called autorefractometry and is aimed at examining the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Any refractive errors are recorded very accurately and both adults and children can undergo the examination procedure.

The human eye is a very complex sensory organ that is a living optical system. The light beam alternately passes through the cornea, anterior chamber, lens and vitreous body, refracts several times and eventually focuses on the retina. Surprisingly, as a result of refraction, the retina reads the image upside down, but after converting it into electromagnetic impulses, it is reproduced by our brain correctly. Were it not for this, we would all see the world around us upside down.

The word refraction itself means the ability of the eye to refract light falling into it. Refraction is measured in diopters. When determining refraction in an ophthalmologist's office, clinical refraction is assumed. The physical one simply characterizes the eye's ability to refract light, while the clinical one also takes into account such a parameter as accommodation. It is thanks to accommodation that the human eye has the ability to focus on objects, regardless of how far they are from the eye. Clinical refraction takes into account the factor of accommodation and how it affects the ability of the eye to perform its direct functions.

To assess the correct clinical refraction, resort to the use of subjective and objective methods. Autorefractometry refers to objective methods, since not only the features of the cornea are taken into account, but also the ability of the retina to reflect and absorb light.

Autorefractometry methods

Autorefractometry is used today by almost every optometrist to assess the clinical refraction of the eye. The procedure requires a special apparatus and a few minutes for the whole work. The refractometer independently conducts an examination and gives the result according to the magnitude of the refraction of the eye, the diameter and refractive power of the cornea, calculates the radius of curvature.

For the correct determination of refraction, it is important to level accommodation so that the eye remains calm, and no movement of the intraocular muscles interferes with the correct procedure. For this, the patient's gaze is focused on an image that seems unusually distant. If earlier a schematic mark was used, then in new devices it is replaced by a drawing of a Christmas tree or a balloon - this helps the eye catch on to familiar contours, which significantly reduces the error.

One of the modern methods for determining the refraction of the eye is autorefractometry. During examination, the device emits a beam of infrared light directed through the pupil to the retina. Passing through the optical media, it is refracted and, reflected from the fundus, returns back. The sensors record its parameters, and the program compares them with the initial ones and calculates the clinical refraction of the eye.

When conducting a study without the use of cycloplegic agents, dynamic refraction is assessed, which is the sum of static refraction (refraction in a state of complete rest of accommodation), accommodative tone and / or so-called instrumental myopia (involuntary accommodation into the device). This is the reason that the results of refractometry are not an unconditional basis for the appointment of optical correction. The decision about its necessity and the strength of corrective lenses is decided by an ophthalmologist through subjective selection (subjective refractometry).

The autorefractometry procedure is extremely simple and does not take much time. The patient sits down in front of the device in the required position. Each eye is examined individually. The patient is invited to look at an object (fixation mark) located at a conventionally infinite distance in order to maximize accommodation relaxation. The investigator, using the joystick, aims the apparatus at the center of the pupil, then the measurement takes place in automatic or manual mode. At the end of the study, the results can be printed.

As in the case of skiascopy, more reliable results will be obtained in patients after cycloplegia, which will help to maximally relax accommodation.

Modern devices are capable of not only measuring the clinical refraction of the eye. With their help, you can evaluate the refraction of the cornea, its radius, diameter. These data are indispensable in the selection of contact vision correction, clarification of the type of astigmatism (corneal, lens).

Decoding the autorefractometer readings

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