The most common results of fluorography and their significance. What it means in the opinion of the radiologist: the roots of the lungs are enlarged Enlarged roots of the lungs

Expanded root of the left lung, what does it mean?

Asks: Tatiana, Rostov-on-Don

Gender: Male

Age: 59 years old

Chronic diseases: Not

Hello! A friend of mine was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, compensatory pulmonary emphysema. X-rays showed that the root of the left lung was enlarged. He feels fine. Please tell me is it scary for life, is it cancer? Is this disease treated?

Hydropneumatorex on the left. Bullous emphysema of the left lung. Compression atelectasis of the lower lobe Hello, please tell me what to do. A month ago, my mother had spontaneous pneumotorex. Drainage was placed in both lungs. I was in the hospital. Yesterday they did a second CT. On a series of MSCT, there was a significant amount of gas in the left pleural cavity, in the basal sections there was a liquid with a horizontal level, up to 7 mm thick; the lower lobe on the left is significantly reduced, subtotally compacted, the bronchi are differentiated; in the upper lobe on the left, multiple air bullae up to 43 * 64 mm in size. The right lung was without focal and infiltrative changes. The lumens of the trachea, the main and segmental bronchi are passable. The structures of the mediastinum are differentiated. The enlargement of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum is not determined. The heart and large vessels are usually located, not dilated. No contents were found in the pericardial cavity. The diaphragm is usually located, its contours are even, clear. The rib cage is of the correct shape, the internal contours of the chest wall are even and clear in all parts. Soft tissues are not changed. There were no enlarged lymph nodes in the soft tissues of the axillary, subclavian and subpectoral regions on both sides. There are no destructive bone changes. There are degenerative changes in the spine. CONCLUSION: Hydropneumothorax on the left. Bullous emphysema of the left lung. Compression atelectasis of the lower lobe on the left. Osteochondrosis. Spondylosis deformans. Which exit? Surgery or permanent drainage? Maybe there is some other way out? Thank you in advance)

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Hello! Pulmosclerosis or pneumosclerosis is the condition of the connective tissue of the lung after an inflammatory process. It is not treated in any way and is an age variant of the norm. But emphysema is a pathological expansion of the air spaces of the lung, as a result of which respiratory failure can develop. Treatment is carried out by a pulmonologist to relieve symptoms. Your friend has nothing to worry about.

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The roots of the lungs are dilated - a phrase that can often be seen in the opinion of a radiologist. It testifies to a number of pathological diseases that develop not only in the lungs, but also in the cardiovascular system, and sometimes in organs farther from the bronchopulmonary system.

The term "roots of the lungs" refers to the area of \u200b\u200bthe gate or entry / exit of the lungs. The roots are by analogy with the tree, which on the radiograph looks like the bronchial structure (bronchial tree). But from an anatomical point of view, the main bronchus, as well as the pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins (upper and lower) were attributed to the roots of the lungs.

The structure of the roots also includes lymphatic vessels and nodes along with the nerves of the pulmonary plexus.

For reference. It should be noted that not all elements of the roots (extrapulmonary) are visible on the roentgenogram. Hence the discrepancy between the concept of the anatomical “root of the lung” and the radiological one.

The lung is a parenchymal organ that consists of alveolar tissue, airways, and blood and lymph vessels. All these structures are responsible for the adequate provision of the function of external respiration.

The root of the lung is an anatomical formation that includes the main bronchus, pulmonary artery and vein, as well as the lobar vessels and bronchi that branch out from them. These structures are surrounded by fiber, in which lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels lie. A change in any of these anatomical structures should be considered as a pathological process at the root of the lung.

For reference. The roots of the lungs are dilated - this is a morphological sign that is found most often on an X-ray and fluorogram, less often on computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

It is not a specific diagnosis, does not have specific symptoms and treatments. The roots of the lungs can be expanded for many reasons, which should be clarified after establishing this fact.

As a rule, the detection of changes occurs as follows: the patient has complaints characteristic of the pathology of the respiratory system or simply undergoes a preventive examination. He is prescribed x-rays or fluorography.

After the development of the film, the doctor writes a conclusion: the roots of the lungs are expanded or changed. Then the patient goes to the therapist, who conducts an additional examination in search of the cause of the identified changes.

For reference. Thus, enlarged roots of the lungs are a symptom that is a manifestation of the pathology of the cardiovascular or bronchopulmonary system.

Lung roots on x-ray

X-rays show the shadows of the chest organs and their relative position to each other. The denser organs create more shadow, the airy ones - less.

Since X-ray film is the negative of a real image, light structures that give a large shadow are called darkening, and dark airy structures are called enlightenment.

The root of the lung looks like a darkening against the background of the lung tissue. It can be found on the border of the lungs and mediastinum at the level of I-IV ribs.

On x-rays, arteries create most of the root shadow, since they have a higher density compared to other elements. The bronchi contain air, therefore they are distinguished by stripes of enlightenment against the background of the vascular pattern.

Lung root structure

In conclusion, radiologists usually write: "The roots of the lungs are structural" or "The roots of the lungs are not structural".

For reference. This phrase has an important diagnostic value, since each element in the structure of the roots has its own function and changes under the influence of certain reasons.

Each lung root has a head, body, and tail. The “head” is the part that goes to the upper lobe. It includes the upper lobe pulmonary artery, the eponymous vein and bronchus. “Tail” refers to the corresponding lower lobe formations. “Body” is the place where the head meets the tail and their transition to the base of the root.

All elements of this structure should smoothly transition into one another. If they are not distinguishable from each other, we can talk about the pathology of the roots of the lungs.

In addition, in the root, blood vessels are clearly distinguishable from the bronchial tree. The arteries are visible on x-ray as blackout stripes that divide dichotomously. Normally, they become narrower from the root to the periphery.

For reference. The bronchi are visible as stripes of enlightenment. They are practically invisible against the background of the lung tissue, but the main and lobar bronchi stand out among the arteries and veins of the root. Veins cannot be distinguished from arteries on x-rays.

The structural root should have a head, body, and tail, and clearly distinguishable main and lobar bronchi and vessels. If these components are not visible or it is impossible to distinguish them from each other, one speaks of a structureless root.

General characteristics of the roots

The roots of the lungs are a system that includes a number of elements. Based on the state of the elements, conclusions can be drawn about the state of the entire system. Significant characteristics include the following.


Normally, the width of the lung root corresponds to the width of its arterial component and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root body is 15 mm. Typically, the roots of the lung are widened on both sides, but the right is easier to measure than the left. Due to the fact that the structures of the left lung on the x-ray are partially covered by the shadow of the heart, left-sided pathology is detected later.

Often the roots of the lungs are dilated due to an increase in their vascular component. This is observed with left ventricular heart failure, when the pressure in the pulmonary veins increases due to stagnation of blood in them. In the pulmonary artery, pressure can increase with lung conditions such as emphysema or atelectasis.

Diseases of the bronchial tree also lead to root expansion.

For reference. First of all, the airborne component of the root expands with peribronchitis. At the same time, infiltrates around the bronchi make their shadow wider than it should be normal.

The danger sign is the polycyclic extended root. As a rule, this pathology is observed on the one hand. The lymph nodes, which are located along the large vessels and bronchi, give the root polycyclicity.

Lymph node enlargement occurs most often during active tuberculosis, but there are also more rare causes: sarcoidosis and metastases of a malignant tumor.

Attention. At the same time, it is worth remembering that young people are more likely to have, and in older people, a tumor process.


As a rule, compaction of the roots of the lungs is observed together with their expansion and may be due to the same reasons.

For reference. Compaction is called a more pronounced than normal intensity of the shadow. In rare cases, the roots of the lungs are compacted with the normal diameter of their shadow.

An isolated seal indicates a chronic process. Most often, this pathology occurs in chronic inflammation of the bronchial tree, when part of their wall is replaced by connective tissue. In this case, the shadow will not expand, but it will become more intense.


The severity of the roots of the lungs on the roentgenogram looks like an increase in one of the components of the root, its selection against the background of others in the form of a cord. As a rule, this symptom speaks of a chronic pathology.

For reference. Occurs with long-standing diseases of the vascular bed, when the walls of the arteries or veins are significantly thickened.

The severity of the bronchial tree indicates chronic lung diseases, most often, and.

As a rule, the tightness of the roots of the lungs is a bilateral sign and develops on both sides at the same time.


Fibrosis is the proliferation of connective tissue within the parenchymal or hollow organs. Fibrosis of the root is observed when the fibers of the connective tissue pull together the structures of the root, deform them.

For reference. Typically, fibrosis develops in the pulmonary parenchyma and then spreads to the roots.

The causes of this pathology can be long-term pneumonia, atelectasis, chronic bronchial diseases, chronic forms of tuberculosis.

Reinforced pulmonary pattern

Strengthened pulmonary pattern is the visibility of the vasculature of the lungs at a distance of more than 15 mm from the root of the lungs. In a healthy person, the vessels of the lungs divide dichotomously, decreasing in diameter from the root to the periphery.

At a distance of 10-15 mm, they become so thin that they are no longer visible on the radiograph. They can be distinguished if arterial or venous congestion occurs in the vessels of the small circle. For example, heart failure can lead to such a pathology.

Severe inflammatory disease of the bronchial tree also leads to an increase in the pulmonary pattern. But in this case, not because of the vascular, but because of the bronchial component.

It is possible to distinguish arteries from bronchi on a roentgenogram by the fact that the latter depart from each other at right angles. When dividing the arteries, the angle is acute.

For reference. Acute and chronic bronchitis can become the reason for the strengthening of the bronchial component of the pulmonary pattern.

Danger of pathology

Changes in the roots of the lungs indicate that the pathology of the respiratory or cardiovascular system has reached the stage of decompensation. This applies to chronic inflammatory lung diseases and chronic heart failure.

In addition, changes in the roots in combination with characteristic foci in the pulmonary parenchyma make it possible to diagnose tuberculosis.

Sometimes polycyclic altered roots are the first manifestation of cancer metastases.

Attention. Tumors often very quickly begin to metastasize to the lungs and lymph nodes of the root, therefore such a finding becomes the first stage in the diagnosis of cancer.

Detection of altered roots of the lungs should alert the attending physician and patient. It is important to find the reason for these changes in time.

In addition, respiratory failure can be a consequence of changes in the roots of the lungs. The fact is that the roots represent the largest vessels and bronchi of the lungs. If the pathological process affects these structures, the respiratory mechanism changes significantly.

Prevention and treatment

Prevention of changes in the roots of the lungs consists in the early diagnosis of those diseases that can lead to such an outcome.

Attention. In this regard, the annual fluorographic examination of the population provides invaluable assistance to doctors. The fluorogram shows all the changes in the lungs, and sometimes signs of cardiac pathology.

It is impossible to treat the dilated roots of the lungs. This is a symptom that requires treatment of the pathology that led to its development. With successful treatment of the underlying disease, the roots of the lungs acquire a normal shape.

Root compaction is one of the most common X-ray syndromes that a radiologist identifies on a plain chest X-ray. What does this mean: What diseases and pathological conditions are hidden under this phrase?

Lung root: what is it?

The root of the lung is a complex of structures located at the hilum of the lung. These include the pulmonary artery, vein, main bronchus, as well as nerves, lymphatic vessels, pleura, adipose tissue. All these structures are located in a strictly defined order, but some of them on the left side are not visible on the radiograph, hiding behind the shadow of the heart.

On plain X-ray and fluorography under such a concept as the root of the lung, they mean only large vessels (artery, vein) and bronchus.

The main characteristics of the roots of the lungs

To determine on an x-ray a symptom such as compaction of the roots of the lungs, first of all, you need to know the features of these formations in the norm.

The root of both the right and left lung consists of three parts: the head, body, and tail. The tail includes the final small branching of the vessels.

In radiology, the width of these structures is also determined. It is usually determined by the width of the right root and includes arteries and intermediate bronchus. Normally, its width is 1.5-2 cm.

It is also worth noting that the arteries in the roots of the lung are more vertical and the veins are horizontal. Sometimes their structure can be heterogeneous due to the fact that in some areas air clarification in the bronchi is visible.

Differences in the location of the roots of the lungs

The placement of the roots of the right and left lungs is slightly different. So, the root of the right lung normally corresponds to the level II of the rib and intercostal space and has the shape of an arc curved downward. Starting with an extension at the top, the root tapers at the bottom. The left root, in turn, corresponds to level I of the rib and intercostal space, that is, it is located above the right.

Differences in the structure of the roots of the lungs

It is necessary to understand that the left root is poorly visible on the roentgenogram, as it is covered by the heart, so it is sometimes difficult to see when the root of the left lung is compacted.

It should also be remembered that the root of the left lung is normally of a heterogeneous structure, since it contains almost only vessels, branching into small branches and intertwining with the left bronchus. While the right root has a more homogeneous structure.

The main reasons for root compaction

There are many different diseases and syndromes that cause the roots of the lung to become hardened. The main reasons include:

  1. bronchitis).
  2. An increase in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum (paratracheal, parabronchial) with the development of petrification (deposits of calcium salts) in them.
  3. Expansion and protrusion of the vessel wall or vessel aneurysm.
  4. Changes in the structure of the bronchus under the influence of the tumor process.
  5. Pulmonary edema (penetration of fluid into the lung parenchyma).
  6. An increase in connective tissue with the development of fibrosis, which takes place after prolonged inflammatory pulmonary diseases, lung injuries, surgical interventions on the organs of the chest cavity.
  7. Tuberculous lesion of the bronchi (tuberculous bronchoadenitis), primary tuberculous complex. The latter two forms refer to primary tuberculosis, which is most common in preschool children.
  8. Occupational diseases (asbestosis, metalloconiosis).

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

This group of diseases is one of the most common reasons why the roots of the lungs are thickened and expanded. As a rule, this process is two-way - it affects both the left and right roots. Most often, the disease develops in smokers with long experience and is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of remission.

The main clinical manifestations are cough, which is especially troubling to the patient in the morning - with viscous, sometimes purulent sputum. With a prolonged course of the disease, shortness of breath develops, which is first noted during physical exertion, and then in calmness.

In addition to conducting a survey X-ray of the chest cavity, characterized by the fact that the roots are compacted and thick in the lungs, sputum culture is also performed to determine the causative agent of the disease (viral or bacterial).

That is, the treatment of the cause depends on the pathogen that caused the exacerbation. If the cause is a bacterium, then antibiotics will be effective, if the virus is an antiviral agent.

Symptomatic therapy includes mucolytics, drugs that thin phlegm, and expectorants to make it easier to drain. They also take drugs that dilate the bronchi - adrenergic receptor agonists, corticosteroids.

Oncological diseases

A dangerous, but, fortunately, an infrequent reason that the roots of the lungs are compacted and expanded is the oncological process in the bronchi and mediastinal organs. Such a process, as a rule, is one-sided, therefore, a change in the root of the lung is observed only on one side.

Oncology means a long-term chronic process with a gradual deterioration of the patient's condition. Minor cough, heavy breathing are replaced by pain behind the sternum at the site of the projection of the tumor on the chest wall (when nerves are compressed), hemoptysis, severe shortness of breath. In addition to dysfunction of the pulmonary system, the entire body suffers. The patient loses weight, is exhausted, fatigue and weakness appear.

After a survey X-ray of the chest cavity in two projections, the radiologist makes a conclusion: "The roots of the lungs are compacted and low-structured." Further, the attending physician issues a referral for a biopsy of the formation suspicious on X-ray, which will allow to determine not only the type of tumor (benign or malignant), but also its histological structure (from which tissues it was formed).

Therapy depends both on the stage of the tumor process and on its type. The main therapeutic methods are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Only one surgical intervention is used at the initial stages of tumor development, at later stages it is combined with other methods of therapy.

Occupational diseases

People in such professions as miners, metal welders, construction workers, that is, those who constantly interact with harmful environmental substances, are most susceptible to the development of occupational diseases. This leads to the fact that on the roentgenogram the roots in the lungs are fibrously compacted and thick. This picture develops due to the accumulation of harmful particles in the bronchi and alveoli, which are deposited in the respiratory tract. As a rule, the lesion of the root is not isolated, but is combined with the presence of focal shadows and heterogeneity of the lung parenchyma.

The symptoms of these diseases are not specific; when making a diagnosis, first of all, attention is paid to the professional history (place of work, length of service). And the main method of treatment is a change in qualifications and a change of place of work.

Root lesion in tuberculosis

The situation when the roots of the lungs are compacted, usually occurs in children with primary pulmonary tuberculosis. These are forms such as primary tuberculosis complex and tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes. However, these forms can also occur in elderly people with reinfection of the old focus.

Tuberculosis is a chronic disease, so symptoms develop over a long time and gradually. Typical are dry cough or with a small amount of phlegm, possibly mixed with blood, chest pain, fatigue, lethargy, weight loss.

After performing X-ray in two projections, sputum culture and microscopy are performed to detect mycobacterium tuberculosis, a tomogram of the lungs for more accurate localization of the focus of infection. After sowing a tuberculosis bacillus, its sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis drugs is determined, which is necessary for choosing the most effective treatment.

Drug therapy is based on the principles of continuity and long-term duration (minimum 6 months). It is also necessary to use a combination of at least 4 anti-tuberculosis drugs. Only if these principles are followed will the treatment be effective.

The roots of the lungs are heavy and compacted: what does this mean?

As noted above, this X-ray syndrome most often occurs in chronic bronchitis of a smoker and occupational lung diseases. However, this symptom can also be detected in acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, oncological diseases.

These strands are connective tissue fibers that stretch from the root to the periphery. The severity is usually combined with expansion and compaction of the root.

Not having a high specificity, this syndrome allows the doctor to suspect a certain pulmonary pathology and refer the patient for further examinations.

The roots of the lungs are unstructured and compacted: what does this mean?

Violation of the structure of the root of the lung, that is, the inability to distinguish the vessel from the bronchus, the appearance of darkening at the root, usually occurs in primary tuberculosis, oncological processes.

On the roentgenogram with extensive tuberculosis or central lung cancer, instead of the root, a shadow of various contours can be visualized, which is a focus (up to 10 mm in diameter) or an infiltrate (more than 10 mm). This symptom may also be associated with compaction, which usually occurs with the deposition of calcium salts or calcification (petrification). Calcification is a symptom of a chronic, long-lasting process.

Thus, just one X-ray symptom (in the lungs, the roots are fibrous and thickened) can help to suspect a variety of diseases: from common bronchitis to lung cancer. Of course, do not forget that radiography should be supplemented by other examination methods: computed tomography, biopsy, sputum culture, bronchoscopy, and so on. Additional examination methods are performed according to the doctor's prescription, depending on the path of his diagnostic search. It must be remembered that only a comprehensive examination will help to make the correct diagnosis.

Fluorography of the lungs, at the moment, is the main mechanism for mass screening of the population. for the presence of tuberculosis.

This is due to the low cost and simplicity of the method, although it is does not guarantee 100% results.

Due to this study, it is possible to detect changes in tissues, for example, their density and the development of any tumors or cavities with fluid.

Lung roots on x-ray

Important! X-ray allows you to determine not only lung diseases, but also bones. In particular, scoliosis, rib injuries and, in some cases, diaphragm lesions can be detected.

For example, a strongly raised diaphragm may indicate an excess of gas in the peritoneum, which is one of the signs of peritonitis.

General characteristics of the roots of the lungs

First of all, doctors pay attention to the roots of the lungs - structures that are the so-called gateways to the lungs.

Normal X-ray they are not enlarged, against their background are not visible no education... The very location of the roots also matters.

The roots are divided into three sectors - upper, middle and lower. Right rootresembles a curved ribbon that is moderately pronounced and tapers downward. Top part of this root is located at the same level as the anterior segment of the second rib - the second intercostal space. Top left root located one rib above the right one, and it itself is partially hidden by the shadow from the heart. The width of the arterial trunk of the roots, in most cases, does not exceed 15 millimeters.

The roots themselves are subdivided into main and friable... The first type assumes a large upper part (head), which is mainly represented by the pulmonary artery. Loose roots have a large ramified network of vessels that pass into cords.

Important! In some cases, the picture may differ from the norm, while the patient himself feels good.

This can be due to the developmental characteristics of the patient's body or due to previous operations or injuries. In rare cases, this indicates a poorly taken picture, when the patient has moved or was initially standing in the wrong position. What matters is the hardness and softness of the image - in the first case, the depth of the image will be too great, which does not allow you to see fine details, and in the second case, the image will be too blurry.

Fluorography result

In addition to the previously mentioned neoplasms, the following characteristics of the roots can be noted, which are indicated in the written conclusions, are deviations from the norm and can be signs of pathologies: compacted, heavy and expanded roots, and the roots can also be strengthened.

Roots are compacted and expanded

This usually happens due to swelling of the bronchi or large vessels... And in some cases, and due to the fact that there is an increase in lymph nodes. The compaction and expansion of the root tissue almost always occurs simultaneously, if the roots are only compacted, this indicates chronic process. In the picture, the expanded roots will appear less distinct and also larger than the standard sizes.

Heavy and reinforced roots

This term means that both acute and chronic processes can occur in the lungs. This is most often associated with occupational diseases (for example, asbestosis) or with chronic (for example, smoker's bronchitis).

On the roentgenogram, heavy roots look denser and more uneven, this is due to an increase in the amount of connective tissue - cords.

Of course, these are not the only characteristics that describe the lungs and their condition. There is a large layer of data related to neoplasms, their form, as well as the state of the rest of this organ, each of which can be changed in one way or another as a result of a disease or other pathological effect.

Important! Smoker's bronchitis manifests itself in second or third year smoking cigarettes. It is a chronic disease caused by the reaction of the lung tissue to a persistent irritant in the form of tobacco tar.

One of the possible consequences of bronchitis is tuberculosis, since much more mucus accumulates in the lungs of an active smoker than is needed, and mycobacteria of this disease can begin to develop in the latter.

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Are root changes and tuberculosis related?

Some types of root changes lungs, such as hardening and enlargement of nearby lymph nodes can talk about tuberculosis. This is due to the body's response to infection, which results in an inflammatory process in the tissues. In addition, with the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis begins lymph node calcification, that is, the accumulation of calcium salts in them, followed by solidification.

Photo 1. Only a doctor can determine what a change in the roots of the lungs means and whether there is a risk of tuberculosis.

However, it is worth remembering that the x-ray results themselves cannot be one hundred percent indicators of tuberculosis infection... Yes, and the pictures are deciphered by professionals. This is due to the fact that all the factors present in the images must be taken into account, and many of them are not obvious to a person who does not have the relevant experience.

Important! In the conclusion about the study of the X-ray of the lungs, it may be mentioned fibrous tissue... It is a type of connective tissue that replaces lost parts of organs.

This usually indicates a previous illness, surgery, or a penetrating wound that damaged the organ. This tissue is not functional and simply maintains the integrity of the organ.

Latest clarifications

If the doctor has reason to suspect any disease, they will be prescribed relevant studiesto confirm or deny the diagnosis.

Due to this study, it is possible to detect changes in tissues, for example, their density and the development of any tumors or cavities with fluid.

Lung roots on x-ray

Important! An X-ray allows you to determine not only diseases of the lungs, but also bones. In particular, scoliosis, rib injuries and, in some cases, diaphragm lesions can be detected.

For example, a strongly raised diaphragm may indicate an excess of gas in the peritoneum, which is one of the signs of peritonitis.

General characteristics of the roots of the lungs

First of all, doctors pay attention to the roots of the lungs - structures that are the so-called gateways to the lungs.

Normally, they are not enlarged on the roentgenogram, no formations are visible against their background. The very location of the roots also matters.

The roots are divided into three sectors - upper, middle and lower. The right root resembles a curved ribbon, which is moderately pronounced and tapers downward. The upper part of this root is located at the same level as the anterior segment of the second rib - the second intercostal space. The upper part of the left root is located one edge higher than the right one, and it itself is partially hidden by the shadow from the heart. The width of the arterial trunk of the roots, in most cases, does not exceed 15 millimeters.

The roots themselves are divided into main and crumbly. The first type assumes a large upper part (head), which is mainly represented by the pulmonary artery. Loose roots have a large ramified network of vessels that pass into cords.

Important! In some cases, the picture may differ from the norm, while the patient himself feels good.

This can be due to the developmental characteristics of the patient's body or due to previous operations or injuries. In rare cases, this indicates a poor-quality picture, when the patient moved or initially stood in the wrong position. What matters is the hardness and softness of the image - in the first case, the depth of the image will be too great, which does not allow you to see fine details, and in the second case, the image will be too blurry.

Fluorography result

In addition to the previously mentioned neoplasms, the following characteristics of the roots can be noted, which are indicated in the written conclusions, are deviations from the norm and can be signs of pathologies: compacted, heavy and expanded roots, and the roots can also be strengthened.

Roots are compacted and expanded

This is usually due to swelling of the bronchi or large vessels. And in some cases, and due to the fact that there is an increase in lymph nodes. Compaction and expansion of the root tissue almost always occurs simultaneously, but if the roots are only compacted, this indicates a chronic process. In the picture, the expanded roots will appear less distinct and also larger than the standard sizes.

Heavy and reinforced roots

This term means that both acute and chronic processes can occur in the lungs. Most often it is associated with occupational diseases (for example, asbestosis) or chronic (for example, smoker's bronchitis).

On the roentgenogram, the tough roots look denser and uneven, this is due to an increase in the amount of connective tissue - strands.

Of course, these are not the only characteristics that describe the lungs and their condition. There is a large layer of data related to neoplasms, their form, as well as the state of the rest of this organ, each of which can be changed in one way or another as a result of a disease or other pathological effect.

Important! The smoker's bronchitis appears in the second or third year of smoking cigarettes. It is a chronic disease caused by the reaction of the lung tissue to a persistent irritant in the form of tobacco tar.

One of the possible consequences of bronchitis is tuberculosis, since much more mucus accumulates in the lungs of an active smoker than is necessary, and mycobacteria of this disease can begin to develop in the latter.

Are root changes and tuberculosis related?

Some types of changes in the roots of the lungs, for example, their compaction and an increase in nearby lymph nodes, may indicate tuberculosis. This is due to the body's response to infection, which results in an inflammatory process in the tissues. In addition, with the spread of mycobacterium tuberculosis, calcification of the lymph nodes begins, that is, the accumulation of calcium salts in them, followed by hardening.

Photo 1. Only a doctor can determine what a change in the roots of the lungs means and whether there is a risk of tuberculosis.

However, it is worth remembering that the results of an X-ray alone cannot be one hundred percent indicators of infection with tuberculosis. Yes, and the pictures are deciphered by professionals. This is due to the fact that all the factors present in the images must be taken into account, and many of them are not obvious to a person who does not have the relevant experience.

Important! In the conclusion about the study of the radiograph of the lungs, fibrous tissue may be mentioned. This is a type of connective tissue that replaces lost parts of organs.

This usually indicates a previous illness, surgery, or a penetrating wound that damaged the organ. This tissue is not functional and simply maintains the integrity of the organ.

Latest clarifications

If the doctor has reason to suspect any disease, appropriate studies will be ordered to confirm or deny the diagnosis.

If you suspect tuberculosis, such studies will definitely include blood, sputum (if any) and urine tests.

In some cases, either a computed tomography (CT) scan of the lungs or bronchoscopy may be needed. CT involves the creation of a three-dimensional image of the lungs, including all vessels, and bronchoscopy means the introduction of a tourniquet with a camera and flashlight, which will help to study the condition of the roots from the inside.

There are many options for analyzes and studies and they depend on the specific picture of the disease and the decisions of the attending physician.

Useful video

Check out the video that explains what changes can occur in the roots of the lungs and what this means.

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An online magazine about tuberculosis, lung diseases, analyzes, diagnostics, medications and other important information about this.

Fibrosis of the roots of the lungs

Signs of fibrosis and fibrous tissue in the picture indicate a previous lung disease. Compaction and expansion of the roots of the lungs most often occur at the same time. Another fairly common term in radiological findings is the severity of the roots of the lungs.

Depending on the shape and location, such changes can be described as sclerosis, fibrosis, severity, radiance, cicatricial changes, shadows, adhesions, stratification. Cavities in the lungs, especially those containing fluids, have a rather characteristic appearance in the picture. What is called the roots of the lungs is actually a collection of structures that are located in the so-called gate of the lungs.

The roots can be compacted and expanded due to edema of large vessels and bronchi, or due to enlargement of the lymph nodes. Thus, if in our conclusion it is written "the roots are expanded, compacted" and at the same time we are practically healthy, then most likely this indicates bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Most often, the severity of the roots of the lungs or the severity of the pulmonary pattern is observed in chronic bronchitis, especially in the bronchitis of a smoker.

Roots are compacted, expanded

For example, chronic bronchitis or obstructive pulmonary disease. This symptom, along with thickening and expansion of roots, is also typical of chronic bronchitis of smokers. This is due to the more intense blood supply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lung. This is not only the control of treatment, but also the exclusion of cancer.

Fibrous tissue is a type of connective tissue and serves as a replacement for free space in the body. Focal shadows are called shadows up to 1 cm in size. The location of such shadows in the middle and lower parts of the lungs most often indicates the presence of focal pneumonia. If such shadows are found and in the conclusion added "strengthening of the pulmonary pattern", "fusion of shadows" and "uneven edges" - this is a sure sign of an active inflammatory process.

If focal shadows are found in the upper parts of the lungs, then this is more typical for tuberculosis, therefore such a conclusion always means that you should consult a doctor to clarify the condition. Speaking of adhesions, we mean the state of the pleura - the membrane of the lungs. Pleuroapical layers are a thickening of the pleura of the apex of the lungs, which indicates a postponed inflammatory process (more often tuberculosis infection) in the pleura.

Most often this is observed with an asymmetric accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural cavity, with large neoplasms in the lung tissue. Despite the rather high degree of fluorography error, it is impossible not to recognize the effectiveness of this method in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Tuberculosis has ceased to be a disease of the poor and hungry today. Therefore, you should not rely on your social status, it is better to think about prevention, in this case, annual fluorography. Fluorography is based on the use of X-ray radiation, which, having passed through human tissue, is fixed on the film.

In the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine there is a phrase - "early detection." Fluorography in our country is carried out annually from the age of 16. Changes in the fluorogram, as in any x-ray, are mainly caused by changes in the density of the chest organs. Only when there is a certain difference between the density of the structures, the radiologist will be able to see these changes. In these cases, the picture will show a thickening of the walls of the bronchi or blood vessels.

Quite often, fluid is found in the pleural cavity and pleural sinuses. For example, even pneumonia will not always be visible, and only after reaching a certain stage of the disease, the signs will become visible on the picture. These processes can occur both simultaneously and in isolation and can be observed in pneumonia and acute bronchitis. This symptom is also described with more formidable diseases, but then there are other typical signs (foci, decay cavities, and others).

The mediastinum is the space between the lungs. This X-ray sign can be detected in the presence of both acute and chronic processes in the lungs. Since tuberculosis and lung cancer detected in time is sometimes the only chance for survival with these diseases. It is formed to a greater extent by the shadows of the vessels: the arteries and veins of the lungs. So, the presence of calcifications in the lungs should not cause concern.

The most common results of fluorography and their significance

Yes, those who are undernourished are more prone to this disease, but the blasé lives of the rich and successful also make them vulnerable to this contagion. Social status will not save you from tuberculosis, and in order to get sick it is not necessary to be homeless or a former prisoner.

To somehow protect yourself from this, you need to undergo fluorography every year. With the conclusions of the radiologist in our hands, we see mysterious inscriptions in the map and cannot decipher what this means. Some words can still be read somehow, but their meaning is still beyond the comprehension of an ordinary person. Next, we will talk about how to understand the conclusion of the fluorograph and not panic.

Fluorography. general information

X-rays are at the heart of any fluorograph. They pass through the whole person and stop at the pulmonary film. This is the cheapest way to diagnose chest disease today.

What do the results of fluorography say?

The change in the density of organs in the chest speaks volumes. The connective tissue in the lungs develops and, depending on how it happens and where it is localized, all this is classified and has its own names. The connective tissue is very strong. If a person suffers from asthma or hypertension, then the thickened walls of blood vessels or bronchi will be noticeable in the pictures. The cavities in the lungs have their own characteristic appearance, especially if they contain fluid. Rounded shadows with liquid have different positions. The pleural cavity and pleural sinuses quite often suffer from fluid as well. Local lung compaction is also very quickly detected by an experienced specialist.

Fluorography reveals changes of the following type:

  • Inflammation in the last stages.
  • Various kinds of tumors.
  • Pathological seals.
  • Sclerosis and fibrosis.
  • The presence of foreign bodies, air or liquid.
  • So, what are the most common diagnoses of domestic fluorographs?

    You were stamped on your medical card and released without further ado, which means you can say with confidence that you are healthy. If suddenly something is wrong, then according to the law, you must be notified by a health worker that an additional examination is needed.

    The collection of structures located at the hilum of the lungs is commonly called the roots of the lungs. Bronchial arteries, lymph nodes, vessels, and so on are formed from the root. In most cases, such a phenomenon as compaction and expansion of the roots of the lungs goes in pairs and occurs very often. Of course, there is an isolated seal without expansion, but in this case, this diagnosis speaks of a chronic process and there is a large amount of connective tissue in the structures of the roots of the lungs.

    Compaction and expansion of the roots occurs due to the swelling of large vessels and bronchi, or when the lymph nodes are enlarged. These processes can be both isolated and simultaneous and are the result of pneumonia or acute bronchitis. This diagnosis is also present in other diseases, but they are accompanied by foci, decay cavities, etc. In this case, the roots of the lungs are denser due to an increase in local groups of lymph nodes. On an overview picture (1: 1), it is rather difficult to distinguish the lymph nodes from other structural elements of the lungs.

    If you read in your medical record the conclusion that "the roots are expanded, compacted", but there are no health problems, then this indicates inflammation or bronchitis. This sign is stable for smokers, because smoke particles constantly irritate the walls of the bronchi and contribute to the compaction of the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are responsible for cleansing the lungs, and the smoker does not feel any discomfort.

    If a person has any complaints, then it is best to contact a therapist. Despite the fact that chronic diseases allow you to lead a normal life, this does not mean at all that you need to forget about this unpleasant nuance. Even if chronic diseases do not lead to quick death, they become the cause of predicted and already fatal diseases in the future.

    Pulmonary / vascular pattern increased

    Not a single fluorography is complete without a pulmonary picture. The pulmonary pattern consists of the shadows of the vessels, arteries and veins, so it is not surprising that many instead of the term pulmonary pattern use the term vascular. A fairly common diagnosis, indicating an increase in the pulmonary pattern, is formed due to the fact that some areas in the lungs are more intensively supplied with blood. Acute inflammation of any origin leads to an increase in the pulmonary pattern, and this can speak of ordinary bronchitis and pneumonitis, and this is already burning about cancer. With pneumonia, a second scan is often prescribed to find out if it is pneumonitis, because these two diseases are very similar in the pictures. Strengthened pulmonary pattern also speaks of heart problems, but this disease usually does not go away without symptoms. In general, we can say that the strengthening of the pulmonary pattern speaks of bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., but it disappears within a few weeks, after the disease has been defeated.

    Fibrous tissue on a fluorogram is a consequence of past lung diseases. It replaces the free space in the body. For example, a person had a penetrating wound to the chest or had surgery, this tissue plays the role of connective tissue and, in general, fibrosis is a more positive than a negative diagnosis and is the result of the fact that some of the lung tissue has been lost.

    Darkening of the pulmonary field is one of the types of foci. The lesions are very common and are not rare in medical practice. They have their own symptoms, localized in certain places, and are also quite often combined with other diseases. A shadow up to 1 cm in size is usually called a focus. A sign of focal pneumonia is the location of focal tissues in such departments of the lungs as the lower and middle. The active inflammatory process is indicated by such words in the medical card as "strengthening of the pulmonary pattern", "fusion of shadows" and "uneven edges". Dense and even in nature, foci eventually subside by themselves. If the foci are found in the upper sections of the lungs, then this diagnosis is characteristic of tuberculosis and in this case an additional examination is prescribed.

    Calcifications are round-shaped shadows on the fluorogram and they resemble bones in density. The callus of the rib is very often similar to calcinitis, but regardless of the nature of this formation, it is harmless, because the body with calcinitis "isolates" the infection from the rest of the body.

    Adhesions usually do not need any treatment or intervention. They occur after inflammation and isolate the site of inflammation from healthy tissue. In some cases, adhesions can cause pain, and in this case, you cannot do without medical help. If the pleura of the apex of the lungs thickens, then this should alert, because very often this occurs due to tuberculosis infection, but only a doctor can judge this.

    Sinuses are formed in the pleural folds and when all is well, they are free. The liquid in these formations should definitely alert. A soldered sinus indicates adhesions. A sealed sinus speaks of past injuries, past pleurisy, and so on. If there are no other symptoms altogether, then it is not dangerous.

    There are a large number of reasons that lead to a change in the diaphragm, and this is a very common finding of a fluorograph. Only if this anomaly combines several more changes, then we can talk about some kind of disease, so the doctor prescribes additional examinations. An accurate diagnosis based on the diaphragm abnormality is not possible.

    Displacement or expansion of the mediastinal shadow

    The space between the lungs is called the mediastinum. Usually, the expansion of the mediastinum indicates an enlarged heart. It is unilateral and increases in the right or left heart. By fluorography, one cannot judge the state of the heart. The normal position of the heart depends on the physique of a particular person. For a short and plump person, a slightly shifted heart is not bad. If a person is tall, then his heart can be both vertical and “drop-shaped”. For hypertensive patients in the card they write this: "expansion of the mediastinum to the left", "expansion of the heart to the left" or simply "expansion". The mediastinum can expand evenly, but this already speaks of myocarditis, cardiac unworthiness, etc. For cardiologists, the results of a fluorogram are not sufficient for making a specific diagnosis.

    If the pressure increases on one side, then this on the fluorogram indicates a mixed mediastinum. This diagnosis means an asymmetric presence of fluid or air in the pleural cavity, or about large neoplasms in the lung tissue. This diagnosis is already serious, because it can cause a gross displacement of the heart and the intervention of specialists is very important in this case.

    P. S. Despite the fact that fluorography in our conventional hospitals is not without its drawbacks, it is still capable of detecting tuberculosis or lung cancer. It is worth going through it anyway. In our country, the epidemiological conditions for tuberculosis are simply excellent. The risk group is our normal state. Undergoing annual fluorography, we thereby save ourselves from fatal diseases, because a disease detected in time significantly increases a person's chances of survival.

    Home Treatment

    According to statistics, one person dies from tuberculosis every hour in Russia. A routine examination, especially if a person is at risk, is able to detect the disease in time, which means that the prescribed therapy can prevent complications.

    Today we will consider the most common results of fluorography, the decoding of which will allow us to find out what they mean, what should be paid special attention to, having received information about a chest X-ray on our hands.

    Doctors write very illegibly, some people believe that this is because the patient does not understand what kind of disease he has. It may be so, but it is surprising that in doing so they parse and understand what their colleague wrote.

    What is fluorography

    Fluorography is a study of the chest by means of X-ray irradiation, with the recording of the results of the study on film. The technique is already somewhat outdated, but it is still the cheapest way to check your lungs for any pathologies.

    Principle of obtaining results

    The radiologist visually distinguishes on photographic film changes in the density of lung tissue. Those places where the density is higher than that of healthy lungs indicate some kind of problems in the tissues. The connective tissue, expanding, replaces the lung tissue and on fluorography looks like lighter areas.

    Much of the outcome depends on the qualifications and experience of the doctor. There was even such a curious case when a young doctor saw shading in the left half of the lungs, began to sound the alarm, but it turned out that it was a heart! But, of course, this is from the category of medical legends.

    What can be seen in the pictures

    There are adhesions, fibrosis, layering, shadows, sclerosis, severity, radiance, cicatricial changes. All of these abnormalities, if present, are visible on lung scans.

    If a person is sick with asthma, then the picture will show that the walls of the bronchi are thickened, this is due to the fact that they have a higher load. Also, the images can identify a cyst, abscesses and cavities, calcifications, emphysema, cancer.

    The most common conclusions after fluorography

    Please note that if you really have any serious problems in the lungs, then you will be told about it immediately when you come to collect the results. If you were not sent to a tuberculosis dispensary, or for an X-ray to clarify the disease, then everything is more or less good. Now let's look at the most common lung problems.

    The roots are expanded, compacted

    The roots of the lungs are the main bronchus, bronchial arteries, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary vein. This is one of the most common diagnoses, indicating some kind of chronic processes occurring in the lungs. Chronic bronchitis, edema, pneumonia, pneumonia. If your conclusion says "the roots are compacted, expanded", then this indicates that you have a chronic inflammatory process in the lungs. Experienced smokers often have just such a result of fluorography.

    The roots are heavy

    This is also a common result of fluorography. In its manifestation, all the same problems are to blame - chronic or acute processes in the lungs. Most often, the severity of the pulmonary pattern or the severity of the roots of the lungs is detected in smokers, as well as in bronchitis. It may also indicate an occupational disease associated with loads on the lungs, for example, when working in hazardous industries.

    If the results say only "the severity of the roots of the lungs", do not panic, everything is within the permissible limits, especially if you were not sent anywhere. But it is important to take the signal into account and monitor the state of your lungs, preventing exacerbation of chronic processes.

    Strengthening the vascular or pulmonary pattern

    The pulmonary pattern is the shadows on the fluorogram, "cast" by the veins and arteries that penetrate the lungs. It is also called the vascular pattern. If such a point is written in the results, it means that in some part of the lungs there is an area into which blood flows more intensively through the arteries. It is fixed in case of some acute inflammatory processes, bronchitis, pneumonia, and may also indicate pneumonitis, and requires a second X-ray to make sure that there is no oncology.

    Fibrous tissue, fibrosis

    This is evidence of some kind of pulmonary disease. This could be evidence of a previous operation, an old injury, or a previous infection. Fibrous tissue refers to connective tissue and serves to replace failed lung cells. Fibrosis in the lungs indicates that everything is healed and there is no threat.


    These are isolated cells affected by tuberculosis or pneumonia. The body, as it were, clings to the problem area with matter similar to bone tissue. Rounded shadows are visible in the image. If a person has a lot of calcifications, then this indicates that the body has overcome the infection and the disease has not developed. Therefore, if you have found calcifications in your lungs, then there should be no fear.

    Calcification of the aorta is another matter

    Calcification is the gradual accumulation of insoluble calcium salts on the walls of the aorta. As a rule, calcified plaques are visible on fluorography, this, in principle, is not a pulmonary problem, but it is diagnosed by a USB stick. By themselves, these plaques are dangerous both because they can break off and clog the vessels, and also because the vessels themselves become brittle, as if crystal.

    I advise you to take this diagnosis very seriously. Any increase in pressure can become critical. It is necessary to consult a specialist and limit the intake of calcium into the body. If calcium is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, then an excess amount is supplied. calcium is deposited in tissues and blood vessels. This happens when there is an excess of calcium in the blood.

    Focal shadow - foci

    Focal shadows, or foci, are darkening of the pulmonary field, a fairly common symptom. The sizes of the shadows are usually up to 1 cm.

    If you or your child has shadows in the middle or lower parts of the lungs, then this indicates the presence of focal pneumonia.

    Signs of active inflammation can be uneven edges, increased pulmonary pattern, fusion of shadows. If the focal shadows have even and dense contours, it means that the inflammation is over. But consultation with a therapist is necessary. Probably, pneumonia, which turned into pneumonia, "stuck" in the depths of the lung tissue.

    If focal shadows are found in the upper parts of the lungs, then this indicates a possible tuberculosis, and requires clarification.

    Pleuroapical layers, adhesions

    After inflammation, adhesions can occur, these are also connective structures that isolate the area of \u200b\u200binflammation from healthy tissue. If you see adhesions in the picture, then there is no cause for concern.

    Pleuroapical layers are seals of the pleura of the pulmonary apices. Layers can talk about some kind of inflammatory process that has occurred relatively recently. Most often about tuberculosis infection. However, if the doctor does not consider the picture serious, then there should be no reason for worry.


    This increase in connective tissue in the lungs can be the result of disease. Such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, work in dusty production, smoking.

    Tissues lose their elasticity and become denser. The structure of the bronchi may change, the lung tissue itself becomes similar to dried fruit - it decreases in size. It also belongs to the number of diseases requiring observation. Shown stay in dry, thin mountain air. The resorts of the Caucasus are highly recommended. For example, in Teberda it is very good for the lungs, I myself have been in these parts. If possible, then go and live there in summer and winter you can.

    Sinus soldered or free

    Pleural sinuses are cavities formed by pleural folds. In a healthy person, the sinuses are free. But if there are any problems, then liquid accumulates there. If your sinus is sealed, it means that there is a presence of adhesions, probably after pleurisy. There is no reason to worry.

    Diaphragm changes

    Diaphragm anomaly is common. Other similar names are the high standing of the dome, relaxation of the dome, flattening of the dome of the diaphragm. The reasons may be: disturbances in the digestive tract, liver problems, pleurisy, overweight, oncology. This feature is interpreted based on other available data, analyzes and studies.

    Examples of results and their interpretation

    I am regularly sent to the post office photographs of the conclusions of radiologists. I decided to add the illegible handwriting of the doctors and give a transcript. Maybe by looking at the examples you can identify your diagnosis. I would be grateful to everyone who replenishes the database.

    The conclusion of a specialist radiologist - Pneumosclerosis. Calcification of the aorta.


    Annual fluorography will allow you to identify in the early stages problems with the lungs, if any. At many enterprises, workers are routinely sent for examinations, but those who neglect this procedure risk unexpectedly finding out that they have some difficulties, God forbid, of course.

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    Help decipher the husband's fluorography, The root of the left lung is expanded due to enlarged intrathoracic lymph nodes, pronounced branched, pulled up. Recommended tmg of the left lung through the root, consultation with a phthisiatrician. Works as a miller.

    Hello. Help decipher the result of fluorography: high standing of the diaphragm on the left without shadows of pneumatization in the stomach and intestines

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