Training: spelling no and no different parts of speech. Dictation - Particle not with different parts of speech Explanatory dictation not with different parts of speech

Class: 8


1. Educational and developmental:

1.1. Generalization of spelling NOT with different parts of speech.

1.2. Development of the ability to identify parts of speech, apply the rule.

2. Educational:

2.1. To form students' respect for people of science.

Form: workshop lesson.

During the classes

I. Introduction

In the last lesson, we repeated the spelling rules not with different parts of speech. And today we have a practical lesson on the topic “NOT with different parts of speech”.

II. Topic, objectives of the lesson

Write down the date and topic of the session. Knowing the theory and being able to apply the rules in practice, what is our goal for today's lesson? (Formulation of goals)

III. Comprehensive text analysis

We will develop competencies by performing a comprehensive analysis of the text. Carefully consider the plan of your activities, the main tasks, reminders necessary for work. The result of your activity should be a spelling scheme “NOT with different parts of speech”. 15 minutes to work.

IV. Group performances

We will listen to the performance from the groups. (Students present diagrams, present their work, answer questions)

Which of the proposed schemes is convenient to use?

V. Verification work

Read the content of paragraph 4. Recording a vocabulary dictation, checking work in pairs using a key. Analysis of their activities, filling out assessment sheets.

Refer to the objectives of the lesson.

1. Which of the set goals have been fully realized? What do you need to continue working on?

2. Mark on the self-assessment sheet to which group you would identify yourself.

Vii. Homework (optional)

  1. Write a miniature essay on a free topic, using at least 9 words of this spelling.
  2. Write an essay from the words of a given spelling.

Group activity plan

Stages of the lesson Content
1. Organizational moment.
2. Preparation for activities in the lesson. 1. Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

2. Determine the objectives of the lesson.

3. Development of competencies based on language material. 1. Working with the text (to distribute the roles of speakers according to tasks for the text).

2. One representative from the group reads the text expressively, the rest analyze his speech using handout No. 2.

3. On the third question, one representative from the group speaks, the rest complement.

4. On questions 4 and 5.6, two representatives from the group speaks (they build a coherent monologue), the rest are supplemented, corrected, using

memo number 3.

5. The performance according to the created scheme is prepared by two students, the rest are complemented.

6. Analysis of your activities at this stage of the lesson (fill out the assessment sheet).

4. Verification work. 1. Writing a dictionary dictation.

2. Verification of work in pairs using a key.

3. Analysis of your activities at this stage of the lesson (fill out the assessment sheet).

5. Summing up. Refer to the objectives of the lesson, what did you manage?

On your self-assessment sheet, mark which group you would like to be in?

6. Homework. 1. Write an essay-miniature on a free topic, using at least 9 words of the given spelling.

2. Write an essay from the words of the given spelling.

Group 1 text

Clement A. Timiryazev

This life was a fiery feat. In amazement you stop before the (not) exhaustible enormity of what Timiryazev did.

(Un) tame fighter, citizen scientist, teacher, who brought up (several) generations of remarkable researchers, experimenter who blazed new paths in laboratory practice, “patriarch of Russian agronomy”, full and honorary member of four dozen academies, universities, scientific societies all over the world ...

Work filled this life to the brim.

But those who personally knew Timiryazev preserved for us the image of a (not) pedant, deep in their microscopes, in their books, but of a man open to all the living joys of the world. He passionately loved nature, travel, long-distance excursions. With him was a camera and a lens (not), he was guided most often by the (not) hand of a botanist, but the hand of a man in love with life.

There was also a smartness in him, instilled in the parental home and preserved for the rest of his life, like (un) hatred of any external and internal licentiousness and (not) frivolity, like respect for work and the ability to work.

The passionate burning of this life (did not) stop for a day. But it was an internal boil, which the strictest discipline of the will (did not) allow to break through. Those who knew him remembered Timiryazev as a gentlemanly correct, who spoke evenly, (not) hastily, with chased phrases.

In Timiryazev (not) there was absolutely nothing of the “learned eccentric”. He (did not) suffer neither distraction nor forgetfulness. On the contrary, he was punctually accurate in everything to the smallest detail.

In an argument, he never (did not) shout and never (did) say rude things. But he knew how to destroy the enemy in such a way that until the end of his days he was already (not) to forget the “harassment” inflicted on him by Timiryazev.

He portrayed science (not) as (not) cue (not) accessible temple, in which priests clothed with miraculous omniscience perform mysterious rituals, opening only the edge of the veil for (not) initiated. No, Timiryazev (not) tired of repeating: “Science is a workshop, learn to work, you will find a place in it! (V. Safonov.)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Explain the spelling not in this text.
  3. Indicate synonyms for nouns, adjectives and adverbs with which not write together.

Answer order

Group 2 text

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi is a Russian painter, the initiator of the creation of a society of artists, which later bore his name. Kuindzhi's place in Russian painting is determined by his special vision of nature.

He introduced (un) repeatable originality into Russian landscape painting, showing the beauty of native nature from the side, almost (not) reflected in the works of his contemporaries.

The most famous paintings depict nature in moments that no one (had) depicted before him.

Everything became the subject of the artist's artistic interests: the (un) fading sunsets, the glow of moonlit nights, the almost (in) noticeable light of the rainbow against the background of heavy clouds. Although he painted a path that was washed out (not) by the incessant autumn rains, and a steppe with (un) mowed grasses, and an (un) usually beautiful birch grove, permeated with sunlight, nevertheless, Kuindzhi will remain in the memory of generations as an (un) imitated singer of enchanting beauty and the mysterious charm of a moonlit night. In the (not) large-scale canvas "Night on the Dnieper", the artist achieves (un) experienced lighting effects, wise simplicity of composition. (S. Myasnikova.)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare an expressive reading of the text using checklist # 2.
  3. Define the theme, the main idea of ​​the text. (See memo # 2, item 3).
  4. Determine what style and type of speech this text belongs to. Explain your point of view (support your answer with examples from the text).
  5. Explain the spelling not in this text.
  6. Write down phrases with not, to which you can pick up a synonymous pair without not, write down these synonymous pairs.
  7. Make your own spelling scheme “Not with different parts of speech”.

Answer order

(distribute who prepares the answer to which question in the group).

  1. Read the text expressively, listen to students' views on reading.
  2. Prepare a complete answer to the third question (2-3 sentences).
  3. Prepare a monologue presentation on questions 4 and 5 using checklist # 3.
  4. Read the 6th question, give a clear answer.
  5. Submit your diagram. Tell us about its benefits.

Group 3 text


For a whole year before Nikolai Nikolaevich's arrival, the house stood boarded up. It was rained, there was snow on the roof, and no one (not) cleaned off, so the roof, and so for a long time (not) dyed, in many places leaked and rusted.

Nikolay Nikolaevich (not) assumed that the meeting with the house would excite him so much. When the abandoned house appeared, his heart pounded so hard that he was afraid that (will not) come... He caught his breath, crossed the street with a firm military step, entered the courtyard.

Nikolai Nikolaevich looked around and saw that behind him, with mournfully folded arms on his chest, stood (several women. He's with no one (not) spoke(not) because it was so (not) human, simply ( could not: every vein trembled inside him at the meeting with the house that was for him ( not so easy home, but his life and cradle.

(V. Zheleznikov)

Assignments to the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare an expressive reading of the text using checklist # 2.
  3. Define the theme, the main idea of ​​the text. (See memo # 2, item 3).
  4. Determine what style and type of speech this text belongs to. Explain your point of view (support your answer with examples from the text).
  5. Explain the spelling not in this text.
  6. Indicate which parts of speech are the highlighted words.
  7. Make your own spelling scheme “Not with different parts of speech”.

Answer order

(distribute who prepares the answer to which question in the group).

  1. Read the text expressively, listen to students' views on reading.
  2. Prepare a complete answer to the third question (2-3 sentences).
  3. Prepare a monologue presentation on questions 4 and 5 using checklist # 3.
  4. Read the 6th question, give a clear answer.
  5. Submit your diagram. Tell us about its benefits.

Annex 1

Performance Assessment Sheet

Surname, name of the student Text Scheme Dictation Outcome

Vocabulary dictation (key to check)

Not hiding surprise; bewildered; could not meet; harbor hatred; to be indignant with indignation; not a wooden house; not cheap; undisciplined student; the river is not wide, but cold; to feel unwell for a long time; not distant, but close; not sixty; unspoken law; unburned fire; not fulfill the plan; do not reach the shelf; show distrust; nothing to write with; there is no one to run after; not eat enough; shortly before the meeting; real touchy; not disguised by anyone; unmemorable person; sloppy look; show incorrectness; hating ignorance; feel uncomfortable; no one came; neither fish nor fowl.

Class: 10

  • to systematize the material on the topic "not with different parts of speech", studied in grades 5-9, to supplement the amount of material established by the school curriculum;
  • develop a solid and conscious spelling skill NOT with different parts of speech;
  • continue preparing students for the exam, practice the skill of completing test tasks

Lesson type: lesson of systematization, generalization and consolidation of knowledge

Equipment: table "NOT with different parts of speech", interactive whiteboard, computer, handouts.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Spelling work

(Spelling the endings of verbs and suffixes of the present participle and suffixes of the past participle - task A16 of the exam)

You pronounce, offended, transformed, serve, throw over, relate, get enough sleep, lie, oily, visible, glued, chirping (cranes), see you, forget, acceptable, chirp, keep, seeming, get lost, restored, unforgettable, swaying.

To successfully complete this assignment, students must:

  • determine the conjugation of verbs (pronounce - pronounce go- II ref. - we write AND; kurlychs - kurlyk at- I ref. - U)
  • to see the vowel of the infinitive: offended - to offend
  • remember about the "insidious" prefix you-, which pulls the stress on itself (get enough sleep - sleep - II ref.)

III. Statement of the topic and goal-setting of the lesson

On the slide, the words of Dmitry Likhachev.

(Do not) miss an opportunity to find interesting even where it seems (not) interesting to you. There are no (not) interesting places on earth: there are only (not) interested people, people (not) able to find interesting, internally boring. You must be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the place where fate has thrown you ...

(D. Likhachev)

Read the text. What are the words of Likhachev? How do you understand the meaning of this statement? Write down, expanding parentheses, explain the spelling, tell the spelling rules that guided you. Formulate the topic of the lesson.

IV. Systematization of material on the topic of the lesson

Working with a table ( slides and student handouts)

Together Apart
With nouns, adjectives, adverbs
  • if not used without
  • if you can pick up a synonym without NOT
  • if there is or implies opposition to the union a
  • if there are particles at all not, far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not yet, until

Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs

If there is no excuse (no one) If there is an excuse (not with anyone)

Verbs and participles

If not used without Is always

Verbal adjectives and participles

  • full forms
  • no dependent words
  • no opposition to union a
  • no particles at all, far from, not at all, etc.
  • short forms
  • there is a dependent word
  • there is a contrast with the union a
  • there are particles not at all, far from, not at all and others

We pay special attention to the following points:

  • the presence of words indicating a continuous / separate spelling not with adjectives and adverbs.

The most ambiguous of the explanatory words is the word ALL. If AT ALL = VERY, then it is NOT written together. If AT ALL = AT ALL, FROM EVERYTHING, then it is NOT written separately.

  • adversarial union BUT assumes a continuous spelling: an ugly, but expensive toy
  • Remember: none other than; nothing but
  • Despite, regardless of - prepositions (not gerunds)
  • Do not confuse the particle NOT with the prefix NEDO- for verbs. The prefix "NEDO-" means "deficiency in comparison with the norm" The prisoners were malnourished (a disadvantage compared to the norm), did not finish the soup (did not finish the action), overlook the child, overlook the film.

V. Training tasks

1. Write down, open the brackets (task on the slide)

(Un) sleeping children, (not) sleeping old man for a long time, (un) ceasing struggle, (not) stopping rain during the day, (un) rusting steel, completely (un) developed area, absolutely (un) explored spaces, almost ( un) touched soil, (un) sunburned face, nowhere (un) published articles, (un) tied with an old woman scarf, openly (un) expressed dissatisfaction, novel (un) read, work (un) completed.

2. Establish a correspondence between the highlighted words in sentences and their characteristics.

1. Volkonskaya had something (not) Russian in her facial features. A. Participle with dependent words, spelled separately
2. (Not) finding him, I went to Alekseev. B. Short adjective, written together
3. (Not) looking at the severity of the local frosts, he hit the road. B. Adverb, without NOT used, written together
4. In the face of Pushkin's parents, the offspring of one person merged - Peter Petrovich Pushkin, for many years (not) having communication and connections with each other. D. Vernacular, spelled separately
5. This marriage was (not) happy. E. The adjective with NOT is spelled together, as you can choose a synonym
6. The birch grove was (not) far from home. E. It is part of the preposition, it is written in one piece.

(Keys: 1-D, 2-D, 3-E, 4-A, 5-B 6-C)

3. Indicate the correct answer

The word is spelled together

A) Is it possible to live without sacrificing anything?
B) He chose to remain (un) recognized.
C) It is difficult for a person (not) confident in their abilities to win.
D) I (not) (to) who to turn for help.

(Answer- B)

A) The bread in the store is (not) fresh at all.
B) Life in the village is calm and (not) rushed.
C) Errors in work are still (not) fixed.
D) It was the life of a person, as if (not) created for happiness.

(Answer - B)

Words are written separately

A) There was (not) anything strange in his words.
B) The inscription on the mobile phone monitor darkened: "(Un) answered call"
B) (Not) some time I will live in the village.
D) The man (not) looked at me with a puzzling expression.

(Answer - A)

A) This is a (not) invented story, but a story that actually happened.
B) You cannot be so (not) collected.
B) It is (not) polite to do so.
D) (not) shouts were heard in the hall.

(Answer - A)

4. In which row (s) the words with NOT should be written in the same way

A) (not) deprived, not at all (not) friend, (not) with? Whom, (not) who
B) (not) created, (not) sing, (not) embracing, (not) photographer
B) completely (not) beautiful, (not) combed, (not) in spite of the fact that, (not) to whom
D) not at all (not) offended, (not) obliged, (not) adapted to the conditions, (not) times.

(Answer: B - together, G - separately)

5. Specify the wrong spelling

1.A) some words
B) stupid boy
C) an insecure person
D) tears invisible to the world

2.A) nothing more than
B) should not
C) does not greet
D) not said

3. A) without saying
B) not where
C) was not
D) more than once

4. A) far unsympathetic
B) hate
C) completely unhappy
D) someone

(Answers: 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A)

6. Exercise to distinguish between NOT and NOT

The descriptions lacked paints (disadvantage compared to the norm). He dived, but did not reach the bottom (unfinished action). Well, Peter, you haven't finished your piece of pie. I didn’t sleep enough at night, I didn’t eat enough. Of the Svetlana's crew, one hundred and sixty-seven people were missing. She did not listen to the end, walked away.

7. Commented dictation

It is (not) good to be branded (not) I am (not) nice to seem like an upstart. (Not) fame was (not) already, everything was already clear to me. That (not) drove me crazy though. She (not) was one year old, (not) saw her aunt. Chistyakov, (not) looking at the terrible fatigue, (not) could close his eyes. A completely (not) interesting game was invented. We walked along the (un) lit streets of the town. Made a completely (not) deliberate decision. The boat was approaching the place where the (un) wind-protected sea boiled and tossed about in the darkness. One (not) warrior in the field. Still (not) touched by the paint of autumn tall stems of grasses are merrily turning green. We found a (not) destroyed, but completely whole hut.

8. Independent work

Assignments are given on cards or on a slide. As a unit or separately? Assignments A of the last 18 years of the Unified State Exam.

  • An (un) identified flying object was detected.
  • On the table is only a (not) finished glass of juice.
  • By the road itself, the still (un) inhabited houses were blackened.
  • (Not) able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows the best qualities in the face of death.
  • The keys are still (not) found.
  • The Petrovs' house is (not) large, but very cozy.
  • The silence was (not) ominous, but kind of soft, calm.
  • Prince Andrey was annoyed by Speransky's (not) letting cold gaze into his soul.
  • Marya Gavrilovna, (not) aware of what is hiding under the mask of Desforges, goes on a date.
  • The mistress (not) fell in love with the new servant.
  • An (un) grateful listener gets in the way of even a good storyteller.
  • There was still (not) fried fish on the table.
  • Facial features are (not) devoid of pleasantness.
  • In this (un) thinned forest, young trees grow slowly.

V. Lesson summary


  • §58 p. 175 exercise 321 (Grekov V.F. "A guide for classes in the Russian language in high school")
  • Take the test (handout)


Unified State Exam: information technology training. Russian language. Methodical recommendations. / Auth.-comp. Krasheninnikova L.A., Lukina I.V. - Irkutsk: Publishing house of Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, 2011.

"Not" with different parts of speech.
As a unit or separately?

In order for students to understand and successfully master a new spelling topic, the teacher must first of all show the inner logic of the laws of Russian spelling, make these laws understandable, familiar and simple. The means can be different. This is especially true of the moments of working out and consolidating new knowledge. Here, tables (ready-made or thought out by the teacher, "forced out" by him - and therefore the best), algorithms, entertaining and developing tasks, games are also suitable.

Visibility and "amusement" should not be neglected in the senior grades, so that the lessons of the Russian language do not turn into a dreary repetition of what seemed to have been learned in grades 6-7, but most are completely forgotten, and many are perceived simply as a new revelation ...

I. Didactic material from all kinds of manuals helps the teacher in studying and repeating the topic « Not with different parts of speech ". The main writing principle that schoolchildren must learn is here:

Particle not , written separately, expresses the negation of a feature or action.

Prefix not-, written in one piece, says only that the object has the opposite quality, sign or action.

Based on this principle, numerous rules can be combined into simple schemes:

Particle not written separately:

with verbs(was not),with gerunds(leisurely),with numbers(not once), as well as with short adjectives with a touch of obligation (he is not needed - not required, not obliged - does not want);

- with all words, if they have or are implied alliance opposition a (not deep, a shallow river), as well as when increasing denials in words far from, not to anyone, not at all, not at all, not at all(not at all joyful faces);

with comparative adjectives(not thinner);

in words with prepositions(not with whom, not in spirit, not for whom, not in strength).

Not written together:

- in words that without not not used (not vezha, not defeated);

in words that give a qualitative description of the subject and which can be replaced by a synonym (not friend is enemy, very not a healthy look is a very sick look, not healthy - sick);

in verbal adjectives in -my (not dependent);

v indefinite pronouns (not who, not what, not which the);

v prefixed verbs under-, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, insufficient action (under make , under evaluate).

The same principle of writing applies to participles:

Full participles with particle not are written apart, if there's

dependent word: not canceled nobody lights;

alliance opposition but not canceled, a lighted lights.

Not with participles on th spelled separately, if any dependent word in instrumental case: Not visible(reason.) with the eye, but invisible(adj.) to the world of tears.

If there is no dependent word or opposition to the union a, then the particle not written together: Not the extinguished lights glowed dimly in the mist.

WITH short participles particle not written separately always: lights not repaid.

II. You can represent these rules in the form of a simple table (7th grade level).

Not with different parts of speech

Part of speech



Noun, adjective, adverb to -o, -e

1. Not used without not-:

sissy, ridiculous, ridiculous

2. Can be replaced with a synonym without not-:

not modestly (boastfully)

not stupid (smart)

3. In negative adverbs:

not where , not where

1. There is a contrast:

not truth , a Lying

2. Denial is reinforced by words

far, at all, not at all, not at all, never:

long away not silly

3.With adverbs not in -o, -e:

not comradely


After not and nor no excuse:

nor whom , not whom

After not and nor there is an excuse:

not who nor who

Verb, participle

not harass (not used without -not )

not covetous(not used without -not )

not noticed (verb),

not noticing(gerunds)


There is no dependent word or opposition:

not finished work

1. There is a dependent word:

not finished in time Work

2. There is a contrast:

not finished, a work started

3.With short participles:

Work not finished

III. Words that are without not are not used.

Nouns Adjectives Verbs



ignorant, ignorant

nonsense, nonsense


bad weather



stainless steel (steel)

sloppiness, slovenliness


Nesmeyana (princess)





a lack of


tawny (grass)







impenetrable (darkness)

unsightly (act)




innumerable (number)



merciless (swearing)

to resent


to miss (smth.)

overlook (for the child)

unseen (Sveta)




I'm not feeling well

he itching to

you are in trouble

IV. A simplified version of the rules:

V. We work with algorithms.

Vi. Developing tasks.

1. Reaction speed challenge(good to do after long writing). The teacher reads phrases, calling their serial number, and the students write down only numbers in two columns: together not- and separately not

1) unfulfilled order;

2) the forest is not coniferous;

3) an indignant look;

4) the windows are not washed;

5) not happy to meet;

6) was not;

7) he is unwell;

8) the ring is not gold;

9) not easy to decide;

10) far from easy business;

11) very casually;

12) unmown meadow;

13) in spite of the sides;

14) despite the circumstances.

Answer written like this:

together: 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14;

separately: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13.

2. Attention task, which simultaneously develops the ability to distinguish between participles and adjectives.

Write down only numbers adjectives, which without not not used:

1) unfinished novel;

2) leisurely;

3) unsightly;

4) uninvolved;

5) careless;

6) immature;

7) clumsy;

8) irreversible.

Now remember the rest of the words from the list that with not are always written together (training of auditory memory).

3. Determine by ear whether not part of the root of a noun or is it a prefix, without which the word is not used:

2) slob;

3) infirmity;

4) hatred;

6) nectar.

4. Find synonyms for words and write down only them: inattention, illiteracy, mistrust, misfortune, independence. A now remember and write down a noun with not, which was dictated to you.

5. Match antonyms with not to the words (by ear) and write down only them: slavery– ..., enemy -..., concentration - ..., dirty - ..., neat– ..., close - ..., lie - ..., low– ....

6. Form participles from verbs (by ear) and write down only those (paired with a verb) that are written with not together:

not to miss, not to get dirty, to be indignant, not to listen,

not to hear, bewildered, tender, luxuriate.

How do you write not with a verb in sentences:

I miss 100 rubles

Am I missing 100 thousand?

7. Form participles from verbs (if possible) and write only them in two columns (together and separately):

not to see, to hate, not to rush, not to rush,

do not do, do not do, be indignant, bewildered,

not to notice, not to notice, to rave,

do not ask, do not ask, (he) is unwell,

itching to overlook (for someone).

From what verbs it is impossible to form a gerunds?

(After completing the last two exercises, the guys in their notebooks have a list of almost all verbs and participles that are without not are not used).

Vii. Exercise to restore warped text to anchor.

Correct any mistakes in the text.

And as their corner was almost not passable, then there was no place to get the latest news about what was happening in the world: the travel agents with wooden dishes lived only twenty miles away and knew a little of them. There was no point even to compare their life to them: whether they live well or not; whether they are rich or poor.

Happy people lived thinking that it should not and could not be otherwise, confident that all others live exactly the same way and that to live differently is a sin.

In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, no one has died, let alone a violent, even natural death.

And if someone fell asleep from the headman or from some old illness, then they could not put on such an unusual occasion for a long time after.

Once, however, there was still a foundry lying behind the outskirts in a ditch, by the bridge, apparently, a man lagging behind a passing artel.

The peasants did not dare to come close. The passer-by made a move to raise his head, but could not: he, apparently, was not healthy or very tired.

And they all went to the village, telling the old people that there was no one from here, and said nothing.

"Don't be local, don't touch it!" - said the old people .

(According to I.A. Goncharov)

VIII. Write a dictation.


The boys did not recognize the forest. He seemed to have changed. The wrong trees, the wrong swamps, the wrong grass. Some strange flowers are seen, they were not there before. And instead of a road, an unknown river. They jumped out onto the edge and gasped. Again, there was nothing like familiar terrain. Neither mountains nor villages, as if they had sunk through the earth. The sun has gone down. But they were not at all up to sunset. In the forest, the darkness was hopeless, but they were going ahead, without making out the roads, and it was impossible to make out something. They did not see each other further. Kolya suddenly became alert and shuddered. A lingering, subtle sound came from the left side. They rushed to the left. Their legs carried them irresistibly through stumps, swamps, bushes. But still nothing was heard except the sound of the wind and the rustle of rain. Both trembled and rubbed their hands on their knees as they walked.

(According to N. Timkovsky)
(130 words)


1. Bogdanova G.A."Lessons of the Russian language in the 8th grade."

2. Akhremenkova L.A."Towards the top five, step by step."

3. Konovalova L.F. Russian language. Reference schemes. Exercises. M., 2005.

Moscow city

1. Lack of discipline lies not in pranks and minor violations of the rules of behavior, but first of all in the failure to fulfill the student's duties in learning, in a negligent attitude towards socially useful productive work, in an effort to shift his share of labor onto others (Sukhoml.) - the first step to parasitism. (Sukhoml.) 3. The life of a modern person is unthinkable without constant spiritual communication with the book. (Sukhoml.) 4. Good must be done in silence. But there is nothing to talk about it (P.) 5. An apiary was visible on the slope of a shallow ravine. (T.) 6. The evening dawn extinguished, and in the air, still light, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread. (T.) 7. No one in the house knew about the alleged escape. (P.) 8. Autumn was unprecedented, dry, vigorous, with the clarity of cold air. (Paust.) 9. We did not have water, we were thirsty. (Paust.) 10. The sun rises higher, rifle and machine-gun chatter unbearably rolls out. (Seraph.) 11. Throwing open the door, the commander slowly went down to the horse. (Hyde.) 12. Whoever saw the Amur region at least once could not help but love him. (V. Gusev.) 13. Nobody can know everything, but it is shameful and harmful to pretend that you know what you don’t know. (L. T.) 14. For several days in a row I was busy reading. (Hyde.) 15. The old man reluctantly got up and followed me out into the street. (T.) 16. A lark was pouring high in the sky above the unfrozen ground. 17. During the holidays we did not go anywhere, and there was nowhere to go. 18. We returned home through unlit streets. 19. The door was opened by a man. His sleepy face was not angry, but rather kind. 20. Voices came from the next room. One of the disputants was clearly indignant. 21. Two people were talking at the entrance to the office. One of them smiled, not softly and friendly, as usual, but cold and strained. 22. Perplexed, I began to reread the letter. 23. The decision had to be made urgently, and there was no one to consult with. 24. All the seats in the hall were already taken, we had nowhere to sit. 25 The ice on the river was not strengthened, but only slightly pulled together by a transparent crust. 26. Suddenly we came out into a large sunny meadow. The grass here was luscious, green, and not crushed by anyone. 27. There was no need for us to return to the old parking lot. 28. Many questions of agricultural science have not yet been resolved and are awaiting research. 29. Without lighting a fire, we sat quietly and talked. 30. It is not a place that paints a person, but a person a place. (Last)

Here and there a belated flower turns yellow. Grasses have poured their seeds into the ground, and their bare stems sway in the wind. The eaten trauma is still green in the pastures, and it will fall under the snow.

A shepherd's trumpet is heard far away. A leaf eaten by bugs is still kept on black alder.

On the plowed bare fields outside the village, ripe potatoes are being harvested. In late autumn, cabbage is cut in the gardens - heavy light green heads of cabbage. The tall piles are filled with dug red carrots and thick sweet turnips between the ridges.

At the edge of the forest, a tall mountain ash sprinkled with berries is still reddening, raspberries are shining in bright round beads in the garden. Curly juniper sprinkled with black beads - waiting for the snow. Grasses and trees sing the last song, praise the earth, hot sun, warm rains. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (109 words)

1. Two letters n in suffixes of full passive participles.

2. Vowels in the suffixes of passive participles.


The Belaya River was visible from our porch, and I was looking forward to when it would open. And, finally, this longed-for day and hour has come! Yevseich hastily glanced into my nursery and in an alarmingly joyful voice said: "White has started!" At one minute, warmly dressed, I was already standing on the porch and eagerly followed with my eyes as a huge strip of blue, dark, and sometimes yellow ice passed between the motionless banks. The transverse road has already drifted far away; and some unfortunate black cow ran along it like a madman from one bank to the other. The women and girls who stood beside me accompanied with plaintive exclamations every unsuccessful movement of the running animal, the roar of which reached my ears, and I felt very sorry for him. At a bend, the river bent behind a steep cliff, and the road and a black cow running along it disappeared behind it.

Suddenly two dogs appeared on the ice; but their fussy jumps aroused not pity, but laughter in the people around me, for everyone was sure that the dogs would not drown and jump over or swim to the shore. I willingly believed this, and having forgotten the poor cow, I myself laughed along with others. The dogs were quick to live up to the general expectation and soon moved ashore.

The ice was still going strong, solid, unbreakable, endless block. (S. Aksakov.) (195 pages)

1. Not with different parts of speech,

2 Unstressed vowels in participle endings.


Are intellectual activity and physical activity related? Mikhail Lomonosov could easily tie an iron poker in a knot, Lord Byron participated in boxing matches. The writer A. Kuprin was one of the best weightlifters and wrestlers in Kiev. They all claimed that exercising and strengthening their muscles helped them with mental performance.

Muscles and intellect, subtlety of nature and power of fists, bright mind and physical strength. Their close proximity seems strange and incomprehensible. But physiologists prove that the intelligence of working, well-physically developed people is much higher than that of people without strong muscles. This is because muscle signals are a prerequisite for the brain to function successfully.

The need for constant training for brain function has already been fully appreciated by the leaders of a number of American firms. Their fitness staff who keep fit receive a salary increase. (A. Suvorov.) (131 pages)

1. Vowels in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense.

2. Unstressed checked vowels at the root of the word.

3. Н - нн in adjective suffixes.


In the morning the through ice was white on the puddles, and now, at noon, streams run, dogs bask in the sun and sparrows rush briskly. The wind is tight, damp warm. Will pull, explode at times: brisk, spring wind. Listen - it makes noise, laughs. And the sky is in the wind: deep blue behind the golden twigs of poplars. Warmth and - freshness. And in this freshness - trickles from the melting snow, from the warmed earth and roofs, from the twigs beating in the wind, which are wither and shine from the wind, the wind that swept through the fields and forests. And as if it smells of pigeons, their languid grumbling, and the warm dampness of the cellars with softened ice. Spring ... She gazes into the eyes with reddish larks and white caps in paper roses, nods from the cart with a cheerful willow tree with reddish twigs and gray verbes, gilded with crosses in the sky, shouts in the voices of peddlers. (I. Shmelev.) (124 pages)

1. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives, nouns, participles.

2. Vowels in the suffixes of the real participles of the present tense.

3. Letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II conjugation.

The long autumn sunset has burned out. The last crimson strip, narrow like a crack, went out, thinning at the very edge of the horizon, between the gray cloud and the earth. There was no longer any land, trees, or sky to be seen. Only overhead, the big stars trembled with their eyelashes in the black night, and the blue beam from the lighthouse rose straight up in a thin column and as if splashed there against the heavenly dome in a liquid, misty, light circle ... Star-shaped flowers, white tobacco in the front garden smelled sharper from the darkness and coolness. (A. Kuprin.) (76 pages)

1. N and nn in the suffixes of abbreviated adjectives.

2. Not and neither with different parts of speech.

3. Unstressed verifiable and alternating vowels in the root.

Who doesn't know these simple meadow and forest cute flowers?

You used to go into the forest along a well-known, long-familiar path. On the right and on the left, meadow and forest flowers are scattering in a wide multicolored and joyful sea. Purple bells sway in the wind, countless dandelions turn yellow, near the forest, already under the trees, ivan-da-marya blooms. And at the very path, along the sides of the ditches, on the forest green lawns, the familiar cheerful daisies are blooming and bowing to you. Modest chamomile flowers with white and pure petals look like a joyful smile. (And Sokolov-Mikitov.) (78 ff.)

1. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

2. Letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II conjugation.

3. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

4. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

5. Punctuation for homogeneous members, in complex sentences.

Of all the songbirds - forest musicians - the most secretive and beautiful is the golden yellow oriole.

Orioles live in clean birch groves, in old shady parks, in high oak and linden alleys.

In the spring, orioles appear late, when the groves are already covered with green foliage and all the forest songbirds have been flying long ago.

Who has not heard the loud whistle of an oriole in a birch grove? As if unknown musicians are playing on unprecedented musical instruments in the forest.

It is difficult to find an oriole's nest artfully suspended in the green branches of the trees. It is not always possible to see up close and the wonderful bird itself, secretly flying from tree to tree. Only sometimes, flying over an open, sunlit forest clearing, will it shine with its bright plumage. (I. Sokolov-Mikitoa.) (103 words)

1 Letters н - нн in adjective and adverbial suffixes.

2. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

3. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

4. Punctuation for homogeneous participle and participial phrases.


Lomonosov's father, absorbed in household chores, almost did not raise his son. He grew up mainly in the care of his mother, his health was strong, he was quick and dreamy. He eagerly absorbed pictures of nature, the mysteries of the growth and flowering of herbs, memorized the habits of birds and animals. A fresh and sharp-sighted look accompanied him throughout his life. It is no coincidence that many years later the great scientist drew a map of his native places from memory.

In the parental home, the young Pomor learned Russian grammar for the first time. First, Mikhailo mastered spiritual books, collections of ancient legends. And then books of secular content.

On a blizzard December night in 1730, the young Pomor went to Moscow to try his luck in the sciences and crafts. Years will pass Mikhailo Lomonosov will graduate from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow and the Academic University in St. Petersburg, leave to continue his education in Germany and return to his homeland as a promising chemist, mathematician, master of poetic eloquence. (O. Larin.) (138 words)

1. Letters e and in case endings of nouns.

2. Letters н - нн in adjectives and participles suffixes.

3. Punctuation with homogeneous members, with participial turns.


Not everyone knows that forest cubs cannot be taken out of the forest.

Growing up, the animals strive to learn about life, but they still do not have sufficient caution, they have not learned to be afraid of people. Therefore, sometimes in the forest you can meet lonely cubs of forest dwellers. And not only in the forest - near cities and towns, on the side of a noisy highway.

However, this does not mean at all that the young animals are lost and they need to be rescued. The vast majority of animals in their natural habitat never lose or abandon their young. And also remember that it is extremely difficult to leave a "rescued" baby of a wild animal at home. Not necessarily, of course, he will die, but a normal, healthy animal will not grow out of him, even if you arrange a tolerable life for them during the fall, you will still have to release them into the forest. To release to death: a chick or a young animal that has lived a stage of maturation near a person is not prepared for an independent life in nature.

Do not seriously expect that by bringing a wild animal into the house, you will achieve with him the same understanding that a person has with long-time domesticated animals. Not to grow Kisa from a lynx, from a good-natured Potapych bear cub. And if you happen to meet a cute little animal during a country walk, please do not touch him. Leave it in the tidbit. (G. Bazhutn.) (196 f.)

1. Letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II conjugation.

2. -Tsya and -t in verbs.

3. Not with different parts of speech.

4. Punctuation for participles and participles, in complex sentences.


For me, the main thing was serving the Motherland, my people. The days of my greatest joys coincided with the joys of the Fatherland. The anxiety of the Motherland, its losses and griefs have always worried me more than personal ones.

Every year, in time, we are moving further and further from the wartime. It was an extraordinarily difficult, but also a very glorious time. In those years, we became even more tempered and accumulated huge moral capital. Looking back, we will always remember those who did not spare themselves to defeat the enemy.

The science of winning is not a simple science. But the one who strives for victory, who fights for the cause, in whose rightness he believes, will always win. (G. Zhukov.) (100 pages)

2. Not with different parts of speech.

3. Letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II conjugation.

4. Punctuation for adverbials, in complex sentences.


It is impossible to convey the delights of being in the forest under a tree during a warm summer rain. A crested hazel grouse, driven by the rain, burst into the middle of our thick Christmas tree and sat down above the hut. A chaffinch settled in full view under a twig. The hedgehog has come. A hare hobbled past. And for a long time the rain whispered and whispered something to our tree. And we sat for a long time, and everything was as if the real master of the forests whispered to each of us separately, whispered, whispered ... (M. Prishvin.) (71 ff.)

1. Letters e - and in case endings of nouns.

2. Unstressed verifiable vowels in the root.

3. Punctuation for participial phrases, in complex sentences.


In large reserves, in our untouched forests, red deer are found. The red deer is a very beautiful, slender animal with large branchy antlers.

Once upon a time there were many deer everywhere. In ancient times, they were hunted, poisoned with dogs, killed with arrows from bows and stabbed with sharp spears. Hunting deer is now strictly prohibited.

Beautiful, brave deer trust people. In a forest glade, in a pine forest, there is a feeder. Deer come here every evening. They calmly eat hay and are almost not afraid when a person comes close to admire them. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (86 ff.)

1. Tsya and -t in verbs.

2. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

3. Unstressed verifiable vowels in the root.

4. Punctuation for homogeneous members, in complex sentences.


On the great flood of the Volga, here and there one could see a penny of unfilled land, where various animals rushed.

The water rat must have swam very far away and, tired, leaned against an alder twig. A slight ripple of water tried to tear the rat away from its dock. Then she climbed a little along the trunk, sat down on a fork.

And on a rather large tree, standing, probably, under water on a high hillock, a greedy, hungry crow was sitting and looking for prey. It would have been impossible for her to see a water rat in the fork, but circles floated on the wave from contact with the rat's tail, and it was these circles that gave the rat the location of the rat. Then a war broke out not to the stomach, but to the death.

Several times from the blow of the rat's beak, the rat fell into the water, and again climbed its fork, and again fell. And now the crow was quite able to grab its prey, but the rat did not want to become a victim of the crow.

Gathering her last strength, she pinched the crow so that the fluff flew out of it. The crow even almost fell into the water and only managed to cope with difficulty, sat down on its tree and began diligently to straighten its feathers, to heal wounds in its own way. (M. Prishvin.) (178 f.)

1. Not with different parts of speech.

2. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

3. Unstressed vowels in adjective endings.

4. Punctuation for isolated members, homogeneous members, introductory words.

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