She took out a seven-flower, tore off an orange petal, threw it and said. Tsvetik-semitsvetik by Valentin Kataev Russian folk tales flower semitsvetik read

There lived a girl Zhenya. Once her mother sent her to the store for bagels. Zhenya bought seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for mom, two bagels with sugar for herself and one small pink bagel for brother Pavlik. Zhenya took a bunch of bagels and went home. He walks, yawns on the sides, reads the signs, the raven counts. In the meantime, an unfamiliar dog stuck up behind and ate all the bagels one after another and ate: she ate dad's with caraway seeds, then mom's with poppy seeds, then Zhenya's with sugar. Zhenya felt that the bagels were somehow too light. I turned around, too late. The washcloth dangles empty, and the dog finishes the last, pink Pavlikov's lamb, licks its lips.
- Ah, a mischievous dog! Zhenya screamed and rushed to catch up with her.
She ran, she ran, she did not catch up with the dog, she only got lost. He sees that the place is completely unfamiliar, there are no big houses, but there are small houses. Zhenya was frightened and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere - an old woman.
- Girl, girl, why are you crying?
Zhenya told the old woman everything. The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and said:
Don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have bagels and I don’t have money either, but on the other hand, one flower grows in my garden, it’s called a seven-flower flower, it can do anything. You, I know, are a good girl, although you like to yawn around. I will give you a seven-flower flower, he will arrange everything. With these words, the old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very beautiful flower like a camomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and blue.
- This flower, - said the old woman, - is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command that this or that be done.
And it will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, went out the gate, and only then remembered that she did not know the way home. She wanted to return to the kindergarten and ask the old woman to accompany her to the nearest policeman, but neither the kindergarten nor the old woman was there. What to do? Zhenya was about to cry, as usual, even wrinkled her nose like an accordion, but suddenly she remembered the cherished flower.
- Come on, let's see what kind of seven-color flower it is! Zhenya quickly tore off the yellow petal, threw it away and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east, through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell me to be at home with bagels!

Before she had time to say this, as at the same moment she found herself at home, and in her hands - a bunch of bagels! Zhenya gave the bagels to her mother, and she thinks to herself: "This is really a wonderful flower, it must certainly be put in the most beautiful vase!" Zhenya was a very small girl, so she climbed into a chair and reached for her beloved mother's vase which was on the top shelf. At this time, as a sin, crows flew by the window. The wife, of course, immediately wanted to know exactly how many crows - seven or eight. She opened her mouth and began to count, bending her fingers, and the vase flew down and - bam! - shattered into small pieces. - You broke something again, tyapa! Muddler! Mom screamed from the kitchen.
- Isn't it my favorite vase?
- No, no, Mommy, I didn't break anything. You heard it! Zhenya shouted, and she quickly tore off the red petal, threw it away and whispered:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground - To be in my opinion led.
Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Before she had time to say this, the shards crawled towards each other by themselves and began to coalesce. Mom came running from the kitchen - look, and her favorite vase, as if nothing had happened, was standing in its place. Mom, just in case, threatened Zhenya with her finger and sent her for a walk in the yard. Zhenya came into the yard, and there the boys were playing Papanin's: they were sitting on old planks with a stick stuck in the sand.
- Boys, boys, take me to play!
- What did you want! Can't you see it North Pole? We don't take girls to the North Pole.
- What kind of North Pole is it when it's all boards?
- Not boards, but ice floes. Go away, don't interfere! We have a strong contraction.
So you don't accept?
- We do not accept. Leave!
- You don't have to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Only not on the one like yours, but on the real one. And you - a cat's tail! Zhenya stepped aside, under the gate, took out the cherished seven-flower, tore off the blue petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Before she had time to say this, suddenly a whirlwind came from nowhere, the sun disappeared, a terrible night fell, the earth spun under her feet like a top. Zhenya, as she was in a summer dress with bare legs, ended up alone at the North Pole, and the frost there was a hundred degrees!
- Oh, mommy, I'm freezing! Zhenya screamed and began to cry, but the tears immediately turned into icicles and hung on her nose like on a drainpipe.
In the meantime, seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and straight to the girl, one more terrible than the other: the first is nervous, the second is angry, the third is in a beret, the fourth is shabby, the fifth is wrinkled, the sixth is pockmarked, the seventh is the largest. Beside herself with fear, Zhenya grabbed a seven-flowered flower with icy fingers, pulled out a green petal, threw it and screamed at the top of her lungs:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell me to be back in our yard at once!

And at the same moment she found herself again in the yard. And the boys look at her and laugh: - Well, where is your North Pole?
- I was there.
- We have not seen. Prove it!
- Look - I still have an icicle hanging.
- This is not an icicle, but a cat's tail! What did you take?
Zhenya was offended and decided not to hang out with the boys anymore, but went to another yard to hang out with the girls. She came, she sees - the girls have different toys. Some have a stroller, some have a ball, some have a jump rope, some have a tricycle, and one has a big talking doll in a doll's straw hat and doll's galoshes. I took Zhenya in annoyance. Even her eyes turned yellow with envy, like those of a goat. "Well," he thinks, "I'll show you now who has toys!" She took out a seven-flower, tore off an orange petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command that all the toys in the world be mine!

And at the same moment, out of nowhere, toys were thrown towards Zhenya from all sides. Of course, the dolls came running first, clapping their eyes loudly and eating without respite: “dad-mum”, “dad-mum”. Zhenya was very happy at first, but there were so many dolls that they immediately filled the entire yard, lane, two streets and half of the square. It was impossible to take a step without stepping on the doll. Around, can you imagine what kind of noise five million talking dolls can make? And there were no less of them. And then it was only Moscow dolls. And the puppets from Leningrad, Kharkov, Kyiv, Lvov and other Soviet cities had not yet managed to run and were clattering like parrots along all the roads Soviet Union. Zhenya was even a little scared. But that was only the beginning. Balls, balls, scooters, tricycles, tractors, cars, tanks, tankettes, guns rolled after the dolls. The jumpers crawled along the ground like snakes, tangling underfoot and making the nervous puppets squeak even louder. Millions of toy planes, airships, gliders flew through the air. Cotton paratroopers fell from the sky like tulips, hanging on telephone wires and trees. Traffic in the city has stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not know what to do.
- Enough, enough! Zhenya screamed in horror, clutching her head.
- Will! What are you, what are you! I don't need so many toys. I was joking. I'm afraid... But it wasn't there! Toys all fell and brought down ... Already the whole city was littered up to the very roofs with toys. Zhenya up the stairs - toys behind her. Zhenya on the balcony - toys behind her. Zhenya in the attic - toys behind her. Zhenya jumped out onto the roof, quickly tore off the purple petal, threw it and quickly said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell them to get the toys back to the stores as soon as possible.

And immediately all the toys disappeared. Zhenya looked at her seven-colored flower and sees that there is only one petal left.
- That's the thing! Six petals, it turns out, spent - and no pleasure. That is OK. I'll be smarter ahead.
She went out into the street, goes and thinks: “What else should I order? I order myself, perhaps, two kilos of “bears”. : I order half a kilo of "bears", half a kilo of "transparent", one hundred grams of halva, one hundred grams of nuts and, wherever it goes, one pink bagel for Pavlik. stay. No, I tell myself better a tricycle. But why? Well, I'll ride, and then what? And what good, the boys will take away. Perhaps they will beat me! No. I'd rather tell myself a ticket to the cinema or to the circus. Everything is there "It's fun. Or maybe it's better to order new sandals? Also no worse than the circus. Although, to tell the truth, what's the use of new sandals? You can order something else much better. The main thing is not to rush." Reasoning in this way, Zhenya suddenly saw an excellent boy who was sitting on a bench at the gate. He had big blue eyes, merry but quiet. The boy was very cute - it is immediately clear that he is not a fighter, and Zhenya wanted to get to know him. The girl, without any fear, approached him so close that in each of his pupils she very clearly saw her face with two pigtails spread over her shoulders.
- Boy, boy, what's your name?
- Vitya. How about you?
- Zhenya. Let's play tag?
- I can not. I am lame.
And Zhenya saw his foot in an ugly shoe with very thick soles.
- What a pity! - Zhenya said.
- I really liked you, and I would love to run with you.
- I also really like you, and I would also love to run with you, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. It's nothing you can do. It's for life.
- Oh, what nonsense you say, boy! - Zhenya exclaimed and took out her cherished seven-flower from her pocket. - Look! With these words, the girl carefully tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a moment, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice trembling with happiness:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell Vitya to be healthy!
And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began to play tag with Zhenya and ran so well that the girl could not overtake him, no matter how hard she tried.

Valentin Petrovich Kataev


There lived a girl Zhenya. Once her mother sent her to the store for bagels. Zhenya bought seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for mom, two bagels with sugar for herself and one small pink bagel for brother Pavlik. Zhenya took a bunch of bagels and went home. He walks, yawns on the sides, reads the signs, the raven counts. Meanwhile, an unfamiliar dog stuck up behind and ate all the bagels one after another and ate: she ate dad's with cumin, then mom's with poppy seeds, then Zhenya's with sugar. Zhenya felt that the bagels were somehow too light. I turned around, too late. The washcloth dangles empty, and the dog finishes the last, pink Pavlikov's lamb, p licks his lips.

Ah, bad dog! Zhenya screamed and rushed to catch up with her. She ran, she ran, she did not catch up with the dog, she only got lost. He sees that the place is completely unfamiliar, there are no big houses, but there are small houses. Zhenya was frightened and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere - an old woman.

Girl, girl, why are you crying?

Zhenya told the old woman everything.

The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and said:

Don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have bagels and I don’t have money either, but on the other hand, one flower grows in my garden, it’s called a seven-flower flower, it can do anything. You, I know, are a good girl, although you like to yawn around. I will give you a seven-flower flower, he will arrange everything.

With these words, the old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very beautiful flower like a camomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and blue.

This flower, - said the old woman, - is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command that this or that be done. And it will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, went out the gate, and only then remembered that she did not know the way home. She wanted to return to the kindergarten and ask the old woman to accompany her to the nearest policeman, but neither the kindergarten nor the old woman was there. What to do? Zhenya was about to cry, as usual, even wrinkled her nose like an accordion, but suddenly she remembered the cherished flower.

Come on, let's see what kind of seven-color flower it is!

Zhenya quickly tore off the yellow petal, threw it away and said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to be at home with bagels!

Before she had time to say this, as at the same moment she found herself at home, and in her hands - a bunch of bagels! Zhenya gave the bagels to her mother, and she thinks to herself: “This is really a wonderful flower, it must certainly be put in the most beautiful vase!”

Zhenya was a very small girl, so she climbed onto a chair and reached for her mother's favorite vase, which stood on the topmost shelf.

At this time, as a sin, crows flew by the window. The wife, of course, immediately wanted to know exactly how many crows - seven or eight. She opened her mouth and began to count, bending her fingers, and the vase flew down and - bam! - shattered into small pieces.

You broke something again, tyapa! Muddler! Mom screamed from the kitchen. - Isn't it my favorite vase?

No, no, mommy, I didn't break anything. You heard it! Zhenya shouted, and she quickly tore off the red petal, threw it away and whispered:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Before she had time to say this, the shards crawled towards each other by themselves and began to coalesce.

Mom came running from the kitchen - look, and her favorite vase, as if nothing had happened, was standing in its place. Mom, just in case, threatened Zhenya with her finger and sent her for a walk in the yard.

Zhenya came into the yard, and there the boys were playing Papanin's: they were sitting on old planks with a stick stuck in the sand.

Boys, boys, let me play!

What did you want! Can't you see it's the North Pole? We don't take girls to the North Pole.

What kind of North Pole is it when it's all boards?

Not boards, but ice floes. Go away, don't interfere! We have a strong contraction.

So you don't accept?

We do not accept. Leave!

And you don't need to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Only not on the one like yours, but on the real one. And you - a cat's tail!

Zhenya stepped aside, under the gate, took out the coveted seven-flower,

tore off the blue petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Before she had time to say this, suddenly a whirlwind came from nowhere, the sun disappeared, a terrible night fell, the earth spun under her feet like a top.

Zhenya, as she was in a summer dress with bare legs, ended up alone at the North Pole, and the frost there was a hundred degrees!

Hey, mommy, I'm freezing! Zhenya screamed and began to cry, but the tears immediately turned into icicles and hung on her nose like on a drainpipe. In the meantime, seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and straight to the girl, one more terrible than the other: the first is nervous, the second is angry, the third is in a beret, the fourth is shabby, the fifth is wrinkled, the sixth is pockmarked, the seventh is the largest. Beside herself with fear, Zhenya grabbed a seven-flowered flower with icy fingers, pulled out a green petal, threw it and screamed at the top of her lungs:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

There lived a girl Zhenya. Once her mother sent her to the store for bagels. Bought
Zhenya seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for
mothers, two bagels with sugar for myself and one small pink bagel for
brother Pavlik. Zhenya took a bunch of bagels and went home. Goes by
yawns to the sides, reads signs, raven considers. And meanwhile stuck behind
an unfamiliar dog and all the bagels one by one and ate: ate dad's with
cumin, then my mother's with poppy seeds, then Zhenya's with sugar. Zhenya felt that
bagels became something too light. I turned around, too late. washcloth
empty dangles, and the last dog, pink Pavlikov's lamb, finishes eating,
licks his lips.
- Ah, a mischievous dog! Zhenya screamed and rushed to catch up with her.

She ran, she ran, she did not catch up with the dog, she only got lost. Sees - place
completely unfamiliar, there are no big houses, but there are small houses. scared
Zhenya cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere - an old woman.
- Girl, girl, why are you crying?
Zhenya told the old woman everything.

The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and said:
Don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have bagels and money too
no, but one flower grows in my garden, it's called -
flower-seven-flower, he can do anything. You, I know, are a good girl, although you love
yawn to the side. I will give you a seven-flower flower, he will arrange everything.
With these words, the old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very
a beautiful flower like a chamomile. It had seven transparent petals, each
different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and

- This flower, - said the old woman, - is not simple. He can do everything
what you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it
and say:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
Be in my opinion

Command that this or that be done. And it will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, went out the gate, and only then
I remembered that I did not know the way home. She wanted to go back to kindergarten and
ask the old woman to accompany her to the nearest policeman, but no
kindergarten, no old woman as it happened. What to do? Zhenya was already going, in her own way
as usual, cry, even wrinkled her nose like an accordion, but suddenly remembered
about the treasured flower.

- Come on, let's see what kind of seven-color flower it is!
Zhenya quickly tore off the yellow petal, threw it away and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell me to be at home with bagels! Before she had time to say it, as in that
in a moment she found herself at home, and in her hands - a bunch of bagels!

Zhenya gave the bagels to her mother, and she thinks to herself: “This is really
wonderful flower, it must certainly be put in the most beautiful vase!"
Zhenya was a very small girl, so she climbed into a chair and
reached for her mother's favorite vase, which stood on the topmost shelf.
At this time, as a sin, crows flew by the window. Wife, of course, immediately
I wanted to know exactly how many crows - seven or eight. She
opened her mouth and began to count, bending her fingers, and the vase flew down and - bam!
- shattered into small pieces.
- You broke something again, tyapa! Muddler! Mom screamed from the kitchen. - Not
my favorite vase?
- No, no, Mommy, I didn't break anything. You heard it! -
Zhenya screamed, and she quickly tore off the red petal, threw it away and

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Before she had time to say this, the shards of themselves crawled towards each other and
began to grow.
Mom came running from the kitchen - look, and her favorite vase, as if nothing
used to stay in place. Mom, just in case, threatened Zhenya with her finger and
sent her for a walk in the yard.

Zhenya came into the yard, and there the boys were playing Papanins: they were sitting on old
boards, and a stick stuck in the sand.
- Boys, boys, take me to play!
- What did you want! Can't you see it's the North Pole? We are girls to the North
do not take the pole.
- What kind of North Pole is it when it's all boards?
- Not boards, but ice floes. Go away, don't interfere! We have a strong contraction.
So you don't accept?
- We do not accept. Leave!
- You don't have to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Just not on
such as yours, but on a real one. And you - a cat's tail!

Zhenya stepped aside, under the gate, took out the coveted seven-flower,
tore off the blue petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Before she had time to say this, when suddenly a whirlwind came from nowhere,
the sun disappeared, a terrible night fell, the earth began to spin underfoot, as if
Zhenya, as she was in a summer dress with bare legs, all alone
ended up at the North Pole, and the frost there is a hundred degrees!

- Oh, mommy, I'm freezing! Zhenya screamed and began to cry, but the tears immediately
turned into icicles and hung on the bow like a drainpipe.
In the meantime, seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and went straight to
girl, one is more terrible than the other: the first is nervous, the second is angry, the third is in
take, the fourth is shabby, the fifth is rumpled, the sixth is pockmarked, the seventh is the most
Beside himself with fear, Zhenya grabbed with icy fingers
flower-seven-flower, pulled out a green petal, threw it and screamed at the top of her lungs:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell me to be back in our yard at once!

And at the same moment she found herself again in the yard. And the boys look at her and
- Well, where is your North Pole?
- I was there.
- We have not seen. Prove it!
- Look - I still have an icicle hanging.
- This is not an icicle, but a cat's tail! What did you take?

Zhenya was offended and decided not to hang out with the boys anymore, but went to
another yard to hang out with girls. She came, she sees - the girls have different toys. At
who has a stroller, who has a ball, who has a jump rope, who has a tricycle, and
one has a large talking doll in a straw doll hat and doll
galoshes. I took Zhenya in annoyance. Even her eyes turned yellow with envy, like those of a goat.
"Well," he thinks, "I'll show you now who has toys!" took out
flower-seven-flower, tore off an orange petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command that all the toys in the world be mine!

And at the same moment
out of nowhere, toys were thrown at Zhenya from all sides.
The first to come running, of course, were the puppets, clapping their eyes loudly and eating without food.
respite: "dad-mum", "dad-mum". Zhenya was very happy at first, but the dolls
there were so many that they immediately filled the whole yard, lane, two streets and
half the area. It was impossible to take a step without stepping on the doll.
Around, imagine what a noise five million speakers can make
dolls? And there were no less of them. And then it was only Moscow dolls. A
dolls from Leningrad, Kharkov, Kyiv, Lvov and other Soviet cities have not yet
managed to run and buzzed like parrots along all the roads of the Soviet Union. Zhenya
even a little scared.

But that was only the beginning. Behind the dolls themselves
rolled balls, balls, scooters, tricycles, tractors,
cars, tanks, tankettes, guns. Jumpers crawled along the ground, like snakes, getting confused
underfoot and causing the nervous dolls to squeak even louder. They flew through the air
millions of toy planes, airships, gliders. From the sky like tulips
padded paratroopers rained down, hanging on telephone wires and trees.
Traffic in the city has stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not
knew what to do.
- Enough, enough! Zhenya screamed in horror, clutching her head. -
Will! What are you, what are you! I don't need so many toys. I was joking. I
I'm afraid...
But it was not there! Toys all fell and fell ...
Already the whole city was littered to the very roofs with toys.
Zhenya up the stairs - toys behind her. Zhenya on the balcony - toys behind her. Zhenya
to the attic - toys behind her. Zhenya jumped out onto the roof, quickly tore
purple petal, threw it and quickly said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell them to get the toys back to the stores as soon as possible.

And immediately all the toys disappeared.
Zhenya looked at her seven-color flower and sees that there is only one left.
- That's the thing! Six petals, it turns out, spent - and no
pleasure. That is OK. I'll be smarter ahead.
She went out into the street, she walks and thinks:
"What else should I order anyway? I order myself, perhaps, two kilos
"bears". No, two kilos of "transparent" ones are better. Or not ... I'd rather do this: I command
half a kilo of "bears", half a kilo of "transparent", one hundred grams of halva, one hundred grams of nuts and
still, wherever it went, one pink bagel for Pavlik. What's the point? Let us suppose,
all this I command and eat. And nothing will be left. No, I tell myself better
tricycle. Although why? Well, I'll ride, and then what? What more
good, the boys will take it away. Perhaps they will beat you! No. I better order myself a ticket
to the cinema or to the circus. It's still fun there. Or maybe it's better to order new ones
sandals? It's no worse than a circus. Although, to tell the truth, what is the use of new
sandals? You can order something else much better. The main thing is not to

Reasoning in this way, Zhenya suddenly saw an excellent boy,
who sat on a bench near the gate. He had big blue eyes, funny, but
meek. The boy was very cute - it is immediately clear that he is not a fighter, and Zhenya
wanted to get to know him. The girl approached him without any fear.
close, that in each of his pupils she very clearly saw her face with two
pigtails spread over the shoulders.
- Boy, boy, what's your name?
- Vitya. How about you?
- Zhenya. Let's play tag?
- I can not. I am lame.
And Zhenya saw his foot in an ugly shoe with very thick soles.
- What a pity! - Zhenya said. - I really liked you, and I would like to
happy to run with you.
- I like you very much too, and I would love to run too
with you, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. It's nothing you can do. This is for the whole
- Oh, what nonsense you say, boy! Zhenya exclaimed, and took out
pocket your cherished seven-color flower. - Look!

With these words, the girl carefully tore off the last, blue petal, on
pressed it to her eyes for a moment, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice,
trembling with happiness

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell Vitya to be healthy!

And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began to play tag with Zhenya, and
ran so well that the girl could not catch up with him, no matter how hard she tried.

* * *

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© Kataev V.P., heirs, 2018

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Fairy tales

Pipe and jug

Strawberries ripened in the forest.

Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer.

They came to the forest and began to pick berries: whoever picks them up first.

Zhenya's mother chose a better clearing and says:

“Here’s a great place for you, daughter. There are a lot of strawberries here. Go collect.

Zhenya wiped the jug with burdock and began to walk around.

She walked and walked, looked and looked, found nothing and returned with an empty jug.

He sees - everyone has strawberries. Dad has a quarter cup. Mom has half a cup. And little Pavlik has two berries on a silver platter.

- Mom, and mom, why do you all have it, but I don’t have anything? You probably chose the worst clearing for me.

- Did you search well?

- Good. There are no berries, only leaves.

Have you looked under the leaves?

- Didn't look.

- Here you see! We must look.

Why doesn't Pavlik look in?

- The peacock is small. He himself is as tall as strawberries, he doesn’t even need to look in, and you are already a pretty tall girl.

And dad says:

Berries are tricky. They are always hiding from people. You need to be able to get them. Watch how I do.

Then dad sat down, bent down to the very ground, looked under the leaves and began to look for berry after berry, saying:

- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

"Okay," Zhenya said. - Thank you, daddy. I will do so.

Zhenya went to her clearing, squatted down, bent down to the very ground and looked under the leaves. And under the leaves of the berries, apparently invisible. Eyes run wide. Zhenya began to pick berries and throw them into a jug. Vomiting and saying:

However, Zhenya soon got tired of squatting.

Enough with me, he thinks. “I must have gained a lot anyway.”

Zhenya got to her feet and looked into the jug. And there are only four berries.

Quite a few! Again, you need to squat down. It's nothing you can do.

Zhenya sat down again on her haunches, began to pick berries, saying:

- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

Zhenya looked into the jug, and there were only eight berries - even the bottom was not yet closed.

“Well,” he thinks, “I don’t like to collect at all. Bend over and bend over all the time. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired. I'd better go look for another clearing."

Zhenya went through the forest to look for such a clearing, where strawberries do not hide under the leaves, but climb into their eyes and ask for a jug.

I walked and walked, I didn’t find such a clearing, I got tired and sat down on a stump to rest. He sits, from nothing to do, takes out berries from a jug and puts it in his mouth. She ate all eight berries, looked into an empty jug and thought: “What should I do now? If only someone could help me!"

As soon as she thought this, the moss stirred, the ant parted, and a small, strong old man crawled out from under the stump: a white coat, a gray beard, a velvet hat and a dry blade of grass across the hat.

“Hello girl,” she says.

- Hello, uncle.

- I'm not an uncle, but a grandfather. Al didn't know? I am an old boletus man, a native forester, the head of all mushrooms and berries. What are you sighing about? Who hurt you?

- Offended me, grandfather, berries.

- Don't know. They are meek. How did they hurt you?

- They don’t want to show themselves in front of the eyes, they hide under the leaves. You can't see anything from above. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

The old boletus, the indigenous forester, stroked his gray beard, grinned into his mustache and said:

- Sheer nonsense! I have a special pipe for this. As soon as she starts to play, so now all the berries from under the leaves will appear.

An old boletus, a native forester, took out a pipe from his pocket and said:

- Play, darling.

The pipe began to play by itself, and as soon as it began to play, berries peeked out from under the leaves from everywhere.

- Stop it, motherfucker.

The pipe stopped, and the berries hid.

Zhenya was delighted.

- Grandfather, grandfather, give me this pipe!

- I can't give. And let's change: I'll give you a pipe, and you give me a jug: I really liked it.

- Fine. With great pleasure.

Zhenya gave the jug to the old boletus, the indigenous forester, took the pipe from him and quickly ran to her clearing. She ran, stood in the middle, said:

- Play, darling.

The pipe began to play, and at the same moment all the leaves in the clearing stirred, began to turn, as if the wind had blown on them.

First, the youngest curious berries, still quite green, looked out from under the leaves. Behind them, the heads of older berries were stuck out - one cheek is pink, the other is white. Then the berries came out quite ripe - large and red. And, finally, old berries appeared from the very bottom, almost black, wet, fragrant, covered with yellow seeds.

And soon the whole clearing around Zhenya was strewn with berries, which burned brightly in the sun and reached for the pipe.

- Play, pipe, play! Zhenya screamed. - Play fast!

The pipe began to play faster, and even more berries poured out - so many that under them the leaves could not be seen at all.

But Zhenya did not let up:

- Play, pipe, play! Play even faster.

The pipe began to play even faster, and the whole forest was filled with such a pleasant, quick ringing, as if it were not a forest, but a music box.

The bees stopped pushing the butterfly off the flower; the butterfly closed its wings like a book; robin chicks peeped out of their light nest, which swayed in elderberry branches, and opened their yellow mouths in admiration; mushrooms stood on tiptoe so as not to utter a single sound, and even the old, pop-eyed dragonfly, known for its quarrelsome character, stopped in the air, admiring the wonderful music to the depths of its soul.

“Now I’ll start collecting!” Zhenya thought, and was already stretching out her hand to the largest and reddest berry, when she suddenly remembered that she had exchanged a jug for a pipe and now she had nowhere to put the strawberries.

- Oh, you stupid bastard! the girl shouted angrily. - I have nowhere to put the berries, and you played out. Shut up now!

Zhenya ran back to the old boletus, the native forester, and said:

- Grandfather, and grandfather, give back my jug! I have nowhere to pick berries.

- Well, - answers the old boletus, a native forester, - I will give you your jug, only you give back my pipe.

Zhenya gave the old boletus, the indigenous forester, his pipe, took her jug ​​and quickly ran back to the clearing.

She ran, and there was not a single berry visible - only leaves. What a misfortune! There is a pipe - there is not enough jug. How to be here?

Zhenya thought, thought, and decided to go again to the old boletus, the native forester, for a pipe.

Comes and says:

- Grandfather, grandfather, give me the pipe again!

- Fine. Just give me the jug again.

- I'm not giving it. I myself need a jug to put berries in it.

- Well, then I won't give you a pipe.

Zhenya pleaded:

- Grandfather, and grandfather, how am I going to pick berries in my jug when, without your pipe, they all sit under the leaves and do not show their eyes? I certainly need both a jug and a pipe.

“Look, what a sly girl! Give her both a pipe and a jug! You can do without a pipe, with one jug.

“I won’t, grandpa.

- How do other people manage?

- Other people bend down to the very ground, look under the leaves from the side, and take berry after berry. They take one berry, look at another, notice the third, and imagine the fourth. So I don't like collecting. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

- Oh, that's how! - said the old boletus, a native forester, and was so angry that his beard instead of a gray-gray one turned black-black. - Oh, that's how! Yes, you, it turns out, just a lazybones! Take your jug ​​and get out of here! There will be no flute for you!

With these words, the old boletus, the native forester, stamped his foot and fell under the stump.

Zhenya looked at her empty jug, remembered that her father, mother and little Pavlik were waiting for her, quickly ran to her clearing, squatted down, looked under the leaves and began to quickly take berry after berry.

He takes one, looks at the other, notices the third, and imagines the fourth ...

Soon Zhenya took a full jug and returned to her father, mother and little Pavlik.

“Here’s a good girl,” dad said to Zhenya, “she brought a full jug. Are you tired?

- Nothing, daddy. The pitcher helped me.

And everyone went home - dad with a full mug, mom with a full cup, Zhenya with a full jug, and little Pavlik with a full saucer.

Zhenya didn't say anything about the pipe to anyone.


There lived a girl Zhenya. Once her mother sent her to the store for bagels. Zhenya bought seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for mom, two bagels with sugar for herself and one small pink bagel for brother Pavlik. Zhenya took a bunch of bagels and went home. He walks, yawns on the sides, reads the signs, the raven counts. In the meantime, an unfamiliar dog stuck up behind and ate all the bagels one after another and ate: first, she ate papa's with cumin, then mama's with poppy seeds, then Zhenya's with sugar. Zhenya felt that the bagels had become something too light. I turned around, too late. The washcloth dangles empty, and the dog finishes the last, pink Pavlikov's lamb, licks its lips.

“Oh, bad dog! Zhenya screamed and rushed to catch up with her.

She ran, she ran, she did not catch up with the dog, she only got lost. Sees - a place completely unfamiliar. There are no big houses, but there are small houses. Zhenya was frightened and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old woman.

“Girl, girl, why are you crying?”

Zhenya told the old woman everything.

The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and said:

Don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have bagels and I don’t have money either, but on the other hand, one flower grows in my garden, it’s called “seven-colored flower”, it can do anything. You, I know, are a good girl, although you like to yawn around. I will give you a seven-flower flower, he will arrange everything.

With these words, the old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very beautiful flower like a camomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and blue.

“This flower,” said the old woman, “is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Command that this or that be done. And it will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, went out the gate, and only then remembered that she did not know the way home. She wanted to return to the kindergarten and ask the old woman to accompany her to the nearest policeman, but neither the kindergarten nor the old woman was there. What to do? Zhenya was about to cry, as usual, even wrinkled her nose like an accordion, but suddenly she remembered the cherished flower.

- Come on, let's see what kind of seven-color flower it is!

Zhenya quickly tore off the yellow petal, threw it away and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to be at home with bagels!

Before she had time to say this, as at the same moment she found herself at home, and in her hands a bunch of bagels!

Zhenya gave the bagels to her mother, and she thinks to herself: “This is really a wonderful flower, it must certainly be put in the most beautiful vase!”

Zhenya was a very small girl, so she climbed onto a chair and reached for her mother's favorite vase, which stood on the topmost shelf. At this time, as a sin, crows flew by the window. The wife, of course, immediately wanted to know exactly how many crows - seven or eight. She opened her mouth and began to count, bending her fingers, and the vase flew down and bam! - shattered into small pieces.

- You broke something again, tyapa! Muddler! Mom screamed from the kitchen. - Isn't it my favorite vase?

“No, no, Mommy, I didn’t break anything. You heard it! Zhenya shouted, and she quickly tore off the red petal, threw it away and whispered:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Before she had time to say this, the shards of their own accord crawled towards each other and began to coalesce.

Mom came running from the kitchen - look, and her favorite vase, as if nothing had happened, was standing in its place. Just in case, Mom threatened Zhenya with her finger and sent her for a walk in the yard.

Zhenya came into the yard, and there the boys were playing Papanin's: they were sitting on old planks with a stick stuck in the sand.

“Boys, boys, let me play!”

- What did you want! Can't you see it's the North Pole? We don't take girls to the North Pole.

- What kind of North Pole is it when it's just boards?

- Not boards, but ice floes. Go away, don't interfere! We have a strong contraction.

So you don't accept?

- We do not accept. Leave!

- And you don't need to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Only not on the one like yours, but on the real one. And you - a cat's tail!

Zhenya stepped aside, under the gate, took out the cherished seven-flower, tore off the blue petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led!

Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Before she had time to say this, suddenly a whirlwind came from nowhere, the sun disappeared, a terrible night fell, the earth spun under her feet like a top.

Zhenya, as she was, in a summer dress, with bare legs, all alone, ended up at the North Pole, and the frost was a hundred degrees!

- Oh, mommy, I'm freezing! Zhenya screamed and began to cry, but the tears immediately turned into icicles and hung on her nose like on a drainpipe.

In the meantime, seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe - and straight to the girl, one more terrible than the other: the first is nervous, the second is angry, the third is in a beret, the fourth is shabby, the fifth is wrinkled, the sixth is pockmarked, the seventh is the largest .

Beside herself with fear, Zhenya grabbed a seven-flower flower with icy fingers, pulled out a green petal, threw it and screamed at the top of her lungs:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to be back in our yard at once!

And at the same moment she found herself again in the yard. And the boys look at her and laugh:

- Well, where is your North Pole?

- I was there.

- We have not seen. Prove it!

- Look - I still have an icicle hanging.

- This is not an icicle, but a cat's tail! What did you take?

Zhenya was offended and decided not to hang out with the boys anymore, but went to another yard to hang out with the girls. She came, she sees - the girls have different toys. Some have a stroller, some have a ball, some have a jump rope, some have a tricycle, and one has a big talking doll in a doll's straw hat and doll's galoshes. I took Zhenya in annoyance. Even his eyes turned yellow with envy, like those of a goat.

“Well,” he thinks, “I’ll show you now who has toys!”

She took out a seven-flower, tore off an orange petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Command that all the toys in the world be mine!

And at the same moment, out of nowhere, toys were thrown towards Zhenya from all sides.

Of course, the dolls came running first, clapping their eyes loudly and eating without respite: “dad-mum”, “dad-mum”. Zhenya was very happy at first, but there were so many dolls that they immediately filled the entire yard, lane, two streets and half of the square. It was impossible to take a step without stepping on the doll. Can you imagine the noise five million talking dolls can make? And there were no less of them. And then it was only Moscow dolls. And the puppets from Leningrad, Kharkov, Kyiv, Lvov and other Soviet cities had not yet managed to run up and were noisy like parrots along all the roads of the Soviet Union. Zhenya was even a little scared. But that was only the beginning. Balls, marbles, scooters, tricycles, tractors, cars, tanks, tankettes, guns rolled behind the dolls. Jumpers crawled along the ground like snakes, getting underfoot and making the nervous puppets squeak even louder. Millions of toy planes, airships, gliders flew through the air. Cotton paratroopers fell from the sky like tulips, hanging on telephone wires and trees. Traffic in the city has stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not know what to do.

- Enough, enough! Zhenya screamed in horror, clutching her head. - Will! What are you, what are you! I don't need so many toys. I was joking. I'm afraid…

But it was not there! Toys kept falling and falling. The Soviet ones are over, the American ones have begun.

Already the whole city was littered to the very roofs with toys.

Zhenya up the stairs - toys behind her. Zhenya on the balcony - toys behind her. Zhenya in the attic - toys behind her. Zhenya jumped out onto the roof, quickly tore off the purple petal, threw it and quickly said:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Tell them to get the toys back to the stores as soon as possible.

And immediately all the toys disappeared.

Zhenya looked at her seven-colored flower and sees that there is only one petal left.

- That's the thing! Six petals, it turns out, spent - and no pleasure. That is OK. I'll be smarter in the future.

She went out into the street, walks and thinks:

“What else should I tell you? I tell myself, perhaps, two kilos of "bears". No, two kilos of “transparent” ones are better. Or not ... I’d better do it this way: I’ll order a pound of “bears”, a pound of “transparent”, one hundred grams of halva, a hundred grams of nuts and, wherever it goes, one pink bagel for Pavlik. What's the point? Well, let's say I order all this and eat it. And nothing will be left. No, I tell myself a tricycle is better. Although why? Well, I'll ride, and then what? Still, what good, the boys will take away. Perhaps they will beat you! No. I'd rather tell myself a ticket to the cinema or to the circus. It's still fun there. Or maybe it’s better to order new sandals? It's no worse than a circus. Although, to tell the truth, what is the use of new sandals ?! You can order something much better. The main thing is not to rush."

Reasoning in this way, Zhenya suddenly saw an excellent boy who was sitting on a bench at the gate. He had big blue eyes, cheerful but quiet. The boy was very handsome - it is immediately clear that he is not a fighter - and Zhenya wanted to get to know him. The girl, without any fear, approached him so close that in each of his pupils she very clearly saw her face with two pigtails spread over her shoulders.

"Boy, boy, what's your name?"

- Vitya. How about you?

- Zhenya. Let's play tag?

- I can not. I am lame.

And Zhenya saw his foot in an ugly shoe with very thick soles.

- What a pity! - Zhenya said. “I really liked you, and I would love to run with you.

“I like you very much too, and I would also love to run with you, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. It's nothing you can do. It's for life.

“Oh, what nonsense you are talking, boy! Zhenya exclaimed and took out her cherished seven-flower from her pocket. – Look!

With these words, the girl carefully tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a moment, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice trembling with happiness:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

Tell Vitya to be healthy!

And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began to play tag with Zhenya and ran so well that the girl could not overtake him, no matter how hard she tried.

There lived a girl Zhenya. once her mother sent her to the store for bagels. Zhenya bought seven bagels: two bagels with cumin for dad, two bagels with poppy seeds for mom, two bagels with sugar for herself and one small pink bagel for brother Pavlik. Zhenya took a bunch of bagels and went home. He walks, yawns on the sides, reads the signs, the raven counts. Meanwhile, an unfamiliar dog stuck up behind and ate all the bagels one after another and ate: she ate dad's with cumin, then mom's with poppy seeds, then Zhenya's with sugar. Zhenya felt that the bagels were somehow too light. I turned around, too late. The washcloth dangles empty, and the dog finishes the last, pink Pavlikov's lamb, licks its lips.

Ah, bad dog! Zhenya screamed and rushed to catch up with her.

She ran, she ran, she did not catch up with the dog, she only got lost. He sees that the place is completely unfamiliar, there are no big houses, but there are small houses. Zhenya was frightened and cried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old woman:

Girl, girl, why are you crying?

Zhenya told the old woman everything.

The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and said:

Don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have bagels and I don’t have money either, but on the other hand, one flower grows in my garden, it’s called the “flower-seven-flower”, it can do anything. You, I know, are a good girl, although you like to yawn around. I will give you a seven-flower flower, he will arrange everything.

With these words, the old woman plucked from the garden and gave the girl Zhenya a very beautiful flower like a camomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, green, blue, orange, purple and blue.

This flower, - said the old woman, - is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command that this and that be done!

And it will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, went out the gate, and only then remembered that she did not know the way home. She wanted to return to the kindergarten and ask the old woman to accompany her to the nearest policeman, but neither the kindergarten nor the old woman was there. What to do? Zhenya was about to cry, as usual, even wrinkled her nose like an accordion, but suddenly she remembered the cherished flower.

Come on, let's see what kind of seven-color flower it is! Zhenya quickly tore off the yellow petal, threw it away and said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to be at home with bagels!

Before she had time to say this, as at the same moment she found herself at home, and in her hands - a bunch of bagels!

Zhenya gave the bagels to her mother, and she thinks to herself: "This is really a wonderful flower, it must certainly be put in the most beautiful vase!"

Zhenya was a very small girl, so she climbed onto a chair and reached for her mother's favorite vase, which stood on the topmost shelf. At this time, as a sin, crows flew by the window. The wife, of course, immediately wanted to know exactly how many crows - seven or eight. She opened her mouth and began to count, bending her fingers, and the vase flew down and - bam! - shattered into small pieces.

You broke something again, tyapa! Muddler! Mom screamed from the kitchen. - Isn't it my favorite vase?

No, no, mommy, I didn't break anything. You heard it! Zhenya shouted, and she quickly tore off the red petal, threw it away and whispered:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command that mother's favorite vase become whole!

Before she had time to say this, the shards crawled towards each other by themselves and began to coalesce.

Mom came running from the kitchen - look, and her favorite vase, as if nothing had happened, was standing in its place. Mom, just in case, threatened Zhenya with her finger and sent her for a walk in the yard.

Zhenya came into the yard, and there the boys were playing Papanin's: they were sitting on old planks with a stick stuck in the sand.

Boys, boys, let me play!

What did you want! Can't you see it's the North Pole? We don't take girls to the North Pole.

What kind of North Pole is it when it's all boards?

Not boards, but ice floes. Go away, don't interfere! We have a strong contraction.

So you don't accept?

We do not accept. Leave!

And you don't need to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Only not on the one like yours, but on the real one. And you - a cat's tail!

Zhenya stepped aside, under the gate, took out the cherished seven-flower, tore off the blue petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Before she had time to say this, suddenly a whirlwind came from nowhere, the sun disappeared, a terrible night fell, the earth spun under her feet like a top.

Zhenya, as she was in a summer dress with bare legs, ended up alone at the North Pole, and the frost there was a hundred degrees!

Hey, mommy, I'm freezing! Zhenya screamed and began to cry, but the tears immediately turned into icicles and hung on her nose like on a drainpipe.

In the meantime, seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and straight to the girl, one more terrible than the other: the first is nervous, the second is angry, the third is in a beret, the fourth is shabby, the fifth is wrinkled, the sixth is pockmarked, the seventh is the largest.

Beside herself with fear, Zhenya grabbed a seven-flowered flower with icy fingers, pulled out a green petal, threw it and screamed at the top of her lungs:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to be back in our yard at once!

And at the same moment she found herself again in the yard. And the boys look at her and laugh:

So where is your North Pole?

I was there.

We have not seen. Prove it!

Look - I still have an icicle hanging.

It's not an icicle, it's a cat's tail! What did you take?

Zhenya was offended and decided not to hang out with the boys anymore, but went to another yard to hang out with the girls. She came, she sees - the girls have different toys. Some have a stroller, some have a ball, some have a jump rope, some have a tricycle, and one has a big talking doll in a doll's straw hat and doll's galoshes. I took Zhenya in annoyance. Even her eyes turned yellow with envy, like those of a goat.

"Well," he thinks, "I'll show you now who has toys!"

She took out a seven-flower, tore off an orange petal, threw it and said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Command that all the toys in the world be mine!

And at the same moment, out of nowhere, toys were thrown towards Zhenya from all sides. Of course, the dolls came running first, clapping their eyes loudly and eating without respite: “dad-mum”, “dad-mum”. Zhenya was very happy at first, but there were so many dolls that they immediately filled the entire yard, lane, two streets and half of the square. It was impossible to take a step without stepping on the doll. Around, can you imagine what kind of noise five million talking dolls can make? And there were no less of them. And then it was only Moscow dolls. And the puppets from Leningrad, Kharkov, Kyiv, Lvov and other Soviet cities had not yet managed to run up and were noisy like parrots along all the roads of the Soviet Union. Zhenya was even a little scared.

But that was only the beginning. Balls, balls, scooters, tricycles, tractors, cars, tanks, tankettes, guns rolled after the dolls. The jumpers crawled along the ground like snakes, tangling underfoot and making the nervous puppets squeak even louder. Millions of toy planes, airships, gliders flew through the air. Cotton paratroopers fell from the sky like tulips, hanging on telephone wires and trees. Traffic in the city has stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not know what to do.

Pretty, pretty! Zhenya screamed in horror, clutching her head. - Will! What are you, what are you! I don't need so many toys. I was joking. I'm afraid...

But it was not there! Toys all fell and fell. The Soviet ones are over, the American ones have begun. Already the whole city was littered to the very roofs with toys. Zhenya up the stairs - toys behind her. Zhenya on the balcony - toys behind her. Zhenya in the attic - toys behind her. Zhenya jumped out onto the roof, quickly tore off the purple petal, threw it and quickly said:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell them to get the toys back to the stores as soon as possible.

And immediately all the toys disappeared.

Zhenya looked at her seven-colored flower and sees that there is only one petal left.

That's the thing! Six petals, it turns out, spent - and no pleasure. That is OK. I'll be smarter ahead.

She went out into the street, she walks and thinks:

"What else should I order? I order myself, perhaps, two kilos of "bears." No, two kilos of "transparent" ones is better. Or not ... I'd better do this: I order half a kilo of "bears", half a kilo transparent", one hundred grams of halva, one hundred grams of nuts and, wherever it went, one pink bagel for Pavlik. What's the point? Well, let's say I order all this and eat it. bike. But why? Well, I'll go for a ride, and then what? Also, what good things, the boys will take away. Perhaps they will beat me! No. I'd rather order myself a ticket to the cinema or to the circus. It's still fun there. Or maybe order better new sandals? Also no worse than the circus. Although, to tell the truth, what is the use of new sandals? You can order something else much better. The main thing is not to rush. "

Reasoning in this way, Zhenya suddenly saw an excellent boy who was sitting on a bench at the gate. He had big blue eyes, merry but quiet. The boy was very cute - it is immediately clear that he is not a fighter, and Zhenya wanted to get to know him. The girl, without any fear, approached him so close that in each of his pupils she very clearly saw her face with two pigtails spread over her shoulders.

Boy, boy, what's your name?

Vitya. How about you?

Zhenya. Let's play tag?

I can not. I am lame.

And Zhenya saw his foot in an ugly shoe with very thick soles.

What a pity! - Zhenya said. - I really liked you, and I would love to run with you.

I also really like you, and I would love to run with you too, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. It's nothing you can do. It's for life.

Oh, what nonsense you are talking, boy! - Zhenya exclaimed and took out her cherished seven-flower from her pocket. - Look!

With these words, the girl carefully tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a moment, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice trembling with happiness:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell Vitya to be healthy!

And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began to play tag with Zhenya and ran so well that the girl could not overtake him, no matter how hard she tried. That's

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