Green kakuli in an adult. Causes of the appearance of green feces in adults and children

Why green feces in an adult, what does it mean, causes, symptoms and signs, what to do if feces are green.

Green poop is usually from something you recently ate, such as spinach. Certain medications and iron supplements can turn stools green.

Newborn babies have dark green stools, while breastfed babies often have yellow-green color. Green is rare in older children and adults.

What does the color of feces mean

Normal color

A brown color is considered normal, which appears due to a yellow pigment. Depending on the concentration of the pigment, the feces can be colored in a light or dark shade.

Green color

If you ate food fortified with iron or drank carbonated water, jelly, food with a high content of dyes.

Light green

The tint appears in case of infection - hepatitis, pancreatitis and others. If light green stool does not pass for a long time, then there is a possibility of the presence of stones or neoplasms.

Yellow-green color

Most likely this is an infection that has entered the mouth. If the feces are yellow-green, liquid and there is mucus in it, then perhaps due to a change in the intestinal microflora - dysbiosis.

Dark green

Perhaps due to the high concentration of iron in food. The most serious case is bleeding in the stomach or intestines. The feces are colored in a dark shade.

The reasons

Causes of green feces:

  • Food
  • Diseases
  • Medicines
  • Malfunctions of the body


If the food is fortified with iron, the food may contain pigments that will discolor the excrement.

  • Spinach, cucumbers, sorrel, lettuce, dill and other foods with a pronounced green color.
  • Caramel, marmalade, and other foods with high levels of food coloring. In this case, the feces may turn dark green.
  • Products containing chlorophyll. For example, after consuming seaweed, the color can last up to 3 days.
  • Red meat, fish, red beans in some can change the color of the stool.

If you stop eating food that could color the feces, then the pigments can remain in the body for up to 5 days.


  • Laxative teas
  • Iodine medications
  • Glucose, sorbitol and others
  • Complexes of minerals and vitamins
  • Preparations with seaweed

Look at the composition of the drug, if you are taking any of the above, then you should not worry.

Malfunction of the body

Green or dark green color of feces can manifest itself in pathologies. If the coloration of feces is accompanied by a high fever, stomach aches and twists, diarrhea, vomiting, you should consult a gastroenterologist for a diagnosis.


  • Crohn's disease
  • Infectious infections
  • Internal bleeding
  • Food allergies
  • Stomach ulcer


Symptoms and signs with green feces:

  • Elevated temperature
  • General weakness
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain

What to do

If you have green stool, start with nutrition, adjust if it is the cause. If this is a symptom of a medication you are taking, then consult your doctor for advice.

If the problem is in the disease, then the doctor will prescribe tests to make a diagnosis:

  • Complete blood count with leukocytes
  • Analysis of urine
  • Blood test for biochemistry and electrolytes
  • Stool analysis for bacterial environment
  • Abdominal ultrasound

Green stools can be caused by anything from a serious malfunction to food that is high in dyes or iron.

If you ate food that could stain the feces, wait 1-2 days, most likely everything will return to normal. If green feces are accompanied by other symptoms, pain, discharge of blood or mucus, cause you discomfort - consult a doctor.

With the help of emptying the intestines, harmful substances and food that has not been digested are released from the human body. During normal functioning of the body, a person goes to the toilet once or twice a day.

Sometimes people get diarrhea and the stool changes its texture and color. When greenish feces are observed in an adult, the reasons for this are very different and all this may indicate some deviations in the body.

Why does green diarrhea appear?

Not always greenish feces mean that there are abnormalities in the work of the body, the reason may be the use of any food or medication.

A variety of factors can cause loose, green-tinged stools, such as:

  • the appearance of infections in the intestines;
  • dysbiosis;
  • eating any food;
  • taking medications;
  • stomach diseases.

The cause of the occurrence is established based on:

  • of the existing symptoms;
  • the patient's condition;
  • the results obtained after passing the tests;
  • additional examination if necessary.

The herbal preparation successfully relieves the inflammatory process, cleanses the body, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Symptoms that may accompany the condition

The most common cause is an intestinal infection that enters the body through the mouth, water, food, or hands.

In addition to the appearance of a greenish feces, a person may be disturbed by:

  • appearance;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of appetite.

Infection, when it enters the digestive system, can cause various inflammatory ailments:

  • With intestinal infections, there are many leukocytes in the feces, which is why it takes on a green tint.
  • In rare cases, a person develops dysbiosis, it appears due to antibiotics, allergies, improper food intake, and a weakening of the immune system.

If a person has taken a course of taking antibacterial drugs, then he has a change in the intestinal microflora. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use probiotics during treatment with these drugs to maintain the intestinal microflora.

If the feces of a green tint appeared as a result of the consumption of certain foods, a large amount of sweet soda, vegetables and greens, then this does not pose a threat to the body.

Why is adult diarrhea dark green?

Dark green diarrhea in an adult occurs for the following reasons:

  • The most dangerous reason for which feces acquire a dark green tint is bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
  • Stool color becomes darker due to oxidation of iron, which is found in human blood.
  • If the iron is not completely oxidized, then a greenish feces will be released in an adult of a dark shade.

It can also be caused by poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or blood diseases, for example:

  • For some reason, the liver may begin to produce a large amount of bilirubin, which, getting into the stomach, stains the feces in a dark shade.
  • In addition, the cause may be malfunctioning of the pancreas or the production of a small amount of enzymes.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Yellow-green diarrhea in an adult

The causes of yellow-green diarrhea can be:

  • Intestinal infections that enter the body through the oral cavity. In this case, the feces acquire a yellow-green or yellow tint. The body temperature may rise, nausea and general weakness may appear. Dehydration, muscle aches and loss of appetite may also occur.
  • A similar symptomatology accompanies dysbiosis, only with this disease, the stool becomes liquid and mucus is present in it.

I did not expect such an effect. The body recovered, even the skin became smooth and even, the stool returned to normal. I am very happy with this result. "

Diarrhea with green water in an adult

In some cases, the cause of the appearance of green is the action of the person himself. This is often associated with poor hand hygiene.

It may also appear for the following reasons:

  • allergic reactions to food;
  • drinking bad water or foods incompatible with each other;
  • dirty vegetables or fruits;
  • medications;
  • poisoning;
  • the state of pregnancy.

Also, diarrhea can occur:

  • as a result of intestinal infections;
  • improper functioning of the digestive system;
  • food intoxication;
  • other problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to diarrhea, you may experience:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • weakness.

The color of the stool changes due to the large number of leukocytes.

Green diarrhea with blood

Diarrhea of ​​a green tint with blood can signal serious complications, if it appears accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of green diarrhea with blood:

  • Bloody diarrhea may result from internal hemorrhoids.
  • In addition to diarrhea, a person may feel pain and burning sensation in the anus.
  • In addition to hemorrhoids, a disease caused by an infection can be the cause.
  • If the color has changed to a darker color, then this indicates intestinal problems.
  • Bloody diarrhea can also form due to bleeding in the intestines or stomach.

Why green diarrhea and fever?

Often, the appearance of green diarrhea, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, indicates an infection in the intestines. If the temperature does not exceed 380, most likely a person has gastroenteritis, which is transmitted through contact with sick people.

In addition to diarrhea and a slight increase in temperature, a person manifests the following:

  • begins to shiver;
  • a cough appears;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat.

Why is green diarrhea and vomiting in an adult?

Causes of green diarrhea and vomiting:

  • When diarrhea appears along with vomiting, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • This can be an intoxication of the body or an intestinal infection.
  • If you do not take measures to eliminate the causes, then the condition can worsen significantly.

Signs of the poisoning that has occurred occur, after a couple of hours, after the source of the poisoning has been consumed.

A person has:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • the temperature begins to rise;
  • there is pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea occurs a little later.

In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If green diarrhea appears, what to do?

If green diarrhea appears, you need to do the following:

  1. If diarrhea appears, a person immediately has the idea of ​​treating the ailment.
  2. In this case, a person should not be allowed to become dehydrated in the body.
  3. It is necessary to find out as soon as possible why an adult has greenish feces and how to treat it, for this you need to see a doctor.

You cannot make independent decisions on the treatment of the disease, this can only aggravate the situation. In the clinic, the patient will be sent for all the necessary tests and examinations, and according to the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Antibiotic use

For diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe medications (antimicrobials), this may be:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Tour;
  • Regidron.

Taking such drugs usually does not exceed 7 days, this time is enough to correct the state of the body.

Cleansing the body with drugs

In addition to antibiotics, the doctor will prescribe sorbents to the patient.

The most effective drugs are:

  • Smecta, Dioctite, Diosmectite, Neosmectin;
  • Enterosgel;

These drugs help to remove toxins from the body and create favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms beneficial to the body. When taking these drugs, the formation of gas and fermentation in the intestines is significantly reduced. During treatment with these drugs, a person must necessarily consume as much liquid as possible.

Restoration of intestinal flora

If dysbiosis became the cause of diarrhea, then the doctor will prescribe a course intake of bacteria that are beneficial to the intestinal microflora:

  • Linex;
  • Acipol;
  • Bactisubtil;
  • Normoflorin.

Usually, the doctor prescribes a course of one month, you can prepare yoghurts at home with the addition of bacteria to improve the condition.

Enzyme intake

In the event of green feces due to a lack of enzymes, enzymes are included in the course treatment, such as:

  • Creon;
  • Pancreatin.

It may happen that the patient has to take these drugs throughout his life, only in this case his stool and general well-being will normalize.

Surgical intervention

If the cause of diarrhea is internal bleeding that appears, then the patient is obliged to undergo an operation.

The method of surgical intervention depends entirely on the nature and area of ​​bleeding. If the operation is postponed or not done, then quite serious consequences are possible. Anesthesia during surgery is general, and after the operation a person is disabled for some time.


A medical worker, in addition to drug treatment, prescribes a special dietary food for the patient.

A person must refuse:

  • from bakery products;
  • sweet food;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • if there are pancreatic diseases, then fatty, fried, smoked and spicy products should be excluded from the diet.

It is advisable to use:

  • vegetable-based broths and soups;
  • During an exacerbation of diarrhea, you need to eat rice porridge;
  • bananas in moderation; What happens with, read here.
  • products of liquid and jelly-like consistency;
  • With dysbiosis, you need to regularly drink fermented milk drinks.

In addition to diet, you need to consume as much water as possible to replenish lost fluids in order to prevent dehydration of the body.


In conclusion, it is worthwhile to summarize:

  1. If diarrhea appears, then a person must undergo an examination and take medications, only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. In no case should one engage in self-treatment of the disease, this can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Medicines for diarrhea can be used only if necessary, they can only temporarily relieve the condition.

The color of the stool of a healthy person can vary from light brown to dark brown. This color is due to the presence of a product in the feces, which is produced as a result of pigment metabolism processes.

Reasons for discoloration of feces

The color or shade of feces may change due to:

  • taking certain medications, for example, hematogen, bismuth salts, calomel. In such cases, the stool may be black or green;
  • consumed some food. For example, after eating asparagus, lettuce and sorrel, feces take on a greenish tint. And after eating black currant berries, cherries and blueberries, it can turn black;
  • the predominance of certain nutrients in products. For example, when consuming a large amount of milk, the color of feces can turn golden yellow, when eating meat and sausages, it can turn black-brown, and when eating plant foods, it can turn light brown.

However, a change in the color and shade of feces may indicate the development of some pathological processes in the body and be one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • the development of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • hepatitis;
  • erosion of the stomach;
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids:
  • bleeding from the rectum.

If the color of the stool has changed for no reason, that is, this was not preceded by the intake of certain medications and food products, you should immediately seek medical help. After all, a timely diagnosis will help to eliminate the problem at the early stages of its development, which will lead to a successful and quickest cure of the disease. In such situations, it is recommended to contact specialists in the field of:

  • hepatology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • oncology.

Light-colored feces

Feces that have a pale shade (white, gray), in most cases, indicate that a person has eaten a large amount the day before:

  • potatoes
  • tapioca;
  • rice.

If a person has had a barium sulfate x-ray, they will also observe discolored stool for several days.
Certain medications for diarrhea can also cause gray stools. The fact is that these drugs include additives such as calcium and antacids.

If we consider the issue of the appearance of pale feces on the other hand, it becomes clear that the bile secreted by the gallbladder, for some reason, does not enter the intestines. This may signal the development of certain diseases, including those associated with the closure of the bile ducts, namely:

  • pancreatitis;
  • tumors of the bile ducts;
  • hepatitis A;
  • stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.

Thus, we can conclude that if a person has white feces, it means that he has problems with the gallbladder. He may be suffering from cholecystitis.

Red feces

Red or red-brown color of feces should alert. After all, he is a harbinger of the development of some pathological processes in the body. Although in most cases, red feces indicate that you have eaten a fairly large amount of the following foods the day before:

  • beets;
  • red gelatin;
  • tomatoes;
  • fruit punches.

Also, red stools may indicate that the person took certain antibiotics, which contributed to the formation of ulcers in the intestines. And this already became the cause of bleeding. After taking potassium tablets and some other medications, feces with the presence of blood may also be observed.

If you notice the appearance of bloody stools, and did not eat red foods the day before, this may be evidence of cracks in the anus, as well as hemorrhoids. These problems could arise for the following reasons:

  • after childbirth;
  • after intercourse;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the rectum;
  • with frequent constipation.

Also, red stools can be a consequence of a disease such as intestinal inflammation. This disease, in addition to blood feces, is characterized by the presence of diarrhea and severe spasms.

In addition to these problems, red feces can be a harbinger of some other diseases of the digestive system of organs. So, if the stool is colored bright red, the problem is most likely in the lower intestines. It is very likely that there is a malfunction of the colon, such as diverticulitis, when small areas of the rectum become inflamed due to the presence of an infection. This condition is characterized by the presence of acute pain in the lower abdomen.

For feces that are dark red in color, the problem is most likely in the upper gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • in the small intestine;
  • in the stomach;
  • in the esophagus.

Bloody stool is sometimes the only symptomatic manifestation of colon cancer, as well as the presence of polyps in it. These polyps can be both malignant and benign.

However, in these cases, along with bloody stools, the presence of:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • spasms;
  • general weakness;
  • significant weight loss.

Yellow feces

Light yellow (golden) feces can be observed with the development of a pathology such as fermentation dyspepsia, in other words, a violation of the digestion of carbohydrates. This pathology can be the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system in terms of insufficient digestion of the connective tissue sheaths of plant fibers. Thus, the carbohydrates present in plant foods become inaccessible to the enzymes of the pancreas, as well as the small intestine.

Often, the yellow color of feces in an adult occurs due to poor-quality digestion of food in the large intestine, as well as due to insufficiency of the pancreas.

It is worth noting that in children who are breastfed, the color of feces can vary from pale yellow or even green-yellow to rich yellow with a golden hue.

Green feces

The green color of feces may indicate the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, about the course of pathological processes in the small intestine, as well as about the development of dysbiosis, which provokes the processes of fermentation and decay of consumed food.

Some antibiotics may cause stool to turn green. This color is due to the fact that there is a large number of dead leukocytes in the intestine, which accumulate in it against the background of the foci of inflammation that have arisen.

Also, green feces are characteristic of a disease such as dysentery, which is an intestinal infection. Together with such a chair, a person, as a rule, is noted:

  • significant increase in body temperature:
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • bouts of nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • aches and weakness throughout the body.

Also, feces can acquire a green tint due to the oxidation of iron, which is present in the composition of red blood cells. This is due to the development of complications of ulcers or malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another reason for the appearance of green feces is diseases of the hematopoietic organs. The fact is that due to the breakdown of red blood cells, hemoglobin is converted into a large amount of bilirubin. As a result, this substance, when it enters the intestines, gives the feces a greenish tint.

In children 6 to 8 months of age, the color of the stool may also be green. This is due to the fact that unchanged bilirubin enters the child's intestines. And if no other symptoms are observed (fever, abdominal pain, blood in the stool), you should not worry.

Dark-colored feces

In most cases, feces that are black in color produce a more shocking and even ominous impression on a person than blood feces.

However, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. After all, a common cause of stool staining black becomes:

  • taking activated carbon;
  • taking various food supplements that contain iron;
  • taking medications that contain bismuth;
  • eating black liquorice;
  • eating blueberries.

But if you find that you have dark feces (almost black), which at the same time will have a viscous consistency (tarry), hurry up to see a competent doctor. After all, this may signal the presence of blood in the feces, which, in the process of getting from the esophagus into the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, undergoes changes - it becomes thick, viscous, and also acquires a dark color.

A common cause of black stool is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, as well as the intake of certain medications and drugs that contribute to the development of bleeding in the esophagus. These medicines include:

  • ibuprofen:
  • acetaminophen;
  • aspirin;
  • other non-steroidal drugs, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes.

With regard to diseases, a symptom of which may be black stools, these include:

  • gastritis;
  • colon cancer;
  • duodenal ulcer (in the area of ​​the small intestine);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • tumor neoplasms in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the inner walls of the stomach.

In conclusion, it is necessary to remind once again that if changes in the color of feces are detected, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. A qualified specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Be healthy!

Green feces in an adult are often a serious sign of a malfunction in one of the body's organs. The human body is a huge and interconnected complex capable of responding to failures and malfunctions in its systems in a variety of ways. Often the most obvious indicator of a malfunction in this complex is the excretory system, which includes the human stool. The greenish color of feces can be caused by a variety of reasons, often serious problems in the digestive tract and the work of specific organs. About why there is a problem with green stools in an adult, when it is worth fearing, and how to fight, why does it happen at all, what it means and what is its treatment - we will find out in this publication.

Causes of green stools in an adult

Violation of the activity of one of the organs of the digestive and excretory system can lead to a change in the nature of secretions and feces. In addition, often with such a manifestation, there is also a general failure in the mode of bowel defecation, which indicates a pronounced pathology.

However, the greenish color of the feces may not always indicate bad.

This option is quite likely with the frequent use of natural green dyes and enzymes in food. To understand what consequences it burdens us, and what the green stool symptom testifies to, you need to understand why it occurs.

Foods that cause the characteristic discoloration of stool are:

  • Sorrel and similar herbal plants;
  • Juniper berries;
  • Pear;
  • Cucumber;
  • Some varieties of Japanese tea;
  • Spinach and its juice;
  • Unripe pistachios;
  • Green apples and their juice, as well as many others.

Of course, such foods can cause a change in color and tone of stool, but they will be loyal and hardly noticeable. But what to do when the feces acquire a pronounced green or even dark green color - details below.

Why does an adult have green stools?

Such a delicate problem as the color of stool most likely occurs in our body due to dysfunction of the gall organ. Namely, it all comes down to the secretion and accumulation of a special bile pigment - bilirubin.

Bilirubin is one of the most important components of bile in mammals and, in particular, in humans.

The physiological process of breakdown and breakdown of proteins is an aid for its secretion. Bilirubin is formed as a result of exposure to biliverdin, which has a pronounced green color, which, in the process of passing bile through the intestines, can also affect the color of feces. It is often possible to note the phenomenon of an increase in the level of this enzyme in the body of newborns, especially in the first month after birth.

Thus, the main reasons for the increase in bilirubin in the body are:

  • Anemia in any of the possible forms;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Oncology;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Violation of the outflow of bile contained in the gallbladder;
  • Deficiency of certain vitamins, including B12;
  • Invasion and others.

It is noteworthy that an increase in the level of bilirubin pigment in the blood is not always directly related to a change in the color of feces. It also depends on the rate of passage of bile through the intestines: the faster - the more likely the color change.

The main causes of dark green feces in an adult

A much more serious character is acquired by the dark green color of the stool in humans. In addition to the main symptom, there is a high likelihood of internal bleeding in the intestines or stomach. Such a manifestation may indicate the penetration of harmful infections, the presence of complex dysbiosis, as well as a malfunction in one of the organs.

Possible symptoms that indicate infection or serious illness:

  • In addition to green stools, vomiting of a green tint is also possible;
  • Fatigue and uncharacteristic weakness;
  • Apathy;
  • Anemia;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Uncharacteristic pallor.

Within the framework of the pathologies described, the color of the feces acquires a pronounced dark green color. And if the bleeding is severe enough, it can literally turn black or black-greenish in color. In such cases, immediate specialist intervention is necessary.

Diseases with vomiting green in an adult

The green stool symptom, as already noted, can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, in particular at night when the body is relaxing. This is due to relaxation and the gallbladder, which, previously, was literally clamped and did not allow the outflow of bile into the intestines for digesting food.

As a result, the lack of its participation in the digestion process does not entail the disinfection of toxins that are produced during the breakdown of food (in particular, proteins).

Ultimately, when the gallbladder relaxes, a burst of the contents itself occurs, which enters the intestines, and then into the stomach. It is characteristic that at this moment the same happens with undigested food residues containing elements of toxins. The result is human intoxication with green vomit and liquid green stools, especially if the food contains abundant natural green dyes.

The reasons that can lead to such an outcome:

  • Severe fatigue, stress, emotional attacks;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • Alcohol abuse.

In such a situation, green feces and vomiting indicate severe intoxication, caused either by the abundant penetration of toxins into the stomach, or by infection. A person suffering, in addition to the above symptoms, general signs of fever (temperature, weakness, etc.), needs the help of specialists.

Why does an adult have green stools

At the moment, it has already been sorted out that, in general, the staining of feces may not be pathological in nature, but be the result of the use of appropriate food, drinks, medicines. However, in cases where all this is accompanied by weight loss, weakness and lethargy, palpitations, nausea and fever, it is time to think about treatment.

What diseases can contribute to a change in the color of feces:

  • Salmonellosis;
  • Crohn's disease (damage to the entire gastrointestinal tract);
  • Peptic ulcer and colitis;
  • Diabetes of any form and degree;
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Poisoning;
  • Allergenic reactions.

Most often, the treatment of green stool is amenable to general methods and conventional pharmaceutical remedies to prevent bleeding (in the case of internal bleeding), laxatives, as well as antibiotics, in the case of infection. Other recommendations for eliminating this symptom include maintaining proper nutrition and overall lifestyle, as well as systematic and timely diagnostics of the state of your body by doctors.

Why is feces green in an adult: reasons (video)

Why green feces in an adult, what does it mean, causes, symptoms and signs, what to do if feces are green.

Green poop is usually from something you recently ate, such as spinach. Certain medications and iron supplements can turn stools green.

Newborn babies have dark green stools, while breastfed babies often have yellow-green color. Green is rare in older children and adults.

What does the color of feces mean

Normal color

A brown color is considered normal, which appears due to a yellow pigment. Depending on the concentration of the pigment, the feces can be colored in a light or dark shade.

Green color

If you ate food fortified with iron or drank carbonated water, jelly, food with a high content of dyes.

Light green

The tint appears in case of infection - hepatitis, pancreatitis and others. If light green stool does not pass for a long time, then there is a possibility of the presence of stones or neoplasms.

Yellow-green color

Most likely this is an infection that has entered the mouth. If the feces are yellow-green, liquid and there is mucus in it, then perhaps due to a change in the intestinal microflora - dysbiosis.

Dark green

Perhaps due to the high concentration of iron in food. The most serious case is bleeding in the stomach or intestines. The feces are colored in a dark shade.

The reasons

Causes of green feces:

  • Food
  • Diseases
  • Medicines
  • Malfunctions of the body


If the food is fortified with iron, the food may contain pigments that will discolor the excrement.

  • Spinach, cucumbers, sorrel, lettuce, dill and other foods with a pronounced green color.
  • Caramel, marmalade, and other foods with high levels of food coloring. In this case, the feces may turn dark green.
  • Products containing chlorophyll. For example, after consuming seaweed, the color can last up to 3 days.
  • Red meat, fish, red beans in some can change the color of the stool.

If you stop eating food that could color the feces, then the pigments can remain in the body for up to 5 days.


  • Laxative teas
  • Iodine medications
  • Glucose, sorbitol and others
  • Complexes of minerals and vitamins
  • Preparations with seaweed

Look at the composition of the drug, if you are taking any of the above, then you should not worry.

Malfunction of the body

Green or dark green color of feces can manifest itself in pathologies. If the coloration of feces is accompanied by a high fever, stomach aches and twists, diarrhea, vomiting, you should consult a gastroenterologist for a diagnosis.


  • Crohn's disease
  • Infectious infections
  • Internal bleeding
  • Food allergies
  • Stomach ulcer


Symptoms and signs with green feces:

  • Elevated temperature
  • General weakness
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain

What to do

If you have green stool, start with nutrition, adjust if it is the cause. If this is a symptom of a medication you are taking, then consult your doctor for advice.

If the problem is in the disease, then the doctor will prescribe tests to make a diagnosis:

  • Complete blood count with leukocytes
  • Analysis of urine
  • Blood test for biochemistry and electrolytes
  • Stool analysis for bacterial environment
  • Abdominal ultrasound

Green stools can be caused by anything from a serious malfunction to food that is high in dyes or iron.

If you ate food that could stain the feces, wait 1-2 days, most likely everything will return to normal. If green feces are accompanied by other symptoms, pain, discharge of blood or mucus, cause you discomfort - consult a doctor.

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