How many times a day do the eye of rebirth. The eye of rebirth - harm or benefit? What gives the Eye of Rebirth

The Eye of the Renaissance is 5 exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the rejuvenation and healing of the body. We supplemented these exercises with comments by Vadim Zeland, the author of Reality Transurfing. Transurfing is a reality control technique, and such control is possible only with a sufficient level of energy. The combination of the gymnastics of the eye of rebirth and the knowledge of transurfing, in addition to guaranteed health, provides an excellent energy boost. That is, spending only 15 minutes a day, we get good health + high level energy. Interesting? Then read this article about the eye of rebirth with illustrations and a visual video tutorial.

Eye of rebirth

The eye of rebirth became known to the world thanks to the book of the same name by Peter Kelder. For thousands of years, this knowledge was kept in the deepest secret by Tibetan monks of a secluded mountain monastery.

Another name for this technique is “five (six) Tibetan pearls”. They were first discovered by Peter Kelder in 1938, and over time, the exercises to which The Eye of Rebirth is dedicated have become increasingly popular.

For you, dear readers of the Healthy Lifestyle, in addition to detailed description we published video Eye of the Renaissance, after watching which you will have no questions about these 5 exercises. Everything is clear and visible!

The reason for the popularity of the Tibetan eye of rebirth today is the wrong way of life. modern man. We are moving further and further away from nature, which means we can no longer take full advantage of all that it gives us. Most time we sit motionless, than we undermine our health, including problems with the back, joints, internal organs. And about not proper nutrition and don't want to talk. After all, only a few, and most of us eat "like everyone else." They get sick, of course, just like everyone else around.

In addition, the wrong way of life leads to accelerated aging, wear and tear of the body.

Unfortunately, with the development of civilization, each individual person receives certain concomitant diseases, deviations, and is also exposed to a wide variety of destructive factors that did not exist at all until recently or had only a minimal impact. Yes, the world is changing rapidly, and, alas, these changes too often do not bring anything good.

The eye of rebirth exercises are aimed at restoring our vitality. Peter Kelder in his book tried to convey in as much detail as possible the methodology for performing these Tibetan exercises, while the Healthy Lifestyle, in turn, will share it with you. A high-quality video demonstrating the technique for performing the Eye of the Renaissance is attached.

But we want to not just share the exercises from the book and video instructions. We supplemented our article with the comments of Vadim Zeland, the author of Transurfing. Vadim believes that it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the “eye of rebirth” exercises if you pay attention not only to muscles, but also to energy flows. Thus, we not only restore health, but also pump our energy. 2 in 1!!!😉

Who needs to practice the eye of rebirth? Performing a set of exercises "five Tibetan pearls" is useful for both aged people and younger people. But before the age of 18, there is no particular point in doing it, since a young body, as a rule, copes with maintaining itself in good shape. It is worth noting that the eye of rebirth is suitable for both men and women.

Peter Calder's book recommends practicing the eye of rebirth once or twice a day. For example, morning and evening. In fact, these five ritual actions are nothing more than simple gymnastics, however, extremely effective. To begin with, it is better to practice in the morning, because if you start in the evening, you may have problems falling asleep - after all, the eye gives the body a sickly recharge, a shake, and, accordingly, falling asleep after this is somewhat more difficult.

Warning #1! The book written by Peter Calder's "Eye of Rebirth" says that it is strongly not recommended to interrupt the practice. The reason is the rollback and deterioration of well-being. In principle, this is logical: if you do something and then stop abruptly, the body returns to its previous mode of operation, which is perceived as a subjective deterioration.

Warning #2! The maximum number of repetitions of each exercise is 21 times. At the beginning of the practice, it is recommended to do at a minimum, for example, 3-6 times. The main thing here is that there should not be any negative symptoms, if there are any, stop the exercise and do less next time. In other words, don't overdo it, friends. Especially at the beginning! The number of repetitions of each exercise should be increased gradually.

Eye of rebirth + transurfing

The purpose of transurfing is to control reality. Obviously, this requires energy.

Vadim Zeland, the author of Transurfing, writes that there is enough energy in this world for everyone. You just need to keep the energy channels in order. By adding work with energy flows and whirlwinds to the eye of rebirth, we thereby increase our energy.

Low energy level is one of the main reasons chronic fatigue, lethargy and depressive mood, as well as diseases. If your vitality leaves much to be desired, then pumping energy in this case can be an extremely useful action.

The original exercises of the Tibetan lamas, which are described in the book "The Eye of Rebirth", fix attention on movements and breathing. But there is not a word mentioned about attention to pumping energy. In an effort to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding, Vadim offers an updated version of the eye of rebirth, which will allow you to develop and improve both health and energy at the same time.

Well, let's finally get down to the exercises - the ritual actions of Tibetan monks.

Exercise #1 [Eye of Rebirth]

Starting position: stand up straight and stretch your arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Then rotate around your axis clockwise until you feel a feeling of slight dizziness.

The purpose of the first exercise is to spin up energy whirlwinds, giving them additional acceleration.

From a transurfing point of view, it is useful to break the rotation into three sets, since acceleration occurs due to a sharp stop after the rotation. They turned around and stopped. Feel your energy, feel how the vortices continue to spin around you by inertia. It is useful to direct intention to the following affirmation: “I have powerful energy. Energy cleanses and heals my body. My energy is up." Use the same affirmation in the following exercises after and during their implementation.

Exercise #2 [Eye of Rebirth]

Starting position: lie on your back, it is best to lie on a carpet or some other soft and warm bedding; stretch your arms along the body and press your palms with tightly connected fingers to the floor.

Then raise your head and press your chin firmly against your sternum. Next, lift your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to tear your pelvis off the floor. If possible, then lift your legs not just vertically upwards, but further tilt them towards your head until the pelvis begins to come off the surface on which you are lying. The main thing is not to bend your knees. After that, slowly return to the starting position.

Relax all your muscles, feel how the energy fills your entire body, overflowing. At the moment of relaxation, it is necessary to pay attention to this feeling, the feeling of filling the body with energy.

Of great importance is the coordination of movements with breathing. Before starting the action, it is necessary to exhale so that there is no air left in the lungs. When you raise your head and legs, then take a smooth and deep breath, when lowering - the same exhale. The deeper the breath, the higher the effectiveness of this exercise.

Repeat this exercise for a comfortable number of times (maximum 21). The most important thing in the second exercise is to keep (or try to keep) your legs straight. It also follows not just tensing the muscles when performing this ritual action, but how you let the energy pass through you with each inhalation and exhalation. Combine visualization with affirmations about healing and increasing the energy of your body.

Exercise #3 [Eye of Rebirth]

Starting position: kneel down, the hips should be located without inclination (strictly vertically), and the hands should be behind the hips (under the buttocks). The head should be tilted forward, the chin pressed to the sternum.

Throw your head back up, sticking out chest and bending the spine back, slightly resting his hands on his hips. Then return to the starting position with your chin tucked in.

This exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. Before doing the exercise, exhale all the air from the lungs. When you bend back, then inhale, and when you return to the starting position, exhale. Inhalations and exhalations should be full and deep.

For energy pumping, you should focus on the main energy flows that pass through the central axis of your body. The ascending current passes along the spine slightly in front, and the descending one slightly behind the spine. As you do the third exercise, visualize the energy moving through these currents, and how they expand from the force of the force. You can combine this with breathing: when you inhale, the energy flows up, and when you exhale, it flows down. And please don't forget affirmations.

Exercise #4 [Eye of Rebirth]

Starting position: Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, about shoulder-width apart. The spine should be straight, and the palms should lie on the floor on the sides of the buttocks. The fingers are closed and pointed forward. The head is lowered forward, the chin is firmly pressed to the sternum.

Next, you need to tilt your head back and up as far as possible, then you need to raise your torso up to a horizontal position. That is, the torso should be located horizontally, and the shins and arms should be vertical (like the legs of a table). When you have reached this position, then tense all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed. Repeat the exercise as many times as you feel comfortable with.

The key aspect here (as in previous exercises is breathing. As before, exhale the air before starting the exercise. When tilting your head, inhale slowly and smoothly, during muscle tension, hold your breath, and when returning to the starting position, slowly (but completely) exhale.During the rest between repetitions of the fourth exercise, you need to maintain a constant rhythm of breathing.

From the point of view of transurfing, the main thing in this movement is fixing attention on the central energy flows. When you arch parallel to the floor and tighten your muscles, then start and pump energy vigorously through the energy channels, and after that return back to the “suspended state”, as if swinging on a swing. Don't forget affirmations.

Exercise #5 [Eye of Rebirth]

Starting position: take an emphasis while lying down and bend your back, palms should be located at a distance slightly wider than shoulders. The hands are pointing forward, and the fingers are closed together. Position your feet so that only the balls of your toes support your position. The knees and pelvis should not touch the floor.

The exercise begins with tilting the head as far back and up as possible. After that, move the body to the position of an acute angle, the top (fifth point) of which is directed upwards. Simultaneously with this action, press your chin to your chest. Try not to bend your legs and arms. Then return to the starting position, repeat this exercise as many times as necessary.

It should be given to the synchronization of breathing with movements. When taking the emphasis lying down, exhale, and when folding the body, slowly inhale. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position. When you briefly stop at extreme points (bending up and bending down), then hold your breath at this time (after inhalation and after exhalation, respectively).

Vadim Zeland advises in the initial position of the body to direct the intention to accelerate the central flows. Simultaneously with an energetic throw of the body, accelerate energy flows, imagine how powerful force permeates you. Along with this, do not forget about the affirmation: mentally pronounce how, when performing the 5th exercise of the Eye of Rebirth, your energy increases and your body heals.


Gymnastics "Eye of the Renaissance" or "Five Tibetan Pearls" can give a second life to our bodies. If you have health problems or a lack of energy, then these 5 simple exercises can change everything. Perhaps this is not a panacea, but the fact that the Eye works (especially in combination with energy pumping) is a fact.

Based on personal experience, I confirm the effectiveness of this gymnastics. My health is already excellent, but my energy level has increased significantly. The effect began to appear after about a month of classes. He became more cheerful, more strength and desire to create appeared, and laziness practically does not bother anymore. I want to note that I practice the eye of rebirth only once a day for 15 minutes (in the morning), and Peter Calder's book says that Tibetan pearls can be practiced twice. That is, if you practice the Eye also in the evening, then the effect of the exercises will come faster.

In general, the eye of rebirth is one of those practices that it would be nice for everyone who cares about their health to know about. Even if you don’t need this gymnastics now, then just remember about its existence - maybe someday these 5 Tibetan exercises will come in handy for you.

Friends, please write reviews about the article and about the Eye of the Renaissance itself along with Transurfing. See you soon!

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Many who care about their physical and spiritual condition are looking for various techniques that will help get rid of, as well as strengthen, tone them. Today we will talk about the interesting ones that came to us from Tibet. You will learn what the Eye of Rebirth is, what the 5 is aimed at, and whether they are of any real use.

What it is

Let's start the discussion with what the Eye of the Renaissance is, why exactly five, and for whom they are suitable. The eye of rebirth is 5 Tibetan gymnastics that are designed to improve general state, as well as normalize many processes in, including digestion.

This complex is also called the "5 pearls of Tibet", which is directly related to where these came from. Before talking about each of them, it is worth finding out who spread this knowledge, and whether the usual one can really bear the fruits described above.

A certain Peter Kelder in 1938 (1939) published under the title "The Eye of the Renaissance", which described the ritual Tibetan monks. They helped the latter maintain their level of vitality, as well as improve their general physical condition.

Little is known about the author himself. Peter Kelder was not an outstanding scientist or writer, and all information about him boils down to the fact that he is the author of the above-mentioned book. Calder also has 2 more books that talk about the secrets of the eternal.

Many readers wondered how this one could find out such information if the monks who use this technique lead an ascetic image, while once again not divulging their secrets.

Did you know? The book describes not 5, but 6 exercises, but the sixth is not popular for the reason that it is intended for those who have decided to embark on the path of spiritual perfection. It involves change as well as goals. At the same time, interrupting exercise 6 is fraught with serious consequences for the soul, so few people practice it.

There is an opinion that the described exercises were invented by the author himself, and referred to the Tibetan monks for the reason that most of the exercises that came to us from the East are effective and really help to improve the physical and mental state.

However, it is impossible to confirm or refute the above, since everyone who used the technique was divided into two “camps”. Some said that the Tibetan Eye of the Renaissance is a panacea, others - ordinary gymnastics, which is not capable of miracles.

Five Tibetan pearls (exercises)



Tibetan monks involve doing familiar exercises that have been slightly modified. The fourth option can be called a "direct bridge". It will be difficult to perform it for people who have or have low muscle tone in their hands.
First you need to sit on the surface, stretching out your togas in front of you as if you are going to stretch. The legs need to be slightly apart so that they approximately repeat the width of the pelvis. Toes point up.

Important! If you have weak brushes, then wrap them with an elastic bandage before performing.

As in the case of the previous exercises, in this one the head is also tilted forward so that the chin touches the sternum. After you have taken the starting position, you need to release all the air from the lungs. After that, slowly tilt your head back, as in the “prayer” position. Next, also slowly lift the torso up, becoming a bridge.

At the same time, the position of the arms and legs does not change, and the head remains thrown back. While lifting the torso, you need to take a slow breath, expanding the chest. In the final version, the torso and hips should be in the same plane (the hips continue the torso, forming a line), and the shins should be perpendicular to the hips.
At the top point, you need to strain everything that you used in lifting up. After that, you should return to the starting position. During the return, you should slowly exhale the air.


A difficult exercise that requires good tone in the legs and arms, as well as the absence of serious problems with the spine.

To take a starting position, you need to remember school lessons, namely the moment when you did it wrong, pressing your legs and pelvis to the floor, holding upper part body on outstretched arms. It is this pose that is the original, with minor improvements.

The chest bulges forward, going beyond the line of the arms. Feet and pelvis do not touch the floor, you must keep lower part body on the balls of the toes. The fingers on the hands should be closed, and the brush should be directed forward.

The arms are only straight, not pressed against the body. The pelvis slightly does not reach the line of the arms, which runs approximately in the lumbar region.
After taking the starting position, you need to throw your head back as far as possible so that it touches the shoulder blades (or the space between them).

Important! The legs should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, approximately in line with the arms.

Next comes the most difficult step, which must be done slowly. Lowering the chin to the sternum, raise the pelvis so that it is the top. In the process of execution, you need to slowly transfer the weight to the feet, completely in contact with the floor, and stretch your arms along the body so that they are located behind the head.

As a result, the front part looks like a curved line, and the back part looks like a straight line. The transition occurs in the pelvic region, where an acute angle is formed.

As for breathing, it will be slightly unusual. In the initial position, we need to exhale to the maximum at the moment when you stick out the chest forward.

At the moment of raising the pelvis, you need to take a slow breath, and then hold it at the peak point. In the process of returning to the starting position, you should exhale smoothly, which is synchronized with your actions.

Precautionary measures

  1. You should not force yourself and your own, exhausting him with exercises. It is written above that the five Tibetan pearls are gymnastics, not weightlifting. Accordingly, after completing all the approaches, you should feel lightness and a surge, and not heaviness and loss of all strength.
  2. You definitely need to take a break. Between performing individual actions, be sure to take a break, let yours rest. It is best to normalize during a break. To do this, slowly raise your hands up as you inhale, and lower as you exhale.
  3. Think about your weaknesses. If you have problems with the spine, then it does not hurt to put on a fixing belt before performing this or that exercise. If you have problems with your wrist or knees, then use an elastic bandage.
  4. If you have those that limit motor activity, then be sure to consult your doctor before starting a course of exercise.
  5. Don't try to do sets quickly. All movements are performed slowly, not for the reason that the author wanted to, but because fast execution can injure you, especially since everyone has their own level of physical fitness.

Did you know? Some Buddhist hermits take the path that involves them being walled up in a small building. They are deprived of communication, light, and also fresh air. The only thing they get is water and food, but only once a week. Under such conditions, the monk constantly experiences hunger, thirst, and lack of oxygen.

Now you know what the five exercises of Tibetan monks are, how they are useful, and how they should be performed. Do not forget that before you is therapeutic exercises, which should heal you, and not cripple you, so strictly follow the instructions and do what you can do without trying to do everything at once.

Issue 148

Hello my dear!

Today's release:

The eye of rebirth - harm or benefit?

Letter from Alice:


I wanted to say a few words about "The Eye of Rebirth" from personal experience. My sister and I did these exercises. But it only got worse. Then after a while, when everything was settled, they began to do it again, everything repeated. Both the physical and energy state deteriorated. Therefore, I think you can do these exercises under the supervision of an experienced Guru, or go the way you went.

Regards, Alice.

But I think that if the body somehow reacts to this complex, it means that it works. After all, after the usual set of exercises, such consequences are not observed? Well, the muscles will hurt, you will pull something somewhere if you overdo it. And here, after all, visible and tangible changes really occur after the start of practice!

Why are the feelings bad? Yes, because for all our “wrong” life we ​​have managed to accumulate such a baggage of all kinds of visible and hidden sores that the body, starting to heal, must first expel all this rubbish. Actually Calder and warned in his book about the possible consequences.

By the way, those who have been subscribed to the mailing list for a long time should remember that I described my feelings after starting the practice of the Five Rituals. So I repeat: in about a week or two after the start of the practice, ALL the diseases I have ever had worsened, even those that I had completely forgotten about. I forgot, but they (sores) just dozed in my body. And thanks to the Five Rituals, I think I kicked them out for good. At least the winter season did not bring me any flu or any cold, although I do not remember such a winter as this year. Yes, I felt bad enough for two weeks: temperature, tonsillitis, stomach, liver, female diseases, back and other pleasures. The only thing is that I didn't run out of energy.

And I can boast of my willpower: I started practicing the Five Rituals on September 13 and in all this time (to this day) I missed only three days on New Year and then, only because there was nowhere to find even 50 cm of free space (I was in the mountains). But now it’s not a shame to put on tight-fitting clothes (the tummy has tightened up), the bolsters at the waist do not stand out, the pain in the back and neck is not so tormented, and the general tone allows one to conduct four mailing lists, answer your numerous letters and, at the very least, replenish the site: - )). At the same time, work for 10 hours at work and the time remaining in the day (minus 6 hours of sleep) - at home. So that!

Pilates for beginners

"Hundred" for beginners

A basic level of

A. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, raise your legs bent at the knees up at the level of the hips. Your ankles should be parallel to the floor.

B. As you exhale, tighten your stomach and raise your shoulders and lift your palms off the floor (arms parallel to the floor). Breathe in. Take five short breaths, rhythmically lowering your palms down with each breath. Then turn your palms up and rhythmically raise them for each of your five short breaths. Repeat the entire sequence of movements 10 times. In total, you should get 100 breaths and exhalations. If you are just starting out with Pilates, you can start at 20 and work your way up to 100.

Average level

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, raise your legs bent at the knees up to the level of the hips. Then straighten your legs and point out your toes. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and raise your shoulders and arms (parallel to the floor, palms down). Breathe in. Take five short breaths, rhythmically lowering your palms down with each breath. Then turn your palms over and rhythmically raise them up 5 times for each short breath. Repeat the entire sequence 10 times for a total of 100 inhales and exhales.

Advanced level

Do everything in the same way as in the previous exercise, just point your socks at yourself and turn your feet to the sides. This further engages the deep abdominal muscles and inner thigh muscles.

Basic moments

    Keep your eyes on your knees while doing the Beginner's 100.

    If your abdominal muscles aren't strong enough to do a full 100, take a short break between reps.

    Think about how you lengthen. Stretch through your fingertips.

    If your neck is tense, use a pillow for support.

    Press your lower back into the floor and pull your navel in to support your spine.

    Draw in your ribs and lower them towards your hips.


Rose Hips and Sorbitol for a Quick Liver Cleanse

Three tablespoons of rose hips are brewed in a thermos in half a liter of water. In the morning, pour hot rosehip infusion into a glass with three tablespoons of sorbitol or xylitol, stir and drink in one gulp. After 20 minutes, drink the infusion remaining in the thermos (already without sorbitol or xylitol). After 45 minutes - breakfast: better vegetable salad, nuts, dried slice of bread. and active movement. So repeat 6 times with a frequency of 2 days for the third. Then you can carry out a similar cleansing of the liver once a week. At the same time, they clean The lymph nodes which positively affects the state of the whole organism.

Unique Health Shakes

o Two tablespoons of red beet juice, a glass of kefir, a teaspoon rosehip infusion, juice of half a lemon.
o A tablespoon of hawthorn juice (or half a glass of infusion of its dry berries), two tablespoons of kefir, a teaspoon of honey, a banana (mashed and beaten), cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
o Two tablespoons of tomato juice, a tablespoon of boiled beans (mashed), a tablespoon of yogurt, basil on the tip of a knife.
o Two tablespoons of juice black radish, grated apple and half a cup of apple juice, two tablespoons of sour cream, a little bit of lemon juice.

These cocktails are very energetic, you will feel a surge of energy soon after enjoying their savory taste.

Mix the ingredients well, do not store cocktails, drink immediately.

Ancient Tibetan recipe for body rejuvenation

Pass 100 g of chamomile, 100 g of St. In the evening, take 1 tbsp. l. of this mixture and pour 1/2 liter of hot boiling water for 20 minutes. Then strain through a cloth (not cheesecloth) and squeeze.

Pour a glass of this liquid and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. In the evening, drink after dinner and nothing else to eat or drink.

In the morning, steam the remaining liquid, dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it and drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast.

Do this every day until the whole mixture runs out - 400g. Repeat the course of treatment after 5 years.

Purpose: metabolism improves dramatically and cleanses the body of fatty and lime deposits, which makes all vessels, and especially blood vessels, become elastic, which prevents sclerosis, angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, hypertension, tinnitus disappears, vision improves. The body is rejuvenated, overall health improves dramatically.

Powerlessness is the scourge of modernity. Despite all the benefits of civilization, designed to make our lives easier, we too often feel exhausted and frantically looking for ways to restore vital energy. Where to draw vitality, how to learn not to bring yourself to energy exhaustion and always be in good shape?

There are a number of practices that help launch energy vortices. When you are young and healthy, all the vortices rotate at high speed, go far beyond the body and provide enough energy to all systems of our body. Disease and aging occur when the functioning of one or more vortices is disturbed, or when the boundaries of the vortices do not extend beyond the body.

To normalize the energy characteristics of vortex flows, the very popular Tibetan gymnastics “The Eye of the Renaissance”, which has come down to us from time immemorial, has proven itself very well. For the first time, the secrets of Tibetan gymnastics were revealed in a book by Peter Calder back in 1938, but at that time the publication did not find its audience. Now, almost a century later, the time for the Eye of Rebirth has arrived.

The benefits of Tibetan gymnastics will be appreciated by anyone busy man. After all, the complex consists of only 5 exercises, each of which is performed 3 times in the first week of classes. Each subsequent week of training, it is necessary to add 2 more approaches to each element of gymnastics and gradually increase the number of repetitions of each exercise to 21 times. In general, the entire complex takes no more than 15-20 minutes to complete.

The ideal time for the Eye of Rebirth is in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset. choose optimal time training according to your biorhythms, taking into account the availability of free time. At the same time, as in any kind of sports activity, it is not recommended to practice on a full stomach. If you are already involved in any kind of sport, then Tibetan gymnastics will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of basic training.

An indispensable condition of Tibetan gymnastics is its daily performance. It is better to perform fewer sets of each exercise than to cancel the workout altogether. Alternatively, a daily Tibetan gymnastics lesson can be divided into two parts: do half of the approaches in the morning, after waking up, and the second half in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime. In extreme cases, the lesson can be skipped, but not more than 1 time per week. Prolonged interruption of the practice of the "Eye of Rebirth" can threaten that your body will begin to degrade faster than before the start of training.

The amazing property of the "Eye of Rebirth" is to heal and rejuvenate the body, while triggering processes that reproduce energy. As a result, the figure is adjusted towards its optimal state: if you need to lose weight to revive, you lose weight; if you gain weight, then you round up and gain kilograms.

Before you start training, learn how to breathe correctly. Breathing is the most important component of the Eye of Rebirth. Take a deep breath through your nose, try to inhale with your stomach. Exhalation is done through the mouth and should be accompanied by the sound "he". Put all your anger, irritation, fatigue into this sound and release all these bad feelings from yourself through an expressive exhalation. During the exercises, the exhalation should fall on their power part, and the inhale should return to the starting position.

Before performing each exercise, draw in your stomach, lower your shoulders, squeeze your buttocks. You should be in this tone throughout the entire workout. In order to better focus on internal processes within yourself, close your eyes during all exercises except the first. It is also extremely important to follow the sequence of exercises suggested below.

Exercise 1

Stand straight, spread your straight arms to the sides. Perform rotations around your axis clockwise.

This exercise more often than others causes difficulty in performing due to the occurrence of dizziness. You can use the technique of dancers, when during the rotation the gaze is fixed on one point and the turn of the head is ahead of the turn of the body. At first, if dizziness cannot be overcome, it is recommended to perform fewer repetitions, but only in this exercise. With a very weak vestibular apparatus, the first months of training, you can completely refuse to rotate around its axis, but after about 4 months, you must again try to include the first exercise in the complex.

One of the basic rules of Tibetan gymnastics is not to be too zealous in your practices, classes should be enjoyable and not cause discomfort or pain.

Exercise 2

Lie in one straight line, place your hands along the body. To better understand the technique for performing this exercise, consider its elements separately. First, tear off the head and shoulders from the surface, and move the feet towards you as much as possible.

Now lower your head and raise your straight legs to a perpendicular with the surface, if possible, lift your buttocks and throw your legs behind your head.

Now connect both mentioned elements: simultaneously raise your head, shoulders and legs. Fix this position and return to the starting position.

Exercise 3

Get on your knees, press your head to your chest, place your hands along the body.

Bend back as it should, placing your hands on your waist. Fix this position and return to the starting position.

Exercise 4

Sit with your knees bent. Support with palms on the surface in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hips. The head is pressed to the chest.

We perform a deflection back so that the body goes parallel with the surface. Support on the palms of the hands and feet. Fix this position and return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Support on the palms of the hands and feet. Arch your back inward. Stretch properly.

Now go down, get into a pose, like push-ups from the floor. Palm support. Bend as far back as possible. Tilt your head back, do not bend your elbows. Fix the position. Slowly lift your buttocks up, stepping your palms along the surface, again going into the first position.

At this point, the training is over, you can take a warm or slightly cool shower or swim in a heated open pond, but in no case in cold water! The fact is that the exercises proposed above are not just sports training. They activate amazing processes in the body, and contrast water treatment can cause serious failures and even irreversible processes.

You will feel the magic of the "Eye of Rebirth" after the first session, and a tangible result - in about a week. You will become more stress-resistant, flexible and cheerful, feeling much younger than your biological age. With the revival of you!

Photos: Natalia Grishko

According to local residents, they had information about the preservation of eternal youth and longevity, which they did not make public.

But such closeness and inaccessibility of such data was fictitious. The fact is that the monastery was far away in the mountains. The path to it was considered difficult. Therefore, many people who tried to get to him, and generated similar mystical stories about the secret knowledge of the monks. Because all their attempts to get into the territory of the monastery always turned out to be fruitless.

The principle of the gymnastics of the monks

In the process of performing the Eye of Rebirth exercise complex, the body is rejuvenated and healed. But this is achieved not only due to the physiological impact on a person. Starting to practice any kind of gymnastics, each of us pays attention to this particular kind of it.

Tibetan monks have developed 5 Eye of Rebirth exercises, which are based on the theory of vortices or the energy abilities of the human system. Its main idea is based on the fact that there are 19 energy vortices or centers in our body. 12 of them are in the joints of the hands as well as the legs. In theory, they are considered secondary. And only 7 vortices are classified as the main ones. They are located in the chakras. Due to their similarity to air currents, these chakras are called whirlwinds.

It is known that in healthy body such energy flows have a high rotation speed. In this case, a person is provided with prana or ethereal force. And in the event that failures occur in any vortex, then the flow of prana itself becomes weak or completely blocked. According to the theory of Tibetan monks, a violation of the functioning of prana is the same disease (in the modern sense) or aging of the body.

For her quick recovery, the lamas developed the now world-famous 5 Eye of Rebirth exercises. That is, during their execution, the energy vortices return to their normal state. The monks believed that this was the fastest and most radical method to restore the health and strength of the body.

Eye of Rebirth exercises for women

In modern society, there is an opinion that the Eye of Rebirth exercises are not suitable for women. But that's not the case at all. For the beautiful half of humanity, there are absolutely no restrictions on performing Tibetan gymnastics. What’s more, it only takes 20 minutes to complete.

But initially, it takes about 1-2 minutes to complete a set of exercises according to the Eye of the Renaissance system. This is due to the fact that the number of repetitions of each ritual action of Tibetan gymnastics increases gradually with each workout. At first, their number can be 5, in the second week of classes - 7. And the total number of repetitions for one exercise should be 21.

The Eye of Rebirth exercises are also called the Five Tibetan Rituals or the Five Tibetan Pearls. AND modern women in their practice, only a few points should be taken into account. So, for example, you can not change the order of exercises. Then you may not get the expected effect. If it will be very difficult to perform all the number of repetitions of exercises at once, then it is better to break them into several sets (or approaches).

It is not recommended to overexert the body. Such actions can cause a negative result. It is better to perform only the number of repetitions that is obtained. And over time, the body will get stronger and it will be possible to gradually increase the load.

The sixth exercise of the complex "Eye of the Renaissance"

The Tibetan system of rejuvenation includes 5 exercises “Eye of Rebirth”: rotation of the body with straight arms spread to the sides, raising the head and straight legs from the “lying on the back” position, back bending from the “kneeling” position. They also include the combination of the Wand and Table pose and the combination of the Dog and Snake pose.

These exercises are considered the basis of the gymnastics of Tibetan monks. But they also developed 6 of their appearance. It is designed to transmute the sexual power of a person. It can be performed only when sexual desire is manifested in the body. This indicates the presence of a significant amount of free energy.

Exercise 6 “The Eye of Rebirth” is performed as follows: first you need to stand up straight, and then, taking a deep breath, tighten the muscles of the genital organs. Having done such movements, you should quickly lean forward and rest your hands on your hips. Next, you need to exhale through your mouth. It is important to pronounce the sound “Ha-a-a-h-h-h-h”. It will allow you to remove the air from the lungs as much as possible.

Then the stomach should be strongly drawn in by lifting the chest up, and the front wall of the abdomen should be relaxed. After doing this, you need to straighten up. It is important that the chin at this moment be pressed against the infra-jugular notch, and the hands should be located at the waist. With the abdomen drawn in, you need to hold out as long as you have the strength to hold your breath. After that, you need to relax your chest, raise your head and take a slow breath.

After restoring breathing, you should repeat the 6th exercise “Eye of Rebirth”. As a rule, in order to redirect additional energy, it is enough to perform 3 repetitions. It is not recommended to perform this ritual action more than 9 times.

It should be noted that the technique of performing this exercise must be mastered gradually. In this case, the initial repetitions should not exceed 3 times. And every week they can be increased by only 2 times. The sixth ritual action can be performed at any time.

A set of exercises "Eye of Rebirth" will help restore health

The balanced system of exercises "Eye of Rebirth" includes 5 elements developed by Tibetan monks. When done, amazing results are achieved. The body becomes elastic, the muscles are strong, and mental comfort increases. The complex is very useful for women.

  • perform them regularly;
  • do not eat beforehand;
  • watch your breath.

When performing the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics, the exercises must be done in strict sequence. You cannot change their places. The whole complex takes no more than 20 minutes.

"Eye of Rebirth" - a set of exercises for Tibetan monks. With its help, a magnificent effect of healing the whole organism at the physical and spiritual levels is achieved.

Gymnastics has the main feature - the observance of proper breathing. It lies in the fact that a full and deep breath begins with the abdomen, and then proceeds to filling the chest with air. Exhalation should also be strong. First, the stomach is released, and then the lungs.

Such breathing is the main secret of this set of exercises. In it, and in the consistent implementation of all the constituent elements of gymnastics, lies its miraculous effect on the body.

Exercise 1

The implementation of this element activates the flow of human vital energy. With its help, the cells of the body are updated. Also, exercise helps to rejuvenate, which is very important for women.


  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Raise your arms to the sides so that they form a straight line. Lower your palms down.
  3. Stepping feet in one place, spin clockwise. At the same time, monitor your posture: do not slouch and do not lower your head, relax your shoulders.
  4. Rotate until dizziness appears, but no more than 21 times.
  5. After stopping, take a few deep breaths through your nose.


For the bulk of people who master gymnastics, five revolutions around their axis are enough to start the onset of dizziness. Therefore, Tibetan monks advise beginners to stop after three rotations.

With the passage of time and the development of the complex, the ability to make more turns without any unpleasant sensations appears.

To avoid loss of balance, nausea and severe dizziness, when performing the exercise for the first time, it is necessary to rotate slowly. It is advisable to keep your eyes on some fixed point.

If necessary, after performing the action, you can sit or lie down.

If the gymnastics of Tibetan monks is only at the initial stage of development, there is no need to be very zealous. Do not allow mild dizziness to become severe or accompanied by nausea. With subsequent exercises, this condition can develop into vomiting.

Exercise 2

During this stage of gymnastics, the spiritual channels of a person are filled with energy. It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, digestive and reproductive organs, as well as all the major systems of the body. For women, it will be important that the exercise tightens the abdominals well.


  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended parallel to your body. As if resting, press your palms tightly to the floor.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose, pressing your head to your chest.
  3. Raise your legs up, keeping them straight. Do not tear your pelvis off the mat.
  4. Exhale through the nose. Lower yourself to the starting position at the same time.
  5. Take a break and relax.
  6. Repeat the exercise no more than 21 times.


When performing this exercise, you must make every effort to keep your legs straight. If this is difficult to do, then you can bend them a little. However, over time, it is necessary to strive for their even position.

The gymnastics of Tibetan monks does not involve haste. Exercise must be performed slowly enough, increasing the number of repetitions gradually.

It is necessary to coordinate movements and breathing. This is very important. The deeper the inhalations and exhalations, the greater the effect of the exercise.

Exercise 3

The third element of the complex enhances the action of the previous ones. It is very useful for women who have disorders menstrual cycle. It also helps to improve the condition of people suffering from diseases of the joints, especially the lumbar and cervical spine.


  1. Get on your knees, set at the level of the width of the pelvis. Put your palms under your buttocks.
  2. Exhale completely through the nose, lower the chin down, pressing it to the chest.
  3. Bend back while inhaling. Rest your hands on your hips, arching your spine well. At the same time, tilt your head back as far as possible. Stay in this state.
  4. On inspiration, take the starting position.
  5. It is allowed to repeat the element no more than 21 times.


It is necessary to monitor the consistency of the rhythm of breathing and movements. This is of great importance, since inhalation and exhalation connect physical body with spiritual. And this is the main goal, for the achievement of which the gymnastics of Tibetan monks is performed. You need to breathe deeply and fully.

You should pay attention to the fact that the toes are tucked up and touch the floor, with pads. The fingers lying under the buttocks should be directed towards the floor.

The neck needs to be relaxed.

If a person suffers high blood pressure, in no case should the position of the head be lower than the level of the heart.

If discomfort occurs in the kneecaps, the mat can be folded several times.

Exercise 4


  1. Sit on the mat with a flat back, resting your palms of straight arms on the floor near the buttocks. Straighten your legs and spread them shoulder-width apart. Point your toes up.
  2. Close your fingers, they should be directed towards the legs.
  3. As you exhale, tilt your head forward and press it to your chest.
  4. Inhale deeply very slowly. At the same time, tilting your head back, raise your body parallel to the floor. Stand a little, leaning on your palms and legs bent at the knees.
  5. Relax and return to the starting position.
  6. The maximum number of repetitions should not exceed 21 times.


In this exercise, you also need to focus on the coordination of breathing and movements. The gymnastics of Tibetan monks suggests their harmony and smooth flow of inhalation into exhalation, and one pose into another.

During the execution of this element of the complex, it is necessary to ensure that the feet are not torn off the floor, and the knees do not look in opposite directions. The head and torso should be in the same line.

If during the exercise you feel severe discomfort in the wrists, then you can clench your hands into fists.

In the presence of any diseases, the number of repetitions must be increased gradually, and the exercise itself must be performed very slowly.

Women sometimes notice a break in the cycle of menstruation or increased spasms on critical days.

Exercise 5

During the performance of this element of gymnastics, vitality increases and the level of energy increases. Physically, this exercise has a good effect on the respiratory, sexual and digestive systems, helps with diseases of the joints.


  1. Lie down on your stomach. Raise your torso, leaning on straightened arms and toes. Bend your spine well. Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor and your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  2. Exhale strongly. And then, inhaling through the nose, tilt your head back. Tighten up for a few seconds.
  3. On an inhale, roll over your toes and lift your buttocks up. The pose should look like a triangle. The arms and legs are straight, the pelvis is up and the head is down. The palms and feet should be firmly on the floor.
  4. Freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  5. Inhale deeply and return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the exercise for more than 21 times.


With short fading in different poses, you need to hold your breath a little.

At various diseases repetitions can be increased by no more than two per week.

The gymnastics of Tibetan monks is a set of exercises that is not only useful, but also very pleasant. However, in order to feel the results of classes, you need to do them regularly.

Only systematic and perseverance will help to achieve a beautiful physical form and find peace of mind.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • unreasonable and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints.

Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you. And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! It was precisely against this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting an effective remedy for joint pain that has long been known to the people, which really heals, and not just relieves pain! Read an interview with a famous professor.

Eye of rebirth - 5 Tibetan exercises. Gymnastics of Tibetan monks for every day to rejuvenate the body

The monks of a forgotten monastery in Tibet would have remained unknown if they had not revealed the secrets of their health, vitality and longevity. For the first time, knowledge about their gymnastics Eye of the Renaissance, consisting of five exercises, was revealed in the 1930s, but became popular at the end of the 20th century. Get to know them better for better health.

What is the Eye of Rebirth

5 Tibetan Pearls - this is the name of the Eye of Rebirth practice, because it consists of five simple exercises from a physical point of view. They are complex from the spiritual side, because they require maximum concentration and special technology to perform. Tibetan monks perform the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics every day. Affirmation of exercises reinforces the habit of a person to work on the body, can help improve his psychological and physical condition.

According to the Tibetan monks who developed the Eye of Rebirth technique, the human body has 19 energy centers - vortices, seven of which are primary, and the rest are secondary. These formations are located near the joints, rotate quickly, giving the body energy. In case of illness or indisposition, the speed of the vortices slows down, which impairs the flow of prana (vital matter) to the organs. The Eye of Rebirth exercises help to return the flow of energy to a healthy state, to feel the flow of energy.

What gives the Eye of Rebirth

The monks did not just develop breathing exercises Eye of rebirth - 5 Tibetan exercises. It helps to launch energy whirlwinds, normalize their speed when performing ritual actions. The Eye of Rebirth exercises are similar to the usual yoga, they give the body health and youth, starting vital important processes. Thanks to them, extra pounds go away, but the Tibetan practice is universal not only for weight loss - with insufficient body weight of a person, he gains them without problems.


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Tibetan exercises for body rejuvenation

The Tibetan gymnastics of rejuvenation from the five pearls of the Eye of Rebirth begins with the technique of proper breathing. Breathe in through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, accompanied by the sound "heh". Tibetan monks advise putting all the irritation, anger and fatigue into the exhalation in order to release them from oneself. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercise scheme, exhalation falls on the power part, inhalation - on the starting position.

Learn to perform the exercise while standing with a relaxed body and a clear head, then move on to full deep yoga breathing. It is divided into three phases of lung movement:

  • lower diaphragmatic - while inhaling, lower the diaphragm down, push the stomach forward so that the lungs fill with air, retract the perineum;
  • middle chest - try to tighten your stomach so that the intercostal muscles expand the chest;
  • upper clavicular - straighten your shoulders without lifting up, let the neck muscles lift the upper ribs without straining the chest.

The exhalation lasts with similar three exercises - first, relax the perineum, lower the ribs and collarbones. When doing a Tibetan workout, pull in your stomach, lower your shoulders, squeeze your buttocks. Such a tone should accompany the body for the entire duration of the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics. For complete energy immersion in yourself, close your eyes, follow the sequence of exercises without changing their sequence.

5 exercises of Tibetan monks

After mastering real yoga breathing, start doing 5 Tibetan exercises for every day:

  1. Stand up straight, stretch your arms to the sides. Turn around your axis from left to right until you feel a slight dizziness. Close your eyelids and take a few full breaths to stop the dizziness. This exercise is considered a warm-up.
  2. Lie down on a soft mat. Stretch your arms along the body, put your palms with clenched fingers on the floor. Exhale, take a full breath, linger, raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Without bending your knees, lift your legs vertically up without engaging your pelvis with your shoulders. Fix at the top point for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth, relax your neck. Gently tilt your head and legs, repeat.
  3. Get on your knees, place your feet on your toes, stretch your knees across the width of your pelvis, keep your hips vertical. Put your palms on your hips, completely fill your lungs with oxygen, stretch your chin to your chest. Exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, tighten your neck muscles. Inhale through your nose while raising your head vertically. Keep your chest relaxed, push forward, pull your shoulders back, trying to connect the shoulder blades. At the same time, pull the back of your head back, stretch your neck as much as possible, hold on for a couple of seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  4. Sit on a light mat, straighten your spine, relax your chest. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, fold your palms side by side so that they are not taken behind your back, close your fingers, point forward. Tilt your chin to your chest, exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, stretch your neck. Inhale, raise your head, move your body forward, gliding a little, and up to stand horizontally. Roll your heels in place. Tighten your muscles for a couple of seconds. The correct position of the body looks like this: the hips and torso are in the horizontal direction, the legs and arms are in the vertical direction (by analogy with the legs of the table). Exhale, return to the starting position.
  5. Focus on lying down, arch your back or get on all fours. Place your body on your palms and balls of your toes. Do not touch the floor with your knees and pelvis, point your hands forward, close your fingers. Place your hands vertically, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale through your mouth, bring the back of your head as far back as possible. Stretch the vertebrae, round the spine with the chest extended and the shoulder blades drawn together. Fix, exhale, stand in an acute angle, top-buttocks up. Try to stand with your heels on the floor, straighten your knees, “drown” your lower back towards your stomach. Try to flatten your shoulder blades. Put your chin on your chest, keep your arms and back straight. Tighten as much as possible, exhale intensely through your mouth, return to the starting state.

All five exercises of the Eye of Rebirth are done three times per workout, in slow mode. The regimen is maintained for a week, then every seven days the number of repetitions is increased by two until it reaches 21 times. There is also the sixth exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Rebirth, which is included in the complex in the form of 3-9 repetitions. This exercise redirects free energy and dissolves the sexual desire that has arisen. It is not recommended to perform the position for women during menstruation and for those who are not ready to give up sex completely.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath, squeeze the sphincters of the urinary and anus, tighten the pelvic and perineal muscles. Bend over quickly, rest your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely with a thick “hah” sound. Strongly pull in the stomach, straighten up, put your chin on the infrajugular notch, keeping your hands on your waist. Keep in this rhythm until the air runs out, loosen the tension of the diaphragm, straighten your head, inhale, catch your breath, repeat.

How to do Tibetan gymnastics

The eye of rebirth - the gymnastics of Tibetan monks is done in accordance with strict rules:

  • we must not forget to train - having started to perform the Tibetan Eye of Rebirth complex, it will have to be done every day for the rest of my life, otherwise the body will degrade more than it was;
  • you can not do the number of repetitions over 21 times, strictly observe the increase in levels every week;
  • after the Tibetan set of exercises, lie down and relax;
  • the optimal time for training the Eye of Rebirth is immediately after waking up in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset and on an empty stomach;
  • after four months of frequent training, you can start doing exercises twice a day - 21 repetitions in the morning, three in the evening, adding two times every week until you reach 21;
  • you can not overstrain and overwork, allow discomfort;
  • between two ritual actions (the first rotations do not count) pause - stand straight, put your hands on your waist, perform smooth breathing;
  • if it is difficult to perform a repetition, break them into 2-3 parts: in the morning - the first 10 or 7 repetitions, in the evening - the second 11 or 7, plus in the afternoon - 7 times;
  • after training the Eye of Rebirth, it is good to take a slightly cool bath, shower, wipe the body from sweat with a warm, damp towel, wipe dry, cold water undesirable to use
  • There are no contraindications for the Eye of Rebirth.

Eye of rebirth for women

Followers of the technique sometimes argue that the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics for women is not intended, because it was developed by male monks. This is not true - exercises are useful for any gender, because they increase metabolism and increase blood circulation, which starts the regeneration process. As a result, the body loses weight when overweight or gains weight when underweight.

Five Tibetans for Beginners

The basic rule of gymnastics is that Tibetan yoga for beginners is accompanied by learning breathing techniques. Performing the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you should start with only three repetitions of each type, which will take 8-10 minutes. It is necessary to perform the training strictly according to the rules, without changing the order of the classes, preferably in the morning. Extra exercise and proper nutrition won't hurt.

"Eye of Rebirth" or "Five Tibetan Pearls": the secret of youth and health

If you ask people what is the most important thing in life for them, the answers will certainly be different. One will say that the most important thing is to have a lot of money. When you have an uncountable number of them, you can buy almost everything for yourself. The second will answer that the main thing is a good and prestigious job. And the third believes that love is the most important thing. Love is boundless and mutual. Which of them is right? Probably everyone and no one is right. Because everything fades and becomes not particularly important when you lose a truly valuable thing. You lose what was given to you from birth by God. When you lose your health If a person is sick, then all the colors of life turn pale, nothing brings proper joy. Fortunately, there is an old practice that has already helped many people. She came to us from distant Tibet and is called "The Eye of Rebirth" or "Five Tibetan Pearls".

How Europe learned about the "Eye of the Renaissance"

For many millennia, closed Tibetan monasteries kept all sorts of secret knowledge. Even now, when people gradually began to receive previously hidden information, Tibet keeps its secrets. One of the few secrets of being told by them to the world is the ritual "Eye of Rebirth" or "Five Tibetan Pearls". This knowledge was comprehended by those who, in search of truth, were ready to overcome the most difficult and often deadly obstacles in order to get to the Tibetan monks. Those who survived and were worthy of initiation carried this knowledge to people.

In Europe, ritual gymnastics became known thanks to Peter Kelder. In 1938, he wrote a book in which he revealed the secret of preserving youth and restoring health. To some, the contents of the book may seem fantastic. But the experience of several generations of followers of this energy practice shows that the Eye works. And it doesn't just work, it delivers amazing results.

What are "energy vortices?"

Many of us have long known that a person is more than physical matter. The man is a complex system, which consists of an energy (etheric) body, a biofield and a system of energy vortices. Energy vortices are in constant rotation. Each vortex corresponds to a specific part of our body. Some vortices are associated with internal organs, others with glands. internal secretion, third with nervous system etc. The most important are the whirlwinds that correspond to the human chakra system. The teaching of the East says that each person has seven chakras.

There are many energy channels running through the chakras. These channels are directly related to the work of energy vortices. If you are completely healthy, then the rotation of the vortices has a high speed. Then the energy easily passes through the energy channels and fills all parts of our body with strength and health.

When we lead an unhealthy lifestyle and consume energy irrationally, the rotation of the vortices slows down, the work of important energy centers is disrupted, opening the way to disease and aging. To regain lost health, transform and rejuvenate, Tibetan monks developed a set of five ritual exercises. These rituals restore the work of our energy centers and increase the circulation of ethereal vortices. Thanks to this, immunity increases, vitality is restored and all ailments and diseases are systematically sent into oblivion.

"Eye of rebirth": 5 exercises of Tibetan monks

You need to start doing exercises before noon. Ideally, the time after waking up. It is desirable to perform exercises on an empty stomach, you can only take a few sips of warm water.

For classes, you need to prepare a special rug to isolate yourself from the cold floor. In the future, you can use it for meditation.

Ritual Exercise #1:

  • Being in a “standing” position, straight arms should be extended in front of you and spread apart. The direction of the palms down. Raise your chin.
  • Start spinning around you clockwise - from left to right. It is important!
  • Try to circle on one point.
  • Take your time, at the beginning of mastering this ritual, dizziness may occur. Therefore, do not immediately set a fast pace and do not try to make the maximum number of rotations. Start with three reps.
  • After stopping, stop, take a deep breath.

Ritual Exercise #2:

Immediately after the first, start performing ritual number two.

  • Lie down on your back. Place your arms along your body with your palms down.
  • Lie down a bit. Practice deep breathing. Inhalation and exhalation should be approximately equal to each other.
  • After a deep exhalation, slowly inhaling, raise your head until the chin rests on the collarbone.
  • Next, lift straight legs up perpendicular to the torso.
  • Watch your pelvis. It should not come off the floor.
  • The exercise is performed on one long breath.
  • Exhaling, return to the starting position. Relax completely. After a couple of seconds, repeat everything again.
  • Be sure to watch your breath. Inhalation and exhalation should be as smooth and full as possible. Do not change your breathing between exercises.
  • If you can't raise your legs with your knees unbent, do as you please. Do not despair, in time you will do the right thing.
  • Start the ritual with three repetitions, day by day increasing the number to 21 times.
  • When you're done, close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine the energy flowing through your body. And then proceed to the third ritual.

Ritual Exercise #3:

Get on your knees and do not close them, leaving thirty centimeters. Bend the pads of your toes so that they touch the floor. This will give the body stability.

  • Place your palms on the bottom of your buttocks. Hands are behind the back.
  • Tilt your head forward. Press your chin to your collarbones. Exhale the air while doing this.
  • While inhaling, slowly tear off your chin and turn your head back.
  • At the same time, bend your chest as far forward as possible, and tilt your head as far back as possible. The palms move to the top of the buttocks and help to keep balance.
  • As you exhale, you must return to the starting position.
  • After a short pause, repeat the complex. It is recommended to start with three repetitions. Can be more. But, as in the case of the second ritual, no more than 21 times.
  • Try to do all the elements of the ritual smoothly, take your time. Don't forget about breathing. It must be deep.
  • If you have problems with knee joints, you can put a small towel under your knees, folding it several times. This will relieve pressure on the kneecaps and relieve discomfort.
  • After ritual number three, lower your buttocks to your heels and sit in this position. Close your eyes, breathe deeply. Try to imagine that you are breathing through your spine. Feel how the vertebrae straighten and stretch. After a couple of minutes, proceed to the next ritual.

Ritual Exercise #4:

And so we come to ritual number four.

  • Sit down on the mat into a sitting position with your legs straight in front of you, shoulder-width apart.
  • Hands on either side of the hips, with palms on the floor. Fingers point forward. The spine must remain straight. The chin is pressed to the collarbones.
  • On a deep breath, tilt your head back and move your torso parallel to the floor into a pose that resembles a table, bending your knees and keeping your arms straight. Tighten your muscles. Stay in this position for a while, and then exhale and return to the starting position.
  • As you lift your body, mentally strengthen your arms. This will help you lift and support your own body weight.
  • At the end of the ritual, relax again for a couple of minutes. Breathe. Imagine that when you inhale, a yellow-golden color flows into you. This color brings cleansing and health. As you exhale, imagine that you are pushing black out of you. With it, all diseases and bad energy go away.
  • The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous rituals.

Ritual Exercise #5:

Let's move on to ritual number five.

  • Take a horizontal position, lying on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor and point your fingers forward.
  • Raise yourself with straight arms, arching. The head is tilted back. Hands and feet shoulder-width apart, only the toes and palms of the hands remain on the floor, and the rest of the body comes off and does not come into contact with it. Take a breath and exhale completely.
  • Next, gradually change the position to the position of a triangle, bending the body almost in half. The arms and legs are straightened as much as possible, and the chin is pressed against the collarbones. Take a deep breath.
  • Then return to the starting position as you exhale.
  • Repeat this exercise as many times as required.
  1. When you first begin to master the "Eye", do three repetitions. This applies to all rituals.
  2. As mentioned above, it is best to do it in the morning.
  3. You need to add two repetitions every week until you reach the 21st repetition.
  4. Take your time to increase the repetitions, let the body get used to it. If you have added repetitions and feel the deterioration in the state of the body, return to the previous number. Do the exercises in the old way for two to three weeks, and then try to increase the repetitions again.
  5. At the very beginning of the practice, sleep may be disturbed, as the body has lost the habit of the normal supply of energy. Don't let that scare you. Over time, sleep will improve.
  6. When you master the morning series of exercises, you can begin to build the evening. The scheme is the same as for the morning series.
  7. It is necessary to perform ritual actions all together, since individually they weaken their effect on the body.
  8. You need to do ritual exercises every day. You can't miss! In case of urgent need, you can skip one day a week, but no more.
  9. If something doesn't work for you, don't despair. In time, everything will turn out for the best. Remember the proverb that "patience and work will grind everything."
  10. If you want to do any other practices, do it. The Eye of Rebirth does not conflict with them, but rather helps and strengthens them. The "Eye" is the energy base for more complex meditations and training.
  11. After training, you can not overcool. Don't take cold showers. Do not go outside for at least half an hour after charging. The exception is summer.

In this article, we have tried to outline the main postulates of Tibetan practice. If this material has aroused your interest and you decide to restore the body, be sure to refer to the original source, namely the book by Peter Kelder "The Eye of Rebirth". The book contains very important and interesting points that may be useful to you. Read the book, read the reviews of Oko practitioners. You can find them on special forums. Reflect on new knowledge. If you make a decision, then bolder into battle! Just don't expect instant results. You must be persistent and patient. And the results will definitely come and may surprise you more than you expected!

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