Banking expert safing with a description of the investment. Lease agreement for a safe deposit box "expert-safe"

When carrying out transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate and other property it is important to take into account the interests of all parties. For these purposes, our Depository invites you to conclude an "Expert-safe" agreement.

What is the difference from a collective agreement:

The "Expert-safe" agreement implies independent access to the safe deposit box by each of the tenants individually, without the presence of other tenants, subject to the access conditions prescribed in the contract and under the control of the safe deposit box employee (when the valuable packages are removed from the compartment).

When executing an Expert-Seaving Agreement, tenants sign a special supplementary agreement, which must indicate the following parameters:

  • The name of the tenant and the number of the safe package (s), which he puts in the box;
  • a list of documents, upon presentation of which the tenants receive individual access (under the control of a depositary employee) to the safe deposit box. It can be: The contract of sale and purchase of the object, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), a certificate in form No. 9, an act of acceptance and transfer, an assignment agreement;
  • conditions for tenants' access to the safe deposit box in situations: the transaction was completed, the ownership was transferred; the transaction has not been completed, the ownership has not been transferred, the registration has been refused by Rosreestr / the parties have submitted applications for termination of registration; the transaction was completed in part (some of the objects are registered, and some are not (in transactions in which several real estate objects are involved); the transaction did not take place - the parties did not sign the purchase and sale agreement.

The depositary employee is present when the valuable packages are placed in the safe deposit box and issues the valuable packages in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement. Information about the visit is entered into a special card of visits. At each visit to the safe deposit box, the Visitor signs the visit card.

In the "Expert-Seaving" agreement, you can describe in detail all the stages of mutual settlements between the Lessee and the Lessor, all Recipients of valuable packages (Seller (package with funds), Buyer (package with a receipt from the Seller on receipt of funds), Intermediary (package with agent reward), etc.). A safe deposit box under this option of a lease agreement will maximally protect all parties to the transaction from possible risks and is the most reliable option for making settlements in a real estate purchase and sale transaction.

The United Depository Center provides services for renting safe boxes in St. Petersburg.

  • Carrying out secure settlements for real estate purchase and sale transactions (room, apartment, house, plot, premises, building, etc.), vehicles and other transactions.
  • For the period of vacation or business trip for the safety of valuables (jewelry and jewelry), documents (for property, securities and shares, legal documents, etc.).
  • Long-term and reliable storage of family values \u200b\u200band documents.
  • If necessary, a depository for securities and shares.
  • If you rent an apartment / room and you have no guarantees that the keys to the apartment cannot be used by third parties.

The rental price depends on the rental period and the size of the safe deposit box.

Safe deposit box rental agreement

You can choose a lease agreement for a safe deposit box in a bank or in a Single Depository Center, depending on your goals ( depositary for securities, money, jewelry, etc.):

  • We recommend an individual contract for the long-term storage of valuables, jewelry and financial documents, as well as for the temporary storage of funds (for example, before to carry out real estate purchase and sale transaction or after it).
    You can download the text of the Individual Agreement.
  • The collective agreement is used both for storing family valuables, documents and funds, and for simple settlements on real estate transactions.
    You can download the text of the Collective Agreement.
  • "Expert-safe". One of the most reliable types of contract for real estate purchase and sale transactions, as well as for complex investment transactions (2 or more objects, several sellers and buyers). When conducting an expert safe, a qualified employee of the Settlement Center controls the laying and receipt of safe packages by tenants in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
    You can download the text of the Expert-Seaving Agreement.
  • "Assignment (cession)". This type of contract is used in transactions of assignment (assignment) of rights of claim to real estate in new buildings (even before the construction and delivery of a house) from one shareholder to another.
    You can download the text of the agreement.

Expert safing is a fairly new concept and is hardly understandable to the absolute majority of people who are not employed in the banking sector. And surely many would be interested to know what it means.

An "expert-safe" agreement allows you to maximally protect the interests of participants who make large transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate, even if a large number of people know about its conditions. Expert-safe is distinguished by the most complex control of access to the contents of the safe and its withdrawal. A whole mechanism has been worked out here to ensure the safety of the contents of the cell.

Client access to the safe is possible only if accompanied by an expert bank employee. In addition, all information about the actions and operations performed, whether it be a seizure or a simple visit to a party to the transaction, is recorded and supported by the signatures of customers. All operations are carried out in strict accordance with the previously concluded agreement, which contains the events that caused the need to use the safe. Such an agreement requires documentary evidence. Another guarantor of security is an additional agreement that reflects information related to the transaction being carried out: information about customers, the subject of the transaction, its stage-by-stage description. When concluding an expert-safeing agreement, conditions such as the number of packages to be stored in the cell, the period during which the necessary documents should be submitted, and so on can be negotiated.

In order to use a regular cell, all participants in an ongoing transaction must negotiate its terms and conditions, as well as discuss the entire list of documents confirming their right to access the cell and withdraw its contents. Discussion takes place in a pre-booked meeting room. Here, the parties sign a lease agreement indicating the stages of calculations, their terms and the names of the relevant documents. Valuable packages are stored in a cell in the presence of all parties to the transaction. With the help of all these procedures, maximum control over the procedure for exchanging funds is ensured.

It only remains to add that more and more people who want to insure themselves against possible troubles and risks are resorting to the services of an expert safe.

Below are some of the conditions for access and withdrawal of content from an individual bank safe, which apply to expert-safe:

1. A bank employee is present and controls the tenants' access to an individual safe, information about the visit is recorded.

2. Access to the safe is allowed upon the occurrence of specified events (for example, state registration of the transaction) and the provision of the necessary documents confirming this event.

3. A bank employee checks the compliance of documents with the stated conditions under the contract, after which he provides access to an individual bank safe.

4. The parties to the transaction can describe in detail in the bank cell lease agreement all stages of settlements and all recipients of valuable packages or money (seller, agent, intermediary, etc.).

5. Rental with expert-safe conditions will provide protection to the client only if the client himself fulfills his obligations in good faith.

There are more and more facts that Sberbank is degrading and cannot provide its customers with elementary service and elementary norms. Analysts predict that they are already spitting for the offer to use the services of Sber, and soon they will give in the face. I'll tell you about my visit to the branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation in Moscow at the address: Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek lane 29/16 (8-499-241-59-37, 8-499-241-71-26), 1st floor, office for work with individuals.

The buyer-realtor and I decided to make payments for the purchase and sale of an apartment through the safe deposit box of this branch of Sberbank. On the part of the seller, an accompanying expert, on the part of the buyer, security. We began to draw up a lease agreement for a bank cell. Sberbank employees from the very beginning set a strict condition - only the parties to the sale and purchase will be admitted to the depository. Escorts are not allowed. Although on the Sberbank website it is clearly written that accompanying up to 2 people can, if the parties conclude an additional agreement to the safe rental agreement. Therefore, it was not possible to recount and verify the bills for authenticity in the depository itself. It was decided to involve a cashier and, for a fee of 0.2 percent of the transaction amount, with his help, recount and check the banknotes.

The cash desk was located in a tiny room with two windows. One with access to the common room, the other into a small room for special settlements. We were not allowed in a small room, the transfer of several million rubles was not considered a cause for concern, and the cashier began to serve us in the common room. The thing is that a special machine for counting money was at the window in the common room and it was just too lazy to move it to another window to the cashier. Authentication was done as follows: the bundles of bills were opened like a fan and looked at the reflection in ultraviolet light. So the amount of several million was "checked" in one and a half minutes. The cashier, an old pensioner, the further, the more she "pleased" us with her whims. After the recount, it turned out that the cashier was too lazy to go for special seals and a plastic box. Therefore, it was decided to put the money in a transparent plastic bag and twist it with staples from the stapler. At first they wanted to seal it with tape. But the retired cashier was also too lazy to go for scotch tape. And perhaps he simply was not in this branch of Sberbank. Therefore, we decided to limit ourselves to staple staples.

We walked to the depository through the common room. Sberbank employees also refused to call the security guard. According to the employees, the guards have many other important things to do, and they have no time to waste their time on trifles. The realtor buyer went to the depository with a huge shopping bag and no one attached any importance to this circumstance either. The registration and deposit of money in the safe took 10 minutes. All this time, the parties stood in the depository, and the escorts and experts on the other side of the door. Therefore, additional verification of bills for authenticity and counting were thwarted. Then it turned out that there were still plastic boxes, they were just in the safes themselves, and at the very last moment the money was put in them.

Looking ahead, I will say that the deal fell through. We began to quarrel with the party to the transaction, indignant that the obligatory procedure for checking the recount and authenticity by the accompanying expert was disrupted. He was unlawfully removed from this by Sberbank employees, and the buyer-realtor agreed with this. The money for 10-15 minutes was actually in an unsealed form without our control as a party to the transaction. We fought with the opposite side for a long time, and as a result, the buyer was left with his money, and we with our apartment. The deal, on the preparation of which both parties invested more than a dozen thousand rubles, and for which they paid Sber about 10 thousand rubles, was covered with a copper basin because of the disgusting service and order in that ill-fated Sberbank branch. Until the last moment, Sberbank employees hid from us the procedure for registering a safe lease, no one wanted to answer our questions. Moreover, the so-called "hot line" of Sberbank did not know anything either and advised to contact the depositary employees directly.

I do not advise anyone to make payments for the purchase and sale of apartments through the safe deposit boxes of Sberbank. I advise you to contact other banks, there are at least guards on duty in the common rooms. In general, the very idea of \u200b\u200bcalculating cash is ridiculous. In other banks, and earlier in Sberbank itself, there was a settlement through a letter of credit on a current account. But for some reason, other banks still have it, and Sberbank removed it. Other banks offer such services for storing cash as safekeeping with a list of investments, as an expert safeing, when the bank employees themselves make the deposit and withdrawal of cash from the safe.

I think that many will agree that when there is no tape of scotch tape in Sberbank for self-made and primitive sealing of money, then this is already the degradation of the bank. This is insanity in its extreme degree. Goodbye Sber, you will never see me and my friends as your clients again.

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st. Petersburg

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JSCB "Lanta - Bank" (CJSC) represented by , acting on the basis of a power of attorney, hereinafter referred to as the "Bank", on the one hand, and

madam, hereinafter "Tenant-1",

mr., hereinafter referred to as " Tenant-2 ",

madam, hereinafter "Lessee-3",

mr., hereinafter referred to as " Tenant-4 ",

collectively referred to as Tenants, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Bank provides the Tenants for temporary use, and the Tenants accept and pay for an individual safe deposit box (hereinafter - the cell) No. vault, located at the address: _____________________________________________________________________, with a special access mode.

1.2. Lease term by"" 20 years inclusive.

1.3. The cell is used exclusively for its intended purpose - for storing valuables, documents.

1.4. The Bank undertakes to ensure the safety of the contents of the cell by preventing unauthorized persons from entering the Bank's vault


2.1. The Bank undertakes:

2.1.1. Provide the Tenants with the cell and the key from it in good condition, after paying the rent, making a guarantee fee for the key, if the amount of the guarantee fee is determined in the Bank's Tariffs and receiving passes.

2.1.2. Provide free access of Tenants to the cell during Client service hours.

2.1.3. Observe the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of relations with the Tenant.

2.1.4. To acquaint the Lessee with the current tariffs of the Bank.

2.1.5. Ensure the implementation of the rights of the Tenants that do not contradict the provisions of this agreement.

2.1.6. Take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the contents of the cell, including round-the-clock security, the installation of special security equipment in the storage.

2.1.7. Control access to the premises where the cell provided to the Tenants is located.

2.2. The bank has the right:

2.2.2. Require the Tenants to present the cell for inspection if there are grounds (smell, sound, increased radioactive background, etc.), in which it is possible to assume that items that are obviously prohibited for storage have been placed in the cell.

2.2.3. Open the cell without the presence of the Tenants in the following cases:

§ ignition of the contents of the cell, smoke, the appearance of a putrid smell, a significant excess of the radiation background over the permissible standards, as well as if there is a suspicion that the property in the cell is a source of real threat to the life and health of people, property of the Bank and other Clients;

§ if the Tenants do not vacate the cell within 30 days from the expiration of the Agreement

§ failure to return the key after the end of the rental period.

2.2.4. Write without the order of the Tenants:

§ arrears of rent and other payments established by this agreement from any open account with the Bank and / or, if the amount of the guarantee contribution for the key is determined in the Bank's Tariffs, from the amount of the guarantee contribution.

2.2.5. To unilaterally change the tariffs for the services provided under this Agreement, notifying the Tenants about it by posting information at the Bank's stands.

2.2.6. The bank does not charge interest on the amount of the security deposit for the key.

2.3. Tenants undertake:

2.3.1. Take good care of the rented property of the Bank (safe box, cassette and key).

2.3.2. Deposit (transfer) to the Bank the amounts specified in clause 4.1. and 4.2. actual agreement.

2.3.3. Return the cell key, passes to the Bank, as well as return the cell in good condition on the day the lease expires.

2.3.4. Notify the Bank of a change in location (place of residence) and / or amendments to the documents presented at the conclusion of this Agreement.

2.3.5. Immediately notify the Bank in writing of the loss of the key, pass, as well as the malfunction of the lock and / or key from the rented cell.

2.3.6. Use the cell according to its intended purpose.

2.3.7. Observe the regime of access to the safe deposit box established by the Bank, in accordance with the Rules for the use of individual safe deposit boxes, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

2.4. Tenants have the right to:

2.4.1. Freely use the box at the time set by the Bank for service, subject to the access regime set out in clause 3 of this Agreement, presenting a pass and an identity document.

2.4.2. Grant the right to use and dispose of the cell to an authorized person on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.


3.1. Tenants get access to an individual safe deposit box in the manner and terms stipulated by the Supplementary Agreement to this Agreement.

3.2. If the Tenants are admitted to the safe deposit box upon presentation of certain documents, the Bank employee authorized to control the investment and withdrawal of valuables only checks the compliance of the documents provided by their external characteristics. The bank employee visually checks the presence of stamps and signatures on the documents provided by the Tenants.

3.3. The Bank transfers the Key to the safe deposit box at the time of the bookmark to one of the Tenants under the acceptance certificate. Further transfer of the key is carried out between the Tenants independently, without control from the Bank. The key is leased by the Lessee to the Bank according to the acceptance certificate.


4.1. The rental fee for using the safe is paid in rubles, including VAT, at a time for the entire rental period, in the amount established by the current tariffs on the day of this Agreement.

4.2. On the day of the signing by the parties of this Agreement, the Tenants pay (transfer) a guarantee fee for the key from the cell if the guarantee fee is provided for in the Bank's Tariffs. The security deposit for the key from the safe deposit box is returned to the Tenants when the Agreement is closed and the key to the safe deposit box is returned to the Bank employee.


5.1. If there is a suspicion that the property in the cell is a source of a real threat to the life and health of people, property of the Bank and other Tenants, the Bank has the right to open the cell with the preparation of a corresponding act by the responsible employees of the Bank. On the day of opening the cell, the Bank informs the Tenant about the opening by sending a corresponding registered letter with a return receipt and a phone call (if there is a phone number), or by e-mail. If items are found in the cell, the placement of which is prohibited by this agreement, the Bank has the right to withdraw them and transfer them to the appropriate authorities without compensation for losses.

5.2. Upon expiration of 7 days after the end of the lease term, the Lessee is notified of the need to extend / close this Agreement. The notification is sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In the absence of the Lessee within 30 days from the date of expiry of the Agreement, the Bank opens the cell. When the cell is opened, the responsible employees of the Bank draw up an act, the values \u200b\u200bstored in the cell are transferred to storage in the Bank's Vault, and the seized property is taken into account in the conditional assessment of 1 (one) ruble. The fee for storage of the Tenant's property is charged in the following order: for the time the property is in the IHD - for each day in the amount of double the rent at the rate established for a lease term of 8 to 30 days, in effect at the time of payment.

After the transfer to the Bank's Vault, the payment for the time the valuables are in the Bank's Vault is calculated in accordance with the Bank's tariffs in force at the time of the Tenant's arrival.

5.3. Opening of the cell due to non-return of the key takes place in the presence of the Lessee (s) on the basis of his application. When the cell is opened, the responsible employees of the Bank draw up an act.

5.4. If the property withdrawn from the cell is not claimed within six months from the date of the end of the lease term, the Bank has the right to sell this property at its own discretion at the value determined by the Bank. Expenses related to the sale of property are reimbursed by the Bank from the proceeds from the sale of property. The remaining amount can be returned to the Lessee at his request, declared within three years from the expiration of this agreement.


6.1. The Lessees are jointly and severally liable under this Agreement, while the Bank may claim reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the failure of the Lessees to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement jointly from all Lessees or from each of them separately, both in whole and in part. The tenants are responsible for the loss of the key transferred to him, for the damage caused to the Bank as a result of improper use of the cell.

6.2. In case of loss and / or damage to the key, cassette, damage to the lock of the cell, the Lessee shall pay a fine in accordance with the Bank's tariffs for each unit of damaged property.

6.3. In case of untimely release of the cell, the Tenants pay a fine for each day of delay in the amount of double the rent at the rate established for a lease period of 8 to 30 days, in effect at the time of payment (except for cases of late release of the cell for a period of no more than seven calendar days, provided attendance of the Tenants during this period, which are paid: upon closing the agreement at the rate established in this Agreement, upon prolongation of the agreement - at the rate for the new lease term, in accordance with the rates established by the Bank).

6.4. In the event of any other damage to the Bank, the Tenants are liable in the amount of the damage caused.

6.5. The Bank is not responsible for the contents of the cell and the authenticity of the documents submitted by the Tenants.

6.6. The Bank's liability arises only in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.7. If the Tenants do not pay the payment in the cases stipulated by this Agreement, the Bank shall have the right to retain the Tenants' property placed in the cell until the Tenants fully fulfill their obligations to the Bank.


7.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of receipt of funds to the Bank's account in accordance with clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Agreement and is valid until the parties finally fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.

7.2. Early termination of this Agreement is carried out upon a written application signed by all the Tenants and in the case of one of the Tenants handing over the key to the cell, the Tenants handing over the passes. In the event of early termination of the Agreement on the initiative of the Tenants, the rent for the unused lease period of the cell is recognized by the parties as compensation for the Bank's lost profits and is not refunded to the Tenants.

7.3. The Agreement may be terminated by the Bank unilaterally in accordance with the current legislation in case of violation by the Tenants of the terms of this Agreement.

7.4. The lease term under this Agreement may be extended by signing an Supplementary Agreement and subject to the Tenants paying the lease payment for the new term in accordance with the rates established by the Bank. In this case, the new term for using the cell begins the next day after the end of the lease term under this Agreement. In case of prolongation of this Agreement, the amount deposited to the account in the manner specified in clause 4.2. of this Agreement is retained.


8.1. Any disputes and disagreements that may arise in connection with the conclusion of this agreement, its interpretation or execution, regarding the rights and obligations under this agreement or any other issue arising in connection with the execution of this agreement, the parties shall resolve through negotiations, and in case of failure to achieve agreement between the Parties, the dispute shall be submitted for consideration to the judicial authorities at the location of the SPB branch of JSCB Lanta-Bank (CJSC) in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.1. All additions and changes to this Agreement are formalized by Supplementary Agreements and signed by all parties to the Agreement. An additional agreement on the extension of the term of the Agreement, by agreement of the parties, may be signed by any of the Lessees participating in this Agreement.

9.2. In accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001. "About personal data". The Lessee hereby gives his consent to the Bank to process his personal data, which applies to the following information in relation to the Lessee: surname, name, patronymic (including the previous ones); Date and place of birth; passport data or data of another identity document (series, number, date of issue, name of the issuing authority) and citizenship; residence address (according to the passport and actual) and the date of registration at the place of residence or place of stay; phone numbers; TIN (if any), and any other information known to the Bank (hereinafter - "Personal data"). This consent is given by the Lessee in order to execute this Agreement.

The Lessee hereby expresses his consent for the Bank to take any actions in relation to the Lessee's Personal Data, including: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (provision), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

The processing of the Lessee's Personal Data is carried out by the Bank on paper and / or electronic media, using and / or without using automation tools.

This consent is valid until the Lessee and the Bank fully fulfill their obligations to each other under all Agreements, as well as for the next 5 years from the date of termination of these obligations. The Lessee has the right to withdraw this consent ahead of schedule only after the termination of all the Agreements concluded by the parties by sending a corresponding written application to the Bank.

9.3. The parties are exempt from liability for violation of the terms of this Agreement, if this was the result of force majeure.

9.4. Hereby, the Tenants, of course, confirm that the act drawn up in accordance with clauses 5.1., 5.2 of the Agreement is the final and indisputable identity of the property deposited in the safe box and seized by the Bank. In addition, the Tenants instruct the Bank independently, without a court decision, to foreclose on its property, in accordance with Art. 349, 360 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and pay off the debt to the Bank under this agreement.

9.5. This Agreement has been drawn up in a number of copies equal to the number of parties to the Agreement having the same legal force. The first copy remains with the Bank, the rest - with each of the Tenants.


Bank: JSCB "Lanta-Bank" (CJSC)

Bank location:

SPB branch of JSCB "Lanta-Bank" (CJSC),

St. Petersburg, pl. Carl Faberge, 8, lit. AND, (8,

DO "Petrogradskiy", St. Petersburg, st. Blokhin, 18, lit. A, pom. 4-H,


Manager of KO UOPK

______________________ ()

Tenant 1:

Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications:

_____________________________ ()


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications:


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications:

________________________________ ()

Tenant 1:

Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

__________________ ()


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications: same

__________________ ()


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications: same

__________________ ()


Passport data:

Date of Birth:

Registration address:

Address for mail notifications: same

__________________ ()


use of individual safe deposit boxes

1. The safe deposit box is provided to the client for use on a lease basis on the basis of an agreement concluded with the bank.

2. The amount of the fee for a safe deposit box is determined in accordance with the Bank's Tariffs.

3. The client has the right to pay in cash or by bank transfer in all offices of the bank. The addresses of the head office and additional office are posted on the bank's website: www. *****.

4. When receiving the key from the safe deposit box, the client, in the presence of the bank employee, is obliged to test the received key to open and close the received safe deposit box. The client is obliged to prevent deterioration of the safe deposit box, damage to the lock and key to it.

5. The bank is not responsible for the condition of the contents of the cell. The client is obliged to ensure that the contents of the safe deposit box are not damaged by the interaction of the items stored in it.

The duration of a single visit to the storage facility and the use of an individual safe deposit box by the client should not exceed 15 minutes. In the event that a customer visits the store with a third party, the admission of a third party is only allowed into the meeting room.

§ Armament, ammunition, military equipment, spare parts, components and devices for them, explosives, their waste, explosives, gunpowder, all types of jet fuel, as well as special materials and special equipment for their production.

§ Chemical warfare agents, their derivatives and constituents.

§ Radioactive substances, their waste and all materials containing them.

§ X-ray equipment, instruments and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes.

§ Encryption equipment and normative and technical documentation for its production and use.

§ Ethyl alcohol and other flammable substances.

§ Poisons, narcotic substances, their derivatives and constituents.

§ Any containers with a liquid, crystalline, gaseous substance.

Other rights and obligations, as well as the responsibility of the parties are defined in the contract .

I have read the Rules and undertake to comply with them.

Tenant-1: ______________________ (___________________)

(signature) (full name)

Tenant-2: ______________________ (___________________)

(signature) (full name)

Tenant-3: _______________________ (___________________)

(signature) (full name)

Tenant-4: ______________________ (___________________)

(signature) (full name)

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