The scene of the episode of the fire works a bitter childhood. Characteristics of the main characters of the story "Fire

"Fire" is the last major work of the famous Russian writer (1937 - 2015). It can be considered a logical continuation of the previous story - "Farewell to Matera" (1978).

The scene is Yegorovka, a bivouac-type settlement where people from the flooded village of Sosnovka were forced to move, by which Matera is clearly meant.

Some of the heroes of "The Fire" seem to have "migrated" here from the pages of Farewell to Matera. For example, Klavka Strigunova and the "spirit of Yegorovsky" uncle Misha Hampo, very reminiscent of Bogodul, the keeper and old-timer of Matera.

The main character of "Fire" is the chauffeur Ivan Petrovich Egorov. The choice of a man for this role is unusual for Rasputin - by that time the expression "Rasputin old women" had already become a commonplace in Russian literary criticism. However, by that time the old women were no longer alive, Rasputin had no one to write about. It is no coincidence that after the "Fire" he did not create anything outstanding and memorable, he went headlong into journalism and social activities.

The situation in Sosnovka is far from normal. But, as the story says, "the light did not turn over immediately and not in one fell swoop." To understand how ripe the current "disorder", Rasputin introduces a second, retrospective narrative plan.

After the arable land was flooded, people had to look for a new occupation. And they found it - they began to cut down the forest. Moreover, the territories were cleaned like a comb, leaving no undergrowth.

Along with the change in occupation, mores began to change. People became embittered, became strangers to each other. In twenty years, drunkenness has developed more than ever. An indicative fact: in just four years, almost as many people died from drunken fights and stabbing as in the local villages, which later merged into Sosnovka, during the entire war. From the former village and the peasant harmony, not even the spirit remained. The locals partly survived, partly they got hold of a long-ruble seeker, making money easily and just as easily losing money. In the story they are called "Arkharovtsy", and are remembered not so much by their names, but rather as a kind of social phenomenon.

It has long been noticed: good, by virtue of the conviction of its righteousness, does not tend to cohesion, while evil, being in constant fear of exposure and punishment, inevitably clusters, strays around a strong personality. And if there is no such person, the unwritten law of mutual guarantee works. The "Arkharovtsy" became a force when people began to live on their own, and when they realized it was too late, "they tried to break them - it didn't work out." And so it happened that although "hundreds of people in the village, but a dozen seized power." Local residents try to stay away from the new owners of life and not notice the outrages they are doing.

As a result, good and evil were mixed, and "the hut on the edge with windows on both sides moved to the center." And now the "tough man" Boris Timofeevich, thanks to whom the discipline is somehow kept on the site, takes a couple of bottles of vodka to the felling site for his "wild brigade" from paycheck so that they do not wander around the surrounding points. "Svoi" are ready to warm their hands even in the fire, like that old woman who collects bottles of intoxicating drink from burning warehouses, like Klavka Strigunova, stuffing her pockets with boxes of jewelry, like the one-armed Savely, dragging bags of flour into his own bathhouse in the midst of general confusion and turmoil ... Two or three people who at least somehow try to defend, preserve the customs and customs of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, are severely persecuted. Ivan Petrovich, for example, is poured sand into the fuel tank, the slopes are pierced, the front garden in front of the house is casually unrolled, or even a formal attempt is made on his life.

A friend of Ivan Petrovich, Afonya Bronnikov, believes that in the current situation a personal example is enough: to work conscientiously, not to trick, not to steal - and that's enough: he who has eyes, let him see. "Silence is also a method of action and persuasion." Yegorov is not sure of this. His position in life is active, he cannot be comforted by personal decency alone. His soul seems to be at a standstill, there is no feeling of home, there is no confidence in the future, even despite the support and support in the person of Alena's wife. He was tired of unbelief, of the impossibility of resisting evil, and no income keeps him. Egorov decides to leave Sosnovka. He has a few days left to work. Here, at the limit of mental strength, Ivan Petrovich hears the cries of "fire"! "Ivan Petrovich was so intoxicated and dreary in his soul that it seemed to him that the screams were coming from him: his soul was also on fire."

The title of the story can be taken in two ways. First, a very real and serious fire flares up at food warehouses in Sosnovka: "there has never been such a serious fire since the village has stood." There could be many reasons for this: ordinary negligence or a desire to hide theft, shortage, cover up the tracks. But, secondly, it is symbolic that the warehouses, located in the shape of the letter G, go out so close to the huts that the whole village is ready to take over from the fire: "it is busy in such a place that, having caught fire, it will burn out without a trace."

It is not for nothing that Rasputin put a line from a folk song as an epigraph to the story: "The village is burning, the native is burning ..." So the fire in Sosnovka highlights many of the problems of the country and the people as a whole. Moreover, it was relevant in the year of the beginning of perestroika.

The swiftness of the disaster dictates to Rasputin a special form of narration: chopped phrases, short chapters, while in Ivan Petrovich's memoirs, measured, unhurried, and thoroughness prevail.

It is also significant that in this story, nature is almost completely excluded from the narrative. In a bare village, rarely where you can find a lonely mountain ash or birch tree. But in the finale, the landscape turns out to be necessary for Rasputin. An extremely generalized image of the earth appears - quiet and sad after a night's misfortune, lying in loose snow. The arrival of spring awakens her from sleep and sorrowful numbness. “No land is homeless,” the author is sure. The fire that happened in this context is perceived as punishment and as a cleansing.

The finale of the story allows for various readings: either Ivan Petrovich leaves the village forever, or goes to the "holy abode of nature" to gain strength there to continue the struggle. It must be no coincidence that Egorov answers Afoni Bronnikov's question firmly: "We will live." He still does not know what is more in him - fatigue or harmony, but his step becomes confident and even, "as if it finally brought him on the right path."

And again, in the finale, the symbolic image of the silent land appears. However, the author is not sure about her silence. And the story is crowned with three rhetorical questions at once: “What are you, our silent land, as long as you are silent? And are you silent? " The finale can be considered open, open to the future.

Pavel Nikolaevich Malofeev

Gorky's main task is to show the dark and dirty life that all the characters in the story have to live. How do they feel about their way of being? Perceiving the reader passes through the biased prism of the author's gaze and almost always identifies him with the main character, Alyosha. This work is not a fairy tale, not a reality, but a story about real events, about the childhood of the great writer. The author, who took the pseudonym Gorky, left all the characters with their original names and surnames. Alyosha, who lives in the Kashirin family, will defeat the strong and tenacious forces of the gloomy world. In the meantime, he just lives, observes and tries to analyze.

Trouble will happen soon. We will try to analyze the episode "Fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood". The essay will show the behavior of all the heroes of this story.

Artistic command of the word

The description of the fire and all the characters reflected the mastery of the Gorky Russian language. It vividly shows all the colors of the fire, terrible and bewitching, constantly changing. The epithets and descriptions are such that the picture of this drama seems to be painted on canvas. A fire is an independent living acting formidable person, before whom it seems impossible to resist. In its light, one can see the determination and composure of the grandmother, as well as the confusion of all the other characters.

Against the backdrop of a grandiose picture of fire, small figures of grandfather, Jacob, and women rush about stupidly. Only one Akulina Ivanovna is majestic, bold and decisive. Only she sees and notices everything, everywhere has time for everything and cleverly and quickly disposes of everything. This is emphasized by the verbs that Gorky uses when describing all of his grandmother's actions.

Like thunder from the sky

A fire burst into the house. Grandmother jumped to her feet, gasped and rushed into another, dark room. This will begin the analysis of the "fire" episode from Gorky's story "Childhood". This behavior makes the grandmother very different from everyone else, who cannot instantly get together and act in an unusual situation. Akulina Ivanovna hastily gave commands to the women who had lost their heads, who themselves could not figure out what to do: save the icons, clothe and take the children out. The embittered uncle Yakov could not in a hurry put on his boots and shouted that Mishka was to blame for the fire, who set everything on fire and ran away.

The grandmother did not like the inopportunely brewing scandal. She sharply and strongly pushed Jacob, so much so that he almost fell, and stopped his hysterics. This suggests that everyone should act in concert, without shifting the blame onto someone else. Spiteful people, as Jacob's actions on the fire will show later, can’t really do anything. All these descriptions are required to analyze the episode “fire” from Gorky’s story “Childhood”.

Fire picture

She stands out sharply from the entire chapter for her breathtaking, scary beauty. Here is not the look of the boy, but the description of the author, who recalls the raging fire, captivating to horror and amazement, the element that, it seems, cannot be understood or stopped. This is a real landscape kaleidoscope of green, blue, red, gold colors. The reader is presented with an amazingly accurate selection of details.

Before the essay on the topic: "Analysis of the episode" fire "from Gorky's story" Childhood "is given, the lesson in the class gives an oral analysis of this moment. On a quiet, windless night, the Kashirins' workshop burned, over which Stozhary shone. It was as bright as day - even crooked nails were visible sticking out of the walls. The fire had already gone up to the old dry roof. He quickly wriggled along it in narrow streams of gold and red. At the Kashirins' dyeing shop, raging, tossing about and destroying everything in its path, the fire is gaining full strength. The old room was all gilded like a church iconostasis.

At the age of 13-14, it is already possible and necessary to learn to generalize and think over the read work. The analysis of the episode "fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood" (grade 7) must be mastered by every student. Little Alyosha was drawn to the fire. He put on someone's sheepskin coat and went out into the yard.

Delay is doom

And the grandmother had no time to admire the fire and listen to the lamentations of her grandfather: she was the first to remember the explosive mixture. Covering herself with rags, she thrust herself directly into the fire, shouting: "Explode vitriol, you fools!" Instantly the grandmother emerged from the fire with a heavy bottle of flammable substance. She was all smoking. “Get the horse out! Unharness your horse! Take off the burning blanket! " she ordered. This is one more detail that will contribute to a complete analysis of the episode "Fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood". An essay on this topic should be written with picturesque pictures of a fire.

But the grandmother did not calm down. She rushed to the neighbors for help, bowing to them, asking for help so that the fire would not spread to their homes. “Neighbors, better friends - God help you! Take care of your goods so that the fire does not spread to you! Until then, help us! " She ordered Gregory and Yakov to give the neighbors axes and shovels to chop up the roof and throw hay into the garden.

However, a deeper analysis of the "fire" episode from Gorky's story "Childhood" is needed. An essay on this topic should be written, characterizing the behavior of all characters. Grandmother's behavior is special, she does not think about herself at all. She has only one thought - to save everyone and everything. This is a heroic person who is not aware of his heroism, but perceives it everyday, naturally. Little Alyosha, afraid to miss the indelible sight, hid under the porch and watched everything carefully. The boy was not afraid of fire, he only worried about his grandmother: empathy and a desire to help, if possible, are one of Alyosha's distinguishing features.

The workshop no longer had a roof. She burned out. The rafters, gilded with fire, protruded from its remains. They were thick, so they could not burn out quickly. Smoke billowed over them. Everything inside the workshop howled and cracked. Flames flew out of it. And below, the people who were gathered by my grandmother stood and threw snow at the fire. Alyosha's eyes began to water with steam and smoke. He climbed out from under the porch and bumped into his grandmother. In her hearts, she told him to leave so as not to be crushed.


Out of fear, a horse ran out into the yard - a huge and strong Sharap. He was frightened by the bright fire that lit up his large and intelligent eyes. From horror he snored and rested, not moving. The grandfather could not even restrain the frightened horse. The grandmother rushed to Sharap, who reared, stood firmly in front of him, and the horse believed her strength, only squinted pitifully at the fire.

Grandmother spoke to him sternly and calmly, patting him on the rump, on the neck. But this is exactly how you can calm any animal - with your not feigned calmness. And Sharap followed her. But he was three times the size of a man. And the big smart animal believed the grandmother. An analysis of the episode "Fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood" shows that everyone - both people and animals - listened only to grandmother. Alyosha understands how important it is to be considerate of others.

Akulina Ivanovna's concerns

After the fire, a tired and nervous grandmother returned. She sat down heavily next to Alyosha. The woman was silent and swayed. She and the boy sat side by side, silently reviewing the nightmares of the night. They both understood that everything grandmother had done saved them all: she was patient, persistent and strong like no other. But there was no rest for her. A smeared grandfather appeared, whom his grandmother ordered to wash. He did not even find the strength to say how the smart woman behaved correctly in the fire. Bitterly and caustically, he said: "The Lord gives you reason for an hour." At this, the grandmother only grinned: she perfectly understood what malice was speaking in him.

The grandfather only grinned bitterly and said that for an oversight it was necessary to fire Gregory and console the crying worthless Yakov. Tired grandma is gone . An analysis of the episode "Fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood" explains that everything was based only on the behavior of Akulina Ivanovna. She blew on her burned hand. It can be seen that the grandfather was consumed with envy of grandmother's courage and ability to organize everything correctly. The old man's world lacked kindness and compassion, mercy, which filled the world of Akulina Ivanovna.

How the night ended

From fright, Natalia's pregnant aunt began premature birth. And then the grandmother was in charge of everything, despite the burns and fatigue. The difficult night did not end in any way, it kept on dragging on and on. Alyosha lay in bed, and everything pressed on him and destroyed. Later he will closely observe, study the dark life. He will understand that he must be strong, like a grandmother, never lose heart in order to overcome everything. He fully knows all the joys and torments of empathy.
It would seem that this terrible world should embitter and embitter the child. But the opposite happens. In his soul, love and aching pity for people gradually grows, the desire to help them at all costs, faith in goodness grows stronger. The analysis of the episode "Fire" from Gorky's story "Childhood" according to the plan drawn up mentally, will easily and simply lay down on paper:

  1. Introduction. Are the actions taking place real?
  2. The artistic skill of the author - epithets and colors of the description of the fire, verbs describing the actions of the grandmother.
  3. Organizational skills and heroism of the grandmother.
  4. The rest of the characters during the fire.
  5. Conclusion. What did Gorky want to say?

Alyosha did not merge with his environment. He has grown spiritually. The boy resisted what was contrary to the understanding of good and evil, beauty and ugliness. He believed that good deeds would overcome anger and envy and make the world a better place. Alyosha painfully opposed the age-old traditions of the possessive world. An accident, a fire in a paint shop, leads to the idea that the industrial revolution going on in Russia will not spare a senselessly cruel decrepit world. She will simply destroy him.

In the story "Fire" in the image of Ivan Petrovich Yegorov, V. Ras-putin embodied the folk character of a peasant-lover of truth, a guardian of justice, whose soul hurts at the sight of the destruction of the village community morality that has been taking shape for centuries. This image continues a number of characters created earlier by V. Rasputin, typologically united by the understanding of the responsibility of everyone to society for the past and the future. The image of Ivan Petrovich is successively associated with the images of the old woman Anna from The Last Term, Daria from Farewell to Matera. He is on a par with Shukshin's heroes who are “sick for life”. The event basis of the story is extremely simple: warehouses caught fire in the timber industry village of Sosnovka. Who saves the people's goods from the fire, and who pulls what is possible to themselves. The way people behave in an extreme situation serves as an impetus to the painful reflections of the hero of the story, the driver Ivan Petrovich Yegorov.

Ivan Petrovich is painfully, tensely looking for answers to the questions that the surrounding reality throws at him. Why did everything “turn upside down, and what the whole world held on until recently, which was a common unwritten law, the earthly firmament, turned into a relic, into some kind of abnormality, and almost a betrayal? " "... It was not imposed, not accepted, it was imposed and accepted, it was impossible - it became possible, it was considered a shame, a mortal sin - revered for dexterity and valor".

Ivan Petrovich sees the reasons for many troubles in the fact that the age-old customs of the Russian people have been destroyed. Former peasants stopped plowing the land, stopped loving it. They are only able to take, disgracefully cutting down the surrounding forest. These people have lost the sense of community, artisanal, which forced them to live according to the laws of high morality. They live like temporary workers.

V. Rasputin, for whom the main function of literature is teaching, preaching, presents moral problems in the form of Ivan Petrovich's thoughts. Material from the site

With civic frankness and uncompromising attitude, he raises the most pressing and burning issues of the pre-perestroika time, touches on such painful points that determine the further spiritual development of a person. The writer's reflections on the moral foundations and laws of human existence are characterized by open journalistic pathos. In "Fire", along with the event movement and, perhaps, more significant is the movement of the author's publicistic thought. The voice of the hero is fused with the voice of the writer and is inseparable from it. The publicistic intensity brings reasoning, as it were, on top of action. They are sometimes too straightforward, constructed, frankly pathetic, which cannot but violate the artistic harmony. V. Rasputin created a national character, looking for a certain final formula of being, in which invaluable experience, the wisdom of generations and will, the free choice of the individual, the natural and social world that surrounds a person, and the cosmos of his soul would be combined.

The plot of the story is built around a fire that occurred in a warehouse in the village of Sosnovka. An emergency reveals the character of each local resident, makes him show who and what is capable of in an extreme situation.

The protagonist of the story is Ivan Petrovich Egorov. His surname comes from the name of the village Egorovka, in which he was born. During the war years, Ivan Petrovich was a tanker and dreamed of returning home. However, even after the war, he was expected to part with his native village. The settlement was subject to flooding.

Egorov was forced to move to the new village of Sosnovka, which became the scene of the story. Despite the fact that Ivan Petrovich does not like the new place, he does not intend to move to the city. This was done by his brother Goshka, who later drank himself to death. It is life in the city that Yegorov blames for his brother's moral failure.

The protagonist notices that the world around him has changed significantly. Once Sosnovka was quite a habitable settlement. Local residents helped each other. People did not work for their own gain, but for the collective good. However, with the advent of "light" villagers, Arkharovtsy, everything changed. The new residents did not need a farm. They only made money for food and alcohol. In Sosnovka, crime is growing, provoked by drunken brawlers.

The current situation upsets Ivan Petrovich. The main character continues to live in the world of socialist values. He is used to the fact that the authority of these values ​​is indisputable. There can be no other ideals. However, there are people who prove that invincible life principles can also be crushed. Ivan Petrovich will have to live out in a completely different world, where no one believes in the triumph of universal happiness. The main character watches with horror that during a fire, every villager tries to steal things from a burning warehouse. Everyone is trying to take advantage of the tragedy. The greatest diligence is shown when saving vodka, which is immediately drunk.

Ivan Petrovich despises destruction in any form. He has a negative attitude towards deforestation, considering such work soulless. Egorov perceives any destruction as an attempt on the only system of values ​​that is correct for him.

Other characters

Alena is the wife of the protagonist. The author idealizes the relationship of the spouses. The Egorovs have been happily married for over thirty years. Over the years, they have raised three children who have long been living separately from their parents. Alena becomes a part of Ivan Petrovich himself. She fully shares his ideals and dreams.

Afonya Bronnikov is a fellow countryman of the protagonist, who also once moved to Sosnovka from Yegorovka. Afonya is also an adherent of old ideals. However, Bronnikov is worried about the "decomposition" of society much less than Yegorov. Afonya believes that everyone is responsible for themselves. He himself lives honestly, works and does not deceive anyone. This is enough to make you feel happy. It is impossible to demand from others respect for your values, you should not "drive with a stick into your flock." The only way to influence the behavior of others is by example. The author does not agree with his hero. Through Yegorov's mouth, he says that it is too late to set an example.

Uncle Misha Hampo is one of the keepers of the old customs in the story. Everyone loves and respects this resident of Sosnovka. Hampo has been paralyzed since childhood. However, despite serious speech impairments and an inoperative hand, Uncle Misha was married and worked hard. The author put a symbolic meaning into the work of Hampo: the hero worked as a watchman for a modest fee, thereby being the keeper of traditions. Hampo is forced to adjust to the new reality. He does not fight with it, does not try to remake it, does not impose the outgoing ideals on anyone. Uncle Misha's incapacity indicates that the old values ​​have already lost their strength. Hampo's death was accidental and unheroic. He did not die saving someone or something in a fire. He was simply killed by drunken Arkharovites.

main idea

Despite the fact that people like Yegorov believe in the existence of absolute ideals that are common to all mankind, values ​​common to all do not exist. Values ​​can only be inherent in a certain group of people for a limited period of time. Both the characters and the author of the story have to be convinced of this.

Analysis of the work

In 1985, Valentin Rasputin wrote his story. "Fire" (the summary of the story only summarizes the general idea of ​​the work, without fully revealing its essence), "Farewell to the Mother" and some other stories of the writer are devoted to the struggle between two worlds - the new and the outgoing. “Farewell to Matera” is a confrontation between the small universe of the older, pre-revolutionary generation, filled with traditions and legends, and the new atheistic reality of the younger generation. In the story "Fire", two value systems are opposed to each other.

The settlements described in the work and the fire itself bear a symbolic meaning, becoming a miniature of the whole country and the events taking place in it. Egorovka is the world in which some inhabitants of Sosnovka were born and were raised. Ivan Petrovich and Afonya grew up here - honest workers, accustomed to working on "naked enthusiasm", who do not want anything for themselves. These people are used to sharing the latter. Selfishness and greed are alien to them. As in some of his other works, the author contrasts life in the village with life in the city. Ivan Petrovich is sure that only in the village is a person able to preserve moral purity and spiritual values ​​instilled in childhood. The city spoils even very good people. In a huge settlement, where people do not know each other, one can feel freedom and forget those rules and traditions, the non-observance of which is so noticeable in the village.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the summary of Valentin Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera", which depicts the story of a forced resettlement from a village that should be flooded due to the construction of a dam.

Rasputin's story “The Last Term” shows the attitude of old people to death as a natural and expected event, the final stage of the earthly journey and the transition to eternity.

Yegorovka was destroyed. The residents left. Ivan Petrovich and some of his fellow countrymen moved to Sosnovka, which for some time resembles a flooded settlement. However, very soon, after the arrival of the bearers of a different system of values, which Ivan Petrovich considers to be anti-values, the village begins to degenerate. The Arkharovites establish their own rules. Their example becomes more infectious than that of Yegorov. Working for a better life for future generations is too abstract happiness. Residents of Sosnovka are quickly switching to a new system of ideals.

The fire symbolizes the final transition to a new stage of development. Rasputin attributes anthropomorphic qualities to him: fire eagerly pounces on things, insatiably devouring them one after another. An emergency seems to be pushing people to criminal activity. Fire agrees to write off the theft. The few fighters for socialist values ​​continue to resist the new. Neither the author nor his heroes suspect that in just a few years an even greater fire will break out in the country. He will force you to make the final choice: to recognize the new ideals and live on, or to defend the old principles and perish.

The episode "Fire" is one of the main episodes in the story. He plays a big role in the development of the plot and composition.

In this episode, the main character is the grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. The secondary characters are Alyosha and his grandfather. Akulina Ivanovna did not lose her head during the fire and promptly took measures to preserve property and animal husbandry: “Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress the guys! Grandmother commanded sternly, in a strong voice "," Vitriol, fools! Will explode vitriol "," She threw herself under the feet of the hovering horse,

stood in front of him with a cross. "

The grandfather was not ready for this: “And the grandfather quietly howled: I-and-s…”. And Alyosha watched what was happening: “I ran into the kitchen; the window to the courtyard sparkled like gold; yellow spots flowed and slid along the floor ... ”.

And even in this episode, one can feel the enmity in the family: “It was Mishka who set fire to it, set it on fire and left, aha!” Yakov shouted at Mishka, accusing him of arson, although the fire was caused due to an oversight of Grigorie.

The author used epithets in this episode: yellow spots, curly fire, red flowers; comparison: the window to the courtyard sparkled like gold; it was as interesting as the fire and other techniques. They help us to better recreate the picture that occurs in the story.

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