Lumbar osteochondrosis: treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at home. Symptoms and diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Lumbar osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of mankind, both men and women face this diagnosis equally. This disease is damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the entire spine, intervertebral discs in the lumbosacral region, most often people after 30 years of age fall into the risk zone, but during physical work with a heavy load on the back, very young individuals may also encounter such a problem.

Let us analyze what are the causes of this disease, how dangerous it is, and what treatment methods exist?

Causes of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Degrees of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

There are 4 main stages of the disease, gradually moving from a milder degree to a complicated one, we will analyze each of them.

1st degree

Mild pain in the vertebra, which intensifies after physical exertion, manifests itself as a dull, muffled, tingling pain in the back and in the buttocks, and may bother for a short time.

2nd degree

The distance between the vertebrae is reduced, the fibrous ring and all surrounding tissues begin to collapse, the nerve roots are compressed. The pain at this stage becomes sharper and more palpable, while walking in the buttocks, thigh and lower leg. With an attack, a person experiences relief when bending in the opposite direction, that is, back, while the pain can cause a strong burning sensation, or, on the contrary, cold in the affected area.

Grade 3

At this degree, fibrous rings, as a rule, are completely destroyed, as a result of which intervertebral hernias appear. The tissues of the lumbar vertebra are deformed, pain is present almost constantly, the intensity of which depends on the presence or absence of physical activity.

4 degree

There is an overgrowth of the pathological nature of the lumbar vertebrae, cartilage atrophies, which leads to problems with movement. The pain subsides for a short time, but after that it can manifest itself in a larger location and with increased intensity, resulting in a loss of flexibility, mobility and the development of disability.

Lumbar osteochondrosis symptoms

Pain sensations

In 98% of cases, with this disease, pain occurs, the lumbar region hurts directly and can be given to the buttocks, leg along the line of the sciatic nerve. The pain can be moderate and increase with a change in body position, sudden movements, sharp turns, and when the body is tilted forward, a person simply may not bend back, when lifting a heavy object, it can also close in one position and shoot in the lumbar spine.

With such a disease, depending on the degree, pain can appear even when the body vibrates while driving, sneezing, coughing, or taking a deep breath.

Feeling of tension

The feeling of tension arises sharply and disappears just as quickly, this happens most often in the process of flexion and extension, the reason for this manifestation is explained by the fact that the irritated nerve root is displaced from the bony processes.

Impaired sensitivity

As a rule, changes in sensitivity occur precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion without touching the cross parts of the body. The following changes can be observed:

  • hyperesthesia (increased, increased sensitivity);
  • hypesthesia or anesthesia (decreased sensitivity);
  • paresthesia (prolonged creeping sensation, or tingling sensation as with injections).

Sensitivity changes usually occur in a specific, small band in the inflammation focus, and can last from 5 minutes to several hours.

Reduced physical activity

At varying degrees, mobility is affected by muscle atrophy, which can simply impair movement or lead to complete paralysis. At the same time, motor activity will worsen in a specific place of the location, where the muscles have suffered, the accompanying body parts will not be affected.

Autonomic dysfunction

It does not always occur, more often it occurs with cervical osteochondrosis. Lumbar osteochondrosis provokes a decrease in blood circulation in the lower extremities, as a result of this, the legs are always cold, and the skin as a whole becomes pale. Also, the bladder may also get into the risk zone, with internal pressure (compression) on the fibers of the cauda equina, there is a possibility of acute urinary incontinence, or, on the contrary, its delay.

Less often, there may be a feeling of coldness in the body, despite the fact that the temperature is lowered, excessive sweating, with a more complicated form, there may be sexual dysfunction in men, and a complete absence of libido and intimate lubrication in women.

In men, all the described symptoms appear more often and more intensely, due to the fact that they subject themselves more to hard, physical work, lift more weights and, accordingly, give a greater load on the back, therefore, the stages of development of the disease from one stage to another, they occur at order faster.

Complications of lumbar osteochondrosis

  1. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sciatica.
  2. The degree and speed of destruction of the discs between the vertebrae increases, the curvature of the spine becomes most pronounced.
  3. Unstable position of the vertebra, when the disc ceases to fully fix it and the lumbar spine, with any load, even light, "slides" from its place, from the sacrum. As a result, the functioning and work of the internal organs of the genitourinary system is disrupted. In men, this leads to potency, in women, serious inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and appendages.
  4. The appearance of hernias and inflammatory processes, between different segments of the vertebra.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with medicines

Competent drugs and a clear schedule of their intake will have a sufficient, proper effect, remove the inflammatory focus, stop the pain attack and prevent the onset of remission. Medication should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor, indicating the individual method of taking the drug and dosing.

Tablets / Capsules

Analgesics are able to quickly eliminate pain for a sufficiently long period, but still they have a temporary effect to relieve, but without a therapeutic effect. These include: Analgin, Spazmalgon, Dexalgin.

Anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, often prescribed in combination with analgesics, they enhance each other's action, reduce or completely eliminate the focus of inflammation, respectively, when the two groups are combined, a therapeutic effect will be provided, but still temporary. These include: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketoprofen.

Chondroprotectors - play the role of essential vitamins for cartilage and bone tissue, they are also prescribed for complex administration with an anesthetic group of drugs, their function is to protect tissues and prevent their further destruction. Preparations: Chondroxide complex, Artiflex, Glucosamine.

Ointments / gels for external use

Local application of gels ensures the absorption of the agent into the immediate focus of pain, which has an additional, longer-lasting effect, eliminates inflammation and relieves swelling.

Preparations: Dolobene, Traumeel, Fastum gel, Chondroxide ointment, Finalgon, Viprosal, Nimid gel.


Injections cope with the task of eliminating pain and inflammation faster than the other methods listed. Injections can relieve spasm, pinching and tension in the lumbar muscles and fibers.

Often, to achieve a quick effect, the blockade method is used, that is, they inject a certain painful spot with anesthetics - Lidocaine, less often Novocaine, the effect occurs instantly and lasts up to 9 hours.

Injections to relieve pain, spasm, inflammation: Dicloberl, Ketonal, Milgamma, Spazmalgon, in combination with B vitamins.

Trental, Pentoxifylline - drugs for intravenous, drip administration for circulatory disorders. It is prescribed additionally, with more complicated stages of osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment are not inferior in effectiveness to medication, if treatment is started in a timely manner and the inflammatory process is not started. They can also be used in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment in combination, then the chances of a speedy recovery are multiplied at times.

Adam root

Pour 200 grams of adam root grated on a fine grater with half liters of vodka in a dark container, send to infuse for 5 days. Use externally, to rub the sore spot, then wrap this part with a warm handkerchief, do not rinse. Anesthetic and warming effects will be provided.


Soak burdock leaves for 10 minutes over steam, apply them to the location of pain, wrap them up, leaving for 1-1.5 hours. Birch leaves can be used by the same method.


Squeeze the juice from the grated horseradish and mix 1: 1 with vodka or diluted alcohol. Rub the lumbar region up to three times a day, one of which, be sure to wrap up with a blanket before going to bed.

Pine bath

A pleasant and effective way to relieve pain and tension is to place 3-4 pine needles in warm water and add a few drops of the same essential oil.

The duration of the bath is no more than 15 minutes, then dress warmly. The procedure is best done at night, this method will help to further relax and improve the quality of sleep.


In 0.5 liters of water, place the leaves of lingonberry, cinquefoil, thyme, hop cones 10 grams each, bring to a boil, cover, leaving for an hour. Strain, drink three times a day, 50 milliliters after meals. The course is from one month to six months.

Ointment No1

Mix together mint grass, violets, pine buds, burdock root, plantain leaf, chamomile equally, grind the mixture to a powder. Three tablespoons, without a slide of chopped collection, pour 100 milliliters of boiling water and boil over low heat for five minutes, stirring continuously, mix hot with warm, melted pork fat in a volume of 75 grams, cool and store in the refrigerator, no more than two weeks after preparation.

According to the WHO, vertebro-neurological lesions (a significant part of which, in accordance with the domestic classification, is osteochondrosis), in terms of the number of patients, came in third place after cardiovascular and oncological pathology.

Their pronounced clinical manifestations are observed at the age of 25-55 years and are today one of the most frequent causes of temporary disability: for 100 workers - 32-161 days a year. Lumbar osteochondrosis is most often diagnosed (over 50% of cases).

Aching back pain is a key symptom. The area in which it occurs, as the disease progresses, grows, the intensity of pain increases, which can be given to the legs, groin and buttocks. With a sharp change in posture, an increase in load, coughing, the pain may increase, in the prone position - subside.

The symptoms of osteochondrosis appear in periods. Hypothermia and stress also affect their occurrence and strengthening.

Patients often note:

  1. muscle spasm;
  2. numbness of the limbs;
  3. decreased sensitivity;
  4. creepy feeling.


A specialist (orthopedist, neurologist, vertebrologist) prescribes a set of studies:

  • neurological examination;
  • radiography;
  • cT scan;

Based on the results obtained, a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is developed.

What can and can not be done with an illness?

With osteochondrosis, you should avoid:

  • hypothermia;
  • lifting weights;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes.

How and with what to treat at home?

Let's take a closer look at how you can cure the disease at home.

Feature of therapy

Treatment of osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach, lifestyle changes will also be required. The vector of treatment is determined on the basis of anamnesis, examination, diagnosis, specifying the degree of damage.

Sometimes it is enough to use remedial gymnastics, orthopedic devices, in more serious cases, drug treatment is connected.

Lifestyle change

The key causes of osteochondrosis are rooted in habits, so first of all it is worth revising them. It is worth avoiding the serious stress inherent in professional athletes. To combat physical inactivity, daily walking and swimming are perfect.

Orthopedic aids

There are a number of orthopedic devices that have proven themselves in the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis.

  1. Orthopedic pillows serve to maintain the physiological curves of the spine, help reduce the load on the muscles. Recommended for use during sleep, sedentary work, travel in transport.
  2. Orthopedic rollers good to use in the evening before going to bed to relieve the lower back.
  3. Posture correctors and corsets, contribute to the development of the habit of keeping the correct posture, worn for a maximum of an hour 2-3 times a day.
  4. All kinds of applicators (for example, Kuznetsov's applicator, Pranamat rugs). During their use, there is a distraction from pain, an increase in blood flow, as a result of which the spasm subsides.

Drug treatment

Important! The need for use and dosage is determined only by a doctor strictly based on anamnesis and examination results.

Drug treatment solves a number of problems:

  • pain relief, elimination of inflammation;
  • improvement of blood circulation in damaged tissues and their restoration (as much as possible);
  • restoration of mobility.

Most often, for the treatment of osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes drugs from the following categories.


The action of chondroprotectors is aimed at stopping inflammation, restoration of damaged cartilage and protection from further damage. Their use can be shown for life.

Vasodilator drugs

Against the background of pain, muscle spasm is observed, as a result of which tissue hypoxia develops. With this, vasodilating drugs, which restore blood supply to the affected area, fight, and tissue nutrition improves.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This is a group of drugs with complex action, they:

  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • remove puffiness.

Sedatives and muscle relaxants

Mandatory as part of maintenance therapy at the stage of remission. They have a relaxing and calming effect on muscles. During their reception:

  1. blood circulation is normalized;
  2. dulls the pain;
  3. mobility is restored;
  4. regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

To prevent relapse and as part of complex therapy, neuroprotectors and B vitamins are often prescribed.


Within the framework of injection treatment, intravenous and intramuscular injections, droppers are prescribed. Such administration of drugs promotes faster transportation of active substances to the affected area, which speeds up their action.

If an immediate effect is needed at home, a blockade is used, that is, injecting the painful area with anesthetics, the effect of treatment comes quickly, and lasts up to 9 hours.

Lumbar ointment

  • painkillers and warming, which provide a distracting effect, activate blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes, thereby reducing pain and inflammation;
  • anti-inflammatory, suppressing inflammatory processes;
  • massage;
  • chondroprotective, activating the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • complex action means;
  • homeopathic.
Dikul's balms

Dikul's balms are based on natural ingredients, promote the activation of the body's regenerative forces. Radikulin has been developed specifically for the lumbar spine, which promotes:

  • excretion of salts;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • improving lymph and blood flow.
Snake venom creams

The use of ointments with snake venom has anesthetic and vasodilating effect. Active substances irritate sensitive nerve endings, increase capillary permeability at the site of application, resulting in improved nutrition of adjacent tissues.

Fir oil

Fir oil effectively relieves pain and inflammation. The most common uses are rubbing and massage.

Physiotherapy apparatus

To enhance the effect of the use of drugs, you can resort to physiotherapy procedures. At home, magnetotherapy and darsonvalization are the most accessible.


The action of the apparatus is to generate magnetic fields, during the impact of which on the body:

  • pain sensations decrease;
  • muscles relax;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • improves tissue nutrition.


As a result of the procedure, blood circulation and tissue nutrition are improved, the foci of inflammation are resolved, and congestion is reduced.

Massage and self-massage

Promotes muscle relaxation, stimulates blood circulation.

Self-massage for lumbar osteochondrosis is performed with a palm or fist. Approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. Start by stroking the palm downwards. This will prepare your back for deeper kneading.
  2. Use your knuckles to rub the lower back along the spine on both sides.
  3. Perform circular motions, starting with light pressure, gradually increasing the pressure.
  4. With the edge of the palm we "survive" the muscles of the lower back in the downward direction.
  5. Finish the procedure with stroking (you can apply a healing cream or gel).

Advice! After the massage, do not rush to immediately return to business, lie for 15-30 minutes on your back with bent legs. To enhance the effect, you can do a simple stretching exercise. Simply place your bent knees to one side, then to the other, relaxing in this position.

Home appliances

Massagers for home use actively affect the nerve endings. There is a large selection of fixtures:

  • roller, massage tapes;
  • balls;
  • rollers;
  • rugs;
  • various vibrating massagers.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis are required. They must be performed regularly.

Release of natural endorphins

When doing exercises, you need to listen to your body, making adjustments to the complex if necessary. All movements are smooth, without jerks. Such a deliberate systemic approach will be effective, plus any moderate physical activity promotes the natural production of endorphins, which are a natural anesthetic.

Exercise classification

Depending on the stage of the disease, exercise can be gentle or training.

The former are applicable for severe pain. Their goal is:

  1. stretching and relaxing spasmodic back muscles;
  2. increased blood flow, lymph circulation in the lumbar region.

With minor pain sensations and outside the exacerbation stage, gymnastics is used in a training mode. Objectives for this type of exercise:

  • the formation and maintenance of the muscle corset;
  • restoration of mobility.

Simple set of exercises

Most often, patients remember about the need for exercise therapy during an exacerbation. A set of gentle exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis:

  1. Lying on your elbows. Raise your upper body as high as possible, keeping your hips pressed to the floor.
  2. The same thing, but leaning on outstretched and set hands in front of you. We try to relax the lower back and buttocks.
  3. Lying on your back, legs together and bent, arms under your head. We try to press the lower back to the floor, straining the press.
  4. I. p. (Starting position) is the same. Turn the knees brought together to the sides.
  5. I. p. Remains. Press your knees to your chest, first together, then one at a time.
  6. I. p. - standing on all fours. Tilt your chin down, tighten your stomach, arching your back.
  7. Sit on bent legs, bend forward, sliding your hands on the floor.

Hold each position for 3 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions.

Strengthening the core muscles:

  1. I. p. - standing on all fours. Raise straight arms alternately. The back is straight.
  2. I. p. The same. Raise the leg alternately parallel to the floor.
  3. Combine the previous exercises. Strain your abs, raise your arm and the opposite leg at the same time.
  4. Exercises for the muscles of the press: torso lifts, twists.

Repeat all movements 10 times. Finish with a stretch.

To strengthen the muscle corset, exercises in the pool, Nordic walking have proven themselves well.

Bubnovsky's technique

Dr. Bubnovsky associates the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis with breathing exercises and smooth stretching, with an emphasis on strengthening and developing muscles.

This the technique assumes the presence of special equipment and exercise under the supervision of a specialist.

Reducing pain with cold and heat

Cryomassage in lumbar osteochondrosis is becoming more and more widespread.

The technique is simple. Rub the sore spot with an ice pack for 2-5 minutes. For a better outflow of blood, it is desirable that the massaged area be raised.

Cryomassage is alternated with thermal procedures. It should be remembered that hypothermia in osteochondrosis is contraindicated and can aggravate the situation. To alleviate pain, the back is traditionally warmed, smeared with warming compounds, and wrapped.

Video "Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis":

For the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, the complex of exercises "Crocodile" has established itself.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, increasing the flexibility of the spine. They can be practiced at home, but the first few sessions should be supervised by a trainer to understand the exercise technique.


Due to the prevalence of the disease, there are many alternative methods of its treatment. It must be remembered that they are less effective than medication.

Healing baths

One of the most pleasant and affordable ways to relieve pain. It is worth remembering that the duration of such a bath should not exceed 15 minutes:

  1. Salt baths. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 kg of a mixture of sea and table salt in a 1: 1 ratio per 150-200 liters of water. Solution temperature 40-60 ° C.
  2. Herbal baths. For osteochondrosis use: birch leaves, calamus roots, oak and coniferous bark, complex decoctions of elderberry, nettle, oregano, black currant leaves, pine buds.

Compress and rub recipes

A good effect is observed with the use of pepper plaster and mustard plasters.

Rubbing is also widespread. For example:

  1. Mix ethyl alcohol, iodine and camphor alcohol in a 30: 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Pour 10 crushed analgin tablets into the mixture.
  3. Rub into the affected area, provided there is no damage to the skin.

Products for internal use

Treatment with herbal decoctions for oral administration is not so effective, it takes a long time to get the effect.

For the prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis, it is recommended:

  • use special orthopedic pillows;
  • avoid hypothermia and drafts;
  • choose the type of training with a moderate load;
  • use a hard orthopedic mattress.


  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B, C, D.

Sleep duration

During sleep, the body is actively recovering, so it is important to get enough sleep, taking 7-9 hours to sleep.

What to do in case of an exacerbation?

In case of exacerbation, it is worth:

  • observe bed rest;
  • see a doctor;
  • walk with crutches, thus relieving the lumbar spine.

Related Videos

We offer you to watch a video about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis:

Osteochondrosis is a disease with a high risk of complications and dangerous consequences. Pathology is especially characteristic of mature age, but is often diagnosed in young people. In the lumbar spine, degenerative processes develop almost as often as in the collar zone.

Regardless of a person’s lifestyle, the sacral section has constant loads. Because of its mobility and vulnerability, the lower back often undergoes destructive changes. First of all, the intervertebral discs of the sacral spine are affected. The destruction of cartilage tissue always has consequences - gradually muscles, ligaments, bone structures (vertebral bodies) are involved in pathological processes.

Therapy for osteochondrosis of the sacral region is a gradual and complex process. In most clinical situations, treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is practiced at home. The therapeutic effect is carried out under the supervision and guidance of a competent specialist - a vertebrologist, traumatologist or orthopedist.

In what situations can lumbar osteochondrosis be treated at home

Patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis should take their disease with the utmost seriousness. A significant proportion of patients believe that degenerative processes in the vertebral structures are temporary, caused by overwork, fatigue, "salt deposition" and can go away on their own. This is a dangerous and fundamentally wrong approach to disease.

Osteochondrosis must be treated and treated professionally. Below it will be described in detail how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis at home, in which cases this type of therapy is justified and effective. The main methods of home treatment that are safe for the spinal column and the general well-being of the patient will be considered.

Lumbar osteochondrosis does not appear out of nowhere - degenerative changes are always preceded by an initial stage, accompanied by general discomfort and fatigue in the lumbar region, low efficiency and rapid fatigue during physical and sports stress.

The general rule of successful therapy of osteochondrosis: the earlier the treatment procedures are started, the more pronounced the healing dynamics. Until the dystrophic and destructive processes have passed from the cartilage to nearby tissues, you can stop the disease and stop its symptoms.

The main therapeutic task in the early stages of spinal degeneration is to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of dangerous complications (protrusions, intervertebral hernias, pinching of nerve endings). In the lumbar disc herniation is fraught with dysfunctions of the genital and excretory organs and even partial paralysis.

Treatment of sacral osteochondrosis at home can be carried out under the following conditions:

  • When is the clinical diagnosis made?
  • When osteochondrosis is at the initial or middle stage;
  • When there are no complications, there is no danger of displacement of the discs and vertebral bodies;
  • When self-directed home therapy is sanctioned and approved by a specialist.

This type of treatment can be carried out as a prevention of relapses at the stage of rehabilitation after the main therapeutic course.

Full diagnostics and consultation with a doctor are mandatory stages of treatment. Without a confirmed diagnosis, any treatment, even the most progressive and modern, can lead to irreversible consequences. Even if you are sure that you have osteochondrosis, it is worth determining the stage of the disease, identifying the degree of tissue destruction and associated pathologies.

In the lumbar region, the most important parts of the spinal cord are located, which regulate the activity of internal organs and limbs. Even a slight displacement of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies from their anatomical position can cause compression of nerves, blood vessels and stenosis of the spinal canal.

If compression and radicular syndrome are present even to a minimal extent, it is dangerous to carry out home treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis. Massage, hardware effects and other medical procedures in the unstable position of the discs can only be practiced by professionals.

Home treatment rules

Home therapy should be approached scientifically and consistently. If you really want to get rid of the pains and restore your lower back to the former mobility, you should begin to be treated as soon as possible, ideally - when the initial signs of degenerative transformations appear.

Self-treatment is a useful and, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a necessary measure of influence, without which a sustainable healing dynamics is unattainable. But such therapy should be carried out only with the permission of the doctors and guided by strict rules.

Almost all types of conservative treatment (except, of course, a number of hardware techniques that require professional equipment) can be practiced at home. Modern medicine has created many medicines, massagers, orthopedic devices that can relieve pain, improve the condition of the muscular corset, stimulate nutrition and blood circulation in the affected area.

Non-traditional methods of therapy are invariably popular with the population - a variety of compresses and applications on the affected area from honey, propolis, herbs, clay and other natural products. The methods are quite effective and often help relieve pain and inflammation.

There are several rules for home treatment that all patients with low back osteochondrosis should remember:

  • Tablets, ointments, other medicines can be taken only when prescribed by a doctor;
  • No massage is performed when the disc is displaced;
  • Alternative medicine methods must be agreed with the doctor;
  • If pain occurs during the procedure, you should stop exercising;
  • Regular monitoring in the clinic is required.

Specialists are not at all opposed to independent home therapy, since it is expensive for the patient and the doctor to carry out long-term complex treatment on an outpatient basis, and even more so on a stationary basis. Only certain procedures (mainly physiotherapy and professional hardware massage) are necessarily carried out in the clinic.

A qualified specialist usually prescribes or recommends a particular method of home treatment. At the same time, he explains in detail how the therapeutic agent is applied, how the procedure is carried out, and what effect should be expected. The main task of any medical practice is not only to eliminate symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes of the disease.

Home therapy methods

The following treatments can be practiced at home:

  • Medicinal effects;
  • Massage and self-massage;
  • Hardware massage and the use of orthopedic appliances;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics;
  • Alternative treatment methods.

The effectiveness of these methods depends on the susceptibility, physical condition, age of the patient, stage and type of his disease.

It is important to practice therapeutic procedures in a complex, then the productivity of treatment will increase significantly. A good orthopedist (vertebrologist) always tries to convey to the patient the necessity of literally following medical prescriptions.

Complete treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis involves a radical change in lifestyle. In practice, this means a transition to a rational diet, a complete revision of the mode of work and rest.

Let's consider the main methods of home therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis in more detail.

Dosed physical activity is one of the main conditions for the functionality of the spine at any age and the basis of effective therapy. The gymnastic complex for degenerative diseases of the lower back is developed jointly by a doctor and a gymnastics instructor. Exercises are selected individually.

Therapeutic gymnastics solves a number of therapeutic tasks:

  • Development and strengthening of ligaments and muscles of the lumbar region;
  • Stabilization of patient weight;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation and nutrition in the affected area;
  • Stimulating metabolism and improving the condition of cartilage tissue;
  • Pain relief;
  • Elimination of blocks and muscle spasms.

The first couple of sessions are best done with an instructor, then you can practice gymnastics at home. Wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing made from natural fabric in a well-ventilated area.

The usefulness indicators of physical education are a decrease in pain, fatigue, back discomfort, an increase in motor amplitude and endurance. To prevent discs and vertebral bodies from moving to a dangerous position during classes, perform movements smoothly and avoid jumps and bumps.


Competent massage eliminates pain, stimulates blood flow and detoxifies the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe back. Self-massage of the lower back can be performed if you are familiar with the basic techniques of manual influence and are aware of the correct stroking, kneading and rubbing. The technique can be taught by a professional massage therapist. Avoid excessive pressure on the spine and pinching of soft tissues.

Particularly noteworthy are the methods of hardware impact - mechanical and electrical devices. Such devices are very useful and effective, but they should be used only after a doctor's appointment or recommendation. Modern massagers are multifunctional, convenient, and have software control.

Applicators and orthopedic devices combine two therapeutic methods at once - massage and reflexology. Devices such as Lyapko or Kuznetsova applicators act on the reflex zones of the lower back, eliminating pain and simultaneously triggering internal healing mechanisms.

Unconventional methods

Compresses, applications, lotions made of clay, honey, vodka, mustard and herbal preparations are designed for an instant effect and help well with severe pain and inflammation. The use of folk remedies in the early stages of the disease eliminates the symptoms, but not the underlying causes of osteochondrosis.

The main condition for the use of folk remedies is the absence of allergies and other contraindications. Do not forget that modern medicine offers more convenient and more effective natural-based remedies. In most cases, it is better to use pharmaceutical preparations instead of “grandmother's” recipes.

How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis at home

Lumbar osteochondrosis - how to treat it? What are the most effective methods in the fight against an insidious disease? How to treat osteochondrosis at home? All the secrets of the treatment of degenerative disc changes.

The etiology of osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs that affect the work of the adjacent vertebrae and the entire spinal column.

The intervertebral discs are stratified, deformed, and reduced in size. In this case, each vertebra moves from its usual place and the load on the spine is not distributed correctly.

With the development of the disease, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • Aching pain in the lumbar region, sometimes extending to the buttock or sciatic nerve;
  • Muscle lumbago in the abdominal cavity, back and lower extremities;
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin in the back and legs;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • The emergence of intervertebral hernias in case of rupture of the membrane of the intervertebral disc;
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Genitourinary problems.

Untimely seeking help from specialists can cause serious deviations in the patient’s health and even confine him to a wheelchair. Having diagnosed osteochondrosis, treatment should be started immediately. First of all, you need to contact a neurologist, he will conduct a series of examinations and draw up a picture of the disease. How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis is decided exclusively by the attending physician.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at home can be carried out only after visiting a qualified specialist. There are medical and folk methods for treating osteochondrosis, but the use of both must be agreed with the doctor.

Medication treatment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are prescribed by the attending physician after a complete examination. Medicines for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are selected individually for each patient, based on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the organism. The beginning of rehabilitation measures for lumbosacral osteochondrosis is the elimination of pain from the affected area, this is the first rule for starting treatment. To combat the disease, a complex drug treatment is immediately used:

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Preparations for osteochondrosis of the lumbar non-steroidal composition are used to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation in the places where the disease is formed.

2. Muscle relaxants

With the help of muscle relaxants, they relieve spasms in the tissues and relax them. Without the use of muscle relaxants, it is impossible to get rid of pain, because it is precisely the spasms that cause pain syndromes and backache in the muscles.

3. Chondroprotectors

To restore the elasticity of the intervertebral disc and its previous form, it is necessary to take chondroprotectors. Using chondroprotectors, cartilage tissue is regenerated. One pill will not help in eliminating the pathology, chondroprotectors are drunk in courses from 3 to 8 months.

4. Vitamin complexes

To renew the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, complexes with vitamins B, A, C, D, E, calcium and phosphorus are taken.

It is important to understand that the disease will not quickly recede. Therefore, you need to tune in to a long course of treatment, only then can the disease be healed and achieve a long remission.

Injections for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Injections for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are used in the acute phase of the development of pathology, when the tablets do not help or do not bring a quick result. The doctor prescribes injections for lumbar osteochondrosis. They may have a therapeutic effect or anesthetic.

What injections are used in the acute phase of osteochondrosis:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ketanol, Movalis

An injection is injected directly into the localization of the disease in order to quickly remove pain and relieve swelling from the affected area;

Chondroprotectors: Aflutop, Dona, Rumalon

Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12

Dosages and treatment are determined by the attending physician.

Osteochondrosis injections are also in the form of blockages. For the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, epidural and paraverted blockade is used. Drug blockade is used in rare cases when there is a need to dramatically relieve spasms and pain. For this, Novocaine or Lidocaine is injected into the sensitive cord of the spinal nerve. Blockades are addictive to drugs, therefore, their frequent use for the treatment of osteochondrosis is not allowed.

Ointments for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Ointments for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can be used as additional measures to drug treatment with tablets and injections. Ointment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can be bought at any pharmacy, the main thing is to consult a doctor before and carefully read the instructions.

Cream and ointment are used for a warming effect, an irritating effect, and pain relief from treatment sites. You can apply ointments with a resolving or thrombolytic property, and you can restorative and regenerating.

The list of drugs includes Finalgon, Voltaren Gel, Ketanol. Ointment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can cause a strong warming effect, so do not forget about safety, do not exceed the recommended doses so as not to get a burn or heat stroke.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with exercise therapy and gymnastics

After eliminating the pain syndrome and returning the patient to working capacity, it is necessary to come to grips with strengthening the muscles of the back. Physical education and gymnastics are the best remedies for osteochondrosis to tone the muscles and provide the spine with reliable support.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine in acute form excludes physical labor and gymnastic exercises. You can start exercising only in remission.

Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis at home should be carried out after several sessions have passed under the supervision of a doctor. An experienced specialist will draw up a training program for the patient and conduct several training lessons in order to avoid mistakes during further performance.

Exercise therapy for lumbosacral osteochondrosis is performed daily, the session should be given at least 15-20 minutes a day. Treatment at home with the help of gymnastics and exercise therapy is even more useful, since the patient is not shy about anyone and is trying to perform the exercise correctly. Although there is a minus - laziness, the patient can not always force himself to work out. But health is most important, therefore it is better not to miss workouts.

Massage for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Massage for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is also indispensable, as well as exercise therapy and gymnastics. With the help of massage, the tightness of muscle tissue is eliminated, blood circulation is resumed at the site of the development of pathology and muscle tone is increased.

Massage for lumbar osteochondrosis is best done by a good massage therapist, whose specialization is spinal diseases. Not every type of massage is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis.

At the first procedures of massage of the lumbar spine, the treatment is carried out using the vibration method. When the painful sensations are completely eliminated and the sacrum and back do not feel discomfort, they switch to a classical massage.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with alternative methods

Lumbar osteochondrosis at home can only be treated independently at a very early stage and this is worth considering. If the patient is worried about pain and other symptoms appear, then, unfortunately, one cannot do without the help of a qualified doctor. Having diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, treatment with alternative methods is best discussed with a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies includes warm compresses using parsley, cabbage leaf and honey. These components will help remove inflammation from the lower back and reduce discomfort.

Folk remedies are more suitable for preventive measures in the fight against the pathology of the intervertebral discs.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar at home may include taking a gelatin solution to maintain cartilage and consuming propolis tincture. But do not get involved in folk methods, since they also have side effects.

Prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis is more effective due to the correct load on the spine, regular exercise and taking vitamin complexes.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at home: 20 best ways

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is one of the most common diseases. The development of the disease is accompanied by pathological changes in the state of the intervertebral discs, which leads to their destruction. Lack of proper therapy can lead to big problems with the spine.

The development of the disease is accompanied by discomfort. The disease affects about half of the world's population, among patients people of all ages. The article discusses how to cure the disease at home by resorting to exercise therapy, diet, massage and traditional medicine.

Etiology of the disease

At the initial stages, the disease is characterized by an asymptomatic course, as the pathological process progresses, there are difficulties in motor activity, muscle edema. When symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis appear, diagnosis is required, based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed, which is carried out, including at home.

There are many reasons for the development of the disease.

Osteochondrosis develops in the process of wear of the intervertebral discs, which, in turn, occurs due to injuries. There is a point of view according to which the disease develops as a result of the aging of the body, since by the age of 80, pathology affects 90% of the world's population. This theory does not find confirmation due to the fact that symptoms also appear at a young age.

The reasons for the development of the disease:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • increased stress on the spine (the situation is aggravated in a situation where daily activities are associated with the need to lift weights);
  • injuries, damage to the spinal column.


Pain is one of the first symptoms of the disease.

  • pain syndrome - occurs in the lumbar region, as the disease progresses, it spreads further, the pain can be aching, constant, intermittent, shooting;
  • sensations of cold, burning - arises from a decrease in the space between the vertebrae;
  • radicular syndrome - accompanied by intoxication of the body, the patient may feel sweating, fever, chills;
  • ischemic syndrome - pain and cramping occur in the hips, buttocks, the condition is accompanied by a narrowing of blood vessels, poor circulation, impaired intake of nutrients in the organs;
  • vertebral syndrome - there are processes of deformation in the spine, deterioration of posture, gait;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system, delay, urinary incontinence.

Degrees and types of disease

There are the following stages of the course of lumbar osteochondrosis:

  1. The first one is accompanied by minor pain in the lower back, which intensifies after prolonged physical exertion. This symptom indicates the initial stage of the destructive process. The pain is mainly dull, sometimes it radiates to the buttocks, arises when lifting heavy objects, sudden movements.
  2. Second, at this stage, there is a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, which provokes destructive processes of the annulus fibrosus and surrounding tissues. The pain is sharp, irradiating when walking into the muscles of the lower extremities, when it occurs, the patient leans in the opposite direction from its localization. On the affected area there are sensations of cold, burning.
  3. The third is accompanied by the destruction of the annulus fibrosus, the appearance of intervertebral hernias. Degenerative processes develop in the lumbar region, the pain becomes more intense and intense. Uncomfortable sensations practically do not stop, regardless of the severity of the load and the range of motion.
  4. Fourth - the vertebrae in the lumbar region grow strongly, atrophy of cartilaginous tissues occurs, which creates difficulties in movement. As a result, there is a significant decrease in mobility and flexibility in the affected area, the patient is assigned a disability group.

Lifestyle change

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at different stages at home requires a change in lifestyle, the patient must be careful when performing everyday activities.

The patient often has to change his usual lifestyle

  1. You need to learn how to lie. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. The surface should be flat, solid, in case of pain, it is recommended to put a cotton wool roller under the affected area. Many people prefer to sleep on their stomach, in this case, in order to prevent bending of the spine, it is recommended to place a pillow or a leg bent at the knee under the stomach. Awakening in acute osteochondrosis can turn into a real torture. Therefore, before getting out of bed, it is recommended to stretch several times, move your fingers and feet, while lying on your stomach, gently lower your leg to the floor. Leaning on it, try to get up slowly, without making any sudden movements.
  2. When sitting in a chair, it is important to monitor your posture. The body should rest on the seat, the surface of the chair should be rigid, and the feet should rest on the floor. If you need a long stay in a sitting position, you should look 2-3 times an hour over your shoulder. The spine should be perfectly straight, the shoulders should be deployed. When driving a car, the body should be relaxed, the back should be supported. In this capacity, a roller can be used, which should be placed between the back and the back of the seat. Long seats in front of the TV should also be interrupted for rest.
  3. Change your supporting leg while standing on your feet. While standing on your feet, the spine is subject to heavy loads, so every 10-25 minutes you should change the supporting leg. Walking, raising and lowering the heels, and shoulders backing will help reduce the load. It is recommended to raise your hands up, inhale, look over your shoulder.
    Particular care should be taken when lifting weights, as this is considered one of the most common causes of osteochondrosis. Recommended cargo

evenly distribute into two hands, sharp flexion and extension in this case are contraindicated.


An important role in osteochondrosis is maintaining a diet. Meals should be fractional, portions should be small. You should eat 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to give up spicy, salty, smoked, canned foods, fast food, alcohol, carbonated drinks, confectionery. Preference should be given to fish, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, fried dishes should be replaced by boiled, stewed, steamed.


An effective way of treating low back osteochondrosis at home is physiotherapy exercises. The result of its implementation is comparable to massage, only it lasts for a longer time. At first, it is recommended to practice under the supervision of a specialist; the exercise should be done in front of a mirror. Correct performance of gymnastics allows you to restore mobility and flexibility to the spine, helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Physiotherapy exercises - an effective method of combating illness

Back exercises

  1. You need to lie on your back, raise your left leg, bend at the knee and straighten.
  2. After that, lower the leg and repeat the same manipulations with the other leg. A “bicycle” is also useful, which must be performed in different directions 10 times, starting from each leg.
  3. The next step will be the implementation of the well-known “scissors”. This exercise needs to be done vertically and horizontally.

Despite the "old age" and simplicity of such a complex, these types of exercises help maintain blood circulation and strengthen the ligaments.

Back exercises

Side exercises

It will be effective to lie on one side and make circular movements with each leg in succession, first in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. It will also be useful to rotate each leg in turn in different directions.

Side exercises

Exercises on the stomach

It is very useful to perform movements that resemble ordinary swimming. In this case, do not raise your neck too high so as not to overload the vertebrae. In a relaxed state, lying on your stomach, you need to make movements with your hands, as during swimming.

Exercising on your stomach

Massage and self-massage

As part of the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, massage and self-massage are used at home. It is not recommended for carrying out in the presence of pain in the patient, open wounds, skin diseases are also contraindications. Manual massage shows high efficiency, which will help get rid of muscle tension and pain.

The procedure helps to strengthen the body's defenses, activate metabolic processes. It is worth noting that a full course of massage will be very expensive; self-massage is considered an excellent alternative in this case. It is recommended to conduct it very carefully, the rules must be followed.


Massagers also provide the necessary massage effect on the affected area. There are a large number of devices, a doctor will help you choose the most suitable option. The specialist will prescribe the frequency of the procedure.

Orthopedic correction

To alleviate the condition in the acute period of the disease, special orthopedic structures will help; in case of damage to the lumbar spine, it is recommended to wear corsets. In their manufacture uses a special breathable elastic material. All structures are reinforced with plastic or metal inserts, due to which the required level of rigidity is achieved.

  • unloading muscles, reducing the load on the vertebrae;
  • fixing the spinal column in the correct position, correcting defects in posture, restoring the functioning of internal organs;
  • reduction of pain syndrome.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine?

A common disease affecting the spine is lumbar chondrosis: this ailment is expressed in negative changes in the state of the intervertebral discs, deformation and gradual destruction. Chondrosis is the initial stage in the development of osteochondrosis; if not properly treated, the disease can lead to serious back problems. At the first stages, the disease is often asymptomatic, in the future there are pains, difficulties with movements, a feeling of sagging muscles. Symptoms and treatment of chondrosis, methods of diagnosis and prevention will be discussed below.

Causes of the problem

Chondrosis of the lower back occurs in the following cases:

  • Posture disorders leading to uneven distribution of the load on the spinal column.
  • Heavy physical labor, irregular loads with a general sedentary lifestyle.
  • Weak muscle corset.
  • Hypothermia of the lumbar.
  • Prolonged immobility, a sedentary lifestyle, many hours of driving.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine system.
  • Metabolic problems.
  • Congenital or recent pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Professional sports activities related to weight lifting.

Chondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately and require treatment as soon as possible, often occurs in people aged 50 years and older, people suffering from physical inactivity, stress, and excess weight. The constant disturbance of posture provokes dystrophy of the intervertebral discs, the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the diet weakens the musculoskeletal system. Another problem that can increase the risk is wearing shoes with excessively high heels or platforms: this reason often causes chondrosis in the fair sex.

Lumbar chondrosis symptoms

A characteristic symptom of the problem is pain syndrome, which is concentrated in the lumbar spine, sacrum and lower extremities. Other symptoms of the disease:

  • Numb leg muscles.
  • Problems with the organs of the genitourinary system, radiating pain.
  • Sharp attacks of pain, lumbago in the lumbar region with sudden changes in body posture (flexion, extension of the back), during a strong cough, when lifting heavy objects.
  • Dryness and discoloration of skin to bluish color.
  • Scoliosis, distortions of the spinal column.

Often, patients notice that after rest and stay in a calm state, the pain becomes quieter and weaker, and when lifting weights or sudden movements, the syndrome worsens, localizing in the lumbar region. In the absence of medical care, you may encounter the following consequences:

  • Disturbances of the nervous system, since the displacement of the discs contributes to the pinching of the nerve roots.
  • Bone deformities, disc herniation.
  • If deformation of the fourth lumbar nerve root occurs, difficulties arise with the knee reflex.
  • With the development of lumbosacral chondrosis, reflexes of the Achilles tendon and flexion of the fingers may weaken or disappear.

The onset of symptoms of the disease requires a comprehensive diagnosis. The procedure in the clinic consists of several stages: first, the specialist clarifies the clinical picture, learning about the lifestyle, past injuries, stress, type of pain and other points. A visual examination is carried out to check muscle tone, palpation reveals how symmetrically the vertebrae are located, at what distance they are from each other.

If a visual examination does not allow an objective clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe the following types of examinations:

  • X-ray The image is performed in 2 projections to determine the condition of the spinal column, detect bone deformities, destruction of discs, and sealing processes.
  • MRI to check the condition of blood vessels and fibrous rings.

Disease development

The disease proceeds gradually, it is classified by stages:

  • At the first stage, discomfort appears in the lumbar region, pain rarely occurs, usually during physical exertion (weight lifting). X-ray shows minor deformities of the bone tissue.
  • At the second stage, the fibrous rings are destroyed, the intervertebral distance decreases, the mobility of the vertebrae is limited. The pain appears after physical exertion and unplanned, it becomes stronger. More often, patients come to the doctor at this stage of the development of chondrosis.
  • The third stage occurs if no treatment has been prescribed; the pain becomes constant, serious deformities of the vertebrae, disc herniation appear.
  • At the fourth stage, the spinal column is strongly curved, movement becomes difficult or impossible. With a running condition, disability is often prescribed.

Chondrosis treatment

Specialists prescribe therapy, which may include the following actions:

  • Drug treatment. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or liquid for intramuscular injections: these include Ketanov, Diclofenac, Ortofen and other drugs. To restore the condition of the intervertebral discs of the lower back and sacrum, chondroprotectors are used, and the immune system is supported by adding vitamin B enriched products to the diet. In severe pain, novocaine blockade is used.
  • Exercise therapy. Therapeutic physical exercises accelerate blood circulation, strengthen muscle tissue, and help correct posture.
  • Physiotherapy with ultraviolet radiation and diadynamic current exposure (relevant for the recovery process).
  • Shock wave treatment, which helps to eliminate the manifestations of fibrosis.
  • Manual therapy that restores blood flow and helps to relax muscle tissue.
  • Reflexology, which enhances the effectiveness of treatment, relieves pain and improves sleep.
  • In the last stages of chondrosis, surgical intervention is used to correct deformities, eliminate intervertebral hernia and complications.

To determine how to treat lumbar chondrosis, you need to consult a doctor; in some cases, techniques are combined to achieve the best effect. The use of traditional medicine is also allowed, among which the following recipes are most popular:

  • Take 3 lemons, grind without removing the zest, put in a 1 liter glass jar and pour boiling water. The tool is insisted 5 hours, taken in the morning for 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. It is required to store the jar in the refrigerator.
  • A piece of cottage cheese is placed on a piece of cotton cloth, a couple of drops of vinegar are added, and a bandage is made. The fabric is required to be applied to the lumbar region, hold for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Radish (350 g) is grated, mixed with vodka and honey (100 ml and 250 g, respectively). The mixture is used for rubbing the lumbar region.
  • Also extremely effective massage with cups;
  • Wearing a belt made of natural dog hair during the day; before going to bed it is removed.
  • Pour ordinary lilac flowers into a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters, add vodka, close and put in a dry, dark place. The container is taken out after 21 days, filtered and consumed before meals 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 3 months, dosage is 30 drops.
  • Badyag is mixed with olive oil (proportions 1 to 30), rubbed with a mixture of the affected area, pluck with a plastic bag and a warm woolen cloth.

How to prevent chondrosis of the lumbar spine?

This ailment can be prevented, and preventive measures can be as follows:

  • Limiting the load on the spinal column.
  • Control of metabolic processes, enrichment of the diet with vitamins, increased attention to the state of the endocrine system.
  • Increasing activity, improving the monotonous routine with the help of fitness, light exercise, exercise.
  • Wearing orthopedic products (corsets, belts);
  • Sports activities, including swimming.
  • General body hardening procedures.

Lumbar and lumbosacral chondrosis occurs in people who experience severe, constant or irregular stress on the spine. Acute paroxysmal pain, numbness, and other symptoms indicate a problem, and treatment should be started as soon as possible. The method of therapy is prescribed by the doctor, and often the methods are combined to achieve the result and the fastest way to get rid of the disease.

Chiropractor, orthopedic traumatologist, ozone therapist. Methods of exposure: osteopathy, post-isometric relaxation, intraarticular injections, soft manual technique, deep tissue massage, analgesic technique, craniotherapy, acupuncture, intraarticular administration of drugs.

Medications for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine

Why does the spine crunch?

Treatment of chondrosis of the cervical spine

A couple of decades ago, pain and discomfort in the lower back was considered a problem exclusively for older people, but now the situation has changed significantly. Many diseases, including osteochondrosis, have become noticeably "younger", which means that the number of visits to specialists with similar symptoms has increased. Patients in such cases require drug therapy and special physiotherapy, but at the same time, it is recommended to treat lumbar osteochondrosis at home using traditional medicine recipes, which have been confirming their effectiveness for years.

How to recognize a disease?

Osteochondrosis is a chronic inflammatory process and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. As a result, they become less elastic and provoke pinching of the nerve endings, causing severe pain. Depending on which part of the spine was struck by the disease, cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis is distinguished, but it is the latter that occurs most often - the lower back always has the greatest load, which means that the intervertebral discs in this area wear out first.

There are many factors provoking the development of lumbar osteochondrosis: a passive lifestyle, an excess of harmful products in the usual diet, hard physical labor, various spinal injuries and even extra pounds. You can not discount the genetic predisposition to deformation of the spinal disc, which by nature may have a more loose structure. In any case, whatever the reasons underlying the appearance of osteochondrosis, the sooner it is possible to detect its symptoms and begin complex therapy, the higher the patient's chances of well-being and a full life, without constant pain and discomfort.

Typical signs of lumbar osteochondrosis include:

  • sharp paroxysmal pain in the lower back, aggravated by walking;
  • difficulty in movement;
  • numbness of the limbs, primarily after a long sitting, tingling or a feeling of creeping on the skin;
  • cold feet.

In addition, there are pulling pains with osteochondrosis, giving to the leg, especially when trying to turn, bend or lift a weight. And although at the early stage these manifestations of the disease may not cause a person much concern, without proper treatment they can provoke very serious consequences. Most often we are talking about the development of intervertebral hernia, prostatitis, inflammation of the adrenal glands, ovaries, weakening potency in men and even, in especially severe cases, a complete loss of ability to move.

Treatment methods

Lumbar osteochondrosis, especially if it was not possible to recognize it in time, requires quite a long treatment, which is not always convenient to take in the hospital. Unsurprisingly, patients often choose to deal with illness at home by carefully following the doctor's instructions. First of all, we are talking about taking special medications designed to quickly alleviate a person's condition during an exacerbation of the disease. As a rule, these are the usual painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ibuprofen", "Diclofenac", "Nimesulide", "Ketoprofen"), but in especially severe cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed to relieve pain in osteochondrosis ("Dexametozone", "Betamethasone", " Prednisolone ").

In parallel, drugs are prescribed to improve microcirculation in tissues that are noticeably suffering from osteochondrosis (Cavinton, Trental), muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasm and B vitamins, primarily B1, B6 and B12. In some cases, patients with severe lumbar osteochondrosis also need sedatives (Relanium, Diazepam) and antidepressants (Trazodone, Amitriptyline).

But in order to achieve the desired result, the approach to the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis must necessarily be comprehensive - in addition to taking pharmacy drugs, patients need special gymnastics, therapeutic baths, compresses, as well as home-made herbal decoctions and infusions.


The benefits of gymnastics in the fight against osteochondrosis are undeniable - making it a rule to perform special exercises every day, patients can achieve a significant improvement in their well-being and get rid of many symptoms of the disease, slowing down its development. Another important plus of physiotherapy exercises is that it can be practiced without problems at home, allocating for this no more than half an hour at any time convenient for yourself.

  1. Hang on the crossbar for a minute.
  2. With your hands on your hips, bend alternately in each direction, and then move your pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise (10-15 times).
  3. Kneeling down, put your straight hands on the floor and slowly bend your back as much as possible up and then down (15 times). This is the so-called "kitty" exercise, effective both for and for the entire spine as a whole.
  4. Lying on your stomach, straighten your arms and do push-ups from the floor (10-15 times).
  5. Lying on your back and bending your knees, press them to your chest and unbend (15 times).
  6. Perform the exercise "bicycle": lying on your back, raise your legs up and "pedal" for 1-2 minutes.

When doing physical exercise, it is extremely important to carefully monitor your well-being - exercise should not increase discomfort and pain, otherwise the effect from them will be exactly the opposite.

Traditional medicine recipes

Their main purpose is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation - it is not possible to restore damaged tissues with alternative medicine. But at the same time, they are an important part of the complex therapy of lumbar osteochondrosis, effectively coping with its symptoms and practically having no side effects and contraindications.

A proven remedy for pain and discomfort in the lower back are herbal baths:

  1. Mix the leaves of birch, lemon balm and peppermint in equal proportions, pour 200 g of the mixture into 10 liters of boiling water, put on low heat for 2-3 minutes, and then pour into the bathtub that was collected for the procedure.
  2. Prepare a decoction of 300 g of chamomile and 5 liters of water, insist, strain and add to the bath water. To achieve the desired result, the procedure is recommended to be carried out daily for at least a week.

It is better to take a therapeutic bath no longer than 15-20 minutes at a water temperature not higher than 40 ⁰С.

No less effective for lumbar osteochondrosis and home-made ointments and rubbing:

  1. Mix 100 g of liquid honey, 150 ml of vodka and 50 g of aloe leaves ground in a meat grinder, transfer the resulting mixture into an opaque container and store in the refrigerator. Ointment should be rubbed on the lower back, and then wrap it with something warm, repeating the procedure until you feel better.
  2. Prepare a mixture of taken 100 g of honey and melted pork fat, add 100 ml of triple cologne and 1 teaspoon of vinegar and refrigerate, transferring to an opaque container. During an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you can rub the lower back with ointment 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime.

Decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of medicinal plants for oral administration are also useful for osteochondrosis:

  1. Mix 100 g of pine buds, a pinch of sage and 1 teaspoon of motherwort, pour ½ liter of hot water, bring to a boil, and then insist an hour and a half. Ready-made remedy for exacerbation of osteochondrosis drink in small sips during the day.
  2. Grind thyme and plantain, taken in equal amounts, in a blender, squeeze juice and drink 3 times a day for 2 teaspoons.
  3. Squeeze juice from 100 g of nettle, add 100 ml of alcohol and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, and then, occasionally shaking, insist for 10 days in a cool, dark place. The tincture should be taken 1 time per day for 2 teaspoons.

And, of course, do not forget about preventive measures: a healthy lifestyle, rejection of bad habits, moderate physical exertion, which are necessary every day, proper nutrition, adherence to a drinking regimen, as well as buying an orthopedic mattress and health massage courses at least twice in year. Thus, it will be possible not only to avoid frequent exacerbations of lumbar osteochondrosis and inhibit its development, but also to improve the condition of the spine as a whole, protecting itself from serious health problems in the future.

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spinal column, the essence of which is the defeat of the intervertebral disc, its destruction, followed by involvement in the pathological process and the destruction of adjacent vertebrae. In the course of the pathological process, the destruction of the intervertebral ligaments occurs, the vessels and nerve endings are infringed in the canals of the spine.

The course of the disease is chronic, periods of exacerbations are replaced by remissions, however, when exposed to even insignificant provoking factors (stress, trauma, local hypothermia, lifting weights), the disease worsens again. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, (lumbosacral osteochondrosis) is one of the most common forms of osteochondrosis, a frequent cause of temporary, and eventually, complete disability of patients.

Lumbar osteochondrosis: causes of

Osteochondrosis is considered a multifactorial disease, among the causes of which are long-term non-physiological muscle tension or, on the contrary, a decrease in muscle tone. This imbalance leads to a violation of the uniform distribution of the load along the spinal column, resulting in a deterioration in the blood supply to the intervertebral discs, their degeneration and destruction.

In addition, various metabolic disorders, injuries (both acute and chronic microtraumatization during sports activities or performing heavy physical work), anatomical anomalies in the development of the spine, hereditary predisposition to pathologies of bone and cartilage tissue, improper posture can be prerequisites for the development of lumbar osteochondrosis. , sedentary lifestyle and the specifics of professional activity.

Lumbar osteochondrosis symptoms

The main symptom for lumbar osteochondrosis is pain. As a rule, it is aching in nature, occurs after a long stay in the same position, after sleep. However, there is often a sharp, shooting, intense pain that occurs for no apparent reason or when changing posture. The different nature of the pain syndrome is explained by different mechanisms of pain. Pain syndrome can be a consequence of both circulatory disorders in the tissues surrounding the spine, edema of muscles and ligaments, muscle spasm, and compression of nerve endings passing in the spinal canals.

In addition, in clinical practice, it is customary to distinguish a number of syndromes (sets of symptoms) that accompany lumbar osteochondrosis.

Vertebral syndrome - characterized by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the anatomical structure of the lumbar spine, flattening or deepening of its bends, curvature of the spinal column;
  • decreased mobility of the spine in the lumbar region, changes in muscle tone due to muscle spasm or dystonia;
  • pain with any movement in the lumbar spine (active or passive) due to muscle spasm; a decrease in the shock-absorbing properties of the intervertebral discs;
  • local vertebral pain syndrome - a local increase in the sensitivity of the musculoskeletal structures during palpation in the lumbar spine.

Also, with lumbar osteochondrosis, a number of extravertebral syndromes are distinguished, which in clinical practice are usually divided into reflex and compression.

Reflex syndromes are caused by irritation of nerve endings during compression of the roots of the spinal nerves passing through the intervertebral foramen. Compression provokes swelling of the muscles surrounding the spine, their spasm and inflammation. As a rule, reflex syndrome is accompanied by intense pain in the area of \u200b\u200bcompression of the nerve root, as well as along the nerve fiber. The pain can be acute, sharp or prolonged, often soreness is accompanied by paresthesias (tingling, burning, creeping sensation, decreased sensitivity) on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin that is innervated by the affected nerve.

Following reflex syndromes, compression syndromes develop - they arise due to compression of the spinal cord, blood vessels and nerves during the destruction of the vertebral bodies and the development of herniated intervertebral discs. In this case, radicular syndromes are distinguished (due to infringement of the nerve roots), vascular-radicular (when the vessels are compressed simultaneously with the nerve) and myelopathy - syndromes accompanying the infringement of the spinal cord. In addition to pain, compression syndrome is accompanied by paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities (while the pain decreases). Clinically, this is manifested by fatigue in the legs, paresthesias, impaired gait, numbness of the legs.

Degrees of lumbar osteochondrosis

Four clinical degrees of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are distinguished depending on the volume of damage to the intervertebral discs.

Lumbar osteochondrosis 1 degree - characterized by a decrease in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. With sudden movements, cracks may appear in the annulus fibrosus, which is accompanied by sharp pain, reminiscent of the passage of an electric discharge. There is a reflex spasm of the muscles surrounding the spine.

Lumbar osteochondrosis grade 2 - characterized by instability of the spine in the lumbar spine, the development of protrusions of intervertebral discs is possible. Worried about chronic pain in the lower back, legs, which intensifies with prolonged stay in the same position or after physical exertion. Paresthesia, a feeling of tiredness in the legs can join the pain.

Lumbar osteochondrosis grade 3 - characterized by manifestations of an intervertebral hernia (pain along the trapped nerve, numbness of the legs, gait disturbances). In addition, so-called "distant" symptoms may appear - signs of kidney disease and other organs of the urogenital system, intestines, in particular, stool disorders.

Lumbar osteochondrosis 4 degrees - corresponds to the complete loss of the properties of the intervertebral disc. The vertebral bodies come together, collapse, the spine loses mobility, the condition is accompanied by severe compression syndrome, myelopathy. Neurological symptoms of the legs become persistent, up to the loss of the ability to move independently. The "distant" symptoms from the urogenital and digestive systems also acquire a persistent character.

Diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis

The diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis is made by the doctor after a full examination of the patient. It must be remembered that the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are non-specific - accordingly, it is imperative to consult a specialist who will rule out other pathologies, for example, neoplasms of the spinal cord or vertebral bodies that can provoke a clinical picture similar to osteochondrosis.

In order to determine the exact location of the spinal lesion, an x-ray examination is performed. To clarify the diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging is done, which allows you to get high-definition layered images.

Particular attention should be paid to the distant symptoms of osteochondrosis. They often cause false diagnostics and incorrect treatment of the patient, therefore it is very important to have a comprehensive examination not only by a vertebrologist and neurologist, but also by a nephrourologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, who will help to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the primary cause of kidney or gastrointestinal disorders.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: treatment

In lumbar osteochondrosis, the main destructive processes occur in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. Full regeneration of the destroyed cartilage is impossible, so it is important to start treatment with the very first symptoms of the disease - moderate pain, discomfort in the lumbar spine. That is, when the structure of the cartilage is not yet broken and the pathological process can, if not be stopped, then at least significantly slow down.

To eliminate pain in the early stages of osteochondrosis, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has proven itself well from medical methods. They can be used locally, in the form of ointments, gels, and in the form of injections. In addition to anti-inflammatory components, cooling components (menthol) or warming components (capsaicin, bee venom, snake venom) are often included in ointments to relieve back pain - they help relieve muscle spasms and thereby also relieve pain. NSAIDs, in turn, eliminate inflammation and, as a result, pain. With an intense pain syndrome, the doctor may recommend novocaine blockades, which allow for a long time to eliminate the pain syndrome.

Nevertheless, in the early stages of osteochondrosis, it is important to focus on pathogenetic treatment - that is, the normalization of metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs by taking chondroprotectors. This is a group of drugs that restores the metabolism in the cartilage, normalizes its structural-functional state, and prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue. For example, in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the Don® chondroprotector showed itself well. The active ingredient of the drug is crystalline glucosamine sulfate. It is a substrate of natural components of healthy cartilage tissue, without which normal metabolism in it is impossible. As part of the chondroprotector glucosamine, sulfate promotes the synthesis of structural proteins (proteoglycans) of cartilage.

With progressive lumbar spinal osteochondrosis, treatment with NSAIDs and chondroprotectors becomes insufficient. In this case, the doctor may recommend adding glucocorticosteroid drugs to the treatment program, which can effectively eliminate the inflammatory syndrome. To relieve swelling in the muscles surrounding the spine and strangulated nerve roots, diuretics are used, and antispasmodics are used to eliminate muscle spasm.

In the event that a hernia of the intervertebral disc has developed, or as a result of a running pathology, degradation of the vertebrae has developed, the only method of treatment is surgical.

Thoracic osteochondrosis: physiotherapy treatment

In the event that the pathological process is in remission, the patient is shown physiotherapy. During the period of exacerbation, it is prohibited to use it: physiotherapeutic techniques can provoke an aggravation of the pathological process, however, in remission, the effect of such methods is extremely beneficial, they help to stimulate blood circulation in the tissues of the spine, nutrition of cartilage, and normalization of metabolic processes in it. Thus, the duration of the remission period is significantly increased. With regular, at least twice a year, individually selected courses of physiotherapy, you can achieve persistent, long-term remission of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Among the effective methods of physiotherapy are magnetic and laser therapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, acupuncture, ultrasound therapy, traction therapy (traction) of the spine, mud therapy, paraffin therapy, massage, manual therapy. At the same time, any manipulations should be as gentle and careful as possible so as not to provoke additional damage to the tissue of the intervertebral discs.

As a preventive measure, the doctor may recommend wearing a corset. It allows you to temporarily unload the muscles and the spine, prevent its curvature. However, wearing a corset should not be constant, otherwise, following the unloading of the muscles, they will weaken.

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