Positions of J. Phonetic position concept

Lesson …

Topic: Indication of the sound [th] using the separating soft mark

Project group: trainee teachers 1.

Experts: E.V. Vostorgova, G.V. Shiryaeva.

Target: find a new position of the sound [Y ’] (after the consonant sound before the vowel) and find out the way of designating the sound [Y’] in writing.

Introductory comment: It is no exaggeration to say that this lesson is one of the most difficult key lessons in the ABC period. Students are already familiar with two different ways of denoting the sound [y] in writing: in a position not in front of a vowel (for example, before a consonant or at the end of a word) it is denoted by the letter Y, in a position before vowels - by the letters I, E, Y and Y. So Thus, students already have the idea that the sound [s] needs to be denoted in different ways, depending on its position. In the upcoming lesson, children will be confronted with a new position of this sound - after a consonant before a vowel. The presence of a consonant leads to the fact that the letters I, E, Yo and Yu cannot "alone" do their "work" and designate two sounds - [y] and a vowel sound. Being next to a consonant letter, any of these vowels denotes only the softness of the previous consonant and "loses" the sound [y]. Therefore, an additional symbolic means is needed: any “soundless” letter is needed, which, standing between the consonant and the vowel letters, would, as it were, “separate” one letter from another and thus allow the vowel letter to designate two sounds at once - the sound [th] and the vowel sound. Of course, a soft sign, being nothing more than an "obstacle", a "separator" (hence the term for a soft sign in a given position), in this case softness does not mean... It is only an additional sign that "helps" the vowel to designate two sounds. This is precisely the complexity of this lesson, because children are accustomed to the fact that the work of a soft sign is to indicate the softness of the previous consonant. In addition, the main conclusion in this lesson is associated with a detailed and, possibly, tedious analysis of different positions of the sound [y] for first graders.

Projected course of the lesson:

    Updating basic knowledge.

Exercise: Make a sound model of the word LIGHTHOUSE (one person works at the blackboard, the rest in a notebook).

Write this word down in letters.

The same task with the words MYSTERY, PIT.


    Statement of ultrasound.

Make a sound model of the word GUN.

Write down the word in letters on the pieces of paper. (Ask one child to hang a piece of paper on the board).

Who wrote it differently? (Students hang other options on the board. If there are no options, the teacher offers his own: RUZHYA, RUZHYA, RUZHYA)

    UZ solution.

    The word RUZHYA immediately disappears, because the sound [Y''] is not indicated

    It turns out that we have a problem how to designate the sound [Y '] in the word [RUZHY'A]

3) Let's look at the neighbor on the right and left, compare with the previous positions.

Conclusion: we have a completely new position for the sound [Y ']:

      But how to designate this sound?

Let's take a look in the tutorials on page 53.

Guns - People agreed to designate the sound [Y '] in position after the consonant before the vowel with the b sign and a vowel.

And what do we know about the b sign?

And what work does the b sign in this word do?

CONCLUSION : B sign does not mean softness, but helps the vowel letter I to denote the sound [Y ’].

    Application of the method of action:

Writing words: LIET, DRINK, COURIER, ULLY.

Analysis of the project and its implementation:

Stage 1. Updating basic knowledge.

All sound-letter models of three words are made up by one child. Of course, it would be better if different children did this work at the blackboard.

Further, the teacher invites students to correlate the resulting models with two schemes reflecting different positions of the sound [s] (studied earlier). The idea of ​​the authors of the project is clear: to restore what children know about the designation of this sound. However, nevertheless, this conversation looks somewhat strained, unmotivated for children - the completed task (written words) does not create the need to analyze different positions of the sound [y].

Stage 2.Statement of ultrasound.

At this stage in the implementation of the project, only two options arose: RUZHYA and RUZHYA. It would be beneficial to increase the number of these options (for example, add another version of the ROUGE). After all, the more options, the more acute the conflict, the brighter the problem situation. However, the teacher (in full compliance with the project), on the contrary, sought to reduce this number - he convinces the children that the version of the ROUGE is incorrect (the sound [th] is not indicated) and removes this option from the board, leaving only one. However, the purpose of this stage is just the opposite - you need to fix different variants solving the problem. In the lesson, on the contrary, the teacher does everything in order to find out which option is “correct” and which is wrong. The analysis of the legitimacy of the options is, of course, necessary, but only after the problematic designation of the sound [s] in the new position has been established. In the implementation of the project, the conversation at this stage is actually reduced to the search for errors, and not to the formulation of the problem of finding the causes of these errors, the reasons for the appearance of different records of the same word.

Stage 3. Decision of UZ.

According to the idea of ​​the project, it was only at this stage that the children should have discovered that they had a new position of the sound [s] in front of them and that a new way of denoting it was needed. It is clear that this still had to happen at the stage of setting the problem. At the lesson itself, unfortunately, the task was never clearly stated (neither at this nor at the previous stage). As a result, it was not very clear to the children why the teacher invites them to analyze the positions of the sound [y] in different words, why he remembers again the words that were written down at the very beginning of the lesson.

In the lesson, it turned out that the only correct option is the one in the book. However, the RUZHYA option can also be considered as possible (but not normative!). Children should understand that this option also solves the problem of the correct reading of the word, as well as the version of the word RUZHIYA.

Step 4. Application of the method of action:

The last stage of the lesson is presented in the project in the form of an assignment: the children were asked to write down the words in a notebook: LYOT, DRINK, ULYA. The project team did not indicate how this should be done. Children have only fixed a new position and a new way of acting, but they are not yet ready to curtail it to such an extent that they can immediately write down words in letters without relying on a sound scheme. Therefore, the task should be carried out, starting with drawing up a sound scheme, determining the position of the sound [th '], only after that, drawing up an alphabetic record. The results of this work in the lesson clearly demonstrated that the children have not yet sufficiently understood the way of denoting the sound [y] in a new position.

Redesigned lesson flow based on the discussion of its video recording:

    Updating basic knowledge.

Exercise: Make a sound-letter diagram of the words LIGHTHOUSE, MYSTERY, PIT (the guys take turns going to the blackboard, the rest are working in notebooks. The work of each student is assessed by the whole class using the icons "agree", "disagree").

Match words with reference patterns.

The guys figure out the position of the sound [’'] and correlate it with the schemes. Attach words with outlines.


    Statement of ultrasound.

Make a sound scheme of the word GUN on the album sheets.

Label sounds with letters. (One of the guys puts his work on the board)).

Who wrote it differently? (Students post other options on the board. If one of the options is missing, the teacher suggests his own: RUZHIA, RUZHIA, RUZHIA)

After writing down the word RUZHYA, the guys acted according to a familiar scheme: the sound [’] before the sound [a] is denoted by the letter Y. Why hasn't there been any problems so far, and the word RUZHYA deteriorates when reading? Apparently the sound [y''] in this word is not quite the same position as in the word LIGHTHOUSE and YAMA. Having analyzed the variant of writing the words RUZHYA and RUZHYA, the children will see another problem: the word is read well, but the way of denoting the sound [y '] in the position before the vowel is broken. Conclusion: there is a special position of the sound [th ’], in which old way action doesn't work. The first question is fixed on the board:

This position is similar to one known to us: the sound [th ’] before a vowel. Maybe the neighbor on the left is to blame?

Children discover that in the word RUG, the neighbor on the left is a consonant. There is no consonant in the words YAMA and LIGHTHOUSE. This means that we need to learn how to designate the sound [y '] in the position after the consonant before the vowel. The second question is recorded on the board:

    UZ solution.

Let's discuss how to designate the sound [th '] in the new position? Could you pick one of your options?

The guys find out that the options RUZHIYA and RUZHIYA are suitable: when reading, the word does not deteriorate.

Let's see which of these options the scientists chose on page 53 in the Primer.

Guns - People agreed to designate the sound [Y '] in position after the consonant before the vowel with the b sign and a vowel.

An interesting way. The word is perfectly readable. Only thanks to what?

Thanks to the letter b.

And what do we know about the b sign?

It indicates the softness of the previous sound.

And what kind of work does the b sign in the word GUN?

It helps the letter I to denote the sound [y '] in the position after the consonant before the vowel.

Such a mark is called a dividing mark. It really doesn’t work like a simple soft sign.

CONCLUSION : The dividing mark does not denote softness, but helps the vowel I denote the sound [Y ’] in a new position:

    Applying a new way of doing:

Drawing up sound-letter schemes for the words: SPEARS, LYOT, PYUT, COURIER, ULLY.

The guys determine the position of the sound [th ’], correlate it with one of the three schemes and designate the sound with a letter. In the course of work, the scheme is supplemented with vowels:

L + I, E, Y, E

1 This lesson was designed and delivered by trainee teachers who took retraining courses at the NOU "Bachelor". The lesson project is presented in the form in which it was prepared by the course participants.

Phonological positions are the conditions for the use, implementation of a phoneme in speech: in different positions the same phoneme appears in different sound forms. Positions can be strong or weak. In a strong position, the phoneme performs its functions best. In a weak position, the phoneme's ability to perform its functions is limited. The phoneme has two main functions - perceptual and significative: to promote the identification and differentiation of significant units of the language - morphemes and words. In this regard, the positions are differentiated between perceptually strong and weak and significant and weak.

In a perceptually strong position, the phoneme appears in its basic sound form: the sound does not experience reduction and the influence of neighboring sounds, it is as independent of the position as possible. In a perceptually weak position, the phoneme is represented by other sounds. They are associated with this particular position and are the result of the reduction or impact of adjacent sounds. So, in words tea, bake, stove-maker the phoneme / h "/ is realized by the sound [h"] - its main representative. The deafness of this sound, which appears at the beginning and at the end of a word, in front of a vowel and a sonorant consonant (like other qualities of this sound), is a sign that appears in these positions, but is not conditioned by them. For / h "/ these positions are perceptually strong. Before a voiced noisy consonant, the position for / h" / is perceptually weak: here there is a mandatory replacement of the voiceless [h "] by a voiced [d" z "]: ne [ d "f"] is burning. The sound [d "zh"] is due to this position and is used only in it. If you record the pronunciation of a word with the sound [ch "] on a magnetic tape, and then erase part of the recording, leaving only [ch"], and listen to this sound, then all Russian speakers will easily recognize it. If you do the same with the sound [д "ж"], then many will not recognize it, will not be able to determine in which words it is pronounced: it does not occur outside its position in front of a voiced consonant.

In the significatively strong position, the phoneme differs from other phonemes, it is realized by a special sound. Significantly weak position is the position of phoneme nondiscrimination. In significatively weak positions, phonemes are limited in their ability to distinguish between words and morphemes. So, the phonemes / o / and / a / under stress after a solid consonant are realized by the sounds [o] and [a]: b [o] k, b [a] k. This is a significatively strong position for vowel phonemes. In the first pre-stressed syllable / o / and / a / ns differ, being realized by the same sound [a 0]: b [d d] bbq (barrel and tank). This is a signifi- cantly weak position for / o / and / a /.

The same position may be strong for some phonemes and weak for others. Thus, the end of a word is a meaningfully strong position for hard and soft consonants and weak for voiceless and voiced consonants. For instance, flat / t / u raft"/ differ, but raft/ and flat / d / - match: raft].

A perceptually and significatively strong position is called an absolutely strong position. In this position, the phoneme is realized by its main representative - dom and n and oy. According to this sound, the phoneme is called: phoneme / a / by sound [a], phoneme / 6 "/ by sound [b"].

In significatively strong, but perceptually weak positions, the phoneme is represented by its own variations. So, in a word dream the phoneme / s / is represented by the variation [s °], in the word five the phoneme / a / is represented by the variation [a].

In significatively weak positions, the phoneme is represented by its variants. So, the sound [s] in the word nose - variant of the phoneme / s /, and in the word freezing - variant of the phoneme / s /.

All sounds that realize the phoneme (and its dominant, and its variants and variations) are also generally called variants of the background or allophone.

    A strong position differs from a weak one as follows:

    If we are talking about vowels, then when they are stressed, then this is a strong position. And when without stress - weak.

    But with consonants, the matter is more complicated.

    Strong position is considered if there is a vowel after the consonant.

    And if after there is a sonorous consonant or the letter B.

    Weak position is considered if the consonant is at the end of a word or before a voiced consonant or before a voiceless one.

    Here is a table with examples:

    The strong position of vowels and consonants is the moment when sounds can be distinguished.

    And the weak position of vowels and consonants is when the sounds are not quite distinguishable.

    Let's say the sound can be stunned. Sometimes, in this situation, mistakes occur in words, because it is not entirely clear which letter you need to write.

    Here's a quick word about the positions of sounds in the tables:

    The location of the sound in the word, its location relative to the beginning or end of the word, as well as relative to other sounds, is called position . Depending on the degree of discernibility of a sound in a particular position, its weak and strong positions are distinguished. Both vowels and consonants can be in a weak or strong position.

    Strong is the position of a sound when it cannot be confused with another sound and it is clearly pronounced. For vowels, the strong position is their stressed position, and in this way, stressing the vowel is checked for correct spelling. Accordingly, the weak position for vowels will be their unstressed position in the word. The consonants are not stressed, but for them there are options when the pronunciation of the consonant is distinct - before the vowel, before the sonar, and before the consonant B. On the other hand, the weak position for consonants is their location at the end of a word or in front of a sound opposite in voicing.

    Each sound has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    A sound is considered in a strong position when we clearly hear it and we have no doubts about the spelling of this letter.

    A sound is considered in a weak position when we have doubts about which letter is heard and written.

    Table of strengths and weaknesses of vowels and consonants:

    A strong vowel position is an emphasized position where the sound does not need to be checked when writing, as it is heard clearly.

    Weak vowel position is an unstressed position where the sound needs to be checked when writing, as it is not heard clearly.

    As for consonants, the strong positions for them are:

    1. before the vowels
    2. in front of the sonorous
    3. before in and in.
  • By the position of the sound in phonetics, the position of a sound in a vocabulary unit is called:

    • before a vowel / consonant;
    • at the end, as well as in the middle or beginning of tokens and their forms;
    • under stress or in the absence of it (for vowel sounds).

    These positions fall into two categories:

    Strong we call the one sound in which heard clearly and its letter is designated:

    • lady lady; smooth even; intellectual intellectual;
    • gold z, o, l, t; solo s, o, l, n; speck n, a, t, n, k;

    Weak the one where the sound is indicated by a foreign letter, where the writing of letters often raises doubts and therefore requires verification or the application of another rule that determines his choice ( position (position) of sound nondiscrimination) plant trees (plant trees):

    • in the 1st syllables of both units of the vocabulary sounds A, And, letters are designated by strangers (O, E), therefore in the 1st case it is necessary to remember the uniform spelling of the prefix, in the 2nd word to find a single-root lexeme in order to check the stress of the root vowel: tree ;
    • in syllable 2 (word 1), the sound A is denoted by its own letter, (A), but his position is weak (not striking), so the choice of A still needs to be proved, for which we also make a check: landing.

    In this way, the nature of the position of vowel sounds is closely related to the accent (stress).

    Any vowel sound under stress has a strong position:

    • provide provide;
    • terem terem;
    • hawk yastreb.

    The vowels of unstressed vowels are certainly weak, for example:

    • frost frost;
    • lazy lazy;
    • pedestrian pischot.

    A quantitative as well as a qualitative change in the sound of a vowel, directly related to stress (with an unstressed position), is called reduction.

    If the unstressed sound is pronounced only shorter than the percussive sound, but does not change its quality (for example, U in lexemes is leaving, leaving), we are talking about the presence reduction of quantitative, moreover, the farther the unstressed vowel is from the stressed (pre-stressed and post-stressed positions: 1st, 2nd, 3rd), the less long it is.

    If the vowel still changes its quality (for example, and in the lexeme tarnish in the letter is indicated by the letter I), we say that, in addition to quantitative, he underwent another reduction of quality... Consider, as an example, sounds in place of letters O in three related lexemes:

    • the ear of the 1st letter O is the sound O and denotes (the position is strong), for the 2nd O the sound is shorter, in universities it is customary to denote it with a b (at school they use the A sign; the 1st post-shock position is weak);
    • ears of the 1st O denotes the sound (at school they also use the sign A; the 1st pre-shock position is weak), it is shorter in sound than A, but longer than b;
    • spike 1st letter O already known to us sound b denotes (2nd pre-shock position is weak); in the 1st position of the pre-stressed (syllable 2nd), also weak, with the same letter O denotes the sound.

    For clarity I made the following plate:

    Strength / weakness of position of consonant sounds depends on factors such as:

    • the kind of sounds that follow them (vowel / consonant);
    • the place occupied by a sound in a vocabulary unit (beginning, middle, end);
    • another consonant that occupies a postposition in relation to the 1st (voiceless / voiced, soft / hard, noisy / sonorous).

    The presence of a vowel sound, located immediately after the consonant, contributes to a clear pronunciation of the first, therefore, create a strong position for the consonant:

    • true b dust n;
    • kindergarten s, d gray s, d;
    • lived well sewed w.

    For paired voiced / voiceless consonants by strong are positions before the vowels:

    • dock d, k;
    • toga t, g.

    as well as before consonants:

    • noisy in, in (utensils t two hundred d);
    • sonorous (mischievous shmat sh),

    weak the same

    • at the end of lexemes and their forms (pillar p pillar p; meadow k bow k);
    • at the beginning, as well as at the end of vocabulary units before noisy ones, except in, in (building z do z, fairy tale with mask c).

    For paired hard / soft consonants with strong we call such positions:

    • before vowels (soap m cute m);
    • at the end of lexemes and their word forms (sell sell; elm zvyaz z);
    • before solid consonants: (asphalt c before f; mowing z before b),

    a weak

    • before soft consonants (steppe with in preposition to t, umbrella n in front of t).

    Weak positions consonant sounds are associated with the phenomenon of phonetic assimilation(likening consonants in front to those behind). In school practice, the term assimilation is usually replaced by the expressions:

    • stunning voiced consonants in front of the deaf;
    • voicing of voiceless consonants before voiced ones;
    • softening hard consonants before soft ones.


    • T-shirt, mowing (voicing: d before b and h before b);
    • fairy tale, shop (stunning: s and f in front of k);
    • bow, gift (mitigation: n and s before t).

    Positions of consonant sounds I presented in the following plate:

    The weak position of vowels and consonants is the position when the sounds are indistinguishable. for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word is stunned, there is a doubt whether we are writing the letter correctly. And then you need to remember the rule for deafness - voiced.

    A position is called strong if there is a distinction between sounds from others.

    It is best explained with examples.

    The teacher once taught us so - say any word harshly and rudely. They said, each his own. And now I must say which letter you all heard loudly and sharply, that one will stand in a strong position, and the rest, which you ate, will be heard in weak positions.

  • Strong and weak vowel positions

    Vowel position under stress called STRONG.

    In this position, all six vowel sounds are distinguished (mal - mor - mir - mool - may - soap).

    V strong vowel positions are pronounced with the greatest strength, very clearly and do not require verification.

    Vowel position in unstressed syllables are WEAK position.

    In this position, instead of some vowels in the same part of the word, other vowels are pronounced, for example, wada and water, rika and reki, mesto and mysta, ryad and rida.

    The pronunciation of vowels in a weak position depends on which syllable in relation to percussion they are found in a syllable.

    In the first pre-stressed syllable after solid consonant vowels a and O pronounced in the same way, that is, they coincide in one sound a, for example, sada, gara. Russian literary pronunciation is akane.

    Vowel sounds a and e after soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as a sound close to and (rather, it sounds with the sound of e).

    For example, let's compare the pronunciation of words penny and rooster: pi (e) so, pi (e) tukh.

    Normative in Russian is ikane.

    In all other pre-stressed syllables and post-stressed vowels a, oh sound even weaker and indistinct.

    Weak vowel position a, oh, e after sizzling and C expressed in a slightly different way.

    I will give just one example. After solid w, w, c before soft consonants instead of a sound usually sounds s with a touch eh: jacket => zhy (e) ket, hut => shy (e) lash, thirty => trits (e) t.

    In some cases, in a weak position with a fast pronunciation, vowels can fall out, for example, in a VO.

    Strong and weak consonant positions

    The position in which the consonant does not change is called strong.

    For consonants, this is the location of the consonant before:

    VOICE: dock - current, bow - hatch, race - cassock, darling - soaps;

    Sonorous: elephant - clone, sheaf - chills, down - downward, grass - firewood;

    consonant V: matchmaking, create.

    WEAK position is a position in which consonants are not opposed in voicing-voicelessness and hardness-softness.

    Weak is the position:

    a) at the end of a word (voiced and voiceless consonants are pronounced here the same - dull): raft - fruit, pond - rod, side - god, haystack - drain;

    b) before voiced (deaf voiced): ask - request (s => h)

    and in front of the deaf (voiced are deafened): sharp - sharp, lows - low (s => s);

    Often the position before soft, as well as before lt; j> turns out to be weak for consonants that are paired in hardness-softness. In this position, the consonant is pronounced softly, for example: snow, bomb, blizzard.


  • handout cards with missing spelling of the weak position,
  • notebooks,
  • textbooks,
  • spelling dictionaries,
  • felt-tip pens.

A fragment from the work of A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything" is drawn on the board, a fragment from the cartoon has been prepared. Children sit in groups of four.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

W. Hello! Today in the lesson we must consider cases when the sound is in a strong position, and when in a weak position. We sit down correctly, put the notebooks with a tilt, write down the number and "Cool work".

II. Calligraphy

D: Look at the board, we write the elements in conjunction with the lowercase letter "o". Write one line in your notebooks.

Children carry out the task in notebooks.

III. Repetition work

D. How do you understand what a dangerous place is, where it can arise?

E. A dangerous place can appear in any part of the word. To check the spelling at the root of a word, you need to choose a single-root word in which a strong one would appear in place of a weak sound.

W. And with the help of related words, you can check spelling only in the root or in different parts of the word?

E. In other parts of these words, such spelling cannot be checked, since these parts in related words may be different. A dangerous place is a place where we hear one sound and write another letter.

D: And what dangerous places do you already know?

E. For vowels when the sound is in a weak position, i.e. it is not stressed. D For consonants, when they are near, there are no "wizards" sounds among them.

D: And what are these magic sounds?

D. These are sonorous sounds [l, m, n, p, y "] and another sound [v]. If a consonant is in front of these sounds, then we can safely write a consonant letter, and if there are two consonant sounds and none of them not a "magician", then there is a dangerous place.

D: For example, in the word shu__ka, two consonant sounds met, they entered the game - the second deaf consonant "commands" - [to] He, as it were, deafens the consonant in front.

W. Guys, let's say this word in chorus.

E. Children pronounce [shupka] in chorus.

D. Who agrees with the reasoning?

E. Children record their opinion by pointing with their fingers: yes "+", no "-".

D. All show "+" and one child "-". Why don't you agree with the kids?

D. D I think that if one of these consonants is voiced, then the one in front will also be voiced.

W. Good. Let's do this research work together.

Children write down the sound model of the word [shupka] in notebooks.

D. Can I prove it?

W. Prove. Go to the blackboard.

D. We have, at the root of the word, two consonants met side by side. The second consonant sound [k], it kind of deafens the consonant in front. When we say, we hear the sound [n], it is in a weak position. According to the law of Russian writing - I check the weak position of the consonant by the strong [fur coat], => and in the word fur coat I will write the letter "b", fur coat.

D: And what is this alternation?

D: This positional alternation sounds [b] / / [n].

D: And who can find the word in which the consonant sound is voiced?

D. We are at a loss.

D . I have a note from my mother with a "request ...", it seems to me that when we say this word - [prose "ba], we hear the sound [z"], and my mother wrote to me - a request.

W. Good. In this case, voicing of a consonant occurs. This is a dangerous place. Let's find a related word where this sound will be in a strong position (word change).

D Maybe the word asking is fine? Here the positional alternation of sounds [s "/ / s"].

W. Writing on the board (sound model of words).

[prose "ba], [PRAS" AND T "]

D. What sounds alternate?

D. Vowel sounds [o / / a] and consonants [z "/ / s"].

IV. Work with Study book number 2.

Task number 1. page 11. Add sentences that contain words with opposite meanings.

W. Write it yourself, put the stress, circle the letter you want.

At this time, the teacher gives each team a task, and the children begin to work in the group.

Group I: "Bitter radish, and carrots ________________".

Group II: "Thick sour cream, and milk _____________".

Group III: "The stone is heavy, and the down is ______________".

Group IV: "The road is wide, and the path is _____________."

Group V: "The moon is large, and the asterisk ______________."

The children completed the task in groups and from each team go to the board one person at a time with their cards - answers. The rest of the groups check, complement the representatives from each team.

Have . Did you check all the spelling of the weak position by changing the word?

Only those that are at the root of the word.

U. Why?

D.T. because when you change the word, the stem does not change.

Where can't we check?

E. In the ending, because when the word changes, the ending changes. Our team had the word weak (berry) Weak position at the root of the word, check with the word sweet, sweet. The second weak position in the ending, one test word is enough, in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: sweet a I am evil a I am.

Children point fingers "+" (agree).

D: We had the word zh__k_e. Liquid - spelling of strong position and, checked according to the rule: zhi - shi write with and ... The spelling of the weak position at the root of the word, we picked up the test word thin. The second weak position in the ending, we check with a word in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: liquid_- young.

Children check the first two words by going to the board, the rest of the children demonstrate their agreement or disagreement with special signs.

After working on each word, the teacher pays attention to the way of checking. The guys checked the first two tasks together at the blackboard. And the rest are invited to make a mutual check between the groups.

V. Work on the sound "shell" of the word

D. Draw a diagram of the strengths and weaknesses of the word carrot.

D. The first sound [m], he is in a strong position, because after it comes a vowel.

D. The second sound [a], it is in a weak position, because it is not stressed.

D. The third sound [p] - in a strong position, because this is the sound of "magician", he will always be in a strong position.

D. The fourth sound [k], it is in a strong position, because after it comes a vowel sound.

D. The fifth sound [o], he is in a strong position, because he is under stress.

D: What about the sixth sound? (say in chorus) children (in chorus) - [markofka]

We hear and pronounce the sound [f], because there are two consonant sounds next to it and the second unvoiced sound [k] subdues the consonant that stands in front of it and deafens it.

D. Who wants to write a diagram on the board and finish the analysis?

D.(at the blackboard) make up a diagram:

V_VVV_V_, m_rko_ka, sound [k] in a strong position, and sound [a] in a weak position. The word mor-kov-ka is written, tk. it refers to a dictionary word and can be viewed in the dictionary.

W. You need to write down the letter model of words, distributing them in two columns. In the first column, write the words where the weak positions are at the root of the word. In the second column, where the weak positions are at the end.

This is the first part of the task that the children will do on their own.

Vi. On the blackboard, the sound model of words:[HUD "AND T"], [GR ACH "I], [SH Y N A], [R" EP A], [C V "I CH" A]

D: - Let's check the task.

Two people come up to the board and write down:

D: Words with a weak root position (letter with holes)

X_dit, gr_chi, z_mlya, s_cha

D. Weak endgame position:

D. We wrote in their column the words (lists): walk - walk, rooks - rook, earth - earth, candle - candles. I write the letter for a strong position.

U. Children, do you agree with the work?

D. I got two words: tire, turnip.

W. Thank you.

Vii. Work with an educational notebook.

W. In A. Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", the owl lived in the magnificent castle "Chestnuts". She had announcements under the bell:

Why are the same words spelled differently in the two ads?

D. (in chorus) Owl does not know the basic rule of the Russian language.

D . N I do not agree with Owl. The word [open "ut] is spelled open, a weak position in the prefix. We know the prefix from, you can check the word leave (Corrects the error with a felt-tip pen).

There is still a mistake, it is written Owl, a weak position at the root. We check with the word - owls.

D: Look at the second ad. (Children read carefully).

D .H I do not agree as the owl wrote, I ask you to speak. Weak position at the root of the word, you can check - please. The letter o is written.

Found another mistake, in the word [pad "orgat"]. Weak position in the prefix, we know the prefix by, you can check the word on top.

D: go to the board and correct mistakes in the announcements (with a felt-tip pen).

Have . You found all the errors?

D . Everything.

Have . Write these ads on blank lines.

Option I - writes the first announcement.

Option II - writes down the second announcement.

W. The lesson is over. How did you understand what we were working on?

D . We've looked at strong and weak positions for vowels and consonants.

D. We understood: a sound in a weak position is denoted by the same letter that denotes a sound in a strong position in this word.

Vii. Homework.

W. Thank you for the lesson.


M.P. Romaneva. L.A. Sukhovershina, Moscow. 2006 Study book № 2 In Russian.

1) strong position- pronunciation conditions in which all differential signs of phonemes are manifested: for vowels under stress and in open syllable; for consonants- intervocal position, before vowels and sonoric consonants;

2) weak position- pronunciation conditions in which not all differential signs of phonemes are manifested: for vowels- unstressed position, in a closed syllable; for consonants- at the end of a word, before voiceless consonants.

Strong and weak phonemes

Strong phonemes are phonemes with maximum distinctiveness. Emphasized vowels are strong phonemes.

Weak phonemes are less distinctive because in the weak position, the phoneme is a substitute for two or even three strong phonemes. So [b] can replace,: [tantsy e va't], [shlk / \ v'is'sty], [m'l / \ ka'].

As noted earlier, each phoneme has a number of constant, position-independent, constitutive features. Among the constitutive features, a differential feature is distinguished, which is both relevant (correlative) and constitutive at the same time. For such a sign is deafness in relation to: fell, ball. But deafness is eliminated in the position before the voiced consonant.

If the feature of the phoneme is not relevant, then the constitutive feature is non-differentiating. For example, deafness for is a constitutive irrelevant trait.

The concept of relevance is associated with two rows of phonemes: the first row is made up of consonants, paired in voicelessness, the second - consonants, paired in hardness and softness. A position that is strong for one member of the series is strong for all members of the series: [п║б, п´║б´, f║v, f´║v´, t║d, t´║d´, s║ z, s'║z´, sh║zh, k║g, k'║g´].

Outside of this row, there are unpaired consonants:, m>,,.

Strong positions in deafness-voicedness:

1. position before vowels: [do´t] - [to´t];

2. position in front of the sonorants: [gro't] - [cro't];

3. position before [j]: [бjо´т] - [пjо´т];

4. position before [in], [in´]: [dv'e'r´] - [tv'e'r´].

Weak positions are:

1.end of word : the code[cat] - cat[cat];

2.for the deaf, the position in front of the voiced, for the voiced, the position in front of the deaf: change[zdd'h], over the table[n'tst / \ lo'm].

The second row - phonemes, paired in hardness-softness: [п║п´, b║b´, v║v´, f║f´, m║m´, s║s´, z║z´, t║t ´, d║d´, l║l´, n║n´, p║r´, g║g´, k║k´, x║h´].

Outside the pairs are: consonants:,.

Strong positions in hardness-softness:

1. end of the word: [st'n] - [st'n'];

2. position before non-front vowels: [m'l] - [m'a'l];

3. front-lingual before the back-lingual [re't'k] - [re'dk] and hard labial [r'i e z'ba ´ ] - [hut ´ ] ;

4. sonorous (except for [m]) in front of the teeth: [yi e nva ´ R ´ ] - [yi e nva'rsky].

5. always in a strong position: [l'va ´ ] - [m / \ lva´], the exception is the position before [j]: [l´ j y´].

Weak positions in voiced-voicelessness are manifested very clearly, in terms of hardness-softness they are not so obvious.

Phonetic transcription conveys the sound composition of words, phonological (phonemic) transcription conveys the phonemic composition of words.

In phonological transcription, it is customary to denote:

α - all weak vowel phonemes,

α 1 - weak vowels 2 and 3 of pre-stressed and all post-stressed syllables:

index 1 - consonant phonemes weak in hardness-softness:

work, with index 2 - consonants weak in voicelessness:

allowance ,

index 3 - weak in hardness-softness and deafness-

voiced consonants: guarded .

If in a phonological notation the same morpheme appears in different phonemic forms due to the phonological position in the word form, then in morphophonemic transcription a generalized phonemic notation of the word form is used, abstracted from the types of morphemes that make it up due to the phonological position. For example, the word stack in phonetic transcription - [st o'k], in phonemic transcription - in morphophonemic transcription - where the combination of consonants with common phonetic signs of deafness and hardness is highlighted in brackets.

Allophone(Greek άλλος another and φωνή sound) - the implementation of a phoneme, its variant, due to a specific phonetic environment. Unlike a phoneme, it is not an abstract concept, but a concrete one. speech sound... The set of all possible positions in which allophones of one phoneme occur is called phoneme distribution. Native speakers are good at recognizing phonemes, that is, sense-distinguishing units of the language, and are not always able to recognize individual allophones of one phoneme. Phonemes in the minds of speakers are usually represented by basic allophones.

The main allophone is an allophone, the properties of which are minimally dependent on the position and phonetic environment. The main allophones in Russian are:

  • vowels in isolated pronunciation;
  • hard consonants before the stressed [a];
  • soft consonants before the stressed [and].

Basic allophones are usually realized in a strong sound position. A strong position is a position in which the maximum number of phonemes of a given type is possible. In Russian, the strong position for vowels is the position under stress, for consonants - before the non-front vowel.

Differ combinatorial and positional allophones.

Combinatorial allophones- realizations of phonemes associated with coarticulation under the influence of the phonetic environment of sounds.

Examples of combinatorial allophones in Russian are:

  • forward vowels of the back row [a], [o], [y] after soft consonants;
  • labialized (rounded) consonants before vowels [o], [y];
  • voiced affricates [dz], [d'zh "] in place of [c], [h] in front of voiced noisy ones.

Combinatorial allophones are also considered nasalized vowels before the nasal [n], [m], [ŋ] in English language... In some languages ​​of the world, combinatorial features (for example, nasalization) can extend over several syllables.

Positional allophones- realizations of phonemes associated with their phonetic position in a word or syllable. Phonetic position is usually understood as:

  • the position of the sound in relation to the absolute beginning of the word (after a pause);
  • the position of the sound in relation to the absolute end of the word (before the pause);
  • the position of the sound in relation to the stress.

Positional allophones of vowels [a], [o] in Russian are vowels [ъ], [ʌ] in unstressed syllables.

Mandatory and free allophones

Depending on the degree of predictability of implementation, allophones are subdivided into obligatory, that is, implemented in accordance with the rules of the grammar of the language, and free, that is, implemented in accordance with the preferences of the speakers.

Obligatory allophones of the same phoneme are in a complementary distribution relationship, when two different allophones of the same phoneme cannot exist in the same position. In Russian, in the relationship of additional distribution, there are rounded and uncorrupted consonants: rounded consonants are possible only before rounded vowels [o], [y], and uncorrupted consonants are pronounced in all other cases. Pronouncing such an allophone in a different position is perceived by native speakers as an unnatural sound or a foreign accent.

Free allophones can be considered as optional variants of phonemes widespread in various social and dialectal groups (for example, slit / g / or hard / n / in certain Russian dialects), and individual variants of phonemes that make up the pronunciation of individual speakers (for example, non-syllabic [ w] in place of the quivering [p] in Russian).

Background, background in phonetics, a unit of the sound level of a language, allocated in a speech stream regardless of its phonemic affiliation (that is, without referring it to a particular phoneme) or as a specific implementation of a phoneme in speech.

Unlike phonemes and allophones belonging to a language, backgrounds refer to speeches... Associating a background with an allophone and a phoneme, they say that the phoneme is "general" (or class), allophones are "special" (or subclasses), and backgrounds are "singular." Any phoneme in speech appears in one of its allophones, which is realized as a particular background.

The mimic realization of a phoneme (background) is called a viseme. Visemas are used for lip reading and computer speech recognition techniques.

The class uses various forms of multilevel teaching of schoolchildren. Students work in three groups. The first group includes children with high academic abilities and high and medium working capacity. The second group is the average and low level of learning ability and average working capacity. The third group of students with low and medium academic abilities and low efficiency.

In this lesson, work is going on to open a new position of paired consonants and its further application in teaching schoolchildren.

Topic: Strong and weak positions of consonants.

Objectives: to teach to highlight the signs of strong and weak positions of paired consonants; acquaintance with a “weak” position of consonants in front of consonants, which is new for children; work out the way of writing with gaps in spelling of weak positions.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for the lesson. The attitude of children to be friendly to each other; on cultural dialogue when working in groups.

2. Knowledge update.

- Change the words: meadows, sides so that they name one object. Record both changes of each word with sounds. Write your changes in letters next to them.

For group 3, task number 1 is performed according to the model. Task number 2 in groups is different, taking into account their learning abilities.

For group 1: write down the schemes of strong and weak positions of consonants.

Group 2: indicate the strong and weak position of consonants next to the schemes.

Group 3: connect the strong and weak positions with the diagrams with a line.

3. Checking the work of the group at the blackboard:

Children from group 1 begin so that the rest of the students listen to the explanation again.

1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr.

[MEADOWS] [Y] O Meadows

[LUG] [K]. Lu_

[BAKA] [K] O B_

[BOK] [K]. Bo_

From the schemes written on the board, they choose the more complete one or answer the teacher's questions.

4. Statement of the problem:

- Do the consonants have any other weak positions? (Listen to the opinions of children).

- Write down the name of the items beep, rink sounds. Change each word so that it names many things, and record the word changes with sounds. Highlight the penultimate consonant sounds in the changes with circles.

Pupils of group 1 work independently and observe the changes in each word.

Students in groups 2 and 3 work together with the teacher.

[BEEP] [D]

[GUTK'I] [T]

[RINK] [T]

[KATK'I] [T]

- In vowels, the strong and weak positions are determined by the stress. And what determines the positions of paired consonants? (neighbor to the right, that is, Oh, no).

- Select and write down the penultimate consonants.

- Are there vowel sounds in a weak position? Mark them.

- Are there consonants in strong positions? Explain.

- Have you noted the positions of all consonants?

- In what position are both sounds from a pair possible? (In the strong). Write them down.

- And in what position does only 1 consonant from a pair come to work? (In the weak).

- What sound is that? (consonant, voiceless).

- Show with arrows which sound appeared instead of the sounds [D] and [T] in front of the consonants.

Children opening a new position.

Compare and pair up the weak consonant position with the one you learned earlier. (Group 1 independently makes a conclusion about a new weak position). You made another discovery today. How many weak positions of consonants do you know now? Can we use letters to denote sounds in weak positions? (No, because spelling, I put a dash).

Write down the letter next to it. Who has a different letter notation, without gaps?

- What helped to write down words without gaps? (the law of Russian writing).

6. Primary anchoring:

Writing words, sentences with skipping spelling of weak positions.

The first group works independently;
The second is modeled on;
The third group with a teacher.

If questions arise in the groups, they show a card with a question mark. Children from group 1 come to the rescue.

7. Reflection of activity:

- What discovery did everyone make for themselves?

8. Homework:

For the first group: write down a few words where paired consonants stand in front of other consonants.

The second and third groups are tasks according to the textbook.

The next lesson of the Russian language begins with determining the positions of consonants in words written in 1 group.

In a word, consonants can occupy different positions. In some positions, consonants are opposed to each other in voicing-voicelessness and hardness-softness; such positions are called strong. The positions of the consonant in front of vowels and in front of sonorous ones are strong in voiced-voicelessness (i.e. voiced and voiceless consonants are always different here): d am - T am, b silt - P silt, s loy - With loy, d rail - T rail. The positions of the consonant before vowels (except for [e]) are also strong in terms of hardness-softness: m al - m yal, l uk - l yuc, b yt - b it, v ol - v ate(but before [e], both soft and hard consonants are possible: sir - sir; meter(unit of measure; pronounced with a soft [m "]) -meter(teacher, master; pronounced with [m] hard).

Positions in which the consonants are not opposed by voiced-voicelessness and by hardness-softness are called weak. So, the position of the consonant at the end of a word is weak in voiced-voicelessness: voiced and voiceless consonants are pronounced here the same - voiceless (cf. one hundred To and one hundred G, pru T and pru d). Before voiced consonants, all consonants paired in voiced-deafness are pronounced as voiced (cf. s here and With make: in both words, in the position before the voiced [d "], the voiced [z"] is pronounced), and before the deaf - as deaf (cf. rub b ka and sha P ka: in both words, in a position before the voiceless [k], the voiceless [n] is pronounced).

The position in front of soft labial and dental, as well as in front is weak for consonants, paired in hardness-softness: in this position, the consonant is often pronounced softly. Compare: [With" n"] er, to [ n"c"] ers, bo [ m"beat. [d "v"] er, ha(hard consonants, pronounced softly in these words).

In the same word, but in its different forms, consonants can alternate with each other - depending on what position they are in: voiced consonants in front of vowels alternate with voiceless ones in the position of the end of a word, voiceless ones alternate with voiced ones in front of voiced ones , hard ones alternate with soft ones in position before soft consonants. Such alternations of sounds are called positional. They do not violate the morphological integrity of the word and are not reflected in writing. Compare: rub b a-tru b (pronounced [true P]), mow T b-kos b a(pronounced [ka s"ba]), tra v a – tra v ka(pronounced [tra fкъ]), bo [ m b] a – o bo [ m"b] f, [ d"in"] e– [dv] umya.

Some alternations characterize not the modern phonetic system, but its state in the past; such alternations are called historical. They are assigned to certain morphological forms and are reflected in writing in the form of different letters. Compare: fresh T it - fresh h u, boo d it - boo f y, stere G and - stere f yes and under. Such alternations are not due to the position of the sound: both before and before, both [t "], [q"], [g "], and [h], [g] are possible (compare: shine-sharpen, guard-wake etc.). (For more on historical alternations, see below, § 94–97.)

Loss of consonants.

In some positions, consonants drop out during pronunciation. Usually no sounds are spoken d and T in combinations hey and stn , For example: great hey uk, u stn th. In addition, in some words, a consonant sound drops out when other consonants collide, for example: Sun, behold pdc e , nav st liv, hello up woo(compare: sun, heart, happiness, congratulate, where are the sounds l, d, t, v pronounced).

To check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants, you need to choose related words or word forms where these combinations of consonants would be separated by a vowel or would be at the end of a word, for example: mustache T ny - mustache T a - mustache T (genus. case).

Exercise 72. Answer these questions orally.

1) What additional work of the language creates the softness of consonants: d - d ", l - l ", z - z", g - g ", x - x", b - b ", m - m"? 2) What consonant sounds of the Russian language are only solid? 3) Which consonants are only soft? 4) After what consonants in Russian words there can be no sound s ? After what - the sound and ?

73 . Read; indicate soft consonants and explain how softness is indicated in writing.

The louder the noise about you

So be silent more arrogantly.

Do not complete other people's lies

Shame on explanations. (B. Pasternak.)

74 . Write down by inserting the missing letters. Explain why in some cases the softness of a consonant is indicated by the letter ь, and in others it is not indicated.

1) Ve ... vi lilacs closed the whole house. 2) Ki ... ti of white flowers stood out against the dark greenery. 3) The ma ... chiki were looking for che ... vey for fishing. 4) The agronomist ... made a report on ... be with pests of gardens and vegetable gardens. 5) Wo ... mi pi ... ma and put them in the mailbox. 6) The tables were covered with white ramps ... 7) At the meeting they talked about ko ... be and young ... beggars. 8) Hunters tracked down a large me ... 9) Ra ... vera ... she had a mustache here ... ba? 10) There were guards in the box ... 11) Se ... d went jambs. 12) But ... the air was fresh.

75 . Modify the given words so that the highlighted consonants soften, and write. Explain verbally why it is written between soft consonants b .

Letter m o - in letter m e; struggle b ah, grind b a, jail m a, mow b a, request b a, rez b oh, then m a, antimony m a , finger m a , finger b a, manor b a, take m u, Kuz m a, eighth m Oh.

76 ... Write down and underline soft consonants next to them. Explain verbally why there is no b .

Worm, branched, bears, bony, unless, death, forgive, forgive, areas, jaws, stories, canes, honors, in a dream, shipyard, nails, thoughts, executions, illness, greengrocer, lamplighter, bricklayer, nocturnal, kidney , daughter, stove, finish, consider, read, subtract.

77 ... Read expressively; indicate which sounds represent the highlighted letters.

E if boy

l Yu bit labor,

in the book pa eh chick,

about this

write here:

good and th boy.

(V.V. Mayakovsky.)

78. Establish, according to the curriculum and textbooks of elementary school, what cases of designating the softness of consonants are familiar to students in grades I and II.

79. Indicate in which words there are unpronounceable consonants; change, where possible, the indicated words so that these consonants are pronounced.

1) The sun flooded all the surroundings with bright light. 2) The guys at clean air... 3) Giant pines made a dull noise with their tops. 4) The nature of the terrain has suddenly changed dramatically. 5) Late in the evening we returned home. 6) There was a staircase at the window. 7) Someone whipped me with a branch. 8) A breeze blew from the forest - a herald of a thunderstorm.


Due to the dynamic nature of the Russian stress, the pronunciation energy between the syllables of the word spreads unevenly. The vowel in stressed syllables is pronounced clearly, clearly, it is in strong position... In unstressed syllables, vowels are articulated less clearly and change their sound, they are reduced. The unstressed vowel position is weak.

Consonants can also be found in strong and weak positions. Strong position for consonants is position before vowels [a], [o], [y], [and], weak- at the end of a word, before voiceless and voiced consonants, in which the consonants paired by voicelessness do not differ, as well as the position of the consonants before the front vowel [e], which excludes the possibility of hard consonants paired with soft ones. For the consonant sound [ ј ] strong position - at the beginning of a word and before stressed vowels (yul a – [ј st b], paradise O n - [ra ј O n], weak - the rest of the position of this sound in the word. The weak iota option is and non-syllable [i] (m a th - [m a i], m and ly - [m and ly i]).

[ј] appears in place of letters e, e, y, i, and, when they denote two sounds [јэ], [јо], [ју], [ја], [ји].

1) at the beginning of a word: e st - [ј eh ] st, e f - [ј O ] well, Yu nga - [ј at ] nga, I am block - [ј a ] block;

2) after vowels: k aYu ta - ka [ј at ]there aI am k - ma [ј a ] k, m Oand - mo [ј and ],

3) after dividing B and B: With be l c [ј eh ] l, solov band solov [ј and ].


Reduction(lat. reductio, from reducerе "bring back", "return"; "reduce, reduce") is a weakened articulation of sound and a change in its sound.

Reduction is typical for all vowel sounds. Reduction can be quantitative and qualitative.

Reduction quantitative- this is a decrease in the length and strength of the sound of a vowel in an unstressed syllable. Vowels are quantitatively reduced [and], [s], [y]:[son - sons - son inј a], [With at day - court a- court Λ v O i].

Reduction quality- this is a weakening and change in the sound of vowels in an unstressed syllable.

Distinguish between the position of unstressed vowels in the first pre-stressed syllable (weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables, i.e. in the second pre-shock, third pre-shock, in the first post-shock, second post-shock, etc. (weak position of the second degree). Vowels in the weak position of the second degree undergo a greater reduction than vowels in the weak position of the first degree.

Unstressed vowels [uh oh uh] pronounced shorter and change their quality:

in a weak position of the first degree, that is, in the first pre-shock position, they are reduced by 1.5-2.5 times;

in the weak position of the second degree vowels [uh oh uh] are reduced by 4-5 times.

The degree of reduction depends on the style (manner) of a person's pronunciation, on his territorial affiliation.

The Russian language is a complex subject. We write words in a completely different way than they are actually pronounced. In speech, the same phonemes manifest themselves in different sound forms. Compare, for example, the words "honey" - [m "from] and" medok "- [m" idok]. It all depends on whether the phonemes are in strong positions or weak positions within a word. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Speech is a continuous stream of phonemes, in which the pronunciation of a sound is largely determined by its place in the word, adjacent vowels and consonants. V weak position articulation undergoes significant changes. Phonemes lose some of their characteristics and begin to appear in other variants. For example, [o] in an unstressed position starts to sound like [a]: [wada], [sava]. The final [g] is pronounced as [k]: [druk], [crook]. It is in such places that we make mistakes in writing.

V strong position the phoneme, on the other hand, is clearly audible and stands in its basic form. It does not depend on the position in the word, its quality is not affected by neighboring sounds. This is, for example, the phoneme [o] in the words "water", "owls". Or the sound [g] in the words "friend", "around".

Morphological principle of spelling

Why would an ordinary person, far from linguistics, know the strong and weak positions of phonemes? The fact is that the spelling of 90% of Russian words is regulated by the so-called morphological principle... According to him, we should not take into account phonetic alternations when we pick up a pen or type text on the keyboard. Roots, suffixes, prefixes, endings are always written the same way. Reduction of vowels, softening of consonants in front of some sounds, their voicing or stunning are not taken into account.

Hence the conclusion: you cannot rely on hearing when writing. Only sounds in strong positions are written as they are heard. All others need to be checked. Having determined that the phoneme is in a weak position, we begin to select a test word with the same morpheme. For instance, tooth - dental, lime - pine, hike - train, to the lamp - to the water... In a test word, the phoneme must be in a strong position, and in the same morpheme. Otherwise, you might be wrong.

Strong and weak positions of vowel sounds

Already in primary school children know: the sound under stress is heard for a long time, clearly and does not need to be checked. We can safely write the words "catfish", "myself" in a notebook. This is a strong vowel position.

An unstressed position is quite another matter. Such a vowel is in a weak position, we pronounce it short, with less strength, indistinctly. Compare the words "soma" and "sama". They sound pretty much the same. In order not to make mistakes when writing them, students are taught to select test words.

The Russian language is characterized by:

  • "akane", when unstressed [a] and [o] are pronounced the same after solid consonants (for example, the words "doma", "dala");
  • "hiccup", in which unstressed [a] and [e] are indistinguishable after soft consonants (for example, in the words "ball" and "sword").

The vowels [and], [y] and [s] in a weak position are pronounced shorter, but do not change their quality sound. However, it’s better to be careful here too. Unstressed [and], for example, can be easily confused with the phonemes [a] and [e] after soft consonants.

Consonant positions: voicelessness and voicedness

Consonants form pairs according to such characteristics as "voiceless-voiced" and "hard-soft". Accordingly, the strong and weak positions of the consonants are also determined by these two characteristics.

A strong position on the sign of "voiceless-voiced" for consonants is the position:

  • before the vowel: tom-house, fence-cathedral;
  • before the sonorous ones: firewood - grass, layer - evil;
  • before the letter "v": the creator is the palace.

In these cases, consonants are heard clearly and do not require verification. It is hardly possible to make a mistake in writing that do not have a pair for deafness. These include [l], [l "], [n], [n"], [p], [p "], [m], [m"], [d "]. Phonemes [x], [ ts], [x "], [u"] and [h "], on the contrary, do not have a voiced paired sound. They can occupy different positions in words, retaining their basic characteristics and not coinciding with other consonants in pronunciation.

When can consonants become voiced or deafened?

Now we will learn to distinguish between strong positions and weak positions of paired ones according to voiced-voiceless phonemes. When do we run the risk of making a mistake in writing? This position:

  • at the end of a word, where both voiced and voiceless phonemes coincide in their sound: an eye is a voice, an oak is stupid, a bough is a meadow;
  • before a paired voiced sound, when a nearby consonant is also pronounced loudly: shave - [zb] rit, give - o [dd] at;
  • in front of a voiceless consonant, when a nearby sound is deafened: spoon - lo [shk] a, input - [fx] od.

To avoid mistakes, we must understand which morpheme the dubious sound is in. Then find a test word where the required phoneme is in a strong position. So that it does not take much time, training is needed. Let's select test words for the examples given above: eye - eyes, voice - voice, oak - oak, dumb - dumb, bitch - bitch, meadow - meadows; shave - fold, give - drive off; spoon - overlay, entrance - to the left.

Consonant positions: hardness and softness

It's time to consider the strong and weak positions of consonants for such a sign as "hard-soft". Many dangers await us here. The morphological principle does not always help. For example, the sounds [w] and [w] are always hard, but we know that in some cases a soft sign is written after them (rye, hear). The letter "s" (chicken) or "i" (circus) can be placed after the hard [ts].

The sounds [h "] and [u"] are always pronounced softly, but from the first grade we remember the spelling of the syllables "cha-shcha" and "chu-shu". Another principle is at work here, called traditional or historical. Only a clear knowledge of the rules of the Russian language will save you from mistakes.

However, back to theory. In what case do consonants that have a hard-softness pair do not change their quality characteristics? This position:

  • before the vowel: [small] - [m "al], [ox] - [in" ol], [bow] - [l "uk], [life"] - [b "it"];
  • at the end of a word: [con] - [con "], [brother] - [brother"];
  • absolutely any for phonemes [l], [l "]: in [ln] a - in [l" n] a, in [l "z] a - in [lz] at;
  • before the posterior lingual [g], [k], [x], [g "], [k"], [x "] and hard labial [b], [m], [n] for front lingual sounds: go [pk] a - go [p "k] o, and [zb] a - re [z" b] a;
  • before hard dental [s], [z], [c], [d], [t], [l], [n] for dental: ko [ns] cue - yu [n "s] cue;
  • before hard front-lingual [c], [h], [t], [d], [c], [l], [p], [n], [w], [w] for sonorant front-lingual: Jan [rs] cue - september [r "s] cue, ma [nzh] eta - de [n" f] ata.

Weak positions in terms of "softness - hardness"

There are positions in which solid consonants soften under the influence of neighboring sounds. They are classified as weak. This position:

  • Before [th "]: raven - thief [n" th "o]. The exception is consonants at the end of the prefix before [th"]: [vy "est] - entry.
  • Before soft teeth for sounds [c], [n], [h]: instead of [with "t"] e, [z "d"] is.
  • Before the phonemes [h "] and [u"] for the sound [n]: baraba [n "u"] ik, rulo [n “h”] ik.

In general, it is very difficult to distinguish between strong positions and weak positions on the basis of "hard-soft consonant". The point is that examples cannot be found for all cases. So, in Russian before [p] we meet only solid [m]: compote, shampoo, etc. Not a single word has a sound [m "] in this position. Therefore, we cannot be sure to the end whether it is implemented here phoneme [m] or [m "].

Absolute positions for consonants

Let's summarize. With vowel sounds, everything is clear. If they are stressed, the position is considered strong. If the stress falls on another phoneme in the word, then the position is weak. With consonants, everything is more complicated.

For example, in the word "tooth" the sound at the end is deafened. The position on the basis of "voiced-deafness" will be weak. But it is also strong on the soft-hard scale. When the weak positions on both characteristics coincide, the phoneme is considered to be absolutely weak. It realizes itself in various variations and requires the use of spelling rules.

It happens that a consonant is in a strong position both on the basis of "voiced-voiceless" and "soft-hard". This is often observed in the position in front of a vowel sound. This position is called absolutely strong.

Knowing the strong positions and weak positions of phonemes is necessary for every person who wants to write correctly. This will allow you to determine in time the "dangerous" place in the word and remember the corresponding rule.

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