Will interest on Sberbank deposits be increased? Deposits in Sberbank: which deposit is the most profitable

The most profitable and profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2019: read how to choose and open a deposit with the maximum interest rate.

Sberbank, perhaps, primarily attracts depositors with its reliability. It is no secret that opening deposits of individuals in Sberbank is one of the most reliable ways to invest money in 2019. Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia in terms of retail deposits and ranks first in the ratings for assets, equity, and many others.

You can open a Sberbank deposit not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, but even in small towns, since there are a lot of bank branches.

Of course, many smaller banks offer depositors higher interest rates on individual deposits. But in the line of deposits of Sberbank today you can find deposits with fairly high interest rates. So let's consider what is the most profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2019.

The highest interest on deposits in Sberbank 2019

Like many banks, Sberbank has deposits for ordinary and premium clients. Of course, the latter are a bit more profitable, but due to the large initial deposit amount and a number of other requirements, not everyone can make premium deposits. We will return to them below, but for now we will consider the most profitable deposits from the basic line that any client can open.

Sberbank deposit from February 1, 2019 "Catch the benefit": conditions and interest

Deposits "Big plans" and "Without a passport" of Sberbank with a rate of 7.4%

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2019 for today

Sberbank deposit "Catch the benefit" in 2019 for individuals and pensioners

This is a seasonal offer. Like most similar promotional deposits, Catch the Profit has an increased interest rate, but very limited options for managing funds on the account. You can issue it at a bank branch, via the Internet or at an ATM only until March 31, 2019.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: 5 months, 1 year, 1 year 6 months;
  • Currency: Rubles;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided;
  • Capitalization: not provided;
  • Interest accrual: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

5 months 1 year 1 year 6 months
7,1 % 7,5 % 7,65 %

1. The most profitable deposits from the basic line

So, to arrange any basic deposits in Sberbank at the highest interest rates you will need a computer or phone with an Internet connection, or at least an ATM. This is important, because when opening a deposit at a branch of Sberbank, the depositor will be offered standard conditions and interest rates for deposits of individuals. And when opening deposits in the Sberbank-Online Internet bank, an ATM or a self-service device, the interest rate is higher!

Sberbank deposits with higher interest rates for ordinary customers in 2019 are named: “Save Online @ yn”, “Replenish Online @ yn” and “Manage Online @ yn”.

1.1. Sberbank deposit with an increased interest rate "Save Online"

This is an online deposit to securely store your savings and receive a guaranteed income.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: 1 month. - 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate:

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.20 to 5.75% 0.2 to 2.0% -

1.2. Deposit "Replenish Online" of Sberbank in 2019

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly save their funds using the convenient and reliable Internet banking of Sberbank.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Deposit amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Minimum deposit: in cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, non-cash - unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided;
  • Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.75 to 5.30% from 0.4 to 1.6% -

1.3. Deposit of Sberbank "Manage Online"

Online deposit for free management of funds with the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest.

(+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Deposit amount: from 30,000 rubles / 1,000 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided. Cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars; Cashless - not limited;
  • Partial withdrawal: provided up to the level of the minimum amount of the minimum balance without loss of accrued interest.

Interest rate

in rubles dollars Euro
from 4.15 to 5.00% from 0.3 to 1.5% -

The most profitable deposit of Sberbank in 2019: how to apply

To open an online deposit with a higher rate, you need to connect your computer or phone to the Internet, and then:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online and select the "Deposits and Accounts" section.
  2. Select the menu item "Open deposit".
  3. Familiarize yourself with the conditions for placing funds, select the appropriate deposit and click: "Continue".
  4. Fill out an application: select the account to be debited, the amount to be credited and the term of the deposit.
  5. Press: "Open".

2. The most profitable deposits for premium clients

Sberbank deposits for premium clients are even more profitable than online deposits. But, unfortunately, not everyone can open them. Only owners of the Sberbank Premier / Sberbank First service package can make these special deposits.

Their main conditions (the possibility of replenishment, withdrawal, interest accrual, etc.) are the same as those of their counterparts from the basic line. The differences are only in the minimum amount of the first installment and interest rates.

2.1. Contribution "Special Save"

A deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years
  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 6.20% up to 2.70% -

2.2. Contribution "Special Refill"

A replenishable deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years
  • Amount: from 700,000 rubles / 50,000 dollars.
  • With replenishment
  • Without partial removal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 5.65% up to 2.30% -

2.3. Contribution "Special Manage"

Expenditure deposit with increased rates for owners of the Sberbank Premier/Sberbank First service package.

Basic conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years
  • Amount: from 700,000 rubles / 50,000 dollars.
  • With replenishment
  • With partial withdrawal

Interest rates

in rubles dollars Euro
up to 5.35% up to 2.2% -

How to arrange profitable premium deposits of Sberbank

First of all, you need to become a premium client of the bank. To do this, you need to issue a package of services "Sberbank Premier" or "Sberbank First", which, by the way, allow not only to open deposits on special conditions, but also give customers a number of other advantages. To use the premium package of services for free, you need to keep more than 1.5 million rubles in Sberbank accounts.

The very same procedure for making special deposits is the same as for deposits from the basic line, described above. You can open premium deposits both at a bank branch and online via the Internet.

Conditions for early termination of Sberbank deposits

In any unforeseen situation, if clients need money before the end of deposits, they can always be received.

Early termination of the deposits of the "Save", "Replenish" and "Manage" groups is carried out on the following terms:

1. For deposits for up to 6 months (inclusive) - at an interest rate of 0.01% per annum;

2. For deposits for more than 6 months:

  • during the first 6 months of the main (extended) term - based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
  • after 6 months of the main (prolonged) period - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank for this type of deposits on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit.

In case of early termination of deposits, interest is recalculated without taking into account the monthly capitalization!

The most profitable deposit in Sberbank today in 2019. conclusions

Judging by the interest rate, the most profitable deposit of Sberbank (apart from seasonal deposits) is "Save Online" for ordinary individuals or "Special Save" for premium clients. But they cannot be replenished!

So, if you intend to save money, then the most preferable for you will be making a deposit with an increased rate of “Replenish Online @ yn” or “Special Replenish”. But money cannot be withdrawn without loss of interest!

So, if you plan to withdraw some of the money from the deposit at any time, then the deposit “Manage Online @ yn” or “Special Manage” will be the most profitable for you.

The financial company regularly updates the line of investment proposals offered to clients. This applies not only to credit or mortgage offers, but also to investments. Many clients of a financial institution are interested in term deposits of Sberbank for individuals in 2020. This is due to the fact that the bank periodically releases high-yield deposits available to various categories of citizens.

The financial company provides various rates, among which there are several options that are most suitable for pensioners. The line for the elderly in 2020 is represented by two deposit options.

Refill Online

The first of them is "Top Up Online". The peculiarity of this tariff plan is that you can open it with an amount of a thousand rubles and gradually replenish an unlimited number of times.

The main requirements for opening are as follows:

For pensioners there is a bonus in the form of a maximum rate, it does not depend on the amount of the deposit and corresponds to the term of the deposit.

Thanks to the proposed conditions, active users of the bank's services can activate the Piggy bank service and, by setting the parameters, do not think about missing a replenishment.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

pension plus

The next type of investment that will be of interest to the elderly is the pension plus. The main feature of this deposit is that the client can not only replenish, but also withdraw funds if necessary. The main requirement is that the money should not be less than the minimum balance.

Deposit terms:

  • Only in Russian currency.
  • The minimum amount, which is also the minimum balance, is 1 ruble.
  • Possibility of regular deposits and withdrawals.
  • Period up to three years with the possibility of extension.
  • Interest 3.5% per annum.

Such an offer allows you to accumulate funds, while making it possible to use almost the entire amount of accumulated funds. In case of early closing of the account, the interest is calculated in full, excluding capitalization.

Unfortunately, the second product can no longer be opened. Today it refers to archival tariffs.

Sberbank term deposits of individuals

Charges increase depending on the amount of money and the duration of the use of investments by the bank. The maximum percentage will be charged to a client who has opened an investment account in the amount of 2 million for a period of three years.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Is it possible to close the deposit ahead of schedule? This possibility is available for all investment products, the client can demand his money back at any time. The amount of accrued interest will depend on the actual period of use of funds, while investments withdrawn earlier than six months after opening will have practically zero profitability.

Drive and Drive Online

As in the previous case, the difference between the products is only in the method of opening an account and the increased interest rate when using Internet banking to manage funds.

A characteristic feature of this product is that the maximum yield will be within the first six months from the date of investment, with an increase in the term, the interest rate decreases. Thus, having invested 30 thousand for 6 months, the client will receive accruals on the balance in the amount of 3.25% per annum, with the same parameters, but for a three-year period, the percentage will be 2.5%.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Special offers

In addition to standard rates, Sberbank has special offers that have a special purpose. These accounts are intended not only to save and accumulate personal money, but also to provide charitable assistance to those in need.

Gift a life

This investment involves deductions to help children with severe oncological diseases. The mechanism of action is that 0.3% per annum of the amount of invested funds are transferred to a fund with the same name.

The main conditions are as follows:

  • Yield 4.15% per annum.
  • Term 1 year.
  • Does not provide for withdrawal and replenishment.
  • Opening from 10 thousand.

Interest is calculated every three months. Capitalization is taken into account only when the investment is closed within the agreed time frame. In case of early closure in the first six months, the investment will have zero profitability, after 6 months interest will be calculated at the rate of two-thirds of the rate established by the agreement.

Memory of generations

This contribution was seasonal and is no longer active today. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning it as an example of a deposit offer with interesting conditions.

One of the most popular ways to save money today is a bank deposit. Among the investment instruments, bank deposits are considered the most reliable, thanks to the state deposit insurance (DIA). If the deposit amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles (or the currency equivalent of this amount), then in case of revocation of the license from the bank, the agency will pay you the deposit along with accrued interest.

Many banks offer the population to increase their savings, but tricks when concluding contracts, secret commissions, sudden changes in tariffs become real pitfalls. Therefore, Sberbank has been and remains a reliable and popularly recognized Russian bank.

The line of deposits from Sberbank is divided into the following categories:

  • Term deposits:
    "Gift a life"
    "Multicurrency Savings Bank of Russia"
    savings account
  • Online deposits:
    Save Online
    Replenish OnL@yn
    Manage Online
  • Deposits for settlements:
    "On demand of Sberbank of Russia"
    "Universal Sberbank of Russia"
    "Pension plus"
  • Savings certificates.

We will try to compare Sberbank deposits and choose the best solution to save your finances. It is the preservation, and not the increase in income, as banks often claim. The interest offered by the bank for deposits, unfortunately, only covers inflation and does not generate income. However, the appearance of high-yield savings certificates, which Sberbank is so actively advertising, allows us to invest our savings today, but first things first. The first parameter of the deposit profitability is its interest rate.

TOP interest rates: we get the maximum income

13 fixed-term deposits, 2 perpetual and savings certificates - this is the piggy bank of deposits from Sberbank.

To date, the TOP interest rates on ruble deposits of Sberbank are as follows:

  1. Savings certificate from Sberbank - up to 8.8%;
  2. Online deposit "Digital" - up to 7.7%, with the ability to increase the rate using a promotional code (to receive it, you must complete a survey on the Vkontakte social network in the official Sberbank group);
  3. Deposit "Replenish Online" with an interest rate of 7.28% (including interest capitalization).
  4. “Replenish OnL @ yn” - with an interest rate of 7%.
  5. “Save” – 6.75%.

Special conditions apply to deposits for pensioners: regardless of the opening amount, Sberbank offers maximum rates to persons of retirement age on deposits “Save”, “Replenish”, “Manage” and their online counterparts.

But a high interest rate does not mean that income at other rates will be lower. The effectiveness of the interest rate consists of such parameters as capitalization and account replenishment. And the higher the deposit opening amount, the more significant the dividends will be.

Saving Wisely: Criteria You Should Know About

So, a high interest rate is not the only condition for a high income on a deposit. An equally important criterion for profitability is the capitalization of interest. What is capitalization? In simple terms, this is the automatic addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. That is, interest in the next period will be accrued already for the amount of the deposit plus interest for the previous period. We conclude:

The more often capitalization of interest occurs, the higher the profitability of the deposit.

So if the capitalization of the deposit occurs every month, then this increases our income. Consider the deposits of Sberbank, taking into account the capitalization of interest:

  • Deposits with monthly capitalization:

Top Up Online, Save, Top Up Online, Top Up, Manage Online, Manage, Savings Account and Give Life.

  • Deposits with quarterly capitalization (every three months):

Social, Multicurrency of the Savings Bank of Russia, Pension Plus, Universal of the Savings Bank of Russia, "On Demand of the Savings Bank of Russia".

The Sberbank line includes deposits without capitalization, with accrual and interest at the end of the term:

International, Digital, Savings Certificate.

Such an important parameter, indirectly related to capitalization, as account replenishment also affects the profitability of your deposit. Parameters such as account replenishment and cash withdrawal are important for those who are not sure that they will not have to use savings. Let's compare the deposits of Sberbank in these two parameters.

Contributions can be divided in this way:

  • Savings (neither the possibility of replenishment nor partial withdrawal);
  • Cumulative (with replenishment, but without the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds);
  • Settlement (with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment);
  • Demand deposits (you can also replenish and withdraw money).

Despite the high interest rate, savings deposits are often not profitable when terminated early. Savings deposits with monthly capitalization are quite an attractive investment product. Deposits for demand have the lowest rates, so they will not bring high income. Settlement deposits have decent rates and allow you to manage your funds without losing interest.

At Sberbank, according to the specified criteria, profitable deposits are:

Recharge Online, Recharge, Manage and Manage Online.

The Social, Multicurrency and Pension Plus deposits could become leaders in terms of the given parameters, but unfortunately, the frequency of interest accrual is lower for them.

If we talk about multicurrency deposits (International and Multicurrency of Sberbank of Russia), choose them only if you have a good understanding of currency fluctuations. Otherwise, you risk losing your savings: not everyone can correctly guess the moment of transferring funds from one currency to another.

Let's summarize:

Deposits Replenish OnL @ yn and Replenish - the most profitable savings deposits of Sberbank in terms of the totality of the considered parameters without partial withdrawal of funds.

If you have savings that you will not need in the near future, savings deposits are best suited: “Savings Certificate”, “Save” and “Digital”.

From the line of settlement deposits, the leaders are "Manage OnL @ yn" and "Manage".

Rates on online deposits at Sberbank are significantly higher than similar ones opened in the branch, which means that the leaders of the race are:

Top up Online, Manage Online, Digital. And they are joined by the widely advertised Savings Certificate from Sberbank thanks to an attractive interest rate.

Let us dwell on such a product as a savings certificate in detail. A savings certificate is a valuable unnamed bearer paper with a higher interest rate. The reason for the increased rate on the certificate is the lack of DIA insurance. Therefore, as a financial management tool, a certificate is not the most convenient solution. Money loves diversification: to reduce possible risks, invest in different types of deposits, including savings certificates.

Opening a deposit correctly: a step-by-step guide

Opening a deposit in Sberbank is simple, contact the branch or open it yourself using the Internet bank or application.

How to open a deposit at a bank branch

  1. Take the required amount and passport. Pension certificate or other documents (for example, about guardianship).
  2. Already decided on the choice of the required contribution? Fill out an application for its opening. Contact a Bank consultant if you have any questions.
  3. Read all the clauses of the contract carefully, do not hesitate to ask questions.
  4. Are you a foreign person? Present your migration card, residence permit or permission to stay in the Russian Federation.
  5. After completing all the documents, you will have a copy of the agreement with the bank, a savings book in your hands - find a suitable place to store them.

How to open a deposit remotely?

  1. To access Internet banking, get a login and password for access at a branch or at an ATM.
  2. Go to Sberbank Online @ yn, through a computer or an application on your phone.
  3. Select “Deposits and Accounts” from the menu.
  4. Select "Opening a deposit", fill out an application
  5. Wait for a notification that the deposit has been completed. An open account will always be available to view the status of your funds.

Close cannot be prolonged: competent termination of the contract

When concluding an agreement with the bank, specify the possibility of automatic prolongation (extension) of your deposit. So, for example, the Savings Certificate has a certain date of issue and you need to pick it up on time. More often, deposits can be extended many times: but the terms of the contract will be valid exactly on the date of its extension.

Decided to close the deposit? We will answer the most popular questions of Sberbank depositors:

  • Opened a deposit online?

Then you can keep track of its expiration date through the Sberbank Online @ yn application. For deposits opened in the branch, the date can be found in the papers of the agreement;

  • Did the closing date of the deposit coincide with the weekend and the bank is closed?

Easy to collect your savings on the next working day;

  • What documents to bring with you?

Apart from your passport, nothing is required. You can take a copy of the contract just in case.

To Store or Not to Store: The Rules of the Practical Investor

So, due to the ease of registration, a bank deposit has been and will be the most affordable way to save savings. Finally, a few recommendations for future Sberbank depositors:

  1. Analyze the market of bank deposits, look for profitable offers.
  2. Good rates are usually offered by banks before the long New Year holidays, in December and summer, during holidays.
  3. Look at the rate and frequency of capitalization of the deposit, it’s good if the deposit can be replenished. Try not to choose deposits without capitalization or at least monthly interest.
  4. You can open several deposits for different periods. This will increase your chances of transferring funds without losing interest when more profitable offers from Sberbank appear.
  5. Master Sberbank Online: half as much running around, higher interest rates, easier to manage your finances.
  6. The deposit must not exceed the insurance amount of the DIA.
  7. In a crisis, open long deposits with the possibility of replenishment and the maximum interest rate, because when the situation stabilizes, there will be no such offers.

In an unstable economic time in our country, few people dare to make bank deposits. However, if you really make a deposit, then only in a reliable, stable bank, which was practically not affected by the times of crisis. This is exactly what Sberbank is, serving a third of the country's banking system.

If you open a deposit, then only in Sberbank. This is how the Russians think and trust the bank with funds. Consider the entire line of deposits of Sberbank of Russia in 2020 with interest rates for today.

Problems in the economy did not shake Sberbank and bank deposits remained profitable. There are new offers, with new conditions and rates.

The previously popular line of Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2020, “Save Online”, “Replenish Online”, “Manage Online”, “lost” a little as a percentage, but not everywhere. Rates for some types of deposits are lower by an average of 0.5–1%, but there is also an increase of 0.15–1.8%, especially for foreign currency investments. The rates for deposits opened online or at the bank office have become different. If you open a deposit online via the Internet on the official website of Sberbank, then your rate will be on average 0.15% higher than if you open a deposit with the same name, but at the bank office. Sberbank, thus, encourages its future and current customers to move to the Internet.

It is worth noting that the conditions for deposits for pensioners have become more interesting. In 2020, Sberbank increased rates on savings, savings deposits and accounts for receiving pensions.

Sberbank term deposits in 2020

Today, Sberbank offers six types of term deposits.


This deposit in Sberbank promises reliable preservation and replenishment of your savings. The interest rate on the deposit varies from 4.05 to 5.75% per annum, if the deposit is in rubles, from 0.01 to 1.85% in US dollars.

Deposit term from 1 month to 3 years. It is impossible to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw funds during the initially declared period. Minimum deposit amounts: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

Interest on the deposit is accrued every month and is automatically added to the deposit amount, so that in the next month they are already accrued on the increased amount. The accrued interest on the deposit can be cashed out or transferred to the Sberbank bank card account.


The interest rate on this deposit is from 4.6 to 5.3% per annum, for deposits in rubles. For dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 1.45% per annum. You can invest for a period of 3 months to 3 years inclusive. The deposit remains replenished. However, it is impossible to reduce the initially invested or replenished amount. You can easily withdraw interest on the deposit and transfer it to your card. Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

"Replenish" in the name of the child

Sberbank gives parents the opportunity to open a personal deposit for a minor child, which can only be closed upon reaching the age of 18. The minimum amount for placement is 1,000 rubles or $100, and the rate will be 4.6–5.15% for ruble deposits and 0.01–1.15% for dollar deposits. The account is replenished by any persons without restrictions, but savings are cashed out only when the age threshold is reached or through permission from the guardianship authorities.


A feature of this deposit is the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds in the process of deposit, while not closing and not losing interest. Deposit interest rates are 4.3–5% for ruble deposits, depending on the amount of the deposit. Interest rate for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.35% per annum. Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years. The deposit can be replenished and partially withdrawn. You can manage the movement throughout the term of the deposit, hence the name. Minimum deposit amount: 30,000 rubles or 1,000 dollars.


Special deposit for children left without parental care, and depositors with the status of a veteran or disabled veteran of the Second World War. It opens for 3 years, replenishes in free mode and is consumed if necessary. Interest is set at 4.75% per annum and accrues at the end of each quarter. Funds “earned” in excess of the initial capital can be transferred to a third-party account or returned to a deposit for subsequent capitalization. The minimum amount for making a deposit is 1 ruble.

"Gift a life"

This is a charitable contribution. Every 3 months, 0.3% per annum is transferred from the deposit to the fund for helping children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. The interest rate on the deposit is 5.65% per annum. The deposit is exclusively in rubles, and the minimum amount is 10,000. The deposit is issued for a period of 1 year, during this period it is impossible to replenish or partially withdraw funds.

Online deposits

In the line of deposits of Sberbank: "Save", "Replenish" and "Manage" - there are options for opening deposits with the same names via the Internet. The conditions are similar, but slightly different.

To open a deposit, go to the Sberbank Online or Mobile Bank system, select the "Deposits and Accounts" section, then "Opening a Deposit". Be sure to read the conditions for placing and withdrawing funds on deposit accounts, then select the conditions and interest rates that suit you and click the "Continue" button. Fill out the application, where you indicate the amount and term credited to the deposit, then click "Open". After that, you can consider yourself a contributor.

Interest rates on deposits opened online via the Internet are higher by 0.15% per annum.

"Pension plus"

The "Pension Plus" deposit - why is it special? The essence of the contribution is that the pensioner does not withdraw the entire pension when he enters the account, but leaves part of the funds there for accumulation at 3.5% per annum in rubles. The term of the deposit is 3 years, during the entire period the “fireproof” amount can be replenished and partially withdrawn.

Deposits with higher rates

For owners of the Sberbank First or Sberbank Premier service package, deposits with increased annual interest rates are available. The standard annual rate increases by 1%, which, with an amount of at least 700-5000 thousand rubles. or 50-150 thousand c.u. bring the investor a high return. A similar deposit is made with a personal manager or in a personal online account for an individual period and with special conditions.

Special Accounts

In addition to standard consumer deposits, special deposits can also be issued at Sberbank. Among them:

  • for social payments for the maintenance of the ward. The minimum initial payment for line activation is not set, replenishment and spending is free, and the rate is fixed at 3.5%;
  • for the formation of the electoral account. No additional income on the balance and no restrictions on spending and creating an account;
  • for the bidder. It is opened ahead of schedule, replenished unlimitedly and spent within the deposited amount with a yield of 0.01% annually.

savings account

It is an account for free and confident disposal of savings. Opened indefinitely, replenished and spent at the request of the depositor. Available in three currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Annual rates range from 1-1.8% for ruble deposits and 0.01% for foreign currency investments. The higher the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate.

Current account

For daily use, a termless deposit in rubles without restrictions and accrual of 0.01% every year is suitable.

Poste restante

The basic deposit of Sberbank, which is valid indefinitely and offers unlimited movement limits on the account. Suitable for any world currency, including rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling, crowns and yen. The minimum amount and minimum balance is 10 rubles, 5 c.u. or other banknotes equivalent to 5 US dollars. The deposit is replenished for any amount throughout the entire period of existence, and withdrawn up to the minimum entry fee. Interest in the amount of 0.01% is accrued quarterly, and in case of early demand, it is calculated according to the actual storage period.

It is worth noting that Sberbank deposits, of course, provide for early withdrawal of funds if you need them. However, it is not recommended to withdraw money ahead of schedule, as you will lose the accrued and future interest on the deposit. Interest rates for early withdrawals and closing the deposit are immediately reduced to 0.01%, regardless of how long the money has already been in the account. You violate the terms of the deposit agreement, so the bank has the right to lower rates. Even if you have previously withdrawn or capitalized already accumulated interest, you will be given back the money, taking this interest back.

Sberbank of Russia, according to experts, is one of the most stable and reliable banks, which you can trust with your savings without fear for their safety. Sberbank deposits are in high demand, even though the conditions for placing funds are sometimes far from the most attractive. What deposits of Sberbank in 2020 can be considered the most profitable, how to get the maximum interest rate?

Enter your deposit requirements and get the most profitable Sberbank deposits for individuals.

What to choose

If you focus only on the interest rate, then the most profitable investment is Save. The conditions for it are as simple and clear as possible. Its disadvantage is only that, if necessary, it is not possible to withdraw part of the deposit before its expiration date without a significant loss in interest.

Due to significant changes in the exchange rate in 2016, the Multicurrency deposit can become quite profitable, but only for those who are ready to independently monitor the foreign exchange market, make forecasts and analyze the situation. It can become really profitable only with the active participation of the investor himself.

The most optimal for most depositors who decide to choose Sberbank may be the Manage deposit, the conditions of which allow you to receive a good income with the opportunity to withdraw part of the deposit if necessary.

Sberbank deposits for pensioners are also very popular with the population, as they have good conditions, the possibility of replenishment and early withdrawal.

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