Interest rates on deposits in a connected bank. Bank deposits Svyaznoy

Good day to all! I read a lot of information about Svyaznoy Bank on this site, unfortunately, often not of the best content, the bank was really good and convenient, but it has earned its current reputation through its actions over the past 6 months. I don’t want to write anything about the restrictions and commissions introduced, the massive outflow of depositors showed everything, in a word, they closed the opportunity for people to quickly receive their own money using loopholes in the legislation, offering some ridiculous conditions that cause great inconvenience to many. I understand difficult times, but at least loyal customers (those who did not run away at the first rumble of thunder) would be treated like human beings! But questions of their own reputation in this institution apparently do not interest anyone.

What kind of mistake could there be if the employee personally checked everything and accepted my application filled out in front of her? Somewhere in January-February 2015, I called to find out what eventually happened with my application, but the operator could not give a clear answer, they say, there is no data in the system. Apparently, this system works in such a way that the application submitted at the bank branch disappeared somewhere without a trace, leaving me only an SMS reminder of it. Well, okay, since there were funds to resolve all issues, it was decided to leave everything as it is until the return, because calling from another continent and finding out what was there and how was problematic.

June 2015 came and I needed my funds (currency and rubles), which are on accounts in Svyaznoy. Find out the procedure for changing personal data to change the number mobile phone, since without it nothing can be done with money today, now I’m already remotely starting to implement them.

This is where the epic begins, then the chronology: on June 23, 2015, I sent a scan of the application to the bank and required documents(passport and driver's license). For the first time, they found fault with some kind of formality, supposedly it was written in the wrong field, redo it, write in another, although it is perfectly clear and also indicated by an arrow that it is necessary to change the mobile phone number.

Let's take formalism. Fine. I rewrote the application as it should be and sent it in a reply letter. It was the statement as I was told, and not repeated scans of documents! Since it was clearly written to me in the response letter, direct speech: "Please send a scanned copy of the new statement in the response letter. Thank you in advance." Ekaterina - Specialist of the Svyaznoy Bank Internet Applications Processing Group. If the gentlemen and ladies act formally, then it is worth expressing formally precisely, that is: "Please send a scanned copy of the new application and rescanned copies of the relevant documents in a response letter." How do I know that you need to send scans of documents again when I have already sent them to you?! I assume that this is not Sharashkin's office, but it seems like a bank in which a specialist sees the history of communication with a client and does not require him to repeat the same actions every time, and if he does, he accurately and timely speaks about it!

Further more! I send a full package of documents in accordance with the next instruction: a new application, a scan of the passport and a scan of the driver's license. I draw your attention to the fact that everything is done in strict accordance with the parameters specified in the bank's response letter. I quote: “Together with the application, you must send a scanned copy of the passport spread with a photo (2-3 pages) and a scanned copy of an additional document (with the obligatory presence of a photo in it). If you do not have the above documents, then it is allowed to send a photo where you are holding an unfolded passport in your hand. The following data must be clearly visible on the photo: full name, date of birth, photograph, number and series of the document (the photo at the time of shooting must simultaneously show your face and an open passport with your photo). Alexander is a specialist in the Svyaznoy Bank Internet Inquiry Group. Keywords: "If you do not have the above documents..."! But they are present, and I have already sent them all to you!

Another day passes and now I receive a letter asking me to send another photo with a passport! With whom or with what will you need to send a photo yet??! And how many times?! If you need to send everything at once, then write about it right away and I will send everything, and do not force customers to spend a lot of their personal time on such actions, especially since your bank has already given them a huge amount of inconvenience with all its limitations! I do not mind sending copies of all documents at once, there are no problems with this, but when each employee, at his own discretion, asks to send one or the other, it becomes like a mockery. I understand that all this is for security, but only in this case it is not security, but the illiterate work of bank employees who cannot immediately explain to people what is required of them!

Thus, a trifling matter with a change of phone number has been going on for four working days! And that's just for the application! To date, I have not received a notification that the number has been changed. Do you think this organization of work is normal? I ask the responsible employees of Svyaznoy Bank to analyze the situation that has arisen regarding the “competence” of your employees when working with clients (you have all the correspondence). I also hope that representatives of the Central Bank, at least sometimes, also look through this forum and take this information into account. Although even without such statements, the bank already has a lot of reasons to say goodbye to the license.
Thank you for your attention.

Svyaznoy Bank 06/26/2015 15:02

Reply to NikVik12.

Hello! We are very sorry that after such a long cooperation, your opinion about us has changed.
Since all operating offices are currently closed, we will not be able to verify the reason why the phone number change application was not accepted in 2014.
In February 2015, the operator of the customer support center correctly advised you on the process of changing contact details.
Please accept our apologies for the misunderstanding caused by the bank's e-mails. Requests sent by you earlier could not be processed because the necessary scans of documents were filled out incorrectly or were not provided in full. Also, for security reasons, you were asked for a photo with a passport.
Today, 06/26/2015, the correct package of documents was received by e-mail of the bank and was accepted for work. The phone number will be changed within 24 hours, after which you will be informed by SMS. Please wait.
We hope for understanding and continued cooperation!

Deposits today - great way not only save your funds, but also increase them. Enough a large number of various companies today offer their services regarding the placement of funds. Svyaznoy has proven itself well today.

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Which are presented

A distinctive feature of Svyaznoy Bank is a large selection of various deposits. Therefore, even the most demanding client will be able to find a good solution for placing their savings without any difficulty.

There are only a certain number of nuances, it is best to deal with them in advance. Also, if necessary, it will be possible to simply use the individual offer of the bank. Svyaznoy offers several various ways carry out the formation of a deposit with special conditions.

Today, the basic programs that all customers without exception can use are the following:

  • "Replenished";
  • "Non-replenishable";
  • "Multicurrency".

The names of the products themselves reflect the contents of specific products in sufficient detail. In turn, they all differ quite significantly from each other.

Therefore, before making a choice in favor of a particular program, you need to carefully understand the parameters of such deposits.


According to the contributions indicated above, special conditions. It should only be taken into account that the standard lending parameters are changed monthly.

Therefore, you must first familiarize yourself with up-to-date information on this occasion:

"Connected Plus" "Refillable" "Non-replenishable" "Multi-Currency"
Currency Rubles Rubles, dollars, euros Rubles, dollars and euros Any currency
Initial amount, rubles 30 000 30 000 30 000 50 000
Replenishment Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Peculiarities 1 year service card as a gift The rate depends on the currency The rate depends on the currency The rate is set for each currency separately

Each contribution has a number of fairly specific options. All of them need to be dealt with before signing the contract. Moreover, all such parameters are detailed in the agreement for opening a depository account.

Preliminary consideration of the nuances of the agreement will avoid controversial issues. If, for some reason, they nevertheless arose and it is simply impossible to resolve them peacefully, you should definitely go to court.

Interest rates

There are basic interest rates that are assumed in case the funds are placed in a standard way, on a general basis.

For 2020, the following rates are set for the deposit programs at Svyaznoy Bank:

It is also important to take into account that rates sometimes differ quite significantly for products opened remotely or directly in the office.

Moreover, the most advantageous offers operate through the Internet. This point should definitely be worked out in advance.

Today, the annual interest rate primarily depends on the following:

  • the duration of the placement of funds;
  • the amount that was appropriately credited directly to the bank account;
  • selected deposit currency;
  • lending program.

Accordingly, the more funds will be placed on the deposit and the longer the term, the more significant the annual interest rate. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the currency of the deposit itself.

Today, the highest rates are set specifically for deposits that are opened in the domestic currency - in rubles. At the same time, the rates on dollar deposits, as well as deposits in euros, range from 0.5-1.5%.

In general, it is ruble deposits that are more profitable. At the same time, if it is necessary to have savings in dollars, then it would be desirable to carry out registration again in foreign currency.

An important point is the availability of additional deposit options. This is capitalization, as well as the possibility of replenishing the account in a certain period of time. For example, it is in the case of capitalization, in the absence of early withdrawal, that the loan rate will be maximum.

There are many different factors that directly affect the amount of return on a particular investment.

Therefore, in the absence of experience in financial management, the best solution would be to obtain special advice from a qualified specialist.

It will be possible to avoid many of the most different difficulties, to optimize the yield in a particular case.

How to make deposits at Svyaznoy Bank

As in all other banks in Svyaznoy, it will be possible to make a deposit in different ways - via the Internet or by contacting the bank office directly. The algorithm itself for registration via the Internet looks in a standard way.

It includes the following main steps:

  • go to the bank's website in the Deposits section and click on the button called "open a deposit";
  • then fill in the list of special fields:
    • surname, name and patronymic;
    • Date of Birth;
    • series and number of the passport;
    • date of issue, mobile phone number;
  • after filling in all the required data, put a tick in front of the inscription "I agree to the processing of personal data";
  • click on "open deposit".

After all the data is completely sent, the bank employee will contact the client. After that, he will indicate to him the main parameters of the contribution, as well as all the necessary nuances.

If the conditions proposed by the bank employee are completely satisfied with the borrower, then he will need to contact the nearest office.

It is also possible to immediately contact the bank to fill out an application and open a deposit. In this case, the main document, which must be provided in advance, is only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. There is no need to provide any other additional documents.

Income calculation

One of the most significant issues for many borrowers is the issue of profitability for a particular product. The most accurate information on this matter can only be provided directly at the banking institution itself.

But also on the official website of Svyaznoy Bank there is a fairly convenient calculator for making all the necessary calculations.

To independently carry out the calculation procedure, it will be necessary to follow the algorithm:

  • go to the section Contributions;
  • enter the following data manually or using the sliders:
    • investment amount;
    • how long;
    • monthly replenishment.

After all the required sections are filled in appropriately, information on the final income at the end of the deposit term will be displayed on the right side of the page.

Interest payment

The client has the opportunity to independently choose how exactly the interest he has will be used:

  • listed for subsequent cashing out to a card or a special account;
  • capitalization - all funds are used to accrue to the deposit account, in the future they will also accrue interest.


This bank operates only within the framework of the current legislation. That is why there is a conclusion of a special agreement with the Deposit Insurance Agency.

According to the legislation, all deposits up to 1.4 million rubles will still be paid out even if the bank goes bankrupt. This moment is established by law.

Today, Svyaznoy Bank, founded just a few years ago, in 2010, provides various services to individuals and legal entities. Svyaznoy is quite popular not only as a source of credit, but also as an opportunity to save and increase capital. In this regard, the bank annually develops new deposit programs with very attractive deposits.

As of March 1st of this year, for individuals Svyaznoy Bank provides for only one type of interest-bearing deposit, and we intend to consider it in detail.

Deposit "Classic"

As the name suggests, there are no tricky conditions and pitfalls here. Such a contribution was calculated primarily to meet the needs of customers, to help people who want to entrust their savings to Svyaznoy. The financial benefit for the bank has been relegated to second place, although Svyazny Bank's interest rates are not very high.

Main conditions of the "Classic" interest-bearing deposit

Features of the "Classic" deposit

To put it simply, this deposit from Svyaznoy Bank is intended primarily for people who wish to receive interest on a monthly basis, but do not feel a particular need to withdraw money from the account before the agreed period. But if you wish, you can also withdraw the money ahead of schedule, in which case the client receives the deposit amount + the amount of interest that has accumulated over the actual deposit period.

The "Classic" deposit is an ideal solution for people who are pursuing the goal of saving a certain amount to buy an apartment or, say, a car. The fact is that the client simply gives the money for safekeeping to the bank and receives a percentage. Yes, he can replenish the amount an unlimited number of times, but he will not be tempted to withdraw money from the account. Great incentive to get things done.

In addition, for the convenience of individuals, in 2014 the bank provides the opportunity to open a deposit not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency (up to 4% per annum in dollars and up to 2.5%, respectively, in euros).

Opening a deposit in Svyaznoy Bank

To open the 2014 program, you only need a passport, with which you need to apply to any branch of the bank. If you have a Svyaznoy card, then you can make a deposit via the Internet.

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