The bank does not pay the deposit. What to do? What to do if the bank does not issue a deposit

The bank stopped lending money to depositors. The reasons may be different, but for the depositors themselves, the main question is: how to return the money? Ilshat Yangirov, head of the Main Department of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District, answered the questions of RG.

What should a depositor do if the bank refuses to issue money on deposits?

Ilshat Yangirov: If the operating bank refuses to issue money, the depositor has the right to apply to a court of general jurisdiction, at the same time filing a petition for seizure of the bank's property in the amount of the deposit amount. In addition, for the late return of the deposit, the court may hold the bank liable: accrue interest on the use of other people's money, which the bank will also have to pay to the depositor.

1 million people applied last year for a refund of their lost deposit

The key point is whether the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system. If yes, then you need to apply to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) with a claim for reimbursement of the deposit. The reason for this is one of two insured events provided for by law: either the Bank of Russia revoked a license to carry out banking operations, or introduced a moratorium on the bank to satisfy creditors' claims.

In both cases, within two weeks, the DIA publishes in the press, on the bank's website, and also posts a message on the premises of the bank itself, where to contact depositors to obtain insurance. In addition, the DIA is obliged to inform each depositor of this by an individual letter. The letter is sent by Russian Post to the address specified in the client's agreement with the bank. At the same time, the message can be sent by e-mail or SMS, if the contract provides for such methods of communication. Therefore, it is very important that the client notifies his bank in time about the change of address, phone number, e-mail address and other details.

How can bank depositors find out that a temporary administration has been appointed in the bank?

Ilshat Yangirov: The order of the Bank of Russia on the appointment of a provisional administration is published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia within 10 days from the date of its publication.

The provisional administration places in Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia a message with details, the address of the bank and information about the provisional administration. This information is also posted on the Internet on the website of the Bank of Russia ( in the "Press Releases" section.

When submitting claims to the debtor bank, it is necessary not only to indicate the amount of the deposit along with interest, but also to attach original documents or their certified copies confirming the validity of the claims.

If the provisional administration recognizes the depositors' claims as justified, it enters them into the register of creditors' claims within 30 days. Within the same period, the depositor is notified of inclusion in the register or refusal, if the claim is not recognized. There are times when a claim is not fully recognized. Then only the recognized part of it is included in the register.

Where and when can I get my contribution?

Ilshat Yangirov: Depositors of banks participating in the deposit insurance system are handled by the DIA.

The register of depositors' claims is formed in the bank within seven days after the license is revoked and sent to the DIA. Then, within seven days from the date of receipt of the register, the DIA publishes in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia and the media information on where you can apply for a refund, what is the procedure for accepting such applications. The DIA also informs each contributor about this by an individual letter. As a rule, applications are accepted by agent banks acting on behalf of the DIA.

Payments to depositors must begin no later than 14 days after the revocation of the license or the introduction of a moratorium. The investor can apply for the payment of money during the entire period of bankruptcy proceedings (usually it lasts about one and a half years). And if the Bank of Russia introduces a moratorium on satisfaction of creditors' claims - until the expiration date of the moratorium.

What should I do if a depositor has missed the deadline for filing a claim for reimbursement of deposits?

Ilshat Yangirov: He can be included in the register of creditors by the decision of the board of the DIA. According to the Law "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation", valid reasons in such a situation are the depositor's illness, confirmed by medical documents, conscription service in the army or stay in military units, as well as emergencies and other force majeure circumstances.

How is insurance compensation received?

Ilshat Yangirov: The procedure is as simple as possible. It is only necessary to fill out an application in a special form, as well as take an identity document with which a bank deposit (account) was opened.

If for some reason the depositor cannot come to the office of the agent bank in person, the application can be sent by mail. Payments can also be received by postal order.

The depositor is paid compensation: today - no more than 1.4 million rubles, including interest. If the depositor has several deposits in one bank, the amount of which exceeds 1.4 million rubles, he will also receive no more than this amount. But if deposits are in several banks and their licenses are revoked, then the amount of insurance compensation for each bank is calculated separately. Therefore, it is advantageous to divide large amounts and place them in several banks.

If the deposit is more than 1.4 million rubles, is some of the money lost?

Ilshat Yangirov: The depositor can expect to return the entire amount of the deposit if the bank with the revoked license has enough funds to satisfy the requirements of creditors (ie, if the bank is being liquidated not due to bankruptcy). Then he will receive the missing part (after DIA payments) upon liquidation of the bank. I remind you that depositors are creditors of the first priority. If the bank is bankrupt, then it will not be possible to return everything. In this case, depositors can only count on DIA payments.

It should be remembered that the amount of the depositor's obligations to the bank, if any, is deducted from the amount of insurance payments. For example, if a depositor, in addition to a deposit in the amount of 1.4 million rubles, also has a loan for 1 million rubles in the same bank, then the compensation in the end will be 400 thousand rubles.

If there is both a deposit and a loan

Some people think that if the bank goes bankrupt, they will be very lucky - there will be no one to return the loans taken.

Ilshat Yangirov: The revocation of the license from the bank does not mean at all that the loan can not be paid. The borrower retains the obligation to fulfill its obligations to the bank under the concluded agreement. However, it should be noted that the details for repaying the loan may change.

So, during the period of the temporary administration (that is, after the revocation of the license and before the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee by the court), the details for repaying the debt, as well as other information for borrowers, can be clarified on the bank's website. After the bankruptcy trustee is appointed, the details for repaying the debt may also change. If the DIA is appointed as the bankruptcy trustee, the details are posted on the DIA website in the "Liquidation of banks" section.

If the borrower has a deposit in a bank with a revoked license, then by law the amount of the insurance payment is reduced by the amount of the debt to the bank. For example, a client has a deposit of 350,000 rubles and a loan, the balance of which is 50,000 rubles. In this case, the depositor will be paid 300,000 rubles of insurance compensation. At the same time, he must continue to repay the loan (according to the schedule or ahead of schedule) and will be able to receive the balance of the deposit when he repays the loan.

If the amount of the debt to the bank is greater than the amount of the deposit (loan - 1 million rubles, and the deposit - 400 thousand rubles), then the insurance compensation can be received only after the full repayment of the loan or assignment of rights on this debt. At the same time, the legislation does not allow repaying part of the loan in a bank with a revoked license at the expense of a deposit in the same bank: "Repayment of creditors' claims by offsetting claims in the course of bankruptcy proceedings in the event of bankruptcy of credit organizations is not allowed" (clause 31, article 189.96 of the Law "On insolvency (bankruptcy).

The Board of the Supreme Court for Civil Disputes examined how justified the actions of the bank, which did not give the client the money transferred from another credit institution, suspecting "doubtful transactions." Can the bank, based on its suspicions, "freeze" the deposit and require documents confirming the legality of the origin of the funds? Two instances decided that in such a situation it was right not to give out cash and to add the account holder to the bank "stop list". The Sun put an end to the matter.

The Collegium for Civil Disputes of the Armed Forces, consisting of judges Vyacheslav Gorshkov, Andrey Maryin and Alexander Kiselev, considered the complaint of a citizen who was not given cash from the account, suspecting him of money laundering (case No.). The 22-year-old individual entrepreneur Sergey Budeny* had an account with City Invest Bank JSC. At the end of 2015, he transferred 56 million rubles. to a Sberbank account. As the purpose of the payment, it was indicated: “Funds for personal consumption. Not subject to VAT". The very next day after receipt, he decided to withdraw cash, but it did not work out. Such a transaction seemed doubtful to Sberbank.

Budyonny was asked for documents confirming the economic meaning of the operation and the origin of the money. In response, he presented a 2013 software supply agreement concluded with AlfaSharp LLC, a product acceptance and transfer certificate of 2014, a product transfer acceptance certificate of 2015. Sberbank examined the documents, but suspicions remained: the bank had neither information about the counterparty, nor confirmation of payments, nor the ability to determine the real value of the contract, and Budyony was again not allowed to withdraw cash. The money was recommended to be sent back to the account in JSC City Invest Bank. Then the next day Budyonny tried to withdraw a smaller amount - 1 million rubles. But the issuance of cash was not agreed again - with similar conclusions and recommendations. The bank sent notifications of refusals in operations to the Rosfinmonitoring Department, and Budyonny was included in the bank stop list as a person using the bank to perform dubious operations - in this case, to cash out money.

Then the Sberbank client decided to go the other way: through Sberbank Online, he opened five deposits, to which he transferred money. At the end of the term, he closed the deposits, and transferred the money with interest back to his account. Some time later, he opened two more deposits, on which he put almost 57 million rubles. When a month later the applicant wanted to withdraw money with interest accrued at the end of the deposit period, he was refused: bank employees "orally stated that it was impossible to issue a deposit." The money remained in Sberbank, and the term of the deposit was extended.

Then Budyonny went to court. He demanded the return of the invested money, interest and a penalty for illegal withholding of deposits. Both the first instance and the appeal were denied (cases No. 2-2865/2016 ~ M-3181/2016 and No. 33-893/2017 (33-27139/2016)). Violations that the bank extended contracts and did not issue cash, the courts did not see. There was no reason to give the money without verification, since Budyonny was already on the stop list at that time, and he did not apply to the bank with an application to terminate the banking service agreement. At the same time, the bank noticed that Budyonny could still manage the money, but only with a cashless transfer - by the way, this is how he eventually returned the funds to his account in another bank.

But the client complained to the Supreme Court, trying to prove that the contract with him was not terminated, but deposits were opened, which means that the bank actually approved the plaintiff's operations. He also insisted that he tried to close the accounts, but was refused, while only one application is enough to close the account. Representatives of the bank who participated in the meeting, in turn, drew attention to the fact that the opinion that, having carried out one operation, the bank is obliged to carry out the rest, contradicts the essence of compliance. Only cash transactions were closed to the client, but he could well transfer them to another bank by bank transfer, that is, there was no deduction of funds.

"The rule of law does not contain an obligation to issue money in the form in which the client requested. The bank can issue money both in cash and by bank transfer.", - said the representative of the bank. The board supported Sberbank, not satisfying the client's complaint.

In general, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an individual who owns an account or a deposit in a bank can terminate the contract at any time and receive money, this is one of the cornerstones of legal regulation in this area, recalls Alexander Ermolenko, partner. However, in practice, banks very often resort to numerous tricks in order not to issue money.

Anti-laundering legislation should work at the stage of "entry" of money into the banking system, Yermolenko emphasizes: "If the money is "dirty", the bank has the right to check the source and not accept it, in addition, the bank is obliged to identify the contributor of funds and report the suspicious transaction to Rosfinmonitoring. at the stage of issuance, the money is already “white”, their very passage through bank accounts should “whitewash” them. Therefore, it is too late to control at the issuance stage, and besides, it is illegal. However, in our realities, with incoming control, they turn a blind eye to many things, so Sberbank is trying to control funds "at the exit".

Alexander Ermolenko, Partner

Until recently, the not fully formed practice in such cases was in favor of citizens, but today the decision in favor of the bank in such disputes is far from an isolated case. Banks themselves are increasingly refusing to carry out account transactions with clients, and this is due to increased control over operations by the state. Today, the volume of suspicious transactions, above which banks risk being left without a license, is 1 billion rubles. - the amount is half as much as before August 2017, and is small for the bank, the lawyer notes Yulia Andreeva, AB project manager. Not the last place is occupied by the "anti-money laundering" law 115-FZ. In such circumstances, banks find themselves between private and public interests.

"Banks are in a situation where, on the one hand, the pressure of the Central Bank is growing in order to combat the shadow economy, and on the other hand, it is necessary to respect the interests of customers who entrusted them with their money," Andreeva explains. The number of cases where the court will side with the bank will only grow, she is sure.

*Names and surnames have been changed by the editors.

Sberbank is a sought-after financial institution in our country. It offers favorable conditions for cooperation in various areas. The presence of branches and ATMs throughout Russia proves the fact that every second resident prefers this particular bank. All these obvious advantages are overshadowed by the fact that Sberbank has recently been legally entitled not to issue cash to a client. This innovation caused a lot of dissatisfaction and indignation on the part of citizens who are served by this financial institution.

Such cases when Sberbank does not give money to a client on a deposit began to occur since 2015. The restriction on cash withdrawals and their transfers applies only to transactions of large amounts of money, ordinary payments, including salaries, do not fall under these actions of the bank. The receipt of funds to the account that exceed the established limit, Sberbank may also suspend the possibility of performing any operations.

The procedure for refusing to issue cash to a Sberbank client began in 2015. This case received wide publicity thanks to the story of a Russian citizen who was served by Sberbank. He transferred 56,000,000.00 rubles from a personal account of one bank to another at Sberbank. He then expressed a desire to withdraw this amount. In a financial institution, the client was denied this, due to suspicions of obtaining these amounts in an illegal way. The bank's specialists asked the visitor to submit documents confirming the legitimacy of the money. But he refused, and instead decided to split the funds and put them in several non-long-term deposits, also in Sberbank.

After the completion of the established deadlines for deposits, the client risked trying again, but Sberbank again refused to issue cash. After that, the citizen decided to go to court so that Sberbank would not prevent him from withdrawing cash from his account. The lawsuit also demanded that Sberbank pay interest and provide material compensation. The court sided with Sberbank, which refused to issue money without providing the necessary documents.

Sberbank at the legislative level, relying on legal norms, reserves the right to choose how to issue the client his own money: in cash or non-cash. The Supreme Court of Russia also supported Sberbank in this decision.

In such situations, you can transfer your funds to another bank and withdraw through their branch. But the interest for transferring such large amounts is at least 5 percent. Commission fees are one of the main sources of income in many banking organizations.

Another way to get around this limitation is to terminate cooperation with the credit institution and terminate the agreement with it. The bank will be required to close all accounts and issue funds in cash or non-cash. Sberbank will no longer be able to influence decisions on how to receive these finances, since the citizen will no longer be their client. But this option is also risky, since the client may be blacklisted by the banking system. This will mean that he will be denied access to all banking services.

To avoid possible difficulties in the future, you should know the main reasons why the bank can refuse to issue cash. This will avoid many difficulties in the future.

Reasons why a bank may refuse to issue money

Recently, Russian legislation has approved a law that empowers banks to require documents from customers confirming the legality of the origin of money. This was done to combat various types of fraudulent transactions in which funds are transferred from one account to another.

Also, the bank may refuse to receive cash for the following reasons:

  1. The amount requested by the client exceeds the limit set on the Sberbank bank card.
  2. Request for a large sum of money. The bank, without receiving supporting documents on the legitimacy of the money, has the right to freeze the account or refuse to issue.

Blocking a client's account for various reasons:

  1. Arrest of the account by employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. If the client is suspected of fraudulent or other illegal transactions.
  3. Incorrect provision of information.

What to do if Sberbank refuses to issue cash

If difficulties arise, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation, and then develop a sequence of measures and stick to them. The action plan should be as follows:

  1. Finding out the reasons on the basis of which the bank refuses the service. If the refusal occurs due to the arrest of the account, then it will be necessary to deal with the bailiffs themselves.
  2. After excluding the arrest, an appeal to the leaders of Sberbank, and drawing up an application for blocking the account and the inability to receive cash.
  3. After finding out the reasons, the manager will give an answer. If the reason is to exceed the established limit, then you will simply need to indicate a smaller amount to receive. And so get the entire amount in several approaches. If there are suspicions of fraudulent transactions, the bank will require documentary evidence to confirm their legitimacy.
  4. After all clarifications, Sberbank can independently decide to unblock accounts and open access to cash. Or a financial institution applies for a decision to higher authorities, that is, to the court.
  5. If these actions do not give a result, the client must apply to the prosecutor's office with a statement about the illegal blocking of the account.
  6. If the outcome of the case is positive, after the prosecutor's check, the bank will be obliged to unblock the account and issue the requested funds.

Important. If the funds are obtained legally, and there are no other accompanying circumstances, then the client will be able to withdraw cash and make cash and non-cash transactions.

It is only necessary to confirm the basis for receiving funds. Such documents may be sales contracts, certificates 2-NDFL.

Features of going to court

If, nevertheless, difficulties arise and litigation cannot be dispensed with, then the client of Sberbank must file a lawsuit. When applying to the court, the necessary list of documents is provided:

  1. A statement of claim, indicating his requirements and a description of what results he wants to receive after the completion of the proceedings.
  2. Copy of applicant's passport.
  3. A copy of the agreement for opening an account with Sberbank and other related information on the client's account.
  4. Documents confirming the ownership of the blocked funds by the client to the plaintiff, i.e. the client of Sberbank. In rare cases, testimonies can also become evidence in this matter.
  5. Extract from the current account of Sberbank. It should indicate the amounts and dates of income and expenditure transactions.

When applying to the judicial authority, specialists may request additional documents, depending on the circumstances of the alleged case. After the application is accepted and the document is registered, the date of the court session is set.

On the day of the hearing, the client will have to prove the illegality of the decision of Sberbank to refuse to issue him funds. The plaintiff can use as evidence base any sources of information that will be obtained legally and without offense. Financial institution, i.e. the defendant also has the right to defend himself by any means that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

After considering the evidence of both parties, the court makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. At the end of the hearing, both the plaintiff and the defendant receive an order. If a decision is made in favor of the plaintiff, then the unblocking of the account must be carried out precisely on the basis of this court decision. The court sets a specific period of time for the implementation of the necessary measures.

Important. But we must remember that all of the above written will be relevant only after the entry into force of the verdict. Each such case is individual and must be considered by the court with special care.

Sberbank can legally block a client's account if more than 1,500,000.00 rubles are credited to his account at a time. This will not depend on the sources of payment receipts or other circumstances.

If the client requests from the bank more than 600,000.00 rubles, then in this case the financial institution has the right to refuse it.

To avoid unforeseen situations related to the withdrawal and transfer of large funds, you should consult before making transactions. Advice can be obtained directly from Sberbank branches, or from other special companies providing legal and consulting services.

MOSCOW, Jan 31 - PRIME, Natalia Karnova. The Collegium of the Supreme Court for Civil Disputes recognized the correctness of Sberbank in the case of refusing to issue a deposit to an individual client. According to Kommersant, the reason for the refusal was the credit institution's suspicions that the depositor was trying to legalize income in this way. The essence of the matter is that in 2015 the client transferred 56 million rubles to Sberbank from another bank, and the next day he tried to cash them out, but was refused. Sberbank requested documents confirming the legal origin of funds. The client was unable to provide them and tried to withdraw money by transferring them to several term deposits. However, at the end of their validity period, the bank again refused to return the funds to him.

According to the decision of the board, Sberbank was right in this case, since the client did not provide documents on the legal origin of funds. In addition, the rules of law do not contain the obligation to issue money in the form in which the client requested it, and he was not limited in the non-cash transfer of funds to another bank.

At the same time, experts point out that the decision of the court is controversial. The fact is that cashing involves a quick withdrawal of money, and the client was ready to freeze them for a long time in the deposit. Therefore, we can speak about cashing out funds here only formally, but not in essence. In addition, when transferring funds to another bank, a commission is charged, which can reach 25% of the transaction amount, which is a significant loss for the client. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about equal opportunities when receiving funds in cash and non-cash.


The authorities of the Russian Federation are paying more and more attention to the fight against the illegal and criminal intentions of some bank customers. While such opportunities are already significantly limited in ordinary banking operations, electronic payments leave room for illegal transactions. At the same time, it is difficult, and in some cases impossible, to establish the final recipient of funds, as well as the purpose and purpose of the transfer. The bill, which prohibits the withdrawal of cash from anonymous prepaid cards, is now under consideration by the State Duma and supported by the Committee on the financial market.

"Undoubtedly, the actions of the authorities, primarily the Central Bank, designed to limit money laundering and other illegal operations are quite justified and effective," Denis Poryvay, an analyst at Raiffeisenbank, argues. Over the past few years, the situation in this area has changed for the better. The control of the Central Bank is working, banking standards are being tightened and, in general, there are fewer loopholes for money laundering, he said.

Currently, banks are very scrupulous about such operations, since cashing out threatens them with revocation of the license, since it makes the bank an accomplice to such an offense, lawyer, human rights activist Alexander Khurundzhi agrees. "The legislation provides for measures to prevent the legalization of illegal income, which oblige banks to limit the withdrawal of funds if there are no documents confirming the legality of their origin," he recalled.

Therefore, the bank has the right to refuse to cash out large amounts of money without such documents. At the same time, the disposal of money through non-cash transactions is not limited. This is done in order to be able to trace the path of funds and bring the perpetrators to justice if any offense is later revealed.

In turn, Poryvay noted that banks are required to request documents confirming the legality of origin, even at the time of accepting cash from the client - unless, of course, there are any doubts. Moreover, we are talking about a fairly significant amount. If the transfer is non-cash, then in case of doubt and lack of supporting documents, the bank could send the money back. Thus, the situation with non-issuance of the deposit looks rather strange, he argues.


The main criterion for refusing to issue money is their amount. Banks limit the amount of cash withdrawals, so funds over 150 thousand rubles cannot be withdrawn from most bank cards within one day, for premium accounts the limit for issuing money per day can reach 500 thousand rubles, but not a single bank will issue more than 600 thousand rubles. The fact is that any cash withdrawals in excess of the specified amount are subject to automatic currency control established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Nevertheless, it is possible that if this becomes a precedent, then some unscrupulous banks may use the opportunity not to issue deposits to citizens in case of financial difficulties, justifying this with doubts about the legality of receiving money. In this case, you should contact the Central Bank, which will take such a bank "on note", and then go to court, which must resolve all disputed issues. If the decision is made in favor of the client, then the credit institution must compensate him for each day of delay in issuing the deposit, taking into account lost profits, if the transaction fell through, etc., said Poryvai.

At the same time, according to Khurudzhi, practice shows that the absence of supporting documents for the origin of money gives grounds to the court or the Central Bank to recognize the actions of the bank as legal and justified.

In connection with the economic situation in the country, cases of non-repayment of money from debit accounts and deposits by banks became known.

A deposit is money in rubles or foreign currency placed by individuals in a bank in the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement, including capitalized (accrued) interest on the deposit amount. The bank deposit can be in rubles or foreign currency.


If you are not given money from the deposit, you need to carefully study the contract again and specifically the chapter on the bank's liability for failure to fulfill the obligation, then:

1) depending on whether the contract provides for a pre-trial claim procedure for resolving the dispute, apply either immediately to the court or initially to the bank with a written request for the immediate return of the deposit amount (such a request can be sent with a return receipt or personally delivered to the person responsible for receiving correspondence to a person against signature).

2) after the expiration of the claim period - you need to apply to the court of general jurisdiction at the location of the bank or the place of residence of the depositor with a statement of claim for the recovery of debts and penalties.

3) in parallel with these actions, it is necessary to file a complaint with the territorial branch of the Central Bank and the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.


If you approached an ATM to withdraw cash, and it has a withdrawal limit, you should also file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, branches of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the court. If there is no cash in the ATM and you went to the cashier, where you were told that there was no money, you must immediately demand the termination of the contract and return the money.

Deposit insurance

An important remark: the return of deposits by the Deposit Insurance Agency is guaranteed only in two insured events:

  • when revoking (cancelling) a license from a bank (listed in Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on April 8, 2008) “On banks and banking activities” .
  • when the Bank of Russia introduces a moratorium on satisfying the claims of the bank's creditors.

What money is considered insured?

The insured are funds in rubles and foreign currency placed by an individual in a bank on a deposit or bank account. The following funds are not subject to insurance:

  • placed on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs, opened in connection with their entrepreneurial activities;
  • bearer deposits, including those certified by a savings certificate and (or) a bearer savings book;
  • funds transferred by individuals to banks for trust management;
  • deposits in branches of Russian banks located outside the Russian Federation;
  • claims on deposits acquired by third parties from depositors after the bank's license was revoked.


For insured events that occurred in the period from March 25, 2007 to October 1, 2008, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles, from August 9, 2006 to March 25, 2007, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 190 thousand rubles, and for insured events that occurred before August 9, 2006 - 100 thousand rubles.

Foreign currency deposits are recalculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the insured event. Payment of compensation on deposits is made in rubles.

After October 1, 2008 compensation is made in the amount of 100% of the amount of all deposits in this bank, but not more than 700,000 rubles. If an insured event occurs in relation to several banks in which the depositor has deposits, the amount of insurance compensation is calculated for each bank separately.

If a bank that does not participate in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals goes bankrupt, the Bank of Russia makes payments to depositors in the appropriate amounts in accordance with Federal Law No. 96-FZ of July 29, 2004

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