How to treat furunculosis in children. For what reasons does a boil appear in a child, and is it possible to cure it at home

In the teenage period, a child may have pustules, acne. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, to which a growing organism is exposed, but it does not pose any particular danger.

A more dangerous case is the appearance of large abscesses, which in medicine are called boils. If purulent inflammation on the skin of a child appears one after another, this is a sign of furunculosis. If you do not start timely treatment, then the disease can lead to negative consequences for the health of the child.

Causes of a child

There are many reasons why a boil could appear on the skin of a child. The following factors contribute to its appearance:

  • frequent severe contamination of the skin;
  • minor injuries, scratches, wounds;
  • the wrong diet;
  • weakened immunity;
  • sweating
  • metabolic disorder;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • severe hypothermia or overheating;
  • shortage of walks in the fresh air;
  • taking steroids;
  • some respiratory diseases;
  • stress and emotional stress.

If a purulent abscess is found, you need to think about what could have served as this reason. In the future, it is better not to allow such misfires.

Main signs

A boil is like an ordinary pimple, and parents often do not even think that this abscess can be dangerous. Hoping that he will soon pass by himself, adults do not pay attention to him. This can lead to various complications, so it is important to recognize the boil and begin timely treatment. You can recognize it by the following symptoms:

  1. a single protrusion appeared on the skin, which rises above the surface of the dermis. The area around it is red;
  2. after a few days, a white dot appears in the center of the pimple - pus;
  3. it’s very painful to touch this outgrowth;
  4. occurs on any part of the body, except the palms and feet;
  5. body temperature may rise;
  6. the inflammatory process begins;
  7. the sleep and appetite of the child worsens.

The main differences of a boil from an acne are a long period of development, excessive soreness.

Treatment of boils in children

If your child has a boil, then you need to immediately contact a surgeon or dermatologist. In children, this disease develops much faster than in adults. If treatment does not follow on time, the consequences can be sad. Therapy depends on the stage of development of the disease. Do not risk it and self-medicate.


At the reception, the doctor will tell you that for the treatment of this disease, there is a wide range of antibiotics. The drugs are available in different forms:

  • ointments;
  • powders;
  • solutions;
  • pills.

Only after the examination, the doctor will decide which drug to prescribe for your child. It is not recommended to give the baby any remedy on its own. Without the recommendation of a doctor, do not massage the affected area, in no case squeeze the boil.


For the treatment of purulent abscesses, antibacterial ointments are prescribed. They are used if the child has weak immunity or the boil has jumped up in places such as the ear, face or nose. Before applying them, the abscess is treated with an antiseptic:

  • Levomekol. Eliminates accumulated pus, helps to cope with germs. Stimulates healing processes.
  • Tetracycline. The cheapest of all anti-furuncle ointments. It is applied after an abscess breakthrough. Helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  • Oflokain. Blocks pain, effectively copes with germs, eliminates swelling and inflammation.

At the initial stages of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one of these ointments:

  1. Ichthyol. You can buy it without a prescription at any pharmacy. The ointment has an antiseptic effect and significantly reduces inflammation. With quality and proper use, the boil passes, the itching decreases, and the skin quickly recovers.
  2. Heparin. Sold in every pharmacy. It has a disinfecting effect, relieves inflammation, helps to cope with microbes. After application, the pain partially or completely disappears.
  3. Syntomycin. Daily use of this ointment allows you to draw pus from the boil, gently dry the skin and heal the wounds.

When the disease is almost defeated, experts recommend using ointments to accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. Easy to apply at home. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells, relieve inflammation. For the speedy recovery of the child, ointment should be used at least three times a day. It is used only after a boil rupture.
  • Zinc ointment. Consists of petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. It is the second component that helps fight inflammation.

Surgical removal of boils

If the doctor determines that the disease is too running, the child will be prescribed an operation during which the boil is cut, which helps pus to go outside.

The doctor will clean the wound, wash it and put in a drain so that the pus that forms does not form a new abscess. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Within one to two weeks after the procedure, a bandage is applied to the boil. The affected area is daily treated with antiseptic drugs prescribed by the surgeon.

The use of folk remedies

You can cure a boil with warm compresses. Before using them, consult your doctor.

To make a compress, moisten a napkin in warm water and attach to the affected area. Instead of a napkin, you can use a heating pad. For greater effect, you can apply lotions with sea water.

If the situation is not so serious, some folk remedies can help in the treatment of this disease.

  1. Burdock root.Give the child three times a day for five days. During this time, the plant will remove toxic substances from the baby's body and normalize the metabolism.
  2. Ginger root. Apply fabric soaked in infusion to the boil. Repeat this procedure every 6 hours.
  3. Compress with calendula ointment. Ointment can be bought at a pharmacy or made independently by grinding dried flowers of a plant to powder. Mix with petroleum jelly in a proportion of one to five. Then give the ointment to infuse for several days.
  4. Honey cake. For cooking, you need natural honey, flour and clay. Mix the ingredients, attach to the boil and hold until the boil opens.
  5. Baked onion. Place the baked cut vegetable on the affected area. Do not clean until all pus has come out of it.
  6. Plantain leaf. Fix a fresh leaf of a plant with a bandage on a purulent seal. The tool produces an antiseptic effect. As the plants wilt, change the dressing.
  7. Aloe. Attach a flower to the site of purulent formation. Change as the plants wilt.
  8. Rye bread. Salt the product, chew thoroughly. Bandage the resulting slurry to the boil.
  9. Nettle juice. Take at least one large spoonful of liquid once a day.

So that the child does not undergo the appearance of purulent seals, it is important to take preventive measures:

  • Keep clean, wash your hands regularly. Apply baby soap.
  • Treat abrasions, wounds, scratches with antiseptics.
  • Do not use sharp objects to clean the ears.
  • Dressing the child for the weather. Prevent him from freezing or sweating.
  • More walk on the street.
  • Provide the baby with proper nutrition.
  • Completely cure all diseases.
  • Supplement the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Strengthen children's immunity.

Take a closer look at your children, both infants and adolescents. Do not leave untreated child injuries. There is no need to treat furunculosis at home; consult a doctor.

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Even a single boil in a child in the absence or inadequate independent treatment can be a danger to his health. If the disease passes into another common form, then we are talking about furunculosis in a child.

In the photos presented, the difference between a single boil in a child and multiple furunculosis is clearly visible. Sometimes a problem torments a child and parents for years. Is it realistic to completely get rid of it, how to treat a boil in a child up to a year or older?

Causes of furunculosis in children

Staphylococcus aureus is the direct causative agent of purulent skin disease such as furunculosis in children, as well as in adults. This is a saprophyte that lives on the skin and mucous membranes of all people without harm to them, but in some circumstances acquires pathogenic properties.

The reasons that allow staphylococcus become pathogenic are divided into external and internal.

External causes are reduced to a violation of the integrity of the skin:

  • injuries, even minimal ones, cuts, abrasions;
  • scratching after an insect bite or with other skin diseases, allergies;
  • scuffs from uncomfortable shoes or clothes.

Note that almost all children have microtraumas, staphylococcus also surrounds the child literally everywhere - at home, in kindergarten, in the sandbox, in the air. Parents and family members can be carriers of staphylococcus aureus. But furunculosis requiring treatment, for external reasons, does not occur in all children.

Internal factors that are individual for each child enter the process of developing the disease.

Internal reasons:

  • weakening of immunity by past diseases or the presence of helminthic invasions or invasions of protozoa (giardiasis);
  • dysbiosis and gastrointestinal tract problems;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine system diseases (type 1 diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • anemia;
  • physical exhaustion due to malnutrition (malnutrition or anorexia)
  • overwork due to excessive loads, sports, including;
  • excessive sweating.

If the hygiene requirements accompanying these reasons are violated, the risk of the disease increases.

Symptoms of furunculosis in children

It is impossible to hear complaints from babies about the appearance of discomfort, pain, itching and swelling in the zone of development of ill-being. A mother or a person caring for a baby should notice and begin timely treatment when a baby has a boil on the skin.

This usually occurs while taking an air bath before daily bathing. Examination of the skin should be daily and systematic. Particular attention should be paid to the inguinal folds, armpits, intergluteal folds, nasal passages, ear canals and cervical folds. Check out the boil in children from the presented photo.

The baby "has its own language" to inform mom about unpleasant sensations. Perhaps the first manifestation will be anxiety, sleep disturbance, refusal to eat, crying. In children, unlike adults, hyperthermia and intoxication symptoms appear much earlier and more often. High fever can cause cramps, regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, and stool disorders.

Teenagers may complain of pain and the appearance of an abscess on the body. With children of pre and puberty, there is another danger. This age period is characterized by rashes of pustules and the appearance of boils on the face of a child due to hormonal changes. Increased attention to their appearance, fear of ridicule from their peers makes them squeeze abscesses.

Parents should know that if a child has a boil in the face, ear, neck, scalp, they should immediately contact a surgeon. In the immediate vicinity are the most important blood vessels leading to the cranial cavity. The direction of lymphatic drainage increases the risk of fatal complications.

You should pay attention to boils in children located in the joints. These zones are often injured and there is a danger of breakthrough of pus into the joint cavity.

Types of boils in children

Furunculosis in children has an ICD code of 10 (International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision) L02.

The following types of boils pass under this code:

  • single boils, regardless of their location;
  • cystic-acne on the face in adolescents, affecting the deeper layers of the dermis;
  • pilonidal sinus - boils in the intergluteal fold when wearing tight underwear, sweating and insufficient hygiene after defecation;
  • purulent hydradenitis - purulent inflammation of a large number of sweat glands located in places of increased sweating (groin, armpit), recurring.

Treatment of boils in children

Since June 8, 2007, there is Order No. 408 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which defines the standard for the treatment of boils and other purulent skin diseases in children and adults. It relates to the provision of specialized medical care in all localizations, forms and stages of diseases under the code L20, regardless of the presence of complications in a hospital.

The standard includes diagnostic and therapeutic measures based on a hospital stay of 14 days. A standard examination includes:

  • history taking, visual examination, auscultation, palpation and percussion in the general therapeutic framework;
  • measurement of blood pressure, respiratory rate, heart rate and temperature;
  • general blood count with a leukocyte count;
  • chest x-ray, ECG;
  • sowing from the focus of inflammation, in some cases, an abscess puncture.

Diagnostic and treatment standard measures in a hospital:

  • expanding blood research parameters (counting red blood cells, platelets, determining hematocrit);
  • blood chemistry (total protein, albumin, creatinine, alanine and aspartame transaminases);
  • analysis of urine;
  • screening for syphilis, HIV, carriage of hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • determination of blood type and rhesus accessories;
  • examination by an anesthetist.

Pharmacological groups according to the standard allow their use in 30-100% of cases.

  1. Analgesics and NSAIDs are narcotic (Trimeperidine, Fentanyl) and non-narcotic (Tramadol, Ketorolac).
  2. Means for the treatment and prevention of infection are antibiotics and antifungal agents.
  3. Antiseptics and disinfectants (Povidone-iodine, Chlorhexidine).
  4. Solutions for infusion therapy.
  5. Anesthetics and muscle relaxants for anesthesia and local anesthetics (Lidocaine, Ropivacaine topically).
  6. Drugs affecting the central nervous system (Diazepam, droperidol).

Treatment at home is allowed with a typical course of a boil of "non-hazardous" localization in children older than 1 year.

In the diet of a sick child, carbohydrates should be excluded, including cereals, pasta, potatoes, soda and sweets.

Treatment of boils in children with folk remedies

Treatment of a boil in a child with folk remedies is permissible only with the permission of the surgeon's doctor. They recommend oil compresses with fir, camphor and sea-buckthorn oil, a series of herbal decoctions, a camomile, and eucalyptus. Juice of rabbit cabbage and mashed potatoes from ficus leaves are unlikely to fall into the category of treatment methods recommended by a doctor.

Wherever the boil is located in a child, a doctor should be involved in the treatment. No self-medication, no popular proven methods can not be used on their own!

Treatment of furunculosis in children with medications

The advisability of prescribing antibiotics for single boils is determined by the following condition.

Boils in children older than 1 year are treated with antibiotics only with the location of abscesses on the face and neck, if we are talking about single abscesses. There are no reasons for abandoning antibiotics in the treatment of furunculosis in children.

Which ones are preferable?

Amoxiclav, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Clarithromycin, Cefuroxime, Ciprofloxacin are the drugs of choice.

Local treatment of boils is carried out using solutions of antiseptics and disinfectants and ointments (Ichthyol, Sintomycin, Tetracycline, Zinc). If the abscess was surgically opened and the rod was removed, as well as after its spontaneous discharge, dressings are recommended to be done daily until the skin defect is completely healed.

To speed up the repair, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy.

You can get rid of furunculosis only with an integrated approach to the problem:

  • rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection;
  • immune system support;
  • vitamins, iron preparations;
  • vaccine therapy according to indications.

Prevention of furunculosis in children

  • Isolation of a sick family member from a baby in the house.
  • Daily bathing, hygienic washing, care for delicate skin using hypoallergenic products.
  • Organization of feeding and nutrition on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  • Compliance with temperature and humidity in the room.
  • To prevent wrapping, clothing should correspond to the weather and the level of physical activity of the child.
  • Diapers and underwear should only be made from natural fabrics.
  • Any skin defect, including an insect bite, must be immediately treated with a disinfectant or antiseptic and covered with a bandage.

Why does a boil often occur in a child whose treatment is a big problem for parents? This acute purulent skin lesion indicates the presence of a serious infection in the body.

Causes of the disease

Risk group:

  1. This disease often occurs in children, young people.
  2. Especially often dense purulent cones are observed in adolescents.

Microorganisms causing furunculosis:

  1. In 99% of cases of this pathology, the only microbe that can cause the appearance of boils is Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Sometimes streptococcus, other bacteria, fungal infection lead to the development of dense purulent cones.
  3. These pathogens are constantly present in our body. But under normal conditions, they are suppressed by the immune system or strains of beneficial bacteria.
  4. When a boil in children appears repeatedly, in large quantities, then we are talking about a disease caused by such a pathogen.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  1. Disruption of the sweat glands. This happens if the child is hot, there is excessive sweating.
  2. Violation of metabolic processes in the child's body.
  3. Washing baby clothes with an allergic powder.
  4. Poor personal hygiene.
  5. Scratches, cracks, abrasions and irritation of the skin.
  6. Thin sensitive baby skin.
  7. Any small pimple can turn into a boil.
  8. Weakened immunity.

Clinical signs of furunculosis

With this pathology:

  1. Periodically for a long time there are multiple inflamed bumps with pus.
  2. Their size is 1 cm or more.
  3. Sometimes the inflammation is so pronounced that severe intoxication develops, the body temperature rises.
  4. Infiltrate occurs, the tissues become dense, redden, swell.
  5. The child is worried about severe pain.

What is a boil:

  1. This is an inflammation of the hair follicle of considerable size, which occurs under certain conditions under the influence of pathogenic microbes.
  2. From above, the boil looks like a big pimple, but the main focus of inflammation is in the deep layers of the skin.
  3. In the later stages of the disease, a purulent rod forms in the center of the affected area.
  4. A dense boil matures within a week, after which it can sometimes open independently, a healing process gradually occurs.

Localization of boils:

  1. Most often, the boil appears on the priest, hip, neck. Sometimes it happens in the nose and near it.
  2. Often a dense abscess appears around the lips, on the chin, cheeks.

Pathology treatment

Self-treatment of a mature boil is risky:

  1. In any case, it is impossible to pierce, squeeze out a purulent cone, open it yourself at home, since the pathological contents, instead of going outside, fall into the deep layers of the skin.
  2. If the bump is next to a blood vessel, then all these microbes directly enter the bloodstream. The infection penetrates the surrounding tissues and spreads in the body.

Complications of furunculosis

Do not delay with therapy:

  1. If this disease is not treated, purulent fusion of the tissues will occur.
  2. An inflamed subcutaneous lesion will turn into a large sac with pus.
  3. Then it will break through, turn black and turn into a carbuncle. There is necrosis, tissue necrosis.

Self-medication in the later stages is very dangerous:

  1. Independent attempts to open a ripened abscess can lead to serious complications.
  2. Develops sepsis, blood poisoning.
  3. There is a risk of meningitis.
  4. Complications can result in death.
  5. The area in the form of a triangle under the nose has a specific blood supply. If the infection arose in this area and the patient spreads it deep into the skin, squeezing pus, there is a high probability of getting it into the vascular bed. Then it penetrates the brain.
  6. In medical practice, cases have been repeatedly observed when, as a result of improper treatment of this infection, meningitis and encephalitis developed.
  7. Self-medication is really very dangerous. Furunculosis is a disease with which you need to go to the doctor. Only a surgeon should open a matured painful abscess.

Systemic general treatment needed

Usually, it is impossible to cure furunculosis only by local means:

  1. It is necessary to destroy pathogens and restore the body's defenses.
  2. Effective is the ingestion of antistaphylococcal antibiotics. Of the many antibacterial drugs, the doctor selects the necessary antibiotic for a particular patient.
  3. In the treatment of skin infections, it is not possible to cope in a week. Long-term treatment is needed.
  4. When a purulent rod appears, you often need to change dressings with special ointments. But only a doctor should prescribe them.
  5. If boils constantly arise again, it is necessary to do a blood test to find out if the patient has diabetes. Very often, such purulent skin lesions are a sign of this disease.

What does the surgeon do? The doctor’s actions depend on the development of the disease. At the initial stage of the pathology, you can make a bandage with a hypertonic solution, without resorting to surgery.

A purulent protrusion on the skin is opened if:

  1. The focus of inflammation is very large.
  2. The disease lasts more than two weeks.
  3. On one site repeatedly for a short period of time abscesses appear.
  4. There is an abscessed boil. A thick crust covers the top of the molten necrotic shaft of the purulent cone, does not allow pathological contents to be evacuated.

If necessary, a professional opens this huge ripened boil:

  1. The skin surface around the lesion and boils are carefully treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Then the surgeon makes a wide longitudinal section to create conditions for the outflow and evacuation of pus, toxic substances.
  3. The edges of the wound are divorced.
  4. As a result, contents are released from the abscess.
  5. All pathological fluid is removed.
  6. Special dressings are applied to the wound so that nothing else accumulates in the wound.
  7. The patient immediately begins to feel better. The temperature decreases, the pain decreases.
  8. Such a surgical intervention can only be performed by a surgeon, because with improper treatment all the pus will enter the bloodstream.

First aid

What to do yourself at the beginning of the disease:

  1. You can apply a salt compress with a hypertonic solution.
  2. First you need to wash the affected area with a warm solution of laundry soap to clean it and wash off the microbes that are here.
  3. One tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water.
  4. A sterile gauze dressing should be wetted in this solution, squeezed out a little and applied to a painful area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  5. Fix the patch on top.
  6. When the dressing dries up, you need to add hypertonic solution there or change the dressing.
  7. Salt draws pathological fluid, pus from the wound. Microbes die.
  8. Maturation of the boil is accelerated.

Aloe helps to heal this skin infection:

  1. A clean, uncovered aloe leaf should be applied to the wound.
  2. This plant contains natural antiseptics.
  3. Its juice acts like a hypertonic solution.

Vishnevsky ointment is an effective remedy:

  1. In order for the abscess to open independently, at the first signs of the disease, you can use a compress with this ointment.
  2. It needs to be changed after 6 hours.
  3. The substances that form the basis of the drug penetrate into the deep layers of the affected skin.
  4. The wound surface is cleaned and dried.
  5. The alternation of such compresses with dressings containing antibacterial agents enhances the effectiveness of the treatment.
  6. If the boil breaks, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to apply a sterile dressing.

Furunculosis Prevention

It is necessary:

  1. Check the baby’s hygiene habits.
  2. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of his skin, regularly wash it.
  3. Bactericidal varieties of soap should not be used constantly, as they kill beneficial bacteria on the skin.
  4. It is important to treat the nasopharynx in a timely manner.

Furunculosis in a child is a serious infectious disease that cannot be ignored. It is necessary to consult qualified doctors in a timely manner.

If one boil has matured, in the case of multiple purulent extensive lesions, it is necessary to go to the surgeon. If such extensive abscesses constantly arise, you need to go to an immunologist.

A representative of purulent microbial flora settles in the sebaceous gland - golden or white staphylococcus. With strong immunity, the body independently gets rid of the microorganism. As a result of the rapid multiplication of bacteria, suppuration is formed, which can appear on any part of the body. So the boil appears in the child.

According to statistics, boils most often form on the face, less often on the buttocks, scalp, chest, legs, back and other parts of the body, except the palms and soles

Important. Since the boil in a child causes not only a minor cosmetic defect, but also represents a danger, the baby needs to be shown to a doctor.

Purulent inflammation forms an elevated seal of bright red color with a purulent pustule constantly increasing in size. Initially, itching begins in the affected area, painful sensations appear. In some cases, headaches are noted.

Causes of boils in children

A bacterial infection enters the body through open wounds of the skin. Children differ from adults in more activity, so they often have contact with dirt and become infected with this disease.

Purulent boils in children can also occur as a result of the following reasons:

  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • excessive sweating;
  • reduced immunity due to a disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • rubbed on the skin;
  • malnutrition or vitamin deficiency.

Usually boils occur in childhood and adolescence. The location of suppuration depends on the cause of their appearance.

Important. It is dangerous by the appearance of ophthalmic diseases of the boil in the eye of a child. Before treating an abscess, it is urgent to visit a doctor to prescribe the correct procedures.

As a result of a running purulent-necrotic process, many foci can form on the skin. In this case, the general condition of the body worsens. Since boils are painful, the baby's activity is reduced.

Boiler development and its danger

The boil development cycle begins with the formation of a painful vesicle. Then, the surrounding tissue of the abscess is compacted, subjected to purulent-necrotic fusion, a dense rod appears.

Depending on the type of abscess and its location, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the boil in the child, accelerating the maturation process. The difference from acne is a longer ripening period and increased soreness. Besides often the abscess does not go away on its own.

Important. Since the appearance of boils can be due to multiple factors and manifest various symptoms, dermatologists classify them into several types.

The most dangerous abscesses are those located in inaccessible places (nose, ear, eye). Thus, the boil in the nose of a child, spreading, can penetrate into the internal organs.

Drug treatment

The basis of the treatment of the disease includes painkillers and antiseptic agents that can alleviate the patient's condition. The process of getting rid of boils includes procedures such as:

  • treatment with hydrogen peroxide, boric or salicylic acid, brilliant green or other antiseptic;
  • dry heat is recommended;
  • uHF application;
  • after the boil has broken through, compresses should be done to help remove pus (hypertonic solution);

Ichthyol ointment - a widely used tool known for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties

  • after cleansing the wound from necrotic tissue, compresses must be replaced with antibacterial ointments (ichthyol ointment, heparin, Vishnevsky, tetracycline);
  • if the boil has settled on the head of a child, it is required to use antibiotics that affect staphylococci (Vancomycin, Oxacillin, Levofloxacin);
  • the most successful method of combating the disease is laser therapy - in one session you can get rid of education without scars and complications;
  • surgical method of removing formations.

Doctors do not recommend self-treatment of boils in children. Any pharmacy should be prescribed by a specialist. As for the use of home recipes, they need to be treated carefully and consult a doctor in advance.

Important. You should not heat the problem area, since purulent contents can penetrate the blood, which is fraught with infection (sepsis).

Home medicine

All home treatment methods should be used with extreme caution. If the patient worsens, it is required to contact a medical institution and receive appropriate assistance.

If the child’s body does not have allergic reactions to herbal medicine, several recipes can be used:

  1. Take a few sheets of ficus. Grind half, pour the rest with boiling water. Place the gruel from the plant on a hot sheet and attach to the affected area.
  2. The boil in the eye can be warmed with a warm egg, but only with the permission of a specialist.
  3. To treat a boil in the ear, mix crushed marigold flowers (1 tbsp. L.) With petroleum jelly (30 g) and lubricate the abscess.
  4. With the formation of a boil in a child on the pope or other flat surface, it should be treated with baked onions, tying it before bedtime to the problem area.

Remember. Traditional medicine will not replace qualified medical care. The child must be shown to the doctor.

To prevent boils, preventive measures are required. In case of a baby’s disease, parents should immediately begin treatment, after consulting with a doctor. Improper treatment can lead to health complications.

Very often, with a weakening of the immune system, a boil in the child appears - a purulent abscess. This is an acute inflammation of the hair follicles, sebaceous glands and connective tissue. It is caused by pyogenic bacteria, most often by Staphylococcus aureus. It causes a lot of suffering to children and their parents.

If it is easy to cope with single formations, then an extensive skin lesion by multiple abscesses is already a disease - furunculosis - and requires full treatment.

The reasons

Doctors call different reasons for the formation of a boil on the skin of a child. Its appearance can be triggered by factors such as:

  • permanent skin contamination;
  • microtrauma (abrasions, scratching, splintering, scratches);
  • unhealthy diet;
  • weakened immunity;
  • a boil in an infant - a consequence of improper skin care, lack of hygiene;
  • sweating
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • often a boil in children is formed in the nose due to the fact that they constantly poke around with dirty hands and get a runny nose;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • long-term use of certain glucocorticosteroid drugs;
  • colds and infections (hepatitis, tuberculosis);
  • hairs ingrown into the skin;
  • severe diseases: tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • stressful situation.

If a boil is found on the child’s body, parents should think about what caused it. And in the future it is advisable not to allow such blunders, protecting the baby from provoking factors.

If you couldn’t avoid the adversity, you need to seek professional help as soon as possible. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to differentiate furunculosis from other skin diseases, especially since ulcers are different.

Origin of name. The medical term "furuncle" goes back to the Latin "furunculus", which translates as "angry, enraged."


Due to the fact that the reasons for the appearance of boils on the body of a child can be various factors, as well as due to the individual characteristics of the body and age, ulcers can be different. Dermatologists have a whole classification, which is based on external symptoms and localization of the purulent process.

  • Furuncle is a solitary abscess.
  • Carbuncle is an extensive abscess that encompasses several follicles at once. That is, many ulcers merge together. In such cases, their contents come to the surface in many places.
  • Cystic acne furunculosis. Inflammation and suppuration occurs in the deeper layers of the skin. It is usually diagnosed on the face in adolescents.
  • The pilonidal sinus is a very painful boil in the intergluteal fold. The reason is a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. At risk are obese children with high weight. Over time, the formation of a painful node on the priest.
  • Purulent hydradenitis - multiple abscesses that occur due to inflammation of the sweat glands. Usually localized in the armpit or groin. In the boils there is no necrotic core. Antibiotics are not enough for treatment: mandatory surgical intervention is required to remove the sweat glands that have undergone the inflammatory process.

Different types of boils in children allow you to treat each of them individually. What carbuncle is treated for is not suitable for the pilonidal sinus. And the treatment of an abscess in the eye of a child will differ significantly from the treatment of the same abscess on the abdomen. But before looking for methods to get rid of them, you need to make sure that this is really a boil.

Other names. Doctors call the launched boil a carbuncle, and in common people it is called "boil".


Often, parents confuse a boil on the body of a child with an ordinary acne, and this becomes a total mistake. Thinking that this is an insignificant abscess, passing by itself, they do not cure it. The result is all kinds of complications up to sepsis. Therefore, it is so important to suspect in time that this is a boil, according to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • the appearance of a single pustule on the skin: it rises above the skin, differs in a bright red halo around a dense and edematous abscess, where the shaft forms;
  • after 3-4 days, a white dot forms on the top of the abscess (pus is contained under a thin film);
  • furuncle - a very painful neoplasm;
  • in this place the child feels unpleasant tingling and itching;
  • it can occur in any part of the body where there is hair;
  • an increase in nearby lymph nodes due to the inflammatory process;
  • the temperature can rise to 39 ° C;
  • the child becomes lethargic, moody, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat.

The whole process from the beginning of the formation of the abscess to its complete disappearance takes about 10 days. It includes several stages:

  1. Infiltration. The formation of painful compaction, edema.
  2. Suppuration, necrosis. Infection is activated, intoxication occurs, a core is formed.
  3. Recovery, healing. The formation of granulation tissue and scar. Blue and blanched sore tissue.

The main difference between a boil and an acne is a long period of maturation and extreme soreness. Not always is he able to go on his own. To alleviate the condition of the child, it should be shown to the doctor and, if necessary, undergo treatment, but only after appropriate diagnosis.

A curious fact. The famous Russian composer A.N. Scriabin once squeezed a boil on the nasolabial triangle, but did it extremely unsuccessfully: he began sepsis, from which he died.


The correct professional diagnosis of boils in children allows you to differentiate the disease from others - anthrax, tuberculosis of the skin, erythema, etc. The most common and often used diagnostic methods include:

  • visual inspection;
  • blood test;
  • analysis of urine;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • back sowing;
  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs.

If the disease proceeds with complications or the boil has formed in an inaccessible place, they can do an MRI of the brain or CT of the kidneys, and also take a puncture of the spinal fluid. Depending on the received diagnostic data, treatment is prescribed. Moreover, sometimes this requires the intervention of several medical specialists at once.

On a note. If an abscess has formed on the eye, the child will need to be shown to an ophthalmologist in order to avoid complications with vision.


Medical and home treatment of boils in a child is primarily the use of painkillers and antiseptic drugs and agents. They allow you to lower the threshold of sensitivity and alleviate the condition of the patient.


Depending on the type and location of the abscess, the doctor will determine how to treat the boil in order to accelerate its maturation and anesthetize the process.

  1. Antiseptic treatment around the abscess with boric or salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.
  2. Dry heat.
  3. UHF - exposure to the abscess with a high-frequency electromagnetic field.
  4. Wet-drying dressings, moistened with a hypertonic solution, are made on a boil that has already broken through, for faster removal of pus.
  5. After the necrotic tissues have escaped, dressings with antibacterial ointments are made on the wound. Among them - Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol, Tetracycline, Heparin, Bactroban, Baneocin.
  6. With furuncles on the face, antibiotics that are active against staphylococci are necessary: \u200b\u200bMethicillin, Oxacillin, Erythromycin, Cephalexin, Metronidazole, Dicloxacillin, Moxifloxacin, Vancomycin, Levofloxacin, etc.
  7. Autohemotherapy - the introduction to a child under the skin or intramuscularly of his own blood from a vein.
  8. Laser therapy is one of the most successful treatment methods, as it eliminates the boil in 1 procedure without pain and without subsequent scarring, eliminates repeated suppuration and side effects.
  9. Surgical removal.

Self-medication for the treatment of boils in children is not recommended. In the same way as massage of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body, warming compresses on it and squeezing pus. Any pharmacy medicine requires a doctor's prescription. If you want to use some kind of folk remedy, you can not do without medical advice either.

Folk remedies

Parents will need useful tips on what to do if the child has boils, and there is no way to see a doctor. Folk remedies - to help everyone.

  1. Scroll one leaf of ficus in a meat grinder, another dip in boiling water. Put mashed ficus on a hot sheet and attach to the boil.
  2. A boiled warm egg is an excellent remedy for a boil in the eye of a child. After all, conventional medications are not applicable here because of the high risk of mucosal irritation and the spread of infection.
  3. Grind the leaves of rabbit cabbage until juice is extracted from them. Wet them sore spot.
  4. If an abscess has formed in the ear, prepare the next healing ointment. Mix a tablespoon of chopped calendula with 30 grams of petroleum jelly. Lubricate several times a day.
  5. Compresses and applications on the abscess of camphor, fir, pumpkin or sea buckthorn oil.
  6. If the abscess is on the stomach, on the pope - in a word, on a flat surface, you can attach a warm baked onion to it for the night, which stretches the pus well.
  7. Treatment of the affected area with infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, string, sage, eucalyptus.

In fact, there are a lot of folk remedies for treating boils in children, but they should be used with great care. First, you need to consult a doctor. Secondly, to know for sure that a small organism will not respond to home herbal medicine with allergies. Usually it is precisely such errors of the parents that are fraught with all kinds of complications for the health of the child.

Useful advice. Do not heat the boil: under the influence of high temperatures, purulent contents can penetrate the blood, which will entail its infection (sepsis).


Furunculosis is a dangerous disease. It can lead to complications that can lead to death. Therefore, you can not take it lightly. At the very first symptoms of an abscess, it must be treated. Common hazardous effects include:

  • phlebitis;
  • thrombosis;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • phlegmon;
  • erysipelas;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • abscesses.

Boils are especially dangerous in hard-to-reach places that do not allow the use of conventional medicines or treatment methods - in the nose, ear, or eye, for example. Parents should not forget that this is a purulent infection that can spread and hurt the internal organs.

This will require more complex treatment. Given all these points, it is necessary to be able to prevent the disease using appropriate preventive measures.

Medical educational program. Often a boil is converted to phlegmon, when purulent contents fill a large surface of the soft subcutaneous tissue. If it touches the eye, the child may become blind, if the ear is impaired.


To protect the child from the formation of boils, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures:

  • observe hygiene rules, avoid skin contamination;
  • instantly treat microtraumas with antiseptics (how to do it correctly, read our article);
  • provide the child with proper nutrition;
  • strengthen his immunity (vitamins and minerals will help to increase the child’s immunity, 11 of the best products for this can be found here);
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • treat any disease to the end;
  • eliminate hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • make sure that the intake of certain glucocorticosteroid drugs is not too long;
  • prevent nervous experiences.

Boils in children are far from uncommon. They can appear on the body at different ages and under the influence of various reasons. At the same time, parents do not need to wait until the purulent abscess passes by itself: all measures must be taken to heal it. Furunculosis is a dangerous disease, with the wrong attitude to which complications can occur. If you failed to warn, you need to treat on time and no longer allow such a development of events.

Purulent chirium is a painful and serious inflammation, sometimes requiring hospitalization. It is especially dangerous if a boil appears in a child. A purulent abscess can appear on any part of the body or pop out on the mucous membrane. It does not matter where the inflammation is localized and what its size is - it poses a threat to the baby's life and sometimes requires surgical intervention.

An active lifestyle fidget often causes inflammation in the skin follicles, and this provokes the formation of boils.

Causes of boils

The boil in children is formed due to inflammation of the hair follicle - the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus gets into the skin on time and causes suppuration. Staphylococcus pyogenic can be picked up anywhere - on the street in a sandbox, in kindergarten, public transport. Inflammation can occur anywhere on the skin, even on the head or nasal mucosa. It occurs regardless of age or gender, but older people and young children are more prone to it. In babies, they appear most often, because the young body is not yet fully opposed to new strains of bacteria for it. Most often, chiri in a child arise due to:

  • reduced immunity;
  • injuries
  • malnutrition;
  • overheating of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • lack of vitamin A in the body.

Babies in children need to be treated in a medical facility, under the supervision of a dermatologist, and sometimes a surgeon. They can not be opened independently, formations must mature. And when the abscess breaks through, it is good to clean the wound and remove the root of the inflammation. Removing it yourself - pulling or squeezing - is prohibited. This will lead to repeated suppuration. Only the hospital can clean the root of the boil and clean the wound well.

Untreated chilli in a child can be complicated by loss of vision, meningitis, sepsis.

Risk areas

Since staphylococcus penetrates the body through small wounds on the skin, the hands, feet and face of the little man are at risk. It is especially dangerous when chyri is formed on the face of a child, under the armpits, between the buttocks or in the eye. When there is a boil in the nose of a child - there is a risk of infection with a purulent infection of the brain - the arteries of the blood supply to the face and brain are closely connected and, with improper therapy, pus with blood will quickly spread throughout the body. Because of this, there is:

  • blindness;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis.

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Types of boils

With improper care for a bursting boil, there is a risk of spreading the infection to healthy skin, and then the child has a whole series of pustules. We note when one inflammation on the skin is a single chirium, but with weak immunity or an advanced stage, it grows and gives other complications. Boils come in several forms:

  • Abscessing - pus from such an abscess goes into the adipose tissue under the skin. Most often occurs due to improper therapy of the boil. It is treated only with the help of surgical intervention of surgeons.
  • Phlegmonous - near chiria, edema and erythema, which increase in size. The skin turns red, the formation has no clear boundaries. It is treated with surgical opening and drainage of inflammation.
  • Abortive - able to dissolve by itself, without the allocation of exudate from the cavity.
  • Drain - occurs when there are two adjacent boils. Then the pus from their cavities merges into one large abscess, however, the roots of the inflammation are in different pores and are removed alternately.

Boils will bother the child with the same temperature, headache, weakness.

Symptoms of boils

In the first two days, inflammation is easily confused with a common acne. A red spot appears on the site of the future chiria, which is dense to the touch. Later, its color becomes more intense, it hurts and itches. On the third day, pus begins to appear in its middle. Full boiling of the boil lasts from 10 to 14 days and, with a favorable course of the disease, ends with an independent exit of fluid exudate, as well as the root of the boil from the wound cavity. In addition, the boil in a child is accompanied by:

  • temperature
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • lethargy.

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Features of boils in an infant

The most common reason why a boil is formed in a newborn is the lack of a proper level of immunity in the baby and its parents not observing hygiene during bathing and swaddling the baby. Staphylococcus aureus lives on the skin of a healthy adult and does not cause any inflammation, however, after the contact of such an adult and a one-year-old baby, the latter can catch the bacillus. Therefore, doctors advise not to touch the baby with dirty hands, not to allow the child to come into contact with the adult's clothes or his face.

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Localization of chiria in young children

In babies, boils often grow in the abdomen, eyes, nose, buttocks and hands.

Most often, a boil in children up to a year jumps up on the stomach, eye, nose, on the priest and on the hands. Inflammation is very painful, giving the child a lot of inconvenience. Their treatment is the same as boils in an adult, with the only difference being that an adult can carry it out at home, sometimes without even going to a doctor, and a dermatologist should regularly examine the child.

So, if a month-old child has boils on his face - he is immediately placed in a hospital, if formations have arisen on the body - you can treat the baby at home, while visiting the doctor daily and making sure that the child does not injure the boil. Doctors wait for the boil to ripen, and then open and clean out the suppuration. When surgery on any part of the body in a child up to a year, local anesthesia is used. After - they apply antiseptic ointments to the wound, prescribe antibiotics and vitamins.

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Diagnostic procedures

At the first stage of the appearance of a boil in a child, when he is still ripening, doctors conduct dermatoscopy of the formation - the inflammation is examined using a special device for an accurate diagnosis. After taking a smear and give the discharge from the wound for bacterial culture. This is done to find out the cause of the infectious disease, as well as to establish the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. And before hatching chirium and after the procedure, a blood test is done to the patient in order to find out the immunity status of a small person, as well as to identify other diseases and possible complications.

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How to treat boils?

It is impossible to remove boils in young children by squeezing them with two fingers or piercing the place of suppuration. So you can drive the infection even deeper under the skin, spread it over a healthy epidermis or the boil will burst inside and then the pus will enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. When a boil forms on the body, you only need to wait for its maturation. Until the wound opens independently, it is impossible to get pus out of it. It is possible to speed up the exudate exit process with the help of medications and folk remedies, and a special diet will help maintain immunity.

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