Torrent first aid kit is individual. Individual first aid kit (AI)

First of all, it should be said that there are several standard individual first aid kits that are in use at the moment. These are the compositions AI-1, AI-2, AI-3 VS, AI-4. You can also select one of the subspecies AI-1M.

Directly individual first-aid kit of the first composition (AI-1) is designed to eliminate severe injuries and injuries due to radiation, chemical and bacterial injuries. As a rule, such a first aid kit is compact and fits easily in a pocket.

Composition of individual first aid kit AI-1

This first aid kit is divided into seven sections. Each such section contains one drug. For convenience, they are usually distinguished by color.

So, in section 1 there is a syringe tube with a strong analgesic agent. At the moment, Promedol is used. This drug is narcotic, therefore, as a rule, it is not placed in the first-aid kit, but is issued on special request. It is used for severe pain that can be caused by extensive burns or bone fractures.

Section # 2 contains Taren. This product belongs to the class of prophylactic organophosphate substances such as sarin and soman. It comes in pill form and takes effect 20 minutes after ingestion. Instead of "Taren", "Athens" or "Budaxim" can be used. This product has a red cap.

Section No. 3 houses "Sulfadimethoxin", which is an antibacterial agent and is used to prevent infectious diseases after radiation exposure. The product has a colorless cap.

Section No. 4 contains tablets "Cystamine", which are a radioprotective agent and is used for injuries by ionizing radiation. The set includes two pencil cases with a cap.

Chlortetracycline with nystatin tablets are used as an antibacterial agent. They are especially effective against infectious diseases such as plague, cholera and anthrax. At the moment, the drug "Vibromycin" is widely used. The presented funds are in section No. 5 and have colorless packaging.

Section 6 contains the potassium iodide radioprotective agent. It is designed to block iodine, which can enter the body in the event of radioactive fallout.

As a rule, the last section contains "Eperazin", which has an antiemetic effect, and is applied after irradiation. Sometimes "Dimertkarb" is used instead. Both substances are in blue cases.

The other day I got into my hands an interesting little thing, an individual first aid kit (ai2). Now this first-aid kit is no longer produced. The expiration date of the drugs is until 1987. The syringe tube with the toren is not attached.

Atechka ai 2 is an orange or yellow box measuring 9 * 10 * 2.

That is, it is 10 cm long, 9 cm wide, 2 cm high. Inside, the first-aid kit is divided into cells into which pencil cases and a tube with medicines are fixed

Also included in the first aid kit are instructions for the use of medicines from the individual first aid kit (ai2). The instructions are as follows

On top of the inner side of the lid there is a picture-instruction with colored pencil cases with the name and location of drugs in them

Appointment of first-aid kit ai2

This first-aid kit was developed as a standard first aid tool in war conditions using weapons of mass destruction.

Let's conduct a small review of an individual first aid kit. So, let's go ...

First aid kit individual ai2 composition

The composition of the first-aid kit was extremely thoughtful, all the drugs were in the original colored containers, liquid substances (taren) in a syringe tube.

  • Antibacterial agent number 2

White container (elongated). This container contained 0.2 gram sulfadimethoxine. This container held 15 tablets.

  • Radioprotective agent number 2, white container for 10 tablets. Potassium iodide in a dosage of 0.125 grams

  • Antiemetic. Eaperazine was used as an antiemetic in a dosage of 0.006 grams. This drug was placed in a blue pencil case and includes only 5 tablets. By the way, all the cases are signed, their purpose and the name of the drug with the dosage

  • Antibacterial agent number 1 Chlortetracycline in a dosage of 0.006 grams was used as an antibacterial agent. A case with a square case for 5 tablets each. Two cases.

  • And the last remedy is cystamine (radioprotective agent number one, lies in a bright crimson pencil case). 2 cases, 6 tablets each. Dose 0.2 grams

Cystamine tablets

Medicines lost their expiration date back in 87 (as mentioned above) and such a first-aid kit can only be useful as a box for an individual first-aid kit (put pills, plaster, etc.) If you cut off the inner edges (cells), cut off with a knife.

First aid kit individual ai2 review, photo, first aid kit

To save lives in extreme situations, all servicemen have an army service. To provide timely assistance, you need to know what is inside the coveted box, how to use the collected drugs.

For this, the military undergo special training, certification, and work out the algorithm of behavior in an emergency.

What types exist

To help a soldier with a wound received, there are:

  • individual army first aid kit, compact size, able to fit inside a pocket
  • dressing bags
  • anti-chemical

The combat vehicle teams have medication for their medical care. In total, the drugs are selected in such a way that they are available to victims or their colleagues to carry out medical processes where it happened.

The relevant departments regulated a special collection, consisting of the nomenclature and the number of necessary items.

How to use the package correctly

To apply a hermetic bandage, you will need an IPP-1 dressing bag, which is an individual means in a protective sheath that looks like a sterile bandage. With its help, wounds and burns are bandaged.

Each fighter has such a package, as well as doctors, orderlies in the equipment of a sanitary bag. It has a 5 year lifespan.

The IPP-1 includes a gauze bandage and two cotton pillows. One of them is fixed at the end of the bandage, the other pillow moves along its length.

This structure is securely wrapped in parchment with a pin inserted inside, the package consists of a sealed outer shell made of rubberized material. The package is supplied with instructions indicating the period.

On this basis, the order of use is carried out:

  • take the product in the left hand, placing the longitudinal gluing at the top
  • tear off the glued section with the right hand, unfold the upper part
  • the knitting needle is removed, temporarily injected into any prominent place on the clothing
  • remove the paper part, take out the roll of the bandage with pillows
  • hold a motionless pillow with one hand, spread it with a bandage right to the stop
  • take pillows from the sides stitched with threads

For the military, there is a temporary norm for opening a package, it is necessary to pull out an individual one within half a minute in order to carry out an urgent dressing.

Applying a bandage to the wound

Regardless of the location of the wound, you need to know how to bandage the wounded.

It is necessary to adhere to the conditions:

  • The patient is seated, settled, freeing the damaged part. If the wound is in the upper body, the person sits down, when the lower parts of the body are damaged, it is better to lay him on his back
  • The part of the body that is bandaged is placed in a position followed by the same state
  • The orderly or the fighter who performed the dressing must see the victim's face in order to react in time to his change
  • The bandage is selected according to the width of the corresponding wound
  • The dressing is conveniently placed in the right hand, the left hand is used to fix the free end, the bandage is rolled from the left to the right
  • Several circular turns are made near the wound, then they gradually step on the wounded place with a bandage until it is completely closed, the end is torn longitudinally, the ends are crossed and a knot is tied, its location should not be on the wound

In combat conditions, it is not always possible to follow the rules exactly, but the dressing device must fulfill its function, this requires skilled workers.

What is AI-1

The AI-1 complete set is in a box of 7 sections, in which the preparations are inserted. This is an army first-aid kit, its composition contains funds collected in one place, with the help of which anyone with a plastic product will provide first aid.

In each section, there is one medication marked with its own color.

The first compartment contains an analgesic drug collected in a syringe. Since this is a strong narcotic drug, its use requires a special order from the authorities responsible for this action. The use of such a remedy is used for extensive burns, fractures.

The second section is intended for "taren", a medicine used for poisoning with sarin, soman, related to organophosphorus substances. The release form of this drug is in the form of tablets, they can be replaced by "athens" and "budaxim" with a red cap.

The third place is given for "sulfamedoxin" as an antibacterial agent, with its help prevention of infections in cases with radioactive irradiation is carried out, a mark in the form of a colorless cap.

In the fourth section, tablets with "cystamine" rest, they treat against the damage of ionizing radiation and repeat the red color of the cap of the second subsection.

Chlortetracycline is used as an antibacterial agent. These tablets are placed in the fifth compartment with a colorless package. Their effect is most noticeable in case of serious infections with plague, cholera, Siberian.

The sixth cell was assigned to the radioprotective agent "potassium iodide". These tablets block iodine radioactivity during such precipitation.

It is possible to reduce vomiting spasms with the help of "etaperazine", it is used for exposed people and is stored in a blue pencil case.

What is the AI-2 made of

This type of first aid kit also has sections for drugs. It is a miniature box that can fit in a pocket, the arrangement of medicines is strictly defined, with the order painted on the case.

The first compartment is designed for syringes with an automatic reusable function, they have several nozzles filled with an antidote agent, which serve as protection against phosphorus poisoning. The caps of these drugs are marked in red.

The white cap of the next syringe indicates that there is an analgesic drug in the second niche, it is injected intramuscularly to reduce pain from wounds, burns, trauma.

Radioprotective drugs consist of 12 tablets, they were placed in the raspberry case of the third section. If there is penetrating radiation, when actions take place in the area after the explosion of a nuclear weapon, 6 tablets have to be taken at once. Their usefulness lasts about 4 hours, if the person has not left the infected area, it is necessary to finish the rest of the pills.

To protect the warrior from wounds inflicted by bacteriological, biological weapons, it is necessary to drink at once an eight-tablet dose, such a drug is in the department under the fourth number, after 8 hours the next one is taken, the drug was placed in two white pencil cases, 8 pieces each.

The fifth cell is reserved.

For antiemetics in all types of first-aid kits, a sixth compartment is intended. Reception is carried out on one piece of medicine when exposed to vomiting after radiation exposure.

AI-3 complete set

The purpose and content of a medical kit differs little from the rest, the discrepancy may be in weight, in the form of packaging.

All such kits are designed to provide different first aid, so that a fighter can do this to himself in case of injury, make dressings or other necessary medical manipulations to his comrade.

  • narcotic analgesic
  • ampoule
  • ampoules
  • dressing bag
  • hemostatic tourniquet
  • water disinfectant

So that the fighter does not have a painful shock from a wound, a burn, he is given an injection with an anesthetic drug. Protect vulnerable ampoules and syringes with an ampoule.

Primary bandages from individual bags are applied to the wounds. The purpose of the tourniquet is to intercept the arteries to stop bleeding.

Fighters can be in various conditions in which they need clean water, for this there are special preparations. They are packed in a glass container in the amount of 10 pieces in the form.

One tablet can neutralize well water with a container volume of up to 0.80 liters. Collecting the channel, aryk liquid is put into the reservoir 4 tablets and wait an hour so that it can be consumed.

In winter, the first aid kit will easily fit in your chest pocket, this will prevent liquid medicines from freezing. The drugs are taken according to the instructions. The personnel are informed before hostilities how to use this or that material.

Self-administration of medication can be carried out if certain indications appear:

  • the first signs of OP poisoning
  • injuries, burns with severe pain to reduce them, you will need an analgesic agent
  • injury will require an antibacterial drug
  • with concussion, nausea will occur, it is removed with antiemetic medicine

The commander gives the order to receive funds:

  • radioprotective
  • antibacterial, if there is a risk of infection
  • they are used as preventive measures when chemical weapons are expected to be used
  • antiemetic, if radiation acts

In order not to reduce the effectiveness of taking a particular drug, you need to observe the exact one in the syringes.

What are the rules for using syringes

The syringe has a rim consisting of ribbed ribs. This device is removed from the box with one hand, the ribbed rim is moved with the other until it stops moving, and the cap is removed from the needle.

You can not touch the needle with your fingers, but immediately prick into the soft area of \u200b\u200bthe body on the thigh, sometimes the injection is carried out without removing your clothes. The capacity of the syringe is squeezed until the entire drug is squeezed out, then the needle is removed from the victim.

The medicine for FOV poisoning is collected in a syringe with a red cap, it is used when the following appear:

  • impaired vision
  • difficulty breathing
  • there is a large formation of saliva

The ability of the drug to help effectively is possible in the early periods of administration. It should be after 6 minutes after the injection, use a second dose from another syringe if the striking signs intensify.

When the situation is serious and sick:

  • breathes intermittently
  • there are convulsive urges
  • lack of consciousness

In this case, the medicine is administered to the victim from another syringe. Against acute pain, the remedy is used, as a last resort, you need to know that the white cap is removed, if a wound with a large wound is received, the burned areas are multiplied.

Empty syringes are pinned to the uniform of the wounded soldier so that the doctor who continues the treatment will know how much they have injected.

The use of antidotes requires special control over the state of all who took it, night shifts are in the foreground, as they pass in exhausting monotony.

A number of side effects can occur, heat exchange is disrupted, if the funds are used incorrectly after poisoning, it is recommended to enter them if there are the first signs of infection.

What AB contains

Soldiers, whose service takes place on military equipment, combat vehicles are supplied with military first-aid kits with the expectation that one set can help at least 4 wounded.

The boxes contain:

  • ammonia
  • pill medication that can disinfect water
  • bandages, gauze bandages
  • harness to stop

Similar boxes of pharmaceutical products weigh 800 g.

Chemical bags

The industry produces IPP-11 as an anti-chemical package that has replaced a number of outdated ones. But although many have gone out of production, they are in use and are able to perform their functions, disinfecting from substances that have fallen on the fighters.

The IPP-8 package contains a degasser, the bottle of which is filled with 130 ml to treat the surface of 20 sq. M. It must be used at a speed of 2 minutes, and the soldiers open the plastic packaging in 30 seconds.

Disinfection of the affected areas is carried out in gas masks, for this they perform the following actions:

  • open the package
  • retrieve content
  • open the bottle
  • moisten the swab
  • rub the skin and a gas mask
  • pour a new portion of the degasser
  • erase traces of infection from the collar, cuffs of clothes

The fleeting discomfort from the action of the remedy passes quickly and does not have a negative effect on the military. But the contents are dangerous, so you cannot rub your eyes with them, you should use a dry cloth.

The composition of the individual anti-chemical package IPP-9 is hidden in the form of a metal container. If you unscrew the lid from it, it can be fixed to the bottom of the vessel.

Instead of cotton and gauze pillows, spongy ones are used here. To moisten the tampon, it is necessary to press the punch all the way to the end; for this, the bottle is turned over and shaken.

Wipe with a moistened material the areas on which the poisonous substance has fallen, then the tip on the container is pulled out, the lid is screwed on, the bag can be used in the next treatment.

Packages numbered 10 and 11 are decorated in metal vessels in the form of cylinders, they are closed with top-mounted lids fixed with a strap. The cap is equipped with a punch, which allows you to easily pierce the bottle. Through the resulting outlet, pour on the hands, rub on the hands, neck, then close the container and store until the next time.

The tool in the updated IPP-11 package has been improved. Its purpose is to carry out preventive actions for skin lesions with insecticidal, pesticidal, and other hazardous substances. If you apply a degasser on the open skin in advance, it protects within 24 hours.

The functionality of IPP-11 is widespread to protect a person from all known toxic agents acting on the skin with subsequent abscesses. The drug, filled in a container, has a beneficial effect on the skin without irritation and painful sensations.

They are treated with areas near the wound, there will be no trouble if the substance gets into the wound. The prophylactic drug does not interact with other components as a chemical. It contains salt liniments, which are rare earth elements from polyoxyglycols.

The OPP-11 tampon is hermetically packed in a non-woven material, previously impregnated. With the help of a ready-made tampon, wipe open areas, use is disposable.

Each soldier is familiar with the rules for using army first-aid kits, and more than once such knowledge, skillful actions, saved the lives of comrades, which confirms the correctness of the content of each kit.

The video shows how to use a tactical special forces survival kit:

Purpose, composition and procedure for using the first-aid kit individual AI-1 (AI-2)

1. First aid kit, individual (AI). Purpose, procedure and rules of use

Individual first aid kit - a set of medical self-help equipment for a serviceman. The first-aid kit is designed to provide self-help, mutual assistance, prevention or weakening of the damaging effect of radiation substances (RS), bacterial agents (BS) and organophosphate toxic substances (FOB), as well as for providing first aid for mechanical and thermal injuries of personnel.

The first aid kit contains a set of medical supplies, distributed among the slots in a plastic box. Box size 90x100x20 mm, weight of AI-1 - 100 g (AI-2 - 130 g). The size and shape of the box allows you to carry it in your pocket, in the pocket of a gas mask bag and always have it with you.

Each medicine in the medicine cabinet is in a strictly defined place, the order of placement is indicated on the inside of the lid.

2. Completeness of the first-aid kit individual AI-1

In nest 1 there is a syringe tube (with a red cap) containing an antidote (antidote) against organophosphate toxic substances (VX, sarin, soman). The second compartment of this nest is a spare (some first-aid kits may have the same second syringe-tube).

Instead of syringe tubes in the nest 1, automatic reusable syringes with several nozzles containing an antidote against organophosphorus toxic substances can be inserted.

Nest 2 contains a syringe tube (with a white cap) containing an analgesic agent that is injected under the skin to reduce pain in wounds, burns, and fractures.

Nest 3 contains 12 tablets of radioprotective agent in two hexagonal cases of crimson color. With the threat of exposure to penetrating radiation, when operating on an area contaminated with radioactive products of a nuclear explosion, six tablets are taken at once. This dose is effective for 4-5 hours. If the actions continue to continue in the contaminated area, you must take the remaining six tablets.

Nest 4 contains eight antibacterial tablets in two rectangular white pencil cases. In case of injuries, burns or the threat of bacteriological (biological) infection, eight tablets of the drug are taken simultaneously, after 6-8 hours - again eight tablets from the second pencil case.

Slot 5 is reserved.

Nest 6 contains ethaperazine tablets, an antiemetic, in a round ribbed blue pencil case. It is taken one tablet at a time in cases of signs of a primary reaction to radiation (nausea, vomiting), as well as when these disorders occur as a result of contusion or injury.

3. Completeness of the first-aid kit individual AI-2

In nest 1, in a syringe tube with a white cap, there is an analgesic agent (promedol).

It is used for fractures of bones, extensive wounds and burns, as an anti-shock agent, by injection into the soft tissues of the thigh or arm. It is allowed to inject through the clothes.

In nest 2, in a red round case with four semi-oval protrusions on the body, there is a means for preventing poisoning with organophosphorus toxic substances (antidote taren), 6 tablets of 0.3 g each.

In conditions of the threat of poisoning, they take an antidote (one pill), and then put on a gas mask.

If signs of poisoning appear and increase (blurred vision, the appearance of severe shortness of breath), another pill should be taken. Re-admission is recommended no earlier than after 5-6 hours.

In nest 3, in a large round pencil case without coloring, there is an antibacterial agent 2 (sulfadimethoxine), 15 tablets of 0.2 g. The agent should be used in case of gastrointestinal upset that occurs after radiation injury. On the first day, 7 tablets are taken (at one time), and in the next two days - 4 tablets. This drug is a means of preventing infectious diseases that can arise due to the weakening of the protective abilities of the irradiated organism.

In nest 4, in two pink octagonal pencil cases, there is a radioprotective agent No. 1 (cystamine), 12 tablets of 0.2 g each. It is taken for personal prophylaxis in the event of a threat of radiation damage, 6 tablets immediately and preferably 30-60 minutes before exposure.

In nest 5, in two tetrahedral pencil cases without coloring, there is antibacterial agent No. 1 - a broad-spectrum antibiotic (chlortetracycline hydrochloride), 10 tablets, 1,000,000 units each. It is taken as a means of emergency prophylaxis when there is a threat of infection with bacterial agents or when infected with them, as well as for injuries and burns (to prevent infection). First, they take the contents of one pencil case - 5 tablets at once, and then after 6 hours they take the contents of another pencil case - also 5 tablets.

In nest 6, in a white tetrahedral pencil case with longitudinal semi-oval notches in the sides of the edges, there is a radioprotective agent No. 2 (potassium iodide), 10 tablets. The drug should be taken one tablet daily for 10 days after the accident at a nuclear power plant and in the case of human consumption of food from areas contaminated with radioactive substances. The drug prevents the deposition of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland, which enters the body from the external environment.

In nest 7, in a blue round case with six longitudinal protruding stripes, there is an antiemetic agent (ethaperazine), 5 tablets of 0.004 g each. 1 tablet is taken for head bruises, concussions and contusions, as well as immediately after radiation exposure to prevent vomiting. With ongoing nausea, one tablet should be taken every 3-4 hours.

Medicines contained in a first-aid kit are used depending on the indications, both at the direction of the commander (senior), and independently in accordance with instructions that are brought to the personnel before performing a combat mission.

The following drugs are used independently, if indicated:
- a remedy for OPP poisoning - at the first signs of damage;
- an analgesic agent - for injuries and burns accompanied by severe pain;
- antibacterial agent - for wounds and burns;
antiemetic - in case of nausea caused by exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as contusions and other factors.
Only at the command (direction) of the commander apply:
- radioprotective agent;
- antibacterial agent - in case of danger of infection with pathogens of infectious diseases;
- a prophylactic agent against poisoning with OP (tablets) - in anticipation of the sudden use of chemical weapons by the enemy;
- antiemetic - in anticipation of exposure to radiation in large doses.
- The established dosage of medicines must be strictly observed in order to avoid a decrease in their effectiveness or the manifestation of a negative effect on the body. For this purpose, syringe tubes are in the kits.

4. Rules for using a syringe tube

Remove the syringe tube from the first-aid kit and, holding it in one hand, take the ribbed rim with the other.
- With a twisting motion, vigorously push the bezel up to the stop, then remove the cap that protects the needle.
- Without touching the needle with your hands, stick it into the soft tissues of the thigh in the upper third from the outside (you can through your clothes).
- Firmly squeezing the tube with your fingers, squeeze out the contents and remove the needle without unclenching your fingers.
- Remedy for OP poisoning - the contents of one syringe-tube with a red cap should be used at the first signs of damage: visual impairment, difficulty breathing, drooling. The earlier the antidote is applied, the higher its effectiveness. Use the second syringe-tube with a red cap 5-7 minutes after the introduction of the contents of the first syringe-tube in cases where the signs of damage continue to grow (intensify).

In order to provide mutual assistance in severe lesions, accompanied by severe breathing difficulties, convulsions, loss of consciousness, inject the drug from two syringe tubes at once.

An analgesic agent from a syringe tube with a white cap should be used for severe pain caused by fractures, extensive wounds, crushing tissue and burns.

The used syringe tubes must be pinned to the clothes on the chest of the affected person to take into account the amount of the antidote injected in the implementation of further therapeutic measures.

When using the antidote, it is necessary to strengthen control over one's own condition and the condition of other servicemen, especially when performing combat missions at night, with monotonous activity and elevated ambient temperatures.

To prevent side effects and disturbances in heat transfer that may occur when using the agent in case of OPO poisoning, these antidotes should be administered only when the first signs of OPO damage are present.

Medical property - these are special material means intended for the prevention, diagnosis of injuries and diseases, treatment of the wounded and sick, caring for them, carrying out sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the troops, laboratory, pharmacy and other work, as well as for educational purposes.

A special group of medical property is individual medical equipment for military personnel, designed to provide first aid in self and mutual aid, as well as to weaken the impact of enemy weapons.

This group of medical property includes an individual first-aid kit (AI), an individual dressing package (PPI), individual anti-chemical packages of various modifications (IPP-8,9,10), a means for water disinfection.

Personnel who are in military equipment are provided for first aid in case of injury group medical equipment - various first-aid kits (military, airborne, etc.) Items included in the first-aid kit are placed in a special metal case, which is fixed on board or in the cockpit of a combat vehicle in a conspicuous place.

Individual first aid kit (AI)

Figure: 5 First aid kit, individual

Contains means for the prevention and treatment of the effects of weapons of mass destruction, as well as for weakening the primary response to radiation, in order to preserve the combat effectiveness of personnel. It is a set of medicines and antidotes in tablets (pencil cases) and solutions (syringe-tubes), placed in a polyethylene case (Fig. 5). The drugs contained in syringes-tubes and pencil cases are taken (injected) at an imminent threat or immediately after the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction in the form of self-help or mutual assistance. Medicines contained in a first-aid kit are used as directed by the commander (chief) or independently. The funds in the first-aid kit are placed in a strictly defined sequence, in specially designated slots and differ from each other in the color of packaging and shape, this makes it easier to find the desired drug.

1. Remedy for poisoning with organophosphate toxic substances (FOV) - one syringe-tube with a red cap. Athens or Budaxim - injection solution - 1ml. At the first signs of FOV lesion (impaired breathing, vision, salivation), the contents of one syringe-tube are injected intramuscularly. The second syringe-tube is used 5-10 minutes after the introduction of the contents of the first in cases where the signs of poisoning continue to increase. In severe lesions, when they are accompanied by loss of consciousness, the contents of these syringe-tubes are injected without intervals, in one step.

2. Anti-pain agent: one syringe-tube with a colorless cap (2% Promedol solution) is used for severe pain caused by bone fracture, extensive wounds, crushing tissues, burns and other lesions, in order to prevent the development of traumatic or burn shock. It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

3. Radioprotective agent - cystamine - 0.2 tablets in two 8-sided pink pencil cases, 6 tablets each. The contents of one box (6 white tablets) are taken 40-50 minutes before possible exposure, if the expected dose of radiation can be 100 rad. and higher. If necessary, the drug in the same dose can be taken 6 hours after the first dose. In special cases (air temperature above 30 ° C, (nausea, motion sickness), it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug to 4 tablets, especially with repeated doses.

4. Antibacterial agent - two capsules of doxycycline hydrochloride 0.2 g each. One capsule is taken when there is a danger of infection with pathogens, as well as in case of injuries and burns. The second capsule is taken again after 24 hours.

5. Antiemetic agent (dimetcarb) - film-coated tablets, 10 pieces per package (one package). After irradiation, concussion, in case of nausea, one tablet is taken. The action of the drug lasts 4-5 hours after administration. If nausea continues, the drug should be taken again at the same dose.

Tablets for water disinfection "pantocid" or "aquasept"

Designed for the disinfection of individual water supplies in the field. Currently, the supply consists of pantocid tablets containing 3 mg. active chlorine. To disinfect one flask (0.75 ml.) Of water, dissolve 1-2 tablets of pantocid in it. To completely dissolve the pantocid, the flask of water must be shaken vigorously. After 30-40 minutes, the disinfected water can be consumed for drinking. Pantocid is packed in glass tubes of 20 tablets each. The tablets are not stable, have a limited shelf life (1 year) and therefore are not stored in stocks.

Individual dressing package (PPI)

Designed to provide self-and mutual assistance in case of wounds and burns, as well as to protect wounds and burns from secondary infection. It is an individual means of medical equipment for a serviceman (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Individual dressing package

Consists of two cotton-gauze pads measuring 17x32 cm (movable and fixed), gauze bandage 7 m long, 10 cm wide, safety pin, inner paper and outer rubberized shells. One pad is fixed movably, and the second is fixed. With a small size of rand and a burn area, the pads of the bag can be applied folded in half, and with an extensive wound or burn, they can be expanded. To maintain the sterility of the pads, one side of them is stitched with colored threads, which you can grasp with your hands. The rubberized sheath ensures the preservation of the sterility of the contents of the bag, and is also used to apply an occlusive dressing in case of open pneumothorax. Applying bandages to different areas of the body should be done according to the general rules of desmurgy. A safety pin is inserted into the package to secure the bandage. On the surface of the rubberized shell, the method of opening and the rules for using the package, as well as the year of its manufacture, are indicated. Weight - 100 g.

Medical cape (NM)

Purpose: to protect the wounded and sick from adverse meteorological factors (low temperatures, precipitation, intense solar radiation).

Device: represents a panel of lavsan film, metallized on one side with a layer of sprayed aluminum. The preservation of the temperature in the patient (wounded) is achieved due to the reflection of the thermal radiation of the body by the metallizing layer of the cape.

Tactical and technical characteristics: the maximum duration of protection against hypothermia at a temperature of - 20 о С - three hours; wrapping time 3-4 minutes; the frequency of use cycles - up to 3 times; unfolded dimensions - 2500 x 2300; in a package: 160 x 120, weight ‑160 g. The medical cape is used at ambient temperatures from -50 o C to +40 o C. It is used in the MPB, MPP, OMedB, OMO.

Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8)

IPP-8 is intended for partial sanitization of exposed areas of the body and adjacent areas of clothing in case of infection with persistent toxic substances. The package consists of a universal degassing solution in a flat glass bottle with a capacity of up to 200 ml. and 4 gauze napkins.

The amount of degasser ensures that approximately 1500–2000 cm of body surface is treated. The contents of the package are packed in a plastic bag with instructions for use. In case of contact of poisonous substances (liquid droplets) on the skin, it is necessary to immediately treat the infected areas and the adjacent uniforms, as well as protective equipment with the contents of the bag. Open the bottle, moisten a napkin with liquid from it and remove the OM drops with a pinch-like motion. The liquid is poisonous and should not be used to treat the eyes.

Fig.7 Individual anti-chemical package IPP-8.

Army first-aid kit (AB)

Figure: 8 First aid kit military

Designed to equip combat vehicles and military equipment on wheeled and tracked vehicles.

It is designed to provide first aid in the form of self and mutual assistance to 3-4 wounded and burned from among the crew members (crews) of combat vehicles and military equipment.

Provides treatment of the circumference of the wound, the imposition of a primary dressing on the wound and burn surface, temporary stopping of bleeding, removal from fainting, disinfection of individual water supplies, short-term immobilization of the limbs.

Contains: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), water disinfection agent ("Pantocid"), dressings (sterile gauze bandage, small medical dressings, medical scarf), hemostatic tourniquet, safety pins.

Container - cardboard box. Weight 800 g.

Medical devices for the prevention, care and treatment of affected OS and IS contained in bags and kits of the medical service (SS; SMV; SVV; kits: PF, V-3, OV, UT). Purpose, content, order of application

Kit call a set of various items of medical equipment, specially selected in composition and quantity and intended to provide a certain amount of medical care to the wounded (sick) or to equip the stages of medical evacuation, packed in a special container (Fig. 9).

Medical kits are divided into functional and special purpose.

Functional kits are designed to ensure the work of functional units of the stages of medical evacuation and the provision of certain types of medical care. The functional kits include medicines, consumables and medical inventory.

Fig. 9 Set of medical equipment

By purpose, functional kits are divided into groups:

1. First aid kits and kits for providing first medical, first aid and first medical aid. Designed for individual, group equipping of military personnel, equipping the stages of medical evacuation, providing first medical, first aid and first medical aid. This group includes: "First-aid kit individual", "First-aid kit military", "Paramedic", "Dressing large", "Reception and sorting", "Special help", "Auto dressing", etc.

2. Sets of medical equipment for the provision of qualified medical care (hospital). They are designed to equip the departments of the Department of Medical and Healthcare, Department of Medical and Defense, OMO, hospitals and the provision of qualified medical care. This group includes kits: "General medicines" (therapeutic, neurological, surgical), "Small operating room", "Large operating room", "Operating materials", "Operating items", "Ward", "Care items", "Anti-shock "," Anesthetic ", etc.

3. Kits for disinfection and sanitization "Disinfection", "Sanitary treatment" are intended for disinfection and disinsection measures, complete sanitization of the wounded and sick at various stages of medical evacuation.

4. Special purpose kits are used for the operational supply of medical equipment to units, units and medical institutions. A distinctive feature of these kits is that they contain only expendable medical equipment intended for the provision of medical care to the wounded with modern weapons. This group includes the following kits: "Sterile dressings", "Splints", "Plaster bandages", "Medicines for the treatment of the wounded and burned", "Medicines for the treatment of those affected by ionizing radiation", "Medicines for the treatment of those affected by toxic substances" , "Antibiotics", "Anti-plague clothing".

Functional kits:

SS Nurse's Bag

Designed to provide first aid to the wounded and sick. It is the equipment of an orderly, a medical orderly-porter, a shooter-orderly and a driver-orderly.

Designed to provide first aid to 30 wounded and sick.

Provides a temporary stop of bleeding, treatment of the circumference of wounds, the imposition of primary dressings on the wound and burn surfaces, the imposition of an occlusive dressing for open pneumothorax, prevention of wound infection and radiation damage, removal from fainting, prevention of vomiting, washing of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory bullets.


1.medicines of various pharmacotherapeutic groups: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), antibiotic (doxycycline), antiemetic (eaperazine), radioprotective agent (cystamine), sodium preparation (sodium bicarbonate);

2. dressings (sterile gauze bandages, hygroscopic medical cotton wool, medical scarves, adhesive plaster, individual dressing bags, small medical dressings);

3. medical items (hemostatic cords, scissors, safety pins) and other items (folding knife, notebook, pencil).

Container - cover of the SS bag. Weight - 4.8 kg.

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