Getting ready for the summer training program. Preparing the body for summer: effective workouts for men

Lifebuoy, airbags, buttocks, there are many different names for excess fat at the waist. Along with the hips, shoulders and chest, the waist is one of the most problematic areas for fat deposition. The reasons for gaining excess weight can be very different:

  1. Not regular meals;
  2. Overeating and unbalanced diet;
  3. Lack of sleep and frequent stress;
  4. Low mobility, sedentary work combined with lack of physical activity;
  5. Smoking;

It should be noted right away that the miracle of weight loss pills does not exist. And it will not be possible to remove the sides in a short time, in a week, for example. Many of the magic drugs on sale that promise weight loss, up to 2-3 kg per day, remove water from the body and nothing more. Long-term use of such dietary supplements is not desirable and is harmful to the body. Moreover, after the end of taking these drugs, water returns to the body and the weight, respectively, returns to its previous limits.

But, of course, you should not despair, “blowing off your lifebuoy” is possible and within the power of everyone. There are a number of simple tips to help you cope with this difficult task and get your body in shape.

Try to worry less

Excessive excitement and constant stress lead to the fact that in the human body there is an increased production of the hormone - cortisol, the main property of which is to stimulate the deposition of fat in the abdomen and waist in general. Therefore, the first step in dealing with excess weight on your stomach and sides is to get rid of stress.

Stable sleep

Sleep deprivation, which negatively affects a person's physical and mental condition, is also the main cause of increased production of cortisol. Normal healthy sleep should be at least 7 hours a day. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, developing a regime will also help in combating stress, since lack of sleep also negatively affects the mental state of a person.

Regular nutrition and a balanced diet

Regular meals throughout the day, in small portions, about every 3 hours, will prevent further growth of your sides. Small portions will minimize the body's glucose production. Each meal leads to a one-time release of glucose into the blood, the amount of glucose produced is directly proportional to the amount of food eaten. Only when glucose is deficient, when it is not enough for the energy needs of the body, fat is mobilized and burned.

You should definitely include fruits and vegetables in your diet, but be careful with high-calorie fruits such as bananas. They should be consumed in the morning, or just before going to the gym, as this fruit is very rich in fast carbohydrates, excessive consumption of which will also lead to an increase in body fat mass. It is completely worth giving up fast food and semi-finished products.

You should also limit the consumption of smoked, starchy foods, salty, sweet and fried. Fats are useful for consumption only polyunsaturated, they dissolve in the body by 100%, they are high in such fats: soybeans, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, fish oil and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and herring. The consumption of saturated fatty acids in food should be limited, they are most in processed foods: pizza, desserts, bacon. The recommended daily intake of saturated fat is reduced to 20 grams for women and 30 grams for men.

It will be useful to keep a constant count of calories consumed, the daily rate, depending on the weight and height of a person, on average varies from 1500 to 2000 kcal. For weight loss, there is a simple pattern: daily calorie consumption should be higher than consumption.

Another key to good nutrition is water. Many people who do not drink enough water, without knowing it, suffer from dehydration. Dehydration can cause intense stress, both physical and psychological, which again stimulates the production of cortisol. The correct solution would be to consume at least two liters of water daily.

Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol abuse can undermine all your weight loss efforts. An absolute evil, especially for men, is beer, in addition to the fact that it contains a certain amount of female hormones - phytoestrogens, in addition, when drinking this drink, you usually consume salted and fatty crackers, dried or smoked fish and many other not very healthy products.

Sets of exercises for the sides:

There are many different effective exercises that can help you lose fat from your waist. Many of the side exercises can be done while losing weight at home.

Classes with a hoop or hula hob

In addition to being the mainstay of women's waist exercises, the hoop exercises improve blood circulation and metabolism, which helps burn fat around the waist and lose weight on the sides. They should be performed before abdominal exercises, for 5-10 minutes. As the body adapts to stress, the rotation time can be increased.

Classic abs exercises

Starting position: lying on your back, arms are pressed to the chest or behind the head, legs are bent at the knees.

With smooth movements we raise the body to the feet, do not lift the body in jerks, you should withstand the static tension of the press throughout the entire exercise. To begin with, you should perform three sets of 20 times, with an interval between sets of 60 to 90 seconds. As you adapt, the number of approaches and reps should be increased. But you shouldn't do more than five approaches.


Starting position: lying on your back, legs extended, arms behind the head.

We tear off our legs from the ground, without bending at the knees, raise them 15-20 cm from the floor. With smooth movements, we raise the body and alternately pull the left knee to the right elbow, then vice versa. The number of repetitions in the approach is 20, the number of approaches is 3. As your physical condition improves, the number of approaches and repetitions can also be increased.

Jumping rope

Starting position: we stand on our toes, the rope in our hands.

We rotate the rope only with the movement of the hands, you should not try to do this with the movement of the hands in the elbow joints. We try to land on our toes, pushing off as if springing with our knees. Jump is most effective at a "ragged" pace, periodically accelerating. With a lesson lasting 10 minutes, every three minutes you can do thirty-second accelerations, after which you again return to a low pace. As you get used to the loads, the intensity can be increased, and the time for practicing with the rope can be increased.

Exercise "Plank"

Starting position as with push-ups from the floor, feet shoulder width apart. The body should form a straight line from shoulders to heels. It is worth holding this position, leaning on straight arms, for 2-3 minutes. Static load on the abdominal and oblique muscles will respond with a burning sensation, which is what we need.

Exercise "Swimming"

Starting position: lie on your stomach, imagine that you are going to swim with a breast stroke.

Raise the right leg and left arm for 5 seconds, then lower it and repeat the same with the right arm and left leg. We repeat at least 10 times. 2-3 sets.


The most effective exercise for burning fat is jogging; you can remove your sides by running in a few months. Running in a stadium or on rough terrain will be more effective, but if you do not have the opportunity to jog on the street, you can buy a treadmill, but unfortunately it is not a cheap pleasure, in addition, exercises on the treadmill quickly become boring and interest in them fades away. The duration of the run must be at least 7 minutes. It is forbidden to stop while running; in case of very severe fatigue, it is allowed to switch to a step for a short time.

All of the above exercises are best performed in one complex, practicing 2-3 times a week.


In the article, we got acquainted with the main reasons affecting the formation of fat on the sides, learned how to properly build your diet and what exercises you can do at home, as opposed to the gym. Exercises in the gym are not much different from those that you can do at home, because most cardio exercises are performed without special equipment and require only significant perseverance and correct execution technique from you. And do not forget that only all of the above tips in combination with physical exercises will give the fastest and most tangible result.

May 23, 2016 tigress ... s

Summer is coming - it's time for shorts, tops and swimwear. Gyms are filled with newcomers, people in the morning and significantly increase, because on the beach in your favorite swimsuit you want to look great.

If you eat right and exercise regularly, then of course you have nothing to worry about. But, if in winter you constantly put off going to the gym "for later" or every day found thousands of reasons not to do morning exercises or go for a run, then you will have to try hard to get rid of a couple of extra "winter" kilograms.

We offer you several methods that will help you quickly prepare your body for the beach season without additional financial costs and be a star on the beach:

Static weight loss exercises

In order to lose a couple of extra pounds, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Static exercises, which are based on the principle of keeping the body in the correct posture as still as possible, is just such a method when everything ingenious is simple. During the exercise, the whole body strains, the muscles are actively working, although you have frozen for a certain time.

Stand in this position even for 1 minute. it is quite difficult, sometimes the tension in the muscles that occurs during exercise brings pain. But such efforts will not be in vain. Try to lengthen the time of each exercise each time. To do this, you can use a stopwatch on your smartphone, although I do not advise you to constantly look at the timer, because in this case every second will seem like an eternity.

How much to twist the hula hoop (hoop)

An easy-to-use yet effective home trainer that is best suited for those who like to exercise at home.

If you decide to buy a hula hoop, then you should pay attention to metal or complex plastic (consists of two or more segments). Today in stores there are many attachments for hoops - these are massage elements (balls, suction cups) that help to achieve an even better result and perfectly. If you just bought a hula hoop, then 5 minutes will be enough for you daily initial workouts. Gradually increase your training time over time. You shouldn't expect a "super" result after a week of training, but you shouldn't be upset either. If the classes are diligent and regular, then the result will definitely be. Checked!

Jump rope

Another good method to get rid of a couple of those extra winter pounds is a jump rope. This is a worthy replacement for the standard cardio equipment. During exercises with a skipping rope, not only muscles are trained, but also the heart and blood vessels. That is why jumping rope is an obligatory element of sportsmen's programs. It should be noted that jumping rope will not only help you lose weight, but also reduce cellulite.

Active hiking and cycling

The bright sun and warm breeze seem to push us towards active walking or cycling. Long walks increase endurance and are beneficial for weight loss. You get a double effect: you lose kilograms and just have a good time. For best results, try to increase your walking pace, use stairs, hilly terrain is a good option.

As for cycling, there is nothing difficult here either. We just took a bike (if you don't have your own, you can always borrow from friends or rent it) and went for a walk. Everything - the wheels are spinning, calories are burned, the body is actively pumped up. After a walk, be sure to drink a cup - it will normalize the water balance and saturate the body with useful substances.

Take the time and take a few minutes to stretch. Thus, you will increase tissue flexibility, reduce muscle tension and pain that often occur after active training, and ensure the elimination of metabolic products from the body.

Activities in nature will diversify your workouts and help you achieve quick and effective results. During such exercises, the body is better enriched with oxygen, which saturates every muscle, every cell, speeds up metabolism, extra pounds disappear, the body acquires relief, besides that, you also get a pleasant bonus - a natural glow.

Proper nutrition

Remember, any exercise program without adherence is ineffective. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to thoroughly revise your diet. Throw something out of it, add something, on the contrary, give the body as much as possible what it needs and it will certainly thank you for it with a good figure on the beach.

All of the above suggested methods for preparing your body for the beach season are simple and affordable. They are aimed not only at ensuring that you get a quick result, but also to save your budget as much as possible.

Go for the beach season with confidence in your great physical shape!

The biggest mistake girls make when preparing for summer is striving in a week, or even better, three days, to lose 10 kg, get rid of cellulite and look fit and slim. But all these dreams crash against reality and it's good if they just crash.

In fact, everything can end in tears - a hungry swoon or a hospital bed. If this prospect does not make you happy, then stop looking for "super diets" and in no case practice percussion training on an empty stomach.

How do you prepare your body for summer?

Rule number one when preparing a piece for the summer is not to flog a fever. No one will appreciate or notice your heroism. A competent nutrition and training program, designed for a weight loss of about 0.5-1 kg per week, will help to qualitatively and well transform, only then weight loss will be safe, and the weight will decrease precisely due to the burning of excess fat. So, put aside all the ideas to lose weight with one kefir, apples, two-hour runs on an empty stomach. You need sports, proper nutrition, work and desire.

Moving is a must

Exercise is a great weight loss tool that needs to be used wisely and with pleasure. For those who have spent their entire adult life lying on the couch, I advise you to start small - take advantage of the good weather and refuse public transport. Start walking for at least half an hour a day. Next, you should connect simple exercises to strengthen all muscle groups. If you are a “teapot” in sports, it would be foolish to immediately go and buy an unlimited fitness membership for percussion workouts - most likely, your enthusiasm is enough for just a couple of workouts. Better sign up for group classes for beginners to master the basics of the exercises. The problem of excess weight can be solved by step aerobics, zumba, Pilates or simple jogging, etc.
You need to do at least 3 hours a week, but no more than 5, we don't need overtraining.
Drink water as needed during your workout. Meals after training - no earlier than an hour. If you are starving, drink a glass of low-fat kefir, but no carbohydrates!

What's on our plate?

To solve the problem of excess weight and cellulite can proper nutrition, namely nutrition, not diet and hunger strikes. Send all fashionable diets on one leaf of lettuce and a boiled egg and other inventions "into the furnace". You want beauty and health, not falling hair and a sunken belly. Your diet needs "improvement" and vitaminization. For this you need:

1. Limit the amount of salty, pickled and too spicy foods. Salt and spices increase appetite, and salt also retains water. You should not completely exclude this product; you should refuse those dishes where there is too much salt. If possible, do not salt food during cooking, but add salt to ready-made meals. Half a teaspoon of salt should be enough for a day.

2. Reduce the number of calories you eat in the evening. The most common mistakes are evening "zhor" and evening hunger (advice "do not eat after 6"). You need to eat in the evening. The right dinner will help you lose weight without starving or overeating throughout the day. Ideal products for the evening are stewed vegetables, fish, dairy products. All this can be stewed, boiled, baked - in general, cooked without fat. It is very undesirable to eat sweets, bread and any other carbohydrates in the evening, but! If you work at night or, due to some circumstances, did not have time to fully dine, add some complex carbohydrates for dinner (three to four tablespoons of buckwheat, rice or a slice of black bread).

3. Diversify your diet. There are so many useful products now! Vegetables, fruits, a huge selection of overseas cereals, shrimp, squid, different types of fish and meat, dairy products. It's easy to find all this, even if your diet consists of these healthy foods, they are much better than meat and potatoes and morning sandwiches.

4. Replace “harmfulness” with “usefulness”. At first, but to be honest, it is still difficult for me to give up sweets. Therefore, I found a tasty and less nutritious alternative - fruits (fresh or frozen), dried fruits. Of course, you shouldn't be too heavy on fruits, especially sweet ones, but eating an apple or even a high-calorie banana is much healthier than a cake! The same goes for other things. Instead of sausage, eat boiled chicken, take salads, breads, eggs to work. You can find a replacement if you want. Change the method of cooking - bake, simmer, grill, most importantly, no frying in oil, and, moreover, with breading.

5. Drink water. Water must be drunk at least 1.5 liters per day, exclude sweet compotes, coffee, sweet tea, carbonated water. The best drinks are water, green tea, herbal teas and sugar-free fruit drinks.

Get rid of cellulite

Getting rid of extra pounds is half the battle, the second part is reducing the appearance of cellulite. Doctors and fitness trainers say that you cannot completely get rid of it, but you can make the "orange peel" less visible to the eye. Water and cosmetic procedures are required - LPG massage, contrast shower (you can do it in the clinic or at home on your own), use of creams that nourish and moisturize the skin.

To fight cellulite, it is very useful to exercise in the fresh air - oxygen improves skin condition. If this is not possible, then do it with an open window. Respiratory gymnastics is also very useful, it increases the amount of oxygen consumed, and it nourishes organs and tissues, thanks to which the skin acquires a healthy tone and smoothes. Walk more in the park or along the lake.

Another enemy of cellulite is strength training. During active muscular work, an excellent "internal" massage of the fat layer takes place and the work of blood vessels is activated. Moderate resistance exercise or strength pilates (yoga) can help smooth your skin. The main goal of exercise is to activate blood circulation in the "problem areas" and get rid of excess fat. If your health permits, jump rope. Stretching helps improve blood circulation, it also helps to improve muscle shape and recover faster.

Of course, it is difficult to constantly keep yourself within the limits, therefore, rarely, once every 10-14 days, you can afford something tasty in a small amount. I am a professional and I advise you to prepare your body for summer in this way - in a reliable, safe and proven way.

In our world, everything comes unexpectedly. Heating season, new year and summer. Therefore, we are always not ready for either the first, or the second, or the third. But each time we try very desperately to rectify the situation, adding to the already hectic another dose of fuss. Therefore, we will talk about preparing the body for summer now. A few days before the fall. Actually, we will begin to prepare ourselves for the beach season also in the fall.

I cannot claim any objectivity in this matter. Since I have never been involved in preparing people to appear on the beaches. But from my own life experience, I know that such preparations begin well if in March. And more often in May. Also, my experience in fitness and basic knowledge allows me to conclude that if out of 12 months you allocate only 3 months for preparation, then this is too little.

It is hypothetically possible. It's a question of the price you pay. The article about the complex “” told the story of Gerard Butler, who was preparing to shoot in the film of the same name. So here he is after filming went to the hospital, and then for several months could not train at all... Do you need this?

But, most likely, nothing terrible will happen. You simply will not reach the desired shape, since you will not be able to train like a person who has this part of the job. And if you can for a while, then just stop, thanks to the natural reaction of the nervous system.

Yes, some people use all sorts of extreme methods to quickly lose weight, for example. And they work sometimes too! But getting into your favorite jeans and taking off those jeans on the beach are not the same thing... In the first case, you hide, and in the second, you demonstrate. Therefore, I advocate quality and methodical preparation.

So we start in the fall. We have about 9 months to get undressed. And behind at least summer and vacation with unlimited consumption of all sorts of goodies and violation of the regime. This is at least. And as a maximum - several years of such an outrage. Therefore, we will assume that we start preparation practically from scratch.

For myself, I divide the preparation into 3 stages. Each of which falls at a specific time of the year. Let's consider them in more or less detail.

Stage 1. Autumn. General physical preparation.

A task: prepare your body for serious specific loads.

What is important to understand here. What we consider beautiful a muscular body with a small amount of subcutaneous fat.That is, it would be logical to assume that there will need to pump up muscles and remove fat. But these are already specific loads. To start them, we need to kind of “warm up” the body. Like plasticine before sculpting. What for?

First, so as not to spoil your health... Preparing the body for serious and often extreme loads that we will need in the next stages should be carried out gradually. This will protect our systems (muscles, ligaments, joints and heart) from excessive shock and, as a result, injury.

Second, to develop a habit of exercising.This is a very important point. It doesn't matter if you go to the gym or do fitness at home. You need to get used not only to the fact that the body will now be regularly subjected to additional physical activity, but also to form a new schedule. Let relatives and friends get used to it too. And it is better that this also passes more or less gradually. And not at the limit of strength and capabilities.

Third, to improve the efficiency of the next steps.Regardless of your current state (overweight or underweight), the only way to improve it is to exercise. First of all, whoever you are, you need to improve the metabolism in the body and go from minus to zero. The thin one will gain muscle at this stage, and the fat one will burn a good part of the fat. It will be easier to transform from an ordinary person to an athletic one. And your own advantages and disadvantages will be seen better. That will allow you to adjust the work at the next stages, choose the right training schemes.

All of these programs are designed for approximately 3 months. And they fit our tasks.

Stage 2. Winter. Muscle gain

A task:hypertrophy of muscle fibers. I wrote it in clever words so that the task would somehow differ from the name of the stage. In general, they are the same thing.

Even if you are an overweight girl, then i would not advise you to neglect this step.Beautiful butt, legs, chest and everything else are just muscles. Not bones covered in leather.

Moreover - muscle volume is very important for fat burning... The fact is that muscles require a large amount of energy for their maintenance. That is, the more muscles you have, the faster your metabolism. An athlete burns fat much more efficiently than an ordinary person, all other equal physical activity. Even in a calm state (lying on the couch), he burns SEVERAL TIMES more calories than a person with undeveloped muscle fibers.

Don't be afraid to build too much muscle! This is a topic for a separate article, but I will say a few words. Being afraid to build a lot of muscle is like being afraid to suddenly become a millionaire. We fell asleep and woke up super-rich! What a horror ... To build a more or less decent muscle corset of a bodybuilder, people spend years of time and a lot of money on food, supplements and chemistry. These are men who already do not have any particular problems with testosterone. Women even more so have to jump over their heads. With natural training for a healthy man, a good indicator of gain is 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof muscle per year! So don't be afraid to get TOO muscular. As well as being too rich. Although you can inherit money or win the lottery. This will never happen to muscles!

AND winter is the sweetest time to gain muscle. In winter, we don't move much - we spend less time outside. At the same time, we eat less fresh fruits and vegetables, but more cereals and high-calorie preparations. That is, we, by will or by will, accumulate energy, which is simply a sin not to direct in the right direction - muscle growth.

For the purposes of this stage, the following programs and techniques may be suitable for us:

I also plan to write a program for gaining mass within the "".

Stage 3. Spring. Fat burning

A task: getting rid of excess weight.

Now everyone is literate. They sit on fitness websites, read articles and watch the channels of famous athletes. And we heard the word "drying". So that's it. Our fat burning is not "drying".

Drying ”is the preparation of professional athletes for competitions. At this stage, they get rid not only of fat, but also of water (and with it, all useful substances can be removed) and even a certain proportion of muscles in order to win the competition. At the same time, they do not feel in the best way. And, of course, they don't spend their lives in a "dried" state. It's just harmful, and it doesn't always look pretty. This is sport and sacrifice.

To us you need to remove unnecessary things, and not look like a living manual on anatomy... Therefore, our funds will be less extreme. And we have enough time. So it will be enough for us to do two things.

Getting in perfect physical shape for the beach season is an equally relevant event both for millions of women and for all representatives of the stronger sex who are not indifferent to their external attractiveness. And you are already ready to visit the beach; ready to take off your shirt and proudly show others your flawless, admirable torso? If you're not sure if you can answer this question in the affirmative, check out our collection of effective workout videos. Conquer laziness in yourself, actively aim for high results - and with the help of such exercises you will certainly succeed in creating the body of your dreams!

Fat burning workout at home

Regardless of the short duration of training (the recommended duration of a session is only 7-15 minutes), the systematic implementation of such exercises will help you quickly get rid of excess weight without resorting to visits to a fitness club or gym. The workouts are based on the principles of the Tabata system, and involve alternating 20-second exercises with 10-second rest intervals. Classes do not require special sports paraphernalia; all you need is a strong towel, a glass of water, and a floor mat. Exercise regularly, combine home sports with proper, balanced nutrition - and after two or three workouts, you will notice the first and very impressive results!

We swing the press at home, remove fat from the abdomen and sides

A highly effective set of six exercises aimed at sequentially working out the lower and upper abs, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles. All exercises are carried out in a lying position, on a mat, and do not require the presence of special sports equipment. By combining regular 15-minute workouts with a balanced diet, you will not only get rid of excess fat mass, but you will also be able to achieve the flawless relief that the body of professional athletes has!

Outdoor exercises for arms, shoulders and abs

A full-fledged half-hour workout-improvisation on the sports ground from the famous fitness guru Denis Semenikhin. The complex includes exercises for high-quality study of the triceps, biceps, deltoid muscles, abs and oblique abdominal muscles. In order to carry out such activities, you will need a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a large bench. Push-ups, presses, stretches, leg raises - each of the exercises effectively complements the previous one, providing in the end a full pumping of muscles, and thereby contributing to the quick acquisition of your ideal physical shape!

Exercises for the legs

A set of simple but effective exercises for working out all four groups of leg muscles. Each of the exercises is performed in three sets. Classes do not imply the presence of special equipment, and are based on the use of the athlete's body weight as the main weighting agent. The workout includes leg raises with fixation of the final position, squats (including in combination with jumps), lifts of the body with a high emphasis on the legs, slow lifts on toes, etc. Fifteen to twenty minutes of hard training three times a week - and already after a month, you will be happy to see their obvious results!

Pectoral muscle workout at home

A set of basic home exercises aimed at fully strengthening and developing the pectoral muscles. As an alternative to the bench press, push-ups from the floor with a wide grip are used here, and lifting the body using stools and stacks of books will help replace exercises on the uneven bars. In order to build high-quality chest muscles, you need to use weight, but it is not at all necessary to visit sports stores in order to purchase it. An ordinary backpack filled, for example, with all the same books, will quite cope with the role of a weighting agent!

How to build your back at home?

Affordable and effective exercises for pumping back muscles, involving the use of an elastic tourniquet or dumbbells by an athlete. Correct adherence to the instructor's recommendations will allow you to ensure the optimal load on the back, while eliminating unwanted participation in the training of the muscles of the forearm and biceps. The disciplined execution of these exercises three times a week will allow you to be proud of your impeccable physical shape in the near future!

Expert opinion

Starochkin Konstantin Anatolyevich, traumatologist-orthopedist of the medical center ""

Begin any workout with a warm-up on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. If we talk about strength exercises, then fifteen minutes of aerobic activity will qualitatively prepare the heart for them and improve the blood supply to the muscles. Then you can proceed directly to training. Each strength exercise is performed with the same weight with which you can do 12 repetitions.

The Barbell Shoulder Squat is a basic exercise that works the muscles in your legs, back, and abs. On some days, you can replace the squat with a barbell or dumbbell lunge.

Bent Over Row - Exercise for your abs and back muscles.

In the bench press, the shoulders, pectoral muscles and triceps work, that is, precisely those muscles that especially need to be put in order for the summer season. On different days, alternate the grip and lift of the bench to engage as many muscle fibers as possible.

You can complete the workout with twists, pull-ups or hyperextensions - extensions in the simulator. Do exercises with your weight to failure - as many repetitions as you can.

Of course, it is impossible to become Arnold Schwarzenegger in a month, but getting dry and toning your muscles is quite real. For this, three workouts per week are enough. If on free days you walk or run 5 km, this will allow you to quickly get rid of the pounds gained during the winter and improve your well-being. We also recommend to undergo a course of pressotherapy - this is a lymphatic drainage procedure that effectively removes excess fluid from the body and brings you closer to the acquisition of the desired relief.

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