8 month old baby does not sleep at night. Troubled sleep at night in babies eight months old

During the first weeks of his life, the child is not very much awake. During the day, he sleeps more than plays. This is the ideal state of affairs. Often babies have restless sleep, are capricious, do not sleep themselves and do not allow their parents to rest. Why does an eight month old baby sleep badly?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. There can be many reasons for this behavior of the little man. Most often this is due to some kind of problems in physical or mental development. To help a child, you need to figure out what exactly is connected with his bad sleep at night.

How important sleep is for a child

There are many different studies and scientific studies devoted to the problem of sleep. Most of all, the processes that occur in a dream with young children are considered. The time that the baby spends in a dream has a fairly significant effect on the formation of his higher nervous activity and on his health in general.

Good, sound sleep contributes to the normal course of many important processes:

  • Final maturation of the brain. Scientists believe that after birth and up to three years, a person has the highest brain activity. The neural network is able to actively form precisely at rest, that is, when the child is sleeping. Among other things, at this time there is an increase in the interaction between both hemispheres of the brain;
  • Development of memory and attention. Based on scientific research, it has been proven that, as a child, a person is able to perceive, remember and distribute a large stream of material. The time that the child spends in a dream is more focused on memorizing the information received;
  • "Growing up" baby. People say that a baby grows in a dream. This is true, because the secretion of growth hormone is characteristic precisely for night sleep. If this hormone is not enough, then the child will not grow and develop in accordance with his age;
  • Restoration of strength and energy. By eight months, the baby becomes very active, so he gets tired a day. Only a deep night's sleep can help him renew his strength;
  • Mental and emotional relaxation. A little man receives a certain amount of stress from his birth. This happens almost every day due to the fact that he is constantly faced with something new, until then unknown to him;
  • Mood formation. When a child sleeps well, he wakes up in a great mood, which pleases the people around him;
  • Formation of immunity. When the body is weakened from restless, sleepless nights, it easily gives up under the influence of negative infections. The more the baby sleeps, the more he gets stronger, along with his immunity. The calmer the child's sleep, the better his health.

How should a baby sleep at 8 months

The way an adult sleeps is different from that of an eight month old baby. Under favorable conditions, the baby spends about 11 hours in a sleeping state. But sleep is rather heterogeneous, it is called cyclical, because the phases are constantly changing. It is about falling asleep, about the phase of superficial and deep sleep.

After the child is 6 months old, the period of the slow-fast phase is equal to one and a half hours. Over time, the deep phase becomes longer.

The slow phase is characterized by a slow heartbeat, deep breathing, the eyeballs are at rest, the muscles of the face and fists are relaxed, the child stops flinching.

That is, in this case we can talk about sound sleep.

In the active phase, the eyeballs are constantly moving, breathing is intermittent, frequent changes in facial expressions are characteristic, legs and arms often twitch.

The active phase is the period of sleep when everything that happens around easily wakes up the child. If at such a moment you try to put the baby in his crib, then most often awakening will come. So don't be in a hurry. Let the baby fall asleep better and only then shift.

Why does a child of 8 months sleep poorly at night

There are many reasons for a child's restless sleep. Unfortunately, there are even those that can be eliminated only with the use of drugs. Doctors tried to group all factors into specific groups:

  • Physiology and characteristics of the body characteristic of a particular baby;
  • Emotional problems;
  • Neurology.

Causes of restless sleep in a child:

  • Sleep phases in children proceed differently. For some, the fast phase lasts longer than the slow one. The kid shudders in a dream. How often this happens depends solely on the characteristics of the child himself. If the baby is easily excitable, then his sleep is less calm than that of other children. The baby requires constant attention and help from parents;
  • Acquisition of new skills. With age, the baby becomes more active. By 6-8 months, he is increasingly trying to show independent motor activity, and sometimes this happens precisely in a dream. An emotional surge from new sensations continues at night. Therefore, parents should not worry, as soon as these skills are not some kind of innovation for the child, the dream will improve;
  • Too active motor and emotional activity during the day. Sometimes, complaining that the baby began to sleep poorly at night, parents do not think about such a simple reason as overexcitation. If the child plays too much without rest all day, is in a constantly agitated state under the influence of various events, then he will fall asleep badly, and the night's sleep itself will be intermittent, with whims and crying. Since a baby at eight months old cannot yet limit his emotions on his own, parents should monitor this;
  • The appearance of teeth. By eight months, the baby should have central and lateral incisors. These teeth are particularly painful to cut. Therefore, it is not surprising that the child's sleep during this period is very hectic;
  • Painful sensations in the tummy. When the baby is six months old, mothers begin to give him various complementary foods. If during this period you do not follow all the recommendations of pediatricians, then the baby may have digestion problems. And this threatens with painful manifestations in the baby's tummy during sleep;
  • Failure to comply with comfortable sleeping conditions. To create favorable conditions for a night's sleep, first of all, you need to take care of comfortable clothes that will not cause any discomfort. Also, parents need to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room where the baby sleeps. So the temperature is considered comfortable for the child - 18-20 ℃, and the humidity - no more than 60%;
  • Feelings of hunger. Failure to comply with an elementary diet can lead to the fact that at night the child will feel hungry, from this he will often wake up and cry. Breast milk is absorbed quickly enough, which cannot be said about various cereals and artificial mixtures;
  • Insomnia (insomnia). This sleep disorder is due to the fact that the baby is not able to fall asleep on its own. If children do not have such problems, then, often waking up at night, they change their body position, get comfortable and fall asleep again. In this case, this does not happen. Children suffering from insomnia can no longer fall asleep on their own, as their parents have taught them to constant motion sickness with and without it. Most often, this situation occurs during the transition of the active phase of sleep to the slow one. And sometimes only 2-3 hours after the child fell asleep;
  • Somatic and neurological problems. Fortunately, a baby's restless sleep is rarely associated with any medical condition. The serious reasons that led to sleep disturbance include: increased intracranial pressure, allergic manifestations, neoplasms in the brain, infections, disorders in the development of internal organs, etc. If the child's sleep is constantly disturbed, you should think about the reasons for this condition of the baby. It is best to see a doctor and, if necessary, take the recommended course of treatment.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are many factors leading to sleep disturbance. Most of them can be changed by following all the rules and expert advice.

What to do if a baby at 8 months sleeps poorly at night

Parents need to try to ensure that the baby does not suffer from lack of sleep. This can be achieved by performing certain actions:

  • We get rid of overexcitation. So that the baby's nervous system does not suffer, a favorable atmosphere must be created around him. Spend time outdoors more often. Before going to bed, it would be nice for him to take a bath with the addition of herbs with a calming effect. It can be chamomile or valerian;
  • A well-fed baby is a restful sleep. Observation of the behavior of infants has shown that the child sleeps worse when he is hungry. To prevent such situations from arising, feed him well two hours before bed. Give him a breast just before going to bed. Thus, the baby will not only be satiated, but also become calmer, thanks to endorphins. It is advisable that breast milk is more fatty. For this, a woman needs to monitor her diet and eat well;
  • The kid did not play enough. It often happens that at night, having woken up and refreshed a little, the child begins active play activities. To prevent this from happening again, shift the laying time in the evening to a later date;
  • Normal temperature conditions. When there is a baby in the family, a favorable climate should be created not only psychologically, but also in temperature. The air temperature should not exceed 22 ℃, and the humidity should not exceed 40%. Make sure that the baby does not overcool or overheat. Both of these points are undesirable. When the baby has sweating, problem areas need to be treated with a special ointment;
  • Anesthesia. The baby's whims at night can occur due to any painful sensations. It can be teeth or tummy. In this situation, the child needs help. As a last resort, he is given pain relievers. But this should be done only with a clear cause of pain;
  • Calm mother. We have already mentioned many times that the baby has a very close bond with the mother. Therefore, a woman must monitor her emotional state. All your nerves, irritations, sooner or later begin to act on the baby. The same goes for insomnia. No matter how difficult it is, the child should not feel it. Be always affectionate with him, smile more often, try to restrain your negative emotions. Thanks to your efforts, baby's sleep will be sound and long.

How to put a baby to sleep at 8 months

Lulling a baby

When the child wakes up at night and then remains awake for a long time, try to lull him to sleep. Our great-grandmothers also rocked children who could not sleep. While rocking, the baby relaxes, becomes calmer and falls asleep.

You can swing in several ways. For example, you can put the baby on top of you and gently rock it until you fall asleep. Children are perfectly rocked sitting in the arms of their mother. So he realizes that he was surrounded by a dense protective ring, just like it was in his mother's tummy.

These methods of dealing with insomnia are absolutely safe for the health of the baby.

When the baby is still breastfed, it is easier to rock him. Take the baby on the arms, give him a breast, gently rocking, scurry around the room, sing a song. Do not be afraid that he will get used to it and will fall asleep only in this way.

Sleep next to mom

Babies are too closely related to moms. They can be calm only when they sense her maternal warmth, her scent, and voice nearby. An eight-month-old toddler cannot feel safe without the dearest person, and therefore begins to be capricious when his parents try to put him to sleep in a separate bed.

If there is a problem with sleeping at night, try placing your baby next to you.

This is especially convenient for nursing women. As soon as the baby is capricious, the mother can immediately give him a breast, hug, lull him to sleep.

After a certain time, as soon as the capricious person plunges into sound sleep, he is transferred to the crib. That is, the baby falls asleep under his mother's wing, and spends the second half of the night on his own. Or vice versa, you need to look at the situation.

The older the child becomes, the stronger and longer his sleep becomes. He wakes up less often to feed. Over time, when breastfeeding ends, you need to teach the little man to sleep on his own.

Preparation for sleep

It's good when the family traditionally uses the same ritual of preparing for bed. Compliance with this order on a daily basis creates an atmosphere of calm and relaxation for the baby before a night's sleep:

  • Water procedures. It is very good when the baby is accustomed to bathing before bedtime. And it's not just a matter of hygiene. This is how the baby relaxes. Important! If bathing for the baby is not a very pleasant procedure, it is better to carry it out at another time of the day.;
  • Create a pleasant environment. In the room where they are preparing for bed, it is necessary to remove all extraneous sounds long before the baby is laid down. The light should not be too bright;
  • Making contact before bed. Getting ready for bed, hug your child, talk to him, tell him something pleasant;
  • Fairy tales. In order to read fairy tales or nursery rhymes at night, you do not need to choose a particular age. Children always love it. Reading is not only calming before bed, but helps in the intellectual development of the child;
  • Songs for the night. Only the deaf person has not heard about the magical properties of lullabies. From time immemorial, children fell asleep to the sound of their mother's song. Now you can not only sing, but also turn on any light, soothing melody before going to bed;
  • After your baby has fallen asleep, tuck him comfortably, cover with a blanket. If he has a fear of dark rooms, turn on a night light in the bedroom.

If a child sleeps poorly for 8 months, the general condition of his body worsens. Sleep deprivation negatively affects daytime activity, mental development and growth. That is why it is recommended to find the cause of this condition as soon as possible. In addition, it is very common for these children to have sleep problems at an older age. Why does a baby sleep badly at 8 months? How to fix the situation?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sleep for a young child. It has a beneficial effect on all systems of the child's body without exception.

  1. Brain growth. This process is most intense before the age of 3 years. When babies sleep, a network of neurons develops in their brains and a strong connection is established between the two parts.
  2. Development of memory and attention. When a child wakes up, his brain has to process an incredible amount of new information. Adequate rest, namely REM sleep, helps the brain perform this function by improving the memory process.
  3. The growth of the organism. Growth hormone is produced during sleep. If it is not enough, developmental problems may appear.
  4. Preparing for daytime activities. An 8-month-old child quite actively learns the world around him. Therefore, he must sleep a certain amount of time, during which his strength will have time to recover.
  5. In the sleeping state, children experience stress relief. A full night's rest will allow the baby to get rid of the psychological and emotional stress received during the day.
  6. Strengthening the immune system. It is easier for a rested child to fight various infections and viruses. It is not for nothing that experts consider sound sleep to be one of the parts of a comprehensive treatment.

A child's sound sleep at night is the key to a good mood. And this applies to both the baby himself and the adults around him.

When a child is not sleeping well for 8 months, one should think about the reasons for this condition.

Why does a child of 8 months sleep poorly at night and often wake up? There are several reasons.

Children also sleep poorly at new stages of their development. This includes periods when they begin to roll over on their own, crawl, and so on.

It is very important to find out the reason why the child does not sleep well at night. This will help, if necessary, provide him with assistance on time.

Many parents, faced with such problems, ask themselves a completely logical question: what to do if my daughter (son) always fell asleep well, slept and did not wake up at night? And now you become restless and wake up? There are several ways to fix the situation.

It is equally important to monitor your emotional state. The child subtly feels changes in the mood of mom or dad. Therefore, next to him you need to be as calm as possible.

In some cases, when the essence of the problem lies in a disorder of the nervous system, the doctor may prescribe medication.

They are of two types:

  • sedatives;
  • medications to strengthen the nervous system.

The doctor should prescribe drugs, determine their dosage and duration of administration. Self-medication can lead to bad consequences.

So a night's sleep is very important. When we sleep, the body rests and gains strength. At eight months old, babies may have sleep problems. Most often, their cause is overwork or emotional overexcitement. Walking in the fresh air, baths with medicinal herbs, good nutrition and so on will help correct the situation.

The sweet dream of a loved one brings rest not only to the child's body. Together with him, his mother also rests, and as a result, everyone wakes up in a great mood. What could be better? It happens, and very often, that babies do not sleep for the period prescribed by the general norms. Why does this happen and how much should a baby sleep at 8-9 months?

It happens that the child's sleep regime is far from generally accepted norms, and this tires parents and the baby himself

Sleep rate for babies 8-9 months

The average sleep duration per day for children 8-9 months is 14-15 hours. 10 hours are allotted for a night's sleep, the remaining 4-5 hours are broken in the daytime. There is a table showing the desired daily routine. The most comfortable and age-appropriate sleep pattern will be the following:

  • 22.00–6.00 - night rest;
  • 8.30-10.00 - first break;
  • 14.30-16.30 - second break;
  • 20.00–22.00 - a couple of hours after “leaving” for a night's sleep, the baby is woken up for the last feeding.

Daytime sleep is divided into 2 periods. Between rests, the waking time is 2.5-3 hours. This is theory, but what about in practice? We list the possible options for the sleep mode, which are also quite acceptable:

  • 2 daily naps - the average duration of each is 1.5-2 hours. Such a regime speaks of the excellent development of the baby, that his emotional and psychological development corresponds to the norms. The waking time can be about 3.5 hours. When everything happens this way, the preliminary part of the night's sleep can be removed and only the main one can be left from 22:00. Such a routine is more convenient for parents, because sometimes the baby, waking up to eat at 22:00, no longer wants to fit in again.
  • 3-time naps - division into two short rests of 40 minutes (at 9:00 and 19:00) and one full rest in the lunch area. It will take 2 to 3 hours longer. The duration depends on whether the mother is walking in the park with a stroller or not. Sleeping three times a day testifies to the child's quick fatigue, when it is still difficult for him to “walk” for a long time. This regime is also a normal indicator of development. When mom and baby are used to this routine, they can stick to it as long as they need to.

The optimal daily sleep schedule can be calculated individually, based on the individual physiology of the child and his daily activity. The most important thing is that the baby must gain strength and fully recover during the rest period.

The quality of daytime sleep directly depends on the intensity of the walk and its duration.

Deviations from the norm

  • Analyze the possible causes of the excitement of the crumbs and try to eliminate them. For example, a child is invigorated by loud music or older children are lured into active games, etc.
  • Adjust the climate in the room. Children often do not sleep well because of the heat. More comfortable sleeping conditions - fresh and cool air in the bedroom.
  • Stick to a daily routine. Neither weekends nor holidays should affect strict adherence to the established rules. Just once leaving the regime, you run the risk of undermining the entire existing system.
  • Help the baby to comply with the regime (we recommend reading :). Seeing that the baby is naughty before bedtime, delay the laying a little. You can enthrall your child with reading or nurse him in your arms while speaking in a calm voice. The baby must go to sleep at strictly fixed hours.

If the child absolutely does not want to go to bed, you can try a different approach, but do not shift the sleep time

How can I help my child fall asleep?

Children of 8-9 months are extremely active, and this leads to the fact that it is extremely difficult to lay down a fidget. It is difficult for a child to rebuild his nervous system - even while in a crib, he still craves games and actions. It is not easy for parents to calm down a walking toddler.

What are the ways to get the little naughty to bed? It is important to correctly distribute games throughout the day. In the evening, be sure to exclude all noisy and active games. When dad returns home from work, he wants to cuddle and tickle his baby, but active games will be inappropriate in this case. The child at this time should plunge into a peaceful and calm environment, which would tune in to a sleepy mood. It is helpful and very effective to include some kind of ritual that is observed daily. The baby will immediately understand that sleep time will come soon and it will be much easier to put it down. As rituals, you can choose bathing, dressing in pajamas, reading a fairy tale, stroking massage, etc.

It will be easier to lay the fidget if you include in the process of swinging on your hands or in the crib. Sometimes the child is capricious only with his mother, then it will be useful to introduce dad or other family members to the laying. Most likely, the whims will come to naught and the baby will sleep in peace within 5 minutes.

If there are no results, we connect the stroller to the actions. You can rock the little one in it, and then transfer it to the crib. Toddlers, accustomed to sleeping in a stroller during the day, instantly fall asleep in it in the evening.

Sleep disturbances

There is another problem specific to the age we are studying. A baby at 8 months may not sleep well all night. He sleeps restlessly, often wakes up and cries. Sleepless nights leave an imprint on the nervous state of parents, who, in addition to their fatigue, are still extremely worried about the baby.

Sleep disorders are manifested as follows:

  • The child does not fall asleep well at night, the laying time increases. Having woken up at night, and this happens several times, the baby cannot fall asleep on his own and begins to cry, calling his mother. Mom is forced to come up again and again, soothe and rock the baby. After waiting for a seemingly sound sleep, mom calms down, but in vain - after a while the situation repeats itself.
  • There are fewer deep sleep phases. Parents need to take a closer look at the evening rituals, most likely, they are violated - for example, the baby loves to fall asleep while sucking on the breast, or he is used to falling asleep from motion sickness, he is used to falling asleep with his mother.

If a child cannot sleep without parents, you need to be prepared for disturbances in the phases and duration of sleep.

Reasons for waking up at night

It is unnecessary to suspect any disease in this case. A healthy 9 month old baby who wakes up every hour is the norm. This situation depends on a number of reasons:

  1. Teeth are being cut. At this age, children are actively getting teeth. One tooth can torment a crumb, or several at once. Of course, children are going through this period very hard and difficult. Drooling becomes more, babies are looking for any objects to scratch their gums. Chewing food becomes painful. Fever and stool changes are often added to these symptoms. All of the above, of course, affects the quality of sleep. Noticing frequent spills in the baby, you can suspect active teething.
  2. Breast-feeding. Babies who eat their mother's milk are more restless than bottle-fed babies. The baby needs to feel and know that mom is near, because their connection during lactation is extremely close. As soon as the baby feels mother's warmth, drinks some milk, he immediately falls asleep sweetly again.
  3. Diseases. The child can suffer from symptoms of various diseases. These include otitis media, colic, colds and others. Long, loud crying in the middle of the night indicates pain. The problem can be solved only with the participation of a pediatrician.
  4. External stimuli. The child may be uncomfortable in clothes - for example, the seams chafe the skin or folds in the way. Little ones also do not sleep well in a hot or too cold room. It is important to monitor the external conditions of sleep, then the baby will sleep long and soundly.
  5. Incorrectly organized daily routine (we recommend reading :). A child can sleep during the day and not walk, but at night he wants to catch up.
  6. Excitements and vivid emotions during the day, as well as the presence of active and noisy games before bedtime.

This reason goes away by itself, provided that rest is observed in the following days. Violations that have been going on for a long time and bothering you need to be corrected. The pediatrician should suggest the correct decision.

Doctor Komarovsky advises adhering to the following rules so that the baby is laid down in a minimum of time:

  • The room must be well ventilated, which means it must be saturated with oxygen. If possible, it is better to sleep with the window ajar. The maximum possible room temperature is 24 degrees. The humidity level should be around 50-70%. A crumb, accustomed to opening up in a dream, does not need to cover on its own. It would be more rational to wear pajamas before bed.
  • Quiet games before bedtime are the key to calm laying down. Read good stories. A baby at 8 months is already able to listen to 2-3 fairy tales at a time.
  • Get a relaxing massage before bed.
  • It is better to bathe the little one in a large bath, so he can spend all the remaining energy, and then fall asleep soundly.
  • Buy an orthopedic mattress for your baby for sweet and pleasant dreams.
  • Sing the lullabies your baby loves.
  • Wear disposable diapers at night.
  • Before going to bed, it is good and useful to take a short walk in the fresh air.

Parents themselves will see and appreciate the benefits of following the rules for organizing sleep, which Komarovsky offers. Help the baby to train important and necessary skills.

Normally, an infant should always sleep in a restful, sound sleep. But at different periods of life, normal sleep is disturbed and a series of restless nights follows, which so exhaust parents. First of all, this is due to age-related changes, through which the baby goes every 2-3 months. An 8-9 month old baby is just entering another important stage of development, and therefore begins to sleep poorly.

What's happening

At the age of eight months, most babies already sit in the crib by themselves and even try to move on all fours. What scope this creates for the child's active research activities! If earlier he could only reach out to things interesting for himself with his pens, now he is trying to crawl to them himself.

The child's sleep pattern is changing again. The night rest still takes up to 10 hours, and the daytime period is significantly reduced. It is already enough for a baby to sleep 2 hours twice a day. But two day rests are required, otherwise by the evening the fragile nervous system is overloaded so much that the child for 8 months does not sleep well at night.

At this age, even babies who are breastfed should already receive complementary foods. New products appear in the child's diet all the time, which must be introduced very smoothly. If you immediately feed the baby with a standard portion of food that is unusual for him, the digestive system will immediately react with a failure. Already forgotten colic, cramps, gases will begin, which may not let you sleep all night.

The psychological burden on the baby is enormous. He learns new things every day, like a sponge absorbs new words, struggles to repeat individual sounds and syllables. It gives him great pleasure to communicate with loved ones. He vigorously shows emotions and reacts very sensitively to the slightest changes in mood or intonation of his mother's voice.

A baby who is not yet able to control his own fatigue, having received many even positive impressions, can become capricious, become restless, and start crying a lot. This means only one thing - the child is tired and needs rest. Mom needs to try to control the psycho-emotional state of the baby in order to prevent severe overwork.

The physical activity of an 8-month-old baby increases significantly. He learns to play with toys, sits most of the time, many children stand up, holding their hands on the side of the crib. This requires huge energy costs, and the crumbs' appetite increases dramatically. Sometimes you even have to return to night feeding, especially breastfeeding, otherwise a hungry child does not sleep well at night - tossing and turning all the time, often waking up.

Sleep phases by 8 months become the same as in an adult. That is, in babies, superficial sleep also prevails most of the night.

And if earlier it was possible to wake a sleeping child only with the roar of a cannon, now he began to fall asleep longer and sleep more sensitively. This means that it is necessary to teach him to fall asleep on his own, since it is now unlikely that it will be possible to transfer the dozing baby to the crib without waking him up.

The following signs indicate that there are indeed problems with sleep:

  • the baby categorically refuses to go to bed at the usual time;
  • the duration of falling asleep increases to half an hour or more;
  • the child wakes up 2-3 times a night;
  • after waking up at night, the baby does not fall asleep for 1.5-2 hours;
  • the baby is constantly tossing and turning in a dream, sometimes screaming or moaning through sleep;
  • there are sudden awakenings with hysteria.

There are many reasons for the appearance of such problems, and age-related changes are only one of them, more associated with the psychological aspect of the child's development. All others can be divided into physiological and pathological.

And the problems with children's sleep can be provoked by the parents themselves by their wrong actions.

Physiological causes

The physiological reasons why a child of 8 months falls asleep for a long time and does not sleep well at night, mainly lie on the surface. They are very easy to identify and eliminate, you just need to carefully observe the situation and your actions and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to them:

It is also interesting that by about 8 months the child begins to clearly realize when the mother is going to go somewhere. Each new separation is a real tragedy - after all, the baby does not yet understand that she will definitely return and he has not formed a sense of time.

Therefore, do not leave him to fall asleep alone - until he can do it. At the very least, sit next to, or better, provide tactile contact so that the baby feels protected.

Pathological causes

When a child is sick, he always sleeps poorly at night. It is quite easy for even an inexperienced mother to identify colds and respiratory diseases - snot, coughing appears, and the temperature rises.

But there are other pathological reasons that prevent the baby from sleeping soundly:

It is always necessary to treat infants under the supervision of a pediatrician, even if the child does not need hospitalization. Therefore, if you suspect that the reason why the child slept poorly was an illness, then you should not try to diagnose yourself - go to the doctor and be sure to get tested.

Most diseases detected at an early stage are easy to cure. Neglected diseases can greatly affect the further development of the baby.

To sleep better

The mother always has the opportunity to make the baby sleep better. Here are some simple, tried-and-true tricks that will dramatically improve the quality of your baby's sleep at night, no matter what is causing the disorder:

And remember that in the absence of pathologies, sleep problems will improve in a couple of weeks. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and not to spoil the nerves of yourself and your child, getting irritated by sleepless nights and long falling asleep.

Try to rest more, do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help. Then the period of sleep regression will pass quickly enough and painlessly.

For an infant, sleep is one of the best aids in stimulating growth and development. It is good if a child falls asleep on his own by 8 months and does not wake up at night. But there is a completely opposite situation. Then it is important to find out why he sleeps badly or wakes up often. Doctor Komarovsky has his own thoughts on this, which will be useful to know to any parent who is faced with similar problems.

When a child of 8 months does not sleep well at night, Komarovsky first of all advises to find out his physiological characteristics. In this case, one should start from them. Still, 8 months is a rather difficult period. A child can wake up for many reasons, the main of which are the following.

  1. Specific "sleep architecture". Komarovsky emphasizes that at 8 months, a child's superficial sleep is much "stronger" than deep sleep. Therefore, it is normal to wake up often at this age.
  2. Need to feed at night. Just at 8 months, the need to feed the baby at night is especially pronounced. Often, according to Komarovsky, all breastfed children can wake up. But for babies whose feeding is based on artificial mixtures, this applies less.

Above are presented only the so-called physiological reasons why a child does not sleep well at 8 months. However, there are other situations that can lead to sleep problems. And Komarovsky also calls them. They can be called somewhat situational.

Why does a child sleep poorly at night, often wakes up

It will be possible to name many situations in which the child's sleep at night becomes sensitive. According to Komarovsky, many of them can be eliminated fairly quickly and without significant effort. But parents need to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. When the described situation arises, Komarovsky advises paying attention to the most important points.

  1. Lack of proper sleep and rest. In a child at 8 months, such a regime should develop completely.
  2. The wrong place to sleep at night. The absence of parents near the baby can lead to the fact that she will not sleep well.
  3. Excess sleep during the day. Some babies sleep poorly at night by 8 months due to the fact that they get enough sleep during the day.
  4. Illiterate timing of feeding. Komarovsky says that by 8 months the baby does not have to be fed at night. If he often wakes up to kiss his mother's breast, it is necessary to reconsider the diet.
  5. Lack of sufficient physical activity. Those children who did not have enough activity during the day sleep poorly at night.
  6. Uncomfortable conditions. According to Komarovsky, a child at 8 months old can sleep poorly at night due to the fact that the humidity or temperature in the room is incorrectly selected. The quality of the mattress or the diapers used is even more important.

These are the main cases when a child may wake up at night and sleep poorly. But what does Komarovsky advise parents to do? His recommendations will teach your baby to sleep well and not wake up. Komarovsky even specially made a number of rules, the observance of which will definitely help.

What to do if a child of 8 months does not sleep well

The rules of healthy sleep for an eight month old baby are clear and easy to follow. Those parents who notice that their child often wakes up and sleeps poorly, Komarovsky asks to rely on such recommendations.

  1. Before going to bed, a baby of 8 months needs to be well fed. Then at night he will not want to eat.
  2. At 8 months, it is even better to put the baby in the same room with the parents. In a separate room, he will most likely sleep badly.
  3. Before going to bed, you should ventilate the room to avoid stuffiness. The optimal air humidity in this case according to Komarovsky is 60%.
  4. Since those children often wake up who are not tired during the day, parents need to provide the baby with daily loads.
  5. It is also not recommended to put a child to sleep for 8 months during the day if he clearly does not want to. Otherwise, he will often wake up at night.
  6. A child by 8 months must be taught to alternate periods of sleep and rest. Gradually, he will get used to the fact that he needs to sleep at night, and the problem will disappear.

There is nothing difficult in following these rules. When a child does not sleep well at night, Komarovsky often wakes up, recommends that first of all pay attention to the presented aspects. This will allow you to survive the age of 8 years without special nerves. Over time, the child's sleep will return to normal. After a year of life, he will begin to sleep much better, and mom and dad will not have to put him to bed several times at night. The correct approach to this issue will allow you to educate a full-fledged and developed person. According to Komarovsky, this is not so difficult to do.

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