Paws, ears, two tails: find out who you are from the heroes of "Zootopia". Who Are You From Cartoon Zootopia? Take a quick test of who I am from Zootopia

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    Game by characters Who Are You From Cartoon Trolls will help you find out all the most secret sides of your character. Here you will be asked questions that will give you an unambiguous final result, which of the trolls you most resemble. This is wildly funny and interesting. Dare

Whoever has not watched the cartoon about the brave bunny working in the police will probably not be interested in passing this test. Although it is quite possible the game "Test Zootopia" will be an incentive to get acquainted with the mentioned cartoon, and see who you remind. It will be very exciting and unusual. As you remember, all these comrades live in a huge metropolis, where there is enough room for all animals, from the huge ones to the smallest ones. Even if you came from North Pole, you will find a comfortable apartment here.

It's fun to play, because the town is calm and harmony, thanks to the successful work of the police. For example, an ordinary lamb can safely walk next to leopards, and does not worry that one day it will become dinner. But such an idyll was cut across the throat of someone, and the predators gradually became brutal again. Game "Test Zootopia" will help solve this sudden problem, but first you need to find out what class of animals you belong to.

It's easy to play - they ask you questions and you answer. And you don't even need to write anything - just click on the desired picture or answer option. The game "Test Zootopia" has already done everything, you are left with only little things. In general, let's find out which animal is closest to you in spirit, and start solving problems. If you think about it, your prototype may be a bunny, a fox, a sloth, a gazelle and other incredibly entertaining characters who have already appeared in the cartoon based on which this toy is made.

March 4, 2016 18:52 7881

Paws, ears, two tails: find out who you are from the heroes of "Zootopia"

The animated film "Zootopia" - a cartoon about the amazing state of animals, in which the same laws apply as in the world of people, was released in the domestic distribution. The heroes of the picture are building a career, fighting prejudices and trying to find themselves. Peterburg2 compiled a test, answering the questions of which, you can find yourself in one of the heroes of "Zootopia". Take a pen, paper and let's go!

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As a child, you:

A: Were the most sweet child, easily responded to the requests of adults ... As long as they could be at least something (a candy there or a toy) useful to you

B: They spoke little, but listened a lot, and even if they started a conversation, they joked no worse than an adult Stand Up participant

C: Your parents dressed you up like a doll, you constantly had new toys and books. Wish you read them

D: They saw you as an independent and intelligent child beyond your years, at the same time you were stubborn and fought more than once in kindergarten even with the best friend

E: A chubby baby with pink cheeks, you constantly became the object of universal affection. Perhaps you are in no hurry now, because you are used to being carried in your arms.

At school you are bullied by a high school student. It is higher, stronger, louder, and nothing will save you.

A: I will hunt down his comrades and say nasty things about their friend. They will get angry and give him a good thrashing, and without a crowd this strong man means nothing.

B: I will go out to a fair fight, taking a penknife with me

C: I'll just cry to the offender, he's not made of iron!

D: I can stand up for myself and am not afraid of anyone. So what if I'm the lowest in the class

E: I'm actually a pacifist guys

If we talk about a career, then here you are:

A: The sweetest person in the office! The sweetest in the world I walk over the heads

B: I'm not a boss, I am content with my mediocre position - I am already good

C: I prefer not to occupy positions with great authority and intense mental work. I would have more free time to devote to myself, my beloved

D: I prefer honest ways, but I never miss a chance to prove myself

E: I am a valuable employee, only I have been sitting in the same place for years

Let's talk about love.

A: What kind of love? Loneliness is so cozy! You don't have to reckon with anyone

B: I need my mirror image, but none of them

C: Oh, then one thing, then another, I just can't decide

D: I believe in true love and that's it

E: Actually, I'm not against a relationship, but taking the first step is so lazy ...

How do you see an ideal world?

A: I am sovereign, even if not quite suitable

B: Lots of comfort and little energy consumption

S: Everyone is beautiful and smells delicious

D: Equality and fairness, just like that

E: A world of timelessness, because there is no need to rush anywhere

Now calculate which answer options you have more - A, B, C, D or E - and choose the result below:

More A: You are Miss Barashkins. A charming lamb with smart eyes behind thick lenses of glasses. Always on hand, always helping, always covering up his superiors in front of his superiors. That being said, old-fashioned clothing often hides real armor. A sort of cookie with a surprise, because Barashkins' case is just a story about a wolf in sheep's clothing.

More B: You are Nick Wilde. A red fox with a sober mind and an adequate system of assessing himself and others. Not devoid of prudence and wit. At the first meeting, you seem to be an unpleasant type, but this is far from the case. The truth is somewhere deep inside.

More C: You are the Clawclaw cheetah. Well, more precisely, you were once a cheetah. Fit and graceful. But life is cruel and years of romance with donuts and Coke has turned you into a spotty bun. True, your soul is still beautiful. Not far away and greedy for everything bright and shiny.

More D: You are Judy Hopps the rabbit. Small, but remote. It is possible that a separate script has been written for you in this Universe. You are smart, honest, fair to yourself and those around you, and therefore you are sure that everyone is according to their abilities. Maybe your life is driven by the excellent student syndrome, but this is not a sin so-so.

More E: You are a Blitz sloth. Your whole nature is motionless. You believe that the best entertainment in your world is sleep. It is good that it is also free, because you are running out of funds - with your speed, the employee of you is so-so.

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