Why did the bone on my leg come out? Causes of the growth of bones on the legs, symptoms and treatment methods

Hallux valgus is a very serious orthopedic disease. At the same time, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the first toe of the foot, ugly bumps are formed, which are popularly called bones on the legs.

In the medical world, this pathology is called Hallus valgus, which literally translates from Latin as a bent first finger. But the external deformity of the foot is not so bad.

The main danger is that this deformity of the foot significantly increases the load on the knee, hip joints and spine, which provokes additional health problems.

Why does hallux valgus develop?

Each disease has its own cause. Hallux valgus is no exception. Basically, bone inflammation occurs in women.

The most common cause of hallux valgus is acquired or congenital flat feet and weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet. In this case, the anatomical proportions of the foot are violated, its arch is flattened and the load is redistributed. Other factors in the development of bones in the legs are such as:

  • Foot Injuries - Bone formation is most often affected by childhood injuries rather than adult injuries, as children have thinner and more flexible bones.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes Is a very common factor in the development of various orthopedic problems of the foot. Women especially often suffer from this, since it is they who wear high and sometimes narrow stilettos. A few years after wearing such shoes, bone deformation is very likely.
  • Overweight people, more often than others have orthopedic problems. The fact is that with excess weight, the load on the legs increases greatly.
  • Osteoporosis disease, in which the density of bone tissue is reduced, and bones are more easily deformed even with the usual load (see).
  • Genetic disposition - recently, doctors discovered a pattern that people with a genetic predisposition are almost guaranteed to have a bone problem. This means that if the mother has hallux valgus, the daughter is likely to develop it too.

The mechanism of development of the protruding bone

This deformation arises and develops as follows: the thumb deviates towards the rest of the fingers and "lies" on them. After that, a small bump begins to form in the joint area between the thumb and foot, which occurs due to the protrusion of the head of the phalanx of the finger. Further redness is possible, as well as an increase in the bone due to the growth of the periosteum of the head of the bone. The development of hallux valgus is divided into three stages.

Stages of foot deformity, where A is the norm, B-1 stage, B-2 stage, D-3 stage

  • At the first - early stage, a small bump is formed and only the thumb is rejected
  • Second or middle stage - this is when the lump is of medium size, the thumb is turned more and more towards the rest, displacing the second finger. Discomfort may appear after exertion or long walking.
  • Well, the last one is an advanced stage, in which the growth of the big toe bone reaches its maximum mark, all fingers are curved. Discomfort and pain can occur both during exercise and at rest. The bone also hurts at night.

First bells

Since with the wrong load on the feet, not only bones and joints are affected, but also soft tissues, their changes can become the first signals of an impending disease. Corns and calluses of the sole, especially in the projection of the toes, warn of possible curvature of the feet.

To find out approximately if you are at risk of hallux valgus, you can conduct a home flatfoot test. To do this, put wet or cream-smeared soles on the floor or a sheet of paper and stand up straight. Next, the prints are evaluated. If the footprint in the middle third takes up more than a third of the entire width of the sole, then it's time to go to an orthopedist.

What can be confused with the hallux valgus

It is not difficult for a specialist to recognize hallux valgus, but it can be difficult for an ordinary patient to figure out why a leg hurts or swells in the area of \u200b\u200bthe big toe. Consider the main differences between Hallus valgus and typical articular syndromes or injuries affecting this area.

The cause of the disease Bump on the leg Pain
Hallux valgus
  • transverse flat feet
  • violation of the anatomical structure of the arch of the foot due to heredity
  • overloads
  • ligament weakness
  • or osteoporosis
gives the protrusion of dense bone tissue only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the first phalanx of the finger and the first metatarsal bone (the head of the phalanx protrudes under the skin). The formation is dense, does not shift under the skin and is not soldered to it. The skin over the bump is usually unchanged (may turn red), normal temperature and humidity Pain during exertion in the second stage, pain at rest in the third stage
Gout violation of the metabolism of uric acid, which is deposited in tissues in the form of crystals and causes inflammation inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe with swelling of the skin and joint, limited mobility. The skin over the swelling is hot and red The pain occurs during a gouty attack in the form of a severe attack, which subsides after a few days. When feeling the joint, pain is noted
Deforming osteoarthritis degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilage of the metatarsophalangeal joint of 1 toe affects the cartilage and heads of bones in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb. The skin does not change. Joint mobility is reduced and the shape is severely altered in later stages Pain in osteoarthritis occurs towards the end of the day or after exercise
Rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune inflammation the defeat of the joint of the first finger is combined with multiple inflammation of the joints of the hands, ankles, knee, hip joints. Symmetry of joint damage, their swelling and impaired mobility are noted Early morning pains, morning stiffness. The joint is painful on palpation
Psoriatic arthritis gives arthropathy, which is provoked by smoking, taking medications for hypertension, stress gives early damage to the first toe with its edema, limitation of mobility. The skin around the joint is bluish or red. Together with the foot, the joints of the fingers are affected, due to which the fingers become like sausages Pain during exertion and at rest, soreness
Fracture traumatic disorder of the configuration of bones and joints A fracture of the bones of the first toe or metatarsal bones gives different types of changes in the shape of the bones or joints. Under the skin, the mobility of bone fragments and a characteristic crunch can be determined Pain at rest, sharply worse with movement, soreness

Big toe bone treatment

At the same time, a change in physical activity, the selection of orthopedic shoes, massage and gymnastics of the feet, taking courses of anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective drugs will be required.

About ointments, creams, gels

Means for eliminating hallux valgus have been proposed today. Of course, patients want to believe that it is enough to anoint the foot with ointment or cream, and the large bone on the toe will gradually decrease or disappear. On this naivety, parapharmacological firms are trying in every possible way to cash in on various greases, such as Valgus pro ointment, Valgusostop, Shishka-Stop, etc.

If you smear the problem area with any cutaneous form of the drug (gel, ointment, cream), then it will not penetrate deeper than the subcutaneous tissue and is practically not absorbed into the blood. This means that the concentration of the substance in the joint area is not enough to suppress inflammation. And the fact that the ointment put the head of the phalanx in place and generally speaking is somehow strange.

As for pain relief, as a symptomatic treatment, you can use local drugs with NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ketoprofen, numsulide, see the list or in the article), but this is only a temporary relief from pain and is not a treatment for the disease.

Instep supports, orthopedic shoes and interdigital rollers are good for the initial correction of flat feet

For the initial stage of hallux valgus, first toe braces can also be effective (if worn for a long time and if the bone corrector is worn day and night). The function of the retainer is to leave the finger in the correct position and hold it as long as possible, training the ligaments and muscles, teaching them to keep the finger in place. If the bone on the leg is already noticeable, the toe is bent, then the fixator of the big toe bone will not solve the problem, no matter how advertised in pharmacies or social networks.

Tires and ties

In addition to the braces, orthopedic foot braces or splints are used to tighten the toes, straightening the arch of the foot, the position of the phalanges and metatarsal bones.

Valgus splint

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus

Interdigital rollers


Foot massage is very useful not only for restoring blood flow and activating the intake of nutrients, it also helps relieve tension from muscles, ligaments, tendons, helps to relax and cope with stress. Moreover, on the foot there are all points associated with each organ and the simultaneous acupressure of the foot will improve overall health. It is ideal to massage for 20 minutes every day for 10 days, then break for 3 weeks and repeat the course.


As for gymnastics, performing daily simple and accessible exercises, gradually strengthening the foot, reducing the influence of factors leading to the development of inflammation:

  • pick up small objects scattered on the floor with your toes
  • take a pencil or pen with your toes and draw numbers or letters on paper
  • you can also put crumpled cloth on the floor and try to straighten it only with your toes
  • walking on toes, barefoot

Choice of shoes

Not suitable - heels above 5 cm, tight boots, boots, shoes with pointed toes. You need comfortable leather shoes with an instep support, round toe, heels up to 4 cm and with a dense sole. Good footwear should correctly distribute the load on the foot, relieve the problem area, and reduce the increased tension of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.


Orthopedic devices are often complemented by physiotherapy: laser, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, the main purpose of which is to suppress inflammation, they improve blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues of the foot, reduce pain, edema. However, neither sound nor electromagnetic vibrations will put the bone in its place.

Orthopedic surgery

Thus, a large toe bone can only be removed with orthopedic surgery. Cosmetic centers and clinics that promise outpatient relief from the problem and go home on their own feet on the day of surgery are simply making money performing Shede's surgery to remove bone growth through a soft tissue incision.

Further, the doctors of these clinics pretend that the arch of the foot does not need to be formed, and the fingers will miraculously keep themselves in a normal position. As a result, without full-fledged orthopedic intervention, money is wasted, the problem comes back again and again.

Previously, in trauma departments, the growth on the head of the bone was simply cut off under anesthesia, or even the entire head of the phalanx was removed. Then the phalanx was placed in the anatomically correct position and fastened with a bracket and screws to the adjacent bone of the foot (first metatarsal). At the same time, the support of the first toe suffered greatly, requiring a very long healing period and difficult rehabilitation.

Over time, the operations were modified, reducing injuries and recovery times.

Today, more than a hundred methods of operations to eliminate the curvature of the thumb are known. Their main purpose is to correct the angle between the bones of the toe and the foot. Here are just some of the techniques.

Chevron operation (Austin osteotomy method)

It has been known since 1962 and is very effective in grade 1 pathology. It is relatively easy to implement and provides long-term results. During this operation, a 5 mm incision is made, the heads of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones are brought together and fixed with bolts or wire, which allows eliminating the subluxation of the thumb bones.

For greater efficiency, bone correction is combined with soft tissue surgery. Already on the second day after the operation, the patient can walk on heels, he does not need a long bed rest and a plaster boot. On the 12th day, an extract is possible. The next month, the doctor recommends the patient to walk with the main support on the heels.

Metatarsal osteotomy

An open wedge metatarsal osteotomy involves the transformation of the first metatarsal bone.

  • At the first stage (Shede operation), the growth on the head of the bone is cut down.
  • The second step is to make a cut above the cut. This opens the middle part of the first metacarpal bone. The periosteum is peeled off from it and a wedge is cut out with two circular saw cuts, so that the thumb falls into its rightful place. After that, the metacarpal bone is fixed with several wires for a period of three to four weeks.
  • At the third stage, a passage is drilled through all the bones of the metatarsus and a tendon is passed through it - a graft, which, causing inflammation and scarring, additionally tightens the metatarsal bones, forming the arch of the foot.

Scarf osteotomy

It is indicated for moderate to severe deformities. The incision is made from the base of the toes to the first metatarsal bone. A Z-shaped wedge is cut from the side, and the head of the bone is placed in the correct position. At the same time, the tendons that pull the thumb towards the center are corrected. The bones are fixed with non-allergenic titanium screws. The operation allows you to get up on the second day and check out on the fourth or sixth.

Recovery period

The time it takes for the legs to fully recover is approximately four to six weeks. In the early postoperative period, pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs and compression hosiery are indicated for the prevention of thrombosis.

The early days of active walking may require support on a cane or crutches.

In general, an early appeal to a competent orthopedist with early manifestations of the disease will not only allow to achieve positive dynamics of pathology, but will save energy, time and money, eliminating serious joint problems in the future.

In the article, we discuss the bone on the leg. You will find out the causes of the appearance of pathology and the stage of development of the disease. We will tell you how to get rid of bumps using ointments, compresses and iodine. By following our advice, you will learn how to make medicinal ointments and tinctures at home.

Hallux valgus is a deviation of the big toe inside the foot, in which the joint is bent and a characteristic bump is formed. The pathology is accompanied by excruciating pain in the foot.

There are congenital and acquired forms of the disease:

  • congenital - weakness of the bone connective tissue, which is inherited;
  • acquired - deformation of the joint, ligament or bone tissue as a result of trauma, salt deposition, metabolic disorders.

The appearance of bumps on the legs can provoke flat feet or clubfoot. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of these pathologies in the early stages.

Why the bone on the leg hurts and grows

The appearance of the bone on the leg (hallux valgus). Most often, this problem affects the fair sex. This is due to the fact that women wear tight shoes or walk in high heels for a long time.

Wearing smaller shoes also leads to hallux valgus.

The toes are in a forced position for a long time, as a result of which the joint of the big toe becomes inflamed, and a bump begins to grow.

Other reasons for the formation of bumps on the feet:

  • Osteoporosis is a disease in which calcium is lost and the structure of bones is disrupted, which leads to their deformation.
  • Gout is the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints, which is accompanied by severe pain and the formation of growths on the bones.
  • Metatarsal injuries.
  • Endocrine disorders - constant fluctuations in the hormonal background lead to a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, which leads to flat feet and deformity of the foot. This condition is typical for menopause and pregnancy.
  • Excess weight - increased stress on the arch of the foot leads to flat feet and deformation of bones and joints.

Deviation of the thumb to the metatarsal bone within 10 degrees is considered normal and does not require treatment. However, if the first symptoms are left unattended, the deformation will soon intensify. There are 3 stages of rejection:

  • Stage 1 - the finger deviates at an angle of 15 degrees, there is rapid fatigue of the legs and discomfort when walking;
  • Stage 2 - deviation by 20-25 degrees, pain intensifies, and inflammation appears;
  • Stage 3 - the thumb is deflected by more than 30 degrees. Pathology is accompanied by acute pain, the lump increases in size, calluses and keratinous skin appear on the sole of the foot.

The bone on the big toe hurts - what to do

If the bone on the leg starts to bulge, there are discomfort in the foot, you should consult an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and tell you how to cure the hallux valgus. To accurately determine the stage of the disease, the doctor will order an x-ray.

Treatment of bumps on the foot is a long and laborious process, so you should not expect quick results. At the initial stage of the disease, traditional medicine is used: compresses, ointments and baths with medicinal herbs. They must be used in conjunction with traditional treatment methods.

Conservative treatment methods:

  • remedial gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy, such as shock wave therapy;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes, retainers, splints, instep supports;
  • drug therapy based on hormonal drugs that eliminate inflammation.

Bones on the legs treatment at home without surgery

When the first signs of a growing bone appear, the question arises: "How to remove it without resorting to surgery?" If we are talking about the initial stage of deformation, then the right shoes will come to the rescue.

It is important that the foot is comfortable when walking, and the foot does not get tired.

At night, you can use a bone bandage. It is an effective treatment for deformity. The device fixes the big toe in the correct position and, with regular use, returns the normal shape of the foot.

Bones on the legs treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicines eliminate the symptoms of the disease and stop the growth of cones. You can treat hallux valgus with tinctures, decoctions, lotions and compresses.

Lotions with propolis


  1. Propolis - 10 gr.
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Grate propolis, fill with vodka, leave in a dark place for 10 days. Shake the product periodically.

How to use: Dip a cotton pad in the tincture, attach it to the bump, wrap it in a warm towel, or put on a sock. This procedure is best done at bedtime to leave the lotion overnight. The course of treatment is 10 days. Before re-admission, you should take a break for 2 months.

Result: Lotions with propolis tincture have an analgesic effect and reduce discomfort.

Bay leaf tincture


  1. Bay leaf - 10 gr.
  2. Ammonium alcohol - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mash the bay leaf to a powdery consistency, cover with alcohol, cover and leave for 7 days in a cool dark place.

How to use: Rub a few drops of the tincture into the bones twice a day.

Result: The tincture eliminates inflammation and reduces pain.

Bone ointment on the leg

Ointments will help to quickly relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. Let's consider the most famous of them:

Name Instructions Result
Shark oil The ointment is applied to dry, clean skin 2-3 times a day for 1 month. After a 2 week break, the course of treatment can be repeated. The ointment has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The product stimulates local immunity.
Turpentine ointment The bump is smeared with a thin layer of ointment once a day. The ointment relieves pain and inflammation.
ValgusStop The ointment is applied to the previously steamed skin of the feet 2 times a day. Apply daily. The tool eliminates discomfort and stops the growth of bones.
Maclura ointment The product is applied in a thin layer to the bump 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. The ointment relieves swelling, eliminates pain and inflammation, and strengthens blood vessels.

You can prepare the healing ointment yourself.

Do it yourself ointment from the bones on the leg


  1. Vinegar - 150 ml.
  2. Butter - 10 gr.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.
  4. Vaseline - 1 tablespoon.
  5. Pork lard - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Place the chicken egg in a glass, cover with vinegar and leave for 10-12 days until the shell softens. Remove the remaining shells, add ghee, petroleum jelly and butter, stir. Store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Use the ointment every other day, alternating with the iodine mesh. Apply a thin layer to the bump and wear socks on top. Better to leave it overnight.

Result: The ointment eliminates discomfort and gradually dissolves the lump. This folk remedy effectively relieves pain.

Compress from the bone on the leg

The warming compress eliminates inflammation, reduces pain and dissolves salt deposits. For the procedures, medical bile and herbal infusions are used.

Compress with bile


  1. Medical bile - 2 gr.
  2. Sea salt - 100 gr.
  3. Water - 3 liters.

How to cook: Prepare a saline bath to stretch your legs before compressing. Dissolve the salt in warm water and soak your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. Wipe the skin dry after the bath.

How to use: Apply bile to a cloth or bandage, attach to the bone, cover with plastic and wrap with a warm towel or wear woolen socks. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours, then wash your feet thoroughly with water. If desired, the product can be left overnight. The recipe is suitable for daily use. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Result: Bile dissolves salt deposits, helps to reduce swelling and pain.

Iodine bones on the leg

Iodine can be found in many traditional medicine recipes to combat bones in the legs. It effectively dissolves bumps, relieves pain and inflammation.


  1. Iodine - 10 ml.
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets.
  3. Lemon - 1 pc.

How to cook: Crush Aspirin into powder with a rolling pin, squeeze out the juice of one lemon and mix the ingredients with iodine.

How to use: Before going to bed, apply the finished product to the deformed area of \u200b\u200bthe foot, wrap it in plastic and put on woolen socks. Leave the mixture overnight, wash your feet with warm water in the morning. Carry out the treatment procedure every other day.

Result: This folk recipe effectively relieves pain and inflammation. With regular use, the bumps on the leg will noticeably decrease in size.

For a few more ways to deal with the bone on the leg, see the following video:

Which doctor should you contact with a bone on your leg

When the first symptoms of hallux valgus appear, you should immediately consult an orthopedic surgeon. A specialist will diagnose and select a treatment method. If surgery is necessary, consultation with an orthopedic surgeon may be required.

Big toe bone removal surgery

In an advanced stage, hallux valgus is eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention. There are more than 150 correction methods that are aimed at reducing the angle of deviation of the thumb from the metatarsal bone. The most common types of operations:

  • reconstruction of deformed bones;
  • arthrodesis - a procedure for fixing a joint;
  • surgery to balance the periarticular muscles;
  • joint implantation;
  • removal of the build-up;
  • tendon transplant.

The result of the operation from the bone on the leg. Before and after. Rehabilitation after surgery lasts from 1 to 2 months. At this time, the diseased limb is fixed in a motionless position using a special orthopedic boot.

The most modern method of bone treatment is laser surgery. It has established itself as one of the safest and most highly effective treatments.

The operation lasts 1 hour, wound healing is faster, since the incisions are of minimal thickness.

The cost of laser surgery to remove one bump is from 50,000 rubles. Depending on the severity of the stage of the disease, the cost increases to 65-70 thousand rubles.

Below are the reviews people have left about laser surgery:

Elena, 46 years old

For a long time I could not decide on an operation, although the overgrown bumps caused severe discomfort. I studied the information about laser surgery and made up my mind! Everything went smoothly. She recovered very quickly. Discomfort disappeared after the operation, and the legs stopped getting tired quickly.

Olga, 38 years old

On the advice of a close friend, I decided to undergo laser surgery to correct the bones of the leg. I had a badly bent bone, and it was already problematic to choose normal shoes, not to mention the painful sensations when walking. After the operation, a new life began!

What to remember

  1. Hallux valgus can be congenital and acquired.
  2. If you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult an orthopedic doctor.
  3. At the initial stage, the disease can be treated with traditional medicine. In a neglected form, the bones on the legs are treated only with the help of surgical intervention.

Ugly, leg-disfiguring bumps in the metatarsophalangeal joint often cause a lot of problems. Most often, women suffer from this ailment, due to the fact that they sacrifice their health in the name of beauty, preferring narrow, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

The bone on the big toe causes severe discomfort and pain, if you do not start the disease, then at the initial stage, it can help well, treatment of bumps on the legs with folk remedies.

Hallux valgus - denotes a change in the shape of the foot at the level of the joint connecting the proximal phalanx of the toe and the metatarsal bone.

Deformation of the joint occurs to the outside with a deviation of the first toe. The bone on the big toe, treatment with folk remedies for this unpleasant phenomenon, is the topic of our article.

Causes of the big toe bone

Among the main reasons are:

  • flat feet - a long-term violation of the biomechanics of the foot;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • gout - metabolic disorder;
  • increase in body weight.

Flatfoot Most often in the human population, there is a transverse flatfoot, in which the arch of the foot is flattened. When walking, body weight is transferred to the articular heads of all metatarsal bones, as a result of which the distance between these bones increases and the first toe is deflected outward. There is also a weakness of the ligamentous apparatus and neurological disorders. Not the least role is played by congenital anomalies in the structure of the bones of the feet.

Uncomfortable shoes This unfavorable factor applies more often to women. Starting from adolescence, girls wear beautiful shoes, which causes themselves a lot of health problems.

There are three forms of shoes that provoke pathology:

  1. Heel height over 7 cm. Shoes with high heels significantly increase the pressure on the toes. Promotes the development of flat feet.
  2. The toe of the shoe is unnaturally narrow. The toes are in an uncomfortable position, as a result, not only the toes, but also the ankles are deformed.
  3. Short shoes - causes chronic nonspecific inflammation of the joint of the big toe of the lower extremity.

Gout This is a chronic disease that is associated with a violation of purine bases, as a result of which the uric acid content in the blood rises and it is deposited in the soft tissues of salt crystals. The clinical process is manifested by acute inflammation of the joints and the formation of gouty catch.

A distinctive feature of this disease from true hallux valgus is the undulating course of the disease, accompanied by severe pain syndrome, reddening of the skin in the joint area. Similar changes in the joints can occur not only in the metatarsophalangeal joint, but also in other groups of joints.

Weight gain Large body mass puts a lot of stress on the arch of the foot. Depletion of the ligamentous apparatus of the leg can lead to flat feet and deformation of the articular apparatus of the foot.

It cannot be assumed that these reasons can cause the appearance of a painful bone on the legs in isolation from each other. Most often, these reasons are related to each other. Girls with flat feet wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, and patients with gout may suffer from flat feet in parallel.

Causes of bone pain on the legs

With gout, the first symptom may be pain. The mechanism of intense pain is through joint inflammation. The bursa becomes inflamed due to tissue infiltration with metabolic products. The disease is chronic with periods of remission and exacerbations.

Unlike gout, with Hulux valgus, pain occurs due to excessive stress on the metatarsal bones. If traumatic factors continue to act, then the pain intensifies, and inflammation develops. The skin around the joint turns slightly red.

As the deformation of the joint increases, the entire foot changes. As a result of improper loading and changes in biomechanics, when walking, calluses and corns can develop, which further increases the pain sensation.

Depending on how much the thumb is deflected relative to the metatarsal bone, several degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. The angle between the metatarsal bones is no more than 15 degrees, and the first toe deviates less than 20 degrees.
  2. The angle between the metatarsal bones is no more than 17 degrees, and the first toe deviates less than 30 degrees.
  3. The metatarsal angle is 17 degrees or more, and the first toe deviates less than 35 degrees.

Big Toe Bone Treatment

There are several options for getting rid of the deformation of the bone on the big toe. Conservative treatment consists of following recommendations to reduce pain and inflammation:

  • Reduce the stress on the affected joint by reducing body weight;
  • change uncomfortable high-heeled shoes;
  • massage;
  • remedial gymnastics designed to treat flat feet;
  • wearing specialized shoes and orthopedic insoles.
  • The use of special inserts between the fingers.

Surgical treatment, consists in the prompt correction of the deviation of the metatarsal bone and thumb. This type of therapy radically solves the problem of pain in the big toe and restores the aesthetic appearance of the foot. But it should be remembered that, as with any operation, there is a high risk of complications.

Wearing a special finger brace. If the degree of damage corresponds to the first and second degrees, mechanical devices can be used. Some are worn all day, others are designed to be worn at night. The essence of the method lies in fixing the big toe and foot, in maintaining the correct position. With regular use, the growth of hallux valgus decreases.

Before resorting to radical methods of treatment, one should turn to the centuries-old experience of our grandmothers and try alternative treatment for bones on the toes.

The problem of painful sensations in the lower extremities, forcing us to change the usual way of life and endure suffering has always been relevant for humanity. Leg bones: can they be prevented?

Before the advent of modern medicine and the advanced surgical industry, people tried to deal with pain with the means that nature generously provided us. Medicinal plants were used as raw materials to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. Biologically active products were also used, such as honey, fish, essential oils.

Separately, it is necessary to mention such an indispensable means of treating many articular pathologies, such as turpentine. At its core, turpentine is a technically obtained solution of essential oils of coniferous trees, mainly mountain pine, juniper.

Turpentine is widely used as a solvent for oil paints, so the use of this chemical compound may cause confusion for some people. However, in medical practice, only purified turpentine is used as a component of ointments for the treatment of bruises, sprains, rheumatic diseases.

But one should remember about the toxic effect of turpentine on the human body. For the onset of symptoms of poisoning, a sufficiently large amount of the substance and a long contact time are required.

Folk remedies for the treatment of the big toe bone

Treatment of bumps on the legs with folk remedies will be used when the disease is at an initial stage, in which case the achievement of a positive result will be much faster.

Egg ointment

Egg ointment - 250 ml. acetic acid at a concentration of 7%, dissolve one whole egg cheese. Leave on for 2 weeks. After 14-15 days, the shell should dissolve. Grind the egg, add 25 grams of melted lard and 10 grams of turpentine. Use the ointment within 20 weeks. Apply ointment to the bone in case of pain every other day. On the first day we apply the prepared ointment, on the second day we apply iodine in the form of a grid.

Fresh fish compress

Take fresh river fish, whatever. Peel. A flap of fish meat is applied to the sore spot at night. In the morning, remove the bandage from your finger, rinse with warm water. Repeat the compress within 12 days.

Medical bile compress

A popular remedy is a medical bile compress. Steam your legs for half an hour in hot water. A soft cloth or gauze is abundantly moistened with bile. The affected limb is wrapped with cling film and goes to bed. Repeat the procedure for 10-15 days.

Treating toe bones with honey

Honey and beekeeping products do a good job of treating bunion problems. These funds are used as lotions or compresses. The skin on the inflamed limb is lubricated with honey, for the best effect, the leg must be steamed before application.

Burdock compresses with turpentine

Treatment of bumps on the legs with turpentine and burdock has worked well in practice. Take a burdock leaf that grows in personal plots. The leaf must be large and healthy. Spread turpentine on the greener side of the burdock. Place a sheet of turpentine on the toes, put on a warm woolen sock and a plastic bag on top.

This is to prevent moisture from evaporating. It is impractical to harvest burdock, therefore this type of treatment is typical only in the summer.

Dandelion and iodine

In early spring, when all the fields are dotted with bright yellow dandelion flowers, it is necessary not to waste time and use this medicinal plant to heal the big toe bone. Collect fresh flowers, dry them. Pour 120 grams of dried flowers with vodka and pharmaceutical iodine.

The flowers should be covered with liquid. Leave in the basement for 14 days. Before the procedure, steam your feet in warm water. Apply the composition to dry skin, in the form of a mesh. Treatment should be applied for at least a month.

Lemon and iodine

Two aspirin tablets are ground in a mortar. One ripe lemon is crushed. Pour this mixture with a bottle of pharmaceutical iodine. Apply as follows. Apply the composition to the bone of the leg, cover with a plastic bag and put on a warm sock. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night.

Repeat this for three nights, then take a week off. Such interval cycles are repeated three times to achieve the result.

Bodyagi ointment with red pepper

Warming ointment with red pepper and bodyagu.

Bodyaga is a substance of animal origin based on silicon sponges and has a local irritating effect.

To prepare the ointment, take 50 grams of ammonia and 210 grams of ethyl alcohol, 50 grams of camphor, 50 grams of dry red pepper and 15 grams of bodyagi. Stir all components until smooth, without lumps. This composition should be applied very carefully, as this mixture is very hot and is intended for topical use only. Gently grease only the bone. Wrap a leg with gauze and put on a sock.

It is best to do the procedure before bed. The course of treatment depends on the degree of damage and the intensity of the pain of the bone on the big toe.

Onion compresses

To get rid of painful bumps on your legs, take a blue onion, grate it. Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze and put a compress on the sore limb. Put a waterproof cloth and a layer of cotton wool on top of cheesecloth with onions. The healing effect of the compress lasts six hours, so after this time, remove the compress, wash your feet, and apply an iodine net to the skin in the area. Apply for at least a month.

Infusion of lilac

To eliminate the inflammatory effect, use the following composition. In the spring, when the lilac blooms, collect the inflorescences. Dry in the shade under running air. Then pour one part of the flowers with cold water at the rate of 1:10. Insist closed for no more than two weeks. With the resulting infusion, lubricate the bumps on the legs at night or make compresses.

Nutrition and cleansing of the body

Diet is an important component in the treatment of a bunion. Give preference to plant foods rich in vitamins and fiber. A decrease in blood urea concentration will significantly reduce pain and swelling of the skin. The procedure for cleansing the body and getting rid of toxins is also considered a very effective measure.

Rice cleansing

  1. Soak a glass of rice in cold water the night before.
  2. In the morning, wash this rice in plenty of water.
  3. Boil the cereals in two glasses of water.
  4. When the rice is ready, wash it off the mucus. divide the cooked porridge into four meals and eat during the day before drinking a glass of water. H
  5. and the next day, eat 500 grams of apples and boiled beets.
  6. This cleansing should be repeated every 3-4 days.
  7. The course of treatment is from one month to half a year.

This composition helps to effectively get rid of accumulated salts. However, it should be remembered that potassium leaves the body along with salts, therefore, the method should be used carefully for patients with chronic cardiac pathology. All other people, after cleansing, need to eat foods rich in potassium (dried apricots, raisins and bananas).


During our lives, our legs travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers. We put our feet under stress, overuse, overweight or tight, uncomfortable shoes. In response to this, the bones of the feet are deformed, the joints become inflamed and cause unbearable pain and discomfort.

Leading specialist for the training of professional personnel at the Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute, specializing in pedagogy and psychology, qualification of a teacher-psychologist.

According to statistics, 98% of those suffering from this disease are women and only 2% are men. Is it possible to slow down the growth of the bone, how to relieve pain and is it possible to get rid of the lump once and for all?

The medical name for "bones" sounds menacing:, or Hallux Valgus. The disease develops due to a violation of the tendon-muscle balance with flat feet. Bumps on the legs are often confused with gout. However, gout is a disease associated with metabolic disorders of uric acid, the salts of which are deposited in various joints (including the joints of the feet). Mostly this disease occurs in men.

Why does the deformation occur?

First, a little theory: there are two arches in the foot - longitudinal and transverse. Both are designed to cushion and maintain balance while walking. The metatarsal heads are in the transverse vault, forming an arch.

Risk factors
Hallux valgus is almost always accompanied by transverse flat feet, which can be either congenital or acquired. Lumps can also appear due to hereditary predisposition, overweight, osteoporosis, foot injury and, alas, wearing the wrong shoes. So, in Japan, wide open shoes were traditionally used, but after the Second World War, the Japanese began to wear European-style shoes - and immediately their foot deformities increased by 67%. The fact is that due to narrow shoes and high heels, the load on the forefoot increases, which means that the biomechanics of the big toe is disrupted. Therefore, prolonged walking in fashionable shoes or boots is very, very not recommended.

Deformation occurs due to the deviation of the head of the first metatarsal bone inward, and the phalanges of the thumb outward. In this case, a redistribution of the foot load occurs. The heads of the middle metatarsal bones become overloaded and gradually descend, fixing in the wrong position. In this regard, the appearance of calluses on the soles of the feet is an alarming bell, because "corns" are an external sign of prolonged pressure of the lowered heads of the metatarsal bones on soft tissues, as a result of which the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue decreases, the shock-absorbing properties of the foot decrease.

Thus, thumb deflection is a consequence of metatarsal deviation.

Physiotherapy and pain relief

An overview of folk remedies and solutions on this topic is replete with an abundance: these are all kinds of compresses, and the application of cabbage leaves, and wrapping with burdock, and iodine nets. Of course, you cannot use these procedures. Roughly speaking, lotions do not work on bone structures.

Physiotherapy is recommended early on in Hallux Valgus. As a complex treatment to relieve inflammation and pain, magnet, laser and other procedures are prescribed. At home, baths with sea salt are suitable for this purpose (per 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of sea salt), while it is important to observe the temperature regime - no more than 36-36.8 degrees. The first 20 days of the bath are done every day, and then - 3 times a week. Patients with the first and second degree of hallux valgus are also recommended exercise therapy, special exercises for the foot (basic walking on toes, on the heels, on the outside and on the inside of the foot), massage.

Operative treatment

With the third and fourth degree of foot deformity, there is a need for surgical treatment. The choice of surgical correction depends on the severity of the deformity: from operations on soft tissues (mainly on tendons) to operations on bone structures or combined operations. Whichever technique is chosen, its goal is the most accurate reconstruction of the anatomy of the foot.

Nidal Buali, candidate of medical sciences, orthopedist-traumatologist, vertebrologist of the medical diagnostic center "Olymp".

Varus deviation of the foot, valgus deviation of the foot, bronotal (supination) - the terms are different, the essence of the disease is the same: "bones". This is a very complex disease that includes many concepts. The foot has 3 sections: front, middle and back. Deformations can be in any of the departments, but, as a rule, are found in all. Therefore, the foot must be perceived as a whole as a whole. In addition, one must understand that the foot is the support of the body. Deformation of the foot increases the load on the knee and hip joints, on the spine.

If you suspect hallux valgus, you should consult an orthopedist as soon as possible, who will diagnose the stage of the disease and, depending on this, will prescribe treatment. When a callus appears on the foot, you do not need to run to the beautician and start cleaning the calluses, but you need to understand the reason for the appearance of these calluses.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system cannot be cured without surgery, but they can and should be treated. On average, once every six months, you need to come to the orthopedist and check the condition of the disease. Physiotherapy is not prescribed for a period, but for life.

The panacea for hallux valgus is surgery. Such operations have been carried out for a long time. There are about 300 varieties of them, but, of course, not all of them are effective and many have a bunch of complications. There are a large number of joints in the foot, during the operation, a change in one ray pulls changes in all other rays (there are 5 of them in total). Nevertheless, when contacting an adequate specialist - not a surgeon, but an orthopedist - you will not only get rid of bumps, but also flat feet as the main reason for their appearance. Your posture and gait will change.

Science is developing very quickly, and there is no need to be afraid of surgery. Previously, operations were performed and a plaster cast was applied for 2-4 months. Today, immobilization in a cast is not used. Modern technique - small incisions are made, that is, the operation is low-traumatic - a person can stand on his feet in special shoes on the same day, which creates conditions for walking without stress on the front part of the feet. The recovery period is only 4-6 weeks.

Comfortable shoes are the best prevention

If you get calluses and calluses, this is the first alarm bell. So, it's time to take on your wardrobe so that only those shoes that are pleasant and useful for the foot remain in it. To choose one, you must follow certain rules:

Shoes should be wide with rounded toes so as not to interfere with the normal roll of the foot while walking.

At the same time, shoes without a heel can also cause drooping of the arches of the foot and impairment of their amortization function. So look for balance!

A sign of good footwear - instep supports for longitudinal flat feet. Thanks to the compensation of this arch, the leg gets less tired.

The problem of compensation of the transverse arch can be solved by individual orthopedic insoles, which are made according to the foot cast.

If you wear individual instep supports regularly, the calluses will go away, the rate of deterioration will decrease. The cost of such insoles is about 3000 rubles. The service life is about a year, then new ones must be made.

In the article we discuss the bone on the leg - why does it appear, what are the symptoms, how to treat it and how to prevent it. You will learn what ointment to buy to relieve inflammation and pain, whether gymnastics and self-massage will help, how to choose the right orthopedic shoes, and when surgery is usually prescribed.

The bone on the leg requires immediate treatment

A leg bone or hallux valgus is a condition in which bones or bumps appear on the foot. The big toe gradually moves outward, and the head of the metatarsal bone begins to bulge.

Causes of the appearance of bones on the leg

There are several reasons for the appearance of bones on the feet:

  • overweight;
  • improperly selected shoes - tight, with a narrowed nose, high heels, unstable shoes;
  • heredity;
  • leg injury;
  • flat feet;
  • hormonal changes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • a profession associated with long-term stay on the feet.

The first signs and symptoms of a bone on the leg

Doctors distinguish several stages of the bone on the forefoot leg, which serve as symptoms of the disease:

  • first stage - bulging angle no more than 20 °; you see redness and thickening of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200b2-5 fingers, but apart from evening fatigue of the legs, nothing bothers you;
  • second stage - curvature up to 30 °; when walking, you feel pain in the foot, ankle and lower leg; the bone clearly protrudes;
  • third stage - deformity of the thumb at 50 °; even a small load on the foot causes severe pain; you change your shoes for soft slippers;
  • fourth stage - the angle of curvature is higher than 50 °; it hurts both in movement and at rest; sore joints ache; legs swell; the phalanges of the second and middle fingers are deformed along with the thumb.

How to treat a bone in your leg

The first thing to remember is not to self-diagnose and self-medicate.... Be sure to see a doctor. Only a specialist can determine exactly why the bone on the big toe hurts, how to smear it and what additional means to use.

Timeliness is equally important. Hallux valgus develops very quickly. If you delay the visit to the doctor, you will not only give up ordinary shoes, but also earn chronic health problems - the bones on the legs provoke pathologies of the spine, knee and hip joints.

Treatment of deformity begins with determining the stage of bone growth on the leg - how to treat it depends on how advanced the disease is:

  • At the first and second stages of development of the hallux valgus on the leg, treatment includes ointments, creams, gels, compresses, massage, lotions, screeds, splints, bandages, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.
  • At the third stage, with deformation of neighboring phalanges, surgical manipulations can be prescribed - recommendations on how to remove the bone on the middle toe, how to treat inflammation, will be strictly individual.
  • At the fourth stage of bone growth on the legs, medical treatment will no longer help and orthopedic surgery will be required.

In addition to the main treatment, you need to independently take care of the condition of your legs. - wear special shoes, do self-massage and adjust nutrition if excess weight is the cause of the deformation.

If the pain from the build-up becomes too severe, you can relieve the pain syndrome and inject into the bone on the big toe. However, be careful, some pain medications have side effects.

Creams, ointments and gels

If you choose how to treat the bones on the legs, ointments will be the simplest and most popular solution. They do not need to be prepared, they are easy to apply, and if you follow all the instructions, the ointments really help with inflammation of the bones on the foot.

A popular remedy for joint diseases is Vishnevsky's ointment for bone inflammation on the leg. It contains castor oil, birch bark tar and other substances that effectively fight the inflammatory process.

If you are looking for something to numb the bone on your leg, try the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Piroxicam or Diclofenac for the bone on the leg. With regular use of these drugs, the course of the disease slows down.

No less useful remedies that help relieve bone pain on the leg are pain relieving ointments, for example, Valgusstop. It has a complex effect on the affected area and reduces bone growth in 30-45 days.

Treatment of the bone on the leg with Dimexidum also copes well with pain. From Dimexide and an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt, you can make a good ointment from the bone on the leg - just mix 3 ml of Chlorophyllipt and 1 ml of Dimexide. Such a remedy has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

On the shelves of pharmacies, there is often a cream for a bone on the big toe with shark fat and laurel. It contains a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids necessary for the treatment of hallux valgus.

An effective ointment for the bones on the leg - Bischofite. The medicine does not irritate the skin, it is easy to combine it with remedial gymnastics, physiotherapy and other medicines. The product has no cardiovascular contraindications.

Before using any ointment for the joints of the legs, clean the bone from the remnants of previous products - wash your feet with soap or wipe with a damp cloth.

For more information on what ointment to relieve inflammation of the bone on the leg, what ointment to smear on the bones on the legs with severe pain, you will learn from the table.

Name Act How to use
Valgusstop ointment Ointment from the bones on the legs normalizes blood circulation, reduces pain and cramps, fights swelling and inflammation. Rub the product into the deformed area and wait until it absorbs. Then put on the prosthetic retainer. Repeat the procedure every day for a month, then interrupt for 2 weeks.
Ointment from Dimexidum and Chlorophyllipt Ointment for inflammation of the bone on the leg quickly relieves pain and slows down the development of hallux valgus. Moisten a cotton pad with ointment and apply to the bone for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 14 days, then take a break for 7 days and continue therapy.
Diclofenac The drug slows down the course of the disease, reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings and relieves pain, improves the elasticity of cartilage tissue. Spread the ointment for the pain of the bones on the legs with a thin layer over the sore area and rub in with light massaging movements. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days.
Vishnevsky ointment The product softens, moisturizes and regenerates the skin, relieves inflammation, warms and removes swelling. Apply the ointment liberally to a folded gauze cloth and apply to the affected area. Change the compress 5 times per knock.
Bischofite The medicine affects blood circulation and improves the nutrition of the cartilaginous tissues of the foot. Rub the ointment against the bones on the legs into the deformed area 2 times a day. If pain worsens, use the ointment 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Shark oil and laurel ointment Shark oil improves blood circulation in the foot, laurel restores the elasticity of the cartilage tissue. Both agents stop inflammation and stimulate local immunity. Steam your feet in hot water. Apply foot cream to the hardened area and rub in until completely absorbed.

Ties and tires

The easiest way to treat and prevent bones on the leg is to wear correctors

With a slight deformation of the foot, orthopedic braces and splints will help:

  • semi-rigid hinged tires - the design does not allow the toe to deviate to the side, is invisible under the shoes, reduces the degree of load and is not painful;
  • rigid night clamps - fix the thumb in the correct position and gradually change the angle of its deflection;
  • insoles - make the load on the foot more even and reduce muscle spasm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe big toe;
  • daytime corrective interdigital pads - protect the bone from pressure with shoes and form the correct position of the toes;
  • orthopedic braces - support the transverse arch of the foot.


Self-massage should be one of the obligatory attributes of going to bed. It will relax your legs, strengthen your muscles, and prevent the bone from growing further.

Self-massage methods with a bone on the leg:

  1. Make a fist and move it along and across the foot.
  2. Stand on a special mat - rubber, punctuation, with pebbles. Shift from foot to foot while watching TV.
  3. Place abacus with your knuckles on the floor, sit in a chair or chair, put your feet on the device and roll the balls with your sole.


The goal of remedial gymnastics is to strengthen your joints and muscles, so it is especially effective at stages 1 and 2 of the disease. Using the following exercises, you will eventually defeat the disease and get rid of unpleasant growths:

  • Bend and straighten your toes slowly until you get tired.
  • Bend your fingers strongly and hold for 20-30 seconds.
  • Strain your foot without bending your toes.
  • Stretch your feet, stretch your toes and hold for 30 seconds.
  • Roll the bottle with your foot on the floor for 5-6 minutes.

Repeat each exercise 2-3 times every day.


Physiotherapy is one of the best means of pain relief and relaxation when treating bones in the legs. Physiotherapy methods include:

  • mud therapy in a hospital;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • medicinal massage baths;
  • electrophoresis.


Orthopedic shoes and insoles should be the mainstay of the treatment of hallux valgus. This is a key method for how to deal with a big toe bone and a 2 toe bone, and how to treat a deformity of the middle toe and little toe.

Orthopedic shoes straighten a deformed joint, correctly distribute the load on the foot, relieve problem areas and relieve stress from the legs and spine, and protect against rapid fatigue when walking.

Choose orthopedic shoes considering the following requirements:

  • comfortable shoe;
  • soft bendable outsole;
  • rigid instep support;
  • spacious sock that does not restrict movement;
  • heel up to 3-4 cm.

If, in parallel with the deformity of the big toe, a bone appears on the second toe, the treatment and choice of shoes will be the same. For orthopedic shoes only, add special gel separators between the toes and protective caps on the joints, which will protect the growths from additional friction.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is useful when you need to minimize pain and stop further curvature of the foot and toes.

What can be used for hallux valgus:

  • propolis patch;
  • compress with burdock and turpentine;
  • compress with grated onions;
  • a mixture of an egg drenched in vinegar, petroleum jelly and pork fat;
  • a decoction of chopped madder;
  • dandelion infusion with iodine solution.

Many phytopractors advise taking iodine-salt baths.


  • Sea or table salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Iodine - 10-15 drops.
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Dissolve salt and iodine in water and pour into bowl. Add water so that the level covers your feet.

How to use: Place your feet in a basin for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for a course of 30-45 days. After each session, make an iodine mesh on the bone.

Result: Iodine salt foot bath relieve pain, swelling and swelling.

Orthopedic surgery

What kind of surgery is indicated for bones on the legs depends on the degree of deformation of the foot. In case of slight deformity, you will undergo a bursectomy - the protruding parts of the bone will be cut off and the muscles, ligaments, and tendons will be aligned. For moderate to severe deformities, an osteotomy is required to return the metatarsal to the correct position. After both operations, you will be able to walk the next day. You just have to wear special shoes and not overload the foot.

Surgeons perform several types of osteotomies - chevron, wedge-shaped metatarsal osteotomy and osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone of the SCARF or Scarf type.

Chevron operation

In a chevron osteotomy, the base of the head of the first metatarsal bone is cut in a V-shape and the bone is corrected in the desired direction and distance. Then the fragments are fixed with screws, and the unnecessary parts and excess capsule tissue of the joint are removed.

Metatarsal osteotomy

With metatarsal osteotomy, the bumps on the legs are removed using a wedge-shaped resection - the base of the metatarsal bone is isolated and a small triangular piece is cut out, whose apex is directed inward. Then the edges of the bone are aligned and fixed with a titanium plate and screws. Bone growth - exostosis is excised.

Scarf osteotomy

Scarf osteotomy or Scarf osteotomy is similar to chevron surgery. Here, too, a bone incision is made and the parts of the bone are connected in the correct direction. However, in this case, the dissection is Z-shaped. After separation of the beginning of the bone from the base, it is moved to the articular surface of the phalanx of the finger, connected, fixed with sutures and screws, and the middle tissue is removed.


To prevent the development of a bone in your leg, follow these guidelines:

  1. Buy the right shoes - with round toes, soft materials, wide in diameter, with heels up to 4 cm.
  2. If you prefer stiletto heels, insert a special cross-corrector insole to support your foot.
  3. When jogging or jumping, wear special trainers and trainers with a thick sole to avoid overloading the forefoot.
  4. Periodically massage the soles of your feet, walk barefoot around the apartment.
  5. Normalize your diet, do morning exercises and include squats, rolling from heel to toe, walking on toes.

For more information about the bone on the leg, see the video:

What to remember

  1. The bone on the big toe appears due to excess weight, hereditary reasons, flat feet, infectious and hormonal pathologies, due to professions that are associated with prolonged stay on the legs.
  2. In the first stage, you notice that the structure of the foot has changed and you feel pain and fatigue from long walking. At the third and fourth stages of the disease, it is no longer possible to walk in ordinary shoes; you have to change them to soft slippers. The bone grows, the adjacent fingers are deformed.
  3. Conservative treatment for bones on the legs includes ointments, creams, gels, self-massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, wearing orthopedic splints, braces, ties, insoles and shoes, as well as folk remedies.
  4. In a severe form of the disease, an operation is prescribed - a chevron osteotomy, a wedge-shaped or a Scarf osteotomy.
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