Fungal diseases of raspberry ways to fight. Description of raspberry diseases with photographs, methods of their treatment

" Raspberries

Raspberry belongs to the category of thorny shrubs that have powerful rhizomes and a large number of shoots. Cultivation of shrubs in one place should be carried out no more than 7 years. Otherwise, there is a decrease in fruit size and looseness of the root system of this plant.

In this article, we will look at the main diseases of raspberries, find out why leaves can dry on a bush or berries rot and how to deal with it.

Garden raspberries need to provide optimal growth conditions. Otherwise, it will dry out. The reason for drying is improper care for it, which consists in insufficient watering, poor lighting, poor soil.

The reason for the drying of this plant are diseases of an infectious nature. The infection penetrates through mechanical damage. Drying of berries, leaves and shoots is observed as a result of the wilt virus, which belongs to the category of dangerous diseases.

The shrub often dries out as a result of vercillus wilt. This is a fungal disease that affects shrubs and other shrubs, as well as trees.

During the development of this disease, raspberry leaves quickly turn yellow, and the tops of the trunks dry up. When planting bushes next to zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, they may dry out. This is due to the fact that these plants are pathogens of mold fungi, which are detrimental to the plant.

Raspberries can get sick for various reasons. They do not consist in improper care of the shrub, but in diseases.

Why do remontant raspberries dry out leaves?

Drying of the leaves of the shrub is observed as a result of the development of diseases. Often it happens as a result of the development of root cancer. With its development, there is a loss of taste of berries. New shoots of the shrub are characterized by small size, the leaves become yellow. In the summer, they begin to fall off.

Infectious chlorosis or jaundice are common causes of yellowing of shrub leaves. This is an infectious disease. With the development of this disease, leaves often turn yellow on young shoots. The berries are characterized by a dry and unpleasant taste. The fight against the disease is to eliminate the affected shoots.

Gardeners also note yellowing of the leaves with non-infectious chlorosis, the cause of which is improper tillage and adverse climatic conditions. When a shrub is infected, a change in the color of its leaves is observed. On healthy shoots, the size of the foliage increases.

The main cause of yellowing of the leaves of the plant are diseases that can be both infectious and non-infectious.

Why do raspberries dry out?

Drying of remontant raspberries can be observed as a result of diseases, for example, infectious contagious chlorosis. During the development of this disease, yellowing of the foliage is observed. By autumn, it acquires a normal color. This disease practically does not affect the level of yield. But the berries become dry and lose their taste. They have many seeds. The stems of diseased plants become thick and low.

The berries can dry out along with the tops of the plant as a result of the action of gall midges. With the development of this disease, cracks and swellings are observed on the shoots. If the shrub is grown in one place for more than 5 years, then as a result of this, a decrease in the size of the berries and their drying may be observed. If the shrub is affected by veticillium wilt, then the wilting of the plant is observed from the tops of the berries.

The drying of berries is affected by diseases that occur as a result of improper care of the shrub.

Drying berries on a bush

The main raspberry diseases and their symptoms

Both diseases and pests are dangerous for this plant. That is why it is necessary to start pest control and treat diseases in a timely manner.

White and purple spotting

White purple spotting belongs to the category of fungal diseases. The disease affects young growing shoots near the attachment of the leaves to the stems. Raspberry trunks are covered with white or brown spots into a black dot.

To combat the disease, you need to often dig and weed the soil, and mulch it. The plant can be treated with an insecticide. The ideal option to combat this disease is 0.3 percent karbofos. Can be sprayed with confidor.

Bacterial root cancer

Root cancer leads to a deterioration in the growth of raspberries and a loss of taste by the berries, and the foliage of the plant turns yellow. The fight against this disease is problematic, since the use of insecticides is prohibited. Bushes that are affected by root cancer are dug up and burned.

This eliminates the possibility of spreading the disease.

After digging up raspberries infected with root cancer, on a certain bed, its planting is not carried out for 8 years.

Fungal diseases of raspberries (anthracnose and gray rot)

Raspberries are susceptible to fungal infections such as gray mold and anthracnose. Symptoms of anthracnose are most often observed in conditions of high humidity growing shrubs. This fungal disease is manifested by spotting on the leaves, which has a brown color. The growth affected by the disease must be carefully cut and removed from the site.

With anthracnose, spraying is done using a Bordeaux mixture. You need to repeat the procedure every 10 days.

The occurrence of gray rot on raspberries is observed as a result of exposure to multicellular mycelium. The disease appears at the initial stage of berry ripening. The disease is initially manifested by the appearance of brown spots at the points of contact of the fruits. After a few days, the disease covers the entire fetus, resulting in necrosis.

To combat gray rot during the period of raspberry budding, chemical treatment is necessary. For this purpose, fungicides can be used in the form of Fundazol 50 SP, Rovral, Sumlex 50 SP, Ronilan, etc. From the application must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Raspberry mosaic

Mosaic is a common raspberry disease that can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the variety. It can manifest itself as a mosaic of leaves or their deformation. Affected bushes are characterized by weak growth of shoots.

The fight against the disease is carried out using insecticides - Hostation 40 KS, Marshall 25 KE, Croneton 50 E, Orten 75 SP.


Rust on raspberries is a fungal disease that causes dark spots on the underside of the leaves. As a result, the leaves of the plant dry up and fall off. With a strong neglect of the disease, brown spots appear on the stems.

When raspberry bushes are infected, they are destroyed. Spraying is carried out in spring and autumn. For this purpose, a solution of 1% Bordeaux mixture is used.

This disease is most commonly seen on older plants. The disease manifests itself as brown spots on the shoots. In the summer, there may be a sudden drying of the plant. In order to avoid the appearance of the disease, two-year-old shoots must be removed after harvest.

During the growing season, the shrub should be treated with a Bordeaux mixture. Before flowering, the plant must be treated with insecticides such as Topsin M70, Impact 12 SK, Alto 100 SL, etc.

Witch's broom on raspberries occurs as a result of exposure to phytoplasma. With the development of this disease, a large number of shoots are formed at the base of the shrubs.

The fight against this disease consists in the treatment of plants with insecticides and the planting of new healthy shoots.

Raspberry Witch's Broom

Raspberry pests and their control

Pests can cause irreparable harm to raspberries. They adversely affect not only the fruits of the plant, but also the stems, the root system.

That is why, when they occur, it is necessary to carry out a timely fight against them. For this purpose, in most cases, insecticides are used. In order to avoid the appearance of pests on raspberries, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.

The weevil is a small black bug that damages raspberries with its long nose. To combat this pest, it is recommended to treat the bushes with an infusion of garlic. To eliminate the pest, a solution of potassium permanganate can be used.

Raspberries should be processed in the morning or evening. In order to avoid the appearance of a weevil, garlic or onions are planted between raspberries.

The raspberry beetle is brown in color and reaches a length of 4 centimeters. It damages the flowers and ovaries of raspberries. the raspberry beetle damages the shoots and leaves of the plant. During the budding period, beetle plants are harvested by hand. If there are larvae in the damaged berry, then they must be killed.

Gall midge is the main pest of raspberries. This is a black insect that grows up to 2.5 centimeters in length. The insect is characterized by the presence of transparent wings. Pests climb under the bark of the plant and hibernate there.

In order to avoid massive damage to the shrub in autumn and spring, damaged plants are burned.

The butterfly lays its eggs on the surface of the soil near the raspberry bushes. Its larvae damage the stems of the shrub. If a stem fly was found during the examination of raspberries, then the tops of the bushes should be immediately cut and burned. If there is a larval course in the stem, then the stem is cut closer to the root. In the autumn, you need to carry out a thorough loosening of the soil.

The raspberry stem fly is a small insect, the length of which is no more than 5 millimeters. It is characterized by a green color and the presence of transparent wings. The pest hibernates under raspberry bushes. Since May, flies have been laying eggs in the upper leaves.

Fly larvae penetrate the stem, which leads to the withering of the shoots. The fight is to eliminate damaged shoots. If this procedure is unsuccessful, then insecticides should be used.

Methods of treatment and prevention

With improper care, raspberries can be subject to a variety of diseases. pests have a negative impact on its growth and development. To ensure a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out timely prevention of its pests and diseases. For this purpose, you need:

  • Eliminate weeds;
  • Carry out autumn digging of the soil;
  • Remove old shoots;
  • Carry out timely pruning of the plant;
  • Treat the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture in autumn and spring.

When all of the above preventive measures are carried out, the gardener is guaranteed to eliminate the possibility of the appearance of pests and diseases on raspberries.

Raspberry is a useful shrub, the berries of which are used not only for food, but also for the treatment of diseases. Improper care leads to the appearance of pests and diseases on this plant.

In order to be able to eat raspberries, they must be controlled mechanically or using safe insecticides. In order to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out their prevention in a timely manner. Its implementation does not require the expenditure of effort and money.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a short video about raspberry diseases and pests, as well as ways to fight:

Despite the efforts of breeders to develop raspberry varieties that are more resistant to diseases and viruses, plants are still susceptible to them. This article discusses the most common plant diseases, their symptoms and methods of control.

Anthracnose is a fungus that appears as spots on the stems of raspberries. Spots of a white-gray shade are bordered by bright red. Mushroom spores multiply rapidly and appear on all parts of the plant: bark, leaves, berries. On the bark, the fungus appears as black dotted spots, the leaves wither when damaged, and the berries become covered with ulcers and dry. The affected plant does not develop, loses deciduous mass, subsequently the crop dies, the characteristics of resistance to cold decrease, the bush dies.

To avoid illness, raspberries are treated with Bordeaux liquid before bud break, a second time during the formation of buds and a third time sprayed in the fall, after harvesting. A diseased plant can be resuscitated by removing the affected shoots. If nothing helped, and the disease did not recede, it is necessary to dig up and burn the entire bush.

Important! Too dense and heavy soil puts pressure on the raspberry root system, not giving it nutrition and oxygen.

"Witch's Broom"

  • Immediately after winter, while the insects are hibernating, you need to fill the anthill with water;
  • Since insects do not tolerate strong odors, they can be repelled by spilling kerosene around the anthill.
In addition to folk remedies, there are also chemicals, powder remedies, you can find out about them in special stores. Damaged parts of the plant should be immediately removed and burned.

Verticillium wilt or wilt

Wilt is a fungal disease of raspberries. This fungus multiplies very quickly and affects the entire bush. The fungus can infect raspberries by penetrating into damage to the trunk or root shoots. Purple-gray spots along the trunk, and then stripes rise to the berries. The bark is covered with cracks, shoots, root shoots die, leaves wither and then the whole bush. The sooner you notice the signs of the fungus, the more likely it is to save the bush. In the early stages, the following drugs will help: Topsin-M, Trichodermin, Previkur and Vitaros. They should be used according to the instructions. If the plant is completely affected, dig up the bush and burn it.

Curly raspberries are dangerous because the affected bushes must be uprooted and burned completely, despite the fact that only some parts can be affected. This virus has no cure. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the deformation of leaves, shoots, fruits. The fruits become gray, flattened and dry. The disease can destroy the entire planting.

The carriers of the virus are ticks and aphids. First of all, carefully inspect the seedlings, insects may be on them, it is desirable to treat raspberries in the spring with insecticides. This procedure will repel insects and protect against many diseases. Sick bushes must be disposed of so as not to spread the virus to the entire raspberry.

Septoria in raspberries is common. A fungal-type disease affects the leaves and shoots of bushes with brown spots. Over time, the spots turn white in the center and spread throughout the bush, spores in the form of black dots cover the bark of the plant, causing cracks to appear on it. Due to the fungus, raspberry buds die, which leads to crop failure.
Remove the damaged parts of the bush. Before the buds open, preventive treatment of raspberries with copper sulphate is necessary. 100 g of vitriol is diluted in a bucket of water, 250 ml of the mixture is enough for one bush. Spraying the soil around the bush will also be more effective.

Attention! The maximum safe period for raspberry growth in one place is no more than twelve years. After the plant begins to bear fruit poorly, develop and is more susceptible to disease.

Did you know? The Romans were engaged in the cultivation of raspberries already in the first century AD, there is written evidence of Cato the Elder in his descriptions of fruit crops.

Purple spotting or didimella appears as lilac spots on the stems. The spots spread over time and change color to a purple-brown color with a lighter center. The branches and buds do not develop on them, they become brittle, and the raspberry dries.
Affected plants must be destroyed, and healthy ones should be treated with Bordeaux liquid. The first treatment is carried out when the young branches grow up to 20 cm, the second - before flowering. Carry out the last procedure after harvesting.

Canker spot is caused by a fungus that infects raspberry stems with washed-out brown spots. Ulcers form on the spots, spraying spores of the fungus. The tissues of the stems and leaves become rotten, the bush dies. The main danger is that spores easily fall on healthy bushes growing nearby.
You can get rid of the disease with the help of treatments with preparations containing copper. Affected parts of the plant must be removed and disposed of.

Raspberry root cancer is not easy to detect. The affected bush stops growing, the foliage and stems turn yellow, the fruits become small and tasteless. You can detect the disease by taking up a bush transplant. The disease affects the root shoots of the plant, forming tumors on the main stem of the root system.
Curing cancer is hard. If you find this, treat the roots with a solution of copper sulfate, immersing the roots in it for ten minutes.

Raspberry mosaic is a virus in which the leaves are deformed, losing color. Gradually, the whole bush begins to wither. Newly formed shoots are weak and unviable, the fruits become smaller, lose their taste.
Mosaic is incurable. Sick plants must be destroyed. For prevention, cultivate the soil against insects, since they are the carriers of the disease: aphids, mites and others.

Powdery mildew on raspberries

Raspberry powdery mildew develops well with high humidity. When the disease is affected, a white coating of a loose consistency appears on the leaves and stems. The leaves dry and fall off, the raspberries take on an ugly shape, the stems become brittle. You can treat the plant for powdery mildew with the help of copper-containing preparations.

Botrytis is a fungal disease of a plant, first the disease affects the fruits, covering them with dark spots. Over time, the spots grow, leading to rotting of the berries, then the fungus passes to the stalk and then covers the stems with brown rings. The stems dry out. The spots spread to the leaves, internodes, affect the buds of the plant.

Upon detection, it is required to remove all affected parts of the plant and burn it. In the spring, before bud formation, treat the raspberries with Bordeaux liquid. During the winter, no residues from diseased plants should remain on the soil.

raspberry rust

Rust on raspberries spreads in high humidity, before you fight it, remove the affected parts of the raspberries. Symptoms of rust are gray ulcers with a red border. On the inside of the fox, the fungus scatters spores - a dark-colored coating. If you do not get rid of the disease in time, it will save you from the harvest. Burn the diseased parts, treat the rest of the bushes with copper-containing preparations or Bordeaux liquid.

The bushiness of raspberries is also called "witch's broom" or sprouting. In raspberry bushes infected with this disease, fruiting can not only decrease, but even stop altogether. In addition, infected bushes often freeze out. In the non-chernozem zone of Russia, this disease causes the greatest harm. Sometimes, in addition to raspberries, bushiness can also affect blackberries. And it manifests itself equally on adult raspberry bushes, and on young ones.

A few words about the disease

With the defeat of this disease on raspberry bushes, root growth (very thin shoots) is formed in large quantities. Sometimes there are as many as 250 of them per bush. All of the above shoots come from the same relatively small area of ​​the rhizome. They are much shorter than healthy ones - the height of such processes reaches a maximum of fifteen centimeters, and the leaves on them are very small. Shoots form very dense bunches - it is this feature that determined the name of the misfortune.

There are a number of raspberry varieties, on which bushiness also manifests itself in the form of overgrowth of flowers. At the same time, the pistil with stamens is underdeveloped, and the petals with sepals turn into ugly leaf-like formations.

Often there is a chronic form of bushiness - it is characterized by a rather long life of bushes (up to ten years or even more), weakening every year more and more. It is noteworthy that berry bushes do not recover even with proper agrotechnical care - and although if all the rules for growing this crop are observed, the symptoms of the lesion may slightly weaken, but they still will not completely disappear.

Mycoplasma causes a "witch's broom" (it is assigned an intermediate position between bacteria and viruses), spreading in a variety of ways: by sucking insects, with planting material (more precisely, with root shoots), insatiable herbivorous mites, with the juice of infected crops and during grafting on healthy bushes infected cuttings. Another carrier of the pathogen is the leafhopper Macropsis fuscula. A garden tool devoid of intermediate disinfection can also contribute to its spread. Often there is a focal distribution of tillering. However, the disease spreads very quickly. The scientists were able to establish that a site with twelve percent of infected berry bushes is completely affected two years later.

Most often, infection with bushiness is observed in August and September of the very first growing season.

Raspberry varieties such as Karnaval, Barnaulskaya, Progress, Kutberg, Sovetskaya, Glen Clova, Marlboro, Kaliningradskaya, Malling Joel, Usanka, Zheltaya Spirina, Vislukha and Novosti Kuzmina are most prone to growing.

How to fight

Basically, methods of combating bushiness are only preventive in nature, since it is far from always possible to get rid of viral diseases. The systematic treatment of raspberries against sucking insects, the use of only high-quality and healthy planting material, as well as compliance with quarantine measures are the main ways to prevent the ill-fated "witch's broom". Planting material is recommended to be periodically healed. You can also pick up varieties that are resistant to this scourge - these include Alma-Ata, Golden Queen, Phoenix, Newburgh, Muskoka and Latan.

Good care for them (fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as thorough tillage) can also increase the stability of raspberry plantings.

Before flowering (when the buds are already isolated), as well as at the end of the harvest, in order to combat bushiness vectors, it is recommended to spray berry plantings with Actellik. And raspberry bushes with manifestations of a "witch's broom" are uprooted and immediately burned.

Unprofessional diagnostics, careless treatment and leads to the devastation of the area that was once pleasing to the eye. Without claiming to be a scientific work, but, nevertheless, based on the works of R. Stames-Smith, R. Convers, F. van der Meer, H. Fluther, K. Cadman and other world-famous biologists, we present to the reader's attention - diseases raspberries, definition and treatment - competently, to the point, briefly and succinctly. Diagnosis, causes, control measures.

Mosaic Raspberry Mosaic

Raspberry mosaic - a category of diseases, a set of viral diseases, including black raspberry necrosis virus, yellow netting virus. Mottled leaves and chlorotic spotting (not to be confused with chlorosis) are also considered components of the mosaic.
There are at least 12 types of mosaic, the development of which is due to different strains of the virus. The carriers are the aphids Amhorophora rubi (Kalt.) A. agathonica Hottes (Kalt.) subs idaei Born, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos), etc., as was found out back in the 1920s. last century, English biologists Benet, Harris and R. Stace-Smith. Their features are almost identical.

Signs of a raspberry mosaic:

  • On the aerial part, leaves, shoots: tuberosity - the surface is rough, uneven.
  • Reticulated chlorosis, mosaic - bordering of the veins, the appearance of alternating areas of intense green and slightly colored, limited by veins. The latter acquire a pronounced yellow color by autumn.
  • Chlorotic spots may or may not be observed along the lateral veins of the leaf blade. On spring growth, signs of mottling are possible.
  • In general, there is a weakening of the growth of seedlings and adult plants. Shoots are thin, lag behind healthy ones in development, a noticeable decrease in their number in spring. The new root growth is small, lags behind in growth, the leaves are small, poorly developed.
  • Shock symptoms of black raspberry mosaic: mottling, necrosis of the tops.

Prevention and warning measures:

Prevention and control measures are the same for all its species. The only thing is to make sure that the assumption is correct. If there is no such confidence, consult a specialist.

  • The causes are aphids, carriers of virus strains. To prevent the spread of pests and subsequent problems on the site, it is worth following simple rules.
  • Maintaining cleanliness on the site, the absence of plant residues, the eradication of weeds, rotting mulch.
  • The proximity of fruit trees - apple trees, pears, etc. is a likely source of aphids. Don't sit next to it - you won't have problems.
  • Saving space when planting is fraught not only with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition of the roots, which leads to a weakening and decrease in immunity. Poor ventilation, dampness after rain, watering stimulates the spread of diseases.

Control measures: is there a way out?

  • The main and main way is the fight against aphids. If there are threatening numbers, use insecticides that are not active against pollinating insects - Herbicides will help with large-scale weed infestation. However, they should not be used unnecessarily, especially when cultural plantings are close: in addition to the well-known danger of getting on the table, drugs affect varietal qualities and rapid degeneration.
  • Unfortunately, the destruction of the affected bushes will be a 100% effective measure due to the fact that the problem has been little studied, and at this stage, treatment is not possible. Damaged plants are uprooted and burned. The laying of new ridges in this place is not desirable, it is recommended to plant green manure - beans, clover, celery, rye, wheat, etc.

Dwarfism or Witch's broom (Rubus Stunt)

Growth, Dwarfism of raspberries, Vedbmin's broom - all these are synonyms, more precisely, the everyday name of a group of diseases. Based on the publications of F. van der Meer, H. Fluther, the problem was first identified and described by the French biologist de Vries, later Wormaldam and Harris in the Netherlands in 1920.

The reason is the viruses RStuV Witches broom, Heksenbezem, dwergziekt, Rubus Statuche, ved mimi metly, dversjuke, spread by insects - leafhoppers Nacropsis fuscula Zett. All species are susceptible, including wild. The most vulnerable are specimens previously infected with a mosaic or other pathogen.

Infection occurs in August-September, mainly in the first year of the life of the bush. It is noted that young seedlings at the beginning of the growing season may have no symptoms or be mild.

The incubation period of sprouting is from 5 to 12 months, the latent period is about 7-8 weeks. Adult insects become carriers of the virus at a certain stage of development. Thus, the nymphs hatch from the clutch at the beginning of May, and only in the first decade of August, becoming adults, do they become a potential pest.

Signs of sprouting or witch's broom:

  • Symptoms of dwarfism, as this raspberry disease is also called, appear in August or early September the next year after planting. This is the thinning of shoots developing from the root bud. The shoot is poorly developed, lags behind in development - it simply does not grow, it loses varietal characteristics. In the third year of the life of the bush, characteristic signs of dwarfism can be noted: a lot of thin, weakened shoots, not developed, shortened side branches, ugly, deformed flowers, unripe fruits - the ability of fruit formation as a whole is often lost. So let's recap:
  • numerous - up to 220 per bush, - thin shoots, abundant lateral branching along the entire height;
  • Changing flowers proliferation of phyllodes. On some varieties (Kaliningradskaya, Novosti Kuzmina), the petal, the sepals are reborn into cup-like formations, the flowers become sterile
  • Leaf changes: shrink, turn yellow, thin, light.
  • There are few fruit twigs - the yield is significantly reduced.
  • Of course, it is important that the specimens that did not die from viral shock in such an oppressed form can live and give growth for up to 10 years. There may be periods of remission - at first glance, the problem recedes, the bush even bears fruit. Often the problem is mistakenly associated with diseases similar in appearance, for errors in agricultural technology, lack of top dressing or poor soil, lack of trace elements.

Resistant varieties: Latham, Tulamin, Hercules, Polana, Shelf, etc.
Weakly resistant: Kaliningrad, Lloyd George, Norfolk, most foreign varieties.

How to deal with dwarfism?

Unfortunately, the problem can be defeated, but only by eradicating it - in the truest sense of the word. To date, there are no drugs that can stop the infection of the virus carried by leafhoppers. The only way to treat dwarfism or growth is the destruction of diseased bushes. What to do?

1. Mandatory culling of underdeveloped seedlings, with small light leaves, mosaic pattern.
2. Revision of plantings: during bud break, flowering, after fruiting.
3. Treatment against aphids is practiced: 0.2% r.-r. 40% nicotine sulfate, karbofos 75 g per 10 l of water 2 times before flowering, after harvesting, modern insecticides. Processing is carried out the first time during bud break, the second - before flowering. Important: all procedures are carried out 30 days before harvest.
Home remedies. Amateur gardeners can be advised safe and effective means:
tobacco dust - infusion, 40 g per 1 liter of water is boiled, settled, used in a ratio of 1: 1 with water + 20 g of soap for every 10 liters of solution.
Potato tops, tincture 0.5-0.8 kg dry or green 1-1.2 kg insist in 10 liters of water for 3-4 hours, strain.
Chamomile 1 kg is infused in 10 liters of water for 10-12 hours, treated by diluting with water 1: 3 + 40 g of soap.
Yarrow 700 g is steamed for 30-40 minutes, topped up with water to 10 liters, infused for 1-1.5 days. For decoction, dry material is boiled for 30 minutes.
4. It is important to destroy infected specimens, especially on large farm plantings, in order to exclude mass infection.
5. Preparations for the fight against leafhoppers, including destroying masonry, nymphs.

  • To prevent a problem, do not plant near fruit trees, other berry plants - many crops are susceptible to the virus, including some varieties of strawberries. Do not ignore the sanitization of the site from plant debris, mulch residue. Don't thicken.
  • Heat treatment of seedlings is the only measure for the improvement of planting material. The culture is kept in thermal chambers at a temperature of +38 C, starting from April for 3 months. During this time, seedlings are freed from most viruses. Isolated from other plantations, they are an elite planting material. However, such treatment is possible only in the conditions of specialized nurseries.

Vein Chlorosis Raspberry Vien Chloosis. Synonym for Raspberry chlorotic net.

Productivity drops by 25-30%, plants lag behind in growth. Infectious vein chlorosis of raspberries is a group of identical diseases caused by different strains of the same circulatory virus - according to one source. According to others - one caused by different strains. However, it doesn't matter. Chlorosis affects all known varieties. European, North American - all of them do not have resistance, with the exception of some varieties bred in the USA - Viking, Newburg, Cuthbert, most likely immune to the virus, domestic varieties Rubin, Konstinbrodskaya.

The difficulty of determining is that different strains of the virus are hidden under different signs, which makes identification difficult. It is often confused with a mosaic, where chloroticity occurs, and with non-infectious chlorosis as a result of errors in the cultivation technique, a lack of trace elements and light.

The vector of the virus is aphids, Aphis idaei van der Gott. Infection is possible with planting material, with vaccinations, with inventory.
The strains of the virus are thermostable - the development is not affected by the ambient temperature: it can spread even +40 C.

Signs of infectious vein chlorosis:

  • The veins of the leaf plates change color - light green, yellow - this is in contrast to non-infectious chlorosis, the plates themselves are covered with a mesh pattern - often mistaken for the yellow net virus.
  • With active development, local spots with a clear contour are noted on especially susceptible varieties.
  • Over time, the damaged green parts dry, curl, die off - this is how any raspberry chlorosis can be determined.

Control and prevention measures for chlorosis

  • Removal of diseased plants is currently the only 100% effective measure. Chemical control measures are reduced to the treatment of raspberry chlorosis with Bordeaux mixture and other copper preparations until bud break, but there is no evidence in favor of this therapy.
  • The only thing is that copper preparations help get rid of concomitant diseases of raspberries due to the weakening of the culture.
  • After harvesting - processing 0.05% r.-r. Topaz, 0.1% Fundazol and other fungicides. Antifungal drugs against the virus do not work.
  • It would be possible to omit the part that talks about the need to maintain cleanliness, timely cleaning of weeds and debris, and distance from fruit trees. However, this is the most important part. Basically, the sources of all troubles lie in the thickets of weeds, among the bushes and weeds growing unattended, in the branches of apple trees growing nearby. So, keep the cleanliness and density of plantings, and to combat aphids with its dangerous amount, there are preparations - insecticides.

Considering that all viral diseases of raspberries, the prospects for treatment and methods we discussed above, most often develop on weakened specimens, it is advisable to use mineral supplements with potassium, iron, and nitrogen preparations. Potassium nitrate, nitoroammaphoska, microelement complexes in chelated form - all this will be beneficial to prevent problems in your berry. Good harvest!

Raspberries, like other garden crops, can get sick or become a victim of pests. The treatment of raspberries in the spring from diseases and pests must be included in the list of shrub care activities. Without disease prevention, a crop can quickly reduce yields or even die, and an invasion of pests can spoil the appearance of a shrub and weaken it.

This article provides descriptions of the main diseases and pests of raspberries with photos and treatment, so every gardener can easily identify the disease and take measures to eliminate it.

Raspberry diseases: photos and their treatment

Processing raspberries in the spring from diseases and pests helps not only to maintain crop yields, but also to prevent the spread of the disease throughout the garden.

Like other fruit crops, the shrub can suffer from viral, fungal and bacterial diseases, which differ in symptoms and require specific treatment. Let us consider in more detail the most basic pathologies of culture with a photo, as well as give the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment.


Raspberry is considered an unpretentious culture, but with improper care, it weakens and becomes more susceptible to various pathologies. For example, too wet and dense soil can cause rotting of stems and roots, and in dry weather, shrubs can become a victim of pests.

But most often the gardener himself is to blame for the ailments of the plant. If the shrub is handled with contaminated tools, symptoms will appear very quickly. In addition, the site should not be allowed to become overgrown with weeds, as this can also become one of the factors in the onset of pathology.


Raspberry diseases are quite diverse, so we will consider the most popular of them with symptoms.

The following pathologies are dangerous for shrubs (Figure 1):

  1. Chlorosis occurs when mechanical damage is formed on the surface of leaves and stems. This virus causes yellowing of leaves and thinning of shoots. As a result of pathology, the bushes weaken, the berries become small, and without treatment, the shrub may die.
  2. Curly is a viral disease that manifests itself with characteristic signs. At first, the leaves become small, stiff and wrinkled, and the underside takes on a brown tint. The berries become sour, and the shrub itself dies within three years if control measures are not taken.
  3. Rust is a fungal pathology that begins to appear in May. The underside of the leaves is covered with dark spots. Gradually, they dry out and fall off, and characteristic brown ulcers form on the shoots. It is impossible to cure rust, therefore, when the first symptoms are detected, the shrub must be dug up and burned outside the site.
  4. purple spotting- a very common disease that causes rapid drying of the bush. The first symptom is the formation of light red spots on the leaves. Gradually, they increase and darken, causing the shoots to dry out and slow down or completely stop the growth of the kidneys.

Figure 1. The most common crop diseases: 1 - chlorosis, 2 - curl, 3 - rust, 4 - purple spot

In addition, with high humidity and air temperature, powdery mildew may appear on the plants. And if the leaves and shoots are covered with gray spots with purple rims, your plant has become a victim of anthracnose.

Depending on the type of pathology (viral, fungal or bacterial), chemical control agents are used to spray the affected plants.

Raspberry diseases and their control: video

To provide plants with reliable protection against pests and diseases in the spring, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows how to identify one of the pathologies - a mosaic, and deal with it.

Diseases of remontant raspberries: photos and their treatment

Remontant varieties are subject to the same diseases as ordinary ones. But most often chlorosis occurs on shrubs, which in a short time can destroy all plants.

Let us consider in more detail the causes, symptoms and methods of treating chlorosis in remontant varieties.

Raspberry chlorosis: photo and treatment

It is very easy to determine that a culture is infected with chlorosis: the leaves on the affected plants begin to turn yellow. In some cases, the yellowing of the leaves is due to a lack of minerals, but if you have recently fertilized and the shrubs are still changing color, it makes sense to examine them in more detail (Figure 2).

There are certain reasons for the development of chlorosis, as well as the characteristic symptoms of the disease, which help to accurately diagnose and take measures to eliminate it.


The main reason for the development of chlorosis is the presence of cuts and small wounds on leaves or shoots. They can appear as a result of inaccurate pruning or improper care.

The causative agents are viruses that are carried by insect pests (nematodes, mites or aphids). That is why, in order to prevent the development of chlorosis, it is necessary to regularly inspect the plantings and carry out the prevention of the spread of pests.


At the initial stage of chlorosis, the areas between the veins on the leaves begin to turn yellow. Gradually, yellowness spreads throughout the sheet, forming asymmetrical patterns.

As the progression progresses, the leaves begin to dry out, and the shoots become thinner. The berries become irregular in shape, become small and dry out quickly.

Figure 2. Signs of shrub chlorosis

Unfortunately, no treatment has been developed for chlorosis, so shrubs with signs of damage should be immediately dug up and burned. The disease is considered very dangerous, so the area where the infected crop was located is not suitable for further cultivation. It will be possible to re-plant a plant on such a bed only after 10 years.

Raspberry didimella: treatment

Didymella is also called purple spot because of the characteristic red spots that form on the leaves (Figure 3).

The disease is considered quite dangerous, although it spreads relatively slowly. Several years may pass from the moment the first symptoms appear to the death of the shrub, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to fight the pathology. To rid the plant of didimella, you need to know the causes that provoke the disease, and its main symptoms that will help determine the disease.


As a rule, the first signs of purple blotch appear in September, when the air temperature drops slightly and soil moisture rises.

The provoking factor is the thickening of plantings and the presence of a large number of weeds. The didimella virus is also spread by pests, so the bed should be regularly cleaned of weeds and preventive spraying against pests.


A characteristic symptom of purple spotting is the formation of small purple-brown spots on young shoots at the point of attachment of the leaf. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size and spread not only along the shoots, but also along the leaves.

Gradually, the spots darken, and light tubercles form in their center. If treatment has not been carried out, the infected shrub will successfully overwinter, but next year the tubercles will begin to crack, the shoots will weaken, and the shrub itself will reduce productivity.

Figure 3. Signs of didimella

To eliminate didimella, in early spring, you need to spray all the shrubs with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (300 grams of product per bucket of water). The treatment is repeated before flowering and after harvesting, using for this purpose a one percent solution of the drug (100 grams of the product per bucket of water).

Raspberry mosaic: photo and treatment

Mosaic most often appears in early summer and autumn, that is, before the start of the active growing season.

In addition to external changes on the leaves and shoots, the mosaic significantly reduces the yield of the shrub, so you need to know the causes that provoke the disease, its main symptoms and methods of control.


Mosaic refers to viral diseases, and the pathogen penetrates the tissues of the shrub through cuts or other mechanical damage to the leaves and stems.

Figure 4. Mosaic symptoms

Both insect pests and the gardener himself can become carriers of the virus. For example, if you trim with a non-sterile tool, you can independently bring the virus into the tissues. But most often it is the pests that are the main cause of the mosaic, so the site should not be allowed to overgrow with weeds, and in the spring it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against pests.


Among all diseases, it is the mosaic that has very characteristic symptoms. The leaves on the affected shrubs acquire a variegated color, and dark areas alternate with light ones. In addition, the surface of the leaf is covered with tubercles (Figure 4).

On diseased shrubs, the number of fruits decreases, and the berries themselves lose their taste and become too hard. Young shoots become thin and weak. There is no effective treatment against mosaic, so affected specimens are simply removed and burned. For prevention, you need to ensure that the shrub is not damaged by pests.

Protecting raspberries from pests and diseases in spring

Spring processing of raspberries from pests and diseases begins immediately after the awakening of the kidneys.

Note: Most pathogens overwinter on old shoots or leaves, so in the fall you need to clean the bed from fallen leaves and cut off old shoots.

In early spring, namely at the beginning of March, all shrubs are sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture (Figure 5). After awakening the kidneys, the treatment is repeated. When the period of flowering and the formation of ovaries begins, the shrubs must be inspected and all damaged parts removed in time.

Figure 5. Treatment of raspberries against diseases and pests

In the autumn, after the harvest is completed, another spraying with Bordeaux mixture is carried out to destroy the larvae of pests and pathogens that could remain on the shrubs.

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