Laser coagulation of the retina: the consequences of pplc. Do's and don'ts after laser coagulation of the retina - limitations, recommendations for patients Cauterization of the retina with a laser limitations

A person receives the bulk of information from the surrounding world precisely through the organs of vision. With the help of good vision, we have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the world around us, contemplate close people and get aesthetic pleasure.

The visual system is a complex anatomical structure that is constantly negatively affected by external and internal factors. The most vulnerable link in this apparatus is the retina. Retina allows a person to perceive visual objects, including their color and shape. Retinal pathologies can lead to a complete loss of visual function.

Modern technologies for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases are impressive in their variety. Their effectiveness has been proven experimentally. Eye surgery allows not only to slow down the progression of a dangerous pathology, but also to completely restore visual function. Among these methods, laser cauterization of the retina is distinguished, which has a number of unconditional advantages over other methods. What it is?

General information

Laser coagulation of the retina is a medical procedure that can be used to eliminate dystrophic and degenerative changes in the retina. The manipulation is more of a preparatory nature and can be performed using a laser to correct vision.

The technique is based on a sharp increase in temperature, which leads to tissue clotting. For this reason, the manipulation is carried out bloodlessly.

If a pregnant woman has a predisposition to retinal detachment or rupture, then in order to avoid negative complications, a planned operation is performed during childbirth, which helps to strengthen the retina of the optic organ.

Laser coagulation is a non-contact eye treatment. It allows you to achieve a positive effect in the case of central and peripheral retinal thinning, damage to the vascular system, and even tumor processes. The procedure prevents further detachment and rupture of the mesh. It is a good prevention of neoplasms and fundus pathologies.

Laser coagulation is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis and takes little time

Laser therapy can be prescribed for myopia, diabetic retinopathy, thrombosis, age-related retinal dystrophy, angiomatosis and other progressive degenerative changes in the visual apparatus. It is easy to carry out, painless and at the same time highly effective. The procedure is completely non-contact, which eliminates the risk of possible infection. The cost of coagulation directly depends on the degree of circulatory disorders and the nature of changes in the retina.

Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina can be performed both for prophylactic purposes and for therapeutic purposes with an already existing detachment. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, the following options for coagulation are possible:

  • Focal. Spot application of coagulants.
  • Barrier. In the form of several rows.
  • Panretinal - over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe retina.


Before manipulation, the patient undergoes a comprehensive ophthalmological diagnosis. The procedure is prescribed only if there are indications and no contraindications. It is not recommended to drink alcohol a few days before the operation. This can provoke the development of inflammatory processes that make it difficult to recover.

ATTENTION! Laser coagulation is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require special diagnostics.

Before photocoagulation, the patient is instilled with drops that dilate the pupil, as well as an anesthetic drug. Then the patient's head is fixed, and a special three-mirror lens is inserted into the eye. With its help, the specialist aims the laser and examines the fundus.

Procedure progress

The duration of the manipulation takes no more than thirty minutes. The essence of the surgical intervention is to remove defective areas with vessels to prevent their further negative impact on the retina. In fact, the laser glues the edges of the detached retinal fragment, causing microscopic burns.

Depending on the severity of pathological changes in the retina, more than one such procedure may be required. An interval of one to two weeks is maintained between sessions. Modern technologies allow the operation to be carried out in an automatic way. The software control of the laser coagulator eliminates the need for mechanical actions of the surgeon.

During the procedure, a special lens is used, thanks to which the radiation penetrates deep into the eyeball, up to hard-to-reach areas of the retina. The quality of the result largely depends on the professionalism of the surgeon.

IMPORTANT! Peripheral prophylactic laser coagulation (PPLC) is a strengthening of the retina at the periphery, aimed at preventing the occurrence of detachment.

Specialists use local anesthesia with drip anesthesia on the dilated pupil. During the operation, low-frequency rays are applied to the retina. The patient does not feel pain. He only feels the touch of the lens and sees flashes of light.

The formation of adhesions at the site of damaged tissues is achieved by a local temperature increase. With the help of special enzymes, the breaks are connected. After coagulation, the patient is under medical supervision for some time.

In some cases, laser strengthening of the retina is the only way to reduce the risks or even completely avoid retinal detachment. Nevertheless, the technique has a list of contraindications. In addition, it is important to adhere to medical recommendations before and after manipulation.

Indications for

Laser treatment is indicated for patients with a wide variety of deviations in visual function. Experts recommend coagulation in the following cases:

  • retinopathy associated with hypertension or diabetes;
  • angiomatosis;
  • local retinal detachment in pregnant women;
  • macular degeneration;
  • obstruction of the central vein;
  • macular lesions;
  • thrombosis;
  • eals disease;
  • rupture of blood vessels;
  • partial retinal detachment.

ATTENTION! If pregnant women with moderate to severe myopia do not agree to laser coagulation, a cesarean section is indicated. If a woman is aimed at natural childbirth, she cannot do without this procedure. It is desirable to coagulate before 35 weeks.

In some cases, manipulation can be prescribed after surgery to remove the detachment. This contributes to the formation of more reliable bonds after breaks.

Without laser coagulation, women with severe myopia will have to give birth artificially


Despite the fact that laser coagulation is the most modern method of restoring vision, it has a list of contraindications. Prohibitions for manipulation are divided into two main groups - absolute and relative. In the first case, coagulation is categorically impossible. Relative contraindications are only a temporary limitation.

Medicine does not stand still, and those strict prohibitions that used to belong to the category of absolute ones are now considered temporary with the help of innovations. Currently, the list of contraindications is as follows.

First, let's highlight the relative constraints:

  • Juvenile patients. The organs of vision in children grow and form, and their structure also changes. This is not to say that coagulation in childhood is dangerous, it just does not make any sense. The doctor cannot guarantee the achievement of a lasting result.
  • Early postpartum period. In the female body, hormone surges occur. This can negatively affect the healing process. Moreover, to prevent complications, patients are prescribed antibiotics in the form of drops. The active substance can pass into breast milk.
  • A sharp deterioration in vision during the year. The specialist will offer to play it safe and get medical treatment in conservative ways. The optometrist will monitor the condition of the patient's visual apparatus.
  • Ophthalmic processes of an inflammatory nature. The operation can further aggravate the situation. Against the background of inflammation, the regeneration of damaged tissues will take much longer.
  • Diseases associated with a weakened immune system.
  • Fundus hemorrhages will interfere with viewing problem areas.
  • Diseases of the brain.
  • Cataract.

The absolute contraindications include the following:

  • Low visual acuity.
  • High rate of retinal detachment.
  • Gliosis of the third degree. The light-sensitive cells of the retina are replaced by connective tissue.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strengthening the retina with a laser has a huge list of unconditional advantages:

  • No need for general anesthesia.
  • Risks of bleeding during manipulation are excluded.
  • The rehabilitation period lasts only one day.
  • The procedure does not touch the fundus and does not cause infectious complications.
  • Simplicity in conducting.
  • Availability.
  • Minimum side effects.
  • Absence of pain and bruising both during the procedure and after it.
  • Additional injuries are excluded.
  • No need for the patient to stay in a medical facility after surgery.
  • Manipulation takes a minimum of time and does not affect the patient's usual rhythm of life.
  • The possibility of carrying out the procedure during the period of bearing a child.

As for the disadvantages, laser photocoagulation is unable to cope with age-related changes in the visual apparatus. The instability of the operation results is possible. There are age restrictions. There are risks of complications.

Laser coagulation is a non-invasive, minimally invasive procedure

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, the patient can feel the effects of the laser. However, it is possible to fully assess the effect after two weeks. This is how long the rehabilitation lasts. Patients are advised to observe some restrictions after surgery:

  • Do not engage in heavy physical labor and do not lift weights.
  • Use dark sunglasses.
  • Do not visit saunas and baths.
  • Eliminate driving.
  • Avoid head and eye injuries.
  • Avoid walking outside.
  • Do not rub your eyes and do not touch them unnecessarily.
  • Limit visual stress.
  • Do not wear glasses or lenses.
  • Patients with hypertension should carefully monitor blood pressure indicators, and for diabetics - blood glucose levels.
  • Eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene.

It is important to visit a doctor twelve days after surgery to clarify the quality of the surgery. Within six months, you should undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist every month.


Any medical manipulation has a number of possible complications, and laser therapy is no exception. In rare cases, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • corneal edema;
  • decreased vision;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • re-detachment of the retina;
  • the appearance of dark spots on the iris;
  • deterioration of twilight vision;
  • feeling blinded by bright light;
  • tearing;
  • color distortion;
  • hemorrhage;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • inflammation of the iris.

In order to avoid complications, spend a few days after the operation at home if possible. To prevent the attachment of an infectious process, use antibiotic eye drops. During the entire period of rehabilitation, adhere to medical recommendations.

The recovery period after LKS is quite quick and easy, but it plays an important role in the aspect of the effectiveness of laser treatment. There are a number of factors that can affect the healing process of the wound surface. This can not only minimize the effectiveness of laser coagulation of the retina, but also lead to the development of various exacerbations.

In connection with the above, it is very important to adhere to all the doctor's recommendations and promptly seek qualified help in the event of negative phenomena.

The course of the postoperative period after

Based on the type of medical institution in which the procedure in question was carried out, the patient can be left in the clinic for a couple of days - or they can be released home a couple of hours after the operation. The second option is practiced more often. In a similar situation, after the complete restoration of visual function (about 2 hours), the doctor conducts a control examination of the fundus under a slit lamp.

The first day after laser exposure, the operating area swells and turns red. With physical activity, as well as with eye strain, eye pains and headaches occur. Often, these conditions disappear on their own after 2-3 days, but if the doctor's recommendations are not followed, they can drag on for a longer period.

The complete restoration of the retina usually takes 2 weeks.

The specified period may increase, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Video: Laser coagulation of the retina

Early recovery period after LKS - what is possible, what is not?

Due to the fact that the first few days after the considered manipulation, the patient will be disturbed by pain, he is prescribed pain relieving eye drops.

In order to prevent infection of the operating area, they also use anti-inflammatory local remedies.

To minimize the risk of complications, before the formation of a high-quality adhesion after laser exposure (which takes, on average, 14 days), you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands and try not to touch them.
  • Protect yourself from colds: first of all, the wound surface will suffer. In this regard, social events, as well as places where there are many children, it is better not to visit.
  • Do not strain your eyes by reading, watching TV, doing handicrafts, or driving a vehicle.
  • Wear sunglasses when going outside. It is better not to go outside on the day of the operation, because there is a pronounced photophobia.
  • Do not lift anything heavy. Even carrying a 1kg bag can cause eye / head pain. At the end of the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to lift weights weighing more than 5 kg.
  • Refuse to engage in sports in which there is a high risk of injury, which provoke vibrations, body shaking (running, jumping, etc.). The first day after this procedure, it is better to organize bed rest, and take a vacation at work until complete recovery.
  • Limit the amount of salt, spices, liquids in the diet. The same goes for drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages. In the aspect of smoking, there are no prohibitions, but getting smoke into the eyes is uncomfortable.
  • Refusal of decorative cosmetics: mascara, shadows, etc. It is also forbidden to wipe the eyelids with alcohol-containing tonics.
  • Protect yourself as much as possible from stressful situations and experiences.
  • Avoid forward bending of the body (including when shampooing). You should sleep in such a way that your legs are not higher than your head. The first night after laser coagulation, it is better to sleep on your back.

If the manipulation in question was performed by a person with diabetes mellitus, you should monitor the level of sugar in his blood.

To those who suffer from regular increased blood pressure, you need to control this indicator and take the necessary drugs on time.

Late recovery period after laser coagulation of the retina - prevention of complications and lifestyle

A couple of weeks after laser treatment, the patient must go to an appointment with an optometrist for a follow-up examination.

If you have diabetes such visits should be more frequent: monthly for the first 6 months. In the next six months, preventive examinations must be carried out every 3 months, and in the future (in the absence of any exacerbations) the number of visits is reduced to 2 per year. During these appointments, the doctor checks the fundus for retinal thinning.

With a sharp deterioration in visual abilities, the appearance of "flies" in the eyes, flashes, and other discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200blaser exposure, the doctor should be consulted urgently!

Vision correction after laser coagulation of the retina - when can you wear glasses or lenses?

In the absence of any exacerbations after the procedure in question, lenses / glasses can be worn already the day after surgery.

If there is discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200blaser exposure, it is better to use optical devices for vision correction for 2-3 days.

In the event that the patient has corneal edema, inflammation in the iris, or dark spots appear in the field of view, wearing contact lenses should be postponed until these phenomena are eliminated.

What to do if the eye hurts, other complications occur after laser coagulation of the retina?

In the first days after the procedure in question, it is extremely rare, but the following negative conditions may still occur:

  • Inflammatory phenomena in the conjunctival zone. This is due to the formation of small wounds during laser exposure, which can become inflamed under the influence of various factors. To prevent this exacerbation, anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed. If infection has occurred, they resort to antibiotics.
  • , in which patients complain of discomfort and burning sensation in the eyes. A similar phenomenon is a consequence of insufficient production of tear fluid. When yawning, the patient feels significant relief. Eliminate the complication in question by using special eye drops.
  • Re-detachment of the retina... It can occur if the underlying ailment has not been identified or healed, as well as with extensive initial retinal detachment. In this condition, repeated laser coagulation is required.
  • Visual impairment. It can be triggered by edema in the first days after manipulation. In such a situation, no action should be taken - the situation will stabilize after the edema subsides. If the field of vision is noticeably narrowed, and flies or dark spots appear in front of your eyes, you need to immediately seek help.

Today it has become a very common method of treatment and prevention of degenerative lesions of the retina, leading to serious visual impairment, sometimes to complete blindness.

Retinal degeneration processes are most often found in myopic people with a high and moderate degree of the disease. This is due to the lengthening of the axis of the eyeball, which causes excessive stretching of the retina and a violation of its trophism. The most effective treatment option for such pathologies is to strengthen the retina through exposure to laser radiation.

Carried out using special equipment, laser coagulation helps to restore blood flow and nutrition of retinal tissues, prevents the accumulation of fluid under it and detachment. In modern ophthalmology, this procedure is rightfully considered one of the most effective methods of dealing with pathologies of the retina of the eye.

Indications for implementation

The appointment of laser coagulation of the retina is advisable in the following cases:

  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • The occurrence of vascular changes;
  • Excessive proliferation of blood vessels (angiomatosis);
  • Age-related macular degeneration;
  • Central retinal vein occlusion;
  • Diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy;
  • Partial retinal detachment;
  • Retinal neoplasms (malignant / benign tumors).

Video about laser coagulation


Laser coagulation of the retina is performed on an outpatient basis with the use of drop anesthesia. Laser radiation makes the procedure less traumatic, since the strengthening of the retina occurs without blood loss, unnecessary incisions and without penetration into the internal structures. Painful sensations, thanks to local anesthesia, are also completely eliminated.

According to the indications, peripheral restrictive or therapeutic laser coagulation can be prescribed. At the same time, restrictive laser coagulation is indicated to prevent retinal detachment in patients with high and medium degrees of myopia.

At the first stage of the procedure, pupil dilating eye drops are instilled into the patient. The doctor then administers anesthesia. A few minutes later, when the drugs take effect, the patient is seated to the apparatus and a low-frequency laser is brought to the eye. The laser effect on the retina lasts 20 minutes, during which the patient sees only bright flashes of light and feels light touches to the eye with a special lens.

Laser coagulation is carried out with a sharp increase in temperature in the affected area, due to which bleeding stops, the damaged tissues adhere. In case of significant damage to the retina and its breaks, it is possible to connect the fragments by means of the "gluing" function.

At the end of laser coagulation of the retina, the patient is under medical supervision for some time. After the control examination, with the complete success of the procedure, he can go home.

Method advantages

The widespread use of laser coagulation of the retina in clinical practice is explained not only by its high efficiency. This method has a number of other undeniable advantages:

  • No time consuming. The whole procedure takes 10-20 minutes.
  • Low injury rate. The use of laser radiation involves exposure to high temperatures that instantly prevent bleeding.
  • The procedure, carried out with a preventive purpose, strengthens the thinning of the areas of the retina, normalizes its blood circulation and nutrition, and prevents the onset of severe complications.

Ophthalmic examinations after retinal laser coagulation should be done every six months. If indicated, the procedure can be repeated.

Possible contraindications

For all its safety and effectiveness, the retinal laser coagulation procedure has some contraindications. These include:

  • Rubeosis of the iris (pathological proliferation of blood vessels);
  • Insufficient transparency of the eye media (in order to perform laser coagulation for such a patient, cryopexy is performed through the conjunctiva first in the area of \u200b\u200bretinal rupture);
  • Hemorrhagic activity of the fundus;
  • Clouding of the vitreous body 3-4 degrees with traction syndrome;
  • Low visual acuity of 0.1 diopters.
  • Extensive retinal detachment zone with risk of maculopathy and choroid detachment.

Risks and complications of retinal laser coagulation

The retinal lascoagulation procedure is successful in most cases. An experienced laser surgeon who performs the procedure after a detailed examination of the patient is the guarantor of ensuring the expected effect. And yet, there is a risk of unpleasant consequences of laser coagulation. The most common complications of this method are considered to be:

  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the development of conjunctivitis.
  • Clouding of the eye media.

Complications do not cause irreversible consequences and are treated with medication (eye drops) for a short period.

In rare cases, laser coagulation can cause retinal hemorrhages, detachment of the vitreous humor, and dysfunctions of the optic nerve. If necessary, coagulation of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe retina, several stages of the procedure are prescribed, which significantly reduces the risk of possible complications.

At the same time, the implementation of laser coagulation of the retina introduces serious restrictions on the patient's lifestyle. After the procedure, you will have to temporarily abandon serious sports activities, limit physical activity and weight lifting. Otherwise, there is a risk of retinal detachment and rupture of the lining of the eye.

Laser coagulation of the retina is an operation performed under local anesthesia. Ninety percent of patients can boast that this manipulation takes place calmly. Modern medical technology is capable of influencing the affected areas with maximum precision. As a result of such an operation, there is a slight destruction of the retina protein, which further leads to the sealing of the affected area.

With a timely procedure, the disease stops progressing.

Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina of the eyeball is performed in a medical center, and the duration of the operation is no more than twenty minutes. A special lens is put on the patient, the purpose of which is to direct the laser beams into the required layer of the fundus. The affected areas are fixed with coagulants. The recovery period and the creation of a certain bond strength takes about two weeks. During this time period, any physical activity is prohibited, as they can disrupt the recovery processes.

Laser exposure leads to a sharp increase in temperature, which causes tissue coagulation

Retinal laser coagulation, what is it? Peripheral prophylactic laser coagulation (PPLC) is an effect aimed at strengthening the areas located in the periphery. In addition, the procedure can be used as an obstacle to the formation of detachments of the mesh lattice of the eyeball. The technique itself is based on a specific effect on the thinned areas of the retina. The laser solders the retina in problem areas. The main task of coagulation is to normalize the blood circulation of the visual organs and enhance the process of supplying the retina with nutrients.

Experts in this field argue that this measure is necessary in sixty percent of cases. Refusal to carry out preventive measures can lead to irreversible consequences. PPLC is a preventive measure designed to maintain the health of the visual organs.

When you need laser exposure

It should be noted that laser coagulation of the retina is the only preventive measure designed to maintain visual acuity. Unfortunately, today there are no analogues of this technique. The operation should be performed in the following cases:

  • diagnosing anomalies of the eye veins;
  • thrombosis of the central vein of the retina;
  • education on the retina of the eyeball;
  • retinal detachment;
  • diseases associated with excessive proliferation of blood vessels;
  • grinding of the optic nerve.

Before contacting a specialist, it is worth learning about a number of contraindications. So, laser intervention is not recommended for people with the following diagnoses;

  • hemorrhage in the fundus;
  • the opacity of the optical lens;
  • neovascularization of the iris;
  • excessive retinal detachment;
  • pregnancy.

The laser has very high precision and is used to create adhesions between the retina and the choroid of the eye

Causes of retinal detachment

The following reasons can cause detachment of the retinal retina: myopia, the appearance of various tumors, a violation of nutrients, as well as mechanical damage. As a result, the mesh grid is pulled and ruptured. Through the resulting ruptures, the fluid in the vitreous body enters the retina, where it begins to accumulate. Such detachment can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the eyeball.

Operation technique

Laser treatment of the retina can be performed using several methods. The final method depends on the location of the pathology. The principle of focal laser coagulation is based on a single laser action on the lesion. In contrast, the restrictive coagulation technique is that coagulants are applied in stages, creating a certain circle of the center of the mesh lattice. Panretinal exposure is performed at several points.

Today, laser coagulation can be performed in many medical centers. Before the start of the operation, a special composition is dripped into the patient's eyes, which helps to dilate the pupil and which contains an anesthetic. After the anesthetic begins to act, the patient is placed in front of the laser device and firmly presses his head against a special place. The gaze should be focused on a certain point, after which the equipment is adjusted.

The stages of the operation are fully tracked on a special screen. During the operation, many patients complained of bright light flashes, but this does not affect their further well-being. The time span of such an operation takes about thirty minutes on average. Upon completion, the specialist can immediately assess the result. After the diagnosis, the patient goes home.

Degenerative processes in the retina are most often observed in patients with high and moderate myopia.

There are some limitations after laser coagulation of the retina. So, for example, experts recommend in the early days to refuse wearing optical lenses and glasses, as well as any actions related to the stress of the organs of vision. Laser treatment of diseases of the organs of vision is one of the best techniques aimed at improving vision and restoring blood circulation.

Method advantages

The laser coagulation technique has the following advantages:

  1. There is no risk of infectious diseases and various injuries due to the fact that the procedure is performed without direct contact with the fundus.
  2. The painlessness of the technique, as well as the absence of bruising both during the operation itself and during the rehabilitation period.
  3. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used, which minimizes the effects associated with the cardiovascular system.
  4. This procedure can be carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, however, if such a need arises, you should consult with your doctor.
  5. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that after taking all the necessary measures, you can immediately go home.

Cauterization of the retina with a laser is an operation, the outcome of which, in ninety percent of cases, is successful... But sometimes patients turn to specialists only at the extreme stages of exacerbation.

It is also very important that a one-time intervention is not always enough to achieve a certain effect. Another factor that may entail re-intervention is the suspicion of a possible relapse.

Possible complications

The negative consequences of PPLC of the retina of the eyeball are almost reduced to zero. In rare cases, conjunctivitis and opacity in the ocular environment are observed. Other complications can cause discomfort, such as burning and redness in the eyes, but these consequences are not dangerous.

Laser eye coagulation is bloodless and does not last long, up to 20 minutes

Conjunctivitis - one of the rare phenomena that appears after laser coagulation of the retina. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Expressed by severe burning, eyelid edema and lacrimation. In an advanced stage or if an infection enters, pus may appear. In case of a disease, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist to receive the necessary recommendations and prescribe medications.

Dangerous consequences include opacities in the optical environment of the eyeball. This issue requires a careful approach and diagnosis. The consequences that pathology can lead to is loss of vision. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time.

Rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that there is no rehabilitation period after laser coagulation of the retina, there are a number of recommendations that require impeccable implementation. After several hours, after the procedure, the effect of the composition that dilates the pupil ends. After that, vision begins to recover and regains its former acuity. This moment can be accompanied by irritation and redness of the eyeball. The symptoms disappear on their own after a certain time and do not require any measures.

It is forbidden to drive vehicles during the rehabilitation period, since when eyes are strained, breaks in adhesions may form. It is worth driving only after two weeks from the date of the operation. It is recommended to wear sunglasses throughout this period.

After the laser coagulation of the retina of the eye has been carried out, the postoperative period is two weeks, during which one should refrain from the following actions:

  • exercise in the gym and fitness centers;
  • lifting weights and loads;
  • impacts that entail falls, vibrations and shocks are strictly prohibited;
  • visual loads are not recommended (working at a computer, watching TV, using phones and tablets);
  • it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, foods high in salt, and large volumes of liquids;
  • visiting beaches, open reservoirs, swimming pools, baths and saunas.

Following the implementation of the procedure for coagulation of the eyeball, there is a small risk associated with the appearance of other localizations, with dystrophic vessels and probable ruptures. Persons diagnosed with diabetes mellitus are advised to especially carefully monitor the health of their eyes after the procedure.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist monthly. Preventive control must be carried out for a period of up to six months. In the future, you can limit yourself to a visit to the ophthalmologist's office up to once a quarter. Prevention of the fundus plays a significant role in identifying new localizations with degeneration of the tissues of the mesh area, as well as its thinning and rupture. This measure is intended in order to timely prevent the possible consequences of surgery.

Laser coagulation of the retina helps to improve and preserve vision, improves blood flow, and prevents retinal detachment


Today, in the age of computer technology and constant progress, human organs are especially susceptible to various diseases. So, spending time at the screens of phones and laptops has a detrimental effect on the visual organs.

Leading representatives of medicine strongly recommend paying more attention to your body. At the slightest suspicion of any pathology in the body, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Laser coagulation is the only and most effective method of dealing with numerous pathological changes in the eyeball. But remember that the result you have achieved is not stable. The quality of vision can deteriorate significantly if you neglect simple preventive rules and an annual examination by a specialist.

In contact with

Laser coagulation the retina is performed for breaks and thinning of the retina. Retinal tears can sometimes be manifested by the appearance of "flashes", "lightning" in front of the eye. But more often there are so-called "silent" tears, which the patient does not feel in any way (while they may be accompanied by subclinical retinal detachment).

Symptoms of violations of the integrity of the retina

Retinal tears can sometimes present with the following symptoms:
  • flashes of light, lightning or glare in front of the eyes, usually observed in the dark;
  • the appearance of "midges" before the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • narrowing of the visual fields;
  • distorted vision and perception of objects;
  • "fog" or "veil" before the eyes.
The danger of the disease is that in most cases the symptoms of retinal rupture are absent or mild. However, they can be accompanied by a subclinical. Only an experienced ophthalmologist can make a correct diagnosis when examined with the help of special equipment.

Causes of Retinal Changes

  • when changes occur in the physiology and anatomy of the eye;
  • significant changes in the blood supply and circulation of the eye;
  • age-related visual impairment in people with farsightedness, and even in people with normal vision;
  • contributing factors: excessive physical activity, head injuries, neurological problems, stress and a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Disease prevention

The emergence and development of retinal tears can be avoided by following simple recommendations for prevention:
  • Timely referral to specialists for diagnosis and treatment;
  • Patients with retinal pathology, as well as patients belonging to the risk group (with myopia) should be examined 1 - 2 times a year, since the likelihood of new retinal tears exists throughout life
  • During pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed by an ophthalmologist and examine the retina (through a wide pupil) at least twice - at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. In the presence of thinning or tearing of the retina, prophylactic laser coagulation of the retina is mandatory. In addition, with this pathology, independent childbirth may be contraindicated.
  • After giving birth, women with retinal pathology should visit an ophthalmologist no later than 1-3 months after them.

Retinal tears treatment. Laser coagulation

If tears and thinning of the retina are detected, treatment is carried out - prophylactic laser coagulation of the retina or delimiting laser coagulation of the retina. Retinal coagulation is a microsurgical laser operation, during which a special laser beam creates micro-adhesions (coagulates) of the retina with the underlying choroid around the weak areas of the retina.

Laser coagulation scheme

With the help of a special laser, the retina is influenced along the edge of the gap, and thus the zone of the gap (scarring) is "glued" with the underlying membranes of the eye, which prevents the penetration of fluid under the retina and its exfoliation in this place.

Laser coagulation is performed on an outpatient basis, takes several minutes and is well tolerated even by children. During laser coagulation of the retina, a local, easily tolerated anesthesia is used.

In some cases, for example, with insufficiently transparent media of the eye, cryopexy of the rupture zone (cold treatment) is performed through the conjunctiva of the posterior wall of the eye. This procedure can also be done on an outpatient basis. Modern lasers make it possible to treat not only thinning and tears, but also subclinical (i.e. small) and even flat limited retinal detachments

Postoperative period

It does not matter which version of the operation is performed - delimiting retinal coagulation or prophylactic, in order to maintain a stable result and health safety, it is important to remember about proper rehabilitation. Within 2 weeks, you should refuse:
  • Any activity accompanied by shaking or vibration;
  • From alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • From body positions in a dream, in which the level of the head is below the level of the legs;
  • From heavy lifting and other physical activity.

When is coagulation indicated?

  • with peripheral retinal dystrophies;
  • in some cases with retinal vein thrombosis;
  • in some cases with central serous chorioretinopathy;
  • with retinal angiomatosis;
  • with local detachment of the retina.

When the procedure is contraindicated

  • insufficient transparency of the eyes
  • common retinal detachment

Diagnostics in the preoperative period

The diagnostic program for coagulation includes:
  • measurement of intraocular pressure
  • visual acuity test
  • fundus examination
  • ultrasound procedure
  • if necessary and in the presence of concomitant diseases, clinical analyzes are collected

What happens if you do not perform laser coagulation?

In cases where retinal ruptures are not diagnosed and treated in time, a common one can occur, which is a dangerous complication that can lead to blindness. Then the patient comes to the doctor with complaints of a sharp, sudden decrease in vision. At the same time, surgical treatment is indicated, however, it is not always possible to "put" the detached retina in place, unfortunately, the "lost" vision may not return. Even after "successful" coagulation operations, visual acuity is rarely restored to its original value. Usually it is lower.
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