Checking your eyesight without leaving your computer. Check your eyesight yourself: various ways How to check your eyesight online test

To test online vision in adults, the Sivtsev table is used. The vision test table allows you to determine visual acuity from a distance of 1 m from 0.1 (top row) to 2.0 (bottom row). Instructions for using the table for testing Sivtsev's visual acuity online read below.

Sivtsev's table consists of a combination of seven different letters of different sizes, but equal in width and height.

Do you find the text vague when you read it? It looks like it's time for you to take an online test and have your eyesight checked. Using the Sivtsev table below, you can evaluate your eyesight online - free of charge and without SMS.

Online eye examination on a computer, specially designed for Internet users who are interested in the level of their visual acuity. You can also check your eyesight in this way.

Online eye exam rules

For a correct online eye test, the following conditions must be met:

1. Free online eye exammust be performed in good health (medication, alcohol, fatigue or drowsiness may affect test results).

2. Lighting in the room where the online vision test is carried out should be sufficient and uniform. No light sources should be directed into your eyes.

3. During the eye examination, do not squint, keep your head straight. It is desirable that the eyes and the screen are at the same level.

4. Vision is checked alternately with one eye and the other. In this case, the eye must be closed with an opaque piece of paper or palm, and not closed with an eyelid, or, even more so, close your eyes. Both eyes must be open during the online vision test.

5. The distance from the seated person to the monitor should be exactly 1 meter.

6. Select a picture depending on the size and resolution of the monitor screen.

8. If you establish that your vision is impaired, consult an ophthalmologist.

Sivtsev table - online

Online interactive vision test will help you to comfortably and easily monitor your own vision, and if it worsens, you can consult an ophthalmologist in time for additional advice.

click on the table picture to view in full screen

Evaluation of the results of eye examination online according to Sivtsev tables

Normally, a person should see the third line from the bottom, which corresponds to 100% vision (V \u003d 1.0 in the left column). If you see the fourth line from the bottom, it means that your vision is 90% (V \u003d 0.9 in the left column) and so on. If you see only the top line, then your vision is 10% of the norm (that is, 0.1).

Online eye examination - this is a unique opportunity to independently obtain an approximate assessment of your visual acuity at the moment, without leaving your computer! A free online eye exam gives a much better result.

Where to go in case of decreased vision in Krasnoyarsk

Vision restoration prognosis depends on timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. If you notice a deterioration, we recommend that you go not to opticians, where often employees without higher medical education work, but to specialized ophthalmological clinics, which have the most modern equipment and highly qualified specialists in order to help you regain lost vision.

The leader of the ophthalmological clinics in Krasnoyarsk is, "Krasnoyarsk Regional Ophthalmological Clinical Hospital named after Professor P.G. Makarova ", located on the street. Nikitina, 1v

In this section, you can test your eyesight online using the letter chart for visual acuity and other tests for self-examination.

Attention! These tests are not a complete substitute for consulting a doctor, the test results are preliminary.

Visual acuity tests

Sivtsev's table

Sivtsev's table is a set of printed signs for determining visual acuity, in other words, a template for testing vision. The table contains two columns: on the left - "D \u003d" (the distance in meters from which this sign is seen by a person with one hundred percent vision), on the right - "V \u003d" (visual acuity if this row of signs is readable from 5 meters). V-values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to visual acuity examined from a distance of 5 meters. Normal vision (1.0)

To test eyesight according to the Sivtsev table, hang the sheet with the printed test on the wall at eye level (download Sivtsev's table ), turn on the general lighting in the room, move 5 meters away from the test, cover one eye with your palm (a sheet of paper) and read the lines that you see. Do the same for the second eye, correlate the results


When determining visual acuity according to the Sivtsev table, you should be in good health. Begin your vision test by reading the top line without tilting your head or squinting

Test results

Orlova's table

Orlova's table - lines with pictures (special pictures for checking the eyes of children), the size of which decreases from line to line in the direction from top to bottom. On the left is the distance D (in meters) from which a child with normal vision should see them (50 meters for the top row; 2.5 meters for the bottom row). The value V (in arbitrary units) is indicated on the right - this is visual acuity when recognizing pictures from a distance of 5 meters (0.1 if the eye sees only the upper row; 2.0 - if the lower row is visible). Normal vision (1.0) - when the child sees the tenth line with each eye from a distance of 5 meters.

To test eyesight according to the Orlova table, hang the sheet with the printed test on the wall at the child's eye level (download Orlova's table ), turn on the general lighting in the room, move away at a distance of 5 meters from the test, cover one eye of the child with a sheet of paper and ask him to read the lines that he sees, do the same procedure with the second eye of the child, correlate the results

If, when examining visual acuity, a child from 5 meters does not recognize the signs of the upper row, he is brought closer to the table and every 0.5 meters is asked until he names the signs of the upper row correctly.


When determining visual acuity according to the Orlova table, the child should be in good health. Begin the eye test by reading the top line, making sure that the child does not tilt his head or squint

Test results

If you find that the results are not normal, or you see worse than before, or when reading the same line with your left and right eyes, you get different results, contact your ophthalmologist.

Tests to check the contrast of vision

Golovin's table

Golovin's tables are a standard set of optotypes for determining the contrast of human vision. It consists of a combination of four different rings with a gap equal in width and height. The table contains two columns: on the left - "D \u003d" (the distance in meters from which this sign is seen by a person with good eyesight), on the right - "V \u003d" (visual acuity if the given row of signs is readable from 5 meters). The V values \u200b\u200bgiven in the right column of the table correspond to visual acuity measured from a distance of 5 meters. Normal vision (1.0) The essence of the test is to test the ability to distinguish from a distance breaks in rings.

To test eyesight according to Golovin's table, hang the sheet with the printed test on the wall at eye level (download Golovin's table ), turn on the general lighting in the room, move 5 meters away from the test, cover one eye with your palm (a sheet of paper) and read the lines that you see, do the same procedure with the second eye. Relate your results


When determining the contrast of vision according to the Golovin table, you should be in good health. Begin your vision test by reading the top line without tilting your head or squinting

Test results

If you find that the results do not correspond to the norm, or you see worse than before, or when reading the same line with your left and right eyes, you get different results, consult an ophthalmologist.

Test for determining myopia and hyperopia

Duochrome test

This test will help determine what kind of vision you have - myopia (-), hyperopia (+), or emmetropia (normal) of one and then the other eye.

To test your eyesight according to this table, turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with your palm (a sheet of paper) and read the letters on both sides of the table, do the same procedure with the second eye, correlate the results


You should be in good health during testing. Do not tilt your head or squint when testing your eyes

Test results

In emmetropia (normal vision), the eye sees letters on both sides the same. If the characters seem clearer to you against a red background, then there is a high probability that you have myopia; if on green - hyperopia. If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

Macular degeneration test

Amsler test

This test is designed to detect pathologies in the central region of the retina.

To test your eyesight according to this table, put on glasses or contact lenses (if you usually wear them), turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with your palm (a sheet of paper) and look at the lines in the table, focusing on the center point, evaluate the rest of the grid , do a similar procedure with the second eye, correlate the results obtained


You should be in good health during testing. When doing an eye test, do not tilt your head or squint. The picture should be approximately 30 cm from the eyes.

Test results

Are all lines straight? Are all squares the same size? Are there gray spots and crooked lines? If not, your macular (central) area of \u200b\u200bthe retina is normal. If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

Astigmatism tests

In a normal state, the cornea and lens of a healthy eye have a smooth spherical surface. With astigmatism, their shape is disturbed. Instead of a normal image, a person with astigmatism sees a distorted one, in which some lines are clear, others are blurry. Please note (normally, a small degree of astigmatism is always present). Astigmatism is a common cause of poor vision, and it often accompanies myopia and hyperopia. Is corrected, as a rule,glasses, contact lenses or surgically

If you have only mild astigmatism, you may not notice it or experience only a little blurry vision. If the eye is astigmatic, then the border of clear visibility is not a circle, but an ellipse (or a more complex shape). Simply put, with astigmatism, instead of one line, a person sees two; or one, but vague or distorted.

Astigmatism test # 1 Siemens Star

In the picture, all lines are of the same color and width. The Siemens star provides an excellent opportunity to observe that visual acuity is constantly changing, and these changes are partly subject to control.

If the clarity of vision is normal, then, before reaching the center, the rays blur and begin to overlap with each other. In a short section, they can merge with the background. As you move further towards the center, the rays are clearly visible again. The image turns into its negative. The black ray is replaced by a white background, and the white background is replaced by a black ray. In the course of the rays, such an inversion can occur several times. People with good eyesight can observe this effect if they bring the picture very close to their eyes. At a great distance from the picture, the rays for them will merge into a solid gray mass


Test results

If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

Astigmatism test # 2

To test your vision, turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with your palm (sheet of paper) and look at the lines. Do the same for the second eye and correlate the results


You should be in good health during testing. When checking your eyes, do not tilt your head or squint.

Test results

If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

Astigmatism test # 3

It is necessary to determine if all lines are the same

To test your vision, turn on the general lighting in the room, cover one eye with your palm (sheet of paper) and look at the lines. Do the same for the second eye and correlate the results


You should be in good health during testing. When checking your eyes, do not tilt your head or squint.

Test results

If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

Color blindness tests (color perception)

A color blindness test (color vision test) can easily be done at home.

Color blindness is the inability to correctly identify one or more colors. Most often, a person does not see red, green, blue or yellow. This pathology is congenital. Color blindness tests will tell if you have the condition.

To test vision for color perception, turn on the general lighting in the room and look at the special polychromatic tables, the author of which is EB Rabkin. Each table is a large number of colored dots and circles. They are the same in brightness, but not in color. A person with normal vision sees numbers on them, "color blind" or does not see anything but dots and circles, or does not see the numbers that are depicted. Many color vision anomalies are inherited, there are many different types of this pathology.

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Test results

If you find that the results are not normal, see an ophthalmologist.

This online vision test is intended for those who, on their own, wish to test their visual acuity without leaving the computer.

It should be noted that this method of testing visual acuity is absolutely free (without SMS) and is available to both adults and children.

The free online eye test is presented in three images below. Each picture has its own scale and is provided to choose from, depending on the diagonal of the monitor (screen resolution).

Such an interactive online vision test is very convenient, practical and comfortable to use. Thus, you can check your vision without leaving the workspace.

Before starting the test, observe the following conditions:

  1. The distance from the examining eye to the monitor should be 1 meter.
  2. Select the image below that matches your screen resolution.
  3. Perform an eye test. Check out the results at the bottom of the page.
  4. If you find that your vision has deteriorated, see an ophthalmologist.

How to evaluate the results of an eye test

With normal vision, a person should see the very bottom line (100% vision \u003d 1 unit). If the second line from the bottom is visible, then vision (90% of vision \u003d 0.9) and so on up to the very top line. If only the topmost line is visible (10 vision \u003d 0.1).

Don't be fooled, this eye test is needed, first of all, for you! Visit your ophthalmologist for more accurate information on your vision.

The main causes of visual impairment are glaucoma, myopia, cataracts, gerontological, diabetic changes in the fundus, while technologies, in particular computers, televisions and other devices, play a significant role in the development of these diseases.

World Sight Day is celebrated on the second Thursday of October at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO). This date is marked on the calendar to draw global attention to the problems of blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of people with visual impairments.

One of the factors that help preserve vision and avoid eye diseases is timely prevention. It is important to avoid "dry eye syndrome", which is important for people working indoors under artificial light, to do eye exercises regularly, to take breaks every 30-40 minutes at the computer every 30-40 minutes to relax the eyes, try to blink more often during prolonged visual stress.

The second factor is the timely detection of symptoms, because up to 80% of vision problems can be avoided if you consult a doctor in time. Noticing even the slightest deviation in the usual "vision" of the world, for example, when reading, the text is blurred, when looking into the distance, objects seem to be in a fog, the eyes are watery or a feeling of "sand in the eyes" appears, sometimes there is discomfort, pain or itching in eyes, it is important to immediately consult an optometrist. It also makes sense to regularly check your visual acuity yourself so as not to miss the first symptoms.

How to test your visual acuity yourself?

At home, you can mainly check only the indicator of visual acuity, although it is worth remembering that this is far from the only important characteristic of the human eye.

Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish between two points at a minimum distance between them, that is, it is an indicator of the vigilance of the eyes. A visual acuity of 1.0 (that is, 100%) is taken as the norm. A person can have a visual acuity above the norm, for example, 1.2 or 1.5, but most have a visual acuity below the norm - 0.8, or 0.4, or 0.05, and so on.

In fact, we are checking the distance from which a person can clearly see an object. So, a person with a visual acuity of 1.0 will be able to read the license plate from a distance of 40 meters, and for a person with a visual acuity of 0.4, this distance will be approximately 16 meters.

Visual acuity is determined by special tables with optotypes, the most common is the Golovin-Sivtsev table - it is she who hangs in the offices of ophthalmologists. You can print and use such a table at home.

Visual acuity charts

Tables for testing visual acuity are made up of the same type of signs (optotypes) of different sizes - these can be letters, rings with a gap in different places (Landolt's rings) or pictures (for children). For the first time such a table was developed in 1862 by the Dutch ophthalmologist G. Snellen - and it is still used abroad. In Russia, a similar table is used, developed by the Soviet ophthalmologist D. Sivtsev. It includes Landolt's letters and rings.

Use matte white paper to make the table. Each sheet of paper should be printed in A4 size and landscape oriented. Having printed out three sheets, they need to be glued together and the table must be attached to the wall so that the 10th line is at eye level when checking eyesight.

"Save and print all three parts of the table."

The table must be illuminated with a lamp before the eye test. We check each eye separately, cover one eye with our palm, and the second one “read the letters”. Do not close your closed eyes. The table should be 5 meters from the eyes. It should take 2-3 seconds to recognize the sign.

The numerical value of visual acuity is equal to the numerical value of the letter V in the last of the lines in which you made no excess errors.

Visual acuity is considered complete if in rows with V \u003d 0.3-0.6 you made no more than one mistake while reading, and in rows with V\u003e 0.7 - no more than two.

If you received a visual acuity value less than 1.0, that is, you do not see or do not see all the letters below the conditional 10 lines, then you should undergo a professional examination by an ophthalmologist, where they will check the characteristics of your vision in more detail - eye refraction, fundus, functional and anatomical features of the visual apparatus.

Office workers are at risk

If by the nature of your activity you sit in front of a computer screen for a long time, then take care of protecting your eyes:

  • Move the monitor further, the distance from the eyes to the screen should be at least 50-60 cm.
  • Do not place your computer in front of a window.
  • Keep the screen clean - at least once a week, wipe it with special napkins.
  • Take care that the light in the room is not too bright or too dark.
  • If your eyes are tired, do a special gymnastics complex.
  • In the evening, if your eyes are very tired, wash them with tea, chamomile infusion or apply special compresses to your eyes.
  • Strengthen your eyesight with nutrition: yellow and bright orange fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, oranges, persimmons), honey, apricots in any form, blueberries, carrots and others will help.

Age changes

The most common eye diseases that cause vision loss are glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD is colloquially called retinal dystrophy) and cataracts. It is possible to restore vision only with cataracts; changes in glaucoma and AMD are irreversible. At the same time, glaucoma is a chronic disease that can proceed without any symptoms, therefore, mandatory preventive examinations are needed for a timely diagnosis.

Macular degeneration is one of the most common causes of blindness in people of retirement age, so everyone over 40, especially if they are at risk, should see an ophthalmologist regularly.

Eyesight tests can be easily taken by an aculist or optician. There are also many online vision tests on the Internet that can provide short information about your eyes. It is very easy to analyze whether you are color blind or not. For this, various color patterns are often used. If you can distinguish all the colors in the pictures in the online test, then you are not color blind. Visual acuity can also be tested online, but the results cannot be 100% accurate, since we cannot guarantee that you pass this or any other test under the right conditions. Accurate results you can only get as an aculist or optician.

Human eye

How familiar are you with the subject of “Eyes”?

In addition to the common eye problems such as farsightedness and myopia, there are many other factors that can limit a person's vision. Astigmatism is one of these factors. In addition, some people suffer from color blindness. These people cannot distinguish between red and green shades. A very small percentage of humanity has a special form of color blindness in which they cannot distinguish between yellow and blue shades.

Hyperopia and myopia

Many people have hyperopia or myopia. People with obvious myopia can see everything very clearly, but only at short distances. When they look into the distance, they see everything blurry. Compared with them, people with farsightedness can see everything very clearly in the distance, but to read a book or to look at objects at short distances, they need glasses. A mixed form of farsightedness and myopia is also possible.


Astigmatism is a factor that can make it difficult for a person to see. It is caused by the curvature of the surface of the cornea. A person with astigmatism sees straight lines in a drawing as indirect. Depending on the degree of astigmatism, the lines show a large or clean bend.

Red-green blindness - color blindness

In addition, color blindness also limits vision. In this case, vision as such is not limited, but a person is not able to distinguish colors. The most common is red-green color blindness. According to statistics, 9% of men and only 0.8% of women suffer from this. This visual impairment is hostile. Another form of color blindness is the so-called yellow-blue color blindness, which is considered almost complete blindness. In the case of complete color blindness, a person is only able to distinguish between light and dark contrasts.

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