Dracula: Origin: Passage in Russian. Dracula: ORIGIN: Passage in Russian Report Director Museum

Part 1: London

The left button is performed, viewing an object, missing dialogs. The "Space" key on the screen is highlighted all active points. Right-click the inventory (sections of items, dialogues, documents and reports) and completely dialogue is interrupted.

House Professor Van Helsing

Van Helsing will bring a letter from Jonathan Harker and the New Times newspaper, published on Thursday on September 8, in which the death of her husband and wife reported. Also in this newspaper there is a reference to the second issue, which refers to a similar incident.

In a letter, Jonathan writes how he penetrated the Castle of Dracula, showed him a photo of his beloved mines during a conversation and showed interest to her. Jonathan worries, no matter how misfortune happened to his wife.

Professor, not thinking, decides to go to London.

Flat mines

Find out where the criminal could escape

First of all, Van Helsing will decide to visit the apartment to Mine. Talk to her. She will inform us about the death of her husband's sister. This case is even stated in today's newspaper. When Mina leaves the room, from the chair, which stands on the right, take the newspaper The Courier. From the table, we take the Daily Big Mirror newspaper and a photo of Jonathan Harker. We look at the stack of newspapers, which lies on the same table. Choosing a newspaper News Times, published on Tuesday September 6. It was to her was to refer to the release of September 8, which we received, being still in the House of Professor.

In all these newspapers, the attempts on people are referred to: where it happened, and in what direction a criminal disappeared.

We go into the back of the room. We pull down the curtains to see the map of London. We need to hold lines on it that would lead from the place where the murder had happened, to the place where the murderer went. Tips are given in four newspapers available from us.

We take a pencil and blacks of the line from one point to another.

1. Based on received information from the New Times newspaper of September 8, Blackstim from Station to National Gallery.
2. From The Courier newspaper: Blackstim from Southwark Bridge to Tate Art Gallery.
3. From the newspaper Daily Big Mirror: Blackstim from Tottenham Court to St. George "S Cathedral.
4. From the New Times newspaper on September 6: Blacks in St. George "s church to Victoria Station.
\u003d see (Figure 1) \u003d
Next, click on the intersection of all lines that came together at the point of the estate of Godlings next to the Bloomsbury cemetery.

When Mina returns to the room, Jonathan will give her instructions, and he will go to the estate itself.

Manor of Godalming. Bloomsbury Cemetery

Knock on the door of the estate. Someone Hendrik will come to us. Talking to him, pass through the gate in the cemetery.

Selection of code for a castle hanging on the door of the barn:

We notice the shed, the door of which is locked on the lock with the code. We go along the path upstairs. Communicate with the grave floor of Long. We ask him which castle code. It turns out that the code is the age of D. B. Lemon and his wife. In addition, if the code will be 6 and 9 in the code, they will need to be replaced by each other.

We select a scraper lying on the ground, and go along the path to the top of the screen. I step on it until I get to the stairs. There will be a mausoleum next to her. We look at him. We use the scraper to clearly covered with a moss plate, on which the dates of birth and death will be written by D. B. Lemon and his wife Susy Lemon. Clean the slab until Wang Helsing says "fine!".

Return to the shed. We look at the castle hanging on the door. From the information received, find out the code. D. B. Lemon lived in the period 1703 - 1772 \u003d 69 years, and Susie Lemes in the period 1722 - 1790 \u003d 68 years. We connect these numbers (6968) and 6 replace 9, and 9 replace 6. We obtain the code 9698. We enter it on the lock, then click on the button to the right of the lock.

Shed: From the floor near the exit, we select a shovel and scrap. We take a lantern from the table.

Return to the grave. We speak with him about the estate and the secret pass to it. We learn that the watchman worked here earlier knew where the secret entrance to the estate was located. He was buried on this cemetery in Mausoleum along with the book, which says where the entrance is.

Get to the book Storam:

We return to the Mausoleum D. B. Lemon and his wife Suzy. We go down the stairs and on the left we see the locked grille of the Mausoleum of the Storazh, on the sides of which the statues of the monks will stand.

We look at the grille. We use scrap on bars to do the hole. In the inventory with the help of matches we light the lamp. Then we put it on the shovel. Wake up a shovel on which a lit lamp is in a hole and read the inscription on the stove, which is inside the mausoleum.

This poem says how to open a grid. To do this, we must disconnect the stone hearts of the heavenly minions. We are talking about the statues of angels.

First angel

From the mausoleum of the guard go up the screen (the stairs do not climb). We look at the statue of an angel. The screen will appear on the screen with the image of the holy, surrounded by demons and believers.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the slab. It says: when Saint sacrifice himself to atone for sins, the demons drink his blood, and the believers cry.

Opposite each believer and the demon is a square in which you can set a bowl or a tear. The meaning of the riddles is to determine who there are demons in front of them in the square to put a bowl, and who are believers in front of them in a square to put a tear.
\u003d see (Figure 2) \u003d
Having done so, click on the image of the saint in the upper left corner of the plate. A mechanical sound will be heard, which means that the mystery was solved correctly.

Second angel

Raised the stairs to the right and pass along the path down. We look at the second statue of the angel. The screen will appear on the screen with the image of the scales and weights. We read the text of St. Peter. It speaks of sinners, which for their sins were given different terms calculated in years. The meaning of the riddles is to correctly sum up these years and set the resulting digit using a weight.

So, three sinners, for whom anger became a sin, was given to 100 years (in the amount of 300).
A vain sinner was three times worse (100 * 3 \u003d 300 years).
Envy and insatiable sinners received half of the amount of previous four sinners (300 + 300 \u003d 600/2 \u003d 300 years)
The souls received the amount multiplied by two, all sinners for whom anger was sin, and beyond that 25 years (300 + 300 + 25 \u003d 625).

Having aroused all this data, we will have a figure of 1825 years. We click on the weights with a weight of 1000, 500, 200, 100, twice 10 and once to 5.
\u003d cm. (Figure 3) \u003d
You click on the bowl, which is under the gylish, and if the mechanical sound is heard, it means that the riddle is solved correctly.

Third Angel

We go to the right. We take a black veil that lies on the cross in the lower left corner of the screen. We look at the statue of the Third Angel. A stove appears on the screen with the image of believers and sinners surrounded by demons.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the slab: only at the pious and saint there is an eternal rescue, only he can not be afraid of anything.

Our goal is to determine what people are sinful.

I click on the heads: the fate of the fat man, women with a raised skirt, a woman, having a child, a man holding a bag of money, and women who carry on the bed.
\u003d see (Figure 4) \u003d
Click on the image of the sword in the upper left corner of the screen. Mechanical sound - a sign of proper riddles.

Fourth Angel

Return to the gate of the cemetery. We use a veil on the urn to catch flies that circle over it. From the gate we go along the path down. We look at the statue of the fourth angel. An animal plan appears on the screen.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the slab: the demon is everywhere - in the eyes of spider, snakes, toads and wolves.

Click in the eyes of these animals. By the eyes of the snake, the toads, spider and three wolves: one under the spider, the second rushes on the horse, and the third world.
\u003d see (Figure 5) \u003d
Having done everything right, click on the image of the wolf in the upper right corner of the screen.

Path in the estate:

We go to the mausoleum of the guard. The grille is now open, so we go inside. We take a book that lies on a coffin. We read it. It says that the secret passage leading to the estate is located between the grave without a lid and the Gothic Cross.

We leave from the mausoleum and climb the stairs, which can be seen on the right. We pass along the path upstairs. We use scrap on the lid of the grave, which is between the grave without a lid and the gothic cross. The secret pass will seem behind it.

We descend and look at the door on which we will see 6 sliders. They all need to move on the right side. But for no hope if you move some slider, it will move 2 more.

Solution Simple: click on the top slider and bottom. The door will open. We go inside.

We study the estate:

Basement: We take a box with nails, which lies on the table, a glass jar that lies under the table, and the nippers, which are attached to the pole to the left of the table. We pass down the screen. We take a drink that lies near the stairs. Climb upstairs and through the door we get into the kitchen.

Kitchen: We see Hendrick, who collects insects from the floor and eats them. In the inventory, we combine the jar with flies and then throw it towards Hendrick. While he will be busy eating flies, we take a wooden spoon from the table, and from the floor under the table pick up a file. We leave the kitchen in the corridor.

Corridor on the first floor: We go down the screen to the entrance door. From the rack for umbrellas get a cane. Go through the door opposite the kitchen. We find yourself in the living room.

Living room: Learning the safe, ended up to the wall on the left of the door. Very soon we will take it to open it. We pass to the window. From the floor pick up pieces of wood. We leave the room and climb the stairs to the second floor. Go to the door on the left. We find yourself in the bedroom of Lady Godalming.

Bedroom: We select a note that lies on the floor to the left of a small table with a candlestick. Below on the floor we find threads. We take them and pass to the bed. From the floor in front of the bed, pick a roulette, and from the floor under the window - a hammer. We leave the room. Go to the door opposite.

Library: On the wall right, we notice exactly the same panel that we saw in the living room. We go to another part of the library. From the table, which stands on the right side of the screen, take leaves.

Open the safe in the living room:

We look at the panel in the library, which is coming to the wall to the right door. It sees a Latin inscription on it, and under it protruding squares. Click on the inventory icon at the bottom of the screen. We make sheets active. Closing the inventory, on the screen we will see a sheet of paper over the stove. Drag the sheet into the bottom of the plate and click the left mouse button. Holes will be made in the leaves.

We go down to the first floor of the estate and go to the living room. We look at the safe to the left of the door. It also has a Latin inscription, under it protruding squares, and below 12 disks. We go into the inventory, make an active sheet of paper. Drag it to the bottom of the safe and click the left mouse button. The paper will be made holes.

Now we have two sheets with holes. Return to the library. We use paper with holes obtained from the living room, on the stove. Move the sheet into the lower part so that the letters are visible in the holes on the paper, and click the left mouse button. Van Helsing will record the resulting letters to the diary - N E N S SE E (this is necessary!).

We return to the living room. We use paper with holes obtained from the library, at the safe. Drag / pass the sheet down so that the letters are visible in the holes, and click the left mouse button. Helsing records the resulting letters in the diary - SE E N SE N SE (this is necessary!).

We remove the leaf with holes and look at the safe. Those letters that we got, this is the code for the safe. SE - Southeast, E - East, N - North, S - South. Turn the discs to the following directions (from left to right): SE E N SE N SE N E N S SE E.
\u003d see (Figure 6) \u003d
From the opened safe, get the key.

Secret passage to the Dracula's room. Mastery Special Key:

We leave the living room. We climb the stairs and stop on the staircase. It sees the naked eye that there is a door on the wall. Use the plug on the candlestick to remove it. We look at the door. We see 4 oblong holes. To begin with, measurable their depth. In the inventory, we combine a wooden spoon with a tape measure and with threads. The resulting measuring device click on all four holes. Their lengths (from top to bottom): 10, 8, 12 and 5 centimeters. These results must be listed in the diary!

Now we go down to the basement, where we will get to making a key. We look at the desktop. On the right side of the screen, we notice the items collected by us: nails, a file, a hammer, saw, and at the bottom - pieces of wood. Also on the screen we see a ruler, and above it - the workpiece for our future key.

We take a dark brown punch (lies at the bottom of the screen) and put it under the ruler. With the help of saws, reduce the spool up to 10 centimeters. Then we insert it into the upper hole in the workpiece.

We do the same operations to get a tongue to 8, 12 and 5 cm. They insert them accordingly into the holes on the workpiece.

Now we take a thick spool of light brown and put it under the ruler. With the help of a saw, cut it up to 5 cm. Then we insert the resulting stub into the only remaining hole on the workpiece (on the left side).

Using a file, we process all 5 tongs. We take nails and put them in front of each tunch. With the help of a hammer, we score nails and ... the key is ready.
\u003d see (Figure 7) \u003d
Returning to the landing. We use the handicap key on the door. Once automatically in the secret passage, climb the stairs to the door. Open it with the key that we got from the safe in the living room, and go to the Dracula's room.

Riddle with a book in the Dracula Room:

We look at the book that lies on the table. It draws a pentagram with internal and external triangles and precious stones. We go to the left. With a bookcase, I get a book. Learning a leaf. It is drawn on it exactly the same pentagram, but only already with symbols on the inner triangles and with inscriptions on external.

We look again on the book that lies on the table. At first we will show symbols on the inner triangles.
\u003d see (Figure 8) \u003d
1. Click on bat in the top of the book, to seem like a symbol on the triangle 4a.
2. Click on triangles 1a and 3a to change them in places. Click on bat. Symbols will appear on triangles.
3. Click on triangles 2a and 5a to change them in places. Then click on the volatile mouse.

Symbols are now visible on all small triangles. Next, we will show inscriptions on large triangles.

1. Click on triangles 1b and 2b to change them in places. Click on bat.
2. Click on triangles 1B and 4B, then via bat.
3. Click on triangles 3B and 5B, then by bat.
4. Click on triangles 1B and 5B, then via bat.

On all large triangles are now visible inscriptions. The latter you need to do is put precious stones on the tops of small triangles.

1. The black stone is placed on the upper right vertex.
2. The red stone is placed on the top of the right.
3. Blue stone put on top at the bottom.
4. Green stone put on top of the left.
5. The white stone is placed on the top left vertex.

Click on bat. Then we read the book of Dracula, in which he describes his life. After reading, Hendrik will go to the Dracula's room. We run into a secret passage and go down. Van Helsing automatically go to the apartment to Mine.

Flat mines

We use a crucifix that lies in our inventory, on the door of the mini room (door at the top). Van Helsing will go inside and see a mine with bites on her neck and the dracula himself, which will soon run away. We read the telegram that Van Helsing sent Dr. Sevard with a request for help. The document will already be here when we finish reading a telegram. We communicate with him, then pass down the screen, where you click on the map of Europe. We choose the point of our further travel - Cairo (in the lower right corner of the map).

Part 2: Cairo

Find out on Cairo Street. We go upstairs to the market square, further to the charter with camels. Communicate with Mustafa. We rent a room (which we will not come to visit) and ask where the museum is. We go to the right from the chapter with camels to immediately be in the museum.

Collecting objects in the museum:

Go down the screen. Communicate with the assistant director of the museum, which is sitting at the table. We offer him to help find the right things. Having received a list of exhibits, as well as subjects: Deben and Peppers, learn from the assistant what Deben is. It turns out that it was a measure of measurement in ancient Egypt.

We go to the right. With the shelves of the middle cabinet, we get a papyrus, from the shelves of the right cabinet - the pyramid, the key that will lie under the pyramid, and the Order of the Pharaohs - Nekhnekh.

We go to the left from the middle cabinet. From the cabinet shelves, which is at the bottom of the screen, we take a pyramid and a knife with a pearl handle.

We go to the central aisle (the one that in front of the entrance door). Take a spanish sword from the shelf of the cabinet standing on the left of us. From the chest Below, we take the pyramid and the Order of the Pharaoh - HEKA. From the table standing in the center of the passage, take the figurine of Pharaoh with a broken head. Now we pass to the entrance door of the museum. In this view from the table in the center of the passage, we take a pyramid, from the cabinet shelves, which stands to the left of us - the scarab.

We go to the right of the door. From the shelf cabinet, which stands at the bottom of the screen, take the pyramid and head with a sunny disk. The key is opening a casket that stands on the shelf above. From it we get a pyramid.

We go to the right to the last passage of the museum. In the hands of sarcophagus, which stands next to the mummy, insert the Order of the Pharaoh Heka and Nekhnekh. From the opened sarcophagus, we get a big pyramid.

Return to the director's assistant. We speak with him. We learn from him about the demonomicon "e and a place called Blood Rocks. After a conversation in the inventory, only the pyramids of various sizes will remain from the entire collected. Let's leave the museum.

Camel rental:

We approach the chapter with camels. We speak with Mustafa for the rental of camel and traveling to Blood Rocks. Unfortunately, a trip for some time will have to postpone because all camels in the moment fell ill. We take a sidier, which lies behind the Mustafa, as well as the forks attached to the cart. They select a plant lying in a trough before camels.

We go to the left of the Mustafa. Before the door of the house we communicate with a monk. Showing him a plant, we get a medicine for camels. Take it Mustafa.

Camels will quickly recover. On one of them we will get to Blood Rocks.

Inside the Blood Rocks. We choose out:

We go inside the temple. The durkelly guilt will provoke the stonepad, which will turn out the way out of the temple. If we want to ride ever fresh air, you will have to look for another way out.

In the room in which we are now, from the floor we select the beam, and from the floor to the right - the turban and the head of Kirk. Go down the screen and go to the right right to the abyss. We use the board on the abyss and move on it to the other side. We select a lantern from the ground. If you look down the abyss, then we will see the passage.

Climb up the screen and go to the right first. From the table in the center of the room we take linen strips, from the table, which stands on the right, is a bottle with butter. We go out into the corridor and now we are going to the left. In the room we find the corpse of a young woman. We select the belt lying around her, then look at the door.

Return to the abyss. In the inventory, combine linen strips with a belt and with a turban to get the rope. She is tied to the beam. In the inventory, we combine the lamp with a bottle of oil and with matches to light the lantern.

Let's go down the rope on the bottom of the abyss. We select from the floor of the spike. In the inventory, combine it with the head of Kirk to get a whole pick. We go through the aisle to the ruined. From the bag that lies near the skeleton, we get a poisonous plant. In the upper right corner, we find an active point. We use smoke on it. Van Helsing will do a hole through which we can get out into the street.

In search of the home of the Fedon Dracula:

We communicate with a monk who will pretend to us as Herodotus. He will give us a list of exhibits that must be returned to the temple. After talking, we will automatically find yourself on the market square. We speak with Mustafa. We learn from him about the disappearance of the niece of his wife. Apparently, we have already seen her corpse in the temple.

Raise any of the stairs to the counter. We take the scales and the flask from the table, remove the garlic with the left support.

We go to the museum. There we communicate with the director's assistant. During the conversation, the guilt of Dracula will try to kill us. He will throw a knife, but misses. I pull out the knife from the cabinet, then show the assistant list that Gerodotus gave us. Having received a necklace and a vessel, leaving the museum.

On the market square before the pimper with camels show the mustaphor. We find out who owns a knife and where his owner lives. We go from the Market Square to the left to get to the house of the Turk.

Mystery with the door of the house Turks:

We look at the door of the house. On it we will find a riddle with balls. Our goal is to make balls as shown in the figure on the left side of the screen. To move the balls group, move the cursor to the extreme ball and click on the displayed red arrow. The red button is responsible for resetting the riddles.

\u003d See (Figure 9) \u003d

1. Column at number 2 move upstairs.
2. Top balloon ball number 2 Move left 1 time.
3. The column at number 3 move down 3 times.
4. The left part of the row B move the left 1 time.
5. Column at number 2 move down 2 times.
6. A row under the letter B move right 1 time.

\u003d see (Figure 10) \u003d

7. The right side of the row would move right twice.
8. The right side of the row in moving to the right 1 time.
9. The right side of the row go to the right twice.
10. Upper column ball at number 7 move down 2 times.
11. Last ball in a series of moving left 1 time.
12. We move the series twice right.

\u003d see (Figure 11) \u003d

13. The bottom of the column at number 3 moves to the top 1 time.
14. A row (there is one ball) moving right 3 times.
15. We move to the right 2 times.
16. Nizhny column ball at number 7 move down 1 time.
17. We move to the right 1 time.
18. The bottom of the column at number 7 (two balls) move down 1 time.
19. Nizhny ball in the column at number 7 move 1 time to the left.
20. Top ball in the column at number 7 move 1 time down.
21. Row in moving to the right 1 time.

\u003d see (Figure 12) \u003d

Search for worn, drawing up parchment:

We go to the house. From the chest, which is in the lower left corner of the screen, take the pyramid and black sphinx. Taking it, in the inventory in the "Documents" section, we will have a leaflet with hieroglyphs. Also in the left side of the screen we find the sequer. Take her. We look at the torn bulls of the parchment, which lie on the table on the right. Make a solid work from pieces:

\u003d see (Figure 13) \u003d

We go to the long part of the room. Having tried to open the door, from the vase, which stands on the right, crawling cobra. To get rid of it, add a poisonous plant in a smoking ashtray, which stands on the table. When a cobra no longer present a danger to us, we get the key from the broken vase and unscrew the door.

Go to the room. From the shelves to the left of the window, we get a bag with a gold powder. From the floor near the wall we select a sunny disk, and from the table on the right side of the screen we take a letter and part of the letter.

Deciphering the Turkis Letters:

Return to the museum. We speak with the director's assistant. After a conversation in our inventory there will be a bag with Coptic treasures. Show the letter to the Turk assistant. He will say that the book will help us to decipher this letter.

Click on the book on the table. A sheet with hieroglyphs will appear on the screen, and the English words left to it. We need for each hieroglyph to put the appropriate word. The solution is looking in the figure below:

\u003d see (Figure 14) \u003d

In the documents, we will have a translation of hieroglyphs. Showing the black Sphinx assistant director and leave the museum.

We make water that did not touch the Earth:

We speak with Mustafa on Market Square. We go to the left of it and in front of the house we speak with a monk. He will give us a cloud (round white thing). Next, he will ask us to create water that did not touch the Earth to make holy water. Before leaving, show the black sphinx monk. He will recommend split it.

We return to the charts with camels. Caught the water from the trough. In the inventory we use a knife to the necklace to get a diamond. Diamond use on the mirror in order to make it square.

We put suduch with the water on the grill to get a vessel with boiling water. In the inventory we use a square mirror on the mind to get a condensate mirror. Then use the flask with the mirror to get a flask with condensate.

Return to the monk. Let him a flask with condensate, and in return we get holy water. After these actions, we will automatically find ourselves in Blood Rocks.

Entrance to the Temple:

Through the hole on the right we fall inside the pyramid. Next climb the rope, go up the screen and immediately left to the room with a metal door.

We look at the door. On the screen, we will see the castle with 5 slots, and the items collected by us are the objects: a square mirror, garlic, cloth, holy water and a sunny disk.

Insert the solar disk into the central slot, in the upper slot - the cloud, in the right slot - garlic, in the left slot - the mirror and the bottom slot - holy water.

If everything is done correctly, the door will open through which we will fall into a large temple room, where we have to do a lot.

In the big room of the temple:

We appeal to the translation of the letter of the Turk.

The first line says: weapons with magical power will open the head seker

We look at the statue lying on the ground in the right side of the room. This is the Seker mentioned above. Seclio Apply a strike on the head statue and get a silver tip out of it.

The second line says: Damned Blood is hidden under the northern altar

We pass to the altar, which is located in the left side of the screen. Looking at him, we will see various hieroglyphs. Click on the following hieroglyphs that were seen on the black Sphynx:

\u003d see (Figure 15) \u003d

After these actions, the altar will move aside, and under it we will see blood. Use the Hinu vessel on the blood.

We remember that the monk said to us earlier: to open a secret passage, you must put the Gold Deben and damn Hinu blood into the pool (whirlpool in the center of the room).

Blood is, it remains only to measure the desired amount of gold (and it is necessary 13.6 grams). In the right side of the room near the statue of Seker, we find a vase from which we get a copper Deben. Now we go to the left side of the room. To the left of the chest pick up the bowl, then we put the scales on the chest.

We look at the scales. On the screen we see the scales standing on the chest. At the chest itself, we find: Copper Deben from the museum, copper Deben from pot, Pepper Feather (according to the sword), which we gave the assistant director of the museum, and a spoon. To the left of the chest - a bag with gold.

Measure 13.6 grams of gold is very simple. We put two copper Deben in the left scales of the scales (their total weight is 54.6 grams), and in the right - Pepper feather (weight of 41 grams) and 3 spoons of gold. In this case, the scales of weights level.

A bowl will appear at the right side of the screen. I spend 3 spoons of gold from the scales of weights.

\u003d see (Figure 16) \u003d

We throw gold and blood in the whirlpool. After these actions, water in the pool will turn into the sand.

We look at the middle post on the left side of the room. We use the lantern on it to seem like a mystery.

In the upper left corner of the screen, we notice the pyramids that we collected throughout the path here. There are three large-sized pyramids, three middle and three small. For example, we take any big size pyramid and put it on the floor in front of the first wall pattern of the pyramid. Lantern at the bottom of the screen using the arrows install under this pyramid. The slider on the left side of the screen is translated into the middle position.

A shadow appears on the wall. We need the shadow to coincide with the wall-mounted pyramid pattern. If this does not happen, we try to substitute another pyramid. Finding the right major pyramid, go to the search for the correct medium-sized pyramid, and then small.

Vitely, the decision of the riddles is presented in the figure below:

\u003d see (Figure 17) \u003d

When the riddle will be solved, we will have only three pyramids in our inventory. We put them on the pool with sand in the center of the room: a big pyramid on the right, the middle pyramid in the center and the small pyramid on the left. These actions will open for us a secret door, which is located at the bottom of the location.

The third line reads: before entering into the dark, destruct the guard, and then the curse can be imposed on you forever.

We pass through the secret door. We see a crocodile and a skeleton on the platform. We return back to the room with a funeral boat between two statues. From the hands of the left statue, pull out scrap, from the floor near the second statue we select a piece of the pillar.

We go to the secret room. Having passed on the burial boat, we will be on the platform. We look at the sarcophagus standing on it. From it will seem something else alive. We pass to the end of the platform. In the inventory, we combine the sequir with black sphinx and use it on the fog. When the fog disperses, we will see the door. Come in. With the altar, we take papyrus written on the language unknown to us. We leave the room.

Automatically find ourselves on the market square. We go to the monk. We speak with him about papyrus. He will inform us that they can decipher the brother Alberto, who lives in Abbey in Vienna. We pass to the pon with camels. We speak with Mustafa. He will give us a letter from the director of the museum. Giving Mustafa Gold Dust and Necklace, we will go to Vienna.

Part 3: Vienna

Manor Orlovski

Van Helsing will stop in the estate of the Duchess Orlovski. Communicate with her and Severd. We learn that the entrance to the abbey is in the library.

Riddle with chemical formulas:

We speak again with the duchess. She will humble some melody. We ask her about it. In the diary we will have an entry - C, G, D #, F, D, A #, C2.

We go to the left. We check the locker's locked door, look at the picture with the piano keys on which chemical formulas are written. Van Helsing will paint this picture to his diary. From the middle bookcase, we get a book of chemistry (a page from this book will appear in the diary).

We look at the closed compartment in the left bookcase, followed by flasks with chemical elements. The screen will appear:

\u003d see (Figure 18) \u003d

What do we have to do? We remember what a duchess kneelled, and what notes were in the melody. The first note is C. We look at the drawing with this note. A chemical formula is written on the key - NA2 CRO4. We look at the leaflet from the book of chemistry on the right. We find this formula. We see that it belongs to the sodium chromate element. It goes under yellow. We take a piece of paper in the lower right corner of the screen and use it on a vitro with a yellow liquid (first flask).

In general, paper should be used on the following test tubes (from left to right): 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7.

Under tubes we will see numbers 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18. Van Helsing will record them.

Open safe:

We go left from bookcases. We look at marble sculpture, standing to the right of the door. In it, Helsing will find the door behind which the safe will be discovered.

As a code, we use the numbers obtained after solving the riddles with chemical elements. Drive the disc (clockwise) with the arrow at the top of the screen to the number you need, and each time you press the handle!

Code: 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18.

From the safe, get the key, angel and a letter from the duke Orlovski.


We use the key on the door to the right of the bookcase to get to the library. We pass down the screen. Move to the side of the scope with the familiarity of the university and look at the circle that will be discovered. To the right of the circle, we will see the figures of demons and angels in an incomplete "composition." So they will see their search.

Search Figurines:

The stairs rise to the second floor. We look at the map of Europe, which hangs in front of us on the wall. We find transylvania and click on it.

\u003d see (Figure 19) \u003d

From the niche, get the first figure of angel. We go to the right to the bookcases. From the middle shelf of the first bookcase, we get the second figure of the angel and the text of the work of Robert.

Go down to the first floor. We approach the table to the left, where we find tweezers and scalpel for paper. We use on the doorway showcases with butterflies, which is coming to the wall, scalpel. Click on the open door to take the third figure of the angel. To the right of the showcase with butterflies we find the radio. With him remove the fourth figure of an angel.

Come to the fireplace. In the wall next to the books we find the winch. Circling her to lower the chandelier. We select a chockerel attached to the closet, and pass to the center of the library hall. We take a huge staircase in the upper left corner of the screen and use it on the chandelier. Choking on the stairs, we take the fifth figure of an angel, which hangs on the chandelier.

We go into the aisle, which is located to the right of the stairs. With a dressed skeleton, remove the suspenders.

Go down down the main hall of the library. In the inventory, we combine a chockerel with suspenders to make a homemade corkscrew. They open the jar standing on the closet on the left. With the help of a tweezers, I get a daemon figure from the bank.

Now we pay all attention to the circle on the wall. By dragging the figures of demons and angels as indicated in the figure below:

\u003d see (Figure 20) \u003d

Through the opened door, we get into the basement of the abbey.


We take linen fabric, which lies on a basket on the right. We explore the bookcases and from the figurines pull the spear. It is used on the head of the dragon, which is coming to the front of the table. We study what has opened.

Riddle with balls:

The purpose of the riddles is to highlight all the balls on the tops of each triangle. The solution is looking in the figure below. We click on the balls in the specified sequence:

\u003d see (Figure 21) \u003d

We find Brother Alberto:

From the cache we take a dark color key and a bowl. We pass down the screen. We take a handle from the broom, which lies on the floor to the right of the shelves. On the shelves we find kegs with alcohol. We use the scalpel on it to open the barrel and release all alcohol from it.

We go to the right. We combine in the inventory a handle from the broom with linen fabric to get a torch. In the inventory we use it with matches. We use a grilled torch in order to drive rats, smoking near the bag. When the rats are running out, open the bag and get holy water out of it.

We go into the corridor, which can be seen at the top of the screen. We take the monk clothes to disguise into it van Helsing (happens automatically).

Returning to a barrel with alcohol. At this point, a monk who worshiped demons will come to us. To get rid of it, we use a grilled torch on a pool of alcohol. Then pick up the key from the floor and go to the door in the corridor (where we took clothing).

We unscrew the door and go into the room where the Satanian ceremonies are held. We pass to the cage, in which the brother Alberto sits. We speak with him. Then come to the pentagram on the floor. In the inventory, we combine a bowl with holy water and use it on a bowl that stands on the right side of the goat's head. We move away from the mad monks and look at what happens.

While two monks are distracted, calmly talk with Brother Alberto. His leg is broken and he is blind, so he will not be able to read the parchments. Yes, and escape with us too.

We use a dark key on the door to the right to automatically be in the estate of Orlovski. Talking to her and with Severd, we will go to Transylvania.

Part 3: Trasnsylvania

Talk to Sevard to automatically be in the tavern.


We speak with the owner of the hotel by Abraham. We are trying to take the paper from the push. We pass down the screen. From the table, for which Sevard sat, take two pretzels of different shapes, spoon and foil. Use a spoon on the sticky fluid that is spilled on the bench right. We are trying to take the key that hangs on the left of the door, and go to the door itself.

Sevard will become very bad. We speak with Abraham about the medication.
When he leaves, take the paper from the push. In the inventory in the Documents section, we will have an excerpt from the magazine of Harker.

At this moment, Abraham will return with medicine. He slammed the door so much that the head of Borov will fall from the wall. Having hitting the floor, a tooth breaks off the head. We pick it up.

Making a keyword:

1. In the inventory, combine foil with a sticky substance to get a glued foil.
2. The glued foil is used on two pretzels.
3. We combine two glossy pretzels together to get a key semblance.
4. Use the glued foil on the borov's teeth.
5. A combined bed pretzels use on the tooth to get the launder.

Use the hod on the key hanging on the left of the door. By replacing, speak with the owner of the hotel. Wang Helsing will ask him to find something. While Abraham will mess around for the welcome, unscrew the door and go to the stable.


Soothe horses:

We go to the desktop on the left. We take an empty bucket that lies on the ground behind the cans on the left of the table. Next, we use a bucket with oats, which stands on the floor to banks. We pass to the door. We use on a stew with which blood is dripping, a bucket with oats. We treat the horses of bloody oats, and they calm down.

We drag the liquid from the barrel:

We go to the screen in front of horses. We pick up the pipe from the ground, near Stump - the dead animal, take the box and a funnel from the table, and under the table we find a chute.

We pass to the carriage. We put the box to the ground in front of the rear wheel. On the box we put the chute. On the top of the gutter we use a dead animal. On the crane of the barrels we use a funnel. Between the hole in the ground and the box we put the pipe.

Open the barrel valve. When all the liquid stitchs, click on the installation, built by us. Wang Helsing will take inside the barrels and, so it turns into the castle of Dracula.

Dracula Castle

Create a trap:

Wang Helsing will say that it would be nice to lure the cab driver into a trap. From the table to the left take drone.

We pass down the screen. We take 2 ropes that lie on the barrels on the left side of the screen. We find a pulley on the ceiling. Krepim to him one of the ropes. By the end of the rope, we attach a trap.

We use the remaining rope on the trap. We go to the right from this screen. To the pulley on the ceiling is secure the end of the second rope (just click on the pulley). Trap ready. It remains only to put the bait.

We take 2 hooks from the table in the lower right corner of the screen. In this number of tables we find a dead mouse that fell into the trap. We look at her. At the bottom of the screen we see two hooks selected by us. We use them on the trap, in which the mouse got. One active point is on the right, the other is on top of the mouse.

We take a dead mouse and go to our cappan. Mouse put in drone.

On the way to the crypt:

After some time the cab driver will come to the room, which will fall into our trap. We speak with the cab, then pick up an ax lying in front of it from the ground. We deploy the red wrap, which is located to the left of the carriage, using an arrow from the inventory. Behind the wrapper will seem a bank with "goodies." We take it and give the cab. Above the red wrapper we find a bowl. We take it and go to our initial location, where we took a trap from the table. The bowl is used on a bucket with blood that stands on the floor in the lower left corner of the screen.

Through the door we get into the castle. We take a cord lying on the red curtain, and a fur coat that lies on a barrel. We go to the middle door (top). Find out before locked gates. We look at the panel to the right on the wall to run the riddle.

Mystery with the painting Dracula:

The playing field consists of squares of different colors with images of various triangles. To the left of the field there is a photo of Dracula, divided into squares. They can be removed and added. Also, this photo can be dragged on the playing field. Upstairs and to the right of the playing field there are 4 squares with symbols. If you bring the cursor on them, we will see some of the photos of Dracula. In the upper left corner and in the lower left corner of the screen there is a strip with 4 bars whose colors can be changed.

1. We look at 4 squares from above from the playing field. We look at which parts of the pictures of the Dracula are behind them.
2. We remove these parts from the photo to the left of the game field.
3. Drag as a photo of Dracula on the playing field and we are looking for a suitable place. Those. In four holes, what we did in the photo should be visible to those triangles, which are visible to the game field on 4 squares. Having found this place, remember the colors of the squares in which these triangles are located.
4. On the strip in the upper left corner of the screen, put the bars of the following colors (from left to right): green, white, blue, blue.

This is what should happen:

\u003d see (Figure 22) \u003d

Now we have been done again operations 1-4, which are written above, but only already for 4 squares that are located to the right of the game field.

On stripes in the lower left corner of the screen, put the bars of the following colors (from top to bottom): green, white, red, white.

\u003d see (Figure 23) \u003d

Inside the crypt

We go to the crypt. We look at the coffin cover, which is facing us. We look at the inscriptions Moana and 12176. Van Helsing will record this data in the diary. Open the cover of this coffin. Inside will be a vampire woman with red hair.

We look at the cover of the coffin, which is in the left left of the screen. We look at the inscriptions Illona and 8954. Van Helsing will make this data in the diary. Open the cover of this coffin and look at a vampire woman with white hair.

We use the draracula on the coffin (on the lid dragon symbol) ax. Inside the coffin no one and do not find anything.

Open the coffin cover, which stands on the right side of the screen. Inside him will lie the Harker, who became a vampire. From the hands of Harker, we take glasses, near the feet of the Harker, we find and take the book about the myths and the legends of the first Order of the knights and magazine. They say Pelor shield.

In the inventory, we combine thorn and hammer, then we use these combined items on the Harker to save it from the fate of the vampire.

Let's leave the crypt and through the right door we get into the big hall.

Big hall

We go to the left. We look at the white pattern on the floor. In the inventory in the Documents section will appear the text "Origin". We look at the tapestry knights hanging on the wall. In close-up, look at the shield of Dracula and on the hand of a knight standing on the left. To the left of this tapestry will be the portrait of Irina, hidden behind the curtain. I pull for the cord, we select it and look at the porter. In close-up, look at her hand. Then with the help of glasses carefully consider scratches in the hands. By clicking on the left mouse button, we will have a note about it in the diary.

We are going to the right part of the hall. There are 3 portrait on the wall: the left belongs to the light-haired Illona, \u200b\u200bthe middle-Dracula, and the right-moan with red hair. We look at these portraits and read the signs that are under them.

Click on the door to the right of the portrait of Moan. We meet a black-haired feast. We learn that she spent 5777 nights with Dracula.

Find a castle code hanging on arsenal:

After a conversation with Zhada, approach the closed arsenal to the right. We look at the castle. The code consists of 5 digits. We return to the stable, where we speak with the excrementary Igor. We learn from it that numbers on coffins are the number of nights spent with Dracula. We also learn the code: 3 times the night with a white moon + 2 times the night with a red moon + 5 times the night with a black moon.

Iranha - Blindowing (White Night). At its coffin it was written 8954. 8954 x 3 \u003d 26862
Moana - with red hair. At its coffin it was written 12176. 12176 x 2 \u003d 24352.
Jad - black-haired. From her, we directly learned the number of speaking nights - 5777. 5777 x 5 \u003d 28885.

We summarize all the numbers received and get 80099. This is the code from the Arsenal Castle. We go to the big hall and unscrew the castle.

Riddle with a shield:

From the arsenal, get the mail and crossbow. We look at the Pelor shield (in the center). On it, we must install in the correct position of the 2 moon, then the gold arrows to install so that they are shown on silver circles, silver arrows - on bronze mugs, and bronze arrows - on golden circles.

How to install 2 moon, shown in the figure below. If the rings have not touched, then turn the outer ring 12 times, and internal - 3 times.

\u003d cm. (Figure 24) \u003d

The shield will be in our inventory. Now we use the chassis with blood on the door of the room. We look at Wang Helsing will make it with her.

Battle with Dracula:

Go to the room. From the floor to the left we take a pot with fat. The ax destroy two coffins. From the first, we pull the key and the book, and from the second portrait of the thunder before it turns into a vampire. Use the arrow on the mandolin attached to the bed to get strings. They are combining in inventory with crossbow. We leave the room.

We open the door in the center of the screen. Come in. We see how Dracula spends a ritual with mine. On the rails of a bookcase, which stands on the left, use a pot with fat. Move the cabinet on the rails.

Come to the left statue of the knight. On the ground between the puddle and the statue of the Kolchugu. In the inventory, we combine two cords together. The resulting long rope is used on the left leg of the knight statue.

We go to the right. We use a fur coat at the central active point (between the clouds). In the inventory, we combine the arbulence with an arrow (a string should already be attached to the crossbow). Everything! We make an active crossbow and pass to Dracula. The end.

At the beginning of the game you need to choose a profile. The game can be saved only when exiting (auto storage), in addition, the game itself makes some storage points.

Acceleration of dialogs - Click the window with dialogs.

Inventory and diary with tasks are located in the lower right corner of the screen.

You will play for Ellen Cross, which in the process of the game will have to regularly feed pills and food. Health indicator - scale next to a heroine portrait. Food is the "Cross" tab in inventory (to eat something, you need to put items in slots and click on "Swallow"), possible recipes are a bookmark with a snake and bowl. Please note that if you give a heroine whiskey or sleeping pills, her level of health decreases, so be careful.

The game took place in English, so when localization is possible another writing of names and titles.

1. New York

Ellen returns to New York. At the beginning of the game it is proposed to pass a little training. Go through the "Frame" and open the director's office door. Talk to him on all topics and get a magnetic card. Go out into the corridor and skip the card through the card reader near the white door. Enter the workshop and talk to Jerry. It turns out that Adam Stroker called several times.

Shut down, go to the table in the corner and press the iron box several times to remove the seals and get a wrapped picture. From the right table, take a test tube (near scissors and pencils), scalpel and compress (paper with scissors). From the left table, take the container. Hang a picture on the scanner's subframe and remove the scalpel paper: instead of a picture you will find a tar-minded cross. Scalpel touch the picture, then combine the scalpel and test tube. Start and go to the elevator window on the opposite wall. Open the window with a green button. Put the tube to the elevator and click on the Down button. Return to the scanner and turn on the monitor on the right table (you need to click on the wire). Click on the apparatus to the left of the scanner: it will display the monitor what is hidden under the tar. Talk to Jerry, then take the results of the analysis from the elevator: the divider of the tar is oil and a mixture of S237.

Go to the closet on the left wall, open the doors and bring the shelves with bubbles. Click on the yellow bubble on the top shelf: it will turn on the bubble - the label "OIL". Click on the blue bubble on the bottom shelf: it should be the "S237" label. In the inventory combine the container and in turn both bubble, then the container and compress. Press the picture on four times four times (Nimble Fingers achievement). Talk to Jerry.

Now you need to take the picture to the warehouse. Remove it from the subframe and go to the exit. Ellen will be worse, so adopt her medicines. On the right wall (near the painting with yellow numbers "5") there is another door with the card reader - this is a warehouse. Open the door, put the picture on the subframe, remove the rag with a number of statues and cover the picture. When you go to the workshop, the phone will call (it is on the table near the exit). Talk to Adam. Go to the Jerry table and click on a big brown book, read the biography of Dracula. Talk to the adam that appears, open the warehouse and show the picture. Ellen will faint.

After the roller, turn right, open the bedside table and get the tablet. Read the note of Adam (at the dinner table). Go outside.

Automatically you will find yourself in the museum. Open the door of the warehouse: the picture has disappeared, and Ellen will solve view video of the surveillance camera. This camera is hidden behind the next door with a code lock. Click on the faded numbers 9-5-4 (if you click right the first time, get the achievement of "medium") and bring the angle of view.

Press the square red button on the top tape recorder to stop the record. Click on the green dual left arrow to scroll record. Click on the green arrow to view the entry: the picture was taken by Adam. Press the "EJECT" key and take the video tape. Go to the workshop. Automatically you will hear the call to the phone Jerry. Because Jerry itself is not at work, the answering machine will turn on: from the library for him, an ancient poem was sent. Go to the Jerry table and take the keys. Go out into the corridor and open the Jerry Mailbox. Take the envelope with the poem (you need to read it) and go to the street.

Once in the apartment Ellen, go to the computer. Based on the poem, you need to find three keywords to search. Three windows appear on the screen. Move the mouse to the left window, hush the mouse and scroll the word list to "Basilica" (it should be highlighted). In the middle window, select "Cistern", in the right - "Turkey". Click on "Search" and read the information about the Turkish mosque. Answer a phone call (phone in the bedroom). After the news of the death of Jerry call Jerry and to the library. Open the entrance door and select an envelope with a fake passport. Automatically Ellen will fly to Turkey (achievement "New York, New York").

2. Turkey

Talk to the guard, who will allow you to see the Basilica. First, go to the right and read the map on the wall by clicking on two green photos (here only two gorps, and where is the third?) And a golden rectangle (this is a column with peacocks). Start and go through the bridge to the lattice door: you need the key. Ellen will decide to distract the guard.

Return to the map and click on the phone numbers in the upper left corner to remember the phone reception. Go past the guard to the cafe. Here is hanging a telephone set by clicking on which, it turns out that the coin is needed. Turn to the tables and close the left of them. From the plates (under the check), pick up a coin. Call the security guard (Ellen will automatically respond to it). Go to the reception desk, remove the keys from the wall and return to the lattice door. Select the middle key from the bundle and turn it into the lock (achieve "Key Master").

Without entering the inside, pick up the board under your feet, then go further and pick up the second, long board. Turn to the water: the boat is tied. Put a long board into the water, then just a board. Climb into the boat, turn it out and try to swim forward - you will need a compass.

Return to the reception and hang in place keys (achieve "Unseen, Unknown"). Then, go to the boat again and redeem the head: you will see a brickwork on a plastered wall. Apply the knife to bricks and get a small yellow scepter. Get out of the boat and look at the right column with patterns (if you look at the boat). This is a column with peacocks. Insert the scepter into the hole in the column and bring the angle of view.

You need to rotate the switches on the column as well as in the figure to the left of the old poem (see the diary).

If you do the first time, you will earn the achievement "Photographic Memory".

From the water will appear the third column with the citys. Sit into the boat, swim to this column and remove the gold compass from it. Pay attention to the face on the column. To pass the labyrinth, you need to rotate after each step and look for a column with a face. The direction of movement is determined as follows: Where does the face look, there should be the red arrow of the compass (it was more convenient to navigate towards the seabling - where he is directed, I turned there).

Route (according to the Red Arrow pointer):

W - W - W - N - N - E - E - N - N - N - N - W - N - E - N - W - W.

(If the first time you swim correctly, get the achievement of "ARIADNE'S STRING").

You will find yourself in a cave. Go ahead to three statuettes. Now you need to portray the "Dragon Shadow", turning the figurines and imposing their shadows on each other. Click on the button to the middle statuette, then turn the left statuette three times and the right statist of three times. A secret door will open.

Enter the inside and inside the windows on both walls: glass windows is very durable. Go further to the hall, remove the chalk with the right wall and break the showcases. Take the vase, an old drawing and two books (one of them is the Diary of Father Arno from the third part of the game). Go to the hall and close the altar.

It depicts a pentagram with four elements. Look in the diary and find an old drawing. You need to set elements in the pentagram in mirror mapping. First, move the items so (clamp the element with the mouse and push into the desired kola):

Then move them like this:

Up Insert the yellow scepter (achievement "The Fifth Element"). A niche with a genealogical tree Rada, Brother Dracula. Click on the tree somewhere below: Ellen will see the name of Adam Stocker. A guard will appear, and Ellen falls into the hatch.

After the roller you will find yourself near the house of Yanek. Open the door, click on the fruit basket in the depths of the screen to the right of the ladder - the pictures hanging here earlier disappeared.

Click on the puppet theater. In the correct order, you need to turn the keys to make the rightmost man clinging for a loop over the sun.

Act like this:

Key 5: The left man in the boat lifts the right side of the boat;

Key 6: The right person in the boat jars and throws the sun (now night);

Key 2: A man with a knife cuts the rope of the balloon;

Key 4: A man with a drum causes a dragon that eats a man with a knife;

Now very fast key 1 (the balloon flies, Ivy on the drawer, where the ball stands, disappears, and the key well opens)

and immediately key 3 (the key with the key should have time to open the lock until the sun goes out and a person with a knife appears), the bird should fly out of the box and take the head of the left person in the boat;

Key 6: The right person in the boat jars and removes the sun from the road;

Two times the key 5: the left man jumps with the bird, and the right man clings to the loop.

You get the achievements of "Little Sherlock" and "Passe-Muraille".

Go to the right to the wall, turn left and enter the dark pass to the right of the puppet theater. Go through the workshop in a dark hall, moving away the carpet, and talk to the jack on all topics. He will explain that you have to find the blood of the Dracula, which is in the vessel between the vessels with the blood da Vinci and Bruegel. Return to the workshop. Turn the face to the hall from which they came out, and inspect the right wall with the shelves. Ellen will read: "Da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo." Close the shelf and click on the book to the right of the cell da Vinci. Turn the page and get a bubble with the blood of Dracula.

Now you need to prepare the ink from the blood of the Dracula. Shoot and close the plate on the wall above the printed press. Remember how the Alchemy / Sciences symbol looks like. Turn to the right to the shelves with cylinders, close the shelves and from the second bottom shelf marked with the symbol you need, pull out the yellow cylinder (copper). Exit the workshop, turn on and select a handle from the floor. Return to the workshop and collect a printed press.

Take the right sheet of paper, to the left of the press - ink. Approom the press. Apply the ink to the part of the wall (where the wall is in ink). Put the sheet on the right side of the press. Insert the cylinder into the press center. Attach the handle.

Turn the handle and read the recipe.

Go to the main hall, take Shellac from the table. Go to the stairs and take the bowl of the bowl from the niches. Lear to the bedroom and from the table Take the antimony. Combine all objects in turn. Return to the workshop and apply the bowl on the apparatus to the left of the press. Add blood dracula. Then the Finger Ellen will appear on the screen. Apply a knife on it.

Application closer. You need three drops of blood so that, connecting in a rectangle over the flask, they took the right position. To do this, click on some round buttons on the path of each drop to change its position.

Take the flask (reaching "alchemist") and return to the shelves with cylinders. It remains to print a map. Once again, take a look at the plate on the wall, remember the symbol "CARTEGRAPHY" and get the silver cylinder from the middle shelf, the right compartment.

Replace the cylinder in the press, pour ink from the blood and put a new sheet. Twist the handle and click on the map.

3. Chernobyl

Turn to the right and go to the truck. Move the awning. Take the machete, look into the box and take the battery, test tube and the gamer counter. Exit approximation, look at the Earth to the right of the truck and open the first aid kit. Remove tablets. In the inventory combine the test tube and the meter of Geiger, insert the battery. Turn the right and find the active point on the bushes. Apply a machete on the bushes - you will see a stone with a radiation symbol. Return to the red car and stand up with her back. Remove the Geiger Counter, place the XI switch and press the red button. Slowly turn to the right and look for a point where the meter starts to be offset (Ellen will say about it). Clear the machete path (achieve "U235").

You will go to the courtyard in front of the tower. On the left in a pile of snow, find a scrap. Open the tower door scrap. You have an elevator, right - yellow generator (not working). Left stands canister. Take the canister, go outside and pour into it fuel from a large canister. Return to the generator, fill the fuel into the pipe at the top right. Click on the button and start the generator. Exit approximation and inspect the elevator control panel (Icon "Eye" under the lever).

Open the doors. According to the tip on the left door, you need to install six buttons in the correct order.

Doors will automatically close. Now, according to the hint glued to the cover, you need to define a binary code for the floor 0. The plate is such:

01010010 - 3rd floor

00101001 - 2nd floor

10010100 - 1st floor

01001010 - 0th floor

10100101 - -1-th floor

Switch in the upper position - 0, in the lower position - 1.

Sit into the elevator by clicking on the control panel lever, and get the achievement of "Little Miss Einstein".

Being in front of the three locked lattice doors, read the inscription above one of the doors. Lower the head and close the floor with tiles from the letters. You need to click on the tiles and make the word "desola". Click so: D - ES - OL - TI - O.

The right door should open. Try to enter, but Ellen will decide to check if there is no trap. To do this, turn on and pick up a cannon core near the elevator. Throw the kernel into the passage, then go to the next (achievement "Latin Lover").

You will see an underground lake, on the other side of which is the castle of Dracula. Go ashore. Look at the puzzle on the left on the stone and apply a bubble with the blood of the Dracula. Task - pour so much blood to each of the three syringes so that all the shooters went on the right of the syringes.

The down arrow 3, the upper arrow, the lower arrow, the upper arrow 2, the upper arrow, the upper arrow 2, the lower arrow, the upper arrow 2, the lower arrow, the lower arrow, the lower arrow.

Result (achievement "Riddle Resolver"):

The second branch will open. Now you need to go left at first, removing sharp stars-plants from the road, and pick up a stone, and then sail onto the right bank.

Blue circles on the map - changing the water level, orange circles - remove / restore the star.

This route (click on the arrows in the upper right corner of the screen):

Left, up, left, up, left, down, down, up, left, left - stone will fall into the boat;

right, right, down, up, down, 4 times right, up, down, left, left, up, right, up, right, left, down, left, down, right, right, up, down, right, right.

The boat should be at the end of the puzzle at this point of the route (left to click "Right"):

Get the achievement of "on the steps of orpheus", sit in a real boat and swim in the castle. Enter the hall and talk to Dracula. When he asks his portrait, answer "no". A little later, he will suggest to change the portrait on Adam or the life of Ellen. You can choose any answer, then go out into the street, sit into the boat and look at the lake. Before you - a lit bank, from where you came to, right - another illuminated area. Swim there.

You will see Adam, who sits behind bars. Communicate with him, and then bring the castle. It has written code 7152537092929063. Exit approximation and look at the right wall. Here is the nameplate. Find the letter at the intersection of 7 and 1 is M, then find the letter at the intersection 5 and 2 is C, etc. It turns out mcdlxxvi - a number recorded by Roman numerals. Translate them to Arabic numbers: it turns out 1476 - this is the code for the lock. Open the door of the prison (reaching "Countdown"). Ellen will faint.

After the roller you have to have the last conversation with Dracula (the achievement "The End") and the choice: to drink or drink a drink from the bowl. If you scored 360 glasses during the game, get the last achievement "360!".

Small chessboard
Come to a small chessboard.
Put the document depicting a chessboard under a wooden board.
To solve the riddle with the keys, you must open the Dracula notebook (red) in the inventory and use Hopkins glasses to see like a vampire. Now you can notice how the figures are located on a chessboard. You only need to press alphabetical keys in the order of appearing figures on a chessboard in a notebook. You will get: fbheacgd from top to bottom.
Figures move to their places on the board.
Pull out the document from under the chessboard. Now the paper appeared on paper.
Leave the room with a small chessboard and descend into the room with a great chessboard.

Great chessboard
In the inventory, follow the path of white and black cells depicted on the document in the form of a chessboard. But black cells in the document become white for the room of a great chessboard.
When you reach the middle of the Great Board, the cells will disappear and the Dracula will again threaten Jonathan, which cannot move.
Take the telescope and direct it on the door at the far end of the room of the Great Chess Board.
Again the glasses of Hopkins again.
Use the Dorco Ring to create a bridge. The likeness of the pink cloud allows Jonatan to overcome the space separating it from the long part of the room of the Great Chess Board.
Move into the other side of the room.
Next to the door, dressed Hopkins glasses to see the vampire. There will be a pentagram.
Take the cross and destroy the pentagram. The path to the funicular room is now free.
Go to the funicular room.

Castle Funicular Launch the lever on the right in the course of the movement and open the long-distance door of the funicular room. Now the room is open.
Run the lever on the left in the course of the movement, behind the deepening to lower the bridge. It is necessary to get into the Cabin Cabin.
During the lift on the bridge, Jonathan reaches the control panel.
Run the control panel lever to open the cable car door. They open.
Enter the funic's car.
Close the doors, running the lever in the left compartment of the cable cabin, to the right of the red key.
Run the machine by clicking on the Red Key. The car starts to move towards the Dracula Tower.
To the tower on the cable car.
Open the cable car door.
Hopkins meets Jonathan, but he pierces the Viorlel knife. Before the death of Hopkins, he transfers the key from the Dracula Tower.
Return to the funicular.
Take the stairs on the right side of the cable car.
Place the staircase under the hatch of the roof of the car.
Climb the stairs.
Open the hatch.
Rear to the roof of the cabin.
Climb another step.
Go to the uncharted part of the Hall of the Funicular.
In the dark, open the oval hatch on the ceiling on the right. You start moving along the roof of the tower. Wielle sends his gestands towards the roof to catch Jonathan.

Roof Tower
You need to quickly get up to another part of the tower (time limit) and approach the head of the statue of St. George lying next to the staircase.
Push the head using scrap. The head rolls on the steps and is broken into parts - all the enemies are crushed!
Go down the stairs.
Take one of two beams (you can only take one beam in the inventory at every given moment).
Go to the cannon tower.
Take a bucket that stands on the ground next to the gun.
Return to the roof.
Go along the statue of St. George and take a handful of snow from the ground in a bucket.
Go to the collapsed part of the roof near another cannon.
Go down to the pit and pay attention to the cursor in the form of a magnifying glass in front of you.
Take the flag and wooden chips lying on the ground.
Climb upstairs and move towards the gun.
Place the beam over the pit to go to the other side where the gun is worth. Consider a gun.
Move gun.
Take a cannon core.
Return to the other side of the pit.
Re-pick up the beam.
Go again on the stairs and return to the cannon tower.
Consider a gun.
Since you do not have a powder, you will have to use the system D. Place the full snow bucket in the first coach of the gun, then the kernel in the second and third flag.
In the inventory combine wooden sawdust and boxes of matches to light up.
Place the crawled under the gun. The fire will melt the snow, creating a high pressure of the steam, and the gun will shoot. Wielier killed.
Go towards the destroyed bridge and place the beam there.
Go back, take the second beam from the stairs and return to the sworn bridge.
Rear to the first beam.
Place the second beam next to you.
Rear to the second beam.
Take you behind you and move it forward.
Now pick up this beam.
Go to the other side, which is now available to you.
Go to the small tower in which Viorill was killed. His body dangles in the window.
Take the key hanging on his belt (on the right side).
Using the key received from Hopkins, open the door of the tower.
Enter the tower.
Enter the lift cab.
Click the "descent" on the right. The lift is lowered.
Going down, insert the key of the viorel in the well.
Click on the red button on the top so that the lift began to rise again (the key of the Viorel allows you to leave the lift before it rises to the top.
Leave him before he starts to rise).

Inside the tower
Move forward. Before Jonathan opens failure, but the staircase and the mechanism of the lifting bridge is visible.
In the inventory align the crossbow and arrows.
Take the crossbow and shoot one of the large ropes to the right of the lifting bridge. The bridge is lowered.
Scroll through the lifting bridge and go straight to the central passage with three wooden stairs. This is an "anal" (opposite the lift of the last refuge, located below).
Open an allay on the stand. Speed \u200b\u200bholes, punctured with a certain interval. If you insert three handles into these holes, then run the mechanism that opens the boxes at the base of the nation.
Go down on any of the stairs (Jonathan in any case turns out to be in the room of Catana claws.)

Claws Satan Go to the left of the entrance and take the skull.
Go towards the ladder-west.
Go down using the steps specifically described in the green notebook of Dr. Seward's friend (includes an image of a staircase surrounded by Sanskrit numbers). When lifting each step, look at the Sanskrit characters that match those like it on the engraving (you can easily see characters on the steps if you turn around during the descent). Go down using the first, third, sixth, seventh, nine and tenth steps.
Going down, go under the arch.
If you are still alive, turn left. The hand holds something like a handle. It closes when you are trying to take it.
Place the skull in hand.
Remove the top of the skull.
Pull out the first handle from the skull.
Leave the room. You will again find yourself in the lift hall of the last refuge.
Choose any staircase: they are all leading to the Dragon Hall (in itself, except for the one with which you just came out).

Dragon Hall
Once you are inside, click on the chain on the left. A track and bridge appears through a boiling magma towards the center of the hall.
Go towards the center of the hall. The track disappears and the head of the dragons hanging on the wall, begin to erupt fire.
Dreight chains in the following order:
Exit (Dragon Head)
4 6
2 3
5 1
The fire, spelled by the heads of the dragons, stops when Jonathan establishes everything in the right order. When everything is fine with chains, a new track appears, this time leading to the exit.
Go to the outlet along the track and go to the head of the dragon embedded into the wall.
Look your head. The second handle appears.
Take the second handle. The panel from the head of the dragon rises and opens the door to the exit.
Get out. Jonathan again appears at the "Analo".
Take advantage of the staircase for which you have not yet walked to get into the room of strangers.

Room Chuzhakov
Come to the egg, in the long part of the room.
Try to take a third handle in the egg. Jonathan's clone appears above the egg, blocking any attempts to take the handle.
Return to the center of the room.
Dress Hopkins glasses to have a vampire's eyesight, and when you pass past the eggs, look right away from it.
Roth feeds egg with a green substance.
In the inventory, align the crossbow and the arrow and then all this with a medicine against vampires. Crossets is surrounded by green halo.
Speach in your mouth. The arrow of the crossbow sticks into the mouth and the green substance ceases to flow.
Now look at the vision of the vampire to the left. Another mouth protected by a metal "century" feeds egg.
Shot out of the crossbow in this eyelid. The eyelid is broken and stops moving.
Shoot again, using an arrow, omitted first into the medicine against vampires to kill this mouth. Arbalt boom enters mouth and green substance evaporates.
Look at your mouth with a metallic age.
In inventory, combine medicine against vampires with a syringe.
Enter a syringe with a deadly dose of medication into the body. All the vitality that fed the egg disappeared.
Come to the inert egg and take the third handle.
Return to "Analogy" again.

Go to the aalo and open it.
Install three handles to the desired position. Boxes at the bottom of the node (on the reverse side) are now open.
Open all three boxes and remove each iron forms.
Return to the Dragon Hall.

Dragon Hall
Stand next to the assembly in the center of the room. This is a furnace with two independent compartments: the upper part (extract) and the lower part (oven).
Open the oven (lower part) and place iron forms inside.
Put the iron forms one to another.
Open the exhaust (top). Clear holes pierced at a certain distance.
Return to "Analo" and take three handles again.
Return to the Dragon Hall.
Place in the right positions in the forms you have handles.
Close the hood.
Click on the right from the exhaust to start the oven. Two heads of the dragon will appear, spewing the fire that melts three handles and creates a fourth.
Open the oven. The newly created fourth handle appears.
Take it with you.
Return to "Analogy".

Come to the aalo.
Install the fourth handle. This action causes a lift that stops at the "center of the last refuge".
Go to the level of the "center of the last refuge".
Enter the lift. He will take Jonathan as the last refuge, where Dracula, Min and a few women vampires await him.

Last refuge
Mina is completely distinguished by Dracula and does not recognize Jonathan.
You must dress the wedding ring on the finger of the mines to destroy the spell. The feelings of mines are returned, Dracula is trembling.
Immediately insert the stone Rada inside the stele. The simultaneous presence of stone Rada and the Dragon Rings in the stele act in such a way that they cause the coming and revenge of St. George ....


The game overlooking the first person and classic Point & Click. When managed, only the left mouse button is used. To rotate the camera, you need to clamp the left mouse button and move it in the desired direction. In the game it is impossible to preserve, the game is saved automatically, and through some gaming of the gameplay are created by saves, which can later be downloaded and replay the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe game.


The inventory is located in the lower right corner of the screen and consists of several partitions: vertical tabs, horizontal tabs, points meter, the health status indicator of the main heroine, output to the main menu and the additional information panel. Vertical tabs contain (from top to bottom): Documents, list of tasks, all dialogs and spells of the heroine per game. Horizontal tabs include (from left to right): Inventory, tablets and edible supplies, a list of already used drugs, a list of achievements. Items in inventory can be combined, for which you choose one item and click on another object. According to the plot, the main heroine is seriously ill, so the maintenance of its livelihoods is shifted at the normal level to our, dear players, shoulders. Heroine should be fed in time, follow the taking of vitamins and tablets. To track the level of health status, Ellen, the indicator is served to the right of the character of the character. If you do not have time to improve the health of the heroine in time, then you will be torn off free 50 points. The last tab contains a list of 20 achievements. For perfect actions, a certain number of points is given, the maximum available number of points in the game is 360. In this passage, it is described to obtain the maximum amount of points and the opening of all achievements.

Chapter I. New York


In the introductory video, the main heroine Ellen Cross reminds us of the events of the previous part of the game, after which we return to the Metropolitan Art Museum for studying the picture found. A message appears on the screen offering to go through the introductory mission - a short training gameplay of the game. If you agreed to undergo learning, then following the tips on the screen, clamp the left mouse button and move it to turn and look in the room. Next, we carry the mouse cursor to the place where it takes the shape of the arrow, and click the mouse button to encourage the heroine to go in the specified direction. We pass through the frame of the metal detector and go into the door to the right.

Report of the director of the museum

Once in the office of the Museum Director, we communicate with Mr. Phillips and learn that the case with the picture was taken to the workshop. Click on the director to continue the conversation and, alternately choosing three replicas of the dialogue, discuss the proposed topics with the boss. From the conversation we learn that after our departure, the police visited the Yanene's house and did not find the corpse there, to which we stumbled upon the game in the past part of the game, as well as stolen paintings. We pay attention to the fact that the museum security system has changed, after which Mr. Phillips hands us a magnetic key. Along with the key in the inventory it turns out the knife. Let's leave the director's office and move to the door to the right - this is a restoration workshop.

Restoration workshop

Once in front of the door, open the inventory by clicking the inventory icon in the lower right corner of the screen, and select a magnetic card. We close the inventory by clicking on the cross in the lower right corner, while the magnetic map remains in the hands of Ellen. Click on the reading device to the left of the door and pass inside. We bring a conversation with a colleague Jerry, who informs that he unlocked the castle of the case, but the case itself did not open, leaving it to us. Also, a man reports several calls of Adam Stocker, who arrived in New York for a few days. Exhaust all the topics of the dialogue.

Unpacking pattern

Turn to the left and moving in the corner of the workshop, where a huge black scanner is. From the table to the right of the scanner, we take the compress, scalpel and a small test tube.

On the floor to the right of the table there is a case, click on it three times and, as a result, we get a folded picture. Wrap up to the scanner, we apply a folding picture on it and deploy it. We use the scalpel on the picture and see that in the picture instead of the portrait of Dracula depicted a big black cross.

Paint sample

We speak Jerry and learn from him that in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Eastern Europe believed that if you draw a cross on the door to the door, it would protect their house from vampires. Despite the fact that the material is similar to the dispatch, this version needs to be checked for which it is necessary to send a sample to the laboratory. We return to the picture and clicking on it, approach the canvas. We apply to the cross scalpel and get a scalpel with a sample of a black substance. In the inventory, place a sample of a black substance in a test tube. We move away from the scanner, approach the colleague table and turn to the right where the elevator with a green button is noted on the wall, in appearance resembling safe. Open the elevator by clicking on the green button, and then put the test tube in the stand. Close the elevator by clicking on the down arrow and send the test tube to the examination. Ellen decides not to waste time in vain and while she is waiting for laboratory research results, conduct infrared analysis.

Infrared analysis

Returning to the scanner, turn on the monitor to the right of the scanner, for which you click on the button in the lower left corner under the monitor. To the left of the scanner on the tripod is the scanner control panel - click on the button on the remote, thereby run the scanning process. Throw a look at the monitor and see the scan result: a fuzzy image, a very similar to the portrait, where the image of the animal and the clouds is also visible. We inform about your find Jerry, who recommends us to take dating samples and, if the cross turns out to be drawn by tar, then to remove it immediately. At this point, the results of laboratory studies come. Turn to the elevator, take out a sheet from it and read the results of test analysis. According to the result, the substance consists of 98% of the tar and 2% of the black oil paint, while the corresponding solvent will be a mixture of oil and S237. We finish the conversation with Jerry, discussing the image of the cross with him. Colleague recommends us to familiarize yourself with the book of an unpublished biography of Vlad.

Delete Deaf

We return to the scanner, we take away from the table to the left of the scanner empty cup And follow the left to a large wooden closet. Open the glass door cabinet and approach the upper shelf. All bubbles initially cost labels inside the cabinet, so in order to find out what kind of bubble we need, you need to turn all the tanks with labels in our direction. According to laboratory research, we need to choose oil and S237.

We take the flask from the top shelf with oil, and from the bottom shelf we grab the S237 bubble. We open the inventory, overflow the oil from the bottle to an empty cup, and then add the S237 solvent, and we get a decity solvent. In the inventory we place the compress in a glass cup with a solvent and we obtain a compress with a solution. We return to the picture on the scanner, we use four-fold compress with a solvent, thereby clean the picture from the tar. ( +10=23 ) For the restoration of the picture we get achievement of "agile fingers" . We consider the picture of Vlad Chaining and see how she quickly begins to black. We hurry to report on your successes Jerry, who recommends us to familiarize yourself with the book left on his table. We decide to finish today work with the picture to attribute it to the repository.


Remove the picture from the scanner and head towards the door, where our heroin becomes bad. We open the inventory, take tablets and increase the level of health Ellen as much as possible. Without leaving the workshop, turn to the right to two doors. The door on the left leads to the video surveillance office, where the repository visit is recorded by the staff. The door on the right leads to the repository. Apply the magnetic key to the lock on the right of the door and go into the storage. We have a picture on the easel, with the statue on the right, remove the protective tissue and cover the picture of Vlad. Let's leave the storage and in the workshop hearing a phone call. The phone is on the table to the right of the wooden cabinet, in which we found oil and solvent. We answer the call, communicate with Adam and agree to dine together. We see that Jerry has already gone home. We approach his table and click on the book about Dracula, which he left us. From the book we learn about the youngest brother Vlad and about their terrible rivalry. Soon Adam appears on the threshold. We tell him about the picture and offer to look at her. Before showing the picture, we open the inventory and, by going to the notes in the tab, read the letter Rada Basarab to his older brother Dracula. Open the magnetic key door to the repository, we go inside and throw off the cloth from the canvas. Suddenly Ellen becomes bad, and it falls into fainting, and Adam takes her home. We look at the video.

Waking up at home, moving to the dining table and read a note left by Adam. We learn about the fact that Adam went to London and promises to call soon. We return to bed, open the left bedside table and take the tablets from it. We accept several pills to improve health and leave the apartment through the front door.

Records camcorders

Having arrived at work, go to the repository and detect the missing picture. We recall that the camcorder in the repository is automatically turned on when visiting the room, and we decide to view videos. We go out into the workshop, deploy to the door to the Curb Cabinet and bring the lock panel. We see that four digits on the panel are lighted, and select the code from them. Proper combination 9541 . If you managed from the first attempt to correctly score the code, it opens achievement "Medium" .

We will use only the top number of the buttons. On the hardware, press the right red button and stop the current entry. Next, click on the double arrow to the left in order to rewind the film back. We are waiting for the moment when the film is completely rewound, and turn on the recording by clicking on the playback button. After reviewing the record, we see that the picture stole Adam. We need to immediately find him, while the film did not see someone else! Without leaving the video surveillance rooms, click on the upper right white button on the instrument, we take the cassette and take it. ( +10=33 ) We go to the workshop where you automatically listen to the answering machine Jerry. The Marlene Library Worker informs our colleague that he sent him a copy of parchment with a poem. A few hours after sending parchment to the library, a government official appeared and asked what the interest of Marlene to these verses was caused.

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