The Godfather: The Game: Passage. The Godfather: The Game - Sea Father: GODFATHER 1 game Passage


To somehow explain the appearance of a new person in the mafia family of Corleon, we first show a short joining, where we act as the father of the main character who seeks to sell his life to be more expensive. The poverty torments are very long, several automatic queues in the emphasis very rarely leave hope for wonderful recovery. The death of dad sees a little boy who came to Vito Korleon promises that when he matches and will come to revenge, he will not miss his own. Next, create a character in the editor and go to the wedding of Don Vito.

After the scene, in which, at first, your mother asks Corleone about the patronage, and then Don Vito himself, Luka Brazi about the same service, find themselves on the street next to the Pankov couple. One of them onions had already managed to send the pipe to that light, you left to finish the remaining, at the same time mastering and with the local management system. At the end of the "warm-up" Luka will offer a little walk by entering into the case. How the map appears, run to the house marked with a blue cross. Here you can save the game, as well as escape from the persecution of the police or gangsters. After saving in the room upstairs, answer the phone's call, then - to the blue label next to the door.

Luka Brazi, scaring his terrible view of local drivers, rags about how it became well today to lead their affairs. Talk to him, he wants you to make the owner of the meat shop (it is on the opposite side of the street) to pay Mzdu Korleon. Old Emilio will be a strong nut and will not want to pay. Destroy the property, cheat the butcher, but just do not forget about the indicator, because it is easy to overdo it, and then the victim itself can pounce. After due "processing" again, talk to Emilio, he will agree to pay. At the same time the door will open to the back of the store, where illegal business is located. You will capture him, like meat shop, do not become, here it is necessary to invest in them. Climb on the second floor and, finding the underground gaming club there, talk to his owner. It will not be stubborn, it will easily take money, and since that time this institution will bring you extra income. Go outside, in the doorway will come across a police sergeant who needs to give a bribe. Yes, people in shape are also corrupt on nowhere. But for a while, the police will close the eyes on your atrocities, the green indicator next to the mini-radar symbolizes just about it. Take money on Luke. He will ask to visit Gatto Fields, which can be found at the Falconite Social Club.

A Grave Situation

Together with the field you will also get acquainted with Monk, the guys thought to teach the hooligans, severely treated with one girl. Follow them down the street, then turn the funeral bureau to the signboard and enter the spirit of the students. One you need to grab into the oakha and squeeze back on the wall, and the other will first shake in your hands, and then crumble his head grave stones. Mafios decided to bury the guy alive, but at the last moment they change their mind. Then talk to Monk, you are waiting for a bow in a lane on Bowery Street, you should not force him to be nervous.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Go beyond Luke, he will teach you how to handle the weapon. In the world of godfather, automation helps the godfather, and in addition to ordinary flips, you can actually shoot in individual parts of the body: you will fall into the shoulder and the enemy can no longer be able to shoot in response, in the knee - will fall or will ride on the floor. Having admitted to the revolver, take onions in Luna Bar in Midtown "e. The time for the trip is limited, so try not to run into your pleasure, it will still have time. Upon arrival, Luka will come to negotiate, and you will be in the window to watch the meeting. Unfortunately, Your mentor in this place is crashing brutally, thumping his skipping on the neck - roll his murderers. After the shootout you have very little time to get to the house marked on the map in Little Italy. Yes, and the police, awakened by noise of flips, will not let you get bored on the road . The room will take place on the phone with a monk who is waiting for a meeting. True, for some reason this task will not appear in the list of missions, so you can do on duty on the shop owners next door. Then come back to your number and take the phone phone, Monk waits in a hairdresser on Mott Street in Little Italy.

It will not be able to talk to the souls, an attempt was made on Don Vito Korleon, and the killers still hold under the sight of the hairdresser window. Run on the street and shoot a scoundrel, pressing Frankie, sister Monk. After that, the episode with the pursuit will begin - pursue the streets of New York Karet "ambulance", in which they try to kidnap the wounded don. The bunny cars will help you to navigate the roads in time, because it is impossible to miss the fugitives. You will receive a short respite when both cars are on the bridge in Brooklyn. Send small gangsters and make Barto Leone speak (similar to how to knock out money from store owners) - he will indicate the crime customers. Close to "ambulance" and drive to the hospital, located in the northern part of Little Italy, Don Vito can still be enjoyed. The strip of life will tell you when it becomes too late. After the race, come back to the Korleon mansion and talk there with Tom Hagen, to hurry so far there is no more now. He will produce you to the rank Enforcer, this is the first step in the family of Corleon.
Then chat in the corridor with Nikolo Chico, who will announce a desire to see Clemenzo with you. Exit from the house blocks Tesovo - he always will be happy to give you a fresh order for killing, unless, of course, there will be time and the desire to take for the extra "wet" worker. Clemenzo, waiting in the bar on Hester Street (he stands next to the piano), is very concerned about the state of Don - asked to visit the hospital and check how things are going there.

It seems that our young gangster has done to fuck Frankie, and she seems to be, not particularly objects. Talk to the guard at the door, he will select all the weapons, then rise to the second floor in the chamber of Monk and talk to the bed of the patient with the Franki visiting him. The conversation interrupt the killer burst into the ward, you know what to do. Michael Corleon, the son of Don Vito, appears on the stage, he will say that in the basement is full of suspicious elements. Go around there, shoot all the bad guys, and then spend Frankie to ambulance in the underground garage. Return to the House of Don Vito and find Michael there. The police that arrived at the shootout would want to arrest it, but the family-owned family lawyer will quickly deliver Michael from problems with the law.
Run to the corner of Mott and Bleecker streets, see the Family Family Corleon, Alesio Baroni. He will report that Clemento is waiting for a meeting in a tailoring workshop on Mulberry Street. After that, you should visit the hostess of a flower shop Rose, the establishment of which is located on East Houston Street.

She invites you to go to a party in Bordell, located on the second floor. Talk there with Monk, Sonny (he is in a room with two girls) and a field. Suddenly, the police cloud chapters headed by a fierce sergeant. Go down, bribe Nathana Mahone that Karaulit at the entrance doors, and he will open them. Next, turn the left in the alley, eliminate the cops silently, trying not to come across the eyes, and go to the warehouse. On the second floor, talk to the rose and already at the roof, organize a unhappy event on the roof. So that no one thought about murder, raise it to the edge of the roof and reset down. "He was drunk, fell from the roof, just and everything," the subcoming rose palls. Go away from the roof, click Rose and return to the estate of Corleon.
The next step is the rank of Associate - taken. Get out of the house and chat with Jaggi - it will recommend capturing the warehouses to undermine the financial stability of competing clans. But it is, between the case, the main thing - listen, what will say Danilo D "Amiko. If you have not yet been in the house of Clemenzo in Brooklyn, now it's time to go there.

Death To The Traitor

Dona put the Paul Gatto. Together with Clemento you will come to the restaurant. Come inward, go up to the second floor and take dynamite from the box. Then talk to Clemenzo in front of the entrance, run behind him alleys to black go. Come inside, laid explosives on the second floor, next to the tables for playing billiards, and run out to the street, trying to have time until the building takes off the air. It remains for small - to deal with the traitor. How come to place, finish off the Gatto field. It will run away for containers, undermining boxes in narrow aisles. Now again on the chart of the pursuit - bring Clemento to a new apartment in Brooklyn, on Henry Street. The police on the tail are expected to be plentifully, so it will not be easy to get safely and maintained to the garage alley. After the mission, start performing side tasks, like custom murders, capture several shops, then go back home and answer the phone call. This is Monk, he is waiting in the restaurant on the 4th Avenue. Come in the restaurant, in the distant room will find Monka. And for what? So that he gave up the request of Tom Hagena about the meeting, as if it was impossible to say this by phone. Go to the Korleon Mansion, Tom is there.

It is necessary to teach one Hollywood showman, who, though old, but did not endorse his life with wisdom. No one can go against the corneone! Follow Rocco, trying not to come across the protection of the estate on the eyes. If someone lifts noise, then you have only 30 seconds to remove the heat (from the weapon right at hand only wire rental). It will not work, frightened the entire courtyard, and the mission will have to be replayed from the very beginning. It's a shame. First you need to get to the stable, where Rocco flaws the beloved horse of the Costa Costa. Then remove Rocco road (killing maids and service is prohibited, only protection), it must convey the head wrapped in the fabric to the bedroom of the Vastz, located on the second floor of the mansion. The corpses do not need to be removed, they will evaporate themselves after a few seconds. They first wait until the maid goes into the room to the right, and only then go to the Boss bedroom. The case is done ... In the morning, Voltz will find in his bed the bloody head tricks, which is extremely sealed.
Talk to Villa Korleon with a little man with a head icon, he asks to meet with Tom Hagen in Midtown. Tom is waiting for you at the hotel on Madison Court, raise the elevator, and you will see it. Now this room is in your hotel, yours and Franki, the family does not forget their heroes! Pour Frankie, facing the window, she invites you to relax in the new bar. Decide that you are more important, a party with a girlfriend in a new club or family affairs? So, go to the Korleon mansion, you are already expecting there.

A recipe for the revenge

The family discusses the next murder in which you are far away from the last role. First of all, Details to the Louis restaurant in Midtown, on the 3rd Avenue, and before arriving Soloso. That is, before the expiration of 4 minutes. Then go to a restaurant from a black move, without entering the eyes of the guard, and consult Terry Blake. It needs to be convinced that it is necessary for you to use it toilet (pairs of blows on the face or a small walk, grasping it for the shake, it will be quite enough). When he opens the door, go to the toilet and hide the gun in the drain tank. Further, see a well-known scene: Michael first talks to his interlocutors at the restaurant's table, it is asked to the toilet, returns and ... makes his black business. After going out into the street and sit in the car with Michael. Take it to the docks of the Hell District "S Kitchen. Michael is forced to move to Sicily and leave America for a while, but he will soon come back.
Going out of the docks, talk to a guy with an icon over your head, he will give the message of Tom Hagen, which is waiting for you at Falconite Club, it's on Hester Street in Little Italy. Tom long talk will not become, because the Don Vito Korleone himself wants to talk with you! Why is such an honor? Yes, because from now on you are accepted in the family of Korleon and are raised to the rank of Soldier, and the ceremony will hold the Don Vito himself! After a significant event, answer the phone in the hall, Frankie prepared some kind of surprise, he waits for your apartment in Midtown, in the hotel room at Madison Court.



To somehow explain the appearance of a new person in the mafia family of Corleon, we first show a short joining, where we act as the father of the main character who seeks to sell his life to be more expensive. The poverty torments are very long, several automatic queues in the emphasis very rarely leave hope for wonderful recovery. The death of dad sees a little boy who came to Vito Korleon promises that when he matches and will come to revenge, he will not miss his own. Next, create a character in the editor and go to the wedding of Don Vito.

After the scene, in which, at first, your mother asks Corleone about the patronage, and then Don Vito himself, Luka Brazi about the same service, find themselves on the street next to the Pankov couple. One of them onions had already managed to send the pipe to that light, you left to finish the remaining, at the same time mastering and with the local management system. At the end of the "warm-up" Luka will offer a little walk by entering into the case. How the map appears, run to the house marked with a blue cross. Here you can save the game, as well as escape from the persecution of the police or gangsters. After saving in the room upstairs, answer the phone's call, then - to the blue label next to the door.

Luka Brazi, scaring his terrible view of local drivers, rags about how it became well today to lead their affairs. Talk to him, he wants you to make the owner of the meat shop (it is on the opposite side of the street) to pay Mzdu Korleon. Old Emilio will be a strong nut and will not want to pay. Destroy the property, cheat the butcher, but just do not forget about the indicator, because it is easy to overdo it, and then the victim itself can pounce. After due "processing" again, talk to Emilio, he will agree to pay. At the same time the door will open to the back of the store, where illegal business is located. You will capture him, like meat shop, do not become, here it is necessary to invest in them. Climb on the second floor and, finding the underground gaming club there, talk to his owner. It will not be stubborn, it will easily take money, and since that time this institution will bring you extra income. Go outside, in the doorway will come across a police sergeant who needs to give a bribe. Yes, people in shape are also corrupt on nowhere. But for a while, the police will close the eyes on your atrocities, the green indicator next to the mini-radar symbolizes just about it. Take money on Luke. He will ask to visit Gatto Fields, which can be found at the Falconite Social Club.

A Grave Situation

Together with the field you will also get acquainted with Monk, the guys thought to teach the hooligans, severely treated with one girl. Follow them down the street, then turn the funeral bureau to the signboard and enter the spirit of the students. One you need to grab into the oakha and squeeze back on the wall, and the other will first shake in your hands, and then crumble his head grave stones. Mafios decided to bury the guy alive, but at the last moment they change their mind. Then talk to Monk, you are waiting for a bow in a lane on Bowery Street, you should not force him to be nervous.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Go beyond Luke, he will teach you how to handle the weapon. In the world of godfather, automation helps the godfather, and in addition to ordinary flips, you can actually shoot in individual parts of the body: you will fall into the shoulder and the enemy can no longer be able to shoot in response, in the knee - will fall or will ride on the floor. Admitted with the revolver, take Luke in Luna Bar in Midtowne. The time for the trip is limited, so try not to drive into your pleasure, it will still have time. Upon arrival, Luka will negotiate, and you will be in the window to watch the meeting. Unfortunately, your mentor in this place is cruelly rolled by throwing the fishing on the neck - to sharpen his murderers. After a shootout you have very little time to get to the house marked on the map in Little Italy. Yes, and the police, awakened by noise of flips, will not let you get bored on the road. A conversation will take place on the phone with a monk who is waiting for a meeting. True, for some reason this task will not appear in the list of missions, so you can do attendant on duty on the shop owners in the neighborhood. Then return to your number and take the phone phone, Monk waits in a hairdresser on Mott Street in Little Italy.

It will not be able to talk to the souls, an attempt was made on Don Vito Korleon, and the killers still hold under the sight of the hairdresser window. Run on the street and shoot a scoundrel, pressing Frankie, sister Monk. After that, the episode with the pursuit will begin - pursue the streets of New York Karet "ambulance", in which they try to kidnap the wounded don. The bunny cars will help you to navigate the roads in time, because it is impossible to miss the fugitives. You will receive a short respite when both cars are on the bridge in Brooklyn. Send small gangsters and make Barto Leone speak (similar to how to knock out money from store owners) - he will indicate the crime customers. Close to "ambulance" and drive to the hospital, located in the northern part of Little Italy, Don Vito can still be enjoyed. The strip of life will tell you when it becomes too late. After the race, come back to the Korleon mansion and talk there with Tom Hagen, to hurry so far there is no more now. He will produce you to the rank Enforcer, this is the first step in the family of Corleon.
Then chat in the corridor with Nikolo Chico, who will announce a desire to see Clemenzo with you. Exit from the house blocks Tesovo - he always will be happy to give you a fresh order for killing, unless, of course, there will be time and the desire to take for the extra "wet" worker. Clemenzo, waiting in the bar on Hester Street (he stands next to the piano), is very concerned about the state of Don - asked to visit the hospital and check how things are going there.

It seems that our young gangster has done to fuck Frankie, and she seems to be, not particularly objects. Talk to the guard at the door, he will select all the weapons, then rise to the second floor in the chamber of Monk and talk to the bed of the patient with the Franki visiting him. The conversation interrupt the killer burst into the ward, you know what to do. Michael Corleon, the son of Don Vito, appears on the stage, he will say that in the basement is full of suspicious elements. Go around there, shoot all the bad guys, and then spend Frankie to ambulance in the underground garage. Return to the House of Don Vito and find Michael there. The police that arrived at the shootout would want to arrest it, but the family-owned family lawyer will quickly deliver Michael from problems with the law.
Run to the corner of Mott and Bleecker streets, see the Family Family Corleon, Alesio Baroni. He will report that Clemento is waiting for a meeting in a tailoring workshop on Mulberry Street. After that, you should visit the hostess of a flower shop Rose, the establishment of which is located on East Houston Street.

She invites you to go to a party in Bordell, located on the second floor. Talk there with Monk, Sonny (he is in a room with two girls) and a field. Suddenly, the police cloud chapters headed by a fierce sergeant. Go down, bribe Nathana Mahone that Karaulit at the entrance doors, and he will open them. Next, turn the left in the alley, eliminate the cops silently, trying not to come across the eyes, and go to the warehouse. On the second floor, talk to the rose and already at the roof, organize a unhappy event on the roof. So that no one thought about murder, raise it to the edge of the roof and reset down. "He was drunk, fell from the roof, just and everything," the subcoming rose palls. Go away from the roof, click Rose and return to the estate of Corleon.
The next step is the rank of Associate - taken. Get out of the house and chat with Jaggi - it will recommend capturing the warehouses to undermine the financial stability of competing clans. But it is so, between the case, the main thing - listen, what will say Danilo Damiko. If you have not been to Clemenzo's house in Brooklyn, now it's time to go there.

Death To The Traitor

Dona put the Paul Gatto. Together with Clemento you will come to the restaurant. Come inward, go up to the second floor and take dynamite from the box. Then talk to Clemenzo in front of the entrance, run behind him alleys to black go. Come inside, laid explosives on the second floor, next to the tables for playing billiards, and run out to the street, trying to have time until the building takes off the air. It remains for small - to deal with the traitor. How come to place, finish off the Gatto field. It will run away for containers, undermining boxes in narrow aisles. Now again on the chart of the pursuit - bring Clemento to a new apartment in Brooklyn, on Henry Street. The police on the tail are expected to be plentifully, so it will not be easy to get safely and maintained to the garage alley. After the mission, start performing side tasks, like custom murders, capture several shops, then go back home and answer the phone call. This is Monk, he is waiting in the restaurant on the 4th Avenue. Come in the restaurant, in the distant room will find Monka. And for what? So that he gave up the request of Tom Hagena about the meeting, as if it was impossible to say this by phone. Go to the Korleon Mansion, Tom is there.

It is necessary to teach one Hollywood showman, who, though old, but did not endorse his life with wisdom. No one can go against the corneone! Follow Rocco, trying not to come across the protection of the estate on the eyes. If someone lifts noise, then you have only 30 seconds to remove the heat (from the weapon right at hand only wire rental). It will not work, frightened the entire courtyard, and the mission will have to be replayed from the very beginning. It's a shame. First you need to get to the stable, where Rocco flaws the beloved horse of the Costa Costa.

In the game there are different opportunities for the murder of enemies, called "execution styles". Styles of executions will be counted only when killing a person belonging to one of the warring clans: Barzini, Tattallia, Cuneo or Straks. If you try to perform a penalty with police or ordinary people, you will not count the execution. If you have a single execution, then simply focus on the execution number:

1.Penalty "black grip".
Beach enemy with hands until he dies.

2.Execution "big boom."
You need to kill the enemy bomb. Can be in two ways:
1) Shoot the enemy to his knee (so that he does not escape) and throw him a bomb, and until he gets up, the bomb will explode.
2) bring the enemy to some car, then shoot him in the knee, then charming the car so that she caught fire, and until the enemy gets up, the car will explode - the execution will be counted (if the enemy will quickly rise, you can shoot him again ).

3.Execution "time for a cocktail".
Get a cocktail Molotov and throw to the enemy.

4.Penalty blow about the surface.
Beating enemy by any hand-to-hand weapon (baseball bat, iron pipe or a police baton), and when "execute" appears, press the corresponding key.

5.Penalty "grip of a black hand."
Beach enemy with hands, and when the inscription "Run" appears, press the corresponding key.

6.Execution "Solid Tool".
Beying the enemy until he almost remains health, then we bring it to the box to the left either right, the inscription "Throw" appears, press the "right" or "left", respectively, and beat the enemy about the drawer. The enemy must die and the box must be crashing (boxes can be found almost everywhere, especially their many in warehouses and villas).

7.Execution "Last Sigh".
Capture your enemy, then click the "Start" key and keep until the enemy is dying.

8.Execution via oven.
You need to throw the enemy to the oven. Can be in two ways:
1) It is necessary to bring it close to the oven, then press the "forward" key - the main character will overtake the enemy through the edge edge, then again it is necessary to press the "forward" key - the main character will throw the enemy from the oven.
2) to keep the enemy to the edge of the furnace, and when it is already close to the edge to the edge - then the protagonist will push the enemy and he will fall into the oven.
The furnaces can be found in bakery (bakery shops).

9.The execution "Road rage."
Sit into the car and knock the enemy.

10.The execution of a quiet killer.
Touch the enemy from the back, getting the pit and blow it.

11.Execution "Colored glass."
We find a structure in which there is a broken glass (glass windows in the racet buildings or booths with windows in warehouses), beat the enemy until he has health left, then push the enemy on the glass so that he, having hit the glass, and died, and At the same time broke it.

12.Watch step by step for your executions.
You need to throw the enemy from any roof. Can be in two ways:
1) It is necessary to bring it close to the side, then press the "forward" key - the main character will overtake the enemy through the side of the roof, then once again you need to press the "forward" key - the protagonist will throw the enemy from the roof.
2) to keep the enemy to the side of the roof, and when it is completely close to the side - let go - then the main character will pushing the enemy and will fly off the roof.

13.Execution "hit under the wheels".
Being the enemy while he almost will not remain health, then push him under a moving car (as if the driver knocked him down).

14.Penalty "to wallpaper."
Beying the enemy about the wall until he dies.

15.Execution "demolition hats".
Being the enemy until he remains about half of health, get any gun, then shoot him in the knee, then approach it, the inscription "Run" appears - press the corresponding key (the enemy should stand on the knees!).

16.Penalty pistol.
Being the enemy, while he does not have about half of health, then get any gun, it appears "Run" - press the appropriate key (the enemy should stand!).

17.Execution "without face."
Beying the enemy until he remains about half of health, then shoot him from the gun to his knee, then get the Tompson / shotgun, come to the enemy, the inscription "Run" appears - press the appropriate key (the enemy should stand on your knees!).

18.Execution "in the guts."
Being the enemy while he does not have about half of health, then get the tompson / shotgun, come to the enemy, the inscription "Run" appears - press the appropriate key (the enemy should stand!).

You need to shoot the enemy in the shoulder so that he dropped his weapon.

20.Blow on the knee cup.
You need to shoot the enemy to the knee so that he fell.

21.Execution "Firetar".
You need to kill the enemy with several shots in the body.

22.The execution "Tagged".
You need to kill the enemy from the first shot (in the head).

And the second: SALIERI-BOSS.

This force cannot be given, it can only be taken.

h / f "Great Father"

America of the thirties-fifties, powerful Italian criminal organizations, conspiracies, family, honor, laws, moral principles and bloody business. Romance of Gangster Saga is well familiar to many of us. Somebearing, most of the books and films. "Once in America", "face with a scar", "glorious guys", "Casino", "Clan Soprano", "Last Don", "The Godfather" ... All this is an immortal classic, who knows that in certain circles will cause At least misunderstanding views.

World masterpieces do not need any changes in any changes. But the developers of computer and video games are clearly not considered so, otherwise how to explain the appearance of SCARFACE: The World Is Yours and THE GODFATHER: THE GAME? Tony Montana and the Unnamed gangster have already walked enough, turning the classics into hell knows what. The Great Father Mario Puzo is not at all about constant disassembly, but the first part of the game has reduced everything to them. Is it worth saying that she fell up with a crash, and the announcement of continuing could not be happy? However, all new and new videos persistently tried to convince us that everything will be fine that we will see something completely different, and even with a strategic regime and a powerful economic component. Not that we believe, but ... Light of hope caught fire.

Families First

Forget about the nameless guy who fell into the family of Corleon solely on the kindness of the spiritual elderly Don performed by Marlon Brando. Now we have been trusted not by the usual pawn, but the newly-made chapter of the mafia family under the shadow management of Michael Korleon. The prostagonist is the name of Dominic, and he was destined to take the place of his boss, who shot during the coup in Cuba. Now he will have to put his gang and all means to assist Korleon.

The second part of the Saga Coppola is unclearly considered the best (six statuettes "Oscar" confirm this opinion), so the developers have tried not to retreat from the plot. Here the betrayal and conspiracies are fully shown, the serious relationship of the senior and younger brothers, as well as the lawsuit over Michael Korleon, in which the Dominic is assigned its own role.

In addition to the plot tasks, naturally, there is a bunch of additional things: the seizure of the business, the fight against enemy families and help to ordinary citizens who, because of their convictions, cannot independently deal with problems. Lack of ...

Three terrain - New York, Florida and Cuba are presented in The Godfather II. The best development workers were able to send the post-revolutionary ownership of Fidel, while instead of a large apple slipped a little his stub. In any case, we will have to face five hostile groupings in these territories. Michael Korleon asked to expand the business, but it can be done in the only way - capturing other people's enterprises. All of them are combined on the network: smuggling of diamonds, drugs, entertainment for adults, smuggling weapons, hijacking machines and other ( look more in the table "Types of business" ). To fulfill the last task, you need to become the master of all "rackets" (this is exactly the name of the business player) and destroy all families. The latter is carried out by explosion of the main residence of each gang.

The capture of enterprises is no longer so straining as in the first part. More different buildings appeared, and the opponents of a bit walked. Although it does not save them: a tree, it is a tree. The only thing, if you can put it, the dignity of enemies is to vitality. Sometimes you need to release up to twenty cartridges from the machine to divide with the next gangster, and they can attack them and thirty for one skirmis.

If after these words you thought that the battles in the godfather II are non-dynamic, allow you to dissuade, because ten types of weapons (five of which are improved), gorgeous explosions, well-hand-to-hand fight, spectacular execution scenes (for each weapon - different) and participation In the battles of partners, make everyone in new and new fights. Minute partners?

Table 1
Types of business
Network of enterprises City Prize when capturing a network
Gambling Florida, Cuba Increases damage from firearms
Arms smuggling Cuba You can carry more explosives with you
Diamond smuggling Florida Body armor on the whole team
Chop Shops. Cuba, Florida Access to armored cars
Adult Entertainment. Cuba, Florida Hiring guards costs cheaper
Prostitution. New York Castes for team in hand-to-hand combat
Drugs. New York, Florida Twice the total income from the entire network
CONSTRUCTION. Florida The blown buildings are rejected faster
Gun Running Florida Increased ammunition

Updated family

The Godfather II has three cardinal differences from the original game of 2006. One of them is the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder with assistants. Dominica, because it must be a clan, and for this he will have to spend hard selection, taking in the family only the best of the best. There are six types of partners: engineer, member, medic, demolition, arsonist and throat. Everyone is good in their field, and the main parameters (vitality, the speed of completing the task, strength, etc.) can always be improved by spending a certain amount of money. This, by the way, concerns and Dominica.

This is a bug: The assistants always follow you everywhere, and sometimes even resort to magic - teleported. Sit into a double car, press the pedal to the floor and go to the other end of the city. As soon as you leave the car, the boils will be here as here. Maybe the bug, but very useful.

But even if you educate the ward everything, which is only possible, it is unlikely to be better to shoot. There are four types of weapons license: Basic (BASIC), developed (Advanced), Master (Master) and Expert (Expert). Each partner initially has a certain license, and believe me, the masters and experts are extremely rare. If you cross the bear and the demolition of you are just like this (in addition, it is possible to buy a new weapon permission only after the game in multiplayer mode.

On a note: Each of the five types of firearms can be enhanced twice, having gained great slaughter strength and rapidity. To do this, look for unaccificent places of trunks, highlighted in red.

And this is just a second cardinal difference from the first part. It was widely advertised by developers long before the release, and rollers from network battles appeared much earlier than recordings from a single campaign. Apparently, Electronic Arts made a big bet on the Mafia War on the Internet.

So, we have four game modes in which up to sixteen people can participate:

  • Team Deathmatch. (Fight between teams). The task is to kill all enemies in the collision wall on the wall. Classic.
  • Demolition Assault. (Assault with a subsection). Three demolitions should mince three objects on the territory of the enemy. The snag is that each new goal appears only after the previous one will be destroyed. In addition, opponents try to undermine your buildings, so hurry.
  • FireStarter (Pyer). As an appropriate member of the team, you divide the fire across the entire district, setting on cylinders with propane and barrels with gasoline. The more you managed to ignore, the greater the facts of the points you have. By killing the enemy arsonist, you will become the owner of his multiplier and, accordingly, will receive his glasses.
  • SafeCracker (bear). In the role of a cracker, you must open the safe and hold the position as long as possible, earning points. Naturally, the map is far from one repository. For example, the most difficult to keep the one that is in the center, but at the same time your works are rewarded much more generous than when the usual safe is protected.

In principle, the multiplayer regime of the Godfather II does not offer anything radically new compared to other projects. With the exception of several points. First, playing for a particular member of the team, you gain special scores that can be spent on improving the weapon license of the ward.

Secondly, as in a single campaign, there is a chance to play for the head of the family. You will not be able to run and shoot, but you can look at everything that happens on top and help your team, giving out the positions of enemies and supplying friends by body armor, ammunition and the like. At first, it's fun, but then it becomes pretty boring, because I want to be in the thick of events.

And since it was about the view from above, it is called "Don Map", or Don "s view. This is the third noticeable change compared to the original. By pressing the tab, a three-dimensional image of the city appears on the screen in which you are. Here you can manage your family, check financial reports, hire security for institutions, search for visits of authorities (police, politicians), follow the performance of tasks.

If one of your enterprises is attacked, then on the map it will hide, and shots will be heard behind the frame. In this case, you can either come to the scene, or send several people to resolve the conflict. Also absolutely optionally to capture the buildings independently: send two to three wards to the business, and you will save time.

Family errors

Naturally, the strategic regime makes a lot of new to the gameplay, and the plot missions and business management are quite interesting. But how is the case with side assignments? Say straight, in no way. Dominic may approach any passing and offer him his help. Don't you think that it smells of nonsense? The head of the criminal group himself runs through the streets and almost begins to make something to do. What's next? Politicians will go guard parking?

Moreover, additional missions are needed only at first, so as not to stay without a penny in his pocket. Then all these explosions and murders turn into a monotonous cragomotine, for which they do not want to take. To at least somehow pick up Dominica companions, he is offered to give the coordinates of the mining clans in exchange for some kind of service. Skinny from this is zero, because all of them can be killed during the skimming on the streets of the city.

Another regrettable moment is that the protagonist does not know how to swim nor jump. Furinous mafiosis is not able to boom even on the box, but hitting the water, it is instantly goes to the bottom. Perhaps the warehouse of weapons in the pockets of that reason?

The atmosphere and events of the "Cross Father 2" are well sustained, but the plot of the project is quite predictable. In addition, the game is linear is amused. On the one hand, this is a meaningful step - the action is limited to the film framework. But on the other - why then in the dialogs need several answers? What is changing? Never mind.

About the schedule, too, cannot withdraw positively, although it will not work with the ground. Magnificently decorated explosions, cute landscapes and good details of characters just do not give it to do. But the picture spoil the range of drawing, weak physics (but compared to flying machines from the first part it is a noticeable step forward) and general detail. Although what to demand from the engine, which in 2006 seemed a poor relative?

The only thing that pleases in terms of design is dialogues and music. The actors really tried to match the images, well, and the classic, favorite melodies from the "Cross Father" simply cannot leave indifferent.

Mafia is immortal

Unlike the game. In it, of course, there was a new place, a good idea: I could easily implement the strategic regime in the militant. Fights and battles on the network are also very good, and the overall impression as a whole remains positive. The Godfather II turned out to be much better than it could be assumed, but nevertheless he had not enough many trifles to the title of "Great Game." Perhaps several patches and work on mistakes will allow us the next time with your head to plunge into the romance of the criminal world.

Before joining an unequal battle for a place under the Sicilian Mafia, let's talk a little about the correct behavior in one situation or another and we will analyze the controversial moments.

  • The Godfather II thoroughly protects the main character, which does not allow him to swim, nor jump. What to say about falling from the roof or at least from the box ... But there is one tricky way to make the Dominica to fall from somewhere. To do this, just clamp the running button (default left Shift) And rush to the edge of the roof. Remember the trick of neo with jumping through buildings? It turns out that this was known in the 1950s.
  • With the next Rack, it is important to remember that each owner has weak points. To determine them, beat visitors, defeat the room or stick to the mistress of the owner itself. Something necessarily will and increase your income from this point by 25%.
  • When you will be able to adequately arm your partners, do not even think about the machine or shotgun. There is much better to put revolvers and sniper rifles in the hands of comrades. According to the slaughter force with them, nothing will be compared, but the rapidity here is far from the main thing. As a result, you will receive a practically an invincible team.
  • To move through the plot, and most importantly - to reach the last mission, you need to destroy all the criminal families and capture the whole business. So, as soon as you get to a new city, we start to submit enterprises without thinking. Make it later - that is still a fruit.
  • We assume that you have successfully coped with this and now you are waiting for the final task. The most important thing in it is not to pay attention to the enemies. Yes, yes, everything is true: there will be no much that many, even the troops of the Tatar-Mongolian army would be discussed. Do not waste the cartridges, be sure to enlist the support of the physician and run straight to the main goal. Well, the partners will cover if that.
  • During the siege of the enemy residence in your team there must be absolutely all assistants. In addition, start the battle is better from the car. Challenge the yard in the yard, remove the outdoor guard, and then leave the car. Use preferably a revolver and sniper rifle. The tidy shot will kill instantly, and this will save a bunch of time. It is not necessary to run through the head to the place that you need to minister, the risks do not reach. It is necessary to go slowly and carefully. Once inside, we have all the rooms for safes and weapons improvements. Well, before installing a bomb, plan a way to retreat in advance, otherwise you will kill you an explosion.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to help honest citizens with their problems. Naturally, it's not about crying into a shirt. Murdes, fights, sabotage, arson ... All this is for the sake of money or important information. The latter on the calibration is not so useful, but the extra pair of thousands of dollars does not hurt in his pocket. Confusion causes only the fact that often passersby ask Dominic to mined the building belonging to it. Many people scares, although there is nothing terrible here: the blown enterprise will recover in 15-20 minutes, but you will receive ten thousand dollars. In my opinion, it is profitable.
  • Each building should be protected by the maximum number of guards, otherwise you will quickly lose your business. If you can see that the company is attacked, immediately send two of the strongest assistants. They will wither the situation in two minutes.
  • To make life easier, we are offered to blow and capture the buildings with the hands of assistants. The first is a useless and disadvantageous occupation, but the idea to send several of its people to master new territories is pretty good. She will save you quite a lot of time, but can deprive parts of income. In this case, the saying "Time - Money" acquires a new meaning, but I would advise you to choose "time".
  • Dominic can easily find out where one of the key members of the enemy group is hidden and it is better to deal with it, but is it important? The answer is no. You can interrupt them all during the siege of the residence, and spend time on stupid disassembly pretty stupid.
  • The most important thing when the bank is robbery is to fit the car in advance to the exit through which you are going to clean. Ideally, it should be a double sports car. When you sit behind the steering wheel, the pedal is to the floor and drive to the Dominic Beror. You should not pay attention to the police: the place of two dead cops will take four new ones. Well, do not worry about the partners - their ability to teleport does not fail.
  • No offense on the streets of the city will not remain unnoticed. If you have just stole a car in front of the crowd, then one of the passers-by will definitely call the police station and lays you down. Above such a "rat" usually lights up the icon in the form of a red eye. You can either dissuade him from a rapid act, or demonstrate to all that happens to traitors.
  • Often I want to take someone new when all places are already busy. What to do? Hang on the most useless family member of the murder label. It will be found and finished in a matter of minutes, and one of the posts will be released.
  • Do not forget that you can buy if not all, then almost everything. This fully applies to the authorities. Perform their requests and in exchange. Get invisibility from the police, the ability to build someone from the members of the hostile family and the like.
  • Well, last: be extremely careful in Cuba. The territory here is small, and the mafia and the police are quite strong. There is no place to hide, but there will be no shootouts to avoid, and she risks to delay very long.


Without partners in The Godfather II Nowhere. It is clear: Don mafia family simply can not travel alone - suddenly what happens? Simultaneously with the Dominica there may be three-friendly, while everyone else is guarding important objects or relax in the society of beautiful ladies.

The hierarchy we have the following:

  • Don - Dominic.
  • Consilers - Tom Haygen.
  • Prudial (Three specializations).
  • Two Capo (two specializations).
  • Four soldiers (one, very rarely two specializations).

Career growth is extremely simple: you can choose a pet and raise it all higher and higher until it becomes your deputy, that is underworld. Each family member is an expert of a certain, not too legal business.

  • SafeCracker (bear).
  • Engineer (Engineer).
  • Arsonist.
  • Demolitions (demolition).
  • Bruiser (row).
  • Medic.

Each specialty is unique, so let's talk about them in more detail.

On a note: The best team (those three you take with you) should consist of two capo and horseman. On three, a total of seven specialties. Prudial Must own medicine, hacking safes and skill to fight, one of capo Must be an excellent demolution and engineer, second - ancestor and physician. Two doctors in the team - this is an application for a rapid victory.

SafeCracker (bear)

The vocation of this guy is to open the locks and safes. But if the door can be knocked out and knock out, it is hardly possible to repeat the same trick with the storage. At each enterprise and warehouse, in every home and the store necessarily there is a safe in which it lies from one to four thousand dollars. Nehuto, but for starters - it is very different. In addition, robbing the bank without cubs - I don't care what to send a brigade of milling mills to the Olympic Games.

Engineer (Engineer)

Do not think that the engineer helps repair a broken car or something else in this spirit. His favorite classes - cut through holes in the lattices and de-energize the buildings. The first is very useful if you like to enter the rear to the enemy or suddenly appear on the battlefield. In addition, some fenced places for calibration turn out to be caches in which the updated weapon is hidden.

As for balobiness with light, it is an extremely useful trick when robing a bank or when attacking the warehouse. The enemy turns out to be in the dark, does not see anything and becomes an excellent target for the killer with a gun with a silencer.

Medic (Medic)

Specialization speaks for himself - before us Dr. Aibolit, only instead of a bunny without a foot - a wounded Dominic, and instead of a thread with a needle - a shotgun.

You can do the first half of the game and without a doctor, but in his second help it will be needed. In particular, this applies to almost all tasks in Cuba, as well as the last mission. I'm silent about the seizure of the residence of the Cuban Mafia, during which two doctors may need at once - in case one of them is hurt.

Bruiser (row)

Why exactly "thumb"? This is not only the most appropriate translation of the word Bruiser, but also a clear characteristics of the Dominic partner - another word is simply not described. Healthy children with high forehead and minus thirty intelligence in the eyes - this is who our associate. What is the benefit of him? Well, he keeps much better than the rest, besides knows how to knock the door at the right moment. Why do the rest can not do this, however, it is somewhat incomprehensible, but nevertheless, you risks to fault certain tasks and remain without improvements for weapons.

Demolitions (demolition)

An ordinary average person who, when first visited the museum, will not say "What a beauty!", But "Trotil into the left corner from below, and the dynamite will put in a staircase." Perhaps this is the most important, even key, of all partners. He destroys the enemy enterprises, he raises the jars into the air, but most importantly - it is he who explodes the residence of competing groups. So, if you are going to arrange a raid on the mansion of the warring family, do not forget to grab a demolition with you, otherwise you will leave with anything.


And this is a real pyroman. I am pleased to raise the fire on the bar stand or set fire to a barrel with flammable. Sense from this, however, a little. In fact, only in one mission you will have the ability of the arsonist, in the rest you can do without it, leaving the warehouse or restaurant.

Not trouble, break through!

Mario Puzo.

Mario Gianlojigi Puzo (Mario Gianluigi Puzo) - The famous Italian American writer and the Writer who spoke after the publication of the novel "Great Father" in 1969. But is it really all that he managed to do during his life, - write a criminal saga and go into oblivion? Of course not.

Puzo was born in the poor family of non-political immigrants in 1920. His childhood passed in one of the most disadvantaged areas of New York - Helles Kitchen (Hell's Kitchen). It is now practically not told about him, but in those years it was the starting platform of most well-known criminals, especially Irish.

After graduating from the University, Puzo went to war and served in parts of the US Air Force. However, weak vision did not allow him to stay on the front line for a long time, in connection with which he was appointed officer for public relations in Germany.

In 1950, he wrote a small story "Last Christmas", and in 1955 his first book, "Arena Mraka" was published. The plot of the novel spins around the relationship of the American soldier and young Germans, and the action unfolds in post-war Germany.

In the period between the 1950s and 1960s, Puzo (under the pseudonym Mario Cleri) wrote stories about World War II for various male magazines, and also managed to work as a writer and editor.

The next book came out in 1965. She was called a "happy page" (in another version - "happy pilgrims") and told about the life of Italian emigrants in the United States during the Great Depression. And although critics are laughingly responded about the novel, he did not become popular.

And in 1969, the Gangster Saga "Great Father" saw the light. She instantly became a bestseller, after won the attention of all of America. Mario Puzo Vamig became the luminary world literature, and his name was heard from everyone. Even he did not expect such a reaction, since he sat down for the novel in order to ... earn. With five children in the hands, being a government employee, it is pretty hard to reduce the ends meet. According to Puzo, he himself never met honest gangster and wrote exclusively from what could be found in another literature.

In 1972, a little-known director Francis Ford Koppola presented the public "The Great Father" film, the screenwriter to which was the author of the book of the same name. Something was changed so that the movie looks better on the screens, but it did not prevent him from getting eleven nominations for the Oscar award. As a result, he won three figurines, one of which went to Puzo. He received the second in 1974 for the script for the continuation of the film.

All subsequent works of Puzo did not make a comparison with the "godfather", but they still won popularity, and some were fused. For example, "Last Don".

Puzo died in 1999 from heart failure, having time to publish the Roman "Omerta" before that, and in 2001, "Family" came out, the finished Carol Gino - a widow writer.

1 2 All

Mafia games have always been popular with almost any audience. And the genre is not important: whether it is a strategy, like omets, mods on San Andreas, etc., and Ave. The public with pleasure is glad to the criminal past of the West. What to talk about the super-fast Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, an equally resonant second part and about an inexorable approaching Mafia III.

However, this is all the franchises "in themselves" - without relying, their creators were completely given to the creative gust. Today I suggest to remember the series, even if only two games, which had a magnificent novel Mario Puezo, excellent productions of Francis Ford Coppola, seasoned with the wonderful music of Nino Rota.

At GMbox, during the transfer of "Crazy Collection", Viktor Zuev expressed the view that "the godfather is a passage, and the pass through the license." Take the basis of the skeptical statement of Victor and on the basis of its own gaming experience, we will try to realistically assess the quality of this dilogy.

But here's about the rules, on a second: consider the technical characteristics, engine, publisher, the texture in the lower left corner of the screen at the 100 level we will not. We have to appreciate the creative approach, interest in the game, simply understand the project and think about whether it is worth playing here and now.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

During the Cycle "In captivity of the franchise", we were already able to find out that games for books \\ films are divided into two types: olive and canonical. Canonical clearly follow the plot of the film, a series or book, turning into some addition, and the olives have a similarity with the original in the setting, minor characters and an atmosphere. With the "godfather" the situation is more interesting.

Neither Michael Korleon, nor Sunny to play us. While our maximum at the beginning: it is Luka Brazi. But only after we will generate our own character on the sims-like designer. Random is present, so you can also not bother.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

We go on and with the move not a very convenient system of fight. The management here is perhaps the faster than in the cooperative "Cup of Fire", and the games, it should be noted, almost the sameness. But then everything is generally settled. Also, the next controversial moment occurs on cat scenes. Someone likes when touching scenes first and until the end of the game cannot be missed, and someone on the contrary, talking about it as a clear minus game.

By the way, about them.

By itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bembrying the game concept in the plot of the film causes concerns: you can predict all the proms of developers in advance, the clisitation of scenario ideas, the dependence of the gameplay from certain moments of the film. I did not exception and this game: in favor of the plot, we are forced to dismiss the wounded Don of Corleon to the hospital or to hide the revolver in the toilet before dinner with Solozz. Roughly speaking, carry out all dirty work.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

The plot of the game, as well as the gameplay here, the maximum landed and template, which is also a consequence of "gluing" the action of the game of the film. Our developers even real shots would be inserted, as it was in the notorious "paragraph 78". But in the "Cross Father" the original frame is changing the abbreviated simulated version of the same event. By the way, improvisation here is also enough: the main character, rising up the criminal hierarchical staircase, falls in love, betrays, beats, as a lion and stamping like a bee. Rolevka, here also present: you can pump one of five points. However, I think it does not make sense to retell completely Fabul game. It is much more interesting to discuss the features of the gameplay.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

Anticipating the next assessment point of the "Cross Father", it is worth noting that comparisons with the legendary first "mafia" were inevitable. It understood the developers. But an understanding of understanding, and the execution is very secondary. And not because the cars here are ugly and simplify, starting with wheels or hood. The whole thing in the city. New York of this game, rather, dead than alive. Streets are similar to each other; Gray and dull they just kill the atmosphere of the game. Complete. From the wrong seriousness of the story there is no trace. It remains only ... Sleepy. Although, many on the contrary rated this particular game component.

If the despondency is a grave sin, then all the sinners who walked to the middle of the "godfather". Yes, and the tasks "catch up" and "kill" do not have fun.

Well, in Sicle, the paints added, changed the hero, changed the plot and completely reincarnated the structure of the game. Get ready to capture buildings, the more, the better. Press the business! Break out of the dirt in the prince, kill enemies as a bloodthirs as possible!

Dominic, so the name of our hero, may not even be upset if it is killed. I will tell you more (to whom I will say who reminds): he will not die. A hospital simulated on the GTA principle will help the Dominic and will send home to replay the task.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

With the control here, too, not everything is smooth. It, to put it mildly, is not the most responsive and definitely not the most comfortable.

We will ratify this all a bunch of Lyapov: Florida is a city, Cuba - too, New York is small, and the cars are still diverged in the air. By the way, about the map: The division on "their" and "strangers" is quite interesting, but not devoid of flaws. In particular, to win the "alien" part of the city you will need to perform tasks associated with boring and monotonous dialogues. In general, the lion's share of tasks comes down to the murder of someone or pogrom in the random bar.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

However, despite all the disadvantages and blunders, something like the depths of the city appeared in the Cross Father-2. Unfortunately, this can not be said about the plot. And the depth of the city itself, in my humble opinion, not even at the level of 2009. The secondary characters have the same faces, the streets are the same, the interaction with the world is kept in a steadily average level.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

But what Sikvel definitely wins at the first part, so it is in the atmosphere. Here it is not lost in the middle of the game, getting into the viscous networks of despondency and soulless, no, "God's father -2" will manage to withstand a common mood under an excellent familiar soundtrack.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

Thus, the game deserves 6.5 out of 10.

But summing up the above, it will not be a crime the following. "The Great Father", as well as its continuation is the games of childhood from a fairly impressive number of players. And games from childhood, as you know, we are ready to forgive a lot. I, for example, even kill, do not understand the charm of the first Resident Evil, but considering that this game has become a loved one for the whole generation of players, you have to make it a certain discount in the assessment. A similar story happens to the "godfather". These games either on iota do not correspond to the greatness of films (first two, at least) and even more so, books. But I can never explain it, say, to my neighbor who does not put Vice City, but in the "godfather" periodically play, without hiding the stingy nostalgic tear.

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

In captivity of the franchise number 12. Review of the Great Father Games

Now conclusions for the younger, even younger than your humble servant, generation.

This series is not a classic, mandatory for study. The value that the films carried and the book you do not get, and if you want to touch the classics of the Gangster themes in the world of games, I advise you to contact Mafia, Vice City, San Andreas, Omerta. Partly undervalued Scarface at least to the classics and does not apply, but I can also recommend it to study. Of course, to expand your horizons will never hurt, but if you are going to play in the "godfather" after all or at least some of the above games, it will be akin to reading Panayev after Dostoevsky: like both contemporaries, both, of course, talented, and the world Classic - Fyodor Mikhailovich.

A little blasphemous comparison, however, it is on it that I want to finish this article. The next has already been printed, and as soon as this post will pass a certain threshold of the plus, I will immediately lay out it. I hope you enjoyed it.

And today, thanks to all.

P.S. Bravo, Victor. Your definition is truly as laconic, so and reliable.

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