Craft World Kraft of all things. Review of Craft The World

Refinement Roguelike-Classics Recently - a fashion trend, so the studio has tried their strength in this direction. The source of inspiration for the authors served (externally reminds her eliminated copy) and, although in the end they turned out a lightweight version overlooking the side and modern graphics adapted for a wide audience.

I can dig, I can not dig

The narrative of the detachment of brave gnomes begins classically for the "sandbox": from disembarking a lonely scout without equipment on a hostile island. What happens next - entirely depends on the settings selected at the start of the party. Several options turn the "casual" entertainment in a merciless struggle for existence, where every error can become fatal.

Danger lies everywhere: the surfaces are wandering on the surface, evil spirits, spiders and carnivorous plants are becoming in the dark of the dungeons, careless miners will wait for the colonies of predatory ants, and the Goblin tribes are always ready to make a sudden roster raid. If these threats are not so terrible on the light level of complexity, then it is necessary to brave on hard doors on hard, placing a dwelling with a variety of traps and in every way to protect your scratched wards. It is impossible to completely avoid battles: for the dead enemies they give experience necessary to increase the population.

Another reason to leave safe refuge - resource mining. Everything you need to dwarfs, they can make it possible to make it easier. To do this, it is enough to place the components in the right order of 9 cells of the workbench, just like in. The only difference is that complex items are not created instantly: for some time they "reach the condition" in the forge, on a joinery or on the focus. A total of two hundred recipes, and useless among them, it seems no. For example, home decorations improve comfort and help rapid strength after the battle. Starting the game, we get to choose from two models of development - consistent and "sandbox": in the first technology, they open in turn, from simple to difficult, and nothing restrains in the second creativity, it is only necessary to find (or guess) the right recipe.

Lead settlement is not difficult. Mostly everything costs issuing tasks that the gnomes are working properly. Dangerous directions can be broken by prohibiting signs, and tired and hungry workers to force to sleep and eat. Finally, in any gnome, you can "accomplish." It is not very cool in this mode, but it is easier to build big structures: there is no need to drive to the warehouse, the details are already in your pocket.

Where bearded pioneers do not cope, magic is going to move. A dozen spells are enough to relieve life, and the most important thing is the portal - available immediately. It allows you to get anywhere, bypassing all obstacles. Mana is restored slowly, but if you do not spread the fiery balls to the left and right, then there will be no major problems with it.

Although even with a neat game, it is difficult to do without loss. Bedalli can die out in the same place: jump into the crowd of monsters, fall into a deep mine or drown in the lake. Moreover, all its equipment falls out of the dead, and comrades run it to pick it up with a predictable result. With the standard settings, it is not particularly worried about this account: after a few minutes, new settlers come to replace the fallen, and things can be returned with the spell. Only studied skills will disappear, but they are still sold in the store. Updated masochists connoisseurs can choose the Permanent Death mode - here it is very good by the way, there will be strong nerves, because the price of the error increases much.

Minimum requirements Recommended system

Pentium 4 / Athlon XP 2 GHz
1 GB of memory
Video card with 512 MB of memory
200 MB on Winchester

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Time to the appearance of the first wave: 42 minutes + Time until the next night. Interval between waves: 54 minutes. If you destroy all monsters from the portal for 6 minutes, the player will receive an additional experience.


Gnomes - controlled by the player of the creature of the world Craft the World. Their maximum number is always equal to the level of the player. The dead dwarves are possible to revive with the help of the potion of resurrection in the presence of a shower of a shower. If it is not, then a new one will come to the place of the deceased gnome.


Every gnome, regardless of the skills, has a maximum health of 10 units. (Visually - 3 hearts). There are several ways to restore health: the use of elixir, food (having the effect of treatment), sleep and rest (the gnome stands still and "idle").


Each new gnome originally has 1 random skill, which in the future can be developed using books or repeating you need for the skill of action. It is possible to train the dwarves to other skills with the help of workmanship books.


Free gnomes will automatically go to perform the tasks issued by the player. They will also independently select objects lying on Earth and attach them to the warehouse. In some cases, it is more convenient to control each directly by taking under hand control. In this mode, the installation range and destruction of the block increases by 1 single cell. Also an indisputable plus of manual control is the absence of the need to go for the resources to the warehouse, since the player and the gnome immediately have access to all reserves.

Worlds Games

  • Earth of new hopes - This is the first planet campaign. The geography of the forest world mainly consists of a fertile land, for the most part of the cropped forest (also, the glades of the woven wheat are often found), and a large amount of water bodies.
  • Land of the Winter Sky - Second planet campaign. A distinctive feature of the snow world is the abundance of snow and ice. Of these, for the most part, the superficial layer of the world, the snow also falls in the form of precipitation instead of rain.
  • Land of dry winds - This is the third and most index world. The surface layer occupies lifeless sand (occasionally crouched cacti) and a stone, with rare areas of oasis, and the upper quarter of the underground world consists not from the usual land, but from sandstone - a mixture of land and sand. In addition, with time from time to time, powerful tornadoes are carried out from time to the surface, lift into the air, tolerated for some distance and throw, causing damage, creatures (including not only the gnomes), and even can destroy fragile wood buildings .
  • The land of dangerous caves is the fourth world in which enemies will jump on you from above. Also, there is a huge colony of goblins. And you need to undermine the deity.
Initial publications
IGN.6,2 / 10
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Riot Pixels.70%

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Excerpt characterizing Craft the World

"Here's right now," said the girl, and running the courtyard, she opened the gate in the Tesov fence and, stopping, pointed out the pierra on a small wooden waggel, burning light and hot. One side hit him, the other burned, and the flame was brightly knocked out under the holes of the windows and from under the roof.
When Pierre entered the gate, he was hung with heat, and he unwittingly stopped.
- Which is your home? - he asked.
- Oh oh! - The girl overwhelmed, pointing to the outhouse. - He is the most, she was our most faith. Burned, treasure you are mine, the Katechka, the young lady, my beloved, oh! - overlap Anisk at the sight of a fire, feeling the need to shoot and their feelings.
Pierre jumped to the fluelier, but the heat was so strong that he was unwanted described the arc around the flaghel and found himself a big house, which was still burning only on the one hand from the roof and near which the crowd of the French. Pierre first did not understand what these French were doing that stuck something; But, having seen a Frenchman who beat a stupid Tesacian a man, taking a fur coat with a fox, Pierre understood that it was robbed, but he had no time to stop at this thought.
The sound of the cod and the roast of the winding walls and the ceilings, whistles and hissing of the flame and the lively cries of the people, the type of oscillating, then the detached thick black, then wring the brightened clouds of smoke with sparkles and where is solid, sheltered, red, where the golden gold, crossed on the walls of the flame , the feeling of heat and smoke and the speed of movement made their usual exciting action of fires on Pierre. The action it was especially strongly on Pierre, because Pierre suddenly felt his thoughts liberated from his thoughts. He felt young, cheerful, clever and decisive. He surchated Flygenec from the side of the house and wanted to escape to that part of him, which was still standing when he was heard over his head, the cry of several votes was heard and followed the crackle and the ringing of something serious, fallen beside him.
Pierre looked around and saw in the windows of the French house, thrown out the drawer of the chest filled with some kind of metal things. Other French soldiers standing downstairs approached the drawer.
- EH BIEN, QU "EST CE QU" IL VEUT CELUI LA, [what else is needed,] - shouted one of the French on Pierre.
- UN ENFANT DANS CETTE MAISON. N "Avez Vous Pas Vu Un Enfant? [Child in this house. Have you seen a child?] - said Pierre.
- Tiens, QU "EST CE QU" IL CHANTE CELUI LA? Va Te Promener, [this one still interprets? Get out to hell,] - voices heard, and one of the soldiers, apparently, afraid, so that Pierre did not think to take away silver and bronze from them, who were in the box, threateningly shook him.
- Un Enfant? - shouted on top of the Frenchman. - J "Ai Entendu Piailler Quelque Chose Au Jardin. PEUT ETRE C" EST SOU MOUTARD AU BONHOMME. FAUT ETRE HUMAIN, VOYEZ VOUS ... [baby? I heard something squeaked in the garden. Maybe this is his child. Well, it is necessary for humanity. We are all human…]
- OU EST IL? OU EST IL? [Where is he? Where is he?] - asked Pierre.
- Par Ici! Par ICI! [Here, here!] - shouted to him the Frenchman from the window, showing the garden, formerly at home. - Attendez, Je Vais Descendre. [Wait, I'll go now.]
And indeed, in a minute, the Frenchman, black-eyed small with some kind of spot on the cheek, jumped out of the window of the lower floor in one shirt and, having slammed Pierre on the shoulder, ran to the garden with him.
"Depechez Vous, Vous Autres," he shouted to his comrades, "Commence a Faire Chaud." [Hey, you, more likely, soldering starts.]
Switching out for the house on the sand covered with sand, the Frenchman pulled the Pierre's hand and pointed him on a circle. Under the bench lay a three-year-old girl in a pink dress.
- Voila Votre Moutard. AH, UNE PETITE, TANT MIEUX, - said the Frenchman. - Au Revoir, MON GROS. FAUT ETRE HUMAIN. Nous Sommes Touch Mortels, Voyez Vous, [Here is your child. A girl, the better. Goodbye, fat man. Well, it is necessary for humanity. All people,] - And the Frenchman with a stain on the cheek ran back to his comrades.
Pierre, choking with joy, ran up to the girl and wanted to take her on his hands. But, seeing someone else's man, goldenly painful, similar to mother, unpleasant girl shouted and rushed to run. Pierre, however, grabbed her and raised him; She sneaks desperately with an evil voice and his little hands began to tear the hands of Pierre and snotty mouth to bite them. Pierre covered a sense of horror and ugly, similar to the one he experienced when touched some small animal. But he made an effort on his own, so as not to quit the child, and ran back to the big house with him. But it was no longer possible to go back the same expensive; The girls Anisky was no longer there, and Pierre with a sense of pity and disgust, pressing to themselves as a gentle little sobbing and wet girl, ran through the garden to search for another exit.

When Pierre, having fallen into the yards and alleys, went back with his burden to the Georgian garden, at the corner of the cook, he did not recognize the place from which he went for the child: so it was cluttered by the people and pulled out of the houses. In addition to Russian families with their good, saved here from the fire, there were also several French soldiers in various robes. Pierre did not pay attention to them. He was in a hurry to find a family family, in order to give a mother's daughter and go again to save someone else. Pierre seemed to be something else to him and quickly need to do. It is broken from the heat and running, Pierre at that moment even stronger than before, he experienced the feeling of youth, revival and decisiveness that covered him while he ran to save the child. The girl slept now and, holding the handle for Kattin Pierre, sat on his hand and, like a wild animal, looked around him. Pierre occasionally looked at her and smiled slightly. It seemed to him that he saw something touchingly innocent and angelic in this frightened and painful lear.
In the same place, neither an official nor his wife was no longer. Pierre quick steps went between the people, looking around various persons who came across to him. Involuntarily, he noticed the Georgian or Armenian family, which consisted of a beautiful, with the eastern type of face, a very old man, dressed in a new indoor Tulup and new boots, the old women of the same type and a young woman. This very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of Eastern beauty, with her sharp, arcs outlined black eyebrows and a long, unusually gentle blush and beautiful face without any expression. Among the stretched belongings, in the crowd on the square, she, in his rich satin salope and a brightly lilacker, covered her head, resembled a gentle greenhouse plant, thrown on the snow. She sat on the nodes somewhat behind the old woman and still with large black oblong, with long eyelashes, looked in the ground. Apparently, she knew her beauty and was afraid for her. The face was struck by Pierre, and he, in his hasty, passing along the fence, looked at her several times. Having reached the fence and still not finding those whom he needed, Pierre stopped, looking around.
Pierre's figure with a child in his arms was now even more remarkable than before, and several people gathered about Russian men and women.
- Or lost someone, dear man? You yourself are of noble, or what? Whose child then? - asked him.
Pierre answered that the child belonged to a woman and a black salope, which was sitting with the children at this place, and asked if she knew her and where she had moved.
"After all, it must be," said Old Deacon, turning to a rowab. "Mr. Mr., Lord, Homes," he added to the usual bass.
- Where is the Anferov! - said Baba. - Anferov left in the morning left. And this is either Marya Nicholas, or Ivanov.
"He says - a woman, and Marya Nikolavna - Baryn," the yard said.
"Yes, you know her, the teeth are long, thin," said Pierre.
- And there are Marya Nikolavna. They went to the garden, as the wolves then they flew out, "said Baba, pointing to French soldiers.

Hi, igrozor!

Last week, I met the game-sandbox Craft The World. At least the game of 2014, but to play it interesting today. Craft The World is one of the representatives of the Games of Sandboxes, with a peculiar control and non-standard gameplay for the games of this genre. Starting the game in the sandbox, I expect the diversity of hot keys (Hi Factorio) and teams, but in Craft the World, hot keys, there is practically no, in the game of a kind of simplified version of interaction with the world, in general, you still need to get used to such simplicity.

The game is not without your minuses, but definitely advise all lovers of the genre, try to play.

So during the time I spent in the game, I had various questions and in this regard, I decided to write a review guide on Craft the World for those who are just starting the game, in general instructions for beginners.

The game

The game is nothing complicated, there are several gnomes in your control (one by one level), with the hands of which you make your way through the depths of the earth in search of minerals. After the 4th minion, the timer turns on, after which the hordes of the demons attack your fortress, attack your fortress.

Small lifehak: If you do not want to beat back from the hordes of the enemies every time, at the time of the attack on you, move the camera away from the base and wait the night. By the morning the enemies will disappear, and the base will remain a whole (in 9 out of 10 cases). When your base is not in the focus of the camera, attackers can "clock" to break up your fortifications.

Especially for such tactics, you can climb all the exits and entrances and do something like a fortress under the ground.

You will be involved in a fight or avoid it, in any case, the entire gameplay is built on the technology tree that you need to study to get the best equipment and create final parts for the portal. In order to study new technology, you need to create objects from the found materials, some items can be disassembled to return the spent resources, and some are not. Therefore, I present a list of all major beliefs for crafting, which can be disassembled into parts and which will not be disassembled.


Your home can be built from anything: snow, earth, stone, ice, wood, brick, etc. At the very first stage of the game, it is best to build from the utility materials - land, snow, sand and later replacing it on those materials from which you want to build your fortress.

Small lifehak: If you have a stress with a meal or you do not know where to buy the grain (for the same pumping technology), then do not hurry to change the earthen floor on a tree or stone. In the dugout from time to time, rats appear, which are a source of meat, and their nests after destruction give a few wheat sections.

Wooden wall - Strength 5, Comfort 1 (Disassemble impossible!)

Wooden set of walls - Strength 5, Comfort 2 (Disassemble impossible!)

Stone Wall - Strength 9, Comfort 1 (Disassemble impossible!)

Stone set of walls - Strength 6, Comfort 1 (Disassemble impossible!)

Luxury set of walls - Strength 7, Comfort 3 (Disassemble impossible!)

Brick wall - Strength 12, Comfort 2 (Disassemble impossible!)

Roof of leaves - Disassemble impossible!

Tile roof - Disassemble impossible!

Decorative plaster - Strength 5, Comfort 1 (Disassemble impossible!)

Bas-relief "Flowers" - Disassemble impossible!

The buildings

Almost all the buildings can be disassembled and even enough "expensive" items can be used to pump wood technology.

Stairs - Help the gnomes climbing obstacles or come down on the contrary. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden door - limits the territory of the house and does not give opponents to penetrate inside. (You can disassemble!)

Interroom door - serves solely for the interior. (You can disassemble!)

Iron door - Improved version of the wooden door. (You can disassemble!)

Steel door - the strongest of all doors. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden Luc - It carries all the functions of the door, but only for vertical passages (climbing). (You can disassemble!)

Iron Luc - Improved version of the wooden hatch. (You can disassemble!)

Bridge from Breign - Bridge has a bridge, everything is clear with him. I do not advise you to build in general, because of the impossibility of disassembly. (Disassemble impossible!)

Wooden bridge - The bridge is a bridge, everything is clear with him too. I do not advise you to build in general, because of the impossibility of disassembly. (Disassemble impossible!)

A stone bridge - This bridge I advise you to build, it can be disassembled. (You can disassemble!)

Flag - Need to build an additional warehouse. (You can disassemble!)

Additional warehouse - Need for the gnomes not returned every time to the main base, but handed over and took objects from it. (You can disassemble!)

Crafting table - Need for the manufacture of wood products. (You can disassemble!)

Forge - Need for the manufacture of metal products. (You can disassemble!)

Workshop - Need for the manufacture of stone products. (You can disassemble!)

Laboratory - Need for cooking potions. (You can disassemble!)

Mill - Need for the manufacture of flour. (You can disassemble!)

Elevator - Helps the gnomes quickly move along the vertical mine. (You can disassemble!)

Rails - Need to build the railway. (Disassemble impossible!)

Trolley - Need to move the gnomes on rails. (You can disassemble!)

Railway switch - Using the switch you can stop for trolleys. (You can disassemble!)

Scaffolding - Instantly put and remove, allowing you to get the gnomes to the tops, an excellent replacement of stairs. (You can disassemble!)

Sign "Careful" - Forbids the gnomes to pass through it. (You can disassemble!)

Farm fence - Need to build a farm. Build 5 fences in a row to appear farm house. (You can disassemble!)

Trap - Need for catching animals, both for mining and farm. (You can disassemble!)

Bed from leaves - Need for leisure of gnomes. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden bed - Improved version of the bed from the leaves. Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Elegant bed - Improved version of the tree of wood. Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Luxury bed - The most luxurious bed. Comfort 12. (You can disassemble!)

Multi-tier bed - A great solution for saving space, you can build on each other. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden table - A simple table to which you can upload food for the gnomes. Comfort 1. (You can disassemble!)

Wide table - Improved version of the simple table, accommodates more food. Comfort 4. (You can disassemble!)

Table with tablecloth - Improved widespread version. Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Bone with Kotletik - We are necessary for cooking culinary dishes. (You can disassemble!)

Stone sing - Improved version of the fire with a kitel. (You can disassemble!)

Big oven. - Improved version of the stone oven. (You can disassemble!)

Barrel with wine - produces homemade wine (feeder 1, healing 33%). (You can disassemble!)

Totem - Creates aura for home. (You can disassemble!)

Soul keeper - Stores the soul of dead gnomes, which can be resurrected by the potion of resurrection. (You can disassemble!)

Improved portal - Need for a network game.


Things for the decor are needed for both home decoration and to increase the comfort rate, its quantity can be viewed if you hover the mouse cursor on the totem. The higher the indicator, the faster the gnomes restore their health.

Stone column - Disassemble impossible!

Black column - You can disassemble!

Tower spire - You can disassemble!

Klumba - You can disassemble!

Fountain - You can disassemble!

Wooden chest - You can disassemble!

Metal chest - You can disassemble!

Statues of Gargulia - You can disassemble!

Round window - Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Classic wooden window - Comfort 3. (You can disassemble!)

Square window - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Stitched - Comfort 8. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden chair - Comfort 2. (Disassemble impossible!)

Big chair - Comfort 3. (You can disassemble!)

Fabric chair - Comfort 4. (You can disassemble!)

Leather chair - Comfort 7. (You can disassemble!)

Sofa - Comfort 7. (You can disassemble!)

Bookshelf - Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Wardrobe with shelves - Comfort 4. (You can disassemble!)

Wardrobe - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Glass cabinet - Comfort 6. (You can disassemble!)

Round mirror - Comfort 1. (You can disassemble!)

Decorative mirror - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Shield with a skull - Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Decorative shield - Comfort 3. (You can disassemble!)

Scenery - Comfort 3. (You can disassemble!)

Portrait - Comfort 3. (You can disassemble!)

Skura on the wall - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Wall carpet - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Pennant - Comfort 12. (You can disassemble!)

Clay pot - Comfort 1. (You can disassemble!)

Flowers in a pot - Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Glass vase - Comfort 2. (You can disassemble!)

Potted plant - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Barrel - Comfort 5. (You can disassemble!)

Aquarium - Comfort 7. (You can disassemble!)

Cage with bird - Comfort 7. (You can disassemble!)

Cuckoo-clock - Comfort 10. (You can disassemble!)

Clock with pendulum - Comfort 10. (You can disassemble!)

Statue of Rory Koneshira - Comfort 7. Mining skill +5. (You can disassemble!)

Statue of Gunnar Ironfista - Comfort 7. War Skill +5. (You can disassemble!)


Torch - Lights the room. Disassemble impossible!

Bone torch - Lights the room (has a greenish tint). Disassemble impossible!

Mining lamp - Serves for lighting. Disassemble impossible!

Lighting stand - Street light. Disassemble impossible!

Lamp - Improved version of the lighting rack. Disassemble impossible!

Wall lamp - Luminaire for home. Comfort 2. Disassemble impossible!

Little chastley - Improved lamp for home. Comfort 4. Disassemble impossible!

Defensive structures

Wooden slingshot (You can disassemble!)

Hedge - slows down the movement of enemies. (You can disassemble!)

Iron fence - Improved version of the hedge. (Disassemble impossible!)

Brick fence - Improved version of the iron fence. (You can disassemble!)

Stone Boynitsa - Allows the gnomes to attack from shelter. (You can disassemble!)

Wooden trapping - causes damage to animals and enemies. (Disassemble impossible!)

Iron trapping - Improved version of the wooden cappon. (Disassemble impossible!)

Wooden cage - stops enemies for a while. (Disassemble impossible!)

Iron Cell - Improved version of the wooden cell. (Disassemble impossible!)

Wooden tower - shoots on monsters. (You can disassemble!)

Crossbow - Improved version of the wooden tower. (You can disassemble!)

Tower Tesla - striking the nearest opponents, can be built at 3 levels. (You can disassemble!)

Automatic catapult - Deals damage in the area, can break the design. (You can disassemble!)

House Zhabaliska (You can disassemble!)

House Sovokota - Contains one pet that will protect the dwelling. Comfort 15. (You can disassemble!)


Training mannequin - It serves to increase the skill of war. (You can disassemble!)

Mechanical training mannequin - Improved version of the training mannequin. (You can disassemble!)

Target - serves to increase the skill of the archer. (You can disassemble!)

Tir - Improved target version. (You can disassemble!)

Magic ball - It serves to increase skills at the magician. (You can disassemble!)

Magic Tir - Improved version of the magic ball. (You can disassemble!)


Topors - Stone, iron, steel, silver, mifryl, are needed to cut trees, some of them are slightly added to the attack. (You can disassemble!)

Kirki. - Stone, iron, steel, silver, myfrils, are needed for the sack of the earth, some of them are slightly added to the attack. (You can disassemble!)

Weapons - Swords, Bulava, Luke, Sources - Weapons for Dwarves. (You can disassemble!)

Helmets, armor, shoes, shields - Add armor units to the gnomes, but reduce the speed of movement, the more armor, the more decreases the speed. (You can disassemble!)

Arrows - add damage to archers. (Disassemble impossible!)

Grindstone - Increases the skill of war. (You can disassemble!)

Glove Archer - Increases the skill of the archer. (You can disassemble!)

Bag with elixirs - Increases the skill of the magician. (You can disassemble!)

Ku - Increases the number of items on 1. To wear on the gnomes in the first place. Significantly speeds up the process of construction or excavation. (You can disassemble!)

Durable koking - Increases the number of items by 2. (You can disassemble!)

Hacksaw - Increases the skills of the logger and carpenter. (You can disassemble!)

Portable lamp - Increases the skill of the miner. (You can disassemble!)

Bucket with worms - Increases fisherman skill. (You can disassemble!)

Cook - Increases the chef's skill. (You can disassemble!)

Apron Kuzneztsa - Increases the skill forge. (You can disassemble!)

Sieve - Increases the skill of the miller. (You can disassemble!)

Cats Skalolaza - Increase the skill of climbing. (You can disassemble!)

Float - Increase the skill of the swimmer. (You can disassemble!)

Bucket - Used to transfer water. (Disassemble impossible!)

Fishing rod - Need to catch fish. (You can disassemble!)

Scissors - Need for shearing sheep on the farm. (You can disassemble!)

Diving helmet - Allows the gnomes to float for a long time under water, dresses automatically. (You can disassemble!)

Parachute - removes the gnome from falling from a high height. (You can disassemble!)

A set of fast stairs - Gnome independently sets several stairs to achieve the goal. (You can disassemble!)


Elixir Health - Used to restore the health of the gnomes (33%). (Disassemble impossible!)

Elixir Mana - Used to replenish mana. (Disassemble impossible!)

Elixir Fire - Helps the gnomes to cause fiery balls. (Disassemble impossible!)

Elixir Ice Boer - Helps the gnomes to cause ice arrows. Frost the enemy for a few seconds. Very effective means. (Disassemble impossible!)

Elixir transfiguration - Helps the gnomes to turn opponents into the snails. I do not advise them to create at all, since they cannot be disassembled. With the fights with dragons, there was an unpleasant incident, when one of the magicians turned him into the snail, cried all the extraction from the dragon, and so not much. (Disassemble impossible!)

Elixir oblivion - Helps the gnomes to forget all his skills. (Disassemble impossible!)

Resurrection potion - allows you to resurrect the deceased gnome. To use the elixir, the construction of the "Shower Guardian" is required. (Disassemble impossible!)


Online game - Includes a network game.

Portal - Opens the portal at the appointed place. 2 mana.

Magic light - Lights a small space. 1 mana.

Fire ball - Causes a fireball for defeating opponents. 5 mana.

Magic explosion - Deals great damage to opponents, can destroy blocks. 20 mana.

Magic forest - Causes the growth of trees in the specified place. 4 mana.

Compass - Indicates the secret room. 10 mana.

General collection - Calls upon the gnomes to gather in the specified location. 3 mana.

Rain or snow call - Causes precipitation. 3 mana.

Fast resource collection - Collects and sends all the underlying resources to the warehouse. 3 mana.

Calling imps - Call flying helpers who help to collect resources. 3 mana.

Miscellaneous (Shop)

Magic crystal - reduces the cost of spells when the main warehouse is deployed.

Mana Generator - accelerate mana regeneration by 300%.

Storage Mana - Increases the stock of mana by 20 units.

Gate of the portal - Open the portal in the right place. The gnome puts the construction in order to include several mana units and it is also open to maintain it, mana will be gradually used.


Each dwarf appears with one existing skill, the rest of two skills can be trained using books that come across when excavations, they can also be purchased in the store. Important, in my opinion, skills, this is the military - archer, magician, wars. Since every gnome takes an active part in the battles, I advise each gnome to train one of the military skills as soon as possible so that they are pumped as possible as they pass. If you have not yet found the desired number of books for learning the gnomes, the right book can be purchased in the store.

FAQ on the game

Where to take water in the winter? How to drown snow?
Many have a question how to melt the snow? Everything is very simple, place the snow under the ground and it immediately melts.

What are the runes? Where to get runes?
Runes are stones with various images on them. They can be found in secret rooms, both in the chests and the doors. These doors over which 3 characters are located in which you need to insert runes with the same image. After all 3 runes are installed, the doors will open, you are waiting for mining with various objects and things.

How to build a farm? How to cut sheep?
To build a farm you need to put in one row 5 "Farm Fences". After the construction, the farm house will appear. To post a sheep or chickens on a farm, you first need to catch them. To do this, place the "trap" and wait for the animal to fall into it, the trap itself closes, then the menu will appear "Catch". To cut the sheep, you need to make scissors if they are already in your warehouse, then after pressing the sheep on the farm, the "Stream" item will appear in the menu.

Where to find a dragon egg? Where are the dragons?
Dragon eggs, as well as the dragon themselves can be found at the bottom of the card, dragons dwell right above the lava and their eggs are located.

How to resurrect the gnome?
In order to resurrect the gnomes you need the construction of the "Shower Guardian" and the "Resurrection potion". The construction of the "Shower Guardian" should be located on the territory of your asylum. After the gnome dies, his soul go to the repository and it can be resurrected with the help of a potion in the uniform menu. When revitalizing the gnome, all his skills are saved. If you do not have a "shore of the shower", then the gnome dies forever, and the new gnome with new skills appears in a few minutes.

Where to get gold coins?
Golden coins can be found in the pyramids, in closed rooms, as well as gold coins fall out after the murder of monsters or during excavations.

Small lifehak: If you want to find more gold, roll up at once level 2 levels of the front and rear level, so you will avoid the appearance of thickets and web in the aisles and at the same time double the chance of falling gold coins. Good luck)

That's all. If I missed something, write, correct or supplement. I hope my guide will be useful.

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